« Bertcast's podcast

#259 - Wheeler Walker Jr, LeeAnn Kreischer & ME

2017-11-07 | 🔗

Wheeler Walker Jr, LeeAnn Kreischer, and I hang out in the mancave to talk about Country music legends, taking naked pictures, and Wheeler going against the grain in the music industry. We also get a special performance of two songs "Drunk Sluts" and "Pictures on my phone" by Wheeler Walker Jr. 


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This episode is also brought to you by Blue Apron. Expand your wine palate with Blue Apron wine boxes! https://www.blueapron.com/bertcastwine 


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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It was touching, go for the be man, a man, panic, attacks of these from drinking again yeah I find a, but I'm not gonna end up your chemicals. I think so. and I think our party really hard on impractical, jokers goose to shout sal, Joe merlin queue for allowing me to go and that crews, the Radical jokers guys are coolly shit and that was a fucking blast. Sorry ritual it was makes me laugh harder than any one human being cause he's area a bit with him like read our really wish. I really wish that, like I could live near him embody so that we can hang out with them, because I Thank you. Embody grow very, very similar idea. Gotta on the podcast. I won't ritual I guess all upon the olympic has we're just make less fuel in one or two points, as we want an annual progress with richard. I was on the fucking boat stupid I did do a podcast with MIKE vecchione and dumb and We and sam moral. No lover here that so
why virtual mike without the entire time, so aegis here already whispering. In the background. Second of all, I got way too drunk I go with you. Drunk on the improbable, jokers crews? But I had a great time, and so thank you, everyone, the balmy shots. hundreds of you on the cruise that bought me shots and I'm not doing shots anymore. I think they fucked my voice up. That's the main reason and I feel, like I'm dying the next day, so yeah but yeah. That's where we're at what? What did I want to talk to you about? I wanted to talk to you about something, but can't remember. It was was like whoa. Told about the progress that bout that bernay brown book. I don't love you like that that's not what was it s called I waited her speak, the other nine about her new book and it was about the polarization of our country or more polarized than ever, and that was the fact that she had
up with based on election based on polling member. Whatever that we used to live. Oh indifferent country, we shall live with different people were different ideas. Now we all live with that people the same ideas, cracked, we are, we are migrating to communities where everybody's, like minded, so anybody outside that community is no longer she may. It is no longer human. A barrel. Apparently so then you the right to tweet or do what where you want to completely defame their care. dirt tear them to pieces because they are no longer in your circle of morality, because they don't think the way you do in night. In, like the seventies, it wasn't like that, as you base. A lot of her, you know, she's an evidence based sociology So a lot of her stuff comes from actual data, a logo, Eleven guys do. That's where I loved what malcolm Gladwell yes, agency based in data, is in doubt that's ino in today's society, where everyone seems to me
posts and retweet the things. That fall into their their montrose these days like men? I just want data, I don't give a fuck, you know the new york times you told me this, I'm telling you something you told me, as I did tell you: why don't you tell it to me so you can get the victory of renee brown's book is called braving the wilderness anyway. This book is really good. The whole time I was listening to her talk. I kept thinking bert should listen to this book because there's a lot of what we talk about about people people down on social media. And about you know, really does seem at the book is about being alone layer being strong and being like, my body, own regiment was no is going through that he was just one million of you have had, but one on the public has to budge, but some come I think, when after him and got him to, they lost gagging, they lost his agent. Any losses man has a terrible why you know everything That will stop a deadly disagreed with well. I'm sure I would imagine
nothing, she said it was kind of a letter that another that qualifies losing someone a job. I'm having freedom of speech. listen comic, should rep comics across the board. I don't know His is a little stick, your situation, many talk of a more definite about our own rogan. So if you want to listen, this may have been rogan talk about it. That is a much more form conversation I'm just giving you too it's an. I don't know. The whole fucking backs well The thing about it is a comic is support to make you think right thus their job. Their job is take something we see every single day and to have a deal. Take on it so that you can go who never thought about that way. Will we just you do for comic just talks about the things you're comfortable with that does not a comics in my opinion, is too is to push the boundaries, To ask questions: people don't want to ask
is pandering, but I do have one laundering. If you just sit there and just say the things you know too well, yeah, that's lazy. It's bullshit! It's! It's! Not an art form at that point is pontificating I think, it's what what is wrong with scenes. different times in scenes is comics are simple. Regurgitating what they know like does. What was wrong with the traditional calmly, seen in The early nineties ladys early ninetys was that it was just I was doing shit they heard before ever, was doing their version of that it was. They were doing The shit that works at my way that that has gone on in our seem. Like the and we see it a lot- those people just not succeed. It also happen in the old scene, where they were just pandora. To say two things worked for the guy, the guy that was better than the the or or partners, Walter David crosses the guys who were the the foreigners.
that scene. They were just regurgitating what was similar them. They mean because- Are you ok that can be said for almost any art form later only true original artists and then everybody else, it tries to be like those two original artists but comics, I think, have a very different social responsibility. I think they have a social responsibility to say you know make fun of ever donald trump or whom ever so that perhaps people who don't like donald trump can see a few things differently. You know what I mean is not about just preaching to your audiences voice entirely. I was. I was five minutes for me. It's fun to go against the grain yeah, I'm buying, something that I don't think so. Fans will agree with fans that sounds arrogant, but the fuel I've come to see me that I don't think they ll agree with at first and then try to get them to agree on it, but I think that there are other comics that do that. That is The whole thing is sacred thing. No one agrees with, and then
in the neck is predictable. In and of itself you got on a very it up, whatever their economies. John is, I think, he's represent something that your audience disagrees with and then to take them down a path through. They go. Oh ok. I see that a little differently now. I think that's actually part of your social responsibility, too. degree, not that you are mother teresa by any means, but that that, as part of the function of comedy is so we can laugh at things are uncomfortable and laughed. Creates change and if we can't if that things are uncomfortable, we can create change is not only agent of change, but I think it is a very important one report. Ass, his ear and there's myself box forwards, wanna come on in, he comes in the middle of a falcon podcast, all the goddamn time. I think I took oh okay, okay, I guess that chickens are thanks ray. Thank you re preserve day We back thursday. This part
this brought you buy, go fuck me just kidding rossi by troop one, three three seven six thought over a ward. If you won't go to the gulf, we appreciated unwanted did an intra. For yesterday, my daughter, in her girl scout trooper. Doing a and at this sounds champion all over the place. It's my fault, not explain two seconds, but a butt doing. Wanna go for me to read to get water fountains in their school. water model stations, and so, if just want to support they didn't read for at last week. I will play review again, but go to this gofundme dot com, slash troop one three three seven six silver award. That's all one word is otherwise a really big deal and girl scout trade and their working so hard on. I'm so proud of a never raised two thousand one hundred and twenty. five dollars. So far, but their goals ten thousand. So if anybody, even if you get five bucks waste
appreciate it, they are so excited. You have raised this much already. Thank you. if everybody who's donated. Thank you so much and I think we will probably want to tell you go to bert, bert dot com. Yes, we have a new website that I built myself yeah a very popular website building up- and we would like to talk more about their right to advertise. I've I guess but I don't mind telling him he was with squarespace in an ad they're going to be to sponsor the podcast before and we've talked about them so much this isn't an ad for them. This is just its look too good product landed, the entire website so go check out our poor things. Go I got the website yeah, so good, rather myself, I'm so proud of myself, because I don't even have a twitter account and I built a website illustration bolted, all square spring summit, so there's you, the usual t, shirts and whatever, but we have heard he's machine hoodies that are going to be
available by the end of this week there not on the website yet because my my supermodel bert crusher hasn't take picture in the hoodie yet so they'll up and running and available by the end of the week. There also posters from recent shows if you went to a show and you didn't get to buy a poster for saint Louis or western and where else you are just a lot of places, a lot of places go check it out and and by a poster you can buy mugs for the broadcasts. T shirt for the bert, cast, all that you can buy at berber bird dotcom beings? Also, she retorted for this weekend in Vine and the ninth tenth an eleventh of november tamper, the sick in the eighteenth and seventeenth on the nineteen them run in the sea. Saint peep run fast. So if you want to see with me go run a half marathon with me on the nineteenth of november, oh fuck, that is two weeks. It is less than two weeks away la la a training training. Do
I may not be running that anyway clue. Sixteen on the first and wheeler walker jr is a oh. No, I'm sorry, clubs, casinos! On the first glance on the first, we'll work juniors on the third That is. Why are we talking to and a couple of minutes? I want to be more clear. About that, but comedy store loya seventh, eighth and ninth. spoken comedy club, fourteen fifteen so extreme west palm beach, twenty nine and thirty. Thirty one new year's eve in west palm beach. I also to say that the wilbur is almost sold out. That date is on February. Third so it is almost sold out depending on how quickly, ourselves out loud another one. The tropics, It was entirely sold out. So we are adding really, I think, yeah I think three shows have been sold wow. So I think, we're going to add another show, I'm not sure to win. That's amazing, congrats, thank you
companies only charlotte's coming up, more. The dates are on Barbara Berg, dot com and there's a link to buy tickets for all the dates. I think we're going to be shooting a special there. I dunno can't really say that yet because we haven't really sold it yet. So if you work for someone by specials decision. Please This progress, also brought you buy beach body on demand. body on man is an online fitness streaming service. It gives you unlimited access to a wide variety of highly effective world class war. counts Leon. What is one of the ones that you will be doing in two months? the twenty one day fix fix us right my friend, Linda and I are going to start like january to twenty one day. It was a conversation I got into trouble for today because he laughed at me for waiting six weeks, but I'm like it's unrealistic to start a twenty one day like you do Regimented diet, Exercise planned for twenty one day straight or is
giving in less than twenty one days, and then after that is going to be christmas and all the holiday was crazy. It'd be same as of up for failure, so we're going to start the workout and then really start the twenty one like legit twenty one day fix on january. Second, yes, and so just so, you know this is a, this is A world class work out personalized for your needs, plus extensive nutritional content, all proven to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. You can find a step by step, graham guides work out counters nutritional plan. Innovative portion, control, focused on Google, Jos, fixate and motivation to support a growing community. This is every fucking work out. You ve ever seen just get this offer and go on and explore it. That is what you will get out of. This was even better is that is really affordable. It's really
What about these? A hundred bucks for the years two hundred dollars a year and by the way in the end? For me, I'm a traveling comics or what I do is I go in. I do beast mode. I go in the german, the hotel. I have wireless. His headset. I had the bose wireless headsets, so I literally put it on and I listen to him- do the workout with him and I listen to them and I do the workout with them that guy's my favorite. He makes me giggle so fuckin ordered the beast up. Guy bees dogma beast abroad, they ve got p. Ninety act insanity, the twenty one day fix t twenty five three day, yoga retreats pio. They ve got everything and like us they ve got cooking shows that gets shows on nutrition, it, is tony whartons on here, he does is Podcast work out thing which I think is of the future. If I was, if I can get when I was doing all that yoga. I was acknowledged podcasting these guys. If I had these on a pot guess I could do that are you do them? I myself, I do these pockets like, but I think what tone
nortons doing his next level. I really he does these like law one form here, we have him working out and you can work out with them and its kind like listen to a guest rogan should be something that I was late idle. I work out rogan totally listen, do kettlebells right, yeah and just be just walk through in the morning and just live stream it to you to really smart, spanish town. That maybe I will Why are you gonna? Do it a brand new service, but it already has over a million members miles. There's right now can claim a free trial membership all, I have to do. Is text three one text, bert two, three, one three one, three one text, bert teeth We won three one, three one and get full. just to this imply entire platform for free, you What I just said check it out for free text. Bert BT are Two three one three one three one and you can check all this shit. They have to offer try we will. We did this. This is what guy
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is taken also one of the to stick and hears We got no conversation, and I This kind of off, mike and in the end, was cut off mike, but but you're just trust, that when all the where everyone will be on making a couple minutes so of europe, words, time rear and someone just enjoy the fact that its the nuances, this pod but plays a couple. Songs and and stock round because they hit it off. Sir leon- is honest: entire PA guest with we, along with the water, junior and nato, country, music and it is, and by the way I don't, much in this podcast because sorry, That's what that's when one the pot gas everyone likes is when I that's not true entirely so, ladies and gentlemen, without further Ado way, we'll talk, you have a real, quick dude. we have any. If we let me whenever someone will walker juniors dates, we do not I just thought I
noticed them or third is an please don't use those run december, like second third or fourth, there would ever its fourth fifth and sixth, so he's doing o run the They will announce it in the park actual here in the biogas land as a red for it. So oh these to his dates: land as a much better run. Read these later butscha sundays, third, the Novo downtown in LOS Angeles Monday, a fourth the observatory north park in san diego tuesday, the fifth of december. The resource and annex California once it is sixth the Van buren phoenix arizona. It's a little run he's doing and where are your promoting it I'll I'll make sure to recap this, as first week of december delight sherwin no, but up and So these for those, you don't know, will could junior you ve heard him on rogan. You ve heard him on Joey he's been on this podcast.
His album. All wheeler is just tore up the charts with hits like pussy king and person boots, and an finger up, my butt summers in kentucky drugs he plays out one for us and Poon just pay he's fucking awesome. So I hope you enjoy this by. I hope you have a great weak. better november's in full effect on going over the romans right now to do a pocket, what tommy ory and those guys go check that out, but without further ado, this week's paw gas. Wheeler walker, junior and greater and greater. I wanted Leon. stick around and because we have
His great conversation about pushing boundaries and being different and the guy we're having once it is so fucking different than anyone and he's he's Really changed she's going to walk around the corner, any second he'll be here any second enlargement was lowered. The chains while a bunch of shit hold on but was his real name, Lee and his real name- is wheeler walker- junior, that's not trained liane, just liam just come on in fuck yeah he's here he's here, come on in body had good You know my wife lan have you met so we keep all of this, and it's gonna be a little bizarre, but we were just having this great. Conversely, sit right over here and we have in this great conversation about, and I asked we You bring your authority because we never have. I haven't, got you to sing on the pie, guest prose, I hate to rush you into this but Leon.
just talking about a comics like an artists, responsibility to to who not just priest to the choir and to go against the grain That going against the grain is what art is. I said this so fitting she's one saw this lady talk about it. I said interfering with a walker juniors coming in and he has done nothing but go against the grain. That's my whole career was fine cause. I the wall recording this tomorrow, the sea a male like the country, music awards biggest country music, the worship of the year- and I found out just recently that I did a duet called fucking around yeah and then I wrote with my buddy shane who's like on the same a board. He called me couple weeks ago, and this is it I used to five, hey. I don't want any part of it and he said it was at a meeting in legal, a problem here. vocal event in the year
the legal name. I know this will walker junior, because what are we because they go? he's about to be nominated and there it was they dwell. It goes by patty goes buyer. talked about here. Let's just keep on votes were until the last night nomination is here vat to be nominated. What you know. What do we do if it does not make him he's a couple votes away, and he they share. Raises a yak erode the sound. Like a crappy knows. The jet so just no thank you. I think what happened I mean not a lot of faith in the industry who just kind of like that, I'm pushing it and they allow People just saw bad worden pry, cleaner, I didn't mean that again and on one no part of it and liked like like us and tomorrow the biggest night for countries actions in america- and I would love to pardon me. I mean I'm real happy. I don't have to be at that stupid. Show your report
It would have been nice if just like, walked down that red carpet instagram middle finger up at every single person who I think, I'd like live our know? How are you familiar with his work? So am I we could, while we have Leanna one or maybe you just play a little something for to get her a cow, them with what you do. You know We are a new video camera now called pictures on my phone obviously I saw no, I don't want to play it likely that, for you have you got that but it's written like all my stuff, like that it's still recording right, austin, okay, good yeah halston will set you up. He's got the mic so that we can get guitar on this. I think yeah. This is this is a real tree, because We also need a lady saw speak. she was talking about how people have found Let the people moving sections of society, and then don't they all think alike that
everyone in everyone in south florida, thanks carry carry permit. as a bad example, probably yeah. It's funny cause. I did Joey last night, good podcast you're talking about the same think about how much easier our lives have been. You know he was using the example of not another. No picking up a little bit has taken up the fucking blower Jesus Christ, joy was talking about. You know what he did they put on the suit- and you know go clean and it just wasn't him. Oh yeah, I saw not joey. I think it's exactly. I think it's less to do with them. One against the granting staying yourself. If being yourself, if it's an egg, in country music much more than most places? They can sense that, like if I click, if I had a clean song that I wanted to sing, I would I'd sing it just right now paying for my own out myself,
it's. What comes out, I'm not going to censor. You know to try get on the radio that I'm not going to get on anyway. well hang on. Let me moments. I hear what you said earlier: no- it's your yours now so he's ass. It right next to you, ok, we haven't had already all the outlaw country are friends of is so. He knows all these got the I dunno hank through that well, but yeah here, I mean he's someone who probably personal higher than me and he he bowed his label together. His deal. I believe- and I am here he just not he's got his own thing. I mean he's he's his own country music there. This is hindered in their sank. Three there's that here he's got some thing: ok At the one hour I have one of his albums that is so good he's fantastic is awesome but yeah the ease with you
play by national rules are not one party exactly that it doesn't sound like you play like nationals role, I don't, but I'm here Do the opposite of. You know what I'm supposed to do, but I also and for whatever reason, seem to know a lot of these people, and they, kind of bothered me to be honest that become like a thick cool for like such and such artist to say: oh I'm friends with wheeler walker Jr. Then I get pissed. You know cause I'm like. Why don't you tweet about me or put them in he should have just like tell your friends. Are you I don't like me hip at all. Like that bothers me, I don't like the industry boss of theirs. nationals of we're town now, when I I grew up there, my mom's from there and when she the kid. Those like I'm just a southern town where you would maybe we'll run into crystal gale or something right. Now. It's not vegas, as lack and it's like there's ease nashville, which is the hips, though the
MR sterling and regular. Nashville music grow corporate land, and I'm somebody just I can't fit into either ray hipsters, think I'm not pc and the industry think some you know messing with them and using curse, words and stuff, which I am in know. Yes, I can't both are kind of I confused, and neither one wants me so it's just like you gotta, find your own. young in life was like there's just authenticity, then try and that's what bothers me so much about country music. Now a days now sends the same and but there's no authenticity, development singing earn. You know they also this the same us on the same and it I don't. I don't I get it. I don't care where you from a few from canada whatever, but don't think well. You know on the farm or you know. I have a favour that big problem, because I'm from rural georgia yeah that's what I was saying and like there's just you just don't get out of my business is what I feel like you don't know what you're talking about don't feel like
and if you didn't, without ridden wikipedia just listen to the music you'd know nothin. I try and it's been just so in their such an influx of like this really garbage music into it totally it's like what public it all sounds the same. To me too, deserves no unique voices. Anymore, I mean Adele is unique, but I've but she's what? Who else? I was actually joey, and I were talking last night. We both really like miley cyrus, like oh, I think, she's great yeah she's. She she's she's, our sister. She er, I haven't heard her yet, but I mean growing up in kentucky billy re was, you know He was there. He is Elvis only but there's a I mean I turn on these, so I just sit them MIKE. I turn on these occasional transfer empty for the one hour week. They play music videos and I don't know what I was quite like merely vanilla, with a twining at unawares. Carbonized anxiously
pop music, with a they're trying to. The best example hers a body might is a big country. Music producer was talking about, on which I sit. I think true, is like everything this happen. New york in l, a current takes like ten years to get to nash to the south. is in general, and I think that's true, I think, like the beads and the kind of person they're doing, like its won't. Be one thing if they were like radiohead experimenting with cool new sounds: are not doing their taken stuff that was hip tenure there. Like you know, milly vanilla, realise their stolen- that world ratsey hammer and should like just trying to I think a racial issue too. I think it's just like kind of taking this kind of black music that and then widening in up, for on Y know Some of these people don't want to listen to hip hop, but what? If we put a white face on it. He wrapped about beer and trucks.
and with a twang year with a twang and like you know, cause for a georgia line is one of the bands I really hate and they're. Just their onto a right now with nellie, let their tore the erika, we banned the tour. If you can go see him right now, as it is for georgia line with backstreet boys and nellie, what that's a country show yeah these critically rate wrigley field. I think nelly got arrested for rape. well that's classic virginia based on the tour super glassy yeah exactly but you're the one like that they see the kids now a days at the snow, the kids, what these new beat in these new sounds, but. the result of storing the book. You know it's like I mean I love Elvis, but you know Elvis was just the the white face for black music and alia, and now that they found a way to get a white cotton, he's fine awaiting it white faces for this new kind of your hip? Hop kindest, most interesting. Ass, really interesting perspective. Our daughter, georgia, everyone
those you're like a two week phase where she listens to country music, and it's like nails on a chalkboard to me because I'm like I, this person sounds just like the last person who will sound like the next person they're all talking about the same thing, How are you listening to this, but one day I can say: is the women really good voices that's true, but everything to you mean what, with the technology now that what bothers me too, I dunno who's got good voices because they can do anything to him in his duty. I mean here me. That's why I read to me: every voice sounds the same because I've I know friends again who worked on big females. big stars just period. I feel, like your big stars, album They'll, go out the record the man or woman. Just like I'm out, you fix it, move don't do that. What was there was a light in line with our early moved over was added to just the heat is a cheat yeah was not it's a cheat as inasmuch as if you want Two. If you want to go see the concern you wanna right, that's not what it is
the person is, I think, tat so to someone who is, I think, an people noticed when she's, when she's when she easier concert she's little where they work. pitching o loose pitcher in and there, which is normal people, do all the time you know They tell me that you know if you really listen to our reality. You never know but he claims it Elvis is life. Was allow the time, and I and I was like I gotta, be understood. sounds good to me. You know I don't like. If that's fine, You know I know, but maybe that's what miss sound. I don't know it. Just is just not it's not it's not one. Two three four, you know count off its place. Computerized and everything that just making it all and I've no people again, who sorry I'm armada I'm on a tear right now cause you got me worked up. People go on like label, guys stopped by recording sessions with those. little clicker, how many beat
per second year plan. What yen I've had producers divine they gotta go buy. You know that we'll take her and they go now know ye the hot. sure I now is hundred twenty. Eight beats per second, this one for them. It beats per minute. Yea BP area Europe, I'm sorry, but no more, I'm eating and none. I don't know, I'm obsessed with ppm scores of running, so I know what songs Roland Bbn wanted. This excuse that day, at the ten minute mile, oh really yeah. The thing is that that's that's gone into, but they're like, but they'll come in they'll go. You know what the hits these days are. One sixty two and as ridiculous, being people in one line, young european air. Without this one line, you're with me, I mean, can imagine go into the studio with fucking mentone Keith richards, like you know, do you ask? this lane, but imagine don richards like you know, browser, result your speed up five beats person rather than you know Is that really what you want to hear now how music work is done? How music works
it's like comedy and a lot of ways in that it has the power to do in people's minds about things, make people think about things I would normally think about. I think, music and comedy or similar in that way, what had not sorry. I wish I had three, I didn't realize that will be your beer, but I didn't, but I wonder if one of the I want to things like about what whither does is when I saw Louise first big special, he added joke about even baggage dicks, which is, Any colleagues like is almost like a little you'd, be a fool to do it in a clubs. You, like wages, are uneasy joke, but would it great about as it made lui laugh and if it made lui laugh and make you laugh and you was are signing up for what this guy likes making like you know a chef may go on making at chewy. It's a simple meal, but It's gonna bring back a feeling that you're gonna love and that's what I think you do, which I love and affection Clearly in here you play,
since he's? Never listened to you be interesting. I mean one of the things that is funny. You say that, because I was in the studio for my first record and the guy producing my records, does stapleton stuff and sturgill simpson, like the building, probably the biggest producer and ties become a good buddy of mine, and he, this kind of his session players who are the go to his like his. They go to national back a ban and we became firmly with I became really freely with these guys and then I'm just play really traditional country, music, but I'll these guys so much so occasionally I'll just three minutes, usually down my lara. She understood stolen some crazy to make I want them to. I want them to god I want a drummer, don't lose be, never does, but I'm gonna throw em off and I want him to get. Alas, I want to try, to end. I hear him laughing at the end or some such a mess and with the rise in the ban, which is that's just like a local show at a at a bar or something- and I just put it out as as it is. You know, because all my records both at the second record out now that both records were each done,
three days recall what yardstick the sound recording the time it takes to record the song and we yeah we're done last week in even do vocal overdoes it just like the the locals. I did live sound good to me, so we just kept him, that's great, which I mean again, you know everyone doesn't have to be here Does me good luck, but not everyone doesn't have to the us, and I understand why him a grand faith here. Aren't you alive albums, you know right, get it there's more to it. They get a different type of audience, but at some point maybe something you know really, grandma, you know cause. I was a kid I used to love like punk me, punk rock and listen to that stuff in there. she a decent amount of light like for. I live like this amount of like southern punk rock, and these guys it was my favorite is the it was these guys who would like play punk right, but the history they still had their tang and they would try to just play pure prompt pump. They wouldn't start themselves from doing then it would sound
my country will have a hint of country, because it is all they knew right, but they would, they will think they got kind of the un, They were really I'm attached to the feeling in the fuck units of punk rocks it's out it would sound like johnny cash sped up till you know too punk stadia in, but they weren't britain in that they they weren't doing like an english accent or something they were just doing themselves and then they actually started doing you know like folsom prison as like a punk rock song sounds cool yeah. It was really cool to hear what what what was it will that band is actually is funny? They actually taught me how to what the authorities. one who taught me: I play guitar the collar nine pound hammer and they this in the guitar play one form this ban, nashville pussy, which ended up international pussy in ghana grammy nomination, which is really funny. The edges local guys from owns, but which is also relating how who are so It was the song you have here is called pictures on my thoughts, my new it's gotta clean title. That's not it's. It's then
records a lot about my tour and about how young good. I'm getting older is about being on the road and light stay in young girls and like technology and snapshot and all that kind of shit. I feel yeah I mean hopefully not too much. I dunno around their value just mean a girl. You sleep, dinner number and she's like send your picture procedures like. Oh, my god, Like really say you a picture of their posing, no, you play the song. We were displayed as long as they do not really send you a picture of their vagina koala mean all the time and girl now so nobody I mean like. If you ask anyone in their twenties. That's what they do all day. Why do they do that? That's, what's all its debts. Doesn't I don't believe you there's an app called snapshot has just made for you. I know that chad that people take pictures of their vagina. Oh yeah, yeah yeah, that's how
after meets most of the girls. He dates only guide yeah I mean as terrible as it is that I think if you caught up to the times, no, no, no, no mine in and around, but I'm with you I'm kind of older, and so it sounds like you told me that when I was eighteen, I'd be all into a nam a little older, I'm like well you're into it, but that's terrible that a girl thinks she's got to send a picture of her vagina to get a guy. Of course, it's definitely horrible horrible. But I'm saying like if I was eighteen I would have loved it, but now that I'm older she's not sending it for her own pride she's setting it for the other guy likes her is like is like but I'm taking you saw you brazilian, which is now that I'm older I get the picture like. I don't want to meet up with it. It would do this way. It's like stinking cut bait
sharp, hey mom? Don't look at me, look at his girl! Looking girl, I meant what would you think he had no way yeah. She looks kind of weird, neither that there's a classy way to do it like. If you show me a picture of three vaginas in yours was one of them and then I got rewarded if I could pick years out of a line that I never had after this. The classy reason just never have or semi procure, because you don't want to know and the other to elaborate feeling that nothing is sacred. Nothing still vital. I watch what you're saying is a hundred percent correct, nothing sacred! Nothing is nothing secret. There's! No, I mean there's no secrets, it's it's awful because Imagine, if hang junior had a cell phones back on this too bosnia down again. He would have. He would have been gone in a week of totally I'm. So I yoga gay again, the new record would just about me trying to trend, plays confrontational music and do the old hockey towns his stuff in this new world. Just didn't really work for me right now. I'm kind of an old fashioned guy in a lot of ways, even though I talk of a call
a lot of interest. Just you know it the what you know as your humor yellow. Try tried tried to tell my bodies in the main. Oh man, look that girls tat so awesome, anyhow, she was to hang on my guys get the fuck out everybody never line ass. What I am doing some way now, which has changed law to hear that in his changed ordaining somebody has Eightam eyes. His has really help me out onto you know you don't want to get fucked up, you use use them. dove sober October right. How to go? It was it was absolutely fantastic loved it I was much sober this last tour and I felt great because the problem is, you would turn you wake up showing TAT the city. Wake up your play oklahoma city, the next night use it. You can't do it. You can't be hung over for a six hour ride with me a show that night and actually tried to do that sober october with you guys, but the problem was october. I must first and second
I opened up to shows that the kid rock fish fry and that's not a way that you can't start that will open up to shows with the kid rock fish fry. He has a a a yearly event in nashville called the kid rock fish fry, which is like a which is basically like a either in the jugglers for iraq fans and you, like, I couldn't be I just I mean I can't I guess, but I couldn't be. The only so a person of five thousand people. While there are looking at me. That's what I I said. I was gonna, be impractical, jokers crews. Nose like I cannot be the sober person on this bruce. I lose my fucking mind. Now that's a thing and ones are aiming at pride first, what was already the only one who wasn't wearing some form of the american flag on my body. They also unveiled the new the kid rocker. Well, Madame he soda wax. Figures. Are my guy we're cardboard well I'm keeping the card problem here. Keep I'm going to go, grab another card. Ok, he plays awfully all the time
I always make sure my voice me do us to bear for guitar. Thank you gives me this. beautiful yeah, to play martens and then gives it came along I will give you tars. If you want, fuck, Martin and right, they made this guitar with my pearl inlay. My name is beautiful yeah, it's it's a piece of work and I'll definitely only be playing guitar. From now on. Making sure I can kind of thing is early for me, but I bet I get. It should go ahead truck thing,
last thing in snap: well send back to his own again. She didn t like tat, everyone, ass ash. To me. We want a rather less so why music out back to share some pussy,
nike there that are trying to do is just sing. To be honest, that's not me trying to be funny. It's just me, try to talk about my life and get it that it's out. You know me like myself target, I mean that's your thing right. Just the truth is Johnny and I guess that's. I sing about the truth and people laugh and I don't get upset when they when they when they laugh. I mean, I think I told you the story. Last time is when my first record came out for p. I I put up the records myself with a company that distributes the records and they call they go. You know you debuted at number, nigh on the comic charts around the country charts and you also debate on the countries on the common charts and I start screaming ass of ago. It's not comedy countries, Nord stream, anonymous turkey. I could always sway my crazy and words in each other's woman, who is a friend of mine, and finally, I just go. You want, let's just for one. Second, where am I gonna calmly shores should. You have the number one colony, Alban, america, haggle. Ok, let's keep on.
How many times a day you know they use that you put it on the contrary, because they are bad words cry, but out by was very at the time I was very very passionate about since country not comedy, but then once people laugh at all. You know out here you're hot applause like having to audiences really my air well a lot of evil that listen data, because he don't listen to confer with spots on the other big too, as you know, cause radio or have me and then like, but I can go to bert I go to Joey or rogan or whatever you write here. If you're going to be here and what's interesting, is we were down in alabama this summer and I have whatever your album age. We just podcast anna, had you on the progress that has just come out and I play remit Your first album on our planet for lands, cousins and I said I saw what you guys to hear. I discovered podcast thinking that I did not receive it and because this goes all we'll walk or fucking love him turn it up and there was
irony in whatever song you saying, there's no common unit, sk. I was living the same life you live and I went in the music read the music great, but the you're resonate with four on different levels with different people. Yet f. What that's come. What may was talking about, is when I sing the first almah how rednecks yet I think sancho reaction in its on a guy. You know you know Google redneck shit and seeing what russia is just all the shipment Mainly, I mean I'm more of an observer, more shit. My friends did grown up in Kentucky. I'm saying all this they did or should that we thought would be funny it ran just just the way we talk in high school is on doing is making it taken all the high school talking megan rhyme, people had resonated people just because they know it's, not it's nothing. It's others! me too, because I was actually a thousand lean. I was arrived at a writing session once and some good,
I was actually there with the Chinese, and you know what the song is a little bit like redneck language like red next year, and I and he goes and so one other guys thriving session goes. We should just like google next shit see what kind of words go up. Any Google's redneck shit in my picture comes up no way I I'm like. Well, I ain't gonna, help you well yeah beneath the these writing sessions. I mean some of the guys are great writers, but a lot of merchants like you know they could be, ella new york, whatever just like you know, and so on, because I've been religion, the song running, seen lately cassettes words. That's what I'm interested in songs, so the tongue into a lot of euro songwriters you know of different jobs. Prison is interesting. What they hear cause I'll have pop people coming to me, though, go like you know I'm on the country charger like in a week it might might map. One a little more their site today, the there like you know you, would you want to write something like a ripe pop sounds like well. My people are Only that you know
needs little more, you no country language in it. You know that they're looking for more, you know rural highness stuff, I guess his pop moves more out into the you. Don't do that. Small cities of alabama, not just the big cities. You know so these are more that you know the first assessment of the I spent the last few straws of popular music. Whatever lear connects with you like what others a teller swiveller could I was like. resonate with me, but I I resonates because I go oh yeah. I bet, I bet that resonates with people live in the south is about to start one about getting out in the swinging door smacks or whatever, and I was like. Oh cause, there's a lot of screen doors in the south. if the screen door- sam- oh, I don't forget the lyric, but I was like how's it going. that's a good lyric as its it rings. True It's honest yeah! Well, that's one thing is you just? I don't care I don't listen to my listened back to tracks and go. Is that going to be honest, for I just seeing what's eyes to me and your hope is that people will connect with,
and you have some in common with an audience suit. I had a joke. I was thing about these joker. Her last night My body is, I think, in prison. No, maybe I should have said that in sorting out. I think I don't know what's going on them he's at even google him he's a joke. I did about gotta. Take an acid noted, disneyland with them, and the joke was he wasn't the brightest guy, who obviously is in jail for marijuana, dealing right now in florida, butter is harper So one time he misspelled his neighbor demand even write. This always forget you're from Florida. Media people forget testify, that's the real, and who in hand and setting Are you? Are you going to shower? we have. No, no yea units are less I'll, make you feel dirty. Are you gonna get the idea that people as they do that they they don't look talking to forgive my way, people, don't I take pictures of their pussy. No nonsense of men, like does make, sounds like this
no. No! No. He had told me about your songs and I think that you I listened to them in georgia to so alabama. Alabama, album russia, which should be listened to. These same lie definitely stuff that is familiar to all of my own. It's it's all I'm listening to now is like is like all It's you re nose like you got you storage or Daniel rate live the bird cloud, like oh yeah, it's all my favorite and I'm glad to hear that meets again out there. You know I mean you know don't take it easy, The surgeon was the first one to kind of break it over open, be applied, used Virgil I'd I'd. I had a he's, an old friend from Kentucky talking to dinner with him. Let a couple weeks ago and just like. now I think it's just kind of colleges like he just like a guy who's, his music just connect with people, but I think.
he, I would say he could have influence made less of as a friend is just like a member. Getting that what is records I gotta get grab his new record and kind of got me back in the country again just I hadn't heard real country in a long fucking time yeah there, here's a couple songs where I go where once again, it's the I guess now that one so you say this is the lyrics I a tune or get me like a good tune. As always, as you are playing that I was I you know, I play the guitar, but I was watching your fingers. I was like. Oh, he knows it's, it's simple. cord structure is not going to complicated, but the way you're doing it just moving the fingers in that up they don't got. That's why it's also bucking good. I can never be that groaning. It's our cells, we burn em for people, listen, love caustic! I love acoustic guitar playing a love it. Garnish, our you seem like you're gettin up
well? I just am afraid that you're not on any mike and so our ruins like bert, again you're fucking land but No, no, no! No! No, I won't ever know crashing No, I don't think I think you're the perfect person to be innocent here. Grub grab the guitar mike and could you Leon is just take the might baby I'll yet townspeople discarded. My it's ok now And so Leon is the perfect person because, This is done. She would listen to and the house of an obviously not that with the girls What I wasn't due in the house is classic country like Jimmy who george Jones ass, my mama. I love him. I was the wailing jennings moral haggard pardon old, dolly pardon last week. We would yet we have the basically the same ass. You like see, here's my class they all of these are important for me. when you take a sound like ninety five it it is well that was part
that was never knowing all the time, but it was stored, solid, so stilted song, but there is a cartoonists to it. You know like like just the what was the themes onto a movie? Yet nobody, but still, but it is still a great song yelling. When you hear it, you got still a great song ain't. You wrote it yeah. She will have to think over. Even though I understand about dolly she write all right on lays every instrument. You know: It was amazing. You know she get hired in because she's a woman she got big moves. People don't take her seriously. Is that you now is the people in countries other trees. You know what raised ever is up there with everyone else but linked to the outside world, does a kind of cartoon character, nurse tired, her image that doesn't get her, though you know the m. A clay. of like a george jones or something because or johnny cash if was clear, her johnny cash. You know nothing about. There's no island, morn johnny cash, but there's none. He did really that mean.
We was earlier and pioneered a bit more, but none he can do that Do you know rise opinion? I agree she played. I just heard the hollywood bowl and he played so many instruments. I couldn't believe it like no she's actually really play. Imagine if other I was demanded for like right now she's in my head liked him mcgraw comes out any he placed whole set of science. He wrote knees played twelve different instruments. He be that he be the next king of country, but that's not knowing do what she's doing now. No one can- and you know, what's really cool that that particular show I saw she told the story of how she wrote every single song she sang so then you know she wrote every single song in the two and a half hours that I watched her and it wasn't even close to her whole catalogue. Well, I was told recently that I don't sorry to interrupt, but someone told me that I'll bet it's true, that I will always love you that there that's the most
played song in the history of radio no way that she were. I mean people forget that wouldn't use and sun was juggernaut whose she wrote a report. wagner yeah exactly mean that I guess Other people she had her version, goose, porter wagner, poor Y know like her old partner. Like you know, there was like you and tell me- and you know our common- and loretta loretta george, who really was that, like a popular thing, is duets yeah, but what porter writer had his own tv show cracked and then had dollars and hired her? He already had the show and then hired her. and down idol of back at those pictures like the old they could shoot. I mean not that she's not pretty now, but when she was younger, she was a knock I she was a layer of yesterday I was, I must have been slipping through my phone. It was an early dolly parton. I was like she was fucking or she was gorgeous amazing to eliminate import away, nor there we're looking I people on the show. You see this, the hot the prettiest blogger. We've ever seen lie on garages.
I wrote the song you want to hear and she plays jolene like what are you gonna do like pass. You know. Oh you introduced me to Jolene. It's all right. What was the line you liked and jolly I dont know there is there is that there is always someone whereat ripe, where I record my my buddy put actually took over rca studio, H, nashville such that we require on and on the same floor studio where they require jointly in a boat. Those I mean just thinking, that's crazy here. You know when she left porter wagner, she left empty handed. You have. She gave him everything she wrote while she was especially in those days it, especially in those days it was on. You know. Women work, we ought to do that. Just like you know. I want my freedom and then he's like you know I made you I want to, were. I do not think that that is kind o, my god, it's just like real yeah, but it's like you know I'll start from scratch. I can unite
I know you're right, scary, that feeling in these she wrote. I will always love you after she left him, but the youngest you are again, but because I played a lurid lynn tribute show recently really and it was really fund because people's that they're waiting for me to a person. I just I I'm not going to curse during a loretta lynch I played on a fish city. You know that's a oh yeah, I love loretta lynn, Scott! Don't want to go to fair city. Basically, it's like her wanting to beat up guys who breed up girls We met him other guys. My first my first instincts. My first instinct was like that. So let's go ass, bad ass should my first instinct was to change it to a male switched, because because I'm analysing a female rendered in mind, then I realized I couldn't because if you switch the gender that it's maybe not women right ray, I couldn't do it like. I can't say if you mess my girl, you know
It may well be right that sound familiar with what she wrote. I don't know man on co writers, but she wrote a lot of science, but she was not what people don't know again need look about the bad ass, this country, music, And I always complain about how I'm banned from the radio and all that stuff loretta and from radio the pill What was that? What we wrote a song about being on the pill and they were labored, I'm talking to one being interviewed by the wrong person. She knows shit and I'm so glad you're here now my favorite music is seventies. Country is my favorite music. That's what listen do and I'm in the kitchen on alexa, as I just said, her play and I've read a lot about loretta dolly what's alerts, oh by the way, as amazon thing as on anywhere. There are now, if you want to feel like a husband and nation fifty's
What's that, what's that, what's the thing about tell what to do your alexa set a timer and ass, a timer like they do timers it'll play music for you just say it like that pay. It play a classic country playlist and show just shuffle classic country songs from that she's, not really good. If you like, electra play some love, making music more and I like to play, will lock a junior issue. Last year, she's a play Yeah are easy, hey make a list, my phone to do other shed and then up to your phone yeah so like when I the grocery store. My grocery list is on my found because I told alexa, hey, put melcombe a shopping list and bruce is amazing onto nation Sir John, that loretta through so you blow, and I think explain its a about being on the pill and how she's liberated now she can be just as liberated as a man. Could she got the bill and I all I'm down all ambiguous now guys can common me? That's all
think when I hear line I would imagine, but whatever was I want to say late sixties, I really seventy. There was something about the events in tunisia reminder in using no less imaginative anyone menagerie that she had how many kids, by that point, she'd had once the twins, maybe do an issue I have like six kids that she had with do so far, Then she's, like unhurried movement, kid I rather pale right, I'm going beyond the pills, youth, automobile inability, unmarried here, oh yeah, she's, married and I'm sure the implication was for all women married or no. You now have this freedom in the bible belt. Nonetheless, in the seventies also, I mean, I always think I was thinking about it from like a like a like a songwriter's perspective. She writes a song, goes to the studio has to commence the producer to play here.
you missed the label to put on the album like there are so many steps around like no. No, no. I manage writing from the heart exactly and then sending it the record to the radio stations in there just like one whoa wait and not only its all, what's also crazy to is it and just we're not gonna play. It is like when I play in any loretta really. It's your ban from the radio and then Did they what got her back on the radio It was just, I think it was just you know, pure him. It was just like you know. We want loretta, she will keep writing great songs and, just like you know, eventually, We like the dixie chicks, I think, was an example of not to get too heavy, but like three the day He just got fucked over. We note that the harnessing a political thing which I don't whatever it is, but you gotta. Look I too like, and I hate the right. stations, don't get me wrong, but. if your radio station, they all colleagues, say we're out. Listen
is your station anymore? Have you played the dixie chicks? It's not really their fault for not playing, and I don't think that's it your job is raised issues not to ring new music to the people. May I think it is but Actually you just accompanying you play what people want here. Didn't wanna hear it. There's all listen did yeah. They then you lose. It used to be that way, though, that new orders for broken I DJ is still used to be. You can pick what they want. Now it's coming from a company in new york, but yeah, but dislike that. Compare that to loretta, which is you know, we can't play the song and then people start calling up. Like we're loretta get. We want here, loretta, sheep she's. The pillars like no I don't give a shit play in a player new songs. You know my so there was no The ban was not really an official bain. It was just like amazon it's like we're putting you on probation, I feel like, but what she was banned. You know wow we're seeing coal miner's daughter
in a drive and movie theater. I ask the house knows: I'm one that came out. I must have been really only seven. I will have you removed from it all of it it's crazy. I just to think how she grew up and were laying I mean those racism now our ravaged by kind of pill. You know it's crazy because I knew my own nationals car friendly with crystal gay her sister toenails, whereas this tribunal on christlike elsewhere, berlin sister to younger sister. Yet there for the kentucky fan we come from like a holler is what they call you basically like a little. You know the community of veal, seventy people, so it hollers, not always dollar holler was like a place in the woods. what sort of its kind of all alike a low place tucked in somewhere is very equity, really. I got my joe, your kind of like a little less work. She grew up in the foothills appellation. I did well
these were really rural georgia, scrub bowed and about sixty miles west of atlanta, just little bit appellation little mountaineer blackjack mountain climbing up. That's my unreality. The people were very appellation. Yummy, did I mean did you really have any access to like tv gonna? Do people bring that stuffing I was hollers still nowadays are kind of you. Cut off from the world. I did. I mean we had. We had tv, but we were an hour and fifteen minute drive from atlanta. We had colours in the truck drivers grocery store because it took thirty. That's each way to grow store soldiers by the time you get married things ruined so as well these people nowadays, you know I'm real country from land lying known or you can you can you can order In groceries off amazon headlight in high school we gotta piggly wigley.
like my senior year in high school. That was such a big deal because I was a little local red devil. Grocery store has involve high school day was a red devils theirs. little betty, and he there was a butcher there but like if you wanted. Making cheese, your outlook view wanted orioles you had to drive thirty minutes I forget? Who does one or or everybody we used to get doritos and eat the whole bag in the back of the truck on the way home, because we were like? Oh, my god, we got some doritos, but He knows another reason. Some friends here make fun of me because I go to the store one day a week and I buy everything because you went to the store once and if you didn't get it you didn't have it Russia's are big deal on the cell. I was a bad. I was a bad boy for four years and a member made me laugh looking, on that I was. I was I worked It was the groceries called randalls it was a local grocery and that they decide to sell. reynolds and turn into a kroger's, and they
It was right during the first iraq war and the whole city like, took to the streets and had like a protest. and Emily green papers like iraq, war protests across the country and there, in my town they're protecting the gross because they're corporate yeah, because other saying that there's like you, know we're not going to get fresh produce. You know the produce isn't going to be as good we're not going to get. You know was such and such no randal a major ain't, gonna be around no more tomatoes. Stick around for the new growers for awhile and also the guy, not today what you say. You know these are not like these. Apple, so much they all get the green ones for you. You know it's like that was like a. It was almost a farmer's market, the pride of ownership right, and that doesn't happen when a corporate when he moves in there's. No one I'd never see, it was the first protest. I'd ever seen, people it was like it was like the women's march, but it was for for apples for randolph. That's so funny what a random what's been. What's like your what's, the song? Not not ago like I've. I feel bad even talking this interview, but her what's like do
you're just kind of get in the way a little bit yeah. We only have any more shit. I dunno I dunno. Actually I want her to get some big dates come now. I want you to say: I'm in in a real. I want a real your dates day. Eight. My my show I got shows comin up our oh yeah. That's right also. What are they? They limit their my form and I pray, pray forgot. The thing but on Burma that this is not the case that our group will do. You no doubt comes here and you're, probably europe city felt city for now yeah, but no we're doing the fort. My four biggest shows ever west Why, for some reason it's much bigger on the web. Coast. I guess I think it. What is it like that? see anything. It is a real live redneck behind you in a case your son, I play the south- I do well, but west coast me Crazy and really big promoter came out here. like we want to get in the wheeler business.
December. Third, through six west coast, dates, yeah. We under this summer, third urine and novo downtown and Ella. Yet, which is my three minutes headlines, two thousand see places baked for me. thus graves would be fantastic. While I get youtube as ticketing come now. I love I would love that that'd be awesome, I had a question now forget it I'm here is that sunday yeah. Also play the monday, I think, is. An area over such tuesdays and anna, which is not farmer. I, no said is just that way If you can make the sunday show come to light, and then I think the last it's only four days The last will be phoenix. And are selling really well, I hear they're selling good yam is fine. As I mean I don't. I don't like. I love doing the podcast to hang out, but it's what I love is your promoters. Managers call up like you know, you got these days, you gotta do promo and I'm like I'll do Joe, de as an bird and they commit to then that's big promo
for me it is hanging out in him fund, as opposed to you but four in the morning do some shitty radio. You know. Last night we had a conversation with someone today. oh sure, say them. You fear The dates for the wheeler walker, junior west coast final shows you the year. Ok Sunday, december third, the novo by microsoft, in l, a monday december. Fourth, the observatory north park san diego tuesday december. Fancy observatory in santa anna and push wrong. My love and wednesday december saves the Van buren in phoenix arizona. But that wasn't even realizing the reason I wanted to okay. This is how up I got my ass whooped. My parents divorced. My mom moved me to atlanta. My ass got whooped your answer by every day and they would come hillbilly. Are you ready I sunday Thirdly december third, the novo by microsoft. Last aunt.
Sound different them hold ass, well, ass, a country should our at reading Monday December fort the absurd Arbitrary, observe north depart sandia, go california, tuesday. amber fears, the observatory, anna, who gets laureate and waste. The december six debate and buren phoenix airs, Now that's what I've been waiting for, yeah! That's how you promote dates that there's how you do it right now! you is she. When her family comes out, her actually gets so is so bad. I can order in a restaurant ire. They don't know what he is saying. What we're now I dunno. If he was the last of him in nashville, you've been there have never been to never been there. It's crazy cause. You know I grew up in lexington and then miles from my great grandmother parents or from national, so we go back to you know for generations
when I was a kid. Nashville was a small town where you would maybe run into fucking tanya Tucker some and it's vegas. Now I mean it's crazy. They got these things. These pedal taverns, you've seen those things where the girls drink beer and they kind of parallel yea rights. It's it's we're every bachelor, already in the south is now ash will never know hips its hipster village like jack. Why? move their lackeys knew their kings. Only I like it is the place to move now Is the jack white studio to record an album and they can record it to learn a third man? Third man yeah cause with ari, and we just some stories in it. I don't even know if it came out ever, but I wasn't yet people he gets a little bit of a graph. Maybe the work just cause. is a detroit guy move them, but I think he's doing a shit for that for international yeah. He seems to be super passionate on his album with laura ireland was fabulous yeah. It was agreed on that yeah yeah. I mean that's my thing too, as if I mean I get pissed to that people are moving into national on fuckin ransom price are going up,
you're passionate about it. You know four for a guy. Like me, turn in a back abandon those fuckin twenty awesome drummers? Who can all fuckin play? That's good! That's good for business for me, because if a guy like bales, you know, there's a guy just ask we want too much money and I'm trying to be dick about it, but, like there's, nineteen guises is good. so you do and all your albums international, oh yeah, yeah to him all day with Dave who does he was another means just like he's a guy from georgia. Just like you kind of message, the studio? I think you ll actually loading only for a while and then. Shooter jennings is like hey. You got to hear this guy sturgill simpson. He was okay, you know what come over to my place. I got a couple of grand we could put a record by the second one year. They saw a few hundred thousand dollars. Recently. I mean I mean he's liking and thence Chris tabled and heard mangoes. He make my record and that once it
pray, five million right now, whatever it is, you know that's great. How does the breakdown go for money when it goes like we're talking today about blink one, eighty two and they sold tourism Did you hear that our view with rogan know? Why have you? I saw some commenting, someone, someone tweed me like how bad was an interview. It wasn't bad. It was a great value interview. Images. Bizarre is shit line, ask tourist what are they leads of blank one day to day But they ve been broken up for a while Tom. tom delong is starting a foundation for space. Time travel and does space aliens. Not doing a good job. Once again, it's like listen to the podcast sounds like the guy. Just has too much money. He has too much money and he's got a lot of big thoughts, but.
I am all for sending going away to the space. But even now I can tell you one son: may god, where, if you tell me, Yet I would recognise the song, but I can't tell a soul and anyway, my point is: google, how much he was worth his of eighty million, and then I said: the summit will travel with or without captain being- and I said he sold twenty five million albums in the nineties and that's when, when you sold albums in the nineties, that's when you made the most fucking money they sold with like ninety nine and then when that's what people are still sucks, saw records, I mean that there are big label, though I mean the difference. I and call for me, as I put my hands out myself so. I have to say I mean I make on the record label, so your eye I get everything. I guess I actually don't.
Everything I have to give a little bit to a distributor. I get. Itunes takes a piece. Amazon takes a piece of not just doing it for fun, but you know like blink way too. They give the piece to itunes and give the piece give a giant chunk disowning, a big chunk too, that you know Shareholders, whatever it is, you know, but it still the if you, it even if you're making pennies eighty twenty five million actors them. You know it's going to add up I was wondering I was wondering what it's like now. because I know that I will if it's more advantageous for me to release a comedy album or like a comedy, album or put out an hour on my podcast or or do in our special, whereas the most money land, Well, I mean nowadays I mean for everyone is pretty much. It's all wasted maker, The live business, yeah, that's twenty! Unless for you for me much ring is where I make all my money, with the beggar make money on the podcast. Thank you for listening adds everybody, but I make money.
the podcast let them go and look for the most part, the progress for me as a passion play because I love doing it, yeah me I wish I was thinking of you. I mean here's. What the I've learned if you wanted to its worth If you want to try to make money from albums making an don't, you know until This could, I know you don't need any right. If I can do anything comedies, just a microphone it. Maybe mike on. I answer some. I don't know but except myself. I can make it sound great. I will put up on it. Get it get a good guy to photoshop a cover, especially itunes. All he needs to cover. You don't need all the inside work and ownership, and then you sell it for nine. Ninety nine you'll get if sorry for nine, I honour on itunes. I thank you you'll get six, no none of it in your pocket. the eu is was amazing. Yeah, I mean think about two like. If you think you can Ten thousand. Oh, I don't know if it's it's hard to say because a lot most of your family I stream it, and you know whatever
it thereby rift and put online quickly, something fans who I think, I'd pry, probably I can im, use it for some reason: people who, still by albums, think they I feel like them seen the comedy charts like feel at you know: people still like to buy music but the common charts was crazy. You know like the week my arm can I think I sold like ten thousand albums that first week and that was on the we charge a number two in the common charts sold like eighty wreck. You know it's just like people just don't think they stay. Look it. Again I'm so you from the outset think they look at comedy. I miss something special with netflix everything, something that they just are owed. Much also, but I also think it's it's worth a shot like why not music's a little different in that when you release music, there is so much that it's well. It's it's only way to take it in almost is that it's a private experience, yeah, why see allow people it shows. You know, though, by my by the vinyl Anna cd, just as they want me. They want their approach.
can't, even though they ve already are another streaming idolizes it was interesting to me as I think that our world is shifting back to audio based, because I'm listened a book ah, you know inaudible people listen to podcast while their working people listen the comedy albums or music, and I wonder if the shift is, if there's a shit tapping that hasn't completely happened yet where people want comedy albums because they also listen to part, can we listen to undermine the plane, putting your headphones? Who wants to do it on me? I love how many arms, and I mean we're commuting, my my recommendation be just I would put it out ninety nine, whatever on itunes? It sits in such a low risk thing low risk in the upside is so big. Could you never know I mean you- could sell on a low amount and make autonomy. You know your soul, You sold ten thousand or albums at six. Ninety nine and you walk away with six.
thousand dollar. Seventy thousand. So today I m sorry to Amy out sounds to me. Like you put, you could literally put a few hundred bucks into it to make it yeah, I mean like investment, has really been. My thing is just to make sure you watch out, for you know so calmly, central records whoever it is just don't do anything with those, because all and you're gonna pay them half their genetic half the money for just sending it tightens the you can do that you're so I mean now your photo thinking, you're fucking kids could do it. I was thinking about Recording all my stories, like all my stories and recording of releasing among album and just get mean now, I would do to me an experimental kind of comedy arm is something I think interesting. I feel like gum a couple, those certainly were thirty sustainable, just kind of people, moral, Dick and around you know. I feel it there's still. A market You know like when I was a kid and sat there be ladys like prank call to
that would be la has around you know like turkey, boys and that kind of shipowners their ship before that to you, last of yasser gum. I saw him to combat violence. From my childhood once called goofy gold and the others called funny bound, and they were just comedy music and a few jokes, I kept my whole life because I listen to them like on a loop, mining area. In the south I mean eyes, I definite sustain up growin up later. But just here and there and I for the life of me, I could not tell you who I cite just like these guys and count. We had an overall. It would just come to town and justly tell me like a red nike, jokes, I think the south has a very specific sense of humour and all the guys, like all my dad's friends, all had a good sense of humour and all told jokes. I dont think that happens outside this house. I think we may be, or I at least thought everybody we had a great unwell
a sense of humour and you're gonna, your nose young human lunchtime on national becoming you know. Turning into corporate is like I'm sick Thank you see when it on a city cunning, its bigger. I founded the sitting. Humor kind of leaves like the shit I'm here which is fucking with nationalistic, I see the good boys were laughing, but that the new guys like this, shooting funny. You know you're you're fucking with you, Is our bread and butter in your right? On it, get the joke right. I think here, No, no, I'm really. I'm really is the off your fuckin. It's not frank, you know, but I'm just I'm so sick of what's happening, country, music. Right now that I wanna hey, you know what I can vote can sing. Healthy shit, not sell you fuckers and play bigger places and fuck you and their liked very get there taken it really sick. so you mean I've got so many fucking calls from managers, agents record labels. You know hey man back off relay here MIKE battle of what was it. It is our business because the only effect
their business. I opinions all I'm doing, is helping. I mean If there's some shitty song like I would I saw this new this new guy Some guy country guy, I just always check out the new country releases, just to look at my new material. Some guy is a song called. You know like I guess it's like a play off of like pink floyd I wish you were here. He has a sancho wish. You were beer I don't. I don't even fucking, listen to it, but I will, but I went on, went on twitter earnestly seriously. to come to this wish you were, I haven't heard about you. I can tell you, I mean there's no way. The good song. I only need to listen to it like and theirs no one called beer in the headlights in there's like. These could be at least there's using like fucking. What it's like. I got that's why we say go. Why my? Why am I on the common charts, fucking and wish you were beer should be on the fucking calmly shark lose your beer, We want. I used to one always right, a song about get out.
I'd say thousands ashura sancho wish. You were food as I really dramatic, like love song, about how like you'd, be much cooler. If you were a pizza, you know, but those are. The songs have gotten that bad right and they're, just unlike me pointing out how bad they've gotten you know and like like. I said this filth outselling them. It's just like wait, a second then they go off. His songs are actually better. So as it was, say for us who we ve got this whole. system, reorder fuckin. We took a radio for a year and we build up these people for Billions of dollars in terms how this fuckin dipshit, with a record the costume The grand gotta see that they ve got to see. That grew dripping like stud dripping through their fingers, cause the big dominum, the big selling women videos changing in general and and where is you know? big and radios country. A mexican
the two biggest genre, latino latino mexican chloric mexicans talk about but they their law and they're gonna go away too, They know the guys who are there right now, just like, let's grasp these last few years right now: the model, a model that you're representing makes them totally obsolete. It yeah, that's what that's a good point you make, which I think at the end of the day, the language does a piss off as much as that, I'm doing without them correct Without the system is a threat to their direct because I'm showing people I just made ampler myself right and I I go on birds I guess I go on road, I go enjoy ideas. I skip the radio like you know you can just go on these podcasts there's theirs. It's too done seventeen and go on youtube. I've done Amelia these fuckin Joyce should others who states people call me about time. You ended you youtube interview, partly just like who the fuck, you fuck, that now just bob starts, are doing them
you never know where no one's gonna fuckin take off. I right. It is by novel. I've got a lot of, else from read it. I saw no more aware of this it doesn't make any sense, but I don't understand readily either everyone's always like dude you're training on read. It now make you I wish I could find that I don't know that means I dunno what it means either, but you know god bless him. It's helped me a ton. You know, and then at the song for my first record, called fuck you bitch blew up on top called black twitter, which we talked about route. No, I didn't know that we talk about that. We what happened. I just gotta, like the erika, battues posted your song and some guy. Dae kwon. Do you know him he's like? Basically, I social, my no black twitter. I know black twitter very nicely restraint here. I think, is basically like how all like all cooked culture comes from the black and you know it hop sorry. There are obviously rock and roll blues whatever lays yet now, like all the law, the means that you, like your kids, are passing around
they all started in like us, unlike what they call black twitter Somebody made a meme of over the course of fuck. You bitch my song from the video and they just put some wrapper put on topics and tax wrote did no country, this hard then it like just that mean when fuckin viral and theirs, who people who is this and is right when my new album came out. Why came out it just the first, I'm too, from this. You know this web section, of social media. They know shit about so we price or more the first, as many copies of the first record on the release week of the new one just cause, I mean that's cool coincidence. It could haven't any any anyone any weak I was he's a mirror would hear this could produce a mere were huge jobs. twitter and burma
we'd like twitter is twitter. Leanne is just the section he has it's, not it's not like black twitter dot com does not like asian facebook, where everyone has a hard time tagging themselves and photo why it's a good joke. Can it, sir? That mean? No? That's not me, so is already very racist, but is it ok wrote a long time ago anyway, black twitter, wouldn't they followed friend, and so I wanted the trends would be or if someone posted on them at all, go in on that one big ones was the bronze kermit. Seventy hat, you don't even know if that is with like he will the term sipping t had during the the during the night, getting we're getting the trophy. I think, and Everyone knew what that men on black twitter, because kermit guarantee, as a means of like of like oh, I just can do whatever you do and other senior sip tee one. The big ones like video, gives him. The hood is our that the crying jordan syringe or nothing started on black twitter, which is
saying that now dishonor stand but yeah, but like twitters, and very energy is a mere offer them before the really great there they do a park has called a bodega boys. You show on vice vice lynn, com It is a miracle and I went on and what you are saying is, I agree wholeheartedly I've I started seeking out stop this year that I found interesting. indeed, as a mere one of them ones were shown. Evans was one of them so I went on how ones I'd have more people hit me. from hot ones. I mean I've. I've had loads on hot ones. Right now is probably not let militant what's her. What's hotlines, it's! Let's see if I can find, is a show where you eat different hot sauces and you try to have a regular conversation like the hosted the show they shoot. I'll go do it. Sean. Someone had sean tell me walkers ready they, Do it at a new york mostly, but he comes to land as iran
Never national supervision, asheville socket, I fucking hate new york. I don't hate you, I just I just point three million views when you try adjusting the heart just eaten hot ones and tell stories it's too hot and you can't deal with it and you have to tell a story while eating hot things, and it's all talk to the host but it's the same thing. You says that you can kind circumnavigate specified are creating your own content. You can certain which you did, but he released one of his body. Was actually thinking of doing this following your tracks You mean you how the other people where he was he released one of his videos on porn hub. You dont, know porn hub. Only if I don't know that people put their policies on snapchat. I don't know. I point out that this is just, as is the world horn its. If that is the heart of the rhine, I've makes em it's it's. It's the best website ever made.
yeah you've got some videos up there, leone that I posted shut up, but he put he put a video up there and I was like I was saying to someone we were looking at altering. lives for releasing the next hour. Like we're looking at all option. so you across the board import amused like fuck it. Why and why not put it up on porn hub like its dirty and people find and be like thought, it it's in your. Why not put it on netflix, but also for for the first weeper on Pornhub or something yeah you know cause. That was my thing. Is what happen, and was the thing now is, with digital, though like whose like, whose of mainstream artist jason, isabel someone will His arm comes out whatever date the week before and pr will have its streaming for free so too, as a preview, so they cling to me. Like you know we, strange zalm for free a week before comes out and there like gimme all these places and pierre like npr, obviously won't do it because dirty without lula, rolling stone over your mother. it just hit me like a ton of recent years.
I can guarantee you everyone? These websites, you named all put together, get up poor porn site, gets it's like an hour, so just go porn her by go? I guarantee you they get billions of years a month. Hey! That's your job! Call someone not at all. I wanna premier, my new record on porno now before the video from I wished, the whole first outline on. However, we forums the whole video importing another whole. Our behalf. On the first item, the first I'm can I am a week before was released and Do you find that helped? I think you did certainly didn't hurt. I mean I mean if you get free, masturbate or in the world, was the record in only half I have to buy it to make a profit right, by the way when you, google, your name on port hub, almost a million views on person boots, but the accident, cause kosovars, wheelchair important,
and some tell me that wheelchair point is void higher viewed by the way. Immediately, when I saw wheelchair born, I went far call on them to take see wheelchair porn for our shot. No, you are much. It is not pleasant. You have. much more views than this oh, this is not give us great. So I've got a million views on Pornhub. That's probably the lowest viewed video in the history of porno, but that's great for me. You know me it's offer you back but yeah I mean like that's, that's the that's the low end right, Yet at the wheelchair porn is not what I'm into. Nothing to notice of people who discovered me I'm porn have their stolen. They don't want to hear You know that they pretend they just found me organ, the right to say that they want. on porn. Heaven knows I was jerking off and then I was sent down thing about shit in this matter. Cover you. I thought I'd just listen, just my things after undertook an awful plants are good country. I totally on that
before I go to spot, when I google born I'm a big and yeah a lot of porn companies have like the site that I did that they thought was good for the industry and then all these people like send me free passwords for these other sites. I'll tell you what leanne watch the kids I mean the shit they go on like that, you mean poet passwords for these, like the ones that are I pay sites. Somebody's I or fucking threw up. It was just like really, I don't one explain it. It wishes to create what, we're doing now on the fucking internet, no secrets, there's no secrets and nothing. Nobody was like shit. I had. I literally had to ask like friends of mine who are like in the medical profession like what's like this healthy. You haven't, allows ask him I'd like to see this detours pro lapsed, anus dude have you seen the guy with two dicks nobody's? on the site. It he's gotta prologue Siena's, I showed you, the upper left, amazon and anti almost threw up and almost long it was like this. Not sex is another
sexy. Them is just fucking grow. Sick values do not allow people are going out with their sick. I think that is that it again. The same thing is that you should not take a picture of your policy and send it to someone there's stuff that, while clue that's your pussy looks pretty nice compared to I, like I love you know like as a lollipop Dana's lollipop way you not just take a picture pussy you just you flux little bit, you lay make sure it's gotta time matter not at all. I think you're a little pragmatic, you know not proud, I think you're just a little bit you'd honest and I'm with you, it shocked me like. If I was fourteen, and I saw you back in the day is I was I'm older so before poor like, if you so show me one picture naked girl that could keep me go on for a year, given that I had by the way- and that is what worked for me. Then the pictures were of anonymous girls. They were of playboy or whatever I now say so. I feed show me a picture of and I never saw a naked grow. My age tulip has brought you know lately
as early as but like now, These kids fuckin take pictures. They don't get. fuck the other objectified themselves, really in a certain way, because you yet you know, looking at a woman in a playboy magazine, she's, an adult and she's saying: hey, I'm going to be naked and I'm cool with that. So then she's agreeing to allow whomever to look at her naked yeah. It was as a young girl. I would assume what they're saying is. You know I'm open for business exactly but they're, not old enough or mature enough to really even completely understand what that means. Yeah you're right, yeah, that's! The problem is that if a fourteen year old boy in theory, got this pussy picture it would probably be from a fourteen year old or somewhere. Thereabouts age are doing it because they see Kim kardashian or whoever for that or that they don't know how to communicate with a boy in any other way than to send them a fucking picture of pussy,
Why was a kid, and I obviously didn't have a cell phone as a kid, but if I did, I probably would have taken, I wouldn't have sent them to people. I probably would have taken a lot of pictures of mine when I first got the camera on my phone. All I did was take pictures of my dick. Yes, I've ever thought about my putting my vagina man. I took a really tasteful one. I send us a girl one time and it was the it was the shadow my dick cast. It was the picture. My deckers addict a picture of my dick shadow and it was. I was like that's fucking, smart, by the way that was like, seven months ago I don't know, is worrisome because you think No wonder there's this whole big section of the country where they ve gotten so conservative that view have. Those like does
and now they give a ring. The are those things where you go well, that's the other end of like I'm not doing anything. What priority needs rolling it all round like I'm like impart amusing. More on that- and you know what I mean he pushes you over like that. I don't want to see because now that I'm fuckin forties like I don't need this. this girl, you know the girls who can't me it's after shows, is more before you know. Like twenty three, that's a kid to me: you know I don't need to sit there and they said Do they do? Is they said to me on, like they used to know as much anymore? Certainly, unlike instagram private message, guy elder brother message has got to tell you there's a secular, they can send you a private message, but I can say to you and has a work. It look. I guess it's on there's a sexual life. History have direct messages that are people out. I'm not friends with that. I could go look at me and I'll check Sometimes it's a bunch of, and I think Come about I'm kind of music people sent me fuckin dicks, all the time. It's not like
just ass. I gazed just like your I'm fuckin rocks here's my dick I guess I got five bucks for awhile here. Please the problem is you can say enough at the big picture that makes them start fleda you for letting digs does your job as bizarre there's. No doubt bizarre, but it's kind of new world were living in legislating. Like you said, secrets, are no nothing there's a there's totally a possible way. The guys could send new dick pigs on your instagram eye. Opening those those I just gave out. Liens email address an accident where you pull that out just gave me his email address valid accident. Please remember to believe that out, these. I see him right now. He's gonna hurt but yeah. He is checked time to oregon nice thanks. I am we're glad this interview worked out this way, but because I was a kid I just want to stop for one second to whoever's. President. Twenty years from now, there's going to be pictures of his dick
oh, our european rounders, as of drumstick dick of yeah I guarantee you probably, but I'm saying, but he didn't grow up in that culture and he didn't grow up in it. But already thirty years from now the president, someone has some girls going to some woman. the time will be like you see his dick was like when he was eighteen here a year ego or they will have grown up in the purity ring. People know no! No one's gonna be the purity ring people, georgia, maybe georgia's too much of a prude like seas. agree to choose Jesus. I agree too Sheila walmart ilo eyelids, every loose cannon that others are Auditors, georgia is really modest. So we attack on you. I wondered I'm curious. Now that I've seen you asked the other is Heaven a dad whose, like a zone of kids but having a dad, is like a little The machine does that make them in europe
since it is, they must be crazy, might melema real and things they pry pull back and apply a little more conservative with georgia is for sure Georgia's really. I dont know that if it is necessarily in reaction to her dad she's all he's been like rule follower, people, pleaser moves grade a student like that kind of kid. A do everything right follow. The rules does always been who she was from when she was born. I was always been very lose. You know she's jews hard to keep alive where, for the first, like ten months where life, because you ve on shit on schedule, listen to you she's got her own agenda, she's very stubborn she's. What kind of the same? Sometimes I think she gets amp up, because her daddy is amp top and now but I dunno if georgia is in reaction to bert, is a cool thing about. Is when he gets home he's just dad. There are times from you know. If we go out in public, someone goes a machine and they know it.
the story. Is the EU canada and he yells at them like I do he I've seen that a lot in nashville. You know these can outlaw guys and the kids are, are leno, prim and proper. Just like you know that the only way to rebalance suggest you know Gary opposite get an accounting job. When I was a kid I saw hank Williams junior come up to accept an award and hank Williams, three hank three came up with him, and he was, rest in life, hard core. punk rock I do yeah. I remember seeing echo unlike oh man and then when I heard that he was singing country like no way leah was first when the term you onto it like I saw him he opened for Dwight yoko met the greek and I was last called. Why don't you just want my favorite
If every album is everyone's, let's take a slow, you wrote what you come right now. He is because, like he's, if I'd cheese numbered every would be withdrawn yoke of pass, but we should we should. We should turn me they have. I love him by way of learning and supposing we are now moving on to them. I need my example that would be the waitress at the dame funnybone shut up. Hotlines appeals for joy. Oh, I think I think I might creep the fuck out of linsey. You met lindsey, I didn't. I said he I will will save that the conversation mediums ike, you really think she's beautiful, Oh, she was like so humble mozart, lowly air you're, pretty too so it's all about dwight yoakam for second. What was it that You found ill fell, Dwight yoakam about dwight heroes. I thought he had a pretty unique voice for the time that I discovered him. I wasn't in a country music, and I heard him
a few member. This whoopi goal bird had a really late night show in the early nineties, shad like late night talk shows a goal will be around suddenly he was on it and I listened to him their conversation. Any talk about kind of how we grew up and he's he was really well read and. really came, are allowed to be an actor and then fell in love with the The bakersfield sound a lot of buck, owens, nm yeah, but he's he's from Kentucky and I write to Me- was always to like people made funny for me. If kentucky is like is my always my go to other dry yolk was from kentucky tagging the image northern california too, with his family. I think but I know he was playing music. Time, Punkahs really big and he would follow punk band, so they called him uncle Billy when he was
first and allay before getting I'll tell ya like acts and that he would write at the wrong because those days were in a cab we had and playing country. Music was punk rock and lay I'm sure right, and I think his rock billy wasn't anywhere in allay he was the canada only guy it. If I understand it right, yeah, that's the thing that for me for dwight was that he's put you know, really traditional country, music and breaking through on mainstream level. At a time when that shit just wasn't happening any more right and you could learn. You know he would always play book song or thing with your jones, whatever that would get back. I was liked the guys who take you about the guy's before He had a meeting with the stones here they will always let you know had arguments and early days you know like we want to bring Helen wolf on this tv show that kind of show. Kids. I then we're going on. You know like here in amerika we wanna meet how and with what I am on the show take this meal. We want. A pound black eyes to family show is like
in the sixties, widow roundly none at all, then we ve never now come on man really. So I love that shit. Dino research Do I came for you I think, is important. When we do I such diverse artist, I don't think people like fuels. News covers album waited cover. Of all these rocks. Songs and country songs his Rotation of them were really also do here is please purple rain that came out kind of recently. Now I hear that he has a. I think it was maybe it's more like a bluegrass album. He didn't like a bluegrass version of purple rain. That's amazing, is it really he's just an amazing artist that he is a great guitar player? register, but the greatest voiced guys great voice so unhappy, don't know how he also. yeah. I lose them of talk to whoopi and then I bought this time, his elbow time and then about guitars gulags, and then I just kept buying cars national recently in for like a charity in there, I mean like. We are just plain old cover songs and I'm like just give me all the Dwight songs cause I just
I can't sing. Like images other sounds, I know I went to sing the song. There are only a gap that dr gray I found out. That was that the songs about sharing stone that and if you do, for like a minute yet really and then like. Maybe she came crawling back for a second or something that lonely yet when he things a song about miss p bodies. Peabody's coal, mine, I think, is a covers all country song Paradise lost a thinker or paradise. Oh, my god is one of my favorite songs is about galileo. He about, if I named my favorite country, songs he'd be up there in, like, I said those classic country songs some have written so long that he just to have some recently. As such the amazing he read it all of if one hole, I won't called dwight sings book great album and then Dwight yo come across dot net love that album, because a third great, every song, to give just him in a guitar
To guide our whole paradise or, I said, is paradise, heard ice and yes, there look up purple around in here on land here I don't think. I have heard that. how we start talking about dwight where's, I'm a close route. Yet he is culture, I've. Seen! Oh, I don't know how many times live. Probably twelve
These are eager something advise on refugee us grandma. Really like this fantastic blow. You open up a rattle we, so he sobered live. Have you ever seen a mile. You live here with her village, a shave rose up here or mine he's one iota log eyes. I saw him in billy Jos son. Actually, Oh indeed years ago many whisky, Dwight all guitar
player for a little bit. Billy Jos, the real having billygoat did you know the whale and alomar hockey talk heroes. Yes, my favorite way that those are all billy Joe shavers. Ok, Emily Joe was our sheep. We talk about. Like you know, what's school cool about what's happening here and there like Joe shaver reached out to meet anyone to meet land. I was like that I mean really as billy Joe Billy shaver. He was stir. He would just on trial a few years ago, people off like loving, was even way on or someone with the club was. You know all the old outlaw country guys they go all out she was was a much a guy's. China became they were village of shaver. He was a real like an hour right in a few years ago. He got, we will try. LISA he shot his friend in them in the fuckin mouth, but my guy and he got off it. Oh, he had out. He had willie as a character, witness in a couple of other guys, while the judge the judges He had any regrets and he said I had.
I have one night and get my bullet back It's quo was I shot him right between the mother and the fucker in the mouth. I guess it didn't do do that much harm in the guy. I dunno, maybe he's not doing well now, but he didn't die. It was not a murder case for shooting Nicky crutch snuck up on him, or so I don't. I don't want to give. Watch the details weeks? I don't am, I know em but yeah me. I meet the chinese, you know the three fingers I don't know only had finally billy Joe shaver- is in new brothels, texas, friday December eighth at riley's tavern as well, How do I go see? I go watch. How can I go out you'd? Let me put on a great fucking life at that that's how you sarcoma dwight is hank three three open for dwight at the greek- and I thought the standard based player was gonna like play himself, off the stage It was so good that I went home that night and told him we
to buy this album. I didn't even know that hank, junior, how to sign that was in music. I did had No, I do he was. I was absent. We blown away by that band and then The next album came out like hell, or some hell was the name of an album year after I got some of those but yeah. I like that. First album like lovesick broken. Lonelier. Some was so good. I love a paint junior to live, hang junior! Do juniors like defies my college years, as all we listened to in college was hank and was his name David The bottle I usually do. Holly Williams is thanks d or take juniors daughters? I guess I'm thank the thirds. I know her better and hang a third sister. I don't know how you not you never know who whoa holly Williams, films, this
beer. I read something about her and tat, really protein gm thing. Why our she married to a guitar player heard her middle names, audrey yeah. I just one such in that when the hanks hank juniors moms name, I don't lose. I watched a documentary on hank senior where we will use them, maybe documentary I watched a movie on hague, sr o that yet heard they made him. The guy who made my shirt, the woman who may my share for my first record at the time was working on hank senior movie here and she was I think it must be the same area. Just like not like a low budget knows allows lazy awesome. It was really good, but audrey got pregnant, while hank was on the road and a boarded the baby, because she wanted to show him like she wanted to just even if you re, I mean people forget as much as hank senior. The influence he diet, fucking, twenty, not re, use yeah
That's a lot of you die. I don't remember. I mean it was not only a vague shut up. I think It's a bit of a joke, but the grandmother died. They go. Oh, my god, how did grandma die to go skydiving? What the fuck do you think is fighters? Was it alcoholism or something yeah? They found him in his car. I mean, I think it was just you know, whoa hold on too hard and just like catching them, he had a back problem, and so they were, describing them pills and boots and- and I think in those days you didn't know what to do now. Yeah or just like yeah take your medicine. You know how much had range driven you want. yeah. No one ever told you the slowdown. Hollywood. does not have any towards aids coming up. I would like to have seen her life. Yes I asked- I saw three live and it was one of my one of my favorite. I took my whole crew, two other want. Someone told me that he does when eat. When you are female due to settle your tongue, said anko, It is appalling set and the countryside we left for the puncture
belong, the attitude and early. We had an early call time, but we say the country set and dumb the great it was great. I've always had really good experiences. It country shows, more so than rock shows to fill it with. Rock shows there is a little bit of ay and air about them like you does he will go and its idle it's more of a hipster, yes where it is that the two are combining work is welcome to a lot of country now. But I love country shows now just causes with raw being pretty much dare unless you want to go pay five hundred, She see guns roses, it's like I saw guns and roses. I saw him in high school. I saw them for my birthday last year and at dodger state I wasn't are they still sound good? I mean I was also found a challenge. To show actually are, tat. He played a year that, whatever the
scholar. The titans play always forget them, Are you now able and opened up and might think guy proves my records play. Guitar was on stage but I was on tour. I couldn't go with them. Heard actual those but voice back or was it fucking keller? He was amazing, it was a great shout rule I couldn't stand. might not otherwise shows I've ever seen in my life, and this is a little off brand for this conversation was mine. this mouse, which I've, never been able to find them on tour. Ever again, they stop putting out albums, I think, will and it certainly great because they sound like with these. Unlike on the record that I saw called kids or in concert, and I was there Warren is good. They were like all jammy and stuff, and I was like playing like I've. Oregon heard it yeah I mean I'm. I don't like. I don't like to just say like I, just only listen to country like one of my favorite bands, a spoon I got an email from the guy from spoon is saying. Bread is a fan any
came to my show in Austin, I need say highways again sound and great it's really cold and it's really cool the that's. The kind of show called means as much to me, as you know, as more more than you know, malaysia or village. Oshea remains more. I guess just I want to see him love. I want to see him. I want to see Oh, my long hair, this care cover up david on co. I do I open up two days for data unko, the glory days. I mean I love here. There's a guy on his prime. What I say that the guy, but on its own. You are I don't. I don't wanna talk shit about him, but those that his means gotta be seventy now right here. a lot of years of hard living, but you know he's written a set and people. I think people like in our community. I know that he was a guy who did dirty songs and they always use him in reviews of me, but he had a legit country career
a lot of great fucking inside a large majority yeah great when years, yes he's out chiesa easier, he's a giant of country music. For thirdly, argues for it. Sing too, is out of yours, some trivia, you you and he would east it. He had. This is logical, really we ve got play these dirty songs, anna Shel Silverstein was kind of hung out with that gang, as you should record. Those dirty sound. It was his eye shall soldiers really earlier shells christine role by name suit, You are a lot of countries front returns. Eat him. Remember that ban doktor hook, yeah. That was based, shall silverstone ban just two It shows that Silverstein songs did not are all overall shells too to either way private. Amazingly. Can I tell you one of my favorite songs is a doctor talks on I got stoned and I missed it. You know that one, that's a good one no buy have. I have doctor hook. I have the whole, let's see
Tell you I think this matters, two million We are also you're, pretty freaking, who time d him sing about ten thousand down was the right. Time is now more another cover wrong and got him on the cover. Who did it? I was I thought I was on the cover rolling stone when I was in nineteen. Ninety seven, but was back I was in the magazine full of like that debate. The art of the ark about me.
prominent among part of the country here, but it was, it was back or did they tell you? What do you mean? You thought you on the cover. I was going to either like you're, going to be in rolling stone this month and I got it and I grabbed the magazine. I was like, oh my god, I'm on the cover of rolling stone, but it was. It was a picture of back, which is you you're. Looking at foreign, I didn't know I was so excited. I was like clearly I'm going to be on the cover, clearly yeah and- and it was not me at all- and I bought I bought for a second I was like oh my god, in the cover of rolling stone. That was on the phone with my dad. When I saw it I pulled out and gentlemen the cover of rolling stone. He was like what was I going to call you? back then I was like wait. That's not me! That is not the issue. I usually do for your comedy I'll. Do an article in rolling stone. Cover other budgets do inside of the wrongs. Drooling still gonna get that some good, yeah. I had no idea that sort of thing you can. You can buy his his original music to it's pretty good. when he d never grave voice, but I'm not classic countryboys waste.
obviously does originals of others on ice they write our joy. Can you I would love you plan of the song. If, if you go, if you play one that start digging right now. If people keep you on it to me about shows here lie, and I think we're going to take your ip. see by the way for those you listening. This is my favorite part of august. When you hear duff moving around and you like her what's goin on because you you'll probably leave it in most people. I love leaving it in it's the thing I love about a podcast and yeah. I love rogan when you're doing rogan and he's like someone's like I gotta, go to the bathroom he's like just go, and then you get I don't want my favorite stories. I put my special clause. taking a person, I told a story to read men and I was like as I go and then just get out of here. Kill time, there's georgia, happened
and then I ended up put him a special gonna get mob. I want an eminent I might immersed myself in music these next, this next couple weeks, you didn't time. All that's right. Am I right now, I'm out and I'm out here doing some like me you can. However, this I'll tell you what this am. I right to say that thought this town, I'm just face, I just drove. Do hollywood today are bogged down so, is this. What is my is that there is the thing with the hollywood like. a contract in writing. This does mean shit. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah doesn't mean shit at all. I had a deal to do so awake a wheeler thing, and it's now out here talk ear to work on it. It's like the deer. I got it in writing to do it like a wheeler kind of special concert. Special. I don't know if it's gonna, like My people, like you know we have a contract to do what they like that, don't mean shit. Sometimes in hollywood,
sometimes in hollywood that you just gotta do yourself, and then they go. Oh yeah, that that goes under this contract. You it's funny. It is interesting to me because I've got my success bite, you know, label right, labels, and you can't do this logs. Do myself put her out then become successful. Then it's like when I do a deal. big company out here to do a concert special fuckin false through, unlike the fuck am I The farmer rules yeah, but that's I do that too. I do too and then they get burned and run it by some. can I use I use. I always just say I you these people long conversation I say, are a jelly, Joe Tom, I use them a lot in conversation only because I know that I'm never going to they're, never going to get mad at me for using them as an example. Even I didn't even have the conversation with them by. Do something traditionally like a like flying earlier for radio and unknown in some way and little brain of them like do you know that like what like. Why even doing that
but I believe I get I know, I'm we'll tv, and I want to do it. You know like last waltz kind of thing for- That is why I thought does I gotta is, but the problem is, you know we're still not tv worry our music store. They stole they still own. The airways. There's like there's no independent, like rats watford. You know you can put on youtube, which it does. I don't want to do that right. I'd like it to be seen by people, you know, but these people are just fucking me over is there any space for alive concert on netflix. that's what we were gonna love. Next, I guess I don't know. I mean netflix. If you're out there, I just fucked over and is available yeah. I think that they are again the establishment that plan by in one lane and an egg. They, I is I'm not in this industry. I just observe it my surveillance. Is there.
very little creativity and very little motivation in that corporate and article like the the downside of them fucking over we'll walker junior. That is nothing for them. That's that's! That's cause before them. They exactly. She says you know, motivation and there's no created, but there is a pro against kind of over. Here is like there is arms if they do it at it. Fuckin loses, might naturally I trouble, but just just bail on you and stop return. Your phone calls add a day in the life sciences, preach epical. I think there's a lot of people in the television world again, from my observation that that just can't see outside the box, and if you, if I think, is a rarity that you get somebody who thinks outside the box and put them in tv, that's not already on tv, that's the thing is like it seems like an industry. Words like this is new and they go. Oh shit
memorial, everyone, everyone else in the world. He goes. You gotta hear this. You gotta see this. This is clearly different and here that's an insult. You know it's scary, We scared, because of what you're talking about if it fails to the eli show with two thousand people screaming. You know right and we're going there to be there I'll, be there. You guys want you guys, want tickets right that one hundred percent. I want that. That is going to be a blast. I want to colbert I was to go bro would love it. He had built boo came to the show. We did the that diddy yeah yeah pr. I was dubbing texting with burn about going out drinking. I think there'll be a thundering. Yeah he's a he's, a he's. A fan he's been really good to me. Like I've got a good party like me, burrow rogan cigar, Are you Joe? We cannot enjoy com, I think he's gonna shit. I was thinking man I mean, the problem. I wonder Hemingway you guys open, but the problem is and I know I don't like talking money but like from one I'm here.
and I didn't ask you guys about this- for people s name wasn't like we had discussions about about like it sounds like what you got what I pay and openers like no work at me. I just can't even compete. like you, I don't know like during the year. Do you like your number but like? What's it like a working comic guess for a week in it at club, all the guys, I just said probably a lot, but I like, I think you can get I don't know it will be hard to say. To give out what those guys may not what they may. Perhaps you sound like like, like you mean, like you like you can opener seven dollars and I know I would I would pay way more than that. I I pay people wearing that, but I'm saying I think what I think would be good money would be an insult to savannah to you guys If something you I feel like no you'd, never built of reach pills, number or jos number or I guess we I'm I'm talkin, like you know I mean, but what number do you think?
as I said earlier about. What number do you think is alarming? Is the good of its four shows like if I paid a comic to open For me for show you should just use for shows twelve k with happier. Oh that's so that more last year I love any comical. Not that I I definitely had that money, but then I got out and evaluating whether thank you any company to stay in the city and go to your shows and other armies. It's a fourth showed that it may be that senior. No said Anna fear. You could definitely. You could definitely find that. It is very, very, very, very bizarre insult no notice Well, you have to think about it. This way there is a benefit for the comic who gets two thousand of your fans to see their comedy. So it's a win win in a survey, but I never think of it like that, because to me it's like that, a mere favorite. No, no it's a win win yeah! You do I just did the impractical jokers crews, which was four days for less than
get paid do an irregular show or four days of anything, but I did it because because of stand over the year before our was going on it tony hinge: cliff like a lot of guys, we're going on it that I was fair tiana, vos vat, he owned. All these guys run on it and the impractical jokers and those like wild an opportunity to hang all budget comics for a week and end its an opportunity that these As our gifting me to show my stand up to their fans where you could, theoretically a crew, you know a bunch of new fans? Nothing too is yo r D she's Joe as an example like five joy over shows he get me more promo from his fucking pod care. I mentioning and once a week and gone. Since the promoter than they can get from fuck it. Oh, I think, they're gonna get me a billboard or such like his podcast vigour.
any fucking billboard joey. Would there be a lot of people that would be like this? Is the show I want to see right gee? I just think I mean, and I won't Oh Joey's numbers, but I know Joey, Joe Joey and not to not have to get on a plane. He for I don't know what I was yet. It seems a bit of it. have another right of jos: just Joey's chose a dog one go to sea mercy. That's it near want very lively, driving phoenix dry off there's a lot of options in that, like I thought, if I like, I just What's your name, they grew by just think my audience with fuckin flip for joey. They lose their everyone's audio. By the way my audience flip cordelia my audience. The number one thing they say to me: never, the top three things as enemy number. One is thanks for the free content, a love your next! I go. I go it's not I'm I'm, doing it for free I'm getting advertisers. I understand that you feel like it for free and so it means a great deal that you think, but I'm really in cosette earlier. My progress is a
is a passion project I enjoy this More than their enjoying it forget manning you, ve turned a lot of people like I've been doing a partner. Since you talk me into you need to explain me how to do we would have like we set eyes had laid Armstrong on we're austin he was a fan want to do it. We had stapleton on, we had dirks bentley like big eyes, saw somebody and has been it's getting numb? I mean like it's. Definitely not because I get sick of it some ways and my people, my people like no do, is get Is it worth your time to? I was I was at where I was that way. We ain't my podcast, but the other thing they always say when they come up to me after my shows, is how can you get? We did come to the city, the number one if you want to one of the top three things you'll go to omaha like, and I had nothing to do with getting a job booked in omaha, but I definitely and ever so many people set it to be an almost so many people said it that I say its colleen and Colleen heard it so much this she reached out was like you, I need.
we here that would be a really fun match you in germany. I think I think what happened is sometimes I'll talk to I'm all I need to talk to. People themselves that are my fucking? You know we managers in nashville, whom they go like their instinct is like you know, he can fuck I saw two thousand people by himself in the new year. You know he does need you you're, so I don't need them to taught me. Why? Don't I just you know? How do you know what we worked. My my thing is, as I am I use. I think is alone: they don't give them sorting, and I love you. I don't even insulting offer, I think first of all there I guess like I. I feel I want numbers on on the podcast, but you don't want to? I am I loved. I mean The original goal is always I'd. Love to ignore show some great country up there. That's hard to get country guys. it was a few country ours. I like it's hard to get them to come out west for four shows yeah get a travel, bring their whole band. You know I spencer,
Just like the number. whatever number it is already losing a thousand right already so tickets and they got a rent equipment on here. try and given that you can use my quit member learn. Or use my band even but just like it's just too fucking hard, you know, can I tell you one of the things I've always wanted to do. Secret time is wanted to write an album in earnest like and really right an album and release it. Killing people will laugh at what I think is really heartfelt and since like when I get comedy, I know you know the craig eyes. I wrote, and I know scott Scott in nashville yes, gotten naturally with me. Maybe I shouldn't give his business I'll, be I moved to nashville. I'm sure he's got have said. That's all he'll he'll he'll have a really bad country, I'm not saying he's out, but I wrote a song. I wrote a song When time called Mary Margaret, that laid so much of my friends with I'd play and they would simply laugh at me playing it, but they
behind my back. They like got it so fucking bad, so how's that maybe I'll one day I'll write an album but maybe I'll go out, no tore it. Honestly, like you ve dollars, I mean we. I was making fun of mean to me after that all these other outlets. All these places podcast, especially but. there's one of you said to about right, yo steals a big fuckin thing like we play kansas, eddie and there's a dj their name johnny. Dare I dunno you know that I know Johnny Dara just talk the other down the phone, I'm here johnny, their giant air. How are you man? I need your number by the way, John, if you're listening here tax with one of his one of his producers took all my alma scientists believe them on their own, because I don't make sense of versions play in any just loves it. So we both we had a gang kansas city was like three hundred and motor car like we got a month it up to the next big beer club. Five hundred, I said what we'd better.
They are the biggest club in Kansas city based public. I was thirteen hundred sorted out. Just because a one dj and one tat after lunch, I think he's jake I'll taxed outside I'll get you guys in touch yeah me. I will outline interchangeable egg we'd we talked, we hung grass and do the same thing happen cincinnati to. Is this guy kid christian, to be honest, I know cloudcrest very well. He and he actually start doing the same thing. They just ices his job will be one of you may like to give you a sense of Virgil. Go if you wanna play their baggage. Second to believe in yourself, Did you did it? We did twelve hundred see theatre in Cincinnati that's awesome, yeah, and it's like to me. I just think of radio is all news, but it is still a big there. It's what it What it is it isn't what it used to be sought national, but it still is it'll cabin in being cow, had elliot kid Where is johnny? Dare I mean?
I go through and name them all: pollen, young, pollen casanova, sorry, cancer and no young ron laughed he retired, but there's still a lot of great yeah. I did guy carribean when my first album came out. I got it, it's just a weird me, I think doing country. If the country down there shows kind of weird for them, but maybe I'll call him again for about these shows and a- Meanwhile, what what's? As you know, those guys who will play in that? They come to the show cause a lot of my like to have them. Introduce me at the show cause the lawyer community knows him, and am I Am I gonna shit hanging out with some? You know do face your morning. Job shock jock, not ever I experienced when these guys been really phone call those really cool or under, although some of them are my closest and there really a lot of them are really fucking. You know that so it's a radio voice and they're really chill and they're cool. You know it's like that. I I guess I also Do they gotta get up at three thirty to the other out. You know, and you know you got you have such a you're such an ingrained, a group of like when I say boil fans
I'm not talking about the ones agreed, show I'm sorry about the war. and that are like us com it's like rogan Joey me cigarette like guys who luxuriate are like support you in earnest that when we put out stuff of of yours online All those guys know us and follow us, because we do the radio shows and like us they get like an inside tracked. Somethin cool I mean I've. I will say I mean I spent a lot of time on twitter. You know, in fact it's like a fun thing. We do I just rip on fans and we go back and forth, but of spin call to see so many passionate. Thank you know it's like what they too, when we emergent shows they they they do it by like per head like how many dollars per per person you sold in march and we're fuckin breakin march reckon The chinese people go and they re like everything. Here I mean it's been really quota,
shit yeah and the watching the fans were that passionate about it. Who are you, know, get it for you to subject three o clock, they're sitting out waiting some guys, the barn bar next door. Like I got it sounds check. I gotta eat dinner Take a shared shall like we got a long time for the show like I'll make sure we get a france other big fucking deal, where's plenary. I gotta get ready the romans soon. I'm gonna wear organs out so we'll be talking about you on rogan today comment and and what will you put when you play this leanne clip on rogan? Have her say my dates now, I'm just I wish. We had it in time person. Today, yemen persist. We oppose this afternoon. It like a dog at the fuckin, jolly, with the left token and burnt. the writer it's gonna be around. I called spiking on on Google trends smile. I guess maybe
spike yeah, maybe but yell of memory. Salt, so tell all my people, fuck off my sultan tickets. Has called a man in this one. one is. I don't want to dedicate this to the anchors called drunk slots, but this is my past life. It's a it's an art in honor of you, large economic up. I'll give you, as we have we, The work is not yet a whole year
never share here they are still. They go. Watch million signed wide snake. No, no doubt is used days, dj, not sing. Some do dice rash, large move to stick dixon used. No, she now some may say that was awesome
Listen I'll, take a little early for me, but yeah he used between those two we play. You can see kind of thematically where I'm going. I do yeah man a man last year, two, I think I said this for a long time, I think absolutely fuckin, brilliant thanks! Mom. Are you ever peopled? I ever I ever ever listen to watch everything you do. I've always lie. I mean that the feelings mutual on our love. What you're doing you know I contact. I last night I mean compare you enjoy, but what I love I while about each EU is like well about Joe, is growing up in Kentucky. Like no joy ds. No! No! You he's a foreign object, exactly That's why I love him. Awhile of a bird is, there's a bird type guys in kentucky, but there's no, burke turned me, am I mostly bert type. Geyser came, can be, fucking didn't had the heart of work right. I don't. I tell them his wife that she knows it, but you know it's like
the sum about birds. I'm talking to you like you're, not here but like your personality is like sickening eyes. attended to not like you know, but it's like you. It's like that. You know the I dunno I mean you've gotten this a bunch, I'm sure the lovable party guy me either. I just I love it. I love what you do and you know it. It means a lot if you're into what I do so was cool about your music as I swear to god, every bad. There are so many people that feel this way about women that they want why are they doing that? Why are they so slutty? Why they drink is so much why they taking pictures of their pussy. Well, that's what I mean that's what this song is coming from. Just like I'm, like I don't like it, you know: yeah yeah, that's that's where I am looking forward. What I what people do with minutes? Misunderstanding! My music and the way to the title drunk sluts and they think I'm going to be writing about like fuck it. I love drunk slut
it's a fuckin right, but it's like no journalistic take on it. Yeah! It's not it's the opposite! It's just like. I want the old fashioned girls you know to like where you're going. I like, where you're going artistically connect with the soup, we wish people sent pussy pics I'm a churn. You know as all good artist, should do a maturing by refused a team. I my joey commissioner. I do a clean arm, we'll see what a you know it is an open and by anytime you ever wanted to my bike has just let me know when and will set when I was often occurs. We just talk yesterday and you're like I got an tomorrow morning and maya and funding their yeah. I do I'm so excited I'm in town. Getting projects rejected so as a. Why should I would even say that it projects now reject I'm getting deals. just cut now, there's ribbon em up I was here yours, I'm here to work the work they fuckin projects gone. What's tanks
where the fuck are you some better about some owing to a lack of foresight? Will we go up the international hit you up now I mean, we can all hang out, it'll, be cool to see. Let's do a big party for the show too yeah yeah december third, here in l, a noho, then no, I dunno what it is downtown somewhere yeah. Well, I'm coming to show. Definitely I'm in collusion casino that weak and saturday or that friday I think we'll be back soon. I'm back I'm dumping their friday and I fly back saturday morning. Okay, so I'll be there will get a big party I'll of group text to rome. amber just everyone. Just let me now and then I put everyone on the list donkey. appreciate a man. This is, by the way been an exceptionally fun pike I did not expect Lee. And to be a part of it. I don't want to do it with Ali and I'm so glad I bet there's a lot of people that you'd be like hey man, everyone the pockets. More often, she asked insightful questions,
Why was why he? It was meg raising x. It was a great having no more about music than bert. I was going to say as where were you last time? Is my question? I'm not always invited yeah. This one worked out perfectly, I did I'm really glad I got to be here, I like talking about loretta and shit, and people know that I am for sure I think there's many people that so many people that people are going to now, google and be like I gotta get that dwight song. I want to that's right, yoga volumes. It's been now spoke ass, men, It was like I love you guys and appreciated and its means a lot and like I said I don't have to get up early new radio and because I got the fuckin. What's that, what's your boy, France, the bird army or some was going to college of the machine gardeners. Unleashing a museum or we'll becoming advisers have now been easier, beating media. I want also measured by can't find them like. I want the big brimmed visor
my my I, my guys are, all you know are all school country manager so that they have this whole formulas. Just that the key to march for them is made the cheapest thing that can sell for the most, but they would show me down like a visor or a beanie, so fast cause that shits expensive to make. But I'm with you I just want to make cool shit won't cuz. You are the. I want to wear it to the opposite of that. Exactly it's like. I don't care if I make twenty five cents a day to get my stuff, we I mean birds manager, all the time as it's like you're selling, your merch to cheap but burst like if some I got a twenty dollar bill nor hand, they'll buy a t shirt and also to that. As far as I know, I am sure you say the same thing. That's a walking billboard absolutely it's a walking billboard and we buy expensive. We buy american apparel like expensive Just to please you weren't, you look pale, remember if they say if you play thereby teacher from you and ripped apart and threed after three.
washes or feels like sandpaper yeah. Nobody wants to end it. No one's going to excise yeah, no fuckin. Where now is a real waste of everybody's time and money makes you haven't tried, I've been trying to be good about them. Making shrimp are not quality. I need to get around the walker junior shirt yeah we're ashy weight on because we had some last summer a new ones, for these shows a really yellow. Man, I'm I'll, tell you what I wanted to go to a rock or music venue and by at least three shirts like I buy, the guy that is eyes. What will set will send you care package. I would love. that. I would love to write. Are you serious? I got your address cause. I came here so we'll send you we'll send you a box of shit will reciprocate yeah. If you want machines, stuff about our younger machine. The machine hurry is, is the most com. Fucking cody. I've ever put on my entire fucking life. It's amazing grain like sunday afternoon sit in the house it's winter, but I know I'm just gonna go you're coffee maybe take
I have a couple of shirts eat a pizza out about it and say I need a good shit hoodie that everybody on that note everybody hey, I can't wait, will be December. Third, we're going to be there awesome sending out a group text you're the one, some too may easily and I am doing this policy and with our next maximum or get drunk this episode has brought to you by the machine.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-14.