« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 935 - The Impeachment Trial Of The New Century

2020-01-20 | 🔗

The impeachment trial is almost ready to begin in the Senate, the Democratic race remains wide open, and the Women’s March falls apart. If you like The Ben Shapiro Show, become a member TODAY with promo code: SHAPIRO and enjoy the exclusive benefits for 10% off at dailywire.com/Shapiro

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The impeachment trial is almost ready to begin in the Senate. That democratic grace remains wide open and the women's March falls apart. I'm Bench Piero, this is the benchmark, I'll, show you, Ben Shapiro Show is sponsored by Express Vps, protect your online privacy today at expressive, gps dot com slashed by. Why hope? You got your rest this weekend, because there is a lot of stuff that is happening this week low, but later on, in the show we'll get to these gun rights, protests, in Virginia being malign by the media will get to the women's March, but we begin with your impeachment update, so the New York Times basically admitting at this point that the Democrats do not have enough material to impeach report for the New York Times? They Democrats seek more testimony and evidence for impeachment trial, which sort of requires us to ask the question: why would they need more testimony and evidence the fact that I was informed. They had great testimony and great evidence. This I was informed of this. I was informed that they have
open and shut case. Why do they need more testimony and evidence mean they gravely and soberly and seriously and somberly announced the impeachment. Then they soberly seriously, sadly walked over the impeachment charges from the house to the Senate, and I was informed This thing was a done deal that basically they had all The evidence they needed will now than your times reporting with president trunks Parliament now getting under way, Democrats are in to find their demands for more testimony and documents. That could add to the already there. Luminous evidence against him and bolster their case by shutting new light on several key questions. Now, as I mentioned last week, this would be about the time where you should have a complete case. Call additional witnesses. Of course, the Senate and do its own, investigate all that is true, but the fact that Democrats are now relying on these Senate Republicans to do so demonstrates a giant failure on their own part. To actually do their research to wait for the proper witnesses. Does it not in your has, despite the White House strategy of blocking testimony from topics shells and rejecting demands for documents. The centre will happen.
The various accounts of how Mr Trump eagerly sought to persuade Ukraine's new president to pursue investigations into two matters that could benefit him in his re election can those matters. Our dealings in Ukraine, involving former vice President Joe Biden in his one hundred button and property ukrainian meddling in the american twenty sixteen presidential election notice, how the New York Times already morphing the charge originally you'll, know what the Democrats thought they had go back to Adam shifts. Silly fake reading of president trumps phone call with ukrainian President, muslins get. If you actually go backing, you listen what you have said. What you have said is that tromp had called up Zaleski and then he said I want you to make up information about Joe Biden and in return we when our military aid, rail, we'll give the military aid, and, as long as you give us, some fake information about eurobonds make up an investigation just make it up. That would be impossible. That would be a crime, not actually bribery, but they ve not prove any of the elements of that, and so instead they have now broaden this out of the way the New York Times is describing the charge is now is that Trump pursued investigate
turns into two matters that could benefit him in his re election campaign. Okay. Well, getting that standard is too big. Cuz I've been saying since the very beginning get the standard for import for some sort of bad action in in a foreign country is doing something at that, theoretically, could benefit you in a real action. Cam foreign policy or nearly every president, does something that could benefit them in their re election campaign. The question is whether you violated the law or the unique in some sort of high level corruption, according to the New York Times, The New York Times in part because of the White House, a decision not to cooperate the record of actions by Mr Trump and his Buildings is riddled with gaps. That's the emission rights that is the New York Times description, phrase riddled with gaps and new evidence has been surfacing at the eleventh hour. No there's not been any new evidence servicing of the testimony of some kook named love partners. Who was a court the? U S, the OJ working for ukrainian oligarch. In trying to manipulate events that the Eu S ambassador to Ukraine. Maria Vonnegut should be fired. It's been going around a national tv, basically lying about it to the chairs of the media.
According to the New York Times, testimony from MR trumps senior advisers could illuminated how overt the president's efforts were, though, does unclear if Thou when any republican senators to abandon their defence of the President did the bias in the media is. Is it all fake guys? Traffic on son A representative Adam shift, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee in the lead house, impeachment manager said he was concerned. The CIA and National Security agency. Withholding information about Ukraine out of fear of anchoring the president, the president, is the head of the executor. Branch, the CIA and the National Security Agency do not actually work for Adam shift chief said Vienna say in particular, is withholding our potentially relevant documents for oversight, responsibilities on Ukraine, but also with documents potentially relevant that this where's. My wants you during the trial. Ok, we could subpoena documents, and then you could wait for it to be generated by a court may have to turn it over but they knew that instead, the decided to rush forward with all of this, John Corner of Texas said this to me.
Seems to undermine our indicate that they are getting cold feet or have a lack of confidence in what they ve done so far, and that, of course, is exactly correct. President from, for his part, has had a couple of his lawyers in this matter: J, secular, impetuous, lonely councils to the president, one to the White House once the President personally secular, with president personally ship loans for the White House, they have issued only a seven page response to the articles of impeachment, so the articles from people like a hundred it is most of it, is filled with stuff that we already know we'd gone through. Most of it here on. The show trump is like this thing does not even meet basic standards of adventure scrutiny, and so they should what effectively is a seven page rebuttal, and it's just a harsh letter effectively than the letter says, the articles of impeachment submitted my house Democrats, our dangerous attack on the right of the american people to freely choose their president the brazen imo and unlawful attempt to overturn the results of the twenty sixth election and interfere with the twenty twenty election now, just months away the highly partisan and reckless.
Session with impeding the president begun the day he was inaugurated and continues to this day, the articles of unpaid work institutionally and valid on their face. They failed the ledge any by crime or violation of while whatsoever, let alone high crimes in misdemeanours as required by the constitution. There are the results, the law process that violate basic due process and fundamental fairness. Nothing in these articles could permit even beginning consider removing a duly elected president or warrant nullifying an election in supporting the will of the american people and then the The letter goes on in this way that the process violates all precedent and that the articles impeachment are from front to the constitution were all of that is simply a detour. Realising that's not unconstitutional unconstitutional would be if the Senate, with fifty one votes, decided to The president read out the unconstitutional, but they they cannot compete. For any reason mean impeachment is in fact a political process and the process in the house was run. Like other processes in the house have been run, it was run stooped. Late. It was running, unbiased fashion,
partisans were running nothing thing, but that is not any surprise. At this point, chip alone and in secular go through the charges. They say the first article, the article with regard to abuse of power, fails on its face is dating impeachable offence. It alleges that no crime at all, let alone high crimson misdemeanours infected alleges, no violation of law, House Democrats, abuse of power do lasting damage to the separation of powers under the constitution, and they say that Tromp has never in any way abused. The powers of the presidency- and I say that there was a perfect phone call and all the rest of president from supposing then they say. The second article impeachment also fails to state unimpeachable events. This would be the one about obstruction of Congress in ITALY, Contrary the president's assertion of legitimate executive branch, confidentiality, interests, grounded and separation of powers cannot constitute obstruction of commerce. Now they are correct that the articles of impeachment do not alleged crime. Now. Is that the end of the story, of course not remedy the house?
they can impeaching convict for any reason whatsoever. You don't have to have a criminal offence, but speaking of precedent, has there ever been impeachment of effort that was not based on some violation of war, not really not really, so that is unique and trumps attorneys are right to point that out. Ok, we'll get you more of this in just one second term has now formed his legal team and includes a couple of serve big names will get to that in just one taken, first Let us talk about how you can save money quickly and easily, and you can do it for free and I use the service called honey. You install honey on your computer. In the background of a computer and then it just saved you money like literally every time you shop, it goes on line for you and then it finds all of the applicable codes, and then it applies them to what your by probably save thousands of dollars. At this point using honey, Nigeria, the day I went to the M l B store and about myself, Ashikaga whites, accuracy and honey. What looking for- and save me alone and money and a little money adds up the more you purchase. I purchase like everything alone, It works on Amazon and works on Ebay, some pretty much everything that you can buy
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from the OJ trial to be too to the trial of a man who is accused of killing, his wife was untrue and in more or less in seems to be true, Dershowitz involved in it. In a lot of very famous cases, and so bring him aboard sort of gives, this whole thing me: Hollywood appeal Helen STAR has also joined on people going nuts over this. How can it started? The man who went after Bill Clinton now be defending Donald Trump? Well, because in the builtin trial he actually committed. Perjury is gonna, start, did a full investigation or uncover crimes. Here, no crimes have actually been uncovered, which is why the articles of impeachment are included in crimes. Nonetheless, George COD whose become famous simply by virtue of the fact that his last name is Conway and his wife is famous, and now we are supposed to take his legal Nels is even more seriously than we would have you, just some random lawyer in Washington DC area, has a piece in the Washington Post today. As this is what happens when you don't pay legal bills. President Trump, whose businesses and now campaign have left a long trip,
of unpaid bills behind them has never discriminated when it comes to stiffen people work for him. That includes lawyers, which is part of the reason he found the need to make some curious last minute weeks to his demon, announcing the addition of the legal, odd couple, Eleanor Schwartz Internet STAR, the president, consistently encountered difficulty in hiring good lawyers to defend him in two thousand haven't seen f robber. Mullah became special cancer council trunk could find a high and law firm that would take him as a client. His reputation for non payment, preceded him, trying to make up an excuse Conway, for my big firm wouldn't take on trumped. The answer is a big from when taken from, because there are too many lawyers don't like Trump and therefore it is a blow back. I get from their other clients Right Davis poke right remain, had pay. De Trump is a client. They would get enormous blow back from the partners from the other from the other associates there cannot be associates, but but certainly from their clientele. This is ok. Here's the real reasoning Can we berries it, of course, being cheap? Wasn't the only reason from struck out among the nations legal elite? There is the fact that you would be an erratic client who never take reasonable direction.
Firms also understood that taking a trumpet killed a recording efforts. That would be the actual issue, I've come to me personally, defended in the Miller Investigation by random patchwork of council, including Jason, yellow aware specializing in religious liberty cases and Doubt Washington, solo printed practitioner who, according to Bob Woodward View Trump as an upping liar doubt, denies that and then from had the assistance of a Rudy Giuliani contrast that unimpressive crew with the team symbol by President Bill Clinton would not one but to top notch law firms defending him global power. How scared and arts with heavy handed Bennet Handle apologize case, and the Elite, Washington defence Defense from Williams Connolly, led by the brilliant David wow. That means that current was innocent because from well established firms either that or amend whose Democrat, but but according to Democrat, but according to George Conway is very bad the Dershowitz and star notifying the President has Dershowitz. Maybe a year He is in some ways, but he's not necessarily the advocate. You want on your side, judges who told me they fight
M condescending in manner and tone wow, while oh my gosh judges, told George Conway a thing, that's crazy, and then I love this. As his former harboured colleague, Professor Lauren, strive, has put it Dershowitz rebels and taken positions that ultimately are not controversial but pretty close to indefensible. This would be the same Lawrence tribe. We spent the last several years absolutely using his minus tweeting garbage. That makes no sense because he has from the range syndrome, my terminal from arrangement Syndrome, George Conway, is also very upset with can it stories, I know it they start, but I can comprehend what he's doing here. He's bus noticed the independent council, whose investigation led the impeachment Clinton that's hardly helpful for Trump, because Clint was a piker compared with Trump or alternatively, it's actually good for trump because can start who knows what unimpeachable offends looks like his aim is not unimpeachable offence may so that is the set up Ellen's. Auschwitz was on the Sunday shows at making the rounds. He made the case that abuse of power is not impeach will now here is the reality anything is impenetrable and media are, of course, jumping on this to suggest that that door
what's doesn't understand what impeachment is. That of course, is incredibly silly. Dershowitz fully understands the canopy for any reason He is just saying that, in his opinion and in the opinion of most senators, if you're going to be somebody you need to alleged crime. Here's Alan Dershowitz, explaining that just saying abuse of power does not make it does not make activity immutable in order for a president to be impatient. Johnson was impeached, on charges that didn't include criminal conduct. He argued successfully to the Senate that criminal like conduct is required. That argument prevailed, I will be, making that argument as a lawyer on behalf of the President's defence team against imports. But now the media went nuts over all the suggesting that Dershowitz its aims. Then crazy. No, he is not used pointing out. Very obvious truth, which is if you are going to try to impeach President typically, you should actually register some sort of criminal activity like an actual crime. Now last week they tried to suggest the trumpet violated the law, because the government accountability office,
suggested that his administration had not given a special message to come where's about why they had laid aid to Ukraine. But, as I mentioned last week, that same statute has remedy in the statute. For what is supposed to happen- and none of it actually involves the improvement of the president of the United States- normally impeachment is reserved for situations in which the president commits an actual crime, send him to jail. I perjury and then because you cannot actually charge a precedent with a criminal offence. Then you have to impeach him in orders. They can free up that actual prosecution, because then you have basically constitutional impasse. The same is not true when the president just violates law and there's natural remedy in the law when the president or the executive branch, I await the law, which is exactly what happened in this general in this government accountability, office, report in just a second look at you more valid Dershowitz and we'll get to the Democrats, who are being very sober and
curious and sombre and fist bumping each other on Friday night seriously on national tv fists bumpy each other goods that interest at once. I can first, let's talk about how easy it is to rack up big credit card charged Lecasser. It's very easy, unfortunately, to rack up these big credit card charges and you figure I'll pay for it now, and then I will just repay it later. The problem is that if you wait like a day suddenly you're paying exorbitant fees in bankrupt yourself. This way really really easily have friends and family who have done this sort of thing. This is why you should be looking to pass your credit card balances and save with a cry. The card consolidation loan from like stream. You can well multiple credit card payments into just one payment at a lower fixed rate, likes rooms, credit card consolidation ones have rates as low as five point. Nine five percent api with ATO pay, which is a lot more than the national average interest rate for this sort of thing, which is over twenty percent api plus there
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In writing. As lawyer whose asked on National tv are using that firms phone call was perfect, interim never did anything wrong. Dershowitz, like no I'm not gonna, say that I'm just going to say this is not a peaceable because Standard of law is not the president did nothing wrong. The standard of law is impossible, presents prefab, As I said very clearly, the president did nothing wrong in your saying you're, not willing to endorse that statement. I did not read that brief or sign every thats, not part of my mandate. My mandate is to present the kind the argument, and if, constitutional argument succeeds we don't reach that issue, because you can't charge president with in will conduct if it doesn't fit within the criteria for the constitution, and so he is right about all of this. But Democrats are already ecstatic as they get what they want to write Nancy plus you get up last week, he said he's how he's impeached time should very solemn, and so Albert and sad issues is very moving moment when a bunch of house Democrats who hate Trump one him each day one were empty.
In the present- and we are told that it was very Solomon sentence over to Nancy Blowsy shows up on Burma to bees I am and sad and sober wearing her gold will may outfit left over from the Oscars, and here is Nancy Pelosi sitting with, though more and fist bumping and physically fist bumping him over impeaching, the president, because obviously the Z Sober said solemn occasion. Thank you. So much for waiting till we got back on their before you started the impatient, and she's happy uneasy, Appian everybody's happy, because the president's impeachment so Solomons out remember that time when she said it was super sober and she was saving the constitution and look at her. She is so how'd you take these folks seriously. It's nearly impossible to take these folks here is that you have Adam shift whose trotting their suggesting that he's out there to protect the constitution after several years of lying about having secret information that would tied from to Russia in such a way. That from would be impeached over the Mulder report that ended up being a complete dud and so Adam shift. Just move right on to you.
Grain, and then it goes a national tv, and he suggests that when virtue it says, abuse of power is not impeachment. No abuse of power would have up all the founders. Tell me more an the founders. Dude literally spends his days camped out outside the CNN tent fears of power. Is at the centre of what the framers intended unimpeachable offence to obey the law, You got that absurdest positions being now adopted by the present. Is he could? give away the state of Alaska. He could withhold execution of sanctions on Russia for interfering in the last election. To induce or coercion sure to interfere in the next one, that would have a poll the mere idea. This would have appalled the founders who are worried about exactly that kind, of solicitation of foreign interference in action for a personal benefit. There's nothing. Like more than a man who lied about Trump and Russia going on tv and maintaining that he didn't live our Trump in Russia and that Trump in Russia were actually in Cahoots dispute the last election and if we don't impeach now from
Do the same thing again, very, very trustworthy folks and meanwhile the Democrats are trying to figure out exactly having to thread this whole witness needle in the impeachment, because here's the problem, if they call somebody like left harness if they try to bring in a witness like love partners who, as we discussed last week, is this. Ukrainian operator who the this american operator in Ukraine, whose dealing on behalf the ukrainian oligarch and violating law in the process and then under indictment for falsifying documents and lie, into the federal government he's going round on the media and blaming Trump for all of his Miss action problems malfeasance if demo let's call that guy is pretty obvious, that hundred Biden has also to be called in that income to go well four hundred by because it turns out that hundred button is utterly unqualified for anything except being the neighbourhood janitor and he's been using his daddy's last named to fly around the world, picking up bags of cash case of shared brown senator from Ohio he was he was on. CNN over the weekend, suggesting that partners should testify, but hundred Biden is not relevant to somehow
openness is deeply relevant. One hundred Biden, whose activity in Ukraine lies at the very centre of President Trump asking the Ukrainians to investigate hundred Biden, now be irrelevant. According to shared Brown, I assume we want him to testify. No, we want both. My no we want. People were in the room. I don't have strong feelings yet until I or from the house managers and what they want to see. But I assume why not have witnesses that they have a lie. Information about their sliding. Porthos makes sense Ok and then he says he wants signals. Leprosy testify, but hundred by an I guess, we'll com I mean if we have fifty led off this entire debacle here is shared Brown again saying: yes, I partners, but a hundred by guess, we'll do it if we, Saying yes, I love partners, but a hundred, I guess we'll do it. If we have to do I guess you really relevant guys
Take the position that we want a year from witnessed, as I I don't know, one hundred Biden has to do with the phone call your fine hearing from him or the I'm I'm fine. With fury I mean I understand I am not a lawyer. I understand both sides get to call witnesses. I'm not sure that a lotta republicans think I mean, I think many republican slink. That's a distraction by the way Bernie Sanders putting out notices today in advance of Iowa Huey, literally just put out campaign put out what they call the burnt notices. Joe Biden has a big corruption problem. The real reason Democrats on one hundred and eight in testifying is because it might actually show the President Trump. His suspicions were not completely unfounded. That Hunter Biden was simply serving as a bag man from self and using Joe Biden last name in order to do so. And while the same Democrats, who are suggesting that we must must, must have witnesses back a ninety. Ninety nine were suggesting that we should have no initiatives now. I think we should have as many witnesses. We want our really care. I think we should have as many witnesses we're not gonna stand here and pretend that I think that its that it is a good policy to prevent witnesses from testifying innocent impeachment drop
I think the american people deserve to know what happens in nearly every aspect and transparency is good. I do, but the Democrats don't think so, back in ninety ninety nine one day before President Clinton was acquitted in his impeachment right before the Senate Chuck sure Where was now the Senate minority leader, Penda passionate outlining the process had taken unfair toll on nation. According to the new post, he noted the president believed you, across the line. He praised large threshold needed to get a conviction. Send it, and then he went on record suggesting that the whole thing had been a giant waste of time Instead, it has shaken me that we stand at the brink of removing the president, not because of a popular groundswell to remove them and not because of the magnitude of the wrong she's committed but big. Conditions in late twentieth century America have made it possible for a small group of people who hate Bill, Clinton and hate his policies to very cleverly and very doggedly exploit the institutions of freedom that we hold dear and almost succeed in undoing, meant undoing him. If you had asked me one year ago, people like this with such obvious political motives could use our courts play the media and tantalized legislative brand
to achieve ends of bringing down the president's? I would have said not a chance that doesn't it in America, but it almost happen, and this is what building. It was wrong, an arrogant. We all agree where all angered, but let's express some sympathy, and now you ve got. Chuck tumor, leaving up the mob against Trump on this without actually advocating a crime. Those actually committed. Brett, pretty amazing, stuff from trucks humor going all the way that you know Eighteen, ninety nine meanwhile, during Adler is really objecting, two hundred by being hauled being called. He, of course, is that it has traditionally committee so Jerry never had a house you to share a committee very much in favour of calling people like love partners who suggested would like see called now. He says that we should not even request Hunter Biden Testify, because that is doing from the dirty work is whole controversy about whether they should be witnesses. Is really a question of. Does the Senate want that fair trial or do they or their part of the cover of the present. Any republican senator who said
There should be no witnesses, or even that witness who should be negotiated is part of a cover up. Did the president. As we see it, as the evidence shows that did betrays country by conspiring the foreign country to trick to try to read the election hunted by does nothing to say about that they're they're asking for Hunter Biden, vine, just more of a smear of hunted by that the present is trying to get you brain to do so yes, witnesses, but not those witnesses guys. We can impose witnesses. Would be bad witnesses. Meanwhile, Adam Shift was asked. My love harnesses credit, Letty and he won't even answer. But there are things that left Parnassus credible, but we should call it anyways and no one hundred Biden, but yes, unless partners who is correct, We under indictment for lying to the federal government in falsified documents is the fact, with the people surrounding the president that they end up indicted. These are the people that the present has chosen to work with people.
Like Michael Colon, like love Parnassus, like so many others, Paul metaphor, and these are people that do have information about the presence misconduct, but right now, George, we don't know what witnesses will be allowed and even if we ll be allowed witnesses We can really make a determination which witnesses we'll call in the absence of knowing whether the Senate will allow any at all so again lead parents maybe but hundred Biden really not Chris Wallace when, after her came Jeffreys the democratic congressperson from New York over the weekend, in fact is. Is it and you guys keep talking about how we want more witnesses of more witnesses more. What is his many say? You have no branch, our case, which has he got a pick, one where we fulfil it But this is late because trumps, abuse of power his pressuring of a foreign government in this instance, for example, A political game relate to an urgent matter of national security. You know the notion of with her
the three hundred and ninety one million dollars that was allocated, but I won't be evident. But again you can have it to both ways. Congressmen, you say it was an urgent matter, was a threat and then Nancy Pelosi waited a month to even hand over the articles of them patron. I'm glad you raise that because this two parts to this process I'm glad I'm glad you raise that, but I'm not really that glad you raise. That was whilst, as this whole thing is awkward along with this whole thing. Gonna take going TED Cruiser could takes it say which in reality is only gonna take a couple of weeks. I do not think this gonna dragon more than a month. I think at a time where, midway into the democratic primaries, this thing will be over speaking of which the twenty twenty democratic presidential race continues apace. President from has a very simple case to make it continues to make it strongly, which the Democrats are too far, left too that will absolutely stop the longest now longest recovery in the history of the United States and recovery that is picked up pace under president troubles the longest now longest recovery in the history of the United States
and a recovery that is picked up, pace under president from whose very slow under Barack Obama picked up pace under President Trump, including increases in ages just at the lower end of the income spectrum. Here's present from going after the Democrats. The far left they want a massively raise your taxes crash here. Your businesses, with regulations, take away your health care and send bureaucrats interfere with your property and second guess. Every decision that you make the radical left in Washington, wants to demolish these gains and they, frankly, one destroy your way of life. They are not for the farmer they are not for. Our military. What he is saying here is going to be his campaign, and it's the right campaign, in fact, is the devil. Cancer split, they're, not sure which waded out do move into the sort of more mainstream directions. They train grab that middle voter or they skewed left. That's what was reflected by the editorial age of the New York Times, which hilariously
They issued their endorsement in the democratic primaries and they chose to people two people which is super exciting stuff. They chose to people Amy, Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren, truly so if you're wondering how to spend both your votes now, you know you can but ones for Elizabeth Virilis with worn and ones for Amy Club, which are what actually happened here. What actually happened here, as they desperately wanted to endorse Elizabeth worn, but they also recognize that they would have been viewed as hacks, half of Elizabeth worn, which they are, and so they decided to also endorse a person who has no shouted winning the primaries Amy Clover charge. They could cover their ass better. What happened here any age where your board room it was. We could endorse Elizabeth warm, but we ve been busy kissing her ass for the for the last year and if you know the kind of the gills. We now endorse her. So let's endorse somebody who's not like actual mainstream competitor ones or somebody who looks a little bit more moderate and we can say that is all about email power and then endorse Amy Club, which are now I can invasion, is
editors of the New York Times. Breaking a pool you tossing it between Amy global Charnel is with warning we're having try out, but with that said, it pre hysterical. Any the editorial itself is really really funny it's funny, because what they think of his qualities of these candidates are just bizarre they're, just by the way than Europe breaking news. The New York Times has now suggested at both. These I'm Francisco forty Niners Andy Kansas City Cheats will win inexorable according to the New York Times. American voters must choose between three sharply divergent revisions of the future The incumbent President Donald Trump is clear about where he is getting the Republican why native ism at home. Is that really works? Really that that's? What he's been clear about that? If you vote for from your white native us now, that's why this is working about minority people for voting for from their many of them. It is possible to maybe the New York Times a sort of pigeon hole like what you think from voters are into about, and they say, and a marrow
the first unilateralism abroad, brazen corruption, escalating culture, wars, the judiciary, statute, ideologues and the veneration of a mythological pass for the hierarchy in american society, was defined and unchallenged by the way when we speak up, mythological histories, the New York Times mythological history in the system nineteen project is utterly astonishingly, bad, so much so that it was ripped by professional, historic. In ranging from James MC fears into Gordon what it takes a lot of gall to suggest that the true national history of the United States is somehow a myth, while their version of the United States reached with the United States was rooted in racism, wide supremacy, slavery, sexism, bigotry and that everything in U S, History has been an outgrowth of that, except for the times when we overthrew the the principles for just one seconds and then what right back to racism and bigotry it takes a while for people who push that agenda to suggest that history is being. Rewritten by drop messy and the democratic side. An essential debate is under way between two visions that may define the future of the party, and perhaps the nation. Some in the party view, president from his neighbors
and believe that a return to a more sensible America is possible. Then there are those who believe that president front was the product of political and economic systems so rotten. They must be replaced. The democratic primary contest is often portrayed as a tunnel between moderates and progressive, to some extent That's true, but when we spent significant time with the leading candidates, the similarity of their platforms on fundamental issues became striking, get up It is true that a lot of these so called moderate and the Democratic Party are actually the same as the progressives when it comes to policy. We get to the rest of this idiotic. Times editorial, endorsing both Amy Closure and Elizabeth, worn, which super unhelpful, wait till we get their description of Elizabeth for his wonderful work, then one second. First, I need to talk to you about an issue. An incredibly important to me for a very long time at your regular, listen you most likely her meat heard me talk about my art and support for the pro life clause have not been shy about. This may also remember that last year I streams this podcast live from the Marshal life in Washington DC, which is the biggest prolific rally in the country or
also gave a speech the crowds marching for the cause. What you may not be aware of how much grief this caused us from our political adversaries are: advertisers were targeted by left wing media watchdogs, several of them actually pulled their ads from our show under pressure, even though I had absolutely no absolutely nothing objectionable. This wasn't the first time nor but likely be the last time that we are attacked in an attempt by the left shut shut down. Pro life voices were also not the only targets. Live. Action is one of the biggest voices in the pro life movement. I personally give money too. I actually think that wonderful, they continue to do some of the most important work in the space from raising whereas in education on the abortion issue to under cover, videos had exposed plan parenthood and other abortion clinics for her effect, human rights abuses. Live action has been targeted, a lot on social media. They been banned from advertising on twitter for their call city fund and parenthood they been banned from Pinterest altogether. From quote spreading medical misinformation
seeing their advertising efforts in their online distribution restricted depending on the platform and his cause is supremely important since the passing of roll verses. Where the creation of rovers wait over sixty million pre born children have been killed in the womb, sixty million kids, you never had a chance. To give it the world their love and countless young women harm physically and emotionally last year and left what even more insane it passed at the New York LAB allowing abortion up to birth. The Illinois Lollo Impartial birth abortion this year, virtually every democratic candidate. Basically everyone except for tools, Gabert supports no restrictions on abortion, which is the most radical position. Having the right to life. That is why our daily, where to some members, are really important. Why will your membership Keats our cameras on our microphones turned up? Also, your direct support helps to say no to advertisers who caves leftwing ideologies. You keep us and our message from being cancelled. Any help the conservative pro life movement get louder, which is why, from now until January, Thirty- first only not just for the next couple of weeks, a Porsche of any daily wired icon membership purchase we'll be donated to live action with promo code. Live action
when you use that protocol live action. Yet our membership we're going down a part of that to live action. The portion will go to support awareness and education, around the world on a provision to join us here. ITALY, where I come, make your prolific voice even louder and protect the causes that you care about from the viciousness of a left wing that seeks to silence? We are the largest fastest growing, turn the podcast in radio show in the nation sorry continue at the New York Times editorial endorse both aiming clover channels with worn in many democratic voters are concerned, first and foremost about who can be Mr Trump, with a crowded field, nutritional pulling in tatters. That calculation calls for a hefty Joseph humility about anyone's ability to foretell what voters want that is the De Noort Times throwing its hands in the air and saying Yet we know is with Lord, isn't super electable, but we like. Are we like her choosing? Who should face off against Mr Trump
also means acknowledging that Americans are being confronted with three models for how to govern the country not to Democrats must decide which of their two models would be most compelling for the american people and best suited for repairing the republic. The parties large and rockets feels made. Having that clean debate more difficult with all the focus on personal characteristics, age, race experience and a handful of the most contentious issues, voters have not benefited from a clarifying choice about the parties message in the election and the approach to governing beyond It was a privilege for us on the editorial board to spend more than a dozen hours talking to candidates asking them any question that came to mind. Yet that exercise impossible for most Americans. Now is the time to narrow the race. That's why we're endorsing most effective advocates for each approach? Then I can make up their minds, on which approaches better the sort of returned, enormously approach or the let's rip everything down approach, their Elizabeth, worn and Amy Clover, Char wow, amazing, They say said that in the why they will not endorse Sanders, they say, centres, hand,
spend nearly four decades advocating revolutionary change for a nation whose politics often move with glacial slowness. Mister There should be seventy nine when he assumed office and Effort October heart attack. His health is a serious concern. Then there's how Mr Sanders approaches politics. He boast that compromise is anathema to him. Only his questions can be the right ones, even though most are overly rigid, untested and divisive. He promises that once in office, a groundswell of support will emerge to push through his agenda three years into the Trump administration. We see little advantage and exchanging one over promising divisive figure in Washington. For another by the way, Bernie Sanders ones: denomination, I'm gonna, throw that I'm back in their face. The moment indoors. Bernie Sanders say Good news, then that Elizabeth Lord has emerged as a standard bearer for the democratic left. Their description of Laurent is just phenomenal. Herded senator born is a gifted storyteller it is one way of saying, a congenital wire, a gifted storyteller,
telling stories about her time wandering the planes with the charity people stories about how she was fired for the sin being pregnant All documentary evidence shows that she was actually unanimously requested, regained her job all of her stories about her difficulties in life. What a difficult life she's land! I have many stories we debunked battle was born on the show five, ten adjusted, things that are not true on a routine basis, but she's, a gifted storyteller guys, a gifted storyteller. Wouldn't you want Elisabeth worn telling you a story? No, you cause you're sentient human. Why guess? You're not on the New York Times had a Tory were she speaks elegantly of how the economic system is rigged against all, but the wealthiest Americans, and of our chance to rewrite rules of power in our country, as you put it in his speech last month in her hands. That story has the passion of a convert alone
time. Republican from Oklahoma and a middle class family, whose work studying economic realities left her increasingly worried about the future of the country by the way who work on bankruptcy is largely bull. Crap, David Fringes, debunked it the idea that people are on mass suffering from medical bankruptcy. It's just not true the way that you actually classified those studies. She said if you went bankrupt and you had a medical bill, she called out a medical bankruptcy. The word rigged, according to their new terms, hills less, bombastic, then rooted in an informed assessment of what the nation needs to do to reassert. Its work ideals like fairness, generosity and equality, and then they go on to talk about how she has so many plans. Miss worn accurately describes a lack of housing construction as the primary driver. Nations housing crisis and she has proposed both Greece is in government funding for housing, construction and changes in regulatory policy. Yes, because gunman Housing has always been a boon to the american people. Building projects has always worked out. Just phenomenally may talk about her. She just gonna spend enormous amounts of money than ever talk about gender pay for any.
Thus we never talk about how you gonna do any of us, but she is the best they say and then they say, but we have a problem. American capitalism is responsible for its share of sins, but Miss worn off casting that far too wide placing the blame for a host of maladies from climate change. Two gun violence at the feed of the business community, when the onus is on society as a whole, this kind- We need more unifying path. Ok, and that is why we have also decided to talk about Amy globally, Our wool Amy Clover tried first, they dismiss P Buddha judge. They say that that we look for him working his way up, which is the worst tut cutting ever pets they all p you're, so cute next time around the Jude Andrew Yang is a has virtually no expert science and government, we hope he decides to get involved in New York politics. Then they say that Michael Bloomberg is very bad. Why? Because a multi here he's very bad may say that his current campaign,
approach reveals more about Americans. It broken system and his likelihood of fixing it, and then they say that Joe Biden is prone to verbal stumbles, but is I'm for him to pass the torch to a new generation of political leaders. Nothing says passing the torch to new generation. Political leaders, like being so, These have been imprisoned, tortured somebody who seventy Elizabeth WAR to seventy years old? So there's that and then they talk about Amy closer good NEWS and Amy Club, which has emerged as a standard bearer for the democratic centre revision. Was beyond the incremental, given polarization, Washington and, beyond the best chance to enact many progressive plans could be under a club, our administration, under four Minnesota is the very definition of midwestern charisma grit and stick to it. If this lengthy tenure in the Senate and partisan credential I would make her ideal maker, a real one and united for the wings of the party and perhaps the nation, so why didn't they just endorse her outright well, apparently they they didn't endorse or outright because she treated her staff badly. They're gonna go with the sheet salad with a comb story
smooth delivery that comes from a lifetime spent in the national policies, really the only and then they say she doesn't have the polish veneering smooth delivery that comes from a lifetime spent in the national spotlight. She struggled to gain traction on the campaign trail, but she's really popular in Minnesota. Global climate, worn right now are the democratic best equipped. HU. We endorse it better than Trump Miss global chymists. Worn right now are the democratic best equipped to lead that debate made. It best woman weight, and then they tossed that that Joker, Pork Europe between them and say, go for it so who you got Amy, call the charm of the com or was with warm with the knife she just remove from Bernie Sanders is back in. Meanwhile, the race moves forward, a pace, Bernie Sanders. The new poll shows actually in second place, and I were there- are three new Poles in Iowa, all of them showing Bernie Sanders. Robin behind Joe Biden, Joe Biden by the way wins Iowa. This thing is basically over before it begins, then, Our times endorsement doesn't mean Jack, now burn Andrews out there on the apology to or trying to explain to women,
that gender remains an obstacle for women in politics, has to pay homage to the intersection notion that women are greatly victimizing american politics, despite the fact that Hillary Clinton was propped up as a political figure, despite having no political experience running for the Senate, and then she was a horrible secretary of state, and then choose a horrible presidential candidate twice and are still being told. The only reason she was the cause of the Russians. Here's Bernie Sanders explaining its rough to too You think that gender is still an obstacle fur for female politician. Look, I think the answer is yes, but I think everybody has thrown sets of problems or I'm seventy years of age. That's a problem there lot of people say, say while, like too nice guy be seventy eight years of age We have to argue, please look at the totality of who I am if you're looking at Buddha, judge he's young guy and people will say, while these too young to be present. Looking this one woman illegally, you're. So everybody brings some negatives if you like, Bernie has to say that part about how you really doesn't it
you're really my favorite is the lady asking the question he says: is it hard to be woman when she's she's trying to telegraph in the Ets sexually nodding issue, utters the question, but the reason the Bernie Sanders by the way, if he doesn't when the nomination and if he does when the presidency there is any doesn't, is because he's a crazy Communis, That's why you John Cusack out on the road stumping for him, because nothing says connection with the american people like John Cusack. Explaining is very welcome after we have ten years to save the planet from capitalism. Ten years to save the planet from the greatest force for human prosperity, the history of the world. I was looking up these statistics terrorism. I'm writing a book them do out late July. I believe- and I was one of the statistics on the growth of global gdp: growth of global gdp- so grow the global gdp. From like eighteen hundred to two thousand fifteen, it increased global GDP, not american, should you be global GDP caused by fifteen thousand seven hundred percent in the previous millennia. Ok, look like the last time
when he before that increased by one hundred percent, and then enlightenment, free markets happen and boom prosperity, but, according to John Cusack amateur take his word over the experience of the last couple of centuries He explained we have ten years to save the planet from capitalism or we're all going die, or something We know this form of capitalism takes and takes it takes whatever. Whenever, however, it was it'll take our lives, our labour spirit, air and water. Even our earth Bernie Access enough to tell the truth. The hard truth we have attended twelve, your window to radically transform our energy systems or climate change, predatory capitalism and the endless war economies rob us over the right to any future at all? So I know that that is it. That is why Bernie Sanders Has trouble because, in the end Bernie Sanders is a radical new. I get Elizabeth warnings.
Just as radical, but the Democrats are gonna pretend that she's a moderate explaining that, from his nominated racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, anti tank and judges there? I think, once at the heart of it is who you ask. To be a judge who you want on your list to be adjourned. Not what he has just been for doll dropped as I've seen this guy's homophobic. That's it racist? That's in Oh yeah. Most definitely and add. I loaded, that's been a big polished. He has named one person after another, so They're all they're, all vicious brutes vicious brutal raises these. Are there grass, for you good luck with that. Does why Joe Biden into reasonable last you, Poland, I was now by sex in that average. Ok time I want to talk for second about the media's contrast encourage you want you want. Rather, the media are biased. Just take a look at the Virginia
gun rights rally that is happening today. Now, there's a lot of talk about the Virginia Gun, right rally being infiltrated by kooks in white supremacist. These are real So whenever you have a very, very big rally, you have to worry that there can be some fringe we'll try to glum onto the size of the rally, and then the media will cover those people and pretend to the rest of the rally doesn't exist. Yet it's not like you know the right rally, which is openly openly marketed in Charlottesville as White Supremacist rally. This is not that ok, this thing is marketed as a programme, and by all available evidence it is a programme rally. Thousands tens of thousands of people, apparently showing up at the Virginia capital to protest the removal of gun rates in the state of Virginia and doing so peacefully. There there, like chanting, the pledge released, and members. The media are just lying about them openly line suggesting its white supremacist rally. It is not a white supremacist rally and just because you can find a couple of white supremacist you to try to infiltrate the rally because they know they'll get media coverage
that way. That does not make the entire rally what you promised anymore, then a couple of anti for members infiltrating the women's March makes it a terrorist rally. That's not the way this works rally should do. We should try to do a good job of policing who show up the rallies, but you can't slander the entire rally, because five guys in Nazi hats show up in this case There is not even been any evidence of that thus far, and yet the media are portraying this as a terror rally seriously but gave Gutierrez over an embassy news, tweed out a video people, literally chancing the pledge religions and each any tweeted chance of. We will not comply from gun rates protesters enrichment. There are literally chanting the pledge of allegiance, and you can hear it and he was wise about it the only. Why being told yet a couple of other abhors suggesting that it was a terrorist rally saying that carrying guns openly in Virginia, which is legal, but this is somehow a violation of the second amendment- is not what the founders intended when it was literally what the founders intended the coverage of Virginia Gun rights rallies.
Astonishingly bad awful so far. I know the meat would love they would like nothing better many them. You will have nothing better than a Charlottesville like scenario where bunch white supremacist shop is are killing people that we their favorite thing ever. Could and could claim that all gun rights advocates in the United States are actually vicious violent. Racist brutes now their favorite thing in the world. It hasn't happened it Benny, Johnson over a cheap USA, whose very covering these things is no rights. No violence. No targeting of citizens know attacking cops, just thousands upon thousands of peaceful law by citizens gathering in Virginia capital to protest and unconstitutional assault on their rights, and that, of course, is exactly that's exactly right. That's exactly right? It's amazing. I mean the real spending on their there? really spending their day. Trying to suggest that this thing is terrorism, it's it's up, but they did the same thing with the tea party, the cheapest apparently terrorist and races, despite no evidence that it was terrorist or racist. Meanwhile, the women's March, which was run for you, Here's my open, anti Semite, here's how that was covered over the weakens nobody showed up is
Bela Gomes Sarmiento reported from NPR called women's March drowsy smaller, but passionate crowd. The fourth annual women's March descended on the streets of Washington on Saturday, unlike the first demonstration, the broad hundreds of thousands to the capital the day after President trumps inauguration, the March true just a fraction of the original turn out, as the movement has struggled with changes in leadership and questions about inclusive III, but they were passed
yet they were so passionate and that's what really mattered. The permit only allowed up to about ten thousand people by the way the hermit filed with the National Park Service, but it was passionate guys, so the media say that the women's March passionate passionate but small, the Gun Rights Rally March large and terrorist and white supremacist, no evidence of terrorism or white supremacist well done media. This is what you guys do, ok time for a quick thing that I like and then a quick thing that I hate and we'll get out of here, because we have two more hours, stuffed it later. Ok things I like, over the only weaken us reading, some of my where my favorite authors, re Brad, vary so red or, of course, is known for Fahrenheit forfeits one when the great american novels he's also a terrific little whore writer menacing little edged mean in terms of short story.
You really three home three heard stories but precise eyes. Great martian, chronicles is great. I'm big bribery fan asking for something to read over at weaken no over the weekend, and so I picked up the October country, which is a book of his horror stories, so them our great Summum are not as great but that's a great inveterate story judgment of the fifteen twenty minutes on them. I love sorceries. It saddens me that short story seem to have fallen out of fashion and maybe somebody will bring them back at some point. I know that the magazine that that bribery, road forward, which was called weird tales, I know that around about Nigeria. There's any good or not I'd, love to see the short story brought back labour is the October country, but has a bunch. Sound of thunders is another short story collection. If you liked Fahrenheit for fifty one short stories are of equal quality, NGO check and other things that I like today. So this is hilarious. A court, a court in the fifth certain
court of appeal has now ruled that a federal prisoner who calls himself a her and wants to be transferred to a women's facility of this person appeal to the court and said I want to be called her and all the court filings and the courts had no that's giving way. The argument not we're not doing that, and this apparent is very bad it because now you left would like for the court to engage in logical inconsistency. I'm going allow along with you why that this person is a woman, but then rule objectively and whether a woman should be placed with other women, the entire Controversy in this case is over whether this person is it in or a man, you can't just granted the premise of the lawsuit in the lawsuit itself out of sensitivity, its absurdity, and so this a thousand times amazing people always get my position. On transgender pronouns wrong because they wish to accept one million times. If you're at dinner was somebody and that person wishes to be called by as member of the opposite sex Then I'm not gonna go out of my way just to call the person a member of their biological sex, because why ruin dinner?
but when we are talking about public policy when you're time, whether that person Chile is a member of the opposite gender. No one can go along with that of I'm in public debate with the person whose transgender I'm not going to grant them the premise that they are a member of the opposite sex. If the subject of the entire debate, there is a difference between a public issue and what you say to somebody in it I've at a dinner right. If, if, if my son wishes for me to call him Luke Skywalker tonight, what you probably does at home are probably do it A national tv, any says call me, looks out no sun minute, that's not the way any of this works, but according to the Washington Post supposedly, the court was supposed to go. On the request to call him or her and then and then you rule objectively on the question of whether this him should be placed women by the way. In this particular case, what the media would like is for this biological male, whose engaged in pedophilia as well. The persons in prison prison, was engaged in trafficking in child pornography. They want the Washington Post columnist tonight wants this.
Person to be labelled: woman, ok, Ladys! If you want that person label the woman have at it have at it. It seems to me that the vast majority of child pornography charges accrue to men, biology, may have something to do with crime rates when it comes to male versus male, which is why ninety eight percent of people in prison or metal Gabon is just absurd. Everyone knows that mail, aggression and male sex drive is very different from female, which, why crime rates are different between male and female die, but we're going pretend not for purposes of of what trend gender sensitivity, absolute silly towns, ok time for a good for the Fifth Circuit court of appeal for reject Nancy know we're not going to forego the argument of sensitivity, ok time for a quick thing that I hate. So my homesick, California is just turning into a garbage heap. I've lived literally my entire life, and every day now about how long we can stay here. These data California has been transformed into homeless central them. At this point, literally, hundreds of thousands
almost people living in a state of California, you cannot drive a freeway in LOS Angeles, without seeing literal densities me, I'm talking about full intensities, looks like Hoover bills and Governor Gavin Newsome, who is a candle in every way. He is stupid his vacuous and and has that plastered back here. He was opening a new homeless facility and he explain the California has been. Were to be found on homelessness, weird because it seems like Jerry Brown was the governor for a thousand years, and then you been the governor for a while. It seems like every major city in LOS Angeles, had been governed by a Democrat for a very long time, and yet somehow you Got no handle on homelessness, not only that it's gotten me simply worse. Underneath the democratic party here is Gavin a admit admitting that he has no idea. How to run its own state, be Canada. They have always been nowhere to be found on the damn issue: homelessness, women focused on this issue. As a reason, thanks while the way they are because we haven't addressed them, tapping
I watch of last decade in particular, is really gotten ban and last decade and we were just slow to respond. We're ok, we're crisis. Governor brown and amazing job balancing its budget your tree, urging that we we had a lot of other things or prioritize. We got in the way of our focus on this didn't raise balancing the budget. The way the California balanced budgets by lying about the a cruel of interesting calpers. Rather these went there, their pension funds, and then they suggested that those pension funds are going to outperform the market by large percentages, and then we wouldn't have to worry about investing on behalf of the pension funds who tunnel be bad pension contracts. Jerry Brandon a wonderful job. Balancing the budget he's raise the top income tax rates at thirteen point. Three percent driving business out of this data record rates issued a net loss of population and say to California believe last year governors. Sorry, we couldn't handle the homelessness crisis, where you have sixty five thousand people in angels, county alone or home. In the city, and that is very partially. As result, hi housing prices, but the regulations
the city of LOS Angeles, making nearly impossible to build new housing and in large part, that is because the cops have been not allowed to arrest people for trespass. And also have been tremendous under plenty of the one thing that the government ought to find in the state of California, namely mental health facilities in drug dry out facilities and mandatory drug dry out for p we're on the streets shooting heroin into their feet in front of businesses mean you can an open needles have a block from my house, and I live in a fairly nice area. During Gavin Newsome complain that he's done a bad job on his on what is his watch But the city California, in their wake up, recondite and right now it is trying to die because better to sleep and pretend that everything is fine in the weather. Here's really nice. We got beaches, but the fact is, this state continues to be a garbage. Cheap, Gavin Newsome continues to make A garbage, even we continue to build Democrat to make ourselves feel better, even though no Democrat has solved any of these problems in the last decade or more
insane, they mean the city was Angeles, which I can speak to very personal eggs. I love your Eric. Our city, we thought about running for president has been awful every so often right before theirs, a photoshoot. Basically don't clean up the street a little bit. Don't move some of the homeless people out from underneath the embankment and then as soon the as soon as the media stump covering it does. People are right back there. I will say some of the sum of the permanency of these residence he's pretty astonishing to me the other day right homosexuals. I saw a person who had wired into you, wonder how folks are living on the street. This person had actually wired into a street lamp which pretty avers you shouldn't and wired into a street lamp for electricity actually pulled off the plate at the base of St Lamp and then went into the street. And I don't mean that we're in the streetlamp I saw that they actually had an old fashioned turntable. They look at old record player, so we have hipster homeless people in the city of LOS Angeles. People, who are not satisfied with the quality of digital music right then,
The original vinyl Nelson is not to say these people are not suffering, I think they are suffering. I think it is absolutely unjust and unfair, and not right and disgusting, that the solution of this state of the cities to leave them living in their own filth, on street corners and then pretended. That is what is called freedom. It is not a huge percentage of these folks are people suffering from mental illness? A huge percentage of these folks are people who are suffering from severe drug addiction. Leaving them on the streets to get disease and die is a is a horrible commentary on what our government thinks. Freedom is according to the government of the State of California. If you work a job and you earn and freedom is, the government takes a huge chunk. Of your salary, and also, if your living on the street in your own filth, because your mentally ill or because you have a drug addiction, then freedom. It's you get to live on, you're on your own, and employees can even move you.
Lot of members, the LAPD Personal it is disgusting and they ve turned the LAPD into their solution for failures to deal with drug addiction and failures to deal with severe mental illness. Had a police we're not supposed to be first line of response from people who are mentally ill or drug addicted. That's absurd! There already stretched tooth and is not their job, and you wonder how to get to confrontations with the homeless, and then you end up with bad tape on the news that has exactly how I like it's a lot worse when you suggest the police cannot even move bags of garbage free. Thanks to a you action in the city of LOS Angeles, the police. Could actually be sued if they move a shopping, cart full of garbage seriously, because this has been declared the personal property people living on the streets, even though they are living on the streets that you and I pay for as taxpayers and providing disease threat and provide a islands threat how many situations that we had in the nice or part of the citizens whom Melick Hollywood Boulevard, like Hollywood and vine areas at the city, that are tourists centres we had people have been attacked and buckets of
feces dumped on their head in the middle of the city. Seriously we have people stab to death, the middle of the city by homeless, folks, who are suffering from severe schizophrenia, deep forms of mental illness drug addiction and the city solution is to have given you some gap as how well you have been ignoring the problem. Is the bottom line. Is yours when one the voters who stated that force democratic The old problem, because there is no incentive to deal with the problem of the Democrats are elected to do- is continue. Sending lucrative government contracts with massive unions are then spend that money to re, elect the government employees and grow the bureaucracy and grow the state, a state that does not protect its own citizens. And just drains them dry, and it's gonna get worse. It's not gonna get better. The tax rates will continue to go up. The law enforcement continued to drop the people stuck in the middle of the cops and the taxpaying citizens. Governance is a disgrace a run for president anyway to couple years. If the Democrats don't win just it's, it's ridiculous state.
The state is on its last legs and governess improves. It will, sooner here later today for two additional hours of content or will see here tomorrow, I'm bench appearances the venture bureau shall, if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen upon. Gas also be sure to check out the other dearly, whereupon tests, including Andrew Craven, show it Michael Mole Show and the mat Walsh thanks for listening, debenture Piero Show is produced by coltan, has directed by my joiner executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer. Jonathan Hank supervising producer math is clever and Robert Sterling Assistant director Pavel. Why dusky technical producer, Austin Stevens play back and media operated by next. She him associate producer Haiti's Winterton edited by
Silent audio is mixed by make poor Mina here and make up is my Niggah Geneva. The bench of Euro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty everyone, its Andrew claim in the host of the Andrew Craven, show its Martin, King Jr Day, so we can look forward to left us on television distorting Every single thing king stood for, or you can listen to me explain why the great man was really one of us. That's on the Andrew Clayton Show, I'm and frankly.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-09.