« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 879 - The Barren Democratic Field

2019-10-17 | 🔗

The big Democratic debate exposes the field’s weaknesses, Trump struggles with the fallout from Rudy Giuliani’s incompetence, and Trump parrots Erdogan on Syria. Date: 10-17-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The big democratic debate exposes the fields weaknesses, president from struggles with the fall out from Rudy Giuliani incompetence and from our genuine on Syria, I'm Ben Shapiro? This is dementia Pierrot show, Shapiro show is sponsored by Express DP and protect your online privacy today, like right now at expressive, gps, dot, com, slash, burn, ok, we'll get a tonne to get to. Today we will get to the recap of the democratic twenty twenty debate and the fall out there from it appears that there is some roiling tension inside that democratic feel. People are not satisfied with the field they have. Honestly. If Hillary Clinton make her grand reentrants now would be about the time she should do it, because the fact is, a lot of people are dissatisfied with by a lot of people, are dissatisfied with war and and Hilary is an enormous name. If you were to jump in right now, I think there's priggish He wins denomination. Now wishing to do that, probably not, and that means the democratic field is pretty. Extraordinarily weeks, all get to that in just a little bit
We begin today with update on in breach rigour. Torn region are doing so according to the New York Times, president Impeachment blockade has no crumbled, as witnesses. Agree to talk to the White House had said to her that we are not providing witnesses to you and witnesses are showing up why? Because they really need the White House mission to show up as long as they're, not testifying to anything that is privileged material a week. Our present, in terms where patch up alone, sent a letter to the House Democrats saying we're not cooperating according to the New York Times, it has become clear president from attempts to stone. While the Democrat, let inquiry that has imperilled this presidency and its much of his inner circle are crumbling. One, but want a parade of Trump Administration, career diplomats and senior officials has offered a cascade of revelations. Lots in overseas but we have really seen a lot in the way of revelations. We seen a lot of perceptions by members. The Trump Administration horse or career offices at the State Department, and that that is what we have seen and
is not necessarily irrelevant, but it certainly not dispositive, there's not material where you have a bunch. But from the state department having inside information, it's mostly those people saying I was cut out of the process, and I'm really pissed about that, and I wish I hadn't been cut out of the process, and this shows that Trump is corrupt. It could just show them. He's in trouble interest. You didn't trust the State Department and runs a very, very closed ship with people that he does trust which, by the way is the central mean? That is what from has been doing since day, one too chagrin of many in the media and the sugar. Many. What sort of professional politicos impressed and trumpet around himself with family members with immediate friends and this It's not working well for him, see Michael calling in some ways, but in other ways it is at least kept the circle. Small musement, incredibly weak administration. There, a lot of people in the administration who have been serving from before this administration, who don't like Trump and that's, been perfectly obvious from the leaks. It's been perfectly obvious from the text, messages that we have seen from members of the Trump entail
genes community texting each other. I am speaking here specifically of Peter struck Annalisa page Trump. Another route, in other words, hasn't fairly decent reasons to be pretty suspicious of the people were in government before he was, and so him cutting stated. We're I've loop, isn't necessarily proof of corruption. It could just be proof that trumped doesn't trust any these people again. My going theory on virtually everything. Political is that you must to stupidity. More than you have for me to malice the only We need something to mammals when you can't tribute to stupidity and when it comes to president from dealings with Ukraine, that one looks a lot more to me. Well wrong. Will the evidence, as it looks more to me, like president from going around in Ukraine based on bad information fed to him by reducing Ani than it does like President Trump, specifically attempting to leverage Ukraine into quadrupled getting Joe Biden in any case, according to the New York Times, these accounts from various groups.
I will senior officials have corroborated an expanded upon key aspects of the whistle blower complaint that spawned the impeachment inquiry into whether the present debate his power to enlist Ukraine to help him in twenty twenty presidential election. The latest disclosures came on Wednesday when a former top age secretary of state, my company, offered inside account of what he said was a demoralized state department where career diplomats were signed in others, apparently were pressed to use their posts to advance domestic political objectives. In six hours of voluntary testimony. The former aid Michael Mckinley, told impeachment investigators that he quit his posed as Hereupon pale senior adviser amid mounting frustrations over the Trump administrations, treatment of diplomats and its failure to support them in the face of the impeachment inquiry. According to a copy of his opening remarks, now again people frustrated at the stated. I meant that sort of the by word of virtually every public administration is worse under this administration, but sometimes that is fully justified mean I know for sure, well the state department I'm over here in Israel. The state department was supremely unhappy with President trumps decision
move the embassy in Israel from TEL Aviv to the capital, the eternal capital, Israel, Jerusalem and tough enough. He was right right. State state was wrong and there have been a variety of circumstances where the state Department, by something from the ruled them sometimes is right and sometimes is wrong, but that is brought into these president of the United States and, if your, if your more How is lugs you don't like the President well suck it up. Buttercup The fact is you work for a permanent branch of government and you ve been working for a long time now again. This does not mean that from did not do anything. Grew up, maybe he's people are more or less because they think trumpets crop again, that's their prerogative. This out proof. He crept in any case Democrats on Thursday are set to hear from Gordon someone the: U S, ambassador to the European Union, a central figure in the president's pressure campaign. Ukraine is expected to testify that he learned that MR from did not invite, did not intend to invite president salons give Ukraine to a meeting in the oval office until Zalewski pledged to open.
An investigation that could benefit trumps political fortunes, bolstering a central allegation in the inquiry that the president's steered foreign policy for political gain. I remember this. More than a little bit. Originally, it was that he was holding military aid in order pressure. Ukraine now they're making the claim that here holding a meeting with the Lansky in order pressure, Ukraine to go, get Biden. It is unclear whether he wanted you quantified target corruption in Ukraine perceived that as including binding or whether he specifically men to get by to get bite in the last question is the one that only Giuliani basically can answer, which is why rubies can be dragged up before House Committee. Democratic lawmakers, according to the New York Times, have directed William Taylor, one of the top american diplomats in Ukraine to appear before there but he's next Tuesday. According to an official familiar with the investigation text, messages produced as part of the inquiry suggested Taylor was deep
uneasy about what he saw as an effort by Trump AIDS to use a three hundred. Ninety one million dollar package of security assistance as leverage over Ukraine for political favours, calling the notion crazy. Why? Of course, I want to call him if you reduce text messages he's parenting. Basically, everything Democrats are suggesting happen over in Ukraine, and the White House successfully block two out of the documents tied to the case, but the president and his wares had hoped to use the power of his office to muzzle current and former diplomats White House AIDS arguing in presidential tweets anyway The letter democratic lawmakers on October, eight that their subpoenas are valid and unenforceable patch of loan. Of course, as I mentioned row president from cannot permit his administration to participate in this partisan inquiry under these circumstances, but a bunch of officials have testified for apparently something like thirty six total hours so does.
Mean that they actually have the goods and no not at all, not at all. It does not mean that by any stretch of the imagination yet, but this is prompting Republicans to try and figure out their own counter strategy that council strategy involves. What is credibly dumb idea, apparently by Lindsey Grandmother to that in just one. Second. First, the Stockholm hatred Washington Trade wars with China, the FED cutting the interest rate. The perfect storm is brewing for, rally involved, that is for sure, uncertainty and cast breed a rush to gold and right now would be the time if this house of cards our economy is built on collapse. Today. Are you protecting our your savings protected? Because the fact is that inflation can run roughshod over your savings that uncertainty. He run roughshod over your stocks and what is your plan I ve been telling you about the precious metals via with Brcko group for years. At this point, they are part of my family plant Brcko, see if they should be part of your family's plenum, take talking take your money and stuff it in a mattress filled with gold or something
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worn policy that centre Republicans will not vote remove president from from office because of a phone call where he asked the ukrainian government to look into former vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, the reason the deceased. But stupid idea by Lindsey Gram is twofold: one, how many Republicans rushing to sign? It is not the Republicans then, from week to week, it looks like they're a bunch of Republicans where wavering unimpeded. When in reality there is waiting for more information, which is what all rational people should be doing at this point. But the fact is that we don't what happened with regard Ukraine, you don't know, I don't know only Trump and Julia know, but that means that if your public and senator lasting. You want to do. As I say, I am stall wortley against impeachment and then five seconds literally Juliana gets up there and he says he I was running around Ukraine, sure sure only the last thing you want to do as a republican senator is put yourself out there for all the evidence is out. You don't know where the
thing is going now. You can express publicly that the evidence on the table does not justify impeachment identity through governance on the table does not justify engagement. But to forecast in a letter that you are never going to support impeachment, no matter what the circumstance would be. A fool. Move and to sign do not sign. The letter would also be a foolish political move, because then it looks as though you're not supporting the president in the face of a party driven impeachment inquiry. So gram like what is the point of this, this is indeed a very foolish move centres, on Kennedy, Louisiana told the hell he signed the letter if it is described, but you weren't it could be a distraction and also a letter that doesn't mean. I think it's necessarily a good idea. We don't need distractions right now. Kennedy acknowledged there is a risk that if the letter doesn't get enough signatures that puts the European and US bodies is the fact that some senders may not sign letter doesn't indicate, do not support the president. They just want to hear more, and I don't think that's fared then, and I worry
Europeans will look at it and some lesson, like members of the press will look at it and say: okay. This is what the vote will be among the Republicans. That is exactly right. That is exactly right. So gram might my guess is probably that Graham is doing this at terms because the probably trunk hologram and said to him. I want a letter and Graham because he's trying to do his best to defend the president and has been sycophantic toward president from ITALY's. My guess is that Lindsey Grandma's like ok, I can do that and then he just one hadn't at it. But the fact is. It is a very, very bad idea. Another Giovanni centres that he's trying to help it's gonna backfire authority enough
ensures the president is gonna, look really weak, and that of course, is true now and other impeachment current developments, the house oversight. Many is now asking a federal appeals court to expedite the enforcement of a subpoena for president from financial records. So if you thought that this whole thing seems is like, like it's just a fishing expedition at this point, a deep sea fishing expedition, that's right. Originally we were told that this impeachment inquiry was going to be focused, leaves are focused, re honing in directly on the Ukraine stuff. And now we have the House Oversight Committee, who is building into president from stacks returns, which last I check. Those returns proceed his term in office, the ones the day are really looking for. So not or what exactly they think they're going to find there that the IRA's hasn't already seen. The emotion comes just days after the Us Court of appeals for the Deasey Circuit upheld the oversight, many subpoena
The financial from met a massaged in a sweeping victory for the House Democrats to subpoena was issued earlier this year prior to the launch of the impeachment inquiry. Three judge panel on the circuit court ruled Friday them is. Ours would have to turn over eight years worth of terms financial records to the House Committee from lawyer, set as the fishing expedition. We shall have to turn it over now. They have appealed to the full court on the Dc Circuit Court of appeals. This probably probably ends at the Supreme Court level, where we find out whether the house does in fact have plenary power over supporting any documents you could possibly want, including confidential proprietary business information with any evidence of underlying criminal activity meals, I say a lot of this- come down to Rudy, Giuliani and according to CNN, investigators are now looking into Rudy Giuliani, counter intelligence problem. Now this should make all of us. Little suspicious. It remains went a little bit. Why? Well, because the Trump Russia Investigation was launched in Recounter intelligence auspices,
there. It eventually turn into a criminal investigation of President trumpet and his team, but it was launched. A counter intelligence auspices, meaning that it was designed to look into the russian government was interfering with the US elections, and then it quickly turned into from obstruction stuff that had nothing to do with Russia per se. Well now you have a counter intelligence investigation that has been opened into regionally on it. This is going to lead president trumps believe more more, that the corner for deep state is out to get him and his team it is already Giuliani, as his personal lawyer, we'll get you more of that in just one second, first and unfunded fact, over half of bankruptcies in mortgage foreclosures are caused by medical issues. That's because they get sick or injured over the course of your career. Your employer, sickly may often only cover for you up two. Maybe three months and loss of income is really connected, obviously to medical problems, while health insurance helps with medical
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and tangles with alleged corrupt ukrainian figures to counter intelligence concerns raised by some of those business ties according to people briefed on matter. The counter intelligence part of the investigation indicates that FBI and criminal prosecutors in Manhattan are looking at a broader set of issues related to Giuliani as an inference. Personal attorney than has been previously reported. Kenneth Machiavellian New York attorney says that investigators first approached him earlier this year to ask about Giuliani ties. Love part in your from it to Giuliani, associates indicted last week on campaign finance related charges, these guys were apparent Some of the people who are feeding Giuliani information on corruption, Ukraine Machiavellian says the F B. I count your intention. Agents in February or March asked questions about some of that Giuliani ukrainian business dealings. The counter intelligence probe hinges in part on whether a foreign influence operation was trying to take advantage of Giuliani business ties in Ukraine and with with with wealthy foreigners, to make inroads with the White House.
According to one person briefed on the matter, because it has, I was just asked whether I or any of my clients knew of any dealings. These two guys had with Giuliani there on the radar with regard to possible counter intelligence issues. Some of the FBI, agents and prosecutors handling the case come from the same public ruptured you at the targeted, Michael Collins, up from the frying pan into the fire, with the personal lawyering for president from the investigators and these southern district of New York appear to have largely operated separately from what Trump appoint ease at the Justice Department headquarters in DC have pursued in months, the investigation dates back far longer than was previously been reported because Giuliani has launched and relationships in Ukraine, and Ukraine, of course, is the wild west. When it comes to everybody in American, It's getting, apparently a lot of money to be made if you sort of pad the right pockets and all the rest of this Justice Department official said last month that criminal, and prosecutors in Washington had examined from July call with the ukrainian President only four.
That narrow issue a potential campaign, finance violations and determined. This was not a campaign to finance violation, but the issue was far from close. Meanwhile, federal prosecutors in New York are aggressively pursuing broader issues related to Ukraine matters and, of course they are now prosecuting for it. Leon Associate so Giuliani, maybe entangled in all of this apparently report were former Texas Republican representative has been issued a subpoena by prosecutors, she wrote a letter to Secretary of state. My compelled to raise concerns about the then: U S ambassador to Ukraine, whose later removed by president from following complaints by Giuliani another, so The question here is whether Giuliani and sessions were being paid by. These ukrainian dies the same time there are pushing trumped remove Maria on who was the? U S ambassador to Ukraine. So now it's possible. The starts look less like TAT corruptly going after Joe Biden and more like really Giuliani corruptly, maybe corruptly feeding, Trump bad info. Asian or, at the very least, being bamboozled while being paid.
Same time to feed trump bad information that he was in using to impact policy in Ukraine. John Bolton saw a lot of this coming up here and lie. Just a few days ago, the New York Times reported to the John Bolton got into a tense exchange. Angela tenth Gordon someone, trumped donor, turned ambassador to the EU, whose work Giuliani to press Ukraine to investigate Democrats according to three people who heard the testimony buttons aid Fiona Hell testified that Bolton told her to note by the chief where for the National Security Council about a rogue effort by some when Giuliani, Admit Mulvaney. They acting White House chief of staff according to people familiar with a testimony only a train lawyer apparently told hill to tell why has learned what I'm not part of whatever drug deal Someone in Albania cooking up which always sounds great. It was not the first time that Bolton had expressed grave concerns to hear about the campaign being run by Giuliani Julia on his hands he's is gonna blow everybody up. How quoted Bolton hissing during an earlier conversation so again, is I've been saying literally, for which this point this whole thing is going to come down to
Rudy Giuliani, meanwhile, golden sunlight is set to testify, and people believe that someone was basically trumps lackey in Europe. According to a former Halfway house foreign policy adviser, it told house impeachment investigators this week she viewed Gordon someone as totally unprepared for his job thou, be Fiona Hill. These aid that we are talking about. With regard to John Bolton, she described someone a hotel, yea and from donor turn ambassador as metaphorically driving an unfamiliar place, no guard resin, no gps. According to people who are not authorised to publicly discuss that opposition that took place behind closed doors. Someone is set to testify this week and we'll find out exactly what he has to say. One of the things he is expected to talk about is the text exchange that he had with built Taylor. Another another official over in Ukraine aim in acting ambassador to Ukraine, who was asking someone like this looks like a quid pro quo in some entreaty back texted back him. This isn't a quid pro quo. He's expected it.
A Trump told me to say that there was a quid pro quo. There wasn't his own independent vanion. It wasn't a quid pro quo from told me: it's not equip bro well and I'm telling you it's not a quid pro quo, so none of this is really wonderful. Looking for president from John Bolton is likely to be subpoenaed again, it's gonna come down Giuliani right. John Bolton is increasingly likely to show up her testimony, but what's he going to say that is, that is new. What are you going to say that we don't already know from these press reports? The answer is probably not much. It's all going to come down to what Giuliani has to say- and the fact is that Trump appears to have been fed bad in nation by a variety of sources, including Giuliani, for example. Yesterday, in the middle of a press conference president from went off on these I'll Dnc servers in Ukraine. By still ask the FBI Where is the server? How come the FBI, forgot, the server for the DMZ, whereas the server? I want to see the server? Let's? What's on the server
so the server they say, is held a company whose primary ownership individual is from Ukraine I'd like to see the server. I think it's important for this country to see the server okay, so the reasoning wants to see the server supposedly is because there is. This theory is going through the crowds. Frank, which was the form that was brought in to analyze the hack on the DMZ servers actually was covering four vacuous ukrainian hath. Not a russian hack trump wants to believe that because obviously he doesn't like the idea that russian Interference in the election shaped his election in any way, but there is not good information that
Dnc servers are in Ukraine are really have anything to do with greater analyzed background strike. It is not unusual for service to be analyzed by a third party that has not, in fact the government. We talk about this on the show a while back so again, the I think most realistic possibility with regard to what we know of our is that President Trump was misinformed by people who should know better the president from himself and necessarily know better, and that is why, President Trump was acting in a way that he thought that there be information behind these various rock and there was no information behind the various rot, and so there is an appearance of corruption without actual corruption. Why well, because of basically being fed that information, incompetence and and failures of knowledge? Ok, meanwhile, the president's syrian policy is just a mess. Unfortunately, the president's syrian policy has continued to unveil in disastrous fashion, there's video being released. Yes,
Should I buy Russia today of russian troops that were over running a? U dot. S basement looks like fall of Saigon. It's really! It's really ridiculous. President Trump is trying to defend himself So there is, there is more bad mitya he'll being released from the least mature. That makes Trump look bad with regard to Syria and I have during its letter, so here's a president from have this conversation with received today about Colombia, thought the conversation Venus. The phone, which happened just about a week ago, Now that conversation, the phone basically had airlines Amy, and I wish you would pull out of this area. So we can attack the Kurds in Turkey because the Kurds are bunch carers and from saying, ok and then he pulls out and then the Turks attack and then from as well
I wish I hadn't done that and now we're going to try and do sanctions, and this policy was so bad that the house voted yesterday to rebuke President trump over his decision to withdraw those troops from northern Syria. The measure passed three hundred and fifty four two hundred and sixty two six thousand and sixty votes against. The resolution came from Republicans, but the majority of the republican caucus actually voted in favor of the motion. In the top three House Republicans, the resolution was sponsored by the house, Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, Elliot Angle and the panel's top republican representative by comical of Texas and opposes decision to end certain. U S: efforts to prevent turkish military operations against syrian kurdish forces in Northeast Syria as reporting yesterday. The fact is that The Kurds are now joining forces with Bashar Al Assad in order to avoid annihilation at the hands of the Turks. Meanwhile,
Isis fighters are being freed because there is no one there to watch them, because no one frankly cares about the ices fighters, except for the United States. It is a disaster area. Now. All of this all of this is this. Entire phone call was apparently priests. Age by a letter that president from sent to are due October nine that a week before this phone- and I have to review this letter, because because I, if you loved from this, is what makes you tromp. If you are lukewarm interim, then YE lotta cringing in his let's hear it dear. Mr President, this from from to airline, let's work out a good deal, exclamation point: you don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and I don't want to be responsible for Buddhist for destroying. The turkish economy- and I will have already given you a little sample with respect to pasture Brunson. I've worked hard to solve some of your problems. Dont, let the world down! You can make a great deal. General Muslim is willing to negotiate with you and he is willing to make concessions that they would never have made in the past. I am confidentially enclosing a copy,
His letter to me just received history will look upon you favourably. If you get the, if you get this done the right and main way, it will look upon you forever. As the devil is good, things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy, don't be a fool, I will call you later sincerely Donald Trump, that's a lie Yet what? Now? What now? Presumably from police. This late he's entrench Regan. So presumably he sent this. This letter dress rigging, he's got it made him look good made him a tough on air when he said that he issued all these empty blow obviating threads and then he immediately pulled out near to want just ran right over the guards in that is much work out. A good deal, don't be a tough guy. Don't be a fool, I will call you later way, but I got nothing also. Why
He forwarding letters from people that they don't want for it, like you literally taking a letter from the Kurds, and he is forcing it to the Turks without the permission of the Kurds. Presumably, that's not a good luck, while all of this resulted in a blow up at the White House yesterday, because the because the Democrats showed up at the White House- and they had this meeting They use Trump meltdown Trump accuse them of a meltdowns. We have doing melt down we're doing meltdown statements here. Democratic congressional leaders, accordingly, CNBC outcomes that they walked out of the White House Meeting Wednesday on Syria. After what how speaker Nancy Blowsy called a meltdown after top Democrats left a bipartisan meeting with Trump clothes, you told reporters the president appeared shaken up by a household condemning him. Decision to remove you S, forces from northern Syria. That's why couldn't continue in the meeting, because he was just not relating to the reality of the policy set outside the White House, sent a minority
or touch human described. The meeting is more of a nasty diatribe into dialogue. He said that Trunkful Pelosi, a third rate politician that policy later clarified the president used. Term third grade politician house. Madeira, has majority Christian Democrat of Maryland. Added he had never seen a president treats disrespectfully coequal branch of government bombing Brok. Obama used jeopardy routinely, but not not like calling people through great politicians or third rate politicians, or any of that Barack Obama just used to basically call his political opponents. Tea party terrorists in any case house, minority leader, Mccarthy Republican, who voted for the House measure to oppose pulling out of northern Syria, told reporters that policy storm doubted the meeting. He called her behaviour unbecoming and argued the police you tried to make the gathering unproductive, though it has declined to comment on trumps third rate politician coming
the vote earlier ones they added to the pressure on president from during meeting on one station were brought up. Former defence Secretary James Madison recent comment that the isis- what that ices will research in Syria from then called the former? U S Marine Corps General Board. The world's most already general saying he wasn't tough enough according to NBC, yeah. I'm pretty sure that James Madison doesn't have to proves bona fide ease and toughness. Category shimmer urged the Senate to take up the resolution as well. President Trump also that then we doubt about the Democrats, so he treated picture of nets. Closely standing there and lecturing him and he took out nervous Nancy's unhinged amount, then, and then he treated another picture of of trucks, humor and Nancy
LOC, N Stein, who are all looking shell shocked and he tweeted out. Do you think they like me mean just top notch pro Lori by the President of the United States? You also called Nancy Pelosi sick. After all of this, Nancy plus he needs help fast. There is either something wrong with her upstairs she play nothing like a red country. Headed total amount at the White House today. It was very sad watch, pray for her she's, a very sick person. I don't believe that president from is gonna preference. Closing just gonna put that out there. I dont actually think that President Trump is is going to get on his knees and pray to God for the Health of Nancy Policy tonight pray for her she's, a very sick person. Ok, so everything is going great guys. Everything is going spectacularly, president from had some comments about Turkey as well. He said yesterday in a press conference at the end. Asian of northern Syria by the Turks has nothing to do with us here. As president from commenting on all of this, our soldiers are not in harm's way as they should
and be as two countries fight over land. That has nothing to do with us. And the Kurds are much safer right now, but the Kurds Doha to fight and, as I said, the not angels, not angels, six, take a look. You have to go back and take a look, but they fought with us. Now we paid a lot of money for them to fight with us and that's ok. They did well when they fought with, I didn't do so well when they didn't find with us. Yes, that is the point that, if we let There are soldiers there they were being slaughtered men, then from companies have the p k K, which is a communist stick: kurdish terror group that has on Turkey's borders the nice it's now, they may be bad. They are not in fact worse than ices. That is, that is simply not true. Here is from what does that have to do? with the United States of America and their fighting. Of serious land. Are we supposed to fight a NATO member in order that Syria, who is not a friend, keeps daily- and I don't think so, but it does have a relationship with the Kurds. The thing that's,
and is that everybody hates ISIS now the peak, a gay which is a part of that as you know, is Sir probably worse at tat more of a terrorist threat in many ways, then ISIS Oh, it's a very semi, complicated that too complicated if you're smart, but it's a semi, complicated problem, of the parent that goes into semi complicated Nadia complicated if you smile but like like may, but these are. These are talking point. These are talking point from era one. It is that simple Linsey Grim makes that clear. These talking point about it being a k. We got nothing new here. The Kurds should be grateful to you that we are involved with them. The it's bad for our policy. Again, a majority of the republican caucus in the House has voted to condemn Trump over it. Lindsey gram put out a statement talking about present trumps Syria remarks I will not have allies in the future against radical Islam, ices will re emerge and IRAN's rise in Syria will become
never Israel! I fear this is complete and utter national security disaster in the making- and I hope President Trump will adjust is thinking of us, of course, prompted president terms than fire on Linsey Gram until Lindsey Grammar Stick to judges, it's just it's bad policy decision It's bad move by President Trump and now he's doubling down on it, which is aid in even worse of ok. Well of all of this would be bad news for Trump, except for the fact that the democratic field is complete mess. Can the democratic field can continue to be a complete mess, and President Trump has some systemic advantages which will discuss in just a second coming up to twenty two
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If you subscribe, you can do this the apple by an apple in androids, downloaded today become a subscriber and come join. The funding of all sorts of goodies awaiting you and the goodies are getting better and better month by month, go check it out. Ninety nine bucks, you are also gets you the greatest nor beverage vessels the hot or cold leftist. Humble leftist years, Tumblr check this out. Look at this beauty, its magical. We deactivated the cloaking device we're here for a while, so go check. All of that out and policing, Edward largest fastest growing conservative Pakistan. Radio show in the nation is already so president from does have some sense. Emma could vantages going into twenty twenty Thomas ads are always rights, interesting stuff over the New York Times he has a piece of culture is winning the online war, he says the technical superiority and sophistication of the president's did No campaign is a hidden advantage of incumbency under the management, Brad PAR scale. The trumpery,
machine has devoted millions more than any individual democrat to increasingly sophisticated micro targeting techniques. The accompanying chart compiled by the western media project describes the partisan gulf in political spending through September. Nineteen on Facebook and Google, by leading presidential candidates from sixteen million dollars, is more than the fifteen point. Five million bucks spent the top three democratic candidates, combined by the way, the tap the top spender in terms of online Media Tom's dire, who spent six point six million dollars. That is money that he just flushed directly down the toilet. These figures substantially understand how far Democrats are behind trumps. Operatives had been working since twenty sixteen to develop and test techniques to identify voters, determined message, effectiveness and develop tools of electronic communication. Daniel crisis, a professor at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill School Journalism and mass medication. He said the fact is the trumpets income and without a significant primary challenge. That means that he and his team and the Republican National Committee have had three years to build tools, collect data test models and messaging and mobilise supporters
The political director of the F Elsie I owe Michael POD Hoarser POD Hoarser is deeply worried. The Democrats have fallen behind. Apparently the Republican Party has developed some technology called mobile advertising ideas and in the EU, the mobile advertising. Ideas that allow political campaigns to basically tracked unique identifier. Voters, phones and then connect the information known about the vote or to messaging that they would like to see. All of this means that the trump does have some endemic qualities here that are going to that are going to help him going into twenty. Twenty. The thing is going to help him. The most is the fact that the democratic field is exceedingly. We now was with worn. Is the purported front runner in this race, Joe Biden, one at her hammer and tongs yesterday after the debate to the debate happens and by not somebody judge, not sir and club, which are not sir, and all the knocker? good reason Joe Biden went after her hard yesterday. Here is Joe Biden going after both Bernie
Andrews and Elizabeth WAR in saying that they are trying to keep people which, of course, is true. Picture was worn, but this is this is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. The idea that someone is going to be able to go out and spend what's going to cloud by three point: four trillion dollars a year, but birdie pretty don't play for half his plan. The last thing the Democrats should be doing is playing trumps game trying to calm the american people, who think this is easy there's nothing easier by UK. What that is a rational statement. The Joe Biden is making a normally think o their rational guy with the big, nay mighty. Why isn't he and better well, probably because Joe Biden still can't answer the questions about Ukraine and his Sancho Biden said yesterday that he never discussed Ukraine with his son. His son Hunter has said the opposite is at least once they did have a conversation about his involvement in Ukraine. Here was Joe Biden Talk
at this never discussed with my son and then having to do with what going on Ukraine that that's a fact, phenomena shaken and I did not coordinated It is my son didn't even know he was having these long discussions for Us time with ABC, but he pointed the reason why he regrets it is he didn't anticipate that thugs like Giuliani, would use it to in fact try to embarrass Father this they are the flat and the reason why I am setting up the idea that I've laid out has nothing to do with Hunter. Ok, well, the idea that he is laid out by the way it makes things awkward for him is that relatives of presidential candidates in and in people who are in part powers in office in public office that their relatives shouldn't benefit from foreign connections. Like this, the other that's kind of awkward cause you're Sunday in any case, Biden is weak. Buddha judge whenever bore
Djibouti Judge is experiencing a little bit of a media bullet again after the last debate performance, because Buddha Judge appeared to be more rational than Elizabeth WAR warrant. Again yesterday I talk about ownership. She kept throwing out also to radical plans, then having no way of defending them. Booty judge just dumped all over her yesterday, on the national media is pretty amazing. Not only is it important to have yes or no quick answers to yes or no questions at a time when people are so frustrated with Washington speak, but also their still been no explanation for a multi trillion dollar hole in this plan. I have a lot of respect for senator worn, but last night she was more specific and forthcoming about the number of selfish she's. Taken then about how this plan is going to be funded and that's a real problem, especially when there is a better way to deliver health care coverage to everybody, Buddha judges getting a lot of planets again
You are taking a second look at booty judge once you start seeing people doing. Why not? Second look at acts in other fields is weak. We remember and twenty twelve there is. There is this thing that happened inside the republican field, where everybody started the first look at Cannes It's like New Cambridge and retain tormentor alike, came round Romney and there was a haven't. A second look at new. Rich and rich Antwerp, and and by the time the tremors. Wherever is pretty obvious that Mitt Romney was not world's strongest candid. All Democrats are starting to have exactly the same sort of stomach turning Peppino abysmal, needing feelings right now, because the stomach ass it has to be given them some sort, also to look at this field. It's really that the budding impressionable is with warnings is that she dishonest- and that is a huge problem for her, because her core pitch is that she is more honest and President Trump she's gonna stand up for you she's a populist she's gonna stand up for the poor
but she's, not some Ivy League, Professor, who sort of parachuting in last minute, stealing Bernice agenda and pretending to care about the people while being worth ten million dollars know she is a true heart of the people, lady. This is a who really understand the problems of down home folks right? That is Elizabeth warrants pictures only one problem. It now turns out that she lies about everything about everything's. She lies mathematical for our planet. We centres is honest and she is back back and deleted her tweet about native American DNA, so is opposed made one year ago, Tuesday have reflects these. Fifty six thousand likes it or read my family, including whose watchers sat together and talked about what they think of Donald Trump attacks on our heritage, and yes, a famous geneticists analyzed my dna and who did that it contains native american ancestry yeah it turned out not so much. I love that attacks on our heritage, on our heritage. One year ago she still claiming
his native American after she had the results of what has been said. She was one one thousand twenty fourth native american maximum maximum. Hey! That's it! That's! That's, amazing, so she's going back, and you believed that now why? Because she's, damn liar, not only The alliance on that she also lies on it turns out like kind of everything it turns out that she's wildly dishonest. So here is an example. Yesterday choose on CNN and she started talking about How taxes were she refused to admit the taxes would go up. She said that Medicare for all would reduce costs for middle class families, which is actually not true, and then she told the story of a
guy, who she says, was refused insurance or was dumb from his insurance after he was diagnosed with them. Ass. Here is the story. She told me I'll. Tell you what the actual stories I had. A young man stand up at a town hall and explain that had been diagnosed with a mess and his insurance company refused to pay for one of his treatments. He'd started demonstrate light in his explanation of it was the Harry. Was he had insurance, he fights with his insurance company? No, no, no, no! No until he finally ends up in public system, but understand this. He described it as I have now a lesion in my brain, ok there. One problem with this timely Christopher points out that we actually have tape of the guy talking and his story is basically the opposite of the story that she was telling his numerous Dylan any said this quote. You say that you support me care for all which does have a transition through to get everyone covered on that. However,
someone who really relies on my health insurance a lot more than most people. I live with an invisible illness. Multiple sclerosis, I've been denied disability, simply because in their words they don't think I'm disabled enough. Because of this I basically have to constantly fight to keep my health insurance over the summer. I was kicked off, not my mistake, but I had to pay, for In about three months me trying to get my insurance back, I was delayed for my disease. Modified therapy, which now is didn't anew centimeter size? Lesion? That's gonna! Follow me for life because someone tried to save a few bucks. So my question is during the transition it says, over the first year of people with disabilities will be covered, we'll be easier than the current system. These standards and basically make it easier. So that is a lot more complicated as Tommy Christopher over media points out insurance companies, bad, that's, not exactly what happened. He says it wasn't because he's a he says he says, that insurance companies, frequently Argyle Dylan, didn't go into detail about the reason for the last two sounds like that could have been the case here. Maybe it was a paper works now the war dispute over payment. He says it wasn't me
his condition. That's illegal right, Obamacare makes it a legal vacuum because of your condition. She says that he was kicked condition now his insurance lapsed because he was unemployed That is the end by the way Medicare is as Democrats for. I am shocked. Articles four wrote something this rational. He says that matter There is just as devoted to saving money as insurance companies, and then claims at a higher rate than private insurers. It was the government to try to save a few bucks by denying Dylan's disability in the first place. This, of course, is exactly right, but Elizabeth, worn Phibbs a lot. The good news is has hazard. Offenders will defend her, no matter what one journalism, professor, actually tweeted out, that we need to stop asking her about her tax increases because journalists being intense levels of generally J, and journalists Ming Professor over it, and why uses the Make Elizabeth more insatiable raise taxes on middle class question should be a credible credibility killer for the journalists who keep asking it.
Why is not like a very, very obvious question that she refuses to answer? Did this field is is weak, it is weak and meanwhile, the most humorous development of the entire prolific day. Barack Obama has finally waited with an endorsement in Canada. In can Virgil by nearly all my got. Brok Oh brother job, I'm knocking on doors. You I told you not run everybody does Europe. Everyone knows about this. I told you over and over I'm going to endorse another black man just introduced under that she's just entry black face, are, in any case the heat he is now waded into the canadian election. By the way, no foreign interference in elections most Barack Obama is endorsing Benjamin Netanyahu, opponents in Israel or just in Trudeau in Canada, otherwise, no involvement. He also endorsed by the way in Angola, Cronan France here he goes around endorsing various political candidates in other countries, but you won't endorse
Joe Biden, Joe Biden, is the saddest men in politics. Today, it's it's well deserved expenses. I ve spent the last eight years basically massaging Barack Obama's shoulders and tell him carefully. Wizen Barack Obama's, like I've, got a big announcement today that a big endorsement in a big twenty twenty race just and rope there. It is just a single ouch. Ok, I'm for a quick thing. I like and then a quick thing that I hate things that that I like so yesterday, amazing experience and eye opening experience. My friend, when I travelled over to cover on Hebron in english- and this is the oldest biblical site present it is. It is the site where Abraham bought land for the grave of his wife. Sarah at Mara, Hamas pylon also known as the cave of the patriarchs, really should become the caves of the patriarchs Anna Matriarch, considering that buried at this sight, according
You are going to the jewish tradition and now going muslim and christian tradition is, while our Abraham Sarah Isaac and Rebecca and Jacob and Layer Rachel is buried on the rug she died on the road to two Hebron. In any case here is a picture I was here yesterday is a is Hebron is a massive palestinian city in terms of population and about two hundred fifteen thousand Palestinians, but a hundred sixty thousand of those Palestinians live under what is called area see rule which would be the areas that are governed by the Palestinian Authority which means that if you are a Jew and you walk in those areas will be killed. I mean they're giant red signs on the side of the road that eight, if you're in israeli citizens, do not walk into the city, really do not like literally, you will be killed, and I asked my security guys, your former israeli melody, and they say yeah metallic Israeli, our villages where, if you wander in their no big deal right that just in israeli our village, you walk into Palestinian, govern areas near a Jew. You will be pulled out of your car. You will be murdered, probably releases, very high, shot of that and there's been alive
violence is a lot of terrorism directed against Jews. In this particular area, Hebron has been the sight of repeated anti jewish programmes over the years nineteen. Twenty nine famously was the site of a massive anti jewish pogrom, the basically wiped out the jewish population of of Hebron. Neither about thousand Jews who lived there, they live they live under israeli protection. The specific area in which they live is about thirty thousand Pair Palestinians were living around them, their bunch of israeli bases on the hills to protect the Jews from being sniped upon. Because that's what was happening, the the Arabs were sitting up on top of hills and sniping at the Jews, and so the israeli government had to come in and set up these bases. Look the people in Hebron if they. Living in open city and not in this tiny little ghetto in the middle of run. You think they would you think they wouldn't, they. Wouldn't they wouldn't like to interact with their neighbours and, in fact, some of their neighbors tribal leaders who are now under the governance of the Palestinian Authority do interact with them and to events with them. But the fact is that the israeli government, there is also a myth making about Hebron
they they. These really government, for literally one block, stretched and walked down yesterday, had to shut down some arab shops, specifically because of six Eddie Concerned- is one block one block. Hebron is the richest city in the West Bank pay it is. It is the richest arab city in West Bank, in the richer, palestinian city does about five billion shackle in export, nearly all of it to the state of Israel who they supposedly hate and despised, and they have a massive shopping centre would like hey, I see they haven't the entire shopping area that was moved from one street in Hebron was moved like one block over okay, so the media cover this apartheid stated participate really there. Use would be willing to live just fine with the Arabs. It is the Jews being killed by the herbs. That is the problem. Right is the fact that every time there is no, really protection, they are Jews and of getting slaughtered there. That happens to be the problem. Also, it is worth noting that this this site, which is the second holiest site
the holiest site of the Temple Mount Holly a site is the cave of the patriarchs not automatically lock when the Muslims were in charge of it from one thousand two hundred and sixty seven to about one thousand, nine hundred and sixty seven He was freed it in the six day war when elaborated in the six day war for seven hundred years, Jews were not allowed to enter the holy site for seven hundred years. Even after that happen, even after the Jews took over Hebron, even after the Jews took over Mara Huemac Bela, they still allowed the Muslim. To basically retain almost full control of the larger part of modern and off. They lot is nearly four thousand year old site. The site is split. Sort of eighty twenty between the Arabs the Jews they use, have like a small little synagogues and the Arabs they indeed the imminent heroin the Muslims actually have control of the area. Bela that houses, Isaac and Rebecca, which makes apps we know sounds because in the Koran, Isaac and about are not important right in the Koran use. My all Ishmael is important. Isaac and Iraq are not important at all, but the Muslims get the bigger area, thereby it's the bigger area. The Jews are relegate
the small area. With the grades of Abraham and Sarah and Jacob LAMP, in any case, the it's it's an inquiry, will experience. You see what the people who are living there are undergoing for those. You don't understand the conflict in Georgia. Sorry to go there and to understand also the thriving nature of the economy. That is not in the immediate area. What usually see is left wing Ngos who walked down the street and why aren't there any Arabs, your wound, Ernie Arabs allowed in here and say well, because when they did when the arab shop for open right there and by the way there are absolutely right there ways have when, when the Arabs had shops there, the routine attacks on Jews, here's a question why? In the other parts of Hebron, the among the other two hundred fifteen thousand palestinians- I know Jews who live there like none. Why is that the entire? palestinian rule. The area is entirely union right, nazi, like you'd Enron, why? Why is that? Twenty percent of the population of Israel is arab and muslim, and why is it that zero
Of the population of the Palestinian Authority run areas is jewish. That is not because the Jews are not interested in living in place like he Braun it's, because the Jews will be murdered if they live there and that's why they giant red signs. That say, if you go here- and you are an israeli citizen, there's a highlighting we all die gave its it's pretty incredible. Stuff is incredibly wholly site. There's a lot of joy from the thousands of people come in every year around this time of year, there's ten days in which the Muslims get full control of the cave of the patriarchs, a ten days in which the Jews get full control of the cave and patriotic. Yesterday was one of those days that bit concert outsiders. The amazing every year around the biblical reading of high sorrow, which is the portion of the Bible in which Sarah dies and Abraham buys that specific plot, where this is again four thousand years ago, it is unbelievable that dead about fifty thousand Jews common actually like to stay in their cars does there's no space is literally no space like three. It's like a three,
where block area there's no space, it all they literally com and they will disconnect the battering their cars there, not violating the Sabbath and they sleep in their car. So they can stay in the area for four phase out. It's a pretty amazing experience and until you have actually walked it and been there and until an by two thousand In short, I will not take it the prosperous areas of Hebron, what they like to suggest that the June this one thousand small area of Jews that that is what's keeping
the airport. The area is not poor. Hebron again is a very wealthy city by palestinian nerve centres. They won't take you to the actual wealthy areas of of Hebron, because that would give the lie to the whole thing. In any case, it's it's necessary to see this to understand the nature of the conflict, to understand historic nature of the conflict and to understand that the historic centre of the jewish people, which predates Islam by approximately three thousand years is here right, is in Hebron and yet the Palestinians who basically run the U N World Heritage Organisation. The World Heritage Commission declared this historic site a palace. Union historic site, a palestinian historic, not a jewish historic site, and they tried to do the same thing to the Temple. Mount obviously be the Obama administration was helpful in. To a certain level of skill and or anti Semitism. Above already, and I will skip things certain level of skill and or anti Semitism are both already. You know I will skip things I hate today, because that is the thing I like anything. I had, I think, and we will be back here a little bit later-
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Transcript generated on 2020-03-25.