« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 893 - Bloomberg Is The News

2019-11-08 | 🔗

Michael Bloomberg officially enters the race, Democrats compete for nuttiest solution on climate change, and we check the mailbag! Date: 11-08-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Michael Bloomberg, officially enters the race Democrats compete for nuttiest solution on climate change. Can we check the mail bag I'm Ben Shapiro? This is the Ben Shapiro, show today, show sponsored by Express Viviane. It's how my listeners secure their another till I secure my internet, joined them. Inexpressive, gps, dot, com, Slash man, ok, well, It was a busy day show the radio show and then went over to Stanford each from seventeen hundred kids. These stand for shut this thing down for a while they were ripping down and putting up little notes about how I was I was going to assault minority communities violence against minority communities and my speech was actually about. Convenient alliance between the radical left and the all right there is this sort of new fangled. All right thing, that's happening in which bunch people, whore simply why'd. You premises pretend that they are actually just kind of normal trumps borders, even though they are firstly, say radically: racist radically anti semitic overly wage.
Premises things and they were going to various college vans for people like Dan Crenshaw or Charlie, Kirk or mouthwash, and then they ve been asking idiotic questions to them in discussing questions. Do them in an attempt to show that they are the true consumers. I talk about that and how the fact is that the left is there Will they love it because their entire goal is to lump in the entire mainstream right with the all rights those the topic of the speech, so it was awkward moment for the last I will say an awkward moment because, as I am doing a thirty five to forty minutes speech about the evils of White Supra and how racism is evil and how people who hi jack conservative language in order Well, racism are disgusting. As I am doing that a bunch of these idiot lefty students who, just beyond having no manners, are just stupid they get up in the middle of the of the actual speech. And they decided would be a good time like well. Well, I'm ripping Nazis warm actually ripping what you permits. Decide now would be an excellent time to get up and protest.
What it sounded like? a question that it's ok, I won't question. Are you protest in the parlour in condemning the Nazis, like you hear them doing right now? If you have years, I'm really condemning Nazis you're telling me to leave Do you hear yourselves? I got to be honest, strong, narrowly puzzled. I'm standing up your bashing looking out of and they're telling me I have to leave over it What's a guy gotta do the left is so all fired. Interested in a hard
lumping everybody on a mainstream right in with the white supremacist that they will really get up and shout for people to leave, They are ripping white supremacist and it does so the agenda of the far left in wait, extends over into the media. The Boston Globe last week suggested that the daily, where was an outright outpost we force them to attract that follows the economist suggesting that I'm an outright sage, we force them to retract it. Just is incredible. That was worthy of note, and it doesn't straight to complete disconnect from reality that is being had by so many people on the radical S, including in the mainstream democratic party. Unfortunately, ok. Meanwhile, the Big NEWS of the day is that Michael Bloomberg is jumping into the right. Now that really big news in Michael Bloomberg is jumping into the rice. Delusional billionaire from New York is jumping into it's not particularly, Bloomberg has been talking about it for a while the same attitude that Howard shoulder the former ceo of Starbucks had when he was talking about jumping into the right, which is there aren't enough moderates and the Democratic Party to actually when an election? He, of course, is good
and that's? Why Joe Biden is the best shot for Democrats to win the election of twenty twenty with warn you can see, the bluebird is frightened the warrant Can I get the nomination he's thinking about jumping in for quite well, does he actually have a base? The answer is pretty now pretty much. No and Elizabeth Worn is doing exactly what you would expect her to do. She is suggesting Bloomberg's billionaire, and therefore he's bad Elizabeth Warren was worth a hefty amount of money. A very, very nice house. In Cambridge Massachusetts, eleven of worn. Pretending that she is not of the elite is one of the more amusing factors in this race really is. But Bloomberg is crazy if he thinks that he's getting any level of support in this primary. Also funny that that Bloomberg is now considered a moderate, I mean seriously Because Bluebird his policies in New York with, for example, Ben certain soda sizes. He's a full on government control. Fanatic,
and there's somebody who want band, basically all guns in the city of New York, this is somebody who was intent on taxing hell out of soda. Yes, you can, who's, the Manhattan, worship, services of something like fifty seven churches and synagogues into unless you religion that info way back when this is two thousand twelve in a move no precedent in your city, history, Mary. Michael Bloomberg will shut down. After today, the worship services scores what he calls religious groups at least fifty seven churches and synagogues are affected. Separation of church and state is one the basics of our country Bloomberg, set at the time more religious, your, I think, the more we should want to keep the separation, because some They the religion, the state pictures, the state religion may not be yours too. Close down a bunch of religious. Services that were taking place inside of schools in its its truly This guy is not in any way a moderate, and yet he because the Democrats, parties most of our left, is now a moderate
he's now considered a moderate by the way that policy was so back onto the building block your versed in any case, Bloomberg being a purse with a lot of money and a lot of time on his hands. He has now announced jumping in, according to political former New York city. Mayor Michael Bloomberg, is preparing to file paperwork to qualify for the democratic. And shall primary in Alabama have a Friday deadline them. It would be a first depth or national campaign, the blooming has not made a decision to run. We now need finish the job and ensure that Trump is defeated, but MIKE is increased, We concerned that the current field of candidates is not well position to do long term, Bloom Brigades, Howard Wilson, said in an email it MIKE ones who will offer new choices. Democrats built, America's biggest city building a business from scratch. And taking on some of America's tough challenges as a high impact philanthropist. So the problem is that, while Bloomberg is pretty far left and a lot of issues here What happens to be a capitalist who's not completely insane on the state of Israel, and that means has no shouted denomination, none zeros exult, but he could carved into Joe Biden just a little bit.
Elizabeth Warren should be pretty happy. Play. The Bloomberg is jumping into the race, because, obviously he's not gonna draw support away from it was before, and he's gonna draw support away from Joe Biden if, draw any level of support at all. Now, honestly, when I first the bloomer was running. I thought. Ok, maybe he's running as an independent, remember, truly because if he had run as an independent, adding there's a shot that Michael Bloomberg when ten to fifteen percent of the vote as an independent president from his pretty unpopular across country the Democratic Gonna run a radical somebody running down the middle could actually create. A fairly large groundswell but Bloomberg and set is gonna run inside the Democratic Party in his mediately can be ousted. We'll talk a little bit more about this in just one second, first what's, about our veterans, our veterans, obviously they are heroes, they're doing braver things, then I am for sure they are doing things that are incredible every single day. That's why the Uscca supports and they also are taking advantage of the limited time opportunity this month to allow you,
and veterans to protect the best with nice in free chances to win one thousand dollars for the military gun of your choice, either Turkey is doing amazing work and you should have the same level of protection that are military members do enormously protect your rights and sourcing even protect. He knew self defence and protect yourself your responsibly armed american and you should be you could, on the same gun, that's carried by the: U S: Army, special forces, Marine corps or coastguard, not fully automatic weaponry, of course, because that would be legal United States, but the same kind of gun that is used effectively. The greatest members of America text. The word wind to eighty seven to judge you for your nineteen free chanced win and reveal some of the incredible guns that could be yours. Don't miss your chance when this month's very special offer text win Eighty seven to teach you to claim your nineteen entries right now. It's free one hundred percent real, completely safe text when that is w, I am to eighty seven to to do. Go check them out. Right now. The issue by the way wants to make sure not only that responsibly. Armed,
arrogance our responsibly, and they also make sure that you have all the resources for education that you require as responsible armed American they have the legal resources necessary to defend you in case God forbid. You have to fire a shot in order to defend your family, go check them out right now. Next win to eighty seven to to do ok up Let us, as Bloomberg, has engaged in a will. He or won't you redeem for longer in a decade about running for president, but he's declining jump in each time earlier, this year he was exploring a bit only to bail out after formerly beach, abide made clear. He would run. Bloomberg said back in March. I believe I would defeat Trump in a general election, but I'm clear eyed about the we'll do of winning the democratic nomination in such a crowded field, he's tired of being the almost France had one former Bloomberg adviser on Thursday mortality is weighing heavily on him. This is the time he can run. So. Basically, This is a personal decision because he's afraid that is and become relevant Bloomberg, won't qualified next debate in Atlanta on November 20th,
tens of millions of box in the next few weeks to make the debate stage in December. That's ok, though, because his current wealth is estimated at fifty two billion dollars he's got plenty of money. Do go around Asked why Bloomberg changed his mind needs that it's not about anyone, Canada, but he said he is worried about the state of the democratic process, the campaign. The possibility we can losing of ember wants to avoid that more than anything else, Elizabeth worn, as I say, immediately, came out and written to him for being a billion or so did Bernie Sanders campaign manager seat. Being eight useless human being was lived on the taxpayers or for last several decades, while passing no significant legislation in Congress. That's better. That being a billion or who built up a businessman ran this a decade more billionaire, seeking more political power. Surely isn't the change America needs said? Standards is campaign, manager values should hear sanders, not waiting on Twitter sang the billion or class, scared and they should be scared. I again I do love the fact that inside the Democratic Party, somebody who build themselves up from pretty much nothing
the B152 billion dollars is the enemy, a person's bad but we should have running the country are not people who are capable of building up wealth people who are capable of running a business people who are capable of running a city. Instead, it should be used most people worked out of a commune for not doing enough work like Bernie Sanders and then of Dublin, taxpayers diamonds. The time there are thirty. Obviously I mean if I have to choose between You know a successful business person and a complete useless buffoon, whose only level of credibility was achieved by running against. Hillary Clinton is the easiest way to achieve credibility, and similar Glinda turns out is basically gold for everyone. Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump Brok Obama, it's fantastic. If I did but believes that when a party has to choose between Bloomberg and Sanders. They will choose Amber centres of more into the same routine, which is rich in iron. Considering fact, again, Elizabeth Worn is worth a lot of money. She is she, lady. She says if you're looking, policy plans will make a huge difference for working people and which are very popular start here and
you click a link to her wealth tax, because obviously the soldiers class warfare and the wealth taxes very popular with people, of course, is popular. That's always been applied, the proposition that, if you can legally steal from somebody else, then great repealed the back the idea they can still money for other people, so and get away with it David Axelrod, whose in aid to Brok of Amr, said that really What this is about is Bloomberg being concerned. The Biden was gonna collapse here apparently Axelrod said. There's no question the Bloomberg calculus was the Biden was occupying space. The fact he's getting innocent their indication. He's not convinced Biden has the wherewithal to carry that short torch, so yeah, things is a positive development for Joe Biden. Bloomberg has been ripping into warns. Well taxpayer Suggested her policies toward the rich could leave the United States on a path to becoming Venezuela, which of course, is true if you take them far enough Bloomberg would be the second billionaire to jump in effort homes dire Joe trippy. Damn
credit strategy said he didn't think the Foreman York City may would enter the race without a realistic path to victory. He says they probably did some actual pulling the other. There is the feeling that this is at least more serious, but hardest hit is not Elizabeth, worn hardest hit Israel by speaking Elizabeth Warren alcoholism is on full display, endorsed yesterday by black women for black women mimics. I don't even know how, when mixing for a group because they don't wanna, see men. Men is very bad word. Rosalie spelled women, womxn, really unpronounceable, it's like it. It's like football ready praise monster the great scientific science fiction monster from from fiction literature with thank you black women, right, pronounced lack in an animal's with one another and oarsmen lack transit. Since women, gender none
in forming a non burner, people are the backbone of our democracy and analytical. Endorsement lazily lightly. I'm committee Fighting alongside you for the big structural change our country needs and insists women. Gender nonconformist non binary. People are the backbone of our democracy. If, by that, you just me like all Americans, are the backbone of our democracy, sure why not like you're an American well done me the backbone of our democracy. If she specifically means that, like the key to our democracy, our gender nonconformist, non binary people and black transit women, I'm gonna need some. I'm needed ashore work on their own. They grow they're more significant than ever. If it shows you they're, just as significant as anybody yes agree, if you you're saying they're, more selective, the backbone of democracy, I'm gonna need or show me math, because I'm not nazi. How that works? But this is a list with Warren. Stick no problem Elizabeth, worn again is that she is completely out of touch with reality. She happens to be completely inauthentic
again Bloomberg. Jumping in the race helps Biden, I mean hope it helps her against Biden, but Elizabeth worn not doing resolve any favours demonstrating once and her enough intensity. She she said. Yes, today at an event that, if she Did you in going out on the town and Netflix Netflix and Chill That means Netflix and Chill or broadway and dinner. Netflix and chill pretty sure she doesn't know what that means, it doesn't mean you only watch Netflix, last several years, that term has more fairly significantly she's, but she's with the people she was. Okay, Boomer as not only area of grace. So being the entire democratic party. Yesterday there was going the climate change tack, and that means it's time to propose ridiculous things. So Bernie Sanders came out. Proposed that his green new deal was going to require an expenditure of seventeen trillion dollars because money just comes directly from the asked the unicorn. So you can just spend that money on fighting the sun
can spend that money on ignoring the fact that China and India are not lowering their emissions anytime soon and that the United States, the leading d? Greece are in emissions in the world. Old and has been for less apple. Yours you can. You can spend all their money to no effect. But Bernie Sanders admitted is really not of eminent twitter. He said this is not about actually Lauren Lemme changed about restructuring the economy with worn had more on climate change is well we'll get to all that in just one. Second, first here is a straight fact going to the Post office: it's a waste of time. Now the post offices, great effort, penthouse exorbitant But last time I went to the post office, I got a ticket on the curb I had to wait and one Why would you do all that, when you can just get all the great services of the post office directly from your home computer brings all the services of the US postal Service directly to your computer. Office, ending invoices and online solar shipping products or even a warehouse ending thousands of packages, it egg stamps, can handle it all with ease computer depressive Fischler, yours postage, twenty four seven for any letter, any package, any class of male anywhere. You want to send it once
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fights over land and water, unlike the rest of human history, when there has never been a fight over land and water, as the shorelines impinj, on their tradition homelands, they will become climate refugees and it's true. The world on the key The point of that is simply that people will need aid and help, but it's also will produce more conflict. There will be fight over water, there will be fights over land that can be farmed for food, all these dire sort of predictions they're. Not. Why Lee borne out by sort of the best available projections. He is your, although here this all the time that is going to cause me migration over the course of the next hundred years there will be population movement. This is also been true throughout human. Three and when she makes these predictions about the rise in tears and William Nord House writes about this in his but climate casino.
These are these are things that are largely unpredictable. The idea that she and forecast a hundred years into the future, with her magic wand, hermetic their magic mirror on the wall and show me climate refugees and people he'd saying its climate refugees in Syria. No, it's pretty much not about climate refugees. In Syria, it's pretty much better. Back of the syrian regime has been slaughtering wholesale, its enemies triangle. Trying to blame war on climate. Is it's hard to do that? It really is, You want to know one way, lyrics alleviate a lot of the. Environmental degradation with regard to loss of water and all of us that would be increased treaty, a derelict places on earth, I dont have tremendous natural resources and thanks to increase GDP, they are able to take care unfortunately, the worn in her crew endorse are exactly the same. Proposals that undercut the ability of developing countries to actually develop. They're not reliant as much on the exact sources that We are going to be undermined by the climate change than she fears as such Elizabeth Warren doing this routine
voters and crazy things do, of course, Booker who again is a complete irrelevancy in this particular right. He came out. Yesterday he said that he was can make foreign aid from the United States contingent on adopting american climate change policies which have been sought and crazy, because, if you're making contingent foreign aid to Africa If that is the contingency, is the day have to adopt our climate emissions policy Literally they're trying to keep their people from having to use dummies fuel over there. I can think of anything more cruel than saying our foreign aid to you is now dependent on you picking up developed world standards of climate emissions of carbon emissions. While you are just trying to keep your people from living past the dying before the age of forty years court, sing, something dumb. America is the indispensable leader on the planet to deal with this issue. Without us, we're not going to get there and so this is not just rejoining the planet. Paris, climate accords, which I will do right away. It's actually using every letter of foreign policy. We have four more foreign,
Two countries making a contingent on climate action means using our diplomacy, are alliances are trade deal centre to them must be labour and climate. Will good luck with this really did the key to actually developing beyond carbon based fuels is going to be prosperity, not poverty and link King linking trade to people making conditional conditional policy about climb emissions is about the worst way of reducing climate emissions. That capacity think they ve got Bernie Sanders, whose just completely crazy, he says, don't worry we'll create twenty million new jobs, fighting global warming now Gleason labor theory of value like the marxist labor theory of value. So he thinks that if we just hire twenty million people to dig ditches twenty million new jobs he's he's actual believer that if you create, if you create a job, a person sitting on the side of the road making a pie out of mud, then you ve created a job that they create jobs with burning Henderson, Dumplings, I'm not here to suggest the my plan.
He's gonna solve every problem, but my plan, understands the severity of the crisis boldly and in the process. When we make a fuss the metal transition away, from fossil fuel the energy efficiency and sustainable energy. We create twenty million new ops. There will be some job loss, but we create, twenty million new jobs? Yet there will be Job was like in every major industry in the United States and by the way you're not gonna, create Twentyman. I love that again, the democratic powers Are you saying that Bernie Sanders knows how to create jobs? Michael Bloomberg does not, then with war knows how to create jobs, but Bill gates does not the full scale insanity of a party that suggests that people who are professors and lifelong. Legislators have never achieved anything. Rely upon to run United States economy like this is what time should be running against. Obviously this is what the campaign should be about, and Democrats know that that's what the campaign should be about, which is why obviously they're focusing in on him
That's why they're spending every waking moment thinking? How do we sync President Trump's approval ratings through all of this in peace? I've! No progress not handling of great on the impeachment stuff, as you would fully predict the region being the president Trump is sort of offended. The stuff is even happening in the first place and, of course, he's a friend by the fact that the media are willing to run with literally any story, there's an incredibly non credible, non credible book by the author of the book is called a warning by an anonymous author, supposedly atop staffer in the Trump Whitehouse, and it's not credible, because literally the very first thing that was revealed. That book is it the book suggested the MIKE Pence was ready to invoke the twenty fifth amendment against Trump is completely non credible. Is that stopping the media mining front page stories about the book? Of course not instead, you ve got the Washington post. Running pieces by Philip Brucker about how the presidency is on the brink of the pieces senior trumpet ministration officials considered resigning on mass last year. In a midnight self massacre sounded
black alarm about. President trumps conduct a rejected the idea, because they believe it would fall, their destabilize in already teetering government according to a new book by an unnamed author in these are these are just completely wild speculative comments with no, basis, in actual evidence. And being run on by the media in the media, are fully invested in Looking up the narrative, the things are crazy over the White House Impeachment gate again, because you're gonna democratic feel when it's that it went so weak that Michael Bloomberg is like. You know what I've been waiting for twenty years. The jump, and now is the time. That's anal. The Democrats who brought in a second we're going to get the latest impeachment gauge twenty nineteen. But first, let's talk about crypto currency, so you know crypto currency and a lot of people like. I don't know anything about that sounds kind of radioactive currency is its basically digital gold re. All it is, is you are investing in a currency that is protected by blockchain, so Campi inflated or manipulated by central government?
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Dot com, Slasher bureau go check them out right now. Ok, so the Democrats, apparently now moving their deadline to Christmas. So regionally they and they're gonna. Try of this thing by the end of October, said: they're gonna move this thing by the end of thanks getting now they hitherto move this thing by Christmas. I have my doubts. Probably going to carry this thing over into next year again, because as they see that their field is weak, it behooves them to carry the impeachment thing forward into twenty, so the original idea was we get this listening over Quicken dirty. We know we don't necessarily have enough and therefore we are going to just do is is filled with radicals have a wonderful chance at winning in the middle of the country. Their best play is to push impeachment through into next year, so make him wrong. Maybe this thing ends by Christmas. I have serious doubts. I think it is much more
all the way into the democratic primary for the Democrats can keep going into the Bay instead of debating each other, they can run tramping super corrupt. Accordingly, CNN House Democrats are signalling. There are now in a fast track in their impeachment proceedings of waiting court battles that delay their inquiry. Limiting the number of witnesses of public hearings, all signs that president from could be impeached as soon as next month speaker. Nancy Blowsy is not shared her thinking on the final timeline with her colleagues democratic sources, the timing is still fluid and could continue evolved, but in a series of move this week, demo Let's have shown their rapidly moving to complete the proceedings by Christmas, something that could result in tramping, just the third president to be impeached in history. The schedule became apparent according to CNN in recent days after Helsinki, California, grant announced their public hearings will begin next week and also suggests Thursday that there is a limit to the witnesses that they would call for the public hearings. Now again, I dont think that that is absolutely correct. I think that that if the Democrats feel like they are actually making political, hey, they're watching the poles and upholstered to rise,
We support from each man they're going to way this thing. Their continued drag it out, because why rush? It makes more political sense to actually have this thing. Take a while the more tv time you get worse. It hurts trump would be. The theory plus Democrats also withdrew subpoena of a former White House. Fish to ensure their proceedings were not delayed by a core battle, they decided not subpoena John Bolton because it John Bolton said we're gonna have to get a court order and there are not enough we're not gonna. Do that everybody's logic assortment shifting on us the Democratic regionally want to fast track it and they want to slow track it now, supposedly they want to fast track it again. The next phases of House impeachment proceedings could conclude before twenty twenty apparently shook his nuts three witnesses will testify next week publicly democratic lawmakers expect at least one more week before his panel wait if I were in the week of November eighteen now, here's the thing, some of the testimony favours from a lot of a testimony does not favour trump,
The theory that is now being trotted out by some in sort of trumps camp and in the republican Senate. Is that ok, fine. So there were people who wanted a quid pro quo. There were people who find pressure. Ukraine using military aid to go after Joe Biden wasn't really trump, whose really are these lackeys, Rudy Giuliani was Gordon someone. This is not going to play. I'm sorry, isn't gonna play, because it's obviously not true it. Isn't it you think that Rudy Giuliano freelancing with Sunland without from approval, he is trumps, personal attorney. If you think the trump was not involved in talking with Rudy about what was going on in Ukraine and about those investigations. That is not credible, Today, you had president from, like he has his own worst defenceless, truly incredible here as president from today suggesting learn someone I barely even know boards of the region Someone is the EU ambassadors, conceive million bucks to Trump and the twenty six intellection cycle. Here's trunk, claiming and he doesn't know who Gordon someone is.
I hardly know the gentleman, but this is the man who said there was no quid pro quo. How do you still says that he said that I said that he hasn't changed yet testimony This is a man that said as far as the president is concerned, there was no quid pro quo. Everybody that's tested even the ones that are trump haters they've all been fine. They don't have anything Ok, what he did the last defence right, which is that they are all saying. If there is a quid pro quo there saying that, based on third party testimony or based on their perception of the issues, that's true, but the no Gordon someone thing and the attempt to say well. Maybe the tsar cooked up by you know per vulgar and Sunland Giuliani. Independent from that's not going to work is going to work. The best defence, as always, is that events that was laid out by me and then from picked up some of the sun, including senator crews. The best defence here is that prison
in Trump overall was interested in ukrainian corruption in twenty sixteen election, and that In his mind, had been given a bunch of information by Ruby Giuliani, some of it bad. He wrapped it all up in a ball, and he said I want all of this cleared up before the aid goes to Ukraine right. That was always the best defence. It remains the best defence and by the way, it is back to a certain extent, by test Only some of the witnesses Democrats are calling so one of the people who was who was called and whose, whose testimony has now been publicly revealed. Is deputy assistant Secretary George Kent. Ukraine, policy, the State Department, So where is the media there ignoring the actual interesting part of his testimony? He told lawmakers Tromp, demanded that the country's new President lotteries let's get announced investigations into the twenty sixteen election transfer arrival, Hillary Clinton, informer, VP, Joe Biden in exchange for an oval office, meaning he said a trump wanted, nothing less than four Let's get to go to a microphone and say investigations, Biden and Clinton. That's what he said in his testimony, but he also acknowledge that he not heard that directly from from where he said that that was not something that he and from ever personally discussed
that was his perception. Perception- is as good as your perception on. All of this just have inside information that that is exactly what Trump wanted, using the same material that you have now seen publicly, but there's another problem, which is that buried New York Times article about all of this cans acknowledging that there are significant concerns inside the stage department about wait for Joe Biden, Circa, twenty fifteen. I'm reading directly to you from the testimony of George can't now the question or says the vice president's involvement with Ukraine is pretty significant, adapt point of time in time and remain until he, you know through twenty six incorrect and can says yes and then the queen you're says the question was you know, we're there ain't discussions of perceived conflict? vice president answer, when I was in Ukraine as acting deputy chief omission in the period MID January and February, twenty fifteen subsequent me going into the deputy prosecutor general, on February Third, in demanding who took the bribe and Much of it was to shut the case against its low Chaskey. I became
where the Hunter Biden was on the board. I didn't know that at the time going to call with somebody on the BP staff. I can't recall who it was just breathe happening in Ukraine. I raised my concerns eyed her that hundred Biden was on the board of a company owned by somebody that you ask me It's been money trying tens of millions of dollars back and that it could create the perception of a conflict of interest question what did person. On the other end of the line, tell you the message. Call hearing back was that the vice president? Somebody was dying of cancer and there was no four their bandwidth, to deal with family related issues? At that time it says that was the conversation, that's a pretty. Specious answers are not mean it. Does that mean that its really all that bad for from to raise the question of Hunter by George Kent himself, a saying pretty suspicious. That Hunter Biden is on that board. I raised it with the Obama administration. They said we do not have the band with, because boas dying. I'm not aware that these entire federal government runs the past of the vice president of the United States. It seems like the vice presidential, at least, take the question as to what that does
a family, related issue that corruption related issue has pretty amazing is pretty amazing regions. Your nephew bereavement was a trouble to corrupt company right and can set it had a reputation for not being the cleanest member of the business community. So that all of this raises some serious questions, and that means that from specifying as always that there is this bag of corruption in you rain. It includes Hunter and Joe Biden, that's what he was talking about, and it also includes his wrongfully informed perceptions of crowd, strike, etc. As another story today, they took her Karlsson broke on his show last night in which he is claiming the Marie of out of it, who was appointed to be yours,
ambassador to Ukraine allegedly made false statements under oath during her October eleven closed or testimony in House Democrats, impeachment inquiry will get to that in just one. Second. First, let's talk about the quality of your employees. So the fact is that my employees, here at the daily, where they're just great across the board, they really are great across the board but occasionally occasionally they forget to do the kinds of things the date that they should do. Occasionally they forget to reverse the teleprompter, make sure the clocks work. What's in it, there's a guy named neck and let's hear forgot to check whether the clock sort before the shop one day. Let's call it yesterday and it made it much more difficult to do the show. Well, isn't that point? I was thinking you know. I really need someone better than Nick the place I would check out is Ziprecruiter Why? Because you prefer to make sure that you get the best candidates fast. You need the best candidates fast, with results like Zebra Critter provides, no wonder that four out of five importers who postpones a broker, get equality. Canada within the very first day. Don't worry Nick is fine, he's not gonna, be fired or anything
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Sal, discussion feature that allows you to engage our hosts writers special, gets on a weekly basis. I believe I'm doing what others have actually to stop. Depriving yourself come join the fine also. It is indeed the glorious time of the weak, and I give a shot out to a daily. Where subscriber, since has naturally can do this, but now we can today it's a twitter. SAM, understands the importance of hydrogen and brain stimulation. While working through the we ourselves in the picture, SAM has his elite beverage vessel and copy of my book, the right side of history sitting in front of a bright yellow. U S! Coastguard helicopter, which is awesome sauce. The caption reads: nothing like a good book and more salty cheers tell pass the time on the night shift hashtag leftist years, tumblr kudos to use them we're glad we could help thanks for the picture. Thanks for your service as always again go check it out over Delaware, accommodate all sorts of goodies for where the largest fastest growing conservative, Pakistan, radio shown them and speaking of further elements in the in the impeachment gate saga. Apparently, according to reign
better reporting for daily wired icon Maria Bonneville, whose appointed to be the? U S, ambition, search Ukraine by former President Obama allegedly made false payments under oath October. 11Th. Testimony and House Democrats impeachment. According according to Fox NEWS, Tucker Carlson, of the whistle blower complaint were known publicly: a democratic control, no staffer contacted the former american ambassador to Ukraine to discuss with the staff are described as a quite delicate and time sensitive question. This show Has obtained exclusively in aiming for that democratic staffer for the house foreign? there's committee sent by private email to the fore. Romantic and Ambassador Marie of out of its crossing continued Yvonne of it. You know, as a key player in the Democrats, impeachment probe recalled from her post Can you play my President Trump in May two thousand and nineteen locations that serious partisanship and political bias, the email the Karlsson obtained states called I'm ready to see it. Would have time to meet up for a chat. In particular I'm hoping discussing Ukraine related oversight, questions we are exploring and appreciate. The change to ground through the future
of information with you, some of which are quite delicate and time sensitive enough. We want to make sure we get them right. Then I was sent on August Fourteenth said Karlsson. Two days after the whistle blower complete was filed a month before the complaint became up like the whistle blower. However, one to Adam Ships team before filing the complaints, the question Karlsson says is: did ships off tell other Democrats on Capitol Hill, what was in the complaint? In other words, how long this ever plant in secret before the rest of the country, learned of it. Karlsson also noted their representative Liese, Elden of New York, asked you ve gone away, about a male during her testimony and she allegedly station. Have responded to Daddy Male Carlson's has in fact it turns out she did respond. She said she looked forward chatting with the democratic staffer As congressmen Selden pointed out, the ambassadors original answer, which was dishonest, was given under Oath Zelda confirmed sex. I'll send segments where he wrote. It appears Ambassador Yolanda, which did not accurately answer this question. I asked her during her impeachment inquiry deposition under oath, so that could be
no problem. Fox news is regret. Later reported, they give automatic reply to the staffer. Identify by Fox NEWS is more carry change, Hoopa, love to reconnect and look forward to chatting with you Odin, told Fox news out highly suspect this democratic staffers work was connected some way to the whistleblowers effort which has evolved into this impeachment charade. We Juno that was a blow was in contact with his team. Before there was a blow had even hired an attorney or filed whistleblower complaint, even though she had lodged public originally claiming there was no contact. Selden says specifically asked Evanna which, whether the democratic staffer was responded to buy evolving or the stage parliament it is greatly concerning the amount of its demand for my questions is honestly should have especially well under oath. So people on the right are pointing out, while it evaluates was not telling the truth under Oath Should I be a legal problem for her, considering that we are now in the process of a major trial of Rodger Stone, specifically for lying to investigators. It is several things
always like say, can be going on at once thing going on number one. There can be troubling questions to be asked about the Trump Ukraine withholding of military aid was done for personal benefit or political benefit was done instead, because from perceived corruption in Ukraine, Those are questions that are going to be asked and answered. Also was this whole thing organized behind the scenes by Adam Schiff as a way to get from, and they can both be true, but certainly this looks like a partisan effort by Democrats. Do cortical get from organized with the help of them a partisan in so called deep state. A trillion undercut the credibility of the inquiry. Ultimately, which is why you're seeing Adam shift now say that he doesn't want is a blow or interviewed, and who is? It Another story today about the whistle blower suggesting that the whistle blower Repellent Lee was a Biden guessed at a State department banquet in October of twenty sixteen to honour the front Prime Minister of ITALY. So all of this
can all be a mess on the Ben Shapiro show I've had a question on my mind for some time now would like your insight, considering other people have left the Democratic Party due to movements like exodus Black sit and walk away. You think Trump is headed for a landslide So how do we believe the pools after the twenty six in the polls eyes him after the twenty six Inv Asko? Thanks for your hard work and all you do? Ok, so I dont know the trumpets headed for a landslide. I think that the countries two closely divided for anybody to win a landslide anymore. I just don't think that that is a thing that is likely to happen. The economy, tanks in which it would be a landslide the other way, I will say that some of the new poles particularly swing states, are so surprising trump resiliency becoming minorities actually is pulling better among minorities in terms of approval rating than he did back in twenty sixteen if he starts to carve away some of those numbers from the democratic base and got a real problem on their hands,
It wasn't. I think the minority groups in the United States been ill served by the Democratic Party. I think the Democratic Party is counted on their support and done nothing for them. I think that they are basically, MR wrecked it away from the fact that the democratic party has not served members of the black community, the jewish community, the DE hispanic community. I think that they leave they ve lied about that by basically suggesting that Republicans, our anti black anti hispanic, Anti jewish and all the rest of this nonsense. But the fact is that there are Working party can always do a better job of outrage. We'll be infra honestly I'll, be fascinated to see in twenty twenty, whether Trump actually carves into of those numbers because he did not underperform from did not refer among Hispanics in two thousand. Sixteen who perform basic lids Hymns Mitt Romney that among black voters there was some suggestion that he may have out performed. Romney Alex is one of my closest friends from high school. Education several years ago has transition what I see as the female gender, though he is using their programmes
using pronouns. They there are women with my money for the first time since his transition, whose what am I close just friends, I know well and know that he has struggled with depression from an ears his neck. Should any signs of feminine to be or any desire to become female. I'd like to help the Madonna. How any suggestions would be welcome? I love your show things for you do well, I mean frankly in personal relationships. You always treat people with sense. Today. This is completely separate from the generalised question as to whether we should acknowledge men can become women and women can become men. I've said before or on the show and in public that- and I have done this before- that, if you are in a personal one on one conversation with somebody who's transgender, then you treat them normally meaning like you'll go out of your way to say things are going to make them feel bad. Obviously, with that said, if you are on such an intimate basis with the person, if you're on such a a a first person basis with this person that you can say to them, listen, I own what what's best for you and I'm afraid you're making decisions about yourself in your
I know you well enough to know that this is a mistake. What you're doing there's nothing wrong with saying that I'm the wizard by the idea that you always have to like that. You cannot intervene with anybody, regardless of their personal condition, but in your family were depressing. There are considering doing something gotta themselves, you would intervene and you would say like. I think this is a mistake. If you're on that, of what somebody never not on that level then go I think it's dumb, but that's only something that you can tell. We as the drugs you and the other person how closer relationship is now. None of that has any impact on the generalised political debate as well the law should pretended men who say they are women are actually women. The answer there is no or the law should compel people to use pro pronouns. The answer is no. It's violet above the first member and violet of a basic biology ITALY level. There little lots of things you do that are sensitive to other people. They don't want a programme on a societal level, you always treat people sensitivity, indecency on a personal level. Even if you
The generalised policy is best off setting up an incentive structure that does not incentivize bad behaviour. Mary says I reach. I really enjoyed you're talkin stand for this week, appreciate I recently at it. Relation with a friend about whether there is systemic racism in the United States and she brought up some studies that suggest black patients are take. But seriously by doctors. Have worse health outcomes than non black patients for the same diseases in conditions. Give any site or alternative explanation for these statistics. Thanks. Everything I have. I have taken a look at a lot of these studies and I don't find the studies to be entirely and the reason I don't find the studies to be entirely credible and eat. You can cite particular station go through that. Actually are there specific studies that suggest that, for example, when black patients are our report, a certain level of pain, they get opioids less frequent, then why patients do now. Is that a result of people being racist against black people, or is that a result of the of there being a generalised, a generalised concern about the white patients being more whiny. You know in terms of an interim review.
For example, what these things actually do play into how doctors, true patients, unfortunately in in blind studied. It is also true that, when you that that attempting to a tribute all of this race, as opposed to behavioral differences and patience, patience, behave differently all the time I mean they really do and trying to a tribute that to a racial divide, specifically tend not to work. Not one actually go through the specific studies that are being cited and because there have been a bunch of them, but They always seem to be more correlative them. Causative isn't like a black person comes into the There is one study, for example, that showed that doctors, who are less good, tended to believe in things about black patients that are not true. My black patients have thicker skin or something- and the answer to that is not that the entire medical profession is racist- is that doctors who suckered things also tend not to know things. They tend to be bad doctors and doctors,
were bad or bad. That's a study that shows the bad doctors are bad doctors, not that doctors are generally racist and therefore the doctors are treating black patients worse. So I am very suspicious of studies that suggest that doctors overall are somehow viewed with the sense of racism in medical school. Like again, I don't see the evidence for that. It's it's sort of a weird summit. Listen and the studies that I've seen again tend to be more correlative than closeted, we'll take a bad doctor who does no things, then, will be like all the bad doktor doesn't know things. That means that the bad doctors, racist and racism is widespread and that's a bit of a stretch love. The show Personally, I've got a few Bernie, Bro friends or I'll enchanted by the political work of non Chomsky, claiming that America's political systems are controlled by corporate interests at the wealthy control of society. We need economic, democracy etc. What I'm good arguments that rebuke these contentions. Well, I mean about the fact that a huge number of people go into politics, including Bernie Sanders are wildly successful. People
and is probably no one the democratic nomination I ripping on which people the idea that corporations control the United States government, while the corporate tax rate is was not even competitive with most of the business world abroad for decades, is somewhat telling. Also. It is true that there are lots of union Chris who are critical. Not corporations have an enormous amount of power. It does it doesnt line up with reality. In other words, if the idea is that all of politics is created is compelled by corporate interests, is the idea that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are controlled by the corporations, which corporations are we talking about a return? My left wing corporations are rightwing corporations and by the way, if that is the solution to that, to have a contrary, avert. So I guess the quoted the the complaint is that a cod rate of shoe primly powerful disproportionately powerful people are controlling the United States government. So your solution to that is to create a cod ray of completely unanswerable. Powerful people not answerable to outside
I'd american voting or economic investment in politics, but stand at the top of a government interest, distribute everything. Sorry answer to a powerful cadre of people, controlling it noticed its government is more a more powerful cadre of people who have never created job. Controlling the power of government makes sense crazy, don't tendencies. We recently had a transgender male female trainer company been organised. My thoughts on transgender topics why dont agreed the trench enrich and I'm still a bit confused Why shouldn't rights? Laws may not apply to the transgender community, for example. I recently read religiously affiliated adoption agencies can opt not to provide services too and was all gb teach you to freedom of religion. I believe you discuss the several times before to be able to provide insight into the transgender versus civil rights debate. Well again, civil rights is about race, specifically its about immutable characteristics and there's. No doubt there is no discrimination on the basis of immutable characteristics, courting court for discrimination against transgender behave.
Is discrimination against behaviour, meaning that the entire arguments, transgender movement, is that your inward, your inward self identification is what is being discriminated against. When you change your outward behavior, weird statement, because again, vast majority of human behaviour is connected to some sort of inner feeling scrutiny on the basis of behaviour over time. There is a vast difference between saying to somebody you can't work here before your black and unchangeable feature about yourself and cures Bob, and then he came into work today, dressed his sally or hear a sally who is eight was a woman and she
into work today, dressed as Bobby just now having hormone treatment- and this is a Hooters rarely, methods and tools to work here like and wants to be called. He and his Bob now wicked. The problem again is that when it comes to human behaviour, will the only thing that we can treat based upon its behaviour, that is out wordly visible to people behaviour that is outwardly visible to people. So there is a difference between behavioral driven discrimination, which is stuff that we do every day and identity driven discrimination. The left has done. Is they ve conflated interfering with identity, which is which is a pretty hefty trick? Men pretty pretty solid rock actually already so, wouldn't you could think like thing I hate and then we will be at the end of the week guys while ok time for quick thing I like so Christine pollutant is, is a fun country singer any as there is a great new video that he had that he has put out. I just enjoyed this. Isn't my business partners and this to me and honour I thought you'd get a kick out of it too
higher video is wild and crazy. It basically is a lego version of Chris stable. Ten concert apparently features the voice and Press Pratt. It's a lot of fun get up, pretty wildly crazy, go check it out. It's gonna find music video. Its programme for the gaieties in it's gonna, get ok time for a quick thing that I hate okay. So a couple of quick things that I hate. Actually so, according to the christian Post parents who founded
rights complaint against the school, where their six year old daughter was being taught. There is no such thing as boys and girls have now filed a. Ah suit against the School Board principle and the teachers in Canada. The teacher who taught a first rate class Devon Community Public School in Ontario Canada. Last year your video on gender presented here. Video on General called he she and they gender queer kid stuff to which is part of the lesson plan a panel of the phone, the mother of six year old girl, told the postman lineal earlier this year, a phone and Husband subsequently fail to comply with the Un Terrio Human Rights Tribunal against the school system after their door I started worrying. She may not be female after watching the video last week, the justice and for constitutional freedoms illegal advocacy organization specializing in canadian constitutional law, that is presenting the before the buffer zones and their daughter, founded amended application, noting the child's right to security of the person, inequality or being infringed my phone such was very path, about kinds of social justice topics, most of it Our daughter really enjoyed learning about this. Each of the first great class
had drawn a gender spectrum on the White Board and ask the children where they placed on spectrum. The phones daughter picked up the first, the furthest end of the spectrum designated girl, their human rights complaint claims. Your instructed the class, the girls are not real and boys are not real, which greatly distressed their daughter. Of course, it did asinine. Can a biological anti scientific infected the stuff is being taught in schools now We think that doesn't have an impact on kids, because Romania, it it's amazing people on levels, Just that everything has an impact on kids, you bring your kid with church of July. Fourth parade everything right. Once on tv. It all has an impact on your kids, but then they say, we're all going to teach your five year old, he can be ashy and she can get. He won't have any impact on your kids at all. Yet if you're crazy, if you're a crazy person, think I'm crazy people according to the Uk Daily Mirror. A cafe has now replaced gingerbread men with gender neutral- gingerbread person, which is a bit of a mouthful just like a gingerbread man. According to the daily mirror on a customer at the tannery
When question, why human shapes natural call gingerbread men and not gingerbread people owner Andrei sittin was inspired, make change the way on. The jar has now been changed: rejoinder, bread, gender neutral person. Because it kind of hilarious, Willie tongue in cheek from the start, but it become a really the conversation piece in the cafe, used to be the ninety percent of the time we saw the gingerbread man with the kids, a lot more people buying them now, which is quite funny. Apparently they posted a picture. The jar with captain a little something for everyone with winking face is unbelievable and blue honestly, if you're so bothered by gingerbread men, you have to have the jar changed at the local bakery got problems bigger than the gingerbread meant. Ok, we'll be here. Later today with two additional hours of content. I will see you there, then
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Transcript generated on 2019-11-22.