« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 881 - What If Everybody Is Corrupt And Terrible?

2019-10-23 | 🔗

Trump's ambassador to Ukraine turns on him, Trump says he's the victim of a "lynching," and the media prove their Leftist bona fides. Date: 10-23-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President. Trumps ambassador to Ukraine turns on him from says he's the victim of a lynching and the media proved their leftist. Bona fide is once again, I'm mentioned here. This is the bench of here, show the bench of Euro shows sponsored by Express DP, protect your online privacy today at express vps dot com, slash ban as on today, show it's kind of important. Ok, we have a lot of news to get to hear today, young, you miss half a week and suddenly the world is new and there are all sorts of brand new news stories. They come back and you're really excited to talk about, or, alternatively, Everything is terrible and we have to talk about all the terrible things that happened in my absence soap. Let us begin with improved gay toward June. I too, we begin with the latest pulling on impeachment, get accordingly neat come on over at the New York Times it's in pulling on impeachment in six swing, stating what they found that there are a lot of people are sort of in didn't impeaching present from, but not particularly interested in removing present.
Tromp. In other words, the corona sense his behavior, but by the same They don't actually want to see him removed from office where a year out from an election. To coordinate the New York Times. Voters in this, it's likely to decide the twenty twenty presidential election support the impeachment inquiry House Democrats began last month, but a majority still oppose impeaching President Trump and removing him from office according to New York Times. College survey in the six closest states. Carry the president in twenty. Sixteen registered voters support the impeachment inquiry by five point margin: fifty percent to forty five percent. But the same borders oppose impeaching Mr Trump, and are moving him from office. Fifty three percent to forty three percent- in other words, they are saying we not yet seen enough evidence to suggest that Trump has done something so why only out of the box criminal that he deserves to be removed from office and, as I have said for on programme. There are few questions that have to be asked: better peace that one was unimpeachable
offence committed to is that in peaceable offence beyond that sort of offence that other candidates, other presidents, have actually committed in the past. Because to impeach virtually every president commits at some point unimpeachable offence because President's routinely violate their old of office. Press routinely overstepped their boundaries according to the constitution. To take just a quick example: George W Bush overtly stated when he signed pain, finance reform that he didn't think it was constitutional. Well, he took an oath to preserve and uphold the constitution of the United States, like a violation of their own didn't sign a bill. You say is overtly unconstitutional, but was that really people not really wish to bear political move by President Bush. The fact is that present Stu things all the time that violate the powers down, gave it to them in article two of the institution of the United States brought about was droning american citizens overseas. Controversial. Yes, impenetrable, probably not with all of that said, that brings us to the
actual allegations advocate of offence against President Trump, and it seems like the American, Look at this point or saying what we don't see allegations. So damning that he ought to be removed from office. Yes, they go to his fitness. Yes, they go to whether president from his good presidential, whether he's gonna his job but Overall in today's political landscape, the american public tend to believe that everybody is corrupt and herbal, and if everybody is corrupt and terrible than by logic of the incredible nobody is corrupt in terrible idea. Here is that if everybody is it sort of an equal plain of stupidity, corruption and ineptitude, Well, then, that means that no one should be singled out for stupidity, corruption and ineptitude. I really think that's where the american public are on this, and I think they ve been on here on this for quite a while. Actually, according to the New York Times, the survey depicts deeply to buy electric in battleground states a year from the election, with the president's,
supporters and opponents exceptionally energized and unified it at the same time a crucial sliver of relatively moderate voters. Seven percent of the electorate support the inquiry without backing trumps impeachment and removal from office defining he just that public opinion is actually stabilize and shifting quickly against the president. In late September, it leaves american politics where was for some time deadlocked with neither side likely to face severe political class for its position on the president, and you can see why It's right here on the right, as we will see in today's shop. You look at the left. You look in the media, you look of democratic party which are which is filled a partisan hat. You look at the political landscape it seems that increasingly basic liberties are being violated is at least from standing in the breach and we're gonna get him on this kind of Tik Tok fowls than what eggs actually is all this nonsense is obviously by the motion. I'm left Democrats are saying: ok well, there's something completely out of the back something completely new. He is running shot over the niceties of the office it well, we can't exactly get him on
Criminal conduct he's so just here, so wild and so crazy, and so he's not normal at this hour. Frazier allocating is not normal, and thus you must be removed from office and people middle seem to be kind of like well everything both of you guys are saying is true, and so have an election like ear, so it could probably just do that. That seems like where things tat now we'll get you the testimony. The Democrats are hoping shiftings in just one second had been the testimony of ambassador, William Taylor Bill Tailor. It was given yesterday I'm close doors in front of the House Intelligence Committee, and it is not good for president from it- is also not come. Completely, we of President Trump in one particular way, which I will explain we'll get to that in just one second. First, let's talk about this. Fun and interest in finding out your ancestry. So I care about my ancestry element. Israel, ready minutes, that's a thing, but they are. The fact is that I do care about my own genetic competition and taken the twenty three meat has turns out. One hundred percent ask an object. Jewish, I know shocker, but the fact is
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well, as we will see from his testimony. He basically is sort of reiterating in clarifying what everybody already knew, which is that trunk was very concerned about sixteen election interference by ukrainian sources, which again, if you believe That is what was happening. It would be a legitimate thing. Try to get to the bottom after our Democrats spent two years trying to investigate russian election interference in the twenty sixteen election and is part of that from claims that has to do with bereavement. It has to do with this natural oil and gas company, that put Hunter Biden on its board and he wanted all this investigated as as an investigation into corruption. More broadly, Taylor is gonna claim that All of this was really starting to get Joe Biden effort. Now that distinction is she'll, because if it wasn't get Joe Biden Effort, if it was really just Trump trying to trumped up charges against an american citizen in order to knock em out of a presidential race by using foreign military aid, then that would be impossible pretty. Obviously, if, however, this was all just from saying, I wanna thank Rapture,
in Ukraine and by corruption. I mean ABC De Bridgman Edgy, that's a little bit of a different story and it seems more, like the latter than the former, but tailors testimony. Is, is damaging trump and in two other members of the administration. So in his testimony he talks about a wide variety of members of the administration and seems to be going along with trumps kind of weird ideas. Vague. A weird because there wasn't a lot of evidence to back the idea that Ukraine interfered in the won T sixteen election, be a crowd strike. There's good evidence to suggest that the Ukrainian, from it was working with Hillary Clinton to dig up dirt on Trump by debt was rewarded by police, No in twenty seventeen. So there's nothing new mean that stuff we already know publicly, but we're talking about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden embarrassment they're. Not evidentiary suggestions that Joe Biden was specifically manipulating ukrainian policy in order to benefit his son Hunter. It looks more like Hunter has spending his life writing. Daddy's coattails, which, as it turns out, is a frequent practice in back
six children. A famous politicians writing their coattails to glory. That sort of thing happen a lot summoned, more corrupt ways and some unless corrupt ways, just as European politician doesn't mean that your success is due to the politician. At the same time of your hunter, and you ve, not that no qualifications for anything and you're being hey fifty Grand a month to sit on the board company, because your last name is binding. It doesnt smack of exact honesty from hundred binding. In any case, Bill Taylor testified in front of com, today. He says on May twenty eight of this year about with secretary might prevail. Who asked me to return to He had led our embassy in Ukraine. It wasn't it CALL Time and you as Ukraine relations bottom ears. He had just been elected. President of Ukraine remained at war with Russia as the summer approached the ukrainian government would be seated parliamentary elect. Were eminent and ukrainian political trajectory would be set for the next several years. He says I servitude, ambassadors, Ukraine, from two thousand. Sixty two thousand nine haven't been nominated by George W Bush, and he said that he had remained engaged in Ukraine
frequently visiting since twenty thirteen he's, obviously very pro Ukraine verses, russian aggression outside and supported stronger stronger american sanctions against Russia. He said considered, saying ass. His wife didn't want him to because she felt that the front administration is just not a good place to serve. He says I was worried about what I had heard concerning the role of regionally Ani would made several high profile statements about Ukraine. In: U S policy towards the country to during my meetings with Secretary Pompey on May twenty eight I made clear to him and others press that if the Eu S policy towards Ukraine changed, he would now only posted there and I could not stay. He assured me that the policy its strong support for Ukraine would continue and that he would support me in defending that policy. So he agreed to go back to Kiev because he was appointed by the secretary but not reconfirmed by the Senate. He was the interim ambassador to Ukraine so heat turns to Kiev and he says as soon as he got there, he called discovered a weird combination of encouraging, confusing and ultimately alarming, sir.
Some Santa's say talked about how he was hopeful about president's olenska fighting corruption. He said I found confusing unusual arrangement. For making? U S, policy towards Ukraine, there appeared to be two channels of yours policy making and implementation one regular and one highly irregular, as that if a mission I had authority over the regular, formal diplomatic processes, including the bulk of the. U S, effort to support Ukraine hence the russian invasion and help it to be corruption. He said this is the You are now at the same time, there was an irregular informal channel of yours policymaking with regard Ukraine, one which included thence like what vulgar ambassador someone secretary energy, repairing and as they subsequently and subsequently learned, Rudy Giuliani? I was clearly in there Geller Channel, but I was also included in the irregular channel. He says regular channel began when ambassador vulgar ambassador someone Perry and with Senator RON Johnson briefed Trump on May twenty third on their return from the lens inauguration modality. In return to Washington enthusiastic about new when you and president, but president prompted
I share their enthusiasm for a meeting with Mr Zaleski. He says when it First Ride in Kiev in June and July. The actions of both the regular and irregular channels with foreign policy serve the same goal: U Dot S, Ukraine partnership, but by August all of this was divergent. He says that on, and on twenty seventh ambassador, someone told me during the phone conversation the President's Linsky need to make clear to president trumped that he President's ones he was not standing in the way of an allegations and He didn't know, Taylor didn't know What exactly this was supposed to meet him he'd and understand what exactly? Where the end allegations that he was supposed to get to the bottom of. He said it was not clear to me on that How what this man, but ambassador bulk or noted who'd relay the president from one it's you rule of law. Transparency also specifically cooperation on it vacations to go get to the bottom of things. He says you reported on this. Date: George can't who have responsibility for Ukraine. You said by MID July was becoming
by MID July, was becoming clear to me that the meeting president's Olenska wanted with tromp was conditioned on the investigations of breeze, MA and alleged ukrainian interference in the twenty. Sixteen you us elections. It was also clear This condition was driven by the irregular policy. Channel. I'd come to understand was guided by Giuliani trumps defensive this is going to be right. I want all the crap in Ukraine investigated, including charisma. I want the brazen investigation dropped because that's a good indicator of corruption in Ukraine methods can be trumps defence. The laughed Democrats are going to claim No, the reason that he was so all fired concerned with Greece must specifically is because he wanted to go after Joe Biden. So some are so so Taylor says that he had a series of meetings in which it was that everybody in state and defence wanted to rest Aid to Ukraine, but Ukraine was being held up specifically by chief of staff. Mc Mulvaney and the chief of staff maintained a sceptical view toward Ukraine
He said Nicholas today. The Ukrainians, in the meetings were confused. Ambassador Bolton in the regular Ukraine policy decision making channel wanted to talk about security, energy in reform and there are some Linda participant in the irregular general wanted to talk about the connection between a White House meeting in ukrainian investigations. He had a joint nineteenth call in which it was discussed, that regionally awning ought to be involved in this process, and then he talks about the text messages that he held with other members of the Trump administration in which he suggested that there might be a quid pro quo going. On. Mrs later, on July, twenty, as I had a phone conversation with ambassador someone, while he was on a train from Paris to London, ambassador summons may he recommended to he used the phrase. I will leave no stone unturned with regard to it stations when President a spoke with President Trump and then on July, twenty fifth. They had this conversation. He says
after a meeting with President Olenska? The next day, ambassador vulgar and I travelled to the front line in northern Don- must receive a briefing from the commander of the forces on the line of contact arrive for the briefing and military headquarters, the commander, thank us for security assistance, but I was where this assistance was on hold, which made me uncomfortable, and they looked over all, the damage that has been done by russian led forces over thirteen thousand. Means had been killed in the war one or two we he says on August. Sixteen to exchange text messages with ambassador vulgar, which I learned that under a MAC had asked the United States decision. An official request for an investigation into these must alleged violations of ukrainian life. That's what the US desired. A formal request to the Ukrainians to condemn an investigation basin violations of their own law struck me as improper. I recommended to Ambassador Volker that we stay clear by MID August Has the security assistance had been held for over a month? By note, for no reason I could discern, I was beginning to feel that the longstanding yours policy of support for Ukraine with shifting he told campaign
that he'd have to resign if the aid was not restored and her Bolton encouraged him to keep informing pale of this. A bolt lake who was trumps. National security advisor did not actually want any of this going on here, on September first, three days after he came upon pale Zalewski met. Vice president pensioner, bilateral meeting in Warsaw President Trumpet plan to travel or some at the last minute had cancelled because of Hurricane Dorian, and he said that he had contacted the ambassador from Ukraine. No, the delay of your security assistance was an all or nothing proposition in since that, if the White House did not lift the whole prior to the end of the fiscal year, the funds would expire and Ukraine would receive nothing whose hoping that his pressure would sort of restore the aid political reported on. The missing aid and the aid was quickly restore so bottom line here is that Taylor, just reiterating a lot of the claims that he was making in those text, messages which we have all
Are you saying, which is that he believed that the Barismo affair was at the centre of this raises before the text messages that he had with ambassador someone about the cook profile. He says during our comments of timber eighth ambassador, someone tried to explain to me the present trump as a business man when a business man is about, sign a check to someone who owes him something. He said the businessman asks up and to before signing the czech ambassador vote. Use the same terms. Several days later, while we were together at Yalta European Strategy Conference, I argued both that the excellent made no sense. Ukrainians did not. President from anything holding up security assistance for domestic political game was crazy. As I said in my ex message to ambassador. Is someone and vulgar September. Ninth nineteen September eleventh behold was lifted. The security assistance would be provided for, his tailors, testimony and Democrats are jumping all over. It will get to more of this in just one second. First, let's talk about making yourself healthier. So the fact is that, if you want to be here,
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upset about all of this, because he looked at the behaviour of the Democrats, and he says these people are acting in honest fashion, representative, Andy Bigs of Arizona has a piece in the washing can examine, are talking about the process being used in the house. He says that this is corrupt, he's as early this week representative Denny Hath democratic Member of the House Intelligence Committee, who told reporters that reply. Look our darn lucky! These hearings in depositions went public, the implication. What the information coming out its original damaging to trump. The reality is that information is damaging to Trump Democrats, would hold open here. They would have already released. Transcript of the testimonies from didn't. Ask the ukrainian President to investigate a political opponent. The Trump administration has not really has released the transcript of the telephone conversation between Trump and ukrainian President Zalewski, the trumpet distraction will provide additional evidence and witnesses in an open and transparent process, but why should they cooperate when the facts in Adam Shift keeps holding these whose door meetings in top security room in the basement of the capital he's doing this to keep it?
public and the president in the dark. Nonetheless, leftist Media outlets report on the substance of what has been testified to and what documents have been produced in the hearings. Someone from the left is leaking. He says that policy shift dumb rats in Congress are ignoring historical norms and processes in order to try to remove Trump from office. He says we usually have a process in which, in impeachment investing Asian, commenced by a formal vote by members of the House of Representatives to investigate it has been conducted by the Judiciary Committee or Especial Select committee at the same time that the former resolution to investigate the president is voted on the house. Establishes rules of the investigation sets the committee that will investigate and any other particular instructions necessary for the committee to do its work. But Democrats aren't doing this and said. They're doing this on an ad hoc basis and so Trump feels like he's being screwed. Meanwhile, Molly Hemingway Overt there at the Federalist is pointing out that Adam Shift is flip, flopping the public nature of whistleblower, testimony after reports that he was coordinating with the whistle blower Hemingway says at first ship, insist
didn't antitrust. Bureaucrat sharing allegations against the President must share his story. What the house permanent Select committee on intelligence, but after news broke, the chief staff secretly worked with the whistle blower prior to the complaint. Being lodged, discussion the whistle blower failed to mention one specifically asked about them as part of the official. More was the official whistle blower process should move to prevent the testimony removal. It is designed to prevent republican lawmakers from gimme individual under oath about, has discussions how's Democrats, media and others evolved the impeachment ever so, as you point out now shifted his position on exactly what should happen. With whistleblower. Should the whistle blower testify, should the whistleblowers not testify by Sunday. Ship was claiming that the testimony not even needed so, of course, from Israel to be suspicious of all of this I mean from has reason to be suspicious of the Democrats, the Democrats obviously wants from patron. They wanted to impeach him since the day he was elected, and he also- feels as though he has been targeted and correctly. So he feels
he is being target by people inside his own administration to the chairs of the media and that's true. He is being too. By people in his own administration to the jurors of the media. The evidence of this is that the anonymous offer off are they trump resistance up. Ed is now than a puppet they tell all book and remain anonymous while doing so and claims that he is eight ranking member of the Trump Administration, whose presumably in paid a hefty some by a publisher, to write a book about how terrible trumpets well serving in the trunk administration of Like it s very simple solution, he can resign and then revealed publicly who he is, but he's not gonna do that by one by she, a bunch of people, did, as rightly seen, a bunch of people inside the Trump Administration publicly resign, and so they can't served under this president. While these that's on it Deeply dishonest is a person who is an anonymous non whistleblower right, not going through formal channels writing a book for money in which they skies. Ongoing events inside
Trump Administration to the wild years of the media. That's not good, for the presidency is not good for the country and, of course, it's going to underscore how suspicious trump is people inside his administration and it's going to incur France is set up exactly the sort of irregular channels. The bill Taylor was talking about rights. Why would you set up in a regular channel? The only reason to set up an irregular channel is cause. You don't trust the regular channel, one of the reasons you might not trust the regular channel is it feels like the regular channel. Is being used as a method. Of hurting you It feels like members of the intelligence Committee are going after you, I mean of the intelligence community are going after you. It feels as though members of this department on lower levels are attempting to skew your foreign policy. It appears that members of the crew what deep state are going up? It's hard to argue with from about why trumpet feel should feel differently when you have articles like this from Philip Brucker in the New York Times, call the author of an anonymous column in the New York Times in twenty eighteen, whose identify it is a senior Trump Administration official, acting as part of the region,
stint inside the government has written a tell our book to be. Wish next month the book tat a warning is being promoted as an unprecedented behind the scenes portrait of the trunk presidency that expands upon the Times column, which ricocheted around the world and Stoke the president's rage because of its devastating portray, from an office in just second I'm gonna give you more information on this anonymous book. That, again is underscoring the president's distressing government, which led him to set up a regular channels which leads them to make mistakes, which leads him two traps, which leads the Democrats to seem to believe that they have material to impeach and is all part of a big big picture We all see the big picture. You can't understand anybody's perspective right, left her centre or gets then just one second. First, let me explain that my sleep quality in Israel, it ain't what mislead quality is at home The reasons for that is because the sheets you're just not that great released the sheets where I am staying wish. I had brought with me my ball and branch cheats. Why? Because everything, bull and branch makes from betting to blanket his from pure one hundred percent organic cotton. They start out super soft they get. Even
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I can just gettin man's headdress. What's your president Trump, every day in the White House. You see a story from your administration linking something that nobody is supposed to know outside the administration, because this is the center of foreign policy making in the United States and there it is leaking and then what say that there are a series of objects that keep coming out from members of your administration, lower down members of your administration either quitting or anonymously ripping into you. Let's say that you feel like you're policy is being promoted and lets that you believe that the media hate you, because they do a much adds that that it feels like major companies. Big tech companies are biased against you, which in many cases they are. Wouldn't you start to get a bit of a persecution complex. Wouldn't you start to think: ok, well, whatever power I do have I'm going to use to investigate this sort of corruption, because forget me, the power of the operate this way, and there is this ridiculous double stand this way, and there is this ridiculous, double standard, wherefore, a Democrat and empower the entire court, and quote apparatus works for you, but if you are public, and half the apparatus is working against you half the time.
And that is it. That's a disaster area again. This anonymous book is really case in point of this, as I mentioned, times is reporting that there is an anonymous anti trumpets can be published, inside the administration, the author of column in the New York Times, which was titled, I'm part of the resistance inside the Trump administration which, by the way, is wildly unconstitutional minced, resistance to administration inside the administration. We know you can even quit. You know that nothing, you can do you can work through official legal channels. You know you're, really not supposed to do is: go leaking confidential information on the workings of administration to the media as something you're. So to do Trump, at the anonymous author after the columns publication, the President both whether the author existed and whether the author had committed treason- and here and announce what are the times turn over the gutless anonymous persons, the government at once, which the times of course did not the forthcoming buckle list the author as anonymous. Although the purse does not reveal their identity in the book. They will discuss three
in further anonymity. According to people involved in the project. The book is We publish November nineteen and the media are really excited about. All of this. The author is being rubber by met Lattimer and Keith Urban of javelin they're, the same literary agents who represented both fired FBI directorate Coming from a White House aid cliff sims for their memoirs, people involved in the project said twelve javelin have verified the books. Author is the same person who wrote the Times column, but they will not sure the authors identity with the Washington Post there no modern historical precedent for a first hand account of a sitting. President. In both form. By an anonymous author, many senior government officials have written boats under their own name, but this is something completely different. Author could have received a seven figure. Advanced Rhamnus books have Lattimer, but of warning was not written for financial reasons. The others, this has an act of conscience, which is why the author refuse any advance and is donating a substantial portion of any royalties to charities that protect those seeking truth around the world, where I wonder what that substantial portion
Is it giving any money? How exactly this supposed to be working men beyond that? There is something deeply disturbing about members of an administration writing anonymous books. Out the administration. Re gonna come out. Your bashing administration quit your job. Young kids take taxpayer dollar. While bashing administration you're supposed to be working for and all this is leading trump to read. And re. Obviously, just two days ago, the whilst Angeles Times reported that president from here, cabinet meeting in which he spent some seventy one minute ripping into the media ripping into people criticising him. He says the Democrats went crazy about the report that he was planned. And holding the next G seven summit at door of the floor the Gulf result that trombones that wasn't just Democrats we're going crazy. Last week, I pointed out that this certainly gives the appearance of corruption but without anything you don't think I get enough promotion, I get more promotion than every human being who ever lived. I don't need promotion, it would have been the greatest Gee seven ever you people, this phony emoluments was the present report.
Did his claim. You lost billions of dollars by becoming president, he says I'm making a big difference for the country, so other allies two billion five billion more or less it doesn't make any difference to me. I don't care if you're rich, it doesn't matter. I'm doing this for the country. Ok, we'll that may well be true, and the president also easily feels that he is under assault, mainly because he is in fact under assault, and so his Emily right now, he's busily investigating the entails. Since community's actions in twenty sixteen, his own attorney general Bill BAR, has been best. The origins of the trunk, Russia probe that ended up being a big nothing. During the vote, report right, the Trump Russia's stuff ended up, basically amounting to nothing. It was the obstruction stuff, those damaging to President Trump according to pollute William bar has been meeting with the. U S is closest foreign intelligence allies in recent months, making repeated overseas as part of an investigation he's we're into the origins of the Russia probe and whether any inappropriate spying occurred on the trunk campaign as part that investigation BAR and John Durham, the federal prosecutor he appointed to conduct it had been probing a conspiracy,
for which there is little evidence according to several people, with knowledge of the matter that a key player in the rush approach, professor named Joseph Method, was actually a western intelligence assets and to discredit the trunk campaign and that the CIA under John Brennan was somehow involved. Trump, meanwhile, has been caught. Him quote obsessed with Brennan who frequently get under the present and skin, by publicly questioning him. Though, Acuity Unfitness fitness for office from his report, The attack Britain, but look but Brennan, has repeatedly attack from public Lamb in Brennan. Has come out and claims that there was in formation waiting in the wings that suggested that trouble going to be impeach over the Russia stuff in that turned out not to be true. Brennan, of course, also a lead. Thirdly, lied in front of Congress with all This miasma of corruption and ugliness in partisanship floating around you can see Everybody has retreated to the Parson corners because nobody believes that any single standard is being held on any of the stuff if you're republican, even if you think from Behavior is questionable, you're, saying yourself with democratic, If this were democratically answer, you come too is absolutely not, and if you're a democrat looking public, injure like what Republicans
and each of these were Democrat, absolutely asked so we're going home page here I mean that that that's exactly where all this, if you're trump sitting here, you're going wasn't, I always thought american politics was corrupt, and so I asked like I think american politics is, which is to say corrupt ray. I acted in a way that I thought was beneficial, for the United States in a wedding. Politics works certain way, governance is a self fulfilling prophecy. If you believe governance is an honest business back and forth your more likely to govern that way. If you think that politics is basically a bit This greased palms and people slapping each other on the back and cigar smoke filled rooms. That is likely the whether you're going to operate, and the fact is that can politics these these may be more. Like the latter, then, like the former we'll get to president trumps response to this, and then he got himself in trouble cause. He used a word a word we'll get to that in just one second. First, let us talk about
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General scale, no long term commitment just go to stem start. Come click on the microphone at the top of the homepage, and typing Shapiro that stamps dot com enter Shapiro, ok in just one second, we are going to get to the root Some of the reasons why Trump would feel under attack because he is under attack in there good new evidence from Stephen crowded that election was we are being manipulated by big tech, biology since he makes our pretty damning, and we have an example of the media. Making a story non seriously as long as it is a democratic Serbia, front page story across the nation if or republican. To all that just one taken. First, you have to go for daily where'd. Our common subscribed nine. Ninety nine a month we'll get you the subscription. Ninety nine, but two year gets you these subscription. Along with this, the very greatest and all beverage vessels left steers hot or cold tumblr. It is indeed magical. We have all sorts of good stuff. Leaning over a daily wired to live a brand new daily wire, aptly you're absolutely going to love. It allows you to have Q and Ays with me, like. I will answer your questions in real time
Describe you. Oliver content, including articles, shows, and more straight from the EP, all of our some out our out all acts of subscribers get our new exclusive discussion features. That's what I'm talking about the queue and is the EP is available. When androids downloaded today become a subscriber come join the fund. We have constantly upgrading the content, we provide you. It's really really good go check. This out of Delaware, determine becomes subscriber, who really appreciate where the largest fastest growing conservative, podcast radio show in the nation nation peso just a complete reasons why President Trump feels unfairly under tat might from an that doesn't necessarily mean that is activity is justified, is just to get straight. Why Everybody is act in the way that they are. I mean, if we're going, to explain why trumpets act in the way that he is why Democrats in the way that they are, why republicans are acting with it, they are and why independence are just gonna going like guys. Can we just wait for more information, which I think, by the way, is almost always the proper response to nearly anything. You have to understand that if you're Trump you feel like this are wrong.
Of forces is aligned against you and you are right about their right. You have people inside your and my own administration, Redding Anonymous accounts for four when or whatever it is shut about exactly why you are so terrible without quitting. While still taking taxpayers money and being held, this rose for doing so you John Brennan running around running that trumpet investigation, while at the same time for early years claiming information that he did not have and being dishonest human being, and then you, you also have the media, which is all he's going to treat you unfairly went from says the media treats Republicans unfairly, of course, one hundred percent. That is true perfect example. So. There's this astonishing story about Representative Katy held them up. From California she's vice chair of the House Committee on oversight and reform. And she is an open, bisexual, which is of no relevance except at its very relevant to this particular story. Photographs in Texas, just obtained by red state show the repression
who was involved in a long from sexual relationship with a female campaigns. Down The woman, whose name is not being released, was hired by hill in late twenty seventeen and quickly became involved in a proper relationship but hill and her estranged, husband, Kenny has lip, has lived in the staffer. According to text, messages provided red state believe the Polly arrangement to be a long term committed relationship. The triptych multiple vacations together in to ask where the photograph was taken. Shoes being paid, presumably campaign or taxpayer dine at the time. Red state has obtained intimate vote Rather the women which they have chosen not to publish according to a sore close to the staff of the trouble agreed to continue their committed relationship when he'll moved Washington DC on January, twenty nineteen, but has weapons dapper quickly noticed it Prince in hills demeanor by late May Holbrooke offer relationships with both has left and the staff or cleaning she wanted to focus on this important work and it wasn't fair to be involved in the relationship, the staff or, as the text messages show us straw, trying to figure out how to move on with her life. Now, why does this matter will be?
she's on the oversight and ethics reform. Can ok like that that stuff actually like this in ethics complaint. But if you are, if you are having sex with staffer. That is, an ethics complaint, her response by the way is, is interesting. Write her response on Twitter was that she read that's a speaker policy and leader higher personally tonight in opera, improper relationship of their staff, or which is a pity. Astonishing denial, considering their actual pictures of the two of them going at it. I mean like one of the pictures: and state release is a picture of hills, stark naked sitting behind her own staffer combing. Her hair, like I do know about your work, relationships, but that is not something that I do with my staffers, because that would be sexual and we're in statement. He'll, say she's going through divorcement abusive husband, whose determined to try to humiliate me. She says I have notified Capital police are investigating the situation and potential legal violations of those who posted and distributed the photos so yeah, so
she's trying it from her ethics violation into her being the victim of an anti feminist attack, which is which is interesting, that right, better over a daily wire, is reporting that the woman is now suggesting that she was involved. The relationship and urban abusive way. There's a new report from red state which raises questions. About the possible abuse by hill towards of young female candidate staffer Cambric campaign staff with whom she was allegedly having a sexual relationships. The new report so raises questions about the staffers ability to give consent in the region. Ship in the Red States agenda prevent law exclusively reported on Friday. On all of this, the young female in staff are described, the relationship is being toxic, she wrote Pilumnus in June twenty nineteen saying I'm terrified of pushing back against Europe setting you have seen how we treat cunning, I think, of my class any issues. Even if I am very worried about how you are acting quickly, decide you don't want me in your life and then apparently
dapper set out and I was getting ready. I was think about how much Katy like to watch me. It's ok, she can take the For me, she can run politics like all my friends and isolate me, but she can have this so them Romania have been ignoring. All of this. There has been very little coverage of all of this, because, of course, this is a Democrat. If this were a publican. What this story ever stop being covered, like ever ever ever me answer of course is no the course, and that is not even the his story with regard to sort of institutional bias against Republicans today, see my friends even crowded comedian. He has a new report out, claiming that Youtube actually tried to suppress democratic Hawaii, represent tells you gabert videos following her feud with former Secretary of State Hillary, in other words, he's claiming that Youtube does the dirty. Work of the democratic establishment. Now I know for a fact that, for while there, if you search my name on Youtube, no reason from the daily wire Orban, Shapiro Channel, would pop up. None and the same thing is happening to crowd her as well. We will discuss this. Will now, prouder has revealed that if you use
Vps from Spain. The results that return until she gabert are wildly different from the results. Return, if you dont use now, Vps from Spain, crowded, tweeted, video, according to the Washington Examiner, trying to say Youtube searches for content related to gathered, whom Clinton called a russian asset. The first attempt to stand search on October eighteenth using an american device which yielded several videos related to Clinton's claim, Albert was being groomed by russian President Vladimir Putin, but none of the campaigns, videos, the second search- was- started using a baby which made the search appear as though it were, and conducted in Spain, the search results for Spain offered completely different results. Instead, showed Gaubert's own content, along with other videos, criteria has to get on October twentieth, using the same so method after the plane, controversy died down this time. The search results two countries aligned to include Gabert videos crowded just that Youtube is intentionally suppressing other content about Gabert during her spout with Clinton to influence the twenty twenty election gather, of course,
it has now standing lawsuit with Google. She claims the Google intentional blocked or campaign adds following a president, he'll debate where she was the most searched candidate. Google denied wrongdoing. They said that they had provided incomplete, they hadn't come provided complete data with regard to payment for the ads. That's why there was the hold up bottom line is the allegations themselves are deeply disturbing. If Beg TAT actually has somebody with a button Pushing the button in saying we are now going to silence content from particular candidate doesn't scare you much more by the way, then the Russians posting names get somebody and begged tat was sitting there at any of these big tech companies at Youtube sitting there, and during the campaign, debates like between Trump and Elizabeth Warrant or from Biden sitting there push you button and moaning trumps content Isn't that scary is all hell? I mean no wonder trump. Feeling under assault became president from himself and many a thing about this whole impeachment gate? Twenty nineteen situation he started off yesterday by saying we are
obligation to investigate corruption in Ukraine. Again, the two doing there. Are going to be from Bill Taylor, which that tromp was an interesting and corruption in Ukraine, whose investing who's interested in going after Joe Biden with american foreign aid directed at Ukraine, and from story. Is I'm interested in fighting corruption in Ukraine, and that corruption includes corruption, that directed against me and twenty sixteen and includes bereavement, whose all of these things so why Jack Wouldn't we investigate all that stuff we haven't, legation to investigate corruption, faith and what it was, in my opinion that that's what it was his corruption and if Ukraine would know something about the twenty sixteen election you have to give that information. I hope that they would give the information and everybody agrees with me- a hundred per cent but when I look at exports that, on your show and other experts, there also have an obligation to do that now case. It was from on John Handy shout the other night from also added that it would be great for him if the Democrats were to impeach him net May or may not be true of people. Think that
our specific are strong from each monopolies. There won't be true, but Trump then made statement, the government, all sorts of hot water with the left. He called this a little lynchings. They went on Twitter and he said so. Some If a Democrat becomes president and the Republicans when the house, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the press without due process or fairness or any legal rights Republicans must remember what we are witnessing here, a lynching, but we will win okay, so the work entering obviously has connotations that I think everybody jumps to these days. With regard to racist lynchings, America's passage for one of the most horrifying aspects of american history dwelling, that's what troubles are to her now. I do not think that trunk was referring to the racist lynching by the KKK black people intimate in Alabama nineteen twenty. I do not think that what is going on here, I think the trunk is to be typical, use of launching in politics to mean time a mob rule. Jury is herb, rounded up, and then people are unfairly. Hang them a bunch of people in America who are not black or non racial reason were lynched in the
AIDS for decades in the United States or lynching does not. We have the racial connotation, it does have racial connotations. It can be read that way, but is pretty obvious? That's not what trump means here. How do we know this? Well because Joe Biden said in ninety ninety eight, that the Clinton impeachment could be seen as quota court, a partisan, lynching and then draw buttons. We did today in It is not one thing: it is part of our constitution, our countries, a dark came from with lunching, even think about making this comparison is abhorrent is despicable, except that in Ninety eight again Joe Biden said that declined in peace it could be seen as a partisan lynching does by CNN said, even if the press, and should be impeach? History is going to question whether or not this was just a partisan, lunching Joe Biden. Ninety ninety, so the point here is that The Democrats were claiming this is obviously a racial thing. It's obviously dishonest racing Democrats. Do this by air greens had the trumps should be impeach. The representative democratic representatives from should be she's, foreseeing the word lynching AL greener.
Said. The president from should be impeach, because he said Bleep whole countries about particular like Al Green. Basically, he is, he he's just proving the old sort of logical truism that the last half of sentence does not have to have anything to do with the first half of the sentence right, you can give an. If then statement the then part of a statement can be true, even if the, if part is not true, meaning. If I say the sky is blue. If that's the conclusion my statement I can take, if the grasses yellow the sky is blue, what does not mean that only on the condition that, if the grass yellow Has this guy's always gonna be? We will well for our green, the conclusion of the senses if blank from should be impeached,
in this case its trump used. The word lynching. How dare the president compare letting to impeachment? How dare he do? This does not know the history of letting in this country. At some point we must say enough is enough at some point. We must move on to impeach, you are unfit, to hold this office now get so really like. Really let that ok so even raise your hand really, if you believe the Trump, when you throw lynching, he's like I'm just like a black person in this house being made by the cake like real greatly giving too. But from pushing. You really think that's what imposing, or is this just another cynical attempt to manipulate language? Everybody knows from some lynching he did not mean the linking of black people- that's very, very silly, but again everything becomes a controversy these days, because here's the Rio
The Democrats in twenty twenty are looking at their field and they are starting to panic. There's an entire article in the New York Times today, titled anxious democratic establishment asked. Is there anybody else quote when a half dozen democratic donors gathered at the would be hotel in Manhattan. Last week the dinner began with a discussion of which presidential candidates the contributors light, but ask Relations among influential Democrats often go these days. The meeting quickly evolved into a discussion of who is not in the race but could be Lord in what Hillary Clinton get in the contributors, one by one, Hilary wants it? Hilary is obviously trying to talk or way into this race, she's, obviously trying to talk yourself into this race. There's just no question right, because what she. What does she have to lose at this point? Wretches runs wife, she's was twice in one. One, the popular about her image what her image is in the world. The famous woman. What difference at this point? Would it make If you were to show you, why? Not? Why not jump? And you can see that you obviously wants to do so over the weekend, shoes at some sort of event.
Was in somebody from the crowd shouted. Maybe you should jump energy sort of smile and then ignored the question. She would love to jump and why? Because this is strong, narrowly weak, feel it stored, narrowly weak zeal and calories? the temperature. I mean she's commenting more more often, so she went after tools he gathered in the weirdest way. While I was on break here Reggie, she suggests that tells you Gabert was a russian agent, which is a pretty incredible allegation. Make about a woman serbian, United States military men last? I checked this isn't and costs are in no way out. In any case, Hilary called Tal, see a russian asset which was odd, I'm not making any predictions, but I think that got there I and somebody who is currently in the democratic primary, and are grooming her to be the third party candidate she's, a favourite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and baths other ways supporting our so far and
that's a silly. Just time will give it up which she might not tissues. Also, a russian Azure gashes russian asset. I mean totally, and so they know they can't win without a third party. Candidate, ok and then tall see immediately slapped back, because this is exactly what she's been waiting for. Is that faces great? Thank you. Hillary Clinton, you, the queen of warmongering, embodiment of corruption, blue will. It has raised directly like be like him log by the which, in the princess, breadth queen the warmongering embodiment of corruption. Two percent advocate One of the rapid is sick in the Democratic Party for so long and finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a concerted campaign. It is run their reputation. We wondered who is behind it and why now we know it was always you three or proxies and power full allies in the corporate media and war. Machine afraid of the threat posed is now clear that this prime is between you and me. Don't cowardly hide behind our backs. He's joined the race directly Hilary
obviously, is considering that, because the rest of this field is unbelievably weak, Elizabeth worn is weak, she's weak. Surely educational plan yesterday she used to be an advocate for terrorists. Or educational plan. Now includes a complete ban on any federal funding of charter schools plus a mandate. The charter schools, are supposed to follow a bevy of regulations, and then she said the charter schools are uncompetitive, which is nonsense. Charter schools, are they only places where parents can voluntarily enroll or distant rule their children in the public school system. What are you talking about? I mean it's. It's these candidates are weak, They are incredibly incredibly weakened if you're Hilary you gotta be thinking, maybe I oughta jumped back in time for a quick thing. I, like we'll get you a bevy of things that I hate a veritable cornucopia of things. I despise. Let's start with a quick thing. I like up over the were the holiday weekends. On Sunday it was a day, composure robber, which is certainly second
last day of the feel of the feast of the festival booze. So that was the it's it's kind of the day that it so today for prayer and Judaism. There's there's talk about young people is the daily, You cannot solve all of your sins and in the gates of Heaven, are closed and then there's more jewish MRS the hush on a robber sort of the final day, where God sort of figures out whether you have repented or not. You know how to trial period, we figure out where you are in any case on her shoulder I attended to the holiest site introduced in the Temple Mount it is allowed. You are allowed to visit the Temple Mount if your jewish theirs, a long standing myth that you're not allowed to visit the temerity arduous. Now the rules allegedly ass if I that you're not allowed to prey on the Temple Mount. If you are doing now, that's kind of controversial in Israel, because the fact is most was cambrai up, their Christians can pay up there, but there is an apartheid like law that just that Jews are not allowed to bring up there. The Supreme Court has basically already got it at a little bit, so went up to the Temple Mount with the security and with a group of other people and
first of all to compliment is enormous. Immunity is an enormous, enormous site and there is something to be said about the fact that the holiest ain't Judaism now has a mosque sittings on top of it, but the. But let's just say that the behaviour of the Islamic Walks is bizarre. These wanna clocks is the they are the guardians of the UN. Joam of the rock and the latter, must we sort of walk around the very outside of the Temple Mount Prusakova in Canada so does he was. He was there with me and asked walking around we stopped in what is worthy direct line of sight, to what would be the holy of holies. If the jewish temple still standing or third him were to be rebuilt some and to your looking up into so of the Kurdish could ocean. I into that area, and so we stopped him to get our phones we're doing a little, but right now, if you really leave that it is incredibly deeply offensive for somebody to pray. Not out well, Raymie pray silently off their phone We wish the holiest angel, then I would you
yes, you have something wrong with your while the Islamic walked immediately comes over and tries to shut down the police up top start to move us along at that point, here's the member of the Islamic locks decided to radio? Some people were near by and a bunch of people came over and started shouting Allah who up bar at the group, which was really delightful. One of the members vote. Rob was carrying again and run the group. I'm just a gas forehead, so none of this has to do with me on the Temple Mount, I went I prayed, we were pushed off the mount. Basically, I wasn't a violent situation or anything like that. The one of the people was carrying a robber which is one of the sort of rituals you do answered coat. He was nearly I stand by the by the police, the police. Then let him go because people in the groups had listened. Let him go work will believe it's fine and as we're moving bunch, people can over started chanting. All who are our because is deeply insulting for people to pray, silently on the holiest site and Judaism. It's another thing to shout: insulted people as their walking along the holiest lighten Judaism. So start shouting,
I'll lock bar at people in an attempt to obviously sort of I am saying to insult Khazars Shouting- God is great in Arabic, which is not quite an insult, but it's obviously attempt to provoke an members of the groups and the more enthusiastic members. The group started singing back songs, on the book of songs, which of course is deeply offensive, right, singing songs from the book of sums very, very offensive and adapt quaintly police wanting to confrontation, rightly so decide that they're going to push the entire group of the Temple Mount. The point here is twofold: one the siting credible if you're ever in jerusalem- and you have a chance to visit it, you certainly should it is the holiest site and Judaism allegedly the third holiest Satan Islam. I believe and imposing allegedly some non islamic scholar, some really not sure, but I think they say that third holiest site in islam- and you want to see where Jesus lock. This is obviously one of the places where Jesus walked into very, very wholly site. That's cool second thing is: it is absurd that Jews are not alone
Billy Brandt there. They should obviously be allowed to openly pray up. There are Muslims, not only our large openly pray up there, they have a dome of the rock and a mosque up there. In fact, I think there's strong case to be made. The Jews should be building it if they can build the temples. There's the dominant operate there. They should be able to send out. There's you can have regular eyes prayers if Muslims to build a school on one end which they have done. It seems to me that you should able to build a synagogue in a space that is roughly the size of three football field fields. It is normal, but it is definitely a pretty credible experience and the how big the western, while which everybody always has the holiest engineers, and that they are not the hell they're talking about their getting it wrong, the holiest Satan Judaism is this up. That is above the western world, western. Well, isn't even one of the original walls of the of the Temple, it is an outer retaining wall that was outside the walls of the Temple so deadly but of summation of what happened on the tumblers going a little bit of press coverage in that sort of what happened. So obviously, look and there provoke- I don't think people and our group were there to provoke, but there's something
wrong with it with any want. It's just that. I cannot prey on a Julio Jewish. Always that's absurd, and people should remember that when they talk about partitioning the holy Land because it turns out that places where the Palestinian Authority government governs Jews, are not allowed in, and they're not allowed to pray in any of these holy sites and by the way they also deface Christian, wholly sites well, so that that something to keep in mind when you talk about the so called peace process, ok time for a quick thing that I hate, so things that I hate today. So there is this story. I one tree caution, because I haven't read the entire trial transcripts. So I'm going to tell you what we know from media reports and then you there made. There may be more information I dont know. I am only going to give you my judgment operational on the basis of the information about to provide you again approaching it with caution. If this information is the crux of the information: if there are no other issues that we don't know about, Then this is one of the worst stories of government child abuse. I never heard of if there's
more information than there's more information and economic suppose it that way because and read, the trial transcripts and I think that an like that. I'd like to have all the information before I dont, because when you make a state strong, as this one of the worst cases of government child abuse, you ever seen, you want the information sums can put Edna conditional form here, the story according to demand a prestige more of daily wire and money a jury ruled against a Texas bothered him Jeffrey younger attempting to stop is seven year old son from a gender transition being facilitated by doktor, and Georgia was the ways, his mother and yunkers, Ex wife with consensus of eleven of the twelve jurors. The jury decided not to grant MR younger soul managing conservator ship over his too when boys according to lay site news they voted that occur. Joint. Managing conservator ships should be replaced by a saw managing conservator ship, but then MR younger should not be that person, apparently George According to my sight, news journalists has been rancid authority to move for with puberty blockers, which can cause chemical castration and potentially hormones? If the mother,
so chooses accordingly Orton from the text in this happening in where was it Plano since exactly and Austin Georgia his lawyer, Jes Jessica, Jana. Second, Laura, hey, said the mother does not plan on getting James hormone blockers at this time, but no one has said but she would not be of to use them. One James begins puberty. What should be around eleven and a half for the boy, the jury decision, MR younger will likely be forced to affirm his new sons, gender identity, a girl named Luna three hundred an interview with a Hosni Look majors, and he said that his basically his claim is that his ex wife is in doctor waiting his child into transgender ism is basically has claimed. He is saying that The kid is with him. The can has no prob I'm being held by boys. Name acts like a boy doesn't dressed up as a girl and its unity goes back. Mommy mommy's, pressuring him. In fact, the Father claims that the mother is. Actually
it has been since at the age of three withholding affection. Unless the boy dresses ass, a girl reminisce the claim of the father here somewhat, the father had to say my ex wife, claims that James is a transgender girl. And she has today. Actually socially transition to meaning that he wears address at her home he has a new made up name Luna appears in a court filings. He goes to school the teachers call him Luna. He uses the girls bathroom at school. All of us authority figures, his mother, his teacher librarians, school, the police officer at school. The principles at school say he's a girl, I'm the the authority figure in his life. That tells him the truth. That is actually a boy, ok and afford that crime. According to the father, the trial is now being removed from his home. According to court documents
They show the younger son only dresses ass, a girl when he is with his mother, who calls the boy by his Trans name and has even enrolled. James is Luna in school. According to younger James, consists, We uses where boys clothes violently refuses to our girls, closet my home and identifies the boy whenever he is around him. Turning to younger the boy has already been quarterboat fully socially transition. The father noted his opinion. He witnessed. His wife was only giving James love and affection when he was acting like a girl. She is so, James in his room and tell him monsters only eat boys younger added, he said, single day you have two years on sexually abused and you have to maintain your comics, the courts or not gonna be fair to you. The only way you survive this and get your son through this alive is to calmly loud you're. Gonna be torture right before your eyes now ass, the opposition, that's what it's like they're asking me to affirm a delusion. Ok, if what Father is saying is true. This is one of the worst case of child abuse. I've ever heard of is the The court and these state, mandating. Their father treat a cent
we're all child was not capable of deciding his own gender. That's absurd! That's absurd! Its scientific absurdity taped to succeed. That is seven year old, who doesn't know anything cake. Kids are dumb to know. I have a five year old, no anything you're, saying that a seven year old knows the difference between male and female. To the extent they're gonna be able to choose their own gender for life in the jubilee blockers should be applied based on the opinion, a psychologist can't even defined gender or the difference between men and women, it is an absurdity an abomination is evil, we are hearing right here is, is the state mandating but Father give up custody of his trial because he wishes to treat his boy as a boy and that the mother, because of her virtue in pushing a young child to be treated a young boy to be treated as a girl that that is what the state now proves that it is considered a quart of child abuse in some way for you to treat your boy as a boy and refused to treat him. A girl, even though a seven year old says, he's a girl and apparently going
there are several dozen is aided, romances, a girl that is it's hard to think of something more evil for the states participated than that sort of abuse. Now again, as I said at the beginning, maybe more information here that I just don't know, and I am fully getting the possibility open that that is the case. So let that be clear However, what we are hearing from James, younger, the Father, if what we are hearing from from the Father is the whole story. It's egregious. Horrifying and the people of Tibet. There should be a shame that this is happening frankly. Ok well, we'll be back later. Today with traditional hours or we'll catch you sure tomorrow, without latest up, it will be broadcasting overlooking
western wall in Jerusalem, as you will be that Temple Mount I was talking about. I'm bench appear of this- is the venture Beroe show if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast Spotify and wherever you listen to pod casts also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show that Michael Mole show and that, while show thanks for listening, the bench of Euro show is produced by Robert Sterling directed by Make Joiner executive producer, Jeremy boring senior producer, Jonathan hey are supervising producer is math is clever and our technical producer is often Stevens assistance. Erector Pavel White ASCII, edited by Adam Silence, audio is mixed by micro. Mina Heron make up is by just one overall reduction assistant Nicky him. A venture Piero show is a daily where production copyright daily, where twenty nineteen hey everybody is Andrew Claiborne hosted the Andrew,
shut up, you know some people at the press, because the American Republic is collapsing and days is approaching, the moon is turned to blood, but on the Andrew claiming Shell, that's where the fun just get started so come on over began, proclaiming showing laugh your way through the park.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-25.