« Bertcast's podcast

#214 - LeeAnn Kreischer & ME

2017-01-03 | 🔗

My wife LeeAnn joins me in the Mancave to talk to me about growing up in a small town, being homeless in NY, the Book YOU ARE A BADDASS, and interview me about my favorite Bertcasts.


To get my book "Life of the Party" click HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Party-Stories-Perpetual-Man-Child/dp/1250030250

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
With you a cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope, loser Beth she's Can I like that the road isolated prevail boy get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per lie. We were cellular built for us terms, applied. Does it? U s cellular dot com, pretty deals, we value human connection with fever. Distractions cellular built for us visit your? U s! Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens.
The guy's brand new podcast and I'm sitting here with my wife leanne and we did the podcast together. We didn't expect it to be that way, but she came out. I was on the treadmill and it just started, and then we just hung out and we talked- and I hope you guys enjoy it. I promote tour dates in there, but from everything else, just go to pr dot com cards, t shirts and and yeah it's a good podcast. It's just me and my wife sitting in the back in the man cave after she put the kids to bed and just bull shitting about source energy, yes, and and my favorite podcast that I've done and and just one story from me and just one story about holly in
on the streets with a cat. In new york city, so that's the podcast today Jodie is supposed to come by, but I have not heard from him. So so we just ended up doing monks. I promise you every wednesday every wednesday will be new podcast and next Wednesday is going to be a big one. I already lined up. I think I'm not sure I just texted someone in between doing this podcast and recording this intro, and so next week's gonna be great, albeit not jersey, san diego boston, I'm going to be in london for two weeks away can a half so if you've got a gig in london or if you're a guy in london- and you want me to do a podcast, someone in london hit me up and that's it enjoy. The podcast know catch up, because the whole podcast is ketchup so and by the way, hashtag thomas fat, let's pray to god. I keep this beer tomorrow today. If you're listening right now go over to rogen checkout see what happened and eleven thirty at pacific coast on. I am
That's it enjoyed about gas guys. Have I a guy's? What's up it's me bert, and there is no intro this this- is the pod guest. It's gotta be just me: I've had a fucking, pretty chaotic weak, with his weight loss, challenge and so on. so I figured I would Jos Joey come by and He I haven't heard from him. And so I you know what I promise you a podcast every wednesday and I'm not letting you down so right. Now, I'm on the tread work is way answer tomorrow at eleven thirty. It is ten o clock at night. No, nine! Thirty at night, no word from Joey bud.
If he comes by, will just continue this and I'll edit out this shit that I think is boring so yeah. So today's wayans- oh here, comes my wife, maybe she'll be on the podcast. Are the girls Asleep owner scrub that migrate over there At the top of yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, and then will you love, throw your volume up to five on the top dial yeah yeah, but it's five five all talking to it, though higher It's not retired, issued a sea levels right there. Yes, everybody right here, you up there you're talking to. Loud know, it's true thou. What discharge blinkem anyway, like I was saying the way and today Our way, and today were at eleven o clock. Rogan studio was and Tom I kind of hop off the track.
But while we do this, I did really good to twenty. One is lot lower than I thought I'd be at. What did you think me- and I thought you did amazing here and especially with all this, you know. Things bothered me about this whole vacuuming campaign is the fuckin jerks, the people who just use it as an opportunity to say hateful things together response? Are you yeah? That's that's not cool, if people kind of drive me fucking nuts and so in a weird way, I was like really proud of myself, but then you still get like hateful common you, like a man, I you that uncreative, that all you can think to maybe get a response out of me has to say something hateful to that I respond to. You are hateful responses today, I'm not even going to talk about it, instagram posts anymore. I don't I'm not even remember when you used to read instagram comments. Yeah. that's, why I'm not on your twitter or by blood blocked a bunch of people scrambles like you're, always any part of my life. If the way you look at
life is like a really negative way. So I love about this podcast. Is that it's just positive like I am sure that it's more positive ones. Guess they love like our. Like you know, Stephen ARI not tonight, though this will be good at it. Fans love you. Let's, let's see, if we can maybe interview you and get to know you more, oh really get to know the end. You guys want to get to know the anti, not a great study on where were you born. was born closer the boy I was born and care, milton georgia in a hospital. Yes, we will. Of course I know it was the seventies and I'm not. I wasn't born in a hospital right yeah. She was born last I was born in the house. I don't know I really I sat or now it was your mama that I say I don't know I think so. Maybe but I don't know, I can't say for sure and so how big was italian dearborn upheld but he lived about now. They will tell you lived in eighteen hundred people, eighty notably
wage earners still about the same size. Yes You say that arose from the town of eighteen. Her people, birth, is a big city other than do you like. Do you We know everybody you're pretty much really you Much everybody if I dont know them part like exactly. I know who they are. I know who There are related to hoo hoo their fans who they belong to you know and how about what percentage people now tell me related to, I would say a very high percentage, but I dont know percentage wise. I know I'd like three options: a boyfriend high school and they were they were diked it no other options: rude yeah, small it was a great place to grow up, but you know I didn't live there entirely lived in atlanta too, with my mom. So I think that's why I ended up moving out! Do I know a lot about you, obviously being your husband do, but there are some good stories about you that I like that. I was fined curious.
the time when you don't have to talk about Neither is it at all. Is out there the time that you got kicked out of your apartment in the EU? can you all you had was a cat. Yes, you will tell story sure I was living in new york. My mom was married to her fourth husband. and he was a very kind, very gracious man. This is the guy- was no the never mind Y know no, never mind. What are you talking about driving colleagues a view I share all these code. Is I never mind. nowhere that she was going to do that. Yes, the same guy over, so he offered me a great opportunity to move to new york and rich stood. Yes, he was, and he
was like I'll pay, your rent, you pay for everything else for six months and wouldn't you know they'll give you enough time to get on your feet, which was really kind, except that that meant in my mom's mind that my apartment was hurt. Apartment. So as you pay for she was paying for it. It was her husband, so she decided to revive her. modeling career at what age? How was she forty three okay really that young yeah well, she was twenty. When she had me, I was twenty three when I moved so it's really his shoes, so she was younger than me that I am now cause I'm forty six wow. So far, three she decided you wanna too. You know she was highs. the in atlanta, for like nine years, like legitimately, really successful model in atlanta and she did some runway molly in italy. When I was a kid, so she wanted to know, go back into modeling so
She moved into my studio apartment with me because it was her apartment and Grossman culpable. It was awful it was awful. So so yeah we got an argument about integrity and lying and she asked me to lie about something I wasn't comfortable, about so far. No I'm not a liar measure to the almost to the fault. Absalom lay because it shares truth of people that they want to hear why only ass me, we are Sometimes you don't like that. That's one of the things that my sisters. The learned. A lot about you is that you don't lie and when family we'd rather to each other than tell each other the truth. I dont understand that. I know I don't like that. not really know do together. well idea, probably about what like, in that way, yeah yeah like in the way you're talking
it is in your family, dynamic leg. I say if you said he has this jacket. Look on me and I say good, you wouldn't say good. You go yeah, you don't like it go good because you just bought the jacket I want you to feel bad about spending money on a jacket that done look good on you yeah, but my perspective is I want you walk out the house looking bad, nor understand that, but sad rather tell you and have you look good now, I'm not get your brain. I rather like. If you say how do I look on iago great if you go, which Use I'll be honest with you I hear or, you did. Issues are good and you tell me no, you got us our work and the eu.
Done that before yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, but the question was: have you ever lied to me in that capacity? I think you probably have definitely yeah for sure all the time. I know daily plastic surgery and I'm like no shut up. When you say I think, you're perfect, don't think you need to lose weight. I think you're totally lying. No. I, like you a little sloppy and got kicked out You can't say I kicked out. I had a cat, I didn't really have anywhere to go. So. This kind of barbed around from friends lobby to lobby to apartment like miss one one. One girls like miss as the united states, something miss georgia, miss georgia was she kind of took me. and she was awesome. She and I were in acting class together because I was acting school in new york and dumb. She said you just come crash was me. I stayed with her
about ten days and she was a dancer everyone. No, she danced on broadway, but she was like a chorus dear sir. So what you re born disport over me. Now when I who wants to see me in a porn no, but I do know how would we I have to say no, but would you do? Would you do porn? Would you do to support your family? No, I don't think so. What would you do what I do to support my family? Wait tables, maybe yeah, but what if they were like hey, we can pay you ten times that you'd get waiting tables. If you just blow this dude one time. No no can do. I would you would ok, then I'll, let you do porn if we ever get it. We ever get on that point. I have a lot of the boring designer for the artistic grit like just to be out there. Oh really a grimes grimes one time my buddy grimes canon, I shouldn't say his name, but whatever I have already said it
he was like a is a god you poor, they didn't show my face. I go no shit, grimes we'd all do porn of that. On your face. I don't think I would do if I didn't show my face now. It'll be, I think it will be very sexy anyway. Keep going anyway. I dunno last time you're talking about miss georgia. So miss georgia took me in. I crashed on her couch and one of her friends was a rockette and she lived up one hundred and twenty fifth and riverside way up upper west and she was moving in with her boyfriend, so she offered to let me sublet her apartment. So How can I get my feed ban? alarm. Kick me out what don't I know about you. I don't know what do you know about me every you know everything else I may know just about everything. There may be some hidden stories. You haven't told me, but they're hidden from you or yeah they're, not hidden from me. Do you know what I mean, what questions do? What Would you want to ask me right now, if you're interviewing me, what question do you think
essentially the somebody listens to the bar guest, who doesn't who you may may not know something about me, you know it's really interesting to me is a lot of people. Ask me if you're funny, all the time funny it all. That is the number one question that fans asked me. You must be so funny all the time and are already go. He is the most regular guy and on the other side of that he's very neurotic. You, like your very new, guy and never really saw myself as an erotic until region. Hey, have noticed how neurotic I am yeah, you're lookin neurotic you definitely but here's the thing. I don't mean that negatively at all It is the reason you're really good. Comic is because, when you Find my merton neuroses liked what it things that here excited dubai. By neuroses, if you're, so, if you're talking to a therapist there, like so about
May this year, new client or my new client, your husband, burke, riser, tell me something about your husband baroque. Before we start, while I would tell them that you, I have anxiety issues that you have a little bit of OECD. That you are very self focused was will recall, It could narcissism primary nurses, riot primary nurse, clever nurses and its when you're focused like a child like you will realise that there are the people under her place. Like a developmental issue like you, never grew up what did you say? I cast a large wake up what you said. There might be other events that are rather do kastler law, but I've, I have said, you take up a lot of space and that, like you, take up a lot of space in the room. So sometimes errors there's just ass a whole lot of dirt, which is which is
I'm fine little effort somewhere to dinner. With a couple of couple I live above us yep and you are like, and I was like that was a great night you're like yeah. They didn't speak at all all night yeah and I was like no shit did meet you, but on the most entertain if the person there that's what I don't understand, sometimes well sort of, but no one hundred one hundred percent now, but that's not entirely fair, almost ninety five percent, that how would you know if you don't let them big benefits? No, probably not usually there they, I mean if we're going out on a double date, I'll give everyone feelers like I'll, read them. We'll entertaining and interesting are two different things right, we're not just for a moment taken the next time we went out to dinner with a guy with a couple allowed them to speak and she started what she told stores were crying and a milliner, never sounds right, and that was why Feelers? Wasn't that entertaining
she was very entertaining. She was very very entertaining. Did her dad diet that caissons her dad had a gilson in the parking lot? What that was the story she told I didn't know her. Dad died. Nicholson's parking lot, probably because he lived in the valley yeah, many were insiders podcast, you gotta know all our friends to know these people are living If the thing goes out, if, if we got a divorce, what friends would I keep or what friends would you keep? You think I dunno I'd get Tom bush you'd probably get talent push, but I get tom and sandy never mind the game's over we shot when you saw much bonds wade. yeah. I was. I
was he I mean he looks, he's lost a lot of weight. That's really great lost a lot of weight, yep good for him and good for you too, because the the the you really I've never cared about how much you drink. I don't care about what you eat. I just care about. If you're healthy, that's all have ever cared about. I don't care what you look like. I just want you to be healthy and he joyfully were not healthy at fifty six or whatever you not healthy. So I dont think how you got from dvd. Sixty years as sir They either with employers major reinscribed. If you describe my lifestyle for the past month, what would you say neurotic neurotic obsessive compulsive for real? you spend hours on the treadmill hours on the treadmill hours on the twelve hours at least two where's the treadmill at least at least two hours a day,
Oh little sums up to five and then you're so controlling about where you eat, which is honestly what you had to do to get from eight to be totally great. Here that you just cannot live on that few calories indefinitely you can for a month- or maybe it maybe even three months, social over a month. You did absolutely I'm a little nervous about tomorrow because If anyone who says that we know what happened, but I don't no. If I can go as hard as I did today for the first whan tomorrow, it too on what that weight is when I get on the scale, first thing in the morning. What I see that scale that will inspire me because it fine I've been within reach of the brass ring that I'm fuckin I'm there, I don't think you need to worry about it. I think it's okay. If I lose my beard yeah, I think it's! Okay, if you lose your beard really yeah, I think I'm attractive. Of course,
I'm going to look like a fat fuck. Now you want to yes, I will know you won't because you're, not a fat fuck, so yeah, but my face will just look fucking cherubic well only for a week or so and then then the beard will grow back. You think yeah. Absolutely. but if I had a picture- and it says remember- I repeat- I repeated anyway, so what do we take that progress from the stretching with with either we ve got pretty good? Would you stop watching? tv, I'm not watching tv, I'm watching you watch tv in the reflection of the door behind me, know you're watching tv, I'm watching I'm trying to see the date that black sale starts so you're watching tv, I'm just watching for the date and there you are not a liar, I'm not watching t v there. I'm just watching, for everyone is ever wondered territory, night january, twenty bucks-
Also the volatile season. Is it really what it says the final so yeah they they've got a die yeah. You know, I guess that's part of the gig he worried about death. No, are you come on now? I'm not worried about death. Why would I worry about death? I'm forty! Six! Okay, are you about this year. Why? I'm always worried about death? I'm worried about find a new jersey. What are you worried about just dying and I want to die like dying on applying just dying in general and I want to die at all. You know this about maybe I know, but I don't think you're gonna die while I'm just worried about in general, like the idea of death, like we start hanging out with like I don't know, I'm only a to solid about a polite. I think about it, a lot. Why do you think about it? A lot
I dunno. Maybe it's because I've been living unhealthy, maybe maybe I have, I feel really good about myself now good. So I wonder if maybe I'll feel better about death the next couple months, maybe maybe it'll dissipate a bit yeah your fear of death. Maybe you think we maintain this lifestyle. I don't think you can maintain what you ve done for this month, but I need a geiger maintain letter, healthy lifestyle. I think that you, you have done it before several times, but something derails you so if, what he rails me I'll, tell you what was derailing you the past several times was being on the road with travel channel. Really, yes, because your modus operandi, was get through the day. So I could party with my crew, so who hold on looks, looks redefine the ok because having now we're getting somewhere, interesting. My story about being kicked out. New york was an interesting no, but I think you're right. I think,
anyone who knows me knows that the reason like the Is that I gain weight was being on travel to a hundred percent. It was a complete unhealthy lifestyle. Hundred percent it was unhealthy mentally emotionally and physically. It was like now don't get me wrong, I loved it. It was a blast. Some of it was a blast. You hated it I hated it, I absolutely hated it, but for you I could see what parts of it were great, but I only really heard the disaster catastrophe portions of it. no. That was because I was doing stuff on a daily basis of living pocket, lift led bucket list adventures three times Today we have to turn our span and then often getting on a plane that I didn't that didn't I of the safety regulations that planes and the states ad and then fell To an island or getting a helicopter,
yeah we're getting in it like, and so I think I just I just I was it was coping mechanism. Yes, absolutely was a copy mechanism. You would you would just it was like you how you marked things like I just gotta get to dinner the body has to guess has to go through with this diet: yeah yeah, that's right today like I got on the treadmill- and I said I can't have water until I get to rogen and I went wow- that's easy two hours until I have a glass of water right. Sometimes I don't even remember as water by that right and then I go and then I got to rogen. Then we ended up doing twenty four minutes before he had water and I was dying okay, so maybe that is helpful if you use it for good do that with drinking employ, would not drinking on planes. I go. Let me just get to the poor. where we're up in the air and then I I'll get a drink. If I want one then and then a lot of times, I do these baby steps and I don't drink on planes. So
if the parameters for yourself I go, you know what no drink before takeoff right, I'm going to just drink as soon as we get up to cruising altitude. I'll, allow myself a drink then, like a long day of flying I'll, do that but then sometimes I I do parameters and the other way, and I go. Let me take a xanax six hours before my flight and then, when I start drinking it'll be out of my system. It'll still be a residual enough that I'll sleep really ard right. So less about this then, before this We lost challenge started there
How were you eating what it was a bottomless pit? I couldn't fill the void that I could not fill the void with vodka with. I couldn't feel anything why I dunno. I could not feel anything now. Are you feeling things now or are you just feeling or have you filled the void? Instead of with food, you filled the void with not food. I dunno I dunno. I could not, for I remember at thanksgiving. I could not get enough vodka out of the bottle like I was really kind of scary at all, but damn bad that vodka is the exact Well, I'm using ah like, but it was this way with everything maybe use mashed potatoes as an example, because that's less scary, no more mcgarry to hear your husband say I could not get enough vodka out of the bottle. Nobody was like. Drank, and I just wouldn't get a buzz and then I'd idea, fuckin food
and I wouldn't be her wooden before, and I was like I just like empty. I was like I couldn't for the void. I'd have to cigars. I like everything was. Nothing was enough. Nothing was enough so deep I think a sleeping was enough. I wake up and I got so tired didn't get any sleep. Last night, nothing was filling me and then this morning I woke up and I felt really fuckin fantastic and then today lunch and I was like wow. That was a lot I I had by the way I had maybe maybe two strips of chicken with onions, jalapenos, peppers and and handful of spillage cabbage and I was like all those lot and then, when you guys got drinks at the if we want to escape in lagoon I was getting today if we were to skating rink when I was two fifty six, I would have gotten something to eat. Yes, all as only a diet, coke daily, yet and if they and by the way this is crazy, is
today we walked through that bowling alley and they had cocktails and usually those kind of origin I've ever bars on the entire. For in the world. Yeah, like a bar at a bowling alley, is my favorite barks I go who goes to drink there like who goes to your hiding. You are fucking, hiding me and Croix. That was our favorite bars to go to. We did like an exploration in L. A one of the best bars in the world is in the hotel on third is probably destroyed now what hotel and third, I think, I've, I'm sure I took you there on third street on third street and what third and what.
hang on. It's third is by all our old apartment geo tagging, people on instagram now yeah right now I am taking her phone she's in bed, just texting, I'm taking her found a way yeah, but there's there's a hotel on third in between, like like before pan pacific park, in that hotel on third third, now anyway, there's a bar there and cried. I went there one time for those you who don't may or may not. Remember, of course, my buddy passed away. I had a dream about him. I read some of his poetry on a solo podcast one time, but we used to go there because his thoughts were who goes here like you must really not want anyone to see you drinking. If you go there and I was like ah that's why you wanna go drink, that's where the people don't want anyone to see them and like those that bowling alley bar no one's finding you in there and so on, but but
Those always I always get like a flutter in my heart. When I see those cars I go ooh I wouldn't mind going and get one cocktail. I would never do it riddick today, but definitely today I was like no thank you. I am focused, I gotta lose weight What my brain was too. Maybe you just have to always have a goal or something it's having a purpose haven't being accountable or its by instagram, a lot of fun to use like I've, never really blocked with residents and I've gotten, probably ten twenty thousand follow, was on its ram, just because I've had a really good time posting on its round, like this it's been fonda like korea, videos the same thing with the law. When I was doing the vulgar had a purpose I was driven. I love that block I loved, block the ass. Yes, you did and then one day just I realized I was living a genuine life anymore. Well, it was kind of constant and it in it involved and not directly, but indirectly our house and or our family knows a lot
just kind of exists. It was just very constant. It's not like, you went to an office and shot of log in login and came home. That would be nice if it was all here, so it just was. So all encompassing a bit fuel are better at tomorrow's would be ashamed because what I'm in a very restrictive place like meaning like I'm, not allowing myself things right, and I think that the budget, the buzz of not allowing my things off things. Yes, and tomorrow, we're getting peter. We are no me tom and Joe indeed we are giving bees whose Jamie Jimmy is Jes did here. And I can promise you you'll be destroying some pizza. Will you shouldn't because it will make you sick? Maybe you ve been eating so clean. If you eat a holy, any time. You had a piece of peace, peace, but don't just patience is also getting wings. Oh god, you're going to be sick as a damn dog. I would.
Remember the last time when I lost all that weight, and then I and then I ate like crazy. Do you remember where I was? No, you don't know in italy, Do you mean what I say cap so don't do that again, like a fucking king, arthur I deserve this. Don't do that again. Have one piece of pizza, album, wow! Alright, what do you do to yourself when you make yourself breakfast me yeah, nothing! I don't think anything to get excited for breakfast. Yes, I love breakfast, but usually the same thing every day I do just well, Other variations! Walker! One egg, with salt and pepper what a peppered saw: a yeah, a piece, a toast yeah or english muffin or fruit.
For a bagel yeah. I see lots of variations. Do you go to? What will I have today? No sometimes have I want to put spinach in it, but I just get too lazy she's too, but I like spinach and stuff, and you spend your sketch. What's the best thing I've ever made to eat, I don't know you make some really good pasta raw. I miss pasta, you make really good pasta, I haven't had pasta and you make every meet you you cook is really good. Really yup you cook, really good meat are very good. Egg is fucking amazing, if you guys don't have a big green egg grab one I mean there is but they're kind of expensive, but I got one as a present, so I shouldn't say everyone grab one, but that big green egg is fucking phenomenal. So, as the green mountain grill yeah, the green mountain grill awesome is brett, baker yep send it to us, and it's really really great. We talked about that on rogan podcast. Today it's got these
listen, you just put the politician and they just feed right into the smoker and it just an effort. Less its efforts have completely africa, as you just said it and forget it as they got out catchphrase someone already is it okay set it and forget it set it and forget. Is that a ho for a ethic is one of those the I saw the movie joy yeah. I haven't seen it that woman's fucking fascinating yeah yeah. Tell me about the you're about ass book. I love that bert total about it? It's a book, you love and your leading to make, as you know, I will read It- that's right. I'm for and force feeding, bert, so tired, ass. You know. I really believe that you can change People can change how they think about life, because I chair and how I thought about life. I was young
when I did it. I was in my twenties, but I think you can really elevate yourself to like a higher level of thinking and living, but it is not without teaching is not without effort. Okay, and so I I did a lot of that work. When I was in my twenties and I just ran across this book- came across this book- picks it up but through it, and I loved this woman's voice was her name who the woman, the role europe better. Yes, here. This is where this is where we Diverge is that the lamb was reading the book to me. and I was loving it and then I found out. I was woman that road it and I couldn't so misogynist I couldn't get out readily massage innocent when nobody did but all, but it was, it made sense. Her once were very feminine. Oh yeah, but she she's kind of a dude. She is kind of like butter once we're very feminine yes, but she's like she's, very kind of
do but one of the one that I heard was I to what have you wanna have sex with the who guy and also what the fuck yeah is this guy gay and you were like no, it's a woman and I was like ah yeah. I dunno why you had such an adversity that this information was coming from a woman. No, it was that was just that like I was due to see us picking up on feminine wants or feminine drives, and I was like our little. They re a little weird to me that this guy I like talking about yoga class and and like, and I was like caramel and this guy's pretty open, and then it was one of the things like hook up with a hot dude. The high guy in your class- and I was like I can't make it evident, but I still like the workers to like the book yeah
yeah yeah. I know you still like what drives men and what drives women are very different. Will, of course, what drives them are different, but kind of what makes your brain function may not be so different know. It may not be so different, so So the book really is about. I guess be really honest with yourself the who you are and what you want and what limitations you put on yourself do not achieve those things, that's what it is and the biggest thing I pulled out of it. Source energy. Yes, everybody has a source energy, that's like when you are at your peut, your purist self really, and when you connect to that part of who you are it's, you you become like everything is effortless, everything is effortless. Even the hard stuff and some things are hard- are difficult.
But they feel effortless when you're in that kind of source energy mindset, which unfortunately was mine, is he saw no one resource how'd. You know, I think My source energy mine is being outside and walking around outside mine- is winters in hoodies, walking around Ella minus sitting outside as some, I, if I can nap side- oh that's, just the bachelor will use to sleep naked outside. Yes, those days are gone. Yes, I guess, because we ve kids by the earthly. Yes, I'd like to be outside and sleep outside yeah that that I never got that used to sleep musical camping becoming views is going sleep on the grass. Yes right on the ground and thus very source energy, to me too and being in a river or a lake.
not the ocean as much as the ocean source energy to me. Yes, it is. The ocean is hardcore source energy to me yesterday, and lakes and rivers are not technically. I think mostly as I grew up in florida, and we also the fear of alligators right so, like you are always, I guess that rivers great stay the fuck out of it. Can I offer an alligator and you grew up where there's no alligators, or so you think its of rivers and you love em, no love the river love it so please, the great book I've enjoyed reading it with you, so that I mean to you was really with you, because your processing it as I'm reading it. So I'm just you know, reading it texts
play, but it's been really cool to watch you kind of go. Oh, I understand what that means. Oh, I don't really listen very well liquid. As you read it, I still kind of like fade in and out and go and like daydream, yeah, which is part of I guess, which is why school is so fucking hard for me cause I daydream hardest shit like I can't I like to the point where I like. I move my mouth sometimes yup, and to have conversations with other people. As you read it you're like. Are you not listening? Yeah know, but that's again, why you're such a good comic? It's because you can go the places near maturation, most people don't go to those places. I go to post his podcast tonight and I don't want to why I'm so tired do you think is lame. No, I think it's. I don't think it's the best one I've ever done, but I think it's I think it's interesting. This is for the mega fan, the mega fan we are both for someone is like like no, no, no, no, I likely in their lot
Nonetheless, as pike s love you oh yeah, yeah, I'm so out of the loop you genuinely, I am really out of the loop. I've no twitter account. I listened to pod. Sarah wall, what you biogas, you listen cereal cereal, and I can't remember the name of the other one legion of skanks know was that it also. I thought you literally just dunno what that is. What is shocking? It's big jr cousins podcast. So you definitely don't listen to legion of skanks. I would think legion of skanks would be women here. I've. Never heard of men as skanky big, his elder, the referring to themselves but yeah oh they're. Talking about women, I thinks beings gang of imagining test, not cool about. It's, ok, if you call yourself a skunk, but you shouldn't call another fidel's derivatives delta.
was called skanks for the memories yeah, but that's different. That's not the screen. What a weird! What a great word skank skank, it's it kind of makes you think it smells bad that skanks yeah, it's kind of smelly like the like, who do, you think, would if they did a move if they did a movie called skank. Who They could play skunk some slutty lookin ho bag, the rebels ahead No she's too funny see nobody, nobody. She could pull off a skunk well yeah it was really. Those gaps escapes are like Skaggs that take their backs. Gangs of alike are like like they once were hot, but at the rode hard and put away wet. Oh yeah yeah exactly they're, like retired strippers, yeah yeah, let's see if when you google skank what comes up oh boy
one is probably some like random to some rando some random tool that you use and like plumbing a skank is a my brain is not working, so it was the best part. As you'd say. You've ever done the best, Oliver a sleazy or unpleasant person. Actually it could be that a guy or girl person, yeah, hmm, I've, never said he's a skank
so have you comply to any race but its most commonly used to describe white trash? You know that girl crystal she's, a total skank yeah, see I've. Never ever always. Oh it's a term for a promiscuous female yeah. I've. Never that's the way, I think of it as promiscuous females, young best pike ass, you ve ever done. Those partners have ever done like that. I've been a part of what no end of the bark cast matter bill and tom was really great yeah, although other other at all. We now know either of them would say that, but I really enjoyed it around Much out of things like I don't need to be funny in upon guest, like
we just enjoy our end of the world. Podcasts, probably the best podcasts I've ever been a part of that's the best thing. I've ever been a part of that it was literally literally absolute fucking insanity. However, and like I said, I don't need to be funny in a podcast like I don't walk away from podcast going to. I didn't do that good, I always go yeah. I was there, that's part of it as part of the podcast. I got the first time I did rogan I thought I thought I didn't. I didn't do that well and I was like those fantastic clothes like. Oh, I guess you just need to listen of affordable conversation. that's right you don't need to be on, like I sometimes you guy your guys that are on a par as a girl boring. I was like. Oh that's not what I'm looking for the truth and honesty who wants to listen to that. You know to somebody who's just on. That's why you do the that's the thing about podcast. Did you feel like you're like a fly on the wall? What
listening to a real conversation. That's where virtual reality will be so cool when they get it when they get the streams up, so that you can throw on those goggles and hang out in the fuckin man cave in the and Cavan be sitting in that chair man just disappearing. Just simply, awesome taliban ass osier hardest, one less difficult. I've got a helpful once young people. I did not want to speak to you really. do you want to say them out loud? They know people listen, no we're just like. I was like I think I'd like our no, I did it and I made I needed a gas to write and I was doing as a favour, and I just was like: which one where you most surprised by my mode surprise this- is a good line of questioning. As you interviewing me. Well, it's all about you, baby.
I was probably the most prized. You know shamos yeah shamos, just caught me off guard is one of the funniest fucking, guys alive, that's cool and I could not stop fucking laughing at him. kyle can was really funny about kyle's difference. He's like a little prickly acute it like. only once it is about gas is in doing it, but you know it is very like surly, but not in a bad way, is very friendly, but like that was an interesting podcast too Tommy John again was an interesting podcast because I thought because he doesn't, he doesn't understand podcasting totally. I he understands that he's an idiot but he's more like a radio guy and so he's all ready for the bit, but he and he just opened up so fucking much. I was like blown away.
hey awesome, let me see who else I'll go through and tell you my fucking eyes are gone, but he needs some readers need some readers and my podcasts were wonder if my podcast with age three point productions came out today. I would probably already know that Doug benson and I did a podcast about roller coasters. One day You don't really good one yeah one. Benjamin always The first time a measurement came over blown away by how fucking honest he was like how unfiltered and honesty was about. What about everything about is leave, the brazilians, cancun aids and the are not brasilia, brasilia brazilians and have big decks like that. One called me, can I be the first time I hung out with them. I was like David no neil were a big one.
Danish only over falcon monsters. Yes, they fucking came in and they owned it. I really enjoyed that, but then, like the guy that the redneck, commodore route well, read college or, like we got off to a really rocky start, and then we had a fucking blast. Yeah like that was an interesting podcast like we got to a really rock starts, because I told them that donald trump was going to win and they are really upset when all, but one of them got really upset was like you, regrettably, that you really believe that and I was like yeah. I really believe that I really believe that- and my point was I'd- I'd go out in this country, all the fucking time. I spend time with people in this country. I spend more time when people in this country than I do with people in l a- and I bet I'd, spend equal amount of time, and I know how people in this country feel and they did not feel like fucking Hillary Clinton, right, that was the one that was one of the most interesting such a shame. Well, you know give them a chance, give him. It seems, like he's doing great work. Doesn't it though yeah I love it? I love the.
It keeps tweeting. I gave him two years. It makes me so excited that he tweets yeah. It makes me so fucking the tweets ahead of himself that he gets pissed and says wrong shit and has to apologize. I love it. Sorry he doesn't apologize. Social dialogue for social justice warriors is really no apologies anymore. Fuck apologies! That's it they're out! You notice! No one's apologize for anything since fucking trump's been elected. their apologizing once a week with bo bomber, ambient serious I believe you, but I don't necessarily think that's a good thing. That's not a good thing. What will I think that it just got out of controls? Are rules giving false apologies? Well, yeah. The apology has to be warranted and sincere a lot of pneumonia, I'm so sorry, I'm willing to learn from them. such a move forward. Billy bush was last one billy bush he's the last fuckin soldier, the last bastion of political correctness.
Well back when the fuckin pcs were run into shape and billy. was all he said was meet the donald, that's all he said. Of course he was kind of coax him into grab her by the pussy, but she wouldn't borrow a billy. Bush is going to do right now. How now Is the world see where it ends up? You know he was a bush yeah. I didn't know that yeah, I dunno that's how he got his job. That is fuckin yeah grandfather was cheat big big bush: did you see how old george bush, the younger one looks? Do that I think he's sick? I think he's some wrong tat year. He ate all there. I think he said I think he's got something. Yeah he's you think that's from AL gore. Maybe I should quit drinking and iverson quivering. I think. Maybe I should fuck the system and quit drinking quit, telling the machine story and just tell christian comedy yeah totally christian, go all the way. There were a white suit on stage totally brooks brothers.
no like what we are Brooks brothers suit and be like hi all play bridge is up to you way. There are taught my wife says: bridges yeah who likes butter. Damn butterby being without us me, some butter autumn, toast I tell you right now: it's so do the bad. So do the breath like a like, like logo, She'll dress on asylum law, as in my impression of your family, high, no kidding, only ones, I like that they deserve. As I like that, what did you do it? Would you do where you been boy? I like that yeah. Alright, do you have anything else we want to cover? I dunno well, do we have anything else you want to cover away ends or tomorrow, how you think I'm gonna do. I think he can do great. You think so yeah I gotta get some rest, I'm fucking exhausted
I get some sphere of how we talk forty four minutes of us not very long, and I will tell you something still someday shocking, cheap, something shocking lubbers shot which some members, the secret is. I don't have sex well, so guys. I promise that everyone's day this is wednesday, and this is my promise I'll keep to this promise next week I will have a hope of the guest I dunno there's going to be tough. I we're we're we're moving forward in this podcast and we were beginning to monetize it, and with that I will be focused on who I bring in and and make sure that and that there I think people are liking to two people. Podcasts one like a co host, though meaning like you, and why more person? What do you mean me. I'm just act like Brad John have run on. They were both they love to people.
Oh you, and to other people to people. Guess yes to people guests photos to people guests some interesting one people guess I want Joe coy on really bad. I had a good progress with them, but I think I freaked him out. You have to have doctor Oh drafted room will get his wife. What would you do for way there? Who else would you like to hear the progress here? Who would I like to hear on the guy cast? I dont know think about that. I don't know there are a glass, all the people for sure? I don't know what you talk to IRA glass about like what would you talk to them about just anything, his podcast, his podcast talking about his burgers all the time? Would you stop picking your foot? I'm not picking my foot bullshit, don't say that on the podcast, why you're picking your foot and just landing on my couch? No! It's not!
here is my couch. Do it's my couch to the man cave whatever we have you the revision, I'm very happy with the renovation. Do you feel proud? I am very proud to fill. You earned it. I did our net as it is a source of energy for u hell, yeah really. Yes, I love our house now, you know I'll, I loved it before, but I really is. Function. You know I Udall live here every day I live here every day and the things that frustrated me about our house before we remodelled it, never bothered you cause you weren't here and didn't have to deal with that. The lack of clauses space where I had closed in our closet and our linen closet in the hallway and in some just georgian living room. You know that after Five years I was like cool I'm tired of going to like four different rooms to get my clothes which, for you that didn't really affect you. You had everything in one space,
and then you were always travelling you're, so I think it has changed for you obviously, but has really changed for me, has changed for girls too yeah I'll, tell you. What I don't like is that you can't just yell and someone's in the next room and here's you. I know it is a bit. Because if I'm on the toilet, you come in the back door. Leah Nego, yeah, liane yeah at least getting panicky leah and I'm like that, but I can die. Let me die. Let if I'm not answering from the front part of the house. Maybe you should think, maybe other doyle ever fucking, weird asylum, is a weirdo. My tonight she's so funny, She's really only one ice skating to fall now, more, maybe partly, what happens for her fall is what fucking was making her laugh. Yes,
what's it look like some laugh so she's a hoot. She just as a funny hid she's, naturally really funny, and sometimes she means to be funny, and sometimes she has no idea she's being funny or like when she's not doesn't know. She's being funny. You say that at the dinner table that she said she goes. Oh that's the pot calling the kettle black wait who's. The kettle! Wait what who's the kettle! So does the pot calling the kettle black all fucking with me? She says it whenever you would need, the analogy. That's when she grows out of context jumbo shrimp, it's like well, that's called got. It doesn't even match. What's going on fuckin, she just likes that she says the little catchphrase yeah. She is a funny kid and alright guys that's about fifty minutes. I apologize if it's not everything you wanted to be, but it's my wife catching up in the man cave hanging out. I'm
Austin, I'm dehydrated! I am tired, physically exhausted I've run. Probably I would venture to say close to trust about. Seventy miles eighty miles this week, so so turn in. If you haven't already go. This is the road is par gas with the winds and check that out during the year and promote yeah. Bird has a show in Boston, the wilbur theatre. Wheelbarrow theatre january, twenty first gentlemen, stress factory this weekend, yeah and I'll be doing ob radio I'll be doing. I think Kevin Brennan are going to get together. Try to do a podcast, you come runners, yes, do you think so take a guess. I think he will say he wrote for Saturday night Okay, see, I think he wrote started last night live for a season and he was going to be weekend update guy for
second because he came in like manner, ran a sad. are you impressed that I knew was a funny you're wrong. I am almost certainly what he did alive, you would have no clue that he didn't live ass, pretty good, though to good. Maybe I was a connected to my source energy and it was he s p. Yes, bird, no, Was Kevin? Brennan lived next door to johnny and mickey Johnny and the jolly hobson's jai? Shall china shall he lived his family grub next to them? Ok, very folder brother. You met his brother, neil, yes and the cabin his older brother Kevin's, the first guy I met in comedy, okay, so yeah so hopefully, hopefully I'll do a podcast with him. He said he could come out to jersey. I think he lives in jersey, awesome but I'll be in jersey this weekend and then and then at san diego, that we can, after that you know that no yeah, I guess I could drive you're fuckin, dammit. What's wrong, nothing vessels nothin disrupted yeah! Well, I
do you have something to promote what girl scout cookies go on sale of, firstly, in favour, So if you guys were girl scout cookies help my wife, leanne I'll, leave your local. Alright, I'm going to get back on the treadmill and then go to bed. Okay, I'm going to bed! Okay, love! You baby! I love you too hey! I love you guys too. have a great weak. If this fascinating thing is inspiring you to get me shape, definitely semi those tweets. I love those tweets that illness ram and all these books or check out the machine, video facebook, it's gone viral. It's twelve million views right now, so so. Thank you, everyone for watching it and if you share it thanks again, I appreciate that you share it. So I'll see you guys on the road. I see as on robins. Tomorrow, god bless gods.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-18.