« Bertcast's podcast

#211 - Graham Elwood & ME

2016-12-13 | 🔗

Comedian, Podcaster, and Filmmaker Graham Elwood stops by the Mancave where we obsess about our favorite podcasts, The Joe Rogan Experience, Doug Loves Movies, Never Not Funny, The Todd Glass Show, Hardcore History, and many more - and of course we talk about his new Documentary EAR BUDS that is all about podcasting, podcasters, and podcasts!!!  

To get my book "Life of the Party" click HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Party-Stories-Perpetual-Man-Child/dp/1250030250

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Why it's my good friend Tom segura? Let me let him in hey, tommy how you doing. What's on your mind, I'm sorry that I'm fat and realize I thought I was is ridiculous. Sometimes I just look in the mirror, like fuck victory, of those moments Tom. I think- or fats. Human campaign is really like shine, a light on how I can sum times of unhealthy too, and let myself go but think I we did it is I'm feeling good man, I'm down twenty five pounds here. Let me show me, monsieur, not real, quick. Look at you yeah the thing that it's not so much about workin out. For me. It's diet. And that's right off the rails on the road, some kind of lean proteins and mostly greens and just rincon vodka soldiers. What about you
If anything, I did try to eat eat another fat person. You ate a human being tom only that illegal to murder, someone, but it's gonna be tough on you, I mean just simply digesting toenail, and teeth? I feel horrible about my digestive system. Of course man I mean you had the process their hair. How did you eat all that here? Oh my god. What was the next day like I had catastrophic diarrhea to be expected body. Listen you gotta. thought this behaviour right now. Here's what you need to do you need danger diet and you need to get back on the horse. You need start working out again and for god's sakes do cardio. You you let cardio intimidate you. What are you doing right now for cars watch tv you gotta do more than just watch tv tom. I mean look at me. I'm gonna,
miles a day you in donkey about Tom. This a contest contests that we can both when all we gotta do is get out of obesity and just into regular overweight and already has to take us to paris, France, to go to that soccer game, huh, imagine it's from paris. France is going to be a wonder. Were there croissant tastes like ugh, their croissants are going to be fantastic and you can have as many as you want, because the weight loss that will be over? Where are you going to put those grizzled tommy? My stupid fat mouth, put as many as you want, your stupid fat mouth, my friend, okay, sit down I gotta start my podcast. Ladies and gentlemen. Real quick dates come not this month this. Weaken the fifteen. Sixteen seventeen under the portmanteau improv import lauderdale at the hurrah casino levity lot. The twain I threw the thirty first and often in california, and we are starting january off intensely. be in new jersey at distress, battery the fifth sixth, seventh, american many companies, twelve thirteen and for
the san diego and on the twenty first I will be in boston, at the wilbur theatre. Get your tickets helium, buffalo, comedy on broadway, parliament, Bellevue and then brings us two february, fourteenth practically where me aryan, tom, are going to paris and we're gonna find out who's doing this paper. This fucking bet that has changed. My life I feel so good about going the treadmill threes part. Gas It's good good. This is a good one, especially if you're a podcast fan like myself you're going to really really love this. This can only has a great podcast. It's been around seven nine nine years, it's hot comedy film nerves, but he has a movie is called ear, but I am in it, and it is all about podcasting and even get it off his website. He tells you the podcast ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for good how would I Tom come on the top up on the treadmill? Okay? Here we go.
Ok, you're, walking, really heavy body of god. Drop and adds and explain to your fancy guy. we're talking on right now I yeah. I think I think I think anyone will be upset that I advertised that's money, that's money that they keeps you off. You could not be on. The road is much like beyond I loved. I look. Here's the thing I'll I would love to out loves, take one more. off a year a month. Maybe right now three weeks a month which it can be aggressive at times by really love it. Like I had fuck you, I was out
stand up. I wasn't out of outer stanhope. I think I was still in stand up, but to my friend There are no. You were out a stand up like tom and and. bill and Joe were all like yeah. You were not working the way you should have and when I was doing the travel stuff right and now- and I was like now that I'm on the road is my mozilla. Like oh yeah, I was not writing at all like I, was just getting hosting by unjust, getting checks to go when and do an hour that I knew I could do it really cheating myself. I was right We can add, suits some of the best writing sets. I've ever had this weekend. but yeah? I want to I'd like to start advertising. So if you're an advertiser- and you are like- I don't even know how it works- that's how far removed I am like someone's like. Oh, you should go to sa. Like some, Places I was like leave my network. I, like all things comedy withers, did there's like so so comedy film words with all things comedy and we get some adds, threw down so mad through them, but I won't like I'm talking. I want, I can add
person, the way like you So I'm doing it all the time. Yet we have a it goes get at first to MA am, and you know he Acts down companies basically he's a guy that listens to a lot of podcast himself, so here Like all I heard company on a bunch of shows that there they love to limit you. Those vodka sent me a bunch of stuff, but their luck there. The numbers are doing. You could be making. You could be doing it. I have to tell us how far what does that single downloads? That's for single person when I do to people me drink there through the fuckin roof, really like yeah, like through the falcon roof like double that fruit for fur first week, for we downloads, I don't count anything after the first week. Like I mean I look at it, but like I look for what it's going to do the first week, that's what I'm wanting to hear it right, but yeah I did one with bill.
Burn thompson girl and we just raggedy andy. We spoke cigars. That was a very high rate of progress and I deplore the irish of yours deeper in his easy. What I'll start doing was changing my interests so that people would want. into them? So I do sketch. That's awesome, it's so bad bad. It's just me: listen to a sound effect like new york, city traffic or a horse rolling others and doing both the voices verse, but I had to put it is also silly I have so much. Fun doing it? I dont really right it. I just improv it right to live, until I how I introduced, I don't know. How do you want this one, but a guy I try to me get so that I just might eight and then, and so and now if I do to have adds to have these characters, read would be so much. I think people listen to them from one may. I want people to listen the beginning, my the the the first minutes, but I'm involved with a company. Viewed, have you heard about laughing
Well, yes, fucking love that really. I just started using their app. I just started working with me. Orient fitzsimons are all working with them. I love the rap because, like up they contacted us and they were like wanting to do some so we're thinking about it. As we just were max rethink, then the guy was like saw your buds and was like? Are we really gotta get some together? I love that movie by the world bank. I love that movie, but you know I really That movie, first of all, I want to know- I wouldn't know more about schmidt- is its management. We might schmidt. I knew it. He was with Jimmy Pardo right. He was a guest here, I, whenever not funny first started, it was him in pardo and then they did that, for about a year or so and then did did work between them and then MIKE started his own, showing an matt bell, nap kind of became the co have never gotten into by marvelled. At one time, at a show- and I heard him talk- no it- oh, my god
oh so fucking creepy, that's the over those you they don't know your body is a document. Are you started aching, probably like two and a half years, was almost three we did, our funding. We shot footage it at the twenty thirteen pod fast to use for the kickstarter. Video kickstarter campaign ran in february of fourteen and then it funded, which was its awesome, but it's also of the most dreadful thing cooked it. We want. We raise a hundred forty grand or should we were sixty seventy grand short for days out and was like. Oh it's done. It's not happening like we re. We hit it with thirty minutes to go. That's when those things fun. I know that's like a veto. Juno's ain't lamprey it all. I know the name veins funded like multi million dollar. Oh no. I did talk to him because he was a guy who gave us this pep talk in the middle
our campaign. We were like. Oh this ain't gonna happen. He goes nano. We were like two hundred grand short or some crazy number like that and funded with three days and we're like what you and it's true it happens and like the bay donors. The five and ten thousand dollar donor started dropping in the last twenty hours dude. I I'm thinking about you re for this. I'm thinking about now will not change subjects, although that's all I've been seem to do is theirs. Is I'm thinking about crowd funding? a dealer date in Detroit. You absolutely should like going going because I'd like to Detroit markedly mark cast doesn't need like even he sells out every ticket any show anyway, so it doesn't need Over pay me rises, arguing its details and I was like might be
easy way a sure fire way to know you ve sold it thing and they ready for this. I'm thinkin about like twenty five dollar tickets for the theatre do like six hundred cedar, maybe and then for an extra hundred dollars or maybe like fifty dollars. I don't remember, I haven't come up with the price point, throw throwing a breakfast party for everyone who wants to come and have breakfast with me. That's a great idea like at my hotel, I'll cater it I'll, fucking filled up with booze. We get there. It's early so early morning drinking and you just and then I catch to fly. Out that night, I'm like yeah have a great deal of confusion. to come in and really like nice big in an fuckin like eggs. Benedict did that's the great thing with crowd funding. Whatever the fuck you wanna do. Yeah, I wanna have a breakfast fuckin booze party. After might do do it like we did this thing so so, Chris men, see. My co host tat crowd, funded a graphic novel right here
screenplay lying around and it was like I was like make us in your graphic novel. So we cried for one of the one of the levels. Was comedy films. We do regular episodes, we talk about a bunch of movies, and then would you like a spoiler app like we did want for doktor strange will do one for ro one we're All we do is talk about the movie. We call it a spoiler because we ve about the ending, and we warn people at a time like. So it's a thing that that fans dig and we said for a thousand box- you to pick the movie. We go out to dinner. We we do. You get to pick the film they- will record spoiler rap about whatever move. You want to talk about and you're in it and it's your episode oh shut up. It was also we sold like three or four of them. Vans we're just like yeah. I'm in I just want to sit and talk movies with you guys and it's like who'd like we're and last year we just jokingly, said all man. You know we want to go, see stars
of course, awakens because it came out. They release it in Austria, thirty six hours ahead of the states and we just made a joke like we want to go, see at first of anyone's got five grand ha, send it to us offended and we went to australia to Star wars, are you shitting me? No, We flew there. Seventeen hour flight got their crimes, four couple hours. It was a midnight screening has, first of all, their movies release on thursday. We are released on friday, so it was technically Wednesday night. You know. twelve or one am thursday or whatever oh shut up dude we got there. We got interviewed by this local tv stations like who are these crazy americans fly drive a plug in and any comedy while you're over there and It was such a last minute thing we like, I think I did a set or something, but it wasn't even like we could put together a tour as this guy did it in like two weeks out and we were like okay, I guess we're going to fucking awesome dude,
we assumed he lived in Australia, nope just lived in iowa and wanted cause here's what we did. We went to a midnight screening and then what to a bar next door and recorded a spoiler up about the movie. We just saw and released a movie to people in Gaza. Love this world right. I love this world and this guy was like. I just want to hear you talking about it before I can see it and we parted with this guy steel saunders. It does this podcast steel wars, it's all star. Wars, he's an australian dude. He set up the screening, it was like the who was that fucking in that's why when you're like, I want to do a breakfast show in Detroit yeah, of course you should yeah. I talked to, I actually talked to kickstarter. They came into my man cave to pitch it. To me, I said there are two things I want to do. I want to do crews and I want to do I want to do I wanted to Detroit. I just know I've allotted listeners in detroit and- and so everyone was like, though I do-
So I gotta I going to to do it that, though the fuckin problem with this business. So things have changed. I would love and assistant, and I know guys I say that all the time and everyone here that look, I'm your guy, I'm your guy! Ok, here's the caviar I live in fucking l, a I know. I can't I can't roll the dice on you, changing your life and moving to l a to fuckin for some of them may or may not work out, I got you read Ben. I used where you got. I loved all of those vogue upon drive fast cars like so but I need you to be focused if you're going to be the love of fucking. This is because I do everything myself when I post this edit this I we started get like in turn to suffer comedy filmer just because we were like we could barely review. Another guy you do it with. So you guys can split up the duties and, but also tat would be. your if I had to find a partner and I was like we should get an intern than that makes sense, but me isn't it that's it's almost four. It seems,
weird. You know it's like having I had for us. second I this guy who's, really great, really fuckin focused bud too. I kind of dropped the ball and I just I didn't follow up with him and I'm a big flake too I like to drink. That's my big problem because I like to go on the road and like get off the fuckin grid. Like just have, ain't gonna know get hold me and I like to do and dates and allowed that shit here. But a oh yeah. I love that move your eyes. I saw that I didn't. I didn't catch the last quarter of it because I was to the temple last weekend. I guess want to go out again, the rest of it this weekend in the password you gave me I'll give you know what you have done, but it's fucking awesome because war, my favorite things about it, is I am more than anything a pot guessing fan so like I, watching it as a fan like
and then I saw me in it and I went oh shit. That's right! I was in this way europe I was good about this driving over here. Oh you're in it and what you seen everything is such the beauty of podcasting so like we raise the money, and I can I call brine red ban. I said had just one I'd like have me on when your eyesight chronicles and will has come and will shoot an interview with you beforehand. This kind of show that world in the pot you know that's. The podcast community is very much about everybody support. You know and, you just show up just talking on camera and Eurostat, they just pops into. We interviewed him logan's there and he is willing to talk to us, which was awesome, but then you say something the thing I loved about directing movie, I actually learn a lot of great things from fans and what what this means to them to listen to this, but I learned so much from other,
the comedian and podcaster is like he made such a great point in it's. Why put in the move? You go. Oh change, the dialogue between comedians and fans, hundred percent- you know You said that, and I was like so many times, but I was interviewing people a comic like you would say something I go cat, that's right, you know, and I do this sort of it was. I learned a lot about how Well, it isn't it reaffirms so much stuff. For me you know like todd glass says, you know the audience that shows up your podcast arthur perfect. He made such a good point. Goes. You know comedians or podcast, like all my fans are idiots. He goes. That's your fault! You, you created that you know, like you get too weak to call. Debate who are fans? Are it's not a tv show where I have to play this care. You're on the tv shown it attracts a certain type of fan, and so those that these are my fans I'm we get to, Did you talk and be we're not doing characters were not doing bits and we get to it. You know this week to cultivate
Our fan base our way. That's really interesting thing. I ever saw it that way. Now you say that my mom I would say fans. Oh, I think I have. I have basically trickled down. Fans is like people who love, I think my and people who rogue rogan people who love like art, their fans of podcast, cm so and I think that's what they connect with me as they know armament. Progress. I remember I was in scotland one week, one doing tv- and I just put it on what it was like when you almost have a beard me in scotland. Give me up and these you guys to the train in and we sat down beer in between while shooting I just bowels. There were no and be role. I went out abilities three guys and. it was so crazy. They were like hey did you listen rogan this week and I said nose on it and he's like bobcat. I was like shut the fuck up and I was like wait til and we talked about rogan
we thought they weren't fanning out on me. We were just talking about podcast. We had all listen to do that. I mean if a viable nickel! For every time I had a fan. Go. Let me see your top podcast, and I put my phone lego years. Why subscribe to and I ll to it, and then Do that not all of them were that and then they download it like some guy does this week and showed me there's a pug us all about west world his critics called a bald man or something I dunno. I dunno man, I remember the phone, but I downloaded it, those like I'll, be listening to that on the flight or listen to pocket it's on the flight home last night, but I run into people is so funny. I ran into a guy flying, ditch Japan and he had a desk wide shirt on and he Look to music holy shit, man, the machine and I go yet egos you're wearing a fucking rogan shirt was like. Oh shit. I am like it's like. I think, that's the cool thing who who do you think the for Ui was the first.
podcast you to start listening to your like. God you know I've always just sort of mice, I've always cherry pick based on gaster topic, so I've never been like. Oh, I listened to this one. Religiously I've always been like. Oh, I wanna hear that guy says patent. If he pops up on I think yeah or like fucking in you know or like marin. Oh, I want to hear robin Williams or oh, I gotta listen to obama, talk or you know, and that's part of the obama was probably the most downloaded podcast in history. I guess it's up there. I love to see stats on its create great, I mean that's and since you miss it, that's enough movie too, as we have the audio from that and we got photos from the white house of of obama. Marin in his garage thou one of the cruellest things for it. So funny like because of Doing the movie and an end, you know cope we're in los Angeles podcast festival, I'm so much on
the production and of it that, like the film helped me kind of go back to being a fan a little bit because what without ipod first, I have to sort of listen to ten minute clips of a bunch of shows to find new podcast to bring to the festival and saw, but I remember listening to the marin obama interview and I was like yeah. This is what all those fans in the film talked about. I feel like I was hanging out with the president yeah I felt like I was just he was just haven't coffee with a body and I got to go. Wow It wasn't slicked up, I mean he's the president. He knows talking points- and you know I mean obviously like there was a there- was a meeting about what he's supposed to talk about, he dropped involved yeah. I know he was nuts, you know, and he just but it was like. You know, there's the president and it was like It was so it was so like
so get the personal connection of it. You know like people in their ears. Right now is that, like tv, is, is it literally at a distance? You know them inga move is that I love, I love going to the movies it it, but it's it's a bigger it's a show. It's it's. You know it's lit and sound at all this stuff. This is just like your have his personal conversation and people are here, participate like like, I was think about The obama thing maybe thing about, like god, I wish I had a time machine, or you know what I die. I want to just sit and talk like miles Davis and Winston churchill, or something like that. You know it like this party, Holy shit do name one sitting, president, that did an interview, like that? Northern never, never, never did ever said.
I think we'll all be able to get trump on our podcasts. I think he's going to be. I think I can totally see him do it. He wouldn't be shocked to be started his own podcast. I love the tweets. I love the tweets. It makes me it is make this his president. He has brought me so much joy. I have never been a happier at just like when he just use like so don't live, not funny overrated. You just like the fuck is wrong with you he's like a fifteen year old boy, I love him. I fucking I'm going to be so sad when they assassinate him and tell him a joke. Onstage in the this country and its not been getting louder weird of weird butter, but at the time asking for me, I think, was I I I have said this ad nauseum. But for me the first time I met Joe, I listen to his podcast so much that when I went to his door he opened his door and I was like he's like. What's up, I was like hey man. I'm gonna need to see your dog
you're deprivation dank needs your pool table and then get I and I'll be ready to do this and I I like I've, been lost into way too much of this podcast and he was like, and it's Joe is so caught off. Guard he's like okay, and so we went and showed me. His dogs show me the deprivation take, we got high, we did the podcast and I was like and I remember driving almost like that point. Not the best way to meet Joe applies, When cooler, both so fuckin out such I'm, still a massive venomous of podcast right it. It's such a it's such a I've been here he's like such a great example right. So he's. he came up in very much traditional meet. You know he came traditional media him. You know news, radio and and and doing so like that, And- and that NBC show the viewer factor of your factor manto, you know, man show all that stuff and, u f, c, and then his podcast,
obviously, like you say it has some trickle down, has some crossover but its such its own animal and its. he can do whatever it like it so cool. I love seeing people in that. Like Are you sure, or somebody that has all this traditional media, but they're? Doing had cast out of the purity of it and the love of it. You know he doesn't need the money from his ad sales whereas podcast he's doing it because he wants to have that forum to just say whatever the fuck you want to talk about, he's he's doing it. You know Chris rock, with before he did his or his for his first, the big, bigger and blacker the big, the big special, the one that everyone light, I think Cornell west is the black guy with the arrow in the glasses and sometimes a scar for the ascot yeah cornel west. By the way I dunno. If this is true, this is maybe the I kind of heard, but but whatever part,
climbed onto this is what what what was right before chris rockstar star, an especial did. Especial cornell west said: hey man, you're. You're a young black men in this in this business. I think you should be hanging out with the greatest minds of those of of the world. and we do a sunday night dinner where they come over to my house, and we just talk politics and we talk about life and we talk about everything you should come to these. So Chris rock started going to, I think, was cornell west's house where he would have these Sunday night conversations and everyone would talk about smart shit and chris rock was like I got like it was I going to college yeah. It was like I learned so much and I remember beings jealous of that and then, when Joe started doing it, the way he's doing it. Now, like I love his podcast the beginning, cut comics and eddy bravo and fatigue. about loved. I still any still has that, there's a definite porters pocket but him bringing people like scientists talking like you'd isle of I've got
So much smarter, just listening to occupy fucking podcast adversity, I think you'll get analysing the mine, but but you got a guy, I'm going to say this guy's name, because his podcast was so fucking great and my eyes are going on me. I think I'm getting old dude, I'm fighting the reading glasses fight. Oh I got I got. Readers like. I got readers, so I could read things I do to his podcast. Kevin smith. The other day was fucking amazing. Holy shit. Jon Jones is an amazing podcast. The brunel is always great. Jordan peterson did you listen to it? Oh this guy is fucking fascinating. He is what you'd want like he's fighting political correctness and social justice warriors, but not fighting it like an from an ignorant standpoint, he's fighting the absurdity of it and it was isla I've, others an appalling,
I three times and it's a our podcast disguise so fucking, smart and Joe, possibly they're going to give a party to anyone. Joad get a fucking, the best interview. I've ever heard him to do. it was so paso like just in the question. She was asking earth, ngos being fair and representing other sides and like I'm, just making really. I was sitting there going. This is one of the greatest conversations I've ever got to listen to and that's what it was. It was just listening to a conversation of two very intelligent men. Talk about the what is happening in this country and in canada with it was fucking a meal using and so like so like joe- was in agreeing with them all the way but was like not. I wasn't a fighting argue. Nor was it. You know me I pass, and was it wasn't even if we pass, he wasn't disagreeing with them. He was just asking questions and the guy was answering them and tell them
and then Joe would be lighthearted as a comedian should in like great fucking moments. Apparently there was a guy who who's transgender, who argued with this guy that there's no no scientific difference between men and women and who lost it, and I was like wait. You can't fucking make that it. Just like this guy's going through a sex stage like there's. No, it was. It was just a really great. yeah. I mean I that that's that's what I so I really could have done I could have had. I could have added. Add your movie like as I was watching it. I ended up having to go to the tampa and probably do a show, and I was like I'll posit started up again in my head. I was like oh, this is just like a great podcast. I don't want it to fucking end I don't want your moved and I wanted to be a tv series of meaning that serious I was like they need them in a daily series. Every week profile it from park ass, I be fuckin there, so many great progress lead
love to know more about your back story about. Oh yeah, never not funny one of the ones where you're, like that's one of the overseas and this guy, a hard core what that was a thing. Is it so great to hear you say that, because when we were editing it we are alike. Let's make this documentary like a pod care. asked christen. I would come in theirs voice. We're, but not in the way like you would have narration in a documentary but way of podcast would be an you know, we shot so much footage. You know we sell an hour or a bonus coverage on the site, but we're going to keep releasing because the restores hole in view is that, like we couldn't use that are fascinating, better, just fantastic, and it's like I would love to do would you said of, like I haven't thought about making it a tv show where, like this,
we can podcasting or something because I learn I mean to being you're, hitting something rather nail on the head right now. I would watch every fucking week if you had to show much like fuckin nfl tonight, right sport centre or anything that covers anything where you talk about. What's gooden podcasting, that weak profile anew podcast do a fuckin By refusing all podcast and then a highlight great podcasting moments, because that's my shit amended, I shall like, like a like. I was just thinking, manage just lost my train of thought, but like like one Jimmy porthos brother in law in this area, Daniel, like her aunt yeah that was lived out on the pod cast, I'm acting on a book running on up, I asked his jimmy start crying and then I'm crying andrew, I'm sorry, nothing andrew caning, so young andrew kinnock is, is Jimmy's
other law is also boner from growing pains, which I mean that isn't it. That is, that is also the son of check that you know walter caning, a play check off on star trek. So it's like you know it's it's, he was such an intense thing when that happened, and one of the reasons I wanted to ask you, you bought- and I was very- I was very like. all these interviews, I went in and said: look if you don't want to talk, by this I dont even after the interview. If you want me to cut it, I will you know- and I said I'd I I before the interval like I was going to sandbagging and scab no jimmy for twenty some years. I said like I I'd like to have you tell the story about what they're going through when Andrew went missing and how the fans re responded to that. You won't talk about. You know, pulling fans together, or it was it was in in the midst of an of a really it was. A tragedy was awful. He he he went missing and then he later he took his life. You know he was. He was battling with depression. But the the podcasting community rules,
laid when they were looking for him You know, and it was just like the fact that the podcast community would do that it they did. It is, though it was just like you it'd be like as though your high school, like you know, like all your high school friends like hey this guy's missing and everyone from your high school rally together, and there was a phone tree. You know like it was that and the thing, but it was literally all over. You know it. It was just it was it was so it was in the midst of this such conflicting emotions cause it's its tragic that he, you know that he decided to take his own life and that's one of the things the movie touches upon as his mental illness, and you know why we went into two like I knew I was going to view Jimmy and he was going to talk about that. I knew was going to interview Paul Gilmartin that does mental illness happy hour, have a love that a public grow. Martin Martinez the means doing work, I mean he's doing noble work. You know like he's like
he goes away. I found you know he was thinking about what podcast to do is to remember talking about, I said billy I ignored four million years ago killers. give it up it's a shit on a work, but it's the most empowering thing you're ever going to do in show business. You have complete control over it and that's another great example of what should my podcast be about. ever. You want to talk. mental illness, you get to do that. You wanted. You want to interview like Joe rogan. Does one week a? U have see fighter the next week, a guy, that's You know as this heavy social commentary stance or whatever you want to call it. It's fantastic. Second. So, but when we were interviewing when we were doing a year, but we did a lot of fan interviews, we'd set up like come by the improv and come by nerd mountain we did Zane is in chicago and a couple other places in australia, and we just said we announced on our podcast. Here saturday for twelve to five km by will do a timid, an interview.
And that's when we started realise we need to spend a lot more time on the mental illness aspect. Put so many people came off the street. Do this I mean no, this is. This is not now that I realize, in the middle of this, is kind of a mega podcast, because we're talking about but if your lighted upon gas love, bobcats, frivolousness kilowatt, we're done it's like almost like this, you know, but, but that it really is crazy that how many people come to this medium for sanity It was you know this. This girl, I walk and off the street Alison in sydney, australia and she's featured in the film, and she just talked about she's. Like you know, grandma, I came from an imposing an abusive thumb, marriage. You know who's physically and mentally abusive and I had to do with ptsd.
like I know, you've had to deal with that cause. I've talked about it on my show, and I was at first I was like wait. How do you like and then I was like? Oh yeah, because you know I had some stuff from childhood, but also I did a bunch of u s o tours and a couple of one of em we like came under fire anna. Was blown out of the sky so loud, This is an helicopters. Freaked me out I was in afghanistan. Are we were in a fire fight in a black hawk helicopter? So I've talk about them. My pod gas, and so she was like, but it was cool because because high it opened up on our podcast. She felt comfortable all coming and doing an interview on camera these are people who are performers they're, not you know you and I can just get ok carried a view. Bang bang they're nervous, they walk and they see the big lights in the cameron they get, but she was comfortable enough to open up with us in its she's. Her story line is in the film and it's like it's. It's. It was so I ever saw it was like it was such a
like a privilege in an honour and a and a big responsibility. I felt that not like a responsibility like we gotta handled is the right way because. Did you go back to your rogan? You know he's and like his by think one of his posted tweets like we have a. A mental illness problem disguises a gun problem and we hit you know like here: Addressing it in in this country, we we haven't, we haven't dealt with the fact that there is a huge mental illness problems country we just we just don't and its good. The winner, to have these conversations. You know every time there is a mass shooting, niner ten times that someone that suffered from some type of milton illness that wasn't treated were you know and so it was really cool too to go through all that with the film in and you your documentaries very you learn so much. You know, like always, people sharing all this stuff and how a podcast they know this woman was like. I couldn't function cause my husband was so abusive and I got out of that relationship and I needed pod.
to help rebuild, who I was and you're sitting you're gone. You mean when chris I just work and get pissed off about a shitty movie like that that you don't like just sitting at this man gave dick it around talkin about the road. Like really that help it's that matters and yeah. Well, yeah it does. I know I know it does from you know. One of my one of my go to things is your podcast from your like. A little bit like a like warm blanket when I get home off the when I'm on the road and I'm in a hotel room, I just own a podcast and I can let it play, and I and I cause I get anxiety and. sometimes one my fucking hotel room. I myself, I can't turn it off like. I can't fucking calm down its part of the reason I drink on the road like, I don't think I've had a legit sober night sleep on the road like unassisted, possibly ever. What does I get no hotel room and I start my bracelet
crazy, and when I was on the road travel general, I was doing fuckin tat three bucket listed benchers a day, so I, I would slim a great white sharks, jump off the stadium and repel of table mountain and then get back to my room after a couple of vodka sodas and still be like fuckin wired, but I just throw on a throne any I mean so much shit. I love Dan carlin's hardcore history. Oh yeah! That thing that's like. I turn it on and I get excited there's going to sound weird, but you know how like, when a hurricane's coming in- and I thought the idea bottle. Watering can food is. How could I get excited when hurricane coverages on the tv, like a like big storm coverage, I go into my room. When I get excited like a warm blake, it may go. Oh good, I don't know? Why is a ground meagre something, but excited like lord of people around my eyes that when they ever
hurricane coverage? I just sit by the db all fucking day and it makes me so happy I fucking but like, like I said I said, on a podcast one time I said I said I don't know who the fuck I was talking to. I was talking to danish and oneill, and I said the first wet dream I ever had. I was riding a horse with this weekend. I'm doing this new bit called secret time in the middle of my show like because sometimes I'll think of secrets, I'll think of like things that are funny but are interesting, and so I go where you guys any secrets. Let's do secret time and that I said discover who agree most running oars. Deeds were losing their fucking monk in her, settled upon aghast
it was almost like. It wasn't a laughter they were getting up out of their chair, going fuck fuck. I heard you yes, this is true. This is like it was like it's so weird. You know people people will come to me and go you know cause my kids will come in and out of the podcast all the time, and I talk very openly about isla and she's, like my weirder of the two kids. yeah yeah I'll go on that stage and it'll be like tell tell the Ila tell the Ila story, the tell georgia measure to the ilo story with the the toothbrush and you're like you, fucking know that and they're like you, just tell it on your podcast, I'm like holy shit like I had a joke that happened on the podcast that got it into my special about our safe word, but like it's really crazy how the dialogue has changed between I mean I don't think I sold a ticket. I don't think I saw one ticket this week to someone who hadn't heard me on my podcast really, and I don't think I sold it
One I mean we I would have. If this we got a little fucking out of control or you know from my shirt off so then I told everyone. They said: hey guys. Three dollar drinks upstairs of you shirtless, so everyone ended up shirtless upstairs, but it was, and that was why do these big like meet and greets after the shows and it was all pakistan's. It was all guys like the pakistan's like I did a tour through china a couple years ago and basically theirs, there's like one full time, probably club in shanghai, and it's like a hundred and twenty seat room so everything else is just like a bargaining. It's mostly like a man again in english in austrian ex pats but like the show and gwan Joe China and people are coming up on. I, the company, film words- I was your people shop they bought. Are we have a book coming summer, guide movies and they ve blake. I bought this online and I need you to sign and, unlike in the middle of china and its like, it's
Crazy, I don't have the biggest big of a fan base as you, so I can't like pack a place, but there's always a handful of people were like, I drove three hours to come, see you and I'm like what like yeah it's, it's it's the coolest thing and it it when it when it is packed full. When we have done like comedy film, nerds live and pack, it out it's the greatest show. we ve done live, shows where we just made fun of trailers which show trailers of movies coming up. We pick like six or seven and we'll pick like one or two that are like cool something that everyone's, like all excited for everything else. We try to find the dumbest and it's a blast. Whereas could you do that you couldn't you show up and do that in a comedy club without a following. No. You know me are you you couldn't just like coming and do that the horse? You know wet dream. Vietnam, shirts, you autonomy, people be like- maybe maybe but like so how much. Has your podcast changed from the first adoration of it and tourism are now. Are you doing pretty
much the same thing. Well, we it started in december of one nine. Okay, I'm trying to think what when wonder, I start mine. No, I haven't been gone that long at eight years Yeah come up. Seven yes, I've in this go. My mouth is on seven. Seven years. That's fucking Long time, what I'm sorry one three Fifty something. and we ve done another fifty's, I'm spoiler up, so we ve done over four hundred episodes and that's once a week yeah it's it started gist. hey? Let's talk about movies and we didn't even have gas, and then we started bringing on gas and then it's sort of the format within the first six months or so to a year kind of became. Now it's sort of that's our format where We talk of the show we sort of what's talk, what's going on or I'll, if I'm not on the road is much anymore. but when I was, I would add, you know: hey thanks everyone for coming out to destroy the show than we talk about
because we record on two's we recorded release on tuesday. We do a lot of editing so there. The reason for that is we talk about movies that just came out the weekend prior, oh wow, so so what are you guys talking about this week this week, we'll be talking about and. Because I was a new star wars right. Well, that's comes out next week so we're that next week, yeah rogue one comes out. The sixteenth did you get the I heard it's fucking amazing, oh, I can't wait. I am so it's weird. Do two episodes about it like I can't the thing I think it's gonna be great and is what I'm getting from the trailers. So a force awakens was fun. It was great, but there are certain things they had to do and we got have give chewie in holland and seats. We gotta bring the gang back and we gotta hit these points. Robe one feels like let's just do something awesome in the star wars. Universe Blow it out, we don't, we have no constraints, it looks. It looks fantastic to me. I your way,
can't wait what kids are going to want to see it? Oh dude, I'm going to see it two or three times I mean it's like there's no two ways about it and I think So yes, so that our foremost we when we talk about it, just came out than we focus on the guest like if the guest is really into westerns or the is made a movie like whatever, whatever they want. talk about than we kind of go into, no dvds, and we now we started talk about movie trailers. I'd have sex with me druthers through ray. I'm obsessed with moved like to a point where think I have a problem with it like I want my favorite feel As you know, the feeling ever ever get done to impress in europe the elevator, the hotel and you're getting up to him and then your brain goes. Oh shit, I'm jacked off yet today yeah like that that great, like, oh there's, going to be great, and I do that with we trailers, I've got a little tonight. Apples. in like two weeks.
Whole new front page. I get excited that today. I did it today and I knows, like other one anything really great on today,. but I want a trailer fur fast. A furious one. Oh yeah that looks really fucking good. Those movies were black sites. I haven't seen one of those since polly, like the second one motor insane therein saying this greater number one writ franchise. Oh you ever their insane the movies, and now they do get bigger and crazier and they're a blast? I mean it's just like they do these stunts. That are just. so off their like ridiculously awesome that you just like it's like an amusement park where, like now we're going to spin around backwards and then you're going to stop and then go the other way and you're just like yeah just do it. It was. I saw the trailer I was like. I think I might watch that I'm on the road sure on the kind of viewer who, if use, and fifty nine million hours on a movie. It's not lost on me like I get into it like
what more money to spend on moral. Like the movie like on that fucking guy, I am the perfect window for hollywood and the same intelligence, I'm not too smart to think Where are you keyser sosa? Is you know what I'm smart enough to figure out bruce will as a ghost like other I like I, I mean a good trailer. Most of us really seen recently The best realer I've seen recently as well, they keep- I mean, that's hard to say, because I've watched so many but I'll tell you I'll. Tell you the best trailer I've ever seen the best trailer I've ever seen. Let's be cops, sounds so silly. The movie was not that good, but that trailer fuckin it got me. I said I am fucking seeing this I that trailer was so fucking great because it was just like, like I got the whole concept really quickly. Hey, let's be calm, I loved it like a red at bargain again.
I'll, try that now I'm going to look at one and see if apple trailers, but like the I I'm trying to think of who what trailers are out now. I can't watch scary. Dealers, the scarecrow is, I mean the mainstream horror movies, also sorted this same. They have eliza cheap scare earlier in the leg There also the same pattern that some of the coolest movies I've seen while all of the rope one trailers have been amazing to me- and Each one I see is it's rogue one is kind of help. Flip me normally, when a big movie like that is coming out like I don't want to see the trailers. Is you don't wanna? I don't want to ruin anything or if I, if I do see a trailer, I only want to see it on the big screen. I don't want to watch it on my phone or laptop, but now they keep release. In cool shit, that I get more more and more fired up for so I'm trying to find an apple trailers to tell you which ones okay. I really liked- and I can't believe, they're doing another spiderman now
did they welcomes parliament's because sony owns the rights to it and dead. There's a clause in there that if they have to keep making, ways if they let it go past, a certain amount of time than they lose the rights to it. That's why they keep banging those out. Oh! Thank you. Filmer, it's dark the comedian A good trailer. Yes, I liked er on the fate of the furious is a good trailer. Ah, I think it was a really really good trailer. What's that movie, where the kids break into the blind this house, all god. What is that I gotta bring this up? Oh, yes, It was fantastic man. That was, oh god. I forget the name of that. That was like I'll. Tell you a dumb fucking, trailer fistfight. How that looked like hey? What fucking movie are we going to make we're grown men have to fight each other. You also can just go home and not fight a human like what the fuck.
See I was over them tom cruise is the mummy looks all it looks like my our eye tom cruise, you know it's like jack. Richard finds the mummy I'm in a yeah outside fuck. Yes, I see I haven't seen any to catch up. I am also like it's funny you really cut to the core of me as a person On what I like and dislike and where my phobias are on by it, Ella like immediately, I become very cynical, your fuck that it's like a real emperor like thumbs up thumbs down thing where you go mad as falcon pass right. I saw one trailer- I'm short on here- but it's like it. The cover of it is to do twenty. Each other's heads, like there Ass, though they immediately. The most homophobic guy in the world know
walking away I'm seeing that shit like that one says sing. I don't even know what it is. I won't watch it cause. I'm like. I don't think I like sing. I don't even know what it is so much that what what is happening to a trace, is a fun gained by the way, just going to get a little fuckin tank ma your drugs pass because source definitely receives my kids, who want to see it and in it, and it's all about finding other smurfs any time like it really cuts also to the the fucking answer of. Like you know, Scarlett johansson got shit for playing a asian woman, leading role right and like and like matt damon in the great wall of china movie yeah, but I gotta be honest with you. I want to sell your dick public if I see a movie It's called is called like the fast break and its moral chess not and most deaf and it's like fire
I've bleeding blacked is that the market, the black people, I'm gonna, like Before christmas, and you see Danny lover and medea or whatever, unlike its market, has meant for them like I'd I'd watch them, but then, if you put like, if you, if you appropriate a culture- and you put, if you make a movie and it's an leading edge actress. I've never heard of and she's on the cover allow times. It may go on. I will read subtitles like, but if I see gonna johannsen there and it's called the samurai go. What's this, you know like ali. it's just doing it cause, that's where brains think that's what you know that the its who home Emily people watched us how to lose out to be a man. think like a man all right now out of my people right arrow, but it's just its I think we may well man. Why? Wouldn't I enjoy it because it's got nine black leads ok, I'll and owen, and until you know,
I loved you, are sitting on the movie, I'm just saying that that is how the market these movies you got. What a fuckin somewhat! Where will you go I'll? Do that other that take my money? I want to see I think that certain, in certain cases they go will like tyler parry started making movies for a very underserved section of the marketplace and mutilate black women, no one! making movies for them, and he, when I will and so they're, just like eight and he goes and they were going the movies, and now they are to see his staff in its like. It's in some cases, though- we talk about it on comedy. We call a trailer side while they'll take a good movie and they'll make a trailer. That's that either makes it look d. or they reveal too much. That you watch the trail and you go. Oh. I know what's going to happen now that the criminal that's oda happened and won the other day that I saw where they're like, where I think the guy die
in the trail of gray. It's ok! I have you know what happens in this movie will like the new jennifer lawrence chris pat phil, pratt pratt film best just looks interesting and then. You don't so they set the premise or we will. come on this on the space station early on and then you hear this voice over towards the end of the trailer goes action it wasn't a mistake and you're just like oh well now we know that where where's it going up the space yeah it's on fire, I know it doesn't call them swimming and there is cool shit in there and it's a it's a city friggin film in the sense that this is once He got way more money than he did so women ladys of oil, gotten underpaid. This is one of the four times. Reads like no. No, this is a jennifer lawrence movie and You got some crazy, like twenty three million and he got like ten or something like that, and it was like. I didn't know that it's a
it's a big deal cause it's. It's there, finally going well, she is proven through, you know, whatever their hunger games movies and then in all these oscar films that it's like jennifer lawrence can open a movie I'll go water, oh fuck yeah, it was her. Bones was at it ah winter bone winter bones. That was, that was break out fell. Fucker she was like six, seventeen or eighteen, or something during that movie. Chris Pratt chris Pratt is use. Good, but you know, but you're right I mean I I hope you don't take. This is a vent. Brat No, you listen. My podcast, but but you could applaud, eight deeds into that rule. Eight, do I know twenty If we want to pay more than her right, but. Only one jennifer lawrence, I know, and you and fuckin, that girls back I love Chris Pratt, like guardians of the galaxy,
Cars are the galaxy. Oh there's enough, there's a great trailer that trailer guardians galaxy to private. Seen at all, do oh wait. Yes, I have dude wait. Where does? Is it with a little ghetto things carry? the bomb or something yeah yeah. I saw the food it's crazy. I watch him hammered with, and so I can remember, but like Crazy galaxy is, is that vote now? It's, I guess we're calling enfranchised answers to, but that's what I'd go with? That's chris Pratt yeah. He is there are some guys it could maybe do that, but he's making it very much his role, but passengers you go Jennifer lawrence. space was severed, embody yeah. I know what he is so funny I for the first. Maybe I watch it I'll watch the trailers over and over again or I'll, go back to the thing and see if they come up with a second trailer. I miss understood the line where he says we woke up
ninety years too early right? I thought he said nine and I was like who gives a fuck you better chill, hang out fuck wait till I mean twenty twenty five, whatever twenty? Sixteen? What's the fucking difference nine years earlier be thirty when their twenty, ok. That would be all if that was the premise nine years early. You know I dunno I a day earlier day them. What what are we gonna do other technologies. Basically the same I could I I could. I could just watch trailers, although always I sometimes I love when I go on when I go on youtube see a neutral over something I haven't seen and then, unlike oh
We go dude. I I have an apple tv at home. I don't have cable anymore, so I just go to the trailer button. My daughters are the fucking problem, my daughters just got. He just bought them a fucking tv and I say, let's put the directv in your room and they're like no. No, I go, but I wouldn't watch that anyway, that everyone will just come living room and watch it. I said what do you want? They wouldn't just have them hook up the we will just watch things off of amazon and and fucking. whatever that other one is nevertheless like fantastic, beast, good, trailer, kong skull island. Is that really looks awesome fact, olives, good, that one looks great I'm excited for that because the Peter jackson com will be. I did not like. It was john black is too long yeah well, just like three hours or something like that. There were some cool stuff, but Peter jackson movies, in my opinion, get way too long. Kong skull island, though, looks like awesome yeah. It looks really fucking good and the bad kids
crossville I'll see that I haven't seen that and it's just it's just these kids are bad kids and then it turns out the teachers want to kill him. I get, I can get into really cheesy fuck movies very easy. I guess they liked. I, when I when I first saw the trailer for collateral beauty, which also comes out next, we got was ellen, that's well smith, I will watch it really will watch. It makes me so it all. While yet it looks I was one of those will resort. When I bet you this is cheesy but that is the kind of cheesy that I want to go watch alone cause, I know all cry like it's. A movie will operate alike. If I was on the road and the other comic goes, all. You want to go see that awake. No, no. I got some stuff to do today. That then, going to see it alone and sit up in the corner and cry I cried at mauna Well, that's awesome. I heard about what is great man. Credit marijuana when the grandmas showed up ha ha good for you, buddy whoa dude. Have you ever
I wish I had I wish I had this- is why I wanted an assistant. I'd love, go ahead, pull this clip up and show you this. I went and did there's a movie that everyone knows the movie, I'm talking about right now, if you've podcast fan, but. There's a movie- that I cannot watch or I'll cry a time- traveler's wife, so I go in and I do opi's show opie radio is me and sheridan opie, and I tell him so yeah. If I watch. If I watch the end of time, traveler's, wife I'll I will What crime and he's like the opi like what I am I mean, this out of respect- was like old school shot, jotter right and he's like. Let's get it: let's do it put it up there. Let's him cry, he didn't realize. I was really gonna fucking cry and I think I made him and there video. It's online of me sobbing uncontrollably watching the end of the time, travellers, wife, but damn movie man far too. I cried
I read the book time travellers, wife and then I cried when I saw the movie vehemently time's up jack off of the book, you fuckin crazy. The book With two different medium, so it's always a girl. Wasn't anything like a book like ok, fine, the movie did a decent job the book is awesome. I mean the book was like really interesting. I maybe I should read it. And I figured it was written by- had the woman. I do have written it like who dated of much older manner. something like that cause my girlfriends alot younger than me. So you're always doing that like we like Oh and I do this bit of my active, like you know, when you date, someone younger than you- and you say you tell the story. I did this nigga, oh yeah, that was when I was six and you're like okay. Well, go! Ask your dad. I always roof. I was referenced by. Do you remember communism like that's where people go huh. I gotta. Whenever you talk to anyone in the audience, you go the can't. There's people don't remember,
what it was like old. Are you a forty seven? Okay, I'm forty four yeah. I can. I have a hard time talking like twenty roads, because we have done nothing similar right like withdrawal never lives. Yeah. I got a computer in the internet. When I was twenty five, was twenty five. When I got my first computer and I had a well, I was twenty one year I was twenty one when I got my first computer and I had prodigy yeah Yeah and I didn't even understand I was like irene. we could run my head around. What the internet would do us exley wait. You're telling me I basically, you can get sporting lines here like the betting lines. I was like, that's it, so we should get betting lines and then Generally, you want to see what the weather's like in alaska and you can click and gods kind of interesting and then number getting another.
I don't even know if I even sat in front of it for longer than five minutes until I moved to new york and I moved to new york in nineteen. Ninety seven. Ninety eight and that's like ninety eight. Ninety nine! That's when I was like. Oh, you can get porn off here, and I was like that's what I'll be doing for the rest of my life and then that was when I got. I got really into the into using a computer, but I was like five. I was twenty six years old yeah that if you're you know under the the age of thirty you ve, probably had access to the internet. Since you were about eight or nine o my daughters of judea con co. Oh dear I had the same manager motives special rule Guardia joey, I'm doing ok, just wait I watched you special last night, fucking amazing joey. You share your cat. but we use, will you call a catholic cat covered, get out was fucking a howling fuckin laughing louis comparator.
The gimmick up your brother coco Jones, as a specials on c, so I don't need to tell you this. Everyone knows this is listening, but if used to go where joey like I did last night, you can get a free month free trial. I have a show on see so too, but I don't know the code word for that. And the ideas man he and I had the same manager when we first lived in l a twenty years ago. Real, and so we met doing all these like showcases together, and you know, he's just like a he's like a dude. You have my war stories with. You know like iceland pass cocoa. Is this sweet? Where did you started? You first stand up in chicago action started. I was a freshman at the university of arizona into tucson arizona. I was eighteen years old and I hold on. Did you started the tempi improv Ah no, I started it laughs in tucson, o tucson appear
the first comedy show I ever did was a: u s: college comedy competition. It was sponsored by de readers and defunct gum, company called stiglitz and, if you, my youtube channel, which I barely update, but you do not come slash, grandma what I think the very for some ever did stand up the m c was a young comedian by the name of jet appetite you can see him and nineteen. Eighty eight with acid watch genes in a moloch shot yeah he was the embassy and how fuckin crazy. I did did the show, unlike shorts, you know like, had shorts and, like flip lapse or something, and then within, didn't warehouse in agreement, EL, I saw I I started in college and I was in a sketch group and then I graduated ninety one and move back to chicago where I'm originally from and that's. Why are working as a professional like that's where I started during saying ease and all the clubs in that's where I met like Jimmy Pardo and MIKE schmidt and Paul you
martin and all those comics, that's fucking what a what a generation chicago's generational there's like chunks, yeah, it's almost like it! It's almost like a like a flood like a fruit like a flood, damn writing and all sun like it'll, build up a talent and then all of a sudden, Comedy is run by chicago comics, yeah, really interesting. It was such a scene when I was there in the earth's. I graduate college ninety once when the early ninetys there was like fifteen or some food, time, comedy clubs in the chicago area and try to find your first time doing stand up. so I wish I was waiting tables, but I quit that job in less than a year because you could with six hour drive of chicago. You could fill your calendar really. Oh, you did every milwaukee evans evansville like every little midst. the town and then every little,
bargaining you could fill your calendar really? Oh yeah! I mean I was not making crazy money, but I was like in I twenties had an europe in Chicago. You know like a toyota tercel that got thirty some miles with a gallon find this Is it one of the first reading, as you put it? I think so, god him you've got a lot videos. I don't know what you're talking about. I just don't update the Frequently as I want to start doing it, though I want to start doing more political stuff on my youtube channel cause. I, like I, like my youtube channel, but I've been putting more stuff on instagram. Lately es. I just haven't been on. The road is much because I was doing like thirty forty weeks a year for a while, and then your buds took, a lot of time and I was focused on that. It's so good man thanks you guys. What did you guys shoot with a five d, yeah yeah yeah? I love it. I love the five d. Was, and we got this young camera crew, these young guys we're super hungary that had enough,
experience in what they're doing but like work overpriced because I told I was like look guys if this happens, if the crowdfunding happens, we're going to go on the road, I'm going to put four of you in a hotel room like I, you know it's gotta be subway sandwiches, you're gonna, be your meal like it's, not you know, and they will have, wherein cause they're all like it will step up for all of us. like either assistant cameras or an assistant dp, and this would make them fully people, camera cameras and stuff like that they were awesome. It was such a subject I felt like I was the coach of like a bit of team. Were they podcast fans are themselves? Some of the more land I started to really learn about the pod cas community and we get a week. We had a tight sky, I mean we raise a hundred forty ground, which is great, that's nice, a lot of more money to make a film. You know it. Isn't I mean It's the most money I was ever in charge of, but it still wasn't a lot. So we d like- and I did all the booking cause, I'm a macabre I know how to book you it's all. I was like
flying in here we're doing these interviews, we're gonna rental, car babylon. That was really cool and all the pod castors who just opened up poems are their studios or whatever to interview it was that I mean The podcast community made that movie. They raise the money on kickstarter and then we're way you ve been you ve been like I mean I owe this. This will be like grandiose terms, but kind of you, ve kind of created the community The tab it yeah with the festival. I would I would say that, if festivals- I'm now, I remember when it first when you go first are doing it. I want to be a part of it. So bad and then this last year I think you are When I do it, I was like you're on the rodya at, but that's been, the coolest fuckin thing is when you'd, you're one of your favorite podcast at that festival and you'll, be like oh shit, man, I'd love to go to this place Go to it. We want we were. We we've been trying to get you in for a couple of years. Now it's just you're a row dog. So your dates same with Diaz. I've been trying to get him to do it, but
We well we'll get you in and you'll see how, when you're there since you're such a podcast fan, oh yeah and you have such following you're going to see the community. It's love it. The coolest thing it's one of the coolest things. One of the hardest things in podcasting is to break, is to like break new talent to your friends, to your fans. Let you go! This is someone that I love. I think you should check for checking out their shit and then once it has did you see it happening, you're like oh wow, that's really cool and it's like it, but with me like going in doing like I did a chris Hardwicke podcast a long time ago, and I don't think I don't think I don't have like. I don't think it was received well, like he didn't, even like tweeted out that he just released it and it I didn't like when, like hey guys new podcast today, I was like looking for it and it just what came out one day. Just post like almost like yours, like we put it up, but that why did what I said I do, and
but I was like other would have been called to get fans nets, but I think that a different type of fan, like you know, like you, know it's weird they did in the end. This is such a thing. We we wrestle with every year with the festival in terms of programming is what fan bases overlap and what once don't that's an interesting questions. Ok! So, let's see who do you think overlaps? I think I wanted a most interesting, podcast out there right now is my favorite murder, all my god. They were great at the festival we have for the first year. and it was also talked about data festival. I listen them talk about during the festival that progress is really fun. Listen to and I've I've been giving georgia's number and I want to text her and tell her I like it, how much I like it, but but I haven't because I was like that's where I'm a married man, I don't wanna, you know up, I run into her I'll, say something, but that's an interesting. I feel, like those people came from out of those fans came from Where will they had if I'm not mistaken what they did several things?
first. They just tapped into the fact that, like any of those like murder, tv show reality, tv shows are women, for whatever reason women loved, my wife loves. Yes, when another tonawanda you'll love this fuckin podcast, my wife just got into podcasting. She just started. but listen about us and I'd. I'd watch a walk around with your buds and walk around the house and you like landscape, What when I'm in the middle of something while listening? Something and I'd be like hey, you no progress like a fucking nerd like you, that's nice! do it like good god, what the fuck's wrong you walk around the house and interacting with people Do it by yourself. We don't listen when you're with other people like you, do it like on. A courage is put her head sets in as it would kill me, listen we're together and she like we haven't. I'm in the middle east will have to start an overview, unlike the fog butter but yeah that that I think people who lives in a double jeff would probably like like
noticed like like the there's, a genre of progress that I put Tompkinsville, like that, I don't I'm in puddle and outlook is Paul. Hate me put, but I like there's like those are these there's like I would say, Doug loves movies fans like those like they like the path tomkins, what it interesting it in a lot of it is like obviously its gas driven, so I've been on? Never not funny a lot, so it never will never not funny jimmy, and I talked about it over a few times we used to live next to each other near each other. Let's seem at ralphs all the time is we're going to get John, and I was like definitely and I'd text back and forth. Never happened. I've never been on Todd's either a glass of wine Todd nigh like ton. I have talked about it a lot. Todd, shows I've on tides, a lot like I love to have you on comedy film or it's. I think, there's there's little and I don't want he's the wrong word here to make it sound, but there's little like clicks clicks is or just yeah. Guided not with us, is not with us, but it is also, but like the
the rogan world. I mean it's, I think it's just different worlds and although even use click so like the rules, I've never been on Joe rogan. I've never been. This is my first time on this one. I've been a red man. A lot I know here I was on M Tripoli is a fair amount, but like I'm not that plug there were a part of it. Is I'm not How many store comic? I prefer at the hollywood improv. So I dont get sets the comedy store. So I wonder if our podcast or break broken up by colleagues I think it has something to do with it does because you think about it like nervous meltdown and you see be, are totally different. Genres like I like one of the reasons I am known: todd glass for so long. I've worked the improv with him on the road like the hollywood, improv vegas, improper, hogs fans or I'd be interested to know who Todd's vans are or retards listeners, because that podcast my favorite part cats in the world. I love and I loved. I do characters on their pod cause. I love that, but there they
when he had one podcast, that I like it moments where you listen listening, podcasting, it you'll, never forget where you were cause you laughed. So Are you a gun or being in a hotel room? One time in denver and sat golfing access was telling Chris Hardwicke them as brothers taken mushrooms and onto the yet the getty, an exact said. I thought the sign said why shouldn't you touch the marble? I woke up like I was like I've been out and I got up and a bed laughing I was. I was but Todd and rory Rory scoville is mamma is, is might be the fund it's fucking human being this ever walked this planet. He eventide do this thing with the other red fox, don't ban banner area that, where they red fox the stories red fox came out today, it was done done done it and he goes. I ain't form for six people and started walking off and the band played the music then done then
rapid again, they did that over and over again as difference care. yours is jerry seinfeld and I was a train in brussels going to amsterdam, and I was doubled fucking over going there, Please don't let this ever end. I one of my favorite episodes to ever have been a part of was the episode I was on my glass where we played the looming your song. How hey in china, do right where he got a clip. They Did it on jimmy fallon with chickens clucking proper barack obama brought so Todd kept playing it on this episode and then too In the end, he just I didn't play for a half an hour, everyone in the his studio, just clocked, along with it it was like it such a surreal amazing moment, warehouse
could you do that he took he took podcasting. I think he I think he forwarded the art of podcasting more than anyone individual, because what when, when he he's doing. I show with jimmy door, comedy everything else which was cool and they were they were kind of a good pairing and when Todd started his own thing, the first time I did it I went out. This is the purest form of todd glass. That's what it is. It was like he does he's, got a bubble, machine and audio part cas he's all about the lighting in the moon and again, everything is everything is, is he's painted imagery of something I don't know if it's real or not, unlike almost got phil hendry kind of way rising? I really dont know if he does did they show a bubble. Exotic car museum, like I didn't know, and I would like to add a kid across the hall with the fucking music and the sacks of phone and you'd, be like wait for the first time I have
Would you fucking wait hold on? Are you like? It was like it was like real theater of the mind? Oh it's I told him. I told him. I ended up doing it as a gag, but I said you know what you should do Todd do a podcast. Do a live, show between the dark cut the house lights off and do it in the dark. That's how we listen to your podcast is dearer the mind. Might do it in the dark that Tod was like, I think, art I'm serving drinks, yeah! Ok, let's wait. Let's go out on your. I could do this. I could do this all day or one of the greatest podcast ever ever out there ever was
comedy and everything else, with Jimmy Dore and jimmy doors when he interviewed kyle sees oh man, it was like and they held him like. That was intense dude. It was that that was like, like that she should have gotten the grammy right, whatever the emmy, because I was on a car ride from ST sacramento driving down and it was a two parter because I think he came. the next week and had gotten both of my thought. I'd run into someone. They go whoa whoa whoa, you haven't heard the kelsey's podcast and I was like no motherfucker. That was an amazing podcast yeah. That was an amazing. Hazing podcast I mean like defend yourself. Eureka. exploiting young comedians defend it and it was like it was. It was when it was like it was almost like. Good journalism. You know what mean, because it was like. That's a thing that that, if your and the comedy community, you might not know, and a lot of us feel like me. I definitely feel like the comedy class,
thing is kind of nonsense. You got he's gone stage and do it helps them? some people that need that class structure to help georgia like to get or foot in the door. Oh now I can now that's how I can get on stage with why I get it, but I would never recommend to take a class now. Just writing. jokes, gonna stay! If you don't have the balls to just write, strokes and get onstage, and you shouldn't be a comedian agree with that. One hundred percent, like that meant that there was that period where kyle came where kyle was doing that and putting it. I think myspace is around yeah. I remember top scores at my house having dinner and he walked in and he walked right over to my computer. To like tell me, you haven't seen this yet I go what he was kyle season. I went none. What You will love this and then click the fuckin trailer at the you know the class and I was like what the fuck is this and he's like this only gets better. Have you not read this letter
induction open. It was like none goes pro you're going to have the years. I think I should probably just go home now, and I was like oh my fucking god that was, like god, dammit, you think about that, like I hope, but a bunch of game shows I could have a killing teaching. hosting classes. How to read l, prompter. How to bump out to commercial. I could have. I got a few dollars showed one of one of the things that they will never tell you, but it really. Of soldier? Is you have one moment we get up off the catholic dammit? I was in a trailer and it's like a little buzz moment. Yeah there's some you're right. You can teach it! ass, my hosting I could I could, made a killing, but I would have hated myself. I mean taking money from people. You know are just going to fail. Yeah reputable hosts just go out and host right now, and so it was like.
So I want to do it. You just made me think of an idea. I want to do a documentary on me about you know how like people go, you do a documentary about a comic, but do a documentary about a host who just can't stop hosting and I'm like going into starbucks on the welcome start, like everything is host, read with a with a choice of three drip coffees. Thank you. I'm bert chrysler. I think I'll take the like. Just can't get out of his fucking way hosting I I've. I've have been taking general meetings with networks this past month and I think I'm I think I am not selling myself as a host cause. I go yeah, I don't do fucking reads: I go hosting's changed. You look at the internet yeah, it's! What's what blows me away so much as like all these kids pretended they wanted to do something different on the internet and youtube they're, just doing exactly what tv shows were doing with these fake prank shows and fake prank, fake social experiments, and so on.
casey nice. That is, I love case in us that when my favorite guys watch bomb Is logged went away but was like such a ego, driven fuckin jack off best we're like good god case. You, like, back to show me how to organise an office. But you I I I I while of love podcasts, I don't like. I get pissed off with someone gets into podcasting and they they don't understand media mutual respect, it yeah I like it. that and we have doubled the said, the festival, sometimes of sometimes it's like a big names celebrity who gets into it and they're not getting into it for the right reasons there not getting into causes like. I need this freedom of expression they're, getting a division to cause norm, palace them into exactly exactly or their or their yet the manager when you need a pod cow and they don't understand they dont respected. We had giant named people at el progress. They had fourteen people in the room
I know, no one came to their show and there and they they're technically a bigger star, but then then Jimmy pardo, but Jimmy Pardo. His room is packed what you think about Anna Faris, his podcast. If you listen to it, I have little bit and I think she's doing it the right way, but why, by putting out putting everything, cutting everything and half so she has will the numbers and get well he's doing I tell you about. If you just say this was thirty minutes and there's no authority military Adela, both right there. Well here fuckin interview and you get double that zero tolerance, charts that smart its cheating Some of them, it is. I love you. I think you're amazing. I reply in india. I british option on the whole family today I think you're fantastic, but put one episode up owner know how good you really are. I can measure myself based on your fuckin. qualified fuckin stampings. What Whatever of it
I applaud anyone. That's finding a way to jump their numbers out. God bless you me too. What do you think about our progress, though? I think it's you know she seems like she's doing it for then the right dozens of some of that state like her and her husband, don't need read money from their podcast, so why do it? she's doing us. She wants to have that expression. She wants to have that outlet and that I give you respect for because you this we all know this from traditional media is very. structured. You have to be this. You have to be that traditional media, you know they give you. The tv show they give you the part in the movie. They give you the money for the film, which means they can take it away with we've. shows cancelled, every one I've ever done right exactly and I've done over three hundred episodes of tv and nobody. You know Nbc, not cancelling away pod fest north cancel my podcast.
it was cancelling this no one's coming here and shutting down the man cave it ain't fuckin happening no earbuds buds. We are, we will look, we did festivals and we're. You know we look for regular distribution, but we knew it needs to be on netflix. It will be it will be. We knew eventually what if we get a good deal, we don't have to sign a shitty distribution deal. we can sell it on our own website, which we ve been. Do wing, and then we knew we did the research we can get it on itunes and amazon and netflix and we'll just roll it out like we were a big fuckin studio, and no one is no one is telling us how to do it. No one is getting in the way of preventing us or whenever woods are movie were selling it our way in its that's the greatest its aggressive, it's the best feel you know is one of the things that I I connected with point most in this was that Adam crawl. I heard him reference.
This is my pirate ship. I gonna do with it. What I want and its it is being as being black beard and taking your parts. Wherever you want to go in the open, sees you make your own fuckin role here, as if I want to do these stupid silly character. Driven reads the point: I do it if I want to write a song to make fun of tom segura upper on my podcast. If I have a weird interaction from stage a poet put it on my podcast. This is my thing. I get to do whatever the fuck I want, and it's like it's one of the things I like, but my buddy does the show hot ones ever seen it. It's really great. Shaun Evans he's my buddy through the show. Obviously, but I'm a big fan of the show. I did it and then someone some show in australia stole his idea. Basically, you eat ten progressively hotter wings, the last one's fucking, a rainy, ask you questions and your mouse on fire as you're trying to answer them, so they really catch you off guard like you, you do end up saying stuff. You didn't plan on saying
It was like I dunno man. I talk shit sometimes and he's like oh great, so the show stole it and I was like fuck. I'm gonna call her jean call in to my podcast and talk about this thievery and get, and I'm posting it today and we're going to fuckin. grab my eleanor kerrigan episode I have, on call I posted immediately and immediately it's taken down all the fuckin sites. As other shows taken down in all to anymore and you're like fuck, yes, really, the goddamn, groups. It's all I mean look, what look what you can do you can do I mean you know, mark marin and adam curl, and some of those guys fought the troll in people they and they dig up essentially want. I mean it sounds still sort of in flux, but they basically beat those guys down.
You go. Did you go to the to the fuckin superhero meeting at Adam cross house tat night now? Did you hear about it? Read man when he told me about it? Basically, it was all the top podcasters in the country at Adam crawlers house, to figure out how they're gonna fucking fight this patentable. Rogan marin corolla just fuckin everyone I heard yeah that remained talked about it. We interviewed him for the dead, the dock and he said that like hardwick, I think, was there to win and you're like whoa shit man, that's a lotta. What are the top podcasts? I guess it's going to be corolla. The top comedy one, oh yeah, don't look almost because just so you know the NPR shows are doing
millions of downloads an episode. Yes, however, by the way coolest moment of podcasting. Ever probably I get an email from a a woman who loved muppet, listen to my podcast big fan of your podcast loved your book and by the way, my husband's got a podcast called this american life. If you want to I'd love to hang out this weekend- and maybe we can, we can grab one of your shows hanging out in the green room in new york with IRA glass and an heed and we're just bull shitting and talking about like it was, fucking and we're talking about podcasting, we're talking about numbers, we're talking about like advertising mean and I'm like holy shit. Those npr shows are making crazy money yeah. I wonder oh yeah, those those I mean this american life is possibly one of the greatest pieces of entertainment that is ever being published anywhere on a weekly
it's what they're doing it and a great you can say: hey they brought their and pr. You know terrestrial radio audience to two ok, great, but now they ve gotten this whole and it's a whole. It that's another separate world like the people that I think obviously there's some people that listen to comedy podcasts definitely listen to the npr ones too, but the npr world kind of has its own its. calling for economics. Oh sure, it's a different type of that's my wife. What the fuck it! What is the one was one about the murder of cereal cereal. That's the one my wife, those a lifeless and pr and argues chair cyril than she started and Cyril, and that she was like marin's got a lot of the crossover yeah marin. An mp are the same group. I'd, say corolla. I don't think he shares fans with Joe. I don't think joan. Roller have the same fan base. I think they're very different, yeah fish,
This is, I think, we'll corolla just brought over his radio people a lot of time, and then he cultivated that because his radio show went off the air and he just said, ok Come over here and download it, and so he kept a lot those people are a sort of cultivating from like the man show that the radio and everything else like that- and I think you know, some of the coral it we're like. I was just on. You know his wife and Stephanie, while their tailored to that show for crying out loud, which is apparent in shelter to women. The talk about having kids and pay it's like that. All is well yeah, she's, fuckin, beautiful yeah, it's good for one things makes morning with a thing A picture of her that have him and his family for, like some going out to the christmas party, and I was like his wife- is fucking gorgeous like courts like, I don't think I even we met when I I had him on my podcast and I was like well an a, but I was like your wife is really pretty and he didn't know when his wife's gorgeous
you did her bryant progress yet in her in several while the tail is for crying out loud, and you know their sort of it's interesting part of the caroling network, but then there show was mostly listened to by women, where I would say his band basis, primarily mail. You know, but it's so you're, where the fan bases come from how people? find your show what overlaps what doesn't it's real the you know. Obviously we got a lot of fans cause. I I was a guest. A lot on Doug loves movies. I you know. I wonder I don't think I ever like. I do DA deluxe moves a lot and I've probably had a couple of the more. I definitely have one of the most epic douglas movies ever where me and him gotten that fight, and it was fucking insane
gallipoli behind a paywall, because, if you're getting gone out to everyone, my twitter, when was this, I don't even have one does this abu you have heard about it. Well, maybe I shouldn't say anything: we we were in ST louis and I came in off a flight and I was definitely drunk, but I wasn't like drunk out of control, but I was just buzzed right and I came in with two hundred cheeseburgers and I was like I just bought two hundred cheeseburger or one hundred cheeseburgers, two hundred cheeseburgers I walked in and I was like, I'm gonna bring them on the stage. It'll be my whatever I dunno dogs. I don't want you doing it and I didn't hear him say it at all, and so he brought me out and I walked out with cheeseburgers. He is a citizen what you doing this and then he brought him in and then I went back and got him back out and then he went back and forth and then and I and then I fuckin and then I got him again and he he said he walked off stage and he was like I'm trying to be fair and balanced about this cause. I definitely I shane torres told me: it's like you are a little out of control. Sir Doug's, like no
He just walks off stage and then I was like I'm going to go get him. So I go to the green room and he's clearly upset like he's. Not it's not a joke and I'm like okay, I fucked up. He goes back on stage, I'm like. Maybe I should just leave, then I go or maybe I'll just walk through the show room with my shirt off, and so I walked through the showroom with my shirt off and the dog fucking loses it on me and it is, and it's very fucking real when did this happen
It's probably four months ago: wow, I must go, I've done I've done douglas movie since and dug, and I dug, and I did a podcast on my uppers on my podcast. We released a podcast the next day in my hotel room of us talking about whether or not we could still be friends. It's one of my more downloaded episodes cause it's very real wow. Is it there's no podcast to it? It's just the fucking out the searched around MIKE, and it's just me and him going like you as I was really fucking intense. It's a really intense episode because we're being very real- and I I did not know what was making upset he I didn't. I explained to him what I like about. Doug loves movies and it's not the gameplay. I fuck around the beginning, and I go. I don't even listen to game dog like I turned it off at the game and he was like he goes yeah, but there are people that, like the game- and I was like yeah- I know- but when I'm on the show like I like the chaos and he's like some people, hate the fucking chaos and I was like and it's great, but then he goes, I'm going to put it behind a paywall so that I he goes. I don't want just people being able to download
Put it anywhere, I mean it by the way just get. I I've have our I'm not saying this to my fans. Don't if you're my fan, don't fucking, listen to it. You may hate me, but you would like you would be fascinated by this episode. Well, I yeah I was on the road with a guy for awhile until I have my own yeah I've had my own arguments with him off stage, so part of me might at an AL fatah we might be like Yeah bert go for it. I dunno, like you know, so I dunno when I'm released in the summer. I might releases tomorrow, but I am going to see Doug again very soon.
Again I like doing the loves move. Its points, a blast, you know, I don't do it as much as I used to, but so it makes even more fun now, when I do it, because I'm going, I like doing it, I like, when we do it on the road yeah when I'm on the road and he's on the road we meet up, are like those of those are fun but am, but yet I of those pot those are like, I don't think I've ever pulled. Anyone from that group in my podcast it's a specific group, you know that it's interesting like that. You wanted. About cross over. This is an interesting thing so like what I was on the road with him for a long time- and I didn't get the is a big of a following, as I thought I would. because I'm not a stoner, like I'm sober, and so the stoners would think I was funny my sat, someone would, even by my merge, we did tweeted centres could again. Yes, we disturbances go together so like when I open for him as a stand up and doing
douglas movie, so the stance of his audiences were always filled with stones and film people to redo dc together four dollars movies. One time No, we did we did another city, I kinda, where wasn't dc, maybe it was, I can remember we did somewhere do you, you were. You are in your and gets super high me in the eye. Anna hi road at I wrote, but there's a guy example. So I'm I co star with him. Basically, in the end, you know he's the star and I'm the costar of the high road, and I it it wasn't like. Because it's a stoner thing, am funny in and I'm I mean I'm been about, a chunk of that movie. I didn't like I have eighteen thousand twitter followers. You would think all those years of being on the road with dog. I would have one hundred thousand, like I look at like like the rogan guys. All you guys, aryan and that's proteins are very interesting statement. Does
What you're saying is really fascinating, because there is a massive cross over when you, when you are on Jos, podcast right, guys, go immediately. Unsubscribe your podcast it's interesting, so I didn't get those numbers I think part of it was the stoner and then, when I was Doug loves movies. Now we did buddy Filmore did get a fair amount of his listeners because because that would be, that would be its bright. A thorough is perfect cross over butler. Sometimes, on douglas movies, it sort of adversarial, and now part of that is the performance of it lighter your podcast should be immediately cross over ability. I would imagine this in this package that anyone's like oh shit, olive movies, fuckin right this we really fun. Hearing too I've breakdown? the movies, I saw that weekend yeah, you would think, but I noticed too, with dogs. Podcast is the only podcast where.
every time I do it just about not almost thought every time, but most, I would say, seventy percent of the time I'll get people say I love having grandma what on and I'll always get a couple like fuck you. I hate her listening to you. It's the only podcast where I've heard that nowhere else. Do I hear that it's a very it's a very peculiar things. Really, I get some people who, when I'm announced they they cheer, they make. You know when I was on the road with them a lot. They put my name and the name tags, but then the recent part of it is like. I would do this whistling thing that made doug mad and it would like pierce people's ears, so that would piss people off, but, like I and then, if I would, the buses with an interesting. it was so it was, and he started doing when he started doing media I've been part of it is likewise I cause I you know in in following sort of watching the rogan we're rogan himself as a very like hey support this guy. go to, we show on the road he told me it help with his ticket sales and all the stuff dogged part of god.
open door policy with his friends like what Well, my specials coming out Joe's like of course dude one of the coolest most heartwarming things ever we do the end of the world podcast, which is probably one of the biggest things I've ever been attached to ever me, bill, burr, stan hope and rogen and fitzsimmons on stage and the first.
words out of Jos mouth when the show starts? Ladies and gentlemen, the machine is our special there's this. What was prodigal showtime november, eleventh ten p m, make sure to check it out. The first words out his mouth and then we did. A pack has the very next day we did of and the whirlpool gas. We are not all night and he was ike. Let's do another one. We want to support this hour when I first it is past. I remember, as we were doing it, my phone would not stop buzzing and I was getting followers. I got in the car from just doing his pack asked in the in the livestock went out in the car. I had three thousand extra followers when I got the car when I got home and they posted that night. The next morning I will stop and I was like I was at ten thousand followers and I was like holy shit like and it skyrocketed. I mean I got to like. I want to say I got to like fifty thousand followers on twitter right after that yeah, like so.
It is sort of like that part of dugan eyes banter on stage that was funny was we'd sort of there's a lot of ball. Busting, but then Sometimes that would translate to up mears. You know he'd be like time for the plugs. Alright grams always got a lot of crap to plug and it was like Sometimes I was like hake that makes three times what I make any did fuck and eat. You know, like three does I saw that the thing that was sort of, and then when you started doing the getting d with high on youtube that brought in a very different audience the youtube audience so funny cause. I really, I and I've said this out loud a lot getting doug with high as one of my favorite podcasts when it's of great video podcast, but
I enjoy it more as a podcast like there have been times in there cause like it really is the thing some people get too high and they don't know what they're fucking saying anymore and, like I remember, there's one comic, I won't say his name, but he was talking about touring with another comic and they were like man. Crazy shit must have happened with you guys or gal one time these grow into like back of the boston. She she wanted to sleep with the one guy, but they sent me in and I fucked her like. I think it's rape, you like no, no, no! No, it's not right and like I was like holy shit. I'm slavic, I was like I think,
especially evolving body, but like that's what I love I love. I love getting doug with high. I would never do it because of the girl, my daughter's right, but I wouldn't do it for a long time because of travel channel and- and now I I think you know I dunno- maybe I'd do it, but but that's an interesting group of podcast listeners like they're they're, really like in the pet, unique users there and they're, not douglas movies facts right. There are completely different things, loves movies fans. Aren't just owners I mean they yeah. Some of them are, but some of them are movie fans, fuck, yeah, they're, knowledgeable movie fans, and they a lot of them are really into the game play oh yeah like they want. They want I played right, they want. They want contestants that are knowledgeable and smart and like get into it, they were really really want that. I think that was if it is so like are there would be like this adviser thing between me and SAM Levine and so on.
play that up and was like hashtag team samara, hashtag team grams, so then people would be like fuckin. Would you know so is like a it was a very unique thing like I I still I'll do it every once in a while and he's like Alan ear. Buds is ready, come on in that's cool, but it's a very There's no other show like that. There's nothing there's nothing here. He's he's carved a very unique path for himself and his genius. The four twenty shows on saturdays I thought I was going to he's got the high courts coming out is new. tv, so really central area, but like he's, really carved unique path from softly it's like. They are, and I've said this to him. I've I'm sure if, if I hadn't haven't that, I'm doing it definitely now, but one reason I started doing. The call in sick to work shows was because he was doing these for twenty shows and they're selling out, and I noticed that there were events they weren't. Just like and so it was a fuckin event and do the thing it was so smart about, like I was on the road with them from from like
away through the fourteen. Basically Anna was like twenty- not two thousand nine, two thousand ten around there ten. He was like I'm done doing full weeks. It shows because we would super jaime. It just come out so like thursday night in Sunday night at the clubs would be the donors, in Friday saturday. Sometimes you just have regular comedy. I ever like a woman like in grand rapids was came out and complained to the manager that this This guy's talking about drugs too much you know like and he was like. want to battle these people. That don't know who I am and get offended at pot. Jokes girl said that he was like I'm tired of fucking performing for people who don't know me. I know he was like a he's like it. You should know me, I don't think he said that and that so many words, but he stopped doing weekends, and I was like I'm just going to do. One nighters.
And just have my fans come out and I told him I thought that was short sighted because I thought I said. I think when you go benefit during the weekend. The club is you, you get fans, that's how you get people to see. You do your thing and he was like. I don't see that benefit. He was like. I say you get fans by putting our specials and doing a good podcast segura, and I that you want to talk about really interesting crossover. We don't have a lot of the same fans Will you think we would like all my fans ever willis? My back, my bike asked loves when he's on my part guessed, but when he started doing the than when we started when the fat shaming contest between the two of us, if we were both stunned by how many people did not know, we were friends like wow and yeah and were probably he's by my closest friend, but people just didn't know. The key had a group of pockets, listeners them
dont know broke russia that what that's a great that that's! So it's so funny because you can thank you have an idea, but I don't know how many times I would go either open up for doug on the road or you dog, loves movies and people. I'm gonna do a show with him in this the end of this month, Don Santiago, I guarantee you, I have we go to these cities and people would come up to make a wide and know what you look like. they've, listen to me on his show a million time ever once thought till I get your special note, Never google, it never. Never add me. Never follow me and I'll be like eichel. Go just type in comedian, graham. you're, going to probably find there's not much I'm going to fuckin I'm an hour. I am when I'm with Doug again, you've gotta get out,
Iirc yeah. Ok, well, we're a wrap this up, but, like I my podcast, okay, the only two things I'm going to ask you left is: I was gonna say how do you find your uh? Do you find podcasting numbers have increased in the last say of say year and I'm going to send this text real, quick cause her to another charlotte? Oh sorry, that's! Alright! Let's go it's my fault. I I end up getting into these conversations and they keep fucking keep rambling on. My podcast numbers have increased astronomically in the last year like, and I feel like, and I've a rogan about it. I think more people are coming to the medium and more people are finding podcasts. I also think that the tom and his fat and bert is fat war that went on. I think that was. Ultimately, good for me, because I think I had a lot of people as we can go in I didn't even know you weren't till I heard cigarette making funny you
I I've heard and then I'm now a fan and you're like. I think I think I think good point. I think more people in general. So five six years ago there were some statistics that something like, seventy. Eighty percent of the population didn't even know what a podcast was. I think that numbers coming down, because you have things like cereal gotten me. in stream media attention. Obama on w yeah, I've got mainstream media attention. So I think more. believe and know what it is now taking ear to all these film festivals at ever, and I did romania did Napa valley idea all these festivals at every screening. There were people who knew nothing about it and just saw podcast documentary in the programme and we're like what is this. How do I get involved and you're, not ours,
They pull out your iphone. You have an app and they'd, be like so fucking easy and they'd be like nah I'd, be like yeah. You do it's purple press it. A project set up for company film nerd subscribe. You got him. I've done that. So many people wait. I don't get this podcast subscribe. There you go. I just lined up to five startled young. really gotta be on your phone. I can win wondering when do they you're fucking idiot. What channel does not yet fuck it it's on you're, going to board, you might get it in my car yoga what about you? Yeah fuck. You listen to music off your problem of course same thing, frank, so, but know that I've noticed, though, is and yes, comedy film words- numbers have gone up in the last year. I think we ve done some stuff like we started. Buying twitter followers, not the fake bots, but like the twitter advertising like if you like, Kevin smith,
In the comedy film, nerds and and stuff like that art we notice week because we we've noticed a a a fall off a little bit in our numbers like a year or so ago. We were like what the fuck by followers it's You go through twitter because you want to buy. fake followers, you wanna get engage fans. So what you do it What are you going in and you say who should like this, so we you pick about ten or twelve account, so we like Kevin smith, Chris Hardwicke, M c movies, you don't mean warner brothers, you know like and so If you follow those guerrilla mars girly, what is the processing of data with that guided by the aids medication seven hundred dollars a bill, but yeah subscribe to that. Guy lol behave like a fig burt reynolds out trump gonna buy all the wrong one.
only when all the buggy other brother, toxic, twitter users, rather worse people, look at patrols, trawls. Oh my followers roles. got you anyway, but like a weekend, we notice to our show we put the title of it. When we talk about a big movie. We get more listeners, so we talents you don't like it, because what you say episode three, twenty five. You know you know: captain america, whatever, but if we develop an indie film, it gets less. So it's, I think it's gone up. I think more people are into it. I want to what, whatever the last question him and plug some dates. What episode would you suggest people to go to and listen to as their introductory episode. You know I would listen to one of the more I mean, there's. You know what I would tell the listener go who are catalogue and find a movie you really liked or something arrival yeah, I'm listening.
go. Do that? That's what I would say go through our catalogue and say all this movie. I want to hear you guys talk about that or, if there's guess you really enjoy utopia yeah the reverend suicide squad ellison that one year, I'm download that one alright and then, when it working people it's a movie earbuds. The podcasting documentary is currently exclusively available, accompany filmore. Dotcom we sell standard f and high deaf downloads, and also you can download a bonus features but an hour extra content dvd. Were pre selling. Those have been done in the next couple weeks is taking us a little longer and then it'll be on itunes and all that stuff in a couple of months But if you want to get it now- and you can see Bert talk him mad, knowledge about what am I fear of lines, and that is like I said something like oh yeah. I've talked a lot
shit about peoria, and you can't talk shit about anybody more than you hear read running you hear his laugh, it's pocket! I love that. How that whole came together. You just walked in and we had the camera rolling and we just started talking it made it into the movie. I fucking love the whole fucking pull of tompkins I still won't speak As a bad, so great guys with feelings of fuckin alone, go was that I don't podcast, we'll think we do this move and grass on the movie fantastic. Please limited password against. Someone wants the end of it and- and I can wait to listen, I got a flight wednesday morning, so I'll be listening to to which one that I just
arrival, yeah, comedy homer's, dot com. You can get the podcast there you get. The film follow us on twitter at comedy, nerds, I'm at graham elwood. The will have you on the this episode is brought to you by the machine. With you a cellular, it's just twenty nine ninety nine per line for one two or three lines, so you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing, robe, loser, Beth she's, not gonna! Like that, the road I scenario, video goin, get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per line we must cellular built for us terms, applied visit. U S, cellular dot com, pretty damn we value human connection with fever. Distractions, cellular built for us visit your? U s! Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-18.