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Facebook & Twitter Have Gone Too Far


That rant you just heard came from Daily Wire Co-CEO and god-king Jeremy Boreing to let you know about his new podcast, ENOUGH. In this first episode, Jeremy goes after the leftist mob that keeps trying to get the Daily Wire taken down from Facebook. Listen now for the full episode and subscribe to get more rants from Jeremy on big government, big tech, Hollywood hypocrisy, and well, anything else that comes to mind - when it comes to mind. 

Listen here => https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/enough/id1536700147

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey gang. It's your friendly neighborhood God, King Jeremy, boring here the radical left of hours free speech and they won't be happy until conservatives have no voice at all. They've been pressuring big tech to crack down on conservative voices for years, and now they have a new narrative to help them. Do it that narrative, you won't believe it. They say that Facebook is in the tank for conservatives. Yes, Facebook, the same facebook that just killed the Hunter Biden story, the same facebook that sent their comms director Andy Stone, a guy who worked on Capitol Hill for Democrats, half his career out on to Twitter to say, yeah, we're throttling that story that might be harmful to Joe Biden and then to invite third party fact checkers to give them an ex post facto justification for why they put their finger on the scale of the most consequential election of our lifetime Facebook in the tank for conservatives. You know it's bullshit and I know it's bullshit, but you may not have the data to prove it. I do and I'm going to share it with you on my new podcast.
Enough on apple podcasts and in Spotify, just click on the link in the description below to listen, I'm going to break down the same charts. The left uses to pedal this obvious falsehood and show you how they're manipulating the data in order to do it, give us a listen subscribe. Maybe leave us a five star review if you like it, help us break down this false narrative. The left is so desperate to construct before they succeed in silencing us all,
Transcript generated on 2020-10-23.