« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 878 - Fight Night III: Clown Car Chaos

2019-10-16 | 🔗

Warren finally comes under attack and Biden continues to bumble as Democratic panic sets in! Date: 10-16-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Elizabeth Warren finally comes under attack, and Joe Biden continues to mumble as democratic panic sets in I mention here. This is the Ben Shapiro Show, and so what did I this guy is the Ben Shapiro Show is sponsored by Express VPN, protect your online privacy today at Expressvpn dot com slash button. Well, I will tell you that watching the democratic debates from abroad, kind of wild, namely because you're not really in the middle of it. Obviously, you are very far away, but also because of the time delays that means that the democratic Debate End in Israel about six hundred am Israel time which made for a bit of a long night of fraud night I mean, if you think that democratic debates put you to sleep, try watching them at four hundred. Am I mean that will definitely make you want to hang yourself but here's the truth. If you're a Democrat and you watch that today, got to be a little bit suicidal after watching that today, because it just made the Democrats look bad right now, Joe Biden
means the sort of national front runner. According to the real clear politics polling Average Elizabeth Warren has pulled into the lead in the Iowa and New Hampshire, where she has a slight lead in Iowa over both burns there's an Joe Biden and in New Hampshire. She has a very slight lead over Joe Biden, but Elizabeth Warren was nothing to write home about last night. She really was not. She looked weak because guess what Elizabeth Warren is running, as this wild eyed progressive. But she doesn't believe any of this stuff, and so she refuses to actually say this stuff out loud. If you were a true believer like Bernie Sanders should just say this stuff out loud which, by the Hey is one reason why L had MAR and a o c and retreated to leave are all talking about endorsing, not Elizabeth Warren, but endorsing Bernie Sanders that also shores up there sort of street cred of it endorsed Elizabeth Warren, then they have to ride that hobby horse all the way to the election. If they endorse Bernie Sanders, who is going nowhere, then they get to look completely woke and completely committed without actually having to invest anytime or effort campaigning for somebody during primary season and or general election with that said, the debate last night really had a couple of
theme number one. Elizabeth Warren under attack is not a strong candidate. Elizabeth Warren is great when she is on her talking points, she's sort of like Mitt Romney. This way on the talking points, good pushed off the talking points, not so good, because once she was pushed off her talking points, she looked pretty weak last night, Joe Biden, meanwhile he's passed Prime he's obviously past his prime he sort of late stage, Muhammad Ali in in his Sync reran and he's losing the fighters, you shouldn't lose too, and you can see this during the debate during every exchange, he would sort of have one solid, come back and then he sort of collapse in on him it's like a dying star, because he didn't have a lot beyond that. He can't sustain for a very long period of time in these debates, so you have sort of a strong first move and then and sort of falls over here. So that was another theme of the night, the biggest theme of the night. Probably all of the moderates, who actually did a lot of damage against the progressive candidates last night, the Bernie Sanders is in the Elizabeth Warrens and the an in some of the other, more radical can dislike bitter or the
the sort of moderate wing of the Democratic Party they make. The progressives. Look bad but they're not picking up any support inside the Democratic Party, because the milk, with the most passionate part of the Democratic Party, is that woke base that social Justice Warrior base, and so that means they're not going anywhere, even if they're making some pretty good points. Now Joe Biden was supposed to be the marriage of these two things right, supposed to bring along the Woke progressive base because of his time with Barack Obama that great progressive hero and at the same time he was supposed to bring moderates from Ohio and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and Michigan who supposed to bring all of these blue collar workers who could have voted for Bernie but didn't vote for Hillary and then sort of voted for Trump, and he was supposed to be the great reach out candidate to those candidates, but he appears weak and this is leading to sort of vacuum at the top of the democratic field. And if you are a political, pundit you're starting to see this panic In fact, you can see it last night where commentators on MSNBC were basically lamenting that
with Warren was so weak. But first, let's talk about hiring at your company. Okay, the fact is that you may have great people working in a company or you may have not great people working in a company, and you constantly need to upgrade like Prince, Let's say that you had an employee who came in here every morning and the clips just won't ready, but you know what you love the guy, and so you keep him around, and so he can find somebody better visa or not talk about. You called them to someone completely, who is not cold and go check out. Zip recruiter dot com. The reason you check out super cruise then it incredibly incredibly easy to find great employees four out of five employers who posted on zip recruiter, a quality candidate within the very first day, and it's very final quality candidate. I mean you, don't want to be sitting around with second rate employees again not talking about cold in here, see why zip recruiter is effective, businesses of all sizes, try Ziprecruiter for free at this exclusive web address. Dot com. Slash daily wire, that is ziprecruiter dot com, slash dealers as
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to be some sort of demand here for a non Biden alternative to Warren and Sanders, because this is weak, t man there's just not a lot here. He says I think there's a sort of interesting theory of the case that revolves around people to judge and also, I think, extending Komissar, which is the idea that there is some vacuum demand for a kind of non bite alternative to Warren and Sanders, and I think that it's driven a lot of the thinking about the race. I think it's driving the way that people think about where they fit the question is, is their space, and this is the big question for the race right now right. Is there space
is for someone who isn't Joe Biden to be in there CNN's John King, who obviously is a member of the most trusted name in news right. He comes out and he says it's pretty obvious that Warren and Biden as the front runners are also pretty weak front runners. I without a doubt. I agree that the other candidates on that stage clearly thought it was in their best interest to go after Elizabeth Warren to go after her on Medicare for all to grab her economic used to go after her more. Well, then, the idea that they think, especially from the moderates too far left, will take the country in a way that you can't win here in Ohio and across the midwest. The vice president was almost an afterthought, Joe Biden in this debate, which is striking in that the early debates. People viewed him as the front runner, so bottom line is the Democrats in and members of the media, but I repeat myself that they're they're starting to look at this field and say this does not look nearly as strong as we thought it was going to look when this field we
shaping up now there was one area in which they were all unified, and this demonstrates why the impeachment for is being done right here and right now. The Democrats do not have the goods from peach that right now when I say they don't have the goods from human right now I mean Nancy Poulos. He will not even bring up the formal opening of an impeachment inquiry upper vote. She won't even bring it up right. Why won't Do that because there's no upside for her she's afraid Democrats might vote it down. She doesn't have the votes for it quite yet, so why not? sit around. Let the impeachment inquiry move forward and then, as evidence comes out, then you move forward with the impeachment inquiry. According to the hill plus, he said on Tuesday she will not stage a vote on the house floor to officially launch an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. She knows. No such vote would take place right. So the Democrats don't actually have the momentum. Yes, with regard to impeachment, but they're relying very heavily on impeachment? Why? Because, when it comes to their own ideas and ideas are garbage the only thing that we have in common, and the real rallying point is that they think Trump sucks and you can see that
tonight and everything the Democrats were saying it began with Elizabeth Warren, who said she called for Trump's impeachment. As soon as the model report came out, 'cause she wanted to prevent further impeachable offenses. Impeachment is the way that We establish that this man and will not be permitted to break the law over and over without consequences. This is about Donald Trump, but understand it's about the net. President and the next president and the next president and the future of this country. The impeachment must go through, Thank you, sir. So there you have Elizabeth Warren saying, oh well, you know we have to stop from from breaking the law. Now does Elizabeth Warren? Really about lawbreaking by presidents know Barack Obama. Is droning american citizens overseas, and she had nothing to say about that. Barack Obama was presiding over an IRS that was targeting his political opponents, nothing to say about that shouldn't care about the rule of law. Obviously, what Elizabeth Warren does care about is this,
define feature inside the Democratic Party, and so this part of the debate, the early part of the debate, turned into a game of one upsmanship, where the Democrats were like not only is Donald Trump, a bad man he's the worst man, the worst kind Man, and that's how you get Joe Biden, who's been subjected to Trump's attacks on his purported corruption inside your anus. We got two and a second Joe Biden. Saying that Trump is called the most corrupt president in modern history and in all of our history. This president, on I agree with Bernie Sanders Sanders, is the most corrupt in modern history and I think all of our history, and the fact is that this press United States is gone so far as to say, since this latest event that in fact he will not cooperate. Any way at all. Less any witnesses are not provided. Information will not do anything to cooperate with the impeachment. They have no choice, but to move is that your mind playing one upsmanship with Elizabeth Warren? They have no choice.
But to move, and then you had come out heroes who came out after that, and then she actually said that Trump is not only the most corrupt. He is also the most unpatriotic, so they just keep adding on Descriptors Kamala Harris is Who is the person who goes too far at the party here is, will always go too far at the party she's, just not drinking playing beer pong. She planned vodka upon right like that that it it does it doesn't matter what you are doing. Kamala Harris will go one step further. Now, the only on Let's take on the impeachment stuff happened from Tulsi Gabbard else finally made the debate, and she was interesting They should provide the level of interest the congresswoman from Hawaii, and she said that impeachment is appears to be partisan at this point, which of course is true. Here is tulsi Gabbert saying a true thing on stage which were not allowed to say if impeachment is driven by. These hyper partisan interests. It will only divide an already terribly divided country, unfortunately This is what we've already seen play out as calls from Peach really began shortly after Trump, one is
function and as unhappy as that may make us as Democrats. He won that election in twenty. Sixteen She is sort of the it is sort of the cold at the party. Nobody wants to hang out with Chelsea. It also is saying true things. Instead, everybody was high off their own fumes from their hot boxing themselves inside the hot boxing themselves inside the v, a u but getting high off the fumes, their own farts about president Trump being impeached okay. So the debate starts off with that level of unity, and then it quickly begins to degrade it quickly. It begins to devolve, but for Let's talk about how you get up in the morning and you do your shaving and you do your toiletries, but do you know the best products to use for that stuff? we normally head on over to the Rite aid or to CVS, and you pick up sort of whatever is on the shelf after shopping for half an hour. Instead, what you could be doing is receiving the best product in the mail on demand, and this is where dollar shave club comes in dollar shave club helps, make your life easier to take away the guesswork and they guarantee
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He actually is asked about the possibility of corruption. Here is Anderson Cooper, asking Joe Biden about Hunter Biden and corruption inside Ukraine. My question is it's, not okay. For a president's family to be involved in foreign businesses, why was it okay for your son. When you were Vice President Vice President Biden. Look, my son did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong. I care without the policy of the United States government in rooting out corruption in in Ukraine, and in fact we should be folks and what I wanted to make a point about how much my son statement speaks for itself. He spoke about it today, my son, This speaks for itself. What I think is important is we focus on. Why it's so important to remove this man from office? Ok Only one problem with what Joe Biden is saying right there, which is that Hunter Biden has already admitted his own poor judgment in getting involved in Ukraine.
Admitted that the only reason he was involved is because of his daddy's name. He said in retrospect. Look I think it was poor judgment on my part. I think it was poor judgment because I don't believe now when I look back on it. I know that Nothing wrong at all. I gave a hook to some very unethical. People acting illegal ways to try and do some harm to my father. That's where I made a mistake. He said I do it today, improper, no, not in any way, not in way whatsoever, but he was asked about other his last name. Being Biden was what led him to get the job at the Resma in Ukraine. He said I don't know. There are no, and then he was asked you know what about you ending, but in that and it did that help you right did did the if your last name, when Biden would have gotten a job is probably not in retrospect, is but the. I don't think there's a lot of things that have happened in my life. My last name wasn't Biden so Joe Biden, his stations are a little bit too much on this issue. But the popular line of the night is that Donald Trump is incredibly corrupt. An Joe Biden is pure as the driven snow, Cory. Booker
mister angry eyes. He packed his angry eyes for this debate, like Mister potato head, and he Mountain said: how dare the moderators even ask this question? How dare they even asked this question Cory? Booker, is Jack Nicholson in the shining in the do just over acts, I mean chewing the scenery almost literally chewing the scenery like there's one point in this debate or Cory. Booker actually went over to the to the step and repeat in the back of the stage tore off. Peace and began chewing and swallowing it was real, weird, so Cory. Booker is how dare you people ask? show Biden most honorable of all human beings about this sort of stuff. I remember when Cory Booker was calling. Joe Biden are racist. That was like two months ago anyway. Here's Cory Booker I'm having deja vu all over again. First of all, because I saw this play in twenty. Sixteen selection, we are literally using Donald Trump's lies and the second issue we cover on this stage is elevating alive and attacking the statesman that was so offensive. He should not have to defend ourselves and the only
I'm sitting at home that was enjoying that was Donald Trump, seeing that were distracting from his malfeasance and that's selling out of his office. Yes, corebook I'm sure that CNN is doing the dirty work of Donald Trump, I'm That is exactly what they're trying to do. They just went the first fifteen minutes of the debate. Donald Trump is a very bad bad orange man very bad in orange, and why he should be impeached, but they're really trying to do is down. Dirty work and even asking Joe Biden about the corruption allegation. That is not the only attack on Joe Biden. Of course, Biden was asked about his health. As well, because he is one million years old and so Erin Burnett asked Biden about this. It didn't go fantastically well for Joe Biden Vice President Biden, if you're elected you will turn eighty during your first term. Last month, former President Jimmy Carter said he could not have undertaken the duties of the presidency at eighty years old. Why are you so sure that you can
as I've watched it. I know what the job is. I've been engaged look. One of the reasons I am running is because of my age. In my experience with it comes wisdom, we need someone to take office this time around who, on day, one can stand on the world stage, command the respect of world leaders from put into our allies and know exactly what has to be done to get this country back on track. Ok, well, that is a riff on the Reagan line about not letting youth and inexperience be the an obstacle to the present when he was debating Walter Mondale, but is it really and for a job I don't know because Reagan actually looked like he was still awake in one thousand nine hundred and eighty four was Joe Biden, looks like he's been asleep for at least two one slash two years and here's the thing that died fighting really quickly in this debate, faded into the woodwork Biden was not the central issue. It was clear to everybody on this stage that Elizabeth Warren is now the front runner in this campaign
so the question was: how could she take incoming by Joe Biden in the last couple of debates has taken in coming and he was kind of Ok already had his moments that were bad, but overall he was kind of ok. If you've been brutal, he would have sunk down into the single digits in the polls. He did not and he's basically been stack in the polls and Elizabeth will I have seen this slow, steady increase in the polling data, but Warren has come under attack. At all, remember the first couple of debate. She was on the kitty stage with a bunch of candidates- nobody bill De Blasio Finally, she made it onto the big stage. In the last debate, an Bernie Anders decided to lay off of her well in this debate. Nobody laid off of Elizabeth Warren and she did not handle herself well because again, Elizabeth Warren is too smart, not to know that her plans suck and you keep saying that He has plans. Oh, I have plans. I have plans, oh so many plants, yes, but your plans are garbage and it was made clear after about thirty seconds on the debate stage that even Elizabeth Warren can't defend her. Unless you also says wild and crazy,
he's on a regular basis that are frankly immoral. It all started with a debate about taxes, so she was asked for the one millionth time whether she was going to raise middle class taxes. The answer, of course, is yes, you she's radically going to raise middle class taxes and all her talk about taxing wealth. First of all time, constitutional signal to moral, a taxing people's. What I already paid taxes on that stuff, lady right, you're, going to you're, going to tax me on the stuff that I've already paid taxes on So if I send my entire life building a nest egg for my children and then the government already going to try and steal that nest egg. When I die you're going to try and tax what like I, I earn a million bucks and then I pay half of it to the government, and then I take the rest and I buy a house with and then you want to assess the value of the house in tax me on the value of the house. Every year is a wealth tax coming to Can you take a bite at the same apple anyway? That's just one of Elizabeth. Wild and myriad proposals, so she is asked by
the debate moderators last night, whether should raise taxes on middle class, and she will not answer the question. Will you raise taxes on the middle class for pay to pay for it? Yes or no? So I have made clear what my principles are here and that is, cost will go up for the wealthy and for big corporations and for hard working middle class. Families costs will go down and that is called avoiding the question. What Elizabeth Warren just are there? That is just avoiding the question because again the Yes, your taxes will go up before middle class and Bernie. Make this clear they to Bernie Sanders and Bernie was like. Yes, I will reset doctors. Of course, I will raise your taxes, your overall cost. Will go down because you will no longer have to pay for pudding, but your taxes will go up this is honest about Elizabeth Warren- refuses to say those words 'cause. She knows that that will be the lead campaign- commercial for the Trump campaign. Ok and then she gets slapped over it, but first safety is really important to me.
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dot com, slash band again, it's raining at dot com, slash been additional terms, may apply so judge who got pretty Evan Feisty in the bay last night. It was one of the things that early on I thought was attractive about will be judged that he seems like a person who actually has a capacity to reason, yeah well, he went after her on the tax issue and it was not pretty for Mayor Buddha judge you. Say, Senator Warren has been quote evasive about how she's going to pay for Medicare for all. What's your response, we heard it tonight, yes or no question that didn't get a yes or no answer, but this is why people here in the Midwest are so frustrated with Washington in General- and Little Hill in particular, you're, sick, your senators, to have a plan for everything except this boom. That is correct. Her signature is to have a plan for everything, except for she doesn't know how to explain her own plans, because her plans, stink and booty judge goes on and he explains that her Things are going to alienate a huge number of Americans. I don't
Stan why you believe the only way to deliver affordable, coverage. Everybody is to obliterate private plants kicking one hundred and fifty million Americans off of their insurance in four short years, when we could achieve that same big, bold goal and once again we have a president competing to be president for the day after Trump any cloud which Argos harder than booty judge, at least he's being honest here and saying how he's going to pay for this and that taxes are going to go up and I'm sorry Elizabeth, but you have not said that, and I I think we owe it to the american people to tell them where we're going to send the invoice ouch and correct a Michelob. Pointing out that Elizabeth Warren is a liar and by the way It is a lie when politics positions lied to you because they want to make money off of you because they want to gain power off of you. This is why politicians lie to you and it's true right left, This is not a partisan thing: you'll see, and politicians, so they're going to bring jobs back
dying town they have no way of doing so. Yes, you'll see Elizabeth Warren lying lying about middle class. Access by simply refusing to answer the question, because the fact is that her plans are not good. They simply not good and she wants power anyway, Joe Biden, by the way, when after Elizabeth on this as well and again, he scored some points here on the single most important thing facing the american public? I think it's awfully important to be straightforward. With the plan is going to cost at least thirty trillion dollars over ten years. That is, for a yearly basis. Then the entire federal budget. Well, realistically speaking Joe Biden is wrong. It's going to cost three slash four of the federal budget, so he's not totally wrong. Thirty trillion, over ten years. The federal budget right now is about four trillion dollars a year. So it's a near doubling of the federal budget and Elizabeth Warren doesn't have any way to pay for that, and this is the constant from Elizabeth Warren.
She's, either saying stuff. That is so radical that it is impossible to fact check it, because she's, making moral claims or She is saying stuff that she herself cannot back up because of the data simply do not back it up, and here is one of her radical proposal. So Elizabeth Warren is asked out jobs and Bernie Sanders has already claimed that he wants a universal job guarantee, and then you see my boy Andrew Yang, the only person with half a brain on stage, saying Americans don't want work for the federal government. Now, that's true, then Elizabeth warn comes in like the Kool aid man. Just boom right through the wall and very I'll Mannered Massachusetts, Kool aid man she is, so I mean I guess that work in any case, Elizabeth Warren explains that what she actually wants to do, is force every corporation in America to have forty percent of its board elected by the employees of the corporation. That's that's ridiculous. It's ridiculous I think that I'm going to let the employees over the daily wire vote on their own wages. You think that's a thing, forget about that is.
One thing where they get a vote, because if they did get a vote and they would probably bankrupt the company because you have a collective action, in the companies where you do have employees voting on their own wages effectively. Speaking at the major car manufacturers, for example, and basically bankrupted the car industry through the unionization government, cram down over the course of decades. It turns out the you know. Who knows how to run the corporations? The people who are interested in the profits of the duration and the business, the business work ability of a corporation, not the people who are seeking to suck money out of the corporation and short sighted fashion, and now they're private sector unions that are willing to work with employers in in sort. Cooperative, slash adversarial fashion with a tug and the port, but Elizabeth Warren affectively Unionizing every business in America is going to be a Jaya. By the way, if you really believe that employee all want to be unionized you're, going to have to explain the seven percent private sector unionization rate in this country and turns out that most employees in this country. We want to be able to independently negotiate their salaries with the bosses. In any case, here's the
this morning? But the principle reason has been bad. Trade policy The principal reason has been a bunch of corporations. Giant multinational corporations have been in the shots on trade giant multinational corporations that I have no loyalty to America. They have no loyalty to american workers, They have no loyalty to american consumers. They have no loyalty to american communities. They are loyal only to their own bottom line. I have a plan to fix that and it's a audible capitalism. It says you want to have one of the giant corporations in America, then by Golly. Forty percent of your board of directors should be elected by employees. That is an insane violation of freedom of Contra it is an insane violation of freedom of Association who the hell is Elizabeth Warren. Decide how I run my business. She has never made a dollar, not a dollar. For me, she has not run my business
not in any way not any way, shape or form. This is something similar later, so Warren actually comes forward, and she said she does have a beef with cleaners, and then she explains in very much Barack Obama fashion. Is Barack Obama actually ripped the speech off from her years? she basically says you didn't build your business yourself. So I really shocked at the notion that anyone thinks I'm punitive look. I don't have a beef with billionaires, my prob, That means you made a fortune in America. You had a great idea. You got out there and work for it good for you, but you built that fortune in America. I guarantee you filtered in part using workers? All of us help pay to educate you built it in part, in your goods to market on roads and bridges, all of us help pay for you, built it, at least in part, protected by police and firefighters. All of us help pay the salary. Now this is the same exact argument that that Barack Obama made in twenty twelve,
you didn't build that, except guess what all of those things are being paid for by the people who create businesses? Who does she think, pays taxes in this country who pays the income tax in this country by the way the people who are. Call Rita at these corporations. They get paid they're, not wage slaves, they're getting paid. And they're paying taxes in their neighborhoods and if the corporations disappear, who do you think is going to pay all that local property tax that supports the school? Who do you think is going to pay the police and the fire fighting? If you shock people think she's punitive? She is punitive she's deeply punitive by the way she's, not just punitive she's, immoral. There's there's one point during this debate, where, with Warren actually suggested in the middle of the debate, that the rich are not like you and me. Elizabeth Warren is worth ten million dollars she worth money. She literally says the rich are not like you and me so understand. Tax
seeing income is not going to get you where you need to be the way taxing wealth does that the rich are not like you when I think the really really billionaires are making their money off their accumulated wealth, and it just keeps growing. We need a wealth tax. In order to make investments in the next generation. The rich are not like you and me richer, exactly like you and me, because you know what There was a point in my life where I would certainly not rich, and there will be a point. If, I'm sure again and which my income is not a rich person's income. People go, up and down on the income spectrum. The rich are not just like you and me. The rich argue with me, because you will change your wealth level over course of time and taxing wealth is a way of punishing people who have already paid their tax is Andrew Young, immediately fires back on Elizabeth Warren, he's exactly right, Little Warren is one hundred percent right that we're, in the midst of the most extreme winner, take all economy in history and a well
makes a lot of sense in principle. The problem is that it's been tried in Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden and all those countries ended up repealing it because it had massive implementation problems and did not generate the revenue that they'd projected and exactly right about that, even Beto O'Rourke gets into the act. Attacking Elizabeth Warren mean when you, when beta who's an insane person. I mean almost literally insane person I mean he suggested last week that we basically take away tax exemptions from every just institution in America, which not only would take tax exemptions. I talked about on Friday if you listen to the podcast and not just the clips, but also would set the stage for the all of their business licenses and the non Accreditation so I mean they don't work, is a radical in a wild eyed radical adapt, but even beta is looking at Elizabeth Warren gone Lady, what is wrong with you and Senator Warren said. Show me your budget show me your tax
an annual show me your values. She is yet to describe her tax plan and whether or not that person I met would see a tax increase under my administration. If you make less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year, as a family. You will not see a tax in step families. So Warren is combination of liar and radical she's, a common. Of wire and radical, and that is what we are see. That's what we saw on the stage last night. There's a very bad look for Warren, Now she wasn't the only one who is radical on the stage of the fact that Joe Biden by the way is seen as a moderate is hilarious, because Joe Biden is not moderate Joe Biden is not a moderate. It's just that when you compare Trotsky Lenin, suddenly looks like a moderate, but Joe Biden said last night that he would raise the capital gains tax from what is it fifteen percent? Now I left you forty percent anything. But that is not going to have any impact on wealth learning in the United States or the stock market. You know these taxing when he tax capital gains. His taxing
all of the grandmothers who have their money in pension funds that are with mutual funds. In Omaha I mean that's exactly what's happening and he's going after which people in the stock market anymore. It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous! So the Democrats are out there just pushing these radical medical policies and then they get even more radical and in just a second, we will talk about the democratic policies with regard to abortion or again, Tulsi Gabbert is the only voice of reason we'll get to that in just one. Second, first and my dad suffers from sleep apnea one billion individuals around the world, and you may not even know you have sleep apnea, but then you go and you get a check out. You realize you need to see pat machine well C. Pap machines keep you alive, but they're really difficult and annoying to clean their pain in the and this why you need a safe and effective automated sanitizing solution it's called so clean? It's the world's first, automated c pap, cleaner and sanitizer. So clean kills up to ninety nine point: nine percent, Ball C pap, germs and bacteria that can build up in your mask Hozan Reservoir. It's easy to use, just put the mask in and close the lid you walk away. It works with all the
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on the table, including third trimester abortions? Tulsi Gabbard said that during the third trimester, abortion should not be an option unless the life force of your health consequences of women are risk good for tulsi Gabbard for saying and say but the other Democrats were certainly not having any of that again using candidate on the stage. Right now is definitely Kamala Harris because she's trying so hard like points for effort, Afer effort for Kamala Harris because she's not going Where should that one first grade debate- and it was her moment or lead to start him, and then the ground just collapsed, underneath the weight of her an boom was just on the ground and ever since then she has been pledging to turn herself into Allen. In order to earn your love, she would do anything for love include liquidating the in any case, kulaks This is a bad. Abortion is wild. She says this. My plan is followed. It follows for any state that passes along that violate.
The constitution and, in particular, ROE V Wade. Our Department of Justice will review that long to determine if it is compliant with Rove wait in the constitution and if it is not that law will not go into effect. That's called Pre Claire You may have seen it. I I question Brett Kavanaugh, when I was the Senate Judiciary Committee and at with him as a nominee to serve on the United States Supreme Court. Could he think of any law? that tells a man what to do with his body, and the answer was a no couple of things about this particular clip are crazy. One pre clearance is unconstitutional in pre clearance is uh institutional on this matter as many other matters, the FED, government does not get to act legislature of the executive branch. They do not get to act as a check on state legislatures. That is the job the federal judiciary. If you believe in the incorporation doctrine, the federal government generally does not get to act without the authority to do this on executive basis.
And that's a wild usurpation of power in the destruction of federalism and then her comments that that there's not a angle, law that tells man what to do with his body. Try virtually free law that applies to human beings right. I'm not allowed to use my body to smack my employees, I'm not to use my body to sell drugs there are lots of. Things are not allowed to do with your body. The only thing that is difference between men and women when it comes to this is that men don't have another human being inside their body unless there Jeffrey Dahmer. Something that you're supposed to have inside? If you're a woman you haven't human being in there. My wife is pregnant. There's a human in there, a human ok, and if she decides to harm that human she's, not just doing something with her body she's doing something with that humans body is all of us know, but come on here is a while to make Cory Booker all He's trying really hard to get an a for effort for Cory. Booker he's been going nowhere fast, demanding some good press, while he's doing that, but Mister potato head, he packed his Hangry
he's and he decided to show I'm never let that joke, because I just love it so Cory, Booker he says that not only is he going to do something about abortion he's going to set up, get ready for guys a cabinet level position at the White House to talk about stuff boom. Take that pro life advocates. So the way, as President says, I'm going to deal with this is first of all, elevating it like we have with other national crises, to a White House level position, and I will create the office list of reproductive freedom and reproductive rights in the in the White House and make sure that we begin to fight back on a systematic attempt it's going on for decades to undermine ROE V Wade, because you need an agency for the oh like, like you, haven't been using health and human services for that Corey Booker man, that guy tries that guy tries, I my favorite
statement. This was people to judges statement about abortion. Why? Because Democrats just lie freely and openly about what they want: the Supreme Court to be and people just sort of let the cat out of They keep saying things like we want justices who represent the use of the american people and defend the constitution, we don't just want justices who defend all of our favorite political positions, then people judges like well maybe I'm just going appoint justices, who agreed to ITALY with everything I agree with politically: what's your response device That's right. When I proposed reforming the Supreme Court, some folks said that was too bold to even contemplate. Now, I'm not talking about packing the court just with people who agree with Maine Although I certainly will appoint people who share my values, for example, the idea that women's reproductive freedom is an american right, ok, so one Claws in that sentence doesn't match with the other clause in that sentence when he says I'm
not just going to appoint people who agree with me, I'm going to appoint people who share my values that some dude that's people who agree with you. I'm not sure if you know, degree means, but that would be like people who agree with you, salad stuff. There from the Democrat, The most ironic portion of this debate was the serial portion of this debate. Where Democrats, who cheered wildly, is Barack Obama, pulled american troops out of Iraq, leading to the rise of ISIS, very, very angry at Donald Trump for pulling american troops out of search. Areas of Syria leading to the rise of ISIS. Now Trump's policies, wrong. Trump's policy is bad and, as we've seen over the past, Few days, president from basically announces this thing and within twenty four hours, the curves are getting the crap bombed out of them, and now the curves are trying to make common cause with Bashar Assad simply said get annihilated by the Kurds. So this has been going just fantastic by the Turks, this I'm just phenomenally well but Democrats saying anything about it. Just going point out, you guys didn't know, the same was Barack Obama losing a vic
that it already been one in Iraq after the surge here was Joe Biden, pretending that he has any any leverage about foreign policy. Joe Biden has been wrong about every major foreign policy issue for thirty years. Every one of the great disappointments of my adult life, politically speaking, was watching Paul Ryan Debate, Joe Biden and Joe Biden just lying and making things about foreign policy like he talked about tossing the Iranians out of Lebanon, which has never happened like he. He just makes things up so here's Joe Biden war, bling and rambling all over the stage. I would not withdrawing the troops and it would not have drawn the additional one. Thousand troops are in Iraq, which are in retreat now being fired on by a chef Biasa these people and the President find stage saying if those those ISIS folks escape from the prison. Then they'll only go to Europe won't affect. It has been the most shameful thing, but I have any president has done in modern history
in terms of foreign policy. Oh really Joe Biden just got just going like it's bad. I agree it's bad, but your boss pulled out of Iraq, and isis, the Jv Squad and within two years ISIS had taken over a vast swath of this larger than the size of great Britain, so yeah yeah. You were there for that dude and you stink at foreign policy terrable at foreign policy. There is a lot. I mean the more of this debate. You saw the more you saw. The Democrats just cannot be trusted with our just cannot be superpower and stumble over themselves when asked about the implications with their own policies. My favorite moment in terms of somebody who, caught out on his own policy and then had to backtrack his own policy, but then sort of admitted his own policy does what his critics say. It will do was Beto so again, Beto, it's so funny 'cause when beta is sort of like booty, judge,
Initial appeal was that they were not crazy and then, in order to appeal to Bernie, Sanders is based. Bernie Sanders is based. It's like the ring of power, everybody thinks they can grasp it, and my grasping that ring of power they can finally bring it right Business Condor, but instead, all that ends up happening is that they get work like dinosaurs are start setting themselves on fire. It's crazy. They go for that Bernie there is power base and they can take. From Bernie because Bernie is Gollum Bernie's, never letting that power base go away. That ring is on Bernie, he's old he's decrepit he maybe he had a heart and he is still wandering around being Golomb grab. Get the ring and he's never gonna. Let that Ringo he's going to go down into the volcano with that ring. Doesn't matter all the other Democrats keep trying to grasp the ring and for a moment in time they will have the ring. And then the ring will will utterly destroy them. So beta or work is one of people. He started off as it look at me. I'm a moderate. I can unify people an. I talk, Happy Tom and it's great and I have very weird arm. Move my arms up and down. I don't know why. And doing a sort of weird southern accent,
except the beta is sort of a weird used car sale men, who seems like you should speak like in any case they bra beta beta have been saying for now months that once you remove every are in America every single, I'm late right, every every single rifle that works in That is not a bolt action. World war, one air rifle he wants remote anyone make it illegal to sell, remove them the existing ones. Right there, a gun buyback able to sing so we're going to go door to door in take people's guns away and is in no brown, not gonna do that people are just going to a bar. I'd like to do is going to buy by the law. Is a beta was asked about that last night and then he had to walk back his own statements. Forty different ways: we don't go door to door to do anything in the sky three to enforce the law. I expect Republicans. Democrats, gun owners, non gun owners alike, restaurant to really follow up all of the law. If someone does
not turn in an air fifteen or a K. Forty seven one of these weapons of war or or brings out in public and in brand. This is it in an attempt to intimidate, as we saw when we were at Kent State recently, then that weapon will be taken from them. If they persist, there will be other consequences from law enforcement, so beta should just note those other consequences from law enforcement involved, police officers coming to your house and arresting you and going door to door Thank you literally says there is someone does not turn in an air fifteen or an a K. Forty seven dot dot dot they will be. There will be. Other consequences from law enforcement sounds not like people going door to door and taking your guns away: Beto 'cause Helsing, to know whether you turned in the gun again. The Democrats do not want to live with the consequences of their own policy and the funniest part of the debate last night was when other Democrats were pointing this out. So PETE Budaj pointed this out to Beto
and people to judge? Who is the kid in school? Who always brings the polished apple to the teachers, teachers that? But people to judge is correct here and he attacks the was doing this. All I'm I'm brave dudes Take your guns, I'm so brave! I mean I'm not going to do it, but I'm going to make other people do it, and maybe I won't make other people do it, but maybe I'll talk about it. A lot and people changes like come on come on promising the polls. The problem is the policy and I don't need lessons from you on courage, political or personal everyone on this stage is determined to get something done? Everyone on this stage recognizes released. I thought we did that the problem is not other Democrats who don't free with your particular idea of how to handle this op booty edge, getting feisty there getting very, very feisty zero. That was a delicious moment, Also again, I have to go back to Comma Harrison again points for effort for Kamala Harris she's trying so hard. She desperately wants your love and she desperately wants our attention. Ok, so person
right now in my life, my son is incredibly fussy right. We went all the way across the world and he's been lacking sleep. This means that he is yelling a lot and he was fussing a lot, and that means that he's getting a lot of attention because it's difficult to deal with. Training three year old refused to sit in his car seat when you're about to go on now. One drive well. This has prompted my five year old daughter to also begin fussing and screaming an she will literally and yell at me, and then she will say I'm yelling, because I want your attention because she's smart enough to understand exactly what it is that she is doing Kamala Harris my five year old right. All the other Democrats. All the other Democrats on stage are getting some sort of attention. Elizabeth Warren is got attention and calmly Harris is standing in the corner screaming that she is not getting attention score and she's not getting attention. My favorite attack from what was after Warren read, all the attention for some reason, because the media love a boring, really really condescending Harvard LAW, professor who has plans that don't stack
in any real way ship. They love that that is their favorite, makes them feel smart and come getting tired of all this. So she is my they're coming in and saying I want attention. Screaming your face until I get it and choose blows. Elizabeth warrens hair back with this one more- and I just want to say that I was surprised to hear that you did not agree with Maine, that on this subject of what should be the rules around corporate responsibility for these big tech companies, when I called on Twitter to suspend Donald Trump's account that you did not agree, and I would I would urge you to join me, a man that is so that is cringe worthy stuff, cringe worthy from Kamala Harris. Eight, very, very serious program to ban Donald Trump from Twitter and save the world by not allowing you to see Donald Trump's tweets. Oh the heroism, oh, that, oh, the absolute bravery.
Standing up to Elizabeth Warren that way: slow, clap for Kamala Harris, slow, clap for the death of her campaign, slow clap, man, it was the words like really This is your line of attack. Like look at me I got twenty nine lines with yeah. No one even mention that I pretended to be a native American for twenty years. I that's your line right. You are legitimate person of color I am not a legitimate person of color, you could just go after me on that basis and you're coming after me with and then you said, Trump should be on twitter boom posted really come. Where is the definition of trying too hard in the dictionary under under trying too hard under Nothing is just a picture of Kamala Harris looking sad, so this entire debate closes with Joe Biden getting with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, an people aren't giving points, Sanders and Warren for this. But frankly, I don't think it's just so. Biden concludes by pointing out
guys I'm the only one on this stage. Who's actually done anything all of you guys sit here and you talk and you're useless, I'm going to say something that is probably going to offend some people here, but I'm the only one this stage is gotten anything really big done from the violence against women act. To making sure that we passed the affordable care act to be in a position where we in fact took a almost twenty billion dollar, acted that a person going into a depression. Making us in Podesta position where I was able to land Rover should be able to end the issue of gun sales in terms of assault weapons, and so the question is who is best prepared? We all have good ideas. The question is how who's going to be able to get it one. Then Biden says some of us have big plans and he's asked so who's vague and he sort of says Warren. More fires back and she says this. I am deeply grateful to President Obama who
not so hard to make sure that agency was passed into law and I am deeply grateful to every single person who fought for it and who helped pass. Into law? War is angry, because Biden said that he was the one who passed the consumer finance Protection Bureau at that. That is not always This she meant she wasn't in the Senate at the time more and tried to fire back by over his head to Obama, not sure that works, particularly great Bernie Sanders tried this also and Sanders attack again is more damaging because Sanders is more pure of heart if useless in practice. Bernie Sanders says this, but I think this is a good friend. You got the desire screws war in Iraq done now. You got a bankruptcy bill which is hurting middle class families all over this country, Franklin, this one didn't go that direction, but she did Bernie Sanders is obviously the purest weapon out there at this point. So what is the final takeaway bad
for the Democrats. Elizabeth Warren is the front runner and she does not look particularly strong and Trump is going to hit her a lot harder than any of the other Democrats did so, if you're a Democrat right now bank on impeachment, because if you don't teach this guy, if you don't come up with something stronger than you got in terms of this campaign, is going to get re elected because so far you're presenting nothing now he could still blow himself. I we've seen over the past several weeks. Donald Trump is fully capable of blowing election himself by being bad at this. But Democrat I'm not going to win this on the strength of their own platform, not the way they were last night 'cause, it was ugly. Ok, we don't have time for things like can things I hate, so instead be back here tomorrow with all sorts of more material, an update and all sorts of goodies for you. So stick around for four hours later this afternoon or show up tomorrow for more I'm Ben Shapiro. This
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They might Karmina, hair and makeup is by Joshua Olvera Production assistant Nick. She him the Ben Shapiro Show is a daily wire production. Copyright daily wire, two thousand and nineteen everyone is Andrew Klavan host of the Andrew Klavan Show sparks flew at the Democrat debate last night, specially after I stuck my finger in a light socket hoping to make it all end who won besides Donald Trump. My answer will surprise you plus will have the mailbag on the Andrew Klavan Show I'm Andrew Clayton
Transcript generated on 2019-11-07.