« The Ben Shapiro Show

University Chairman Fights Back | With Jeff Rabhan

2023-10-29 | 🔗

Jeff Rabhan, former chairman of the Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music at NYU, joins the show to discuss the rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Well folks, our colleges and university have been taken over by the radical left, a person who knows that better than pretty much anyone is a guy named Jeff rabhan he's worked in vr. All areas of the music and entertainment industry and he's the former chairman of the clive gives instituted recorded music at new york university. join us on the show this week to talk about the take over of the proceeds by the radical left in their pro hamas supporters Jeff thanks much for joining the show really appreciate it. Hey. Thank you, got credit you're, so obviously, and why you have issued, in the sight of some of the most controversial, situations regarding the current conflict, the student president's of the bar association it at and why you school of law was film taking Posters are kidnapped. Children issued a letter didn't directly after the attacks by Hamas, suggesting that now the fault of the Jews, how prominent you working in and why you, obviously for a long time how prominent is anti semitism on campus and and and
Oh, is the administration supposed to deal with it, but you know, I think, that a couple of bags of you take a step back and you look at you know: there's there's a perfect storm that occurred going back to ah the nation of of bee alembic, kobe that created a perfect storm or students across the country. No longer students they became customers, universities were so afraid of losing money and so afraid of losing students and so afraid of upsetting students that we're on campus. having spent hundreds of millions of dollars, many of them to follow protocols, but have you be created environment where students were empowered to think that anything they said it did was acceptable behaviour in schools didn't pushed back from elite institutions, the community colleges, and so what you have as its level of powers that we ve never seen before. Universities have always been a great place for free speech and in pre and for meaningful debate, but as the rhetoric individual,
it's gotten more angry and more vicious and more hateful. They often times are handcuffed and afraid to actually speak up of. I do know there are students at m y. U that are afraid to go to class. At this point, they don't feel empowered to speak, are being shouted down. Students are going into classes at gw at stanford at harvard, and the universities are all very slow to act when most of them had met It's in there and their charters, stating that hate speech is not allowed and its conference and expulsion. Do you know it is really impressive? How the left wing movement to legitimize anti zionism has provided this extraordinary cover for anti some, tourism, where songs, are shouting from there, Tennessee Palestine must be free, which means the extermination of jews. As long as you don't just don't say, exterminate the Jews, you just say, like you know, get rid of the jewish state in this entire area and kill all the Jews in it by proxy as long as you at the right way, administrations at the universities pretended. This is just kind of normal. Political argumentation, as opposed to the anti
is it actually is? What would the disease These are extremely sensitive about discrimination or or racism in any other form when it comes hence I sound whom they seem to get incredibly shy. Why do you think that is? You know what's happening after you know. The code would be a lamb movement. Is universities invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into equity, inclusion and belonging to bishop set their skulls, and that really covered a lot of the algae bt view plus commute. To make sure that everybody felt safe in that and at home. Some of these institutions at fifty sixty people, most divisions more than the political science department, and I guess what has ended up happening is you know? I've heard you say before the pass that you know where your child is stupid, not because he had not smart. for the age. But you know, inexperience and what's happened- is when you take these emotionally flawed arguments and you pair
with a generation of kids a base institution to you all want to see the baby there. Just not interested in labour pay. What you have is a failure of these institutions to educate appropriately meaning you may be. You may be for a two state solution. You may be very interested in middle east all politics, but you cannot equate supporting hamas with with appropriate behaviour, meaning there is no moral side to murdering and taking hostages, only one side to the argument- and I believe institutions are afraid to stand up. We used to hear from university presidents all the time this has been a fumble drill across the country at these quote: unquote: elite institutions, some of them sending out two three messages, and I I have found it to be of a remarkably incoherent to do. four exactly where any these institutions stand, which is only empowered, a generation of inaction,
emotional, flawed young people who have their feelings, but once again feelings aren't facts, as I heard you say, warren over money. Doesn't a lot of this just boil down to the simple fact that a lot of Jews thought for a long time that they are part of the intersectional coalition they just aren't and The fact is that if you Our assaulted on campus or if people are screaming genocidal things, about Jews on campus? Well, you know the Jews are really victims because it this will be goober once suggested. The Jews are basically white people until white people not victims in the united states of america, because white people are not victims in the in the united states of america or really anywhere on earth. That means that if you have a conflict between quote unquote, people, which is how had seen on college campuses in terms of palestinians and white people into Jews, never mind that a huge number of Jews are actually brown in Israel. There there from arab countries that, because of that false, no that's been created. The universities are deeply afraid of offending decorum quote intersections coalition by side with the victims of other members of the international coalition
That is one hundred percent right and I've actually made the point on numerous occasions that jews are are not white and genetically are not white, and yet what's ended. Up happening is often times in in in these. basis you most universities don't give financial eight international students and many of them do have major investments from arab nations, not only for campuses, but for many many other things and schools are our are are very, very weary of interfering with that dollar. Many many are to wish and base
choir that money in order to you know, continue to evolve and grow and make their own investments and build new buildings that all the things that they like to do. But I also feel like he, you know. Jews have allowed themselves to to be victims in the spices. Jews need to speak louder and talk louder and just like bill ackman not at harvard. There are a lot of names on a lot of these institutions that were major note donations, array by jewish americans, who not only supported the growth of this country and the growth of industry and the growth of other minority groups, but they've continued to hire and support the schools and the only way to to bring Jews back to a place where they aren't feeling like victims are waiting for people
help, is the full support and not higher these people and do not hide the graduates and stop donating money, because the only way you heard any institution is by hurting their ranking and by hurting their endowments and and and the gradual and people will will have to educate themselves and realise that it's not ok to a you know too, to make these also quivered sees between applause, go statement and hate. So Jeff. You also work. Obviously, a lot in the music industry and the entertainment industry need the kind of split in the end. In industry, and this one has been astonishing to watch their. There are some people who cannot sign. A letter obviously suggests then from us than the the wrong, which would seem pretty obvious net that passengers, should be released. A lot of those people to actual flak forfeited. Jordan peel online was taking laugh rubbing sign. That letter meanwhile Another letter, those put out and legs of illicit mulatto john stewart for a cease fire which of course, would benefit only hammas at this point.
what is the prevailing mood in hollywood in the entertainment industry, the people who consider themselves are moral exemplars, I beg historically be the entertainment industry has made it appalling, showing its support of israel and support of Jews. I think many of them are afraid of upsetting the talent, upsetting the stars, upsetting the stockholders you're, a good friend of mine. Surely Halprin just wrote a great letter she's that she's the editor los Angeles magazine now, but she wrote a bright letter on puck calling for for an end to the silence and- and once again you know there is, there is a a Fear amongst successful jewish americans donnelly in industry, but in families to speak up in support of themselves, and that has to stop because every time we see in it
it said that another temple shot up at another community destroyed. It's always an eighty year old grandmother crying outside of the shore and and what we need to see is the strength in numbers of the people who can actually affect the change and instead of sitting silent, it went almost two weeks before anybody from the music industry came out and said something president of atlantic records, Kevin weaver, said something and then finally, Mr Davis, followed a week later, we all should have been in lock, step and unfortunately same with the film industry, very, very slow to move and act and change because they don't want to upset anyone just like and why he doesn't want to upset the student in a one upset, the foreign investor. They don't want to upset the donor. You can't be on both sides of for alicia, but as Jeff rabhan he's, the former chairman of the clive Davis institute of recorded music at new york university Jeff thanks so much free time in your inset, really appreciated that. Thank you. I bench girl. This is the bench
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-30.