« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 928 - The Revisionist History Begins

2020-01-09 | 🔗

As it becomes clear Iran backed away from conflict, the media seek a new spin; Joy Behar and the crowd at “The View” discover they like Richard Spencer; and Mitch McConnell vows not to take advice from Nancy Pelosi. Can't get enough of The Ben Shapiro Show? Enjoy ad-free shows, live discussions, and more by becoming an ALL ACCESS member TODAY at: https://dailywire.com/Shapiro

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As it becomes clear. Iran backed away from conflict media, seek new spin joy Bay, her in the crowded to view this but actually like NEO Nazi Richard Spencer and Mitch, Mcconnell Thou not to take advice from Nancy Pelosi. I'm bench a pair of this. Is the Bench Bureau show the Bench Bureau show is bouncer by express Vps stand up for your digital right visit, Express VP, end, dotcom, slash, ban well the West seventy two hours, last week has been a major win for the Trump administration. Why? Because, as I have been stating ever since, solely money was killed me trumpet man duration has re established a long forgotten doctrine known as deterrence, and it's amazing to watch people. The media of the talking heads of the Works Tele, the deterrence is something that doesn't exist could never have existed with IRAN. All of that predicated on their worship for Barack Obama, woozy, magical magical man. In their view, the way this work is that brought President Barack Obama had done something magical
it basically converted run into Sweden. All he had to do was signed a few checks to the mullahs and then They would abandon their nuclear programme not just for the ten year specified by contract, but for all time and As for the terrorism and the ballistic missile testing in the development of terrorist groups, all in the region and the interference in Iraq in Lebanon and Syria Guide Sadie maybe in Yemen, all of that. Well, when we just ignored that, because Brok Obama had done something magical and Barack Obama's narrative had always been, they either sign, attracts the mullahs or, alternatively, They go to war with them. Those are the only two alternatives. There was no third alternative and then Donald Trump came along and he said what there is this thing that we used to do here. It's called deterrent deterrence and that this works reference wrung from doesn't have to understand the totality of deterrence theory, because the theory is really quite simple and from gets it because it gets it in most areas of his. Life, which is you threaten some somebody was something worse than they are threatening you with big, threaten you that they are going to bring a knife. You threaten to bring a gun rights Chicago away from at least gets that
much and so, when it came to his own. Basically, the Iranians cooped up in anti dumping. Anti interim kept ignoring it because you did not want a conflict in the Middle EAST he's the only president of my lifetime, who has not been an overt shooting war in the Middle EAST and the President of the United States Lily had had enough, and he said. Ok, you try to burn our embassy. We're gonna, take out your big bad terrorists, alimony, chasms alimony. And the media at what war is now inevitable. Now we're gonna have world war three and troubles I well not really not so much. This is called it. Words are the Iranians are now. I notice that there are such things as lines, and if you cross those lines, there will be consequences, and this gives the lie to the media coverage of Barack Obama. Obama was exposed, but he'd been already I mean Iranians, we're getting more and more militant, even in the aftermath of the nuclear will the nuclear deal was signed in thousand thirteen. The the now need for you are sent caught by the Obama administration said in March. Twenty. Sixteen that the Iranian had actually can a more aggressive in the wake of the iranian nuclear. Joke, as they had more money to play with, and they knew that the only
in the west cared about was the nuclear weapons D I'm, not the expansion of terrorism and terror growth. The region. So the media head that Barack Obama argument both by events, but the media had not been exposed. The media could continue to propagate the lies that have been fed them by Ben rose. Who then went out bragging, how he lied to the media and how they formed an echo chamber on his behalf. Well, now that Donald Trump has shown over less seventy two hours, that the laws of political gravity did not cease to apply with Brok Obama that there is such a thing in foreign relations as actual determines, the media have been completely and utterly, both for the fools that they are, and what this has created is a need for the media to now defend their flank. The media now need to come up with an altar, explanation for how things just went so right for Donald Trump.
Its away. Money is dead and the Iranian were so cowed that you are seeing the p m after the terror group, those responsible for the attempted burning of the. U S, embassy in Baghdad, basically backing off their open calls by people internal solder, whose leader of of sheer Muslims in in IRAN, Iraq did their calls by him for the payments to disband as a functioning entity mean. All of that is a result of down from using some deterrence and the media have to come up with an alternative explanation and, as will see their alternative explanation is the Donald Trump continues to be a knot in a very stupid not and that we ought to trust me. I tell us we have to trust Barack Obama and we have to trust them and so what they are doing now is there talking up the possible buddy of war, even though it is absolutely clear at this point that IRAN has backed away from the work, and there is another report today that the Iranian had been We warned the Iraqis, the administrations denying this as they should, and then they should deny this, because the fact is that
if the Iranian we're trying to save face than suggesting to the world that the Iranian called up the United States and said guys get get your guys out of there, because we need just need to save face here, If you were to spilled out on the world stage, then that would necessitate more iranian action. Presumably so the? U S basically saying yesterday, they meant to harmlessly just one. Able to do so is a better line. Then you have Europeans completely chickened out. They called us and told us to get our guys out of the ways that they could save a little bit of face that little. My pencil saying today, for example, that this was a strike meant to kill him. You said this great early warning system were count me little sceptical on that under the media continue to plant the possibility of war, because they just can't accept the fact that IRAN has always been violent, that the possibility of war that existed six months ago existed through years ago, existed eight years ago existed twenty years ago and will continue to exist years from now, but that it has not been heightened by the United States taking a hardline position. In fact, it has been decreased in terms of intensity and possibility of scope by the fact that they have been deterred from fused future action or the run
hasn't changed its regional orientation and the United States is not changed its regional orientation. The differences that IRAN knows. I can't get away with as much and so they are going to scale back some of their, moreover, to terror activity doesn't mean, problem resolved solved. It does mean that Donald from his back them off of a lot of the activities but they are pursuing their we're getting more and more overtly aggressive. Still the media are going to put their plant possibility that we're still at war? That is that, right now we are still in danger of law. Going into an immediate full scale war, and so get articles like this from the Associated Press. The? U S, IRAN, step back from the brink of possible war on Wednesday. As President Donald Trump signalled you would not retaliate militarily Pheromones missile strikes on iraqi basis, housing. U S, troops Normous harmed, and but the US forces in the region remained on high alert. Speaking from the White House, seemed intent on the escalating the crisis which spiraled after he authorize the target to kill Last week of neurons, TAT, general Cassim, solar did its viral. After that it was a unit. The burning of the embassy, the shooting down of the American drawn the destruction of shared. Oil facilities, the bombing of ships in the strait of almost
wearing the media. It's always about Trump, because the world began trumpets, like God, these people or the devil. There well began spinning as soon as he spake. The words will get more of the media's malfeasance on all of this momentarily. First, let's talk about changing your lifestyle. This year's a lot of people in the aftermath of new year. They make resolutions about how they're gonna get healthier this year. I really what I mean is thinner, but the reality is. You do need to get healthier, because when you healthier you're, probably also going to get there, and that means a life. I'll change, not just like a workout change and not just a diet, change a change in the way you view the world, changing your actual data day habits this is where New comes in new is easy way of adjusting your lifestyle itself. They teach you the psychology behind the decisions you make and then help you keep track of
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at an o m dot com, Slash Shapiro, so the AP is already talking up the possibility of further widespread conflict, which is really not in the offing or be low level conflict as it was before a court. The ip though, despite such conciliatory talk, the region remained on edge american troops, including a quick reaction force dispatched over the weekend or on high Lord, while that makes an intimate you're gonna want to continue to be on high alert, but the idea that we are going to full scale war now is, I think, pretty much off the table since the Aramaeans really back down what whatsoever is one gets. The media response in the second is that the the House Democrats in an attempt to back fill a whole. They dug for themselves. Where we're in the middle of world war frequented. The Democrats Trump had brought us to the brink of world war. Three everyone's gonna go die, everybody stockpile food, get water, make sure the guy Waterbury vacation tabled, I mean it was just gonna- be a mess zombies in the streets, chaos everywhere, dogs and cats, sleeping together,
It was gonna, be insane, and this was the democratic narrative and another that happened Aranjuez back down, which is what smaller countries do when faced with the greatest military fighting force in the history of the world, as it turns So now, Nancy, Bologna and members of the house are trying to back feel that and make from look like a bad guy, even though Trump one this round, he did in America, and limiting the United States one this round. So what happened The question will now house Democrats emerged yesterday from a classified breathing on Wednesday, deeply sceptical of President Donald Trump decision to order the killing of a top iranian leader and unconvinced supposed in imminent threat to the United States. First of all, the definition of when in threat, I think, needs to be assessed year. So what you're seeing in the media is imminent threat means we had a very specific knowledge of these specific plan that the specific terrorist was engaged in, and thus we had to kill him because tomorrow, who's gonna do something they trump Administration used. The word eminent in a broader sense. I think the sense that most of us, using that when we talk about terrorism, in other words, were their working plans in place too. America and her interests
This element basically is day. Job is like asking as no Rossman Commentary Magazine put it whether it Duncan told us there daring to make doughnuts that day gets. What solely money did for a living. A solely monies job was to plan terror attacks. That's, why might compelled Secretary of state when, asked about immanentism. Well, like me. Last week, they burner embassy, and we before that there were shooting rockets are bases. Self seems like a pretty good bad that he was not going to suddenly turned into. He was not gonna. Suddenly too into a monk and go live monastery and well heard because women from Texas, who in fact has been rather from skeptical, he can but he said I think that an attack from solely money was imminent, because that's literally what demanded are you convinced? that an attack from solar money was imminent against. The Americans, I do you had some very sophisticated consumers of intelligence that talked about how credible this information was. There is a level, of specificity,
I could go even further. Beyond this Amelia threat accustomed to Le Monnier has been a threat and an acute threat to the United States for a very long time and taking him off, the battlefield has had a significant impact. It showed the iranian regime that there's gonna be consequences to their reign of terror and what? What exactly was a summit Midlands imminent threat when he was killed? Me answers probably not much because, essentially isolating his compound in Pakistan's Emily, was illegal for the United States to kill him absolutely not yet House Democrats are now trying to complain that was illegal. What's the purpose of this sort, It was about the same House Democrats who cheered when brought. Obama violated the war powers resolution when they they cheering He is literally start a war. Libya and unjust stayed there. He kills more market daffy for no apparent reason truly, nor berries and other than his book if that cut off, he was engaged in human rights violations. But could I fear that what was following us information could daffy had been neutralize as a threat to the west, and the war in Libya ended with vast swathes. Refuge
he's entering Europe. It end with burning of the american Embassy in bed in Benghazi. It ended with Japan regional government of Libya having to try to govern with no available forces from boats offshore for it is a complete disaster. The war in Libya, the the Obama Ministry and push it anyway to the years of Nancy Policy, known as closely as like, we need to restrict the president's ability to strike at right now. Listen on a principled level. Should the President of the United States have a kind of war making authority he has been granted over the last several decades. The answer is no Situation of the United States declares that Congress should have the authority to declare war. The president of the United States must have the ability to respond quickly to threats, because you don't have time to just get a session of Congress together when there's a terrorist attack in you to kill a terrorist, for example. So, even under the most, I think strict circumstances. Be difficult to argue, that is unconstitutional for Trump to shoot a missile at Sunday morning, but for broader sort of engagements gadget. Any congressional approval makes a lot of sense me. The fact is that the the Congress of the United States is based
they been rendered vestigial organ. When it comes to the declaration of war and writings. In nineteen, seventy three and seventy three, the war powers resolution was brought to the fore that suggest that the President of the United States can get involved in foreign wars. Basically for appeared, a viable sixty days and the war powers act and then has to go to Congress for RE. It is basically been ignored ever since the United States has not had a single declared war, formerly declared war. Since world war, two The Vietnam WAR was not declared war. The Gulf WAR is not a declared warble for two was not declared war. There is an authorization for use of milk has force those passed by Congress in the aftermath of interpretation of interpretation. Of that been has been widely variants. Did it cover rock unclear? Did it cover activities outside the Afghanistan sphere? Probably far to go not clear. Does it cover what's going on right now in Iraq or IRAN twenty years later unclear? So the idea, the Congress she's back some of its warm ignore authority under the constitution. I actually
much in favour of simply because I think that when a Democrat is in power, it would be better if Congress were able to check the power of any present and are not in favour of the broad expansion of executive authority, but that one thing here is that the House Democrats pixel we're a very weird held to die on that now. The sun it well from his challenge, can grow, no authority can by any standard what prompted to sully money is so much less than anything. The Brok Obama did for eight years. Owning America, unreality whose he was all An american citizen, Obama, droned him and you'll. Remember that ran Paul got up and get filibuster of the, over that drone attack, saying well back, I still an american citizen. You don't get to drone him. They can think that ran Paul is wrong, but we suggest from droning in iranian terrorist was in Iraq, planning terror attacks. That's why he was there whose literally meeting with the head of the PMS there were in the same causes, whether both dead city, the idea that that violation of presidential authority brow
about four eight long years was not violating executive authority in launching undeclared wars in Libya, a full scale drone more across Africa and the Middle EAST. I even have to explain that want to be Democrats. Democrats don't have an extra. Nation. It really is not driven by any real principle offices, driven by his anger that President Trump showed them up, because that's all that happened here remember they didn't try to press this resolution in aftermath from firing a missile into Syria. After Syria a gas some of its own citizens again, but in try anything like this. Why? Because Obama? had done exactly the same thing with Syria except less here. The problem was that about that. From humiliated Obama, humiliate the Democrats and now they're going to seize back congressional authority supposedly under the MRS that solely money was done imminent threat. If you really are I have to explain why it was illegal or bad skills alive on your right, We gonna needs to explain that before you start discussing how trumpet a very bad thing
and this is why you're gonna come in Mohammed distinguish between some of the right wing: conservative, opposition to Executive authority coming from people like my glee and to a certain extent grandpa and the left wing anger. Hey Donald Trump. We don't like that. He can related Brok, Obama, and now we are going to check the executive authority, will get to all of that and now we are going to check the executive authority will get to all that in just one taken: first safety and security number one priority for me. Number on priorities. My wife, unfortunately, because were high profile figures, I'm a hope, high profile figure. That means that we do get a lot of death threats. It means that the FBI has rested people threatening, kill me and my family, and that means that I want to make sure that my home securities absolutely top notch the people. I trust with my home security are the folks over at ring. There job is to make your home and or neighbourhood safer there. Smart, video doorbells in cameras protect millions of people everywhere, so I can know. What's going on at home? Literally right, I can just pull out my phone and I can check my property if somebody steps sets foot on my part, Ok, I get in a Lord. If I'm a thousand miles away ring, helps you stay connected to your home,
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likely presenting a United democratic front against the administrations. Recent moves against Iraq, so they are now opposing the moves that box in IRAN. This is now the formal democratic position, not that they have a general objection where it might lead us to Executive authority, but that they have a specific objection to what terms, just did in IRAN, which is insane because this is the most successful foreign policy move since really maybe the end of the Reagan administration, but certainly since it was since Gulf WAR, one b the bottom line and to this is that IRAN was backed off of its aggression. There were backed off an they lost their top commander. They lost their top terror commander, who was by all accounts he most effective person. In IRAN and they are in the end. The Democrats are angry about their upset about it. Why again, not because they believe that they can National Authority has been violated, Brocklebridge routinely. The reason their upset is because Donald Trump give the lie to the Obama administration lie Now they ve been exposed. Here's Nancy Blowsy saying we're gonna vote war powers Resolution Spirit,
If the House Nancy Pelosi putting out a statement moments ago, saying that a war powers resolution would be will be voted on in the house tomorrow more powers resolution she says to quote limit the President's military actions regarding IRAN, and this legislation is going to the rules committee and she says, will be voted on tomorrow in the house again another, while ignoring the fact that the Iranian tried to burn embassy in Baghdad last week, but imagine the kind of insanity. It takes to hate tromp so much better in Burn and american embassy, and your first move is we ve got to limit the president from Italian. We have to limit the president from responding again not coming for a place of principle: opposition to executive use of commander in chief power, but coming from we just
like that Trump has exposed our entire ideology on foreign policy and where political reports? This is just ridiculous lawmakers from across the house, Democratic Kok has left a closed or meeting with top from administration officials in a secure room in the capital on Wednesday frustrated, if not outright angry and what they described as a big justification. For last week's deadly drone strike. They killed iranian Major General Cassim solemnity shortly after he arrived in Baghdad, so their angry that we killed solely money there angry at the justice, patient, which is that he was involved in the burning of United States Embassy last week. This is what they are angry at seriously formula dry, appalled Democratic Washington and Co. Chair of the congressional Progressive Clock, as which has issued a kind of an adjunct. Member of this what she's there was. No real evidence presented that this was an imminent threat. So he's only eight non internet, meaning that I guess two weeks from now He was going to murder Americans, but we didn't know if he's gonna motor Americans, like specifically to Morrow here, is Jaya Paul announcing that trouble
recklessly assassinated, so lay money. I mean this is doing the pr work of Europeans. This is the result of reckless actions by President Trump of military brinkmanship present trumpet, closely assassinated Custom Sola money, he had no, evidence of an imminent threat or attack, and we say that coming from a classified briefing, where again, there was no raw. Evidence presented that there was an imminent threat again I'm gonna need to know whether any of these Democrats asked for the rock classified information that led to the death penalty, molecules. The imminent threat from on we're all Ikey was the imminent. From Osama Bin Laden. For that matter, it turns out The killing terrorists is authorized under the off position to use military force. That is pretty much. The only thing that is authorized under the Eu Imf that was passed in the aftermath of nine eleven
This really is about as Democrats being upset. The Donald Trump did a thing that they don't like that expose their entire ideology is way of Jerry Connally out there by this. Britain was entirely unconvincing. Ok like again, where were you in Brok, Obama was declaring war in Libya without any congressional authorization than ignoring congressional blow back my reaction. This breaching was a was sophomoric and utterly unconvincing and I believe more than ever the Congress needs to act to protect the constitutional provisions about war and peace. We can no rationale that could pass, a grudge with schools this test I was well utterly unpersuaded about any evidence about the imminence of the threat that was new or more compelling. Ok, well, even if
had been presented. You really think Democrats would be out there today saying. Well, I guess that was new and compelling against that is by now you that that's the case these. I really don't think that that is the case. Mcconnell, for part was slamming Nancy Blowsy over all of this, and his sadly right to do so as troubled re, bigger, closer responded early, report yesterday about leaping to blame, quote needless provocation by our administration. And always blame in the United States, so let's make clear can and should, debate hotter responsibly, respond to uranium thrust, but the notion the notion that our administration is to blame for a rainy and aggression, the spread of nonsense, or not
of course it is nonsense and again the fact that Democrats are supposed to what happened with IRAN has little to do with the actual action with regard to IRAN and much more to do with protect the precious, as always Barack Obama. Now I will say there is such a thing is principled opposition to what just happened in IRAN from two places. One is an actual anti interventionist stands for an actual isolationist as this held by tenders like Grandpa and then there's the sort of constitutional perspective, which is that the President of the United States and other partnership. Have the kind of authority that is routinely used by presidents of both parties and sort of the position of my plea for mutual, my glee was fulminating after the briefing the way the Democrats were to saying that he was going to support the Democrats. War powers resolution. The only difference is, I think that likelihood supported whether it's against Republican or a democrat I think the Democrats would only support this against Republican, please ours are not ours, they don't belong to any of us
but when we allow them to be exercised through the wrong branches of government with the wrong process, when you dont have debate and discussion, you don't allow the process itself to correct itself for the american people will be most affected by these decisions to win. That was insulting. That was to me to the process ordained by the constitution, and I find it completely unacceptable on that basis, I've decided, sports and Mccain's resolution subject to the minor amendments that he and I discussed earlier today- full disclosure I'm very friendly with centrally. I think that is an excellent centre, and so perhaps granting in the better for that- but I do know his constitutional prospective well enough to know that this is a consistent constitutional perspective. That is not true for the Democrats and the fact that the Democrats are out there. Your praise, Obama, for his interventionism mean again, he did start shooting more Libya that hit for his intervention in the matter east without any congressional approval and in fact, in spite of congressional disdain, and yet now there
complaining about all of us who want to restrict war powers. That's that's a cynical play. The Democrats behaviour here is just amazing. The fact that ill no in open, anti Semite, who openly sympathises with the ayatollahs me she put out its we yes about economic sanctions against IRAN, suggesting that economic sanctions are form of warfare which is weird has she doesn't really care about, and in fact we support sanctions against the drew booze. Am I really does not like them, Jews, she's? Very in favour of media against Israel, a demo democratic ally of the United States, but she says economic sanctions against IRAN are very bad shocking yesterday she did This press conference were ill had expressed that she had post traumatic stress disorder. Thanks to tensions with around. Clearly we should formulate our foreign policy bay on the fact that eleven Omar is having flashbacks or something I feel ill, a little bed
because of of everything that is taking place- and I think every time I hear about come here of conversations around war find my myself being stricken with PTSD and I find peace knowing that I serve with greed, tickets, for for peace in and people who have shown courage, age against war. Are we supposed to supposed to take the human being seriously human beings are supposed take seriously a person who once wrote, letters in support of people who had joined ISIS asking a job age for more mercy upon them is did happen. Minnesota, while reported by the menu not Minneapolis attribute. She sits on the house. Foreign Affairs Committee by the fact that she says an anti semitic thing approximately once every thirty two point: nine seconds that this human being, who says yes, will clearly we should form we
formulate our on policy around eleven Omar because she feels a little a little ill schnitzel Ill really. Is that ok? What this is about? Four, we were not element Omar, whose just a radical who who is not cold, she's issues, issues lukewarm at best with regard to amend, because Anti terror efforts that, let's just put it that way, the mainstream democratic players are more focused on how much they hated. Then they are about the interests of the United States, and that is pretty obvious James Clapper, a former head of the central intelligence agency under a barrage about he suggested that you know what we're paying off. Iranian citizens are paying off your audience, we're just giving them the money that they had already earned. I've been we're just freeing up their money. I've heard this can point to many members of the left that, when the Obama administration, ships palette of cash to IRAN and gave them a hundred and fifty billion dollars that wasn't bad because, after all that is money that had been earned by the iranian government, I mean that was money. Those owed to the iranian government. Ok, well, you know. What's up
that we do here in the United States will say that drug dealer gets arrested for being a drug dealer. We sees his ass that's one of the reasons we seizes assets is because we on him using those assets for further drug dealing. You know in that way. You know that drug dealer really dinner in their money? I guess we should just sign that check over a uniquely food which position from the Obama administration, those pursued to their health and led to the rise in terror money to radiance. Provided compare. Money to the Iranians what we did was: the administration did was on freeze assets that were actually the Iranians weapons security systems. Funding for a weapon systems are, we are providing the Rockies way back when We further up any actual evident and tells us evidence that I saw before I left they were much of that for supporting their nefarious. They nephews that going to do in any event, regardless
fungible its fungible, the nephews that specific earmarked dollar for buying ballistic missile. If they use that specific earmarked Oliver something else, then you stay. Print dollar for the ballistic missile. The dollar still went for the ballistic missile ridiculous, but the media really have been a chinaman cells there. They really are just outdoing themselves on a regular basis, so they, if you ever, had doubts that the media, Democratic Party wings of one another, that the democratic parties the act. West Wing of the media and the media are the pr wing for the Democrats. All you do is what is wash the media this week, who are doing the overt work of the Obama administration, which is to say the overt work The iranian PR agencies, because effectively Obama administration became a pr agency for the Iranian in order to push the IRAN deal, the Obama administration how to make the case that the Iranian were good, reasonable decently? but we're going to moderate and who are going to become friends to the world community so long as we have heard them, and so what you saw from the Obama administration over and over Is that one? Iran would do something terrible. It would be of no use getting IRAN wrong, guys, you're,
getting around wrong. Basically, the Obama administration became the girl friend to the abuse of drug addicts boyfriend trying to explain her boyfriend to her parents. That was what the Obama administration became with regard to the iranian government say well, you know, he's he's not that bad guys your easy bruise here like yet he hit me, but I mean I did offend him to be fair and yeah he's a drug addict too, like if you try to prostitute me for money, but let's fair, and we had a rough child that that was the Obama administration with regard to IRAN and the media started doing the same thing, and now they continued to do the same thing that the media Take on all of this is so patently room. From reality that it should destroy their crimes building a massive way for a huge period of time. It wont, of course, because once you have authoritative voice is standing in Teheran. Will that means they no things. Alternatively, they don't know, damn thing in many of them are unbelievably stupid, end or dishonest we'll get to that in just one. Second, first, if you're not already a subscriber,
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IRAN is weaker than it was when from took office. His end trumped just open window for negotiation and from has actually reestablished a level of two turned to the wrong that the Obama administration Had completely avoided release in his honest most other members, the media, not nearly as honest, how do you know There are just repeating iranian propaganda. Well, the iranian retaliation was going on here is MSNBC reporting. False debt Americans during the attack we're, just notices that were put out by the Iranian on it's an amazing they they do the same thing with regard to Israel and its enemies. Whenever the Palestinians got the government authorities and in the Gaza Strip, for example, put our casualty numbers the media, just repeat it without even checking it goes guilty numbers are always inflated and always refused to take into account military age. Males were actually members of terrorist groups. Will they did? This same thing: MSNBC did the same thing to build this attack. They just are repeating fall numbers about debt. Americans they didn't exist
AIR base in their being thirty casualties. I just wanna be very clear. We do not have independent confirmation of that, as of as a view that has a claim being made on our indian State media IRAN, state media is claiming that thirty, U S, soldiers have been killed in this attack and out. This is not a confirmed. This is just coming from iranian media, but we have just stepped over the precipice Chris stepped over the precipice based The report from iranian state media that was a full on lie that hadn t market would watch over sure when we're not gonna. Take it you seriously, but you stick at super duper seriously. And every element of what, from his own along the way, has been criticised for the dumbest possible reason you go on twitter today. People are criticising the fact that from sniffs during his speeches It has been a thing during a speech is for a very long time. There's suggesting the reason these nets is because, after all, their criticising the fact that he,
what that he was slurring. A couple of his words about the fact that Joe Biden cannot string together. A human sentence haven't the fact and Nancy Pelosi. Bottles were words routinely but it but Donald from his very bad man, because that Nemesis NBC panel yesterday could not even believe that military brow returning from speech. How could military breast is been roads, the vicious lyre going after the trumpeters. How could he military brass attend from spa? even though they were the ones who presided over the attack. It just sad. There were still sitting here with a president, I had states who, out of a weird mixture of envy and deep antipathy, has today tat, his predecessor in the most people. Critical manner with the military standing behind em discussing life or death issues. It just didn't come to this Nicole, we're better
Then there is. Our politics should be better than Z. Glam liar he's a damn liar repeated them than liar he's just awful in every way and he's an Obama administration advocate sitting how dear Donald Trump exploit the military this way, but It's it's. It's enough to be able to find the gas lighting assembly will, in speaking of obsessions, because about from being obsessed with Obama, it's about the fact that from just showed up Obama and thereby will the mind the gas lighting is unbelievable and speaking of obsessions, because then about from being obsessed with Obama, it's about the fact that from just showed up Obama and little bombers legacy is a bag of flaming dog, poop, ok Obama's! Let us get Iraq is horrific. Led by Ben roads was led by Susan Rice or one of the media. Do they go get been roads and Susan wrestling waste from so obsessed with us waste from so obsessed with us also waste from such an ugly orange man. The projection here is just astonishing. Meanwhile, you of colonists New York Times, trying to pretend that wine is a lost. You got Nicholas Christoph over the New York Times. Who has a peace today says Trump has a bizarre idea of winning here's what he says.
Now we seem to averted an all out: shooting war between the United States and IRAN. Yet it's not over the world is more dangerous than it was a week ago. No it most assuredly is not solely money was a massive Chesapeake. He is off the board. Europeans are back off of aggression inside Iraq, these they don't want to cross red lines. Know the world is more dangerous than it was before, mostly Thirdly, it is not present comes exuberance, says, Nicholas Christophe suggest that he may have one piece lastly the wrong lesson from his clash with IRAN. Trump and some of his supporters are growing at the lack of american casualties we have carefully aims is to miss people in ways that remind me of the hubris preceding the two thousand three invasion of Iraq. As that, as there were. Then there today concerns about whether in Elegance has been overstated, leaders are thumping their chests and there's too much confidence in the ability of them. Military toolbox to solve complex problems, so he can actually plain why this was a bad thing, so you just gonna go back to the Iraq war, which, in popular revisionist history, was a complete loss for the United States to fight
the fact that the original aim of the war, which was to be posted on whose aim was accomplished inside of three words thing three weeks thanks to them, greatest military in the history of the world. But according Nicholas Christoph, this is a big loss. Why, while Trump when twenty twelve repeatedly clay the Brok Obama would star war with IRAN. Helpless reelection is alright we're running election as on Facebook, trumpeting his killing of major general Cassim solemnity and stating that this is keeping America safe is again, Trump did not Cornwall start a war with IRAN to win reelection. That's absurdity at the highest level, and killing solely money is a good thing. I'm sorry! The Democrats are finding it hard to campaign against killing terrorists, but do you guys pick deposition you didn't have to? but here is how Nicholas Christoph characterizes the results right. This is idiotic. Iran has cast off nuclear curbs so that it is potential within five months of having enough fuel for nuclear warhead down from almost fifteen years, went from took office. It was not fifteen years one. Took office. That was their voluntary statements that they would not develop nuclear weapons for court of conflict.
Here's the nuclear deal genuine extend for fifteen years and extended for ten years and their development of nuclear weapons, a secondary priority for them next to their development of regional power, which they had been pursuing, peddled to the metal. Ever since the around Nuclear Deal United States forces according to Christoph maybe pushed out of Iraq allowing Sue amounting to achieving death one of his foremost goals, unless I'm need some evidence there, and I wanna hear your bull crowned by the iraqi Parliament voting to reject the United States. They don't even have the power to do that. It takes a cabinet request. The cabinet doesn't exist, the rest in the cabinet. Does not exist in Iraq is because the President, the Prime Minister of Iraq, does does not have any authority he's the acting prime minister because of protests inside his own country that were suggesting that here, was in Thrall to IRAN. There's not support inside Iraq by sheer about by Sunni, rather and Kurds for the United States to pull out of there, because they know the moment that happens: iranian space it would take over american forces in Syria may be difficult to support without the military presence in Iraq, some or all of them
out as well and other strategic victory for IRAN? Wait? A second are using the pole. Troops out of the region be a victory for round, because it is my impression the Brok Obama precipitately, precipitously, withdrew all true but from Iraq or nearly all troops from Iraq. Leading to the rise of ISIS leading to the continuation of Syria, leading Russia taking over Syria and IRAN funding Syria Nicholas Christoph Madam Mina, disconnect from any some did. You people have memory that, though it dory from finding Nemo. They got memories that last for thirty two seconds. It's unbelievable it's incredible. The military campaign against ices on hold giving terrorists a chance to regroup m need some evidence that IRAN's regime, which had been threatened by enormous protests at home in Iraq has been rescued by trumps actions rescued by trumps actions. Truly, they ve killed fifteen hundred protesters when you find that regime change first of all Christoph Undress, and I don't want the regime change in IRAN. Barack Obama didn't want the regime change in IRAN who want to strength
the regime in IRAN it, but if you're, not regime change in IRAN has only one railway that's happening from inside the iranian military, because the people do not have anything like sort of ability to overthrow the military that they had another. Countries where the military was smaller me. The fact is, As long as the military support the the mullahs will remain in power take somebody in the military changing his mind in order for that to change, but Durban roiling protests across IRAN for literally years at this point and I'm old enough remember in two thousand nine, when the Iranian were out in the streets protesting by the hundreds of thousands and running troops were gunning them down. Brok Obama did nothing nothing to help nothing but a core Nicholas Christoph Iranians have rallied around the flag in the iraqi narrative is changed overnight from the boy of iranian to the bullying of Americans. Really, is that with the iraqi narrative because it seems that the Iranian just fired actual ballistic missiles into a for a nation instead of bringing troops home from his head to deploy more to the Middle EAST and huge cost wait. A second two points. They go Nicholas, crush offers, arguing that we should not bring any of those
tell me cuz. It would free up the Middle EAST for ISIS in for a run now, he's arguing the time to bring the troops home isn't like dinner and it will ship just that Trump is bad. That's all so much winning and there will be more Sir Nicholas Christoph it's true, neurons form. Minister, Jabez REEF said the neurons responsive concluded but the reef is a moderate, often outmaneuver by hardliners. I know this partly because back into the house, for after reef approved a visa. For me, I was change in IRAN by security forces. Looking for information, Could embarrass getting fired a well Nicholas, Christoph his friends or if that means using. So we're still hearing echoes of the Ben roads, crap that there is moderate faction inside the iranian government that is being challenged by the hardliners inside the iranian government,
that's like saying whose more pro trump vanka or Trump. What? What? What are you leaving talking about here? There are not two parties here, there's one title: one party dictatorship, then you John L boy who just rights foolishness every week for the New York Times the trump we did not want to see. What are we going to stop trying to rationalize the irrational deterrence is not irrational, it is not irrational. But according to global issues, trumpets naughty says this stand off, which it is late, The observers acknowledge the lies and dysfunction surrounding the attack, its only natural or just looking for some sort of logic, but we ve learned since the strike on Sunday. Money was almost many observers in the attack it's only natural, and since the strike on Sunday, money was almost certainly another impulsive action from an impatient president, except the fact in your times report that my compatriots pushing for solemnities going forward, it really months on end. He says the Trump is not enough,
he had never been one yadda yadda yadda so apparently from is the knot, and it's only thanks to the fore the for thought of the iranian regime that everything is hunky, Dory the Washington Post Editorial Board. Today's insisting that trumped didn't win I'm not own, I'm not owned. He shouted as you turned slowly and Corn Cobb. According to the wash imposed proclaiming from victorious in IRAN is short sighted and premature all really. What was it when you, too aired Obama, the grazing IRAN. After he decided to sign them checks. They could pursue further terrorism ballistic missile testing, while pretending that their nuke the programme was shut down for all time. What would you call that, according to the Washington Post, MR trumps acolytes quickly prick Victorious for having eliminated the architect of IRAN's foreign adventurism, while avoiding more damaging response. That assessment was premature and short sighted around its annual interest in allies will almost certainly continue in the coming months. Oh you mean as late as possible before we had months on end of them firing Rockets in America
military bases in pursuing terrorist actions across the Middle EAST, unless the Trump administration quickly steps up its diplomatic game. What supremely leader I Attila Ali Khamenei covers ultimate aim. The removal of the United States from the Middle EAST could soon be realised in Iraq and Syria, again based on no evidence whatsoever, but the media are going to try to declare a victory in actual lost because that's how much they ate from how much do members the media hatred yesterday on the view joy Bay, her mentioned that White Supremacist, Richard Spencer, one of these Charlottesville leaders had decided that he would no longer endorsed Trump going into twenty twenty. Why? Because Richard Spencer didn't like the Trump had threatened Quarterboat area in cultural heritage site This is part of this idiotic race nationalism that suggests that first of all persons are Arians and then, second of all, that that Trump is is doing the view would trump is pursuing the interests of the drew wars. Here's joy by heart, scale, moron, suggesting that Richard Spencer, leaving Donald Trump
in terms of allegiance, is a good thing and then the entire crowds during a white nationalist. I remember which it Spencer he's basically the organiser of uniting Ryan Attack, the White Nationalist group that was marching and shall today, all it's all in four trump loudly more. His is Well, he treated less side. I deeply regret voting for and promoting our trump and twenty six ten. Oh my gosh loud interest here. Why aren't you also? Likewise s gallery trump ran on not invading and not being a war that there's room time. Madam you re run on waiting and welcome to the resistance Richard Spencer. Ok, when you are praising a white nationalist own trump you're, doing everything wrong, but this is what their demi its unbelievers. What the media will do just to avoid the obvious conclusion, which is that from gonna win here. This is what they will do, its own believable. They have kids map showing our success.
The techno bomb wise people talking about by some major Barbosa nice guy gap here kept every morning by rebel coat. Commodious show commentator exploit present forms a mainly with regard to Obama. As I love I love, Obama is single at my leg, Senator on nuclear yellow, basically orgasm done stage was crazy, but now here I am explaining the trump he can. The tagging Obama, because you may not because Obama's policies garbage these men go, could matthies go amidst this the international conversation frozen this almost clinical need to attend Obama, is almost like to read what can he not through a conversation without, but the case was so scurrilous. His basically saying, as you pointed out, those bombs hitting our american base in western Iraq last night they were paid for by Brok, Obama. Like you, factories. The births are he's the financial guy behind these bombs
is an outrageous stretch is an outrageous fresh. He signed, next to the Iranian. He opened their economies, they could pursue terror. Secretary they draw announced back in March. Twenty sixteen that, yes, some of that money would go to prison in terror and ballistic missiles, but his eyes like rats some major about what you mean you about. I love about my give that I bet grub right now. It's beautiful sorry Kathleen, I'm busy night, Matthews Autonomous Embassy. The media have shame themselves if they had any. If they had any possibility of shame. This would be a shameful moment for them, but the news for them. They have no capacity for shame and We will continue to apply to the american people from these stage, MSNBC already time for a quick thing that I like and then we'll get to equip thing that I hate so things that I like so first of Nancy Blowsy, has been completely outmaneuvered. She had no average when she held back the impeachment charges. She had no leverage, none whatever and everybody knew she had no leverage that the media tried to proclaim the Jews genius another another example of the media
being garbage their jobs. The media tried to suggest that Nancy Policy really had out played Mitch Mcconnell. Ah, you see if she doesn't hand the charges. Mcconnell. Then she won't have handed the charges to Mcconnell and then Mcconnell won't be able to acquit Trump and so then and there, and then an then one job guys because then she will not have handed the impeachment charged Mcconnell and then Mcdonald's be sitting there. Then what you gonna do, then? What are you going to do then? We'll be mad, won't go, then you can't do anything like he can't you he's drunk but but show them peach front, but you won't answer. I never made any sense basically people. Those was threatening to do a thing. Mcconnell didn't want anyway, and she was like Mitch Mcconnell If you don't do what I want, I will give you this ice cream com. This ice cream Roger. I will give it to you if you Do what I want? You can do what you want to hear. A cancer comes, the ice cream, here's the ice cream, the miserable Carl's, like you, gotta, be kidding me like this in competence, the highest level. It's ridiculous! You have nothing that you have no leverage, nothing do threatened with the republican caucus
not going to agree to your procedures on impeachment. After you ran the house investigation in the dumbest possible way, refusing to call any of the witnesses were actually relevant or wait for a judge to actually decide whether those witnesses could be called in the first place. So much Mcconnell yesterday Is it not we're not haggling? Over this, you gotta be kidding me. Anybody whose proclaimed Nancy plus you master strategist, has not been watch Those are not a set of brilliant human beings over at the squad. There's a dumb things routinely they step in it all the time they say openly that smell of things, but Nancy policy could not even motivate her own base to condemn Anti Semitism in its own resolution. In electricity could not host a piece of bread lightly. I mean those are not a set of brilliant human beings over at the squad. They say dumb things routinely they step in it all the time they say openly at some editing, but Nancy blows. You could not even motivate her own base to condemn Anti Semitism in its own resolution. Instead, they put together a huge resolution condemning all the bad things, including asparagus for dinner, because she just couldn't stand up to the squad
financial flows. You lost control of her own caucus men because she lost control of her own carcass. She had to push for Mps when censure would be much easier move on Ukraine and probably drawn some republican votes. Instead, she pushes impeachment and then she caught out because it turns out that there are naturally have grounds for impeachment. They couldn't prove their case. Which is the trump was deliberately attempting to sink Joe Biden, not because of concerns about corruption in Ukraine, not because of actual corruption concerns about Hunter Biden but Submissive play because you wanted to go by now the way for twenty twenty. They can prove it and then Nancy Well, she was like, oh well. I guess now that I'm quite here, I'm not can give it you these impeachment charges this. This right here was bag of Pope, I'm second, I'm the keepers, backup owner put it marriage, ridden emulated. Think I'm a fridge. Everything back, you're, never going to see this bag poop and which will cause like I never wanted the bag of hope if you wanna hold that bag opprobrium keep hold in the bag. Boop. It's a bag, Pope Crisp explaining. Oppose away. The explanation for the shameless game plan is a speaker.
Poles who wanted leverage leverage, The ridge entered a shudder and dictate our trial proceedings go up. Now made wherever they were. Getting that no such leverage exists, there will be, no haggling over the house oversight of procedure, we will not food our authority to Travis Impeachment across turn is over It has made its decision. My favorite inanimated networks right there. That is, that its Mcconnell getting out of it. You do have to love the low key nature of of Macao on his first of leverage. Leverage are you out of your mind according to Reuters, the Us Senate will move for with its own legislative agenda next week, unless it receives article of impatient impeachment. Against. From from how speaker closing Mcconnell sent on Thursday. He said incentive. There is real business for the american people that the U S enemies, to complete it. The speaker continued refusal,
grown accusations to trial. The centre will move forward next week with the business of our people. In other words, the fine, don't send it see. If I care, why would I possibly care if you're not sending it so that that means the Nancy Policy has now basically been boxing? But my favorite thing is that you're not allowed to say the Nancy policy botch this. You must say the Nancy policy by This is one democratic congressperson who actually said it is Adam Smith, Democrat of Washington, and he said We should be sending these impeachment charges over if we actually take them seriously and then the entire Nancy plus you wing of the media and the Democratic Party, but I repeat myself- they commander Adam Smith, is Bad man. Nancy proposes a genius she's. Genius guys, she is genius, sing it up massive, incredible, unbelievable unspoken genius. You challenge Nancy Pelosi, she's on the cover of time, I gesine by the way is weak time magazine would just another media repository of idiocy on the cover
Rick peace written by Molly Ball titled, her gamble! That's the end! Instead, the ideas that cheap that there's no gamble here. What is that and then there's a picture of Nancy Plotting, I got it sought. The media are so disgusting, admit there. Just awful is a picture of Nancy Pelosi, wit from behind slightly she. I should get the halo of light bouncing off her well groomed, hair and the headline. Is we ve up the ante? Why Nancy policies going all in against Trump O the hair wisdom or that the unspeakable about Molly Boards, Nancy policies and wild about the question. The impeachment president Trump is underway, and I've asked the speaker of the house if she thinks it's. The most important thing shall ever do we're sitting in her elegant office in the capital and gold upholstered armchairs run the low table, topped the vase of hide ranges where my favorite things about
These sorts of long form pieces is the description of the surroundings, because it tells you everything you need to know about the journalist that description, she's, elegant, read, because what what they're saying surroundings is the person they were Donald Trump in her sitting in the same place, it would be tunnel from sitting in his vulgar office in the White House. Surrounded by gold adorned Versailles furniture, topped the vase of fake flower, but with Nancy close it her elegant office in the capital of gold, upholstered armchairs around a low tabletop at the base of hydrogen just watch the queen and her own right. It's just it's amazing over her shoulder the sweeping view of the National Mall shrouded in wintry clouds, because this theme has to be set touches. Don't you see casual putrid in your minds? I can't you picture how the wintry clouds.
The threat to democracy is coming over. The national mall that symbol or Martin Luther King once spoke CAT with Washington. Monument was balsam lightning striking. His Nancy policy stands up and picks up the hammer of thought growing, molly ball. For long moment, the speaker go silent as she seems to compile undermined the list of accomplishments, you'd rather claim as her legacy apart from declaring war. This is the most important thing the Congress can do. She finally says I must part of the affordable correct, but this is the most serious initiative have ever been involved and in my career, Molly bosses Pelosi has been decades at the highest level of politics. But the past twelve months have been arguably her. Most consequential really doesn't have a single piece of major legislation to go with the above the care about me. I was definitely the biggest thing. Shepherded no question about it, she's correct about that, but according to Molly by its that she was part of the reason hence resistance for pussy, had everything we are returning to the speakership. After eight years right,
they asked him accredit minority. She stabbed herself as a counterweight and constraints of this divisive president. She out maneuver trump on policy from the border. He didn't get to the budget agreement? He signed loaded with goodies that democratic, wanted, Javasan, unprecedented litigation effort against the executive branch, racking up landmark court victories. I mean there are a bunch of low the Courts, the dim light trump and world against him, and then all that was overturned by the Supreme Court, the most part and choose the taxation behind the investigation that resulted in trumps impeachment under some breaking that there really today, a huge amount attack the coming weeks. An amount of tactics it took to say or to investigate the president from each month and then your majority of Democrats that you run actually impeach while the tactical brilliance I mean imagine what it is like, the tactical brilliant. If I were to pull my employees about whether like the show, and then it turns out that most of them say yes and the rest of them get fired it. My tactical brilliance, unparalleled Nancy Plus, you said to our own caucus, you shouldn't peach trump and then they impeach from boom
mine, blown tactical brilliance of having not a single Republican onboard, not one just on the woman. Is What I mean, what can you say? What is most striking? A ball about this moment in policies career, is that at the peak of power she's not protecting her position, but rather using it granted even risky ways: ball crap. If you were pretty, if you want protecting repairs and she will condemn Dolent Omar Al Bashir to leave and I on oppressively the agency and the rest of the squad repeatedly, but instead she's kowtow to them, of course, is protecting her position. She's been protecting were flank theirs brief moment in time or look like she's gonna, challenge them and then Trump got involved, and so the disquiet. Nancy Pelosi immediately. That then was beautiful. Young women standing up for femininity
pitching Trump is a gamble for policy really is a gamble. What's the gamble, whereas the vast outcry from Democrats suggesting that that there's going to be held to pay. If Nancy Policy does this. According to time, it has intensified Republicans fealty to the president, he was already pulling in the nineties with Republicans rallying his based supercharged in his campaign, fundraising potentially increasing his re election chances by the way. That's it just it's, not a risk financing, Pelosi she's not running for president. It's a risk for whoever runs against Trump, but the house, risking anything. The polarizing effect could jeopardize Democrats who hold seats in from terrorism. And thereby endanger blows. Youth house majority. Yes, but she made the calculation, but she is more in danger from the left wing of the base than she is from Republicans retaking. The house pillow He has always been a risk. Take her from define trend is by protesting at the enemy. Wherein ninety ninety one define and he's authority issues. They really issues american citizen to pushing Obama.
Through the house with nary a vote to spare and twenty and that's not a risk. She was doing what the president wandering to do, but she is careful to cast impeachment not as a political gambit but as a project to preserve the checks and balances of american democracy. That's my responsibility to protect the constitution. Could anything be more funding than this is hard to imagine anything more foreign Then there's but here's mine she watched it. She really botched it and you didn't go all in against Trump. She had nothing to risk because her pace, frickin, hates Trump despises Trump, but that's just the amount of navel gazing sycophant see here, is beyond beyond compare Molly bargaining. No aspect of the spectacle was too small escape policies control. When the intelligence committee held its public impeachment hearings in November Pelosi noticed the German that Chairman Adam shuts head reach nearly to the top of his high backed chair after intelligence finished its work judiciary chaired by represent a jury, never was slated hold hearings in the same room. He thought, if you satin same chair, nebular ahead shorter than chef would look small close you sent were down. There would have to be a change in
furniture and when judiciary convened on December? Fourth never was sitting in the weather, seated in the leatherback, share the regional higher than here's, my god. She even did the vanish. We in the Judiciary Committee. What genius, alternatively, should put together an impeachment effort with own democratic that is going absolutely nowhere, and now just browbeat her fellow Democratic Congress. People into pretending, she's good at or jobs, Adam Smith had to put out a statement rising. I miss spoke this morning. I do believe we should do everything we can to force the Senate to have a fair trial, if the speaker believes that holding onto the articles for a longer time workforce a fair trial in the Senate. I wholeheartedly support that decision. I am concerned that Senator Mcconnell won't have a fair trial. I am with the speaker that we should. Everything we can to ensure he does. Ultimately, I do want yard, we'll send the Senate, for the very simple reason that I want the impeachment process to go forward to the very end. He says: oh yeah, by the way what I said before it still true, but no B, yelled at me and so now going to pretend to back off this whole thing has been a debacle for democratic will continue to be a debacle for Democrats. It is clown show, and yet the media will continue to pretend Nancy below
He is unbelievably good at her job when in fact she used to be greater job. Let you down, tensions, Gunnar job now she's an awful year, she's very better, her job right now and is perfectly these two anybody who has eyes to see and is willing to not listen to the stupid morons over in the media, who continue to just carry water for Democrats. The media partisanship in the Trump era is justice. As it was really Obama era, is just more overt. That's all already. Will we run out of time for things I had. I think that counts. It is a thing I like anything, I hate, but it was. They gave the abyss and update we'll be back a little bit later today with two additional hours of contents. Otherwise, I'll see you here tomorrow, I'm bench appearances, the bench of erosion If you and joined this episode don't forget to subscribe, and if you want to help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to reveal a born apple pod cast Spotify and wherever you listen upon gas also be sure to check out the other dearly, whereupon pass, including the end reclaiming show.
The microbial show and the mat Walsh. Thanks for listening, the bench Piero Show is produced by Rebecca DAB poets directed by MEG Joiner, executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer, Jonathan, Hey supervising producers, math is Glover and Robert Sterling Technical producer, Austin Stephen associate producer, coltan, hoss assistants. Rector Pablo, I doubt be edited by Adam Sigh of its audio- is mixed by Macromedia here and make up is by just one other production assistant, Nicky him. The bench of Euro Show daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty, the smoke has cleared, and both IRAN and the United States have signalled plans to de escalate tensions after we killed their top. General and they loved some missiles into the dirt. We take a look at the key lessons from the best war. Ever then Cardy be fears for her safety from America, so she's planning
Nigeria. Joy Bay, Har, Indorses White Supremacist, Richard Spencer, on the view and Prince Herrick with his own family, proving once again you should never marry a feminist check it out on my own, all show
Transcript generated on 2020-02-09.