« Bertcast's podcast

#173 - Mike Busey & ME

2016-04-27 | 🔗

Mike Busey and I hang out at the Sausage Castle and talk about how he got where he is today, the future of the Sausage Castle, partying w/ the Jackass Crew, working with Vice & Eddie Huang, & the true sense of community that is the Sausage Castle.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But you are cellular, it's just twenty nine. Ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family plan pricing, rope, Elizabeth she's, not going to like that. Oh boy get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per line. U s cellular built for us terms, apply visit! U s! Cellular dot com for details! We value human connection with fewer distractions, us cellular built for us visit your us cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens. The do you hear them talking in the kitchen write another talking about the up, so be just filmed the sauce castle. I might busies house hey guys new progress episode today, you're coming up single email next week at philadelphia. helium calmly club it as a college. It worked show yoga.
I'm trying to do a intro readier, similar my show it is a concept work show I will go to present steve. I wouldn't show up. I will do noon show, so you're tickets. I got new shirts to unveil at the place and then got a berto berto compromise toward it Today's episode is pretty parlor to be developments there. We just got back. We are all buzzed None of my business house, like busy if you dont, know he's been helpful A lot these two important about him. Is he? Yes, he is related policies. We want to talk about that something we talked about earlier on our lives. We had met about ten years ago, at the orlando improv the usual radio, show and and we had a good and we had a good time hang out and, unlike the guy and I've always followed him and he lives a different life than I do well father too forty three million high blood pressure- cholesterol. That is not
might busy here, its guns. He blows things up. he parties with strippers. He, is always have naked, as am I that's the only the connection we have, but is accorded here's a really cool dude at today's episode is, is pre awesome. I think I think you can think so too, and if you don't know my might is chill out. check it out the most important thing about my pc? Is he loves his mother? Hey guys, you're fired you kill him near here on all your levels. He loves his mother is enough over folding cherries, berries his mother is coming up. What are you about your mom from others day? together. Guided did you notice next week I forgot to so doing. Ever give your mommy gift. there's, no one quite like your mom.
Nothing I'm really bad reading these copies. The aim would be so much better than I would prefer fucking horrible right now, sherry's, berries, freshly, diff strawberries, starting at ninety. Ninety nine plus shipping or double the berries for ten dollars more. This, isn't it elusive offer from my listeners only it's my internet to show and I'm doing a fuckin read you assholes gonna berry your mama thing. Various areas where, for mothers day, your mom's dead oh sorry, also other debatable was always deadline. Forgot go to is berries dot very little bird.
I commend you have to listen to their as it is to the berries dot com, you gonna make firm the top right corner a type of my code bc, the germans wait. What do you do for mothers there The barriers are lives and milk We ve been restored with major swirls frosty Elizabeth. They get delivered. Other current guarantee. if you don't like me, your money back measures or many where they go. He's the only way to get these amazing deals presage strawberries, starting at nineteen nineteen or double the various regions that are more theirs. The goose. After all, mothers is busy goad visibility. stay calm spell out the code word. Oh.
Plus a red that silently spilett work, epics go to dot com, be e r r? I e s, dot com click on the microphone, the top right corner use my code busy, I think I did the monisms guy The unique story about moms- I think we have covered all right and that's Shari's berries, dot com its mother's day, sorry for your manzi. Man's is my camera man? He won't Out with me tonight, where I was as me, tyler I shouldn't roads names, never will I get in trouble, but this we're already here were burnt were burned with a buyer, So today's episode is.
I already talked about anything, but I think you're in a really enjoy. There will be a few other people on the show if you're interested in who they are just Google. I think I suggested to earn points, the absurd google might beauty? Just surely does it's a different guy man. I like the way he gets down my research, guys who down differently than everyone else. I do care who you are care, what you do when you pay you ve kid rock you one of my kin when you, Johnny knox. No, I love you when you party with one of my favorites towards will talk about this later in the pike ass. He party with the with ryan done, and I loved ryan so enjoy the episode take up a vote. I, whatever Today's absurd might beauty the just like Google, like just having on your phone. You realize
nay, if I type in your password, open safari and then see red it and you're like mother fucker, you know, that's that's what comes with the territory with with my family and children and how old are you? Thirty, five? Thirty, five yeah? That's a fucking great age dude. I feel like I'm depressed about it, but I I still have like sex. like hot eighteen year old girls have like, I feel, like I steal their soul. That's how I stay young. It was weird when I was twenty one. I was a good deal I would like. I would never look. I was who was younger, like that we had early beneath me- and here I am thirty five in that house, in one single care about. I don't care, but you feel like to feel Are any draw to grow up? Is there any draw to have kids? Will I psmith, like thirty plus years, not trying to get anyone pregnant?
always have a job, a sofa and a car and don't do hardcore drugs, like don't do art gorge, like their candidate automatically to the next baby's mama to do hard court. I've have literally been in I've, been seven eighteen like women, the last we are not even by carrying in no other, namely like whatever, because I want to be like fifty years old and we we going to kindergarten because I've want to have a family and kids. I feel like that's like a legacy I want to leave behind, but I just don't. Maybe I don't think my genitals worker, not just all the damage. It was the turn. That's going to happen, though, for you what I mean what's going to? Is it going to be like having a kid to to like to end all of this, is they won't guess I've already, I, like literally haddock, precision with my super. The gangster ran a very large
black gentlemen, and he like me, I was like a hour. So how much does it cost actually to have your kid relay broke down in a monthly leg? MT. I was like eyes or whatever is ok. I gotta come up with an extra for violent, a box of on not for us I was like I can able than like. Ok, every now and then lose sight of our public networks is a luxury. Eight months weren't going to be like a two. Fifty three hundred of those field shirts are going to cause me and then he gets like any kind. Ah health issues, and I am obviously screwed trying to start this often say to anyone, an approach of this in the intro, but I have to say it again. Just gives little covered enough. If you don't know who by beauty is, then then you haven't been online in the past six months in the past two years, probably like six months, things have really started blown up for you. I feel, like I feel, like you've, been popping up literally everywhere I think you're gonna have started about
almost three years ago. We we so the gathering the jugglers area. We had this crazy viral video with my big guy big allay this five hundred I was getting too worked on and that video, like just wages, stratospheric lake viral, and in that kind of like made other people, research like ok, where that fact I come from and in all lead light to this cookie trail back to my retarded this As of the house after you got arrested a santa claus, although the reza thing happened years back then too, like I, it's kind of like we're the most unknown unknown, like the streets of people like there are certain like little pockets all throughout the world daylight, I'm probably a really big deal in some little town in france, just because I've had sony view of france come here, and but this because I've just been doing since two thousand one, but recently I you're right. It's definitely been like. We ve, been very like fortunate to have
a lot of viral starve and are our car. It's like almost a core america, hollywood's hollywood, wait a minute. Let's put this I on t v and see what him and his dumb friends do and what a late lately it feels like it's been exploding. I want to go back, I'm we met in. I want I want to say, like I got, it's gotta be close to like ten years ago. Yet I think it was because you are doing to show your headline aim at the improv whose future for me nicky glaser. The show on central called, not safe, I don't think I've seen it it's it's a big show on comedy central right now. That's what's feature formulas. Nikki glaser how fucking surreal of a world scott like the hit show Please brought her into this game.
U business as usual residual jack's shout well. Just put me our show once now you. It is a game, no, no see the down the comic book, but me and you hung out and and sound of the court of the bar and kind of your bullshit about this business and about like it was interesting because you definitely, I think, you're still like now. You seem so much more season. The time you just like big ideas about like like I love you too, heavily right, you're, definite. What we saw me as we saw the internet It has over the chains like virus acknowledged in the internet like we always. From internet presence, but now that, like the direction of everything, has gone strictly towards basically the internet, so it's like, we already had the foundation laid down. So when a kind of, like everyone kind of caught up to what's hot, on the internet and social media and stuff- and I eventually
so you're not going to tone it down over the start getting deleted, because all my social media is like my have sometimes been deleted. Six times my facebook, I've had thirteen different you too, the council does not carry support wherever and then I had. The kind if I'm individually and reach the world and the like tone it down a little bit, but then snatch I came around it and that is just for what who cares? So? Where did it start? Where did you grow up? I was born orleans lead in dallas, texas, san diego. Lived in a foster home in south carolina, lived investor home home yeah. She did you separated from your ma, am, me, my sister went to foster, allows late. Twelve or thirteen is really yeah, but that's like where things really guy we're, because like that's where, like you're playing shoots up there in the ass our homes on around sixteen o egg general
of lying around and you're doing weird serving you you're going to puberty. I was getting like corrupted very fast. Really, unlike thousands lake, I was in his home with his kid. His name was a channel of booty and if I refined would love to like see if he's still alive, but he I remember the day he came into the home. He will. He didn't talk for like a week and his mom and I killed his dad like right in front of him and he was like completely like just mind fucked for awhile, and I was like whoa this. Pretty deep, but I dunno why I'm telling this story, but yeah it was crazy. Yeah foster homes aren't that cool was so crazy because it's it's I mean not to say that like this, but this is kind of like a foster home. It really is like that's kind of cars like the whole family situations always been like up and down so I've kind of always took friendship and put a higher value on it. You know- and that's like here, sauce castle You know we are rowdy, rob you he's. A veteran he's been here for five years: casey
she's the in house resident lesbian, who came from a small town of ignorance and unaccepted. This where'd you come from or what sort of florida? Okay, okay, I grew up in florida, so I'm very fairly familiar with. I know where I know Florida fairly. Well, oh crystal river, by the way crystal river crystal river, It is beautiful. I gotta be honest with you. It is one of those gems in in Florida where you go like you went. We went swimming in the crystal river yeah yeah. Here I have extra mics. If you want to talk and sweet so, so I gotta, I gotta make sure that I the good. So let me know what you're talking about MIKE hello. Louder, hello, that's one talk louder, hello, louder.
Hello, all right perfect. So it colleague the sauce counselors is its, which is my house, so wait. Let's go let's but thats back up, there's a lot to show. So what we need to. I want to get to where how to salsa castle sauce casuals were right now, castle is a house. That's in flux, it's in its in correct its in its in jeopardy, It is right now are currently you like fighting the county, keep it here at its current level, and if you want to see with a sausage castle, looks like it. I just film Well, my blog, we did a total tour it'll be up, but I want to get. I want one. I've always been fascinated by you on how you got here, how you got here, how you make your nut at the end of the day, like all the things that I think any kid from HOLLAND would see and go what the fuck is how's. My pc doing this. That's the fascinating part to me
about you well, I got kicked out of a private christian college. I used to be like skinny and athletic. I played basketball for a college called florida christian college and I just happened to know. I just happen to be walking on campus. The president of the college They got here in the new year does not cross like. I want to put you on active, our behaviour, suspension above a word and you know that I knew his daughter and historian. Your kids are those guys like the president, this christian god will. She had informed me that her father than cheating on your wife and begging prostitutes, and still in it for the missionary fun. So maybe a young eighteen nineteen year old pumpkin was the earlier one of the it's crazy. They d be banging these breast eaten cheating on your wife and stealing from the missionary fund, so he turned into a ghost and I'm, like literally. I was like, like evicted from my dorm like twelve hours later really, and then that's like calling me
the church kind of took like a vacation and then I always wanted to live in a house where, like kind of like summer, camp never ended with me and my bros yeah. So me and seven dudes moved into a house in two thousand and one and the girls. Over and over, they take a big house of sausages, there's so many dudes here and then they kind of like. it's the most homo erotic, name ever, but once you hear it, you never forget it. It's called the sausage castle, and that was six houses ago now we're on location. Seven so six houses ago. Was the founding fathers of the sausage castle correct? What are they doing now? all: have normal jobs or their miserable at life. They got married kids debate. We show up at two in the morning. This one's a wedding and we actually had lake six of us there and at a house- and a wedding together really, and it was the first time
we've been together all in a room cause a lot of them all was like man, I get it you're going to grow up. Man can be doing this. No one's going to pay you money to come party at your house and like what do you like just grow up mac and I always kind of like fought that I'm like no, I don't want to grow, can I wanted to be like Peter pan in a way you know, but obviously names you gotta like take care of, so all the funny created. So we thought he parties I wondered about, and in the next night like sled, these recovering then than than like local clubs. I want to do is show we want you to come and promote no bring bracelet sauce council to venues cross country and then that just escalated and so on. One thing after another. You know and doubts that was like fifteen years ago. Ish, that's crazy. So when did when did what was the first party that you, through that you were? Oh shit, this is getting out of control like there was actually
The first time I actually welcome the cops I actually was like. Please can you help me? We are we used to live in like fancy neighborhoods like I came the current one else. Article seven is in the middle of nowhere which charge you a radio show. Where could you turn your phones off, or do you get off reddit? Of course I don't know myths. Your little hammered my my caravan germans have just taken over. my canon g, seven and he's Madrid get a lot better, been drinking a lot and he's talked to jenny Judy Jones and is floor. Whatever It's going to be a a ten minute. Video on Jenny just got to there's a lot to get through this podcast by the way, we're fifteen
It said we haven't even started on that. We haven't even touched it it's hard to it's really argillite rapidly. What is my dear see the saw spousal basically like, as we were Tony's epic parties in conflict come in and and neighbourhoods. Well. I guess you can have tour vices and involve ledge like death. Metal shows in their backyard, so we're getting evicted from voters. Nominal associations, like you, gonna get. You gotta skip you gotta, get outta here, we're young. We didn't have lawyers really bad. We didn't know how to like fight. We didn't know where none of our rights, so we've literally got you know one side of the castle would open. We worn clothes, we'd open up another one, and we would just you know, decorated, make it all a little more extravagant. I kind of like a ultimate man cave strip club yeah. You know houses with dolls, the corpse kind of haunted house strip club, the shitty rock and roll version of the play. We mentioned it's kind of the the key phrase it looks like the house has been tattooed.
As an collected, a whole lot of our cities. look, it's not! It's got general words in the kitchen with us. was hanging from the roof wash those casual wonder we just stable showed up, but the pool looks immaculate are pulled out as a pretty good job one guy, the guy he likes shows up here like four or five in the morning, things out at parties with this really yeah. He he's he's, definitely had his fair share, so it's so what was the first time in a proposition to party was celebrities. It was the first time the celebrity showed up your house, because I know that, like like johnny, knoxville ryan dunn, Bam, don vito, fucking kid rock and miley cyrus his brother trace, trace from metro station yeah. I mean. I know that, like the list is pretty stagnant or solicit, people that don't want to
We'd be known, has been here. Yeah like they were my number. Why not look on your dirt? That's what I say: yeah Kelly was like getting blow jobs in my living room back in two thousand and one and I have like vhs tapes of it and they clearly, I was the worst fears about their young ones. Are worse. Yes, you, it will happen. What is happening here while it's just like what, where you just gotta, be yourself and you don't know, no judge you or care like jenny. this probably had already penises the last thirty days and weeks. after lover and and she's our friend, jenny cheers we'll get to. That is a staggering story like we just had a conversation in the way that we call that, like keeping the lead,
everyone's, let's say going hold on give to jenny juice, less bad guy, who just fucked up very good big teeth. So so so, but when was the first time you threw a party, we were like what the fuck man like it was like two thousand and four- and I was like: please help us, we've lost like control We are like when I said I've had an avant. I've made enough money in my garden. That's enough! You know like there's a problem and then and then they just have come. Come in come coming and then we are yodeling them in a hearse, so they were parking at a country club getting the back of a hearse. You know like when you go to disney world. You watch the intro video, a gatekeeper hands in the rear, about blogging oil spill relay recorded. It's all. I rules and instructions on how to have one of the tsars. Gaza and the guy in the hers, was dressed up like a little. If the grim reaper and he would refresh rewind the vhs tape and then play it for other people that were laying on matches the back of a nineteen seventy three kind of like hers.
drove them to a canal, we're a grim reaper We put him on this shitty john vote and then take them to the back of my house the dark in there arrival lakes, and no one knew how to get. There were what we I go we're at capacity all these people, like no other drove like an hour to come here so literally like imagine like those zombie like outbreaks they go to like a fancy neighbourhood and it Although we was just like assholes important stars, and I got light the mayor like out there underwear and his wise, like collecting a newspaper like what the hell's going on in there all like trying to just listen for the music and follow their way to the house. In I literally like all my everyone who actually live sauce castle, that night lily left the house and it was product fifty people there in a normal, just standard house, when they we literally like just lost control of what was going on really and we knew like we were kind of honest, something
does this before social media, which is what it is now what year this is like. Two thousand for, as you know, this, me no internet, just sort of pop in you know. Yes, like myspace started coming. to itself in. You know you had to actually go. we're like a ball handler, grow a flyer or like call them on the phone and invite them before you get text people really. So it was like word of mouth and just like it was really really like talked about here locally in orlando, so you're charging covers for the party. If I was yeah yeah how much I was like ten, and fifteen twenty independent fold, but then we to like another level too. Well, I owe you want hey, you want some cool macaroni and that we could go on side of the house. In its view. If set up in the kitchen and like one year we have like line psychic in the vote larger room. She was a given region, and rigour husband was like guinness dick sock than the other, I didn't even know she's blind gig. though there
so we are always like tat of worldly censuring weird things of aid. We experienced the party that it wasn't like some typical lay frat keg party like there was barton Like security. Like you know, it was covered at night someone's house, which is what the county is allegedly use a view of doing such as one of the night club from my private residence really yeah. So that's why were somewhere near the millions and fees they're, trying to forge closer to home where they want to bulldoze it, and they said, is built this guy, like windows, wacky, funny farm lake, chevy, chace, eighties movies, where the kids are losing the summer camp. The end with they had to have like some break dance, charity battles, I love to help, raise money to fight it in court and stuff. That's what we're going through right now, like we have a gofundme page and, like my followers are so
amazing. They literally raise like over fifteen grand like a month. Just tell I help really help albert as you are very a man like all around the world and just people just super generous, because they, the whole thing is like the candidates agree with my way of living. In there isn't every technicality, because I don't do anything illegal. I don't even do drugs yeah I've. Never even we the day of my life. Just I just drink liquor. I beer drinking some downers girls around never by myself have no problem with that. I have like no temptation with any drugs have been around it. My whole life I used to go to sleep sobering, it's castle, I've actually silver. Pretty often are you drunk every like once or twice a week? Somebody you know realize you realize the majority people to know you, The internet would be like every fuckin night, yet another own rails yeah, they think, sir. They definitely think like it's non. Stop shippers midges an obese people, but it's
I mean there's definitely way, that's how I described it to my crew as we wrote in. I guess those are the only three promises I can make your female friend here. She was really concerned. Aaron Aaron looks very concerned about Steven Sober looking dude over here is he's already asked me for cocaine twice and he's already touch of ginger is very good yeah, so it's crazy to know. I drink much more than you do. An unlucky kicked out of my house This is just I fucked up. I put my name on the gate. I should have liked guard garth brooks the honours of the yeah, like the others old. I live in like where we're at now. It's like very rural area like it's redneck, town and stuff. You know so other on internet like MIKE busy what dials this guy
and there are seen all this crazy debauchery stuff on youtube in. You know all this nonsense. It goes on over here and there they weren't, fill in it and now they're, just like literally looking to every technicality I just found out today. I haven't told my roommate- is younger machete, the guy. We call the sharing of degradation daydream. Well, I got I can't tell you where I heard this from, but he was a federal agent here to spy on us. The first day he moved in They ask us: where can I get automatic weapons this weapons? This and then he like did even stay is whole time. Another undercover, here like they ve they really like. Helicopter around my house, all the time really they like it's is women shy about automatic weapons. No will l, possesses a classroom weapon licence which gives us full jurisdiction illegal bob.
a lotta shootings at are suppressed or fully automatic or explosives. Seeing the explosives I've seen dutch people lose their minds here yet Orders when, though, like a can have a gun, never seen again, they come here. This is guns. They. Everywhere. They get pretty excited the other world that justin bieber kid losses, mind yeah. was very excited about that. You just said anyone here right, eddie I suppose, last day one hung wanders along a big yeah. He was doing a chauffeur vice. It was a cooking show which we don't cook like we. She could react because y'all yeah, they dont we'd like cook at all, so I don't We know why they sent him here. He didn't have a very at the time he was a. He was pretty scared and have a good time here. He did it first until I got what it's gonna work, long story of Yonah going to turn. I please, but you know you do reality, television sector.
and none that's a hundred percent like with what everyone appears to be. No, it's all real. For me. I tell you right now. I that's all. I believe you I I I agree. I have a weird problem with that with one a script stuff, I'm not a fucking actor. If you want me to act, it's going to cost a lot more money. Well, there, producers of the whole thing was vice wanted to give us a show, and they today we what we want. We want to sir Joseph films that would exert ran about articles. I went very well our friend mitchell. Southern gave ran ever it pretty much chain your life overnight by reading writing this article about us in the house and in the cottages, I article yeah the whole world, all that and then We're like oh there's something interesting going on here, so I can't use a favorite cooking show and I was like I don't really want to do a cooking show. Seem to do. Nothing was cool whatever, but it wasn't really our speed. You know like in the british,
it came over like a whole outline of the day, and I came up that line because you know the beds like all right. This is the first partners that so I feel like they kind of like set me up and they were kind of set him up to exert courting too heavy didn't know, it was supposed to happen really then did, and he like completely misinterpreted like who we are like. He literally thought like I just went to like one eight hundred fat person and found bigger, the street I thought about arouses shivers. He didn't like have a car If none of us about like who we are, who they are to us. So we took like. He basically like shit all over me took like bts like behind the scenes stuff and made it look like I'm. Some like racists, like dick that was like trying to like, like finally like split people, a god. I'm using them are something we have that with their like. There's a homesick
live in. Here, like I took care of people like a wee wee wee wee cars will be different and be themselves and we embrace individuality, and here I just get offended when I we had our asian obviously beauty jamie say welcome to disaster. sl in chinese and presents on a plate of blunt and he got like all awkward and in their like worlds? Cooking shows. It is a food and stuff, and I will I guess, we'll polite who put bigotry table and will eat, like dear me- often like naked sushi, If you're going to offended Maybe it's like we're uses their tipping, like agents that which I don't even know it. If you were gonna offended it out. You know people like that. You know using a races of you. Think of like like what you well, I ve been uprising.
Well, I have definitely been surprised because kansas anymore, I like all bloggers, then we would be. I thought we had that behind it. I know what you're saying and what you're saying is. I did you. You definitely wouldn't think that advice is coming to shoot a show about you that they would go Take that angle. I don't shout it turned a doktor fisher and then and the added which you refer oh yeah, how things can always used nodded? I present everything I said was like behind the scenes of setting up a shot like they age, a jamie, say: somethin chinese. Wherever the start. This start this shot like like the pickup shop. Sadly, as as producer and an area is, he is, sort of oregon he's executive producer of that show he's
strongly involved. He does everything he's been he's micromanaging it. This is his words to me from what I heard on the thing he slowed down per production for two years to make sure it was exactly what he wanted, so he did not come in here without knowing anything at all. He knew what he was shooting. So if that is the case, I believe we were set up a villa. We then must have been that, because this right out and what others have just on rogan like two weeks ago. He said That is, he show he is hit like he is. That is his thumbprint on a world, anyone else's we'd have legally that, because thou, the day of activities like got completely irrelevant, beginning like we had a headache, after out here everything and like they missed. We are also waiting like in ninety degree, whether waiting for them to arrive. It was like a ten minute. They re like we put our air boat and we kidnapped and abroad. The house of seen other so that school we what day day watching
Isn't that too, like we've had a bag on his head and stuff and made it like scary as fuck by the way, I would never let you put a bag on my head on the air, but I can see where he might have bought it back, but the thing is is like showed up and he sees a couple trainees. dude, what s neck it with a path ahead with his weeder flattened the win by fact, report itself, a budget. I have after machine guns, big ole, then why is hollywood? So probably wasn't the point. I can understand why he may slightly been uncomfortable that, however, he completely like, should He should have understood what are we suiting? I believe, as it has been doing for a long time and said I bought this post Health is worse, ass usual and he is he's he's decent cameras, the, but I thought Maybe I was I taken over a little more because I camera with you say something eddie and then I would say
they will always be a little more entertaining funnier. I think that we were silent take intimidated or something. Maybe I don't know what lake Even though we had a problem like We everything was good to go and introduce army. I was amazed. That was amazing. You degrade the great he's a gaze pierce. Does it wouldn't work like what you mean he's pissed and I was like I completely like. Oh my god, I'm kidding I'll, say dramatize icy piercing got underway. Do you want to come here and migration. yeah, especially like we're doing a tv show, he's a cool dude. I know that he's a cool dude. You know, I wonder if it's one of those things that it made me into it because, like the camera, guys like no no hold on and they're like oh hold on, let's, let's get this and then like I, it was my idea to come, find them What are you doing like where you goin? I'm ready to leave and I was, what's up in an end in the show. What do you see on the on the tv show? It's like we had a talk for over an hour like you me and apologized and said hey
Maybe I do misunderstand what's going on here, but the edit it makes him it's like I'm like sorry and then he's like yeah yeah, get away from me like whatever they totally like it was like, and you can you don't have to take my word Where does the black over from reading as leg has anyone here. There was here. It was like a bloody lake. The outcome is obviously like. I was like depressed about like a week I really not even that that everyone's all that things will have their own opinion? all my followers solemnly there are the lights. There are like run up out of shape. You know you, don't you don't rub me as the kind of guy that you don't want me, the kind of guy that I bought, which is interesting, because clearly you do care about things, but you got you have this real, like laissez faire style of life of like dude? I do my own fucking thing, I'm one stride, but I do
well. I do know what you say that I've done those tv shows he got ten minutes and like we were getting paid like oh they're, all doing all this dumb, crazy shit cause they're getting paid like to. Personally, I normally do charge like when we're doing like production stuff, but and that Your situation vice like wanted me to do this. I didn't ask that you get a dime nor got paid out I spent my own money, like literally because I was like alright cooking, show it's kind of boring not to not to talk shit about them whatever, even though, like Thank you probably like to shit on me in all. Reality shows kind of boring. So that's why they obviously call me becoming to bring all the crazy excitement and loop law that's we got like if, if you was to show- and you go online over the comments as forty five showed no one talking about any part of the entire show, except us, because we're the most entertaining thing and that's what you're trying to do we're trying to we're entertainers like my job, it I've been called in life. We want to call it. It's a take all this crazy and sexy weird shit and bring it to the light to show people so that people
we have a shitty job, we'll have a wisest and secular dick five years ago, so I have cancer saunas fight, not ghana, stand they can for a moment escape reality enjoy what we're doing we're entertaining people, just like you and in every one, and in this room, interchangeable, that's our jobs. We are like China like make an episode or be fun. crazy, an early, and they just like, took the whole thing and lake Tully botched it on that. So you want to hear about area. So we came here and it never if you're ever again, yeah and end, even the producers like they were like. Don't worry, MIKE you're really gonna like the edit. It's going to really Do you really don't like the way it comes out and then we saw- and I was like I was like traumatized like wow man. They, like completely played me like in the Funny thing is, he was saying I use people, but they use. Does they came into my world and not only use me but used everyone else in here and exploded late,
our like as far it goes to show in the strength of someone who is. Maybe a vat has lived here, the family, the family aspect of it all, because, like years ago, I started realise and, as I get Nora there, I would like to show. The world is crazy. Unsexy stuff, but I didn't, I Didn'T- want to feel vulnerable. So I was very like I was kind of hid. What was really going on behind the scenes, edit? It's a family like we're, very passionate and like now, able to take our notoriety for good cause, help out single mothers and veterans and almost people? So we very much too digs com with china's survivors of polish families has already undergoing fucking, noble, just
I think reading a heartfelt moment like no, we take can fix that the teacher gives out free beer to get you in yeah. So we we lure you with all that crazy stuff and they were like nah bro like it don't matter, if you molested or sexually assaulted, or of your always are your black white chinese, gay, christian atheists. We don't care who you are like you, you can come here and be accepted. We're like an island of reject toys and one wants to play with anymore and we find strength and comfort in each other's differences. You know, I don't think like it's the thing that bums me out and I don't I don't know. Eddie I've talked to him on twitter a couple of times back and forth, and I do think that he's a cool dude. I really do think he's a cool dude, but I am. He must be exaggerating how much control he has over his show because it doesn't sound like if the eddie. I know that
Joe knows that that it seems like a it seems like a producer trick. I know he got kicked off the lot on a BC he's not even allowed on his own show and has one lot really yeah that was from inside information and stuff. Just because, like with the whole thing- and it was just like everyone all his producers thought he was great- he grew in orlando too, to the tried to represent orlando land? There were seven liver in his mom and dad live in this huge mansion and he's he's hollywood. He he beat hangs out new york. Does what they like live in here still, I represent a landowner florida so late. That whole episode was the term represent such a florida, and I was that we put on more than anyone does lay in a week. Broaden so many random ass people out here that the middle of nowhere just come and have fun and escape reality and just have fun within the that bothers me about that kind of tv where they do. That is where they take. Someone like, like Ella
I, who is your friend who like- and I only know this sub. If I follow your fucking snapchat but like I know you just moved in what he does he he has a towing truck and he goes out when people to DR, DR ito's, their car back to their house. Yeah charges them the same rate as a taxi drops off their car, and- and that's I mean it's like the fucking greatest say: it's a service really, but it it takes them in and then it portrays them in a weak light. Like hey, you got nothing. You have to live here this guy's, taking advantage of you as opposed to your man, you know what I mean is that makes sense. Well, the thing is is like I mean I don't want to put words in his mouth. You can talk to him. I mean like He when I first met him, he wore clothes, and I I encouraged him lf I mean like I. I encourage him to have braces uniqueness, he's a giant potato. Looking like he's different. Got it
hopefully unique body types referred to the sea mesopotamia head. MR brie, not just you, know mister pair If you think that you know that the social media- and there are some come up with some cool names for me, but I would say this when I met my Ok, he came to my town It was in hollywood and we started talking I saw what he was doing. It was serious. Responsibilities are unlikely, to show a really. There I was. I was actually work in a representative and I just met him in it. insane. What he's doing? It was really really like crazy. and we met and it was I kiss You don't mean it was just when we were there. We were meant to me. We were meant to be an it was rate it was. It was about feeling than next.
As you know, is a new girls had come on up and I came here sunday morning I was here, may mythology. We stand here and in our first thing In addition, it is eight who wants a teabag, my girlfriend. So just like you. Don't you think it's gonna be a cup of tea or ulterior. It's your. Did. Anybody microbial ceiling, Nor was I One tears zeal mushy gradually how we have a sincere relation, today, those years serious thing, the other day is you and I'm a drawn a blank on her name and John Jay? just as little genes are in bed and you have just send bit like to friends and you fuckin, whether with your feet and you go like lecture me, robes assume he says she's, wonderful guy, just giggling, and I thought I literally thought
that's how me and my wife fuck around like that sound like people that love fuck around, like it's, not you're, not in there exploiting her by the way, I I I said to them. I said you're going to be see one hot minute. there S. Actually, a super sexy and there were major polite It raises it and that's what one that's we when I limits be what I walked into small pieces, some ugly. I have two abrasive: I'm not gonna to be able to change that and that's what the same thing with casey and rally rob and everyone who lives here like This is only like a portion of the circus this family. We have a very large family tree and you know some branches, don't split in the hope that all kinds of weird stuff go on and you know we Each other loans arouse much as equal. You know, and in The whole thing is ITALY all savvy emotional side of it then,
that's how I go to sleep or sleep at night, knowing that like like, I know I can trust any one of these people that are a part of this. for anything. Is that else it and you don't have to say a word, but in this whole big house, you have the person as false bedrooms. You yup. So I got a little caught onto that yeah like it's the it's the thing that really kind of moved me. I was like. First of all, I thought. Oh, that's just productivity as if this were asleep? This is where I broadly share workmen. Yeah I mean like we. We ask spending so much money on kegs and broken in toilets. We had turn the funded stuff into a slight up, a basically a business. to keep it running because we're doing something so if you were enjoying so, they kind of like forced us at first. I was doing this to get laid and have a good time with my friends yup and then it turned into wow this light we got Tv show wanna come here, radio it. This person's call him either
a book like a rock star weaken where they want to blow shut up hang out with a sexy, measured and shoot a machine. gun, with big allay so that we provide that like fantasy fulfilment. If you want to come here and do that and cheat on your wife, do we don't care, we don't we don't care what you do like we were. Just to judge you or tell you how to live your life and that's kind of like what we express our people. What I do anything illegal or not touching babies or are killed off. we're minor on the business, consensual, dolls, a good time, and some people can't handle that cause. We just live so proud and loud. You know them. Do you have an opportunity just to be themselves to be out to explore their own some to be their own. You know I mean some other there very can Our lives are very close and lives, and he had the chance now to come out you're and live a life that we live every day. Well, I think that's it that's. What draws from my perspective is what
was celebrities out here to come party. What was I gotta ask only occurs, as down to show the so I'm doing just jenny the one that isn't the first time. Jenny Jones has spilled something on the floor. You're a chrome, I gotta ask what it was like cause the shelf doing now. I was up against it with Ryan Dunn, and he came out here. Imported yeah like he was a good friend of mine, along with the rest of the jackass guys that, like me and like I have like so many like warm and raise with Heaven and veto demand, ryan down, and I have to take to second story about this guy. He was the sweetest sky in the world. Like. I really honestly, I'll be realised in seven cut jobs. Out of door ass, a large knoxville, a part of them
I was in college run. If that rolling stone thing came out me and him partied for espn an iphone. Yeah, I love that kind of April smoke. Weed and watch yourself. Videos Bam. I love. I have a great time with bam, no farms. A ban was wherever bands of earthly guy, I think, bands of little more famous and everyone else and so like you could see bam looking around trying to figure out. If someone was taken and some of look, Adam ryan was just on tethered man. Italy would like taught in the most random ass due to the bar and give him his undervalued and for countless we even get off the bus. I gotta go and he would he would never say no to a photo or yo talk to my mom. She loves you or he was just a super cool like you being a roman here like solar energy to him, but he like never like he never took over the snare. He was always just chill and lay back.
Never took shower or change his clothes right, but you I thought he was just like the nicest schools dude ever like literally lake. I mean it just think of Allah have been gone still doesn't think in august, while these videos of me and him together or photos and they think of all the cool stuff we did and all the crazy shit. We did in place I kicked out of you know just every every craze remember to think about, and you know, and that's kind of circled back around to like how beautiful life is short, it is and and we were just. They spent every single day, going to shoot a job they hate or are there as a relationship that they don't want to be, apart of, and they just they're content in it and they just let it just keep going, but you never know when you're going to like check out like people dying left and right this. We have no control over that. So, like I mean not to get all hip, instead of theirs like this kind of like a hippies sets the viands like what we're doing here. What we
when it is not just the house like this. It has the way you're gonna bulldozers house is going to become part of the earth again. Just like the rest. beginning to ask us to continue to go on its a lifestyle. Some so rich. I, the kids, and I will right now be like oh I'm going to be the next mike ducey or the bird I take this party, they, like you, have done. Like we're almost the same clock. We are we're very recut. I picked, as my connection reviews, were cut very much from the same cloth near our house. It's called the ranch, so The sausage castle was the red knight. Only three generations are the ranch where you are like I'll get animals? I think Tallahassee thy climb up a telephone call and yellow tennessee sri with all the cops pack street ago? I ever of marijuana. The ranch you know come there if you don't know
sorry, go fuck yourself tell them one see the cops see at its word. You had we been the same like the ard that you would have been like being able to have each other same regardless, fuck dude. There's a reason that means You have gravitated to a lot of the similar people, ryan don johnny knoxville. Now in I'd love the kit rock you're, saying our policy on fucking down like that. My living room, in the area of year, like five in the morning, make out, I got no baby But later on, we ve got a busy video neighbour, Back on five six in the morning, like three six, our view is year leading crunchy black? They were just doing latest like this all this and have as a writer day here is very agreeable to me, but disorder, like what do you mean you're vote, a music video
this has become like minded to working like a working house near your what what should be a rule which is your office, and that is, and you ve got. You got a regular whatever they call leslie what I was raised and viruses were it's in your speech. You want the scheduled out I won't say the names, if you want say you've saved them. A lot of really cool big famous people are like yeah we're going to come here, famous, be like yeah like we have, like literally sure when that date is it like? We have people at the end of the driveway just before that neighborhood What did you think of our life? is what you get anything of business and the girl. It's really small. So next thing you know you're hanging out with like justin bieber pursue that yeah. Let me tell you something:
Let me in your brother party, like literally cost seven to get the testicle you're, probably gonna, be the building block. I wouldn't want to be with that party right rebel I'll, bring my two kids into the sauce it's that the first- this is the case- I urge you to be here at this- is getting ignore last them, but this is the regions. why they got a sausage castle. Dad you say it it's? It's a worthy production else it's it's a home. It's a play It's a business, it's entertainment, So it's like a summer. for adults and into so many people. Never ever ever get to come here, put it on such a high regard.
It also. We will start you have. You know say that we are but but the love is light is so strong, is sovereign and ate. Like the message I get on a daily people, I just said the most late. Jawdropping heartfelt messages like that I have cancer. I want to come live at your house. You know thanks, killed, killed herself and your snaps keep me move in like I want to leave the house, they have their own. I kind of like followers like a lesbian giving you really like cling onto her the veterans. people who like to do crazy, I'll shit breakdowns in a village. Others, though rowdy rob or plus I really like related. I tell a long time ago. I wish I could mention You have the confidence you do and it really aspire We get those messages because, like ours- and I said it is a budget dixon weird trading shit ended a day, but we
get messages like that. It really really like tries it's like wow. This is like bigger than us. Then we gotta like keep this. We gotta like keep moving with this. because, like it's almost like somebody People are reliant on us to let them escape there. day like whether taken a shit. They hastily oh yeah, I read everything they send every matches. I control all my own social media see all the snaps. I try to write Every single person so make sure she put a little little pool of labour that when you say his name will get us respect, our narrative speck on it. If they were just a bunch of different people that come together and just want to have fun and enjoy life in a life shortening and you gotta make it you make it what you know enjoy it. You know, what's what's something you've put a flag on?
in the sausage castle, we're like sorry guys. We can't fuck him in the ass when the cow dies really really really rich guys wanted to do some cockfighting recently they were like listen it'll pay, whatever they were talking tens of thousands of dollars, and I would say I was First, I was I d, just chickens jason voorhees? Hence we were given by giving them on people like that. Might give that when you have yet. I came home from work and, like he's literally talking this out, like it's a planet like wales, lemme give you a gladiator. Google, why is like the penalty for cock fighting? I was like it's a felony mike it's it's way. We spent day we can afford where expenditure has been like a lot of like all. How do we change is was blowing? a gay do put completely gay dressed up as adolf hitler drinking jaeger from a baby bottle in a fool.
That is one reason why this is happening right now. If I live through- and I didn't know who is actually the first time she came came into my to my world. So like like I knew she had enjoyed fucking, random people's penises and let them come on their face yeah. But I didn't know: it'd be an understatement from what I heard in the kitchen, yeah yeah, she is it is in our hands with a car hardest like her eyes with their fill. and watches it enjoys a like, encourages his wife to enjoy the pleasures. Other strangers jersey on her face. It's me, I'm attracted to the people that true doesn't give a fuck, and I think that's an early. in the world. What I would I personally joy that from my wife to be no probably not lights, judge, and I think it's a beautiful day. You know that's very christian of you. Thirty five veterans right here
his couch for veterans, day changes. This is the perfect time for you to grab the mic. Just keep it right outside your outside your mouth. Don't put it all the way, and it's not just okay, sorry, so, jenny judges. What is the attraction to do? Second, dudes dicks, I love come it's like a hot. It's me, and even where panties right now I dont have paeonies. I used to have a cigar long by like camel total nice. I can't really clean up your act, but I do have my panties on right now. I love cum it just it. It is a high to me its excites me. I I just slipper com. I just want a stroke, those congress, He sat down whatever it takes to get come burden.
Secondly, getting is blowing. I was recently when I one other come ventures holiday us and they had I got an early twenty or so due to show up and it's one night and I was like alright. I will take my snapchat on this adventure loved it. We appreciate that one after another, they knock knock knock and the the boot cause they're. All like nervous and shy, and I'm like you're, going to break the ice. Okay, everyone sure yeah. How are we going to do? This usually go first, like the big dicks to the small, I would do it is in there that I, like argentina. This is like this isn't like, though prostitution thing, it's a little late for fun and dig out like a really expensive and its activity like the very doing well for themselves and data the just she just joys like the active player, not my car, and I love that my husband enjoys watch even get the come. So that's it
exciting thing or the way this closures we're living. You literally hoped might far away from sorry, I like barely one of them. I should like to be the buzz skill in this case. rotation have to ask what that what about like do like no these guys. Like well, they are random guys they are from all over. Can you get anything from a blow job now? not that we have research, no mother was day: two it gets checked every month as a haphazard answer like we have raised sounded very late hour. I live but I I bet I am checked every three months, I'm real funny about that. so yeah. I'm checked, I'm good, no, not at this time, not that the free version,
you just sort of fell on your face. I love it yeah and that's. What's the most call me about on your face that well, I've had probably at least thirty some loads on my face at one time. Some loads are scenario, looked at her eyes and they were bloodshot read. As you know, I, like I always say or blog my eyes. I read it. Wasn't a good come site, that's my wife. I like to leave with my eyes earning a will and the other the gonna live here. I'm other valued did not tell you why we recover near my wife has no They were his heirs. She won't it'll it'll, be to give a shit on me. She knows me Why am I going to get lucky? I'm not the kind of guy that which you to my way, however, my wife one concerned would be like how much did you drink was the food
It's salty. What was your blood pressure like yeah hollywood time? Did you get to bed rest means recovery. That was Only concern right now see what's she's, you know she literally said: I'll be on my way. Europe is like make sure to read this berries, berries, add because we have a shari's berries at this due tomorrow and I was like done. Choosing okay, alright I'll see you later nice yeah, my wife's, pretty cool chick. She would definitely she's got that that kind of face where you can't like you, can tell you, can tell bullshit on a very wise to me. Come on sheep, no less! My wife was become break your in slovakia well yeah. I remember the travel channel zoo, show or via the job of the country, die my wife.
Well through here. It'll, be like this, like literally go like this, but this kind of face you know like this, like like she wouldn't be able to shut it off and you'd, be like. Are you comfortable, it's like, oh no! No! No! No! She wouldn't know that she's doing it, especially like that of glory hole right and you'd, be like yeah That's my why glory holes or nice quarters what's going on in florida place, but also those if they make a song as a swim in a local swimming hole talked about it like how you've never heard about that then I was like I was like. I don't know I've, never I've! Never I thought glory. Holes were something that would make believe that, but apparently they're real. They are real. You get a lot of time. There. My only terrible glory holes. I didn't know if it was a girl or a boy. the work that they not sure what they're getting
oh yeah, you can see your face now you gotta player. I wear a single. All of them. Those are the ones that are actually couples, gotta go in there and they actually look through the whole nature is not the guy is gonna, do the deed, it make sure it's a girl said not our knees, nothing I I probably want to do I have seen a gay porn once for like forty five minutes holy shit, they know how to stop speaking to them. It's gotta be behind closed doors. Might as well look, I know a guy that knows what he's doing like a pencil sharpener, just like wow, did it thirty? How did you do that?
Speaking of that, if you were to watch ginger's blow someone, I've seen it Is it amazing that she's pretty impressive, for she could have her own college? school like you, I would like to dislike teach. Wait way to say there isn't a mic on that romance and thats her husband. Do I do the video he has. The artist is apparent, but no I am well versed in their relationship. Apparently he comes more than anyone. She's ever met com. This you can peel off or fade as heck yeah face p. I love it. I have also
you do like lions. It's not like what you want No one can hear you hear you I you can hear right now. I know John man's. If you ask a question asking that the mike health about like what you do and she goes out in public, the public and walks me at me in a fan. Maybe you tonight Come on we'll come on her pay, no more out in public natural public and dismay everybody and says hi in are look alike, what's wrong with you and isolate conversations with people come on her face what are we ask, what your crew one a blow job right now, actually maybe stevens look at it it was right next to easy. Over here we have to relax. I have eg Michael jackson painted on the wall, might have my disease real forest boys just the way he did to the pizza guy. He had pizza guy so mad on the orders
these are one of the lightning did he get em. All legal tools- It may be given up as far back as a muslim do as they like that china pay with the pizza with a blow job as another will pay for the pizza. do you want a he's like what I dunno married roger. I don't know it's free it comes out of the room like elmer's glue, bottle, exploded and took a blow dryer to her face for an hour. It's an appealing target. You can see like the appeal that it was. the most amazing they left very mad. He was, he was. Various here. I got my personal name on the hotel room mice down there trying to get the desk. I can't take it
it's nice to say we haven't used that hotel. Since then, all I heard about the whole story was. I still have pizza back in my hotel room that I was like. Oh no, where did you meet jenny is an omen. music video here for a guy named plies is wrapper, and We are one of his friends. A guy named wayne wayne Norris had an airboat, do we use for the video and he was a hero. I got this friend named to come artist and a well. His wife lets people. algarve on the face and they go off in random places and they go to a gas station and convinced that guy to come on and like all the I was like yeah blah blah blah blah, but at school, but then he was no checks. On twitter, is his handles at come, artists
and then, when I heard that as a what twitter analyst com artist, so I immediately went to twitter and found it, and then I found a plethora of for those of us. at first I thought he was jenny jones or that jelly just called the artist I was like yo come see the cover blurb reward yeah. He was like no, no, no! No! No yeah. Do you remember that the first if, but I was so like a cup of tea, I'm sorry removal you're, we like a which is now a blow of people of working, and I do not really really good talking the kitchen anyone wants here now It wouldn't be the first time see if you find somebody that get a chance. They get bad when when, when, like a group of guys again, let's get our dicks
and then they like, they get scared or even shy, talk and show already told you, I might fear, would be I'd, pull it out and you go ooh I a due to do a requirement that, like it, I like the idea of the worst gas right now ara ara. If you could slot in here and maybe like bringing a feminist viewpoint disgusting, we feel like we're having a sausage party like I do. Have that propensity like get in and like a little justice tits by the way. What do you personally I've ever seen in my life? are you a I've already someone gave her the only thing we would give her a mike How tall are you okay, but man's your foot both have a four seven
was that define lorries makes them three quarters that we don't have a better way would have, if I say, wedding inside. Just tell me what I am saying: insensitivity stop it, but don't worry, we're not gonna be like areas ring out crying. Have any of the now central characteristics of a little personage houses in order I I don't. I got lucky. I guess because that looks at me. Like all. Does that sounds insensitive? Take over or look most midgets do, but I know you're you're we are well yeah. That's my thanks. As a normal phase head like she's in a tiny body with huge natural breath, huge boobs like these double these the double the only little personal would probably is beyond. And I have encountered a cheese actually gonna show cheek. She added
wrestling show and local again, true tv. Years ago. That's how you matter, budget rustling we met on the set of a ship. Although again She, actually on a show on lifetime, which is one of my personal favorite networks. Next month the call little people in new york little women- they are causeless. Oh look, my wife's gonna turn into that. accident. Oh, it's not the book, yeah, it's better than the book. I got you. I guess she was living in a house full of midgets if fighting each other, throwing wine in each other. As I dunno it'll, be a lifetime and you should check it out. Like house lives, but midgets we're not rich what it's like the house lives. roused lives, but it's about Jamaica and we're not wretch what they said. Porthos
It's definitely the hottest the hottest one easily. Are you both? I mean you're you're. You are absolutely beautiful, pink yeah. I said that as a compliment, but I saw you on a snapchat picture gets a day on her, so I heard about this way more than I prefer. So you got a lot. What's your snapchat name cherry, bert creation, we figure out in sheep. rings Jamieson like a sailor n Surprisingly keep Jeez she'll I'll drink. Most of us really. You little resort wiser not liking
but she does require an adult supervision wobble into a crowd and gets it all in and is because I once caught up with the mackerel lake yeah, it's possible yeah evidently an issue you I'm twenty eight or your grow up. I would merely like to buy you a drink It is a chairs yeah. He looked very young red
let didn't mean I'll, take it. So which one are you guys going dicks off? Let's get this party started that like not merely kirsty getting your dick saw Tyler their name, yeah they are
it'll be losing their jobs shortly, know where you go when you've been here this whole time. Thanks again, I'm not exactly remind you going for high ground or customer back to Aaron. If we could, let's get a feminist perspective, you are a new york city, feminist vegetarian, not a vegetarian. I didn't know what to expect coming here tonight. I was a little worried because I'm like alright, I dunno what I'm walking into, but everyone is actually very cool. I was just telling jenny I'm having fun like hanging out yeah. Maybe I could tie yeah ours little of the house of the multi it's it's different. I didn't given the gravity of eliciting. What would it be? Ok, there's, tits and asses everywhere
There is a lot lot of opening yeah I mean it is an offence, may retain some people. That is someone who we ve been talking. call me I dont really in general, Have you save only being called stop he's right now, What's your stance on calling me yeah, you don't I translated were waiting. When I get instruction cyanide egg I don't think she wants to be worse than those rights were ripe and if they can crawl in I'm go with it She doesn't know that she does does like probably just lie alive or found. Our policy will be a large and shows us right wake
I would put it this way. I was in a nightclub like like, like six months ago with them, and I had to apologize to the owner because she was trying to put the club where that guy with the camera goes well, please please show it Well, hey guys, gonna, sherry's, berries, dot, com, taking all right now. what offensive to me What does it do in advertisements far right now go to sherry's berries, dot com enjoyed so. The boy asked it s. Five boy, my boy the traveller: is it what I enjoyed our travellers is run. like you. I presented a very different lifestyle that I live
no, I will say this. I think there are people that say: they're, open minded and genuinely open minded, and, as is my wife and I can come here, I know exactly what I'm going to do and what I won't do and when I will hang out, we will drink beers all night long, just like you, man, I drink more than you do more drugs than you, ve done, and an I'm coming to your place and to assume that you would that I would come here. Get roof Eden if some sex video is is, is what the definition of racism is, is to look at you and go on judging a book by it's cover, and I I told everyone I said It will be different than any night you ever that, but that is, but that is because you live outside the box and I live outside the box, and I like do I live outside the box and I don't come in with judgments perfectly that's not who I am and like, and I and I think I dunno man- I I don't. I don't think travel channel would ever have a problem with me hanging out with you ever.
Forever, not granted. If I came in and showed the glory holes in the building, it'd be the most pixelated episode that we saw in berlin they'll. Never not back me up and go no business. Your podcast, you won't hang out with interesting people. You hang out with interesting people. You know and that's what that's all this is Just it's right. Let's get ten role different. We walk differently than the rest of the people. We don't we're suits, that's the biggest difference. Would if we're not judged by this type of car. We drive we just like we judge I dunno about getting preachy now, I'm fucking not, but you know it's like. We appreciate people like you when they come into our world and they can and and understand it and respect it like you, don't have to agree with what we do and how we live, but it's like you can come here participate more spectator, no one's, unlike shoved digging your mouth unless you're down for it. No one's going lie
Well, I never said I wasn't yeah like he was like. You, gotta, be your force until like an uncomfortable situation. You're not like you know like if you're here. We look at it like you're fortunate to be here, cause we're we're like a bunch of outsiders. We don't like we don't. We don't really necessarily like outsiders coming in and like covenant, because we situations like tv shows they. They miss contort reality of what's really going on here or they missed. The big sure because we we did a show with his other lives show and they like showed the heartfelt. They actually talked to people who lived here and got the other side of the story. So if you watch any show you watch the other, show the netherlands well that shows it's two totally different shows but the same place same people. It just don't make no sense, it's kind of like figure skating in the olympics, like how can we get a ten over here to get a one over here? We gotta be somewhere in the middle. It just doesn't make sense.
You know, and it's not for everyone. You know one my mom and dad can be uncomfortable, but that's not who they are, but they raise the kid really work is light years away from here. These bullshit, I didn't see if nakedness or whatever, but they look at the paintings on the walls and the fucking artwork and the fucking freedom and be like whoa who lives in here. You know but like, but and obviously they missed the glory hole that last time he was the last time he came to this. One. Only thing bmr jerry wanted to do out of everything was like dude. Where, where do you eat
breakfast. That's why it's only they he kept like what the no like do. We actually have some people don't actually know we live here. I think on the parties would do a thing without disney cause programme where their interns from all around the world are ye job. You know like an australian europe everywhere they come here on these these buses and they come here. There's like three hundred of them, from all parts of walks of life, and did you leave you up there in the top me like the way you don't leave? You bullshit me like I really don't think we live here like in the county that we were just renting his house out to throw like raiders, but it it it's it's you know it's it's that's our own home, sweet home Now you were nervous to come here at first.
No, I was. I was a little apprehensive nervous once or to probably years I guess, seven or eight yeah aaron too much detail, but there's probably two people so she's important and I'm more nothing about, think I'm and no, but for producer, hours, everyone on the show was I'm ready. Sir she's very nervous puts out on say: lines are known, So I know I manage like the budget. I hire the crew if that thing, until you work, this, naturally enough about it. What is its busy bits?
there's a really busy beds like you, I I don't want. It is it was called her dislike. You came here to what was their errand. you came in here Really, you are, you never know now I will just nervous come in here. I was sitting you johnny chuck, mutter nail polish. You know I really like ours. He was a book. She still was opened. While the scene was there and she knows that she's not going to get raped or yeah, and what would be your like, as a woman, a strong new york woman coming into a place like this? What is your? What was what was your preconceived notion?
it to the ground. Well, it just seemed like some kind of crazy sex house or something I'm like. Oh, like am I safe. Like I don't really know, you know what I mean and like obviously it's fine now that I've met all you guys, the first time. remember the ladies at thousands of gigs. Are that also the woman that walked through the door I was comfortable, be so do like nervously criminals, like is my problem. Is people perceive? as this party animal and so times. I feel like It was the always on and they're, like someone's gonna, be like him and you'll do coke and I'm like man. I got my blood pressure, regular apartment that are like these crazy stories of and at that, and I just I'm afraid people will think that's what they need to do is
a story with me and I'm always like I'd. Much rather, like I told you- and I think this is a representation of that I'd. Much rather sit and have a beer with you and just bullshit, and talk about real stuff or or or like how you got into this house, how you make your nut at the end of the month, like the fact that you are technically like in in the global sense online promoter like like a global you'd you're in you know I would, I would say, you're in the same vein, I lived there.
I still can't like summarize it in one sentence. I can't figure it out either cause it's not like a it's, not kardashian, fame, it's genuine fame, it's not like meaning, like is drawn for the people like you, there's no fluke that you've been here as long as you have we've had like multiple developmental deals, and I tell these like big hall, that we've had like huge hollywood people that people that make like hollywood movies, that, like finance it like I'll I'll, just tell you that the guys other company called cross creek pictures. They made black swan black mass and enjoy that movie and stuff, and they came in here and they're worth billions of dollars and they pay for the entire movie to be made, and they were like all love with us and stuff, and the thing I told them I was listen with or without the show. This shit started way before you and it's and it's still going to keep going.
Before I even had a fucking camera, we were doing all this stuff. Before I had social media, we were doing everything we're doing right now and someone still going to get their dick sucked. Just just thought. It's like the tree in the woods. Just because You didn't see that was now John doesn't mean it didn't happen. I share my life with other people because that's what people want to see and and I've turned that into like a business and and I've, like, I said, like there's my busy there's a sausage castle. Abusive beauties the recording studio, the merchandise like it's. It's umbrella facets of the rocks we gather videos. We you always everything's, so it says one thing I really dont know how to Describe exactly what I do cause, I gotta figure it out, but I also don't see you being any different than vice, like it's the same brand same brands of battle
were brand to launch like it's it's just it's just someone. Instead of caution, yeah. That makes sense yeah. It was and that's why, like we've gravitated to people who who like someone like yourself like in a way like, I believe you know and I believe in the laws of attract that, like someone like yourself and your and your outlook on life and what you've done and your notoriety and stuff just like I say we're, you know we're kind of torn from the same cloth. It was almost meant we're supposed to sit down and drink. You know without drinks and hang our pugs have ginny jazz like it. It's the same as Nixon Elvis yet or like. We cash and were reported. You know what I mean? yeah. It's the same. It's the same people guys you like to get down like to do will like how, like the whole of a lot of people compared vs what they compared like
Well, then, why was there a lot of people like Van wilder and stuff and then when I like to do research on you and that was like pretty much based on your life and every day, solving that's my thing. The same way, the busy name is for you yeah, like I go, yeah. I know I just wish I'd, never brought it up like it was it my stand because I go yes, it is yes, it totally is. I don't deny that at all. However, it's not who I am like that movie project x came out like I had everyone's like oh wow. They lay completely still July, like like every part of that movie. I have like stock footage hard drive in my room like it was the car going to a pool or a helicopter grenades. Someone shoot something. I don't think you've got a fire. I have like thousands of minutes of everything cause. I've been filled with, recording everything's and since the beginning, you you're you're a video
yeah like we are tribes of videos and photos that would blow most people's minds away and make their eyes bleed badly. We get we're so wait. So what is the so? Where do you see the future of the sausage castle, where we were limited to questions? Where do you see that suit future the sausage castle? But where do you see the future of my beauty? I see both of them going hand in hand. Really I do will never be a day. Will you literally walk into the living room here sit on the swing set and say guys, I think about it all the time and like they say, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting the result like I've been beating this dead horse. For so long, and here I am
thirty. Five years old, like already like, have enough war stories to put anyone to shame. Like I'm sure you do, I can sit in the same room as tommy Lee and we could go back and forth and I'm just like just like yourself. and the hanging tommy Lee. But I you could you definitely get you get the five thought. I know it is our job. It's like. We've been doing this shit so long, but it's like now the world just now catching onto it and it's kind of frustrating cause they. How do you get someone up with fifteen years of shit? That's been happening, you literally what I tell people when they first discover us. You've got to literally just go away for like a month ago on youtube and watch all that and then scroll through everything to catch up, but the future I mean literally there's been times I've, gotten frustrated and and and and and and and just
If you know what the fuck does the domingos sell coconuts on our island, so we're just quit like do some crazy, just walk away from it all, but then like and then I'll get a message from someone who sincerely like a veteran is like dude, one of my best friends just died like your everyday. We would sit here and watch your shit nonstop and I feel like now. It's like bigger than me. I've created something that's gonna outlive me. Hopefully, when I who die these assholes get, can figure out a method to keep all they should going on and is business and away. So We are right now we're currently going to be looking at expanding. We want to take the sausage castle and bring it to fred major cities, like l, a vague is you know, new orleans, austin Texas, miami florida to where you can live in a house. You can live in what sauces castle, but you have access to all them. At the same time, we actually have. Some investors works
in the middle of talking about, so that the bad news is we're coming to our neighbourhood area. so, but the good news is, if you don't feel accepted, there's a homecoming its door exactly back up right now, you just said get out of there. We go these fucking pugs. Let me tell you something: I've never looked at your pugs. Once on your instagram, or your your face that chat and thought lovingly at them, man enough fucking. You, gotta learn colors that are dead body. The house they're different the house. There are different in their hundreds of three at the moment well yeah what I call it inherited. Baldwin three yeah you gotta work, though, though, there's literally bore animals, there's bridget over the pig there's, a cat that literally was living in the woods we moved in here named smoky that I swear. It is like a chain
There are other like when they dies out this petition elizabeth bacco roddy raw casey, ass, her dog I was by the way I just realize your pugs go per fucking asthma, I like building them their diabetes, yeah, most of them, and I was like oh he's purring No one is not. is that the someone snoring shoe formally play, but imagine we hear back with me why use the little little justice picked up the bottle of yeager. I said we, I have a hard out. I said we wrap this podcast up of a few adult cocktails have some genuine moments.
and then I head back to the hotel. I wonder where hold on one second, what question didn't I ask? That is important. What story? Didn't you tell that's important? There are too many like so many of you really like wrap up! Is it it's an evolving thing next month will be worried. but this or that you know what happened to the midget. Why is she here? What's wrong? We all know. This is your feet on the ground up there and I gotta be in serious, keeps you actually do are you really are you know anyone that's a little stature. Would you ever fuck Brad Williams, ass. She already browser. That is like everybody, It knows every other video games, little person right now, I'm sorry which most famous little person right now be entertained. Goods
Oh, yes, the mercedes even is not now would you forget? I got maybe Maybe small, that we carry out my plan there. I myself freaked me out so You have my god. It's gonna kill me, don't listen to a podcast that she goes she's going to be busy. She's like the show, seems interesting for jazz.
It's that like we're up and like because you're short, like I felt foot like cause. He was shorter than me, so I like felt his face. It touched me I dunno yeah, really I was really drunk and that, like woke me up, I was unconscious and this video was given by the way I have to sit on my lap before this is over just to see like how what would go ahead and do better now just as far as we are. exactly same We appreciate everything that you do. Thank you. Thank you very much. Did they say they did a blaine. I love you show them Why can't? I suppose I worked with this? Is it blame the only person that to actually get shot here.
The house or city a cease and desist letter. It was a pretty gnarly gnarly shit I was like I was like dude rowdy rock remember. We were like literally. It was like Hollywood smoking, Why do you ask and you're all set. If your castle is? Why you're going out there's a guy like oh okay? Well, can I can I? I that the only person you want to hang out with is always like real straight laced and like how's it going. Are you doing after like the fifth hour, we had a laugh and he was like wow like he brought his best friend here, and it was his birthday and like you like, with some higher government official
might be on my snapchat with it. By the end he's like yeah, give me a fucking snapchat shoot his gun, yeah, let's kill a homeless person, yeah, so the outside of the bag. We can fire off. Raspberries what I'm good at shooting guns, but I actually like texts that I have to immediately report and get them down my thread about what to do when you're salty. What is your guns like it's? My problem swaying everything later suited. Baron I needed to protect EU. We have a show this heretofore, I'm I'm I'm and related issues and sat on the proposed. standards and practices by banana? Thank you for letting us help at all your cool, even steven, spielberg and tyler york.
Tat. Lady from your time. Only the other day you will. We expecting to see out here in like what you guys are really doing out here. the corroboree in its it's beautiful, really, we tell people, you come as your arrive, the stranger he was friends like years from here like we have like we do like air bnb too. So people are like coming from around the world and they come complete like freaked out like oh, my god, I'm gonna die and then they have not wanted to leave or like being a part of the houses. So it's a cool natural thing. Like where civil wars and take our notoriety in and do what we do in and try to make a little bit of better work, just what of it better these low job at a time it's all to see how we both kind of grown up. For that one time we sat at that corner part of the improv bar and kind of tried to figure out life ass, a kid you were like doing radios and what the fuck so cool now be forty three out here, your place
We like scrape so thank you man. Thank you. Thanks for coming, you want to look back in time together, in light the this episode was brought to you by the machine.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-20.