« The Ben Shapiro Show

The Call of Duty | Tim Kennedy

2023-12-17 | 🔗

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Tim Kennedy’s life story is a tapestry of achievements. Both a distinguished Green Beret sniper and UFC headliner, Tim's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, discipline, and versatility. When war breaks out, Tim runs towards danger to help. In today's conversation, we will not only honor Tim's military achievements but also confront the hard truths he's encountered in warzones and at our border. We'll discuss the lessons learned from Afghanistan – the bravery, the sacrifices, and the painful realities of a war that has shaped a generation of soldiers.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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and his children saw him die or our actions justified. How many more terrorists have I just created their dad I just made a family of paris deny, I don't know, I'm just gonna turn out. Did I just make the wagon we'll roar just one more time. on our very first mission. We shot this and running back into his home I don't know what to do. I don't know if this is right. I dont know where Morality is in war. Today we delve into the depths of military valor, a harsh realities of conflict and the channel his taste on our own borders our guess, is none other than TIM Kennedy, a name synonymous with courage and resilience tim candies life stories, a tapestry of achievement, both existing green berets sniper end a! U s, you headliner jim's journeys, a testament to the power of resilience, discipline and versatility war breaks out tim runs toward danger to health. As a former national forces operator he's been in, the thick of the actions serving with distinction in afghanistan is first,
experiences in this tumultuous region, particularly during the critical moments of the? U S, pullout offer a unique and sobering perspective on the complexities of modern warfare and the consequences. a foreign policy decision. As the co founder of save our allies, backdated thousands of people from war torn afghanistan, ukraine and, most recently in the safe access of american citizens from Israel and hamas attack Tim's an entrepreneur and a passionate advocate for individual liberty attempts service for nations doesn't and overseas.
His work at? U s. Mexico border has exposed him to a different kind of conflict or the struggles of migration, border security and human tragedy unfold. Dealer TIM has witnessed atrocities that challenge the conscience and his stories that shed light on the human cost of these crises. In today's conversation, we not only honour to his military achievements, but also confront the hard truths he's encountered in war zones and at our border will discuss the lessons learned from Afghanistan, the bravery sacrifices and the painful realities of a war that has shaped the generation of soldiers join us as we explore the life of a man, who's faced, adversities most can only imagine and how experiences have shaped his views, leadership, national security and the moral obligations of our nation, the tim Kennedy come to the programme links there were good. So I let let's talk about
and there's so much going on it's hard to know where to start many, the conflict in israeli you're, obviously making the rounds about conflict troy, anja rogan talk, met the conflict in Israel, you're actually on the in Israel, trying to help get people out in the early days of the conflict. What was that like? is more ethic. Frankly, in special operations for nearly twenty years, you know from ices- AL qaeda and Taliban. I, unfortunately you have seen that's the terrors of where the species you do each other. This list was something entirely different. you're not going to some of the boxes and talking to the police and the courts the stories of the things they saw, astina videos and seen the photos one might americans that we're missing the indescribable horrors occurred there and dumb and something that's not being reported. Something that's not be talked about. Areas is profound.
We evil the things that they did to those people so now, since you are actually on the ground there and since you ve come back and had been in the media, talking about the sort of stuff. It is amazing the narratives that have taken place around the conflict. There and to establish moral equivalence between what hamas and, by the way many civilians in Gaza did mean. Civilians were crossing that border and taking part I in in the massacre and taking part in the atrocities, the attempt to create moral equivalence between what come I stared at. What israel is doing in the Gaza strip is astonishing. I can see his commentator, but you obviously have the military, expertise and military experience. You been in these situations, what exactly that Israel is facing in the Gaza strip. Why are they doing what they are doing and how are they pursuing that? Well,. The out insurgency is historically nearly past and what we see I Israel front to do right now is identify military targets. That in Gaza that or the hamas perish organization that not just
We don't want her just leave october. Seventh, as the stand alone thing that has happened because Electoral, inaccurate and historically raw Hamas has Long history of attacking israel in How was your occasions not not until the bot is not with big assaults and attacks on the things that we saw knocked over seventh and terrorist attacks, but has been a constant. Execution of this long plan of. Finally, in spite israel using a pop again about it. I was trying to do the right thing. just do it the wrong way, and this is my opinion They are trying to limit as many civilian casualties in a group with it There are intentionally fighting in and billions in a populist that, frankly, is sympathetic to Hamas. when her loss was returning from the attacks and to do that.
I was thinking into Gaza We saw always rejoicing in the streets they were. They were excited about the success of the attack. They are getting it's an update inside of a gaza, and you can find the videos you don't have to trust my word, you can go in the book that the palestinian Rejoicing at the death of fourteen hundred people. He now your two hundred captives, the the rate for in murder of children and all survivors it it's a troll, in Israel now has to go blocked by block your by door. Fighting. buried insurgency down there trying to do it in a way that is some to the world and that's the problem right there been. No. If you read, The others it kind of literature. Now that the question is the new rules of war I can be able to fight the state on state thing that we stood up. Really- I've been wanting to fight young, the last america was truly a it.
Aggressor in a war was in war. Two, since then we have Not really sidedly will want any any wars and because what is happening here in Gaza is a perfect example of their not fighting by the rules that Israel is fighting by their hiding in hospitals there heightened by women, their hiding behind intentionally pig there try equipment, positioning, asked rules: these are things that terrorist organisations and insurgencies do, and these are not the things that proper military that would do so or battle, and every time I try to take a block, your of course increasingly casualties because the bag or hiding with the civilians intentionally and using them. Human shields, showing. I'm an israeli soldier tries to move to. Try and pilot insurgents. Of course, is can be a civilian casualty. Is that what Hamas was not then in use, revolving door propaganda. So
it's a real tough situation that Israel's right now we're getting it's him kennedy in just one. Second, first from me: and control of your assets to easing the burden on your loved ones in a state plan can enjoy your family stays prepared and protected if you're looking for what set up your estate, offer financial benefits and more? You need to check out trust, and will this stuff is really really important for original planning can cost thousands of dollars, many one size fits all solutions might not capture. You know all of the important details in the life that you actually built with trust, and will you can protect your legacy from the comfort of your own home, starting it? Just a hundred fifty nine box, they simplify the process of creating imagine your will or trust online from finding out what. for a family to finalizing doc So the notary, my wife and I, with we written our wealth
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in certain areas. You clear them, you hold them, then you expand the radius outward of safety. But what do you do when there are literally no allies in a particular area? And yet the world is clamouring for you to be the only one who's pursuing any sort of humanitarian end? There's no clamour for for Hamas to pursue anything, humanitarian there's, a baseline assumption that they will not, and they don't not only don't don't they care about civilians. They want civilians dead and yet the the hue and cry from the worlds that Israel should care about: the hamas cannot sympathisers war or in the Gaza strip, and obviously no one wants to see children killed neurons to see women kill. Nobody wants to see any of the south, except for Hamas What's israel in a very difficult situation, we are What what's amazing to me as you watch the footage, and you see the aerial footage of of Israel bombing targets, and you see buildings, Actually, you know for for miles around, and people are suggesting that this is some sort of attempt to kill as many people as possible. But the last statistic I saw is that for every bomb that Israel is dropping was killing about point eight people, which is an extraordinary low ratio. Israel's telling people to clear out.
These areas there essentially hitting infrastructure in a lot of these areas before they send their own guys in on, as you say, a block to block basis? two clear these areas and putting them at risk in Israel is complete era superiority if they wanted to dig it simply bomb gaza into this age or forward into the stone age, as the case may be morally about, but what we do, What exactly would you doing. If you were in charge of counter insurgency operations and in this sort of situation, You say something: probably accurate and understated. You said you have no allies there, We have to unpack, there will be found on what does no allies me join us urgency. You have the active fire right Almost every wants. The item you walked out, who approached palestine or free this time rally here you're here. Fighters and nino fires ned to steer the intifada about two wires What would you have? Is terrorists, and then terrorists have a piece of
he did network of enablers supporters advisers communication, Hers and all this network support the war fire show for every insurgent. That is marrying and going in doing war you're what find anywhere from anti twenty support personnel, behind that single warfare, don't you It is the best population that is gone. And if you look at the number of people that are in there and the that the family relations You started building now a family tree, you one freedom fighter and you then build out his report network. With people met not not nervous, aware, but implicit in the activities of these terrorists. you'd, be a mesh network that most connects. Every single person there had been a direct supporter of the terrorists,
wasting timber, there's a whole bunch of women and children live there. we're talking about insurgency inserted because not wear a uniform insurgency does not seem to be military aged man when you look the things there that their educating the young children and palisades there. lies in them. Just like that, in africa. Just they do. strong europe they get them is young, as they possibly can preferably illiterate and they start feeding them. These radical ideas of a violent extremes organization and by the time these are eight nine years old. They are actually supporting in an active support rule war, fire, the terrorists and so being able to use the The moral high ground of the like this is this is an actual terrorists. You're gonna be A mandatory eighty, inter forty five years old is totally false. It absolutely wrong, and we are actually inaccurate
nobody is more dangerous than an eleven year old with an acre They have been framing these young men and women out of fights to it Not only do they have no allies there in truth, the vast majority of the palestine and living in Gaza are directly supporting, not this door softly but know it? really the terrorist organisation. That is, alas, so what do you do in a situation like that? Obviously, that's action, nothing new in the Middle east, we centering iran, iraq, war, the iranian government literally giving golden ease or or metal keys to kids and setting out on the front lines of iran, iraq, war to get maritime there, nine ten eleven year old, kids using child soldiers in this are things you mentioned is not uncommon in africa either. bottles. The western mind it's something that we can understand, because we would never our own children in this fashion- and we want to see other those children trade in this way in either, but that, as you say, you're puts militaries
for the world in an unwinnable situation, the american military was an unwinnable situations in afghanistan. Iraq, specifically because of similar tactics there are being used, and this is sort of at between civilian leadership and military leadership? Civilian readers are constantly kind of projecting their own perceptions about the war into the world of the military, and then assuming that that's reality, reality into their trading rules of engagement for members. Military that are putting members, the military in dire jeopardy in actual risk and in positions to be killed or wounded very, very seriously. This goes away. Actually iraq and afghanistan wars and long before that, the united states, rules engagement that make it incredibly difficult for our military too, right- and this is true for western militaries in general. So what exactly should What everyone confronted with this sort of situation do is there anything that they can be other than what israel is doing. Given the fact that again, there's two constraints in unconstrained world in the
turkey georgia will want, and it would look a lot like the cave man horrific war. That we saw throughout all of human history up until the post nineteen? Forty four, the era which would include enormous numbers of civilian casualties, obviously, an intimate and wars more permanently would also be a lot uglier. I think one of the things that we ve done is a society. Is we ve made war more palatable in some sort of weird way by while to humane war- and so this is- continuously made it easier for us to get in warrant harder to get out of it easier, and because it's humane- and I have not not- as many people are going to get damaged- that we're we're pretty casual about okay, fine, let's just get involved in the war and then too hard to get out, because it turns It is very difficult to win a war with those constraints, but that the two constraints, are sort of. One is the the military's moral constraint we don't want? Are men and women in the military having to do this sort of stuff? and number two civilian constraints, which is the civilian disconnected from the military situation on the ground. So under these circumstances, can the west when another war. What does victory even look like now I have you got in the spice, what a climate
and the civilian understanding of the violence? That is worse. We are not equipped or capable of winning the war, the the the that definition of a war. The american scene, like you, want to see a guy in a grey uniform, with, like a swastika, on his shoulder right, like a cast on his collar and like that, it's visible. a guy. He was gasping innocent, and what you doing this evil poor will things a The case now we're funny non state actors were fighting for patients were fighting groups that are, did by state actors, birth, beer proxies were fighting in intense sure two billion areas. None of these things we can accept as forms of war yeah? I was critical minutes ago. we are at war with iran Iran is using proxies. Iran is using contractors, IRAN or flying drowns, dropping bombs on america. There's no doubt about it. We know that's happening, but we as you
if we went down congress right now? Let's see who's talking about work. None of that it wouldn't mean any more wars. I'm anti war kind of avoiding your questions like what we do. That's a question that we been asking for for Now, then, is what do we do, and am I I a journal here that every time I travel overseas were right what was happening in and what I felt there should choose sentences At the end of an entry on eleven july, two thousand and six I was an ira and down we're, trying to buy instruments being, and we had gone through law bomb makers. Have that right, and down we got it. And fight and dumb. We had killed a and insurance as then one- is that the static but ironic now, only a few nights ago did we tracked down and kill a man. ran home, trying to avoid us maybe to survive. Maybe
so, with another day and their his wife and his children saw him die or our actions justified. How many more terrorists have I just created their dad. I just made a family of paris. Didn't I I don't know, I'm just gonna turn out. Did I just make the wagon we'll roar just one more time on our very first mission. We shot this and running back into his home. I dont know what to do. I don't know if this is right. I dont know where Morality is at war with asking this question were really really long time. Is my strategic military brain that is you build out ever this target lists? You identify every single supporter youth. You identify with funding them. You identify, at the enablers in indentify and every level
of this report, as one that goes to the terrorist cohesion, and then you wipe them off. It was the face the planet, That wouldn't look like pushing gaza into the sea. We cannot turn waste into a parking lot. Specifically there with iran that will be our eyes is. would have very similar tactics in where they have their military and strategic positions within the country It would be unpalatable for americans too. A war like that so did you two answers are well. have to do. American americans and congress would never accept for us to actually see a legitimate win and theirs If we did that, I don't think the world. Would it accept a marrow, as the leaders the free world again whittemore get tomorrow kennedy in just one second, first, the october fifteenth taxable
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literally everywhere all over the planet and the places where those military bases tend to be are the most secure places in europe in their respective countries. The kind of bizarre choice, then that we are faced with, is a is utopian world in which the united states retreats with in our own borders and things don't get worse it's not gonna happen. So, what's gonna happen, as the united states reverts to a sort of defensive posture which are. We could do because we do have unique. The amazing geography we're surrounded on two sides by ocean on one side by canadians and on the on the southern side of the mexicans, which is a pretty good position to be in strategically, but everything's a lot more expensive, everything's, going to get a lot more chaotic you're, going to see a lot more human rights violations. If you don't like the stuff, you see on your tv now wait until the american influence is gone and if you don't like the price They are paying right out. The grocery store wait until those most by three four or five times because of the supply chains get broken due to the lack of dominance of the american navy, which is really what guarantees freedom of the seas, that's choice, number one things are much more expense. and much bloodier outside of our borders, but we have the moral purity
and to be able to say that we're staying within our borders and have nothing to do with any of it and then choice. Number two is a very aggressive american. Posture doesn't mean we get into wars uselessly or that we don't assess the costs and benefits to be gained by getting into wars. But there is a core recognition that once you, if you are in place should be stable. That is not going to be we are committed, as I can be a ten year commitment. That's gonna be maybe a forty or your commitment- I remember when John Mccain was marked for saying this with regard to Iraq in two thousand eight, crazy, using hundred your commitment to iraq, and he would while? Yet we had two hundred year commitments in in germany and japan and those places Why is it I mean the reality, as you probably have to occupied those places for longer wish, maybe as an argument for not getting involved in those places in the first place. I can. I can certainly say that argument, but there are going to be met. Sorry conflict words even guarantee our own economic and he took interest. We are going to have to be involved there and that's going to require some long from thinking from politicians that they refused to do, especially if, want to. The short thing short thing is the ugly thing and the long term
is, is in unpalatable thing to the american people. That's the only available alternative in Israel. I think, by the way that long Alternative is the only alternative available, because they're not going to do The ugly and horrific thing that you're talking about you know pave gaza, pushing it I don't want to do that and they're not interested in doing that was the only service can be what it was before us which is essentially a long term. Occupation military occupation, these areas- hopefully they get some sort of from the saudis and and the eu I e in the egyptians or whatever, but their economy. for the long haul- and that is not going to be cured anytime, soon no you're right, you're romero, to thrive, brought us have almost we security and stability in the region that we are trading with and it's one of many reasons why we have love having Israel s inciting forty eight, that date they have I did a democracy and stability in the region that has had not exist. it in a really really long time, no one, you look germany and using the eastern european. Obviously we are we in poland, in writing. Forty five, when we start a sitting up our
and we drank granting bases in germany are not just a strict eject, but you you're going to rational. or launched tool or bombs. The largest most complex hospital, in the world, is in german, and it's an american hospital. Damn it its death by the most brilliant surgeons on the planet, doctors with the american military, but the positions of our military bases in africa. Now also strategic, but also my geographically still strategic, but also in positions try to force the dawning of security in that region, which is really difficult thing to do What would I hate is that our young men and women are the ones that have to go over and still there or fight those the two options we have to go, the on ground and whole ground, or we have to go and fight for ground to keep back. These radicals ants,
Just give it a game with any the politicians Currently in congress, we have the lowest military service records of in history. Both the house in commerce people s turn a notary there now serving in a political capacity in there they are not on a whim, but there has only and not for the way but I think without fair regard, standing american. Girls and boys out to fight these wars, and down is terrible, I don't wanna be in wars, and but I we want peace in the world and in I, agreed, I don't know another or better way to do it. Precise asked for centuries instability in a region- and that is us physically been so that takes us to afghan
stance. Obviously, you fought in Afghanistan. The collapse of Afghanistan, I think, is the worst foreign policy disaster for the united states, certainly of my lifetime. It's a it's a. It was a debacle, the the the biden, nine plan to basically leave the place to destroy all possible supporting forces ability It even call an air strikes by the afghan military. It was disgraceful we behind tens of thousands of people who actively were eating. The united states. His efforts in afghanistan in the first place turned back over to the people who had provided safe, harbor to Al Qaeda in in the first place, and you are, attempting to get people out in the middle of all of this. What was that like, and then I wanna get your overall taken on the situation in Afghanistan? Why degraded could it have been stopped man in a win, win the present buyers, did that we're going to be late. in Afghanistan, in I had this expectation of it were keep. Military
whoever controls the outer perimeter everything that's in of that perimeter and so I thought you know we we would keep our military bases in place and which start us intentional downsizing of the note went on the ground. and dumb. Then, when there they literally proclaimed to our enemies that we're just leaving Here's a date that we leave we're gonna, be abandon these bases. These very strategic, strategically placed basis bunch of equipment that is very former war and and just gonna. Take you worse for the taliban if the devil Taliban needed wants you to train people, that land mines, in all my friends, like idiots who is talking to these people. This is going happening in weeks We were also wrong. It happened in days nor in any was a rapid as fast as the vehicle could drive into her
understand from those neighbouring countries, was as fast as they as albert took land. They barely had to fight, they bear in an inn afghan armies, defence, they, even though they had been trained and they had been with. They have never fought without us. Here we are. waste advised and in some instances, accompanied them And yet we invested, We just got a good luck. You know what it's worth it and the taliban rapidly took the most strategic portions took. military bases, rapist, all military equipment that was there you give them even more momentum to take even more land, even faster. So by the time you get their taboo ah in me, in august of one is
we'd be surrounded by the taliban, the taliban there they're using night vision that they took from us and for the direct from us Thank you for nice into bodies that they took from us ammo that they took from us and they are the most quit that they had ben in the history of the taliban, and they now have the last place. Ferocity the remaining americans and our allies out of the country We surely everybody remembers the and photos of people home a week to the wheel, as the landing gear, is plain to see. Something was taken off and watching people author, their death honestly think we'll be bell because the other often was empty freeze to death or be torn apart by the wind stated that aircraft, though human bunch can't take it. So the though the navy parties jacket, boys was born. you, humane and what they are about experience Then? You have
people trying to get out. You have women taking their babies and just asking them for all. The heads and hands and other people they have women taking babies and to throw them over the walls and unaware that on the force and wars passionately wire, the babies are for Do the concertina wired, weeding out here, you see, the taliban executing people do after the they stood up there. I'll say corridor every rule into the aged kyar, control by the taliban. Your show, if Aig special horses commando and afghan soldier that job with the americans but rewards is peace trying to come They have a list of names and I trying to hide your passport or all of the things that would get you onto the base. Those are also the things that will get you killed if you're caught with them by the taliban to the towel is executing people in the hoods of their car. You know they're doing it in front of americans to make sure americans recognize their powerless in this instance and that
initial footprint on the ground was a small contingent of irish military and when the base gonna run that america pay back. We lost eighty strychnia one and we bought up the marines along the ground. We re told the air, the the airstrips and when I got on the ground. It was the most the more you any airport that you can imagine why there's broken clauses, birkenau coursers dead bodies, there's track everywhere, and this where we're about to do the largest evacuation we'll terry personnel dunker you don't get this is. It was actually ball this ban. These are my while I was that's was dodge
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Wicker is indeed the smartest way to hire been using it here at daily wear for years ourselves. You should do the same: go to ziprecruiter dot com, slash Ben guest, to get started, so I want to talk about afghanistan in a couple of layers. One is the strategic failure. Monism tactical failures, so sort of the grand strategy for afghanistan originally was that there would be occupation that this would eventually transition into a democratic afghanistan that was obviously in my view, a logical failure by the bush administration and then follow on by the obama and trumpet ministrations. What's twenty or war in which the new basic idea that this this tribal country that had never had a centralized, government was somehow going to resolve into a centralized government democratically ruled that that was at those a bizarre idea at the very outset, if you were going to pursue some like that. That requires, as we were talking about earlier decades, of commitment, erica as you too, basically provide the entire for, operation indians, a country in order to
ensure safety, which is the prerequisite for any emerging democracy, is the you actually have to make sure if aren't getting killed for corporate voting, the wrong way. The reason now. Then we will take over the country so quickly everybody knew the americans were going leave, the afghan army was going to dissipate and if you were caught support afghan army, they were shoot you and your family in and so everybody immediately was welcoming the taliban because is one of their choice. You have so there's. That's it egypt failure that I want to get your take on and then there's the tactical failure, which is this idea that they could literally aid to the afghan military. Whatever was left of it that they're gonna withdraw closer support- and this was magically going to transition into safety like that was that was totally not from the outset. The birth, the failure on the americans understanding, and we do. We just show austin. Here we go We did it in vietnam, we did it. Obviously, Iraq we
it never anticipated having to fight in a way that we had to fight to cease to exist, and we also fail to another and a quarter. Not all countries are created equal, an american using the lands of the western idea of capitalism in democracy in this beautiful constitutional republic that we live in and thinking that other people are capable of that or some cultures, death or not, capable of that. Not all cultures are created. Equal. There are cultures that gave human sacrifice the little children or prevented other people from having children or you know four people. Cover their entire body and beat him in the street when they, when they dont, do it they're supposed to do not cultures are created equal, but we think that this culture, that we are at war with is going to accept the ideas that we want to have to see the democracy in this area to provide security and stability
we want to have their back still can't understand that they are not capable of It's so sad that we're ignorant in recognising the its altruistic up, must be cut off. rico neck. It says so in our beautiful founding document we all are created equals but be created equal that from that point, four can change within a society with its culture and there going and seen the things that that these people were due to each other. They are not going to be able to have a democracy that we so desperately want. The das thousand first failure I've been to dumb two too entitled and too proud. And and few human to american know that afghanistan will never be able to handle the real them
accuracy and a centralized organised governments did not possible demonstrate the strategic starting our afghanistan, has lots of value there minerals there that are now being mind by china. You notice it is in a position where its buffering The southern working, a writer from its nest into the middle east, which is useful, isolates immediately adjacent to IRAN, which is useful from a notary perspective and We knew that it would be very useful for us to have that piece of ground on that the area can school and secure and stable for us to be able to influence positive. neighbouring countries and to the north and the west's he'll keep our assistance?
we have left as we can see. Iran has just been going in spain, where supporting by I have seen and pushing every single limits, and that has really escalated, said twenty one step down Then they knew that now. Of our gigantic bases. Ballroom, kandahar, cobble closer all gone relic. Would it have to fear these nothing before there was in multiple directions. Right. We there, Iraq to the west in Afghanistan, the east now runs like rome, we barely guy one either one of these places. Now that can affect anything on us in that way, so yeah, the the other hot conflicts that that we're seeing in the world right now I is the is the conflict in ukraine and their wide variety of perspectives on what the united states should be doing in ukraine. Obviously, I think that the new ukrainian offensive passed by all accounts stalled out at this point.
I think that was a noble mission to prevent ukraine from falling to Vladimir Putin's invasion By the same token, everybody knows what the end of this war looks like it's. The only question is how you get to the end of that war, which is russia retaining large parts of the non bass as well as crimea, ukraine being, in security guarantees by the west to prevent another similar invasion by russia. In terms of america's war, fight in machine. I mean the fact is that this has been a fairly cheap spend. I know there's been a lot of talk about how much money we're spending in ukraine, but the reality is that the american military budget is hundreds of billions of dollars and to completely degrade russia's military capacity, in the way that the ukraine has been able to degrade that military capacity over the course of a year and a half that any american casualties. If you, if you could have said ten years ago, is the trade one hundred billion dollars in russia's military capacity is wildly degraded and no american casualties. That seems like a fairly solid trade with that said, it's pretty obvious at this point there's there, a world war. One line in that line is not going to move very much either direction from here on it. What do you do about
ukraine. What do you think is the is the situation there. Here we have mrs success, we let them I know ever ukrainian is throwing their hands of near like they the calendar as and that would we be if mexico invaded and took a large portion of taxes, new mexico and we're late hour. I would read it through I'm guy every tax of light No we're not no we're to go out and exterminate missing. One of them you know When I was in ukraine, you know we were all the way into like for key like we're as far east as you can get into the front lines and going through to offer war war. One branch warfare. That those lines or can be moving, maybe peace over decades that that man their minds there there throughout. Like now, I like permanent fear. Any time I heard dragonfly three year guises makes my bobo but the
you're totally right. That land is, is gonna, cost grow many lives and so much money to try and take back. Another war. This not to be another type of work, warfare, there's not gonna, be valuable to the west, It is embarrassing. It was a huge success for the west. The steep bruton lose their it couldn't on anyone either way. it was really close when you go to early twenty to get there fighting in the streets of keys barnes dropping in levied on the border of poland that this is the in conscious of a nato country their neighbor was invaded by refer crossing. A sovereign border, and that was a communist army money. Into ukraine and fighting all the money midway through the country asking the river in the capital you're, pushing attacking military targets all the way in the west.
What should we do is I need by those lines yoga love diplomatic options, their way less expensive, both in bloody costs. I would love to see. I realize it Negotiating with russia has historically not proven to be very successful in many instances, but The other thing is worth were. If you want that land back you're putting them computer on the ground, ukraine, if there's no other way, it's going to happen, they don't have the they don't have the people, they don't have the bodies to take that land back. we can throw as much money as we wanted them. Those lies or transparency unless you have american soldiers movies. Tell you too, so open earlier about the fact that very few people the united states have served in the military. Increasingly very few people even know someone who has served in in the military.
What made you decided to join up with this? The story here: I was in real, real bad, moment of my life? I had? opportunity in parents. You know are educated as book when the grad school and I had a couple. both pregnant. I thought I might have aids yeah and powers fighting at night in cages, literally for fun. I go to work don't call in california I watched a young woman Could I dress walk out to the edge of her broken window and looked down now fifty stories and then look inside the building and try to make a decision if it was better for her to burn alive or jump to death. and down that that woman in the two towers had gone in work early that day
She went in work early, so she could get off in time to pick up where kids from school, so they have to walk home from school by herself and her last act of cot. This thought Was trying to all her dress down, she jumped your dad, you shouldn't burnt alive. was so angry ben. Get so angry. Now, thinking back to that, poor woman crying one against meat in the grate country in the world and then two faced with a decision, by muslim radical terrorists forcing heard how to make the top of the vision of wheat and her children orphans and Don't do that so I went to the recruitment alpha psi and try to list a few more it's by ultimately nine eleven was. The thing: was the atlas that forced the special operations. So you and your wife are involved in a lot of charitable projects. One of the projects you're involved in is save our allies. Why you tell us about what what that does and how people can support it,
I know misnomer data, we named it pretty specific, save our allies and It's not government allies it. I think people, that's that you and I would agree- need saving understand it was americans, christians they knew they were orphans, that's worth the taliban were going to kill them. small women's small business donors and entrepreneurs that this would not be allowed to exist. They were gaze, that we're gonna be burnt alive or pushed off the rooftops, those people out ukraine, with providing humanitarian aid to the due to the last mile as far east. We could it be additional invasion want. One of my friends were colleague was blown up in if you work for fox, better Oh, you got blown up in ukraine dies people. His crew died.
Dine in ukraine, and she realized was able to find him and literally they came through and invaded war torn country, each conflict, across the border, into a helicopter and into a military hospital ha in germany. Full circle, and tat, is why you know then most recently in Israel. Getting you know there is an orphan forty, two thousand that groundwater Israel from america yeah Firstly, christians wanting to go. We were Jesus, walk and work we will, that prized yards. who's coming from all over the united states to go to the promised land and and sea land it was there has been under their blood for the beginning of recorded history and on all those people are tracked. You noticed
organ in delta and united and in every other persons in every other carrier ample their flights. What was left was trying to find ways to get these people out because I believe that a war was going to escalate way faster than it did in a way. I thought to do our bit Last year, a little bit earlier on, it got kind of stable after the attack, israel doing a great job stabilizing the region. I was trying to get as many americans off what I thought was going to be a total battlefield. The lasting we once difference between us and them is we want after billiards off the battlespace. but that we can go and do the thing which is destroying the enemy. That what we are trying to do sudan during the who try to assess what Portugal the american military leader, above are going died, you credit card where to get all those refugees out.
We have a very brilliant special awkward but vibrations crane boy. Expeditionary evacuation extraction of people the same thing, the same mechanisms that you used to get somebody out are the same things that you used to get resources in go, save our allies. Does that we try to save the people that need saving in places that nobody else can sabre what is it? What was it like to enter special operations? I was pretty rigorous it to get into that program. So take us through that a little bit While this is the beginning of the war, we It had a very long come on grenade and small conflict desert storm one. You know which were between an ordinary new uniforms. You have your unit pass and then you have your combat. The combat patches did the patch it you get when you deploy with that unit. To combat
you could go to everyone and military bases that had combat arms there? You would staring very, very rarely see any combat patches on anyone's asleep. We should have been the war. and in the very small group had were in. U S, army special forces, Those men had come back. You know that the the horse thought her through the monument them in new york that running, Afghanistan, on horseback into battle, freaking out back right. That's green berets right there and those were the men that were now. It's raining, this little small group of men aspiring to go to war, one to go make a difference and they to come back to it in the most. What we have seen a really really want that and there was brutal. Do you can prepare people to go? Do the worst thing that our feet he could do to reach without it being very extreme
definitely not out of all you most people are about what training should look like. No people died in training people drowned and froze to death, and they got run over by vehicles. There's no other way. You can prepare people for war without doing hard things to special forces has once you get elected here, you have so in my class, with four five hundred guys at which his election that went and special operations, preparation course and then what's molly went to special courts selection and, Ninety one, that's in the end, Eighty eight of them got selected and then to eighty are allowed to go into the queue course which is a Wanted to your law, qualifying forced a train that soldier in war the skills they need to have to be a green beret. You're from small tactics to guerrilla warfare and warfare,
learning the language your target language for the euro area of operation. You gonna go work in you sure you're being a targeted, be regarded in a concentration camp and now getting the crap. I out of you. These but you know in the in the very end that group of idiot people that were selected on I'm going to guess- maybe sixty made it through. He also sixty out of five hundred and died the greatest job in the world, the greatest job, to go into a place and to give them the thing that americans value more than anything else which sovereignty and freedoms to be able to go into a or area help a dick a well to go into a broken area that has been scared to death. You bye, bye in the video sell in in north africa, and you come in for the first time in their life. They get to have a peaceful night's sleep because you're on the ground there with them and to
it such a special place? You know we we really take it for granted. How wonderful The country is. My colleagues have I'm again I to go to places where was the worst on spectrum of of humanity, the americas over here and then there's other cultures that are way over here today: Did you come back and truly appreciate your your wife? nevertheless more beautiful than we first come back. Your kids can't be more sweden. The first I met you come back and it is, is the most article saying to her to come back to this amazing place that we go and fight for. So how do you deal in the moment with with the stresses that you're dealing with on the ground, how do you deal with coming face to face with with evil? Not normal? the evil of the person you're fighting, but the evil of war itself had that in the moment, then how do you deal with that later because most of us, I mean obviously and served in the military, never have to come face to face with that sort of never have to deal with the readjustment or the adjustments in the moment.
Yeah. I think preparation, no surprise here come into my mouth, that that's hard working discipline or the two things that you're out of russia's. What about a cure, I would rather do all things to make sure that I'm on a healthy spiritually well, intellectually capable morally strong, ethically founded human, so that when I you go and do my job? I'm making the most rational entrusted visions? I can in the time down there cobbled Don't know nobody should have to decide on and engage machine gun when I know, but I noticed her hand as I wanted to do on the doorstep, starts getting through with machine gun fire. My friend, my golden, gives me back and saved my life as we pick open the door. We see a picture machine guns, sticking out the window, I throw through the window right. That's what you're supposed to do the machine gonna just trying to kill me at my and
Those who are fighting, surrounding that machine gun whereby women, children, that's how they fires like. Did Make absolutely the right decision in thing leading up ass best. I could, with the information that I have good I go. All that grenade back then I just through I looks like you're. Go often the only thing. My here is this: the the crying and wish of babies, women, of course, but it got through and that's the people that were fighting in cultures that are not the stain like. Would I ever take my own family, barricade down around me with a machine gun as people started. Sort of course, not right, but that that's who we're fighting and so the preparation and hard work and discipline is what enables you to be able to perform in war and similarly how do you deal with this? that happened in war I think it really similar way. United me now honest, I'm still in. Obviously
I dunno iraq, Afghanistan or the evacuation of afghanistan into eastern ukraine, the of war. Well, the mexican border for four months and months on it also one of the worst things I've ever seen. Man, I love my kids. I go to church, I I stopped. I exercise right now and cordial, aimed at a little at a three day water. Only fast the brain get him if the gross stuff out of my body make sure I'm healthy. So I can live long and be there for my grandkids and up all of these things I can be of being a faithful husband. This letter. haven't behind me. This has progressed I've, never touched a single drop of any of the things that are in there, but people send him to me, so I take them right I fear that what I have friends come over here to be there, a good man. being a good man, enables me sure, there's pain, my friends like a popular about it, but those the things that enable me to deal with a strategy that experienced and united
I can cry with my wife, so I can get on a flight and watch a sad movie and I might cry like a baby. If somebody looks over at two hundred and twenty pounds, burly dude square draw it, mostly doping, was it all life like were sought the right That's been human, that's that's been it a good man and then under other. Unless spectrum you're, not leaving and you're drinking or smoking. Are you doing any substances? Fighting with your for cheating understand those with, or do you ability to deal with the problem of your past and life as it is so now I just try to be good Our conversation continues for our daily wire plus members right now, if you like to hear the full Conversation click that link at the top of the absurd description, enjoyments daily work, dot, com, and the
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-19.