« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 856 - Storm Warrening For Biden

2019-09-09 | 🔗

Warren gains in the polls, Democrats struggle with their own radicalism, and Trump’s Afghanistan policy collapses into chaos. Date: 09-09-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Elizabeth Warren gains in the polls democrats struggle with their own radicalism and President Trump's Afghanistan policy collapses into chaos and Ben Shapiro. This is the Ben Shapiro Show and is re emerging from a beautiful weekend to come back into a studio where it smells like something died, but the thing that died it turns out in the studio at least was not Joe Biden's poll numbers. It was actually something like it actually smells like something died will get into Joe Biden's poll numbers, not the dead thing that is necessary in just one second, but first you may have been noticing that the price of gold is rising. Why is the price of gold rising? Well because, as GOP little uncertain, T takes a toll on the markets. People are rushing for safe havens and bonds and gold, and the fact is, the geopolitical tensions are rising. You can just the news or listen to the show. One consequence has been five year high in gold prices. Recently around announcement uranium stockpile limit they agreed to under the nuclear deal. That is not a coincidence that gold prices have been rising. China, of course, our trade war with China is
having a toll on the economy, and this is also causing gold to rise. Well, the fact is that, if you are looking to diversify into gold, there's only one choice that you should be using in that is the folks over at birch called. I know the folks over because I've been talking about them for years, trust them gold as a hedge against inflation, a hedge against uncertainty and instability. My savings plan is diversified and your should be terminated. Take all your money and throw it into precious metals. I'm saying at least part of your savings plan should be prayer. This metal is because it helps protect. You against the vicissitudes of the market. Birch cold group has thousands of satisfied customers, countless five star reviews, an a plus rating with the better Business Bureau. Contact, birch goldgroup right now get a free information kit on physical, precious metals, see if diversifying into gold and silver make sense for you. This comprehensive sixteen each get reveals how gold and silver can protect your savings. They can legally move your IRA or 401k out of risky stocks and bonds into a precious metals iyere. If that's something you are interested in to get your no cost, no obligation, kit text, Ben two hundred and forty
in four thousand seven hundred and forty seven again text Ben my name to forty, seven, four thousand, seven hundred and forty seven ok. So we begin this week, which is a big debate week right because later this week is the first debate in which Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden will share a stage burning. Vendors will be there too. In all likelihood, this turns into a gang attack on Joe Biden Bernie Sanders and by Elizabeth Warren and by Camilla Harris and by Cory Booker, and that's because the dynamics of the race have shifted somewhat right now, if you are common Harris or Cory Booker, while you're figuring is that Elizabeth Warren looks like she is taking a huge chunk of Joe Biden's white support and if Joe Biden should collapse is the black support that Joe Biden currently has is that is that port going to shift over to Elizabeth Warren? Or is it more likely that shifts over to somebody like a common Harris or to somebody like a Cory Booker, which is why they're still in the race? Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders is still clinging to the hope that he is the great progressive alternative to Joe Biden, not Elizabeth Warren, and that hope is not completely unsupportable. The fat
act is that there are several polls that show that Bernie Sanders on a national level Outpolls Elizabeth Warren, but Elizabeth Warren is doing really well in a lot of these early states and it's still extremely early and Joe Biden continues to gap and gap and gap and gap he's an extraordinarily weak front. Runner, as I've been saying for months, Joe Biden's best day would be the first day, and that has been obviously true over the weekend at Joe Biden stumbled stories in Manchester NH and he continued to gaffe limited to four years. I believe history will look back in this presidency as an average moment in time, but if Donald Donald Trump is Re Forties Slip, Donald Trump is re. He will forever and fundamentally alter the
picture of this nation. Donald Trump does pose an extra strength to this. The it's not hypothetical. His threat to this nation is in jail. Sindre man, Joe Biden, that lot of scrambled eggs up there, my goodness he posed an extra trait he's going to be bad he's going to be bad guys. Tim Ryan is a fellow presidential candidate he's going nowhere, but his statements about Joe Biden's mental state ah yeah this is this is obviously true. Here's TIM Ryan, explaining at Joe Biden Mental State, is a bit of an issue here. Guys e mean he went on Cole bear to address this very issue. It's not like, I said something that a lot of people aren't thinking or he wouldn't have went on Kobar to talk about it. So this is an issue we have to be honest with each other, there's so much at stake in this election. We can't just put somebody out there who can't be Donald Trump, whether it's on the issues are on the
of of enerji or lack of clarity like we've got to be very clear, and I believe that I'm that person or I wouldn't be running- and so people can support my campaign and go to TIM Ryan firm yeah nobody's doing that. But everybody is acknowledging that Joe Biden pulling in mumbling and bumbling and stumbling Chris Berman style, but he's not going to make the end zone he's going to be knocked out of play, probably by the then we hit the thirty yard line here, because the fact is that Joe Biden has no momentum. None all it takes right now is a solid love, tap and job from Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden has a series, a serious problem on his hands and Elizabeth Warren may not deliver it. What what Herman her smart strategy here made? It be complete completely inoffensive. Let somebody else slap at Biden. Let him continue to receive back to the field. She's, just quietly gaining, doesn't have to land a knockout blow on him. In fact, I think that will be her strategy a little bit later this week. I think that'll
with Warren is banking on the fact that the media Love Elizabeth Warren for months. We've heard nothing, but that Elizabeth Warren has a plan for everything. Now her plans are bad or plans, don't make any sense, but they keep saying it. Why? Because you have to understand that when you're a member of the coastal media, when you are writing for the New York Times the Washington Post in the LOS Angeles Times, you are a member of a particular elite and this elite usually means went to a good university. It means that you been hanging out with people who think like you for a long time, and the biggest thing is that you don't want to be seen by all the people who surround you unintelligent. The coin of the realm in coastal elite circles is not that you're the most moral person in the room, not that you're the best person not to give the most charity not to attend church, the most the coin of the realm Roman, the you're, the smartest. The thing that matters more than anything else, my friend Dennis Prager, is constantly saying that you it who's the parenting what parents should focus on is producing good children. Not kids went to an Ivy league school, but very often that
that sense of values is reversed when it comes to assessment of merit in the media in the media. Anything that makes people feel intelligent makes them really excited. Elizabeth Warren makes them feel intelligent, which is a Harvard law. Professor she's obviously articulate she's written books, she's read books, and this makes them feel super good about themselves. They love Elizabeth Warren. That says something about you. You have to understand when you are voting on the left me we're on the right also, but I think it's more to run left at this point. The way you vote is seen as a moral in premature on you not on the candidate. It's not that you're granting your moral in Pretoria, improvement or the candidate is that your support of the candidate says something about you. So if your Bernie Sanders supporter, what that says about you to everyone else is why people put bumper stickers on their car. But it says to everyone else that you are passionate about the issues they are passionate about. Inequality doesn't say anything about your intelligence. It says that you are passionate and if you're a supporter of comma
errors, it means that you're, someone who believes in criminal justice reform and racial equity and if you're, somebody who supports Joe Biden, it says that sort of a reasonable elder statesman in the party, which is why you're not seeing a lot of bumper stickers because who wants a bumper sticker that says, I'm reasonable elder statesman person right, that's not something a little Warren. You stick that on your on your bumper sticker and you feel progressive. But not only do you feel progressive, you get sort of the quality of Bernie Sanders, but you also get to say and I'm so smart too 'cause. She has so many plans for the media that describes them to a tuiti. So they've been praising Elizabeth more nonstop for months for months, my first they tried to run interference for her after her whole ridiculous, I'm not a native American, but I am a native american gaff. They tried to pretend that her d n a test actually exonerated her on that particular claim. And then, when that failed, they shifted gears and suddenly it was
doesn't. She have plans guys I mean she has so many plans. Well, one of Elizabeth Warren's big plans that the media have paid very little attention to. I mean they've run a couple of facts, but they ignored it, and so she keeps continuing to claim it is that all of her giant plans will be paid or by an enormous wealth tax, and is this is Elizabeth Warren over the weekend at the New Hampshire Democrat Party Convention, explaining that all she's going to do is tax people who have assets more than fifty MIL dollars, two or three percent she's going to take all the running from them at that rate, because again, remember that every single year she's going to take two or three percent of their net wealth, and then she is going to use that for a variety of government programs and oh what a plan? Oh, what a plant Elizabeth Warren, your first fifty one million dollars free and clear, but your fifty million thin first dollar, you gotta pitch in two cents and two cents for every dollar. After that, and what can we do with two cents? We can do universe,
child care for every baby. In this country we can make technical school community college in four year college free for everyone who wants to measure patient. We can do all of that and cancelled journal undead for ninety five percent of what she's saying here. So a few things one, the media keep portraying her is charismatic, I'm not seeing it, I'm not sure more charismatic and Hillary Clinton, but so is never died in the studio around here. Lots of things are more care asthmatic and Hillary Clinton. That is not a standard for charisma, but beyond that, her plan actually makes no sense, because the fact is if she thinks she's raised
two dollars and seventy five cents trillion over the next ten years. With this wealth tax number one, it's unconstitutional, there is nothing in the constitution that allows you to tax wealth, not income right, which was legalized idiotically by the 16th amendment, but wealth there's nothing there that allows you to tax wealth itself, especially stuff that people have already paid tax on you're. Talking about, I already paid property tax already paid tax on all of the income that I make and now you're gonna come in and tax me again, based on what moral principle are gonna tax me again beyond that, just speaking realistically, it is not going to raise this amount of money. That is not me speaking. This Factcheck DOT, Org speaking quote. Some economists think that assumption is too rosy, while the tax policy center nor the tax foundation have yet released to full analysis of warrens plan. Economist at both said there reason to believe that warns. Revenue estimate is too high. Kyle Palmer, Lou, a chief economist in vice, isn't of economic analysis at the nonprofit pro Business Tax Foundation said the assumption of fifteen percent tax evasion. Her plans says there will be fifteen percent tax evasion. Avoidance
is that's actually the average avoidance for the entire you tax system, which is primarily the income tax and payroll tax. These taxes are much harder, avoid a wealth tax, because an income transaction is hard to game or hide from the tax authorities. A wealth, on the other hand, is much harder to enforce for one much of the wealth tax base doesn't have a market price of, for example, I own an ownership stake in daily wire. How does that value out? The answer is you have no actual answer, because there is no way to evaluate the fair market value. It is not a publicly held company so like a piece of stock that is publicly held, and it's not just people on the right who are suggesting all of this Lawrence, who was formerly a Harvard University Dean and his treasury secretary from one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine two thousand, and one in economic adviser for Barack Obama and Natasha Serran. In assistant, Professor University of Pennsylvania LAW School, they published an op ed in the
Washington Post just earlier this year, saying common sense. Revenue estimates by economists who are not very deeply steeped in revenue estimation tend to be overly optimistic. The two looked at US experience with the State Tax data concluded that Warren's wealth tax would only raise about forty percent of the amount that Warren is estimating so not to four hundred dot. Seventy five trillion, like one trillion like one dot, two trillion over ten years, which doesn't pay for any of her stuff. Also it causes people not to save. It, causes people not to buy assets in the United States and it causes people to flee in a vast number of european countries that have tried a well text, millionaires and billionaires, they do put their money in their own elsewhere. So this is nice thing about being super wealthy. You don't have to stick around to watch Elizabeth Warren. Take your money! You can just move your money. You can just take your money and go to the Cayman Islands and buy a nice home there and stay. There are enough to worry about Elizabeth Warren Summers in Saran wrote we suspected to a great extent. It reflects the myriad ways. Wealthy people avoid paying estate taxes, taxes and, in some form, will be and
any actually legislated wealth tax. So, for example, the estate tax is a form of wealth tax, write you die and then the government open, like they walk right by your corpse. They open up you're safe in the chase, take a chunk of your money. What people do is, instead, they create living trust and they put the money in a living trust for their children's. When they die, the money didn't belong to them. It belonged to their children. Already. This avoids the estate tax. They say all of the methods that are used to avoid the estate tax will also be used to avoid the wealth tax. They say these include questionable appraisals, valuation discounts for illiquidity and lack of control, establishment of trust that enable division of assets among family members with substantial founder control, planning devices that give some income to charity, while keeping the remainder for the donor and beneficiaries, tax advantage, lending schemes and other complex devices known only to sophisticated investor,
except for reducing a naive calculation by fifteen percent Warren's economic advisors do not seem to take account of these devices. If our suspicion is correct, a wealth tax will not yield the revenue. Its proponents hope for and when actual score keeper score actual proposals. Their estimates will just point advocates, and this is obviously true, but Elizabeth Warren's gonna keep trotting that out there. It doesn't matter because again, she gives a feeling of flat three to a media that is desperate to be flattered. It's the reason. The media hate trump so much by the way is not just because Trump is a Republican is because Trump makes them feel like they don't get Americans trunk, they look at Trump and they have scorned for him. You think I want a dummy, what a fool, what a stupid guy? How could he be outsmarting us? How could he of power? How is this possible Elizabeth Warren makes members of the media feel good about themselves, even if her proposals don't actually make any sense at all and they actually don't make it by the way her own proposals makes so little sense, honestly that
she was rejecting a lot of her own proposals as late as two thousand three, two thousand four. Thank you talk about universal child care for every child age, zero to five. She wrote an entire book about how this would disadvantage married mothers who stay at home and how you need now subsidies for merry moms who stay at home right. She, she wrote entire in her book. She talks about why it would be a mistake to relieve student loans to release student loans right. She she she said. That would be a mistake not to just cap tuition right now. It's just cap the amount that that colleges can charge for tuition on a public level as opposed to subsidizing student loan industry as opposed to paying off people's lawns and what about paying for free college in all of the rest of this, and now she backs all of those things. Why? Because here's the dirty Secret Elizabeth Warren, has become a deeply dishonest politician. I'll provide proof of this in one second plus I'll. Tell you where she actually stands in the polls and why she really is the shadow front runner at this point for the Democrats. First, I don't go to the post office anymore.
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from Iowa and New Hampshire Victorious, I don't think that his we'd simply holds up in a lot of the super Tuesday. So AIDS Bernie Sanders is rounding out the top tier of candidates with two hundred and eighty six delegates in those races. But I don't think that Bernie retains all those delegates because remember all the polls are being done now about all of those states, but those states are time delayed because Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina Nevada and then on one that you have California, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, North Virginia Minnesota and main in Vermont and Massachusetts, which presumably Warren, will wins and she's a senator from there. If Elizabeth Warren Ages as the serious challenger from Iowa and New Hampshire and Bernie doesn't win either of those states, I think Bernie's toast. I think at that point Bernie is done and you can take a lot of those delegates, those two hundred and eighty six delegates and you can toss them to Elizabeth Warren. According that CBS News, you got pull state by state and vote preference. New Hampshire now sees Warren just slightly up over Biden and
Sanders in first choice: preference that which they change for her remember she was on performing in New Hampshire as of a couple of weeks ago. That's a three way contest, but that's not a three way contest of Elizabeth Warren when's Iowa and she already is running even with Biden Sanders in that state. Then she wins that state too. And Biden holds a small edge over Sanders in first choice. Preference in Iowa Sanders has narrow edge over Biden in Nevada, but where is Elizabeth Warren in these states? Well, she the best on the ground organization in Iowa. She trails substantial, nine to twelve points in Iowa. She trails Bernie by nine. She trails Biden by twelve in Iowa, but the smart money says that that is under pulling her supporters. Remember Iowa is a caucus state back in two thousand and eight Hillary Clinton was expected in Iowa over Barack Obama and Barack Obama won. Instead, there were suspicions that that may have not been entirely on the up and up South Carolina. Joe Biden has a ah wide lead he's at forty three percent compared to Bernie at eighteen
in Elizabeth Warren fourteen. But again that relies somewhat on momentum again that TED Cruz one south one I believe last time around and it was widely perceived that TED Cruz was was going to have sort of fire. Well, whenever candid, it talks about a fire while I have yet to see a candidate with a quote: unquote fire while we're the firewall holes right now. Bernie Sanders is up slightly in about a twenty twenty seven over Joe Biden, Elizabeth Joe Eighteen, which means she is in striking distance overall in the early cons. Yes, it is now Elizabeth Warren, twenty six Joe Biden, twenty five at Bernie Sanders Nineteen and it is likely that Bernie Sanders is going to continue to recede and Elizabeth Warren is going to increase. According to CBS News Biden, support is largely well, then even risen in some places like in Iowa, so the movement toward worn is not a Russian from Biden but of lower tier candidates. Losing supporter who have gone to war in or in lesser numbers. Sanders for in Warren has benefited most from former Kamala Harris is supporter, switching their legions, twenty nine
and we're back in Paris in July, when we re interviewed for the study of switch to Warren Biden only picked up. Fifteen Warren is also under consideration by more democrats. Sixty percent and Biden is fifty percent when does better than and being in the first choice, but she is best among second choice, candidates and again it's really about electability and as the polls change for Elizabeth Warren on that front, that is very bad news for Joe Biden, meaning he has to continue making the case that Warren can't be Trump. That's what what this is, and in that case by the way, is extremely strong. Then Warren cannot be Trump, it's a very strong case, but among democratic voters. The perception been growing that Elizabeth Warren would probably win against Trump. As of June on Lee thirty, nine percent of democratic voters, considering Warren said that they thought that she could probably win against Trump. Now it is fifty five percent. Fifty eight percent of Sanders supporters think he would probably beat Trump overall. Most Democrats are pretty optimistic that somebody anybody they nominate,
we'll beat Trump. So again, I think that what what and and here's here's a I mean, as I said, the self flattering is function by the media is reflected in media coverage and that, of course, ships public opinion. One of the numbers in this poll that that really says a lot is that when asked which candidate is the most knowledgeable, it's a worn Warren at forty, two percent Biden Sanders title twenty four, and that is because, when you just keep repeating over and over and over again, that Warren has a plan doesn't matter if the plan is crap as r as it and then there's a third question, which is whether age is a concern. Sixty six percent of Democrats say that Joe Biden, what is it that age is not a concern? Thirty one percent say that he's too old. Thirty seven said Sanders told only five percent of Democrats say that Warren is too old. So more evidence of Joe Biden stumble Bing bumbling about the campaign. Trail is not going to be good for him either and forty six percent of Democrats say that they would be
doozy Astic about Elizabeth Warren as the candidate compared to thirty eight percent for Sanders, and only twenty nine percent for Joe Biden so a- and these are bad numbers for Joe Biden. He looks very weak right now. Among Democrats, they asked which message is more attractive to you, you on a candidate who is more progressive than Obama or a return to the country before Trump. Only only forty percent said, I want a return to normalcy, sixty percent, so they want a more progressive candidate than Don. Then then Barack Obama was so. These are bad numbers, bad numbers for Joe Biden, Joe Biden is weak and I don't think that Warren is really gonna go after Biden in a serious way. I think she's just going to assume that Biden is going to fade into the Brigadoon like Falk, and I think that should probably correct about that now. There's a problem which is that all
we talk about Elizabeth Warren being supremely honest and non Clinton Ian is a lie. That's a real problem for her because she has yet to meet serious public scrutiny. Remember the Elizabeth Warren, who built up a public profile from two thousand and three in two thousand and eight is not the same as the Elizabeth Warren now running. For president, we talked about this last week, Elizabeth Warren from two thousand and three to two thousand and eight really fairly interesting, progressive figure. We thought differently on vouchers and student loans, who thought seriously about issues like bankruptcy. Now she is just a rubber stamp progressive who sounds a lot like Bernie Sanders and here's the proof today. There's a he's from Jonathan Allen, NBC News talking about how Warren and Clinton are talking behind the scenes which is Warren's worst nightmare right, is that she's perceived as the second coming of Hillary Clinton, that that is not what you want to be Jonathan Allen. Elizabeth Warren's team doesn't want to talk about Hillary Clinton, but that doesn't mean the two thousand and twenty prez candidate isn't talking with her parties,
two thousand and sixteen nominee. The two women have kept a line of communication open since the Massachusetts Senator decided to run for isn't the only a conversation around the time of warrants launch has been previously reported according to several people for earlier with their discussions, who spoke to NBC, on the condition of anonymity because of the political sensitivity of private interaction, it's hard to know exactly how many times they've reached out to each other or precisely what they've discussed in part, because neither camp wants to reveal much of anything about their interaction and in part because they have phone numbers and their many ways for two high powered politicians to communicate that don't involve their staffs. One source was aware of just one additional call between Warren and Clinton since then, but a person close to Clinton said the context has been substantial enough to merit attention describing a conversation between the two as seemingly recent, because it was front of mind
her that is clearly not going to notice. I think she really appreciates that the person close to Clinton sat well worn, making overtures to Clinton is definitely different and more in just a few years ago. I'll explain it momentarily. First, let's talk about what you're gonna do with your best. It's it's getting late in the year have now past summer, and that means that you better rev up for the end of the year is vacation season wraps up and you fall back to your normal routine. You need to get your stuff done with Legalzoom before we hit end of year. There is an urgency to get in your business on track before we hit two thousand and twenty right now now Legalzoom is making it easier to say so long to summer by saving you ten percent off the things you need to accomplish for all. You want open yours, they haven't set up in L, L, c d B. A r escort for your business now would be the time to save money and if I've been meaning to wrap up, your last will or living trust, but he can't seem to find the time take a moment to the right thing for your family make sure they're taken care of. If you get confused or have don't let that slow, you know neither Legalzoom isn't a law firm. Their network of independence, attorneys and tax professionals
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bill in the early nineties, and she praised Hillary Clinton as extremely bright. She should quote called her quote impatient, lightning, quick interested in all the nuances, and then it turns out that Hillary voted against the bill or in favor of the bill that Elizabeth Warren opposed. And she tore into her in the two income trap. She said the bill was essentially the same, but Hillary Rodham Clinton was not. Hillary could not afford such a principal position, campaigns, cost money and that money wasn't coming from families in financial trouble, here's Elizabeth or in Circa two thousand and four talking about how Hillary Clinton is basically a corrupt figure. She was then first lady. This is in the nineteen nineties, late nineteen nineties, MRS Clinton saw the peace and I got a call from the White House. I go over the law, it's a complex law went over. The economics show to the grand
show to the charts and she got it. She turned around the whole administration on the subject of bankruptcy. She got it and then one of the first bills that came up after she was Senator Clinton with the bankruptcy bill. Her husband had vetoed it very much at her urging and she voted in favor of it as Senator Clinton. The pressures are very different okay, so this is Warren back back when she was honest right now, you got Elizabeth Warren. Making phone calls. Taylor could another best. Friends and Elizabeth Warner shifted her own positions on a variety of issues ranging from the subsidization of college education to school choice, because the pressures of being a senator or a presidential candidate are very different now this does pose a problem for the Democrats, because the fact is that most people in the country are not on Bing bored with all of the progressive views on all of the issues. David Leonhard has a piece in the New York Times today.
Talking about this he's on the left, and he says it's not that progressivism can't win. He saying that there are certain progressive issues that are deeply unpopular and they should be out couple of issues as an example. He says. The first is the idea of decriminalizing border crossing that the illegal entry into this country would only be a civil violation. Supporters of ideas Leonhard make intricate technocratic arguments about how decriminalization won't make the border less secure. The most voters to now don't buy the long explanations for why the policy doesn't mean what it certainly seems to mean less border enforcement in an NPR Pbs Newshour Marist Poll, sixty seven percent of registered voters called the criminalization a bad idea when it comes to slavery, reparations sixty three percent of Americans call it a bad idea when it comes to replacing private insurance. Fifty five percent say it's a bad idea
when it comes to when it comes to free public college. Fifty one percent say it's a good idea, but forty five percent say it's a bad idea. In other words, there are a lot of issues where people are generally in favor of Progressive Cipel's until they get the details in which place they switch. But Democrats advantage on along on general election directed questions has been fading. David Leonhardt points out that slightly more voters say that the idea is being offered by the democratic candidates would now hurt the country more than would help the country. According to that NPR poll. As of September, two thousand and eighteen, fifty three percent of Americans favor said they had a favorable view of the Democratic Party versus forty two percent unfavorable forty three percent at a favorable view of the Republican Party compared to fifty two percent unfavorable. As of September two thousand and nineteen fast forward a year, the two parties are now identical. Forty five percent of Americans say that they're favorable toward one of the parties, fifty two percent
of Americans, say their unfavorable toward one of the two parties, meaning that basically the party now on even footing. So all of the talk about Elizabeth Warren, this and Elizabeth Warren that, as she skews radical, it's going to be unpopular. And this is the problem inside the democratic primaries, what is going to create victory in a democratic primary may be mutually exclusive, with what creates victory for Democrats in a general election. Take, for example, data. It works, so beta O'Rourke Que Zach and say anything standing outside the democratic process holding a boom box and what that means that he the most enthusiastically crude of all the candidates. He has no nuance to his ideas. He doesn't have any sort of attempt to to rounds off the hard edges. Instead, he just spits that you sort of like younger Bernie Sanders. I mean down to the hands, and here is Beto O'Rourke talking about what he thinks. The democratic primary voters want to hear. America is a violent racist country, that's a hell of a campaign slow
in their beta. This is a violent country that loses more than forty thousand of our fellow Americans every year, sure to gun violence, and this a country that has been defined by foundational systemic in DES racism. Since the very founding of this country, August 20th of C and nineteen, the first time kidnapped African was brought here against his will and made to serve as a slave to build the greatness and the success and the wealth of this country, which is descendants, would never be able to fully participate in. This is the reality of the United States of America, and sooner or later it was going to find us. Ok, I mean that's hello, the campaign slogan. America was founded in crap and now it's still crap and was going to come back to haunt us get that sounds great Beto I mean do you need to go back to his ivy league? Education is rich parents paid for and smoke a bong and shell, because
he is just he's ridiculous, I mean and then and then beta one further. He said we should legalize ten million illegal immigrants. This is hell of a campaign slogan right here from Bay Door Open again bait. Oh thinks that he is representing the id of the Democratic Party, he's hoping that if he says the F word a lot, it's just his uh effort. If he says that a lot- and then he this is America sucks that he'll somehow win the nomination, we're gonna legalize the presence of more than ten million in the United States, beginning with dreamers who will never again fear deportation back to a country. They do not know because we will make them u S, citizens in this, their true home country, okay. So again, if this is where the Democratic Party wants to go on, Elizabeth Warren is closer to this than she is to Joe Biden. That's a real problem. Rahm Emanuel was the chief of staff to Barack Obama and is certainly no right winger, he says. Listen. These positions are untenable. You are not going to be able to win a general election on these bases. We've taken a position so far and the candidates have through the process, if you have not about on
basically Medicare for all, which is we're going to eliminate one hundred and fifty million people's health care and we're going to provide health care for people that just come over the border. That is an untenable position for the general election. Ok, of course, run manual is exactly right. That's coming from a guy who is so passionate about is left agenda. He used to drop dead. He was literally called dead fish Emanuel. He would drop dead fish in the like the lockers of Congress, people that he didn't like in order to try to get them to vote with him like to threaten them when he was in congressman that back. Why is not a softy on politics by any measure and he's looking at the Democratic Party going? You guys are skewing way too far to the left and that right there is the problem for Elizabeth Warren. Now, in a second we're going to talk about the republican case for two thousand and twenty and again this is all about. Can the President control himself? Can he control himself, because if you could, then he would be in pretty good shape going forward, but we'll get to that in just one? Second, first: let's talk about your out some sort of dinner party and you're. Looking for a job
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you also get the Michael Militia, lively and reclaiming show live. You also get to be part of that. We were backstage above all sorts of goodies. The real reason is because, if you spend ninety nine dollars a year, you get this the very greatest and all members vessels, the leftist years hot or cold tumblr is indeed a magnificent and really because you're joining the team helping us bring you the kind of content you want every day without the without the scrutiny and and nastiness of left trying to the platform, everybody they don't like goes scribe, become part of the team would really appreciate it. We are the largest fastest growing concern to podcast in radio show in the nation uhhuh well before we leave the Democrats entirely. I would be remiss if it had not point out. If I did not put out the most incompetent candidate on the democratic side of the aisle is not in fact, Joe Biden is Kamala Harris. Remember that time when Kamala Harris seemed like she was Skyrock
enjoy the nomination number. There is that first debate what you talked about busing and should tax by numbers wow. That was incredible and then it turns out she's terrible at this. Well she's, really terrible, that's and over the weekend. She proved again that she is terrible at this year's campaigning and a person and got up and described it. Republican voters and from voters as quoted mentally retarded and Kamel harassed. Her desk and left to get is not a question as to whether she heard this. She obviously heard this responded directly to the comment here is the original clip. So I don't buy that argument that impeachment does not make sense. Senator like what I don't buy that argument it needs to be accountability. I mean what are you going to do in the next one year, yeah to diminish the mentally retarded action of the stuff? Well,
well said: um. Well, I plan to win this election well said guys. Well said: what do you do to planet to diminish the mentally retarded faction in this country? The guy says- and she says well Said- let me she is in favor eugenic abortions. That would be one thing. Presumably, that should be in favor of because she's a terrible, a person who believes terrible things, but I mean that that the term mentally retarded, I'm old enough to remember when that was considered a really really bad thing, because it is a bad thing. Mocking people who have a mental disability is a ridiculous ridiculous thing. Now. Here's the funny part right of Harris is asked about this, and then she said I never heard it. You literally responded to the guy you little. He responded to that human being can, because that, like come on, come on,
we can believe Kamel here, as your own eyes and ears has come on. Here is now apologizing for this it's offensive, and you would think that in the year twenty nineteen people would have a much better understanding of how to turn like that can be, but also the history behind it, which is history of of really ignoring the needs and the realities and the capacity of of our disability community. So they didn't correct him. Though, did you hear him? I heard him talk about the other stuff and then that came later, and it was not something that I really heard or processed, or you know, or in any way condone all really really. Is that what happened right there? Look in my family. We actually take this issue fairly seriously, MIKE my grandfather used to work with the Easter seals, which is a group that worked with people who had mental disabilities. My mom, when she first started out, did special education for kids, like it's pretty, it's pretty
serious issue, Kamala Harris pretending that she didn't hear the end of that. Remember when Donald Trump does that sort of stuff? It's the end of the world right when you have somebody who's, something bad about illegal immigrants, and he says. Well, I guess you can do do that when he says yeah. I guess you can do that in Florida with that in the Panhandle and everything. Oh, that was really bad 'cause. It was bad and then come up with Harris responds directly to a person who calls a vast swath of the voting public mentally retarded and she's like well. I didn't hear that part. You know the part he sent directly to me. So how did the media cover this? If this doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the about the way the media covered? This NBC news headline, you ready Senator Harris apologizes for
appearing to laugh in response to man who described President Trump's actions as mentally retarded appearing to laugh of hearing like appeared. She laughed, we saw it. We heard it appeared, it's all good. It's all good guys! Well done media, okay, now to the republican side of the aisle. Now the fact is that democratic radicalism should be an opportunity for President Trump. As I have been saying for years on end, all president Trump has to do is be quiet. That's all he has to do because it turns out that reality has a fairly conservative bent on issues like illegal immigration, you're saying that we should keep track of the people who are in the country that we should make sure that we know who is entering the country. This seems like it makes a certain amount of sense, especially when you get stories like this one out of Montgomery County according to Dan Morse. Might the county's top elected official Mark L Rich, stood before a bank of tv cameras this summer to praise the county's diversity and promised the most limited of cooperation
with federal immigration agents. I tell we've learn how to manage immigration pretty well. He said without a lot of drama and nonsense. Since then, there's been plenty of both, at least according to the opposing sides of a roiling political debate. Centered on the left, Maryland jurisdiction. National attention has found, and I'm uncovering in large part, because over the five week stretch since the county executive's pronouncement, seven on immigrants living in the county were arrested on sex assault charges, tour accused raping the same eleven year. Old girl is, according to the Washington Post. Another reportedly tried to kill his victim choking her in the hallway of her apartment. Building by Friday afternoon, KEN Cuccinelli Acting Director of ice tweeted, a debate challenge they rich over the merits of what Cuccinelli described as the counties, sanctuary protection policies for undocumented immigrants. Cuccinelli wrote quote I'll, defend it. Children in crime, victims, Eldridge, can defend rapists and murderers, who shouldn't even be in this country rich then shot back. It's a stunt. I might debate him if he agree with the statement that Montgomery County is not a sanctuary city and that Montgomery County is not
checking criminals. The guys in jail would probably not feel very protected yeah, except that when you don't great with the federal government on immigration, sometimes you're not keeping track of illegal immigrants who go on to commit crimes. These are all issues where Republicans should have an advantage. Instead, we got a week of controversy over whether President Trump used a sharpie on a map on the issue. Again, even the left, David Lean is saying on illegal immigration on racial reparations, I'm getting rid of private health care insurance. The Democrats are way out of tune shouldn't trump, just be hammering that over and over. Instead, we got a week of controversy over whether the National Ocean, in a graphic and and at atmospheric administration, was actually right or wrong in their assessment of a threat level of a hurricane hitting Alabama a week of this a week of this, and news continues to break that the n o a a basically acted in order to avoid damaging president Trump's fragile ego. This is a waste of time. It's a waste of energy and the fact that people on Twitter keep defending. It
demonstrates that they don't understand. The twitter is not real life and winning the footer battle does not mean winning an election Andrew Friedman, Colby it quits and Jason Salmon out. I love that the Washington Post put three reporters on this. Anyway, a staff worn in September first directive against contradicting Trump nearly a week before the a a publicly backed president Trump over its own scientists, atop official warn its staff against contradicting the president in an agency wide directive sent September. First, two national Weather service personnel hours after Trump asserted with no evidence that Alabama would most likely be hit. Much harder than anticipated. Staff was told to only stick with official National Hurricane Center cast. If questions arise on some national level, social media posts which hit the news this afternoon, they were also told not to provide any opinion according to a copy of the email obtained by the Washington Post. In any way, a meter meteorologist who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution, said the note was understood initially to be referring to Trump
and came after the National Weather Service Office in Birmingham contradicted Trump by tweeting. The Alabama would not see any impact from the hurricane. So the no a a sent a note saying: let's just stick with the National Hurricane Center Forecast and we won't- we won't know, contradict Trump at the any attempt to to shield trumps ego it honestly, I don't see the purpose of it. I really don't. The fact is the President Trump for all the talk about him being thin. Skin do takes more crap than any other politician, I've ever seen in my life and guess what still there he hasn't anywhere. Has he? And yet this attempt to sort of shield him. It ends up creating worse headlines than if you just let Trump own it. If Trump just went okay screw that one up- and I guess I was out of the loop- the Democrats would still attack him, but they wouldn't have any place to go because most people be like. Why did they attack him over is just to screw up? Who cares? Who cares?
Meanwhile? It is amusing to watch, as other Republicans seem to believe that they can jump in against President Trump in this race, so Mark Sanford, the former republican governor of South Carolina. Remember that time when he was governor of South Carolina and then he went travelling the Appalachian trail that was his euphemism for sleeping with his mistress in South America, and then he had to resign, and then you ran for Congress again. Well, now he's back and he wants to run for resident and he was expecting the strange new respect of the media. It is incredible to watch Republicans, expect strange new respect and they they really believe that the media are going to treat them with kid gloves, because after all I mean the media hate President Trump. That means that if someone runs against Trump, they should like them and that's not how this works. That's not how this works and you're not going to receive the strange in respect of the media for running against Trump. The fact is, many in the media would like to link every Republican with President Trump, as Democrats are attempting
do in Texas, where Trump is less popular than the Republican Party overall. Also mark Sanford like why is he running? Chris Wallace basically asked him. This question in Sanford, Fran didn't have a great answer: the takes in life, the mistakes that we make her the great tuitions of life. They cost us, but you can learn from them and for me I learned a level of humility, a level of empathy that I didn't have before a level of judgment. It is something of great regret. It's something I've apologize extensively for then, in contrast to the president, he says: there's not a single thing that he sort of regrets or the apologize for. I profoundly apologize for that. Okay, that's all he's a great campaign slogan. I profoundly apologize for that Sanford. Two thousand and twenty good luck with all of that.
Now again, I only the trump is going to be substantially challenge from inside the party. I know that Matt Drudge's headlining with Stanford having another challenger like Joe Walsh and Mark Sanford. I didn't do any damage to from that. Obviously is not going to be a thing. The the real damage to Trump in the end is not gonna come from somebody outside Trump is gonna, come from Trump himself, and a good example of this happened over the weekend. So President Trump was apparently planning to negotiate with the Taliban has been going on for a while and a lot of people. I know so in the military and in the foreign policy. Sort of hallways of power were very skeptical of this as well. They should be. The Taliban is a terrorist group, the Taliban as a terror reporting group. That is why we went into Afghanistan in the first place. After nine hundred and eleven, the United States under George W Bush offered the Taliban an opportunity to turn over to turn over Osama Bin Laden. They refused. Afghanistan, then was put on our bleep list, and then we invaded it now. Donald Trump is trying to negotiate directly with the Taliban. Barack Obama tried to do the same thing and I criticize him for it, because you're literally
negotiating with some of the worst people on earth to accomplish what the return to power of the Taliban that that's a great idea. Donald Trump is apparently secretly negotiating with the Taliban and they were even going to get together at Camp David. The week of nine hundred and eleven, which is just I mean what those optics are just awful right. Chris Wallace pointed that he said: why are we inviting the Taliban to the United States on nine slash eleven? How is this idea, but we don't think that back home in the region, they would make take advantage of the fact that they were at Camp David on the 18th anniversary of nine hundred and eleven were kidding ourselves, enormous psychological that was going to be true whether or not they had this one US soldier or not. That's why I question the whole idea can't holding a meeting he talks about. Well, this deal would bring peace, but it wasn't going bring. I mean, as we know, the outlines of it there. No national city is fire. There was no assurance that there was going to be a deal between the the afghan government and the Taliban. There was no guarantee that they were going to protect
women. I mean the deal as we saw. The tentative deal in principle. Did that make sense, and the answer is the tentative deal in principle did not make any sense. President Trump blew it up over the weekend now again. Well up a bad deal is not a bad thing, announcing secret negotiations and blowing them up at the same time is not particularly smart foreign policy Trump tweet it out unbeknownst to almost everyone, the major Taliban leaders and separately the president of Afghanistan, we're going to secretly meet with me at Camp David on Sunday. Nothing says secret meeting, quite like going it up on Twitter said they were coming to the United States tonight. Unfortunately, in order to build false leverage, they admitted to an attack in Kabul that killed one of our great great soldiers and eleven other people. I immediately came cancel the meeting and called off peace negotiations. What kind of people would kill many in order to seemingly strengthen their bargaining position? They didn't. They only made it worse if they cannot agree into a ceasefire during these very important peace talks and would even kill twelve innocent people and they probably don't have the power to negotiate a meaningful agreement anyway. How many more decade
are they willing to fight? Well, I mean the answer is you're negotiating with them right, so a lot also, what can and people would kill an american soldier? What kind of people would shield Al Qaeda? What what are you talking about? What are you talking about you're literally talking? Why are the Taliban such bad people? I have an idea right here in the back, an idea, the Taliban being bad people. Is this like a a great shot? I can't believe that the Taliban betrayed the principles are to go really rail according to the New York Times on the Friday before Labor Day, president from gathered top advisers in the situation room to consider what could be among the profound decisions of his presidency, a peace plan with the town band after eighteen years of grinding bloody war in Afghanistan. The meeting brought to a head ah bristling conflict conflict dividing his foreign policy team for months hitting at Secretary of State MIKE Pompeyo against John Bolton, the National Security advisor as they discuss the terms of agreement Pompeo and his negotiator made the case that would
enable Trump to begin withdrawing troops while securing a commitment from the Taliban not to shelter. Terrorists Bolton argued that Trump should keep his campaign pledge to draw upon forces drawdown forces about getting in bed with killers. Swabs in american blood Trump made no decision on the spot. At some point. During the meeting, the idea was floated to finalize the negotiations in Washington, a prospect that appealed to the president's pension for dramatic spectacle from suggest. He would even invite President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan, whose government had not been party to this box and get him to sign on, and then he wanted to bring the Taliban to Camp David, the Crown jewel of the american presidency. All of this was bad ideas, bad ideas, because it was all about spectacle and not about content. As I say, the president's worst enemy in two thousand and twenty is, as always, the president,
because he's done well in a lot of fronts. He's done well when it comes to judges, he's done well when it comes to the economy. He's done well when it's come to regulations, but his instinct for the dramatic is a real negative for him and it could hurt him badly come two thousand and twenty okay time for it. Some things I like and then things I hate so things that I like. So if you're interested in a lot of the stories they've been coming out about a I aa and it's about the nature of the human brain and the possibility of networking in with other brains. There was a story this week about this about how it could change human existence is we know what you could read each other's thoughts and create could create network thinking and all of this it may raise some serious questions about free will and the soul, and this brings to mind a book that I recently read by J P, Moreland who's, a philosophy professor over Biola University. It's called the soul, how we know it's real and why it matters now. This is kind of a
fascinating conversation, because, obviously, if you're a materialist, you believe that the brain is all there is. There is no such thing as a soul. Mental phenomena are basically just what what they have, what they have termed to be yeah outgrowth of just mental activity. They they are. They are kind of false positives that that effectively, your mental activity or feeling of consciousness is not real. It's just a brain, firings neurons firing, there's nothing separate, you don't have free. Will you can make your own decisions? I think, is a really interesting, an important debate and, as part of the debate, you should check out Jp Moreland book. The soul, because the fact is, we don't have free well that has some pretty significant ramifications for our politics and for our decision making. If we don't have the capacity to think freely, if biology is all there is, and there is no afterlife that changes the math of it. All of these are interesting and fascinating debates that lie at the root of western civilization. As I talk about my own book, the right side of history, this book is well worth reading, Jp Moreland, ok time for a quick thing that I hate
so now we're in the game of playing according to the media. We are going to play who took a picture with him. We didn't play this for years when there are pictures of Barack Obama with Lewis Farah Khan, and it was like. Oh you know, he's used in bed. Man like, why are you making a big deal out of Barack Obama, with with Louis Farrakhan, he's just bill, the guy from the neighborhood, Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright? You know we went to his church, but did he really mean it sure he titled the second book after a speech from Jeremiah Wright? Didn't do that really mean anything? Well now we're in the business of you took a picture with a guy once that means that you and he are in absolute codes. I've experienced this myself right. I was in a picture with Steve King because I want I spoke at a congressional breakfast in Washington D C, I've been to three years to go before Steve Kings, big blow about white nationalism, and so every time Steve King is in the news people throw that picture out. There is, though, there are pictures of me with literally dozens of Congress people, including with
Democrats, but apparently that's the way. This now works is that if they can catch you in a picture with somebody very bad, they did this to Jordan Peterson. Also, Jordan Peterson was in a picture with a guy who is wearing a shirt about Islamophobia. That was a silly shirt and Jordan got in trouble. 'cause the guy wore a shirt. Ok. Now this is the way this is going to be played so now they're doing this with Lindsey, Graham so Lindsey, Graham according to the Washington Post, appeared in a photo with Gert Wilders, a controversial dutch parliamentary leader with Anti Islam and anti immigrant views, while both attended a European Security conference in ITALY how they are in a picture together, that's unbelievable! I mean that must mean you know they're there pictures of me with people on the left. That must mean that I'm on the left, obviously there's a picture of me standing next to Larry Wilmore. We must agree on everything and that's the way this works now. No, they their pictures of me with all sorts of people, tens of that
and people. In fact. Presumably I agree with all of them on everything and it's very bad that we were in a picture together. Now there are certain people who are so obviously evil. You don't want to be in a picture with them right. Somebody is wearing a Nazi uniform in a picture with them, but do I know that Lindsey Graham knows everything about God Wilder's, or was he just some guy who he had sort of a baseline level of knowledge about, but not enough to say, I'm never taking a picture with that guy. It is a really really stupid game and when play stupid, games win stupid prizes. That is the way that the modern media currently work. Okay, we'll be back here a little bit later today, with two additional hours of content. Welcome to the week there's going to be a big democratic debate later this week, we're gonna be built
sing up in prep, for it so exciting will see you little bit later or will see you here tomorrow and Ben Shapiro. This is the Ben Shapiro show if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to podcasts, also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcasts, including the Andrew Klavan, show the Michael Mols Show and them at WAL show. Thanks for listening, the Ben Shapiro Show is produced by Robert Stirling directed by MIKE Joyner executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer, Jonathan hey are supervising, producer is Mathis Glover and our technical producer is Austin. Stevens assistant, director, pole, Vault Taos key edited by Adam Sigh of its audio is mixed by my core. Amina hair and makeup is by Jessica, oh Vera production assistant Nick see him. The Ben Shapiro Show is a daily wire production, copyright daily wire, two thousand and nineteen, and that Wall Show were not just discussing
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Transcript generated on 2019-09-12.