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James Lindsay | The Rise of Wokeness In Schools

2023-06-11 | 🔗

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Dr. James Lindsay is an author, mathematician, cultural critic and founder of New Discourses, a site dedicating to “pursuing the light of objective truth in subjective darkness.” In today’s episode, we discuss Lindsay’s new book “The Marxification of Education," the cult of critical theory and the “long slow march through institutions'' that corrupted the educational system by political activists masquerading as teachers, and how we can ultimately reclaim our schools.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The critical theory is not a bunch of ideas. It is a cult. It is critical. Pedagogy is cult, indoctrination, there's no other way to see it. We're worried about k through twelve. This is a very different situation. These are children. Children do not think the same way as adults. You may forget that when you get older, but they don't, they have an authority figure telling them. These things were not operating in a field of open debate, the more Your place of ideas doesn't exist for seven year old. It just doesn't mathematician writer and twitter provocative james linsey has his I said I'm woke academia he's going total with the organisations coming after your kid liberal lindsey started his career writing books in support of atheists. Then twenty seventeen is running view. In another direction entirely? He withdrew others road, twenty fake papers, submission to peer, reviewed, scientific journal. The papers feature purposely absurd topics. Won't topics like Rewritten passages of mine come in support of feminism and rape culture amongst dogs,
public parks. Viewers are worried that we didn't respect the six or the papers were we. active, but a surprising seven were accepted. Seven more were held up under a view until the ruthless discovered this done became in national news, demonstrating how willing today's scientific community is to accept false narrative so long as their police. We fashionable matter how absurd the premise after that experiments linsey, co, authored the best selling book, cynical theories, how activist scholarship made everything about ray gender and identity and why this harms everybody, as well as race, marxism, the truth about critical race theory and practice, his He spoke zeros in on children's education, as he did exactly how the sector has been injected with marxist thinking throughout last seventy year, the book, the mark suffocation of education, Paolo fairies, critical martyrs The theft of education is available right now in this episode. James explains. The key moments have devastated our education system. We discuss the shock. curriculum, the? U n, handed to the united states. We uncover the wheat.
Education organizations founded a new age ideals and more. We explore the radicalization of children, the reader Mission of words like democracy and phrases like social, emotional learning, in how you can easily I woke ideology in your or any kids classroom Hey, hey! Welcome mrs de ben shapiro show sunday special just reminder: some of our conversation at the end will be exclusively for daily wire plus members, if you're, not a member, yet click the link at the top of this episodes. Descriptions get the full conversation with James lindsey at every one of our awesome gas james thanks much for stopping by happy to be here. So let's talk about the marks vocation of education. This is your new book. All about the take over me. educational system, a lot of us more about the educational system, but you ve written in the past. About how the educational system was actually taken. Over and I don't think people actually understand the idea.
Behind it or how concerned if effort is just feels like all of a sudden, it's whoa. So what exactly happened here? Yeah? No, it's not all of a sudden. It's woke and a lot of people have heard the phrase the long march through the institutions. It's a phrase coined by rudy, deutsche sky was a communist in the nineteen sixties. Sixty six, I think, is when he said it. Some people heard of this other guy her marcuse and he's writing in the sixties and in the seventies early seventies, and he sang we ve gotta go into the institutions. bring the ideology of institutions and the wild sixty eight sixty nine? We all know about the you know the riots and things it broke out with the kind of critical theory revolution and then a kind of petered out. People didn't like violence people, don't like riots as it turns out, and they lost their momentum for the revolution and the You know we're going into the institutions so from the nineteen early nineteen, seventy there's been a concerted effort to get into education to solve what they call the problem of reproduction.
in communist talk die and the the problem of reproduction is that we send our kids to school to become educated. We define educated to mean well We're going to do is teach you to do the things to make you successful in society. You can get a good job. You can live a good life. You can navigate. You know, figure out a balance, your checkbook or whatever the old sayings. Are we going to teach you how to participate in society successfully as a professional, in other words, we're going to teach you to reproduce society and so the schools reproduce society generation after generation and that's what people want out of schools. The society as it exists is gonna keep reproducing itself. So they said. How do we solve this? We have to get into the schools, we have to hijack it from underneath and they started a slow process and the the models really simple. It's not hard to understand. If you capture educational theory, then you can capture the colleges of education. If you get the colleges of education, then you can capture the teachers. If you capture the teachers as kind of a generational model, then
the students, unless you get the future- and this has been rolling from the seventies trying to figure out how to do it and by the mid eighties they got that's when modification of education is actually about. They got linked up with this fella Paolo ferrari, brazilian marxist educator. He had the model they figured out how to implement it. According to marxist educator, named Isaac goddess man who I was I was state. You wrote a book called the critical turn in education telling this history. He says what and he ninety two in colleges of education policy areas. Work was where remains today, which is everywhere, and so they had the for thirty years. They ve had thirty. One years now they ve had the colleges of education under their domain, and so they just slowly started to change the educational system from within the content, the curriculum, the pedagogy itself, and then it seems like a came out of nowhere because a required some legal changes that happened, and we can talk about those you know in those
in two thousand fifteen, primarily initially something called the every student succeeds act was, is very relevant to the kind of white blossoms so quickly in the last, maybe five to ten years so uncle through every piece of that, because it seems there. There are three pieces of it that we're talking about your one. Is the theory there's this radical? What education theory? The other question is why the institutions caves, quickly. I wore a sort of the holes in western civilization that allowed for the entire superstructure to fall within a matter of towns like a decade or fifteen or twenty years, and then get to the the last piece, the emotion, it is sort of radical shift starting in two thousand and fifteen legally. So when we start with what the actual kind of theory of a fairy is, what what exactly was he promulgating? The phrase educational theory can be summarized very simply, which is that true education is political education
He says you know cutesy phrases like you always here and sort of as they call it dialectical thought says: cutesy phrases like all education is political. You know we always hear. Teaching is a political act. These are kind of almost thought, terminating cliches that you here out of the kind of marshes, type educators or why educators and what he actually means is that a true education is a political education, and so it's enough to learn the content of the academic material to taller. Mathematics. The red to learn to write to learn history. You have to learn also the context of your lives and, in fact, what he devised, and so this actual pedagogy is that he devised a ski by which you use the academic material as an excuse to have the political conversation with the children or the students, and then the political conversation is done in a particular way that he gives a name kanzi, anticipation to awaken
consciousness of the real conditions of their lives politically, in other words, to bring them to a critical marxist consciousness and then allegedly in sometimes borne out, sometimes not allegedly, then you're gonna go back to the academic mastering now that they have the political awakening. So what you have said Sort of this. Why referred to in the subtitle of the book is the theft of education? Is you have using Eric material. He says in his words as a mediator to political knowledge, so you introduce a math question and use it to have political conversations, but the goal is make it so that education is about awakening a political consciousness which in marks lingo means a marxist consciousness of how the world work so to steal man. That argument is: is it in truth to the idea that all education is political in the sense that there is far from artists problem reproduction of initiatives. go to school and you learn within a particular framework. There is this water in which we swim in it for fish. We don't know that its water and it does teach that america is, for example,
replace or teachers that freedom is a good political freedom is a good thing that we have particular rights, and that is the backdrop to all the things that we learnt. So wrong that that education is all political or as it was where he makes the the error or the the vile kind of move where he says that. Yes, it's political, but those politics are bad, and I want to substitute my own marxist politics. For those politics see that's what it is is all politics is politics years are political is playing kind of double duty? Mrs? What you always have? I have a name for this technique, which is, I call it dialectical, inversion You don't know the in dialectical. Materialism was marxist philosophy; he gets out from hegel, dialectic getting old philosophy we want to get on in all of that, but with a dialectic the eye yeah, as the opposites are to be seen as part of a unified whole that if you can view it from a higher perspective, what marxists call sub lated. If you can view it from a higher perspective, then you see how they're are actually two parts of one whole, and so the dialectical inversion, that's being played here is
they will all education and infirmities words assumes a theory of man in the world and thus its political and maybe It assumes a political theory, for example classical liberalism in the united states or whatever or Locky, and our jeffersonian liberalism in united states. So it assume this already and say. Well, you see here It's happening is you're doing that, but we're doing that to your politics. We have politics the differences. We know we have politics, and we know your politics, are bad look at all the problematics as racism or sexism there's classism that reproduces. You know a structure stratified society, it's unjust it they. They can pick out all those problematics and focus on all those problematics. They never have to make a positive argument for their own approach, and so they say you're doing politics we're doing politics. Here's why years are bad, so the sources better and at no point do they say
Why there's is better in practice. They get to dodge that. But the trick is the political means. More than one thing, this kind of like layers of political fought, there's the substrate kind of yeah. We, we assume, make some basic assumptions. what it means to be human about how the world works, howard and interact in the world and what kind of a political organization, our society has and then there's the we're going to impose a very specific political programme as though those two things are the same thing, an open and free or liberal society. Politics, as you can be, for political orientation? You want, but under this there's only one right way to be political, so you mentioned or conscience, cessation If I'm and it's hard to say by the practice, yes, what what does he mean by That aids is that the wave razor affordable sounds like consciousness rage, raising an occult, that's what it is, Finally, what it is it's the awakening of a consciousness in the cold here is critical marxism, our critical theory goddess monopoly
HU. I mentioned a moment ago who wrote the critical turn. Education in the very first page says you ve heard of critical theory. We should call it critical marxism like mrs say what it really is, and I think, while than just give it away in our it is an old meme. You know I spent a year working on his story and he just weeded out its job is true so what kanzi anticipation is is a process by which your awakened to it. So very his educational approach, you don't just use the same math less another gave me, give you an example that as a mediator to political knowledge, there is actually a programme by which you do that. It's because I caught at its very technical codification de codification, so you show a codified version of the political contacts and urge you tell him abstractly why things looking at her political, then you enter into what he calls a reading phase you, the pond is obvious. He read the political content behind the the the image or the idea, the abstract presentation. Then you problem ties it. So you point out why it's
The golden you point out why those politics are problematic, exactly like I just said, and then you personalize it or make it concrete to the learner two radically: eyes them, and so the idea is to act we awaken first in awareness that there's a political under current to everything, as the marxists would see it well. This is what mao called adopting the people standpoint by the way for he called his book pedagogy of the oppressed. So he would say it's the oppressed standpoint and woke This is adopting that perspective. Then you show them why the political content of their lives is problematic, why it's filled with injustices, dehumanization domestication of of you know the the lower classes etc, and then you make it personal to them to actually activate and radicalism, which is, in fact a cult initiation.
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It's it's. Our is already over. Why do you think all of these institutions collapse so quickly because they, I mean they went down like a house of cards from the sixties to the eighties, oh yeah they did. And honestly. I think there was a gigantic, desire, following especially the civil rights movements in the sixties, to appear progressive. Frankly, they wanted to be in the vanguard of this worthy and where the elite, you know Richard Dawkins, said this a long time ago. It's funny to bring up richard dawkins now, but You know you want to be open minded, but not so open minded your brains fall out or guess what happened. They were so open I did that they they do. They did actually let their brains all out and they let radicals come in, who had no intention of arguing in good faith using distorted and double meaning language, and they let them starts because it looks very progressive to have a black studies. Are african american studies are women? Studies are gender studies that looks very progressive to have these departments often emerging out of you know, many circles with an english departments, its own, nobody would say no, nobody dared to say
because they knew they were gonna, get accused of racism or sexism and also just because they wanted to appear progressive. I think I shall be steel for samples very eloquent on writing about this exact, which he participated in this exact dynamic, and so that gave them their entry and into the door at which point, as you know, once this stuff gets in the door, it's virtually impossible to get out. It's it's like to you be a little disgusting. It's like toenail fungus is like. I can't get rid of it, and so I think that that desire to look liberal and open minded, but there's another. nature. Here, I've noticed with academics, witches, liberal academics, which I dont think is necessarily part of liberalism, and it shouldn't be is that they tend not to be very discerning and they tend to take these argue: to face value, and so, rather than adopting even a modicum of that same critical attitude is: do these people actually have intentions, they read the documents, they know three, the argument,
exactly what the argument seems to say right in front of us and they Sadly, when you have words that mean more than one thing, you know the communists were very famous Clinton did it MAO did it for redefining the word. Democracy. Democracy only counts when everybody's truly equal, so democracy only exists under communism. So if they said democracy, it was a stand in for communism or it's as democracy. So they read that through there kind of dumb. Frankly, liberal lens and dont perceive that there is a sec, meaning being used and by taking these things at face value you, I think they ve missed the boat on what marxist writers have been doing since the beginning. Since marks they just completely missed it and they let a lot of the stuff in because they lack that ability. two or willingness to say that there might ulterior motives. There might be double me there might be word play going on here to distort.
In full and manipulate people. And while that seems like a virtue, it's you know just like aristotle's. You know, there's a virtue is somewhere in the middle and if you fail to have the virtue, you end up getting both accesses and this is kind of the trap that they often fallen into. So what I feel like it, you know one when when we locate was franklin, they said it's a republic, can keep it and in the price of of liberty, is eternal vigilance, wasn't franklin, I forget, which once said that found or so that the vigilance isn't there people are chasing papers. The reading things. Oh. This is an interesting idea in its very sad. It's almost like they live the accusation from them. just that they live in the abstract, rather than concrete has allowed them to get run around I. I also wonder whether they just had no systemic immunity to an attack on the system as a whole. They had so much faith in the system in the sixties because they were running the system. Then a lot of these people came in and they, basically
and you are guilty for taking part in the system. Yes, and instead of saying. No, the system is good. That was just flawed and we can fix those flaws. They went well the only way for me to Establishment moral authority, disappoint shall be seal, makes the other way for me to read but from moral authorities to dissociate from the system and then you'll. Let me back and I get to maintain my power, because I will join you in the attack on the system, because I wasn't part of that system one. We apart, that's a smell dissociate, shall we say, is really evocative story. The details about doing, student protests where he walked into the dean's office at the college that he was at and he's eddies smoking a cigarette and letting the ashes fall on the carpet and he's burning the carpet and the it looks at him and he thinks for a moment the dean's going to try them, and so you need to put out the cigarette. It was in the middle of one of the student protests and instead the jeans since there and let him burn burn a hole directly through the carpet. So we knew at that point that we had basically won, because these people were not willing to stand up even against, like in action, act of aggression because they were so interested in our approval, and it seems like that that is so much what is happening across society dates. People
are seeking approval from people who understand that approvals weapon that they understand more than anybody else specifically because for so long many of their life's thousand in viewpoints were not approved by society right, and so they were fighting for. We want your approval. Why approval, but in reality than our first it were now. The elite in our society are seeking their approval right and that's an endless gave because they can, cecily, remove that approval and then get you to move on to whatever is the next thing they want you to embrace. I mean a lot of people I realise that they ve seen a movie may be flatland as a mathematician think there was only a book. because I knew about it long before it happened as a film, but the ideas that you have these little to dimension characters on wonders discovers the third dimension and kind and jump over the flat land right. he goes into different dimension, make a move and do different things to different degrees, It has to be a kind of very little about it and if you leave rather critical terrorists, I tell you that the title of the most influential book uncritical theory in the nineties
sixteen was herbert markers as one dimensional man, and he says, existing society makes you one dimensional. We need to be two dimensional well. That means it our coming at so that that this challenge to the moral authority that shall be steel is articulating. with simultaneously being with a second dimension, which is a critical dimension. In both cases, your simultaneously dealing with two forces, pushing on you at ninety wrangles: one is your moral authorities being undermined and then they nor was apparently complicated, gobbling and then they told you you don't understand what the wardsmen mean very, very smart people who are desperate to prove how smart they are, that's literally their job and academia. They can't be the dumb guy. That's like their debts are kryptonite is being the person who doesn't get it in there these theorist telling him you don't understand the simple stuff we wrote. This is what we see in. Of course, they don't understand it so hard to read these things in their often written, basically encoded language,
and so they are their hitting them with intellectual authority and moral authority at the same time. So they just fold in front of you, oh well, they have something to say. I don't know what it is, but it must be smart. They have whole did if it a phd in it. It's brought it. So there are very weak to that. There's a prosaic aspect to this as well, though, without all of the. Why are they so weak? How did the moral and intellectual authority of this whole manipulate? Manipulative side was actually just a direct action. Part as well does to speak the communist language and kind of steering it back towards vary. For example, there was this character named Henry Jerome he's a canadian american. He still active he's at a canadian university right now, our communist and heath, was trying to figure out how to solve the problem of reproduction. He was doing all these innovative, progressive things in his classroom. Teaching in rhode, island in the seventies is principle was, I was mad at him and wouldn't let him do it and he gets frustrated so bad he's going to quit one day, but somebody had just given him a copy of the pedagogy of the oppressed by,
marry a couple of weeks earlier. So he goes home. Enrollment frustratingly reads: the whole thing in one night has in his own. Like his own description. He doesn't say it's a religious conversion, but it's in ecstatic religious convert. Doesn't sleep manic for days? He's got the solution, he's got the codex now and so why he started to do. He called it. He brags and a talkie given that this was his praxis, is he went to colleges of education or on north america and got at least one hundred professors tenured in those colleges, in other words? in the language that we hear now was we just heard from project veritable, so we are heard in Utah. We ve also heard if you play the south carolina freedom caucus dough, trapped somebody but these things the language rehearing now is that the activists and the consultants from these different woke organizations are going to schools and the recruiting a small percentage of teachers in the school system as coconuts, amateurs, this literally the word they're using co conspirators who help them bring and even though they know it's against the law, even though they know they can get in trouble, and so they get a few people
in their who will we'll do the thing to get the the algerian. So then, when Pollo four areas next book comes out, say in this case a nineteen eighty, four you of college, education with put moles literally inside who are eagerly going, champion that book press on doing all of intellectual and moral manipulations to get the college of education to accept the book into its curriculum and then it just kind of metastasized until it becomes a curriculum? And so there is a very prosaic element to which is when they decided to march into the institutions. They literally decided. They didn't do nothing, they started giddy, people tenured. We started putting people into put positions of administrative power, and you only need actually a few percent people always think. Well, how did they get some money? Because, once you have about three percent of people who will become it's called re is asia, who are absolutely intolerant. The entire kind of go along to get along institution bends around that intolerance and
unfortunately, when we put all of these kinds of factors together, we get a perfect storm in an institution that maybe the lowest possible resistance to this kind of manipulation in the most dedicated attack at the same time very long range generational strategy. That's when you say it, Imagine you're a nineteen. Seventy four five and I'm telling you oh they're, going to take over the colleges of it patient and their renewal of teachers. Yours it's a conspiracy, theory right, and so it seems, very unlikely and impossible, but it turns out that that seems to be how they did it. So You mentioned earlier the idea of sort of legal frameworks changing so obviously during the nineteen late nineteen eighties, nineteen nineties and the education that I was given you. There are certainly tasted of this in public school, but it certainly wasn't as overwhelming as it is right now where it feels like. Every single classroom in america is now rife with black lives matter flags and pride, progress, flags and critical race. Gender theory and its knelt thorough. Going to the point where you have. The major too,
where's unions in the united states pushing every aspect of this, which is something they certainly wouldn't have dared in the midnight tonight, our friends We shall have upgraded their most popular package to feature their top selling deep, firming vitamin c serum plus ultra retinal moist riser, with natural retinal alternative, right now, you can take advantage of this limited time package upgrade for seventy percents off. Why waste time and money to go, get work done to your face. can just get Genji cells can care ship directly to your door. Here is your view from Robert in blessing texas quote: I purchased Jenny sells a gift from a girl, She said she saw the results so fast. Riskin is noticeably softer and smoother I can see and feel the difference to she was already beautiful journeys offers made her even more beautiful, genuine secret recipe is safe for all skintight cruelty, free perfect for both men and women. I have just had an old, maybe I haven't I ve, been very much but using jenny, so unripe treatment of helping me get rid of those bags under the eyes over to join. You sell dot com, slash sunday, private, cells, most popular package for seventy percent off featuring both genuine cells, ultra retinal, an genitals, forming zero,
get a complimentary spies, entrails box, with every package order, plus a free up greater priority shipping, ingenuous, el dotcom, slash sunday as genuine seljouk harms. Last sunday. And you see l coms last sunday, ok, so let's talk about what changed legally speaking in the last five ten years, because something changed. Well, I mean the big one that I mentioned earlier is the every student succeeds act, but that actually comes off of the back of common core and that actually comes off of the back of no child left behind and see. You start to see these kind of legal pushes there are changing and simultaneous. you also in this very important. You have it slowly matter asked sizing problem in the teacher pipeline, licensure pipeline the accreditation pipeline all of these institutions, related education are slowly being taken over from within by a small percentage of first of activists who are doing their so called practice, which is, like theory, made flesh to draw up a christian biblical example.
Then there are the facilitators and make it happen, but what you actually happening legally, is you have this first? Will you have the pipeline? Give me more and more teachers that are learning this in the nineties. If they've just get the colleges of education by ninety two. Ninety three you're not pumping out fully fledged teachers who are licensed and accredited who are steeped in it, they're not steep It is deeply that is an increasing problem too. Where now it's you know hegemonic, but what you have going on legally. Is this increasing step toward accountability? Standard being mandated largely by the federal government. If you want federal dollars to come to your school, and so you got him with with no child left behind, we had this huge push towards it, and I was w that did that this huge push towards accountability, centers, because of course we want to fix that we want to make sort of. The schools are good. We want to what will make them accountable, how well we're going to have to start measuring stuff. Well now the schools are used to measuring stuff and reporting stuff. Then it becomes common core
and everybody focuses on the weirdness, the common core curriculum for excellent reasons. There was a catastrophe: it's a unit, you, experimental lot of people, don't know that it is directly derived from what was called the world core curriculum created by robert muller, not that Robert mueller, a different robert muller, spelled differently at the united nations and but it the bigger story. There was what, if you talked to teachers on the ground during implementation, some of them said you know, I don't even care about the curriculum changes that much it's that my paperwork quadrupled. I have to stay over every day, till seven o'clock, kids go home at two thirty three o'clock. I have to stay over every day, till seven o'clock filling out paperwork paper, because we have to report on how we are teaching all of this stuff in order for the school to qualify, so that it's constant reporting well as as a in the every student succeeds act in two thousand fifteen as a bill this thick and adds that you have. Reporting on non academic competencies and now, all of a sudden you start getting the social and cultural competence
Ireland and meanwhile there's an organization did programme, promotes the biggest thing in education. Hata saying that education right now called social emotional learning the organisation was called, is called castle, the collaborative for academic, social, emotional learning it was founded and nineteen before and are very weird circumstances. Literally. I, like a new age, theosophical colt organisation, called the veterans two and by the way anybody goes on, that rabbit, hole, gonna, find demons and I'm not getting very weird story but tangential to our purposes. For the moment castle was ready. With materials with lobbying that actually they helped lobby to get yes a past and to make sure that provision was in a and then so suddenly this We have this new thing, you federal dollars. You have to keep doing your comical. style reporting, even though common course failing, but now report on non academic, competency and all of a sudden consultants and worksheets and everything. While all over the country, here's a per
and that will allow you to do this easily and you can see this is a classic. You know. Fraud is what this was a classic set up, make the beer federal beer I receive require something and then have the product ready to fill the gap and capture the whole market, and I just testified in writing to committee in iowa, fighting a ceiling castle right now, and a council representative also testified her comments. She said that ninety nine percent of school districts in the country right now are using castle in the their products and and in one my motor and other trying to convince iowa that they should keep it. You know, because of everybody, everybody off a bridge, so should you so they built the law created a requirement that was quite open ended. product was ready to go to fill the need immediately and, of course, schools or bureaucratic schools are also. You know, slowed
ain't, you implement something, you don't want to go reemployment something new a year later, if you find out it's bad, you have to admit you implemented something that so they started implementing this and then they just kind of hooked, they're, just kinda stuck in it. Grown and grown and grown shows what's in social, emotional learning, he people hear that, and they may think. Oh well, maybe we're teaching kids to be nice or or maybe we're teaching them to get in touch with their emotions. What exactly is that? Why is it sinister orange just be a little colorful for you at the beginning, everything that marxists sell. You comes in a very, very pretty box, great shiny wrapping paper, excellent, bow, perfect. warner's whoever wrapped it is a professional at the mall or whatever great looking thing, and you open it up and there's a third in every single time and that social motion warning is the same thing social, emotional learning, at least from castle, which is the biggest organization that does it is a focus on teaching social, emotional skills.
and they have this neat little bait and switch game- the player, false advertising- they say. Well, we have all this research showing that kids with better social emotional skills, get better grades and do all this stuff better. They never actually established that their program improves those they just let it be assumed. But what They teach us these five core competency areas and there's your reporting on non academic competencies, and they are If I can remember them off the top of my head self awareness, self management, responsible decision, making, relationship, skills and social awareness now in our present woke woke a fighter. The second. You hear social awareness, you like wait a minute. What are you guys doing, but we ve, not all boy always been so alert right, those all sound, really good cellphone and now, with the trans thing, we're like whole weighty mean, but two years ago. Nobody would have thought that relationships gives a hundred. What the trick is, because the fairy stuff, and by the way, this woman linda darling. Hammond is her name. She is one of the architects of essie all she was. She is now
a executive, emeritus america, I guess, from castle she worked with obama's and binds education transition team she's, not a small fry. She actually wrote the forward to the book called the handbook of social, emotional learning in research and praxis back in two thousand fifteen and in her forward she says that a school that socially and emotionally competent is in line with four areas: project of transformation and humanist asian, which those remarks as words that mean did you're making people in them access consciousness, and so social emotional learning is a brainwashing programme frankly, and the way that it works is because of ferrari's model, which we now know in writing. That is based upon explicitly. They don't hide it and try to hide it. Idea is that you are going to use academic material, math is going
tottering c o ends to teach say, relationship, skills or self management. You get stressed out when you do math mass hard by mathematician. Believe me, maths hard, and so you get stressed out. Kids get stressed out, so we're gonna have self management right, but then what you do is you used as an excuse to start to have a particular political conversation about what it means to manage, or so in awoke or sustainable or whatever the buzzword of political references of the day, and they are therefore turning using social emotional learning, as the is the entry point to turn, every academic subject into a social emotional subject, and then they turn it into that it actually becomes taught through an equity lands and inclusion lends or us inability lands of sustainable development goals are from the united nations, are actually a huge thing. It's moving into the lcd space right now. Because when writing about it for a few years, very kind of creepy ways, they yea has started to write about it explicitly and deliver model curriculum to teach children from pay through twelve. To achieve this thing,
Development goals and social emotional learning is the tool by which they are being taught to do it, and so it is it's literally a brainwashing tool that comes in a nice beautiful package of we're going to teach kids to be nice and manage their emotions and soul So do teachers know that their doing this sort of stuff, like health, conscious, are the people who are actually implemented this stuff. This is what they are: amending or is it mostly good hearted, their great teacher they going to school. This is a programme that given by the principle- and so you do what the principal tells you do. I think there's a lot a lot of that. I think there's also some knowing again with the co conspirator thing. We know that a small percentage. You know very deliberately that they're doing what they're doing from people have spoken with and spoken directly first hand with anybody from castle, but I have a second hand. A couple secondhand accounts from Smart individuals for you, no institutional, deasey types,
I will name any names at the moment, but they ve gone and had meetings with the council and of the people it castle even don't seem to have any idea of what their actually implementing in many cases, except if he may be up to the executive level. So there's this idea with all calls that they actually works. the onions, the embers an inner circle in any given call, and they actually know what's really going on- that's your in a communist situation at your party leaders, men around
there's like a shell of the party and those are actually fully committed. It's not quite the inner circle, but it's still kind of disciple level, and then outside of that you have, it's literally, sometimes called at least in china, the inner school in chinese, it's nadia, the inner school, which is the people who have studied and shui Shi and chinese they've, studied the relevant doctrine. Then outside of that- and this is most of the people that are involved in the cold and the people who are mostly being exploited by the cult you have what's called the outer school in chinese, it's wide jaw and those people don't usually know they have morally committed, they've, socially committed. Sometimes they perceive in fact often they perceived that there's something wrong with what's happening, but that per perception of having something wrong is often turned through the inter school cold doctrine into convincing them that they're just not committed enough and that they are bad people and that their doubts are part of the problem, and you can start to reminisce
on your dea unconscious bias, white fragility trainings and see what those what role those play, but you have also teachers who are uncomfortable with it and speaking out others who think it's just a good thing. Others, who are it's just my job, Man, I'm just here, to do my job, the banality of evil and Fortunately, there is very ambiguous and in vague characterisation, you can't pick out any given teachers. They are your bad. Because you're you're you're participating they very well may not know. Ah some of them perceive it and then that's used against them. Some of them perceive and speak up, and they are often punished for it, and it can be very subtle to it can sold as a means of engagement of getting the kids more interested? It's a great I am actually to give you the example of how they can We re into a math less, and this is a real example from a real s. Yell training that a real teacher who really are for calling out, as the eleanor school told me from one of her training,
You have said this in a million places that everybody needs. They hear this, because this is how subtly can be. It doesn't have to be as an exorbitant her over as a drag queen, and library or something which is the same thing, but it can be this subtle. The word problem. Second grade subtraction, don't sweat. Math is hard, but you got this. Johnny is riding with his mom and dad in the car on the way to the amusement park. Amusement park is fifty miles away. Already driven thirty miles. How much further today have to drive gay, and so you think, how can you imagine seeing that in your children's homework broker who's going to object to this. Well, it turns out for aries project is that you pick certain words and use them as generative themes to have degenerate political conversation, is off of that. So a teacher being trained in this se, l method or cultural competence, method or culturally relevant teaching method is going to look at that and give it to the class and say before we answer the question: let's do this who's
into an amusement park before see now you're, just getting him engaged you're getting second graders interested. Some kids raise her handsome kids, don't you say well, why is it that some of you've got to go to missing parks? Some of you haven't. Are some reasons why kids, maybe wouldn't get to go to amusement parks and years of your taught in the teacher training, to keep Can you tell somebody says: well, maybe not everybody can afford it, or will my parents won't? Let me so now you're ready to have a political conversation. You generated out of the word amusement park. You generated a political conversation about socialism, redistribution or parental authority, which is a major theme that we are seeing now. Maybe some parents should the school be making maybe some of these decisions instead, don't you think you should be making decisions the sending your parents or you could go off of? Obviously, riding in a car you're having environmental conversation mom and dad. Would you nor no normal person two years ago to thought mom and dad there is a trigger, but it's a generative theme as very would call it
Do all families look like that class? Does everybody have a mom and dad? No, I only have a mom now you're having a conversation about feminism. No, we have two moms. Now you having a conversation about all the sexuality stuff. Does anybody else feel this way? That's ok, enable or lead into this equity, framing or sustainability, framing dialogue in the math lesson. Just gonna go: here and forgotten about, and allegedly it's supposed to make the kids more interested in learning, math lessons what their being taught in education, schools, under the fairy model and what their being taught in their professional development training, as in this exact example is. This will make the kids do better. Math, because it will make them want to learn math, because it'll relate to the real context of their lives and that's the sales pitch and that's the hook. But what you've actually done is hijacked a math lesson instead of working out that problem in maybe ten others for practice. You've now had a forty five minute conversation about feminism in your math class. and called it math did. You know it takes up to eleven weeks on average to higher, for an open position is almost three months if you're hiring
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let's talk about the best way to fight this sort of stuff, because you have seen this. This battles will break out on the right between the libertarian right and the scoreboard, traditionalist conservative right so right floor. It is actually a great example of those you have the new college, which is now being taken over essentially by conservative said: ok, we're not interested right now in let a thousand flowers This is a left wing organisation. We are cleaning it out and we are putting in a bunch of people who are going to teach more efficient. ideas about the united states in american history in economics. What I'm gonna do Gee. I will not mention equity. We're not gonna, do go into any. Yes, your stuff that you're talking about no critical race theory. None of that we are just going. He drew. What you traditionally would have learned in the united states college in nineteen, sixty plus all subsequent developments That's what that's! What it's going to be able traditional philosophy, and then you have People horse or run a libertarian right. You sooner now it has to look more like university of austrian right. What Let the ideal institution is an institution. it's open to all and where you have the critical pedagogy at the institution. But you also have people who are critical.
The critical pedagogy at the institution, the suggestion these making is that the former approach, better than the latter approach. Because The euro swimming. In the latter approach that the people who are teaching critical attitude, gee or who are teaching based on very that that they actually want to be part of the and they fundamentally do not want to be part of the game. So what you're really doing when you say? Let's open it up to, everybody is you're, allowing people who want to destroy the institution into the institution. That's right, I actually tend not to in my own personal leanings. I think many people know that lean very strongly conservative in these regards, but in this case the people who- as you said, they don't wanna, be a part of the game. They want to break a game. In fact, I want to make your children as part of break is of their game and they have to be removed from the position of power that are abusing. People will have to understand that this is the same thing. We talk about with academics before critical theory is not a bunch of ideas, it is occult. It is critical. Pedagogy is called indoctrination, there's no other way
see it when you actually understand what they're doing this isn't in this isn't a situation where it is a university. I mean we are taking on new college here in the university of all, since we are not specific work, but we're worry by kayser twelve. This is a very different situation. you're gonna bring in you hear this argument made all the time our teacher, critical race theory and teach the are corey series wrong. Really, first if there's not enough time. Second of all, they can't even teach these kids arithmetic you're going to now get into this. Third of all, these are children. Children do not think the same way as adults. You may forget that when you get older, but they don't, they have an authority figure. calling them these things, some of which are very emotionally resident, very psychologically, socially resident, we're not operating in a field of you know open debate. The marketplace of ideas doesn't exist for seven year olds. It just doesn't Children need boundaries. They have to grow up within boundaries. They, of course, have to as they age they have to be able to press on the boundaries, and then we figure out as adults how to responsibly expand the boundaries according to their their
you know their ability and their than demonstrated per and whatever else, and sometimes you have to restrict some of the boundaries. This is the job of parenting, and so, when you have teachers they're not parents are acting in local parentis. They have a similar responsibility placed upon them, you're not dealing, the situation. Words like. Oh, let's just have an open debate- was seven year olds where you have obviously an adult and a bunch of kids. They talk and critical pedagogy about the democratic classroom and the teachers astute as a student of the teachers and they learn from each other reciprocally? Actually pala ferry literally calls this an pedagogy of freedom almost a dozen times, and I quote the gnostic cycle they give you no bones about. What's actually, when I say it's a called, I literally mean, and as a call this is now six like. They say that you have an adult and seven year olds. You are not talking about in conversation between equals. That's why the word rumor is so open.
for it, because when you haven't adult coming down in breaking down the boundary of authority between adult in child, which is a boundary, they gets blurry. The end of adolescence by nature, but it isn't blurry with adults and children, must be maintained even through the challenges of adolescence. You have a person breaking that. And then adding in the suggestion that maybe your parents won't understand, maybe your parents aren't people to go back to, and then they are using a blatant political lens through which to interpret the entire world. That's ideological grooming. We don't have to get to the sexual side, which, of course it opens the door for how are you just as the simplest least, accusatory? What how you can screen for sexual misfortunes if You can't even tell if the whole game is to break down boundaries between the adult and a child. How are you going to screen for it, and so what do you expect is going to happen? The incentives are there. People are going to of the profession and the next thing you know, you're gonna have just like we see in
Finally, now not a year ago, I got grilled by the washington post. Where is the evidence that the real grooming I said it's coming in? What do we see now story after story after story, loudon, county horrific same thing outside of chicago horrific, we're seeing it all over the country? Of course, it is because you have new school the mechanism unless the least of the worries, but that's why grooming is the right word it ideological growing is right word for this practice. This doesn't belong and k through twelve schools. If you want to make a case, it may be It fits in any university. I think you are airing, but were now talking about adults, young adults and life, changing situation college, so their vulnerable adults for ideological capture, but there still at least adult we're talking about children. That argument makes no sense whatsoever. even in the context of college, that that the big problem of critical race theory is, as you mentioned before, it's a practice. It's not about a furious. The theory of how the world works in which you can critique the theory or save the theory, has errors you're errors, there you'll move in a truly attack, critical race theories to point to the iter,
and people are promulgating it and that is in currently unstable, and so what you end up? Having is critical race theorist, claiming that the system that is the united states, is motivated by evil, and then you have those people we're responding, saying no you're motivated by it. So it's just an argument of motivations, but is not actually an intellectual argument at all correct. It's mainly just a series of accusations about character to get back to the the groomer debate. There has been this whole debate inside right wing circles over. Maybe we shouldn't use the groomer. Now, let's be real about how this started, what started as a meme, it was clearly a meme or the people on the left, ok, boomer- and that was widely used and people starting ok, rumour to refer to people who were on the left and who recruiting kids, the particular ideology and the left, because they didn't like being mean decided that when people are it's a rumour. What they met was. We are accusing you have raping our children and that is not anyone meant by groomer. Originally they then the notion that, the core of the of that mean was that there were teachers, words teach groom seven year olds that they have sex with them. That is not what that means What that met, while you are, you are taking kids away from there.
It's in your teaching them and their parents are bad and the teachers are good and that europe essentially indoctrinated them into a system of thought, their parents would not agree with your grooming them in a particularly ideological way through our end, and so ideological is always written into the work it was only. The left then tried to play this game while its transfer back or homophobic. What you really saying is that a gay teacher is trying to rape a child like that. That's that's! Not what I'm saying you guys deliver lead you what you always do, and you didn't linguistic switch here and you you rely- on these semantic overload that the word we can support in order to argue against that nets. With that washington, post peace was who was asking you substantiate. The terms I substantiate your use of the term. Groomer show me all the cases of teachers who are attempting to groom kids for sex. That's not even what I was talking about in the books. What I told her yeah, that's what I said it is a result. It's exactly about the ideological grooming and in drag queen story hour actually becomes perfect to talk about this because, first of all, it's glaring, but it raises so many questions. Why why a drag queen while it turns out they wrote a paper about this? I did
the best work possible. I wrote edit a podcast on it added two giant threads on twitter. I wrote an essay. I did the best work that I possibly could to popularize this academic paper, where they it's called. Pedagogy that's written by a trans educator by the name of harper keenan and one of the drag queen. who goes by loomis hot mass, that's what's on the academic paper, byline loomis hot mass, and they explain that. First of all, I said that word generative with very right. They explained that the presence of the drag queen in his performance is a generative practice, provocative evocative for the children and into what into queer ways of living. In being, they say that it's less sanitizing force against drag.
the answer that criticism people give of it because it is to bring into it can a garden. They have to act a little bit differently or they did it. First, sanitizing dragged from its normally route is less a sanitizing force, and I quote, then it isn't preparatory introduction, call initiation of preparatory introduction into alternate modes of key the ship, which they then follow by saying, drag is family friendly in the sense that we mean family wink, we mean family in the sense of the queer family you find on the street and it's like holy moly. What do you? What word you use for this right? I know a g word that you should use for. The last sentence in the paper says, will leave a trail of glitter that will never come out of the carpet, but the carpets, you're children's brains, and so it's what word, do you use for this? If we're not allowed to use the word that I got kicked off toward her for I might have started there. Ok, rumour thing to at least popularized at some bread firms got really upset. When I think I took
at for it, and they've said no. We were doing it on our forums and I'm like I'm sorry, nobody reads your forums and they're a little catty, but they are so at any rate. What word fits, This is obviously what is queer ways of living in being mean what does alternate modes of kinship refer to when they say that the goal is to induce kit children into strategic defiance and rule breaking with adults, men, dresses, Women who want to be around children. Doing provocative, edgy maybe even sexual performances rule breaking alternate modes of kinship. What are we doing here so because very clear but the the the other g word like I said, though, is generative. The goal is to get them to want to ask the question: is it okay for a boy to dress as a girl? Why do boys have to dress like boys and girls dress like girls? Let's talk about gender. Let's talk about gender constructs up. Does the the gs a club after school and if you're having some questions
we will affirm you love bomb, you in other words, insert bringing you in, and I will teach you to criticise. You know yourself for your past transphobia and you can see the whole grooming cycle into this ideological called it's a perfect example, and I if every drag queen that shows up in a classroom is perfectly clean, voluntary and well behaved, and not just within law, but has no even ill intent. No pedophilia content. It still vary, but certainly even the way they word it and phrase it and, of course, they also say in the paper that that all transformative practices practice is driven by desire which, again what it's like. You wrote that and somebody publishing not infringed by the way in a major curriculum journal curriculum inquiry, one of the largest immediately. It is, punishing stuff. In effect, they say it out loud and people are just kind of ok with their because put academic language is really an amazing thing and that this
is something that I've been sort of I've been evident, coining or are pushing the the rebranding of peace. Ass into transgress visit, because there is a big difference in people who argue in or a bad socialistic economic ideas. What we're seeing now, which is essentially the idea that all rules must be transgressed- assure that true authenticity lies in how many rules you do transgress and therefore what you're actually doing when you ideologically groom small children, is you're, liberating them from the boundaries of the rules and roles and responsibilities that their parents are placing upon them, and so it's an act of good to put confusing it's an upsetting things in front of children specifically, so they will. confused and upset? Instead, they will ask all sorts of questions that you're talking about and said. The burden of proof is is now placed on the parents to defend. The traditional and the normal and yes, the natural, its natural fermented. dresses many women to rest limit it, that the burden of proof now shifted to the parent as opposed to the person who wishes to break out of the system should explain? Why? Is it wise in an affirmative good for men, too dresses women
Explain. Wizened is an affirmative good for man dressed his wonted work in front of a trial blame why all these things are positive, her society, the burden of proof, is completely shifted to it. Why? Why are you arguing that that it's that are you? Are you trying to say something bad by gay people? If you say that mentioned work in front of children on their dress, strippers. What were we? What do you think about yourself? What what are your intentions now? That's the dialectical inversion. That's the that's the term! I I mean it's very technical sounding term, but that's what's happening so the thing had described at the beginning, the dialectical inversion technique, that's what they're doing to you and the manipulation of the very strategic manipulation to very good at it, and it's kind of when you get the the hay It's very hetty! You get a lot of power, there's a lot of draws to the buzzword and act. and in the academic writing about what they're doing without when you liberating child is giving them autonomy. The more rules you the more autonomous your rules. Are you following the structures of society the being dictated to by the social constructions and the social and political enforcement? So when you break the rules, you're
more autonomous, rather than growing, into a mature autonomy where you are actually a funk, a person within the boundaries of reality. In truth, there teaching as you said, I think transgress of as it is an excellent way to frame this, because use that word all the time, their transgressing boundaries, that was alan circles, hoax papers, titles transgress, transgressing the boundaries literally, but it's in there. You know that they say that they want. We transgresseth and down, because, ultimately, what they want to do- and I use the word that they don't usually used for this is transmute, which is our chemical or transmute society into something different. So to do that, they have to transmit the economic structure and transmit the people who are going to fill that economic structure. Simultaneous italy, and so now you see the big picture. Why are all the corporations going woke moral schools going woke because you're going to have kids who have woke competencies, their main academic credentials getting plugged into companies that are hiring off of woke credit
goals it with a new. You know, whatever s g or whatever model they happen to have so their building up the occur Let me end the people are gonna plug into it. Why? Because I understand that the problem of reach The auction will then make their had their hegemony, solid, and so that's what their their objective is, and that's why education is in such a dangerous state, not just in terms of how do you get parents to fight back against this, because that starts with even just being able to see what's happening, which is why I wrote mortification of education because nobody can see what's happening, it's a magic trick. Once you see the magic trick Ben you can see what the guy did with the card unless he's really good at it, but it also is going to take these kinds of steps, like figuring out, who are the people at least who are these people that the activists are calling co conspirators, get them out? They're gone! That's it! You lose your job for that. Whatever political changes about teacher tenure or whatever have to come to facilitate they've got to go your average person implementing it
we'll see. That's another question: it's another layer, but the co conspirators gone outright activists, the kind of things that like lives, a tick, tock, regularly documents. Those people who need to at least be an inquiry, probably gone the administered. There's that are back in his up gone. They ve got to be removed from the positions of power, abusing and there's no other way there is. I wish there was another way but it is well within our rights as a society to say you're. We ve trusted you with frankly, because it's in local prentice, a sacred response, ability and you are throwing it back in our faces and obviously very transgress ways. This cannot be. This cannot continue folks. This conversation continues for another thirty minutes over a daily. Where plus dotcom we discuss. If the radical left cultural transgressive, ism drag story, our be eleven alike are no longer a means to an end goal, but rather the angle themselves, plus how corporations weapon
woke ideology and of corporations have their own kind of quasi. Deep state click the link at the top of the description to join us. sure to check out James is new book. The marked suffocation, very he's an available right now I and the The Are you tired of by products from woke companies to hate your guts and your values? Well now you don't have to join the over two hundred thousand americans who have made the switch to journeys. Razors get your razors hair care, soap, and more at journeys, razors dotcom today, o enemies, he him and she her chocolate bar says. Well, one of them has nuts
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.