« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 810 - Fight Night: Round 1

2019-06-27 | 🔗

Democrats battle it out for supremacy on the undercard…and we prepare for the bigger fight on the main card. Date: 06-27-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Democrats battle it out for supremacy on the under card in we prepare for the bigger fight on the main, heart I mention here. This is the bench a parachute show. We need those Amigos: Alabin Shapiro shroud Dundee nor Blamore spun your that anomaly. Almost the last persona, Skippy Unsung K, C. I know that you're listening the democratic debate last night up the democratic It is a thing that happened last night and I Drink cyanide, which was my prediction yesterday to not all of my predictions, come true, I survived it and I feel like I should get one of those one of those t shirts is. I survived the first democratic debate and all I got was this lousy. Sure, but I'll tell you didn't survive. It was beta Aurora whom the Hague Hook Rocard Basin they wields his prone body out of the room. After the switch we're gonna to go through all the various candidates did they have a good night? They have abandoned also over the big winner was last night, Donald J tromp that dude
a great my last night, because this was not just a clown car. This was all of the clowns popped out of the car and then started ramming each other with foam pillows. That's that this was all of the clowns decide I to stuff themselves back into a phone booth and then wrestle with one another. No one looked good. Everyone look stupid, and one thing that became deeply apparent is that the entire democratic Party with maybe the exception of Joe Biden when eurobonds, the only sane person in your party, you are Jack Man, but the Democratic Party has decided. The only reason they exist is to pander to the political. Geniuses on twitter. The polls show that the vast majority of Democrats are fairly moderate in their views on everything from abortion. Yes, they are in favour of some restrictions on abortion to Medicare. They are not in favour of Medicare for all they want to keep their private health Kepler.
The vast majority of Democrats are fairly moderate on immigration. They do want to see our border police and yet the entirety of the Democratic Party last night competed to see who could say the most insane extreme thing in the stupidest possible. Why? Now? One of the joys of watching these debates is watching some of the puffed up balloons of these politicians just explode and better work really had the roughest night it's hard to save one, because no one really ended up the big winner, but there is a very clear loser. Everyone knew it and that clear loser was beta, Now. The reason the beta was the clear losers because he was the easiest target plays only pole. We three or four percent. He still has squads of money in his back pocket, but he was pulling really badly and one of the reasons that he was pulling really badly is because he had been built up so much
his Senate race, with TED crews, so he runs against head crews, who is in in, unlike able politician allowed people think that he is, unlike about the media, obviously despise him in a deep and profound way, and because the media despise him in this deep and profound way they decided to build up. Nato is, though beta was a thing their stories on him. The HBO did an entire documentary running with beta, which is just the way thing that ever was an they. They suggested that he was charismatic. Look at how amazing he has. It just goes to show you that, when the meat, a build up. Somebody is charismatic three quarters of that is the a building. Somebody up his charismatic, not actual charisma and beta, was just right for the plucking. Here NATO was ready to fall. He was he was MIKE Tyson before, but but you're Douglas and then Buster Douglas came along and then MIKE Tyson started losing every other fight, and that is why This happened with NATO or work it'll work is toast and all the other candidates are gonna, make Hey out of simply
hunting him in the face over and over and over. As we will see us when we get to all of the highlights and the local the joy and the despair, the laughter and the tears the pregnant men. Yes, that's a thing that happened and all of the other stupidity, but First good blinds are to a home what a good tyres receded brings it altogether in your house. It may look like crap and you're like everything else years night. Why does my house look like rapids, because you didn't actually look at the summits covering a windows you should and you should replace it the best way with blinds dot com they make it really fast and really easy the shop. Four window coverings? This is why I like them. With fifteen million windows covered over thirty thousand five star customer views blinds dot, com is because number one on my retailer for affordable quality custom window coverings, every single or gets free samples, free shipping, a free, online design consultation. You send them pictures of your house, they send back custom recommendations from a professional for what will work
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Like if anybody needed above things went over to job Bush, punched him and then gained a couple of points in the polls obeyed. Oh, is that so baino is highly irritating to everyone because so puffed up and has such a sensitive zone grandeur after losing a Senate race, which is his only qualification for running for president of the United States. After believe, in that the media were. On his I mean you have to feel a little bad for beta better, because the fact is that everybody told him how wonderful he was till the minute he wasn't running against and crews anymore, and then there, like yeah, that guy isn't a kind of annoying. Doesn't he have these weird mannerisms? Isn't his personal history kind of odd isn t a rich boy playing it man of the What are you gonna feel bad form a little bit because he standing there going weight on the same person. I was fought Brown I'm, who I was five seconds ago. Why are you ripping off me? I'm just your ribbon,
bong. Why are you tripping on me bra and that's how it went to feed the Beethoven's last night and Beto is out the question about his preferred tax rate. They don't dodge the question by jumping into speaking Spanish and Cory Booker some of the most epic side I in history, so Corey Book on Mr Potato, head interest, bring his angry eyes last night. He also brought his side eyes last night and the visuals were astounding. Here's what it sounded like summoned Democrats want a marginal individual tax rate of seventy percent under there, the highest earners, those making more than ten million dollars a year, which you support that and if not, what would your top individual weight? MRS, it's almost include gotta persona in are still gonna. Mia betel see get see, get em also set an example: include gotta persona in western democracy. I gotta who died got gullible vaunted this is great Booker. Look at it
Elizabeth worn is like what is going on and Korea Booker's like. I can't believe I have to warn Mandarin before the next debate in visit there. This is it so funny he's asked a question in English and NATO just start ripping on all of this I mean basically the then The best part of this is that he avoided the question in Spanish. Sweden actually answer the question in Spanish. He avoided the question in spanish which, by the way, I think is actually pretty great tactic. I think that next time somebody asked Corey Booker, or will or bid or anybody on stage. We speak Spanish next time. Somebody asked him a question in English. They don't like that. They should say you're, not going glass I don't get it man. I don't speak English and this launch into a long speech in Spanish, Corey Booker. Looking unimpressive beta Spanish is one of the great is one of the great moment in this green cap is the main everybody looking up like what is going, but Don't worry, as we will see court
book are himself also awkwardly spoke spanish. This became sort of the theme of the night. Show you that real fast here's Corey Book are also awkwardly speaking spanish. It turns out that decide I that Booker was casting a beta was just because he was mad. That Baino spoke spanish before he did. In fact, both Booker an baino spoke spanish before Hooligan Castro. The actual hispanic person the race so years, Corey Booker speaking, Spanish, both of them by the way I have been told my Spanish, as you can tell us, not good both of them. I've been told, speak Spanish, not particularly well, so this got kind of awkward service. What would you do on day one- and this is a situation that the next president will inherit Lafitte one, for us it was on our order, is unacceptable as they president, they attack gobble demon. The most immigrant excess inexhaustibly voice can be altruistic one day one I will make sure that number one we end
ice policies and the customs and border policies are violating the human rights. Again. The speaking of this now is not the only person who was really disturbed by this. The most or person was Elizabeth, worn. She truly one is getting on. The accuracy is the least diverse person on the stage, so the acts that she wanted to get in and she was, I promise you you looked at her. She was five seconds away from trying to speak. Cherokee She was so close to breaking out the Navajo when talking. It was like this far a quick profits that are ok, so so beta starts to debate this way and then fatal gets clubs. I build plaza you're getting clubbed by Frankenstein. Is it it's? It's gotta be an unpleasant experience. We build a yo. Is eight foot three blocky awkward Assyria. Groundhog murderer and buildable,
you're standing there slamming beta white wisest lemon beta. What's the ribbon beta, the ribbon beta was used to moderate. Why? Because beta didn't call for the total nationalization of healthcare and the banning of private healthcare plans, now no one last night attacks, it was before the recent own attacked. Elizabeth worn is because I think everybody sort of understood Then, if you attacked warrant, it was likely to backfire, because the media love worn right now she is their golden girl and they are going. That's not a reference to reach going to that, and they were then to protect her there's this patina of freshness about Elizabeth warrant. Despite the fact is not a fresh politician, and if anybody clocked her, It was going to backfire on them. Instead, why not be on the day that everybody's beating up, who still pulling China well, what's all beat up on on beta that was the theme of the night. Basically, anybody who beat up on beta benefited so here is built The plaza Slim, NATO for not calling for total nationalization of healthcare. Would you replaced private insurance? No,
I think the choice is is fundamental. Has lately our ability to react with european private insurance is not working for tens of millions of Americans. When you talk about the co pays deductibles the premiums, the out of pocket expenses, it's not working and let us not working there. Choose Medicare for the ordinary workers, and you got as well as knowledge and skills needed, but I was working for people very able to keep em why shouldn't say: go like their private health insurance. Ok, This is amazing, so build a blog. You is clocking database, exactly right, you're by the way beta was saying that a public option, meaning that people can opt in domestic care, which is still a bad idea, but he sing that are public option is a better, more popular option than simply banning pray, health insurance. Considering a hundred and seventy seven million Americans are in private health insurance, and the vast majority of them are actually happy with the care they get from their private health insurers. But NATO is not sufficiently woke and so begins the ones of left. As will see, this becomes a theme,
the course of the debate? Everyone running a headlong its left right over the cliff, like marxist lemmings, pretty spectacular. We can then just a second first, this fourth of July, in addition to drinking pure liquid freedom, because Morocco, the only thing Americans should be drinking- is black rifle coffee, black rifle coffees, awesome, ok, how black rightful coffee every single morning! Not only do I have black rifle coffee, I love the dude who run black rifle coffee. They are awesome. The company was founded by former special operations. Vets black rifle delivers the best rose to order coffee directly to your door. This guarantees that are getting fresh premium coffee with every single order. Black rifles, coffee club, makes things easy. Just pick. When the amount you want and then the black rifle ships, your coffee, direct to your door. Every month, hassle, free plus when you join their coffee club, will receive discounts and offers and not available to other customers when you drink black rifle coffee, you're, supporting a company that gives back to veteran and first responder causes and serve coffee and culture to people who truly love America. So no more of that left his tripe being served to you and paper cups at stores.
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stand out, but the idea was that she should have dominated the expectations for her were high. Now shouldn't lose the debate. Shouldn't really get touched. But you don't stand out from the rest of these dolt. She stood stage, and can it said stuff and in what she really did you. There are a couple of ways in which we actually did the amateur self, not in the primaries, but in general we should make the general he's we're all become attack ads and they become attack. As because Elizabeth worn has made a big Bubu, she's made a big bubu. Everybody in the Democratic Party has seated immoderate lane to Joe Biden, everyone it's on a level. Forty percent of the Democratic Party still considers itself moderate chickens,
and all of these other gimlets he's Noma schools are seeding that forty percent in Joe Biden clubbing each other over whether we should provide taxpayer mandate a Bush mandated abortions for animals or whether we should or whether it should provide illegal immigrants with not only healthcare but subs eyes: New York Loft me: that's what the debate turned into and Elizabeth Worn was leading that charge. Ok, so Elizabeth Warren comes in she also has to do is handled herself decently. She did that she's not going lose any point. But she certainly didn't gain any points. Last night she didn't winners Turning away or anything like that- and she did we're selves and damage. If Democrats ever get to a general election of sharing gets to a general election, so Elizabeth worn it starts off this way. She's abortion. There is unanimity across this stage that not a single Democrat would limit abortion under any circumstances.
That would limit abortion under any circumstances. Eighteen percent of Americans agree with that proposal. Eighty two percent of Americans disagree with that proposal. It was unanimous on stage because this party has run off the rails and laughed at least leadership, not the people vote for it. The leadership has run off the rails and left, which is about to say, is wild. Why would you put limits on any limits on abortion? I will make certain that everyone has access to the full range. Reproductive health care services, and that includes birth control. It includes abortion. It includes every thing for a woman. I want to add on that It's not enough for us to expect the courts to protect us forty seven years in a versus Wade was decided and we ve all looked to the court's all that time as state after staying. Has undermined. Row has put in exceptions, has come right up to the edge of taking away
energy on that stage. All she is a ball of, Energy. On that stage, calling for government intervention in every aspect of american life. So the question was Would any limits on abortion in her answer was not only what an upper limits I would find it and federally mandate that funding via the legislature pretty incredible stuff. She does so much of this debate is about the aesthetics of it, and Elizabeth warned basically is right. But from the PO just runs around worrying about everything and she's a plan for her garden and she's ears. I'm sorry. I said it yesterday. I will say it again: she's an irritating human being in a closet, charges an irritating human beings is not about the sex of the person I am speaking about. Amy laboratories an irritating human being, tells you Gabert is not an irritating human being, both of them last. I tracked women. They self identify that way. So that's all that matters these it in any case, Elizabeth
born again she's wearing well with the media class, but I'm not sure this stuff is gonna where well with the american public. I mean. Listen to her talk shows that they ask a question on stage how many of you would abolish private health insurance understand. No one wants private health insurance abolished in the United States. The number of people who want private health insurance abolished in the United States, its unlike the twenty percent range, no one wants this, which is why, when this question is asked only two hands go up for abolishing private health insurance. Build applause, YO and actual Communist and Elizabeth worn. It want to be communist. We used to say that she was capitalist and used to talk about the glories of the free market and how we make that free market work better her sort of pitch will now she's run always left. Why? Because she's trying to head off Bernie at the past, she feels like if she can cannibalize Bernie and then eat his desiccated old body, then she will take over. His wing of the party, not maybe that's a good strategy for primary, another and voters there. But it's certainly not a good strategy for a general election
You think this won't be an ad. You think the Donald Trump will be able to say Elizabeth worn wants you to lose your health insured because she does that's what you're saying right: you're a hundred and seventy seven million Americans over ninety central Americans are happy with the health insurance that they currently have released. They have insurance, nine well over. Ninety percent of Americans have health insurance and something like seventy percent of all. Americans have privately provided health insurance Here is Elizabeth Warren. Raising her hand when asked if she would abolish private health insurance or everyone who is listening to this. You may all of us. We wouldn't have private health insurance we'd be forced into the medical system, which is already underfunded, overburdened and would quickly run to the bankruptcy numbers. Extraordinarily fast me, no, we'll be bankrupt by the end of the twentyth twenties anyway. So I guess we can accelerate, then make a bankrupt next year by throwing a bunch of people onto a without properly funding it, and then I suppose you ll have to crack down on doctors who they can care for and who they can't ask
Other half of this vote on the left, you say: well, you know doctors voluntarily take Medicare right now right because they can choose not to or they can choose to do so if Medicare is the only system. That means that Medicare is the sole bargaining entity withdrawn matters, and that means that the government can crammed down basically whatever they want on doctors, and then doctors will be forced to take it or they'll, be forced to drop out of of the doktor in business. Now that's effectively. What it was with war is arguing for here do not arguing for a public option, she's, not arguing that you should be able to buy government health. Insurers or use government health insurance as an alternative to the private market. A proposition, I think, leads gradually and inevitably toward nationalized healthcare, but which has not national Safeguard she's, arguing for the full abolition. Private health care in United States. Good luck with this one in general terms the issue of health care, right, I really try to understand whether May or may not be daylight between you. Many people watch you get home, have health insurance coverage through their employer who,
here would abolish their private health insurance in favour of a government run plan just to show has thrown up with ok so now What else on stage would abolish their own private insurance to take a government plan, though the plaza would because that you'd is happy to move off the government. All the time I was with war is a cynical lady and so would she is doing there is trying to head off Bernie at the pass. In fact, during the debate she suggested that she, like Bernie, is we're Medicare for all. It was pretty obvious appeal, and that wasn't the extent of warrants extremism on the stage is a lady who is solely concerned with knocking Bernie out early and then pivoting to the middle. But there is one problem: there's a thing and is called video and it exists now thirty years ago. You can do this routine, where you been We lied to the american people in either the primaries or the general. Iran's extreme, and then you shifted to the middle for the general election, but into this day. What you say in the past marries matters most of the quotes that people have from President from occurred during the primary
the primary out with the primary didn't used to They do now. When war in his asked about gun confiscation- and she basically signals yes, you might be interested in having the government come into your house and take guns. Is this gonna play in a general. I have some serious doubts. You, the federal government, needs to go and figure out a way to get the guns that are their one. I think we need to do as we need to treat it like a serious research problem which we have not done guns in the hands of a collector whose hand them for decades who never fired, takes safely seriously. That's very different. Guns that are sold and turned over quickly. We can't treat this as an across the board problem. We have to treat it like a public health emergency? That means bring data to bear and it means making real change in this country- think together its politically popular or not they. So again, she avoids the question because the actual answer is yes, I would try to confiscate guns, she could
just answer it, but she even even those with war, and understands that you can't say that one out loud, Second gets you the rest of the democratic candidate and also I have a question. I have a question. There are two terms that did not come up on stage last night, nearly at all and pretty incredible, and it shows where the Democratic Party is. First, I'm in the internet, basically, twenty four hours a day, I'm sleeping I'm so on the internet. I am concerned about hackers stealing my data, because you should be two and that's why I trust expressly paean to protect my online activity, you should to hackers government internet companies? Basically, everyone there all looking for data there, looking gobble up Express BP unreal, in the background of your computer or phone, and then you just use the intern The way you normally would you download the up equipped to connect, while I you're not protected by their powerful encryption techniques? Gee. I never go online without Express Phoebean you shouldn't either express Bbn is the fastest Vps Friday costs less than seven bucks a month. It comes with a thirty day. Money back, guarantee, sap hackers,
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has been unworkable. People don't like about this foreign policy, particularly much that was unworkable, Joe we'll have to defend that. There's a reason. None of the Democrats we're out they're, paying homage to Barack Obama. That's because presidency was not very good. He did not do a lot of good things for people. And so people have sort of been ignoring the fact that a barber was president for eight years more oddly, the other term that did not come up a lot less night was Trump and that's really interesting, because I think that I assume that the calculus for these Democrats is that they all thought that the other Democrats we're going to attack trumpets for their work to distinguish them. I was by talking about policy, but instead there are sort of prisoners, the women they all end up, talking about their crazy insane out of the box policy. Instead of talking about what the thing that unifies their party and unifies alot of Americans hatred for President Trump trumps name was mentioned only twenty times in two hours which is a very, very low number four in incumbent president running against a field of millions,
kind of astonishing. The other reason there not attacking Trump, of course, is that his actual record is pretty good. This debate started with a bunch of Democrats proclaiming to the skies that the economy is surely bad. No, no and actually believes that no nationally believes that the that the economy is bad in this in this psychologist. Isn't there economy is very strong. Elizabeth worn was complaining that only people at the top or making money off this economy. That is absolutely untrue. We ve seen wage increases faster than they have done for you as we have seen the unemployment rate at record lows: machine black on employment record lows: hispanic unemployment at record blows.
We have seen real economic growth under this president, like I'm ahead, and that is a fact, and the Democrats somehow have to avoid that- and I guess they didn't one discussed from, because if they did, it might remind people that Trump is still out there and then there's the final problem stressing trump, and that is that all of these emigrates next to each other. They look like Lilliputian Donald Trump is an outside personality. He is that there is a tendency for people for president to make themselves feel indispensable, in daily life feel what they occupy: the vacuum, but they're just there all the time Barack Obama did. This is very effective at doing this. He made it so is almost impossible to think of government or the presidency, without thinking of Obama. Trump has done the same thing, except even more so because he has dominated media coverage so thoroughly. So when you think of any of those Democrats, standing up against President Trump Trump looks ten feet tall and he's democratically patients- maybe that's because their stone, the primary- maybe they emerge, but the only major figure in the Democratic Party. Right now is Joe Biden.
These other people are minor players and could see that last night as they haggled over, which groups to pander to so Corey Booker MR potato head, he went out there. He took out his angry eyes. He slapped him on and then he started. Talking about the various groups have been left behind again. It's amazing. The democratic party requires a bunch of blue collar. Why people to vote for it if they want to win the presidency in twenty twenty, but the groups that they keep talking to our these smaller minority groups they can find, so they just keep breaking Americans down into the smaller and smaller identity groups and then over he'll that maybe to look sympathetic, I guess or maybe because they really believe they can now woke everybody else on the stage, so Corey Booker why do I woke everybody by saying you know who we don't appeal to black people, which of course is utterly untrue. The democratic party is severely concern and supremacy concern with the interests of its black electorate, which is why Korea, because on the stage because Corey Booker is not a good candidate, but
presumably his entire pitch, is to the black community. Don't vote for that old white guy? Who used to hang out with segregationist. I mean that's what you said last week: vote instead for me or Corey Booker one even further, and he said you know we really have not spent enough time on black friends people So eventually, he's gonna find the person who, feels. We really not spent enough time on the black lesbian, Franz little person. Whose half native American and also a quarter Korean, that's work that will be Corey, Booker's constituent but the strategy that has ignored the vast bulk of the american electorate, to focus on small segments of the electorate and suggest that those small segments of the electorate are being ignored. If you cobble enough of them together, you have a coalition good luck with that Korea, Booker Swimming lights, is complex to begin, but in the african american civil rights community, another place of almost stopped lynching of african Americans. We do not talk enough about
ants Americans, especially african American Trans, American. Incredibly high rates of you don't talk enough about how many children about thirty percent of Belgium, we take you, kids, who do not go to school because of fear it's not enough just to be on the equality ACT of an original corresponds. We need to have a president that will fight to protect algae, beating you, Americans, every single day nets, everything. You know what I'm back a higher right there there that there are is definitely and Odin back I'll. Ok. By the way, I would just point out that there is a factual error in what he says. He talks about the murder rates against transgender Americans, and you know, who is got a lot of research on this key point out that they were twenty six murders of transgender people last year. The vast bulk of them had to do with were actually not what we're actually
black transgender people who are killed by other members of minority groups, there is. There is a serious sexual violence problem against people who are engaged in the sex industry, in other words prostitution. There a lot of cross cutting issues here Korea book, which makes it into America's racist, America's terrible America hates gay people its absolute nonsense. But I guess this is the pitch and he wasn't in, but but This was the break up of the regiment. He was out working people PETE there. The general consensus wisdom is that Corey Booker did well last night. The other candidate who consensus wisdom suggested did well last night was humming Castro. Why? Because he also tried to outlook everybody, how woe is Hooligan Castro, who, in Castro is so low that he believes that federally funded abortions should be available not just for women. For the entirety of the pregnancy, but also for men seriously. He said this last night. He said that biological men should have a taxpayer the right to abortion, which is gonna, be weird. I got it
That's gonna, be we are giving an ultra sound to a man's prostate. Looking for a baby is going to be a weird thing deciding how to form an abortion. Through a man's urethra is gonna, be very odd, but hey if anybody make this happen. Who, in Castro, can Harry was last night explaining that biological men require abortion to would you can plan cover abortion? Mr Secretary just what I don't believe only in reproductive freedom, I believe, unreported. To justice. What that means is that, just because a woman or Let's also not forget some one in the tree. Ann's community, but Trans poor doesn't mean they shouldn't, have the right to exercise that right to choose. And so I would point out to a tree female is a is biological mail so screw? He I'm sure we met
Trans mayo, meaning a female biological female who believes that she is male, but he said a trans female. So presumably he also wants to make sure that a male who that that Caitlin General can have the abortion, the Caitlin gender so really needs this democratic party eminence eight I think there may be slightly out of such remains from America just a little bit just a little bit and infected the entire party. Last night was pretty amazing that to more of that in just one second, first, I'm too busy to go to the post. I'll, be honest with you. The last time I went to the post office, I got a giant part in taking this there's only one thing that Ella authorities are good at and that has given parking tickets, cleaning up the homeless problem, policing, nope parking tickets boom right on it. So this is why I have decided no more of the post office. Instead, I wanna go to stamps dot com. It is fast and it is easy. Stem cell com brings all the amazing services of the Eu S postal service directly to your computer when they are small office sitting invoices or an online sales. Shipping products or even a warehouse in thousands of package is a day cells.
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that was just here is how to call tumblr rule. It is a magical magical vessel, so grab that, because they're gonna be lots of leftist tears over the coming weeks, as they realise these debates are complete. Crapshoot we'll get to all of that injustice that also subscribe, because it helps protect us against the vicissitudes of big tech companies against the vicissitudes of the evil. Malicious media matters left it seeks to destroy all opposing viewpoints by going after advert, has help us out by subscribing going to do. The I can't make it happen. It's pretty great. We are the largest fastest growing conservative, pod Yo show in the nation of the workforce continued with bill, the plaza the mayor of New York then declaring that while Corey Booker, maybe a black man and while who, in Castro, maybe calling for abortions for biological men, he is the father of aid. Racial sun, and that means that he is woke in and of himself go for, build the plaza
the largest police force in America too? And if we're going to stop these shootings, you get these guns off the street. We have to have a very different relationship between our police in our community. I also want to say there's something sets me apart from all my colleagues the running in this race nice. For the last twenty years, I've been raising the black son in America and I have had to have very, very serious talks of my son Dante about how to protect himself on the streets of our sitting all over the country, including how to deal with the fact that we have to take special caution because I've been too May tragedies between our young men are police to ok, so he's running, our everybody by saying sure, I'm a giant white guy, but I have a by racial sun, and that means that I am even more victimizing America than Corey Booker, whose a black person on the stage so is just too is awoke fast last night Maybe this works in a primary. It's a theory. Maybe it works in the twitter primary consensus seem to be. The deposit did ok, that Castro had a big break out, because you want
many have abortions that Corey Booker did great yesterday for some reason guess busily everybody whose most woke did best Amy Closet to try to get into the air which our who is supposed to be the moderate who's. Gonna rival, Joe Biden choose the most interesting candidate. The field before she announced then she decided amateur slide on over the left, so she was asked about decree realising illegal immigration there's a big controversy that is now broken out about the about so called section. Thirteen twenty five million Castro attacked brutally beta Iraq suggesting the beta work was not in fact woken. Funny legal immigration that in fact, section thirteen twenty five which criminalize as illegal immigration cross the border. That's now considered a criminal misdemeanor. If you do so between ports of entry and sharp report of apply for us, I'm totally legal. You try across the Rio Grande River, that is a misdemeanor. The region That's a misdemeanor because we are trying to drive people towards the ports of entry, because if they dont go to the ports of entry not happen, sometimes they die because a lot more danger,
to go over the Rio grande than it is to walk to a parliamentary. The net with the Democrats want to get rid of that provision of U S law and make its that only like a civil fine. If you cross the real good and illegally. I suppose they think that won't incentivize people to cross it legally between ports of entry. What do they think that's going to do Amy climates are, who should know better says that she would considerably criminal, using illegal immigration. Let's talk about what secretary Castro just said he won, to no longer haven't be a crime to illegally cross the border do support them do you think it should be a civil offense only and if so, do work about potentially incentivize in people to come here immigrants. They not diminish America, they are America, and I am happy to look at his proposal, but I do think you want to make sure that you have provisions in place that allow you to go after traffickers and allow you did, though, after people, We are
violating the law ok so years there. She is somewhat moderate and just getting thrown out of the building. Basically, she also pointed out this is going me again and attack add by tromp against the other Democrats, whose Amy Clavichord Democratic, senator suggesting tool with war and build the plaza dies, kicking half of Americans off their healthcare. Maybe that's a bad idea if it's a bad pitch and a general election crazy, wants to keep private insurance in addition to a government healthcare plan. Why is an incremental approach, in your view, better than a sweeping over I think it's a bold approach. It is something that Barack Obama wanted to do when we were working on the affordable care, act, and that is a public option. I am just simple we concerned about kicking, half of Amerika offer their health inch. Front in four years, which is exactly what this fell says so mean That is going to be an attacker entreaty of democratically, your openly acknowledging that they're talking about taking a hundred seventy seven million people off of their health insurance. She would it.
Point four, that you know western when any points. Last night, TIM Ryan, the Congress person from on high he's. Also slightly try The engine of the moderate lane, but doing himself no favours here, is TIM Ryan explaining the Democrats are out of touch with common people, after which who, in Castro and Corey Booker decided to fight over. There are black trans disabled little person, constituent, we have people in the various states that I represent in Ohio in the Industrial MID West, we ve lost all connection that we have The very states that I represent in Ohio in the Industrial MID West. We ve lost all connection that we have to change the centre of gravity of the Democratic Party from coastal and illegal elite. Us and I ve league, which is the perception to somebody from the forgotten communities that have been left behind for the last thirty years to get those workers back on our side. We don't addressed that fundamental problem with our
action to workers, white black Brown, gay straight working class, blanket comes. None of this is gonna, get done, Chuck, ok, and that is the only thing that matters and as the one that they are all going to ignore. Now the other big exchange of that that was getting all sorts of attention- was an exchange between TIM, Ryan and tools. He gabert so till she gabert, who is a congressperson from why and also a sods favorite senator so Bashar Al Assad has very warm away but all gabert if she is not just an isolationist on foreign policy and refugee from the x men, apparently jobs, amazingly awesome shock of gray hair in the middle of a completely black Heraclitus break. The three great actual she TIM Ryan went at it and Tulsi Gabert. I mean that the fact that this gets cheered on national debate stages is pretty astonishing. Tim Ryan points out that the war in Afghanistan was justified because of nine eleven, at which point Tulsi Gabert says what did the Taliban ever do to us,
and she gets cheered. The reality of it is if the United States is in engage the Taliban will grow and they won't have bigger bolder terrorist ass, we have got to have some present there.
This brutality ere long before we came in the eye and their laugh or exactly. Well, we? U S, and they will be why to Afghanistan, thinking that we're going to somehow squash this Taliban there s either salons awesome when we warn in there they started lion planes and new our buildings. So I'm just saying right now, I'm going to attack us on nine eleven deny that well I'll, find this guy. I know that's why I and many other people military to go, not tolerate. That's why we joined to go after all kind of not the Taliban like the Taliban was protecting Al Qaeda. That was the whole premise of the war in Afghanistan. George W Bush offered the Taliban the opportunity to turn over Osama Bin Laden and to allow us to go for Al Qaeda. They refused until we reckon them so again. The fact that that was cheered, the TIM Ryan, is cast our good luck with this democratic party guys. The truth
is that the best metaphor for all of this was the MIKE breakdown that happened in the middle of the debate. So in the middle of the debate, NBC really blew it. Some sound guys about get fired today, because in the middle of this debate they the backstage audio conserving he heard and honestly I was kind of grinning my teeth, as somebody who works in this industry and has a microphone on me a lot of times. I'm always counting the audio guide not to have the MIKE on what I do. One add ons that people don't hear me going the bathroom, for example, or basically that's what happened on NBC News last night. Should there be a role for the federal government? unlike certain everybody's miser on I am, I think we have a I heard that too. That's, ok, if we had a little like tissue and about control room, we ve. We have heard here we have the audience
What is happening, and we are hearing our colleagues audio? We guess what we are going to take a quick break, we're gonna get this technique situation. We'll be right back very, very or Donald from tweeted out about it. This really makes down from mad production and up the battle of the fact that from because he was a tv star, all he cared about last night was the production quality. He took out NBC, moons and MSNBC should be ashamed of themselves for having such a technical breakdown in the middle of the debate. Truly unprofessional and early worthy of a fake news organization, which there
this group, the makes him he's like that wasn't even is best weight as best we at last night was bowed, half an hour in the rate and just will not one word all kept burning fact check. True fact check true, Mr President, that is the term campaign then released a statement saying that the debate was the best argument for President Frumps Reelection, that is one hundred percent rule campaign, spokesperson, Cayley MAC and any said quote: This debate was the best argument for President Frumps RE election and should really be counted as an income contributions. The president's campaign the Democrats proposed a radical government take over of the american society that would demand the american dream, so many are gaining access to under the growing trump economy. The final of socialist policies democrats embrace tonight we're akin to a mutual political suicide pact. They wanted two hundred million people off their current private healthcare plans, put them into a government system that would eliminate choice and crush innocent Mary, hence with an enormous tax burden to pay for it. These democrat policies, which feature government roll over virtually every aspect of Americans live there striking resemblance, is to those from authoritarian,
regimes like Cuba and Venezuela, perhaps his fitting Democrats held the first of May Ma Am Florida or somebody Latinos who fled the ravages of socialism and understand its devastating effects on society in a real and personal way. Ok, this is true. I mean if you watch that to bait last night and your anywhere close to the middle of the american spectrum. I can't imagine this one you over now: that's not the goal of these primary debates. Presumably, the goal is to appeal to the far left, but but the far left may not be that big and Joe Biden things that rights a team in Joe tweeted out last night in the middle of the debate. Let's be clear, we shouldn t be. Fordable correct. We should build on it. The Biden administration give every American the right to choose a public option like Medicare to ensure everyone has access to the quality, affordable health care. They deserve hashtag, damn debate, and so that is Biden militating against illicit foreign going directly at her and at Bernie Sanders Joe Biden knows: what Wayne. He is in apparently and he's staying in that late and that its monetary Mccall of the former Virginia governor, he said, listen,
these Democrats are out of touch. He is correct. They are out of touch I'm a little disappointed. I think we need to have more discussion on those issues that actually affect Americans every single day? They don't want to hear talking about Mitch Mcconnell, can we spent At a time of Medicare, proper people sent Home Anderson right now there are worried about their prescription drug costs. There worry about it a car in your drive but allow me to have to go see their kids play ball game. We needed more discussion on those issues that affect John Delaney was exactly right, would answer that infrastructure, prescription drugs I didn't hear workforce training at all tonight where the biggest issues our countries is right in saying that the same support this ain't, the primary for people living in the middle of the country. This is the primary for air sea and here is aliases. Take on this thanks. As you know, the big problem was that they didn t climate change enough. That was the big problem, still think that we artists
Gus in climate change. The way huge broad system make issue- and you can't just say, is my We gonna exist in fifty years we need to say what are you gonna do about this and I know there's a lot of folks, a lot of young people that have been mobilizing for an entire climate debate in in the democratic Because I think that's a good idea there competing for oilseeds, though they are not competing for the guy in Ohio or Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, with God help dont and demonstrate this done from spread with gods help. The Democrats will continue to run down this path because good luck, gang good luck, ok time for some things I like and then we'll get you some. Things that I hate so things that I like tonight I mentioned yesterday. This is basically the DUMBO clown car and that the only question is going to be which Democrat jumped from the top platform down into the bucket of
and that means it's time for me to recommend DUMBO numbers a great movie, the original dumbo, here's a little bit of the original DUMBO trailer, the circus, sir. The more entertaining and have found that it was last night amendment eleven who, who was all are farming as a dutch people competing up a new over fringe, though, sets a very exciting stuff so that as well, go watch the movie the movies Fund, although watch the remit, the remake as apparently pretty bad, but did the origin. No movie is still a great movie. My kids still love it because a ring
Disney as best as an original Disney's, really really good stuff. Ok, other things that I like you're, never gonna, believe this you're ready for this Andrew Qualmless had a smart thing, or at least not dumping. Sandra Cuomo was asked specifically about Alexander Cause, your Cortez, comparing the situation on american southern border to nazi concentration camps and Andrew Cuomo, elevated himself for a moment above his brother COS Chris as the lesser of the less stupid of the coma brothers. Here's Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, wrapping into Elsie, I think, is a wholly inappropriate comparison. The holocaust you're talking about a a tragedy of the local proportion and one of the greatest scourges in history. Six million Jews died during the Holocaust. There is no comparison.
To the Holocaust job, then for critical, good Randal Coma. Finally saying something not dumb congratulate Hence our it happens once every couple of years, maybe good on you and other things that I like so again This is a day for me praising people. I will never President Stephen Colbert when, after Beethoven Booker- and he has to because he's in Elizabeth Warren Drunk so Harry was yesterday last night, going after beta work and Corey Booker for speaking spanish and making fools of themselves. Second, the answer. If we want to answer the direct question, would you support? Is seventy percent individual marginal tax rate? Yes, no or pass? No! our language and won the topic turned to the border crisis. Looker took spanish and raised him mutual.
Ass, the amount available most immigrants. This is unacceptable. I welcome the progress that it is then Spaniel off. Ok, so it was obvious that that even the Democrats were pretty disappointed. The performance of their candidates last night now tonight is the big on tonight. It's Bernie versus Biden, old man club off basically needs. It's like that. That movie, where was it Sylvester Stallone fought Robert in Europe, is like that one, what, with its old people fighting each other tonight very much looking for people, judge standing off, decide crying about South banned in all this. It should be it should be more of a party tonight. Bernie Sanders by the way has to be feeling good about himself, because Elizabeth warranted not distinguish herself from the pact. Last night, Elizabeth warned did not have a break out night, and that means it's time for Bernie we're gonna common we're going to clean up like.
The USSR in Ukraine in nineteen, thirty, two we're going to clean it up pretty dark humor there, so there's Bernie, He saying he said last night watch tonight tonight's, the progressive the progressives turn. Elizabeth words like I've always been progressive. He's like you have not. I was here in eighteen, twenty two. You were not there being progressive I know com outcome, madam you all know Karl Marx, so here here- is Bernie Sanders time Medicare for all, which is, of course, his pitch and he's taken back from fellow is the war, and the major issue is: do we believe that health care is a human right. We're not some people do something, but I do so. I think there. You are poor or working class rich. You are entirely to all the health care that you need because you're in America. That's what I believe this is a this functional system, our healthcare outcomes are not as good as people in other countries. We have got to have a health care system, not to me the insurance companies rich not to make the drawer
companies rich, but the guarantee health care for all people, and of course, the fact- the way that's Medicare for what so, if you liked tonight last night, you will love tonight when you get the best, the cream of the crop, the front runners in the Democratic Party, I'm suck, you know what we're gonna have to go to break I'll see it here later for two more hours of coverage, or else you here tomorrow will recap the whole thing for you. I'm bench bear this adventure bureau the bench of Euro show is produced by Robert Sterling directed by MIKE Joiner executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer, Jonathan, hey, our supervising producer is Mathis Glover and our technical producer is often Stevens edited by Adam side of its audio is mixed by Micro, Mina, hair and make up is by just one overall production assistant Nick she him the bench of Hiroshima is a daily wire production.
Copyright daily. Why or twenty nineteen? Oh Mamma see us the first democratic presidential primary debate was last night and everyone started speaking spanish. We will examine why lost grads sown. Stupid us, then my I'll gmail Giovanni stopped by to explain why young men get radicalized. Finally, the mailbag check it out on the Michael Knoll Show.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-25.