« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 939 - Hunting For Hunter

2020-01-24 | 🔗

Democrats unwittingly open the door for Hunter Biden’s testimony while targeting Trump, Bernie gains ground in New Hampshire, and China moves to contain a possible pandemic. If you like The Ben Shapiro Show, become a member TODAY with promo code: SHAPIRO and enjoy the exclusive benefits for 10% off at dailywire.com/Shapiro Check out "Verdict with Ted Cruz" on Apple Podcasts! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/verdict-with-ted-cruz/id1495601614

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Democrats unwittingly opened the door for a hundred widens testimony while targeting Donald Trump Bernie. Ground in New Hampshire, an Bernie comes under fire for touting a joke. Rogan endorsement, I'm bench appearance, is the bench Shapiro show yeah, the bench of Euro show is sponsored by express Vps. Your data is your business protected at expressive, gps, dot, com lifespan? Well, I know you're yawning because after all, we're still covering him why the hell recovering impeachment. I know it's supposed to be super duper important, but here is the reality. People are well now. I know media's gonna tell you that this is a figment. The right wing imagination that actually people aren't. Hence our hopes, but ratings do not lie. The writing is continued the abysmal for what is it was to be one of the great historic moments in american history. The moment when Adam shift see the republic. I do not think that the american people are tuned into this thing. I don't think the american people care deeply. I think all of this is baked into the cake at this point, so
fact that the Democrats keep trying to sell this thing, like the entertainment present trying to sell female ghostbusters is entertaining to me. It's also entertaining to me how the Democrats, who decided to ramp up the theatrical so in the end, the case that they are making about President Trump is not completely implausible. Read there they're making the case the trump tried to pressure the president of Ukraine into going after Joe Biden to benefit trump in twenty twenty solely. That is their case now. Is that a plausible red- it's not totally implausible, but is it evidentiary based know it is and when you are trying to prove a case, you actually have to provide the entire chain of evidence. The Democrats have not done that into instead add what they're doing his elbow chino and justice for all banging the table. Yelling at the moon This won't go outward sea of Adam ship, who is just a partisan here. I mean a real partisan, half a man who, as I said before, lens on television for two years, and he had secret information that is going to Damn president trump to impeachment, for collusion with Russia
You have Adam shift, pretending to be a a leader. Of the moral hierarchy in the United States and the atom shift, the same fellow who, within the last week, has openly lied about content. He knew he was lying about. A note from love. Partners to really Giuliani. Concerning a meeting. With the head of a regional he pretended is a meeting with the head of Ukraine. Adam shift the same guy, who was pretty much openly who are waiting his office was with the whistle blower them pretending. He had no idea with whistleblower was in all this, which audibly for half a second Adams. If a deeply dishonest human being, he was out there making his closing argument last night, and was as dishonest as you would suspect, but it was also an emotional was he would suspect he took CNN. Dana Bashers, Dana Bathsheba suggestion. Yesterday she said the american people they they don't seem all that investments. What we mean as we know me more props and more emotion. We need the Democrats
they're into an episode of them up and show a rational kermit? The frog talking about Donald Trump in Ukraine, Miss Bydel curve it and then in background. You can have the two guys up in the balcony got this shows herbal awe and then the american people would actually be interested in this thing. So Adam shift put on his own muppet eyes and decided that he would go for that. He was going to really up. The emotion here is Adam Schiff. Choking up now. Do you believe the atom shift is act? getting choked up here. Do you believe that Adam chef before prosecutor long time, congressperson- that he is actually getting emotional here that Adam shifted he use overwhelmed with, but he was so overcome with the moment. He was choked up because morality, matters and right matters. Ok, if you believe this unity, it seriously If you believe in the emotional politician is generally you're an idiot buildings. I've ever seen, politicians get really emotional and at that ok, this is pretty real, is when
George Shelley Bush after nine eleven, because everybody was so shaken up by nine eleven or you might take by Edmund Muskie in ninety seventy two when his actual families being attacked, like I believe it, when Joe Biden gets pistol about a hundred Biden or bovine, I totally get it right that so many attacks or family. That is a place where you are going to get upset, but do I believe it one? politicians on the grand stage in their closing. Argument suddenly into Jimmy Stuart from Mr Smith goes to Washington. I believe that for a second, because Jimmy Stewart was an actor, I know this is what we call acting a John moments, thing here, I got Adam show that thing. Here. Right is supposed to map It's what's made us the greatest nation on earth. No constitution can protect us right, doesn't matter any more and you know you can't trust this presents- do what's right for this country? If you find him guilty.
You must find that he should be removed because right matters because right matters and the truth MAPS otherwise we are lost, oh my god, yes and it people were going Gaga for this. This trend, it! Ok! right matters friend it because oh it was not, script is just a spontaneous moment whose moment Mr Smith Those washing Claude reigns in the back room, shooting himself like that or alternatively, this was we produced and really silly and quite ridiculous and again. The whole argument is quite ridiculous and self contradictory, because when you actually look what Adam she said yesterday, so many of the things that he said we're just not true- secures Adam shift, for example talking about Morocco Bomb as Ukraine policy. Some of the points that the Trump team has made is that you keep complaining about the Trump team the treatment of Ukraine. You keep complaining that team from is really really mean to Ukraine, while team from provided actual killing age.
We greatly military aid, Ukraine, that included, weaponry capable of protecting them against the Russian. Which is something the Obama administration did not do Any good Adam chef saying No, no, you understand about a rally the world, since Russia invading Ukraine really did because it seems to me that Russia is still in criminal. Like now, today, and that rallying the world involve President Trump, basically doing nothing. For months on end and then every often saying that it was very, very bad that Russia was doing a very bad thing which exist. But he didn't. Syria also to hear is Adam Shift. Just why? that Barack Obama's record central bomber used his cause with foreign leaders to contain the fall out from the global economic crisis, assemble an international coalition. To the islamic State and of or to rally support for Ukraine falling Russia's invasion of Crimea. No matter what you think of the policy views are priorities of these prior president's. There is no question in that they are examples of the normal diplomacy that happens during,
presidential telephone calls in and then there's the normal diplomacy that happens when you're on the stage with Dmitri Medvedev in telling him that you'll offer his country flexibility after you let the elections along as they back off before the election. That was the part, did Adam. She didn't play on tape, but he's a deeply announcement right buyers right now. Brave men and women get you more of Adam Shift in Turin, Adler and the rest of the Democrats. Also, I gotta tell you, at this. This amazing controversy that is now broken out over my friend, your Rogan, apparently Joe Rogan, is now cancelled, which he knew was coming but cancelled for the most bizarre reason, it's pretty incredible. Get to that in just one taken first, must be real about this view have met We wish you sitting around and waiting. A medical issue is a stupid idea. You should go get a medical issue solved, even if that issue happens to be embarrassing to you now, listen guys to want to talk about a reptile dysfunction. Why would you want? Do you wanna talk about that? Would people you know it. Maybe aren't even talk about that with a doctor. Will good news for you. You can head on over to get roman dotcom right now and you can get it done really fast and really quick
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a website. We sitting around waiting on it. He speaking of Adam Shift, pushing silliness, so Adam should also made the case that president from was pushing russian propaganda about Ukrainian in interference in the election up. I think that president from buys into confirmation buys in an extraordinary why adding the President Trump bought into a bunch of stories about all the stuff those happening in Ukraine and a lot of those words were not true. The conspiracy theory. The crowd strike was a ukrainian operated business. That was hiding the reality. The Ukraine and Hats, Hillary Clinton, server and Hillary Clinton, actual server was buried in a forest outside Kiev or some such nonsense. I agree that that's nonsense, but the Democrats really overplayed their hand here when they suggest that there was no ukrainian interference in the election. We know that there is Ukraine interferes in the election political reported, there is ukrainian interference in the election. The two can are not mutually exclusive and not to say that the ukrainian interests is anything like on the magnitude of the russian interference. It was odd, but for the democratic replay this thing in and say there was no interference, which is what they now have to claim in order that they can say that
it was really about Donald Trump trying to manufacture information about Joe Biden for twenty twenty. They have to fit so here's Adam chef a little bit. What the president is talking about here is a very specific conspiracy, theory owing to the server itself mean in that. It was Ukraine that hack the democratic server, not the Russians This theory was brought you by the Kremlin. Ok So when I talk about generic interference, we're talking about the server we're talking about strike, at least that's what Donald Trump wanted to investigate or announced this completely bogus Kremlin pushed conspiracy theory and so again the reason that he is saying this is because, if he had knowledge is that maybe there could be legit interest in what you created and made more tromp was doing, even if it was based wrong information was not badly
debated and the problem is the Democrats have to assume motive in order to get where they want to go right here. Meanwhile, the democratic opening the door to test money by Hunter Biden, so Sylvia Garcia, representative, Garcia, she's one. Other impeachment managers in the house, and she like Adam ship. They they do not want providing to testify, so they want to have a bill ways they want to have left harness testify they want to have met. Mulvaney is we'll get to testify that they want everybody to testify, except for Hunter Biden. They do not want hundred Biden to testify And so they ve been making the argument that hundred Biden should not testify because they're trying to protect Joe Biden, Shaggy, sober reporting for the New York Times House Democrats sought Thursday, two preemptively dismantle president trumps core defences in his impeachment trial. Invoking his own words to argue that his pressure campaign on Ukraine was an abuse of power that warranted his removal. Democrat sought to make the case the trumps actions were an affront to the constitution, and they were to disprove. His lawyers claim that he was acting only in the nations interest when he sought to enlist Ukraine to investigate political rights.
In doing so, they took a calculated risk in talking at length about president crumbs targets, including former Vp Joe. Biden and his one hundred Biden and underscored the political backdrop of a trial unfolding only ten months before the election and likely to reverberate long after the verdict? and in that line senior Sylvia Garcia, pretending that there is nothing to investigate about Hunter. By no reason to be concerned about hundred button, the Democrats applying it dangerous game here, because once they say we want additional witnesses and then this, if we don't one hundred Biden, people going say why? Why is the central issue here? Not being addressed here's Sylvia Garcia, opening the door wide open, the present wanted an investigation of Hunter Biden. There is no basis for that either Now? How do you know? Well, Ukraine, it made it does allegations against widespread The allegations against Vice President Biden son was plainly falls
even the Ukrainians believed that binds son did nothing wrong, maybe get a couple problems, yet one some ukrainians to two hundred did nothing wrong in job. I did nothing wrong, then. You have other prosecutors like sector shows and the one that bind after who is actually apparently selling the information. That Biden do something wrong. Also, if your line The Ukrainian said the Hunter Biden. Joe Biden did nothing wrong. You, who has said the Donald Trump, did nothing wrong. All of ukrainian leadership leaving aside the iranian leadership to the affected hundred binding Joe Biden or off the hook. The same people have also said. The Donald Trump is up but you don't like them like them in support of one proposition basis, but you cite them in support of the other proposition. So all of this is a bit of a mess for the Democrats. We're gonna get to more of this in just one second, first, let us talk about why so security should be an issue for you why you should really pay attention here on cyber security. So we hear the daily why we spend hundreds of money and tons of time protecting our cyber security, because we're major company and we come under attack on a fairly regular basis,
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particularly on foreign policy executive privilege, does run pretty wide. Tomkins has what Democrats are doing right here is they are attempting to call people whose sight executive privilege, so they can then claim that action is taken place? We Democrats have not solved the testimony of joy on a private citizen or say Secretary Rick, Perrier Secretary Montcalm PEO, who regularly testify in front of Congress. Why are they going after the present crisis advisers? Those most likely subject, executive privilege it's because they care more about trying to create a campaign issue against republican senators. Then they care about getting relevant testimony in again, and that is underscore by the fact that they keep saying that hundred binding should not testified. Lindsey grim, who is fairly close. It Joe Biden brimming over the pre friendly. He says list I dont think Joe Biden is corrupt, but we also have to ask the court at this point. I must be straight about this. If Hunter Biden was named down from Junior and usually
stuff right now, wouldn't the Democrats be taken precisely the opposite position, her centre, Graham from the time they raided the present some Joe Biden call the present the Ukraine four times got out applying. Instead, if you don't fire this guy, you don't get the billion dollars. I love Joe by, but I Can t you if the name was Trump? Maybe a lot of questions asked, I don't think Joe binds corrupt but I'll. Think he's beyond being looked at here's what I would say how many members of the body children foreign boards. Receiving this scanner money. Then again, these are legit center. Tat grew saying the same thing and the Democrats keeps him We're not going to allow hundred bind to testify its relevant he's not going to testify centre. Accrues, gives ok. Well, that is the president's defence and now you're trying to deny him his main defence, which is that he was
did Emily interested in corruption and Ukraine, including hundred binds corruption. Here's centre accrues Adam shifts arguments to open the day to day directly drew into question Hunter by and made not only his testimony relevant, which had already was, but it is now critical because the House Democrats have built their entire case on the proposition in that any investigation into Maurice and corruption was a sham that it was completely debunked problem. Is there is very significant prime Aphasia evidence of corruption, what we'll find out because again, if we called the shore witnesses, I think there is very little doubt hundred Biden ends up on this, and at the very least as another great for Joe Biden, the matter whether jobs. Did something wrong. Whether you didn't eat something wrong doesn't great. When you're flight swearing, your son around these using your last name to pick a bags of cash in foreign countries. Meanwhile, the other big news from impeachment gate is that CBS evening NEWS is reporting that apparently,
somebody and it is unclear who somebody either a report. Can in the Senate, or a Republican in the White House is telling people in the Senate their head will be on a pike at their head will be on a pike if they oppose president from in this impeachment effort. Now Why that exactly newsworthy is beyond me. Honestly, like I understand that the language is very colorful, but do you think that Sort of rights do not happen it literally every single day and legislator. Why do you think that people back down before Nancy Pelosi things because she weedles them, or do you think that you, I guess what I'm method of Hungary's for you and the guillotine is, appeared in the back room and you can tell you what I'm saying is that your head may not be connected your body wedded. You can't portray her as the queen of dragons without there being a little bit of a threat involved, which is exactly the way the Democratic Party Nancy Policy for years, but apparently very very bad, for the White House to employ its leverage over over Republicans net listen, would it be better
Would we live in a better world if nobody ever applied leverage to their own Congress, people and everybody just voted their conscience. Of course, has that ever been the way that american politics works or any other politics for that matter, not in the slightest treating this as a shock that the White House, or that Mitch Mcdonald's office is trying to apply leverage to its own members Why exactly that shocking? They literally do this on every bell on every bill you attempted to apply. Leverage is just a question of degree. Nonetheless, CBS News reported. That senders were born? They don't they also by whom an unnamed source close to the president, which could be anybody right. Really anybody could be somebody who is a staff for the president could be George Conway cause he's Mr President, by proxy. I could be anybody telling CBS News, only senators were warned. What vote against the president in your head will be on a pike and then the daily mail reports its uncle from the report, what did the warning was issued by the White House republican leadership in the Senate? So don't you know, Bush. In the morning
couldn't just some guy on a street corner going your head will be, and CBS News is like. Well, that's a threat as a threat, What does that mean? There's anybody actually believe that President Trump is going stamp on over to the Senate, is gonna take out a broad acts. And he's gonna start going to town of somebody votes against him impeachment. Now it means that he's applying political pressure which again, if you think political Russia has not applied and democratically and Clint impeachment radioman political pressure is always applied as the nature of politics but this is now being used as it is a case in point of frumpy in it. Imitation when, in reality, that's just the nature of what's more interest saying that report, and this one is not getting any play, is the fact that Democrats are not approaching any of the moderate Republicans Washington Post reports that the most closely watched senators of President trumps impeachment trial are oddly ice I waited until the present from his keeping his distance, because Whitehouse advisors are telling him that outreach, wouldn't help is cause, which is obviously true from calls up. Susan Collins she's going to say that he is trying to.
Germinate her and she's gonna stand up to em right if you calls up Mitt Romney, thus There are great form, but meanwhile, Democrat say, there is no serious effort to privately lobby. The Republicans with the party steady, relying on public opinion and the house prosecutors to squeeze, them into breaking ranks. What is that go to it shows that they know that they're not gonna get those republican centres on their side. Just trying to get up public sentiment in advance of the twenty twenty elections? That's really what that is about the Democrats. Truly cared about trying to win the impeachment vote, maybe other lobbying the Democrat, the republican centres like day in and day out, but they're not doing any of that. Instead they are pushing a different idea, which is public opinion right there and push public opinion to push the centres which really suggests that this isn't about winning the impeachment battle at all. Really. What this is about, in effect, is trying to undercut, though senators for purposes of when you twenty, which of course is what this entire thing is about in the first place in just one second gonna get to the twenty twenty raised, because, frankly, all of this is
now the twenty twenty race- and there is a fascinating example of the left shooting itself directly in the foot, because they cannot help themselves truly, cannot help themselves it. It's it's amazing, we'll get to that in just one. Second, first we're three days into this impeachment trial. It is clear that the Democrats are going to manipulate this thing with everything they ve got. Media are going to help him out if you'd like to know the real truth and get it behind the scenes. Look endeavour. Happening check out the newly released podcast verdict with TED crews, centre of crews and the daily wires own useless, Michael most taking behind the scenes of the capital, give you exclusive, Conservative insight are the most important political stories of Revalue made those useful here's a little bit of the trailer. Join Senator TED Crews, as he breaks down the most important political stories of the day on his new podcast verdict. If you get to the heart of the problem with the House Democrats case here, they have an alleged treason, rivalry or other high crimes or misdemeanours, and let's actually talk about what the constitutional
Standard is subscribe today and leave a five star reviewed for verdict with TED groups. Co hosted by me, Michael notes, on Apple podcast, Spotify everywhere else. You get your podcast. I know the Dep Hog has the soaring up the charge we should go check it out on the Apple podcast Spotify or your favorite swimming service. Again, it's called verdict would said, crews and really, good inside, look at what exactly is going on a day to day level in the Senate and meanwhile the twenty twenty race. I am amused by the radical left. I'm amused by them. So yesterday, Joergen, who is a friend of mine, rifle disclosure and friends of Joe, I think just good dude. We disagree on a wide variety of topics, but what fun about show is the Joe is really open, minded he's going to discuss with anybody like hell of anybody. Ownership they'll have tons of people from a variety of different viewpoints. Had me he's had Bernie Sanders regime Berry, wise and he's had and he's had. People I think our wildly not a wise Remington he's he's had people from virtually every area of life will Joe Rogan was.
Ass by very wise on his show who he would You likely to vote for in the California primaries in here was Joe organs answer. I think I'll probably vote for. Bernie him as a human being. When I was hanging out with him, I believe in him. I like him. I like him a lot with Bernie stands for a guy who you can. You can dig up and every single human being its ever existed. If you catch them in their worse moment and you make defy those moments and cut out everything else, and you only despite the display those worst moments that said you can't find very many with burning here been insanely consistent, his entire life itself, Rogan saying what really is, he's appeal, which the Bernie has been this old commie for his entire life. Now I don't find that appeal right. I think that his ideas been bad, since, basically, he emerged from his mother's womb at eighty two, but at length he he's like the high school principle and back to the future. The men never had here right minutes, that's. He was always like this, but that is his appeal. Ready
that the appeal Bernie is the authenticity. It's the reason why people have not turned to Elizabeth WAR and they feel she's in often take people who, like Bernie, believe that he has often take and so there, like ok Lisi, believes what he believes. That goes a long way with Joe. Now again, I disagree with Joe on this. I think Bernie Sanders is a trash I think he's awful. I think he associates with the worst people. I think that he champions the worst people, but what's lyricist the left, which has no problem with that with Bernie Sanders hanging out windows, our swore no problem with indian professional king no problem Bernie Sanders touting the endorsement some the most radical people in America, life Joe Rogan, said that said I'd, be likely to vote for Bernie Sanders and Bernie Sanders had temerity to put that up on a sweater page and now that is trending number one on twitter number, one not because Rogan said they need. You like me to go for dinner. That's not actually a huge surprise right, Joe, is an out of the box dude. That's not. It really is not super shopping, and often matters an awful lot of the real? some people are man is because Joe broken. His had people like me on his show and the fact that your role in it
people. Like me, on a show means the jargon is very bad men, very bad, very bad, Mme that Bernie Sanders touting his endorsement is really awful because job Rogan believes things like. Sometimes he says that men are men and women are women, and men should not fight women and Mme Ass, a thing he has said, and that is quite terrible. And also to organise a comedian, which means he has had very politically correct and offensive things in the past, and that is very bad. And so now Many scientists is being attacked by the Woke left for the sin of counting the fact that most popular POD Casper in America Right Mean Jos huge that Joe came out and said that he would vote for Bernie in a primary or is likely to vote in a primary. The left is so self defeating and burning deserves. Every better this, of course, because Bernie escorted this right. All the talk about brings authenticity. Here's where Joe, I think is wrong. Bernie is, is authentic, until the point where he is challenger, which pointy backs down like a little pansy, where he is absolutely authentic, until the point where he
attacked on it and then he runs screaming from the room did to give an example, he was endorsed by change, Eiger, so check, and I have our disagreements, to put it mildly. You can find a debate with me in Genk, our minds pretty fund debate. Change is running for Congress out here in California. He also has a big show called the young Turks, which is weird since four in time he didn't believe in the armenian genocide, but in any case, chunk has evolved history of saying pretty wild things here, but check, was always hinders. The border ready, always supported Sanders ready to like he's always important and so chunk endorse. Anders Santer said. Thank you and then people started. Filling up generous feed with all the things that I think is that over the years and Sanders basically withdrew his endorsement of the endorsement you basically, this associate. Did from Chang, which is the most guns.
Moving the entire world me super duper gutless. It's not like check was hiding. The ball changes then take forever descending with Rogan. I wouldn't be surprised. Bernie Sanders backs offer this. I will not be surprised. Bernie Sanders pulled down the sweet and says while I am grateful for Joe Rogan support. I don't agree with everything the durable goods by Roma, but that would not be surprising to me at all. This is the and he deserves that. I mean that's what he has. He has facilitated the rise of this woke left. He has given do. You could win the guy standing up to it, but he is facilitated that rises cater to that rise and now he's feeling. The blow back from it. So fine But it is amazing that the world the left wants to create. It really is an incredible world remain Rogan, has had on a variety of democratic candidates and many of the candidates, come on. He decided what really want you to come hut. No right, but Andrey, Elect, give another example of how The work left is running America, so everything
I m ring is, is, according to the Emerson, pull now running for four years, like eight percent national poles, according samples, which is amazing for dude, who has been completely shut out of the media and worrying headed Mary to appear in the Sunday special where he had an hour long discussion of universal basic income that is completely cordial and interesting and fun and informative. It has millions of views on line. He was blasted for the sin of that blasted, for it, one of the reasons Andrey Gang is popular. Is because hand wringing his wont, have conversations of people who disagree without demonizing them. Meanwhile, we get people to judge, What a judge has cater to the woke left every step of the way there early on in the campaign when you first announced, I invited people to judge the commons under special, and his campaign manager said he'd loved to come on the Sunday special consideration. When he had no attention and then they got so much blow back. Did you just go sit right? Then? It was like no donated anymore, not interesting, coming on, not admit, responding Emil's. That is not how you build it. Coalition. Obviously, but the Democrats, or not
interested in building a coalition. The woke Democrats, at least, are not interested in building a college, and I must be frank about this. I hate giving advice Democrats to be frank about this Democrats. If you are going to force Joe Rogan out of your circle. If you're gonna pay, the Joe Rogan cannot be you, you cannot tell doors man from Joe Rogan cause. He said some bad things, but I have met. Are men and women? Are women? Good luck to you! Good luck, Do you have the winds and people like Joe Rogan if you hope to an election, and you want to push Rogan over to my side of the Isle. Keep doing this kind of stuff seriously. You to push. People like Joe Rogan people like Andrew Yang over my out of the way you have to do is keeping vicious jackasses all the time and dredging up old comments Nancy just well. This person is very bad, it's a very bad person and it's incredible how the media not only go along with this, but facilitate all this. So, SAM Stein, who is a quote unquote reporter with the We beast, which is to say that he is an activist with the daily beast, is pretty incredible
Sam Stein had exchanged with Glenn Green, while the Haglund Grimaud is hardly a person with a with a sterling record when it comes to controversy at the very least, raised very controversial figure, Glenn Greenwell there's a guy who helped Edward snowed. Release documents at the behest of the russian government, allegedly Ratan Lingering, while I think some good work having eat us work that I disapprove of. I dont particular like his point of view at all. I will note here by the way that right now he's been prosecuted. Brazil has completely inappropriate Nazi any evidence that he is violated the law in Brazil. Here I am defending somebody. I completely disagree with, and I think has vicious views on a variety of topics, but Glenn Greenwell. He has an exchange with Ramstein some signs report. For the daily beast, intense and SAM Stein starts criticising Bernie for the Rogan stuff. Right here, you tweet out. I totally see the merits in Bernie too, in the jargon endorsement and am also deeply cod?
Isn't that I'm not from a community of people that he has attacked and ridiculed, and I have to imagine this is very hard for them very hard for them. They just terrible terrible, ok and then going green responded quite appropriately. Well, you know it makes kind of sense that he is that he is. Telling endorsement from Rogan, because if you actually want to win a coalition than one things that you're gonna have to do is appealed to people may disagree with you on a bride of other topics and Sam Stein, then respond so would be ok to tell endorsement from Ben Shapiro right I mean that it. What does this have gone the way Did you have gone? Is personal I've never endorsed Bernie Sanders, but the thought experiment goes something like this. If Joe Rogan, who said bad, mean thing z by Bernie, Sanders or leases endorsement is endorsed by Bernie Sanders. That's very bad where you gonna stop, whereas the line is the line that you're going to say that it's ok to town endorsement from Ben Shapiro, SAM Stein, O alleged report.
For the daily beast, this is what the left wants. What the left wants is to circle the wagons shot that overturn window so tight that anybody- whose outside that Overton Window cannot ever be knowledge is a human being and to make it so that if somebody endorses you, you have to Ruth every one of their views. In order for you to accept the endorsement. Now, as it will be, perfectly Robert. If NEO Nazis endorsed indorsed burn We are outside the bounds of, shall we say, the main stream and american society. Men are men and women are women, is not outside the bounds of mainstream bounds of- shall we say, the main stream and american society, men are men and women are women- is not outside the bounds of mainstream in american society. Jargon is most popular pod, Catherine, America. The fact that the Democrats see Fit two to go after Bernie Sanders for the great sin of acknowledging that people who disagree on gender issues might support, him have attic eyes really enjoy. Enjoy. This is the world you want. Is the world you gonna get in various areas will lose running away if he caters to you guys at some point here.
Burns actually gonna have to stand on his hind legs, amazing for a guy who is considered so courageous ones less time. Yet He stood up on his hind legs and said no to anybody who wasn't the capitalist. That's the only issue where he won't, where you more back down as when he's ripping on capitalism when it comes to the woke left, there's been no point anywhere along the line here or huge said. Not this bunch crap not one point anywhere along the lines that he was gators and taters and hit will see. I have my doubts that he's going to stick by the new Joe Rogan play. I have a feeling he's, probably going back down now. Maybe doesn't you'd, be a fool to he's kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place now. But good luck! Good luck! Bernie Sanders? Meanwhile, team Obama is going after Bernie Sanders you so in October, campaign manager basically said the burning. The worst Canada in the field. The war on Bernie has begun and that war will not stop until Joe Biden. Denominate here is one of one of Obama. As ex campaign manager, is explaining, the Bernie is a terrible candidate. Bird
a lot of what he says. The messages, basically, you can live your life for free will have free college tuition. We'll have free. This will forgive you student debts, it's a powerful message. It is, but in the general election it's a message that I think is going to getting killed. I mean, I think, he's towards candidate in a general election. For exactly that reason. Think Bernie is the worst thing. There's a question about it gets out. Did the guns vote, up routine Obama on timber money, and that is not particularly surprising, but this is a time for bona fide back. This is the last time this is the Alamo for burning and is it is. You are Bernie hast. It has to step. This is Stalingrad sees a better analogy because Bernie isn't, he D, Stalinist. The people were Agamemnon Nazis, though, so I guess I've actually I'll have to think of another analogy, but are in any case be the fact that that the fact that the the Democrats are going after Bernie Middle going after him for the great sin of unwillingness is amusing to me, I am enjoying it and enjoy really enjoy yourselves
does not injustice. Second, we're actually do the mail bag limit on that in a few weeks. So I would love to take your questions in the mail bag and we're gonna do that momentarily first, and we talk about the fact that you will have a better life in Europe, either shredder. You know it's funny. We all we all are very angry that we live in a society where people judge based on appearance. This is called all of human society forever and always will be what one of the things that you judge, people based on is the beauty of their smile. Science proves this is so, but if you have teeth that have fallen out of place since you were younger oriented operates, is the best way to get those teeth straight. Looking real good again is too out candid, I know because I'm using Canada liners right now. I had braces when I was younger Monday, the pretty straight, but they slip out of place over the years, and sometimes you need your liners put things back where they should be alright. Now: gold, candid c o dot com, it's candid co, dot com and you Lasher, Bureaus Kennicott comes lash, appear and get seventy five bucks off those clear liners. They strategy for sixty five percent less than braces there really
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represent, use it you well, I must have got Joe Gaucho, it's not you, but if you aren't Yo Gaucho today is the day Gotcha knows there is only one thing that can help sustain you through the insanely long lines of theme parks in this, Joe and his son are wearing matching blue line, can t shirts standing out in the hot sun problem carrying our glorious tumblr, the caption reads: I dont always do Disney, but when I do, I stay hydrated with the greatest now beverage vessels, the leftist years hot or cold tumblr append Shapiro hashtag leftist, your tumblr hashtag always full fantastic and you jump hope you and your family had a great time: innovation if you're Disneyland, outdated, atomic galaxies edged fun place. Thank you for the picture. If you know anything about the show, also just while we're at this right now, we have a special than we are privilege up you know the where production, if you ve ever listen to the show. You know this, we broadcast live from March for life last year. What you may not know is it because we did that the leftist activist the same people going after Joe Rogan today, because this is what they do, they decided to go after our advertisers and we actually lost revenue. That's not the first time it won't be. The last
time that the left attempts to shut down pro life voices were not the only targets. Live. Action is a great problem group but my friend Lyle arose. Wide action is terrific: they they work on case on the abortion issue they make under cover videos that exposed plan parenthood and other abortion clinics for her risk. Human rights abuses in their crackdown routinely by social media twitters crackdown on them Pinterest is crackdown on them. If you they help them out. There's a great way. Do it and help us out to their daily work, come right now and right now you subscribe daily wire dot com and you use promo code live action. A portion of your subscription membership is donated to live act. From now until January. Thirty, first in expectation of the March for life, such brig, radio use problem could live action and you get a subscription and give money to a great car when you go to daily, where dot com and make your prolific voice heard, where the largest fastest growing conservative, Pakistan, radio showing nation result Chelsea right. We're losing mailbag, so Chelsea, Right Haven. Yesterday, you talked about
you think Elizabeth worn would be able to push through universal childcare with increasing free. Once Republicans, are warming up to this idea, even if they understand it would be just another step of the government interfering within replacing the family. What are the best arguments against universal childcare? Thank you. Actually, Elizabeth worn back in two thousand three wrote a book called the two income trap in which we discussed the problem with Universal childcare, one of the problems of universal childcare. Is it now assumes that both members of a family have to work right? That is the basic. Miss of Universal childcare. The problem with that is that, once we have both members of the family working, she makes this point. The Jew income trap is that it actually drives up real estate prices. It right at prices. That requires you to earn more in the market in order to get what you could have gotten for cheaper for when there is only one worker in the household- and so will you end up With- is a broader labour pool which does drive down wages? Not only does it do that requires both members of the house. Let it be working and then, in order by that house in the suburbs that you want, you need both members of the household working and if you are stayed home, your disadvantage. So does this happen? stayed home arms it basically subs
rises, working moms at the expense of stay at home. Moms is the idea also it subsidizes single moms at the expense of Mary bombs beyond that, there's a basic premise to Universal Childcare, which is that all women find fulfilment in working so the best thing you could do. Maybe, if you're, if you're, really concerned about it because of what I did just lower taxes and then if people want to pay for childcare, they can pay for childcare, where their plenty of workplaces right now that are offering childcare for kids like seriously they have childcare downstairs and mom can drop off the kids for the day after school, we'll take care of it, but the idea that Universal Childcare is an inherent good, as mom has to work, is an assumption being made about what mothers you'd be doing that. I think cuts against the very grain of female choice in, a lot of cases and beyond that, and also greater a weird economic structure whereby everybody is expected to working
putting women, so it actually removes the choice from women to work or not work in many cases, because now the idea is that you expected to work, because, after all, you Virgil childcare is available to you in. This is the case that that Elizabeth warning in herself made while she is pushing universal childcare, now she's reversed herself on that in some pretty dramatic way. Then there is the general libertarian argument, which is none of my business. What you do with your kids! It is your job to take care of your kids, the general rule. Now I am all for charity. I am all for making sure that those kids are taken care of and if you're in economic terms, I am all you direct charity, but the idea that is societies, jobs make sure that you are work attending our day, and they are I was in childcare, also there's an assumption that childcare is better for kids than being at home with mom, which again, I think is, is not backed by social science. The notion that a families but are often mommy's dumping. The kitten child care all day that has insignificant drawbacks as well. Now again, local communities can do this, but the idea of a federal mandated universal childcare in which
they're all supposed to pay in, and it's going to cover everybody. It does incentivize, it create a perverse incentive. It creates a perverse incentive for people to take advantage of the universal child. Care makes the government into Mommy, which is not a good idea. Michaels Heaven If the chief justice is presiding over the impeachment rail, why can t be the deciding factor in calling witnesses love the show thanks? Well, the way these procedures usually work is that the the Senate actually has to vote, for the procedures is not up to the chief justice to vote for the procedures he just gobbles in whether the procedures have been applied or but he may show that procedures are actually followed, but he's not what makes the rules the Senate makes the rules, it's not up to the chief justice. To do that. Tim says: here. The terms, communism, socialism and marxism avenues seemingly interchangeably, could you briefly explain? The differences between them where's at all one thing that in future we could call Bernie as well. The problem is that votes on the left like to distinguish.
Between these things, based on whether they think it successful up. So what you'll hear from axis is that their very there many types of marxism, but there is Guild Marxism, that there is a sort of Trotskyite Marxism in there, stolen Marxism, that there is cuban Marxism in Theirs norwegian Marxism, and these are all different forms of Marxism. That's a wave hiding the ball that so that you don't actually have to be pegged down when Marxism is actually tried in a country like you borrow the USSR, you can just able that's not true marxism. True Marxism has never been tried and the same thing holds true. Communism to communism. It hard for the Democrats or anybody on the left was a marxist to run away from the communist label anymore, because communist countries, once they have self declared communists, have been complete failures. Everytime I tried said what they try to do is distinguished socialism from communism, the realities, if your calling for public ownership of the means of production, then what you are really talking about is communism. What you're talking about is, is socialist and communist Marxism they're all equivalent. In this way this is A long standing sort of confused
Debate on nice he's right about in his book socialism of nineteen twenty. You suggest that, really, if we're going to find Marxism, Marxism in the end is not even about the principle from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs, it really is about the public ownership of the means of production that there are a lot of aspects to Marxism and different aspects can be analyzed on their own or combination, but the route of ECHO Marxism, is the idea that we cannot have private industry, because private industry is profit driven. Profits are bad because their excess, and because you are stealing from the work and the only way to remove those excess profit is to have the workers on the business, but not in a private market. Instead, you have to have the government run everything to make sure that workers workers could be just as capitalist anybody else. Instead, the government has to do side supply demand. The government has to decide pricing. The government has to create a pricing mechanism. All this is utterly unworkable on a practical level. So what you see is aspects of what kind of a kind of food colouring of Marxism dropped into a capitalist diamond
while Marxism so you'll see is people on websites while democratic socialism is marxism, it is not ok, a capitalist system with socialist well Their benefits is a capitalist system with social welfare benefits, and then we can determine whether the socialist welfare benefits actually achieve what they are seeking to achieve so nationalized healthcare system In fact, socialism remit is a socialist system, but if it exists in the context of a free market for drugs for doctors, if it exists in a free market. In general, that is drawing from taxpayer revenue. Then you have to distinguish between the socialist aspect of me, not socialist aspect. Socialism is basically the idea that you did the entire cap but was system, should be overthrown mean that is the basis of Marxism. Now can you can have welfare benefits welfare benefit? our socialist in orientation, but if the system is itself, Social was then it's not a socialist system right his haven, I'm seventeen years old from Massachusetts stylish to all three hours. We shall everyday. Unlike greater. I do not know
global warming is one of my highest priorities. Anonymously. Doesn't worry me all that much, however, I've research, nuclear power as a possible energy source. It appears to be the best solution have come across. What are your thoughts, a nuclear power? You think any further steps need to be taken to stop global warming. Sure, I mean I, I see global warming by best available evidence is occurring. It is largely men caused by best available evidence. Even people were full of lukewarm, like Roy Spencer, we ve heard on on russian Buzz programme. For example, even he will say, he believes that over fifty percent global warming is being caused by man made activities and go and carbon emissions. So I don't believe this. Of full on denial case at all. What should we do about that? While the best answer honestly, is not going to be a global carbon tax which is never going to take place. China and India will never sign on to that and will be effective without China and India signing on to it. Instead, what will be effective is actual economic development
by the substitution of natural gas for for oil in the United States, has been responsible for the United States actually dropping his carbon emissions, its rate of carbon emissions over last, several, years you'll. Also nuclear power is an excellent solution. There are new smaller nuclear plants they can be. Using nor technology has basically been style by the environmentalist. If you are Urban environments was the series are now about climate change. Just ask if they're trying to ban nuclear power of the answers there trying to ban nuclear power there not serious about climate change. Most of the people who say their serious about climate change are not in fact theories about climate change. They dont want talk about adaptation in order by building seawall didn't want to talk about about the possibility of carbon capture, and I want to Any of those things they just want to rail against the moon and that's why they love when a thunder, because you will say things openly like we should just get rid of all carbon based fossil fuel, on planet earth not use them anymore, which would reduce pretty much everybody back to the level of of are humble. Erectus ancestors in terms of living standards would not be wonderful. There is as yet
what do you think of the notion that the electoral college move away from a winner takes all system and instead proportionally allocate electoral votes? It seems like this would make candidates focus on states that are not swing. States is this beneficial, but that the whole purpose of the electoral college originally was to balance out the needs of states and the needs of the population generally, and it's sort of this imbalance that you see in terms of the United States Congress and we ourselves today very often don't even understand why the states automatic, because we ve lost the cards. To federalism in local ism, entirely. She's democrats militating against the United States Senate sang the United States, and it is not representative, after all, Montana has as many votes in the Senate as California, Montana? Has nine people in California has fifty million? So what exactly Why are you doing that? The answer is the proportional representation makes states irregular and states never would have signed on the constitution if they had. If they had and they were going to become adjuncts to basically there
can be barnacles on the whales of California, in New York in Massachusetts, New Jersey and other big populations, it so the electoral college. I do not think it should be proportionally allocated I think we want to do that. Scuttle popular wrote, it doesn't seem to actually mean anything to be proportionally allocated beyond just reflection of the popular vote already time for a quick thing that I like and then click a thing that I hate so things that I like tonight, there's a good movie that was really undercover. I enjoyed it I think it was really well made. I'm a sucker for I really like mushrooms. This is a pretty good western. Then it was not good we covered by the media, the media, didn't seem to like it very much. I'm not sure why, honestly like this is it's a pretty it's pretty. Water is a really interesting take on Billy the kid so you'll know anything about the about Billy, the kid shot to death at age, twenty one, but his his record of killing was a lot more chequered than most of the sort of criminals of the american history, never rob a bank in a robber train and he was not
In fact, there is real controversies to just how much of a criminal Billy the kid was, because he's really involve more in sort of farming dispute. Neighbor disputes, and then there were some disputed circumstance where he was killing other bad. But in any case the basic premise of the film is that pay is that there is a kid he and his sister our present when his father, beating his mother and the kid shoots the father and then tries to escape run away with his sister, therefore And under wing by Billy, the kid Pat Garret is is chasing Billy. The kid at the time and the until all this takes place in the context of that very, very famous pursuit, here's a little bit of the trailer.
There should be rising. They want us to destroy their life's partialities. Germany will be a brisk branches of moonlight night line. They sort of petrol as one size. Labelling is only ever maybe ten minutes of ideas real, bad guy. There is no real bad Diana Film is the only true body in the Philippines. Is Chris Brat and he's unrecognised. What can you do know those prescribed surprised US press breath. I happen to be a big even hawk, then you have to be abandoned or mannered acting like Ethan Heart, but I, like you, can talk a lot and he's very good in this phone, so It is its worthy of the watch. The kid would also make it for an atom Baldwin's disabilities. Any any move with Adam is worth watching. Things go check it out the kid with even hawk turnover fun they already time for instead of a thing I hate, let's do lobata bibles hot I've missed it a blast several weeks up every week, the Jews,
read a portion of the Bible, and this week the Jews read from the book of exodus. This is the portion of the Bible in which the Jews are basically pairing to leave. Egypt and Moses goes any threatening these threatening Pharaoh and he's telling him that if you don't let the Jews go, things get real bad, very real, quick record here. So there's a really interesting part of this week's parsha right this particular tore portion. That is the the bizarre statement. The God says, he's going to harden Pharaoh's, huh it raises the euro is gonna, be willing to let you go in there, but hardness heart and people all the commentators and in jewish lore. In Christian, or do they go like? How is that a thing that does not supposed interfere with their freeway Why is God getting involved in hardening very hard to make him to a bad thing right? Why is it that God is telling their fellows Let the Jews go in and this whole thing comes to a sort of natural dean. You I'm all. Instead, we Why is God hardening throws heart it very bizarre? May God says I
hardened Pharaoh's heart and I shall put my hand upon Egypt and I shall take up legions the children of Israel from the land of Egypt, so how, Can you aren't? There is hardly responsible for what he's doing, because that's what happens right Pharaoh is held responsible, his army dies in the sea, things go real bad. So why would God do that? Well got acknowledges in the Torah versus the springs of questions of free will generally How much free will do human beings actually have this pretty live question ray and the scientific community to live question? How much do we actually have the ability to control our own actions? How much of that is environmental? I marches materialist, AIDS, all environmental, it's all environment, biology, sermons, everything and then say we can magically change our own system using free will radically supplant capitalism of communism. That will change. The social system, and then we will all be better people, so they contradict our own philosophy in the middle of their philosophy but disorder. Materials. Point of view, generally that we don't have any free will is the lead. Some really interesting debates between me and SAM Harris, another a person who is no longer welcome in the hard left for having conversations of people SAM
the materials position that we don't have any very well. I take the position that we do have free. Up and that we have the ability to overcome to at least eight sir. We extend our own biological drives in order to make better decisions sand? Take the position that basically, sport? Rightly whatever? Whatever you are? You are whatever decisions you think you're making you're not making those decisions. That is your biology in conjunction with your environment. So how much free will do Actually, how will the Torah suggests that man is a biological creature, but then also suggests that biology does not determine man's fate, whether you actually you have the capacity to make decisions beyond your own biological imperatives. So the question is: when God hardens Pharaoh's heart, does God actually? Is he actually making the decision for fairer
making it easier for fairer to make a decision. You there's another way to read: hardens Pharaoh's heart one way is to read it, as God is making its the faroes has. No, the other way is read it. The God is stealing Pharaoh for what is to come at the gotta saying. Ok, I understand that, you're afraid. I understand that you are living in fear of the next plague, but this is actually making it harder for you, to make the decision you want to make, and I know what kind of decision you actually want to make so instead, I may Can you braver ready heard that somebody battle harden their heart? Would forget this guy just got ready, yet it he was brave. Now now he had, he had put aside his fear and whose more brave so in the Bible says the God hardens Ferris heart. What is actually doing is he's giving Pharaoh the capacity to choose. More broadly he's saying, I know what you want do and I'm giving you the capacity to choose more broadly, so God is actually change, feral in order to let him more freedom of choice and in the same way, this is basically what psychologists do every day,
when they engage in cognitive, behavioral therapy or exposure therapy, their helping you get over. Whatever fear you have, so you have more freedom of choice available to you so this is how God free it gives us free well right. He limits His own control is not that he is telling fair what to do he's limiting his own control by giving Pharaoh a greater capacity for free will. So what exactly is very well, and why should a matter while in politics in matters in off, why you cannot build a system on anything other than freeware? We assume in our politics that free will is the is the be all end up. That's why we feel that personal responsibilities thing, and if you want people to have a better life, you have to give them credit for it very well. You cannot tell them their environmentally driven by you. Try to steal them flexi dont, be afraid, make your own decisions in this case peril. Pharaoh Para makes a wrong decision in this case,. He feels stronger to make the decision makes a bad decision, but what we should be doing in our normal lives is giving people the capacity to make decisions for which they end up, taking responsibility
Social psychologist, robot Meister explains what scientists mean by freewill. He's is self control counts as a kind of freedom, because it begin would not acting on every impulse. These of abstract ideas, such as moral principles to guide action, takes us far beyond anything. You'll will find the physics chemistry textbook, and so we are free and the sense of emergence of going on similar forms of causality again we can break the laws of physics, but we can act in ways. The add new causes that go far beyond physical causation now, when I shall Africa, I don't mean that every decision is subject to a right. You can't decide right now, with your heart should beat or not. Write him in a part is natural to part of your brain, but it does mean that when we make plans that, when we think things through, capable of changing our own behaviour. This is why Pharaoh still bears responsibility for his actions. So what should be doing. Is a science society is granting people the capacity to make free or decisions telling them that they have strength, make your own decisions and then holding them responsible for their decision,
It's good enough for God and fairly to be good enough for us as well. Okay, we'll be back here later today with a couple additional hours of content, all your updates on impeachment and all the rest. I meant This is the bench barrage up if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread the word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen upon. Gas also be sure to check out the other dearly, whereupon tests, including Andrew Craven, show the microbial show and the mat Walsh thanks for listening, debenture Piero Show is produced by coltan, has directed by Make Joiner executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer. Jonathan Hank supervising producer math is clever and Robert Sterling Assistant director Pavel. Why dusky technical producer, Austin Stevens play back and media operated by next. She him associate producer Katie's Winterton edited by
I'm saying it. Audio is mixed. I make poor Mina hair and make up its mind nickel Geneva. The bench of Euro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily. Why or twenty twenty on the mat wall show we're not just discussing politics, we're Talkin culture face. Family. All the things that are really important EU so come join. The conversation.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-09.