« Bertcast's podcast

#212- Owen Benjamin & ME

2016-12-20 | 🔗

Comedian Owen Benjamin and I hang out in the Mancave and talk about the END OF THE WORLD podcast, Trump, his family's move to upstate New York vs. the softness of living in LA, & the myths and realities of White Privilege. 

To get my book "Life of the Party" click HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Party-Stories-Perpetual-Man-Child/dp/1250030250

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I'm Chris Paul owner farm heating, cooling plumbing lecture- are you looking for a long lasting career Consider the trade, here's! What our team has to say, whether you know anything about a trade or not come talk to us. We can teach him how to do what we do. You'll enjoy it and you'll want to stick around you'll want to make it a career. If you want to be the best at what you do and you want to be respected at what you do comments where you need to apply online at golf r m dot com the hey no sketch this weekend for real this week. Why do I keep saying see the last week I said this week and the thing I know is that you guys skip over these, so I was trying to make it so that you guys wouldn't skip over these, because I know that the first six minutes of my podcast are gone.
Well. You've already you've already gone, there's only like ten of you listening to this, which stinks because here's where I tell you romney be performing- and I know that you guys come out and see me perform. I just wish everyone knew cause. Sometimes I get emails like him in when he comes to Boston january, twenty first at the wilbur theatre. I didn't know that you should put those in your bobcats. I do a tour dates. Oxnard stress factory and american comedy company, wilbur, theatre, buffalo and helium that'll. Take you all the way to the end of january right there. So if you're in those places go to those places, I'm just fuckin exhausted, I was touring really hard. These last three weeks in a row, a tampon in indian in fort lauderdale, no fuckin fort lauderdale, was a grind. I got to meet dan marino and show my dick
There is a great clip out there. The audio it's on polling young runs last trip. What show finale coming up? Broadway parlor blithe bellevue laugh out loud san antonio cause, for everyone says when you come to taxes, that is the very last week of february, must counters pact to be dead, honest, you and I'm really excited I'm doing honor material on the road. I I am really happy with the material. I'm doing I dont know That is the way to do stand up. I feel like it is the norm of it now and dumb I turn over interpreted quickly anyway, but I would probably have done some sprinkle in older stuff that I like only to put on a better show, but you know I think company fans really enjoy seeing the college right.
and I don't have a problem with writing and I think it's making me a better comic- simply make me stronger right now forming a whole new, our except I do them. He's stories people wanting to the machine story, I'm not drinking right now and I can feel it. I can really feel it for the first time in my life, I'm like fuck man like I'm on edge, I could use a cocktail. Isla was driving me up the fucking wall today soon as she got up and going fucking crazy lately, as she does not listen like to the point where I think I'm gonna get her hearing tested. so that's it oh check out this up. It's called laughable. It's just laughable full disclosure. I am working with them, but I'm only and with them so like the app. So if your podcast fan, like myself, love this up, what you do Is you near progress there that simple? Just like, the fuckin any other our year progress there. But, more importantly, if you
are, and I know you are- I know that your fan directed. I know that depends. The fan, I have that you guys go far Oh that person and you watch them like a perfectly- samples, shame, moss, shame, moss is good, on every part ass, he does I first heard him on getting doug with high then he was on my part, gas. The news on armies, podcast then integrated duncan. My gas than he did, josie pye gas needed merits by gas and they're all fucking interesting. why go and track him that way when you ve got affable and put all of shame, mosses pot gas, all one bade and is bob gas. So then you can go wrong. Is by gas and then see, everything else he's been on saving with rogan man, I love a road is one of the projects level on his by gas, but he's just on Arias pot. Are his pockets? Is a good one laughable great for this, because our ease pockets are so strong. He does readers like these thematic interviews, always it's about. First jobs,
getting fired or family her weight. In my case, by the way weight loss, update, I'm doing fantastic. I'm askin! You! I've been in over a year so stop by the way, but they were we're on the same weight and work- do something big. I won't announced at all. As someone else knows it, wanna, do something big that first week of january right before I go to the stress factory in new york on the fifth sixth and seventh, are in jersey, fifth, sixth and seventh, or so oh, oh that'll be announced, but it'll be funny. Shit should be really fun anyway. I got laughable download it tell me you like it tell me, I don't like about it. I don't think it's an android. That is one of the notes that I've been getting, that people are upset, that you can't get it on android, but I'm sure they're working on that, but
Brian fitzsimmons and I are all working with them. I shouldn't tell them I should I mean. Maybe they don't want to say that, but that's the truth. I don't think either of them would have a problem telling the truth. I got two shows tonight and both one of the store and one of the laugh factory and perform the laugh factory and probably eleven years- and I definitely haven't been there since Michael richard at his Fucking amazing one thing: oh I'm on the podcast the world so I don't know if you know what it's called the world it's on npr, go check it out at it. Let's start to show. Is this better than sketches hit me up, and let me know I like to sketch it just gets: We feel that this is a lot easier. So if this is like even com, both the sketch it is. We can just go with this was a heartfelt catch up at the beginning of every week. But the wilbur theatres, what I'm really push intervene only when a boston hit him up. I want
I want to sell that out and we're close, so, let's sell at the weber theater this, let's sell it out. I used to find that so pompous when I was a young comic and I wasn't, selling places out in other comics were like c'mon guys, let's sell this out this weekend, like they have any vested interest in your success. Like you get a cut, I mean It's your good show, but that's it if you doesn't matter of itself out you're starting to see the same, so come on guys, don't drop the ball. this one, the sell this out, I gotta do Should a video for this wilbur theatre thing on the twenty first, let's it I think Oh my show, I know my short term special going go watch it it's it's airing all the time. I'm gonna do a live airing of it or I'm just going to plug my fucking mic up next to the audio and play it for my podcast and then get sued out
ass. The house is finished by the way. Almost they fucked up our stucco, so they had come into the reader stucco Laws are all dirt because they had stuff on em. So you can't use my blower because it just blows, dost everywhere in the never gets algae attacks, but other houses, technically venice, is a mess right now. That's all. I appreciate you guys, listen to my. I guess I proceed as coming to my shows me the lot does a loving. You guys come and talk to me about the bike as and when we talk about inevitably immediately started. about other progress with today's Asked is a perfect laughable. Guest because he's, but my pollack ass. I think four times and he's. Everyone else's podcast and this guy is the He is the reason you should I already known as barometer. Do the build up anyway that just like I'm a real host, this guy is
The reason standards should have podcast he's the reasons and up comics do so well on morning. Radio he's the reason that, You would have loved him on opiate anthony if he had ever done, opium anthony or even open or even salmon, Jim or he's just thought, the guy he's. First of all, he is so fuckin unfiltered. Second of all, he dropped he dropped off. He was like off the great I'm gone and moved upstate new york, this beautiful wife and son and though is and eu living such an interesting fuckin like any opinionated. I love people that are opinionated, because I'm not even if I say something, edgy, and here I was counter it with. I really think great person I mean I just have my opinions are sometimes can't stand myself about that like today world, they said why I'm going back to that they said think about Putin's view on homosexuals, importer, music partner to say, yeah
really change any that's that fucking focus on it, but that's not what you on national radio. I was a man just I doing it's horrible, but with the what is it? What am I gonna do I guess I write a joke about it or I talk about it tonight. But yes check out this guy laughable. This is the guy that that that up was made for Now you can go, find them on any podcast he's been on and they're all good, because it's him fucking talking and ranting, and he is one hell of a fuckin renter and today's podcast. Ladies and gentlemen,. Odin benjamin forwarding, jury. you liked. It oh, my god could be like in the smithsonian our I gotta be it's probably one of the guys and really- and I said this to each other, the next day. My cast it did
Podcast sounds like it's one of the best things. I've ever been a part of on stage. It was so pure because it was like such at seven Tension like that night and you have like the best most honest comedians in the world. All just witnessing it and ripping o n n n, I mean it was lost to me that it without bill burr and rogan like that. Wasn't integrity that fuckin moment over. You, though, you're almost like this. This power ballot group like every and had their say, everyone had their spot as a very accurate way like him in hindsight and looking at it, because I didn't because I talked to scurry about it, and I didn't need to talk much. I could really just kind of The flaws when like is, is not not too like pick a part that nine I won't but like that but the flaw would be trying to go toto with bill were on a subject.
What's all it's like a great basketball team as a u r d, different things, I love watching it our work, as you basically represented like that your brain, just pure you know, and then bill represented the counterweight where every time People get mean he'd be like. What's up pizza every time. People get too silly he'd be like there's a conspiracy to take your money, yeah and then rogan is like everyone's dad. Who's like everything, will be fine, and then I load the thing I like about row like if you're going to talk about like parts of the parts of the body I like logan is the is the. Is this the spirit of the heart like how he would take something and, and This is why we need this in london Are you need psychedelic or he's one step removed from every that? It's almost like he's. Like you know, people are going about a football game, these dying the stadium, yet health reside. We
I do this in a parking lot and everyone's like no but red team, blue team who's winning is like. Why are we even here right now, yeah, and it was just I loved our just to show how fine you guys we're having a hell of a cat being like I have to move my mike, so I don't laugh and make some guy goes. So this is one of those muted him, he goes having listened to the world podcast jet and only take me in it for the record bert it wasn't that fucking funny he's, like you, didn't see the left that hard your overlapping and then I I wanted to write back, hey man, I'm sorry. Will you sitting on stage high fuck with bilbil Joe rogan and dug stand up because I was in the end. There is an end. You too that moment when you're looking at Arguably three, the guy, it is complex of our generation ripping about his.
We as it's happening, live, live and restore in like a historic place, and I'm cognizant that my laugh can annoy someone and I'm sure that there are bill fans that don't want to hear me giggle with bill. They want to. Just your bill ramp, and so I was definitely measuring the mic and one of the greatest things one of my favorite things when I watched the video. I love that towards the end of the shallows. I don't give me that, like everyone else, try to talk if I live on the cell grabbed the mike, but I fucking I was ecstatic and a hand on high in a long time, and joe pass to join around on stage a second we got out and everyone is. prevail hit it, then jeffreys breezes care like enclose a lot literally. It was as if it was a cartoon fantasy of what comedians do together I say again and stand help is like representing almost like to sell it. interactive nature of comedians, then saying the most profound shit, a magical, Sergey atta comes in and just
You know it was all and then morgan murphy represented. Like the like, always voice of what was happening politically. You know it was like and it was all happening in our way- lay the capital, the hunger games you now and it's like you have like these for that transcend the districts like all you dudes like the tour and district twelve district for the capital. That's the crazy thing that sea love. Morgan and I love Sarah. But the one thing: they didn't get those trying to explain to them that I was standing, but I couldn't. I definitely got very fucked up to in the past, but the one He he saying is you I have to go in the middle of this country. Yours, you're telling me right were valid. You guys These places like it was big sweeping red areas you're calling them all racist sexist, I didn't read the identity day I go either. Sixty million people were secretly indicate a gay or something else is going on in and take
clearly there is a miscommunication here and morgan and idle, and by the way, once again a million times I'll say I love morgan. I think The way she looks the world is healthy, and that is that is there's nothing wrong with it, however, sheep It has no problem. Her first treated the night was the united states Oh god, I don't live. There has tag allay its end. Really that's almost true! It's like I did it set last night at the improv and dude I, like start ripping into the crowd a little. I literally fellow ego. Is it the capital of. hunger games, improv, where everybody is Looking at me, they're, not like bad people. I like love em, but it's like they do no what's outside the walls either. They see it on the news or sometimes travel, because these people always vacation two beautiful places. They comedians and military, unlike porn stars, go to like cincinnati in the winter and in ours, and I was in. I was in ohio the week before the election and I
going out to impress for the special, which is very often how much time guys? but I was in new york and they were like do you think trump will take ohio and I go percent rise just in toledo in dayton, and I made a joke about robin dayton, and they booed me- and I was like is that he will not take cleveland Columbus. But many we'll take the rest of ohio totally any and he did- and I was like I it's it's. Once in a while, the other things I said is that it's the arrogance of the media to think that, because your liberal europe, immediately smarter than any one. Who would be conservative so like a very conservative borderline racist thing to say, which is by the way not bread out of hatred, its bread out of experience is the media was saying, but the latina in Florida will vote against trump? there are assuming that because someone's
cuban. They empathize with someone is mexican. That is the could not be further for the fucking trio. Laughed has become, and I was always a proud democrat and, and now I'm really not because its flipped as far as who sounds bigoted tomatoes, the liberals have taken this stance of you or everyone's rave you're white you're racist, if you're like an eye when they said that my group in florida and right and one of the major fucking differences between, the cuban experience in america and the mexican experience in america is once your cuban and you set foot on american territory. You are immediately a citizen right and as a cuban once used or as a mexican, once you set foot on an american territory, you are made ill immediately illegal right and castro is as left of sanders so like a lot of cubans are really Republicans and so, and that that drove me fucking nuts that they would assume that, like beak data to mail and can offer the same guy and a salon article like you like
it's it's it's bonkers in, and they also know that minorities are so there such dumb sheep that, like seeing hilary with like Lebron james means she just like the black vote, and it's like a third. max again still voted for job, it's like it. It doesn't get because treat everyone like children, where it's like philbrick hilary protect you and people like page I got a gun. An end, its two things. makes me sad is seeing people think that white people voting against their will minority group, or am I just want to be like? have of white people like we don't hate you guys at all. That's all that's such a it's! Actually, the opposite. Dignity is absolutely flipped it at its head. You know military comedians people that actually work side by side with all braces religion, I dont gazes they what color comes to my show. I've got, I created an art form for everyone. My voice is not for white men,
is that, where everyone- the horrors of my room of course, and by the way have you noticed that the most annoying are the all white rich people they're, the ones that I do a bit of how black, due to the only people that can be anniston songs, you know I do like I'll make love to you like you want me to hold you tight all through the night. Am I the one not those nights at these nights, not your body's, a fucking wonderland, I'm like what am I why people are pathetic. I'm like I'm like every one of our songs is like every note in my dreams. Am I as we were like. I only call you when it's half past five, the only then am I doing this shit and if you do it with, even if is ten percent black people you're fine? But if it's like less than five percent, they look at? like I'm, a racist, I'm like I'm saying how good they have it with that yeah like this, just bringing up another raise in and it wound people up to vote to vote for the orange you now like job like beauty,
If no one was like. Oh man, I love everything. You say and everyone was like. I'm voting against a culture, that's lost his fucking mind like caitlyn jenner, is not more of a woman than my mother. Sorry, my bad, like my physique my physics body reside, she hasn't been a woman for a whole year. How could she be woman of the year mathematically implausible It is a weird I, the Oh, oh, oh saying, on stage I go the reason. These costs saying that its its white young white you're men who voted for trump and across the country, there is? This in college is having a fuckin by their tongue because a safe spaces and shit it's guys, who feel like they took away the word midget too quickly. Right then, I wasn't nuns and that a retarded and get retired. I don't I don't mind retard, but, like I get the argument that a priority of, but
retarded is such a digs existing word. That means what everyone is saying. It means that you cannot say it. You cannot say it about, like I forget. I wish I could remember the exact sentence, but the word I needed to use was explain the situation that wasn't about object right. It was or was not was under evaluating. It was I who it was what was retorted? That was the word I needed to use, but I chose not too and dance around the subject to and fro, not to tell people what I needed to say do you know like animals like, but a number. No, I'm good You have the pc hardcore pc because there's words I took out of my vernacular just because I was like well fuck What were the young kid whose the do sexuality. So I'll stop saying the f word. You know like but their eyes in this country, who'd hulu. We're like you took away to equipment. I wasn't done people, get weird about the word. Niggardly. That's from this sixteenth century. It means cheap. I don't want it for me that that the
definition of of faggot was bothersome woman yeah, There was a bundle sticks. It was a burdensome person in a lot of times. It was like a wasted guy like a opposed menopausal woman, and then I I actually did get a joke. I like that, funny everywhere in one of our last pike ass. You gave me some good shit about doktor, dicks and stuff so cool and you can just riven with france, and they can. I help you like, like with the facts jokes worked out because it is it because they jogged the joke. Is that you know I just tried to make people know that were not born hateful we're just born not capable of fast change we still see. God bless you from the fuckin plague. you know, and I'm like that You didn't mean gay people at men like a burden like good idea. Blood zepplin album cover, like you got the burden on your back and when we're agriculture without farm equipment. You needed, like fifty kids ross starved. So when one Kid was like eyes why
dance with steve all day, it's like you're a burden. the legs of the gay kids were the burns and then now that we're no longer agricultural we're service based now gay people at the top. For the food chain and the new faggot is babies. that's right now, and so that was our getting people at that point. Well, ok and then The punchline now is, I gave friends are killing each other. All like rip there there like inventing apps, are having a raven a castle. They call me and they're like we're having a rave at a castle and I'm like icon they're like yeah, but don't bring your little faggot baby wah it is interesting that the that the that I find the two that I find media to be. Useless its use, as is its card actions with bombs, its people who, by the way the people reading it are the most the most fucking lame, intellectually, lay people I've fucked host for, like, news anchors, neither fuckin their pointless.
They're so shallow and all that king for as a sense of vat additional by the way. This is something I went over in therapy today because out, because I'm I'll talk to you about in a second put its good, because because I was thinking about our podcast before in therapy. But they're, just looking for whatever their sense of validation is and for them it is too. in front of a camera that everyone that it needs in front of a camera is, is, is usually I'd say. Eighty percent is allegation. First, art second re or news anchor. There's you those wanting in your words, there's no art net, there's! No! being wow It is not do that. The addition of validation is almost the route of everything. Bad right now we're it's almost like, like our people publicly Jamie freud data. The story arouse ike women are on twitter. So that means all the dishes are done. funny jug and in these do You're like how dare
Bobby and then they'd be apologizing and my dm but public We bashing me and then recently girl did the same thing I was like recently I was. I was just long way miss my wife inside and outside manner. You could be alone in a mansion and Have you got is being with your people under a bridge? I might is different from the house and home, and so was like. Excuse me some of the boot jack Margo, like a girl. like rights, for a big shower some issues like you now. I have on family members that are homeless and they would much rather have a shower and outside was very calm. I no longer like battle these people, I'm just saying no figure misinterpreted me. I wasn't say you I was sarcastic at first I get a god forbid. I have a different point of view. God forbid Maybe I used to live in the czech republic. Where were we? gypsies. We call someone who owns a house, a fuckin pussy you now like, maybe I just missed my wife and sign and that eventually she just dm meal, an apology, but never public, never public.
because she has to apply to that, like validation that she's one of the good ones. Morally, she can't say publicly what she wants to say she ran is because, if she does, she loses what is her validation. What is her fan base the people to pay her? check out, I wish I knew the woman was but I got into its interesting. That's so like. The there's an I got into a little bit of a twitter, I would say not even a duck. stop was that the one where I stepped in and had your back yesterday, yeah and and- and I was like- I didn't realize- how big their progress- I guess they're, probably as big. Oh, no, I was directly to two days ago. Someone was talking shit to you about stealing some shut, the fuck up that I got a little vicious too that I still tried to jerk off to it. The that's really interesting. You said that said that that person, I think
Is it polly mentally and unstable? I didn't even we I just I've got one thing I was like and then She sent me an email, but I just was like I'm gonna stay away from people like that, it's, because you said she was a comic. I felt really like he's you're my friend, and I know that you're, that's the heart with all the The theory was that I was scouring the internet for people with seventeen views on videos and then stealing their bits and by the way it wasn't even a bit. I don't even know I never even listened to the rogan episode. It was a conversation it would be like would be the a conversation like this and someone was I hold almost second, I have a thing while fighting with people on the internet, but we're just talking we're not running bits and you'd never run a bit on rogan. So I was like I'm not even going to touch it. No, the other one I got into was yesterday is the this guy. I won't say his name, but he's a is a black dude he's gotta show and he did a ran about the pin. I totally agree with by the way at all, red with his rant. There wasn't a part of his reign.
I didn't like or didn't enjoy. It was just the fact like the one That is the safety of a man who knows a safety been, but in its end, is the whole premises. You don't knows that Liberals are wearing save depends to let people of color know their say, if being around them right, which is the first thing you do. Have your serial killers get a safety pen yeah like the serial killer, one, oh one! What makes people feel safe? Do that get a dog and a safety pin go to work? What a fucking arrogant, arrogant thing to do is to put a pin so that you so that people color- who now your deeming softer? weaker than you of course know that they can come to you and go on. Go hey. You're ok, I'm I'm not gonna kill you, I'm not gonna turn in your way. I'll. Take you re going to my wing ray what the fuck. I would never do that in a million. and that was his point. It was how arrogant It was a really go arrogant. The only thing he said this point was and now you know why you're, why people you got you.
I got. A guest aged walking into pottery born toned down a dollar five save depends, and I wrote I just work. This is. it's coming from men has clearly never been to pottery barn, hilarious, don't sell pins, fucking padres, so fuckin finally do. But then he comes back at like going into hot topic buying cars. Yes, why do you get a hot topic and he then he's comes back with ike and by the way, is a comic. I'm not fucking shit on him. I actually think if the person who runs the twitter for this this this team- Someone else I think wrote. This is the of horribly misspelled it was as it was a slight at my sexuality, because I would because I know they don't sell pins it party born was almost the gay, because This woman is actually proud to say knows what pottery born is, as am I right, Whatever the I wrote or origin married you that's what I wrote. I went. Actually, yes, I'm currently.
I went through a renovation and I have my eye on their andover cabinet yeah. By the way, if you're married long enough, you start feeling kinda gay dude. I went to pottery barn yesterday to look for a site. As for our bed bro, I peruse pinterest like I'll be adventurous like painting shit like oh that's, the kind of outdoor sauna. I really wish. I was there anyway. So what happened at that and then some One of his fans was ike. Oh we're about to attack you. Bert late in another name, but they timing in you're about of you fucked the wrong people, is. I wish I could say the name of the people. Just I want keep it out of it. So I dont because I like that, I, like I ended up. I liked the guy's rant. I liked the ran around fuckin thing about poverty born so I don't care to end. This is almost like a gang thing between pottery barn and crate and barrel and yeah, and then they've got a a popular podcast. I think I don't know how big it is actually, but it's I think it's
big podcast dying to know who it is fucking donald trump won via hang on. Here we go alright. I just told him we took a habitable pause. It until one who was here for you, and so I just find. I find there to be arrogance in its this Matt voltron called it coastal elites. Nice he's like I'm a coastal, let's get it, but we're in baltimore to Boston like a fuckin there s a real fuckin city. It's a real city is homeless. People touch you in baltimore ran like and so on. There's no there's, no, does it? There's? No there's! No like hipster protests. There is actually there was one where they have their protest. That's good neighbourly laid for these are real estate, is going up then endorsement of all under armors a major factor: oh yeah, the Because at city ten years ago there, if you don't, have addicted Four crag like you might get beat up baltimores,
fascinating and about where the thing I love about bob form of comedy factory there, which is, predominantly in urban club. Rather it's probably awesome right. When I go there, it is it. You definitely have an urban factor like there is definitely a ten top of of sixty year old black people, which is my fuckin favorite, yeah, yeah, another amazing and and then you'll have you'll have like a like. You know it's the weird thing about, and I hate to It is like, like. I know something about something, but in my experience, the comic the engine, thing that you get about. Black people's is a times like the aunt, the mom. in their two daughters, will all go out for a night needles. That so much with why people now you just but is like they decide their girls, nay, but it's all family. So when you ve and they love fuckin, and so when you talk to one of them, it's fuckin gangbusters, as opposed to like what why people immediately do is heading the hand that's my mother and you're like oh. What
but would you out here with your mom, but I did it like that's why I love oh geez, the basle, those kind of older black do it is because there, like annoyed by the young guys that their lag dogma, the vulgar we got Goodbye dogs know, and these dudes are excuse. Me excuse. Like I one time I ran that situation during the superbowl that bianti tweet about how appreciate her. Kick it arrived. I compare. The black panthers indicate a gay and are you now? paper, I still stand behind it, but you gotta, dig motivations and intent. That's why I apologise because one is to suppression, ones and active. So preservation, but any other day they are still like April race groups. Blame myself. I am I got so hive by the beyond say people there. Had to know, I had one former black panther, my black ass, another, like young black lives matter guy to different times. itself. Funny like day have a rift too
well. I mean the young deeds are talking about it. You know it's just that they have a different set of problems. I got older, do you like bitch, We got a lot of shit now. You know back in our day, like cops, could just like kill us. Oh, it's almost like my mom is the first woman to go to college former hometown and she's a coup diane court feminists, but like the way she sees modern feminism, she's like what the fuck are they talking about. Like we ve what we could like swim in the same pool, hours, and nowadays, when it's like that whole extent, contact as an actor rape stuff like that they're, like your ear dear taking our movement in making it sound ridiculous. Now, there's others parts theirs of me that goes like, like it's. yeah the the feminist movement I feel like like this is. This is a bad analogy.
but then I'm trying to the I'm trying to analogies this You ever see someone who works so, hard on their yard You go while you're yards looks really. yeah, but they don't have a job, and so they just they like but they get up every morning in they keep working on the art almost like day. They overdo it. You, like you like it looked good, did too much now yeah like so exactly it, because it like saying I feel like I have a friend who recently powers past and he had one of his things- was I'll. Never you'll never get meta go ideology first, because once I do I'll lose track of who the fuck I am at some some of these feminist and certain improbably sign of the buber goober right left wing feminists, I think they forget that there is. There are women that are important, writers, women in this world. There are the aisle. I would imagine. I would hope that if I have
movement, I dont, because I'm a white man, I don't have any movement of was born without a movement. I was born to say just shut the fuck, I'm movements. We can have a bow movements like that you I've, never stood up for anything, because I could it self interest idea abbot. Did I not the way white men work, You can't speak up your own self interest. You can I think. Sometimes you over your a idiot government given its. I can watch him all the time you know and outlying areas even crowd or speaks upper white men. I watch to do just or debates about about like about about like sexism begets man but its ones. Why do I? But I keep em silly sets out like one. Why, god? Where does everything about the fact? It's ok for women to say deeper during sex, and will you ever think about that? We're like you like that approval. Please approve of me deeper! It's like like this parents, like you, think we're fuckin holding out on you, as you say, deeper means. You think that we have more dick
we're keeping from you imagine if we said tighter, like you'd murder, us and everyone would cheer I'm like we're going as deep as we can from our first bomb to our last pump. Want that of my tombstone, I'm like it, but there and do just so. Awesome is not only not offended at. We think it's hot, because it's a direct command. People like to lose weight, shrimps and pubic another quarter inch in there. You know- and I like that it's the difference, because it's like dudes, don't really like think like how do I self victimize myself all the time? I find that, like this, this alt right movement, that's going on where it's this white nationalism, they're saying there's racism against white people, white people not really like not right. I don't. I can't. I can't agree with that either right now I can't go about with you. I would love to. I would love to have a movement like us has resolved to, but I can't because I'm not I'm I'll say right now, I'm sitting in a room for money talking to a friend there are totally six mask and destroy it
killing themselves in there to make sure that my house is nice and that that is there is there is I that is. That is inherent in the way are so economic breakdown cuts in and that it has to do. I believe that white privilege is a real thing. I believe that I know that I that my path in life has been a tad bit easier, because I was born with I was born with an easier path. I do believe right and it's ok good. You see that because it's like a lot of people there there Binary there. It's madness or madness. You now, because it's like than theirs maybe there's a middle ground between this trumpet hilary think there's ground totally fucking fuckin good people who see both The argument yea absolutely is when you get pulled over by a carbon brentwood its way better to be white fact, but in like those parts of like all those places it went read they don't even know what that is, because everyone's white and its
so they don't know that it's, like the major white privilege, happens in brackish waters, where you have a lot of money and a lot of minorities. They like be in desperate situations because that's a good one. ok. Give like paranoia cops. Are point guns, you know, but it's not because, like one group is just inherently bad, it's all based on you know social structure. That's what I love your opinion on the same way. That's why I can't have a a party, because you know liberals we'll, try and change things. It don't need change and conservatives want change when there has to be changed. Sometimes because there are, these paths that they can't stop conservatives, sometimes you're like now, have to stay just like how it is right. Now it's stem cell, sir gay marriage serves no now just this and then liberals are like. Ok, we got. Everything we wanted two years ago, but we still are defined by change. So now we need another bad. and put into a local baker, even other isn't a bathroom for trade. It's people, even though in a bathroom from moms, like my fuck
I see my wife with a little baby like trying to change a shitty. Hyper you're, telling me someone who just cut his dick off because he's worth a billion dollars and his board as a right to a bathroom ahead of a mom with a shitting baby on an airplane like it there there is a there is a bizarre, like I want you. That's a really interesting thing that you said we go. Now that we ve got a whistle blowers are or ideology is all about change radically. Changing we have to keep changing. There is no end game to this. There will never be an end game. To equality. There will never be equality, I think too, and to some extent There is. There is a narcissistic belief in the liberal side, where you know nor cyst, it's not about. I'm feeling good after put down others right and I think in a weird way. I dont know what little Would do if everyone just said yeah roku that they will hold on them. and then no no. No. I want more than the guide they want their. They is just like fuckin unbreakable.
with fuckin bruce wilson, the villain, the and can exist without the euro and the euro can exist without the villa course. It's also like the joker words ike like a dog chasing tyre. What I do if I get it, you know it's like action is the movement unlike sell by definition, its apologies game, it has to have caused, an expansionary falls apart and we witness the policies game we witnessed. move voted for a black man twice being called races, because they now don't think If anything happened through, I quit minutes and now people are even or upset about more things in life. When does it end like when I want pitch in one of my body is this black community is a genius. I was pitching them a sketch idea with junior travon free, you know true. I know I was a. He was doing a joke. He was talking about some cab stuff and I was like You funny would a sketch be whereby,
How many is enough where, if you're like a cab like white guys have to like? Not pick up like forty white guys for black eyes and the numbers, forty and then we're good. You know like like a quantitative thing that can end the constant like not not enough, not enough, not enough, because called there's a quantitative number that you could hit just like on my fit that I have a goal twelve thousand steps every day you ever ever jerked with it. You can totally see my spikes. It takes me one point two miles to come. I I I was right in my ass. I was like my ass aggressively yesterday I had seven stabs actual. That adds hysteric I did, but there is, it would be called there's a quantitative number, the thing I look at us and I go in and by the way I also realise I don't have much of a right to talk about the feminist. because I'm a dude- and I don't know what it's like to be- a woman this world, you can talk about how you feel from them
I told you you're, saying the same thing: I'm like being in a city I'm like I don't fucking know what that fucking thing about. I dunno what it's like to be pulled over as a black man. I know what it's like to have a woman, be a woman and like just be I By my scumbag friends at a bar I gained, it must be terrifying, like I am a feminist and a lot of ways, but not in the ways that, like once, you start infringing on my sank, they have just being able to be a normal non aggressive man. You know, I think it that's what that's when you can comment about like what feminism is when you're like when there's. Pissing in your yard and you're good the it is. I haven't done anything to you, my friends. Don't do anything to you. You can't start telling me that, just because I have dignan, it's an active patriarchy and rape or some shit fuck you! I don't. I don't understand these. The new words cock, I love that word, because I am a fuckin straight up, cock, Donovan I've been concluded before in my life I deftly been calculated and I've identify who that words so much those fucking me.
Heads went into a bar with co mail and his friend call them Cox and I fell a going. I would if I had been there, get almost garigliano job, I'm definitely bigger than the fucking guys that came up to camille. I would have gotten in their faces at me, like I'm, a fucking cock, are you going to do about yeah but a cock? My whole fucking life? It's like that with geisha. Two acres have to have someone like all your fag like semi little did and some like fuckin marine with ptsd, comes out and he's like I'm gay too. What the fuck did you just say: do you think it means you're fuckin weak to be a cocker like gay, and I'm not saying that it's that come illness you did the right thing by walking the final wars, not yet the right thing court that I just I would be like. I would do not take that as offence, but But what was a thing or saying deterred, firms were talking about the term cock. You don't know it certainty or were you where these terms come from, I don't know I got kind of fuckin oftener ramp. My point is like, like I once and I don't. I don't claim to speak anything of feminism them.
perception of it and I just Sometimes I say have we for We forgotten how horrible women's rights are another. parts of the world right, like I mean like, I think we ve got this plate. Spinning, like I think we're good work, I think there is still a long way to go with with from what it sounds like with rape, culture, oh, I know it say. What's more sounds like with rape culture, I still think there's a very long way to go and I think that its there's a different dial, that needs to happen to kind of make real leaps and bounds and change. But, like I don't I understand these dudes who like who like this, jennifer with who they are and then become the light, almost like: it's almost like, like the guys who are like the like, I I hate men. Men are horrible and their men mentoring, stockholm syndrome
I when you're kidnapped- and you start like feeling like you eat it's egg, your hat. You're kidnapped were you now not identifying with your own self, then is not wrong with being a man like and a lot of omit alone like being a man. I love it I'll be in demand. It is my wife loves that I love being a man like if I acted and she went you see for masters and engineering, that's an hour thing like I'll talk about how she loves staying home with a baby and just being a wife like and people Yeah like they look at me and said little shitty things almost like pressing her and I'm like He told me how with tears in her eyes how much it meant to that she trusts me enough to be home cause she like had. Greer because you didn't want to be abandoned and be like laughed like a guy. abandoned or should be fox is like but now I know you want and you can provide for us. So, like I'm so happy, I can spend time with our child my wife my way tat. We had a very successful career as a screenwriter and when we got pregnant, bailey
it is my responsibility of these children. And always like, and I was I was like fuck the imo, I learned this tat, I m a primary narcissus, so I'm a secondary nurses as well. I like hanging with you. I love I just am very like a child. I don't realize. Sometimes I don't realize my wife calls it casting a big wake, but I don't realize that there's other people involved and sometimes throw that it's so charming, though I think that's. Why people pay to see it cause they're like I just want to see what I like want to be, but I've like down so much like for a one case in fuckin. Pottery byron runs. Imagine if you had never gotten tethered, and you just we're like like imagine if there you're, all like This sounds horrible. Merging of This is an analogy for what I do. I even know that I do stand up. I feel like sometimes I am the horse that fuckin that that was left in the forest.
and then I come back in a see. Horses bind the fence, lego hay and I knock the two right, let's go run for the night and everyone it's to be wild horses and a lot of people have to go hey it's Monday morning. I have to go back, but I'm sure there's a it has to being out in the forest by yourself when you're getting on a plane drinking by yourself as that one horse sprinting, oh my god. I've had especially as seen with being a comedian like I've, had moments where, like after I host the art directors guild awards and like you, the dicaprio is Nan hath ways in the score says. Is a world literally treat me like a god they're like yours, funny man, you're you're all career, changed after tonight, I'm like Now, a man now on the horn, the forest like I'll, come in and all actual ira thousand room like a thousand the other most powerful people, and I were three years in a room- just electrify em and then after not that we are just go back to our will. Places in mine is like that. We have
autonomy and freedom is a comedian, but we don't have the stable, like that. The other horses have yeah were like part of this bill. you're saying and we're just like coming words and then they like this see our honesty there like he believes what he sang like he's. In that moment. There is something beautiful to that horse, but from a distance. Rightfully does this, since you look at him in running in the forest, like god, damn it man that must be cool, no fuckin. Rule no rules whatsoever do what you want and Come knock us out of the stable every now and then so we get to run with you. But when you get close to that horse, you're like oh fuck, no one's combed him yeah shit you ve been out in the rain and there's mud or his lips are all broken footmen. His teeth are blocking shit. He's like any like this not a bad looking towards a mean but like and then there's people, that are are that horse, but there's so concerned with what they look like. You know to me, like I'm, The one thing I learned in therapy today was I
Julie, shit on people it internally on. Who seek fame over over art yeah. My externally, should I think, like I have, friends who, who, like you, know the red carpet horse like if the if they getting like their call on their age, and I would never come of age and get me a red carpet ever fuck. I never even if I'm in a movie or something I won't go on the road. I think it's insanely awkward. It's I've done it before and it is the most who are you who are you so you name yeah, like I'm bored, riser. Look here! Look here. We are really or why you and you you're like I was so inspired and I'm trying to snag right now, I'm trying to spike guys- and so that's how people spike, though that's like the whole thing just that it's a hole fucking game, and so I said to my therapist us like it makes me sick and then sometimes you'll see guys like that get into stand up or girls like that understand up to try to
now I do stand up and I'm not about not talking about anyone specifically because like theirs, I know that we the draw parallels ago. What's it all about this guy, I'm not I'm talking about collectively. Guys who they're like well now. I do stand up and you're like. Oh I'm, I'm a purist, I'm a comic first, my therapist like hold on they're doing this for some sort of validation, the same issue he said. Could you do so with no validation and those like Why did you can understand up? I realized today. I did not get into stand up loved stand up beloved comedy, but I didn't get into it, because I was an artist with the words I got into it because needed validation. I needed the laughter. think I figured out it's a date. It's it's it's almost. This is so perfect. It's almost like the difference. We hilary and trot not policy. Forget policy. It's yours, disgusted by people who seek validation from a group of people that you like, you seek validation from just humans where you could go any room, Ohio florida, how it doesn't matter and you just
people- and you like, I want validation from the human soul versus is validation from people who can help your career and that we're. The toxic is well totally where like people- it only fave like tweet, coming at them from famous people like that I don't care about anyone else, except for when they see a blue check. Mark direct all talk to you and you're like oh well, that that is different. It's a different type of validation, validation from like just wizard elite that, like you, only want it's from its renate lord of the rings. It's like you in the precious. That's why I left l a I live in the country. I live on top of a mountain of dying to talk to you about that because because I didn't want to be a hypocrite, I'm like am I in a ponzi scheme. Yes, I was just on a successful sitcom for three years of ad to comedy central specials and my soul is aching for more yeah and I'm like. So that means there's something crazy wrong here and not wrong with l a and that wrong with, like the entertainment industry, it's like I want.
To be around my brother and I wanted my son to have like a more peaceful existence and, unlike so what the fuck am I doing here so bad. I love. I watch you on a must. Be instagram yeah adela. I I know that now that's the biggest in the world. I never use now can't I just haven't interest. The people were good. It's that high fruit escorts europe. Its in others, a cannibal asean that social, he does to your actual life, for some reason is a good way to put it man. I gotta get into therapy. Do my therapist I'd be hannibal liaison with my had almost nice. You guys, I put them and I will describe them- Sometimes I just going out. I had a oddly enough. My spike, connected with my self esteem? And I went well? That's that's unhealthy, as ex away you're telling me that I saw that the island where died back as I have, I have Stu I have run like god,
we sometimes it was like retreats and stuff, and I'm like me only got six favours and no retreats on a that was amazing, but disk a thousand retreats, it's fucking garbage, but I guess that means I'm more. This other thing and I'm like, that's bad yeah, who is it was unhealthy, but then I but but I want to win, I've. So I just don't fuck around with my whole point is, is does it cannibalize my life? It doesn't fucking right. I do of video ever item, I myself am and just put our something cool mother. Think I'm doing, and this is where I am at my head is ike couldn't understand once not shitting on them. I couldn't understand v machine that makes the internal machine that amy my cabin art, both friends of mine, but but I couldn't stand where they got fuel. For that internal machine to be the cult of personality that they are, how they could be seen not only spoke
been for an entire generation of women, but literally a mogul like Heaven or two fuckin mogul, and I was like I don't know if I had the fuel for that, That was beating up my self esteem and then my therapist procedures, like it's not being a mogul. Do you want to be a mogul knows they don't want to be a mom, because I don't want to be a mogul and he's going to be a spokesman for anyone. I was like no, no, no, no he's like what you want and I go honestly make cool and put it out and people and I really like that there really journey up yet the best compliment you can get from santa with someone like me, they pull you sign? I needed this today like all my guy like yes all true, but it please, feel like you're saying stuff tat, I had my head man. Thank you, the avenue I that's all you do. To be a model. I don't wanna be any that, and so my whole thing now is just make cool shit put it out and unlike the gas right now my pockets is doing so. Great, because I I for them time I like for the first time and by the way since I've this progress and I'll show you the numbers when I started
hearing about this. The a year today. awfully a year ago, it asked I'd account, real conversation with the girl- and he was like, is to stop you're not into it. Just stop and I was like, and then I started carrying a mind. Numbers have increased the more like the more I care. I go that's right, because this is representative of me. These are my thoughts. These are my feet, things- and these are my friends- and this is how we talk and we'll get like argonauts fight with aryan or a podcast last night, but not but we were arguing and leant came in italy and had to be a part of the argument yeah, but that is. That is what I care about, and I like it. So I know my whole point is my point is I watch on schemes will see where you live, but there's a real it like There is a real kind of like draw that I have to your life cutting down, trees and fuckin, and fuckin making your kostas and cook. chicken on on an open fire and your hair
always being like fucking. Are you putting mousse your hair when you live in the fuckin woods, how fuckin happy you and your wife, your kid look, I go man than I fuck it up. These, my kids and now that I think exactly what you just described. That's why did want to bash our legs? It's like people, it drawn to like someone just doing what they do and I'm from there I'm from the mountains of the you know, I'm from northern new york, like I'm from a place where you wake up and you have six feet- is now you gotta dig out of and there's some sort of pride in that now. So when you go and my brother, like a guy, started I guess case, closed beers, open with my brother and wife, and just shot up those in the top hundred like last week? It's like it's. What you're saying it was that it was the thing I did that was intentional, wasn't like spike of his ike. Brother and me my life, eyebrows I was like we gotta, do something together, man, we gotta, we gotta make something because he's funnier than me just isn't focused enough to package it and put it on stage, but still
we solve small town, mysteries and drink beers and we're like that. But the joke- and I too minutes long and that's like all timey radio. You now like the case of missing stabs one was about the fit bed, her body and there are real people, this marinas ike. I woke up ever hundred thousand steps- and I remember when I was a blackout- turns out jerked off like we go down crazy, rabbit holes and like that, the numbers I double weekly pie, gas, because I think people just wanna hear is this person's? Do The age of transparency, the more you're like this is me, the more people like ok I'm cool with that, because it People are so fuckin sick of being why'd you for an agenda like people being like hey. This is me and my favorite product. Is this and me the girls that's why he laid in work. Everyone wants to have as like, we know, you're doing. Fuckin are these studies to see what your favorite color should be like. We can smell it. that's one of the things that was that I did ring. True with donald trump is like a remember, like
he just seem like he seemed like you is the No must tell them what to say, and you were like fire man this guy's until you oh yeah do that's it in the world. the public shaming, the shameless his king in the world. That's a really cause. I that's billboard to preside over. I remember it judge me mother, fucker, like it literally it's like as everything's a virus and an inoculation the virus. So virus is how dare you do you know? acceleration in the anti viruses I'll do whatever the fuck I want, so you magnify the presidential scale. You just get yourself tromp, so every time but shaming, led to this in the fucking. Laugh will take no responsibility for what happened. They'd thy, don't think the left will ever see that they cause from punter percent, its spots, it's just like racist cops cause the black lives matter or not. Black lives matter go even further. Back that's neck, comparable! That's a valid! You know,
dang, but it's over them anyway. Black panthers was com, asked by a group of people that didn't feel safe, so response is vicious you know, some of this modern feminism comes from agenda. That doesn't feel like men say writ like rape is bad then their responses. If you have a dick you're bad it's always its eye, for an eye is madness, for man is so like. That's a really interesting do this. Feminism is born out of of are. In inadequacies or or just lack of empathy towards women right and calling out around, like, I think everything, because, Better, if we have people called out their own, give cops make mistakes. You know why these shootings our mistakes, some of them, are they never alike, yeah that guy's a dick you I just like women who feel like I'm a mantle commit some sort
date, rape or something and and the guys still hang the guy there, isn't that, like oh fucking. Do that our community, because if you do that You don't have to have this. It's when p who feel unsafe, where people feel like canada grown up catholic We, when you knew I kids, you're gettin fondled, like no one would say it we're like us. You think this is ok fuck, you guys seem like a dick. stuff words ike- compliance of like not you don't have to like it, hack, the person would ever just all. Men have to do is be like if she says no, don't keep pushing, don't make. It seem like that's a cool thing to do as a man like get that pussy. Can you know it alex like. Have that pussy want that dick, be a if I'm a fucking freak you gotta have that consent and then, if you do that the culture just expands and a really nice way I caught, I there there's a part of me that I were I notice, my per venus and, unlike my man,
the only want, like the I went to starbucks today. There is this girl. I could and tell you ass. She looked like a mean. Shall blonde hair but I'll tell you. She had like my wife, where these boyfriend genes loser. Gene sequence gets done rise like agents for work on the house to grow had boyfriend genes. He had a down, really know shit, really sexy, his underwear just right up above him on one side like, like you know like her. Guys will how's new genes and you'll see their boxers. She had that with our underwear and I let my heart skip to beat. I don't even know if the chick was hot, but man just seeing that in public I want, and then I was ok now I would love to position myself and get one more look at that, but I go home, but I know that I can't do that. I got a gift. I saw it I want to just go ahead and fuck. You that's epilogue that louvois get the exits we have a hundred million sperm that no other dying and they have one egg. A month you know,
It's it's. The project's versus the big house in the country. We are to have a little differ, a little different attitude as far as aggression. You know like Spare me like get us out the fuck out bangladesh and the waters rising you now and like we're glad as women just have leg and exits there with no competition for three days just being like like its literally biology makeup, the biology is men, are more dislike, it to come out and women are more like. I want the righteous in because it's it's it's a commodity. It's right out of economics, you know it's like a guy. as jazz is worth seventy five bucks, but a woman everytime she gets her period. She was a six grand how much? How much do you think this is a? This is a a pivot point? How much do you think Malcolm Gladwell is to blame or credit for the election of trump.
see I've always liked gladwell, except for this one part guess he did about comedy that I despised woes. This. He had upon cats yeah, that's the one! Nine out of ten or like brilliant, like is mostly the one about, the free throw I conforming to oaths free, throw the the grannie shot yeah, how it's more efficient, but people still won't do it in our group. Monkey behavior, but the way about satire, where he kind of shit on satire restocking about how like Unifil out get pale in like accessible to the masses by making fun of her, not trashing her, and I think that you're right, I think, attitude gets trouble acted because you know one in Jimmy Fallon pats tromp and makes one of his hair and everyone cosmic nazi people like that. And at sea body now, don't trust aiming at your fucking mouth.
to be able to joke with people, and I just don't think he understands comedy who malcolm yeah yeah, but he did This thing were like he said He I used to have a joke: I'm not a racist, I'm an economist I don't believe in in hair. truths based on skin color, radical in numbers. We were glad was awesome, that's where in like, when he, said you know: abortion were rates. Abortion was outlawed and crime increase, because people are having that it has nothing to with skin color. But that's the that's where I go. Oh, I believe in that right, I believe in numbers or numbers. Don't lie he's against affirmative action yeah because he's like. If you take legs, kate, who isn't ready and sent him to yale,
the odds of him falling out are almost certain like he just looks at the numbers he's black and yeah that's, but I agree with, and then I I feel like his his calmness viewpoint was so pop, or the people just started going all I can say that out loud, I go your sand yeah, I can see He is an expert. and it's like everyone else feels like they can just kind of three one. Oh that reminds me, but reminds me of is the the the reformation when, like the catholic church, when Marty There was like ok, here's the bible. You can read it yourself now and everyone's ike, I are Jesus in my head too, and then there is this huge wars, because every asshole felt like they could now be like a priest. Yeah- and I feel, like I feel like Malcolm gladwell- was our martin luther in a weird, oh, my god, yeah, he said stuff. He said stop. That was like that. It was like the other, shows yet evidence this evidence shows and then all of a sudden trumps just in an you're like I wondered I just wondered about that.
talking's, I know you're, I'm a big mountain werewolf, a huge did. That's why I took that one out of some person you feel like his. Do you feel like do You like his work appeal there's more to to, serve as opposed to the liberal, I think, he's across the board. I just think dumpy. I think it was unintentional that, like dumb people could run with his concepts where it is now is now science has been so perverted. Words, like all the other, proves you're like this. This impasse rico. Evidence known as an empirical means people, but the average person is another difference, mean causation correlation I'd like like yeah, but it's like like the difference between rather not something, is directly caused by an event or there is a correlation, is correlation isn't really valid. It's kind of, like our view, great love. It Every time I go the improv everyone's drinking, therefore, all comedians or drug outer. Now I just can't take some right now, but
correlation, you don't know what the cause is kind of like black. We were all dumb. You can say that in the aid- in eighty right. So it's like all. That means black skimmings, dumb. Now is access to books, fact, your education level, because of institutional slavery, black we don't have access to books. It's its logic problems. So nothing to his skin, like let's say like a whole group as a perfect one koreans kept crashing their aeroplanes yeah and that, like the there, the races to him here for green era dislike, I they can't fly planes either agenda but in reality it is a language problem and you have to re. Do so much science to get down to the core of it were like that. in green language. You can't criticise a superior, so the copa It was made completely and valid so like it's like, sir,
there is a mountain approaching it's like you shut up. You know they don't fucking! Listen to so they would you, like analyzed others, language where they were almost talking code. It's like out may be a bad thing in there's a mountain like five seconds away from the plane in, and they just all die. So now they all speak English and there's no more crashes. That's the yeah I find I find global to be. I would know your list of the colony podcast. Did he do have opinions. Maybe I'm wrong. Is I've so much respect form that, like I'll re, listen, but it just as a professional comedian, unlike we can't Ruiz, the pressure and society with jokes. Like we ve git. Can food scares war is coming in. Oh yeah, there's there's the normalizing. It's like he almost that, like normalizing bullshit, where its idea, like moving shit out. His fine, like normalizing gay marriage is important. Just like normalizing everything you just make people be accessed
but to us that they can make their own decisions yeah. That's it one part where I don't get that I do defer. Like I'm Sadly, obviously I'm liberal item liberal compared to america lay I'm definitely liberal. Course hardcore. Socially, probably even fiscal I'm I like, mode of raillery? I do believe that is someone who does may more money. You should pay more ended in tat, like I believe in that yeah granted. You know I didn't turn that way. But that's all I believe we I why also I'm more accountability with where it goes. I would like, but the butter put what the fuck are you talking about. You are liberal you I am liberal by my gladwell over. There is like a part me that connects with when I start reading him as I yeah man, I knew was it like the same thing with comedy comedy should be The truth, if you lie in common in this, why are there so many it's like
One of the things like when you find a gender driven comedy people who say yeah, you other agenda driven economics and it's all All we know is ever even. I even think that fuckin like the Dennis miller. I totally respect I fuckin. I lose some of his points when it's too much agenda and novel of comedy but even carling is guilty of yeah. I like just funny I like just funny like in theirs. I guess there's a whole wave of. I feel like it's getting even stronger of male comics, who joke is the least important thing interact it's to make, you see their point of view yeah and you like oh yeah, but you gotta devil, do that and then also made me laugh then there's Will you really well but like the like, even show was guilty of it when she brought the fucking trump sport on stage and didn't make a joke and just be right. Ashamed, I'm ashamed him and I went I went. I was like amy fuck you doing like I get it's your stage, you can do whatever you want, but as a friend I would definitely
backstage with you said I would have done If I d joke well, or that that implies you almost wanted trump to win its ike. She how'd you possibly think that'll sway the mind of anyone to bully the shit out of someone on a communist age who, by the way, but it's true, show and and and was applied this game because he thought it would be funny and thought how coolly to be onstage, vainly shimmer and there's no joking. You realize she hates him ass. She showing her hatred and the end in my head. I go goddammit I, guarantee you that one video, did more for people polarizing people and going towards trump one hand and now fuckin registry, people to vote, as you did all fucking day, she sat in temper and the sun registering unregistered voters was pointless. Can sorry, she did that one move in florida and fuckin alienated people and
said you guys are morons cause. You don't live in l, a or new york. You guys Florida, you stupid you don't fuckin and then, after the election about everyone's, like a baby, kicking baby and honest efforts, egg people just then is a basic point that no one likes a bully and like tromp is a bully. But the though, establishment, almost out let him were there if you like him, you're fuckin, stupid and some people are like, I'm just voting on one point and I'm sorry, I'm not as educated as you. Listen to that when you listen to the media was saying, there's no such thing as hidden voters. There is no such thing as you go on facebook, see these people that support trump. I went oh, no! No! No! No! I have a lot of friends that are in Florida that are definitely voting for trump, that just I want to get to a fight with people's ugly and they just keep your mouth shut, and that is the problem. That is the problem with with what liberal media and liberals- the uber liberal elite, have done to these people.
and if it's not done starwood tromp another call them fuckin racist, unlike our energy leant years earlier years, out of them be careful for the fucking in greeting you're putting in your pie, because I want the same pie that you wanted. That's the only reason I care because I'm passive part of this country yeah- and it's like I that's the people would make fun of me that I wouldn't bass trump supporters, I've I'll mark tromp all day long. I was like I met. You know, but I am not going to bash the supporters because add up puts you you're immediately a hypocrite so now you're talking about islamophobia or I like anti semitism ready this shit, it's like ok. So because you follow Mohammed Mohammed is way a crazier than tromp? So I jargon, sex slaves and beheadings in shit. So that means you should now hate muslims. Now I don't need muslims. muslims because Mohammed said some crazy, the craziest shit ever I respect that Religion like we're, probably makes a lot of sense to like you now pray
direction like I don't know I soon with catholics. Does that mean you like? Bang kids, because you go to a priest. It's like an ice amateurs and the same thing. It's like you can pick and choose your fuckin principles. I can't say like if you follow tromp you're a racist when your jewish because that means like in the Torah it talks about, like hating people and how like sodomy is punishable by death. It's like you, dont know why people are what they are. You pick and choose things from movements. Lieutenant Miller is no fuckin saint. Do you tell people if you tell someone they're stupid long enough. They will believe they're stupid. You call people racist long enough, and then being racist, doesn't matter them anymore, because there's no the stigma attached to it, cause you're already calling them racist. It's like doing a ton of coke, like eventually it doesn't even keep you awake, yeah, yeah and brains like we're done with that, and that's that's the fuckin the thing I don't get about this don't call them fuckin races, just call them there.
Mexicans and blackmail that voted for fucking drop and women and women and I and I go, and by the way, once again, I didn't vote for fucking trump doesn't matter, I didn't even vote to be our city I wasn't going to like. This old school fucking, I know I should privacy therapy about it like it's like. If someone is like, do you want to get beaten with a sticker of belt? I'm not I'm going to be like? U pick bitch yeah like I did like either of them- and I liked Hillary more honestly, but I'm not taking too bad things, I'm not going to be like. Are you gonna be a in dentistry garbage man, I'm like I'm not taken that I believe I just compared dentistry and garvey. Well, in my mind, it would be a I'd actually rather be a garbage. I'd rather be a garbage man yeah. He was so much more to dentists, have the highest suicide rate. I don't want to be a fuckin dentist, putting my finger in other people's mouths. Although there are, that is kind of weird, if you're hot checks to put your finger in her mouth and play with it, I know I see that we run into trouble. You like you
I like that you like, even just here or just saying shit like, do you like that now that fuel that would be cool, another, I think about it. You can do the danish, like I am by, would be a dentist just like, but only have hot chicks, I'd never do dudes, as soon as these have the dentist you like do males I put my fingers in a gay man's mouth. I'm sorry, I don't do a man's mouth. I am not strictly creepy, but I'd love to be a garbage man. That would be fun. And obviously the museum right now is going somewhere angry right and going o you'd love the garbage man. You know what spoken elite ism. No, I'm saying I love the come robbery of get up in the morning with a bow two I'm lumberjack right now. I do in comedy: I'm cutting down trees of the fuckin a chainsaw with my brother and marine with ptsd.
That's my life and it's you talked about that a little bit in one of your instant, and posts. You like I like having calloused hands? I love it and people are like they don't people. Don't get it. Do you make so much more money per like thing about like a guy maybe twenty bucks an hour twenty five in our whatever my brother, wants to pay me and same with in cab, sometimes doesn't even take money he's like bro, I'm just trying to not do scratch offs because he, as you know, is he won't be able to work the rest of his life because of his all the shit you seen in Afghanistan. Twenty six played d. One his balls died, but he's ike you now he with with shit. So and people like why, like why risk your wife and have like fucked up hands in like do manual labor? Am I never feel better leg just to be, out of my head or just to be, like. I have to think about what my hands are doing its candidate. We're rogan does the fighting. I don't live
into fighting, but I feel like it's a similar type of like purity of like the way he talks about fighting is almost like, got like with tree work for me where, when you're being a tree with a rope like you can't think about like what Amy humours up to its like. I can't I have to focus on cutting this branch. and to me that's just fuckin zan seem a piano. Yet there There is a real then this in, like, unlike a lot like tell me that I should get into jujitsu because It's your anxiety, because once you go combat with a guy, you can't think about other shit. You feel forced to be the moment yeah and being a moment's one of the fuckin it's it's of I fuckin strive for that it's so funny. You talk about manual, labour being healthy it. So interesting me and others this he's. Gonna sound, very white privileged, but these guys
are there is a guy yesterday, who is he their there demoing our last bathroom, yeah and they're, pulling out o big. slabs of wall with dial up attached in the guy doing it twenty six years old, but he's coming up a ladder he's carrying it on his shoulder up a ladder, no hands and then dumping and into a dumpster and and I looked at it now, and I bet that's a great core work out a mike. wonder if I could ask if I could help them do some of this, so I could do my workout today. I was like what the fuck am. I saying now they probably love it. Am I striving for. Am I driving for some sort of normalcy. So I have to sit on my man, cavan, which they must. Look at me like like here, fuckin rumour just walks He has a room where he walks. What an Do that on the road he's
Well, I wouldn't want to get in the street and just walk. I have a room or a stand and walk right. The tv it's so fucking, weird, the almost like microcosm I forced myself into where I watch this. Doing. This will make fuck man, that's it's. I want I wonder what they thought this one. They saw me sleeping in my room. There are looking at me a sleeping and they look at me and I want I want one if they have any sense of like of like sincere appreciation of like him in this. Because really haven't, because fuckin haven't really morning- and we did this forum like over, like go cause. I wouldn't be surprised how many workers actually are very comfortable in their life. It's like did you know this is going to also sound right way, privilege, but it's actually not theirs there's a real element of isolation to white privilege that I don't think people understand and that's why I think if your pals monologue for us- and I was of the graces of overseas- I mean literally it was it was
wallace in my dad's a rhetoric professor and my debate, professor and like he watches it over and over again being like this is perfect, like just technically one things you did was- discussing you know, judge vacation and privilege ike when he got ridge and where the example we used, I thought was like shakespearian labour fact where it was like? There's not enough room in my heart, balloon basket, because the airbus is the ultimate metaphor for privileged you're above everyone in this opulent, like giant beautiful thing but you're. Just along with the wind and you just sometimes like I want to be down there in grass about you. Again, this shiny balloon and everyone looks at you and things I want to be in that balloon, but really you're just alone and called in the sky, and it's like you can but just go up and down you know, that's why I would I just want to be a worker because, like I would feel that desperation of our working class sometimes website can I
my fucking bills this month that socks, and fortunately I have that, but I also can't just fuckin sit audition rooms in and wait for the approval of nonsense for some idiot to say I'm funny. That is never well done anything with their wife like I can't I can't just sit in traffic all day like I have to cut something down yeah, I feel like I've I feel like. I never really had. I've never really have much of a manual labor life, like you know, like never really other than sports like I never my first job ever was working. dad's law firm, my second job was was as a safe s, we're working women across campus. I think a job. When I go to new york, falling sweaters argued in areas like I'm, like a thing. Is that lets you as the allied its bold sweaters, those letters,
lick envelopes. I had this job and it was called Michael Simon was the name of the company they make like they make like the kind of sweaters you see in fort lauderdale at a boutique shop. For women's rights, the kind of sweaters that would literally have ornament saddam for christmas and they were, and there were big bulky sweaters got a job charlotte show got me a job there. The first day they said, were sending out invitations for this. For this, this ready with gather we're having king what we need you to do is stop the imitation stopped imitation the envelope seal. The envelope put the stamp on authority, they ve already got addresses so a great and looked and was like a stack of a thousand. So go through a two thousand envelopes, I'm like literally like my time from licking the envelopes is like fucking getting sore in the mill the day I wake up and I have sores Oliver my mouth: do you mail, prostitute, alma? I for a living. I literally lit up, maybe
I an in awe and a thousand stamps and put them on this thing. You thinking a better working plus even that I got to work. The next day was like other stack of a thousand lake. I cannot list another thousand, except at the moment my boys appetite goes. Who saw you been listening closely, yeah just build our globe chagos, we katy was spot That's what I like to sell us about. She was like a ripe how do the apple you jupiter sweaters, and so they what they would have. These these sweaters out on all mike. four shows whenever and when they bring em, They just throw them in a room every time they always had them out. They always had sweaters out, and so did I just everyday lives: nonstop, oh just full, fuckin sweaters. The only If I ever wrote that whole times I was trying to be, a comedian was
folding sweaters a lot like getting drunk. I knew a cab like you like. gets scope. No, no! No! No! The arm the arm too. At the door, I'm shutting the door, get your foot in like dude, that's so fucking funny. That was only then and then barnes and noble. I got fired from What about my underwear in the basement laser yeah I was, I was a hack order. Renaissance, fair everyday told me about that. I think, or maybe you monitor, about that. But I love to that. we want to rouse on fair, and there was a guy through tomatoes at, and it was I literally wanted to go back and go hey man, respect like yeah re jobs. You got me angry. You got any How did you get angry lowers the thing is I look out for aunt the au. This guy's not an athlete both fuck, you don't know, though the first and you really throwing tomatoes a lot harder than it looks because kind of rotten you're, not the prodi juice him a little
asia eyes, people like pay extra to use non joost, really yeah, they ve their worth does he have based bosnia in the face of this guy Let me up and my son whole crew was laughing at me. Everyone, fuck laugh at me. I must have, but I must have thrown. Twenty tomatoes Adam and then finally, I hit em. I got him one time, the last one I got him good because he was talking to somebody else and I fuckin yeah it they create your until they create a hall on you that you need validation from all too. That was a fuckin that I was a job I I would love to for a day like there's a launching deaf. We do you be amazing at would obey Evan, I pray. I could do it. We finally about me, you have here is this does you don't say foggy everything as it would be like. Your husband's fat, your heart,
You need to get pounded in the cornfield literally. Is it going is? If you like, encourage women, they want the attention, and now the man get fucked furious you now I could totally do that. I look at that. Sometimes I when I I. I I think the right word I dont idle is what you did. That's the wrong word. I envy I envy your You're like what was the thought process behind, because I didn't know was happening at all one day, I'm fucking watching you and then all of a sudden you're doing a road trip, and I was like oh shit. He's gone. no man have always been like just instincts gonna take over like things are not me for a bed and then I'm like we are you out here like in it. The way summed it up to so many other areas as a when you hear a gunshot. Now I like someone just died in their you're. Like someone, a big alc and May I just love that yeah
and I just when I saw my when I finally look I've always loved Amy. I was in love with amiable. Like once we had walter reside. I had it's crazy feeling of just running home by taking back your place of real like what world I've made sense to make is that I would such a hard time explaining to em like how Culture now is our leg of its ike. Daddy! Is this what men do they wear these tat genes and they say that their offended? All the time, if you like now now just these men here it's over this my whole world dad who builds. The house is just a brown people in your eye. wwe, can't say it like TAT it s the offended why people freak out, but dad isn't, aren't they one making the brown people build their yea you can't say any of it allowed. You have to keep it on side. I couldn't who I am, where I live now there are like the way, people or the mexicans and are also the rich people and is really no social class. It's a! U could cut. And the trees of Iraq, of flour and party.
for two days and do paint guns, and then you just see em at the bar. It's like there isn't that, like euro worker, I'm not a word or two were everyone's. I do have skills. Can you make a stone fireplace and do it. I'm like I still get too rest in shit like angry, but I've never been happier yeah, I I it looks sykes I feel like I I immediately like I remember, the grass feels like up their barefoot yeah. I guess it's a softer earth then like elliot's like we want barefoot or grasses burnt cause the sun and the heat There's water restrictions and the grass does feel great here, but I look the sun so silly, but I'm ever look at one of your videos of your your nose like that grass looks like it's. It got clovers in it as he does lie in it lie down in it, as you could fall asleep on that fucking, black widow spiders in our grass there's nothing poisonous there again,
It is also a major down turn. You say you weren't tacoma, stephen Aziz he's going to do. Two common an odd to come as a blast. Still, it is a common aim is to have their say, gets a gruff seattle really yeah see. I like that. I, like I like I I'm a big fan of fought like. I went to fetch the lark and saw how was it it was. Phenomenal till I d love to do it and hope call me. get maybe I remember my memory of how things went down the extent of I'll, be in said, should do this I'm doing it. It's fuckin trust me have a good time yeah and money square like they're there, the guy, I would say to us all the guy was like I've. He would lose money, Make sure you are happy before he would try to make it more southern pride man, it's it's legit and like I mean this is a kind of place. It was us. said this on the progress
We demand the world. There was a sign Oh, I remember this said three dogs and I was like that fuckin bloomingdale's, I gave it this. Is it from part of the country, but men, everyone. came out droves? Everyone came out and wanted to like it was. It was different. They wanted a picture that they wanted to. Like pick my brain talk to me for a second? It wasn't, like you know like. and it was really fuckin amazing, and then I went. I said to myself: I want to do more of this. I want to do more of these. I lie love columbus, always go to Columbus. I love cleveland I'm always going to cleveland like I dont need. Fuckin he'd have miami me, my fuckin routing I don't hear certain places that I did just because the big city? That may not make sense for me, why not go tacoma or fair bill or fucking billing, montana or delegate airlines. I wanna do detroit so fucking did I do to try with ever lied, fuckin raw, a man trying to do a kickstarter. So at all,
If the person talking about this allowed, but whatever I'm talking about, I don't give a fuck and do a kickstarter page and say hey detroit, I'd like to Detroit. If you, If I can sell three hundred too it's for twenty five bucks, a piece I will come to detroit cosette about, withdrew and soak, and then I just get the money we found a place. I do stand there and then I just come home and then go jackson and and are trying to do a comedy crews and we're doing thinking about doing a kiss better for it and going hey guys, we'd like to do a cruise. We know that you'd like to do a cruise. We're just take, the party in comics we're not taking anyone whose like fuckin dirty cells that are effect for a cruise. It's like your own crew is like an even bigger jaded, the impractical jokers cruise of Heaven. Oh, I bet, but the the the I mean by the way. I have to say this. I just I've heard of the impractical was rather amazing. I just watch their show last night for the first time likely jet said like I've tuned in and been like. Okay, so yeah, it's good
I want to show last night is fucking awesome, brow, I'm I'm open for them in england in january to day Their sailing out the two arenas for thousand cedars, did to south and though the nicest I've notices myspace I gotta do, is like we would write. to each other and ship that way, just back in the day. That's why why had so cool like when would you care about comedy and not the fame shit? That's back when there was no fame, It was literally just like appreciating comedy and that's why it's as the greatest there's a guy I'm shouting online with who is fox. In hilarious larry S yeah. My favour is a youtube her, but he's luxuriate like easily shit funny he has this dj. Pallid video worried breaks down dj coloreds fucking appreciate
same thing whatever gas is. Is: is his twitters it's three eighths reproductions doesn't even me. I just he retreated when he was like. I can't I can't I don't have showtime. I want to watch your special just wanna. Let you know that I, I would definitely watched it and I was like I was going to get the fucking link you're in the industry. I'd give it said the linked elite in the morning to my buddy coward, sent the link to anyone in the area. So I just fucking sent him a link and he was like dude. Thank you so much and I was like no, I hope you like it, but and then he like, then we just your back and forth is a hey. Do you really have a thyroid problem, and but it did you just make friends. That's when the internet is amazing, cause for all the shit that it sucks for it's like you can find peace, both like, like minded people across the world. I have friendships online with people just like that. I just even averages babes in like simple responses, unlike others, my bodies that its great and it's like there Inequality to around. Like you, I'm just. More famous in you, you did your funnier than me.
There's that, isn't it trusting, but any whether impractical, joggers they made. Laugh out loud, it's really funny I wonder if everyone, a wonderful late to the party and everyone likes the same but but and therefore a god. Man girl walked into two the fuckin room. She had a african, like headdress on and one of them said one of them. I mean I'm a ruse added to whom it is like ask her if she just got out of the shock aware, as I was an you put them, freezing the so silly because I'm sure shows so big, but I just saw last night, I was fucking howling and I was like cause. I was like that's where I stand, who fucking loves them? this review because they figured out the equation of out of be like total decks without being decks, gets all about embarrassing each other in their best. France. So there is no victim literally, is like it's that it will even france since high school and they just
fucking with each other and like, these crazy public boy, arresting exhibitionists like ways again your heart pounding. What are there, but in other names, gets it sal murmur, Joe and Quinn. Do ok. Myrna worked on a pilot together along. time ago, he was like the epa of it. Cool yeah he's he's a and then I know sal, I don't know the other. Two are all great men that I met them on on a skype call, which was like the worst skype call I've ever been on to like we're pitching showed them and it was the technique she was from nineteen. Ninety seven like where we were, and so they it was cutting out and you couldn't hear We think it goes. I thought this was the worst skype. I've ever better. Now I will. I will let you love them. Did you love like it there This summer, the sweetest human beings, you alive, the other sale like quit. I q sent like he like a blanket for. While germany was born like mounted to me it's as walter on it
excel. I got it like the like. Do very thoughtful shit. It's really crazy. It's really solid, laura different, like they're like an old school level of like man, where it's like, hey, buddy got you you ve everyone. Of course I start by and I'm like the type its ike. I take my shoes off here. you know, I guess it's like aid. It's just a level of kindness suggests is unbelievable. I really a real I'm I have to say I really enjoyed them a bit, but anyway the whole kickstarter things. What I'm talking about an I think, that's a new way to approach the road. It's it's it's very similar paw of tomkins use it. something like that, like you like, if I a website where you could, like click it and buy a ticket. Maybe minds a little more a little more walking through jumping through more hoops. I think his was like honest myspace and if you clicked and put your credit card down- and he old reality as he come to your city, bud
you can put your city up in any one could be like the cool thing about kicks. Are those if you dont have the gall knowing discharge right up. Knowing you starts dna You pay patriot for this progress. Don't I don't patrons really interesting. very interesting, but I just don't you know right now. My whole goal is like I just like and I need I, keep saying this over overrun around no people tardy earn it, but I need I need to branch out and hire someone so that I can streamlined the problem is, I am fuckin micromanaging, I'm a big mouth manager and I'm a little bit of a protectionist, and I what things to look the way? I want them to look, and I want it to sound the way I wanted sound and I don't want to. I would never want you to. Complex stephen- is easy. Just texted me about our pocket, last night news- I we were pre fucked up was ended, all good and I'm in my head, I was like I wanted text em, there's giving you want taken out. Let me know, but I I don't ever want to
get delegate that supplement them drop the ball and its tv. really upset, and you know mean he ate as the bark value hours. I know that if it lands on the lands on me, but yeah. I think I need to. Patrons interesting to me right now. My whole thing is just put out good shit, make it for free If we want to see me on the road, come see me on the road, I make money that works for my PA aghast and from from, but like that the ports, it I'd like Tito's vodka, tat emailed me and I d the ball on that I haven't reached out to them and I so badly tito sitting right there. That's what we drink we drink that do the pod asked the old loved for someone to be a little bit More than me and go hey we'd like to work together and tito's go it's fantastic was true that, instead of me just going past blue ribbon did the same thing and I did it. The us, I'm just so fuckin added everyone's got a different skill set. I suck at marketing like I suck at marketing man I suck, and some people are great at it like there's comedians that their whole.
appeal is just marketing like fuck Aziz ancillary like and we get. If you I got that as viable like tomorrow, even shit you had to me like. If you write down his act, I dont see where the jokes our, but he said brilliant marketer raised I guess it's very clear. Narrative like this is me, is what I do I you know I go up. I sound like a bumblebee. I've, never seen. I've never seen his act to be dead ass. Do I've never seen his act, The all a scene of him was the the comic that he did and funny people yeah, resent it funny people yeah and I and I, and he was making fun of those kind of jokes and I thought those jokes receive up to two adults like I was like oh fuck. I think you might be making fun I really enjoyed what like that fuck logos like ours is doing it up again. the applause like. I think
those jokes could slide right into your act like there's a whole type of comedy that it's like what you're talking about, where it's almost like agenda eve with like a weird hook, where it's like guys, stupid. It's like dig. Pigs mean Europe. Kinda, like dude nick dick pixel, opened a door of is properly. I said, depicts the singer, all the time. That's hilarious, I bootleg it's. So you know it's it's really interesting. This is all good author, they're moving their crown moulding later, I sent my way with dignity for the first time in a while, because I was like I've been I can with cocoanut oily really he exits like it's. It's it's like Hard and then it gets warm and gets like fucking great and I've been like. I was having a whack hogan sales, just exploded, dude, it's insane and its also really good for your skins of your like. If you overlook drew. I gotta put some of this. I might just
and before you know it you're just like having a blast it makes it makes a funny about like Cincinnati funnybone like a good time. No to sell did you do of it. yeah. Oh, I have a I've been using just fuckin is ruth sucks, like that. I don't know if it's just me, but like the hotel lotions, sometimes afflicted irritants in them like where I go All this is starting to fuckin feel a little like This lotion rallied, you need to get cocoanut oil like now I'll, look at all foods and gabon or now I gotta eminently a coconut who I'm getting art. Is that bad I had a dream that last night that I got high with our. It was interesting as I dig it. I was sorry, but I did in the dream, so high. I got aroused and those like, oh shit, weight is this we smoked, and he was like that. Happens when you get to. I sometimes get turned on, and I was like mother fucker. Why would you
this to me, but after all, like the opposite, the more you cause you haven't slept and, like your dick is just fucked a love. adderall, did I had to add to take some adderall today. I slept like two hours last night: oh cause, you guys the whole fam. Isn't yeah, I'm sleeping in a hotel room with a baby, and I did like heidi and frank at like eight and ended the improv last night in braille. Now I did that I was making fun of l a little, because I did I did. That love melrose improv, but it had that hunger games vibe I haven't been there so long, I've just been going to the store, but how sweet is adderall I have taken a very long time only because I have high blood pressure. Also, I stopped there suddenly excels. I got god forbid I've a stroke for me wanting to get shit done, yeah just but rather take a nap, but it is phenomenal and you don't eat like I didn't need on it like I'd, be like I was. my the curb my appetite eat like a great I'm good with a little. We sometimes era can pompey ego led away like I
ideas, I'm gonna make a fuckin shed, so Like others, I think, like the perfect tambos ten milligrams, afterall leg, three good pause, a weed, really yeah then, because you like motivated, but you still feel like you're part of the universe. Had I like that, like we dislike the thing that Cyprus can act, did an era the thing. That's like I can figure out back right now and say you put them together in your like. I just figured out a real, peaceful way to play back our spanish and like an afternoon know now it was the was that the game plan of of where you are staying verses where you want to go over where you want to be career, wired, the road verses, new york and allay Well, I just wanna, I've been the roads been going great and I love stand up and Where am I gonna be if I plug some shit? What monti? This will be this as one of the very beginning of december, this
I'll, be in this area. I'm gonna, be I got about two days huge pianist dad come so I gotta the December data to that. I have like, I think, I'm doing three weekends. In december and january, I'm doing I'm doing three weekends I'm doing for weakens in december, and then I'm doing twelve straight weeks, not well week off you're. The fucking man is that why I just want a podcast to stand up and hang out with my buddies when we I'm up by you one of those weeks. you gotta come over doubling, or will I don't get a freak out man like all. We have fires every neither backyard and we all hang on. Have beers It's gonna, be so great, literally fucking. Amazed at its the thing is the thing that they stand hope has he ass. I could. Family, a community like a fuckin like of like a real group of people that love each other and allies like that you can find that but
when we and I have that here, Right now I don't have it and I think that's why I'm longing for we can have people over unusually, we have people we're, but our houses such a fucking mess right now, yeah it like that. It's it that's been the one emptying part. The one cool part is that, for it was just ended yesterday, but for fuckin eight. We Six, nine weeks we were all living in two rooms and so like. If someone will we're all up and they see that's why japanese people are so coy, unlike respectful because they all live in such little areas. It that's why they're alike, it pleases you! You know because, milo, my daughter's, not japanese and holy shit. Things. Get intense though she is just. She is a fuckin above Bowling ball like she just fuckin, a cannonball like.
She should one morning she gets up. Its leg I out so that jobs, obviously basic got a boob and my wife's in the sugar, and that's the only about and we got the gaza. She runs out of the front yard to do the port of body and then one of them. Fuck and workers in the port of bodies like I'm, going to the yard me you're not going to the buggy yard with that, but that is the energy with what she wakes up with like a pub like. That is amazing. She it's been, but it's really been really cool, although I will say that now that we've we've moved into our bedroom, the only thing we've moved, really fucking nice, I didn't hear anyone house today or tomorrow, and was silent. Our silence now do they get. I got two acres of land in like a four bedroom house and shit, and it would for what This house, you couldn't no joke by a hundred acres and have a castle. Oh, I will
Dude I wouldn't fuck, and I we ve talked about that. We talk about getting off the grid We've talked about it. A lot we've also talked about moving to moving to ITALY. If the girls are moving to france with the girls awesome, other young or let them have some of the tampa is dope. Do you ever want to go back there? I do. I do my wife does not. but my you know I always say this and I don't think people totally understand it, but florida is a very different beast like especially like. The way I grew up was not is known. Grub like us, like I'm, a remote work, my body, passed away were with his family. Our data, persuaded good way and we're all this family we're all sitting there, we're drinking and like hitting a vape pen and- and we were just like someone was like- hey man- are we fucked up like or like? Like? Did we grow up wrong cause like?
all, are we all everyone deals with everyone. I have grown up with his either sober dead or still partying there's. No there's no like just regular glass of wine person in our group and theirs and to the point where it's like the I don't know many people that would ever turn away drugs. Like I dont know many people that, like I see that black, like my friends of her friends that, like if the ones herbs at one point, my friends with the conference it if you offered am accuracy that they didn't have one that wouldn't take it right and one that wouldn't like wasn't like one, you try coke it's, when will you drag oak, yeah like and and mushrooms and like I'll call was like something that you know some of the other day. We were talking about drinking, and I said you know gunnar stem grown up in florida when the second you got out on the boat. That's when you
further drinking with six in the morning. You, cracked beer, day drinking with something that was a part or lifestyle and then a joint in the mill the day I'm watching the movie, the tv show bloodlines That is how we grew up. That is it like. I remember distinctly going like by the way- and I can't I can't recollect anything different I know that I know how bad is gonna sound. I remember taking my boat down. Saint PETE, putting it in the water at six the morning and it still being fog. In dark out and having party until two in the morning, then I before and driven I'm sure drunk when I drove the boat put it in the water get in the water crack, of course, light and fuckin drink and then the somewhat come up, and then someone like you and you'd all take heed of joint couple hits and then you'd fuck him and I am assuming at some point- I would stop drink.
I dont completely recollect but put the ball back on the truck and drive at home And go out at night and party, but that was ike What you did- and I don't remember anything different member going out, words just getting. There was like a polarizing. It's like this beach Florida redneck, going on the woods when it rained and just destroying each other's trucks. Because that's what you do I ask, think that that's more than normal human existence and that its new phenomenon of people being like normal- having two glasses of wine. journalists and a damn car airlines hardcore. Israel have course: ok, there's a blitz addition like I got I've I've, downloaded of which is the one I think I bought this. Is it the history under the influence? No, dude what hold on google downloading right now isn't on itunes yeah. It's called history under the influence any any shows like you,
for some reason, the history books is never bring up the fact that most of these leaders had like too militating drug and alcohol situations. I got out, and the great one of the ways his soldiers would die, that he would be a part of was drinking competitions, till death ok stolen when, when hitler invaded russia and our barbarossa stones a two week, vodka vander, he was it. No one knew he was for two weeks. Like that's how hard these dudes drank, like Napoleon s head of morphine addiction, so that like water will, like some of his inexplicable shit, was because of that. A lot of like crazy military move, fucking find it on here. It's I'm care and and grown on? Is it in itunes? didn't on itunes store yeah. I it's hard just look up hard core history and I think it's episode like it's in twenty, maybe around twenty, but it's called a history under the influence its its EL fucking, fascinating about, like you know,
hitler in math. Unlike John F Kennedy, a mafia like so just like decisions, you see in history tat. I did that looking back. If you know what people are like: no one drink water air. Yeah, not that we shit yourself to death like Our country was founded on dudes it from detained look up till they went to bed. They drank like a fuckin, tampa guy tutsi without churchill, nonstop drunk never was in drug, does focus fascinated yeah, it's fascinating that the the concept of people are constantly like job is so modern. That's my lad times back in the day like do. Did you like? fall down, like not its it's interesting madman, member that mad man, like others, do drinking liquor all day long it you know I is like that's one of the things that I like about like when you go
like what you we'd go to: alaska, willing to alaska and the guy as there would be like you, gonna they crack a beer and be like not to say that our call equates being a man or that you know sober that you're, not a man like there was like this one and mean feeling when I was in alaska last, goes like these are men are not afraid, re fuckin, note another. It's also a to escape a little bit. It's as it's almost like out here, somebody major cities, it so competitive, and so, like pamper at the same time that people like one keep their wits and they also, I don't have anything to escape this place. like my grandfather's, a lad minor. It's like that. Do it has two drank led minor like he. He pulled the lad other ground that made the bullets for world war to a lead minor holy fuck yeah, Did he died with seven fingers in the black long I have been fingered yeah, black lung yeah and like these dudes, like in my town, it's three nuclear power plants, everyone's drunk all the time. So it's like.
You know come out here. That's one reason why I believe it is a cultural thing it was even did I love the industry. I love the weather, so best friends for life, rowdy herbal egg. You know I used to do a bit about where it was like I'd, see someone out here, howard's, egg or and someone's I've always had too much to drink, and mike was he has like said Beers and make a switch to beer when you gotta go to work, that's we used to sober up is be it's. It's funny you and nick boon or to people that I don't know. Nick His left allay as well, but I saw nick in like on his sir Graham, and he was like in seattle out in in washington, out on the lake and him and his brother and his dad or haven't beers, and I was like fuck man. It's I miss that I miss that lifestyle. I think that's what I don't. You don't get in l a because when you do day drink in l a it looks like a problem total, it looks like you. You like you like, like I've, definitely hid it because, unlike from other people? Never for my wife but like like a fuckin?
back open a beer and be like I'm done my day the group for a round of meetings, focus at the front door. Craig beer smoke cigar and then some like well drinking this early. Are we this allotted a shame and judgment out here. There's do that's part of the narcissistic way once get from therapy. Is that it doesn't have to do with only there success or their inflation. It also to do with taking you down. They wanted. They want a human. you, as they accede and and I was I knew- if I knew more narcissist very well- and that was one of the things that me fucking nuts, was that you couldn't. there was no like like buy back of worth up each other's I'm up. You go down that mathematically doesn't work. It's like a beautiful. My memory got a nobel prize for proving that, like there's plenty of that that you always do better as a group like lakelet, rogan, diner sandler do or are these guys it's like. You only
function eat the ear. Grain is only comes in groups and it comes from oil tee and it comes from like I did. I say, more data, other organ of the animal special. I didn't know that I was putting on screen. I thought it was going on. They can idiot. I thought that Special thanks would go in the liner notes of the dvd there's no fucking dvd these days. They would think about. Rail, eventually special thanks to you and I was like oh one or two, fuckin reasons that I am it was ever to able tell them she story was a friend well, robbins yeah. I heard you talking about that yeah he'd. To tell the story. This is what friends do we tell each other where to go right and where we go wrong, we call each other on our bullshit we tell each other where we can excel and you need start I can actually tell the machine story. Those are the two things he told me and I took it to heart and I fuckin Story changed my career entirely, and so I was like without that friendship. of other guys not a narcissist, a guy who's who, as a health you gonna help you solve that self esteem which are both in therapy. I learned very important, but that
allows him to then lift you up and say Let's raise your self esteem so that your ego remains level exit takes pride in his friends like some people have. such a high level of greatness for themselves that they also want to be surrounded by greatness because it pulls more out of them, because it's not even like he's doing charity work. I can sense in his voice where its He wants to be around his friends who are great Europe's answers? It's not You look like a little. I you tell he doesn't. Do I don't even know now am I like, I know other them. Civil egg I can just here in his voice that leg he doesn't care air, about praise and shed. He would always like- I think, it's just a good sense of the fundamental balance of being a human where it's like. I just on a be with my friends doing this, and I want them to feel like. I feel so that we can keep exe naturally growing with each other until her fuckin launching the space and if you look it, who he surrounds himself with you like, like a fact like
the funniest comics working easily. All the time he's here. literally, does upon podcast with a great mind, some sort of field once a week, his these friends, he goes hunting with the great bow hunters in the world. He'd like it's, like you go, oh yeah. I should throw myself with what I find. What I find. great like guys, are really make me fuckin, laugh or think or challenge away. I I think, or at least force me to think out of the box or or break down, concept, so that when I go due to to do my art, I'm just coming out from one fuckin half aspirin. I like Roy wood. Jr is the reason I have my is the result of my closer racing. I dunno, if you've ever seen my over the pants and jab and a walgreens causer, but so I do this I do this long thing where I I talk about how I wanted to be like a like a real musician but everytime I write people laugh, I I'm sure we have a similar via we're like or such children like when I'm serious people are like they still laugh and so
I do this long thing about called while having the same courts. I know that's accords and I get there whole crowd. I literally get the entire because I play until they. In other words, the entire arr crowd over the pants hand, job like in a war. We greens and people like crying, always I'm trying to get him do and and Roy gave me walgreens. I had over the pants hand, job and I was doing this like big sing along and here we would pass each other's jokes back and forth were like he would do the song and he added walgreens, and it just was that per Big thing did made perfect, like that's that that's the beauty roy. What it's like that dude is like these. I beg you just you're, gonna team, with a great human to the buggy us for them are released it yesterday and it is. It was so fucking insightful- I'm gonna listen to unaware his evil. He's fucking amazing, I wanna buy quotas, vanity announcement in real, oh, I ve talked. We talked about the tour with you guys. I always
The things I m fascinated by is the end of something and the rebirth of a new thing unlike interesting and while I was really curious what it was like for him. and Sullivan fun and how he looked up moving forward. ultimately, the answer is. That surely, is a person is he someone is like not gonna, let his one gettin away of him is hard. He started as a he started doing, phone calls to fuckin radio station yeah yeah does their funniest share. I haven't but he's tommy I tat about the road about being a doctor grins. We found us all of his lung against wolden. Like an end, and then how he assessed. Why cynics audition effort for the daily show when he didn't get it and then how are you Why that to his new additional, I went while he's a fuckin he I fucking. I have I told you the first time I ever so. Do you weren't there that weekend it was
Roy and Steve were it in phoenix The first time I saw him live animals, like, oh, my god, arguably oversleep on this guy because he's fucking amazing dude. He is amazing and years ago I was always saying that, unlike people like people to know, he was- and now he just has an hour special coming out, and god he's getting what he deserves, because I've seen him entertain like a room. Full of. fucking, libertarian redneck white people, and they laugh just as hard as like a room full of alabama black dudes like it's like, and he doesn't change of a beat of who he is it's almost like chappelle or bird, where it's like stout look like I'm fuckin this is real Funny like a eager, he has an element of like silliness and like that rock It's so fascinating is phenomenal. Phenomenal like he will look at shit like ok, here's a brave example, the trump thing aren't you. I didn't talk to him about viable, like
One of my friends is rich white. Is. Are you scared, because you're here if in saunter max again like hispanic at your foreign america like and my other body whose muslim, like full blown as like yo man, and we can learn a lot about tromp as far as grass roots marketing there's two ways of looking at something we're like you can either look like this I'm a victim or its ike, like The bodies like. super muslim and he's a psych endeavour, not a fan of travers things. He says, but like still is looking at it from a business perspective, recycle. How did he get this? You know it is like can apply this to stand up and I'm like fire dear. That's how Roy is, why would ever have whatever astronomer royal like health learn from it slip out it as work? Yeah he's an interesting fucking guy. we're almost two hours. We supply, probably wrap, rather that we want to do your podcast as well.
He's going to ask you what what what do you think it is five years, I guess what do you think it means to be a man? Oh alice, interesting considering the conversation we just had. You knows it's so changed so much for the first time ever found out. I was man was meaning like that. There is more, then just growing pubic karen and having your voice drop and being able to make money was one milan told us oddly enough, I think, last night to orient but when we moved in together she was pregnant. it was about to be born in like like a month to month a month, and I was over some combining that into a very short period of time that was over? You know it an apron threerd from only moved in too, when I set a monitor, time off the road and my business manager. All me one night at like towards the end of a night,
was I cage us? You know you're broke you have no money and- If you owe money for taxes novelty, clean out your bank account you'll have maybe like I think you know like like, two grand left so and I remember him just not getting it do you, like you should book a commercial and I was like that's not how this can work and then also and I was like hold on these, like you need to get on the road you need do something you need to make money, and I was like. Oh my god. I just took a month off, I will have no money coming in for one month, I've no coming in and I had this real fuckin feeling of like of like that, the other gravity had been picked up the path miss of gravity been taken away and I could definitely lift up into the loud and die. Then I could just go with that. I wasn't grounded and I called my dad and my dad was asleep. Mama, woke up lego, hey, I'm mama, I'm broke a magnetic. What
Ed I'm broke and you know we're having a baby and on how many money coming in, and I don't know what I'm gonna do and he started last. Thing out of us like uses, had especially just our loneliness of all. This is what is called a man and he hung up a maze and I was like I was like what and then my tax me back. He got up at a bed, call me back and he goes his body. This is why being a man is about, is guess what figure it out your dad. You can be a dad figured out. What are you? Gonna do and he's like and it and it applied. so much for me in my experience. To being, humble, because I had to ask the people for things I had to say I had to ask era the improved, if I could feature and is there any way they could include a hotel room or a condo and I'll pay from
flights on miles and I had asked people to ask gary government if there was a fall out data if he could carry gorman is one of the greatest by the way anyone take a look at his fucking. and set, is god damn genius it so out, aachen, good? It is self anyway. I gary I'd, I say to I really thank you. I need the money was being humble and be appreciative and like and like being, millie aided like a member dale toss, came to pick me up to play poker and I just work become friends, and I remember saying oh my wife. I need a hundred dollars to play poker and she, We will have it in front of us, will have it he's sitting right there and I go just give it to me like I was like I was like. Don't do this don't do this. This is fucking weird and you could see tosses like I'll give you a hundred bucks. I was like no she's got it right and kiss it, but there was that poor experience of of becoming flat broke. And then getting myself out of it or getting
family out of it that I, that is the one moment, I'll go, that's what I'm being a man is doing what it has to be done to her others to doing what has to be done is like the in life lesson. I look at my go. I go yet. That's it! That's that's the fuckin. Because I look at all the times. My dad was a man and, unlike just like my I'm calling card bill was up, or you know back in the days calling card and or or like or like a rat, remember erect my car My dad was like, like just all pressure put on them and it's all things, to reason that men die earlier, is good they get all. This it comes from every which way and they are in their business, fails or they fuckin was a job or they to reassess the fuck they're doing you know.
yeah. That's what that's the one time I missed. That's one I feel like I became a man, that's a great dude! You that's a great way to put it, I think, man. I am doing check out I'll put a little of that on our case. Cosby was open, but I gotta put it on. Why did they laugh too cause? That was, that is profound, no, you didn't you do you need me this editor. You just just use that data, because we have my brother and I were like no promises that we get a voicemail, zadig, hey boys. I can't my woodpile, you know, and as I I have beers, I'll, get paid beers and say this one is here: eyes. What is a man be, and then we gone is long think about what is a man and later we find out, they say what is a mansion verses, a house which is worth we go down this crazy, rather all avoiding. What is it going to be a man and we're like it? A bar like like most emerged Do we know and tat is what it's like to be at once and I found a whole fucking climbed I've. Man fuck
you know like and then like it's. Everybody has a different answer, but it all kind of boils down to putting others ahead of you and doing what needs to be done. That's what I was cool that you fucking really knew like you went right, like what I believe is the truth or fuck all. I did you're one of the cool men. I know- and I ask you when you when I saw you come here I saw it. think I don't know where I saw it, but I think you guys, maybe posted a picture on the plane or something, and I was like all cool oh shit? I wonder I wonder if he's working and that's why you hear us hope is not my prayer vine and then you mere legless podcast him man let's hanging out those like do this fuck upon gas, we gotta cast diversity. What they cast is almost like the best To reconnect with a friend a you just sit and talk like how fucking rare that now you know what and it is the truth, and I think that's what the one thing that I had to things are liked about this to become inspired by it. A year ago a member literally a year ago to date practically
I would like- and I am ever going. Oh you notice, stop doing. Is I'll stop here. people on, because the have a podcast, it's better than mine, right. I'd like I would I would you know you you, it was all the Kim game play of like of a guest, those like I'm just gonna- have on people that I want to hang out and talk with an I want to drink with, and I just bullshit with where I want to listen to for a hour and an dude the one I did with Roy wood was ike fucking amazing, the one with Steve. Oh I've been dying to talk to that guy yeah. You can hear it in people's voices, it's like! Why didn't they laugh? I was the opposite. Almost I was getting too down the road of like No, it's actually did the same. I'm like ok, I'm interplay clips, but I don't want to way too vulnerable, because you know I want people to know that I'm a good, comic and stuff, but in reality I just like playing fucking bombs like when you hear me, you hear me literally be like what do: people why, for me like full blown male down there, and I went back to that- unlike fuck it because, like I'll take it,
our said and I'll take the three minutes of it that are fuckin insane and I'll just analyze. That's all. I know. There's people listing there like this. is dude socket, stand up and like that would get to me and I'm like no, I gotta show how good I am but natty more. I like being like. Listen to me just fuckin, be in a state of chaos, yeah and then I analyze the human emotions, like my last episode, was called mercy, vs a revenge where a hacker woman won't shut up, and I'm bouncing back and forth between, like you now be, understanding and compassionate and just wine to publicly executed, and is that I duality of human nature of like the different between like minded ripped someone apart or wine to give them another chance and like when you know what is right: yeah, that's fucking, fascinating.
Yeah- and I appreciate it man, thank you very much, jagged you're out here with the fan, that's going to be, let's head back to breyer, get out now the the. It is brought to you by the machine. but you are cellular, it's just twenty nine. Ninety nine per line for one two or three lives, so you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family plan pricing, rope, Elizabeth she's, not gonna, like that, the road I scenario, video boy, get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per lie: we were cellular built for us terms, applied this: u s! Cellular dot, com for details! We value human connection with fever; distractions cellular built for us visit your? U s! Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens on Chris Paul,
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-18.