« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 739 - The Battle For Narrative Dominance

2019-03-18 | 🔗

The media turn the New Zealand white supremacist terrorist attack into a referendum on Trump, Kirsten Gillibrand experiences failure to launch, and Trump goes wild on Twitter. Date: 3-18-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The media turned the New Zealand White Supremacist terrorist attack into a referendum on President Trump Kirsten Gilbert and experience is predictable. Failure to launch and President Trump goes wild on Twitter Ben Shapiro. This is the Ben Shapiro show oh use to get to today, better or blowing it out in the fund, raising on his very first day we'll get to that plus, more good news for beta O'Roark, apparently, all data from my space, two thousand and three to twenty fifteen. His disappeared, so apparently battles, hacker friends got to it. I see no other explanation will get through all the news in just one. Second, first, let's talk about an unfortunate fact, we're all going to plots. I know we just had a nice weekend. You don't Think about that. But here is the reality. If you don't think about it, if you're not an adult, then you are going to be caught up short. If, God forbid something happens to you more importantly, your family will, getting life insurance can be kind of difficult. This is why you need to talk to my friends over a policy. Genius genius is the easy way to get life insurance in just two minutes. You can compare, quotes from top insurers and find the best policy for you,
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To fifty and the entire w mourns? Because this is an act of evil and As I said last week, be a moment of unity, because when there are tremendous acts of evil, then we, should at least grant the credibility that the vast majority of human beings in the West are saddened by an act of evil and are not sympathetic to the killer. How many people did you see who are sympathetic to the evil white supremacy, run the white supremacist murderer on Friday? Do you see any they're really in pretty much nobody pretty much nobody. Yet the media decided that this was an opportune moment to push a political narrative, and this is one of the worst aspects about our poll price politics that is whenever there is a flashpoint. Whenever there's an incident, the media immediately jump to which narrative does back and can we serve that narrative with other pieces of evidence or non evidence. Can we do a narrative from a flash point, so in Ferguson Missouri, where a white police officer shoots black guy, they mediately draw near white police officers across the
Eric racist. The criminal justice system is racist in the United States, when there is a shooting on a congressional baseball field. However, and Bernie Sanders is the person whose name is in the killers. Now, then, it's not Bernie Sanders, not about Bernie Sanders is large scale, radical rhetoric, nothing of that comes up because that doesn't back the okay. So what are the narratives the media wishes to draw from New Zealand? We talked a little bit about this on Friday because it's pretty obvious that the media were ten drawn out of their original there, that was going to be about gun control, then it realize that New Zealand actually is relatively gun control. Dan. It's a bad! It's a bad example! If going to choose a country that requires control. New Zealand is probably not that country. They have one point: two million guns and thirty five murders. A year in the entire country of New Zealand, so it is not a perfect example of a country that desperately needs gun control. Nonetheless, the country will look at gun control, so they put the narrative off the table, the secondary narrative was going to be a narrative about Islamophobia. The idea that all across the w there are
who deeply hate Muslims and because they're people who deeply hate Muslims all across the west, they led this white Supra says to go around shooting people now what the what's labels as being paid of Muslims? Is anyone who points out radical Islam, not Islam itself. Radical is a problem or points out? radical Islam is not just a tiny fringe anon inside the muslim community that, if you look at the global muslim community, if the place like I understand or places like a rock or places like IRAN or places like Egypt, a place like Saudi Arabia, or place like a tire, a place like the UAE, or place like Jordan or place like I'm on a place like Yemen. If you look at any of those places, What you will see is that radical Islamism is not actually a change phenomenon alone, and if you look at Pugh Global research polls of how people believe what you see. Is that a large number of people in a lot of these countries? Pakistan, Afghanistan? Ninety percent percent of people in a pool of Afghanis from two thousand ten Pew Research poll thought that honor killing was ok, okay
extreme by any definition. That is extreme. Have you point that out? The idea is that pointing that out? to what happened in Christchurch. That is an app It's and it is an absolute lie, and it is disgusting. It is disgusting, that's very because the same exact people who five minutes ago suggesting that you are not allowed to use anti semitic language the way they know how to mark uses it. But people pointed out that people point doubt they tell him, are use, Anti semitic, language are actually trying to shut on the debate over America's foreign policy. With Israel, are today trying to shut down. Any sort of talk about rap call Islam generally now today is necessarily the to talk about radical Islam. Although radical Islam had itself a weekend Was it a terrorist attack in Israel? There's now a terrorist attack going on in the other. Both of them have been it's too radical Islam at this point, but it is true that in the wake of the number of Muslims that is not the time to talk about radical Islam, but that's true, every side
front every side, meaning that, if you are somebody who wants to question whether Ical Islam is a dangerous phenomenon across the world time in that to a white supremacist, murdering a bunch of innocent Muslims at a mosque in Christchurch is pretty vile tactic, and yet that is what you saw across the media that what you saw across the media, I'm going to start with some students confronting Chelsea Clinton. So Chelsea Clinton made the mistake this ten verbal terrible mistake. What was your terrible mistake? Chelsea Clinton said that Ilhan Omar had been anti semitic. Ilhan Omar is the muslim congresswoman from Minnesota who who is in anti semite? She has three times in the last two months, humid dated herself with open anti Semitism and the last time she it's so obviously, and so clearly that the Democratic Party is on the verge of condemning her and then the radicals in the Democratic Party stood up and they said no. No, no we're not going to do that. We're not going to condemn her will take her name out of the resolution and then we'll turn it into a resolution condemning every bad thing on planet earth, including Islam.
Phobia it was one of the people who called out Ilhan Omar for using anti semitic language. Well, students can fronted Chelsea Clinton and they're blaming Chelsea Clinton. These student they're blaming Chelsea Clinton or the shooting in Christchurch hey. This is how rare, Michael the radical fringe of the left is. Chelsea Clinton is somehow to blame for a white supremacist shooting up a church in Christchurch because she called out Anti Semitism from Ilhan Omar. This in viral over the weekend, students confronting Chelsea Clinton. After all, that you have done all this long to get so sorry never mind Edward, not believe you have to show solidarity, and I want you to know that. I want you to feel deep inside the forty nine people died because of veterans who put out there
You can hear people snapping in the background. I'm sorry, you feel that we move. What does that mean? apologize for she supposed to apologize because she called out Ilhan Omar for being anti semitic. So if you call out a must for being Anti semitic, then you're responsible for the murder of other unrelated Muslims were not being anti semitic in Christchurch and then the two people, the people who are going after Chelsea Clinton. For goodness sake, I mean how Medical is left there. Making me defend. Chelsea Clinton now in this is unbelievable. These two people were given the platform in Buzzfeed NEWS, a platform to explain why they called out Chelsea Clinton from the shooting in Christchurch Buzz Feed NEWS posted a piece by these two radicals whose names orlins week and rose us off, and it says why we confronted Chelsea Clinton at the Christchurch vigil. Here's why yesterday. We posted a video of Lynn confronting Chelsea clue. In individual for the victims of the White Supremacist New Zealand Mosque massacre. Today, we woke up with over one hundred thousand people talking about it. On twitch
Needless to say, this is not what we expected well, it sort of was we won the visual for one reason to if the loss of innocent lives that were stolen from this world by vile hatred, we to join our friends in college in a time of heartbreaking agony, remember, the forty nine Muslims who are murdered for being Muslim, we did a double take when we first notice. Chelsea Clinton was at the vigil just weeks before this tragedy we bore witness to a bigoted, anti muslim mob. Coming after Rep isn't available tomorrow for speaking of the truth about the map, sort of influence of the Israel lobby in this country. We believe Menards did nothing wrong except challenge the status quo. But the way many people chose to criticize Omar made her vulnerable to anti muslim hatred and death threats. We were shocked when Clinton arrived individual, even though she had not yet apologize to representative Omar from the public vilification against her. So Ilhan Omar was a wounded, did innocent in all this Chelsea Clinton was fender and because Chelsea Clinton called out a little more for being an anti semite. This supposedly let white, supremacist to murder, people in half around the world in New Zealand.
Many have said it was unfair to connect Chelsea's words to the massacre in Christchurch these two adults right to them. We say that anti muslim bigotry must be addressed wherever it exists. That includes Chelsea Clinton. Okay, a couple of quick notes, a couple of quick notes about the two people who were just given space in Buzzfeed to her Brass Chelsea Clinton, similar hey. It turns it that these it that both of these people are deeply radical in every possible way, and they got their defenders, of course, from the radical left and and their friends the folks over the intercept and such so. A couple of things week, tweeted out quote you're only interested in demolishing Israel, not in finding a solution. Demolishing Israel is a solution, so the same p who are calling out Chelsea Clinton for suppose Only being anti is for calling out Ilhan Omar are themselves deeply anti. Medic to the point where they are calling for the full demolition of Israel. The full
election of Israel. It's unbelievable, okay and the other, a woman who wrote this repeatedly use the term. The F word for for gay people in the United States, but those people were given a platform by Buzzfeed. It's just wonderful. This sort of dishonesty was in debt in the media, endemic, it Linda are sort of the same thing limits are so radical, anti semite and by the way friend, to terrorists it legitimately has has stood with first Ras Mello, downstage and hug during all the rest, Linda, Sarah tweet it out I'm triggered by those who pay the representative bill and incited a hate not against her until she got assassination threats now condolences to our community. What we need to do is reflect on how you contribute to Islamophobia and stop doing that. So you see how this works. The idea now is that, if you I still had a for being an anti semite. Somehow your response for the massacre in Christchurch Church,
the most extreme wing of this of this push. But that is not the that is not the leading at of the push that is not the mainstream of the push. The mainstream of the push is that anybody, who is criticized radical Islam in any way, is somehow responsible for what happened in Christchurch I'll get to that in just one. Second. First, let's talk about the fact that our federal government is simply out of control out of control on every possible level. Congress is filled with crazy people. It's a nightmare, and people are tired of complaining about it and that's why I'm a big believer in calling a convention of states where we, the people, can propose amendments, amendments that couldn't force Congress to stay within its boundaries can, the executive branch to stay within its boundaries. The fact is that the founding bargain there will be checks and balances between the various branches that founding bar It has been eroded over the course of centuries and it's time to restore that founding balance that the legislative contract, the executive, the executive, can check, check the dj, sherry and all the way that's why we need a convention of states the only way to get a job done there already three point: eight
people with us on this. More everyday so join me and my friend Mark Meckler go to convention of state dot com, slash span and sign the petition today, that is, convention of state dot com, slash man. What a folks talk about how exactly this would work is a fully constitutional provision under article five of the constitution, it was does going to work. This way it hasn't been taken advantage of, but now is the time for us to stand together and restore some of those constitutional balances and checks. Convention, states, dot com, slash been to sign the petition today. Convention states back on. So, as I say, the most radical wing of the of the left is suggesting that people like Chelsea Clinton, are responsible for Christ's church. The main stream of left is suggesting that people like SAM Harris and I are responsible for Christ, church and so there's a piece over the New York Times in which a guy name, Omer Aziz, right piece called our brother, our executioner, and he suggests that anybody who Chris, size is Islam as having an internal problem is responsible for the situation in Christchurch. He says: Islamophobia is not a fringe problem. Isn't it is
edit, in much of western society for over two decades now the the span of an entire generation. The whole muslim community has been forced to accept collective guilt, and for every act of terror or violence committed by one of its members. What or should the standard be applied to white people who seem to have kept the privilege of individual differentiation for themselves? I don't know where he's getting this. This is a lie. Muslims are safer in the west and they are in the muslim world. The fact is that in two thousand and seventeen in two thousand, seventeen islamic extremism, because eighty four thousand deaths worldwide. Eighty four thousand deaths nearly All of them were not in the west. That's a CBS News, a new report from the council on foreign relations, the global extremist, monitor produced by Tony Blair's Institute for global change. The fact is that Muslims in the west- I'm not overwhelmingly treated well this Jews in the West are overwhelmingly treated well, even if there are anti semitic attacks from Y2 premises. On occasion, this notion the widespread Islamophobia is dominant in the West, because there are people like SAM Harris who asked about nature.
Tom or Bill Maher, who asked about the nature of radical Islam or people like me who points The polling data show that radical Islam is not a tiny, tiny, tiny phenomenon that is I want to expand. The argument is really in bad faith and not only in bad faith counterproductive, because the fact is that if we used to call that radical Islam then radical. Islam does grow in the same way that if you refuse to call out white supremacy, white, supremacist and grows, you have to call it out it's important to call out this stuff. That's what provides protection for actual non radical Muslims and at the same time, you can fallout and ideology and also say that innocent people should not be killed under any circumstances. It's astonishing that folks in the media refused to acknowledge this fact. In a second, I'm gonna show you how the media are contributing to this narrative so example going back to Ohana Mark for a second Ilhan Omar is rad.
Call on Israel should not radical on Israel, shouldn't antisemite she's, an anti semite and the push from the left is that criticized Ilhan Omar? This meant that you we're actually anti Islam. Criticism of Ilhan Omar made you an Islamophobe Now again, this is hilarious, because the same people who did under will say that being openly Anti semitic does not make you anti semitic, but certain. If your anti Israel, that is not anti Semitism or say Anti Israel, things that doesn't make you anti semitic, that's a proposition which I generally agree, but those same people will say that if you criticize Ilhan Omar, then you are Anti Islam. The Washington Post just gave a full headspace to Ilhan Omar to talk about her, for policy. I remember them doing the same thing to Steve King. I don't know for that at all, and yet that is something the Washington Post pushing because the generalized narrative the media wish to draw is that what open in New Zealand is the predictable result of Islam in the west? This folks will say that the radical
sonic terror attacks are not the predictable result of the growth of radical islamist ideology, but they will suggest the radical white supremacist terrorist attacks are the growth of why supremacist ideology in the west. Now here's my view they grow is radical. Ideology has consequences, no matter which id allergy we're talking about. I've worried about the growth white supremacism for years, I've been talk think about it openly. Since two thousand and fifteen two thousand and sixteen it's been four years, I've been talking openly about the growth of white supremacy. And white supremacism online, I'm glad Some people are finally arriving to the party, but the fact is that the media narative here is not truly directed and stopping white supremacism. It's directed at two things linking President Trump and the right generally with white supremacism and linking anybody has critiques of radical Islam with violence against Muslims, and that is not only inappropriate. It's disgusting. It's disgusting, calling radical Islam is not the same thing as as suggesting that that ordinary
everyday non radical Muslims, innocent people ought to be killed. It's absurdity at its highest level now, when people point out that I did a video awhile back, in which I just all video was was me, citing polls of muzzle from around the globe in different countries, and talking about the level of radicalism in those various countries, And people say well, this is islamophobic know those are poll numbers hey. I talked about all of this at University of Pitts Burg, not four months ago, and I talked about the various the semantic threats around the globe, and I talked about muslim antisemitism. I point I talked about nickel Islam and I pointed out that westernized Muslims are significantly less radical. Nearly non radical in orientation, as opposed to Muslims, were living, for example, Afghanistan,. Ok. So this is not a matter of you criticize radical Islam and therefore you're okay with the murder of Muslims in Christchurch. What kind of insanity is this and again we? We apply this logic on the level of the media when it
convenient to an area of the west is radically anti Islamic, which again you seen the response of the west of this terrorist attack. I'm failing to see it on I'm failing to see it where the people who are out there defending it where the people are saying, we should ignore the actual terrorist attack. Where is that happening now? The fact is the inside the islamic world inside countries that are governed by Islam, their muslim terrorists are killing thousands and thousands and thousands of people every single year, no generalized public outcry. The reason there now in the West, because this does not meet the w values. Everybody in the west knows this, and when we look at people like this white supremacist peace of God, average citing the w as a rationale for his actions. We look at him. We say you are disgusting, human being and your ideology is disgusting. The w is, unified fight against this sort of stuff and attempting to draw lines in order to make political hay is really pretty vile stuff. Now the easy in for a lot of folks on the left is of course, attack
president Trump, and that's because President Trump is a is a clod who says cloddish things, but if you're much blame President Trump for the shooting in Christchurch, I don't know how you get there. I really don't know how you get there. Unless you are also in when Bernie Sanders for the congressional baseball, shooting you're gonna have to explain how President Trump called for violence against people who go to mosque because Bernie Sanders used rat cool language against everybody who doesn't agree with him on economics or climate change. We don't blame him for the congressional baseball shooting. Does that mean his language is appropriate. Now doesn't mean the President Trump's language is appropriate. No, it doesn't, but trying to link him to white supremacism and shooting attacks in New Zealand is really gross, and not only is it grows, it's exactly the shooter wanted. So I said this week that we shouldn't discuss the manifesto. We shouldn't go out of our way to talk about the disgusting ideas in this killers manifesto, and I meant that because that's what he wanted, what he wanted was for his ideas to get out there. I was perfectly fine
and, and more than fine, I thought was important to label. Is a white supremacist terror attack on Muslims? I was very clear about this last week, but I didn't think that it was necessary to go into the details of his manifesto, specifically because he says in the manifesto that he wants to divide Americans from each other? He wants to divide people in the west against each other, and so he was using his manifesto to do this and the media or complicit in that they decided they were going to jump on this too, and they were to cite in which he said that he admired President Trump and they were going to use that as a way to suggest that everyone who supports President Trump as well as President Trump himself, is somehow responsible for what just happened in Christchurch, here's entire montage of people in the media. Racing to blame President Trump for an action had nothing to do with this shooter. According to these reports, specifically invoked, our president as an inspiration. There's an intolerance, that's being spread in this country in this world, and it comes from the political dialogue. Let's be clear, it comes from political leaders. Words have consequences like saying
have an invasion. Our border, the language he uses in this manifesto is all about invaders. It's also language, the President Trump using a campaign ad before the mid term election. You have a president who, when he was a candidate talked about banning Muslims from entering this this country. So this is a president who has given play sea of rhetorical ammunition, I think two terrorists, like this. A couple of things figures like Bill LAS your are out there citing President Trump's calling the southern border invasion as a rationale. For all of this, this wasn't tack on illegal immigrants. Number one number two: I can disagree with residents on his use of the word invasion. I don't think this is an invasion. I've forcefully spoken out against that sort of language, but to link the president's border polish sing with the shooting of Muslims in New Zealand. Forgive me if that seems like a bit of a stretch now in a second will get to President Trump's rhetoric itself, the quote: unquote: muslim Ban and all the rest. First, let's talk about Bravo Company
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As of at least forty nine people at two mosques in New Zealand posted a manifesto online before staging his rampage, it's a white nationalist greed fell with hateful messages against immigrants, my doritis and Muslims. There is a reason why the shooter in his manifesto says that Donald Trump is the renewed symbol of white identity who shares a common purpose. What could be the common purpose that the President of United States of America, Donald Trump, who says, I think Islam hates us and calls Mexicans rapists and criminals could have what the? Why National Shooter who shot and killed four ninety, I think it's fairly. I was a couple of things that are right in there there's there's Don lemon. It's totally obvious what connection would be okay, a couple of things: one is President Trump's language good on this day no has it been good on this stuff? No, I condemned it when he said it way back in two thousand fifteen when he talking about Muslim when he was talking about full on Muslim badly. We so this to ban Muslims from the country. I said that is,
stupid and wrong by the way. His actual practical ban is not a muslim ban. Only five of the seven countries on the travel ban are muslim and they're. The same seven countries named by President Obama so that the actual policy implemented is not reflective of the language was the it was know the language was never good, okay, but that's not the same thing as Blair. Thank him for the shooting in Christchurch? I don't remember Can anyone in the media saying you know whose name was on the congressional baseball shooters reflect Bernie Sanders? Why? Because it didn't match the narrative, yeah We can condemn language, we should condemn bad language, but trying to blame bad language for a white supremacist shooting people in Christchurch is is a real attempt to tear apart our civil, station? It really is. We should be condemning bad ideologies, we should be actively fighting. Bad ideologies, but that is not the same thing is blaming President Trump for an event. He did not have anything to do with over in New Zealand and of course, the goal here is to proclaim that everyone who then supports President Trump is also
so a white nationalist. Now, let's be clear about this, President Trump has of course condemned what happened in Christchurch as well President Trump had to say about it when it happened, I think it's a horrible event. It's uh huh, horrible thing I showed early in the morning when I looked at what was that sing, a New Zealand. I just focus you know through the Prime minister. I think it's a horrible disgraceful thing in a horrible act. Obviously President Trump is not big in favor of all this, but with that said, the president give some sort of address on the nature radical Islam versus regular Islam should be given address on why Muslims are full fledged citizens of the w sure. I don't see. Why not. I mean you've got time. Obviously he's tweeting like crazy. I think that would be a good thing for the President of the United States to do, but make no mistake. The media's goal here is not to actively tamp down the aspirations of the white supremacist they're parroting his claims so that they can use them for politically divisive purposes. They are doing exactly what the white supremacist wanted them to do. He says
So, in the manifesto itself, it was enough to say we call out and say: listen: white supremacism is evil. This person was evil and white super. The system should be called out wherever it seemed that you try and turn it into a baton to wield against people who are critical of radical Islam or Ilhan Omar or people who support president Trump. Ok, that's that's obviously done in bad faith and, and that is pretty terrible stuff. It really is ok, let's talk about two thousand and twenty. So there's an amazing disconnect between what happens in the political commentary and what happens in the real world Beto O'Rourke raised in his first day in the race in his view very first date in the race, baiter or crazed. I kid you not six point one million dollars yeah. I think that calls for some beta music That's right, all right, so Beto, O'Rourke Race, six point, one hundred and thirty, six million dollars non line, donations from all fifty states and is very first. That is the number one total. It tops.
Five point: nine million dollar one day hall for Senator Bernie Sanders, the other closest two thousand and twenty democratic candidate, Senator Kamala Harris at one, five million dollars. Now that gives the lie to the suggestion: that he had not raised a lot of money. This was this gesture made last week when O'Rourke was asked specifically about it and he sort of deferred. He said I'm not going to talk about that now the media have turned on beta. Beto has issued about thirty, seven apologies and his first forty eight hours campaigning, for example, Batos said in one of his appearances that his wife did most of the raising of their kids, which seems to me a compliment to his wife, not a not an attempt to degrade his wife. Nonetheless, crazy people went when Notice. How dare Beto say that his wife did most of the raising of his children just absurd, so beta apologized for that. So here is better doing that. It's absolutely valid criticism and its constructive criticism. It has already made me a better candidate. Not only will I not say that again, but
but I will be much more thoughtful going forward in the way that I talked about. Are surgeon in my ham handed attempt to try to highlight the fact that Amy has the lion share of the burden in our family that she actually works it, but is the primary parent in our family, especially when I served in Congress, especially when I on the campaign trail, should have also been a moment for me to acknowledge that that far too often the case, so there's beta apologizing, if you know If you can't get enough of apologizing, I have some more for you. So here is beta apologizing for his failure to
now she's on white privilege. So this will be the beta O'Rourke apology tour as I've shared with with others and certainly became a topic of conversation in the Senate campaign. I have been arrested twice in my life, one for attempted criminal trespass in another, more braver, offense of driving, while intoxicated those mistakes didn't end up, defining me or narrowing my options in life, and it's not because I'm a great person Norma Jean. Mister figured anything out a lot of it has to do with the fact that I'm a white man that I have parents who had the cash to post bail at the time a lot of people don't have that. Ok, so there's bait apologizing for being a white male, so that's very exciting for him as well. Now the me We have been jumping on this well, look at all of batos gaps, so many gaps here is the problem. They already let Beto out of the cage little is out of the cage you spend two year. There's building him up as a Senate candidate against head
rules, and now you want to shove and back in the cage. You don't want him to be the nominee too late. My friends, you built it, you bought it. It will get two more of that. I will prove this to you enjoy just one second, but first we're going to have to go over the dailywire dot com and subscribe. So for nine hundred and ninety nine a month, you can get a subscription to daily wire. Also before I go further with the subscription page, let me know that my new book, the right side of history, details the crisis of purpose It is happening right now in western civilization. If you want, you know how we got here, how we can get back pre order today at Amazon, Barnes and noble any major, tell I cannot wait to share it with him to discuss it at length on the show tomorrow we have a big event happening. Reagan Library as well tomorrow. I know that it's been pre selling like crazy and I hope that you buy a copy. I really think it's an important work and I think that the time when the west, it's is being seen increasingly as a bad thing when people are attacking the West or when people are deliberately misinterpreting the west to mean racial tribal polarization What to know what the West was originally supposed to be about how it has broadened over time and how does become better
overtime and how it has made. The world a better place go check out the right side of history. That is, available right now in any of your books, I was also you can check as going to sign copy and go get one at premier, collectibles, dot com, Ben Shapiro, to live book signing tomorrow, and if you buy a signed copy of the book, then we may answer your question. Actually you don't have to be a subscriber for that, but you should subscribe. Why should you subscribe well for nine hundred and ninety nine a month or ninety nine dollars a year? Not only do you get this podcast live on video, like the entire thing. You also get two hours more of me every single day on demand commercial free. I mean that's a lot that we're putting out there for you and you get to ask questions and you get to have if you could spend from the annual subscription you get this the very greatest in beverage vessels. The leftist here is hot or cold tumblr. You can go check that out right now, it's pretty awesome. You will enjoy it so go check out all of those wonderful things subscribe over at Youtube and Itunes. When you subscribe by the way you also get our Sunday special early, you get it on saturdays, which means you could have seen me with Doctor Phil on Saturday, as opposed to waiting to just
in the audio on Sunday all sorts of great stuff coming up, and I can't wait to share it with you so go check it out. Right now, Youtube Itunes leave us a review. We always appreciate we're the largest fastest growing conservative, podcast and radio show in the nation so there's an attempt to shove Beto O'Rourke back into the box, because beta O'Rourke is, of course, a privileged white male. I pointed this out last week that there were a couple of rich lines of attack on Beto O'Rourke. Now I underestimated his popularity because I thought come on really like this guy him I sort of feel like Michael Bluth, an in arrested development looking at his son's girlfriend her it really him they. I guess, but here's the funny thing about this. The media are now attempting to paint Beto O'Rourke as a child of privilege who doesn't actually have positions on the issues they made him. So you
recall all the way back to twenty sixteen I know you're older than than then four years old, so you'll remember all the way back to twenty. Sixteen, when the media did the exact same thing with with and from hilariously enough against TED Cruz. They figured okay, we'll build President Trump will billion dollars in free media coverage on Donald Trump. Because there, a joke and people will figure it out and eventually they'll decide that they're not interested in him, but for so that we can use him to get past some of the more serious republican candidates. And then, by the time they tried to push him back in the corner, they couldn't well, nobody puts baby in a corner, nobody puts baby in a corner Reuters, it is the best evidence ever so. Writers is now coming out with the story about how they don't work when he was a teenager was into hacking Well, there's a story from Roy years, in which they revealed that they had all this information year. Is ago, quote Reuters reporter Joseph men exclusively revealed on Friday, the democratic presidential candidate, Beto O'Rourke, that's known groups of computer hackers as a teenager within minutes. His special report
the most popular story on reuters dot com. Here it was picked up by other news outlets, but the origin of the story goes back more than two years members of the group which calls itself cult of the dead cow protected or works secret for decades, reluctant to compromise the former Texas Congre, political career. After more than a year of reporting, men persuaded overall to talk on the record in an interview in late two thousand and seventeen O'Rourke Eggnog, but she was a member of the group on the uh standing at the information would not be made public until after his Senate, race against TED Cruz in November, two thousand and eighteen what in the actual? So let me get this straight. A Reuters reporter said here is some newsworthy information. I will bury it until after your election with TED Cruz. It that's what the media were doing all along building him up need a lightweight one of President Trump's favorite terms. Little rock has no original thought. They don't is not a show any example of deep thought. Honestly, if you want somebody who is capable of Intel
you can put on the democratic side side of the aisle. It seems to me the most intelligent candidate on the democratic side of the aisle is that mayor of South Bend, but a judge paper to get british ISP cake, hey that guy actually seems kinda smart, but they don't. Work, is now but it's too late. The media build him up, is a media phenomenon and now all of the people Jake Gillenhall, who are wearing Beto for Senate T shirts back in twenty eighteen, are donating money to Beto again the media spent their attention building this guy up to fight TED Cruz, and then it is too late now to shove him back in they can't do it. There's no way to get back in there now Beto can be a gaffe machine, here till election day, and that is what he is doing. For example, Beto said yes
day like offending everyone on every side of the aisle that, if you have an a r fifteen, you should be able to keep your a r fifteen. They should be able to buy a new, a r fifteen, which makes no sense to anyone into skated neither gun, confiscation or protection of second amendment rights, but here is Beto making that claim. Yesterday we allow people in this country to buy weapons that were designed, engineered and sold to United States military for the expo. Just purpose of killing people as effectively as possible in as great a number as possible. Now, if you own an Ar15, keep it continue to use it responsibly and safely. I just don't think that we need to sell anymore weapons of war into this public, Okay, so you know at the same time, if you so you can keep it as a weapon of war and evil evil weapon of war, but also you should keep it this guy Why is the one you built up and now you own it guys now here's the truth. May locals well among suburban women. If you were going to actually, if you were actually going to select among the democratic
it is most likely to be, President Trump beta would probably be up high on that list. Why? Because he does appeal? to suburban women he's got this kind of software feel to him he's not quite as hard edged as a Bernie Sanders is not an open socialist. The same way still, the twitterverse is not reality, once again, twitter online world, not reality and bay, to prove that with this, tracing numbers for sure. Now the GOP, I don't know who's running the social media accounts over the GOP. But all I can say is that it is ridiculous. Are you doing? Why would you do such a thing? So, on same page, so in honor of Saint Patrick's day the GEO. We decided to indulge in a little bit of making fun of the Irish, which is just a genius tactic of air, very smart stuff. So here is what the GOP we did. They treated out a picture of drunk Beto from Back when he had his DUI in the 90s and he's got a he's, got an irish leprechaun hat and a four leaf clover on his
dead or three leaf clover on his head, and it says underneath please drink responsibly, and then they treated out on this. Saint Patty's day, a special message from noted, Irishman, Robert Francis O'Rourke. What are you even doing What is wrong with you? People, like legitimately this is stupid politics. I know there are a bunch of people who love memes, and so there ha ha ha Yahoo that I understand you think it's funny all right. You know what else is not really funny. In fact, there are lots of irish people in the United States who may not be pleased with the notion that they're all drunk loud and the battle O'Rourke is representative of them on Saint Patrick's day, just just absurd, just absurd, so everybody being in put into their jobs well done all around. Ok, meanwhile, the other demo, but candidates are preparing their own runs some success. Some less successfully Joe Biden sort of let it slip over the weekend that he was that he was going to run
and like his promise, to abide his best. They will be his first day. It's got some Joe Biden, music. I am That's gonna be Joe Biden's run because you can be tripping over that ottoman. Every five seconds he's he's a he's a after on roller skates is Joe Biden and so Joe Biden what he campaign by accident. He said that he had the most rest record of anyone running and then at least which I'm not running it yeah, we all know do just do it already, just pulled the trigger enough. I know I get criticized and told on your thread size by the new left. I the most progressive record of anybody running for the United.
If anybody who would run anybody who would run okay now, I will note here he's obviously to dinner, so you can't take into account the population of dinners is sort of the base of of the people heard about that guy, but there's a shot of the crowd. Everyone is between the age of seventy in death at the job. I Beto, however, has a bunch of twenty. Some things are out there dancing dancing in the moonlight, so not good NEWS for Biden Battle may have stolen his thunder. Meanwhile Cory Booker attempting to go as radical as possible and attempt to fend off Kamel Harris is basically like watching the hunger games this this version the democratic primary there. One million candidates, and only one will: let's get some Spartacus music
part, Spartacus Cory, Booker. What a wonderful do so Cory Booker came out over the weekend and he was trying to prove his again. Progressive bona fide is that he is a fighter and the thing about Cory, Booker being a fighter, is that Cory. Booker is constantly endlessly manipulative, and so when He says something you can feel the gears. Turning over the weekend, he explained that it was not just enough not to be a bigot. You have to be an anti big, it is not just enough to say, I'm not racist. You have to be an anti racist. What the hell does this mean now talk about a quarry? Is not enough to stay out, I'm not a big it. You must be an anti. You must be an anti grateful you now. I have no problem with. General idea. That is not enough to not be racist. You actually have to fight racism, I feeling that Corey Cory, Booker means by that is you have to reflect my policy preferences or I will call you a bigot. I will say that you might not be racist, but you forward the aspirations of racists and that's where that is going in pretty shorter. Booker has no path,
not sure. Even like he's running, there's nothing happening for Cory. Booker in this speaking of people, for nothing is happening in this race. Amy club are also on the pandering train and she's bought herself a panda bear so What we we have some Fargo music for any club which, from the frozen north, so she too is attempting to now pandora. She understands there's an intersectional lane of the demo add primaries that she has no chance within it. That's not going to stop talking about reparations, so we have half the democratic field now embracing slavery, reparations in the two thousand and nineteen slavery officially ended in the United States in eighteen, sixty five, not a single Democrat who back slavery, reparations going. Blaine what the hell it is other than it's a bunch of big formant programs. I was already proposing just called slavery. Reparations hear me cloud shirt, does the same thing before Only beating one for interns to death with the chair. I believe we have to invest in those community,
These are that have been so hurt by racism and doesn't have to be a direct pay for each out person, but what we can do is invest in those communities. Knowledge what's happened, and that means a better education, and that means looking at for our whole economy. Community college one year, degrees, minimum wage child care, making sure that we have that shared drive. Name of opportunity for all Americans. Ok, so there she is, pandering is going to do her any good. Now me clubbish are, is in the last year democratic candidates, she's too moderate she's, too sane and also I think she does to pander just makes her look less authentic, speaking of which the least off The candidate of all time all brand has launched a campaign to the great excitement of dozens dozens of people across the United States desperately await Kirsten Gillibrand run. Let's get some Kristen Gellibrand music. What do you mean? I know some yeah she's, a she's she's all over the place just taken
every position on every issue, and she is, utterly again utterly inauthentic. So here was some of Kristen. Gellibrand is two thousand and twenty launch video watch by as I say, her immediate family plus or paid staff are ant some calls America, the home of the brave, but we don't realize that the lyrics first posed it as a question oh say: does that STAR spangled banner yet wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave it asks? Will brave win, well, it hasn't always, and it isn't right now we need a leader who makes big bold brave choices, someone who isn't afraid of progress. That's why I'm running for president and it's why I'm asking you for your support
will brave when will brave when the brave brave, brave, brave, win, let's answer for ours, what one ok yeah, that's going nowhere, that is, that is a that is a rocket blowing up on line check, my goodness yeah! First of all, if you are, if you are having to quote the lyrics to the STAR spangled banner in your opening video, my favorite is: is these candidates who didn't like natural crowd now what you'll notice about Kamala Harris is watch? Video or Bernie Sanders? Is launch video is that they always have a big crowd. People who actually cheer for them Kirsten Gillibrand, take her alone in a telephone booth. Trying. This is my my support base sure we started small, but soon soon a four hundred people might be with me at some point Kirsten Jilla Brand, I mean speaking of flip flopping on positions over the weekend. Choose Talking about the NRA. Why? Because of Christchurch New Zealand, which it turns out New Zealand, not in the United States here, is Kirsten Gillibrand. However, talking about
We need to call out the NRA in the United States. It's just unbelievable that this president just continues to put fuel on the fire of hatred and big it's not who we are in our best moments of the nation and it's not who we should be in the future. So I think it's outrageous, and so I my heart goes out to the victims. It is, it is horrible, shooting another crisis in the world, but we need to press it and actually going to do the right things and stand up to the NRA and stand up against hate remember when Kristen Gillibrand got an a rating from the NRA when that funny yeah Kirsten in that campaign going nowhere, ok time for some stuff I like, and then we'll do some stuff that I hate so So I think that I like today, there is a very good book about Israel's history. I'm very often asked about what's a good book to read about the israeli palestinian conflict that Conf. Obviously in the news again, because there was another terrorist attack over the weekend, which a forty seven year, old father of twelve, was murdered by palestinian terrorists and the
last government in the Gaza Strip, which has been summarily shooting its own citizens, decided that would hand out candy candies upon the death of innocent Israelis. We ignore that we're not supposed to pay attention to that. That's that's very important. To ignore it's good book about all of this called reclaiming Israel's history by David, Brog roots right and the struggle for peace it is a. It is a nuanced look at Israel's history, acknowledging where is have failed and pointing out where Israel has succeeded. The book is quite good. It's an easy read: it's only about two hundred and fifty pages, maybe, go check that out right now, reclaiming Israel's history by David, Brooks speaking of which you this goes under things. I hate obvious but it is amazing to watch as the western media completely ignore Hamas shooting its own citizens in the streets in the Gaza Strip there are legitimately doing this, like people are finally finally protesting in the Gaza Strip against the egregious Misrule of Hamas years ago. I tweeted about Israelis, loving to build and Arabs thing to live in crap and and and bomb things, and I was specifically talking, as I said in that thread, you can go read it
I was specifically talking about the leadership of Hamas, specifically talking about the leadership, of the palestinian Authority that would rather own citizens, live in sewage that actually pay to better the lives of those citizens. I was specific. Talking about that that remains true. Okay, the leadership in Hamas leadership in the Palestinian Authority would rather a line, their own pockets and build terror tunnels and take care of their citizens. Another shooting their own citizens in the Gaza Strip. That hears that that look like any media coverage of this shooting its own citizens in the Gaza Strip, nope, not at all nope. It's all Israel, Israel, the problem, ok time for some things that I hate okay, so a couple of quick things that I hate. So there is a senator in Australia. The senator in Australia is indeed a basket of dog he's a bad die a so this. This australian far
Senator named that Fraser Anning put out an egregious a statement in the aftermath of the Christchurch killing talking about was muslim immigration to New Zealand that it caused it, which is just an absurdity, and a moral blocked, and all the rest here is this. Is this guy was speaking to the media and he's garbage, but the person behind him a seventeen year old hits him with an egg and here's what happens next, when people are getting attacked in their own okay and then his guys take down the kid now people of going crazy on the politician for this. You crazy on the politician for his views. Views are garbage, but real crazy on a guy for getting hit in the head with a nagging and turning around slapping the I him with an egg, I'm not with you there I don't need to punch. I don't think I should slap bags, on the heads of people with whom you disagree. I think that I society we have discussions and debates about this stuff and that violence in response to viewpoint is a terrible idea is a bad. Idea. So if people who are all over the guy
be all over the guy for his Venus, don't be all over the guy for turning around and slapping the kid hit him in the head with an egg, the kid got what he deserved for slap. Guy in the head with the neck now, except for what happened. Offered apparently happened afterwards that this guy's goons then beat the kid up. That, of course, is inappropriate and absurd So many things can be true once one goons, once the guys is, do don't beat the crap out of him too. Don't slap! Your club owners in the head with AG three. If you act in Self even if you have bad views that is still called self defense. All of these things can be true once, but everything is gross. Ok, final thing that I hate today so J, Rowling has now decided it is time to make her books retroactively intersectional. So that's exciting. Nowhere in her books that she talk about Dumbledore being gay, but you remember if you years ago she suggested that Dumbledore is gay. Now this is not coming, Harry Potter, partisan and if not a huge fan of the Harry Potter books, I think that they are over I think they're over long they're. Just not I'm not a big fan, but she's now talk
king in her she's now talking for the special features for the upcoming fantastic, it's the crimes of Grendel Wall, the Blu Ray she is that there was a sexual dimension between Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindlewald. This is a thing now so she's now going to if write it in the books and it's not in the movies, but she is going to actively we're not going to learn that Hermione was blacks. You just didn't know it. Nobody knew at her. My knee was black because obviously it turns out that Hogwarts is not intersectional enough. Dobby was mens gender. It's very exciting. To learn. All of these things retroactively. The fact that the media, loud jk, Rowling, to get away with this nonsense is really astonishing, doesn't demonstrate how exploitative SJ w nonsense, meaning that all she has to do is throw out there that these characters, who she never characterized in this way, are actually all these things. The sjw left wants them to me and then they're like here and there cheering there. We shouldn't have credit
set the time for not making the characters openly. That way I mean, if you want a transformative world, wouldn't you want, but she's getting off easy by simply not writing any of that stuff so that I can buy these books for my eight year old and then later she'll tell us that Dumbledore was gay and get all the sjw plot. It's it's pretty pretty astonishing. I am looking for we're learning about the sexual peccadilloes that were happening in general tokens. Google earth. I need to know about seller on sex life. I think it's deeply important. I need to know if Hobbiton was was a seme bad of violin you're taking so I need to know about. All of these things is very, very in So I look forward to hearing from the Tolkien state what what inane stupid world we live in. Okay,. Will be back here. A little bit later this afternoon with two more hours. Also make sure that you go pre order, my book, because you don't want to be one of the unlucky people want to buy the book when it runs out of stock. It's the right side of history go check it out at any bookstore and comes out tomorrow. Can buy an autographed copy, collectibles, dot, com Ben Shapiro? That comes along with the benefit,
maybe being able to ask me a question in tomorrow's live book. Signings, so go check that out right now, we'll see a little bit later today or will be here tomorrow with you. This is the Ben Shapiro Show, and this is the Ben Shapiro show executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer, Jonathan hey are supervising, producer is Mathis Glover and our technical producer is Austin. Stevens edited by Adam Silence, audios mix by my car Meena and make up is by just Olvera Production assistant Nick. She in the Ben Shapiro shows a daily where production, copyright daily wire. Twenty nineteen we spend too much time on the internet. You can have all your ideas. Reinforced like people who agree with you and find that the people who disagree with you become abstractions that you're free to hate. That's what happened to the shooter in New Zealand? It's also what's happening to the mainstream media. I'm Andrew Klavan hosted the Andrew Klavan Show will be talking about it. There.
Transcript generated on 2019-10-12.