« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 758 - Speech Is Violence!

2019-04-12 | 🔗

Ilhan Omar’s defenders castigate speech as “incitement,” Michael Knowles is attacked at a speech, and we check the mailbag! Date: 4-12-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ill hanno Mars defenders, castigate speech as incitement Michael Moulds is attacked at a speech. Now I didn't higher the guy and we checked the mail bag and bench purposes. The bench bureau, I know that now, the Michael moles was attacked last night at a speech. My first thought was well thank God, and then I found out he was kind of like dammit. If I hire somebody to do a job, you just can't get good people to do things these days. You gotta do everything yourself. So when he gets back tell I can go out there with a super, so careful with bleach and go after we'll get all that just like it. First attention gun mothers. How would you like the range from with a brand new gun. I know I would and the United States concealed Carry association, wants to make that dream come true for you. They are here to help train and protect responsible gun owners. Like you and made and right now, they're giving way not one not to but nineteen free gun, so what's had begun, Willoughby Harrison. Hence hints to start. It is one of the world's most popular double action pistols on planet earth. Today is often the choice of the gun of choice
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doubling down on her being in trouble, because she is not good at this. Also she's, not very good person, so there are few different things that are wrong: With ill had or Mars, take on nine eleven, so she begins the this all Kim's white over the past few days, because you speaking at the count on american Islamic relations, you played the club several times and while she was there, she suggested that care was in the aftermath of nine eleven, not true to defend Muslims. After some people did something and people more, who remember nine eleven war setting themselves? What some people did some thing? That's that's your hot take. Some people did some thing and she defended this. Not by suggesting that she may have been insensitive in her remarks or that's not what you meant Obviously nine eleven was truly terrible tragedy for the country and an act of tremendous evil. All the things that you would expect a person to say in this position. Instead, she simply keeps doubling down on all of this thing over
and over and over again so, for example, ill had Omar tweeted out this morning. Pointed out this morning in response to all of this quote the people and the people who not these buildings down we're here from all of us in President George W Bush was pushed downplaying the terrorist attack, what if he was a Muslim? What in the living? How is that supposed to mean? First off? Let's analyzed I quote from President Bush. I remember him saying that you remember I'm saying that if you are older than seventeen years old because he was standing on the rubble of ground zero at the time with bull horn and explaining to people that the people who perpetrated the attack would soon be dead because we would be sending our soldiers overseas to kill them. That's what he meant by that the people Not those buildings down will hear from all of us. Soon was not him saying we're going to call them and then have a nice conversation. That was not. That was not the idea. The idea was the
evil people who knocked down these buildings are going to hear from us any form of missiles was Bush downplaying the terrorist attack. No, you do if he wasn't downplaying the terrorist attack and I love her take. What, if he was a muslim right, the real victims, the real victims of nine eleven, where the Muslims, obviously the real victims of nine, eleven across the United States, where Muslims now I am old enough to remember all of this going down when the mania sheepskins are one of their chief concerns in the aftermath of nine eleven was the so called Islamophobia backlash which did not end up materializing There's a lot of worry about Muslims being mistreated across the country that did not end up materializing in Georgia, W Bush went out of his way over and over and over separate Islam from the terrorist. I think he went overboard. I characterizing Islam as a religion of peace, for example. I don't think in scholars. I don't think that you have the expertise to do that, but he obviously was attempting to protect innocent most from being lumped in with radical Muslims who committed a terrorist atrocities. And yet element Omar continues with this narrative that Muslims were truly
victimized on nine eleven as opposed to the people. Were murdered in the nine eleven terror attacks. So you want to prove that you are the verdict of the victims and nine eleven, and your first response to all of this is to do don't play nine eleven again by suggesting that if he with it that the real issue here is whether Bush was treated differently because he was not. A muslim guy. What in the living hell? No most Democrats are running for the hills there or to be found. There will comment on the stuff. The reason I will comment on this stuff is because they are afraid of taking off the fresh faces of the Democratic Party. Are the ones who are drawing all the attention ill had Omar, Rashid it to leave Eleanor cause you're Cortez well formed the three dragons of the radical left, most Democrats are refusing comments on this, the running for the hills. They don't want anything to do with the comments, but they also don't wanna. Take off these
three young women, who are the new fresh faces so fresh so face of the Democratic Party, a couple exceptions. There is a top Democrat named Legion, who came out and said yeah. This is not great stuff. This is this is yeah she's, she's newborn that those statements- were not only hurtful to me, but extremely hurtful to everyone that was personally impacted by those terrorist attacks. No one should refer to what happened on nine eleven with terrorist attacks that killed thousands of Americans, as some thing by some people know, that person is the assistant speaker of the House of Representatives Representative Ben rate Lucian from New Mexico now keys usually regular, not hearing this overwhelmingly from the democratic party. Instead, what you're, mostly hearing in the media, is all of ill hanno Mars. Radical friends, including anti Semites, like wish you and anti semitic low travellers like Elsie, come out defend element of our because there is the new, diverse freshmen com. Oh so here is really.
To leave suggesting the real problem here is that people don't like ill Hunt Omar because she's, a somali woman of Muslims who is a Muslim, I'm not for policing people. You know that's what they're doing to us, women of color, I think about it. This is a diverse class. They ever had to muslim women. They never had a policy american, they ve had a woman that wasn't refugee. These are real life impact will stories that come with us because our lenses so different. You know this is not just about a congress, it looks differently, but we serve differently and we talk about these issues differently, but it's an institution that is just not ready for people like us. Oh that's, it is a must. It must be the color of skin or the character of of genitalia must be that you're, a female or that you are muslim or that you have a darker she darker hue of skin color. It must be that not the open, and I said it is in both you and eleven Omar repeatedly engagement. It can't be that Omar is a radical on foreign policy which she is muslim or not. She's radical on foreign policy
I will show you the evidence of this in just one second, but it must be that the credit This is all it's all related to raise now, weird, because There are other Muslims in the Us Congress and their origin. This kind of criticism because they dont say this kind of crap. There are other black people. There are other people who are of Brown Hugh in the: U S, Congress, who do not receive this kind of book back, because they're not routinely saying things that are disgusting in public it must be racism and sexism and bigotry and homophobia and all the rest. Reading this charge of courses EO see who spends ever. Waking moment trying to defend idiocy by suggests. That opponents of idiocy are actually opponents of minorities. Here she is saying the same thing. She says that that criticism bill had Omar our view Critique Eleanor
or inciting people to racist violence than eleven O Clock said the exact same thing such manage for such a transparent and politically motivated attack on this is we're getting so level with where this is an incitement, progressive women, holler and if they can't figure out how to get it back to policy. We need to call it out for what it, because this is not normal. This is not a normal level of political debate. Rhetoric, its incitement, its incitement, against wit, women of color incitement really. So the role now is that if you criticise a member of Congress, who happens to be a woman of color its incitement and that this is the speech is violence? Nonsense. These young college campuses, where people like me, go just begun. College campuses or Michael moles goes and speaks on a college campus, and suddenly people are popping up and ask really attempting violence because speech after all is violence. If the new standard is that harshly critiquing, somebody isn't
I meant to violence, then you know we're going to be responsible for violence, Ill Hunt Omar, not two weeks ago, she said just the Donald from was not a human sirocco. It was a human, but down from is not a human which is worse. That eleven Omar send a terrible thing about nine eleven or that you on page nine eleven and that she said terrible things about America repeatedly or is it worse to call Donald Trump, not human. Today humanizing person by calling the not human, which was more inciting, which one here's? Your item are saying that two weeks ago, just some use? Your silence, that is simply to even think and equipment. Is it true that you just think that he's more policy one is human. The other is not ok, which what is more, inciting that or people pointing
that ill Hano Mars comments about nine eleven were at best insensitive at best whisper It's pretty incredible ails! You won't even further than this again. It is amazing to me that people see her as in intellectual leader of her party. If this is the case, sell your bonds, because my good Elsie treated this out about down Crenshaw sedan. Crenshaw is one of the people has been critical of ill Hunter Mars comments about nine, representing Crenshaw from taxes served enough. Edison was an eye to an idea in Afghanistan. Did that Muslims in Afghanistan, so Elsie tweets this out Damn Crenshaw Sudan Crenshaw had tweeted first member of Congress. Ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on nine eleven as some people who did something unbelievable, Elsie responds you refuse to go. Sponsor the nine eleven victims compensation fund. Yet have the audacity need to drum resentment towards ill Hanno. Omar with completely out of context, quotes
in two thousand eighteen right wing extremists were behind almost all: U S: domestic terrorist killings. Why don't you go do something about that? So thereabout lies in here number one. He backs the nine eleven victims Compensation Fund so does Donald Trump to the stunned that even John Stewart has praised the Trump administration for their work on the nine eleven victims compensation fund number: two: you don't have to co sponsor build support a bill He she's really going to suggest the people eleven Omar are doing more four nine eleven victims, then Dan Crenshaw, who joined the military and lost an eye to fight the people who perpetrated nine eleven. That That's your take, while your dancing on a rooftop and mixing drinks that dude was over in Afghanistan serving in his eye blown out by an eighty. That's your hot! Take it! its unreal, its unreal and then we're supposed to take these will seriously when they protest that no they love the american military. Now, really, they think that eleven super seriously now they really terrorism seriously. By the way the
evidence that ill humor does not take terrorism seriously is not just that one clip, It's that over and over and over she has said things that make it seem like she does not take terrorism, particularly seriously. I will give you the evidence in one second, first talk about hiring at your company, hiring used to be difficult, multiple job site stacks of residues are confusing review process, but today hiring can be easy. You only have to go to one place to get it done, zip recruiter, dot, com- daily wire zipper garrisons your job to over one hundred of the webs leading job words, but they don't stop there with their powerful matching technology. Zipper quarters hence thousands of to find people with the right experience and then invites them to apply to your job as applications come in analyzes, each one spot waiting the top candidates, see never miss a great match. Zipper grew so effective that four out of five employers who post Unzip recruiter, get equality candidate through the site. Within the very first day right now, my listeners can try, couldn't for free at this exclusive web, address zipper, recruiter, dot com, slash daily wire, that is, zip, recruit
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video shop, in which she question why exactly Why exactly is it that we say England America in the same way that we see what? Why don't we say, England in America in the same way that we say Al Qaeda? Why not. We played on the show yesterday as a full clip where she, where she was. Guinea and laughing about Hamas and Hezbollah and Al Qaeda. She said that you took a class where the professor, every time you said Al Qaeda, said AL with with liquor feeling of dread. Why? Why didn't say in, or America or the army, in the same way, because those are terrorist groups. Lady, that's why That's not the only time. That eleven Omar has said something like this. Just two years ago she wrote a piece for Time magazine it will get you in just one. Second guess I this peace in Time magazine from ill Hunt Omar in this peace, showing that Charlottesville and here is what she talked about with regard to the united it's yours, I should listened- have characterizes the United States for socially
characterizes islamic terrorism quote, we must confront that our nation was founded by the general was founded by the genocide of indigenous people and on the backs of slaves. That we maintain global power with the tenor of NEO colonialism, so, first off virtually every aspect of that statement is wrong, the quota, what genocide of indigenous people was disease brought over centuries early earlier by Europe and from a variety of different countries? Disease is not a genocide. The trail of two There was not a genocide. The trail of tears was an evil acts by the United States government. It was not a genocide and it happened after the foundation of the United States. The nation not founded by the genocide of indigenous people, that's why they weren't you as that our nation was founded on the backs of slave slavery was an evil part. Of America's founding also it did not, just in the north part of the United States. Members of the north were very much opposed to slavery. There's big fight over it in the declaration of independence.
And so it is also possible that in evil thing that was a part of America's history was not actually the foundation of the country founded The country was the ideas, as I've said many times. I say this in my new book: the right side of history, the great divide right now in the west, is between people who think I go home, are and people who have respect for the history of western civilization people who miss characterize what trend civilization as based on hatred and fear, and racism and all the great ideas of the declaration in the constitution were just a bunch of nonsense, and then there are people who recognise that the idea is of the declaration and the constitution, are wonderful, terrific ideas that were not always fully lived up to by human beings. None of us, He says all that, and then she says we mainly today, global power with the tenor of NEO colonialism, NEO Colonialism We need to explain where we have settled in Afghanistan. And in Iraq, going to have two weeks when, where we settled when we're bomb the Serbs on behalf of the crowds during the yugoslavian war she's going to have to explain where we when we are defending Saudi Arabia from the predictions of Saddam Hussein
whereas the colonialism exactly so he says all that that's bad enough, but then she follows up with this. Our failure to reckons these facts and our failure to take over action to correct mistakes, further deepen the divide. Our national avoidance tactic has been to shift the focus to put central international terrorism are getting all of this. In other words, because a brutally racist terrible place and because we do what to confront the fact that America, brutally racist, terrible place. We make up this international terrorist threat. We focus on the international terrorist threats. We don't have to focus on the threats here at home. You know like White, the primacy and the evils of racism, and all that, so we just want to make it up we. Obviously this is a person who takes races who takes terrorism. Super duper, Syria, sleep. She takes terrorism so seriously, then she characterised in two thousand. Sixteen, in a letter to a judge trying to get a bunch of terrorists who had joined ISIS off the hook. She characterized their acts let me talk about downplaying talk about downplaying here is how should characterise
people trying to join ISIS into thousands. Sixteen quote young and who made a consequential mistake, always that what happened was a consequential mistake. You know like shoplifting or a drug bust. They tried to join ISIS ass. She said this. We must alter our attitude and approach to these young men. She said Long term prison sentence for one who chose violence to combat direct marginalization is a statement that are just the system misunderstands the guilty icy, so terrorist people, try to join up with ISIS. There only doing soak is America's really bad and its marginalizing people, and if we sentences people belong jail terms, we're marginalizing them even further. But we're supposed to believe she took. Nine eleven super seriously should take Terrorism really seriously. Free astonishing stuff and the fact that Democrats have come towards defence on the basis You're inciting violence against her, if you quote her, my goodness or that damn Chris Shop, is somehow less patriotic than ill handlebar after lose.
Can I in combat and being a navy seal? It's just insane and its insulting. But I guess this is what the Democratic Party wishes to become. I guess the Democratic Party wishes to become the party of people who rant and rave about how terrible America is routinely and then, when called upon it suggest that this is incitement against people of color. It's just it's just disgusting honestly. It is gross ails. You should be ashamed of yourself. Ill had Amar should be ashamed of of herself repeated to leave should be ashamed of yourself, but apparently there is, I guess there is no reason, I guess, there's there is no reason for them to be ashamed. After all, the media well, we'll cover for them. So it's It is pretty amazing. It is pretty. Amazing, is pretty terrifying. Ok, so, meanwhile, they there is a big story that that came up yesterday with
guard it to the daily wires old Michaelmas. As I said earlier, when you hire somebody to to put out a hit, presumably the person should fulfil their duty, but apparent you can't get good people these days on college. Here This is our universe in Missouri, Kansas City Michael, was speaking which was settled, men are not women disappeared, he's very controversial thing over at university, misery can citys in the middle of his speech a bunch of the protesters up and they walk out, but they don't I'll walk out for long one of them, pops back through the door. Care a super soaker that contain glitter laced liquid unclear the liquid was patented smelled like bleach, but this person pops through the door, is our shoes These super soaker at Michael, at which point one of the police officers in the room, who obviously should get some sort of trial with the chiefs, takes down the perpetrator with us.
Royal armed bar- and you know this solid, tackle right here, Ok so good times over there the times over their ends and Michael handled it with aplomb plum he was, he was totally fine Gael. Thank God. The sort of stuff happens on on camps is all too often, but that's pretty astonishing, stuff. Then the media covered. It is those a mere allegation. Oh yeah, allegedly somebody pop through the door and trot something in those whose on tape guys those on tape- and that does
demonstrate how crazy things have become on campus. Campuses had become a disaster area. Now most camps is not like this. I visit lots and lots of capsules, but the fact is, I also a better security. The gnoles does me whenever I speak, because campuses are aware of the kind of controversy causes they ve lost. Lots of security. So nothing like this is ever gotten close to me, but knows had a little less security and protestors had to do something like that affect gets in noses eyes. Obviously, it's a big problem. This is what counts speech the mentality that says that speech is violence. So Michael Speech is a form of violence. You can use violence against is a if you use You can still hear no more than that is a form of incitement to violence, amazing, amazing, terrible mentality. Ok, coming up we'll get you President Trump on illegal immigration, because there's a breaking story. That's getting a lot of plain, I'm not sure exactly why. First code names, deception, gadgets, you might say like something out of the movies, but these are just of the essential components of being a spy. Most buys rashly. Ordinary forgettable people, which makes them all the more
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Ok, so President Trump is is now being ripped upon, because there was a proposal that was made inside the White House that would have directed a lot of the illegal immigrants who could not be absorbed by border patrol the negative beds. The White House had thought directing those illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities and send them to Locrinos areas, let the Democrats deal with the fall out from illegal immigration if they won't actually give us the money that we need. To find the boardwalk or the beds. According to the Washington Post, Whitehouse officials have tried the pressure? U S, immigration authorities to release teaching detainees onto the streets of sanctuary cities to retaliate, president trumps political adversaries, according to Department of Homeland Security officials and email messages reviewed by the Washington Post Trump Administration officials, have reposed transport detained immigrants, sanctuary cities at least twice in the past six months, once in November, migrant caravan, approached the southern border and again in February. Amid a stand off the Democrats over funding for Trans Border Wall, one of the districts looked at was how Speaker Nancy's policies districts.
San Francisco administration, also considered releasing detainees and other democratic strongholds. The White House officials first apparently broached the plan in November sixteenth email, asking officials at several agencies, whether members of the caravan could be arrested at the border and then bust, too. Small and middle sized sanctuary cities places where local authorities refused to hand over illegal immigrants for deportation. The White House told it told ice but the plan was intended to alleviate a shortage of detention space but also to send a message to Democrats, the attempt to political rhetoric, raise the alarm within eyes, with the top official responding that it was right with budgetary and liability concerns and noting that pr risks as well after the white has pressed, get in February, ICES Legal Department rejected the idea as inappropriate and then rebuffed the administration, a white official and spokesman for the address sent nearly identical statements to the post on Thursday, indicating the purple who was not under consideration. This was justified. Just in those floated and rejected which ended any further discussion. The White House statement said Nancy closes office blasted the plan her
Spokeswoman actually Etienne said. The extent of this administration, cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated using you when beings, including little children as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable. Frankly, I'm confused by policies reaction- I am I dont understand. The reaction is the idea, that illegal immigrants coming into the country provide no threat and should be placed in it. Areas where the resources are available. Sanctuaries anything like a break a place for that away. Has thousands of illegal immigrants living here and lottery sources and it's a sanctuary said the same thing in San Francisco. I am a gap. I am. I am constantly amazed at the hypocrisy of the media that went along with Barack Obama, shutting down open air world war, two memorials in the middle of a government shutdown just to prove to people he could make people suffer and the media went along with that, oh well, he has to shut memorials. Doesn't it has to shut memorials because government shutdown. Man doesn't matter that its open air
the matter worldwide. You that's, can't get it he's. If Barack Obama has to make people, suffered and the shutdown. I guess that's the way this is going to go. I also I don't understand why it would be markedly worse on a moral level to send illegal immigrants to cities where they are going to be treated really well? Presumably, ominous anti blowsy setting where there treated really well as opposed to small border towns that are being overwhelmed the number of illegal immigrants and don't have the resources there. Why is it better for these folks to be shipped and went off a bus in the middle of a small town in Texas, then to be shipped to their places and be let off the bus there it its confusing to me, I mean what? Why does Nancy Policy actually have a problem with illegal immigrants being sent to San Francisco? In fact, I'm old enough to remember as I more than five years old when ones that he in California Column Marietta objected to? illegal immigrants sent to the city and they tried to
up the buses of illegal immigrants that were being bus to the city and the media covered this, as though the people who are protesting erase it so which, as it of Nancy Pelosi, doesn't want illegal immigrants enter. Her said, he Is she a racist just like these folks from Marietta, or does she Rational concerns about the impact Illegal immigration on her district in the same these people. From your area, does it here's a clip from Eureka Circa, two thousand fourteen this? obama- was Obama time. And listened. Other media cover these people from your area who do not want thousands of illegal immigrants bust into their small town. Community chanting go back home, a wall of protesters blocked the road into the. Yet a border patrols. Asia as anger, grew crowd. Some, not understanding. These migrants were all from Central America, tempers flaring, one protest
you're spitting at an immigration right support the anger continued hours after the buses had left anger that many in this town do find embarrassing release your kids are in your heart goes out all ok. Well, there is truth to the idea that overreact to illegal immigration in their area, but I don't see why Nancy Pelosi gets to do it and people from your add, don't I Understand why and listen to the media coverage that they seek out the people who are the most vile. The people here spitting people, the people who are shouting at the children, but that's the people they seek out Nancy Blowsy says: don't shit people to my town, that's terrible that cynical, its cruel wise and cynical and cruel, I dont understand San francisco- is an extraordinarily rich area. So what is Anti blowsy objecting to exactly and the media are suddenly objecting to President's using the power of their office to punish their political opponents. Now here's my view of this situation. Illegal immigrants should be let off in towns that have the resource.
To deal with them. If those are border towns. What are we border towns if they're not border, tells then let them not be border towns, but In reality, none of these illegal immigrants should be being released into the general population at all. What we, would be having our enough beds at the border to take care of these people, and it is the Democrats fault. Those beds are not available specifically because Democrats want people waste into the general population Democrats are pushing catch and release if Democrats push can release it, doesnt seem unreasonable to me for the trumpet Ministration say: okay. Well, then you get to deal with the consequences of catching release as opposed to these people one small border towns who didn't sign up for this you sign them up for this, or maybe you ought to bear the the impact, the human impact illegal immigration, meaning strain on your local resources, I understand why people see that is a cynical political move by the Trump administration. It is cynical move by the Trump administration. When I dont understand, is how they visit those same people cannot.
Yet as cynical for Nancy Blowsy to oppose funding necessary at the border and then object when people are centre account. How can you have it both ways? I am confused by this. To be frank,. If you are a sanctuary city and your saying that you're not even going to report to ice when illegal immigrants show up in your town and commit crimes, then why do you object to more illegal immigrants being sent to your town. It's pretty amazing. According to the Washington Post The White House believes it can punish Democrats, including blowsy, by buzzing ice detainees in their day strict before their release, according to two Deirdre whistleblowers, one of them The floor spoke with the post. Several diatribes officials can, from the accounts spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations again. Why Democrats here is a punishment, wire Democrats, a great we want more of these people? We can take care of them better than you can't, wouldn't that be the smart political player. Accordingly, Susie address officials, whose the senior trumpet Visor Stephen Miller, who discussed the proposal I'll
to see how the late night Comedian Street this all its absolute cruelty to ship illegal immigrants to allay and San Francisco. Oh, but I thought the goal was to get away or San Francisco for a lot of these folks. Wouldn't it be better for us, it is past them there directly. Actually Matthew Alban's is ice. Is acting Deputy director immediately questioned the proposal in November. He sent his act. Deputy? I was not pressured by any one of the White House on this issue. I was asked opinion provided it. My advice was heated, which is also true that proposal itself? I M saying, is politically understood. Annabelle the democratic response is not politically understandable and also the Trump administration didn't do it because of liability issues. Presumably homeland security She said the sanctuary city request as unnerving, and it underscores the political pressure Trump and Miller have put on ice and other Jake s aid and sees at a time when the president is furious about the biggest border surgeon more than a decade. One congressional investigator said it was basically an idea Miller wanted that nobody else wanted to carry out by the way. That's not what I'm hearing from inside the White House, I'm hearing was actually some
We also originally proposed this. What happened here is that Stephen Miller called people at ice said if they're going to cut nothing. You ve got to make sure you're releasing people in policies, districts and other congressional districts. A pair The idea was not presented. Ronald, that's, yellow the agency's acting director. The day after the nomination was rescinded. President from said, he wanted to put someone tougher over at ice according to a a person May Davis Deputy assistant to the president, Deputy Whitehouse policy coordinator. The idea was raised by one or two principles that if we are unable to build sufficient temporary housing caravan members be bust too small and middle sized sanctuary cities. There's not a White House decision on all of this one of the deed, has official said it was retaliation to show them. Your lack of cooperation has impact. I think they thought it would put pressure on those we need understand, I guess a different perspective and why you need more immigration, money for detention beds, a formal legal He was never completed. This thing even go very far. None the less. The very idea, is deeply I'm wondering why Democrats think that's offensive really, if you're not going provided
detention beds. I'm under I am confused. I am frankly I'm confused. Ok in just a second we're, going to get to the latest on Julian Assange, plus will jump into the mail bag first. It is time to move on to my off all time. Favorite underdog success story, movement, watches personal. They make great, watches movement. Watches you see this magnificent. You see this magnificent piece of risk where a check this out it is it is spare, is minimalist, and it tells me the time- and it looks great that was founded on the belief that stylish and break the bank. They ve sold almost two million watches worldwide by bringing quality signs at fair prices. The watches are just because As you see, I wear one. I have two of them. My wife has won. My parents have one I get them. Everybody has a really great and it costs me an arm and a leg. You guys know, I'm all about supporting ground up entrepreneurs work hard for what they want. That's why I of movement, so much they are true success story. It makes wearing their products that much more meaningful. They came. And made him an aim for themselves in one of the most established markets in the world. They reached exponential growth, which is absolutely incredible for such a young.
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actual hidden classroom in front of it, but then selling a lot of fun. We'll talk with him. Little bit later today about all of this, you get all that kind of stuff. When you subscribe for a daily wired icon, and we spend ninety nine dollars year for the annual subscription. You get this the very greatest in all beverage rustles. Look at this the leftist years, hot or cold tumblr. How much our people enjoy? Many daily wire subscribers today covered wrangler. U S embassy the time of the week when we give a shit, One of our many daily wire subscribers today covered ring Were you s m c on Twitter? Thank you for supporting what we do in this photo. Heavens. Leftist, yours too, Where is giving in company on the links you will notice that the turf Russia scream. I assume that's because Kevin has been watering. The grass with the contents of his leftist years, tears Tumblr, which has been overflowing ever since yeah who was re elected earlier this week Kevin thank you for being a subscriber. We really appreciated. Also when you subscribe, you don't only get the tumblr. You also get early access for Sunday. Special features, Lauren turn this week. All sorts of wonderful stuff go check it
right now over a daily wire, not come also subscribe at Youtube. Rightums, please leave us are reviewed, always helps where the largest fastest growing conservative pocket and radio show in the nation? Ok. So let's talk for just a second about the latest on Julian Assange was arrested. Yesterday, the head of Wikileaks was arrested, it was tossed out of the ecuadorean embassy after he started releasing government documents. Apparently, the guy is just a third and when I say he's a turn I mean you literally was taking theses and smearing it on the wall before he left. I don't know what the obsession of weirdos and feces but odd, so he did that at the Ecuador aid on the safe and then the ecuadorians, like yemeni smear poop, on the walls you gotta go not we saw the British came in and they arrested him and now they may deport him to the United States and extradite him to the United States for trial. It is untrue,
whether he will be connected. The charges under which is being charged attempted hacking may not hold up in court we'll find out soon enough. But it is fascinating to see who is running too. Events are totally gabert, who has been very a very warm towards Russia, very warm words area for years. She can do. The arrest of Julian Assange called call the arrest a threat to journalists. You said the arrest of Julian Assange is meant to send a message to all in there. Consent. Journalists, be quiet, behave, toe the line or you will pay the price really he's. Not America. And he's not a journalist. So there are a couple of problems with that particular statement. Also president, if the ideas that Trump is providing a threat to journalists by or by arresting Julie in his eyes. Why are members of the Obama administration celebrating all of this most members, the Obama administration very, very happy that assumption was arrested. Some of them came out of the way work yesterday and said: wasn't we try to get em Manhattan. We didn't have enough to get em on hacking. Now we do so good. So it's interesting to see that little break down here. They're folks on
in its also funny to see who on the left, has sort of flipped on a Hillary Clinton came at yesterday? She said Assange must now answer for what is done through Secretary Secretary of State under Obama, when they didn't go after Assange really and when Rocco Obama granted clemency to two Chelsea Manning. Who was the person following American classified information to us, as they did take a size, Wikileaks Manning very seriously. Her celery click now she's fighting mad. Why? Well, because, as I shall make her losing twenty, sixteen obviously look, I I wait and see what happens with the charges and how it proceeds, but the bottom line is he has to answer for what he is has done at least as it's been charge. I do think it's a little ironic that he may be the only foreigner that this administration would welcome to the United States, Ok, it is, it is pretty amazing- have left to slip about.
It's amazing, how the right flipped on and in the middle of the twenty sixteen election re have certain Fox news house. You spent a lot time defending Julian Assange from charges that he was infected person in endangered american National Security, which, by the way he is a person who endangered american National Security, one more storing they will get to the male back. So there's this wild story from the Austin Globe? They ran a twelve hundred word up ad from a guy named Luke O Neil Boston based, freelance journalist and irregular contributes the Boston Globe opinion section. His peace called on people to taint the food of Republicans He said at one point. The original up had suggested that one of the one of the biggest regrets he hadn't his life was not pissing in bitter the bill crystal salmon in the middle, of the Iraq war and is the end of his bees, he suggested that patriotic waiters should somehow taint the food. Of course
two Nielsen he said: keep Christian Nielsen Unemployment eating grub up over her kitchen sink as per the waiters out? I'm not saying it's a temple with anyone's food. Is that could get you in trouble? You might your serving job, but you serving America and Europe have any regrets years later. How delightful since person was then suspend by the globe, and then he was angry at the club, for suspending has every right to be angry at the globe for suspending and they knew what they were printing. They edited at it. So I don't feel bad for the All the globe deserves everything it gets, but it does betray a certain mentality at no point in everything that it was ok, Obama, eight or ten Eric hold their aid but it was ok to define the food, the Brok Obama eight or that Eric holder, eight things have gone completely mad, really completely mad, ok time for some mailbag questions, let's mailbag it up here are James S, high. I found myself wondering recently how I can simultaneously believe the following two statements: man, was made in God's image. The line between good and evil cuts through the hall, of every human being how'd you score man's could pass,
for evil, what the divinity of our souls or their several interesting spiritual, takes on this particular question. The traditional domestic take is that evil is a lack of good. It is diminished good. So God creates good, and then we, because we have free, will diminish that good and that's what evil is. That is one view of what evil is another view of what evil is. Is that God made us effectively into parts made the animal side of us, the animal side of our soul. This is the cabalistic near the jewish cabalistic view, and then he, then that is all of our desires, which can be used for perversion, or they can be used for a channel for good and then he and then there's the divine spark that he put within all of us, which is our creative faculty. Our ability to choose that's the part of us that is good, but we have use that good in order to pursue good or because given very well, we can use that goods pursue evil the jewish views that we have
we called the aids are hurrah in the age of twelve. We have. We have drives to do good. We have drives to do bad when those are implanted with us, because we have created capacity and free will, so God did create human beings with the capacity to do evil, but he did not, for us to do evil. He encourages us to choose good. What makes us human is the fact that we have that choice without the presence or pass ability of evil. There is no choice. Indeed, you then become a determined, the mechanism. That always choose is good. That's what the angels are in jewish theology. There there messengers that the word Moloch in Hebrew is both message. And also angel, the idea being that angels are effectively just what in the world that have a singular purpose and do not have the capacity to choose justice has been you think. Illegal immigrants of wild vote would vote along lines, their christian values and not the left. If, true, what would the Democrats do then? Well, I think that what the record
Hence the show is that illegal immigrants or people who are fresh emigrants from Central America and Mexico that people tend to vote Democrats for the first generation than they tend to move towards the middle overtime. Second generation latino immigrants tend to vote more Republican, which is what you ve seen in places like Texas. If they are given tremendous benefits, if people are given tremendous benefits and do not integrate or assimilate. Then they tend of democratic, free, very long period of time, which is what you see in California. Also its true that California Republican Party treated Latinos very differently than the Texas Republican Party. Texas was much more welcoming. California was not as welcoming ends and seen the desperate impact of that in voting patterns. They any says Haven, think the attorney general should be elected rather than appointed by the president. It just seems that attorney general's could always be portrayed as having motives and protecting the president of which appointed them to the opposition with insolvent
The scrutiny bar is facing for opening this investigation. Thanks, Andy well know we don't have a fourth branch that would create a fourth branch. This was actually the question with regard to special investigators. Special special councils Kennedy Can it star was appointed under these special council act? He was independent of the president can be fired without congressional permission and this created. In a situation where the executive was not in control of its own folks, the theory of the unitary executive that has occurred. By justice Goliath. So well is it. We have three branches of government not for you can't have somebody working for the executive, but really working for the legislature. That's not the way! Any of this work that well you have congressional investigative bodies you investigate from Congress. You can do. That is the balance of power that allows us to check power from Congress and not make it the Supreme Power, the Supreme Bridge and it's the executive that is checked by Congress, so having a aid elected attorney general who is
free to do whatever they want. That person will be political too. I don't believe that anybody is completely apolitical. The attorney general would then be the most powerful person, presumably in America, because they can best. Gave the president, if didn't like the privilege, they use that lets you elected a democratic Agee under republican President, then all you would get a bunch of a bunch of a bunch of investigations of the president, many of them poorly motivated. What say that you had in Agee who was elected, who is the same parties, the president will, then you have exactly the same problem overseas. Hello ban. Should the? U S, leave the? U n. What are the repercussions of leaving? new and yes, the United States should define the U N and leave the U n and bull those the building and build apartment buildings on it. Yes, ok, the! U N, is a terrible idea. It was always a terrible idea. There is no rationale. For countries that are run by evil human beings? To have these same Wait in the Un General Assembly as the United States, there is no reason to suggest that Russia should be on the: U n secure,
the council having veto power over issues in which it has a direct hand. Reckon negotiations with Russia are a better idea than the Eu Un Security Council. The union is, it is a mockery and a sham, and if we want to create a league of democracies, create a league of democracies, create alliances without regard to this false notion and there's a family of nations there no family of nations. There are good nations in terms leadership, their bad nations in terms of leadership, to pretend that they are all in an equivalent plane is absurd, and that's why you see these ridiculous stories. All too often with like around on the women's Rights Council or Something Dylan, says their enemy. Is there any nonreligious way to explain the difference between humans and is there anyway to argue that humans are special without relying on God. If not, then how can non religious people be Vincent. Humans are more valuable than animals, or how can they be convinced What is the reason behind what separates us? Thanks, though, this is one of the core is that I ask in my new book, but so are there? right side of history, the number one year's harvest by cellar, the the
My answer is no, and if you are a complete scientific materialist, there is nothing that system. Wishes us from a fly, let alone from monkey. So why would the capacity for reason is just more complex firing of neurons, and there is nothing more moral about that per se and their people who say that humans more important than animals, because we have the capacity reason, but, as I mentioned in the book, even the capacity to reason is only more We beneficial because the capacity reason is seen as something higher, something Morley Good, we're getting that morality from you're, not getting if revolutionary biology, I think an evolutionary biology suggested. A value attaches to the use of reason, as opposed to the use of force. Spencer's has haven I'm twenty years old, I'm starting to pick up musical instruments and playing the piano for less than two months, I'm itching to start the more difficult pieces. What are you suggestions for learning to play difficult, classical pieces like sonatas practice me just have the practice and cracks in practice in practice. I can where the beginning of the Moonlight Sonata, that's pretty much all I can place. You can train yourself to place pacific pieces, but if you really want to get good, then you need to start
on the basics and then work your way up, so you have a skill set and that you're not basically jukebox with with one tune on it, Roberts as Haven After listening to you for several years. I've gather you grow more or less on the straight and narrow, with extremely high standards. For yourself, that's right! My question is what we're key factors in maintaining that level of integrity through the endlessly chow Jim phases of becoming a man and what advice you have parents wanted to support and strengthen their son on their journey. Thanks Donovan, I think the number one thing is: my parents always taught you. Have to have responsibility for your own actions that you will be held accountable by us or by God, and that You are doing something that is important and good, that there is a purpose to what you are doing and that the opposition that you face in life, the challenges we face and life making stronger, rather than we for that, you are for that that living on the straight and narrow is not. U bowing to external pressures. Living on the straight and narrow, is failing to bow to external pressures, because the external pressures, the less that you have the things they want to do, the hedonism you wish to pursue those are much stronger. Internal and external pressures, then living on
strict narrowed being in control of yourself. The highest purpose that you can do you can have a human being is to use reason in pursuit of virtue That's the aristotelian idea, not even need not even there we'll just idea, I really believe that presents his haven, the timing of your reason, but with perfect, I'm just starting a masters programme in the great books of the western world. Much of the programme is set by the student. What great works would you recommend focusing on thanks Preston? Well, it depends if I of Enlightenment philosophy. I think it's really fun and really in really impacts. Lavishly. I love Montague. I love lock. I've even love some, the french philosopher, so I despise all of that. Stuff is interesting that I think the under the under kind of looked at period is the is the slightly post middle ages. So I think that the period from Aquinas to mock Valley is rather under is rather under curved scholastic like their bunch. People have written about it, but it seems to have taken a back seat to everything, Machiavelli and beyond that stuff.
Really juicy any Machiavelli super juicy, but the the domestic period, the philosophy of the philosophy of minorities, the philosophy of Aquinas I find that stuff to be extraordinarily valuable and with new found relevance, tat was his hey man. You talked about the seven laws. Noah following begin to Heaven, one of which is not to steal. When I was about five, Six years old, I was in a gas station. My dad, I stole a small Box of Kennedy. My father found out, muttered me unwise. Stealing is bad according the Bible. I wonder if this constitutes breaking the law not stealing can I still get into Heaven or my salvation over and try live like hippies in the sixties. Thanks love, your show, and all the work you do. Ok, so the answer is, that depends is always a possibility. The first thing you have to do is go back to the people you stole from. If you can find them and then repay, which will be a weight off your off your head, repent since in Judaism, if you commit a sin against another person, you're supposed to repent to the person, and then you can repent God. So if you can track down which
minion store was, it might be a while later then try and do it right in and you'll feel better about yourself and then that person will feel better about you. I think, an amazing thing and they would be enemies. It's a great story, if you do that, so Would do that? If I were you also, if you can't tracked down the personal you can really do, is repent and one of the key modes repentance is acknowledging you're, never that it was wrong. You're, never gonna! Do it again, so I think that you obviously done that already MIKE, as has happened. We are too Austrians in the Boston area, whore avid listeners, wise, the legal education industry, such a hierarchy. Why do current free market solutions for profit for private law schools fail to stack up against places like each other S, shouldn't the free market be able to do better than harboured with respect to legal education, not necessarily job prospects best might entail what, each of us, as if for profit institution is going to charge what they need to charge, nor do in order to ensure that they continue to function properly. The legal education industry is a hierarchy because most states have laws on the books are prevented from taking the bar without going to an accredited law school. I think that's a mistake. I think
princess ships should be on the table. I think you should be able to take the bar without going to law school. I think that you should be able to do one year without actually one year of law, school and learn the basics of law without having to go three years to law school. Just rack up that. Ok, idle final question year marks has, after watching your talk, GS. You yesterday said: will ice in those Grand Canyon, university GC you. I was wondering: what do you suggest an atheist when balancing faith and reason are we supposed to leaving God without a reason sufficient for us. No, you don't have to believe in God, but you have to take as valuable assumptions the same assumptions the judeo christian values make and you I do understand that what you are doing is making an assumption about those values. That's it you have to do a cattle yourself by saying that you can reason your way to those values or that region. Invariably carries you to those values, because I dont think that it does Zooming. That reason can do too much is just as dangerous.
Something that reason can do enough. There's a balance between reason and faith, as I say, ok time for a quick thing that I like and then we'll get you a thing that I hate so things that I like today Kevin Mccarthy did something I think, was valuable. Yesterday he pushed back on the Democrats in Congress, spent their entire time running Congress passing used resolutions designed to make them look good and virtue signal here is covered Mccarthy, the House minority leader going after the Democrats. The question more and more Americans are beginning to ask what have the Democrats done with their majority? This Friday marks the one hundred day of the new democratic Majority hundred days of democratic disappointment. At this point. In the last Congress, Republicans had passed a hundred and forty one bills out of committee, and a hundred and thirty two out of the house by contrast, Democrats, surpass sixty eight bills out of committee.
Ninety seven out of the house so much for doing the job of the people's house. Now it's whatever leadership, decides. Ok, while he is not wrong about this, and it is quite sad, the Democrats have decided that they are going to spend, all their time, passing crazy. Crap like the green new deal or Medicare for all, that's going nowhere specifically in order to signal about stuff. They have no intention of voting for at all anyway, a time for a quick thing that I hate already. The two quick things that I hate to Maxie waters. It is unbelievable. This woman chairs a committee particularly House financial services. She has been more than most corrupt members of Congress for virtually her entire career. Was yesterday. She was doing a hearing with Steve. Neutral manoeuvre had already negotiated he's the Treasury secretary heed our negotiated with the committee, then who's gonna, have to leave for three and half hours would be happy to come back at another time. He looked up at the clock. Settlers I gotta go and matching waters. Suddenly,
decided still she persisted the strength of matching waters, telling him that she was violating? I have truth. The agreement pray do not alter it further. That's basically! Nets in waters yesterday, I have sat here for over three hour in fifteen minutes. I've told you all come back. I just don't believe we're sitting negotiating when I come back now appreciate your a reminding us of the length of time others secretaries have been here. This is a new way and it's a new day. It won't its or new care. Can I have the gavel at this point? If you wish to leave you may, can you clarify that former yes clarify is, though, so you wish to leave you may so what will your were dismissed as that correct? If you wish to leave, you may leave you may all that time you want. We please dismiss everybody. I believe Europe must take the gravelling and bang it. That's less dramatic instruct me as to how I am to conduct this committee grazing birth. It she's crazy
if you want to leave, regulate and he's saying what I need you to dismiss me so that you don't hold me in contemporary, get up and walk out of the room, then what the hell? What is wrong with you? What is this nonsense? This is just. Bad, as we had ill had Omar questioning, whose it Elliot brand. And say in saying to him? So do you support do support, genocide and South American is like no interest I'll. Take that as yes, what hell is wrong with these people. What is wrong with Maxie Waters, just say your dismissed, but she doesn't want to do that. You want to do the I'm standing up to power in the media treat this as those you standing up to power. She is the power there's no standing up to power there? He pre negotiated the time he would be there and then you violated that agreement and he said, can I go until you can leave with you What is it we'll get? Will then dismiss means that you don't pull. Been condemned. So I'm not going to do that. You make the decision what what what How do we elect these people? The hell is wrong with this country, my goodness, ok speedily,
what the hell is wrong with this country, San Jose Airport, has decided. It is deeply necessary to place algae Bt Q pride flags in the airport in front of a trick fillet as though people who work in Tripoli. Give too craps about this. The San Jose City Council voted eleven zero on Tuesday to hang rainbow flags in support of algae, beating you people and pink blue and white flag for transgender right at or near chick fillet due to open in May at San Jose International Airport, what spiteful garbage human being San Jose City Council in this is the equivalent it really is the equivalent of theirs I gave bakery that opens in a small midwestern town in the city council votes to put a bunch of crosses up on flags across from the gay bakery. It has not discriminated against gay people, the owner of cheerful again, Cathy Bats, traditional Mary, where six years after he made a statement about it, and they are still doing this, spiteful nonsense or trick fully is deeply evil, because the owner
holding different position on traditional marriage and homosexuals and that's where we as a country and so whether the San Jose City Council has solved all of their problems and now there to try and shame what the employees of local tricks lay. How often you think then Cathy's gonna go there even Jan Cathy's stand in the window and then steer angrily out the window at the gay flags. What are these people think their accounts, watching. The answer is nothing. They think that they are succouring their own population into believing that they have on, something meaningful by merely virtue signalling with the stupid as possible methodology? What it ok we'll be back later today for two more hours. If you subscribe, you get that, if not We will see here on Monday, have a wonderful weakened adventure. Pair of this is the Ben Shapiro, This is the bench. A bureau show executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer, Jonathan hey are supervising, producer is Mathis Glover and our technical producer is often Stevens edited by Adam Sigh of its audio is meant by my car. Mina Heron make up
by just one vera prejudices that next year the bench Shapiro shows a daily wire production, copyright daily wire, twenty nineteen, hey, it's Andrew Clayton, hosts of the Andrew Clavering show you know Confucius should. If you want to know the truth, you have to use the power her names for things. Can anyone deny that the left is made that almost impossible, whether its calling the FBI Spine spying or calling Julian Assange spying journalism? They always get it wrong. I'm Andrew claimant, that's on the Andrew Clavering show
Transcript generated on 2020-03-26.