« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 910 - Pelosi Goes Full Thelma And Louise

2019-12-05 | 🔗

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announces Democrats will move forward with impeachment, Democrats call lawyers to jabber about how much they hate Trump, and the Democrats have some explaining to do on surveillance of political opponents. Can't get enough of The Ben Shapiro Show? Enjoy ad-free shows, live discussions, and more by becoming an ALL ACCESS member TODAY at: https://dailywire.com/Shapiro

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Speaker of the house. Nancy Blowsy announces Democrats will move forward with impeachment Democrats call lawyers to Jabber Hamish Bout, they hate from, and the Democrats have some excuse do on surveillance of political opponents and bench of Europe. This is the bench, a parachute Eventually, Russia is sponsored by expressing Vps your data. Is your business protected at expressive, gps, dot, com, slash been ok! The big news of the day is that speaker of the house. Nancy policy has now formally announced that the Democrats Womb of war with impeachment. Now this was a foregone conclusion. Obviously the minute that she announced there would be an impeachment inquiry we knew where that was going because after all, why would the democratic Mountain impeachment inquiry? Then? a month later, but you know we inquired it turns out. It was fine turns out was great. The only reason that you will virtually announcing impeachment inquiry is post you just pursuing that inquiry. Sort of quietly is because you know where this is going
The brick was already on the accelerator and Nancy Blowsy. Just confirmed that today yesterday she had gone to her Democratic House caucus when she asked them. What are you ready? and apparently the answer was a resounding yes. According to the Associated Press today, Nancy Pelosi came out and she made an announcement. She said I am asking my democratic colleagues to bring or articles of impeachment hilariously enough. I should note that the Democrats don't even know what these articles impeachment are going to encompass according to the hill Democrats, are debating how broadly to make their impeachment case against as an trump with some lawmakers seeking to expand the list of charges, even as they are, swedish Eric many members signal a relatively narrow approach has democratic First, you to share a committee. Impeachment hearing on Wednesday gave the clear assign yet of the scope of their likely articles by invading posters featuring three possible charges, abuse of power and bribery, obstruction of Congress and obstruction of justice. I'm free keep it simple, sculpture Eric swallow directly before recommending the nuclear energy nation of organ donors in the United States, the charge provided a clear signal of intent,
the Judiciary Committee as council norm, islands pointed questions to a panel of constitutional experts about whether Trump had committed the impeachment offences, three witnesses invited by Democrats. All answered affirmatively will get to their testimony in just a little while. Suffice it to say that the three hundred page report brought forward by Adam Schiff yesterday Adam shift their serious questions about Adam ships. Behaviour in this whole debacle gave that report does not substantiate the charges to the extent necessary to support and impeachment effort, Democrats overreached her politically strategically. Legally, It should have done as they should have moved forward on censure. They should have said president trumpet something bad needed something wrong here and now we are moving with a censure motion and force Republicans between a rock and a hard place in the sense that, if they dont vote for censure than they look like hypocrites, because from was not in fact clean, is driven snow on this whole thing and second, if they did in
or central than from its very angry and yells about them on Twitter and they get primary bout of in the smart democrat political move. Instead, they decided to go whole hog. Impeachment inquiry we're gonna, get rid of the Skype nettle. In its new ones, and it will now let's go nowhere and Senate the Democrats. No, it's going nowhere, the Senate? The reason they are rushing this thing for the reason that they are pushing as hard as they can do this as quickly as possible is because they know they do not have the goods Adam should basically admitted as much yesterday. It was it. We have to rush is because every day, trumps in office is another danger to the republic, yeah sure literally been saying is a danger to the republic. Since the day he was elected, you said it's a danger to the republic when he tweets things you don't like it made a big fuss when he tweeted a picture of himself. Is Rocky Balboa like a week ago. Sparing kid but Democrats been pushing this idea of threats the republic since the very beginning, and so we have to rush this. We have to rush it. We can't you know it for all the facts. Adam should actually said that yesterday and we can't wait for all the facts. We don't have to wait.
That remember Democrats in the fact portion of the inquiry in the intelligence committee with Adam Trips, leading they called precisely one witness who had ever had a direct conversation, Donald Trump, one, Gordon someone Ambassador to the EU and Gordon something did not give them what they were looking for. He did not give them a window into trumps intent with regard to his activities in Ukraine, and these are all intent, crimes, abuse of power and bribery. That's intent and suggesting that obstruction of justice has taken place is an absurdity honest face there. Is no obstruction of Congress. There is no obstruction of justice. The reason there is no obstruction of Congress or obstruction of justice is because every subpoena issued by the Democrats has been challenged in court. Normally, the way a subpoena works that your subpoenaed and then, if you don't want to answer the subpoena challenge it in court, you wait for the job. I urge to rule on it, and then you have to listen to the judge
a single one of these subpoenas has been ruled by a judge and democratic, claiming obstruction of justice. Anyway, Congress does not have the untrammelled power to simply issue a subpoena, and then everyone has to obey or Congress impeach. That's not how any of this works Is the Democrats don't have the good but Nancy Pelosi on the Democrats had already pre committed to impeachment literally that the geopolitical vainglory. So today, Nancy, those you know we're moving forward. These impeachment charges. Now. That's all areas also because, as you recall, just yesterday, Adam choosing know we're still making up our minds, we're still making up our minds. It's all kabuki theatre from the moment she said impeachment inquiry impeach what was inevitable in saying that, since that day, Nancy Blowsy comes forward, and she says that she did. She is going to call on her colleagues to impeach the President of the United States, its very dramatic says we will impede the president of the United
states. Should the president's actions have seriously violated the constitution, he leaves us no choice but to act. She spoke for about six minutes. She took no questions, but she did in fact come back to the podium and start yelling at the press. There is one point where she started: yelling at the press and we'll get to that in just one second. First, let's talk about the difficulties of roaming about state is very difficult to run. A business is particularly difficult to run a business when you are wrapping up heavy legal costs. When you rack up these massive legal costs, it can really hurt your bottom line. This is one of the reasons you should be using legal zoom I've been using legal zoom for legal resources since way before the response of the programme are going back. Ten years I was using legal zoom for things like wills and Over the past eighteen years, legal zooms help more than two million in business owners get started, but every entrepreneur knows that started is just the beginning of your journey. What happens when the way to turn your success? That's what Legalzoom network of independence attorneys in tax professional can help with knowing where to turn for advice on trademarks, tax law, changes, review and contract puts you
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Over nothing the already gave up on the ridiculous, smaller stuff. So now they hang their hats on to totally appropriate perfect phone calls with ukrainian president. This will mean that the beyond important and seldom used active impeachment will be used routinely to attack them, the President's. That is not what our founders had mine. The good thing is that the Republicans have never been more united. We will win now. He is correct that he's not going to be removed from office, not on them. Issues of the Slim read the Democrats have proposed here. They just don't have the good when he says a perfect phone call. I've been seeing all long. It was not a perfect phone call, it was obviously it is not a perfect phone call but Democrats over reached and that overreach is gonna, be allowed from to survive all of this and survive fairly easily hey, so Nancy policy. Again she hears what it sounded like when she announced the impeachment effort. Let's go back to tackle it There's here is her original announcement of the impeachment effort. Yesterday, judiciary committee at the judiciary May the american people her testimony from Lee, american constitutional scholars,
Needed without a doubt that the president's actions are profound violation of the public trust, the president's actions have seriously violated the constitution. Today I am asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment. I commend our committee chairs and our members, Their somber approach to actions which are the wish the president had not made necessary. Ok Basically, according Nancy Blowsy, it is these lawyers who came forward change the entire nature of the balkan momentum layer, testimony in just one second, because it did not change the nature of the ballgame, whose basically a bunch of lawyers who are Democrats who came forward and said the term should be impeached and then one where who apparently is
so democratic sent from, should not be impeached. That is not just positive. Sorry, that's not how this works. Ok, so Nancy Plus. He says that then shares this very wild moment where it she's about to walk off stage and James Rosen, whose a reporter formally for Fox NEWS he asks her whether this is all based on hatred for Trump, because that, of course, is what Republicans entrance had been alleging right is it. This is all about personal, and Mr Democrats want Trump out this. Isn't that anything that is legally based, but there is no actual crime has been committed here and anti plus he turns around and start to be rating him in the most bizarre possible fashion. If this were a republic in the media would be talking at home hindrances. If this were a Republican, if Mcdonald's at this, the media would be talking about how Mcconnell had lost his cool about how Mcconnell was going crazy as it is. The media are talking about Nancy plus he's righteous indignation, standing up for the constitution of the United States, but what she says you're is patently not here's Nancy blows, you say no, it's not about hatred of from also as a Catholic as a Catholic, I'm offended, you used word hate in the same sentence.
With me, ok, really we're gonna, go here now seriously. It's an attack on your religion. If you say that you, a Democrat, hates the president, the gap in that you hate the president. That is an attack on your Catholicism. By the way and the convenient catholic card is when the more irritating pointed out Nancy blowsy woman who backs aboard on demand. The suggestion that men can become women and same sex their sponsored by the federal government, none of which our positions of the catholic Church is very convenient Catholic when it comes to invoking her Catholicism for purposes of outrage, here's Nancy, plus you getting very angry that anyone would suggest that this impeachment effort is a personality rather than actual crimes. Misdemeanours, theirs, diplomacy came out right up until I'm sorry This is about the constitution of the United States and the facts. The president's violation of his oath of office and as a Catholic I resign.
You're using work hate in a sentence that addresses me. How, dear you, as a Catholic, call the purple here and the Pope is going to tell you how mean you are the Pope. Let me get Francis in here and he's going to tell you that you are not allowed to use the word hate with me. Nancy policy, a woman who believes that abortion should be legal of wines, will birth on demand for any reason, we're the Pope right in here man, right in here by the waves that look like a person who has made the prisoner at their just, can ask that does not seem like a person who is who is very calmly and solidly just pointing out the law that she really is centred I hope that the rest of that club is even while the ram she starts. The club and she starts waving her hands round. Talking about how the president is cheating success. We're on gun control and a coward on climate change, and those are our political questions, but this right here this is a matter of standing up for the constitution. Does anyone believe the scrap? No one believes this.
The media are orgasms over it, of course, that the media are just or gas make over the moon over all of it. But does it really make a difference to the american people? I would suggest- probably not probably not we'll get to more of this in just one second, first, let's talk about how you can save time and money this holiday season, so we approacheth Christmas. We approacheth Hanukkah it's time to send a lotta packages in the mail, but it can be a pain in the bud slip of stuff over to the post office. And why should you pay a price that you don't have to pay when you could just go? stamps? Dotcom stamps outcome brings all the great services of the US postal Service directly to your computer. When there are small office, an invoice is an online seller shipping, our products or even aware Sending thousands of package holiday, stamps dot com can hand, would all with ease, simply use your computer to Prince official. U S postage twenty four seven for any letter anyway, catch any class of male anywhere. You want to send it once or mail is ready just hand at your mail carrier or drop it in a mail box. It is indeed that simple with stamps outcome, he had five cents off every first class dampen up to forty percent off priority mail. It's no wonder over
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actually know anything beyond you want the president out. When people say you will reach the present legal yeah and they say what what do you want it? How you go up, we're figuring it out. It seems as though perhaps it may have something to do with you warning trump out. Not so much you haven't objections to the residents, behaviour per se or at least objections serious enough to warrant impeachment again There, then anti blowsy, invoking her Catholicism to be offended. How dare you. How dare you say that I'm doing something that out of hate? No, I'm I'm out I'm mother Teresa said mother Teresa wasn't for the undermine killing of unborn human beings, other that exactly mother Teresa exactly inside so obviously better solutions. And she's hanging her hands or the Democrats today on the testimony of warriors lawyers. Special especially boys are from like Ivy League Sky,
rules war whose they called three count. Em three warriors I now amazing wife changing the called three lawyers yesterday, who are all Democrats to testify it out from, should go and Nancy blows. His basing hurt her announcement today on the fact that, after one day of like four hours of hearing now, the Democrats, no until then there on the fence, but then they heard the compelling words of a professor name, PAMELA Carlin, and that changed everything that changed everything, because she is a legal off forty on impeachment enough. If it I'm grant any stones at all what they would just say, listen, we don't have to have legal authority. Do this would have scholars its political process we think trumpets unfit for the presidency. One regional and then we can all have referendum on that, and then we,
ok impeachment worthwhile when we have an election year away, because that's really what this is about. Isn't it is that the Democrats can make every case there making against trumpet and election. We were coming up hard on an election right now. The Democrats are choosing their candidate right now and yet the Democrats are trying to put treatment. So that means they have to go above and beyond these simple political case, but I don't have anything above and beyond the political case and said they call a bunch of lawyers to jabber about its up. They call one woman named PAMELA, Carlin and the media are touting her. Yesterday I mean just a war, professor said from should be impeach, who probably she's very objective in her approach, probably she's a constitutional experts with no
serious political bias in any direction or, alternatively, she is a wild liberal who is so far and left. The Brok Obama did not choose her for the Supreme Court in part because she was too radical, divided left, but he considered it also. She worked in the Obama to pardon of justice. Also she cleared for Harry Black men on the Supreme Court. She also has- as performs litigation in spring procedures at Stanford blocked, she's perform litigation in the Supreme Court, a landmark gay rights cases trying to claim that sexual oriented is protected by title mine of the of the Civil Rights ACT, which, of course it is not a sheet she's but she's. An expert she's, an expert she's, widely known and liberal circles. According to the New York Times, she is chairman of the director of the Board of directors, forty left, leaning, american constitution society in December. Twenty sixteen she and other scholar signed a letter expressing concerns over trumps statements and actions during the twenty sixteen presidential campaign.
She's just in May twenty. Seventeen than we had had a constitutional crisis here is a flashback clip of Professor Carlin suggesting that when she saw trumps name in public she physically had to cross the street will give us the Democrats called as their objective witness and whether from ought to be impeached structures in our agreement from the airport yesterday and I got off the bus from Dallas down at one from pleasant. I walked up to their talent ass. I was walking past what used to be the old office building and is now that Trump hotel which add to cross the street. Of course, what are you saying that God? Never never you see it's not about hatred for trunk, guys it's about pure constitutional righteousness. That's all! I know how much he hates Trump by the way out here.
Google is this? Is this person as a witness? She decided to be a great idea, just go after baron. I burn as nothing do anything, but she, in the middle of her testimony bizarrely decides to attack the president's son for no reason at all just because he wants to be a horses ass. So here's camel I would be more sense than trumpets said. Article two does not have give him the power to do anything he wants now. Just give you one example that shows you the difference between him and a king, which is the constitution says there can be no titles of nobility. So while the president can name his son Baron, he can't make him a barren up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up, meaning the hilarity. Oh, I mean what don't worry you know partisan guys do not ours,
Just drops. Baron trumped up a mantra by the way the Republicans had tried to impeach Obama, which they did not imagine that they had gone up there made Sasha Malea jokes with the media have ever ever stop talking about a mean spirit that was later she had to apologize for it later Choquette. She said you know publication of reference, Baron, those in her prepared testimony, location, pre written that joke. It wasn't like it just occurred to her to make upon about there his name is an hour I can make out. I get titles of nobility. His name is Baron personal, it's a terrible joke. Did you know that there was an artist in the United States named prince, but he was not actually a prince swarm. Put that out there did. You know that Martin Luther king was not actually aching, unbelievable things. You learn each
Rene in this country, here is just a here- is PAMELA Carlin having to back off this net apologized referencing baron, then, if I can just say one thing, I want to apologize or what I said earlier about the President's son. It was wrong of me to do that. I wish the president would apologise, obviously for the things that he's done. That's wrong, but I do regret. Having said that I'll get it. I bet there's always my favorite thing is. I apologise for that. Is that this, by the way, the worst tactic you can use in marriage? me. I really apologise for not taking out the garbage, but I wish you would apologise for being terrible at everything that are obviously a great way to make. An appeal, You ok, just second, we'll get you more of the democratic witnesses who apparently convinced the Democrats higher echelon that they must impeach will get to that. Just one taken first I'll, tell you about a movie that is now out, it is great, is called no safe,
spaces no six basis during my friends, Adam Guerrilla and Denis Prager, it's in theatres, nationwide Friday December sixth, it takes you to the heart of the free speech battle in America and adamant that has taken. This is a pretty good I've seen the movie. It's really terrific, not just because I'm one of the stars of them with the other, mostly because the stars in the movie, but also should goes. You know, states basis, because it is a wild hilarious. Well done ride. To show you the effects of political correctness, identity, politics and cancel culture, no safe spaces argues. About why free speech is important to a free society house being threatened. What we can do to fight back by the way that film does take you behind the scenes of that crazy. Two thousand seventeen Berkeley speech that cost the city abruptly six hundred thousand dollars for security because Anti for decided to threaten violence. Because I was speaking about free speech. Their bunch of different voices. In this thing, President Obama shows up Brett wine seen Corner West Jordan Petersen. Take our liberal friends to see it because it really should cross partisan I'll go check out no safe spaces. This weekend is rated period,
Eighteen, in theatres, Friday December six also help out conservative filmmaking made how bout filmmaking that makes a difference in the culture. Gotta know, save spaces, dot com, lifespan for ticket information and theatre locations go check them out right now. Ok, so, as I say, the Democrats Pelosi launched the statement this morning saying that it was the legal testimony of these objective experts that convinced her than a constitutional crisis had arisen, and it was time for impeachment to be invoked. But, as I point out here, PAMELA Carlin is a hack should always been a hack she's, a hack who
a very far left radical met gets congressmen. Flora points out to Carlin that she is routinely spoken about. Conservatives are nasty people and she just likes them. Now. You you have, you ever been on a pod cast called versus Trump. I think I was on a live panel that the people who ran the pod cast called versus trump. On that you remember saying the following: liberals tend to cluster more conservatives, especially very conservative people tend to spread out more, perhaps because they don't even want to be around themselves. Did you say that? Yes, I did oh she's a perfectly objective witnessing you can hear the Democrats laughing about it now
had nothing you're partisanship, guys, I believe, Nancy plus you and she says she's very funded as a Catholic than any one would think this is merely a partisan inquiry. But I'm old enough to remember because a more than six months old, when Nancy Close, he suggested that impeach mood be inappropriate. If you do not have bipartisan support, there is not one Republican that supports impeachment. Not one better tell you some! and it's not just the president from has tremendous way inside his own party, not one even Republicans and swing districts, even republicans in swing states. Okay, so she is the most obvious far left legal commentator called PAMELA Harlem, but she's, not the only one called by the Democrats. Another professor Noah Feldman Teachers at Harvard LAW School Feldman also testified that President Trump should be engaged and there's only one problem with that, which is that no a Feldman in the past, as unlike in the last two years, wrote a piece in the new Yorker looking for grounds for president trumps impeachment and start to openly
early is like March. Twenty seventeen about fronts tweets made him impenetrable and lead to a constitutional crisis, but here's nor Feldman explaining why this set of circumstances is really beach. Like truth, none of the other stuff, then I said, was impeachment before this stuff is the truly mutual stuff on the basis of the testimony and the evidence before the House President has committed impenetrable high crimes in misdemeanours by corruption, abusing the office of the presidency specifically present Trump as abused his office bike, aptly please soliciting present the load of mirrors, the landscape of Ukraine, to announce investigations of his political rivals. In order to get
you're twenty presidential election. Ok, but he's also very objective guys. It's not that he things from spinning peaceable since day one. It's only now only now have circumstances arisen and then the democratic, all the third witness who third witness we'll get to that third witness injustice. Second, another very objective: witness being called by the Democrats to testify that impeachment is appropriate here, we'll get to that in just one. Second, first, would you like some free money? I know it. First, would you like some free money? I know it sounds crazy, but there's an actual programme. It will save you. Money actually has any a cheque, but effectively speaking that's kind of what they are doing, because every time you shop online honey searches, the web for all of the promo code that you need, nor to save money and everything else you can make sure they are always getting the bat. The bestial honey has saved me, probably thousands of dollars at this point. It works on every shopping site from express to Amazon. Danny anyplace mean honey, is constantly trying to save you money, All you have to do is put on your computer runs in the background and then every time shop it searches for vessel, for you, it's free,
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One. Ok, because I went to the same Ivy League schools as many of these professors, because they have the same degree that I do, and you know it does teaches you think in a particular legal way, but it does not obscure politics if you're a democratically went to Harvard LAW, school you're. So a Democrat. If you're republicanism went to Harvard LAW school you're, still a republican TED crews went to Harvard law. School Barack Obama went to Harvard law. School is so that suddenly makes you magically capable of discerning whether an offence is inherently impeachment. That's a very silly contention! That's exactly ass: it blows his contending today again if she had the guts should just say as an anchor, the lawyer say this is impossible were do the guts she just. I was an anchor the lawyers aid. This is impossible were doing it, we're doing it costs impeach vote and I think it's terrible, but instead it's like no. These these legal authority say we must is with sadness in my heart and prayer for the president that that's always the most of noxious things. When you hear Nancy, plus, you say things like
I'm not angry the peasant, I'm just paying for him. Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure you get down on your knees. Every night you pray to God for President drop, I am sure, Devout catholic and anti plus years sure, that's what she does every night when she is being when she's not being offended by people saying the perhaps she hates the president. So Democrats call forth Michael Gerhart, it professor, who, according to the New York Times, made impeachment his specialty Gerhard testified that he's a professor at University of North Carolina is the second time he's appeared as a witness and here he was called the ninety ninety eight to testify on Clinton's impeachment has Michael Gerhard said: the trumps actions are worse than any other prior president, any of them any prior president, Like all of them, which the home of statement I mean like Watergate, is a thing that happened, we ve had teapot dome. We ve had the president of the United States empty are essentially tried to pack the Supreme Court of the United States
horse private citizens to display insignia in their window, so they'll be left alone by the government with Woodrow Wilson run completely roughshod over the constitution of the United States and merely arrest people who disagreed with so yeah me for talking Melick things that are banned, the president they are in turn a hundred thousand japanese american citizens and Supreme Court by way. Ok Dep inquire about it. So in any case, the the idea that president from has done some
so far beyond the bounds of any short obligation. Here is Gebhardt. Professor Gebhardt saying Gerhart rather saying that trumps actions are worse than any other prior president. If Congress fails to impeach here, then the future process has lost all mean, along with that, our constitutions carefully crafted safeguards against the establishment of a king on american soil. Therefore, I stand with the constitution and I stand with the framers who are committed to ensure that no one is above the law. Now you know that that's very exciting stuff, except for the fact that this particular dude Gerhard It turns out that he is also really far too left. It turns out that she is a partisan because he served as deputy media director for former Vice President Al Gore's percentage campaign. He was involved in Bill Clinton transition to the White House in the early. Ninety nineties
involving confirmation proceeding for seventy nine justices on the Supreme Court and for two of those he was special counsel to Senator Pat Leahy Democratic Vermont is one of those left, leaning members of the Senate, so is that guy Parson yeah it turns out he's a percentage on the basis of three partisan Democrats. We Democrats are going hey, look our partisan Democrats, we shouldn't page, should beach, the Republicans had one witness Jonathan Turley Jonathan totally is not Republican he's not I mean as far as I'm, where there is no information that suggest that he is republican. In fact, he has been a brill, conferring for a very long time. According to the New York Times re he he had called for billions impeachment like twenty years ago, but he was also sharply critical of George W Bush be represented in two thousand and eleven. Two lawmakers representative Dennis Carcinogen who's, the most left, leaning member of the of the House of Representatives and Representative Walter Jones Republican, who suit Brok about
for participating in the NATO air were over Libya without congressional authorization. So Turley is not exactly kind of your classic here. He's not exactly a classic Republican more and he testified yesterday too, and he said no, you Democrats, you have not shown that this impeachment is apolitical. In fact, your proving yourselves incredibly political, here's turley- if you prove a quid pro quo, you view- might have in a peaceful offence but to go up only on a non criminal case will be the first time in history. So why is that the case? The reason is that crimes have an established definition and case law. So there is a concrete, independent body of law that assures the public that this does not just political that this is a present. Who did something they could not. Do you care
say the president is above the law. If you then say the crimes you accuse them of really don't have to be established. That's a great boyd made. The point that he is making is, if you're gonna say depressing. Is above the law, you have to establish what the law is. If you cannot establish what the law is, then really are not saying he's above. Why you're saying is below the war and they can impeach. Him for something that is not in fact a criminal offence or gets more of Jonathan Charlie's. Testimony yesterday and we'll get to the media's response to all that, because even some members, the media, who you would typically expect to be fairly pro impeachment, were like yeah, I'm not so sure about. Is you see the democratic members of the media, shifting away from even pretending but this isn't political, even as the Democrats maintain like policy that this absolutely political, even as Democrats claim that many
left, leaning, commentators derelict, you know what pledges get rid of the rules. We want about its. That simple gets that in just one. Second, first, let me tell you about the greatest holiday gift, the greatest how they get. Nor am I sure that somebody loves the holiday gift, busier very simple answer: cookies really, has there ever been a human being who doesn't cookies? Maybe Hitler like who doesn't like cookies. Everyone loves cookies, ok, and that is why you should go check out MRS Fields special deal this year when Debbie Field started MRS Fields cookies. Forty years ago, she won over cookie lovers everywhere, with her gooey chocolate chip, cookies melt in your mouth brownies and passion for sharing the joy of baked goods, menaces good stuff, brownings, cookies, everything, joyous and life. Nowadays, you can have cookie sent right where you want them without visiting a bakery with gourmet kitchens and baskets filled with fresh baked cookies. You know that your order will arrive fresh and flavorful. Ordering is easy. They can ship your cookies anywhere across the country. If you're ordering is a gift, he had a personal custom.
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it used to new all access plan. Yet all of that plus the legendary leftist years. Tumblr and are brand new. Ask me anything style, discussion, feature that allows you to engage our hosts writers and special gets on a weekly basis. You also our Sunday special early on Saturday. This week, Sunday special features. My good friend Lyle roses: the head of live action. A pro life advocate extraordinary here's one of what that sounds like a hardened artists that you sailor sets me down, and she says point blank you silly doesnt support women who are pregnant or help them so is very crystal clear immediately. Why there's no pregnant cross on campus, because we were being told point blank: you should have an abortion. It's really interesting stuff, really important stuff. If you are on the fence or about the approach, we risk prolific debate, It's worth listening to check that out that are Sunday special. This week we are the largest fastest growing conservative, podcasting radio show in the nation, so the Republican Party brings forth
internally. Who again is not a republican to point out that the Democrats have not actually fulfilled any definition of statutory crime? He says there is bribery nor at store, no extortion, no abuse of power shown and, of course, Turley is exactly correct. So if I were summarised your testimony, no bribery, no extortion, no obstruction of justice, no abuse of ours that fair! Not on this. Record can entirely points to the democratic said. Listen insurance hung about abuse of power. You guys are abusing power in right. Now. What you guys are doing is an abuse of power. I can emphasise this enough, and I say just one more time if you in future president, if you make a high crime in misdemeanor out of going to the courts, is an abuse of power, its Europe, you suppose you were doing precisely which are criticising the president for doing. We have a third branch that deals with conflicts of the other two branches.
And what comes out of there and what you do with it is the very definition of legitimacy, I'll get. What would Turley is saying here, specifically, as you submitted the obstruction of justice charge, using what I've been saying, which is, of course, a legally factual. If someone subpoenas you, you go to a court, if you don't want to obey the subpoena the court than rules, if you do not abide by the court now, your obstructing justice, but is not obstruction of Justice- tells Democrats to stop it until you to accord and of Democrats are to call that obstruction of justice. There pretending that judicial branch- it does not it just now, speaking of abuse of power. The Wall Street Journal at its worst board has an interesting at its world today about Adam chef in his possible abuse of power. According to the Wall Street Journal, Editorial Board Adam shifts three hundred page house intelligence. Impeachment report does not include much knew about president trumps ukrainian interventions, but it does disclose details of telephone calls between ranking until agents, Republican Devon, Noons Trump attorneys, Rutulian, J, secular reply John Solomon, former Giuliani Associate love harness the White House and others.
The details are meditate up about the numbers and length of the calls, not the content. The impeachment press is playing this as if the calls our new part of the scandal, but the real outrage here is shift snooping on political opponents. The Democrats motive appears to be an attempt. Portray Devon Noons, a presidential defender and she's leading antagonist in Congress as part of conspiracy to commit unimpeachable offences, shift told the press on Tuesday. I think it is deeply concerning that, at a time when the president of the United States, using the power of his office to dig up dirt on a political rival that there may be evidence that there were members of Congress complicit in that activity What's your journal at its word, boards is complicit in what doing his job of Congo. Oversight talking to trumps, where to get a complete view of ukrainian tail, apparently shift now wants to impeach members of Congress. To this is an unprecedented and it looks like an abusive government surveillance authority for partisan gain. Democrats were caught using Steel dossier to coax the FBI and snooping on the twenty six interim campaign. Now we have elected members of Congress using secret subpoenas to obtain
and then released to the public. The call records of political opponents are sources says the Wall Street Journal say the chief issued a subpoena in September to eighteen eighty demanding call walks for five numbers, including Giuliani, subsequent subpoenas to AIDS, India and rising demanded more details. Republicans were told of the subpoenas, but under rules of committee secrecy they couldn't raise public objections here. The companies appear to have handed over many data based on little more than shifts, say so, and in eighteen, he's case in response to a request that was made even before the house. Began a formal impeachment inquiry and to release a statement on Wednesday saying it is required by law, to provide information to government and law enforcement agencies, but since he can question the validity of subpoenas in court and they had grounds to do so. Given highly political nature of the request, then again, maybe it felt it had. No choice. Will choice limits legal experts to decide whether a power congressman's demands. A highly regulated company are extortion according to the wall. Street journal shifts meditated is There is hardly bear his impeachment gaze. Giuliani, had broadcast
The world's Montague Grain to investigate hundred Joe Biden he's also trumps personal attorney, the ship Have legal opinions and he can ignore attorney clam privilege Shift publishes let's logs of Giuliani, calls Presumably has a record of everyone. Giuliani spoke for months. Imagine the political outrage. Republicans Newton regionally on his attorneys shifts accurate Asians against noons are even more suspect. The Democrat doesn't know the content of noons conversations and the Republican says he believes spring talks with Giuliani related to the Mulder report noon skins. To whom every likes chief has no authority to investigate. Fellow members, since ship is generally The key words of Republicans. Can we see the logs of his calls with the impeachment present by the way, with any whistleblowers and by the way shifts targets include one of their own. Solomon. How Solomons reporting trail relevant to impeachment the media We condemn government officials who use surveillance to track and intimidated media, but here they're cheering shift on sea subpoenaed agents
for a bunch of phone numbers, including Giuliani than just spelled out in public. How exactly that? Good? Look it meanwhile, it seems like the Democrats themselves. Many of the democratic commentators are basically just letting the care of the bag. At this point, the reckoning bother with the whole pretence of legality here, they're just gonna, say no one cares about the actual articles when Piedmont, whatever just say he socks and then impeach him Michael to mask. He has a piece of the New York Times today called. Do voters in care about the articles impeachment, everyone knows what Trump did the Democrats and dropped the process any longer than necessary? It that's. Why then do the process? That's the real question when it should vote from judgment. We all know what this as we all know. The Democrats are voting this way. This whole thing is ridiculous. Is unconvincing a single american one, where the other not one? I always begged into the cake.
In this way to mask is right, because this is a half job but mask. He says the questions now facing House Democrats concerns scope and speed, or that are passed one or two articles and impeachment quickly or by their time, and has several articles that more comprehensively reflect the record of trumps crimes against the constitution in general, those in the former camps, to be members from purple swing. Districts and MR front may have carried in twenty. Sixteen there almost all signed on the effort at this point, but they just as you get it over with and get back to talking about, prescription drugs. Those in the latter camped tend to be from safer blue districts, which gives them the freedom to take a position that sounds more uncompromising by the way. This should be a dead give away, but Democrats another losing this debate. If the Purple District Democrats are the ones pushing for a rush, you know his ankle and offer the Democrats if only Buddhist for Democratic Alice take our time and put this together. That means only the true believers really think that there are grounds for impeachment here. The purple dams are going to vote with the blue dams because they have to because partisanship, but they don't actually believe that they have the grounds to do it and they don't ask.
We believe that they have the political wherewithal to benefit from it. According to Michael Damascene, he says it's easy to see why this has become such a pitch battle. Its deeply emotional question too many its clear metal right and wrong to fail to condemn firms. Many sins in official articles of impeachment constitutes a whitewashing of history, but everyone knows what went on so, let's just push forward, he says he says an extended process might produce more riveting testimony, but of a court separately. Orders from the White House Council time against testify you'll have to whether its officially part of an impeachment proceeding or not Americans will watches money and take it in theirs risk in the matter most approach a process to drag on for too long. My just result in more democratic in fighting at a time when the party needs to be unified.
There's a decent argument for throwing the hot potato too much Mcconnell and shaming him and the centre Republicans for its abasing themselves. The blanket exoneration of Mr Trump. That's how you gonna go by the way. If this gets to the Senate Hunter Biden ensure by and will be called, they will and then they will be subpoenaed and then, if their views, this Vienna will go to court and then Republicans can make the exact in case Democrats are making that simply by appealing subpoena drink. Joe Biden are involved in obstructive justice. That's exactly Democrats are claiming now and we're seeing in this opinion, you repeated across the media that we Don't need any grounds for this impeachment. I was just push forward, no matter what at least that's on us, at least that's honest. So that is where things stand by the way the media continue to try and dig up dirt on President Trump in the weird It's possible ways: there's an article in the Washington Post today going to talk to his housekeepers. What did they find about housekeepers these housekeepers, apparently at marijuana were illegal immigrants, which we ve
for a long time is the trunk employed, illegal immigrants and because he runs a very large firm and because allow large firms employing illegal immigrants, and now his firm implies. You verify, but the real core of this dumb Washington, post peace is that Trump has personal habits, and this personal habits are supposedly bizarre to the Washington Post as this long peace today about how the president liked his diet, coke and small glass bottles, the plastic straw that no one could be seen touching, in breach in reach the Washington Post, the undocumented workers were often left to perform the most intimate and personal work. Those who cooked and served from New he liked his cheeseburgers well done trump love tick tax, but not an arbitrary amount. He wanted in his bedroom bureau at all times to full containers, white tax and one container that was half full. The same will apply to the Bronx Colors brand face make up from Switzerland that from slathered on two full containers, one half or even if it meant the housekeeper
and regularly bring new short from the programme, because the rust color stain on his collar especial washing machine in the laundry room, was reserved for his wife millennia, trumps clothing. Down from like irish speed, bar soap in his shower impeach. He does not use body wash parcel not as clean as body wash impeach. Also, it turns out, according to the Washington Post, breaking news here, that trumps housekeepers quickly learned not to throw out his soap, even if it had worn down the tiniest sliver trumped decided when he wanted something discarded. When that happened with closer newspapers, he would toss them on the floor. Brutal crew, our church in all this is really dumb but yeah. I definitely trust our media to be objective and their coverage. Meanwhile speaking of objective media coverage, I have to say I am deeply enjoying the media coverage of Kemal Harris's political allies. It really is amusing to meet one of the reasons that
so immensely amusing. Jimmy is because Connell's Kennedy was a complete veil and she'd leaped to the top of the standing than she completely collapsed. And now the going conventional wisdom is that everybody in the United States as racist, because we didn't may come over here as President Barack Obama, four existed now, if you say walk Brok, Obama that doesn't show that you're not racist, will then wire you using the presidential races litmus test for racism either to litmus test orders, and if it is Americans ain't racist, if it isn't, then come over here is dropping out, is none indicator of american racism, but Corey Booker is continuing to translate. This card is pretty amazing inquiry. Booker is a desperate, desperate man. Pops on those angry size, the angry as blinks in very deliberate fashion, to demonstrate that here, extremely angry eyes and any sends out emails like this, you ve been sending these I mean he is like each other,
for man he's sending these emails once every six hours? It is incredible. So here is the new one from Corey Booker today, as the current December debate, one of stands: not a single one of the candidates, will appear on stage is a person, This is a shame Ben. I disagree. Court, the twenty twenty democratic Feel promised one or, if not the most diverse set of candidates in modern history. They wouldn't see that from looking at the front runners, our party is better than this. It's time we showed I love love. Equerry Booker is now calling his own party racist. That's what that is holy book or is now trusting that his own party is completely racist. It's fantastic! It's really really good stuff! Because, again, I guess that's the way you play for gave inside the Democratic Party and then there's a piece from MILAN. Yet price, a political scientist specializes in contemporary by politics, public opinion and political rhetoric at the New York Times called why there won't be a black woman running for president.
Cause. She was terrible. That's why I also love that we are ignoring these simple and obvious fact. Michelle Obama jumped into the restoration, win the nomination by forty points going away and probably be the next president, a black woman. So no it ain't about black women. It is about commonly Harris specifically, but we're not gonna get a bevy of articles where every it's amazing. It's amazing, no matter what the antecedents is of the. If there relationship in democratic statements, the Ben is always America's racist. If the skies Blue Americans are racist if gamala here MRS Out, Americans are racist. If Braga Lamas elected president Americans are racist. It doesn't matter what is on the east side of that arrow. The only thing that letters. What's on the then side of that era of logical arrow, so why there will be a black woman running for President When Centre calmly, Harris of California entered the race for the presidential, now
the nation in January. Many believe should be hard to beat rights doktor along a price telegenic, highly educated, from a multi ethnic background. She would have been an ideal candidate in the pre Obama We expected her to create an all american narrative that is related to a wide cross section of the country. After all, that President Obama has ended in two thousand for, but Miss Harris failed to do that. As we write eulogies of this one's promising can pain which ended on Tuesday. It is important we talk about more than just personal failings by Harrison her staff members. We need to talk also about what campaigning looks like for black with and what challenges and hurdles the Harris campaign laid bare. There are biases and structural disadvantages that can be found in some ways. The media and the public responded to her candidacy. I mean all the bias o the subtle racism, sudden, subtle, subtle,. In she says what is because, when we talk I'd like to Billy. We mean right now when you talk about flexibility. You mean not crazy person, PAMELA Harris if you were out a crazy person,
would be a very likely nominee right now. Unfortunately, for common here issues, a crazy person who locked up half the say to California set in that didn't work, particularly well. Milan, yea price, professor at you and aunt em University in Texas, shes, I'm still trying to make sense for candidacy and its larger applications, but I have seen how uncertainty about black can be there on doing it all kinds of leadership positions. Fact, black women who grow up in similar household circumstances to white women outperform them in terms of how many of them go to college and in terms
a baseline income. Wellness Harris may not have been the black women to abandon these biases and twenty twenty. We can't let our notions of who is electable causes to overlook black women in the future, and that's not the only article like this tonight, there's also in article from Daniele composure more over at NBC News called calmly Harris has failed. Presidential campaign is bad news for Democrats. Even her critics, you dont have to be a supporter of Harris or even like her very much to understand why her dropping out now is bad news for the Democratic Party Harris his exit from what was once a historically diverse pool of presidential hopefuls signals how truly difficult that fight the fight for all people to be represented by their elected officials and to be heard by those in positions of power truly, is because when diverse candidates such as Harris or New York, Senator Kristen children drop out of a presidential race even is white
male billions such as Michael Bloomberg in time style entered something is broken by the way I love that adds of all Patrick entered his black, it totally overlooker. No one cares the love the factor to women on the stage still club, which are, and I and warn the matter calmly. Harris is an indicator of deep brutal american system. It's pretty music, so what let them fight in the in the famous words of the of that God zella them. Let them fight fight, ok time for a good thing. I like and then a thing that I hate so things that I like today, so I'm late on us our knowledge because, frankly, looked like a sober To me, but my wife was interest in watching the show you watch. The first episode is really enjoyable. This is us. They network television channels available on Hulu now, even though it network it is because I cut the cable while ago, but this is us is actually the first. Episode of it anyway is pretty spectacular, an extraordinarily pro life. It's one of the great irony
of Hollywood bet on emotional level. They understand that a baby is maybe maybe it's on NBC. I guess that a baby's babies, maybe but on an intellectual level. They refuse to acknowledge this. So the entire premise of the opening episode this is us, is that losing a baby during childbirth is a horrific tragedy because you ve lost a baby, not a cluster of cells, and yet the Democrats will still claim that a boarding, a baby just before birth is perfectly morally acceptable. In fact, morally praiseworthy. In many circumstances. Here's the trailer for this is us eight and extremely pro life first episode at least The only way to lose the down when we launched the third big, but you have to help children jack- I quit school, so indeed
too little is little soap, opera, fine, it's good and then some the performances are actually quite spectacular ourselves if having checked out this is us. I can only actual first episode so far, so good, it's really good and really shockingly pro life. Now until the twisted the end of the first episode, if you're one of the five people like I was until five seconds ago, who doesn't know the twist, ok other things that I like today, there is a great article in the Washington Post today. About a guy named Freddy figures who was set down next week. Dumpster in a rural area, Floris Panhandle, a nineteen, eighty nine. He is now an honor. Not worth millions of dollars, because it turns out that every human life is worth while every single one a passer I found him alone and in distress call police. The infant was hospitalized with minor injuries for two days then place and foster home. The couple who took a minute Nathan and Betty figures lived in nearby Quincy floor. They already had a jogger daughter shortly after Freddy began living with them. The figures is who often took and foster KIDS
decided to adopt him. He was called dumpster baby by other kids at school. Kids can be awful to each other, but, as you, older, it turns out that he was great with technology he'd gotten so good, a tinkering with com, you're the one who is thirteen, the city of Quincy hired him to help prepare its computers. When he's fifteen, he started his first company figures: computers, repairing computers in his parents living room, help inclined store their data on servers. He created, he decided, skip college and then his break came several years later in twenty twelve minutes age. Twenty three. He saw the GPS tracking programme to an undeniable company in Kansas for two point: two million dollars he had apparently created advice. Also that you that he couldn't certainly dad's shoe his dad, apparently developed Alzheimer's and off he developed advice. You can in certain issue that would allow him to track him I'll talk to him through his shoe Nathan figures, the father died and twenty fourteen shortly after Freddy started figures, communications and developed. Eighty customs software programs in the money he learn from his smart shoe
technology. He knowledge and parkland. Floored he's founders, its founder of figures, wireless privately held telecommuting, telecommunications company, he said was praised and twenty seventeen, worth more than sixty two million dollars and also runs vigorous foundation, which don't it's over I'd have caused, including relief efforts after natural disasters, college scholarships for high school students and assistance with school supplies for cash, strapped teachers spectacular spectacular story after figures grub, he learned that is both other with was a prostitute at the door, get action. He said he has not met her. He said he has no desire to my parents adopted me and give me love in a future. They did their best to make the world a better place, and now that's all. I want to do to he's married to Natalie figures, an attorney and he is raising his first child's road. Who is it two years old? Yes, you know it's a good thing that that kid was born good thing for the world good thing for, for the United States, good thing for his family,
the idea that circumstances are better when you kill an unborn human being, because the unborn human being is gonna, be born into a bad situation. Bad situations can be made better. Death cannot say, that's a great story. How can we run out of time? I will skip things I hate today. We'll be back your later today, with two additional hours of content or we'll see you here tomorrow for our Friday frenzy. This is the venture
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meta here and make up is my just what all their production assistant Nicky him. The bench of Euro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily way or twenty nineteen democratic, representative, jeering Nablus and the House Judiciary Committee, presided over the first day of official impeachment earrings yesterday were expert witnesses, maybe incisive constitutional argument that Orange man bad Orange MA am very, very bad explained. The export constitutional experts Therefore, we got overturned the twenty sixteen election. We will examine their arguments arguments against impeachment from an unexpected source check it out on the Michael notion
Transcript generated on 2019-12-24.