« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 833 - The Second Cold War

2019-08-06 | 🔗

The stock market plummets as Trump’s trade war with China bites, Trump cracks down on Venezuela, and America continues to divide over mass shootings. Date: 08-06-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The stock market plummets as president from Trade WAR with China bite. President Trump crackdown on Venezuela and America continues to provide over mass shootings. Adventure paralyses the Ben Shapiro, I got a lot to get you today what's happening in the news, so we're just going to jump right in the big controversy in the aftermath of mass shootings that happened over the weekend, one of course happening in Dayton, Ohio. The other happening now pass a Texas. The big controversy has broken out over El Paso and Dayton and politics, obviously, because it would be too much to ask that we all beyond the same page white, supremacy, evil, white, supremacist terrorism, evil and should be fought like terrorism, mass shootings, horrific and we should discuss possible solutions that would
I'll, be to reasonable and to rational. Instead, there's a narrative and the nerve, that's being developed by the media and by a lot of votes on the left is that president from is solely responsible for what happened in I'll pass up and that the right is complicit in this and that all conservatives are secretly white supremacist. Now I think there are some folks on the I don't want the entire left together here. I think there's some folks on left or being a little bit more careful about all this. I think there are certain votes on the left or intellectually honest enough to acknowledge the mainstream. Conservatives are extraordinarily upset about white supremacist terrorism that some of us have spent our careers fighting, wait, two premises and that some of us have incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments that we have to make to security because of our fight against white supremacist. Some people are careful about this other people. How
and this includes many in the mainstream. Media are attempting to develop a narrative and we are attempting to develop a narrative, any fact that doesn't fit the narrative can be dealt with in one of two ways: either you can incorporate it into a new narrative. That is more nuanced and more interesting and more relevant, and that follows the world the fact better or you can simply discard the fact and pretend that the fact doesn't exist and is pretty obvious today that there are a lot of folks in the media or more interested in the second path or very upset, in fact,
when the media accidentally stumble into Euro into doing journalism. When other members, the media, stumble into doing journalism, they get very upset with them, because those acts of journalism might undercut the narrative that so many members of the left are trying to build. So, as we know, the members of the left are trying to build a narrative, then narrative is that President Trump is responsible for El Paso. The Trump is a white nationalist that anyone who supports Trump is by default and white nationalist as well, or a white nationalist sympathiser that folks on the right are, broadly speaking, responsible for the evil of what just happened in El Paso Texas, that is there they focus on the left- are attempting to push energy really ugly narrative, it's an extraordinarily ugly narrative. It happens to be extraordinarily false narrative, and yet this
is increasingly the narrative that is being pushed by the left, and so what you see is folks, like David Leonhard riding over the New York Times, conservatism has violence problem. The numbers don't lie. He says american conservatism hasn't violence problem. The current secretary of energy, repairing once publicly suggested that the chairman of the Federal Reserve serve to be beaten up because vision of his interest rate policy, Gretchen Forte member of Congress for Montana physically assaulted order who asked the question he didn't like President Trump has repeatedly alluded to extra judicial physical force, including suggesting that his supporters might resort to violence if they didn't get their way. The most extra inversion of conservatism. Violence problem is the most tragic. The pattern of asked shootings by people espousing right. Wing views sometimes encouraged in online forums. That is not part of conservatism. Violence problem because there is not a single conservative living in the United States who believes that the shooting of into
it is a solution to the nations problems, nothing about conservatism, which is about government protection of life, liberty and property, nothing in conservatism, which is about the belief that western civilization has created a forum for democracy and liberalism and free markets. Nothing there. S bows is either erased based view of the world or the idea that they use be able to go out and her people whom you dislike, particularly on the basis of race and yet evenly and heart, is pushing the idea that this is a mere extension of the right wing tendency toward violence, and this is nonsense, of course, and I'm going to talk about, politicians were espousing violence. All you have to do to find politicians who espouse violence is gone Twitter day. We're Barbara boxer was joking about Mitch Mcconnell falling down and breaking his shoulder. All you have to do is take a look at Cory, Booker, suggesting a couple of weeks ago that you'd like to punch Donald Trump in the face Joe Biden, his head very similar
things. Politicians on all sides of the I'll have been using the sort of language for decades. So the fact that there are certain Republicans who have done it does not mean this is an exclusively right wing. Problem. Also David Leonhardt then cites a study from the ATL is very not. It is a very skewed study says thirty. Nine of the fifty killings committed by political extremists according to the atl we're carried out by white supremacist, another eight were committed by killers of anti government fuse located at ATL study does not actually look to the rationale behind the killing. It simply suggest The white supremacist have committed a certain number of killings, and that is true, but as we will see, that is not the standard to which left hold itself so pure should be the standard for political killings, a political killings, clean is politically motivated. Right thing is a reasonable, a reasonable standard for a political killing. A political killing is not when somebody it's a killing and then we go and we look into their politics in sort of a back Phil Fashion and then a tribute to their politics. What may not have been political? A lot of the killings by white you print
this or family members or other white supremacist, for example, and then to a tribute that were brought. Lady conservatism is a second order mistake that David Leonhard makes over at the New York Times John Jonathan Green blood had of the eighty else's right wing extremist violence, our biggest threat. The numbers don't lie. I may agree that it's our biggest rapid to associate that with conservatism. More generally is despicable even the dignity and hearts is yes. I understand their important caveats. To add conservative America mostly filled with honourable people who deplore violence and bear no responsibility for rightwing hate killings. So mass shootings have no evident political motive like the one in no higher on Sunday and little
America, always violent and arrange people like the man who shot a republican members of Congress playing Softball in twenty seventeen. Some democratic politicians have also occasionally lapsed into ugly violent rhetoric and suggested they want to punch their political opponents, but its folly to pretend that the problem is symmetrical. Mainstream. Conservative politicians use the rhetoric of physical violence much more often starting with the current president of the United States. Any statute it to prove this by the way, and we have a comprehensive statistical analysis of I'd be curious to find out whether that is the case or not. In any case, this is the narrative that is being pushed and that narrative is being tied specifically to president from because Trump use Inflammatory language on a regular basis uses language that I think, crosses a lot of wines of decency on a regular basis. Since the idea is you pin white supremacist killings, that Trump is not responsible for on Trump, and then you pin Trump on the right and left
the generalised right conservatives across Amerika responsible for killings that they deplore hate bullet have nothing to do with condemn, believe that the person who did you get the death penalty for it's really easy trick. Despicable trick that the left is playing as will see when that trick is challenged and anyway, the folks I'm left can't abided like in any way, and this is the truth, as explained in just one second. First, let's talk about hiring it your business, so you and upgrade your business. You want to make sure that everybody, your business, is top quality hiring used to be hard not anymore. When someone makes the slightest most minor insignificant mistake here. On the bench appear Russia. They know how easily we can replace them and they live in fear of that day and that sort of fear makes them work harder, see the beatings will continue until morale improve your daily while in reality we're just hiring. We're not really firing anybody? You dont have a habit of fire, people can be higher than people from the beginning, because we use the procurator zip precludes outcomes. Lash daily wire, Zip recruited will
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Another new times columnist, Intromit boy, Jamal, Bully, writes about race all the time and believes that virtually everything he disagrees with is evidence of racism, so chimera buoy attacked me yesterday. Personally, I tweeted out there. I thought it was despicable that so many folks in the press or trains conflate, conservatism more generally, with white supremacist them that we hate it. Some of us, as I say, I've, had an enormous number of death threats. Somebody's been the victims of white supremacist who are currently going to prison because of those death threats, and so I wrote yesterday about some folks on the left. Your conflation of all conservatives with white supremacist monsters, who despise actual can over two principles. You know like the Universal Non, racially based applicability of principles of western civilization is cynical, deliberate and disgusting. Social mobility jumps right into that Poland and immediately does exactly what I accuse them of doing this, as the real point of this tantrum is to go after anyone who make the might make the connection between White Nationalist,
and bends ideological project. You see, my ideological project is connected. Twice nationalism, informing the aspirations of white nationalism. According to you nobody, never mind the fact that I've been the loudest critic of white nationalism, probably in the United States, last four years and was the number one target in twenty. Sixteen that doesn't matter, I'm apparently one of them, or at least I'm lending them credibility or I'm connected to their viewpoint, is according to columnist for the New York Times and more broadly, the left is trying to do this with with President Trump Are there trying to suggest that Trump is one who's lending credence white nationalist now I said at the time in twenty fifteen and two thousand and sixteen that from pointing out at the outright that was true. He did do that in twenty fifteen and two thousand and sixteen it was wrong. It was morally reprehensible. I said it at the time, but since two thousand and seventeen is not been doing us up now- maybe that's But the fact is so are these shootings, ITALY shootings our recent too and to blame them on Trump, who has come out right,
thirdly and condemned white national. Wouldn't you be happy if he condemned white nationalism? What he did yesterday and it turns out he's been doing it repeatedly. In fact, we have as mashup in an trump over the last few years, condemning white nationalism about a thousand times in a row. No tolerance for Anti Semitism in America or for the form of religious or racial hatred. We are a country that stand united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms. We want our country to replace where every child, from every background, can grow up free from fear innocent. Of hatred, and surrounded by love, opportunity and hope racism is evil and, though who cause violence in its name, are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, NEO, Nazis, white, supremacist and other hate groups that are repugnant,
to everything we hold dear as Americans. Those is red violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of We must never ignore the vile poison of anti Semitism or those who spread its venomous creed. With one voice we must confront sacred everywhere and everywhere it occurs. Ok Trump has set all the stuff. The left doesn't like that. He said all the stuff, because, if fights against the narrative that they are trying to paint the narrative being, the Trump is the cause of white supremacist in the United States, even though it obviously proceeds him, there been white supremacy, shootings in the United States going all the way back to my childhood and beyond. I remember there is a white supremacist shooting in my neighborhood back and ninety ninety nine as a white supremacist who drove right past the place where I was about to go to high school in them
suited to go the West valid J, C C and shoot up the West allergies, you see their white supremacist shootings during barometers tenure of his proceeds trump. Now you may make the case that it is worse under president from I think, statistically its unclear, whether that is the case, but in my opinion it is in my opinion, that is the case, but the attempt to paint trump as a white nationalist or what you promised is obviously the goal here and it is politically motivated is now from speaking out on the same stuff. You want to speak out on and you're angry about it. You're Madame it shouldn't. You be happy that from business twiddling around on this, should you be encouraging him to do this all the editorials over the weekend. Word front needs to speak out about white nationalism. Many speaks out about white nationalism in white supremacy and everybody and left eject, because it too, out the real agenda isn't too have from say the right thing. It's too have from say the wrong thing so that you can then browbeat conservatives with the idea that they are supporters of white supremacy. Every democratic presidential candidate has been pushing this particular narrative. It Joe Biden yesterday,
Herr trumpeted KKK. It means a lot of things about from from is not a member of the cake. Ok, that's absurd. This is a prison. Who has said things? No other president has said sense. Andrew Jackson, we went through this before the twenties with glucose clan. Fifty thousand people walk around Pennsylvania, able in pointed had sooner robes made. Does they in fact decided anyone Catholics coming into the country we went through it? after the civil war in terms of the clock, clan and wait supremacy. This is about separating people and the good and bad in his mind. It's a trait used by Charlotte all over the world divide, people divide them, fit them, against one another. I am sorry it is. It is unbelievable to hear this coming from Joe Biden, who suggested that Republicans, like Mitt Romney, most mill,
toast, human being, who has ever walk the earth one to put black people back and change. Then we heard Joe Biden talking about folks who are dividing people along racial lines. A beta Orourke then suggested that president from shouldn't come to our past, oh of course, because he is the great adjudicators who should come to our passer, including the elected president of the United States, who, by the way one the state of Texas in two thousand. Sixteen don't think the president should come here why she described Mexican This is a town and mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals repeatedly has warned of an invite and try to make us afraid of those did not look like the majority of this country is discussed. Human beings, as an infestation, only have an attack like this? When you have a president, gives people permission to act on this hatred
this racism and they are totally so that standard. If we're gonna hold that standard, then Barack Obama, Dallas police officer, shooting Ferguson Riots, Baltimore Riots, Bernie Sanders, shooting Elsie ICE, the attainment facility attack. I mean that it's very easy to extend the standard that our work is talking about to encompass pretty much all political rhetoric in the United States. You can see that the media are very unhappy. The trunk condemned white supremacy yesterday there they're interested in the division, not in unification dominance, agree example of this time limit on CNN, he suggested yesterday that Trump, even condemning light supremacy rings hollow. So how would it not ring hollow exactly where we really do have to ask the council question, which is you have to give me? How would it not ring hollow. What would he say that wouldn't ring hollow to download, and the answer is nothing and, as will see, the left is very upset that anybody would point out the trump actually condemned white supremacy. Yesterday we have also called on this president to say the words
finally said today, but they ring hollow when he's coddled, white, supremacist or domestic terrorism or those who perform those acts? So listen hope that this makes a difference. But how many times have you- and I been sitting here on time vision saying well, I hope this one changes. Things hope this when changes things and then nothing. Ok, so again, that's not journalism, and that is opinion and done is supposed to be journal Meanwhile, the journalism got all over the place during that particular segment. We'll get some more of this in just once we'll talk about the agenda. Again, the agenda is to say the Trump is in fact the cause of white supremacist terror attacks across the United States and then to tie conservatives more generally to Trump and, by extension, to white supremacist
air attacks across the United States. Instead of us unifying there's a deliberate attempt being made to divide Americans when we all agree on this stuff, that's the dirty secret. We all agree white, supremacist, evil, evil, disgusting, evil, a cancer should be were all on the same. We should all be morning together today. We should all become the solutions together today. Instead, the left is insistent that the right swallowed. White supremacist, terror attack as a natural consequence of conservatism? Well, the answer is not going to do that, because the bull crap, that's not a thing. That's going to happen like it's more of this in just one second, first
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see ass. You really are business Paul millionaires and billionaires, ensure money that funding this white supremacy gives you. Won't tell him to stop who's, not telling him to stop when he said all the bad stuff, then he said in the best I'm pretty sure a lot of people are telling this up and by the way, if you support Trump in his re election bid, because you dont trust calmly Harris Elizabeth, worn or Joe Biden around the country. This does not make you a white supremacist. The attempt to type politics to this event is a deliberate attempt to elected Democrats of the White House. That's what this is about, and here's how you can tell so today the media actually started to cover this thing. The way they should cover it. So the New York Times yesterday ran a ridiculous and bizarre headline that ridiculous and bizarre headline, which I pointed
yesterday, was something to the effect of Donald Trump condemns racism, but says nothing about guns and, as I pointed out, that is not actually a here's. The exact have mine, it was Trump condemns, white supremacy, but doesn't proposed gun was after shooting and, as I pointed out, that's not journalism right. That is the New York Times saying what they wish. He had said not what he said. What he actually said was that white supremacy is evil. Wouldn't that be the headline Trump wait. Supremacy is evil. It very easy headline to write trumped condemns white supremacy, that's where the headlines, because I pointed that out, yes, well, apparently, the editors at the New York Times actually got the message, and so there are headline on the front page of the times today was quote: Trump urges unity, verses, racism, Trump urges universes racism. That is a factually true headline in up. You may think that its disingenuous, you may think
down lemon does that it rings hollow, but the actual the headline, if you're a news person, is that Trump urges unity versus racism, then a third biased headline that is a very straightforward headline. The entire left went insane made. Roger, came out and said it was disgusting. The New York had run that headline Alexandra. Abkhazia Cortez, as is her, want, accuse the New York Times of white supremacist. So I guess it was Nancy blowsy. Three weeks ago now it's the New York Times pushing white supremacist, apparently Nate Silver, who is at five. Thirty. Eight, not obviously is of the political left said not sure Trump urges unity, verses racism, so put it back up for a second Nate Silver said not shared from urges unity, verses. Racism is how I would have framed the story and then ass. He says let this front page, serve as a reminder of how white supremacy is aided by and often relies upon, the cowardice of mainstream institutions. Weird. I remember that time. The trunk called than your times, vagueness and everybody was like. Oh my god- that right there is an attack on the four
The amendment is an attack on the press. One agency says that the New York Times is forging White Supremacy magazine attack on the press, because they all seem well loving Yossi right? I mean she is the wisest most benevolent, most beautiful among us most brilliant debt. Thus, when she ripped into the inner times as an institution of white supremacy filled with cowardice, not a problem at all. So what is the New York Times? Do the New York Times switched its front page, not kidding because a blow back from the left because vote, because many on the left were suggesting they're going to cancel their subscriptions over the headline? In fact, really accurate had won the New York Times reversed itself and pulled down that headline and Europe a new headline? They have One was a ceiling hate, but not guns. Now that is not in fact
red regulations, including red flag regulations, that is at its hoary eliza right, but not blank, is not a factual reported decision. That is an editorial icing decision right, that's the kind of London I could write a or after realising decision right, that's the kind of London I could write a or after every Brok Obama speech. Barack Obama endorses acts, but not why. Being a thing. I wanted him to endorse right, that's editorializing, so the New York Times a paper that used to be founded easterly. Their slow, It's looking used to be without fear or favor and that it was a. It was a statement made by the founder of the yard time that hundred years ago, without fear or favor. Don't forget that now it's your of the lap means that we will favor the left they going to switch the headline. Why? Because it would undercut the narrative that the left is attempting to drive in from actually did or unity versus racism, it's amazing and speaking of upholding
Leftist narrative, speaking of upholding that leftist narrative, the CNN, ran a peace today and the peace was about the politics of the Dayton Ohio sure. Now a couple of things can be true one. The date no higher sugar was not overtly political in his shooting, meaning he not release a manifesto and say here is why I'm committing this act of EVIL and as the El Paso shooter did, and that is a valid distinction because to treat them as equally politically motivated and the absence of evidence that the Dayton shooting was politically motivated would be dishonest. However, are we going to pretend that, if the El Paso, shooting had happened and there were no manifesto, and then it turns out that guy social media those things were littered with white supremacist, disgusting trash or trump endorsement, but that wouldn't have been first and foremost in the media cover. I really didn't pretend that this works so see. You then runs apiece and I'll. Explain in just a second with two pieces and the left loses its mind. How dare CNN cover actual knows, how dare they do it
undercuts the narrative we get to that in just one. Second, first haven't something that we can all agree on, at least until the left aside. We can agree on it: saving money, honey, it's a free tool that you download your computer's browser. Well, the shop online, honey scans, the internet for coupon codes, another discounts and then automatically applies the group on with the biggest savings to your card, a check out just like magic, so you might ask how do I know that honey has my back or because they ve saved me, probably hundreds of dollars? this point, given the fact that I have honey running in the background of my computer every time, a shop anywhere from Amazon to Walmart Chicago their honey discounts, there are going Be applied so long as they can be found not only to honey test over one billion promo code last year it actually applied one hundred eighty five million sixty seven thousand eighty six working codes to people's orders. That is a lot of real life savings. Are you too and again you're enough to think about whether they're gonna cover particular site upon which you shop, just let it run in the back.
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Entered nag enough, go back in time and undo what you did with Gabby Giffords and Sarah Palin, where you attributed the shooting of Gabby Giffords by an insane person to Sarah Palin, saying the Gabby Giffords shouldn't be reelected with a man with a target map of her face. Ok, you you guys gonna, have to undo the whole routine where you suggested that the Orlando pulse, nightclubs, shooting, was result of republican homophobia. You'd have to undo all that stuff, because It seems to me that every time somebody does something you don't like, you go and dig up their political profile, and then you attempt to link its broader right wing or right wing concerns. So this is the new standard and have attic guys I've like that's a better standard, but if the standard right now that we don't know number one whether this was political or not or number two we're gonna hold by your usual standard, which is we dig up the politics of a person who did something evil and then, in tribute to everybody else who holds any of those political stances.
The evil of this person, and then you guys are going to have to deal with the fact that this particular Dayton shooter wasn't Elizabeth Warren Support or who is openly socialist. Who is a far left cook A twitter account according to CNN and appears to belong to Dayton, mastered it, I'm not gonna, say his name retreated extreme left wing and anti police posts, as well as tweets, supporting Antigua or anti fascist protesters. Most recent tweet of the account was on August third, the day of the shooting he retreated. Opposing millennials have a message for the job. I, generation hurry up and die? Please don't know what motivated this person is also true that politics are far left. It is obvious that his politics are far left in the hours before the Dayton shooting the Twitter account like several tweets about the shooting in El Paso, including one supporting gun control and other that they called the El Paso shooting suspected terrorists and a white paper since the account retweeted messages, supporting Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Worn, as well as post against ice agents, include
one. That said, these people are monsters and multiple post condemning police and supporting anti for protestors, who often use violent tactics. So apparently it's very bad for CNN report. This killing and Conway tweeted out to sea and in peace, and she was immediately accused of doing something evil for tweeting out the CNN peace pretty astonishing prettiest I'm in this. This is our great journalist they're telling us not only what we should cover, but what we should not cover, so we shouldn't for this stuff. Why? Because of the persons political convictions? Now, as I said to things can be true once one we don't know, that is politics drove the shooting and thus it shouldn't be covered in the same whales, El Paso and two. If this person or on the right it would be covered exactly the same way as El Paso by the media, because that is what our media do: the bravest and finest among us because, unfortunately, it doesnt back their narrative that violence is So she added solely with the right anything
it doesn't fit within Europe has to be ignored by the media, which is, of course, why wasn't a national news story when a purse, in quoting Elsie attacked and ice facility like two weeks ago. It's why the Bernie Sanders Congressional baseball is shooting these supporter of burning. You did that. That's why that was out in the news in sight of a week when it's, why we are still not seeing any coverage today of, for example, far left protesters at Mitch, Mcdonald's house. Who are standing outside shouting massacre Mitch Mcconnell. There really happens massacre image, I hear some of the video from outside Mitch Mcconnell House Miserable Carlos home, by the way because he broke his shoulder its. Why Nobody on the left will cover the fact that so many members of the left celebratory about. The fact that ran Paul was injured by his neighbour a year ago. In some sort of dispute ran paltry. That recently, that he's not able to perform his Brooklyn Correctional Duties cuz, he has to have a piece of his lung removed? You should see the replies to between all four members and left talking about why he deserves it.
There's some the video outside Miss Mc Colonels house. Last night we had a house. This thank he's. Gotta get some rest, not if the kills children that your kidnapping can't get it We rent not in families, are getting murdered, can't get any rest. Your thoughts and prayers mix you Why don't we go? We can't even call white man's errors. They ve been terrorism begin another got country you are terrorists may give them to you. Your mom of May now get, I'm not going to trivia this to the entire left, because this isn't the entire life. But this is a person who left in a group of a left or outside Mitch, Mcconnell's house, wood, signs that say: Hashtag massacre that trended on twitter yesterday watch out hot Ali who, who is a CNN,
commentator in your terms contributor. He treated out hashtag massacre. Moscow Mitch is trending. I still have faith in America then he deleted it. Obviously so it's again, This sort of notion that the political rhetoric on one side is driving the great divide in our country is insipid. Yes, Donald Trump makes our political rhetoric worse and has been doing so for several years and yes, democratic also have been doing this for a long time, but to a tribute white supremacist shootings to the right Is no more honest, then, to attribute the issue in Dayton Ohio to the left? More broadly here, that is, it is a particular narrative and the fact that the left is now trying to undermine man and it will really underscore the narrative of their choice. Cracking down on members of the media, who are pointing out facts. Do not aligned with that trend is pretty obvious evidence of what exactly so many folks
left are trying to do not just a second, I'm gonna talk about some of the gun, control measures that folks on we are talking about, then want to get to the trade war with China, which obviously a massive issue, is going to impact your life. The economy could see a severe downturn if this sort of stuff continues Pershing into Gonna, get going and you're going to do to go over to daily wired our common subscribe for nine ninety nine a month. You can get a subscription to daily word. I come when you do you get the rest of the world live. Yet two additional hours of the show every single day when you get the ninety nine dollar a year subscription to get this the leftist years, hot or cold tumblr is magnificent, is also jocular. For those you don't know what a joke as go check us out over a daily wired accompli subscribe, it helps insulate us from the evil of a left that wishes to censor all of their approach thence by lumping us end with some and most evil people on earth. You're, not those people, you're you're, a good person who supports conservative ideals, or at least free conversation for not a conservative. Please go subscribe of our daily where that come where the largest
It is growing conservative, Pakistan, radio show in the nation, and so in the aftermath of this mass shooting. Obviously, Democrats are talking about their gun control proposals. It is amazing how so many of the folks in the media are going to members of the left as though it is the responsibility of members of the left. Members in the democratic parties agree absolution to President Trump for the El Paso shooting, which assumes number one that Trump is responsible for the El Paso shooting, which is not true and two assumes that look rats or in any sort of moral position to grant absolution for trumps rhetoric for for what happened, in El Paso or anything like that, give you an example. Chris Matthews have an early sake rohingya how messed up like now will a website that will happen over the weekend tank Tumblr Harris come later. As you support our shopton come layers, things out. Captains of wonderful guy well, allegedly inside too,
I had to New York City there. I am contact. Tumble has left Pope PAMELA about whether chicken exonerate trump of these charges. He does things that cause bad behind five years and in this case his kinds of words encourage the kind of act. And that we ve seen in El Paso, so is all a typical. Logical? Can he be educated? Will this educate him? He said the pull back on this man's pullback. Youth is not it. A boy he county, metallurgy. My Angela, my absolute took us told us a long time about people tell you who they are the first time believe it. He has told us who he is the magic about. Can we teach him? There's like vegetables, vegetable vegetables go mad, they tell me that the can we can. We teach him about red. Tell me more about our shopping. Camera is so. What is it clarity, Democrats going to do with their new and moral bravado, or are they going to do well according to
Elizabeth was with worn uncommonly Harris they're just going to crack down on the american people what they want and uncontrolled. Now, if you on the right, and you say one: never, these people into office because hey they're going to cram down gun control on me, according to the left, is makes your white supremacist because obviously you'd have to support trump in order to defeat Elizabeth were overcome. Here's Elizabeth worn declaring that the second amendment a longer supply because no longer applies because tyranny? We ve seen this sort of escalation and harm shooting after horrible shooting. What would you be able to do as president? That's different from the track record that we ve seen on the first day that I'm president, the Republicans want to try to block things. Then we get rid of the filibuster, and we go with a majority vote. I will do everything I can buy executive order, but I will also lean on the argument of getting rid of the Philip Esther, so that by a majority we can do with the american people have sent us there to do in case. It is not actually the proposed policy, but She is going to say that you will do it alone from the top of the federal government. Kamel Harris is the exact same thing
you say: she's gonna use executive action. They made natural proposal by the way there just explaining how they're going to seize power that is not delegated to them under the constitution. Is there any other action you are considering when you look at these, for example, to most recent mass shootings and, unfortunately, tragically sadly, there. In so many of them. In recent years, right fell under the Harris administration. I will give the United States Congress one hundred days to pull their act together on this and put a bill on my desk for signature, and if they do not, I will take executive action, as you mentioned, and in particular, put in place a comprehensive background. Check requirement also make sure that we give the eighty f the resources that it needs to take. The licences of gun deal
those who violate the law so again there she is explaining that she is going to just violate the constitution wholesale receive a hundred days to do something I want otherwise who's gonna. Do it myself, which of course, is what it says in article one of the constitution, which grants legislative power to the president so long as the president cannot Congress to do what they want? What Democrats actually want work really still that who's on the John five row on positive America, and he explained what actually wants is just done confiscation broad scale across the nation. I'm sure this No great. The most effective gun control measures have been gun, licences and mandatory buyback programs like they did in Australia. Would you be open to those proposals president. Yes, at the open to them right now, as a candidate, absolutely has to be part of the conversation and if at the end of the day, it's gonna save lives. If its can prevent the kind of tragedy that we saw in El Paso Gilroy or Dayton, or this weekend in Chicago or all over this country on a date,
we basis, then let's move forward and do it. I know there is generally he's going to. Look for us, when it has gone by back in Australia, was a mandatory buyback, meaning that was gun confiscation by the way worthy of note. Australia had pretty much no mass shootings before they had the gun confiscation and in terms of murder rate, the gun, murder rate in Australia. Fine slower than the United States. Murder rate from guns at the same exit over the same exact period, while the nuts of guns in circulation. The United States rose dramatically, so none of this actually matches up but you wonder why the right is uncomfortable with left policy prescriptions, because you guys can say You gonna grab our guns. They do not know. Why do you keep saying that cause you keep saying? You're gonna grab our guns. That would be the reason right there. Ok, in other news, What will end up being very consequential news for twenty twenty one We are looking at right now in the stock market,
we're. Looking at in the markets, more broadly is fairly disastrous. The market seems to have stabilized a little bit today in the aftermath of a massive drop off over the past week in the stock market stock market dropped. From about twenty seven one thousand three hundred about a week ago, all the way down to a low of twenty five thousand seven hundred to drop at one thousand six hundred points over the course of a week, and it was largely due to fears of a trade war between the United States and China and that's because a bunch of different measures are now being taken both by the United States And by the Chinese as this trade war escalates yesterday, the DOW had plunged had plunged seven hundred sixty point. It was the worst day of two thousand nineteen. The yield curve inverted. The bond yields went all the way down to the very bottom of the neck, because everybody started rushing to buy bonds because they are afraid of
The upcoming downturn in the economy, possibly the NASDAQ, fell for a sixth straight session. Yes, SP. Five hundred also posted a long a six day losing streak text asking will particularly hard hit as because China, which has historically controlled its currency the: U On allowed it to fall to its lowest level on Monday against the dollar in more than a decade. The answer you unbroke above seven per: U S dollar and traded around seven point o five. It's been seen typically as an important and of inflection point now. Is it really that much higher in six point: nine five, not really, but it is seen as a move by China to devalue its currency in order to fight back against the Trump Ian Tariffs, the idea being. If they devalue their currency, it makes it easier for them to experts, export products and hard for them to import products. That is one way. Of fighting a tear of president from immediately came back and suggested that China was a currency manipulator he treated out trying to drop the price of their currency to an almost historic low. It's called
when's. He manipulation. Are you listening Federal Reserve zombie you're violation which will greatly weakened China overtime. That last part makes no sense if you believe that China's devaluation of its currency weakens China. Why are you calling on the Federal Reserve to inflate the court? Easy now, presumably weaken the United States. Trumps. Understanding of economics is flawed at best at best, when I say flawed. At best I mean it's really really terrible trump does not understand international trade. It doesn't really understand inflation. He does understand any of these things. Now, if you want to engage in a trade with China, you actually do have to make the case for why the United States should be engaging in a trade war with China. Now there are folks out there. Like me, all Ferguson historian, who have suggested that we should engage in effectively can cold war with China that China is growing power, they ve been expanding their real forces on military might in the south trying to see they ve been expanding into here too, or unknown areas. They ve been killed coming down political tyranny on Hong Kong. It trump by the way. That would be an obvious point. We're trumpeted said some
in writing in the Hong Kong protesters are are attempting to resist chinese intervention in Hong Kong when Hong Kong was handed over to the Chinese by the British in the nineties, the assumption was that Hong Kong would be self governing in China would not actually be in control of every aspect of of Hong Kong life. That obviously has turned out not to be true. There are these massive protests, including like one fifth of the population out in the streets in Hong Kong and from basically repeated the language of the Chinese. So it's bewildering to me if you're gonna make the case to China as a powerful international enemy that they are stealing our technology, that building their own five g networks to compete, specifically with american five g that they are using tech as been against the United States, but they are building up. Military resources that their backing from the world's worst regimes, including North Korea, that their cracking down on demo,
rats who would have been our allies if they were independent in Hong Kong, if you're to make their case, you can certainly make their case in then you have to make the case to the american people that this is a war that we can win. The world require sacrificed from the american people have to be honest with the american people about what this is going to do. Honesty is requisite other wise here's. What American C is he a bunch of fluctuation in randomness in this trade war, and then they see their prices going up in american businesses shutting down because China has now declared on a governmental level. They are no longer going to buy american agricultural products. You know that's going to hurt all the farmers in rural areas in the states. Trumped needs to win her trumpet, I what's gonna hurt him in Wisconsin, it's gonna hurt him in Ohio in Michigan It's gonna hurt him in a lot of the areas that are heavily reliant on trade with China. So if from knows what he's doing he needs to explain to us, because otherwise, how do you expect the american people to take the sacrifice? Your asking of them Trump announced? Last week the United States
pose a ten percent tariff on three hundred billion dollars worth of chinese imports. The tariff will take effect on September first trumps anew men came after Chinese and U S, officials discuss trade earlier this week as the two countries try to restart talks from tweeted out this morning that the Chinese are gonna come in September and try to restart those talks and get these tariffs over with everybody is deeply fearful that China's devaluation of its currency is the precursor to something else, which is as everybody Russia's into the bond markets by bye. And, as the yields go down, that China actually forces the yields back up by selling off american bonds on the open market. Stephen more is an economic adviser to President Trump see even more committee said I think we may miscalculated here on exactly what the Chinese are willing to do. Well, yes, because their dictatorship and care about their own people The living standards have been rising in China, but China has an altar. The solution of people start to get to a party with diamond. It is kill them or gulags by China, is a tyranny? Lest we forget for all the talk about it
in friendly and wonderful vision, paying the President of China is a dictator who just reinstalled himself effectively for life. Nonetheless, Trump has declared China currency manipulator. Again. If you want the cold war, he got to explain why we're doing it. You do need to explain it and you can make their case. China is in a ferris actors. I've said repeatedly on the world stage there, a geopolitical threat to the United States, probably America's top geopolitical threat, but you actually have to make their case and when you say that their currency manipulator by the way, even that is not particularly unclear. The fact is that there were artificially deflating their currency for years. Now, it's pretty obvious that the evaluation that has happened is honestly kind of result of the tariff themselves when you tariff other countries. What you end up doing is immediately increasing the value of your own currency and devaluing other currencies. Why? Well? Because there are fewer american dollars in circulation, which means that the value
american dollars goes out because there are a few of them and in general international circulation, since not particularly clear that China actually was involved in currency manipulation. This time it is clear that China is willing to fight this trade war. Nonetheless, from things that being tough on China is going to work because it worked with Mexico. Now, maybe that's true. Maybe it's not true, because the Mexican government is actually an extraordinarily weak government, and annexing government is so weak that its in many ways, subject to the whims of mexican drug cartels? The chinese government is incredibly throng, so strong that can keep a billion people in under the under the auspices of an absolute here Learning. According to the Washington Post, trumpet increasingly acting based on its own intuition and analysis, not the advice of aids in the increasingly fraught trade war with China, five people briefed on the action said shattering the more cautious process that it yielded. Few positive results so far the Treasury depart. Its formal announcement that it had label China, currency manipulator him six hours after trumpeted himself on social media. The people describing the White House
process spoke on condition of anonymity. Of course, they said. Whitehouse officials were now expecting a law, drawn out battle with chinese leaders, even though Trump is acutely tuned into stock market fluctuations, but trumpets convinced that the chinese economy is suffering more than the US economy from the conflict. Now that's true economy is suffering more than the US economy. Inference is can get vote out in twenty twenty fusion ping is gonna, be there for as long as you're alive Trump apparently also has not validated that is hardball threats and other circumcised, answers including a reason tangle of Mexico overboard security seem to get at least some results, even if their, even if they scared investors in the short term. This is left AIDS, many of whom have preferred for the president to be more patient. To scramble to complete directives issued by president from stocks have been plunging as Trump and China have escalated. The trade war, some analyse our fearing in escalated. U S! China, currency war as well, not just a trade war
to further our currency war of devaluation and a trade war. China allowed the value of its tightly controlled currency according to the post, to follow your low on Monday, I move that threatens to hurt american producers by making their products more expensive for chinese customers. The Treasury department then called China currency manipulator, which they could go to the World Trade Organisation by the way in file a complaint. You're only have to do this in a bilateral process, as we proceed, professor afraid Coronel said it could get very serious of trade. Tensions between China and the United States morph into a currency war is, could lead the United States to essentially shut down all imports from China, some adviser some economic advisers, strategist named machinery to Cotta over Neuro. He said We could see a major market sell off in the wake of all of this. Numerous has there.
Way that their warning the next sell off could resemble a crisis level plunge like the one that followed the Lehman Brothers collapse and most people are predicting just a stock market correction down ten percent and maybe a slight pull back in the stock market. Numerous basing its view on data showing headphones fleeing the market and said more so to exit when their algorithms are triggered by rising volatility. Remember we have an election just a year and a half away. China has every interest in create. Chaos in the american markets, so they get a Democrat in there and the same thing has been through with IRAN, which is why they are creating more chaos, presumably with the promise that, if a democratic it's in there than they back off. All of that. This is where a strong communications policy
would be a very useful thing where this is where president from coming out in giving a speech on exactly what he's doing with China would be useful. The american people deserve to know. Otherwise. It just feels like ass, like ass, is gonna, come out of people's pockets. Ok time for quick thing, I like and then a quick thing that I hate them will get out of here. So things that I, like speaking of cold war, is both in the United States an outside the United States. There is a new translation of a work that was written under Stalin and therefore repeats lot of stalinist troves, but is really kind of a fascinating window into how the censorship process works in the USSR, Scott Stalingrad, the offers new men and vastly Grossman Grossman was but persecuted and praised by the stolen regime,
is more famous for another work of life and fate, which is quite amazing, work that does concern the Stalin years was written after Stalin was dead, but Stalingrad, which just came out a new translation by Robert Chandler and Elizabeth Chandler is a great window into how the Russians viewed themselves in the middle of the battle of Stalingrad. It obviously is extremely praiseworthy towards solid and for the stalinist regime, which is hard to read. If you know the truth about Stalin, but the the.
Sort of legacy of Stalingrad was the defining moment in the mentality of a lot of Russians. It continues to be if you read a book called secondhand time, which is a fantastic compendium of how Russians think about themselves by a Nobel Prize winner in literature, the the kind of myths, the myth making is very obvious in this book Stalingrad by vastly Grossman. It is really well written book, go check it out right now. It is it's very long book. It's Tolstoy ask in its approach, but it's worth the red. Ok, let's see things that I hate. Oh breaking news, things that I hate. The New York Times admitted that their original headline was a bad headline, so from urges unity, verses. Racism apparently was a bad headline
the editor of the New York Times, has now back down completely. He acknowledged that his newspaper messed up with the front page headline over its lead story. They say it was a mistake that prompted is going the daily beast. It was a mistake that prompted all sorts of consternation widespread criticism from high pro out from detractors once images of the papers from page surfaced online on Monday night, it also provoked attacks on the times political coverage generally even vows to cancel subscriptions but cat text to the daily beast. Who has written on sidelined when it was passed along for approval? We all saw it was a bad headline and changed it pretty quickly. Of course, in your ten in the presidents of the Centre for american Progress, which has left us think, tank was typical of the Times Army of critics, implying the paper caved in You trumps constant attacks on the news media. No, actually they caved in to your attacks on the news media. So it's very bad for Trump to attack. The press is very good for the left to attack the press, obviously, and by the way, on better results. Apparently sets exciting
in case you didn't know the New York Times hates from in case you didn't know. The New York Times is happy to parent of left us talking point: all you have to do is take a look at the editorial page, but now that has infused every aspect of their media coverage to the point where they can be bullied by the left into retracting their own media coverage other things that I hate today. It's actually a thing that I like these I like reality, but as it here without raising the minimum wage in New York City leads people to cut hours and job shocker. According to the Wall Street Journal more than six months. After the fifteen dollar, minimum wage went into effect in York, city, business leaders and owners, say the increase labour costs and force them to cut staff, eliminate work shifts and raise prices. Many business owners say these changes were unintended consequences of the new minimum wage which took effect at the beginning of the area. You think shocker. It turns out that when you make policy with your gut instead of your brain, it has unintended consequences. I can't believe it Not that every single study that has ever examined minimum wage is effectively found that there is not some giant bank full of Scrooge make the
Any employers are swimming around in and holding back from their employees. That increasing minimum wage inevitably means cutting hours in cutting jobs, not that that is the most common, binding and economics. But it's pretty common. It's a pretty common, binding economics. You mean that if you force me to pay my employees more or force them to work less or fire them, I can't believe it shocker. I guess we're supposed to be surprised by all of us, Well done once again, city of New York driving business out there as fast as humanly possible, just very solid stuff, already we'll be back here later today with two additional hours of contents. Otherwise will see here tomorrow, I'm bench here? This is the bench approach on the bench of Euro show is produced by Robert Sterling directed by MIKE Joiner executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer, Jonathan, hey, our supervising producer is Mathis Glover, and our technical producer is often Stevens edited by Adam side of its audio is mixed by Micro, Mina, hair and make up is by just one overall production assistant Nick. She him the bench of heroes.
So is a daily wire production. Copyright daily. Why or twenty nineteen? If you want to delve the deaths of leftist madness head on over to the Michael Knoll Show where we examine? What's really going on beneath the surface of our politics and basque, simple joys of being right.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-25.