« Bertcast's podcast

#172 - Margaret Cho & ME

2016-04-20 | 🔗

Comedian Margaret Cho & I sit in her house & talk about rape jokes, aggressive audience members, dominatrixes, porn, and comedy.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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girl named Michel to my oh, she has sister, nay marlene. To my you say. good a mile, I say single day, meda, hey guys, it's a new podcast. What thank you to do. Podcast it's very pod podcast. Those are my dates. Calgary this weekend, the twenty first through twenty third of April philadelphia, Going to my obray improv thirteen fourteen fifteen of may dc improv nineteen through twenty one here, ST louis twenty, six to twenty eight blocked eu in june's a big month, I'm not going to tell you the exact date but bert. The conqueror starts airing in june on your birthday, schaumburg, nine, ten, eleven flappers,
and oh funnybone columbus syracuse from adding some new dates to fill up the rest of the fall, and that is my schedule takes podcast. They do have an advertisement this month. We have an advertisement this month square space hold on a second now. I've been here to say, if you don't why oh here's my lovely wife, leanne crusher, the ants having a bit of a day and you can vent if you'd like they don't mind. Hearing it fuck. Is this a mess? Everything in this house is a mess exactly like that. It's just nodded why wires and cords everywhere and bad printer cartridges and stuff and I'm having a bad day, but if you're trying to build a website. Which of you are going a website where you began your ass handed to correct, I would be yeah, but if I were a then I should probably choose to use.
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Alright, can I tell you my new my new venture? I wanted you know that MIKE isla stop it george. Both you guys stop. When we add onto this house, we won't even ever have to see them anymore. We can close the door and just drove some food on the floor and wish him the best I can't wait and Michael Strahan left live with regis and kelly. Michael Strahan is a nevermind. My whole goal is to get on live. I want to be the new co host on live with regis and kelly yup. I want to. I want to be the no co host he just hasn't been on there for, years. Oh yeah live with Michael and Kelly is going to be live with Burton Kelly, kelly and bert. Probably she'll go first and then we'll have to move to new york. Would you be comfortable with that I can do you know what I can do is what michael does I'll just take private jets back on fridays, say: you'd, let their monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday come home. Fatty saturday. Sunday must stand up, would be spectacular,
oh just, hang up the store or the seller every night and just worked stand up come on on the weekend. You do all like the heavy left shit. I already do thou the heavy lifting. Then there you go there you have it. Irish shut up or I today's guest is, is a big I'd, say in the industry we used. The term called get too big get for me. I'm a big fan of hers. I've been a big fan. You know. I was satisfied in the podcast. Then it's I dunno. If it's a, it sounds odd to think that me, like the quintessential bro comic, or would I think that's what people who don't do must have completed, call it, but I I'm inspired the most by a lot of female come up. Comedies comedians are like my favorite comedians, and this person and Sarah and Sarah silverman and Janeane Garofalo were big inspiration to me when I just left college- and I was trying to watch comedy- is so funny. I don't have like my You are always sale of kenneth seminars in six gray, but there is a real gap.
In guys to watch the you know like the I just didn't have that guy and I saw her. I saw it. Ginning crop flow. And ass. I saw some of sir simon saucer love, but I was, I think, these guys not tell her on this package. Second to shrilly. Inspired me to kind of do a difference stand up and I would venture to say that I'm not technically broke comic that I'm a storyteller country but consciousness, and we right there are simply mean and I was really excited to talk to her and I sat down at her house which is absolutely gorgeously and gorgeous. ass. You would love it. She's got a new album, her name's margaret show. I should say that right now, so you know we're talking about people download as you know who it is not a new album, called american myth, its he's on our website. Is this pay? What you want good or website margaret yoda com margaret is our g, a r e t c h. Oh a new video out called the end. Call song. It's it's it's out right now,
and you can see it. I watched it just five minutes ago is fantastic, truly great. She had a great story about in the cold and talking about a lot of great stuff about comedy sexual assault, racism with georgia, the podcast not meant for you baby Well, maybe when you're in college, you listen to this and go goddamn, my dad hung out some cool, chicks and so enjoy the podcast. It's a fantastic broadcast, ladies and gentlemen, more rico, its long. It's a long eyelash was retained this to anyone of asian descent, but it's in an asian culture. They never put. Long hairs. So had a woman and a general meeting, one time saw the eyelash whose asian she was like. Oh my god, don't mess with that. That's good luck I end up buying the show so good. I was like, oh okay, so I get them every time, I'm about to start making money. oh
make sure we are our great I'm here with Marco I never do that my podcast, but thank you so much for doing this. Thank you. It is good that any sort of law- here. You know what else it like, because it's like longevity and and and broken line. Also in korean anytime you dream of a law of feces. It means that you are going to make a huge amount of money and aggressive dreamer, but I I'd lucid dream. so, like my dreams are insane so as soon as you say that you planted the seed I'll be dreaming of eating my own shit. Well, if it has something to do, I think with koreans that the word and which is for a iz. Is this similar to tune which is for money? So it's something, but to do it language, but also its server folklore state, but I also think it's real because it happens like there there's a haircut closely.
The thing that I'm overwhelmed with right now is how small, your eighteen, it either I don't know if it's from watching you in like theaters or like seeing your your all of your all of your ads We want anything you ve ever done. It is so large Don't worry. I see a joe and, unlike the I thought, you'd be ten feet tall I'm being dead, zeros has ironing out. There will be I'd. I yes and you are like you are like petite key it gotta make a lot of money, a little low frames, I hope we talked to the very beginning about straddling generations, and I am one of the things that impresses me. The most about your career is that I feel like society opened up just enough or maybe you forced your way into society just enough that you started in a business that was horrifically success, racists, homophobic and then in a weird way, you kind of help break down the barriers, it's a conversation now,
fan bases that our stenner fan base is that our straight up gay by women and I'm curious because I was working on some sort of a bit of like ignites. It's is saying to an audience like acknowledge how good of a person I have become, because I grew up in a shitty world in the south who, like you, never get to like a pat on the back. hey man, just he thanks for not say in any hateful words and five years, but like what's that like for you to see that that change and audiences, I'm not sure if it was me- or I feel like you know- is sort of a collective shift in the way that people chain in society. Changes in My inspiration early on was harvey melick, as I was around a lot of young people who are very into him politically and and so it was like a shift of of like going growing up in
comedy, had a lot of aids benefits in and doing a lot of, like political activism and then also comedy that was sort of that my training ground, so maybe that has to do with the world has shifted and the south is very nice. I lived in atlanta for seven years and I know that not just atlanta peach tree city should here so you know they're. There is a kind this and there's this sort of a general acceptance of gay culture. Even though there's atlanta's got a very big gay gay scene, yes- and I think that was probably the san francisco the south- it is, it is a little five points- whatnot yeah, I I would say this. I look like a homophobe open minded, oh no! No delay was I thinking that I could bear this out: to do a bear? I show untravelled tentacle warm conquer unless these despair publication reach,
Dalton they were like hey we're big fat me and my partner, big fans were small publication, Cisco, we'd love you to spread, and you know how, like a barrage on the cover of out and you're, like oh that's great in in in in as an entertainer like, it's good press something I believe in ok. You know people see me as another side of me yeah and I, like ok and the like. Well, we don't have a lot of money, and so it can unify yourself up and it was just it fell apart, but I ended up telling the travel tale about it and I go or, as a guy almost did. This bear publicly. Asian and I was gonna like surprise you guys within their face. What white like for the record? You cannot do porn and let alone gay porn.
You definitely can do board and I was like whatever you thought of that. Well they they really love a very masculine sort of like iconix or figure, and then the other guy that they really like from the genre of tv that you guys do is micro. They are obsessed with him so far they get very into these hyper masculine archetypal characters, but then the guys both have like this friendly side too. So it's like perfect for bears, but they'd need a bit of bulgaria. Mike rose mouth Extremely put us on the alarming like what he writes. I like that he writes you know, but whatever he's very libertarian lizzy, I think he's. Nor is it more conservative, eliminating conservative, I think, he's out of east sir strikes me as then he's like ass, not a socialist serve it. If, though, he's like a fiscal conservative but he's very much, therefore, that the working man it's a glaring flat working men yeah, I feel I feel like business I'll show. You have a big
economic growth, these amazing host, but I feel like he is he's put branding in front of. Sometimes you know Oh yeah, you see guys that are like I'm, so blue collar you're, like enough in anymore, any more you're, pretty wealthy talk about what it's like first class, you know tat, but but will know what was the when you started. You were very I mean you were television, development, friendly, It is because I was so different in there was a time of the era of people, buying, stand up comedy to do sitcoms. So that's like roseanne seinfeld, itching, Alan these issues are very big, and so, when I that I'd start a distorted, can being Did you like it much earlier that, but my big sort of move as a television from began with that serve rift of people really going to buy stand up into on origin makes it comes. So that's where I was.
Very marketable because I was a different. You know is another arena for people to go what sort of a family sitcom direction, but will you will you biting your tongue with your politics at that time. No, no, my my comedy was still the same. I think that my comedy just became a little bit better over the years, but I was sort of the same message me, I was never supposed to be there, and so I think that was, My you never supposed to be in that network development will nevertheless supposed in comedy. You know, like my my phase in the picture is very different from anybody else, incongruity that here, and so that's always like. I feel like in comedy we're always trying to answer one existential question like what what site seinfeld as it goes up seinfeld is due. see this. What, in my view, we would say this and then mine, I know I don't belong here. So all the reasons
the around that become comedy. I find it funny people drawn to us young comic. Reviewing you and janine. You had a job. They just that. I went that's the way. I think, despite the fact that we are I'm sincerely shocked that we're in the same business, sometimes compared to what the art we put out minds. I'll just say minds, I believe lowbrow or more lowbrow, but like but mine's more fun at party. You know yours is definitely has a message and has thought behind it. You you referred to your mound of pubis and I was like I was single my parents couch. I was just. I think I was just out of college and I was who should run towards everyone to use to refer to mine. I love it yeah and so, but but I feel like I feel, like you know the uphill battle you had to have
with I don't know- maybe I'm obsessed with this. Maybe I maybe I see that the your your your growth as a comic books. If I feel like sometimes a lotta comics, do the same thing. do any special after every special I aren't vessel and I feel like yours, you're you're the one example of someone who's grown every time they do an hour. It's not the same type of thing. Even that's got Thank you and you have good taste. That's good janine, as I learned a lot from Janine janine is is really oh. So to me I think, that's, okay, he's I'll, be right back sure Oh sure. All sorry, of course,. do you mind if I talk when you walk okay, so
I will say this house is absolutely bad as this or the art is fantastic. The there's pictures of margaret when she was a child, there's a picture of robin there's like an old southern god, bless our home picture, which I'm sure she got in her time, atlanta that a samurai sword. This is like, and it's like is this is, I think, maybe imagine, I think it's got a huge backyard with a hot tub, her publicist Joseph she, okay and while was here by myself, I might as well let you know this episode is brought to you by squarespace the simplest way for anyone,
we had a beautiful landing page website or online store. The easiest tools and templates squarespace helps you capture every detail in a way that drives you, because it's worth the effort it's worth to sharing with the world goddess, wears a baseball bat com and or the off colbert cast at checkout and get ten percent off your first purchase your complete margaret, I feel like I should get oppose us, but why? What am I gonna? Fucking publicize. a house like this is where you end up one of you. This is the house that you want to live in in l. You know you know this. Is your publicist hi? How you doing good. That's, ok, don't worry about it sorry, I'm sorry. We have it. Tomorrow evening, bad I'll, get I'm not that kind of interviewer by falling. So what's, but I think- and maybe I'm obsessed weather and sometimes I think people put things
in comics that maybe weren't in our head, but I feel like there was this moment where I went where I went a week margaret Cho went to like digital. Was it? What was it called digital fortress? Remember there was like a porn site that in san francisco and pink dot com kink dot com and it was like they had big fortress you'd, one of them- and I was like I was visiting that site or regular basis, and then I read somewhere that you had gone there and I was like who shit morocco, parties like and then all of a sudden, you blossomed. For me, even more than ever, because you became someone, though we or maybe you became someone. Who's extremely honest talked about sexual assault. He talked about stuff like that, and I was like oh, this is not. This is not her.
just her mom. Do you know what I mean? Oh yeah yeah, it's a what was it and maybe I'm just putting too much on this cause? I just did an hour and I'm trying to figure out what the next direction is. But did you feel did something happen? No! No! I even talk like I've been talking about different subjects like coming into talking about sexual, so I ve been talking about that for years, but for some reason you couldn't ever get an audience to laugh at it, because there is a need for comedians. For you to be heroic. You know that their there's the eternal hero, the comic well always has to be here whether you're, the underdog euro or whatever you have to be heroic and when you talk about, rape and sexual molestation. Suddenly it's too much that you can't You can't be hero necessarily in that situation and so upsets audiences or it triggers something, but now I There's so much conversation around all that stuff and me we were lit, at a time like every other day. There
some kind of issue, whether its tennis has or cause be worse in his heart. He was their former speaker of the house. Ass an he was molesting boys and he had. He had allocated funds illegally to pay off the met now grown men for it many many years, and so this is it. This is a terrible terrible average in this is the speaker of the house. You know this is very, very inserted. A big up I feel like after sandusky and all of that that stuff that happened in the inn, in a sense that the world's shifted and said we need to talk about. this more because we need to fix it or five. The way to stop it, and so I had been putting it in my act over time, but it's an eternal argument with my family. really so that there are. There are very invested in silence, in and not talking about these issues, and so we ve been in a fight
at this for thirty years, and so that is if that goes beyond my comedy. But I I've decided to like actually like really push it and work on it and now it's starting to make it and the the world has shifted to make it sort of okay to talk about when you feel pushback. When you talk about stuff like that, what what what's the stereotype that you see the pushback Is it you can talk about rape on easter exposed back? You can talk about rape, unease that my favorite. I it a comedy club really mad, that I was there. It was like you know it. Going well, and then I you know when it doesnt, sometimes when it doesn't go. Well, I really like to I'm gonna. I know you I like meat. Well, I'm going to make you hate me cause there's just no like I have to have an extreme yeah. No, no! No! Oh I've been there where I go. I got into this the no oki,
keep going gub. I know that feeling by that there's woman stood up and said you can talk about rape on easter, which is by It was then this is yes. It was just this extinction. That's like fresh yeah! Also, I so it's really work it's so crazy? So what were they like both expecting Well, I don't know exactly, but I think sometimes, and also there is a difference between like when you do clubs and when you do like a big show in a theater where I do both and sometimes at clubs, you get audience Is that don't know what they're coming to see? You know there's like? Oh, let's go to the comedy club because they know they just want to go out and so they're, not necessarily familiar with the artist or you know whatever, and so it just it. It just becomes a thing where you you you're sort of needing to introduce yourself a little bit. Everytime you go on stage, you sorta need to introduce yourself a little bit, but then they were just in shock about it and they did very upset. Some people don't feel it
some people go to college clubs and realise that the best jokes for us are the ones that I am asking if for myself, but the ones that will you I wanted. subject sometimes that I'd that they don't think they're laugh at and then they go will show just found the humour in that yeah like it. I think also in that same thing, it's I will. What bothers me about that, as I'm, assuming I'm assuming they would have loved a well crafted like rape, joke from a man right right right, either of either anywhere across the EU. Well, there's a bunch. I really like I like we're very different. We have different look. I have the same sensibility as you, but I'm also on the other side of the fence, also daniel tosh, Daniel tosh, still one of the best ratio Of her, do it then, like, like I love you, I don't I don't even want do exit, would never do it. Justice re, because then people would take it out of contents and it wasn't the rape thing that he got in two but like say
did a bunch? Sarah is amazing, you know, and I and I would venture to say that I as an audience member when you brought up rape I'd almost be like. I can't wait to her viewpoint yeah, so I don't find I don't get. I don't get offended at all, I'm just not that's not my! This is not my personality. But I would, I would be blown away that someone would not hear that at your mouth and go. I can't wait to hear this perspective as opposed to Tosh, who I love to death, or that would get a standing ovation ooh. You know what I mean: yeah yeah, it's weird though, like you get, you go into these things. When you go into any sort of arena, where where people have very firmly held beliefs like okay. We have to have silence and shame around rape, and then you can't talk about rape on easter makes me just go well. Jesus is a rape. Baby! God didn't ask. consent. There was no consent in that argument, and eastern yes,
people very upset more of it and then you go well. Why do you celebrate easier when the rate baby zombie claude his way out of the coffin and it confronted everybody? It's the end, then people get like so angry. You can't, like question, is firmly held beliefs about religion, about rape, about islands and about sort dignity that was pushed to give to war. I consider a fiction. You know I I come from a very religious background and I actually was a bible studies. Teacher civil right, I've, I've gone through many years. of who. Why are we taught this? Where children taught this it? When really it's such a fiction, you know it's really there. I think there is rid of good in people and there is maybe some sort of idea of an overriding.
Spirituality or oneness that we have, but I don't think it's necessarily out of the bible. Would you would what I mean you feel like? I feel, like your house, is a shrine to spirituality in a weird way: yeah yeah. What is what, where do you it? I have a lot of different spiritual believes there was a time where I was really interested in south korea, because it's a beautiful religion, because it's basically in your reuben religion african religion brought overend. skies. Does christianity in order to fool that slaveowners. He also it's it's a way to keep your traditional beliefs but use catholic iconography so that you slave masters, will assume that you have converted, and I think that's a really beautiful thing and then my family is very buddhist, an answer there were a shipping by also vary
and Christian too said they had their own sort of form of whatever. That is that form of pretend conversion. So this there's a lot of different things that I sort of. I do. You know where we're we're there from all of the different is your mom open minded. Yes, in a way I mean she's skiff. Definitely, like I see, I see the ghost because, like family, like they're, really question, but in eighteen. Seventy eight my grandparents had to have their fiftieth wedding anniversary in San francisco, and we had like couldn't find a venue, and my mom was watching. Heavy and jonestown tragedy. It just happened in over nine hundred someday people died and Joseph, but that meant that the people's temple in San francisco was vacant. So she was I I have an idea. So then we read it out the people's temple and why it was a very it was. It was a really petty party, because my mom kept,
seeing ghosts our past that we had like come into this place where they they had been very betrayed and then taken to Guiana and and they had all come back to the sight. She said they were all there. They knew they were angry angry at her for having a party serving food that they couldn t and if you really languid all this stuff here, but it was a variant, has they because she was so identified as a christian, but she still saw like serge suit ghostly thing. She still believed an ancestor worship which I do now to my own icons like I go to the buddhist temple and I burn things forward joan rivers. I went hong kong and I bought her a little of a yorkie dog like up a paper dog and some paper jewellery and ends and pastries, and I burn them in the altar to her and they burned up really quickly. So it made me think ocean. She wanted it. So it's nice who was she should
Was she wanted of your heroes early in comedy, ok, yeah, real main was when her. I realize like ice. Aren't you when I was really young when I realized. Oh no and cars Carson and she hosted snl remember when they used to have like comics used to do sets on his analysis. She did one Andy Kaufman did one and Steve Martin, very famous seated many, so you would see comics there and just doing comedy, and so she was one of the people that made me think I I have to do this so, but she was major and bill hicks so major rejigger I mean I don't. I don't know how old you are swimming you're older than me, but I'm forty seven and forty three okay. I should have a little more research. I just I feel like if I do research and ask questions on the internet as opposed to the things that I stood and I'm sorry, but I did so. Where did you get to? Did you get to see him work life? All the time? I use gentlewomen for havoc and phones. I thought you stay open for hicks and then he had a special affection for me because
I was dating as my first boyfriend was one of the big houston guy and so all the houston comics really love petition. Shannon user rights, earnest analogy bastard. I just heard janine rotation. Oh yes, yes, yes and I need you. John did have a brother. Charlie? You die petroleum, passed away, ok yeah I did they were. new york and they were writing for someone when he passed and they might, I don't know who they who he was writing if he had written a feature sure and that they have there were riding together, but yeah he's gone about fifteen years. When I was a young comic in new york, I met teach on and is It may be his brother, but I only know that exciting. I remember that his brother passed. I don't know how I'd know that if I didn't limits in that, but see that yeah that houston comics I'll look to bill hicks as like their father. So you know, I will teach and I were living together and bill would call up. You know:
Oh, you know like he's. I pay is your main around very very ill so I get the same giggly and funny and he he was so great like he was so magnanimous jellies comics, you know they loved him so much so he had a little special thing for me cause. I was like one of the little girls around there, and so I opened for him a bunch and I saw him in all sorts of different capacities. You know people the times really were, angry at the subjects that he broached and and really defensive? And I remember not too long before he passed away, there was, and he had done his set. And it was a group is a republican fundraiser that he had been accidently book tat and he walked like two hundred people, and it was this big big story you ito back, then it was such a horror for that to happen, but he was just
a genius and then such a kind man to read the book about him- and I discovered him probably by my career, but later than I discover guys on tv that I like yeah, like. Why do I dunno why? But the people I was drawn to on tv were not the style of comedy that was going to be doing, not that I don't do that or not to put down my own stand up, but But where who did you like your dream? Ah, yes, imagining! I just knock overall, no, no! No, but but but you know, in all fairness, I was a young comic and still trying to figure out, Those journals data talk about my dick a lot, but in a tell us, someone I discovered laughed like. I discovered him when I moved to new york, Dimitri martin, and it was like. Have you seen David tell, and I was like no he's like that, so you're going to love and we went back and wholly to this day I mean I don't find too much cause. I think it makes a tail uncomfortable. Oh he blew me like. He was the guy that, like I said,
in the back in the seller and was like I was like I mean I almost want to have figured out how to write jokes listening to him yeah. I changed my style. Obviously to do that. But, like I mean one of my big jokes that I had at the time was you know what the cops eat when you touch their faces like it was just patrice a big fan of trees. Levitate, I really am, I would decrease, will but would have but adds no, I love to be horrible to now. He and his actually embodies documentary and peanut bonnie macfarlane as a documentary cause. I think it's called. Why aren't women funny or women are funny? It's great and patrice is longer Joseph funny bitch, and I was like I love it was weird getting a stamp of approval from him in tat way you. She was so critically honest about people, it'd be said, you're, honest ha, you're funny you meant you were funny yeah made me feel really good, but I was always a real big fan of his stand up comedy
it. I came from a different place like I didn't expect it yeah it's one of the things I love about your stand up is that I mean like I was and I was in montreal whenever you there two years ago, you're gonna end yet MA's last year yassin and I do not to stand up for the short on I've done. It was short and that someone, you must mean that I just your record you'll, never be more regional and other wise yoyo. She stood or sat with her shirt off the entire time I was like shut the fuck up, yeah yeah, I was like. Oh, I just respect that freedom. Yeah. Well, I mean why not you know it's at so like we all have the body and it's funny to just sort of play with that and play with people's like uncomfortably about that. You take. Does that to william she doesn't have been
So that's just a little more impressive show off this thing that people are just really don't expect. So that's really beautiful, I'm really hoping we'll do a topless comedy tour me on tig, that's good! So when was at what point? After being- and you don't have to answer this- and if you want this taken out, I would totally take it out, but at what point after dealing with sexual assault do then sounds silly, but as someone I have no experience with it almost reclaim yourself well do in such a strong way. Well, you try to do either you figure it out. It takes a while, though, like you go through lots of phases, and I think for me healing is as taken a long time, because I I just then you know like when you're young, then you get into weird situations when you don't claim your self back from abuse. You continue to get abused and then you know what I grew up in this era, where we didn't have words for date: rape, we didn't know what that was, and so we didn't codify it, and so we didn't know it was happening when it was happening
and so I experienced a lot of a lot of that. You know. I think there was this expectation in the eighties like it With eighties early nineties, whatever that, if you out with somebody, you had to do it like there was this thing where you had to sort of complete the action or the arc of the date, and I sort of did that for a long time been feeling really bad about the consequences and then and you realize ok, I've gotta reclaim this now and and I m so I went through all the use of different kinds of therapy in different kinds of law. ring more about sexuality that I think that helps europe was. It was When did you realize your bisexual? I've gotta was gay
initially and then I started to realize also that it was more than that. Like I, I was very much thinking. Okay. Now I figured it out, I'm a lesbian, that's why it's I I feel different, but then it it's sort of like oh, but I still like guys. So I don't know where that then it's because very expansive and I didn't have any- If people to look to about bisexuality, there was no sort of evidence of any bisexual comic series like that, I could sort of go. Oh, I could like sort of for my life after that. I didn't really know your bisexuality such an interesting things. I think everyone will believe. Oh that's totally. Women are bisexual, but no man believes that men are bisexual whatsoever, but they are. They are I'm sure they are. I just I I I I feel like I feel like you're. I've always felt like you're either born one thing or the other. I think there's variances of that. I know that I know that
by the hour. I never really met him. Maybe that's just part of cultures that no one had ever has felt comfortable enough to sit on any of my friends to be like hey we're just you know, I definitely have kissed dudes, like maybe that's part of it yeah, but does that the secrecy and this needs to sort of be have allegiance to one one arena like you have to be. This is it's sort of the completion of your identity? You don't want to have to working on it, which bisexuality think maybe sort of reversing this idea that there is so much more that we need to now, but now as I get older, I'm going to another direction and realise that I might be a sexual you're. My wife like get to a a thing we're like. Oh, I thought it was both. Maybe it's nothing, so that's an acceptable identity and a newer one like that's part of like we thinking about and bt and expanding at q and a is, is or intersect q a I. You know these these different
aspects to what we originally thought and now there's more so maybe were driven into acquires questioning a sexual intersects with interest. Intersects is When you are, I think it's when you were born with both or its feeling, gender fluid suit. You fine within your own spectrum, so it sam, I think, that's the way, but it's it's. It's also a way of being born to where you fill in the middle or you fell. Both are you ve knows it's if people are to find other ways of her, do you do? Do you get excited when you hear about new terms or new steps out into the field, tour of acceptance, yeah, because it's it's really young people deciding for themselves like ok, well, this doesn't fit me. I'm gonna create another identity and I think that's really positive. It means we are growing ass, a society for allowing people to define themselves, but where we grow, we also shrink too.
There's the the hp to staff in north carolina and- Just I don't know anything about that, but I just saw that someone decided not to do show there because of what we're going on the huge paid with our programme. Trains genders not being used that whatever rushed from them, but you get the idea if I with your own, that that now there's this idea that somehow transgender people are a danger to society, but really that's not they're not I mean it's just to have a made up thing. That is driving, a homophobia, driving hatred and, and unfortunately the victims are the transgender community which is- so terrible and they're not they're, not. You know group that society needs protecting sums cells, and they need to be protected by society. So this is a very there's. A real outrage happening. That's why all these people are cancelling their shows in north carolina and also mississippi, and it's very it's a big big, big problem. Well, nobody! You know,
Actually. How do you feel like and I'm sure you must be aware that there are people like jerry seinfeld is who you're you open for you open for jerry and in in that go. This political correctness is too much he's that he, you know he's he and I are tight and he is the best best best guy, and I think it's just and he's right too, that there is a kind of sense of like. Why are we afraid of these words? Why are we and it's like you, can't get away as with anything now, because everything is policed. Everybody has a phone and every day there's another outrage and at other twitter fight or whatever, and it's just a ridiculous kind of we're policing ourselves. And I think social media almost takes. The presence of the catholic church in the fifteen hundred. You know, there's like they're, still burning is there still this overriding moral arbiter that that we have to serve
behave as certain away, or else will be punished, and it's a very public shaming kind, If society now, and I think that's, what's the? What he's referring to that, that sort of gets broken madrid as political correctness but is actually much broader of an issue its more you can't really say anything without being questioned about your feelings in your identity. That's why I think comedies harder, but that is also not if you are these different things that report that political correctness which, as you know, I'm a woman of color and I'm queer and so political progressive. There's all these things that make me sort of the full import exe. clip of ethnic or or safe yeah that somehow today, yes, it looked like a noise nervous, to a place where I just said: why? Don't I'm not going to talk about anything anything brand new, that's coming up like
it's gendered I heard about it was like I was like how's it going on. I almost this is, and I feel like this is the worst part about society these days. I must just ignore it and go I don't. I don't even know what it is. I want that in my brain. And god forbid, I'm doing radio when I'm drunk and I'm flying around, and I throw a joke out that I don't mean just shut it down, which is even worse. I think than asking. I did set self censorship which you dont want in art cisterna. You can t but since general, even though that is regrettable, yours is gender sis. Gender means you are born into your gender that you feel deeply held to the field unified as success. Gender is being from the point of privilege, so you can talk, but since gender, it's like being white, you don't we weaving with you. I this talk about being about being like I did, it is pretty.
But that signing sucks, but isn't that funny, though yeah no, I mean I've. I've definitely made jokes about being white lightly, but you couldn't really take it a point of view I made it. I was. I was making a joke about cat calling this weekend and- and you know you take big swings- sometimes to see where the audience lands yeah. My premise is that america hates poor people such as that's where I got call yeah, that's for people with low self esteem or the homeric pussy passes nuts and their cat call, and it is working clearly clearly it works because there are other poor women who are with low self esteem, who are accepting these catcalls or they wouldn't be cat calling right, but
As I start saying this, I realize like I've, I feel like I'm being I'm punching down on PA. I'm not I'm not making fun of poor people, but I'm letting everyone in the audience know that they hate poor people and then I'm like wait what the fuck do and then I say- and this is the sad part of where I think our of where our comedy ends up having to where you get to go through the door, and I have to stop. Is I don't have a dog in the fight and then I lose it. Why do I care? I literally go burt? Is it worth it? Is it worth it to be ostracized, as in as as, as as someone who is then a predator, because I agree with whatever or whatever I say can be taken out of context. So I end up stopping at the door right, that's unfortunate, because you be able to have the freedom to explore these things as an artist? You have good intentions. Were so those two intentions shouldn't be discounted?
but the other is a kind of a social paranoia that we will say. something that will be taken out of context and then all over the internet, and then you have to sort of defend yourself, apologize or whatever. That is and to me that is its detrimental to art No that serves a function in that sort of says we have to protect this element of society or whatever but your censoring art so that that's where it it's it. I think it becomes difficult self censorship to an extent minoan in central america tabled of our work, right, but it's self censorship, but it's so deep in you. Now, like it's b, it's a fear, that's not allowing you to grow as an artist which is in all of us. We all have that fear now and that that I wish that we could somehow lift that or that or as a comic you could put in the title. Give your money to charities and go now. Let me talk about whatever I want, because you realize I'm a good person right cause. That's, I think, that's where people get losses. They think like that that one.
You said you can't talk about rape on easter. She, I don't think she understands. I don't think I don't think she should be allowed to get a comic clubs. I really odyssey yeah. they should take someone like that and literally pour to the side. Stamper yeah it'd be like you're not allowed in comedy clubs purpose right. What was the? What? How do you write? I hate to I hate to change subjects like that, but now I'm like like how do you write? Do you find stuff that make you keep you up at night or do you sit down in with a in paper and you're like oh, I don't sit down and write everything out, there's no none of that. I mean I do what I do is I sometimes I have like a subject and then I need to talk about, and then I have what I need to get out and then I just go on stage with it, and I know that the adrenaline is going to force me into punchline like the same fuck. Him is that grey love it it's. That said the best way to right, that's how bill
bill. Hicks did it all you just made my fucking day. The adrenaline will force me if I go up with the premise that and even if it's an angry premise, the adrenaline of forced me to find something funny in it. Yeah you have to because you you are at a loss. You need that one thing and then that that push you into the right direction. It will open up another part of your brain to do that, so it it says, auto its auto, complete, produce it and go but listen NPR watch news than some kind of fires, europe in your line of bad news too in it. Over and over yeah sometimes, but then I was forget it the fact that up with sleep, so I do sometimes writings down, but in general it's a bow figuring out what it is on stage I like to do that set. Then things come out that I don't even expect so that's and then I performed so and how much are on the road. These days I every week I mean so, no every week for me is like wednesday through son.
And then sometimes it's club, sometimes one night or sometimes it's theatres, whatever it is, but it's it's it's every. I try to do once who sold my work week, is like yeah wednesday sunday and then the rest of the time is off. But you do you just do he? I can't I can't like take long time off cause. I forget how to do it and forget what I did find that happening to me more and more. I usually will take a month off and come back and be right. There yeah now take a week off and I'm like what was I talking about last two weeks ago: yeah it's confusing, and then you have to do your tv show too. So it's like you have a different mind, and said you know towards each and then like. So I think these you to come back into doing tv, because you have a lot of people helping, but then with stand up, it's like I'm the only one really by the way said, hi loves you, he literacy, I tell her I'm mean to call her. I want to hang out yeah. I do I do love somebody loves you. I call it. My chickens are laying double eggs and I know if there are safe to eat. So I called the
when you meet them. Oh yeah, horrible year for cholesterol, chicken I have three chickens: q, yeah yeah, oh shit. What was I? Oh? Do you travel with like a like a a team? I have another and solana Luna. She is. she's really funny she's a little person She does a lot of comedy about that and we also to other projects together so nice to work with her and then my boyfriend, who plays guitar with me, so he's like to do them. Yes, along shandy, so where, where he's from south africa scale, not grown up no known, but we were up parallel to each other, but he's sort of the rock n roll scene, and then I was in comedy some never actually met there, but tat we met through Linda perry. Actually
was the amazing singer of four non blondes and singer singer. Songwriter does a lot of music like for pink and christina aguilera, and all these different people, but she's a good friend of ours? Have you heard of water? Am I just discovered or australian barnett? oh yes, she's, wonderful, courtly, court newborn babies are wonderful listener on the whole flight, and I know that I heard you honor strongbow is that they I love, remember- and I was like you named a few bands. I listen to animals like oh shit, I love what you ve been tat. You ve done about music to s. Yes as well, you have a beautiful singing voice. Again: it's interesting, you never combined the to her. I do I
now it shows I I will do a couple of songs at the end. It's a little weird though you know you think. Oh, it's got to have a comedic element, but I don't really do like parody songs or comedy songs. Necessarily, so it's a different thing, but it's a good. It's a good way to, I think closer, show and nice for the audience, but to set up a separate thing, I think. Oh, should I have a separate identity for that like like donald glover. Here he is childish. Gambino's. I was thinking of him me last night. He does the both yeah, I think so, but he has the different identities, but I don't I don't know. I can't think that much What do you see what he said is next, our taking you are you doing an extra another hour, I am assuming you want the idea that we run. I have twice if the finnish out the two for this last one. So I have to do we have we worked backwards, so you do you're our than you tore that our yeah. Basically really I mean sometimes it goes the other way, yeah yeah
I work in it as I do the hour. Then I release it. Then I'm done with it yeah so, but this one is sort of it's. I dunno, it's always just kind of weird, so I did. A special last year and then I've been touring. It said sisters backwards, but then it and always changing as you can never do the same thing. so like it's always shifting. So I did this all if you're american, then I have to do some more dates here, but then I have to go to and to finish out, I have to go back to asia and then australia. So did europe in england and asia and then now I have to go back and finish everything else. Utah asia, yeah yeah, that's a trip wherever tunisia, hong kong, singapore soul, and so We all go this time too manila back to saw. I did esa now in Seoul. They have Korean s now rule which is just the same. It's the exact same, but they do like korean sketches. I did you stand up. It was so scared because I did stand a little stand up in korea and which is really hard, really yeah, we would like that.
Insane. I can't imagine translate and they they I worked with them a long time in translating and also kind of like checking, references and stuff. They didn't understand some things and was really hard, but they really wanted to work, and I wanted to work so it was, but it was tough, it's so scary, to do that. Job That's gonna be scared to like how about how far do you go? How like do you find yourselves? if editing when you're performing in Seoul, because an and by the way I don't know what I'm saying. So if it comes off offensive, please stop me but like I know that, and that would such values and cultures are usually in Seoul. It's very humble phobic and it's very like if they have like they, they have a gay pride and it's only one block. Well, it's a very small
and you're useless and people are not allowed to take photographs because they don't want to be recognized because the people can't be out at work or to their families. It's really a terrible environment. You know- and it's much better in like hong kong, which has a very very big like gay population, but also that it's still against the law there too, so. There is a like these laws like this weird laws. Does our kane laws like in texas, there's a weird arcane law that ted crews wants to implement that you can have a dildo? You can have a vibrator in texas, like you can have anything that stimulates the genitals. It's such a weird, but now tat cruises using that, like you wants to bring that low back into like really enforced, and you get what you give you my social conscious for one day, just like on a on a on a vacation davy. You think I literally so let me just go. I don't give a shit. I can't give a shit about this, like other, wherever the
one of the election. Unlike bumbling fuckin vote willing. I just don't care who, but a that's insane, there's a sex toy that they have for men that I've wanted for so long, and I saw at one time- and I can't find it now. What is it? Look? I've gone every sex store every time. Looking for the same one, it looks like a sting ray is hugging your dick, like it's an vibrates, oh, oh! So it's can and may be like out. Ok, it's I get almost like a flashlight or like it. literally looks like a sting right like a baby. Sting ray is hugging your dick with its top of the wings on the top and lives. You ok, and I guess I don't know all I know is that I saw one time it was like nurse I like it- a rally into a try, that's great yeah, but I cant find it anywhere and its I'll. Do some research because I used to be on the board of good vibrations, so good right, issues is the largest online sex toy retailer for women,
and so I served on the board there for many years, and I have some background in media. Sam they worked at a lesbian media and collective in the eightys and ninetys, and that's why I'm close to a lot of the people at kinked dot com sort of my history it. Really so, and I know a lot about that world. I know a lot of about you know about sex work and a lot about sex toys in particular. So that's something that I I can't think of like a cannoli almost but that's better than this thing right. Hugging your decades keep early youth. I believe me, I'm the guy motoring. Instead of that we are we, If you wanted to, I did a. I did a segment for bdsm for one of my tv shows with a woman named mrs isabella down in downtown I'm having dinner with her a couple of where you are not yes, she's, coming we're doing I'm doing the urban programme she's coming with a guy that I really like jason Ellis he's. A wonderful. Are you shitting me No, no are you ok, so like to pay a lab
priority both by twenty eight. Maybe like fifteen years ago. I did a straight line leg with his back one but television was a little bit in the wild west like with reality television and they show got hurt bert right of dangerous jobs when there's a dominatrix. and I sat with her totally nude image- the thing that the wind I knew it wasn't tv has one they get me naked, blindfolded, I'm strapped into the store up some tied up. They take the blindfold off she's in a full leather outfit, with a zipper on her crotch, her assistant, it was gorgeous, I mean just gorgeous they're, both in rubber gloves and I hear yeah we've got a blood goc. Like and there's whole film crew, shout the whole thing. They took five hours wow though I did, and she gave me a video and said, do you know cause? I told her something that I like stuff. I liked and she said check this out and it was like
shit? I had never thought of this before the internet was away right right and it literally peeked me- and I was like holy god like it, opened up my eyes to a bunch of shit now my wife- and I aren't like that- and I don't really explore that in my own personal life, but I find that bdsm culture fascinating, it's beautiful and it's very important. I think it's very feeling it's like one of the few certain very things where spirituality and actuality combine and can act and you get to very deep place and she's master. I mean she's, really brilliant, I think she merely public deserve something like a nobel peace prize or something that is avenue. Was she so good a quarter grant something like that. She really is a genius, and I am always very impressed by what she comes up with a new one
she can do and she's just so beautiful and gorgeous she's. Really smart from the self. Yes, I had her on my podcast. Yes, my wife and her connected pretty quickly: yeah she's, cool, yeah, she's, really cool and jason's. I love jace. I love have yet why, but I would imagine you guys, would click immediate. Here we have a good time. We have a good time, so he had a session with her and so I wanted to bring them back together and have dinner and and hang out with his girlfriend in her partner and so we're all gonna go. Do that in a couple weeks mess around with that at all anymore. No, no that's it as that. Certainly a part of my life that I don't really revisit. I think just also because I I know never I don't know like I- I never sort of feel the urge to like it's something that is part of my younger years, but it's not something that sort of in my self and in my sexuality, anymore, sort of fades, its think? That's a sort of we know something which is very elam at sort of elemental, but
also true to me, but also a sort of out outgrown it in a way, maybe I'll return to it. When I get older, what does your hundreds of lives below what turned you on like what I think what will what I like about media sam is that there is somebody in charge and somebody that can be like totally release, I'm sort of a switch in that way, some both and then I I like to see what is somebody's trigger. You know whatever. That is whether what what what is that gets to them in a very intense way, and so that's very personal and very deep to go into you and I like the aesthetics of bondage? I don't like how it feels it's too itchy. I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it you didn't. We didn't like being tied up. No nowadays I get claustrophobic yeah no, but I haven't been tied up in a very long time, but I look at some of the videos now and I'm like. I couldn't do that and to an extent I have panic, attacks watching and I'm like nah, probably not
two foe bag. I dont, like blindfolds cause just are not made for asian people, because my eyeball sits on but my skull as opposed to resist in my skull. So blind presses on my eyeball. This is the thing of asian people can never find some glasses, our glasses or blindfolds? It's weird. You have to have like this. It's that my bones picture, because it, but it's crazy. I never knew that yeah yeah, it's free hard, it's very weird! Really! That's insane yeah. I I I follow the I find that the weirdest things these days I got down browsing was sexy, lets down blouse a dabbler thing. It's like I just I just feel like I broke my governor from being on the road so long and then down thing is it's the weirdest videos? It's not even like it's. It's just like a. I guess, a porn star, a b one actress just cleaning the house in like a loose fitting shirt. That's
so sweet and it's in a weird way. It's the my wife pointed out that whatever I was watching was Og's. It wasn't stuff that I actually did in my own life she's like it's so odd. It's a disconnect like you're fantasizing, about something that you'd never do right, but when you do it, you're, you're, I'm very submissive and whatever anything I do, I'm of an submissive through and through, but and then I and issues I was looking for something really found quicksand porn and I was like that's odd and then I've landed a regional so funny it is quicksand. Point connects with whatever childhood sexuality you had allowing superheroes running away and getting around in quicksand, tied up, and that was the first sexuality that was introduced to me through television, and so that was like. Okay, then downloading- and I was like: oh that's so sexy It's a taxi in its that's actually very innocent too. You know it. It's it's almost like the the awakening of
actual feelings of seeing that you know like your teacher or any sort of, authority figure any adult around you, that's kind of the initials or first introduction to the differences in bodies, and I like that weird, when it's panic attack, I think it's called. I forgot what it it's a h m as something it's a weird thing where you go on youtube and people to talk and they're, very good at like whispering like it's a wash. holy shit. It's really weird that other dude there are there are fetishes like have you ever heard of unboxing took a massive fetish. It's it's not going to. I don't even know what it is. It's videos where people just take things out of a box and they have like millions of downloads people just go on taking this out of a box to me and say meditate, yeah? It's like very, like I'm, stripping down I'm getting down to the bottom of whatever
in my amazon prime yeah, but I don't send the draw of epilepsy in them, and I can see where I can understand We ve got weirded out by weight. In somebody using encased in plastic like it's like us up where carbon I'd like your answer, but when they either they put you sort of it in a plastic thing, and then they come take out the air yeah I've seen that I've seen it and it just yeah shrink shrink wraps you it's shrink. The I saw one of those the other day and I was like all this in a weird way. It was kind of like I was like I can see. If I had the the money and the time- and I didn't have a job, it was just me and my wife went up kids. I could totally get weird yeah, but I think, even now, I'm just hustling to get any sort of romance like legit romance. That's the other thing is like when you're married you want to
I have an alarm return with this. Alright, look real quick! I know we we've got to get you. I gotta get you out of here, but I want to talk to you about the business, the change in the business we were talking about that this is the very beginning of this and how accessible I think, stuff like podcasting and shooting your own films, making your own tv shows making movies. I think movies. Still this appeal battle, but making your own tv shows making your websites and almost, how are you have to wear like many different hats in this business who wear it? Where are you well. I am in development to do a show at amazon. Actually witches for them. it's a drama comedy it's about an asian, american family, rising up in the medical marijuana industry, so this is a big show for them and for me so we're we're doing the pilot now, and so that's knacks, but I'm
well doing the road and doing a lot of stuff and making music videos and my album's coming out on April, twenty ninth called american meth and the single is out now it's called Anna Nicole. It's about Anna Nicole smith and as somebody who was very caught up in a lot of diff difficult, dark things, yeah. It's at my candle in the wind to her say goodbye norma jean there by English rose it's that to her, and where did you meet him smith, at her house in two thousand and two or something like that She we made out, what's really wiechert because really funny issues So a lot of experience, you sell level and in such and such an eternal child. You know she was probably in authorities then, but she was so young inside and so she was a trip. You now an end. What happened whose really difficult, but
very proud to have this memory and now the song, which is great, I made it with hundreds of Anna Nicole smith impersonators that dislike hollywood castle, so it's like the playboy mansion and so just going through and they're all like dancing and doing drugs in the I was like in the pool, and it's very it's it's very beautiful. I think the heartbreaking, the heart wrenching part is that her son passed away just right before she just a couple of days before it was yeah and it was in the hospital in her hospital room and then it when she yeah when when he was when she realized he was dead, it took them four hours. Pry, her off his body like she was so much torture, baby. Yes, it is
was part of them and then this tragedy. They both had the similar kind of drug issues and they also both grew up together. You know he he was born. She was very, very young when she had him, so it was very. I think it. I think that was really too much. It was very hard. No one are you guys going to use real marijuana in the? and there was I I don't think so I dont think we can't. I mean I don't think I could get high and act would be really weird. I've never done that. I think that you could probably get high and do stand up. Well, that's hard too, though it gets confusing it's way out. For me, I've tried it and you're. You think in I thought in very large paragraph forms, and so I'd have a great idea. Ooh that'd be like hold on. If I can get this out to you guys you're going to love it by can't promise you I can get it out. Yeah like I have the concept.
really written down in lab yeah. Do you need, I think you need all of your cupcakes are kept capabilities, everything sort of opened but you're getting stoned in doing that, it's hard, but sometimes comics like they have to get stoned before like they're, just don't feel regular comedy and we'd have a very long history. That's a very like it's like a jazz musician thing. You know we sort of have the same connection now. It's some people have a hard time connecting to their. Sometimes I I know what you mean. I know some guys that have a hard time connecting to the freedom to letting you know when you get high words, will pop in or things will shrek you're, not in control a little bit. It's it's almost like you're like like flying through the air
but I I find I do stand up every time. I do a better sober hundred percents over yeah and it's such a good stand up. Yaffe one cocktail and you can buy. I believe you can tell oh yeah me too yeah. I can tell the difference, but I like I like to drink a little bit before, but you can't have two meters you just like. Oh it cause, it also intensifies in your bloodstream, when you're up there, like the adrenalin or something like makes, the effect of the alcohol even stronger yeah. So it's always very like it's disorienting. Nowhere are you with sobriety, because I knew that you had your party. we are then pulled back I I was sober fur ten years. And then I. Now. I like to spare parts and drink beer. You know it. and they made. I know like it's got it's it's gotta be like Age return maturity. My approach to it is different, but it's it's something that sort of in my life- and it doesn't affect me like It- did before
yeah baby. No, oh! I look at the way you create and produce, and it's just such a like. It's such a tiger focus like you, you don't you not you not unfocused now, and so I imagine I imagine whatever the booze and party and did for you put you in a place to be focused too now. I can't imagine that shaking now, but then also showbiz is kind of a dread tale. yeah. You know so businesses intensely gratify and disappointing in the same way that drugs are you look like you just sort of you get used to a certain top. You get, sir tolerate a certain amount than you want that again you want that and then you gotta have more and more and it's the same sort of addictive properties that I view towards more success. I think, What is it what's the stupid question, but I say to myself: what's the five year plan
I will out. Ideally I mean ideal. It doesn't have to be five years but like what would be like or be like you're you're you're best case scenario, where we really to bring another asian american family to television. You know, that's my goal and a different kind of family that we really will yeah that this is something that I tried before that didn't work and then now we're living in new era- and this is something that I I feel oh. This is the time to do it. now, just a spit all over you here. Is you going like? I could hear you saying like I've. I think I'm ready now like and then repeating all the things that they did. I like about you like I've lost weight by asian. I know it's different now, no, I mean it's and yeah. It's definitely all of these things, but not not necessarily like physically, but I'm like now, I'm old enough to appreciate it now, I'm old enough to sort of know what to do and to be more in command of something like that
I think when you, how old were you and you did ass a gun? Twenty to twenty three holy, It is simply out of twenty two, and I imagine you are just party and they were I was just doing whatever anybody told me to do cause. I was so scared you now and now I'm really not afraid, which is good, but I was really terrified of your closure. Silberman No, I want it because I really do love her and its unfortunate, because the way that I sort of approach didn't talking about an unfortunately makes it hard for her cause. It's like she was in the process of guinea. Doing this. She was there and had to sort of talk to me about certain things, but
Wasn't her fault. She was just the messenger. She was. You know it's I they yeah. I did a sitcom and the concept of asian came up with someone and someone said something really off color and I was caught off guard. I was like hey just give me a heads up. I wouldn't say that to this person, because that person would be really upset by that like not something I think, I'm just telling you what the truth is, and I was like. Oh, that's even worse, but like yeah, I think I know that I talked to Titus about gail Berman, oh I love tide. I love. I really love Titus. I really loved how he's a great guy he's such a good guy. He is a brilliant guy, yeah love. The way he writes is pretty fascinating. He talked to me about story to tell more reason stage I very may jokes and he really kind of world
and the way he works, a story, and I kind of haven't been applying that that exercise to my writing now and it's helped immensely yeah, that's wonderful and what would be the? What would be the? What would be the like? Would you would you love Would it be? Would it would it would it feel great to wake up? One morning I have an email from gilbert and gone hey. look just sawyer your new amazon, so I may I would that I would love to tat chair. I would love to have closer with her I don't understand why that? Why don't? But I I I she was my really good friend and she did take a big chance on me as a kid and- ever forget that I think she's a really great great great producer and a really good person and I'd like to see her kids, because now there all they're all grown up now well yeah. The twins are now like adults and while I I really appreciate you doing this margaret I'm I'm a benefit. I mean I I'm a fan of comedy in general.
hmm, but anyway, I've been a fan of yours for a very long time and to kind of get to hang out with you and and the the cool part for me is to get inside into your life. Is, you know, you're you're, folklore with comic george you're. Not you not someone hanging out at the clubs and drink you may nine tell em all your secrets to hear someone who shares your secrets on a global platform born as a comic. We look at it. You gotta go now. My my spray is being loud to go a little wider, because someone like Margaret took the chance to take big swings because you
do that, I get to do that and so for a minute, you're you're groundbreaking. This episode was brought to you bad, a machine.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-20.