« Bertcast's podcast

#264 - Sam Tripoli & ME

2017-12-12 | 🔗

I sit down in the mancave with Sam Tripoli and talk about having friends in comedy, conspiracy theories, the time I went to a gun range in east LA, and the dark days of the comedy store.

Check out Sam on the road with the "Social Justice Warriors" tour at http://www.samtripoli.com/events

For all TOUR DATE & MERCH click HERE: http://www.bertbertbert.com To Follow me on.. Twitter: https://twitter.com/bertkreischer Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BertKreischer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bertkreischer/?hl=en Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Akreischer

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, guys, ready cast, but why to tell you on the press. Sick am hard yeah, how much more sober october's bender november cs december, oats, disabilities December twelve Jesus so yeah, you could get light be half way between october and november, led be awesome, notary intellects. Or in the store and the improv and unhappy around doing spots tonight. Are you still really How are you able to swing that? No fucking idea and an eighth grade choir concert boy? You have a full dance card, I do
I text him. Jeremiah asked me if I can do stand up on the spot and I can't say no because it's the funny show there is where what in the belly room, so I told the store I just the hard part is going to be getting over to the improv well, that's really smart excellent is book, three shows and a choir concert when you're feeling sick that sounds real bright, no five shows even better doing five shows tonight. You're gonna, wear yourself out there we don't really every sponsor. Today, slim ledgers, chit, chat and always Answer ourselves. some martin. I should like to move yes, I'd love to sell more hoodies and some are babies and waited on those dang babies, they're making them right. Now. they should be here any day. Almost the tv show dark So if you watch dark hit me up, I've just watch the entire first season, sir says why depressed lesson, Dark show you're just saying that, based on that
idle you'll know. Now I was so little bit of it. You don't want any of the colors are very dark. It is certainly more flesh. its main day right as dark till his pockets a great broadcast. It's almost I dunno. How long it is prolonged long would tripoli and I loved your podcasts tripoli, because, this has so much energy bring so much energy, and so many new thought and some of my ipod gas, I think, are sort of like in view style about the person and then some like this was sam, is just a hang commerce. No I'd really conversational, which about he's, got a new tore coming out speaking adores, I'm on tour on the still shirt was tour spokane this weekend for these both can or spoke. No, if you say it the way you say you gotta go down and Why,
spoke, oh said no spokane, the fourteen fifteen and sixteen spokane comedy club and then- big push, spend new year's eve with me west palm beach. I am going to be at the well palm beach, improv a stand up lab think detains enabled them to a website or now the twenty, ninth, thirty five and thirty first of this year so and that's the last tour dates I have for the entire year. So see me. When the last day of the year, parliament, towards that this year, darker I am pushing really hard, like I said, I'll, be doing a lot of sets in the city coming up just so that I'm getting ready for my special and now I can say that I'm shooting a special Give the officially bike indefinitely allude that I'm shooting, especially on the twenty third in philadelphia, the tree camaro, although shows, are sold out time. I've been sold out for a while stress factors.
in january, to come a comedy club. January here in portland in january, I was like to do helium poor them, affording a special concern, Is there a high and comedy highbrow colony audience really had a really great com. The audience out for some reason run like we didn't start go in. That country install go in there until recently, really mark gross women mark the owner of helium. Destroy open. One important causes gloomy there. They need to laugh, ready, maybe I don't know I try and there I don't mean their attitude is really me and arrows theory is places that are beautiful. Dont need calmly. Clubs like portland is actually beautiful who's. Gonna say I thought they were london, roads gloomy, it's raining you It sounds why I made the wilbur
a few show a few seconds left on the late showed the wilbur. We have added a show on the third of february, so it's too shows at the wilbur windsor trocadero it would be literally twenty days after that on the twenty second, twenty. Third, twenty fourth of heavily of february mortals commie joint, I will We doing borst dammit my brazen wording, in the progress you guys want me to do in India that weak his own charlotte fifteenth. sixteen seventy than those will be the dates right before my special charlotte breaks. I've never done charlotte. Are we really great and then the trocadero? Don't think that means I'm not touring more into two thousand nineteen. We are told, the hard in two thousand nineteen Coming years, two thousand and eighteen or put this out there and see what you think at your feedback hit me up
on twitter. I know that probably a lot of you stop. Listen. They escaped through this, but my body in our thinking about doing a tv show like a podcast where we release a tv show. What are you? What are you with that idea out there in the world some asking what they think so rebuilt monthly, though, hit me up on twitter or on whatever emily and tell her what a great idea you think it is Finally, I am why you like that idea. Email me at bert, at berber dot com and just the helium listen up shit like that idea, lands we'll show minnesota network at no. That's not true, but nothing good, I'm a depressed one. No I'm not depressed, or are you a confused because gyre hut now or but this part gases, great censurable, is doing tour called the social justice warriors tore at him. Florentine
only stevens and chad, sumac and oh boy, that's upon fuckin tour sounds like a handful. It's gonna be, but I think zuma is one that really drinks ah sam. Sober report. Him we'll have a few beers, but he's not like attic. I drank it started a funny. yeah, it's gonna be a really funny fuckin tour, this package is greatly emerson. Conspiracy theories. We talk about first time I went, hunting will kind of hunting and he walks through the dark days of the colony store. I loved him. I know it's fun. Heaven I've known sam, one of the first you know that was one of the first people. I ever met in allaying comedy. I was doing I came out here knows doing a thing for national champions we're. Doin taping in tripoli walked up to me and he said: hey man,
My name's sam, I think you're, my friends that you're really funny- and I was like our thanks- He does you gonna. Do the cut a touching the cops face joke tonight. I said I am, and he goes. Oh cool cool. I was like oh awesome and then I was like no. We are brought to a taping and I was like. Oh, it's really cool, that he say that and then he went up right before me and he fucking destroyed. He used to have this bit. I will I wish I could find this bit. He saw this bit about playing basketball against girls at the Y m c, a Like he's like he's like talking about play about volume, the brothers and he's just socks cause everytime, you fuckin for rebelled, brother, just all over in the truck, and so I can t suck and I didn't want to do any more until a girl asked if she could play- and I was like oh I'll- bring that She goes up worry about it. I ring Oh, my god, Tripoli is so buggy buddy. I love him so anything else.
Gotta berber dot com gets emerge, check, on tour west palm this new year's eve. Anything else- no I think has started hurt. I guessed this this beginning of this year. So when we talk about that forever, but its going to gonna really happen. Can we change lives, changin, mylife anyway, he up so I love you guys with all my heart. Have a great great beginning of december, enjoy this. yes. What is that? it's the middle of december and December yeah. How did I miss the beginning of December? I think you might have been inebriated. Where was I elaborate anyway? Enjoy the party ask, ladies and gentlemen, this week's part sam tripoli.
that fucking shit. You were on stage. They also say you gotta know the answer to that too. I was gonna. Do It was fucking mind that punchdrunk were not nearly that successful. Are you in town on December nineteenth, it's a tuesday. You have any interest in doing a set at the source you're, the ma'am. Are we wrong awesome? talking about food, odo, router fight, fuckin mothers, gas.
As your career advice thing, please, What am I doing wrong? I tried tell you, Someone said to me so much not that I'm doing anything right, but someone said to me the other day, whatever you're doing keep doing it. Simon change anything like I mean either thing. I've changed the only thing I've changed. My career was getting away from travel channel only thing that idea did like that. Cognizant of going. I'm really just focus just right end up, but even less Those was in bed, not how recording yea, ok cool last night, I was later by going not enough stand up like on at the store I just do one night a week because I'm on the road- If you have to, I know, but I said to myself. If I want this next special to be phenomena, undeniable, then I should I should be absurd.
With it and I'll obsessed with it like our booked out every week until the night we shoot it. Oh yeah. I guess you another Wanda february, but boy fire, so I'm not doing anything right, they're, gonna, bulgaria, I'm waiting for managers and agents. I think that you are fine. Now I don't know I think, broke doesn't do with a buyer. Jesus who does dolly does unobserved. He don't does cigarette, does I'm already did not by I got the ultimatum. Let me rephrase that I'm not going to speak for Joe, I don't fucking know, but I'm almost certain that flexibility. We know that some will buy it. I know You know that as well. I'm about she won. I have no clue of anyone. Buyer, I am also like I don't care I wanna walden. Budget is drastically different. It with a buyer verses not having a buyer, but what I was going. back to saying is like I know that I'm doing anything right. I just think that there is a. I think that once I've,
But I got away from travel general had so much inspiration of like I want to do things my way on a shoot mon little videos like I was just in the bathroom. I just spent Fifteen minutes on an instagram post, because I wanted to be funny yeah. So I spent like fifty minutes working on its ramparts and then and then I should the videos like I and I like shooting videos to promote day you're great at it, but nobody but I enjoy it, and I like putting a little bit of production value into it, and I like and and then I'm up there and I'm jogging this morning. Over now, now not in drink last night there was a briefing that brought over did for me was that it got me away from drinking every ok cool. I used a thing where I voted to bed at night. I get ready better get away to make dinner. I'd like I need a cocktail right
wouldn't say no to myself. I just go sure, have a cocktail, that's a big thing to the really big thing is just discipline and like tonight I got to dance with that. I'm going to georgia, and so I am now is how will drink? There must be some of the kid bring it benefits, but there aren't any boots for the adults at the kids dance. I doubt it now and so on, but yeah but like and then. I don't think I'm doing like. I don't think I'm doing anything different than doing other than loving it, two: are you know my old things like I love? I do, but why can I ask you something I had a moment where I was looking your career and I went. I'm doing wrong when you really start spat that that that our special the audio yeah, with all the words written over the cover creators riding on the I was driving on the five listen I'm laughing fucking hysterically gone about doing anything right with my career and so guys, like you, an ari and Tom who all stuck with the
oh while I was a travel to and I just kept going, I gotta get out of this silly interesting. We always you know something. Recovery learn is like don't judge your insides by other people's outsides. I judge I failures and success by what other people are doing that totally wrong because literally, my friends are the amount rushmore of comedy right now. You know it's like you, Tom the gore bill Joe rogaine ari I mean the list goes on people that I consider friend, some obviously closer and others, but friends, so I look at its like the mountain, but then I I look back and on my own behind me: there's a lot people behind me. You know I just have crippling social anxiety right that I can deal with people like. I don't have a real problem with bothering people like, I feel like. I bother people, so I never
like I have friends who will just always be calling people like hey. Do put me in it. Put me in this. Can I do this? I that scares the fuck. I didn't mean to. I don't do that at all. I I I there are people, I don't text. I let them text me first, because I don't want to bother them billboards perfect example. I do I won't even I say, hi to burn your log logo alone will know bill very well. I know very well like, if, like I've known bill for probably eighteen years, so if I see bill, we talk about stop, there's nothing do comedy for an hour and he'll come over here and we'll just I have a cigar and will sit for three hours and just bullshit to gossip bullshit talk about everything, but I, but I feel like once you pick up the phone and you hit up one of your friends. see at work for one of the like, like patrice O'Neal, one time told me he goes or I sit on. Amazon goes, I'm so glad we're friends now he's like we're, not friends, we're just guys who work together. He's like friends like
call each other on the phone. You ever call me, and I was like no he's like. Would you pick me up from the airport? I was like no and he was like yeah we're, not friends, we're just guys the work together who don't hate each other we like each other, they all interesting, but that's but like that was that bin. The the interesting thing with this last month does that mean tom and Joe became closer friends, began to challenge those grey. It was in, but still like and like I'm I'm a text, Joe I'll text, you out of the blue and I'll I'll text them until you are why's. He. How do they do that to Tom and areas well but like, but with someone like bill. I would never let Bobby Kelly Bobby, goes a friend of a friend of mine, if I see Bobby, shocked that we want to dinner and had dinner and bullshit another cigar break. I don't don't bother maneuvers rosy. I write I get that I'd. I have. I have crippling social anxiety. You know it's like big reason. Why really enjoyed cocaine coda coke was like do come.
Suddenly you're fuckin a star, and you know you got business ideas and all that shit, so I would like drown out this thing in my head of just like bothering people was the mean I go to birth. I people invite me the parties I dont get via more because they never show up and she's because I don't show up. I got one The donors birthday party tonight yeah and I'm not shown up because Japan will be there. To be around that like I like. I was so in this way and I want to be around there. Why would be rushville because there's nothing, good comes out of it like I, if president. If he comes up and says high to me, then high and I feel compelled to talk be drinking and I know I'll talk and I'll and then I'm going be the bothersome comic that he knows looks at him is like this fuckin mount run
more of comedy. Oh, even if I don't talk to them, then I go gone and never even run into him. So like what good comes out of It- and I find like I- I struggled to get people to nobody wants to talk about anything. What I do now, because I have such crippling social anxiety. I interview people. Now, in general conversations I just go, I got podcast mode, I thought I think I might tell me when the people like to talk Let's not get over. My social anxiety is. I just pretend I'm on a pod cast an eye just our interviewing people, but that's what I do with I do that with bill a lot like, because it's one the things that you, like you said the the the. What did you say the heads of comedy the mount rush, but that's, I think we all look at that at all. As all to all our friends, like all my friends, all my friends, you included are like guys that I, look up to. When I go, what they're doing I to be able to do it better I to do it their way. I want to do it out, like you started the tinfoil podcast and I was like but what am I gonna do in another podcast, the guy I've got the time.
I should do I have other interests. I should focus on another progress too. I should double it up. We arrive to resort to the house and about it about us. look the no no script. Just me podcast, like the monument upon us, but like all of our friends, and so I think the I think the thing that we're lucky about You also have to manage is that we can advice from all these guys are doing it hundred percent right right, but the problem is how you make sure that you get the revised, take the revised measure, their advice and then make sure We're doing it right right because, like I remember bird telling me one time he's like oh did you know you need any fucking tour bus. I was like yeah. He liked to get a tour bus. One show fuckin pays for the tour bus. And then you put your bang a bang on, like nine dates to the one show you go see some college football games. Do you through your buddies I like, but this is a genius idea, so call him at and I go hey give me
Judy was like just for the record and I think it'll be cheaper for you to uber to these cities from in the city- and I was like what, because you have an anti of a tour bus cause. I was like nah yeah, one obeying about it like you know me not only is it almost like bright earns back and they give him a dating advice, awry we like this, are you do I'm like your incredibly good looking you know, you're gonna get a gal mean? Give new basketball by sets gray when you are simple Six asian guy has that apply to the five eleven armenian they base. they said for the are you just the the The one thing that confuses me about stuff is like is like. I think bread is fucking hilarious but like this is where I get hung up on and by my probably shouldn't talk about this, because I think people- probably find it slanderous and it's not slanderous, exciting breton. I think sebastian slurs, but like they both
appeal, the same demographic. Why hasn't brett blown up so big enough? No man there is a fucking murderer, he's a murderer and he's gonna. Diff he's got an by byways, I'm not taking from sebastian, but they played same group that same and their friends and I think Brandt's work with Sebastian correct, yeah I'll do we all started together. Yeah, we like all started together. I think bash tomb appeals to a broader crowd and I think the truth is, and I've said, is to him. So I've never been bred earns has some of the most insane stories growing up that he doesn't about enough like there's a guy nor, I must say, can I say to joshua: myers is one the funniest guys, I know and this shit guy's been through. He and seem dude, onstage and maybe there's too much at this come from guy talks about when he smoked crack with this guy and he trotted heather.
German phase because he trotted suck my dick in that might be too much truth. I don't know I don't know, but I listened the flock in you know. What's his face this time a smoking crack and looking like a match bridge a prior. So I don't know what the truth is. I think that brett brett bread at first of all, who had two dozen hit is, is really weird began There is a level of luck to this. So much all those people to say like it's hard work, that's not funny drew it's. It's not true at all, subaerial, a very early by dice rate out the gay and he what city willing very quickly. Did he really? Yes, specialists? and from the star he just had the master that You know that in sebastian appeals like alzheimer, watch in his first special or show time and just got out sebastian, and you know in your head. You think everyone listening fighters you'd go. Our children's rights
im sure it's going to be. Okay, I mean I'm sure I probably won't love it, but you know whatever it's showtime special goods good for him and I started watching it, and I was howling fucking laughing and I was like whoa he's. A master. Steve Byrne told me that a long time ago he was like dude Sebastian's fucking layers, and I was like I slept on Sebastian for, Long Sebastian is a master he's been real, I mean, did He soon watch him come to the common. Store in between lunch, breaks, waiting tables. I shall use go on the road. We use a switch who headlined and what would and was whoever one second halfway through their act. The bottom would fall out because people would be so tired from laughing I'd, see to happen, when we went all where our great, because we would go. And we would do something where this is before him as white way before this, but we do then where women would hit on us and we have. just a gentleman's agreement where we let the cue and decide which one
they were gonna going out with any other one agreed to jump on the grenade and we didn't help. We know all the fucking type do you know what I was just thinking: brat erst is still young enough, but lived in an age. His crazy stories are from an age that people want. admit, was around fifteen years ago, but when he those who, when he was at school in their knock away kit out day, cracker knock Doktor knock out day, like you know their kids Alex they're gonna comic clubs that wouldn't believe that existed, they'd be like hold on wind was there. Racism like You couldn't do that in brooklyn yeah in brooklyn, maybe like. What What were you saying? So you didn't like black people like there's the the fuckin. Things have changed. So much did you. focused dealers, gay mosslike yeah. I was appalled.
by being announcers apologizing for what was happening it's like do. This is what we were here for this by the way Burdick does have fought he ruined antonio grounds neil last year ruined it and an end and that's the way and I was blown away by the john gruden fucking like his set his sensing it up men e S, paean, I've, this weird seaworthiness. What I watch it all the time because it supports. I love sports reduce park as punch wrung sports, and I love it. I love it. but he s p and destroyed the big ease. They destroy the biggest conference because they won monopolize college hope. Also they wanted to get the five conferences. So that's all they the pain they wouldn't have to pay anybody I'll stay and it blew up in their face, but but there Ain t this social justice warrior shit that doesn't apply to the demographic watches at which has met men want men, one
winners who want who loss and we want to see the best compete. It's almost like to try and is so subtract competitiveness out of it did I am one of the most competitive people, not with oddly enough now, We stand up, but if there's a sport of there's a physical challenge. extremely competitive, like I get like that's. Why? I think these in the meantime or so much fun is because I genuinely competitive like I annually, don't wanna lose the time when I was we did the weight loss challenge. I talked to my therapist about having to shape my If I lost did I went down you unfair pissed, oh I've. Every week, ever I. I have nothing against their love. It I feel like. I need to a lot of thereby- and I need to- I need to go for my mind, an end. I else sex addiction, to which his kind of fucking- don't we all have a I I'm a dude. I would argue creepy on the park ass, my sex life started way earlier than it should have by choice.
it wasn't aware today, which is by choice and meta abbe. it became down the road so fuckin long that it just gotten we. You know it was eight. I wanted to start. I was sexually active in first grade enough. creepy, happened that I know of it, but I was full on black belt and shit. I got a lot of europe any by our blasi nason. First fucking great, like like it was like natural unita. Twinkie you're, absolutely going to have a bag industry in theresa, Gleason's asshole man, not even thinking twice about it. Really. The gleason sisters do that a creepy french that that shit was probably weird and that it just trickled down to the rest of the neighborhood and he got fucking creepy in their some people. Go get weirded out by saying that, but I just say: contacts of like now- I'm fuckin thirty forty years later, shits getting fucking weird, you know, I'm a weirdo
but anyway added the eating. Ass happened. It's I don't know dude bill bill burr's bit about. for the first time he saw porno and like I want to do that. Sometimes you just do it and I just did it? I dont know why I didn't know. I just did it you know I think, kind of like a pioneer of that shit. Unlike the rosa parks of ass eating, I said you know today will be the day take a stand and I wish you have like a dry spell. After first greater did it I mean like I bet the actual like boning. something happened to much later, but yeah I mean like. I do first of all I'm armenian and we're like crazy sex weirdos romanian was armenian is the is The armenian genocide, yeah. Ok, the real one, the big one. What was the armenian genocide? The turks the turks came in and they
slaughtered us a million of us and which is so hilarious because cause which is in at all alarming mean the there was the turks? You know, which is It's amazing that is allowed to fly. If you called the young turks like the equivalent of having a tv show called the jolly the jolly nazis? You know it's like the same fucking thing. Wait, that's that's the guy. Is it he's armenian genocide in iron? Yea denies that it was a genocide, thinks it's just war, wait what was young turks, as a news programme with the I'd say Anna car sparrin yeah, when we're does she's on that yeah you to cooperate, liberal right. Why, Now that's it's coming out. They ve been funded by the clean foundation in know, allegedly over aerial yeah. I made that clear foundation they're fucking hands. We talk about the salon, tinville, how it's a pike, s, they were riding Davis and I gotta tell you I fucking love it
I love doing our podcast you'll use a watch. Rogan podcast, you know, I'd be like me. this guy workin, so smart and the numbers a huge it lets. You know that people want that and as much as I have punch shrunk, we have as bat re now loser fuckin has to show while a fuckin frozen with all the ass I mean it's winner, go home homeboy! You know, there's this other side that I really fucking love man. I love talking about it. It has brought you're energy from some people, some people, really upset when you start talking what they say conspiracies, they get very. Sat whether I mean I gotta physical, covered confrontation for the first time. My seventeen years at the com store with this. One can be a magazine name that gap, walking army inside touching me and I got a fuckin was like not today. Homeboy, you know so it's gone. We but I love it. I live I am amazed at how much people listen to it: loved skull timber,
I would say I'm terribly and we talk about. This crazy shit and the thing about in piracy. Is this a choosing, an argument between somebody's done research and somebody who's too busy to look into it? And therein and emotion throw up their emotionally regurgitating, what they ve heard in sound bites and stuff, and so it's I just love it. and I'm now do too little. Many tore me crazy, as eddie. Bravo, you known a cup whether these guys, who are like I'm, reduce himself around polychrome from the Jimmy door, show a fuckin funding. I love building brain Stu, I'm a brain I've been doing since I started I've, always by own shit and that's another thing I got very independent. Sometimes I think I'm fuckin up by not working in these other pass these: you know with agents and managers and all this shit by just like doing my own things, and I love building brands tinfoil had the naughty show punch drunk all these other? things, I'm kind of work. A number two boil heads like it's a little start to this thing,
because there's a lot of everyday go on, read it the bed, the temple, I ve are the conspiracy subway. It grows and grows because more people are just kind of over mainstream news. My girlfriend loves it. She loves it too. I just listen to a podcast I'll, give a shout out to them who has a weak man. My fucking brain is fried how I gathered the pie. I feel like The progress is called fuck, come on the my wifi, your socks, there's a whole bunch of gray ones out. No, this one! This one is produced by the rock ok ogier in its life. god what the real story is that with the name of it is We're really happened on hang on, it's called. I got it right here. I was just playing it. I download I haven't heard the new one yet what I can aim of it allow final. Like you, I gotta find it concerns future I'll, find out stitch. A real, quick, just listen to the one on jordan last night, how, unlike what the real
or even to my guy, are gonna fuck until you guys don't don't go anywhere whole, I'm gonna stay say. Let us please don't go? What really happened? We will really happen the also. If I What really happened goes. No. Thank you sam. Is that weird? What really then with Andrew jenks entertainment its through the rocks production company. Yes till I get so I'm I'm an arrogant asshole. I dont say see that in me, but would like things like I want to see, oppose like the rocks like started upon. cast on like and then I go in rocks on it. It's gotta be horseshit. I'm like you know what it is, someone hold. The rock was really busy yo park ass. Your problem, Well, let's get a podcast going you boys got to be. I wanted to do a podcast and in the rocks too busy to do it and he's like cool, but then I I've heard nothing, but the things about that. No, no! No, I'm not shitting on the rock, but I just know he's a corporation. A corporation and I look at things and I go like well like nothing against Kevin art. Nothing is Kevin art, but when he the laugh out loud network. I didn't really know it just seemed like a lot of stop it
see my room was ample snoop. Doggie literally puts his name on everything I love our heads hits and that's what an that's what I thought it was like. The laptop known loud network of seeds, when the videos are not fantastic. It seems like a like just trying to put out content for me. Yeah I would if I was Kevin Hart, I would have done it very, very, very differently I would have. I would have done specials and I would have competed with netflix and I would have done all and I think it's could be all things comedy that compliance with that ray what we need bird a start with him first and then, if bird, does it I'll do it? I don't know for every time to do it. Tom, so big on netflix have been like a fuckin. They been like a huge anyway. My point is I look it I hear this. I'm gonna walk and I go. You know what, because I'm I'm I'm a big fan of the rocks, I'm a big like by way everyone post this right now I will fly to wherever he is to do a podcast with him tomorrow. If he wants to do a podcast, I will fly to him. If you can give me a little bit over an hour, I will fly I too am I will work
with them. I would do whatever the fuck you want me to do. I will fuck. That's all I love the rock. I think he's just a great guy, but so I go the rock and give it a chance, I'm unless he flies and and its it it's a little bit do this. Well, I don't know if it's all about conspiracies, but it's a little conspiracy. This one was about. Why did jordan take off from basketball for two? We did an episode on it. Did he fucking? Did he get banned the nba do, there's some day by day and ass. They saw what happened, pete rose and they said. If this happens in Jordan, it will ruin the game, it will ruin the game. He says the union's press conference, I think, is very telling It certainly will have me back and, and they cut to fill jackson whose grinning grid shipbuilding since grinning, when they say you're the way we are simply regurgitating what we heard on this podcast. So if you really want to listen to biogas, it's called what really up Nor can we talk about as well. Is it, but I was found sedated nose like and then the next one was it's all about
Winston churchill, who is a massive inspiration of mine because number one drank and smoked they long. It's only Betty part even got down rouse people do that. This is a new thing about beans. Cooper healthy it. You know what it is. Indeed, Liane. We not figure this out, but Liane, is we. did we had this cultural behavioral us and I'm gonna get off topic with his paper. sesar and who pretty much of daily life and said you put everyone firstly for yourself. Second, you can look back one day and regret your life fucking broke states. Yesterday we go in the work we had done. The bar gaston We're like I was like hey we're a fool around and she was wearing this. We're really like showy top analysis and those like flirting with her and she I really want to talk to you about which I you're said to me. Baby is like
who makes out, and she just start crying and am I go key member but anyway I love a good conspiracy like out cause, I'm a conspiracy guy because I think you're right. I think a lot of people think either a fucking crazy, lit the town. I was falling, I never even researched it. Never even researched it. I just saw all the conspiracies on nine eleven and was like whatever I can be heard, a building six. Everyone says that in all I've heard of Xampp is building six. That's all bird, and now you ve rolling building? Seven, have you been the six no eyes do you write. All I've heard is built, except what building six is a one. Nobody talks about what's building site, ok. Building sixty five buildings went down on Nine. Eleven, ok, ok, look slow! This down I know of too you know, for I know of tune. Ok ha ha that that matter, not that went down that were hit. I also wants it.
and I only know too well, you know the two towers, identity, towers and you know the pentagon, the pentagon, india, was hit by a oh yeah, I air quo air quo. Then you add building seven, which is the one. Where is it looks like it's imploding on itself, but they say it's from he, whatever the one they ever talk about, and I talked about this on It was so interesting because I talked about this on cigars podcast briefly and I got stuck hitting murdered by everybody because they go off and then there's between six and every by things. Can I fucked people's names up all the time that I missed? thankfully said when I met bill, being seven and no its building. Six building six is this building Nobody talks about that is live. really dude. If you look at pictures of it, the whole middle is just hollowed out
whole sides are still up and it's a floors down. They fuckin nail this mother for its re. Here too, building six. Now you likewise important work, five buildings were hit on nine. Eleven to then the towers, the other three buildings they all involved. Accounting all them involve the counting the part of the way pentagon. There was the accounting office of the pentagon of the thought of the pentagon, the the that buildings then was the accounting of the cia, the fbi and the secret service now, building seven Nobody talks about had the offices of the El Dorado task force, then nobody ever docks about this task.
was fifty five government agencies had pulled together, money and resources to investigate, money laundering within the government and other agencies they hit that mother fucker the day after to annul runs fields. Talks about how are the pentagon can account for sixty when seven trillion dollars- and this is what donald Im feld, says word for word: I want to it. You guys must be thinking. I want to attack the pentagon and free it now you just hit three mother, fucking accounting offices and work? in a weird. Why, after nine however, what happened we're in this country, where this country wearing this country, where in this country sounds, are you free, the pentagon dog now It's fucking everywhere, so it's interesting shit but see when I get to see what happens is here
moshe kasher came up to me one day and he goes sam. What percentage of conspiracies. Do you believe in five I got while your kind of life do a disservice to the whole thing by clamping it. There are levels to the ship and we kind of think about it in in march. Shall arts belts terms there. Why belts and then we got some triple fucking black belt shit, white belts of starts with the original conspiracy or the biggest one kind of pops, which is who shot jfk okay. I always ask people that, were you on that? What do you think I I I think personally, I think it was the mafia, but mafia, okay, so very valuable, either. There's a group conspiring to pull something off to achieve a goal It is the complainant, conspiracy as home, so that's a great place start from there. I guess are getting into a couple other things with you. If I go, what do you think of Jeff kane? You oswald. Did it there's no real power
in going anywhere from their because, if you don't believe this, which is ample evidence over the fifty years, since tap? Ok, I don't believe Oswald did ok, I dont believe oswald did it. I believe that there were other gunman I just think it's too hard of a shot. Yes, I think there are other gunman? I sat one night drunk you fuck with Bobby Kelly. This approach of rome. This is like fuckin, fifteen years ago. I ever seen the babushka lady in the super film. I remember our fifteen years ago dude, but what's the pollution. Maybe there's a lady why everything is fuckin happening every buddies, doc down you see or just standing there staring right and then went everybody's running she's just walk. Off really its current. We did the whole thing on there? What you remember, superman movie, how there is those three beings from where he's from here and the one the big guy in the middle I forget was: he was out my podcast and here's? What add was fox,
for the heads of the chicago mob family and he came on and told me that he actually think that their gave case dad had something to do with it and then he sacrifices sunk. His son had all these. I believe that meant not to go back to the fuckin, the jordan thing, but my Jordan. They say his dad was killed because he owed money. He never paid up his bets so weird keziah, so much money. I owe this kid two hundred bucks for a bet. I lost them don't panic and acute The other day goes why I want to just given to turn support amigos, because it still two hundred bucks to me it's not like I. I know I have more money than you have, but it's still two hundred bucks yeah I get. I don't believe that I lost the bet like I don't believe I lost the bet. I have I've now made some money based on all this project. I have, and it's not nearly even close to fuck you money, but I am lucky here here. I just go: it's I don't have fuck you. Money buys about. Even close, we looked at my bike. You like about a just
I gotta fill you up money, it's a yeah. It's not have to worry about it. Yeah thats, where it's like. I used to be like, oh man, if I spend this, then that fucker minor now it's like yeah, just get it want our lives to roll from sushi rogue who I'm gonna go, get a fuckin forty dollars, sushi rogue, who fuckin beer and not be like penny pledges. Freeze you up a little bit. It's nice to its it's nice but join was making like even better Then he was making money. That would be shocking today, like he was an enterprise he made nike he basically made maggie what it is today, o a hundred percent. There's the I saw the one thirty for thirty, I were know. Maybe it's a maybe it's a book that's out about. Then the guy who fuckin chow We now know that thirty story about the gold chains, nike, Yes on me for Larry or somethin lawyer, I was really fuck and fastened. Although sorry for thirties are great dude
I love. I lie like a good conspiracy, but I've gotta be attached to it and I love when find other conspiracies. That like went like the whole thing about the the you Government united government introducing crack cocaine, the or cocaine to all our judges foresaw what may one hundred scented. Now here's a crazy thing that was the destroyed. Black community. I think there's heroin epidemic is then doing it again and now they're going after poor a middle class white guys, but why? What's the purpose? they get the git you fuckin, sick. All the time throw you. in jail for privatized prisons and dude d? stabilize the family unit? That's what they do, the black community, its systematic dude? Ok, Obviously it's over a longer thing and it's wrong when it happened to the black beauty, but you take away their business opportunity demonize em in the media take away their business opportunities. You flood the mark their there.
Area would draw the rest of the day. You rest all the dad. You pull the dad's are the family unit, and now it's just europe. using K. I do think. Do you really think that there is can't imagine there someone that I imagine being at a meeting and go haywire we media about today and the guys I know What about the african american beauty, bilbil a second and you're in the cia and they come into my eyes so first Bob yours alibi. We're gonna have we're gonna work strongly african american community and not lumber. Somebody like you think that like done, nor wilder dude. If you go, you wouldn't even be allowed in that meeting your way beyond that dude meat is like you, ve shown that you play ball. But what was their purpose for it? Could they Did they literally did introduce cocaine into the gas like command edna bill? Neither ninety four, the crime build a bill claim pass, create make like a nugget of crack
This same, you could have helicopter worth of cocaine, huge amount of cocaine, and that was the same penalty as a nugget of crack that was done to system ethically lock up the black meaning that they got. The documentary gotta polarize on my part, am podcast recross, on The guy who introduced who was the guy who is running Husseini, make it a million dollars a day. Some crack had houses, I think, filled with money. I hate that I hear guys we listen the biogas and you think we're jumping all around because but at the end you have to watch the same shit, sap and watched. So we're giving you a lot of good things to watch like listen, that PA gasoline citizens by guessed, the thirty four thirty about nike shoes rick, but Joe rick all a long time ago was a really great biogas too, because recross hates the wrapper, grass or pseudo a yeah suit, probably should have one problem. It's amazing how you can just get away with creating a priest.
Ana, like that, and no one calls you like. No one calls. You know I don't get is how is these? Are these cover bans the dew huge shows in vegas, not getting sued. Like your literally making money off of my my artwork, the imaginative, like you, went there and the bird chrysler fucking, carmakers is playing the fucking sands and just doing material, I would love, I hey listen. If your fan and you think you're really town to comic book, not good at writing. Ok, I'm gonna create a bird. You call me we're gonna, create a burnt chrysler care, her, and you can go out and tour and promote your towards eight. You have to do more material and we split the door do debts. happen. I would love to look at the Gallagher brother yeah. I would learn that so busy. He let his twin brother, do it and then, when the market fell like you can't do that mines? I fuck you dog. The real one areas like. Why did he argued with? I would love it.
I would love to create a burnt chrysler. Parity act of me, who just like goes up, takes a shirt off drinks, a beer birds. These I got. Why man, I'm a fat fuck and like for the all this a girl events and they just go out- and maybe that's a horrible idea, but he'll open for you burnt. Christ opening up for jobs, igor that guy would make so much fucking money. Now you just creative Now you then I would fucking too troy Ah, I wonder if I then it becomes like steel anther word start. I was a joke and then worse in some real ass shit. I do you like dude. What are you doing here? He would very quickly be able is by the way I should copyright burnt chrysler
I feel like you're spiderman, and this guy would be venom by the way, if you don't ever, if you try to take this idea and do yourself I'll, just fuckin simply destroy you. So this has turned out, you don't need. This is don't don't think you gotta greenly. This would mean segura. At first we can't just go be burnt chrysler. All these parody accounts of guys being burnt chrysler, but because you have to have our blessing because because the girl created the burnt chrysler brand, I get a percentage of that homeboy, an artist. You know how much fucking money that you, if, if this Ladies and gentlemen, you, the man, you came to see tonight, Tom's girl, but first put your hands together for burnt chrysler, and it was just a guy. Fucking like four hundred pounds and he came out news. I go wife, and he just did a parity of my, but I'm bob laura mafia. Many just told the machine story. Fuckin, I think be funny, but don't do it without our
the things I'll fucking destroy, he opened the naughty show he used to do something called sticky fingers, Gonzales yeah and it was based on like Carlos man sia. Basically, he I'd have jason Debo, dressed up like a parody of stereotypes, of a mac skin riah. I do you with some brow, poncho and all that shit, and then he would like I'm in the middle, the shows, and he would you be ready off. Jokes comics did earlier in the falcon show, but he would do like really bad versions of them and it was like to be like teach. You can't that you are here. Why would I mean? Why doesn't why isn't there a mina Adam? I know that this is a more just talking. So please don't hear this. As an aspiring young comic. You you just simply would ruin your career. Why isn't there a comic? That's going out doing the dead man's act. Like all. dead, comics. You just do in all their material and really fucking kill in it. You know they're trying to gear holograms toma
though, the end up to do you know I went, I had a meeting with the item meeting with Josh, I jad you go jack and josh eta kidneys, Jai ash Josh, its. sir silberman, our aid is our sums country company. They do. Virtual shows so reggie. Why I think, reggie watts will go into a virtual room and virtual fans will show up and it looks like a common club and he will do virtual stand. up and they will virtually watch. That is that the future he did it. I want to salmon and a man fudging the numbers I'm sure either way. too high or way too low, but here, me, I am almost certainly had twenty five hundred people in the room, holiest should I be you gotta be a virtual. Like you, gotta be ended egg. Your fans have
be ended. I say I ve gotta get some pretty tech savvy motherfuckers, I mean you're jamie from from rogan Jimmy Jimmy Vernon's about save us irony. I memorized jamie does These. These clicks, not chip jets, twitch it a twitch, and he as he makes legit money, playing video games occasion goes like this- why political correctness is so big, big and undue means that I don't think he's a millennium, I think he's a little older nemseh millennial is even though we know that twenty. I tell you another little millennia he's a little older, but that's why political correctly so big cause. These kids have everything an imaginary when you were ten zone goes. If you work really hard, you can make six figures playing video games ever. Look. If you like a fog You may I be too busy nass by ten years old, but the rest will be like get the fuck out of here now.
You got dispensaries when we want to buy we'd, we throw bad section in town pool all these girls would. These girls are, you came in supervisory sean hooker went to a poor hall on on, once was I was it. Ask her nose a pool all on heinz on heinz and we and we went there. We saw another kid nor freshmen class who this by it is how different the world was we saw, another kid wade dane, who is just out on fucking, third at night playing pool? We were going to buy weed and we used the way to but like what are you doing he's like I'm just trying to make some money playing ball? it's a hustling yeah how fucking differed the world was then, is so. There was some day why I shit right there early. We think about it. That's what drug dealing was drugs. It was just the original d why I should do alone I love that
personally I love that dispense. I oh! I simply. I wish I d I I love that weeds legal, but I wish that it. I wish they kept it with the licences. I wish that you had to go. Get a life as we know, is a funny. Is this place? I think it organ they just made. If you have a weed license, you can Oh god, I'm like if there's any, but I want to have a gun. It's too we people it's getting people drink too much beer. Take those fucking guns, gun if we just talk about our podcast and I'm getting a gun, you are do, do you ever go shoot guns or alive I fucking love, love so much fun. It's like good product execs. I do it, but is obama he's very so demonizing. Do you like I get this idea this and then you think about like you're like all these motherfucker These are doing dry, buys you like dirt is poor. Just shooting. I do that raw, like anything, you gotta all own- that shit,
went to east l a to shoot guns. The first time I ever shot a gun was in east l, a and I didn't realize it, but obviously the people, go into shoot, guns or guys practicing to use guns goes. chose and I walked in and its old gang bankers in their shooting guns and immediately I had a panic attack and identity headsets on, or my god wills. I just had the tray and a gun in my hand, bullets all the tray with god was on the tray, and I start I didn't. realize how loud the gum would be. So I hear the pop like it's it's legit pop yeah, and I am hearing over everyone. I had a panic attack and I I fuckin froze extorted crying and my buddy lorenzo with me like do and by the way like an eighty I dressed like a gangbanger cause. I was gonna shoot guns for the first answer khakis on a basketball, baggy, basketball, jersey with jocks and I walked. In and I'm crying with bullets and gotten. My has gang barriers have more scar. I probably more more
Hey now, you're here I'll start to get worse god I look like. What's the name of the band smash? Mildly? like the singers from asthma and but always these. Or saw me having a panic, attacked and warlike like because now crazy, white boy, crying yeah, and so but then we shotguns it was really great and I've shot him. A bunch of you ever see a guy crying with a gun, because you know that dude is unstable, yeah If any one goes shewed eddie by its due cry with a god, did you do our guns in vegas. Now I'm I like really was a guns really were a part of my thing, but you know my buddy. Ryan. I do tinfoil hat with he's like let's go, she guns are like a mother, again this and we were- and I was like I like this dude I like this now there's a whole day. Mozilla and gun control and all that shit now comes out my opinion ongoing control, totally chair?
change when I wash north dakota when those cops militarized, carbs came in and sarge fuckin. Just how do you like militarized pulls drones? Coming in and fuck you like military, Are these fuckin do job border zones this? I guess so, These indians were trying to do native americans. I am sorry about that. We're trying to protest a oil, pipeline going things. I thought that was a minnesota, no thousand north dakota and they were protest at the high line and they were doing it peacefully and cops or sent in like straight up, storm trooper style. I did a rant on it like like geared up dog, weapon is geared up a fucking. Racking skulls and I go dude, I'm you like it, If we look at most places that don't work, nobody has guns the council
have guns either like very rarely do they have guns. So it's like we all green. Nobody has guns, but air. It's like they just want to take our guns away, and they allow the law enforcement everybody else to not only just be, and by having like military weapon, eyes, level of of of guns, everyday That is an interesting thing. I never thought of it. That way. I never thought I I didn't hear that until right, then is that one is is one of the one of the tenants of this country? Is that yet. We can't live in one of those police states because we have guns also. So if the government decides, you know what you know, what taken guns way. Next thing, you know what curfew ten o clock, you guys walk the streets and then we don't have guns. That was because that's what happened back then, and they were like you know, like the fact that we need to bear.
arms, because we need to make sure that they got the car. The government can't just make the rules now obvious I don't think everyone can agree and by the way, what I fucking hate about. This is there's. Probably someone listening going dude a lot, we would say saying when I hear you say we should have guns, the very fact of everyone's gotta. For an opinion, and I am really different. Penny become this prosody yeah. If I just as we all agree on something doesn't mean we're bad people, why can't way, I can see the side of people who don't want guns. I can see the side. I think it's a little skewed. I think I would bothers me is like the shoe leg it seems like they wanna take wagons, which, by the way, once again I want to go back standards against unearthed energy, the point and to understand it, the no guns whatsoever and are in our communities with like Hell, I would we have very few guns and allay very few guns because just
they're. Not. What do you mean? We too have very few in l, a theirs is a gun. Ownership is very difficult to get an allay. Some varied I'm it's as difficult as new york like new york's, really I'm going I dont want. I'm talking about, I should stop right here. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. All I know is that I don't have any friends with guns, but if you go to Tampa everyone's got a fucking gun. Well, you know here's the whole thing dude. Here's the whole thing about guns is like Joe rogan share best. We are a mental illness problems being mass as a gun problem. Okay, we also have a real problem, We ve pharmaceuticals and guns animal, and on top of this, these video games that basically look if you are going in and pegging people off, and you could say that nothing has anything to do with this like alive these guys have done this either are those pharmaceuticals for anti depressants and more video game nuts. There is a correlation. There is a direct correlation between those anti psychotics will. Will you try to come off of them? You get a little fuckin off till that
there is a direct correlation is also correlation of like we live in a monkey. See monkey do society now. Let me ask you something shoot when you once again, as a news has when you watch the news, have you ever seen them covering a live bank robbery. wait. No, I have not never never, but I remember hearing about it the one in l a I wasn't there. Yet that's the only one have you ever seen it? Why? Because they don't want, you rob and banks they'll want to give you you have the idea that robbing banks is a good idea. Did you did you ever? Have you ever watched the footage of that bank robbery in north hollywood? It was right up here. Wasn't it yeah? It was like right up on laurel cabin watched, a dude that is sick, getting clear that those shooters families sue the car because they said that we're alive, they didn't save them, I'd be like fought them and fuck you
they did. We owe you a dollar dude, those those guys fucking IRA, an article about it and I watched the footage and it was like I mean shall one dude like blue as ankle apart one cop in the car like all I have is a fucking, nine millimeter and I'm trying to hide behind a tree with a guy who was fucking full kevlar for those you don't know what I'm saying it like in like like because what was like. I we're prior loosening pete rises to much weird topics: noble we're talking about your window, where this is perfect. I like this. This is I like this jumping around, but I'm sure you're like on what fucking shit? Ok, the north hollywood, shoot out as what it was called. Ok, there are those sometimes there is a battle in north hollywood was an armed confrontation between two heavily armed armoured bank robbers and members of the los Angeles police department in ninety ninety seven the perpetrators require killed. Twelve police officers eight civilians were injured and numerous
vehicles and other property were damaged. Industry. Weighed by nearly two thousand rounds of ammunition fired by the police and robbers. This thing was, it was right up the street. It was a. Where was I the location nor hollywood. Oh it gives me the longitude latitude does handy vs sums. Will you do it rolled in at nine, a m with fucking a plethora of weapons a plethora of ammunition and full body, armor, full fucking body armor rolled in they had their car ready to go, rob the bank and then basically just down motherfuckers just but da da da da da da da da da Da Da lat chick chick chick chick but rather at an end, ended with one guy getting shot, never got committing suicide, but be argument they have does make sense that robbery would never happen without firearms or or or just let's just say,
just say: hey everyone. If you own a nine millimeter, you can add one of you own, a rifle. You can add one ri and if you want to on a gun you lock and you're, not three types of guns in country. I get that, but these or semi automatic or automatic, fully automatic, but regret that I do see that there are no? What are you gonna? Let wilds like when Sarah palin rosa the law on the last year, allows you to hunt animals from? helicopter with a high powered assault rifles at you like? Why is this this gone out and, like I think, if you talk I am certain that certain, but I did you talk to them majority of hunters I follow on instagram part of what they enjoy about hunting is the the challenge and the threat that it poses to them and getting one with nature. I did find one on one: I'm fucking totally fine with antique bible hunting. If you eat it, I'm not into show trophy shit: I'm not! Ok! Here's, okay! Let's the nuts work backwards, because I don't mind that
trophy hunting? If, if what I hear is correct, meaning that all this money they have is going to enable this. Can we put down anyway and they let a hunter pay it, and then that goes community. The meat goes to the community and this helps the preservation of those animals. If that is the fact, if you're telling me listen, we got away. flow. We're gonna kill it. Does anyone want to pay fifty grand to kill it and then they got this rich Dennis is like I'll kill a perfectly grand. I want you have a knife or sport or something like that. Begged me is like. If you tell me this. This animals in this area by you're gonna, hunted down from like from fucking way, far away, would decide, hold it trophy had to like you just killed, fucking medusa. You know you like the head that to me is and I agree, lagree I'd really me. I have no problem with that, because there is a prime as it gets, is life
we hunted a buffalo one time from a luxuriant it and what, but it was was the crow nation has a herd of buffalo that day that a view they harvest or whatever they. I dunno what the fuck they do with it'd be done. I said I wasn't listening, I was half drunk and up, but they harvest it and whatever, and so they, but they gotta, keep the herd aggressive, males, they got to get rid of them or weak man. I dunno whatever they gotta, they gotta kill a dude every now and then right for whatever reason we were legit. Probably a lie jet half a mile away from this animal and by the way I dunno what that means. But I'll tell you right now we are on a mountain and the the thing, in a valley was, and I we couldn't you here the shot and then see the animal get hit. It was a long far away and this guy too one shot and you just watch watch watch at an.
And then you see the, but he missed the vital shot and the buffalo kind of like the fuck man is some someone. Do that's an order the buffalo here the shot and they start taken off, but this guy's, like I'm, not moving so good dude I was was emotional. I was like our my whole crews, emotional, because then this one little buffalo comes back like your dad well we're all getting out of here, and you see the data, give you a sec something's going on my calf and then, and then in the deadlock. fuck. You should get out of here too, and the little buffaloes I go back and forth going dad come on We all sort of bawling crying and in part of me was like. I look, I don't have a heard above low absurd. If I had heard a buffalo- and I knew that me
Keeping this one buffalo is going to affect the lives of these other. Ninety eight buffalo that I had right and I and someone's like dude. You got to kill the fucking. Buffalo is your responsibility as a person that runs this heard. You gotta do that. I guess I'd do it. I guess I'd have to do it, but man it was tough and then we went down and I'm on the same boat. You are if you're going to harvest the meat, are you cool with eating meat? It? I have no problem with if you're caught. That means you better be cool with fuckin the harvest so I'd go in. Go, I'm not gonna not be a part of the situation. Let's go in and fucking. the aim is first cut out open it up and then like you put your hand in their eyes, I put my hand and was so hot I went, and it just struck me was that this was alive like ten minutes ago. This was a. so this was, and I was, whoa, and it was just so heavy the whole thing of it. The whole expense. It was so happy that I go. Ok, like you said
Would Joe does cameron, hands and adam green tree and the remy Martin, and all these guys they women the rapporteur rapper, I might have said book, but my remy warren jump. Cool bo hunting I do. I do go hunting if I get in and have the challenge of of finding the animal hunting the animal, seeing if I could I'd go, go hunting. I dont know if I use a gun powder We would have to use a gun the first time because I wouldn't be good, but, like I don't know, I don't know be the challenge, I'm looking for my right right, I'm sure, there's a challenge to chew outing with guns. I'm not saying there is it but like for me, Maybe there's is I dunno, I don't know I've never done it. Maybe I'm over amp. That I don't know what. But what about what? I do say if you write me If I tell from right or wrong, if I said look We are these guys on death row guy. One of the guys is the guy he regiment
kids and your kid was one of them for like tour. Forty thousand dollars yet to pull the lever and you're like a bat and they're like about money, goes to a school and a bunch of kids. It's make sure that there are safe for the rest of their life. Like that, the same thing I told you That sounds like what they do, but I am not. I know I'm not gave her a little fucking dog in this fight right. All I'm saying is what I've heard. That is the argument. Sir, sounds like a good sound good. I'm just like all I'm saying. Is holding their head up is like endless again. If you eat it, I dont care, but if you're in the head up like look at what I did with this, like you ever see the video where, like they, they shot this lion and the lady sitting on it, and they don't knows that the lines body is fucking. Coming up and build a get. Some anna MIKE ferris, fair, wins, fares, fair. I you know I built I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry, I'm a people person. I love everybody, but I mean, like I think, we're
well in this together and we should show little fucking, love and respect. And you just show up our nowhere. Fucking acted like you just killed this beautiful lion and big duke his body came up. Are you not sound? like its even at this point, we went hunting. We went hunting, wild boars and hawaii with up bulls, and am I First, I was, I was a little tentative sauce. As I was when it like what is this like, like it, it seemed very primal and then, I exactly what about for me? It's like you, really, the food, that's what you do. Yeah! That's what I said I go. I go dude! I better be caught this by the way. I love the dogs, the bad ass, look and fucking dogs like bad ass, looking dogs and- and I was like in my head. I was like you know what, if it's, how many eat this can pick a better because on it and I went on the hunt- and it was I
I'll tell you it is invigorating. It is invigorating to its fascinating to go and and stock and animal find the tracks. Look for the tracks dogs goin out your listening for the dogs? Now I've trackers on them, but your list for the dogs and then all the sudden. You hear the dogs going nuts and then you here squeal and then to be sprint through the woods in hawaii- just fly, through the woods and looking for he's dogs and then getting there and then there and in a dude it's too. from now on, I allowed you it's tough. The dogs are holding the the pig down. holding it down and bare, and these fuckin big hawaiian dudes are like your here. And they hand you the knife like stab in the heart? lock in intense man to go in there, I didn't I didn't know, I didn't do it. I didn't I didn't stabbed big. Are we I went fishing, I feel bad for the fish. I will see that's where I guess culturally. I guess you're everyone disconnect because I've I've
want hit of I've caught a fish brought on the boat in here on the head with a hammer her on it with a baseball, bat and blood group in temper and those so, if you saw you can alligator here at a very young do now. I feel bad about you now garrick is an ideology. Is out there. Even everybody. Now they kill alligators, take over the past stick and you just go up if in them, in the water sittin with their eyes, you hit him what the fuckin flashlight rolled about right up next to him and you have a stick but as a fuckin, twelve gauge, bullet in the end and when you tappitt it tabs, the bullet slowed your fuckin head just cause is not the hunting. You'd. Think you get you you put in for the lottery. I think they give you a hundred fifty tags a year by the way. I don't know what I'm talking about, but they give you a blunt you put in for a lottery. Cause of alligators are endangered, they give it like say fifty taxi here and if you at a tag, it's a big fuckin deal, and so
when you go out with a power deck and just tap it and by the way, if you're going to call me and tell me I'm wrong, then you're fucking right because I don't fucking know, but I grew up in Tampa, and this is how I know it was done and so but like but fishing culturally, I have no. robert. I giddily diversities do patrice only saying, oh, why zone of eyebrows packages if you bought a vid as a patrice joke because of you pulled a fish into your boat and it eyebrows, and it just looked like your man, but really going to do this to me. I dive pleases. I stared you like a pimped did what the fuck silly because I assume that I dog my view on animals changed now either we were. I didn't have a dog when Michael Vick thing happened, I was like bud dogs? Then you dog, see their souls their personalities and all this shit you're, like a man, I mean like come on duty, things went to love you so much
That's, not all cultural, because I have friends I had read: no friends, no black friends did it, but redneck friends like do sister dogfight, but that in the south dog fighting was like fuckin pie. One hundred percent zoo burma, I've never been new. Dogfight. I've never seen it, but I knew people who are like is just a dog vibrio and and and that and that again and We went to port rico and almost went to a cock fight. By way I have fucking chickens and at the last rose. I gotta go because I got chickens. Backyard, and I can't go watch one of my children, henrietta fight le what you know. All that reminds me Henry eta rips, the guts out of charlotte issues like it's just you know, I feel bad for cheese, bad luck, ages. Here you are a you don't like why I don't. I get very passion when I hear about these children, especially like when you hear about like kids and foster homes, just superior, nobody knows where they are and you're just like, and they have no Who cares and issues like it breaks my fucking heart due to breaks
fuck in horror, and that's why I'm really passion about a lot of stuff. I talk about my my podcast because, like these kids are just born to world of shit man, and I'm very apathetic too that like when I see so, act out on drugs? Like you all, you want to run like lex night. I pulled into wendy's will lay down I'm getting the grub, and this guy just walked up to me. I'm at the drive thru. He goes fries and I get why he also fries. I go now make it I must start by your man this guy I don't know his story, Mary. You could see like all this has to do to just fucking drugs and areas, or did he get born to a world of fucking shit? He has gotten every fucking, bad card you can get out of the deck. So I got the guy fucking fries, its means nothing to me. That's why, like I was, I was went to this cafe twenty I want a one and I gave this chick two bucks we'll get a buyer dinner and the manager didn't want me to because he said: if you do, that, then start coming in all the time and that we
ideal dangle. I respect that. I won't do it, he goes. They just want you to see what she does with you two dollars. She just bought two songs on the jukebox. I go hey dog. I didn't give her that to fucking, so she went and said, as I gave her two dollars, because there but for the will of the love of god go I write and I gave it to them, there's a helper out if that play. it's song for fucking three minutes stop, sir? From realising she lives on the fuckin streets? That's I've fucked! You want to do for you you know it's like I don't. I do died a bad drug problem. I fuckin I went through some, not early flock and do not even know you when you're doing those where we hang out at all. Now. Do now I was I was a store, guys store rad you're. What year we were you, hopefully the years from two thousand to two, like a couple years ago. You know it was just like a lot of coke. You know a lot of fucking drink in you know it's just like I was just
I caught you usual you at you're still working I've always been functional falcon party like not to the level like I always look. You go man that guy can drink and fucking did she had done. I mike outside the mickey mantle shit you talk about life like to do we back. These athletes like to ply papers seven industry was seven looming structure, was at the bar across the street, buying a six pack and walking back with it. Like pages function dog and you I like I- I got really mediocre? That's my problem. Might I be a really mediocre artists and why I do onstage, I dont think its as different as as used to be like I used to be the dark guy. Now. I think there's law people who talk about that stuff they. So it's not a shocking, which I think is why it's doing
much better now like, I would either get standing o's or booed off stage like there was a period where standing out booed off stage like same jokes, But when I was party- and I just I wasn't working at level I had to work out the pull it off and it was just kill him. My solidarity and I am saying so when I see something like that. I see somebody it like who kicked couldn't, beat it You didn't have the resources around him to pull himself out of it, but what like the curious about your party and because I always I never. I never knew reporting. I never knew your party and I'd I'm sure. I ran into many a nights when you were but like, but like what was the thing that I like Was it? What did you have rules like? Did you like? I can't do cope before I go to the store. I get no one point door was like this was like I won't say, like two thousand four thousand five. I it's out what it was.
Now now is justice, and this may seeing like justice place, just magical you like this is maybe are you but the greatest time at the calmly store as much as those older, that, like that seventies, group like had all these. Icons like you talked people there and then they'll be like this times better army. The comedy is just at me everything grope Is it not a generation? I mirsky there's everything there really a great time. It's that put the comedies such a super high level. Now you know it's like you can't go up, baccarat would use it, be able to build one of the things that I did like. Not nothing. still party by still body, but before november. I was part or october, I was I was party out. I was have I was have rules to my partying like I've like. I think I've been very strict, party like I'd, never drink foregone stage. I can bring a drink on stage of me, but I can't go on stage rock
because I I immediately if I do bad. That was the reason why I am so like perfect example, is did show the other night two shows I go to the main room, a broadway! stage of me, but it, but to show our well so ago, another drink it until I at dawn the o r, and so did I get done the o. I have a drink ago in what's a gentleman in their bullshit and and so I'm like I'll, have a drink bullshit with gentle neck, but but like I, I have a hard time Don't like drinking on stage. Did you would you go to the store me like? I would love We want those guys. It's like like gets her Let me take a beer full drawn for drawn, can go to the store and be like, let me get a beer and shot and do a beard and then have another beer and then they're like hey it's going to fifteen more minutes. It's like cool, get another drink on stage and it's the same. Fucking guy, yeah like I will never was that guy now did, I think, I'm I anticipate
my delusions of grandeur, but I think I know ease they charge comics for drinks at the store in a hole like, I was setting high scores at some point, the car, Buddy became second too the party, and you know it's like again my sex addiction. You know there was there was booze, and there was a flow of cocaine and there women, who were there further cocaine and coke is just cookies. we're the if everyone believe in god, cocaine is a grave. They make you believe in god, because coke is is. that women will do it and then the sexually just like em up, because I just love cocktail, they're gag, I'm cold light, get weird get fucking we're, but then your dick doesn't work my one thing, it was, I always make jokes about like we are. Give from god mine was. I could talk on coke again. Fuckin car will differ from god. My words I forgot
I hope so I'd be able to Michael Jordan, you're gifted with probably the most per the athletic body of SAM tripoli can get rock hard a ball in. You know what I'm saying and that's how it was due: that's how it was, and it just became There are just a logic there that just love coke and love fucking, and I just feel like granted idea this out, and this is the darker time of the store you called the dark, retired to fund or time more fun time, but I but I'm. Finally, what to store is down I'm fine with what adams doing, because you have. After that place, humming We are also going to knock down and turn into a half empty the many and that everything I mean did their building these candles and unlike nobody's living here. There's like three lights on in a whole fuckin place near right, so it's like a has to be packed every night or else will just knock it down. So cool that, but it also makes the old outlaw days its idea of sea. I love you see now
I also miss the old outlaw days. Are you said this already said this the other day he said it was. I think him in Joe we're talking about it and he was like a guy. I'm a visit. I missed. days when you could fuck someone in the closet. It was fun and it's too business, see now, like I don't know, I couldn't like these younger girls and I've aged out of it. So that's also, I am forties. We have one girls are right around that and I'm in a relationship. But back when I was in you know, I don't see the girls the same. Why there's no girls who just show up with dick on the brain there used to be like I've always wanted in the back upstairs by the sound. Both of you go upstairs. I always to do like poor girls on the walls of girls who were like the greatness of the the chuckle fuckers. They were wonderful people and I, times are gave shit. They always got from the one guy they wouldn't fuck. really angry. You know that
like hey. Do she just nine to you there's, other ones here, celebrate them by them. Drink thank for their service Also its weight. Tell me tell me a good, I want to hear a good doctor so the colony store, rogue, maybe romans around organs, not around I'll, think romeo. I don't think I'll, dark days were when rhodium wasn't that's what I've always assume, because when he was, there was still it was like. I was still a hotbed Was it ill good? It was dimly that was that without was that when, when he was working there, that was the when the division of all comedy verses, club comedy was well yeah. I mean Ok, there's a you know the pre rogue in leaving an those rogan there's two different comedy stores like before rogan, was quick and urge took a break from the place. You know there was. It was a Mitzi shore place? I thought he was banned. No wasn't bad, I think aegis,
he didn't like I went down, I don't I don't blame on the comedy store in all those agents literally pick the wrong horse boy. They ever man- and not all I know, is his age of at the time was a map blake. I don't. I don't know it was, but you know it's just because that cause had to show on at that time. So they pick their like. you know if they would happen. You're older one fear factors salon they would have on the other age like its. It was a long term. We are and nobody realise that that video was a snuff film. What do you mean like it did to huge damage alike? What's a snuff film, you know it was the film that really that really, that video, that video is a great example of how egos care count. Capron is another thing about that. Guy he picked list. Onto himself dude. He renegotiate his contract because it in under
and his market. He left money, on a table took last year's, so we can free agency and dude- there's nobody by and like you can look at these people all the time where they just there he was killed. What was it? What what do you think? How do you think Carlos who killed him in a video. He walked up on stage. He wasn't called on stage he walked up in there and fuck? challenge roca, wait we hold on hold on the or use it are. You joking right now, ok the cause of unseal. Generally, are you ok, How long do you think they'll gallery ten years so yeah you're? Sixteen, maybe it wasn't making any internet was what it was that I was. It was back when the the chat rooms was myspace and the comments were on myspace, I remember reading, rogan myspace comments and reading. When see, as my studies based comments- and I gotta be honest with you I felt like rogan myspace comments
more threatening, meaning like people like your homes? Don't you come to focus? these delay, l or whatever, but well so for those who don't know they found out, he was a mexican and that's where it all that's what happened? There If you don't know, I'm going to I'm going to do this, video is one of the first probably do. all inclusive, comedy videos ever made, meaning wherever recommit was talking about it. This is probably one of the more important because it's real its hitting the time right were videos or are you can shoot stuff presented a kind of change in comedy and that their I remember this think that there is these guys were accused of steel immaterial. And nothing was happening to them and I started questioning whether there's karma the world, whether there's a justice and nobody. Nobody cared- and I was just like I was man fuck man, she's like theirs and everybody knows are doing
and nobody had never. I had never heard congressmen. Seal was a thief up into this point all really I do I didn't know. I didn't know who I was deep stored deepened, I didn't know anything like the third part as a kind of talk to about car. I just comes up naturally an eye, but but you it's not because you have any be for them is just you're the randomly I'm with them. For this one thing talk you know about him bump me in Dallas, it's big draw the way. I think you've told this on my podcast one hundred percents I'd like to always have a talk with him, because I really do random to the first time the other day, around love- you, I'm your man, a man, I'd love and sit down, talk with them, because at the end of the day it's like, I would rather be cool. Somebody have falcon beef. I met him at raffish here. I'd never even met him before and So he came up to me and he was like he was really nice. He was really cool and I was like I was like ok, you know like I that was my experience. I don't really have any beef with Carlos. But the video was
The video was, it was just but I didn't know the backs racial. Here's. What I heard I heard that rogue amazon's day age and was blue? up Carlos yeah and said Ladies and gentlemen, Carlos stealer, yes, and then Carlos came I hope so this isn't by the way. I thought this was in the main room. Now, isn't the o r and curt fox curve fox is coming say you currently been opening for. Ah for Carlos and oh they were bringing Kurt fox or yes, they were like, ladies and gentlemen. The next guy opens for up for Carlos mints, Delia yeah and put your hands together for Kirk fox. and they Carlos got onstage. Yes, While kirwin, I didn't know they named Carlos, ran up and say to grab the mike from from curve fox wow. I didn't know that an basely said see you and say to my face, which I think is legal,
little a little crazy, Joe didn't Joe does not have a problem in the conference and yeah they didn't walk and that's the rest is you know, yeah yeah, that that snuff film, it really was I'm he's out, like I think, he's doing fine, it's time for me, but it's not it's not it's not what his, whose trajectory was different. Well, what why me like? He was one the biggest guys at that point. To him and gabe. and unlike an pablo dude, You do that, for me, goes tour back one friday, so was still alive. Would follow pablo Francisco Carlos rodya, like dude problem. and Cisco came all the womb with a killer. Our like that's I'll fuck that guy's been funny for so fucking. long did you see his melt embryo man that breaks my heart killed me. Therefore,
the grace of god go. I was that mean. That means like that could easily be me if dip Garbutt away. I said the same thing and I told you go: but I've been in there. I think so acorn cocoa. I get too far into that by really tat looks like markov. Me yeah. I think it's way deeper than that. it's over those you don't know just google, the pablo there am talk about it. I, like pablo, no pablo at all. They gave me a car, that's how nice it was He wanted a car in some weird kind of gambling thing if the reader and read it didn't want it. So he gave me a car, a nine and gave that car to somebody else, and he gave to somebody like we all like he gave me a car. The guy was the nicest stewed ever and I know what it is bad there's this is he's been badly along time. I'm not judging I'm it's a little better. Now I heard I hope I love him to death. He has every just did a show with red been held at all. I know that court macao works for them to sell its it's great courts over, but here the courtyard for long
Have you have resolved thing? Did it just like comedian entertainers, you know we are off. That's why we produce great entertainment cause. We have a different view of the world, you know and it just something's off it's a little different. There work. You don't ask your neighbor to write a joke, for you be like. Oh, that was garb cause, that's not what they do. I said I said at a bar with a girl who is like and who's like Ask your question as against, because how do you get over the stage fright nose like I don't have it? I go. Listen I am the kind of guy. When I see a stage you've got to hold me back yeah because I want to be on it. I love being on stage it's the safest place. You ever hear. Michael Jordan says the only ha in he ever has his williams play on the court because everything's out I I get that dude. I love stand up. I hate the business of stand up because it
been. I bid bumping heads with people, though I like. If I don't do myself, it doesn't happen right. So that part drives me not, but the actual part of being on stage like I will literally go gig anywhere. Do I will give you do main room, packed main rooms and now run tuna like some buddy of mine way? Who I just met, and I just empathy I would like new comedians can do my show, like I don't know how to say no show up, and it's like five people in a mother. Fucking valley in some bar that has no fung shui for live fucking comedy, but I'm the stage whore and I'll go up there and fucking just try to like do you know I'll do fuckin I'll just try Patrick Swayze, roadhouse I'll just fuckin regulate this fucking crazy ass situation. I have my my I'm not as hung reading at all stages. I used to be meaningless, I love mice like if I'm home
the bible weekend off. I don't go over the calmly store, because if I We get off. I want to spend mice I want. I want to have a look with my daughter's while they're still want to be with me right, and so I kind of dial in to be with our friends and do stuff, that's family stuff for you, the row dog of epic proportions. My problem is, I can't stay off the road and I have a hard time saying no to a guy. I don't like doing it more than twice a month that I'm on the road. Are you ready for this? I'm on the road every weekend from lat this from last weekend of February like out for the end of february, I'm on the road everything of single week doing adding one nighters sometimes was a thursday yak, but a crushing but a noble. But I, like I love, I love being on stage for an hour. I don't. I don't really care. Talk about being lost age for ten minutes and like fifty minutes is good. You know, but I'm trying to work on stuff. So it's really hard like it's good to really get it.
So, but but my the Joyce states brings me, which is an odd joy- is get. I get really bad anxiety on sundays. I'll do sundays anymore, but on saturdays cause. I I fly sunday morning it like four in the morning six in the morning and I will have crib anxiety about my flight. all day saturday, packing the room Saturday night get to the club Michael and then the second stage, disappears gone. Entirely- and am I am I love being like this is afflicting this annex. It's the exact same feeling of two figures, and my problem comedy dude- is that I'm too punk rock I love to rattle cages and just love, not pissing people, what are you select one and when I was young I would love to go, and this is vegas and kessler vegas comics talk, mad shit do men. I always go back. I'm like these guys,
of everything I've ever been to vegas comics talk mad, shit, I really like you. I did because look who's started the scene doug stanhope dogs, I'm sorry that I want to me. We couldn't play clubs, we are to do bars and you are the fucking go. You had to say, get to on the game to listen and that's just trickled down to the rest we all know, are so mainstream acts are really great too, but like I love talking shit dude there is there, a vibe of. There are comics that have never dunbar gigs and if you haven't done a bargain, he almost don't really know what your stanhope is really like. I would consider that I'm buying what's considered markel, she she's determined if he can serve me the gun. it is barroom comic of all time and I You still love that are used to adhesive, whereas a badge of honor now it's I don't want do as many like. Our won't do. Bargaining he's, like I hate bars. I love.
Have you pack a room and there and get them less I'll fuck? I love it. You know who's. A great bar comic. Never get me my! U. I believe this dane cook I could see that style dude. I wanted you to daily working. I went to this bar this if you're a big listener. This is the same bar. That I got into a fight with Devon sour and still stone in, but I wanted bar over by the beverly centre and dane, was and we're doing comedy, and I didn't know they were doing comedy and kind new dave, I know em but known to talk to him anything bride seen him in new york. I'd seen him my new barriers, ones, clients, and I was, I would bury by an really know. Em know em, whose like I knew in the same way, I knew other comic by no I'm right and he got up in the corner and everyone was talking and he shot their fucking mouths Everyone was staring at him and- and I think It was because he was so good at dublin's, but like that, energy are you. He people now
honestly, I cease all time. Dang cook, at the height of his I says, to a man and dane I've had weird mom It's where everyone's at weird moments with dame is Dana's dame doesn't he's like joey, doesnt, prom accommodation, he'd, heed it. It's a few dozen while you maybe thrives in there's like howard stern, is a wonderful, but he loves him. he's like Eminem. They gotta have a conflict to get those creative uses because conquered everything you gotta have a conflict. To get to my complex internal meeting. Did he kill within did of debt dane dirt doubling jeers I've. Never except for maybe one time watching Joe rogan in Toronto? I'd never seen anybody kill, like dang cook, used to kill like mean room rattling like not just like the room, but the physical structure of the building is shaking because
or laughing so, and there was an old building. It could have gone down at any moment. That was one of the other. so lucky that I got to go up dublin's during that time and see what he did, because that he he owned that room better than anyone had ever and eye. When you hear people go days, I'm fucking funny I go. You have no clue what you're talking you never see. I remember him go up and all he was doing was he just went up musics bought chalet a ticket to the limit, and here re here, deconstruct stats. Sport shall I come on. This is so inside allay because those are just a pocket commercial at the time in allay, but you two years I shall take him to the movement and you would just he broke out amber him telling a joke like jokes it. I just stick with me that it made me giggle he's a giver friend, so fuckin stupid,
you don't know how to react to their question because I a friend who was is bread was brian vocalize. Now who runs new, new wave discovery or new dynamics. Yeah I've done a comedy dynamics, which is that if you ve seen us as o brien bulk rises, produce that Brian's Brian Emma we're working out Brien's leg, you know that's so here they should do as they should have. Coin operated, work out machines like you, goin in and then the bent impressive he says and yeah you can do it as the dumbest idea ever fucking nerd and it was. It was like a silly joke about what am I going to work with barbells, you just leave them off like it, it was just like I remember stings. He said as throwaway jokes that never made it in a special that made me laugh hardest shit. He had a joke that very rarely does to people. Write jokes were like. Why did I fucking thing
eva yeah, but he had one where it's like. I dated a chick. You know he always has your girlfriend What's your fancies and she said I have a rape, fantasy right and I never ran with that? I'd like that watch him going and my raping you good. Am I right, but you gotta you like this rape, unlike, why did I fucking think about it, worked with a guy me. Bread earns brett Ernst brother yeah was brief. Is was no. Your key thirds was, but we all worked a casino just outside the city. I want to say europeans now I know who he is with his girlfriend use. The book was the name of the egg. There was this kid that, like hung out of the store the youth passed here A joke- and it was such it was. It was its. It dials into your integrity- is a comic. He had a joke. Austin and it was my girlfriends at my
wife, but it was his wife had a rape fantasy when he was like I'm just not that like I just can't and like he'd Eden, I think he knew how to write the joke per se. He was maybe too young, but he was like I'm just not an end to it in our own or rape? Somebody. I guess it's not my thing. Then there was a joke nose like I could he give us and I was like an in. I was like, oh, I know your joke very easily. I could just go. That's a common premise. Im going to take it, I'm going to do it my way, but I pulled him aside and I was like yo man. This is this: has to be your joke. That is my wife. Has. fantasy and I'm not into it, because what? If I am into it like what affects my thing and that's what all I want I come home on my tonight, I'm rayburn uses again on the moon is like that's what I'm talkin about signals here. if stopped and was like oh you're into it. Now, it's like no really stop it he's like yeah like, and he was like. Oh, that is a good joke of all
that was a joke yeah and I was like. I just wrote it watching your stand up. Did he ever do it? I don't even know the fucking guy was going. Are you doing that? I don't even know if he's doing standup, he didn't seem like someone who was totally committed to it by the way cutter that guy is chino santayana no, but but I've I've fuckin, I'm dane at that time was really really fund allowed issued. He was a force sure do, but, but you gotta ushered in what I call. I call pop comedy at its a comedy for chicks animals, like a really nobody ever really come on just owned it and I feel like he owned it It was great. I always feel like pop comedy, and this is implied today, but I think it applies now as people kind of take always done whether in ran with it pop companies
when you take a real situation and you take a happy take on it. Do you know them say like something really happened, but then you're, take. It is what is easily digest the bold everybody means most likely. It's been done a thousand times, but it's a real vat and it comes the more we talk before on here: clowns versus shit, talkers right she dockers to have a real about and they take a real like their version of the take on it and then there's closet why you laugh. So maybe something really happened doom, but it's archer like there are not many attacks, and the truth, the like I m and then and then all of a sudden is this wolves got a gun I hope so. I gave him a breeze, yeah, yeah yeah and I'm like damn. I get you to walk what yeah yeah it's just like they own it. You know it's like our our billboards bit about black pope right. You, like think god, the the potent was in black. We just hear every black comes to value for black pope. You know what I'm saying is real there, but a happy take on that.
And I love breakdown comedy like that obsessed o says, because a lot of people are like a lot of, c mon see in the next year a storyteller. Now, as I know, change, only a wonderful that authority, but I don't think I've changed anything that I'm too I'm just items Some reason is light. Was itself punch guy, I'm definitely not us at a bunch guy. I am deftly lozada punch guy, but not like. I'm not like him. I said I didn't say the stability of the day, but I did think this. When we are talking about it, but in share with them cause I was like. I know I know that bill will not agree with me and I don't have an argument with them, but I believe there are a lot of people that are trying to do what bill does like the way that that happened to Hedberg there are a lot of people like like taking the that his the take flippin it back words and working. The argument was like any other comics billboard, cadences, yes and I happened, and so so I have a hard time
I have a hard time taking things in the news or cultural things like cat calling and doing a bit about cat calling. I also have a hard time you know like, like, I think, for me. What was happening is that I maybe I'm not. maybe I'm not the best. Comic in the world, so, like your grand comic book up, ok, thank you very much. I should just take the compliment of german therapist like birthday coming, but what I, what I see is I see a lot in the or when I sit, the oars he'll lotta people doing the same premises and I go the only. For me to avoid doing the same. Premises as everyone is to be authentic too, I have, and that is just by My life experiences things that authentically in the Emily happen to me that our are not right. There are not common ground like even I tested Nicky glaser as I go, I gotta hand job joke to its. good is yours by just one like I get a reward
My premise now because I had hers, is a really good hands object, but then in my head I go now. I must and this too nicky, but for me I go. I can't just put all my eggs in the basket of like like hand, job joke or, like you know, and then pray I've gotta go to. I gotta. Do this blowjob joke words authentic to me right. So I Ultimately, the only way I can tell those jobs is not to set up want to put in a story. I'm not good at like you know it sad about a blow like I'm, not good at that. You know. I do get that I mean like here's, a big boy, county re now they're. So hey and they're. All to be louis e k and put out every year and you know it just like your gun, the lap on stop. You know political correctness, your law guy's going off on their. So what is europe? are you gonna? It's gotta be so different. You known I would even avoid any of the meat to stuff because there's already people that are all
trying to work that angle- could write right, ryan and bills gonna. Do it better than all of them My biggest things like I go up on stage, and I I I go after shoe, announced like you and bill are so different, Because the way you approach a subject in the way builders, but you got also authentically defined comics like you, your point, view is so specifically you like, when you opening joke two wars, your opening joke on that? On that, on that special, that the album you did. It was about a blow job. What was it I remember me, I don't even know any my fucking jokes. Any minute was I got it. I gotta tell you It was so. immediately, I was dying laughing you're. Can I tell you the thing I love about what you do and I I here this in my head com, lemme get the gun on my mouth gone, the one thing, and it's it's something that is
The thing you see someone doing like you said brenner and scan. These great stories. They never goes there. One of my favorite things I need others, like my very jokes ever, but your ability to just throw in a line. That is, guy line in the middle of like this story of just back in its I got Are you almost slam dunk when you do stand up like you will do a story and dark and then do a story than AL you doc. Your punks lines are so hard when you did a story about that. fucking girl play basketball guys at the Y m c, a yeah. She goes up for a rebound and I rang or a bow, and you knocked the fuck in know, but it's a dunk, it's a dunk, your stories and in your opening, joke on that album was, namely the album is dead biological diversity, I believe in yourself bleeding. Of the moment all the writing only, I believe in yourself your opening joke is So fucking vat? It's it's
you have an energy to you on your own stage, where its undeniable and its in- encompassing, like everyone around, gets wrapped up in that energy. Well, yeah dude. I I can't think I need to hear that cause. Sometimes I feel like a complete fucking failure and I also feel, like sometimes people get mad at me because I got there. I, like, I feel this burdened to have to defend honest talk on stage. I feel like that's why I love new york city, so much I need to go out there more. I just feel like lay so conformists. Now we can form, has even a lot about that about. Go now, a lot more, I'm sorry to do. Only new york new york will not move there. I do. I guess I dont like cold I've, just a warm guy. You know I gotta I'm emotionally attached to LOS angeles emotionally. Do you spend a month than in new york. I would lie today. I think my girlfriend will ever let me do it, but I'm I would love to I've, been thinking about omit so much of what
You do is so much your energy is so much more new york I feel all the time. I feel that I feel in the comedy sore I feel some days I go up there. You know everybody's zagging, I'm zagging, there's a lot of money in zagging as much as in others. There, ass. A natural, unnatural, authentic artist seas the trend and goes the observation, I do we need to fight for truth the notion that I can make an observation about black people when all I told is that celebrate diversity, and but I can't go black people crack me. I feel bad for the black eye gets picked. First in basketball, can't play that racism that's racial. I have to fight back and, like I do this bit about called oppression. Math dude because, like you watch crowds,
They allow, if they think of your ear people been oppressed the let you get away with way. Fucking more and I do this, I break it down how these people been oppressed and they can make for these people. They can't make fun of these people. You know David tell you know they only a couple gauge: and now they're doing the oppression- math, oh Gabriel, more upright blah blah blah and who gets away with that and it's his great fucking bet that the end of the day you know, if you're a fat black, gay midget, you can What the fuck and earth rights- or you could say anything in the lock and laugh right, and so I watch some people have a fucking angry reaction. That joke is justified, but I have to do it because we had to fight back against this this this the political correctness, is lazy, us civil rights? It's like the silhouette, its movements, math cracked, her brother, where it's like its caper. This amazing place, but what's it she's, been completely manipulated and there's so much fine print. Do it they really does
and even apply disallow scared, lazy thinkers to have sat rules that they apply to shit and by the way it's not it's. It's not real. It's all authentic away the people, All who are now destroying louis see K are the ones who completely co signed on him, saying and words doing jokes about. Can kids words operating as this fuckin brave guy and then they found out that he know all that was. Is he really just jacked off lot, the other like glue and then they now they're they're, murdering him, and I don't have anything against Lucy guy. I know the girls that happen to and you know you just gotta hey you gotta pay your bill in life. That's a big thing about cocaine. Coke is fucking great, but if you do for too long that far bill gets really fucking high and it's like I say: coke is like going your restaurant and just eating and eat land area allows gray, but eventually the bill comes
that you gotta pay her bill. I'm gonna pay the bill. Don't feel like that. A lot of you like, if you're, not keeping up with your tab. and how much you? Oh then they're gonna, you dad like Michael Jordan, yeah yeah, you fucking tree people like shit forever and this one, We learned it and you don't so fine. I just start you're jitsu did and I love it. I thought I would hate it and I fucking love it. And it's like so much like recovery- it's like the most helpful warm place besides trying to choke you out, but even I got I took it like ten years ago, I got a fucking tat by guy was cerebral palsy dog. I mean that's hub for concrete Sea legs flock and choke me out dog, but you know it's like, but it's like I blow through recovery, that less if people are treated like shit, man. You should take a personal because it has more to do with them and how their dealing with people, but I've learned that the training like shit, there probably doing a lot of people like shit and that all comes out man and eventually get a pay that building
and that's why, when she goes up it's fine but ones down, as anyone put her hand out the fuck and help you and that's what happens and there's a couple of people out. There I really don't want to say their name, but I see it happening to them and I'm like it's going to get bad and I feel I feel like I'm watching a horror flick, and I see this person. They don't realize that there's killer in the house and around the corner, and you are yell, stop don't go there, but they want cynthia and they fucking go thereby way. I'm writing down two names. I wanna hear open here that afterward Otto here that name and owing to the poor they put hands on you at the store. Ok, the idea, but yeah you got it. You gotta pay your bill. That is such a rape cause, you know, here's the thing I hears about my issue of political correctness I tried to work this bit out and temper, but once again I feel like it's like I'm a headline me, I'm their new year's eve temple bay. Improv. Are you really
so excited dude? It's a weird weak cause, I'm doing like Sunday night, which is new year's and that undue in tune days a week before the weekend and emma under I'm cool there. I just love being in tampa like every time. I go there like movies border, if that would have cowhides in town, but I know that You know that guy's foma, unlike everywhere as great a weekend. How are you going to deal with it? tuesday, when nothing's going down and areas like allies like five ma. Am you go out anyway? There's some gonna like I just I'm happens. This new room in hollywood, where they want to. we all the time because, like You know my house is a store, but you can't work on shit to store stores. I go in there. A more even ojo, rogue illegal work. I am sure that the store ends and trust me. It fuck your head up Sometimes out of you all new place, I'll, tell you where this new one is set. It looks like in new york city calmly club where's, it's it's called the sycamore tavern its upstairs and it just like you go into this room. You like holy
sure Egypt, who is your buddy doing this, I'm working with them driver did he text me Maybe if you know omitted already, do it our hasn't done it by a bunch of other people, Bond loves it in a word loggers it it's like it's one, black east I'm a browser I mean are on sunset from the brain, its upstairs dude. I love. people open the door door for the various I'm lookin like holy shit, ok I'll do that list out see see if I can get a spot there dude. You tell me when you want to go and either I could put you on a show or you could do a place where you can work out your hour and just like you could just had the room and we'll just work. Dude, I'm trying to create a so- I love comedy so much time create a room where people can go work shit yeah I'd love to do that. All of you know we have through things when it's all europeans, what
and you have to do you have to get out of here at anytime dunno. I just got pushed this day these this tour, I'm doing oh yeah, yeah yeah, so well. How many? How much time have we done right now? Oh perfect, okay, Lexa! Well, let's talk about the tour you're doing you're doing it with eddie. Bravo, and while I that's one tour, I'm doing I'm sent updates as called tim fire comedy it's what Bravo, this category in great car what if you love conspiracies abbeys, bravo eddie? Bravo, I did a show with him and by the british farmers on it and by the way show the british arby's standards gotten so good. I not, but you don't have to of sharp, I'm due to show two mile and I'm a yellow him again. It's like he's. trying to learn at the highest at the biggest showed. So that's like trying to practise martial arts in the octagon you gotta go somewhere. He that thing that is by his brain is that like fuckin go to the top no, my short here, any cause he's earned it there's dude, I love.
Brandishing yeah yeah yeah yeah. I love branca subdued brian Kalen is the bruce Springsteen of stand of comedy as wash bruce Springsteen, music video. I go, they move eggs, exactly alike criteria that are far wrong with Alan makes me giggle, there's nobody better value, they showed the comedy store. I was the greatest murder line up. I've ever put together and I learned do it was he was sleeping. bars Joe rogaine Russell peters. Here who was Brian Cowen Brandon, job. There is one other moreau, crystalline, crystals of going to like murder, raw crystalline did eight shows in irvine. Eight show at the irvine. Improv eight shows you yo coin. Georgia's two hours is four thousand people saw him perform comedy, do he's wonderful them watch guys or a wonderful comic. The watchman man just he's gotta do
he's in the zone. You're lookin do with a giant falcon dick spit, fucking game, good area, but but any Brian Eno show out like he's the only one who could do it he's the best eddie. Bravo goes to get one stage, and I was like I'm dying to see. Eddie bravo do stand up. He goes on fucking alarmingly stage, confident like a like straws it's the stage like a comic kills, and I and I'm soon there going how the fuck easier I tried it like eight years ago, I'm going to try it again tonight and it just goes up and just and I'm like whoa and british like you gotta remember, he does teach jujitsu. So he talk. in front of killers every day the esa, like talking, is not his fear and out. Oh that's right. Used and he's all right. all the time like he's got ideas, so that would be a tour. definitely go I've. Seen you tell me about the door, you doing ok, so this one's called the soul.
We'll just as warriors tour we're like low. I know exactly what we do it right. So it's myself Jim floor contain all brodie, stevens yeah, the three of us and chad, zoo mark, is fuckin under tours, while to wait what it where you guys, go and ok, so us we're doing a fall for city tour next week. It said and tony I'll December, fourteenth at the blind tiger, which new gown declared its opening then the following night were in san marcos, friday December fifteen, equal brew. Then. The next night weren't houston at saturday, december, sixty at the seeker group and then were closing visually off sunday night december. Seventy at the capsules comedy club, okay, so December start
if it starts the thursday next thirty that goes to sunday and every night we're in different room. Alright, we'll put this but we'll put this out next wednesday. Perfect it'll be perfect, are cool and gob Jim florence It makes me laugh so fucking dude and that voice is grey stuff about. Kids are really fucking. Funny is he dude he's? Not only is he like? Not only is he a great comic he's, a really great guy yeah dude, it's easy! We release, colleagues that we would like a little bit of, but I don't know man he's such a nice guy and he doesn't fear. Anything is a really good. Do you know I wanted to talk about cures to a ton of it. She you know she is, of course she's so funny. So me and eddie pepper donor having this conversation with her and that we will wrap up about she had. This houston, says funny stuff about her kid? I like it was really dark and we were laughing and were like. Do you do any of that? She's like no. I go. Why not goes cause people don't want to hear that from a woman, and I want to wear your thoughts on that
because she was tell me such funny shit and it's like we just sometimes the last person to know what you're talking about stage is the person talking on stage I'd. I have two jokes that I have to credit rogan with, because I just would never done them? One is an eye and look. I know you can say. I owe my career to myself of worked really hard, but if Joe rogan hadn't said you need to tell it machine story stage. I wouldn't determine I talked about this the other day. I would have never told us day. Had I never told her on stage, I remember you telling that on my fucking xm show, do you remember doing that yeah and- and I would have never told it. I would have never told stage? It would never told my special. It would have never from our own avenant, would have never sold tickets that that is that is Rowan's midas did you
no baby I'll just e g. All he is is a guy with good intentions. He doesn't, he does a bad intentions for the younger comics. He wants the best for you yeah, the other one he said was and is he's done. to me twice is I do this joke They may be, and even those joke, but some guy We were doing that new material room. There are like hey. What's it'll. Give me an idea topic in their like anne frank, and then I go, I used to think Anne frank and Helen keller with the same person and it gets a laugh no serious, and I tell the bit and Joe Joel's mercedes. I better be in your act and I'm a nazi literally, was out of never put it my act so so I think comics are often the last person who knows what should go into Iraq, yeah and so Kira, probably is like no. No one wants was the that, for me will know she doesn't know that she doesn't know that and-
the way she's right the first ten times she tells it right and use a lot of jewels gotta with its end, but but like cura is a lot like me and you- and I think sometimes I will take a bit that I think has some body to it? That's a little edgy and I'll try. And it'll go so poorly. I get why your post off from it for like a year yeah and then it's like a year later I'll, be working on something else, it'll slide in like oh, but had I worked on that bit and I think this is what separates us from like the fucking greats. Had I just like bill just be like. all right. We're talking about this and he'll. Just do it every fucking night, until a figure adele. I tell everybody if you're comic the rate is thing you can do, is watch bilbil work on new materials and not he's not coming along the way. We talk about him and I don't talk to him. this about him, and I know you know less my bark S. Little never hear this, but like did.
The way his brain works, his ability to turn over material and its ability to think differently than any else in the room to come at things from Such a sideways is comparable to all efforts ever seen. Do that similar is patrice. O neill, patrice o neill had such an ability to take an angle. You didn't see coming that it is almost impossible. like I try to stay with reverent specials watch, like Listen, the earth, europe, Mirza I'll, ask something I'll check. Our original wants a white. I haven't really wants to any cigarettes, but like the I, it. patrice. Is it it almost leaves and impression in the way we spend too much time watching brody, you start talking my brody little oh yeah yeah and can help it because he just so different. You know like subtle, in bag. Even
we go with the bag, and I promise you you'll be talking like this. Oh hey! What do you want fingers? What for how many fingers sister, you know, like you, you just end up emulating, todd, glass, tall, glass, tosh, theirs, many people that you can pick up their cadence, tar, tommy tommy The crab tree, coming crabtrees, my little brother, much more authority, tommy johnny has a really great pacing made bar gotti scattered. Really great pay. I hurried I've just got great cadence. They got great personnel neither their personalities? Do you have great cadence when, when, when you like when you say things like you, get me a gay black family. Did he, george numb brow. like the way you talk is so authentic to you that I go that that I don't what we talking about
but I can't watch. I can't watch bur right enough right and he's not comfortable with not a word he hit. What I say is he goes through it. Hee hee afraid of silence on new material and that's what the problem is. a lot comedians is, and then I got one a question before you and this thing sure comics are afraid to fail. A lot of how much are you go to the store that allows it well or I was going to say that much I'm sorry. I can't say that I can say that I can say that. That's it! That's an in the cats are wrong indication that, because So those are my soul. I saw eliza take chances. The other night. I saw Nicky or take chances. I saw crystal leah. Take chances when the in the oh all right now is taking chances and that's why I go I'm going to have to push it. I go. I'm going to tell this story, I know I said to the o r, the other night I said I know where's your bag crowd just select just told me that, but I'm guide
not to do this at a cell. Funny he's weird how like a bunch of strangers can just come together and not talk about, but universally agree we're, not can enjoy comedy of tonight's debate. You think, there's not a weird. It's gotta be something in the cold we'll dna, unlike in our in us as animals, a pheromone is emitted where there are like Failure, we're not gonna like this, so its agents it's like going tool. I talk about coming to conquer the get offended is going to strip are getting a lap dance and plain defence whole time. You know I'm like not long, not enjoyed a fucking, quite an old it. It doesn't make in a sense we're gonna crowd university. Now, here's what happens sometimes the comedy store cause. It is such an international destination a really is mostly because a podcasting I mean, like your talk about. We talk about rogan talks about everybody, use talks about it, man, people show Sometimes it's like playing a hostile. He ever play a hostile way back
we like everybody's from a different count country. They have different cultures and different sensibilities, that no one's on the same page, so you drop a joke in some places. The laugh do it is so it is very, very die. First and that are sometimes brody fucking. As you say towards her room, the other night vinos, the tricks. Joe ideas knows all the tricks that room like you can't do old tricks in that room. No, you do our tricks, they You sit around watch a little while ago, key to the o, R is being in the moment as possible is the second. You start reciting material. If you do monologue, you're dead dog out and you ve gotta you ve gotta, be able it is like doing a bad road room. We ve got it Oh all right, we're gonna all do this together and then ever I'm doing at the moment here we go here we go. Can we go on the total joke ten years ago, but right now, in this moment. That's where we are we'll take it out. That's my question:
You do I'm game right issued a special. I dont, really old spare album like ten years ago, nobody's heard it nobody's heard it and then I had to, even yourself and there's a couple like that they well, but I think you know it is what it is only what you thought. I'm bringing back jokes that really didn't get that developed on older stopped, albums nothing. I shall I know I buy album. I think I think its total game, in my opinion, I'm debating whether or not to tell this story that I told on armies, stew, retelling show in this special because I dont think that many people saw it a a million people saw at one point: two million people saw, which is a lot, which is probably all my fans, but the machine story. I thought. it had. Probably six million views online and that's not damage on board many oregon million views online and I was like ok, it's deaf
we, but, as I gotta tell you my special, so I told him I special and and and and then Like ok. Now I've told abominable posted facebook to myspace on facebook, I don't know what the number is now, but I think total all encompassing of all the people that have stolen it and reposted it from my special. It's around like eighty two hundred million and that I'll say, is Daniel Tom said this to he might disagree with what both of us saying right now, but Daniels has said to me just me or until your famous job murder, so I would say, take all the weapons. You have your arsenal and, if you're going to do side already and use every fucking weapon. I don't care what comics think of my special I dont care. What any comic thinks cares? Nobody cares if, if someone know if, if someone goes a little bit of years ago, yeah, but it's my special- and this is my best for them putting it forward this special, I'm doing I go part of exciting
by are going no your answer, but what you think about me doing, flying dildo dildo my special and by the way, hit me up right now put to poland. winter just say flying dildos, yes or find others no higher than those yes there every day, all the timeline builders is such a good story and if I work on it be even better than when I showed an especial and its and its eyes. On the material calmly, central theoretic. The ones that I want to own my material yeah. So I want to put it out, so I can release it. Yeah, I'm with you, dude I've been thinking about there's a couple of jokes. I wanted to add. Add to these old. It's there. You know this this great bit about apple store. I have and all this shit that I am like fuck it I'm gonna fuck and bring it back these old tags dude. I, if our you this is my opinion. I would put together the strongest our and our ten whatever our you have rights and guarantees at that, because because
telling you are now being dead, fucking serious, I wouldn't have problem, if you told the fuckin basketball story, because that's what made me laugh, fuck indicates where we met you. I wouldn't have a problem with you. I think what it ok problematic is when entities like netflix own your special and or I do the showtime special get seen. Then I go I now. I need to do the next one so that all those people, the watch that right watch the next one, but if you ve got some spent some shit down the road that you haven't put out to put it on your fuckin specialty I've. It's just been on the the audio albert I you know the old school way was a dual put out put an album and then some goes you're gonna do special. Take the greater of that shit and put out especially then it became this Lucy gave very words like array, the put out an hour. Every up, but I will use different. You know he was doing out the greatest. He was not mean ahead to use louise and examples in such a hot button topic. But, let's be honest, he is one of the greatest com
did do stand up despite what he did off stage use. Like you can you can fly back of it. Like, whatever he jerked out in front of them. Girls is that it was ok. Is I agree he worked with them whatever it's not my fucking place to say here there we're talking about a stand up, but my point: is he once he did that for special? sorry to go back to his old joke books. Go and like I never put this on anything, but put this out yeah there and do that is sometimes you'll have a joke that just didn't go, want anything right and just fuckin fits ripe and you're like and in its effect on a fuckin album who gives a fuck dude upgraded. I was talking to stand hope about taking my first, album berber, bert and re doing it and putting it you're, doing it and rewriting it take the bit I have on there and then rewrite them. Now, being the comic that I am an repulsed him up. I just wrote them and then
I think that'd be great I've, a joke and by the way, I'm now that I'm saying that I'm like are probably the product that a lot of those jokes on comfortably dumb, probably a little all of those jokes come from. I wonder if I should listen to that. bird album by a dude murder, murder airline to did do you're fighting about our day, one of the few out there. That is just a straight up killer stage. A thank you. Thank you. I needed that. I needed that you are in a minute, but that's not That's not up for debate. Why? I'm just not Elvis stood and that's what I don't that's. Why has surely one doing wrong, I'm not Elvis! I just like you said gore ari shop, you guys are Elvis you guys do show at blah blah blah the theater and it will be sold out and who knows how? How many minutes? I know How hard I kill and here's a weird thing with
damn right now, I'm looking for a theatre date. You mean like the wilbur on February. Third yeah two shows yeah. I did I just like here, so you might. I killed what I can yeah I'll get off stage and I'll be sell. My merge nobody we'll talk to me. I have one Cancer is that's, but that no that's not! That has no reflection on how good you are that as a reflection on that is when I bought a lie around the door to meet me? It's weird: it's fucking thing it's so funny, because I to sit and I'd murder at the roma funnybone, and I would watch people walk past, the most stable, but man when I had a mediocre sat, they want a meagre results there they almost where they wanted to your leg. You trust me. We still think you're good yeah and you like wait. What about when? I kill I saw my skull dude I mean great make no sense to me. I know why people didn't like, I remember one time it wouldn't you go to the bar next thing. You walk in a book
do not. As you walk you me and say anything anything. I think I think I think you have to you have to if to come, get away from the word compartmentalize that's a lot, but we have to try to figure out the type of person that wants to meet. You is the type of that wants to meet you as a legit fan the people that you I think, a lot of those times when I would go to do my funny bone. It will be a paper room and the people that I would turn into fans in that room are the people that don't wait and lines A gap will ask about you're going to beer. There were a are services to Doug, benson said that he was killed. Your fans are too cool for school. They there. Your friends are not waiting in line until their legitimate. fans another like dude, tripoli. My boy
we, I oughta, that's how I think it's right, but if does fuck my skull and it does mess me up that I am very thankful for everything I have by she's like what is this at its just like it doesn't translate into some, because, while I get in there room. I kill yes and then Another thing is my fans don't like to buy tickets of front because they do not prohibit taking charge or those that that's me, Those are our american clubs system is fucked up far. He they fucked up everything get a call from the be like. Do you sold thirty tickets? I go there going to show do they always do, and I may sell- and am I thank you for making me on a blow my fucking brains out. there's a lot of a lot of a lot of that lake yeah, I dunno. I can't figure it out there there's a lot of under under I'm. Just I just considered I'm like going to be like a tom waits type guy. Someone someone gave me the greatest compliment the other day and they're like man.
I'd I'd love to have your career and I was like. I literally love nobody, but I said all in my head: I'm like hold on this is what I was thinking real, quick. I was like you'd love to have my career like you're telling me like you'd like to work the road for fucking a solid fifteen years making never more than like a couple, grand a week and then get on a travel. Show that no, no one ever watch for seven years and then get off it and be the lowest party or career and then starts anti etc, and that in some of those nano like a journeyman comic like someone who's, always gonna fuck your work and I went on at right angles like wait up greer like I love. I learned how to do stand up. I learned how to do stand up. It took me fifteen to almost nine team eighteen years to do it, I learned how to do it the way I do it and then, when I finally got good at it, people showed but I comedy twenty three years just I feel like now I've masur what I do
I'm still working on mastering it. I I but, but like I feel, like I am in my lane right now and I know what I'm trying to do. You are, and I know what I like your great eye watching you it's fun to watch dude I this has been terribly go, see it's! It's! Tripoli, Jim fourteen, for those you dont know, is the ran the half marathon. With me saint petersburg to showed up and fucking ran no training, drink beer a girl in the morning, in great ran Britain, tourist, thirty six minutes and I'm running like crazy, now running dose it but is far less loved to run and then and its and then chad zoo mark is I've. If you in me in Houston or in cleveland, not cleveland, and a bunch places Chad's. Models with me, they're fucking declares the three guys it's four of us, whose a fourth brodie stevens, my god it's like, Why don t you man come get weird dude go hit. Those I put a output
a link. I put a link in the in the description we do that and then we'll talk about it in front of the beginning of the part gas. We are my maybe that palestine and then do disorders great talking, traveller. Do I love you very much? I love you two men and I'm all your thankful that you are you. Let me new shown that you come to. My shows a means world to me. Well, okay, things will want talk about the guy that beyond the goes about a killer. Ok, I thank you. This episode
Transcript generated on 2023-07-14.