« The Ben Shapiro Show

The Fight For Our Kids l Jeremy Boreing

2023-10-22 | 🔗

Become a Daily Wire member to access the full conversation with Jeremy Boreing: https://bit.ly/49ey0ka


When we created The Daily Wire, we didn’t do it just to get into politics; we launched this company so that we could have a marked influence on the culture of America. So when we saw what was happening with Disney, the most influential children's brand on the planet, we knew we couldn’t sit still. We immediately got to work, and announced a commitment of $100M over 3 years to launch a children's entertainment company. Just this past week, we realized the launch of that commitment, and we call it Bentkey. I was joined by my Daily Wire co founder Jeremy Boreing to talk about our journey to get here, and what we hope to achieve with our company in the future.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A little over a year ago. Those tapes from Chris rueful leaked of what was going on inside disney, and you said we should do something we should launch- indicates content I wrote you back and said: do you know how to run a business? This is impossible. What you're, what you're suggesting could never possibly happen, and I laid back to go back to sleep for another forty minutes and ass. I sat there. I thought timid, he's right. I drive into work by now, I feel of John Lewis's is involved in the conversation and we decided that we're just gonna do it. We're gonna announced this initiative initiative going to change the direction of our company in a deeply profound, where this isn't launch and try blitz, and so we decide. We are a host alive town hall that day and I would announce it to the world while announcing to our staff. The daily wire was going to launch into kids entertainment with a one hundred million dollar commitment that we are going to change the paradigm in that's when the work, started disney controls, the greatest content library ever created their cultural reach. Specifically,
It is far greater than anything that has ever existed throughout human history from snow white frozen the companies after the consciousness of kids and parents around the world in early one in twenty two weeks, it revealed disney company executives, pushing installation of queerness and right for messaging directly into their kids content one of these needs. Executive bruisers said during an internal company meeting that she's implementing equal, not at all with the gay agenda and is regularly adding this and other radical messages to her kids chose, for example, in this, proud family disney stores, racial division with songs like slaves, built this country, where kids, rapid descendants of slaves, earning reparation viral videos, Least. This year show disney's live action. Snow white start rachel's edward, condemning the iconic, new story that launched the company into what it is today the unjust their content needs. A corporation now known for pushing all the worst excesses of the woke left toughness. gender greetings and its theme parks, while employing cross dresser and it's children's boutiques paying for its employees for abortions motive.
anti racism, indoctrination of its employees going to war. on behalf of radical left wing, social policy in Florida walt disney loved america, but the company he once founded is now on a very different path. when germany boring Caleb Robinson and I created the daily, where we didn't do it to get into politics for just to get into podcasting. We launched this company, so we could have a marked influence on the culture america to reintroduce traditional values back into a country that has long forgotten what those values stand for. We have been fighting battle, multiple entries in the entertainment space, and we can t to do so without coming and exciting projects like what is a woman or on the prairie, Coming pendragon cycle, when we saw what was happening with disney most influential kids brand on the planet in history, we need couldn't sit still we immediately got work. In march twenty twenty two. We announced a commitment of one hundred million dollars over three years to launch it children's entertainment company. Just this past week, on the date of one hundredth anniversary of the founding of disney. We really
the launch of the commitment we call it banking key is dedicated to creating the next generation of timeless stories to transport can for world of adventure. Imagination enjoy, isn't it in politics to kid it's about giving kids a proper childhood, creating for them a sense of wonder and adventure. It's about protection kid from being used by agendas of any shrike its material. I would put my kids in front of all an o k, Jeremy and I have created an entirely new company. We ve heard an entirely new team to create these incredible shows. We ve created an entirely new app available on almost popular devices to deliver this content onto devices and into your home. Not only did we create from scratch. We also a massive amount of content all centred on the same values as the shows we ve created there, for one hundred and fifty episodes available right now on the bench key up with new episode released every single saturday morning I am so proud of banking, more proud of he probably in anything but ever done at this company. I know caleb is too, and I know for sure that jeremy, it
I wanted to bring Jeremy back to the sunday special to reiterate and discuss are over. fragile in the entertainment and culture space and the highly The amazing work we ve started with banking, so please back all the way from croatia daily work the producer record and so much more. My best friend, jeremy boring the so my good buddy Jeremy boring welcome into the sunday special again. So I want to separate this conversation into two big pieces piece. One is going to be all fun and some stuff that we're doing here at daily wire and now at a banking and then what you are going to get into the politics or will going to separate that out for the listeners, because it's very hard to mix these two particular topics, but let's jump stuff. It's actually good in the world happening right now, so we ve launched daily wire, and thanks to your leadership, we ve launched the biggest initiative in history of daily wire, and that is children's programming over a bank. Is why
we start off with canada. Conversation, let's go through the history of of how binkie came about. Why don't we start the first question. What the hell has bent key word, the term benki come from. I know this questions been asked you a thousand times because you literally were a bent key around your neck and have ever since I have known you, but where Is that even come from ass, though I were? Every day for the last twenty eight years, I've had the spent e around my neck and it's the key to a small theater in a town called post texas, where I grew up doing doing, plays and where I kind of discovered who I was and what I wanted to do in life and it bent in the lock one day any of the the full story of that is probably not one for not one. For this conversation, it's one, for bourbon around and cigars and long hours late into the evening, but an event in the locking it, and I put it on a on a string because it sort of represented this important period. In my life, I was being trusted with responsibility for the first time where I was associating with adults for the first time where I was sort of discovering who I am and what I believe and what I wanted to do with my life for the first time, and so various times
and he has been used by our company, the the parent company that owns the daily wire, which is comprised of of you and caleb an eye in our original investors. We named that company been he during a renaming halfway, come half way between the founding of the company and today and when it came time we at that time we did it, because people who have a start, businesses may not know it's really hard to find any word or two word combination to use for your business that isn't already trademark that isn't operating on by someone. So after we ve gone through, like thirty names one day, we're completely exhausted, we're like what something that certainly no one would have views as a good binkie is not even thanks, we used it but think when this conversation about kids came up and we were originally calling our initiative, which we announced, that a worthless
well over a year ago, dw kids. We made that announcement. I think it's. I think we should get to how we made that announcement is one of the great stories of the history of our company, but just to put a bow on the name that we made this announcement after disney sort of after crisper felt leaked some tapes from inside disney yeah about their, not so secret gay agenda and trying to sneak queerness into their shows and racial, radical racial politics into their chose and using quotas to make sure that quote. Unquote marginalized groups represented more than fifty percent of the on screen talent and their kids programming. We thought that depth demanded a response and we started calling our responses the kids are daily wire, kids, but over time they began to really sit poorly with me because of what our actual goal is. Our daily wire is a very politically charged name, obviously, because the-
early wires very political company, but as you and I are very political, the work that we do is very political and, while the launching of our kids, entertainment company is intrinsically a political act, what we're trying to do without political act is create content for kids that isn't inherently political, but we, but we basically believe have been key- is that you in america to poor problem with infantilism adults largely through our university system. We referred a twenty three year old adults as college kids and hold them to no account treat them as they have. No, agency as though they have no personal responsibility and then, on the other hand, we take actual kids and we say no you're you're not allowed to have a childhood you're not allowed to live in a space of wonder and adventure and joy and imagination. Instead, we're going to use you as political instruments as political props as a petri dish for our craziest social experiments that we've ever done this.
society you you and I and Caleb the daily. Why are we want to say no to both of those who say, no adults should be treated as adults. Kid should be treated as kids and bent key endeavours to give kids and environment to do just that. It's not political content is not educational content, its entertaining content, it's beautiful content, it's hilarious content! Its heartfelt content is the kind of cod that you could trust your kids with that your kids will love and enjoy the kind of content you and I got to grow up with the kind of content on which politics is formed later right. The kind of content that allows kids to form their personality to form their character, to be exposed to values to find themselves on that good foundation. Good politics will be built on that good foundation have been key. Perhaps daily wire politics can be built in the future. The been binky isn't about politics, and so that's why we need it in a name- and I thought binkie was a fun name because it because it is mister.
because it has this sense of whimsy because it isn't. You know we used a bunch of words, but words have meaning what if we called it ember what if we called it, you know any number of, but all of those come with some sort of meaning the beauty of bent key is. I think it gives us the opportunity to build something completely new in success. Ten years from now, binky won't mean the key that jeremy wears around his neck bent key will mean this body of work that has impacted millions of kids around the world and that they hold dear the top that helped them in the same way. Mikey helped me, that's helped them if we find find themselves and find who they are, as they start off on their journey, that that's where the name came from we'll get to more with my friend jeremy and just one second, first I want to talk, daily, whereas most trusted privacy partner and the premier sponsor of this show express vps, using the internet without express vpn. It's like leaving your keys in your car, while you run into the gas station for a snack most of the time, probably fine. What? If you come back to see someone driving off with your car or everytime, you connect to the unencrypted network in cafes, hotels, her airports, any
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in a five minute break. You put your confront of the cv. The problem: is you put your kid in front of youtube, then there's a very good shot that the algorithm is going to feed them, something truly awful within five to ten min putting them in front of you too, which is usually how people now watch tv if you put them on disney plus there's a very John they're going to be fed a piece of content that runs directly search your values, the beauty of banking for parental point of view. Is that the is really a safe space for your kids. You can you put your kids in front about key and they can spend hours and no one in hours and from the screen if they are kept, but they should spend whatever time going to spend in front of the screen with people who actually are your values and who are going to seek to twist their minds in some particular polluted or cultural direction. That's exactly right! Listen! There's a lot of amazing content in the world, a lot of it with made by disney a lot of it. We were up with its not that there is a wonderful content out there, safe content out there for kids. It's that you can't really trust the platforms anymore, that how's that content. You can put your kids in front of
Snow white and the seven dwarfs, but it might immediately then roll into disney's new snow height, which is a natural repudiation of the values, as declared by their only the actress rachel ziegler of the values of snow white in the seven dwarfs. So what we endeavoured to do is curate. A body of work have been key were where none of the content betrays the values of our core audience, and I would say that the core audience for binkie isn't even the core audience
daily wire. I think it's a much broader audience than that. I think that there are plenty of independent, moderate and even even light left wing parents out there who don't want to see radical values and who don't want see their kids exposed to radical values. Binky can be a home for all of those kinds of people, people who want, as you said, you shouldn't, put your kid in front of the tv for hours, but for whatever length of time they're there. You can know that they're being exposed to to good and beautiful content. Now creating that content is a generational work. We've launched with four original shows and a fifth that that is original. We didn't create it, but we're working with the creator, and now we have an exclusively so really five shows that are unique, bent key offerings. Those best represent our vision for bent key those are
kid thick. Go kid explore chip chill a wonderful day with mabel, mc clay and gus plus us, and I can say that I'm incredibly proud of those five shows that think it's an amazing start, but we wanted to make sure that our offering with robust want to make sure the parents got value for the money that they're going to spend. So we also want a round the world insurance existing content that we didn't think betrayed the values of our audience. It may not be the that did it's, that every piece of that content perfectly encapsulates our values or that it perfectly represents our long term vision for the company, but its highly entertaining high quality and If content, we bedded every single episode. The sum of the shows that we would licence from around the world, maybe they're worth three episodes that we didn't agree with. So it is through those episodes out there not on the platform. Every single piece of content that it it'll be exposed to
on bent key at a minimum will be neutral in terms of the sort of woke identity politics of of the moment, and in many cases, and especially in the cases with our original content, I think we'll be there. values forward very values, positive. So let's talk about how you actually build a children's entertainment company. So this is a massive undertaking. People I think when they see a product, just roll off the shelf any product, they don't see all the work that went into the product. It just comes off of the price and the price is whatever it is per month and they think okay, well, that sort of automatically existed. I think behind the scenes to how this happens, because we literally took the right where's that we had as a political commentary. Company and news generally company and we poor those into complete We differ in company with a completely different orientation requiring completely different sets of skills which effectively building a giant
company with a massive investment. For the first time we have started talking about kids content. I remember I was in a hotel and grand rapids Michigan and I was on a phone call with you talking about the general entertainment content that we were about to really launch into in earnest, and you said you know, I think that this general entertainment play is a smart play real play as kids content, and we brainstormed about that on the call, as we often do, with ideas back and forth, and I remember ending that call thinking if we were going to do such a thing. What we should do is hire Glenn Beck to be mister. Rogers I mean Glenn Beck is mister rogers. I know that people have a view of Glenn Beck that you know their view of him is only through his talk. Radio show, probably it's only through his blade show. They seem as this really political figure, but behind the scenes as not to Glenn Beck is Glenn Beck as a giant kid at heart,
He collects these beautiful artifacts from american history. He is in love with walt disney. He owns, I think, the actual original business model that that walt took around to raise money to to build disneyland. I mean in many ways I think this is what Glenn Beck was put on the earth to do, and so I started dabbling with that idea. Could we get Glenn back to come over and do kids' content for us, and you know obviously Glen and tyler, and the guys at the place are good friends of ours, but they they also are our competition, and so it became clear pretty quickly that they probably wouldn't take their number one star and let us have half of his time to come. Work on our content and the idea of kids sort of got put on the backburner for a little bit. We
rested heavily at that time and starting our general entertainment company. It get shooting our first feature: films, we somehow detoured into a razor company and then into a chocolate company. But over time we we kept coming back to this idea of kids. Entertainment is probably where the biggest need is in the culture. As andrew bribery always said, politics is downstream of the culture you and I sort of came of political age in west coast conservatism, which was very far based on this idea of the importance of culture and kids entertainment where the hole is and so on, Over a year ago, those tapes from Chris rueful leaked of what was going on inside disney and this will give people an amazing insight into how the daily wire works. You sent me the story, at five. Thirty in the morning, my time obviously you're an hour ahead on the east coast, and you said we should do something we should launch into kids' content. I wrote you back and said bin. You always have
ideas. Ah you don't know how to run a business. This is impossible. What you're, what you're suggesting could never possibly happen, and you said, okay, fine and then I laid back in bed to go back to sleep for another forty minutes and as I sat there, I thought TIM. It he's right, as I laid there for you started your show. I waited until the earliest possible moment that I could reach out to Caleb Robinson our other business partner. I said caleb we've got to launch kids today, and he said what do you mean? What do any of those words we launched kids and today do not understand this language, and I said I think that we have to announce today, while people are rightly outraged about what disney what's happening at disney them by the way disney the most important entertainment company in the history
the world, especially where kids are concerned. I said I think we have to announce that we're going to make an investment in kids and that we're going to spend we're going to commit ten million dollars over the next three years I ten million dollars you're out of your mind, basically told me what I had told you you're out of your mind, that kind of money land around. We have no idea how to do such a thing. Let it go we'll get more german just one. Second, first for those of you who don't know pure talk is my wireless company. I choose to do business with companies that share my beliefs and support the cause. I actually like that's why excited about pure talks, effort to leave ten million dollars and veteran debt by veterans day they get there by giving up portion of every new order to this cause because of your support. Ready at twenty seven percent to their goal, three weeks ago thing about this. We have a one hundred percent voluntary
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change fundamental reallocation of resources, and so we decide we had hope host alive town, that day and I would announce it to the world while announcing to our staff that the company that they thought that they belong to was about to become a completely different company, and I started trying to us scratch out what I would say I get to work, and this is the problem and businesses when you have an idea than it hits reality I get to work and standing outside my office. Like all of our lawyers in all of our executive. There tell me why it's completely impossible to do, but we ve just declared even our production staff that we can hope to tell
call today that goes out, live and has so we start wrestling with all of this, and the hours are ticking by as I'm trying to just fight the fight of. Can we even say that we're going to do such a thing? What are even the ramifications of saying that we're going to do such a thing and I'll never forget at about noon. I walked back to where caleb was nice and caleb said we're going to be able to pull this off, and I said I think we can do the town hall it too, or maybe it was for us. I think we can actually pull off the town hall, they're they're, going to start building a stage for me to stand on and taking down set so that our employees have a place to listen to the town hall to all get together in one room. I said I don't think It said ten million dollars and he said why not, I said well, it just occurs to me. I know how much this stuff costs. Ten million sounded like a lot laying in my bed, but ten million is like one show: that's not wanting a kids, entertainment company, that's launching a tv.
what are we really doing here and he said well? How much do you want to say, because we don't even have the ten million ass. I want, I want to say, is a hundred million caleb again the whole cycle you're. Out of your mind. This is insane you know, and I should have a here's, the thing a hundred million dollars sounds impossible and it is- and it's nothing disney's cod the budget is a billion dollars a year. Hollywood spends like a hundred and eight, billion dollars a year on content, so we could say want to spend ten million. Isn't we're not taking seriously the scope of the fight that we're claiming that we're going to jump off into at ten million? But we've got to really want to do this. We have to do it. Caleb said where's the money going to come.
What I saw when you wish upon a star which are marked- and I can't say it on your show, but that we basically what I said is we're going to do it. We have to do it and we have to just accept that it's going to change everything, we have to accept that we don't know how we're going to do it. We have to, we have to set ourselves up for the fight of our lives, and now we get engaged in this big oregon. About that. Another argument with all the attorneys another argument with all the executives and then someone comes and knocks on my door and says Jeremy. They need you in hair and makeup, and I realized that I hadn't written which I didn't even know what I was going to say to the world. So I walked over there pattering my face as I walk up on the stage and I went, live and told the world what we were going to do, that the daily wire was going to launch into kids' entertainment with a one hundred million dollar commitment that we're going to change the paradigm and that's when the work started to accomplish. This has been
so much harder than anything we ve never done before so much harder than launching the daily why're you and I and caleb have have deluded our ownership in the company to raise money. It will we literally made ourselves poorer if it fails much poor. If it succeeds, maybe it was worth it pays off him and we do better, but we we pool our liquid resources into this are our actual cash that we had on hand. Report are ownership and the company, we still control the company, but we we own less of the upside in the company than
before, because we believed so much that this is the most important thing we've ever endeavored to do, and then we got busy hiring and we've got busy writing and we got busy. Creating we've got busy learning. We got busy real, you know making mistakes and quickly, iterating and trying to do better and solve those problems. We got busy licensing content from all around the world and if you look at our company today, it looks nothing like it looked eighteen months ago we have a company that is completely oriented toward entertainment and, in particular, an emphasis on this kid's entertainment, because that's where the real fight is because, if all we do is criticize the culture, if all we do is talk about politics, if we don't get busy make, in culture. Then there is no country to conserve. There is no country for us to try to save. So that's how we got here and that story is, as you said, incredibly indicative of how the company has always been run in the sense that
we are incredibly fast in terms of our reactive power and that that, I think, is our superpower in this particular space, not just in announcing kids. But one things down to deciding that we're gonna create a snow white foam and that was not on the slate six months ago. I was on the slight like four months ago, but then we honestly came out and basically start putting out all of this press about its snow white movie. That was coming out in spring next year, all about snow white is actually an empowered single woman and the and the the typical themes of snow white are are hackneyed and albeit to get rid of those, and the dwarves aren't actually dwarves any more another, normal sized people and all the rest of this kind of stuff. We just decided you know what the only way to fight that is by actually, making our own version of snow white starring bread cooper. We may that announcement simultaneous with launch banking. There was a
their one day decision I'll, never forget! I wrapped a film for daily wire, plus on July knights and underlie eleventh, I landed in rome to produce our pendragon cycle, the biggest the biggest piece of work with ever undertaken and when I walked off the plane. I got hit with all of the rachel ziegler comments about the new snow white that you know, but I think that may have been the day that the pictures leaked of the re shoots and we saw that the door weren't dwarves, and all these clip started circulating of of her saying it was nine nineteen, thirty seven anymore. This isn't about true love you! I am not a fan
the original movie. The one thing she said is they they keep accusing us of making a pc, snow white and that's right, because that's what this old story needed- and I thought well now- that's the opposite of true that the fairy tales are unique because they, some of them, are one thousand years old. I mean they. They contain timeless truth. What made them so powerful when disney took walt disney chose to tell them. He said: here's these beautiful stories and they and they have it all. They contain everything he said of snow white in particular. It is the perfect story.
to hear this young actress now saying. Not only is it not the perfect story, it's a bad story. It's a story that needed our modern values to redeem it I thought. Well. This is a complete betrayal of of walt disney himself of walt disney personal vision for what his company would be and is an enormous opportunity for us to show people how serious we are, and it just so happens that we have the perfect snow white, already working for the company, another one day decision and the amount of chaos that that creates the ripple effect of making a decision like my tabs amazing. But here, What is more, german just a moment. First, everyone here at the office loves you till dark spot corrector. Now you might be asking what this product even does, if you have those sunspots dark spots, discoloration dry, skin, the genuine dark, spock rector will help those blemishes disappearance, huge difference down here and flora and armies. My wife use it. I use it
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some of the programming that that is available and original to bent key subscribers. So, as you mentioned, we have five original shows that they are amazing. Looking I mean that quality of the product, the passive every bit of any product that we ever released. Aside aside from ireland, show, which I literally do every day, but in terms of the actual quality and beauty of the product, I mean it's is anything by far that that we ve ever done. It truly is astonishing stuff again, the amount of work that goes into the stuff behind the scenes is amazing. I was there for a few days watching from the film of mabel the clay. It's amazing to watch this happening real time, the size of the crew. That's required the number of shots that are required, all the back back back of it the occurrence
what's happening? Is is amazing, but the shows are really tremendous. So why don't you start with mabel mcvey, for example, and give us the backstory and how that show evolved? Well, I will say I have a small handful of pieces of content that the daily wire is produced that I'm so in there I'm proud of all of our content. Of course, we we labor over. All of it there's a very small group of shows that you that you have a real affinity for you, know the the exit, a seminar that you and Jordan peterson and Dennis Prager Ms Jordan show, but that so many of our friends and heavyweights were a part of me. I feel like that's a piece of content.
Stands the test of time. It's a it's a transcendent piece of content. We we make a lot of wonderful content, but it's about the news of right now have right now have right now have right now and you and I have talked a lot about what is a legacy in that environment. You know your your show does enormous good in the world on a day to day basis, but when you're gone and those news stories are gone, what what have we left and one of the things that you and I have been trying to do- that? We've kind of learned from watching some of our mentors in the space andrew and rush limbaugh and others is we've just realized that we have to build legacy content.
what we want to speak, not just in this exact moment into the future and mabel mc clay. I think that's the thing on the most proud of anything we ve never made. It is truly good and I dont mean just good in terms of the quality of the show. I think the quality of the show is great. I mean it's good in an intrinsic, since it is filled with goodness. It is filled with heart. I transports you out of this moment in which we live and it slows you down in it and it makes you free to wander. That's me as an adult watching it as a kid especially is fast pace world. I think maybe a clay and be transformative its I like in it unto it's like it's one part, mr rogers neighbourhood and one part mary poppins. It has that sort of gin.
on this and quietness of a MR rogers. It has that whimsie and magic of a merry poppins. It's it's warm and golden. It isn't gray. It isn't right. It's not like tat started right, but it's also not like drab modern content. It's this! It's nostalgic, but it's today I couldn't. I couldn't be more proud of the show. I I think that it may be that when people look back at our legacy, one hundred you know fifty years from now that's the thing that they talk about the most. Maybe we make a hundred or two hundred or five hundred episodes of mabel, mcvey and there'll, be kids who say yeah my childhood was maple mcclay. She taught me what it was to have imagination. She taught me what it was to have heart. Based on that I learned discern based on that. I learned my values. It's a live action show starring my dear friend of many years, Katie chase created by she and her husband, ryan chase.
Ran a kids improv school in los angeles. They understand kids they'll, they love kids. They love to teach kids in and help kids on their journey. I would say in many ways I feel they were put on the earth to make this show and whatever I expected from them, they delivered so far above it other people on our staff, who have no background and kids entertainment or even an entertainment generally to speak of stepped up. We hired a professional crew, some of that crew didn't work. Some of our daily work eyes had to step in math is lubber who's been with us on will literally since day. One help to direct the first few episodes pushed himself to the absolute max delivered in the in the biggest way we could possibly hoped for Matt bury whose word for the company and in many different roles over the years is a true creative stepped into be the the produce
in director of the show. He'd never done anything like it before, but with a little help from me a little help from mathis the help of a great crew. He found his way, ultimately the hope. The help of John price, our executive, that we brought in to be over the show really helped Matt to find his way, and- and this is again, this is what Matt was put on the earth to do he's going to do this. I believe for the rest of his life and what they delivered. I think again. I think it'll be talking about the rest of their lives. Many have chip chinchilla. The first show we ever announced an animated how about a family of homeschooling chinchillas? Who is these wonderful parents who just invest immediately into the lives of their kids? They sort of meet their kids where they are and they're always looking for an opportunity to teach them which makes it sound like it's an educational show. It is not in any way an educational show. One thing you- and I talked about from the very beginning- is this idea of cultural literacy that the cartoons that I grew up with From from loony turns marry me is all the way to the kind of saturday
shows there were popular when I was a little kid they all contained serve. The american mythology within them. They they contained our literary history within them. I first learned about Tom sawyer, convincing his friends to whitewash the fence, not from reading mark twain, but from watching bugs bunny. That's how all art used to be until really, this very modern moment in which we live, where it's now, where the american canon the western canon, is considered somehow evil. We don't want to expose kids to it. That's what happens in chip chill it's not that it's an educational show where we do a book report at the end of it. Ot know it's for kids, who are too young to do book reports, but it exposes them to these characters. George Washington and
the exposes them to the idea of moby dick, not in a way that is meant to help them when they get to school in a way that meant to help them be well rounded humans, its took to help them recognise those stories when they encounter them, later in life. It's a zany show, it's fun, show its stars, our friend rob schneider and the work that he does as the father on the show is, creative and hilarious and filled with heart, though we have two shows from a wonderful family down in georgia, called kid explore and
in fact go- and these are live. Action shows hosted by kids for kids and their their funny and their practical kid fit. Though, for example, kids will learn how to do exercise by doing exercise of another kids because part of being a well rounded human is not just being exposed to good ideas, but to be disciplined to get habits, and so you that's an important part of what we're doing with the show, and then we have gus, plus us humans and puppets interacting with one another and its filled with exploration. Its filled with heart is filled with boy does. Those are shows that I'm incredibly proud of and and it's just the beginning has taken us all the money that we've ever made and some of our ownership to get this far and it's and it's a drop in the ocean we're going to keep pouring everything we've got into it and success, and I think we would both like to look up at the end of our lives and see that this of all the things that we created, that this has the most legs
has the most staying power, so I think it can do the most good will get back to this with germany in just one second. First, as you know, we do things very differently here at the daily wire, because several of the top news in the world we launched a chocolate company overnight. We just disney had on by releasing a hundred and fifty episodes of kids content. What takes very specific but with very specific skills to do this kind of stuff. How find and hire those people well, Ziprecruiter, that's how zipper makes your whole hiring process faster and easier their powerful thing? You worked for you to identify people whose skills and experience match your job Good saves you time by letting you easily invite your top candidates to apply to your job. So there much more like Reply sooner zipper is trusted by millions, in fact, over point. Eight million businesses, trust zip recruiter with their hiring need, make a positive on your hiring future with zipper queerer forty five supposed on super cool, you will get a quality candidate within the one who does zip record outcomes- slash Ben guest who tries to procure for free again, that's zebra dot, com, slash, b, E n g. U e s! T ziprecruiter is indeed this
would hire, which is why we ve been using it here. Delaware, for years, zip precludes outcomes like Ben guest to get started, the things about the shows and in that we ve tried, knew the broader entertainment project and that this is mainly because of you is try to give people material that they actually want to watch, not that they think that I should want to watch and that's definitely true with the kids content. The first time my kids, open the app they immediately. I mean that they can navigate to technology about nightcap, because, of course, I'm now the older generation, but they can now the technology and they were pulling up the shows watching them enjoying them laughing at my three year old is already. Show a fan after just a couple of days, and you can see the response in the marketplace mean- the number of people who have been waiting and wanting and who have been emailing me and calling, and just asking for a year since we announced this. When is this thing going to drop when we finally going to be able to to have a safe place to to put our kids in front of the tv those
I think I'm going to be really satisfied. We've seen the early results. Maybe you can talk a little bit about the response in the marketplace. You know someone said on twitter, leave it to the daily wired under promise and over deliver and obviously that's an enormous compliment, but I don't think it's quite true. I think a more accurate representation of what we do with the daily wire. Is we over promise and over deliver? The entire idea of this was so much more than we were capable of launching a razor company was so much more than we were capable of launching a chocolate company in a day. so much more than we were capable of, and launching this an order of magnitude beyond our capabilities in what we knew was the expectations.
Forests are so low in people's minds. We can either fulfill those low expectations or we can transcend how people view us as a company. We we we can fundamentally change our perceived indicate. The first key to that is to make content that people want to see not content that they want to want to see. I don't I don't want our legacy to be yeah. My parents made me watch that stuff yeah. I think some of it was good. No, no! No! I want kids to love this. I want to make stuff that stands the test of time I want to where we're telling timeless truths. We should tell timeless truths in time was content, and I wish you were just getting started with that we're going to. I think we launched an enormous level of quality, and I think that in success, ten years from now will be fine. we're far better than we are today. Obviously we need to incorporate more music into what we're doing and enhance the visuals. You know disney's at the cutting edge every time, pixar releases a film, it's the next new one, thing those don't cost three hundred million dollars to make one film
we have a long way to go. I'm incredibly proud of the work that we're doing, and I also have a three year old daughter. I didn't test this content honor part because she's very young, I don't let her watch lot of content, but less yesterday I was doing an interview with doktor. Peterson phone buzz I looked over and it was a message from my wife saying your daughter just came to me and said mommy. I want to sit on the party and much chip sheila It really kind of choked me up what an amazing moment that we ve made something now that our own kid actually love on its own merits. My daughter doesn't understand that. That's my show just wouldn't even know what that meant and here she is loving, loving the show, because we made l a lovable, show monster one kids, app on the on the app store. Right now, it is rising very quickly into top echelon of the entertainment side of the app store as well and we are only getting started so jeremy
it's an amazing accomplishment. What I and super happy It brings us now to all the people have been waiting for it. Obviously, everybody without a sound, my voice. If your apparent definitely download this, and you should make sure that its available to your kids, if your daily, our annual subscriber you are already a subscriber to bend case, it's no additional charge for you get both in one delawares for you, Ben is for you, kids and asian enjoy both of them Jeremy. I want to shift topic here and ask and require a background change. Ok, sweden shifted background, which means that we're gonna go from the happy to just the horror, show that daily politics. Obviously, in germany, we haven't had that much chanced to talk, because you been in. travelling round and shooting the various movies and shows that that we ve been doing by In the meantime, the world is now on fire. It is on fire pretty much across the board. I want to get your first thoughts with regard the massacre of Jews that happened in the gaza, the so called gaza envelope. Those are the areas around the Gaza strip, the murderer, fourteen hundred jews and then Israel. I have
to use its military power to try and strike Hamas targets and why we with the masquerades I'm gonna try and break this down into pieces, because such a big topic so we'll try to do this kind of entire line fashions. First, your reaction to the massacre itself and and what the west missed that allowed this sort of thing to happen, while obviously it's one of the most devastating days and in my lifetime you know, tragedies happen in the world all the time and some some cynics on twitter or angry, because we're all talking about this in there's other in an even bigger atrocities that happened that don't get any screen time that we never comment on, but when something gets close to home, obviously resonates more deeply. Obviously you are more aware of it. Obviously, you see it if you'd like to hear the full conversation
click, the link at the top of the absurd description and join us, delaware, plus icon, Hmm. Still getting your chocolate from woke companies get german chocolate instead of. Well and he him with knots and she heard nautilus, because, whether it's halloween or not jeremy Will it knows not? Everyone can be a mummy, get yours in full size or our cheryl micro, aggression, size and stock of four hollowing. Without supporting woke companies go to germany chocolate dot com today
Transcript generated on 2023-10-24.