« The Ben Shapiro Show

Trump vs. Biden 2024?


A new poll shows Trump outpacing Biden in a head to head race; a racial activist says it's "unfortunate" a woman is fired...after he calls for her firing; Democrats go radical on abortion law; and Mark Hemingway joins to discuss how the media ignores Antifa violence.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And welcome this is the best Shapiro show the bench virtually sponsor my expressive VP and protect our online privacy today Express GPS, dot, slash mammals, Randy pulling out, chose president from a actually leading a Joe Biden ahead, had match up according to national postal come former president has overtaken his successor, Joe Biden Popular support according to enable fifty one percent of one thousand five hundred seventy eight registered. U S. Voters considered trumped to be better leader. Forty nine percent Preferred Biden according to New house. caps Harris pull online survey taken between September fifteenth Sixteen the pole could indicate the Mould we'll crises, including a covered resurgence democratic, withdraw from Afghanistan, have marquise, I've been voters perception abiden since from plus the popular vote by five points. from getting fifty one percent is better. President is actually a radical improvement from election day July, Harvard Caps Harris Pole, sought binds approval rating slide from sixty two percent to fifty two percent in June. Latest poll showed the current events, approval rating falling below fifty percent to forty six percent. Forty eight percent of
Had he positive perception of from president favorability was also reduce with forty nine percent saying they held an unfavourable view of him compared to forty seven percent, saying they had and favourable view of his predecessor. So this means that from actually no more popular than Biden, which is a shock and sharing the burden is a terrible president in Trump is no longer in power of the fact that, from by has been out of the headlines of great benefit to Trump. Actually, the best thing, happened from right now is to not be in the headlines for a while and then sort of Sarge himself back and twenty twenty four. If you want to run now there's imposed, showing that against Romanians basically in a dead. He there also poles, showing that Joe Biden does better against, for example, Rhonda senses than he does against tromp. A lot of that has to do with name recognition, so there's some right now that shows that that that Biden, what about it,
I'm an AIDS disappearances and had had this from early September is an Emerson college survey. It showed Biden at forty eight percent, thirty six percent for the answers. It shows that Biden loses forty seven, forty six to trump. In that simple, I'm very sceptical because the fantasy they governor Trump is a former president bottom line is that you really shouldn't having way about the popularity Republicans at this point from these poles, what you should if it take away about the unpopularity of Joe Biden, who is now stuck between forty six and forty eight percent, which is not where he needs to be, Only sixty percent of Democrats, apparently according to their Emerson, Paul, actually want to see Biden run for reelection in twenty. Twenty four for present one another nominee, while heavy the republican primary boaters seem to support this answers. At this point, I must, from his in the field from his enemy from clears. The feel from has not the field than dissent is right. Now is a thirty two percent. Vice president pensive, twenty four percent had crews at thirteen.
and former Governor Nicky Hayley at ten percent of the rest of the field further back So what does that mean? What it means for tromp tromp does have a legit shot at the White House again in twenty twenty four. Does that mean that he's the best candidate? If he continues to put his focus on, I would say allocation of time and resources, I would say not the distractions have always been from Say Kelly's heel and seems not to be able to get over those who gets more on this. In just one second, first, as you get back to work, you find yourself in front of a screen more and more and here's the thing. The blue light from screening get headaches. Sometimes it keeps up at night right, you're, watching tv, for example, right before you go to bed the sea be missed. what you saw and watch the tv. We know what the blue arrival. Why don't you? Just where some Felix graze five years ago, Felix Gray, realised and set out to create, I wear that would improve daily screen time. Since then feeling spray has been on a mission to create a better relationship with technology. Felix gray, lenses, filter out fifteen.
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Trying to win that election, it was about forty five thousand votes. Shifting in those three states specifically and Donald Trump is re elected president. The question is: what does from is choosing to focus on right now, as he leads up to twenty twenty four, and at this point you gotta woman,. he's probably run because one down from its board. This is what you do is. Do I think that you had the best the best person to run at this point. I do not I dont, because he has high negatives. Yes, I name recognition and I think it's time for something new, typically presidents who run for something jobs after being president of the United States, it is almost unheard of because, typically, I can do, but not into a trot, could cause. He has a very solid base of support in the primary she would do very well. Obviously, in the general election has higher. I negatives knows I negatives have not gone away. However, it is true. The Joe Biden has made a mockery of himself that depends on Joe Biden running for real action on the bottom line. Is that does it benefit from to continue to focus in on things? It don't matter, or does it actually caused quite a problem for him, I'm not saying that
Donald has to abandon all of his claims about the twenty twenty election for political purposes. I think you should been a lot of his Quencheth twenty electronics anything their true, but for political purposes, does it make sense for him to continue to focus in day after day on the twenty twenty election and the supposed unfairness? Therein probably not on factual basis. Certainly not. Okay. There d be Arizona audits. I've got a lotta emails over the past months about the Arizona on it and my basic rights, She was not covering the Arizona audit, because when it comes out and get the final report and will actually be able to What happened on the urban audit final report is out and it shows that Trump lost Arizona. Actually lost Arizona by more votes than he was originally thought? It lost Arizona by. If the audit is correct, Officials official results, say that Biden one I tend for her fifty seven votes from didn't, except the was so the GEO peace eight Senate Wash and audit, I cyber ninjas as a couple, that really has not done review in
since before apparently medium hand, recounts Amerika, these two point, one million ballots, gay and those that miracle, the Countess Blue County, finds that by one state by ten thousand eight hundred seventeen votes. Sixty more about achieving reality seem almost forbidden. There's no a lot of a reason why we should trust these Hebron inches report over, for example, the original stay count, but suddenly Trump is out. There is suggesting that this recount cuts in his favour, which obviously does not. but he tweeted out that the results include put twenty three thousand three hundred and forty four mail in ballots, despite the person no longer living at that address, phantom voters, but no the cyber ninjas says that these errors are normal. When you use commercial data, that figure came Compare comparing voting records to commercial database on change, redress filings most of the border Voters barely moved fifteen days,
then stated Maricopa County and others eighteen hundred went somewhere else in Arizona, forty percent or Democrats. Thirty, percent Republicans and a lot of ways devoted to receive their ballot that, in in case you would not violate the law. You are Arguments exceed a hundred pages, but bottom line is that this not evidence of massive boat or fraud in Arizona, its evidence that actually trumpet worse in Arizona if anything, and he said that he did nonetheless is keeping this narrative alive because he's hoping that it spurs him back to promote, he doesn't have to write. It doesn't have to He could say very easily. The game was rigged against him by the media, which is true right knee in the months leading up to the election. The media openly suppress the hundred Biden story, for example the media allied repeatedly about covered throughout the twenty twenty pandemic. The media lied about american policing throughout the twenty hands, like that. They lied about from for four years with regard to the Russia stuff, but he could easily make the
claim for vindication based on that sort of stuff. All he has to do right now say: look they got job. I know what to do. A terrible president. You need to replace him with me when I was present your happier Joe Biden has now. President things are worse than spring strong, age in studies focusing on sort, bizarre stuff so far Emily did a rally in Georgia and he does that he was going to bash Brian Camp, the governor of Georgia, why these camp, didn't override state electoral results, which is absurd in the evidence, has not been provided. the georgian state electoral results ought not to have been certified effort. It has made Someone out there are not only to bash. Brain can be said. He doesn't care of Stacy Abrams elected governor of Georgia, which is insane I'm sorry, that's just crazy. It wasn't enough that the Trump ripping the voting procedures in Georgia, probably lost both Georgia scented seats, the Democrats and put them in the driver's seat. Once lose the governorship. That state is monitoring the entire stay blue, but why is this a good move. I don't understand why this good for Trump, Georgia goes Blue and Stacy Abrams Governor And then from Bronson twenty twenty four does,
there is a better or worse, shot a voter fraud. preventing it from winning the state, what exactly What's the logic here, there is none when Stacey Abrams says I'm not going to concede: that's: okay, no problem or she's, not going to concede she's, not going to concede, of course, having her, I think, might be better than having your existing governor. If you want to know that for My might very well be that everybody, the backgrounds I what errand As I say, what are you talking about I would not be better in what way would be better to have a radical democratic activists? was wrong on every issue and accordingly, Trump is largely behind Any sort of allegations that he's making about fraud in charge of the donors mansion in Georgia, as opposed to crank up like what, in that if you want to be president again why's that useful like it again, man can't get out of his own way as as ever already coming up wearing it.
The latest, in America's stupid, racial incidents first got a different kind of sponsor for this particular episode. It's called the Jordan Harbingers it's a park as it should be listening to and over data, tells you you have to listen to some podcast or other any, not like Asher, and then you never listened to it. Don't let that happen here. We are fans here at the daily wire Gordon shall, which Apple named one of its best of twenty eighteen is aimed at making you a better informed, more critical thinker, she'd get a sense the world actually works and comes. Your own conclusion now what's happening even inside your own brain each episode is a conversation the different fascinatingest sailors. for everyone. I really mean it. One episode, Jordan talks show hostage, negotiate. From the FBI, offers techniques and how to get people to like entrust you at useful, but also somewhat Having also another episode tells the story, the pimp mafia enforcer. We talked about my manipulation techniques. How it can defend against them, their other so including people like Scott Atoms or Jack Schaefer or Oliver North made, and then Carlin Recovery, Brian and always agreed but he's a sharp die and- great advice, I learned a lot
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We in this apparently was of great offence, because the multicultural centre is for multicultural leftism only so these two white guys were confronted by a pair of students. Couple blacks, it is an attempt to force them to leave, saying that there Your presence is making them uncomfortable. Here's what that sounded like air offensive these lives matter speakers is trying to do is to wait here this evening. But this is our space. We ve got a police lives matter, we're getting kicked out. Can't you swore you just? Let me I believe now, irregulars you raise our company of your accountable. But your. Why do stand, what a multi cultural space? It means you're, not being centre rights, not a quarter now. It's a culture. Where does not a culture, but you need to leave because you are part of our culture, but why does not a culture
Why do you want me to leave the multicultural centre net growth This white man thinks he can take up our space, and this is why we need a multi cultural space because they think they can get away with this bleak Another students, as this is the only space you're not centred you're, still try. Send yourself, which is peak white sis. Male bs, though Apparently, the dean of Students Office is going to be discussing it with all involved differ. His opinion are part of the university experience the universe. He expects respectful dialogue between students in all engagement, The university has said so says I a ridiculous incident of course not stopped all of the multicultural groups. It s you from condemning the two white students for the temerity to sit in a multicultural space, and gear that is not of approved political contact, offending people- apparently that's that's, that's very
is that one's on racial conflict of today and, of course, these two students, the White Students- did nothing wrong there. Does it wherever they want wearing shorts and say whatever they want, because this is a publicly funded university go beyond that. Their visitor second stupid racial conflict of the day, so there is a man in Frederick Joseph he's, racial activist, which is always great for the country. Racial activists have done such enormous good. Over the past couple of There is in the United States and into the shape of a white woman, and this white woman is apparently extremely bad. various so bad that she needed to be fired from her job. There is, This video sounded like her. everyone no stand? No, that's it what data in this. It is holding parents, they know who might have you give me, that's why
No, why there's? I'm sorry? You were right here. Watch this entire dangerous. You does not stand near, tells us they interlude. She did engaged in They appears. Apparently the z black activists conference my woman at the dog barked. Someone and we have no idea what she said- something we have no idea what the appeal to a local die. whose sittin there drinking beer in the park at night asked. Whether said that they need to go back, in our hood, he then contact this guy. Is this he's not the good guy air, this Frederick Joseph guy? He can Next, the woman's employer he trotted out on the internet, from where and he gets her fired. Derek Anderson is the head of a company called bevy, H, Q, which, frankly, babby is a virtual conference in community events, software platform he treated out Betty H. Q has zero tolerance or discriminate behaviour of any kind yesterday, employee engaged in behavior, contrary to our values and has been terminated. We apologise deeply to all involved
You also now we're getting people fired. And Anderson said. I personally hope some type of resolution can happen between the two parties be honest and will help if I can and then Jojo said that this racial activist, Frederick Joseph he tweeted out the video- He asked for this woman's identity and he tagged and on twitter to try and to try and go after this woman, and then he got her fired. Here. He was talking about all the massive than he had done so just hold on that bevy as terminated and thoroughly after raises attacking. Is my fiancee an eye and a dog parking wireless unfortunate on this, yet to lose her job? I do think that this brings up an important conversation about accountability on, especially in a country where
black and brown people marginalized people as a whole have seen so little of it was entirely right, you're having to bear the burden of racism, sexism or phobia Et Cetera. I think that is important. That people know their consequences, For their actions, okay, so in other words, she made a comment to you that you didn't like any non work scenario, not working for her company. You got her fired from her job and you're. The good person who saved the country is a good guy, again. We have no idea what happened? We don't have Amazon added story. I have no clue what precipitated all this. Don't you know what she said. You just have your accounts, what you said and be witness of eight die carrying a beer openly in a park at night, which is always good luck? So I don't know want happened, you do not have, and no one knows what happened. All we have is this out of context. A woman loses her job because our corporate paymasters are idiots.
Who refuse to say. Can we see some evidence that something really bad happened here? Are we just supposed to take everybody at the word of the people who are taking the video at it from her a certain time. Remember we had a situation is very much like this would be central park. Dog walking situation in which a woman was pretty. Obviously she had her dog threatened and then she called the cops on somebody because I was black, the idea was that this was a vicious female, racist white, female Karen racist. She lost her job choose harassed on. In general- I basically ruined by all of us that this, but don't worry America's such a racist country. But if you say something that is perceived as racist or even if somebody accuse you of saying something back have been perceived as racist. You will lose your job. Because this is a racist country using absurdity piled on top of thirty making life worth. One of these incidents at a time already coming up,
get to the Democrats in their radicalism on abortion. Things are indeed quite radical. The Democrats have now passed the most radical federal abortion bill in american history. Just then a second first area critical. else, keeping you up a night. Yet those interest rates in the double digits do ass, a rule rob me, you need to consolidate or credit card that right now we're going to find herself behind the April, maybe for life, be smart pay off your credit card balances with card consolidation. Loan from white stream rates start at four point: nine, eight percent, a pr with honour pay and excellent credit. Plus the rate is fixed. It's not go up over the life of loan, get alone from five thousand to a hundred thousand dollars. There are absolutely no fees you can. You can get your money as soon as the day you apply. White stream believes people with good credit deserve a better alone experienced. That's exactly what they deliver. Just my listeners. You can apply right now to get
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Roby wait allows for state level. Abortion restrictions pass the second trimester there are plenty of federal restrictions actually on on abortion, including partial worth abortion bands have been passed in the past The Democrats passed a two hundred and eighty two one radical abortion bill in the history of the United States in the house. It's going. we're in the Senate. Thank God Henry also. It's about this! For the Washington post. He says Radical is loaded word, that's exactly what this measure is a ban, Any regulation of abortion serves as before, feudal viability. burdensome and restrictions imposed on medically comparable procedures. A so you're not allowed to regulate abortion before feudal viability can feel viability could be according to the Democrats up to twenty one twenty two weeks, so no abortion restrictions up to twenty one, twenty two Is it strike down commonly adopted measures in states such as the requirement to women? Wait? Twenty four hours have an abortion after an initial consultation or that physician to pursue perform abortions must be admitted to practice medicine
local hospital, but also eliminate bans on sex, specific abortions. So, like one he wants to kill the baby, because the baby girl aboard and would essentially become illegal for any reason at any time before feudal viability, which comes at roughly between twenty seconds and twenty fourth weeks of pregnancy. That six months I live, never seen a baby in the womb five months, the ultrasound. Let me just tell that's a baby, and that is a forum baby. This would be radical. Monotones is Henry Olsen View. Nations from an abortion The first minister accord the proportion rights set of reproductive rights. Most european countries permit abortion up until about the fourteenth week of pregnancy, many kind have regulations that affect the availability of the procedure like parental notification requirements, in fact, United It is one of only seven countries in the world and allow elective abortions F. Twentieth, weak the bills, explicit requirements for will our post viability abortions pushes the boundaries even further under the pressure since the Democrats passed a woman, a viable feeders return like eight months could still obtain an abortion it for abortion
services, provider determines the cold. Continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patients, life or health or health care. We're not talking about some woman has clear clamps here and she is going to die if she bears the child. Efforts, vault medicine. Thank God is now so advanced that the number of women who actively half your border baby simply save their lives incredibly, incredibly low. The reason being that very often you can take the baby out and save woman's life here, but putting putting even that aside. The provision does not require the risky even be to the patients life, the risks. we have to be serious or substantial. It doesn't just which, between a woman's mental or physical health of women's, has and I'm really stressed out of hand, severe anxiety over having this kid you're a week before the babies born, instil, kill it does not even require the abortion provider to attempt to save the viable child's life.
Sir Henry Olsen is worth considering what characteristics the unborn child has during the period when this bill authorizes its termination. The child has of its internal organs. By the end of the first trimester by the sixteenth we get cancer could stand by the twentieth, weak. The child has here by the twenty fourth weak. It can open. Its eyes has been prince. It can take up at this one tiny, but so is the one point. Five inches long slender claw slender clock crayfish, which is a legally protected species. indeed, the unborn child was nearly a foot long by the end of the second trimester. The bill gives rise, Legal protection through small animals than to small humans are the seventh month maybe responds to pain and light above at this stage usually involve induce labour or dilation and evacuation. These practices are you mean, in their opposed by a large majority of Americans Democrats pass this thing. Two hundred and eighteen to one too what did you uttered and eighteen to one? Even supposing protests voices in the Senate Like Senate nurse oozing columns of me,
an initial mansion robber case. You Pennsylvania. They are not really fans of the bill, so it's going nowhere, but the fact that they couldn't find like too, grants to vote against. This demonstrates that the supposed broad tent Democrats represents not brought it up. The democratic party is very, very narrow at this point and the new or becomes the easier it is for a publicans to reach into their moderate group and pluck out voters if they are smart They know it doesn't go very far to point out how radical democratic policy prescriptions had become, how out of touch they are with mainstream America again programme this down on states. Did I California or new, is of money and you're trying to make California in New York the walk taxes. Taxes has don't abortion or Texas his estate, California, has its own abortion or forty years. Eight. When you try to federalized this stuff, all the way up to the top level, and then basically abortion until birth statistics bills. Legislation
well you're. Really trying to do is turn texts into California. The more of this the Democrats try, the more resistance there is going to be at the state level as well. There should be already coming up we join. I marked Hemingway from real, clear investigations to talk about his brand new peace. Why are the biggest so unconcerned about journalists being beaten up by Anti FA first, which one or the other part store? But there is really no reason are getting nice outside the weather is cooling little bit you wanna be outside with family, only spending time and not a parts or but you need the auto power, because your car is not working properly well. Why don't go to the internet, like you do with everything else: rock oughta com, it's much easier than walking into a store in someone's man and quick answers to things like is your odyssey and electronics. and then they usually just have to order the parliament anyway, because there are so many types of cars impossible to keep them all stocks. Rock auto outcome always offers laws, prices possible, rather than changing prices based on what the market will bear like airlines do. Why would you spend twice as much for the same parts? Furthermore, Iraq are now come, are always the same. For professionals enjoy yourselves their family business.
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Not really all that concern when it comes to who is doing the attacking so long as the attackers are proportionally levelling. Yet I bet exactly right, I mean, I think this is the continuation of water to promoting from started last year, obviously were actually one of the journalist I talk to cover than people regulate sheep. It should on the well, and she said there were very definitely this feeling that you couldn't say anything bad that was going on about the street protests because that somehow probe trump and that you will get attack that personally, even if you're just pointing out that pay their people running around, you know smashing the windows of small business it. What does that have to do with in all these other big national problems, and I think that attitude to fill you have been carrying over it you're my home one of the things they did really amazing. Is they ve seen journalists just being beaten up? and very often the media, we'll just
turn on the journalist themselves or any no has become a villain from any members the meta, because you ve been going to these rallies with Antigua and they literally target him and they tried to kill him had been the hell out of him several times, gotta concussion at one point: if these activists have tried to go to his activists is, is putting it. only then try to go to bookstores have book removed their briskly engaged in book burning and the media had said- and he knows the bad guy here. Why do you think it is that the media are so willing to overlook predation, hence member of their own profession. I take it. You know goes back what we're talking about a minute. I think that they think that any sort of criticism of what you know we protest movements on the left is somehow Gandhi. Discrediting too, like National democratic Dinner wrote there, you know
ability to determine who went collection press? You know in the case of any now, I'm in yogi, gender or the brain hemorrhage. You know from a? U attacks have been you know, captured on camera and in more than that now the thing about Antipater, the prestige, overlooking they have an ideology. I mean it's like out in the open. They are explicitly again press, they say how much they have tactics, whether they train marginalize the press from covering what there wing and they keep their own propaganda to the mainstream media and any make new girl with a big problem. For that day, they can get their own propaganda nerd about their. If anything goes drafted it your black feeding, people up bearing visitors, No mark won't wait. You it obviously was not relegated hands. He for the media's willingness to come men's violence depending on was doing the violence of last year. The idea was the journalist wonder some sort of deep existential threat from the Trump Administration agenda to every day and lady then find you a man who loves you like him across the world, Bokassa enjoy Bokassa spent like
a single day on on the tv berating, some Trump apparatchik. Well claiming that he himself was being victimized member, the press. Meanwhile, members are present being overtly targeted by black lives matter rioters, all over the country and media. Basically soft All this stuff mean there are these famous graphics people standing in for a burning building, saying that the protests were but mostly peaceful, right, well, you're part of what's going on here. Is the people better willing to cover and cheaper? They aren't your standard corporate press. You know Flunkey said that that belong to legacy news of innovation, the people that are actually out there in the streets, governance visa- they tend to be either people
that we were publications that are on the right or they tend to be people like any girl? Who are you know, independent journalists, that you know do a lot of their own reporting and will use social media thinks about the work that the doing so part of what's going on here is that the people are covering Antipater there, not just like showing up the regular. You know corporate media by you showing other ignoring these very boring story. It's it's that the media that want to you. No big remain gatekeepers so that they they both want to control the poet Well, narrative- and I don't want to be in a position where there is embarrassing- humiliated by people running around by one person running around with a cell phone and showing how your time getting story right and that just one thing that the day they just can't can't wrapped her head around with this and keep a story picture so marked egg
Sadly, should the new right wing media ecosystem doing about all this, because one of the big problems here is that if you print- and you know we have here a daily wire- been taught to Andy many many times you talk about Anti, for you find yourself. the crosshairs of social media companies that actually suppressor traffic. In many cases, Facebook recently released their list of criteria that they use. As for suppressing stories and for denting their reach, and that was basically state. Two things that are directed at conservative: they they re we put out there their standards, no standards, including fact tract of your fact, checked by fact, checked out, Org or the pointer institutes, or or snobs than than you are likely to. Beatings. Meanwhile, these mainstream allege that overtly cover places like Antigua and be alone are treated as for new sources. It's me harder and harder to get actual reporting out there. Yet
That is really frightening thing. It's happening and an eye. I don't have any particular good solutions, but I do think that people need to like wake up. You know and when a winning, an independent fact checker that works for Facebook or wherever they did it mean a worm when they enter a link into the back end of their their facebook Take your facebook is capable of killing eighty percent of the global internet traffic. Your story that some random you know, twenty three oral backtrack or decided was one caught off guard, whether the policy regarding other, they understand how important it is- and I do think that you know like I said you know part of what's going on Here- is that the people there
honestly and people are the people that are run around this up on their independent journalists. People were to write me, rightly publications and it's gonna be tremendous pressure to make sure that these people don't get the truth out there about like what is going on ground level. With these leftwing protest movements, I mean this is not something that we can take lightly, nor the point out the article in all that rhetoric about mostly peaceful protests. You know David Kilcullen, who is a scenario. Advice betray us when the Arctic, the surgeon rack, no pointed out in an article last year that what was going on actually was nothing less than the men
certainly like the kind of thought or even a raccoon when they were fighting. The third really like two to five percent of the individuals in Iraq were involved in any sort of uncertain signal. If you got mass protests erupting and violence across the country, at only seven or ten percent of them are roughly in violent death, but mostly peaceful, that that's an insurgency and appeared there. We have a real problem with violent levelling street violence and in we need to take it seriously and that the man's a kind of Syria coverage that whole widespread violence you know, should get within an Mart Hemingway of real, clear investigations, as I also noticed mark that you have been covering the situation over at border patrol is launching a media accuracy. It is amazing to me too to why the entire media repeating over alive, and we should stay lie the border patrols, whipping people there. There's no evidence whatsoever, the border patrols, whipping people and they are pretty. Wesley, using their rains to steer their horses as they very often do, because that is what literally rains are for an yet
Their media ran with that lie. The vine administration repeated, though I may Orca Senate Harris, said it Biden set. Are they all suggested that border patrol was to blame here? The fact recruiting nothing to say about any of this. The media was completely not only asleep switch. There is wrong on it. They ve all now had to issue reactions admitting that they were dead wrong on it. What they say about media accuracy and uncertain same page well again, media fact, workers with the familiar worth about what they are not in the business of quoting cold chicken. Backs. I mean you know occasionally, once in awhile politician utter something brazenly than true, and you can just definitively the bucket and get in and out with a quick back check the by and large. If we look at, you know what what what what passes for muster your typical pull effect, column, tragic dot, org com. What goes on in its all about controlling the narrative? They take some sort of your statement. It is very often purely rhetorical by a politician and then try- and you know say that this with some agreed is transgression. Bet that your, how dare politician
make an argument in public, and you know, presented as some sort of dishonest have little deceptive thing in the rain thing is a classic example of that's how it works and for the other direction. There was a convenient way for dividing administration in Genoa. The state media at the New York Times to take a very serious situation bordering twelve thousand asian than amassed along border and distract from the actual crisis and make it about something else? Yeah the New York Times eventually ran a correction days later, but by then we ve gotten through several new cycle than the media had bound enough. You know stories move on and pretend like they. They didn't have to cover it anymore, whereas you know if we met, they were being inundated with pictures at the time and but I just can't spin away something. That's that's that bad with you know were pictures of people encamped at the border merit Hemingway real, clear investigations being terrific work over there go check out his latest report over the media Complete willingness to overlook the beatings journal,
depending on who is doing the beating mark, really appreciate the time. Thank you, Hemingway fascinating guy. Well, now we're joint online by Kyle Mills using your attempts by selling author of twenty one books, including six of the previous Mitch Rapid novels, the survivor order to kill enemy of the Saint read more lethal agent. There is number one you're times: bestseller Total power, Kyle things much running the programme rates talk to you, so cow aren't we start with those you know. Obviously, are you took over the Vince Flint residents was a terrific writer I in a week they have Michel fairly regularly. So what is it like? Writing them rap, novels incredible challenge and its work outwardly, while the fans, you know they loved bent and they loved this character, and they wanted to see it, carried on so why it's been terrific everybody's really been behind it. So much trouble, the new novel, obviously Mitch RAP, as is the recurring character of whose at the heart of Vince Flints Series
then he is in this particular book. He is confronting a different kind of president. All of these books are a kind of taken straight from the headlines. Weighing tell us all about this one. We are like throwing neutrality to see how we re are an throbbing in higher theories. He's always heard president that has worked for you with me. I heard him and like them, and now we have a new president who really does lights and destruction. So it's a little bit about youth policy is no relationship with its president and the things going on in the United States and the divisions in the United States, and that is not always an external threat, One of the things they comes up in the book is is again allowed. This is ripped from the headlines, the notion of of one the billions being more, who is using CIA information to go after one of the big trillion, airs it that the world's first failure in the book a lot of this stuff is
ripped from the headlines. Obviously, we ve had serious and significant problems of people inside government using the power of government in order to dig up, for example, tax returns going up personal information. But where you get the idea, the disorder snuff Yad mean it. It is very much researching things and always try to think what surround the next quarter and I've had kind of a good run. Here I mean I don't wait a book about the quota virus ripe for that in a book about a power outage ready for they want in taxes. So it's just that it is a luminous guesswork here's what's happening now and how is that going to play out? You know going forward, but I'm ready to go pick up a copy of enemy at the gates, and the book is the new Mitch Rapp novel from the Vincent Flynn Series, the author is. Kyle. Mills cow really appreciate the time they probably
Already we back here tomorrow with much much more practically Bjorn lumber will be stopped by to talk about all of the climate change activism. We are currently seeing in the media. How much of it is false? This is the bench Morocco
Transcript generated on 2021-10-07.