« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 8 - David Brooks Hates Conservatives

2015-10-13 | 🔗
Ben discusses the conservatism of the conservative who encouraged Barack Obama to run for the White House because of the crease of his trousers.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In world history, the jewish people have never had it better than they had for the last couple of decades. The rise of Israel was a strong international power, made it possible for juice to feel safer all over the world and the fall of the Soviet Union frayed millions of Jews to leave that communist cesspool. It's been an era of tolerance and good will towards Jews throughout the United States, gills over the holocaust. Stop the Europeans from allowing their inherent inherent in the night and he Semitism from rising to the surface. All of that, is now over thanks to the international left. In the last couple of weeks, palestinian Arabs have embarked on a well calibrated and going stabbing spree throughout Israel just overlap? twenty four hours, there are three people killed in shootings in stabbings in Israel. The stabbing spray follows hard Palestinian Authority, dictator, Math Abbas explaining to the United Nations the Palestinians. No, we're felt bound by the Oslo accords as if they ever felt bound by the Oslo Accords Day. They just took the guns and then turn them on the Jews as soon as possible.
same way. Did I busted that political reported that Enzo Mamma, had rejected please from members of his own party to oppose palestinian statehood as part of any around nuclear deal. Meanwhile, the Iranians? No, they found their Patsy in Barack Obama and they are loving it like Mcdonalds. Directed anymore negotiations with the West and they they long range, ballistic missiles. This week and they're following troops into Russia. Iran, Syria, with Russia's blessing Hezbollah terrorists, bonds or by IRAN are pouring into Syria to putting Israel on the defensive on its nor border. It's already on its defensive on its on its eastern border, as was the southern border with Gaza. The sudden turn against Israel globally, not super surprising. It's the results of the rise of the most powerful philosophical force of the recent past Western itself loathing western self loathing. It springs from this general philosophy that anybody who successful nations individuals, you must have become successful because you exploited downtrodden peoples.
So? America, in this particular view, is successful because we are means of the slaves in the native Americans. European nations were successful because they invaded African India, Israel by extension. Israel is successful because it stole its land from those innocent palestinian Arabs at the back as to the evil West and then utilise the palestinian Arabs for some reason or other than no one seems to be able to explain. All this, of course, is Garbage America successful because embraced capitalism and judeo Christian, more and moral values, both of which value the individual above the collective individualism. It breeds success. Collectivism breeds misery, America's actually successful, in spite of its mistreatment of slaves in Chinese and Hispanics and native Americans, and women is on because of slavery that America's ridge, after all, nations throughout history, have exploded people.
All swords. In fact, irrigation still continue to engage in slavery. They haven't seen tremendous success because of it America has become more successful, not less successful, as became more tolerant. The same holds true of european nations, it would have been better off not to exploit the people they conquered, but actually just treat them as trading partners? Lenin said that capitalism was the final stage of imperialism imperialism, rather with final stage of capitalism, that capitalism ended its growth and therefore we have to invade other countries. This is nonsense. It's been known as economic nonsense for years. The truth is that imperialism conquering other nations its necessary for non capitalistic non free countries. That's why Vladimir Putin, and ices, and the chinese government there all aggressively seeking territorial expansion and exploitation of subject peoples. Their philosophies have failed, and now they have to use power to maintain their growth. But that's not going to stop leftist. What westerners from self loathing and doesn't stop left us from believing that the West is bad
hating, Israel, specifically because of itself. For example, President Obama, spiritual Mansour Jeremiah right yesterday, we talked about him, he spoke of, we get the million man March on the net no more, which was really kind of like the barely one thousand men Marcia. Nobody showed up for it, but the protesters who did show nature, downtown, USA and right then explained his ology of Jesus, drawn directly from nothing remotely approaching the Bible. He said that Jesus was a palestinian which makes no sense in Palestine. The name of it wasn't even given until seventy eight d by the Romans as an insult to the Jews, Jeremiah rights of the palestinian people had the Europeans come and take their.
Three, even though they didn't have a country. He said the youth in Ferguson, Missouri and the youth in Palestine have united together to remind us that the dots need to be connected, and he says, there's an apartheid wall that was built twice: the size of the Berlin Wall in Height keeping Palestinians off of illegally occupied territories, actually the security. What was built only after the Palestinians crossed over into israeli territory to kill Jews, and all this, of course is crap. Jesus was Jus Palestinians originally, if referred if you look back in nineteen twenty newspapers when it said Palestinians, it always met Jews. Air Muslims only arrived in Israel six centuries after Jesus died and was resurrected of your question, and modern palestinian Arabs are even descendants of those original Palestinian Arabs, but obviously Jeremiah rights thinking it had an impact on President Obama, the linkage Here you're my right make between Palestinians exploited and black people being exploited present,
Obama wrote exactly about this in dreams. For my father, here's what Obama wrote and it sounds a lot like you're. My right, he wrote quote. I know I have seen the desperation and disorder of the powerless, how it twists the lives of children on the streets of Jakarta or Nairobi and how easily they slip into violence and despair. I know the response of the powerful to this disorder. alternating as it does between a dull complacency and when the disorder spells out of its proscribed confines. A steady, unthinking application of force and more sophisticated military hardware is inadequate to the task when
sift through that Melville in endless sentence. What he's basically saying that all suffering springs from inequality and all inequality springs from exploitation, so Palestinians are suffering. That's because Israel is at fault. Israel must pay the price. The supposed exploiter must be cut down to size, even if it means palestinian Arab stabbing, jewish kids in the head. In this particular view, israeli self defense is part of a cycle of violence started by Israel. Of course, self defense does not exist in a world where you are the exploiter there's, no such thing as self defense, you're just defending evil people. Even if you're the person, the problem is this western self loathing and now dominates not just the United States, but Europe and Westerners welcome unscreened Muslims from North Africa and the Middle EAST in the name of equality, even as the rates of jus targeting attacks have risen dramatically in recent years and has even crept its way into Israel, where the leftist PO scientist Movement now says that there is guilt, blood guilt on the jewish state for its foundation, because it's easy to
other the Jews, western leftist, don't feel any qualms siding with air murderers. They can brush off jewish kids, getting stabs all riding bikes or people being shot, while writing a bus, because all these kids were beneficiaries of western colonialism, so Jews shouldn't really be seeking sympathy from western left us. After all, the same leftists who are now condemning Doktor Van Carson for stating the obvious Jews could have used them guns against the nazis of these are the same leftists today who say that Jews should be disarmed again against today's It is not a big surprise. Jews are looking for love and all the wrong places. If they're looking left, I'm bench apparel- and this is the bench of Hiroshima. Various things, detentions humanised people care about your feelings: ok so before we get into today's topic, which is the continuing attempts by Democrats to term Republicans into your kooky uncle one talk briefly about some breaking news. That happened this morning. Apparently no report says surprised
the prize is we all knew it was the Russians who shot down their malaysian airliner member theirs nation airliner that took off into ukrainian airspace and the and the Russians shot down the. U S: s response has been that they don't really care. What happened you US embassy actually tweeted out earlier. We should put less focus on who is responsible for this atrocity. We should just worry about the field the victims, which makes zero sense at all, but it does when you're bending over but forwards backwards, depending on your preference for the Obama administration to tour Russia. That's that's precisely what they're doing in fact, president, but President Obama's fully delusional when it comes to Russia. This planning he has taken off into cloud cuckoo land. He is totally insane he's living in a world of complete fairytale man President Obama on Sunday, he was asked specifically by Steve Croft CBS News is Vladimir Putin challenging
here's what President Obama Said- and I mean this- is just fallen delusional. You said a year ago that the United States of America leaves were the indispensable nation. Mr Putin seems to be challenging that leadership, then what were bloodless by her while he's moved. What use is who troops into law in Syria for one he's got people on the ground to the Russians are conducting military operations in in the Middle EAST for the first time since world war? Two, so that's slamming the people that we are supporting, so that's leading stiff. What I'm asking this question when I came in office, Ukraine was governed by a corrupt ruler, who was stooge of MR potent. Syria was Russia's only ally in the region and today, rather than being able to count on our support,
And maintain the base they had in Syria, which they ve had for a long time. Mr Bruton now is devoting his own troops, his own military, just a barely hold together by a thread, his soul ally and you, Mr President, on Wednesday, your leadership and Steve. I gotta tell you if, if you think that running your economy into the ground and having to send troops in in order to prop up you're. Only ally is leadership. Then we ve got a different definitional. Leadership last night is precisely Brad. Obama's definition of leadership he's run America's economy into the ground and he's had to send troops into places like Libya,
to prop up allies. It don't exist anymore and that's also true in Syria, where he's had to send money to people who don't even exists, we spent five hundred million dollars, paying five people too to fight the Russian back to sought in it is all nonsense and insanity. The reason I point the sound star with this is because I want you to remember this as a backdrop to a we're about to here, which is that the real problem with America is not act. I throw problem for America is not that do throw problem for America is the Republican Party, always in forever. The republican Party is the biggest problem for for America for the world, their their disaster area, and for that perspective we go today to David, Brooks David Brooks. It just has to be said. David Brooks ease these supposed conservative at the New York Times. You ve heard him on place like Michael met bench on friends with Michael David Byrne,.
is not a conservative and how he's been considered a conservative columnist at the New York Times is absolutely beyond me. Remember, David Brooks is the guy who said back in two thousand five. He sat down with then Senator Obama, and he said that he looked at the crease in Broncos, Barack Obama's pants which I can only assume is not a euphemism, but he looked a decrease in Barack Obama's pants. And that's when he realized the Brok Obama would not just be a good presidency would be a great president. David Brooks then proceeded to write a column and two thousand six called run. Barrack run I remember out this is the conservative columnist from the New York Times, while today he has a peace that is the most egregious hit. Peace can serve that I maybe ever read from somebody who at least reports to be concerned if you're used to it from the left. But this sort of hypocritical vitriolic nonsense, you're not really used to hearing from people supposedly on the right and it's worth going through in detail, because if you want to understand the risks that are happening in the Republican Party over in Congress, if you don't understand the risks that are happening in the conservative movement
Over Donald Trump Urban Carson, if you'll understand why republicans are so all fired mad all the time the amount of people like David Brooks and they should be mad at people like David, Brooks here's. What David Brooks Rights today in the New York Times says the House Republican Caucasus. Close you ungovernable these days. How did this situation come about? This was not just the work of the Freedom Caucus or TED crews or one month's activity. The republican party capacity for effective self governance degraded slowly over the core the long chain of rhetorical excesses, mental corruptions and philosophical betrayals, so so farm reading this an I'm thinking. Ok, this is sort of true did. The conservative base was betrayed by republican leadership. That seems to want to compromise and every available term with people who want to destroy the fundamental basis. Western civilization writes a farm with him, but that's not what he's saying what he says is that the party engine, traditional conservatism for right wing radicalism, should be much better off if we just stuck with the strategy
of surrendering at every turn to Democrats and calling it incremental ism. If Democrats take ten steps forward and Republicans push slightly back in and allow Democrats take another ten steps forward that is incremental ism. According to David Brooks, he says, Republicans came to see themselves as insurgents and revolutionaries and every revolution tends towards anarchy and ends up devouring its own. Well, that's a lie, not every revolution.
distort anarchy and ends up devouring its own. I seem to remember one like here in this country that didn't do that, because it was based on conservative principles, but here's where David Brooks goes off the rails, and this is, I think, it's so important for folks to understand. The two sides of the divide in the Republican Party here is dated bricks in what he thinks. Conservatism is the rubber there's, a guy who endorsed Obama in two thousand sex two years before Vamos. Even running really, he says that's by traditional definitions: conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for a form rather than revolution, respect for hierarchy, precedents, balance. In order in a tone of voice that is prudent, measured and responsible here. All of these things are nice. All these things are wonderful. All of these things also assume a precondition of decency when you're fighting against people who wish to destroy everything that is good, then none
These things apply. Radio I like incremental, wasn't, for example, its great incremental ism is a wonderful idea. So long as you are in Hence we changing a system that is already good. If a system has been corrupted, you dont want incremental change. Your wholesale change, the Soviet Union did not need incremental change. It needed to be overthrown, The chinese communist system does not need incremental change. We ve been trying out for forty years. We turn them into a world power when he says conservatism stands for intellectual humility. First of all, David Brooks preaching intellectual humility is like Oj Simpson, preaching pacifism, but conservatism stands for intellectual humility, the reason conservatism, legs, Electoral humility is the idea that people in power, if they are not, if there are humble if they have no intellectual him
but he they'll do whatever they want, and they'll run roughshod completely completely over the rights of the american people, but conservatism does not stand for intellectual humility other than the idea that human beings are capable of both good and bad. Human beings are capable of sin as well. We need checks and balances, it doesn't stand for the principal you're supposed to be intellectual, intellectually, humble for morons people get Moses Wrong and Moses, according to Judaism, was most humble man, whoever live most full on new his qualities it most wasn't ignorant Moses was humble in the face of God, there's a difference between being humble in the face of God and being humble in the face of Barack Obama as much as left, us would like to say that the same thing have David Brooks continually says that they prefer reform rather than revolution. They respect hierarchy. Ok,
servitors respect hierarchy so long is that hierarchy protects right. But the revolutionaries of the American Revolution will not particularly fond of a hierarchy that enshrined in George, for example, but again remember everything that David books, you saying none of this actually has to do with principles of liberty. Unlimited government, according David, Brooks Conservatism, has nothing to do with liberty. The government and the people who fight for liberty and limited government are not conservative unless they use his tactics of incremental tourism and kindness and politeness, he says conservative conservative This disposition can be dull, but they know how to nurture and run. Institutions seem to remember a time when George W Bush is president. We had a republican Congress and things went very. He says they also see the nation. This is. This is really the king David Book says: can
see the nation is one organic. Whole citizens may fall into different classes in political factions, but there still joined by change of affection, the command, ultimate loyalty and love. Conservatives do see a community that is tied together in terms of normative. Ok, we aspire to a community, that's tied together, but we don't assume it. Can we dont assume the deck community exists in the absence of all evidence? We don't pretend the community exists when there is no evidence to back them up, not pretend that I have nothing in common with brought about an ideologically or in terms where I want the future of the country to go there, no ties that bind me
you my president, because that's the system we have, we have no ties that bind us together when it comes to hard core left us. Don't pretend there's common thread holding my ideology: did they urge that we both want what's best for the country? We don't. I want what's best for the country, they want what's worse for the country, otherwise I would be fighting them. This nonsense that we live in a country where everybody simply gets along political unity to matter of compromise. It he's talking about an error that no longer exists, but because he's talking about that era and because he doesn't really prices is ever possible, he says anybody who looks at today's political situation as though it's a crisis is not job.
and so he says days Republicans like New Gingrich Ben Carson and rush limber. There always saying that civilization is on the brink of collapse. Every set back like the passage of Obamacare, became the ruination of the republic. Comparisons to Nazi Germany became a stable it. First of all, not every comparisons. Nazi Germany is worthwhile or decent. However, if you never use Nazi Germany as a backdrop to what you're talking about, if you never acknowledged the possibility of journey rising journey becomes inevitable. I promise you the people who are most shocked by the rise of Nazi Germany or the people who ended up in the ovens. The fact is that the people who are always the victims of tyranny are the people who don't see it coming and some because the morally decadent there's something wrong with them. It's because if you assume the bat
likely. The worst is going to happen to you at some point, by the way when he says every set back, like the passage of a bombing becomes, the ruination of the Republic of Alma CARE was a large step toward the ruination of the Republic of Amr CARE says the government can force you to buy anything. The government wants to force you to buy so long as it's for your own good. How that's not the ruination of the principles underlying the republic is beyond me, but this goes on and on David Brooks whining about conservatives and saying that they just don't understand politics, if only they understood politics, if only they understood the need for compromise, Publicans are the big problem and this has become the media's meme as well. The media's going after everybody on the right side of the Isle, because everybody on the right side of the hours crisis thinker. There are crisis thinker, so, for example, by Carson, has been rigged over the coals, because Ben Carson says exactly what I'm saying here. He says that the second amendment was designed to allow citizens to fight for right here is doctor been Carson who, by the way, I'm falling in love with more more as a candidate. I may not endorse them, but
He certainly saying a lot of the right things that none of the other candidates are saying much more than front by the way here is Document Carson. This is a book about the constitution and the second amendment as part of it, and it's there for the reasons that I stated in the book, specifically in case of an invasion by foreign power, the people will be to aid military and also, if we have a time when we have the wrong people in office, and they want to dominate the people. The people will be able to defend themselves. As Daniel Webster eloquently said, the people of Amerika will never suffer under tyranny because they are armed, and this is exactly right, of course, but this makes him crazy. Do you have a whole group of people out there saying to even expressed this argument? Is, is just ridiculous because will never go tyrannical gave the founders thought that they were.
I have said that and the founders new journey, since they flock tyranny and by the way what founders consider journey. We now consider basic state government here and the state of California in serious attacks rates. The founders were fighting against under King George were significantly lower than the tax rates than most Americans are currently paying to the federal and state government. So the idea that the founders were worked on in on any level. Okay with the argument that tyranny would never happen in America is ignorance of american history. But this really is the problem inside the Republican Party and in our public as a whole. Do the american people take seriously the threat of their rights being removed from them, where the richest most powerful nation
history, we have all sorts of things are disposed, we have great iphones and we have terrific computers and we have nice. Cars produced in other countries and we have all sorts of wonderful things in every I've, nice houses. We have all these wonderful things in an e here. The sort of complacent mentality that set in among Americans right and left- don't worry, we're. America were great and will always be great question I have to ask is why what makes us great Why would we always be great wonder? Aka Mamma says where the greatest country in the world- and we always be the greatest country in the world even ass. He takes a sledgehammer to all the foundational principles upon which America stands. You have to wonder: what's he talking about it's, just that no centric? Is he a racist? Does he believe that being born in America makes you a better quality human being to build a better quality country than being born elsewhere? Because, if not, what is even say
publicans same question, if you're somebody like David Brooks and you believe, everything's going to be okay, just because it's going to be okay, that we all have common bond in the absence of any common bond, you're going to be the one who's most taken by surprise when the government comes for you, because the fact is that we do have an ideological on our hands. We are at a tipping point because America is always a tipping point and for all these folks, I never site Ronald Reagan, but for all these folks who worship at the altar of Ronald Reagan to ignore the fact that Reagan is the one who said that x, that freedom is always one generation away from extinction demonstrates their willingness to blind themselves in the face of real and truth, two american rights and american liberty. This is the bench of Russia.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-10.