« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 705 - Easier For A Kamala To Pass Through The Eye Of A Needle

2019-01-29 | 🔗

Kamala Harris does her big town hall, Howard Schultz preps his presidential run, and Democrats talk up Marxism. Date: 1–29-2019

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Kemal Harris does her big Town Hall, Howard, shoulder presses, presidential run and Democrats talk up. Marxism, I'm bench appear of this- is the main Shapiro show, man? What a news coming your way and also a lot of me boy. Meda is because this cold just will not leave we'll get to all the news and just a second, the first. Let's talk about the fact that in two thousand in the U S, national debt was ten trillion dollars and by the end of twenty eighteen that that was over twenty one trillion dollars. It is rising like a hockey stick. If you don't think that we are sitting on a house of cards, it live with your head in the sand, but since you listen into my pod cast that probably means that you're smarter than the average American. So what exactly is your plan? Can you afford? Another hits your retirement like the last downturn when the Essen Piedra fifty percent will probably should be diversified, hedge against inflation, hedge against uncertainty and instability with precious metals. Gold is a safe haven against uncertain
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In twenty twenty in the democratic party? It's amazing to watch as members of the media label random members of the democratic coalition centrist, so they ve been making the claim that Conall Harris descended Senator from California. Is the new centrist she's a centrist voice, as opposed to elicit born Bernie Sanders now the reason that they are saying that is because she had a history as a prosecutor. So that means that naturally, she is more centrist than a lot of the other democratic members of the coalition, the only problem is, she isn't as she should serve as a prosecutor, because she felt that would be a gateway to hire office, but the reality is that come out here, there is every bit the radical of Elizabeth Ward Orbit
We see Anders or Alexandra cause you Cortez or anybody else you think is the face of the radical democratic party. Now she's getting hit from West today and the reason is being had from left is again because of that prosecutors career. There's a clip going around of her speaking at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, really rescript folks, and it's a clip of her back when she was attorney general of the State of California. Talking about how she used to prosecute the parents of kids were truant
Here's what you said that I believe a child going without it. It without an education is tantamount to a crime, so I decided I was going to start prosecuting parents for truancy. Well, that was a little controversial in San Francisco and you can actually see her laughing in the tape shows, frankly, my staff with bananas. They were very concerned at the time we didn't know it. The time whether I was going to have an opponent to my reelection race has said: look I'm done. This is a serious issue of their little capital. I'm gonna spend some of it, and this is what we did. We recognised as a prosecutor in law enforcement. I have huge stick. The school system has a carrot: what's work in tandem around our collective objective and goal, which is to get those kids in school or the internet was that's over this last night, because the suggestion is that Kemal Iris was going after parents of kids who are true it and really what you require is a social worker. In these cases, you dont require a police officer, that's kind of fascinating to watch as the left resonates to compile a Harris. Despite her record in this particular area. It is also important to note that when she says something should be tantamount to a crime, you as a turning point,
do not get to decide what is and is not a crime. You should I get to decide that everything you don't like is no enforceable by the police. If you do, that makes you a centralized government control, tyrant and income. Le Harris does have those tendencies, but all that is being pushed to the side by the fact that Canada Harris is an intersection, kids she's female she's black, and that means that you must be a great great candidate, even if she's spouting the same. Nonsense that all the other democratic candidates are spouting ad nauseam up last night in the town hall on CNN, and it was just a wonderful example of CNN again playing host to a propaganda piece on behalf of a democratic, so she's in front of a group of people, probably l, four hundred five hundred people may be- and I love that CNN was like what I should do this in the morning. I ought and CNN was touting this online. What, while looked a crowd Kamel, Harrison Wrong, not to me not to be self centered here for a second, I have not spoken to a crowd smaller than five hundred.
People in probably three years and I'm not a senator from California. So it's pretty amazing that people are now touting this as an example for ability to get people out there I mean CNN broadcasting. Listening live, you think CNN is gonna, be interested in hosting an event that has a bunch of empty seats in the background. In any case, she asked a bunch, of course, friends about policy, and she proved just how radical she had so. She was specifically asked about private health care insurance, so she is a proportionate proponents of medical care for all we Bernie Sanders plan that costs thirty two trillion dollars over ten years, double the size of the federal government and would also destroy the proud, I know that a lot of folks say well, you know Medica for all would destroy the private sector, because health insurance would still continue to exist in the private sector, but according to Conall Harris, she actually wants it to destroy private better medical insurance. She believes that everybody should be thrown onto government care that you shouldn't be able to buy private sector health insurance, because once the taxpayer is footing the bill for Medicare
number one, there's gonna be a ton of money left over to pay for private health care insurance to most people are going to be getting their healthcare insurance through the government of the United States and three. If you Have private health insurers competing with the federal government? That's not good for the federal government, because the federal government is then going to have its care rejected. This is the great hall in a lot of these systems can have supplemental health insurance in a lot of it. A lot of nationalized healthcare countries, for example in Canada. You get supplemental health insurance, although it took a while for them to allow even that Israel. Now you can finally get supplemental health insurance in Australia most
people have private supplemental healthcare. Insurance Medicare for all in Australia is really just four basic care, but for full proponents of Medicare for all people who believe that the government should cover all cost. It's gonna come down to rationing and it's gonna come down to banning private healthcare insurance because remember, let's say that there's a private health care ensure Blue Cross blue shield or something and that private health care ensure can offer doctors are better reimbursement rate than Medicare. Well, who do you think the doctors are going to look too in order to get patients? Are they gonna? Look to me the care or are they gonna look to the private healthcare insurers? That's why many countries have outright ban private health care insurance that want to compete with the private sector. They one cried the private sector out, so Kabila Harris's asked specifically about this, and she came down full scale on the side of nationalization of the health care system and full scale, destruction of private health insurance here is commonly Harris doing just that.
I believe the solution and I'm and I'm actually feel very strongly about this- is that we need to have met a care for all and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company having them give you approval going through the paperwork. All of the delay that may require is not have that situation where you got to wait for a pool or the doctor says. Well, I don't know if your insurance company is going to cover this. That's eliminate all of that. Let's move on so in other words, ninety five percent of people in the United States have healthcare from their insurance many via their employer. You, if you like your doctor, you will not be able to keep your doctor. If you like a plan, you will not be able to keep your plan. She wants to take all of those things directly from you know this is a massive segment of the United States economy. If you think that you're going to remove legitimately a trillion dollars from american industry with no questions asked and the people are gonna be Supreme, we happy when you take away their health plan, then think again, and I think that a bomb care about the car is a piece of crap legislation but
the thing about a carries. Thereupon, Obamacare was purportedly about trying to help people in the individual market. If you had your health insurance programme through your employer. Obamacare theoretically did not touch it now. That's not true atomic did, regulate the insurance companies and make it nearly impossible to get the same level of care at the same cost as you did before raised healthcare costs across the board, but it was specifically driven by the needs in the individual market, people who lost their jobs and had a health problem and now can get health insurance, but it was directed at destroying entire system. Comma Harris Bernie Sanders these folks who want to destroy the entire system from the very centre of the system. They want your plan to be gone. They want your or to be gone, is an amazing statement by Kamala Harris just come out and say that part. You said the quiet part out loud, and everybody knows that that is where this is going. But everybody is pretending that that is not where this is going right. Now, I hear is what Kemal Harris actually said,
she said you felt very strongly about Medicare for all and then, when she was pressed by Jake Tap If that means eliminating private insurance, she said yes, she said yes, she's the idea is everyone gets access to medical care. Ok and then she said, let us get rid of it. So there's I was just be done with it. I am glad that she can summarily dismiss twenty five percent of the american economy right off the top and by the way, the part of the economy. That also happens to generate all of the medical innovation. That also happens to generate all of the all of the prophet incentive for doctors to go into the industry in the first place, Democrats are incredible extreme on this stuff. All trump should do for the next two years of Kemal Harris is I need the democratic nominee is play the clip of her over and over and over again saying she's going to take away our health care program is going to take away or help ensure I don't see how the elderly feel about that. Let's see how You feel about that when she says she's taking away health insurance for your child, so you can work Government bureaucrat, I also love the suggestion by Comma Harris there that
the solution to all of your paperwork. Ills is the federal government since when has that ever been true I'm in any area of american life in which your life has been made simpler by the federal government. Like less paperwork, I highly doubt over that wasn't her only extreme statement of the night. She was also asked specifically about guns, and she said which basically ban also my automatic weapons in the United States. There is no reason and the civil society that we have sought weapons around community. Second, kill baby some police officer. There is no reason why we cannot have reasonable guns safety laws in this country and guess what guys here is the reality of it. Also we're not waiting for a good idea. We have the good ideas and a solid happens, ban background checks, ok, so she she then went on and she specifically so you know, if you do, we should force legislators. We should force legislators to look at autopsy photos because then in this is that the ugliest part of american politics right now
idea that if you disagree with Comma Harrison ever done proposals it's because you just don't care about the children. If only you cared about the children then you would agree with her that also automatic weapons in the United States, which says it's all rifle chemin, some automatic. But that also automatic weapons in the United States ought to be banned or confiscated outright. You're talking about hunger,
of millions of weapons in the United States, and she suggests that if I oppose her stupid policy, then that's because I don't care about that- gets her she's doing this routine. Twenty six or seven year old babies were massacred in kinetic. They fail to act. Here's what I think. I think that somebody should have required, and this is going to sound, very harsh. I think somebody should have required all those members of Congress to go in a room in a locker room, no press, no and nobody else and look at the autopsy photographs of those babies. And then you vote your conscience, okay. So we're going to force them to look at the pictures combo, whereas once
You then to look at in order to get them to change their mind. Ok, fine! If she wants that to be the case, then how about that about every Democrat in the United States Congress has to look at picture of an aborted baby at twenty two weeks, and then they can vote their conscience on free choice. Then they can vote their conscience on whether it's ok to slaughter babies in the world, but people on the left would say: well, that's an emotional appeal: it's not a logical appeal. Will that's exactly combo Harris's doing there with regard to slaughter, kids in classrooms? The suggestion that I'm supposed to give up my rifle because something bad happened, two kids not perpetrated me and whom I will buy. Somebody would have attempted to stop. If I'd been there with my gun, it will get to more of the extremism of Cholera Harrison just a second. First, let's talk about life insurance, so I know it's uncomfortable to talk about the fact that world and applauded some What but, because we know that we also
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Kamala Harris making the case that we should ban all assault rifles in the country so so far we haven't got a ban private health insurance and want to ban all all our semi automatic weapons in the United States, but that's not all from calmly Harris. She also continues by saying that we should basically ban all private private vehicles in the United States. She said she backs the green new deal, or this is this. The new fresh thing among Democrats is the green at noon now. We all recall the green new deal. Is this purported piece of legislation, that would radically shift the nature of the american economy. The idea is that, within a decade we would be completely carbon fuel free will no longer be using gas will no longer be using call would be carbon neutral, and the idea here is that we require a vast shifting of how the american economy works. The cost on this green new deal by the way would be eighteen trillion dollars. Eighteen trillion dollars over the cook, over the course of the next decade or so sorry, I'm underestimating the green new deal according to Pga media analysis would cause
forty nine trillion dollars in the first ten years. It's an amazing amazing statement, but it doesn't matter the entire left. His decided to resonate around all of this. The Greenwood would include. A federal jobs programme include getting rid basically of of all private cars. Here is commonly Harris supporting it. We ve been hearing more about a green new deal to fight climate change. You have yet to fully endorse or reject it. Will you fully endorse the green new deal tonight? I support a green new deal and I will tell you why climate change is an existential threat to us and we have got to deal with the reality of it all children to be able to breathe clean air and drink clean water. We're gonna have a commitment to a policy that will allow that happen for ourselves and our children and our grandchildren are right. Now we don't their green new deal than she is endorsing right. There requires cutting the United States military
In half ending eighty seven percent of U S energy and banning cars, his hope that is it- that is the new programme that she is supporting, Cobbler Harris very exciting stuff. If you think that the main stream thought it is inside. The democratic party is pretty astonishing. It's pretty astonishing, so so far ban guns than private health care and ban cars, but but at least but at least you notions of moderate, that's that's! The really important thing is the least we know they commonly Harris is big, moderate accord. Two members of the Democratic party. Then finally, Harris got to her prosecutors records, as you say, she's parents and left she's just leftist Bernie Sanders, always with worn, and she was asked civically about her prosecutors record, and this is where she's gonna have a little bit of trouble at the radical left inside her own party. I compare my record to any prosecutor, any elected prosecutor in this country in terms of the work that I have done to reform the criminal justice system. I am a daughter of parents who met when they were active and civil rights movement. Nobody had to teach
me about the disparities in the criminal justice system. I was born knowing what they are. I made a conscious decision to become a prosecutor, because I understood if we're gonna reform systems. Yes, there is going to be the power that we have on the outside. And also we need to have people on the inside where the decisions are being made by the way. The question choosy ask is why she did not support a bill require in her office to investigate it'll shootings, involving police officers and her Her was I'm blacken. That's. Why became a prosecutor which is not a good answer? Is she's gonna get flat from the left and from the right on her prosecutors record. The good news is that from the left is only gonna last so long as the media focus on the question, which is to say not loan at all there, instead going to focus on the radical left, his policy should takes on, for example, border security issues asked last night about her position on a border wall, and she said something so radical.
That most Democrats, I would think, disagree with it, which is that she will not be in favour of a border while under any circumstances, even if it means guaranteeing the legal status of so called rumors already in the United States. Let me be very clear: I am not going to vote for a while under any circumstances, and I do support border security, and if we want to talk about that, let's do that and let's talk about what really accomplishes border security, which is less upgrade the technology. Let's look at the fact that the folks who are working on border security on the ground know that they need a graded infrastructure around is like drones and they need cameras. So, yes, I'm all for increased, security where we need it. I am not for a wall. Ok, so she still can explain what kind of world security she was just something I drones and cameras that really does not solve any of the question in saying that she would leave the dreamers hanging specifically to avoid trumps programme is pretty amazing
there is an article in the New York Times today, that does point out a serious flaw for common Harris. I've pointed out her prosecutor aerial record here a couple of times. It is too right wing for the left into left wing for the right of the New York Times has an article today talking about how that could really impact commonly Harris's race. With regard to black voters, so that the title of the pieces can comma Harris Repeat: Obama success with black voters it's complicated as they enter using more than thirty black voters and political leaders in early primary states like South Carolina and her home State California show that Miss Harris faces challenges. She'll have to persuade black activist skeptical of her record as a prosecutor overcome sexism in a bias on the part of some boulders that have female cancer. That cannot be President Trump to gain broader support from black men, who generally expressed more wariness about Miss Harrison interviews. Then it black with it should also to win over left, leaning, young black voters, some of whom are ultimately disenchanted by Mr Obama's presidency at me. Value political ideology, more than racial solidarity. So she does have some problems in this case. The good news is, she may
the Panther her way out of its innovations. Gonna handle her way out of it is by invoking stupidities, like men, splaining she's, going to explain that everyone who oppose this is just a sexist, so she was asked about man splaining last night in a typical left The question here is the charisma free, Combo Harris, given what occurred in two thousand sixteen and the current political climate that a male nominee we'll have a better chance this time around than a female nominee. Would you please respond a bit so that this man has a response ready than time a man tries to mansplain the people who vote the people live in this country are smarter than that they're gonna make decisions based on who they believe is the best later they're gonna make decisions based on who they believe us. Making truth, who is doing it in a way that gives people's dignity doing it in a way?
that elevates public discourse as opposed to bring us to the lowest common denominator and base instincts. That's how the voters are going to vote, and that is going to be the basis upon who will win. You know that the question is really hard hitting when the candidate states Someone applauds the question. I love guys who ask women about man's winning back. I that's a real man's man right there that guy who asked her about men, weightings solid, solid stuff, so that that's really exciting. Koala Harris was also asked about how she would stand message debating. President Trump once again, her answer less than inspiring well first at its very important that anyone who who presents themselves as later and wants to be a leader will speak like a leader, and that means speaking with integrity, can speaking true it speaking in a way that its expresses an and indicates some level of interest and concern in people?
there, then one self. Honestly. I think that if she ends up being the Cannes different Democrats, I think from his pretty travel beating her Why why it just a second like really the more I see her, the more comfortable I M with president from running against drugs when just one second, first, let's talk about frame bridge, they make it super easy and affordable to frame your favorite things from our prince and posters to the photos sitting on your phone. So yet buncher photos on your phone on your computer. You not sure what to do with them. You don't want a slap on overt and local frame, storage and super expensive and they make you pay a fortune for custom friends. Instead, we should be looking at framed bridge Valentine's day approaching. You can create a unique and thoughtful gift that will last, for you
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I'm all Harris last night on CNN, but here is what I'm saying I'm seeing a person who is radically pandering to the far left, I'm seeing somebody who's struggling with her own record as a prosecutor, and I'm seeing somebody who is giving platitude need answers to obvious questions. She's not really exciting is the thing Barack Obama could do this because he was the first Barack Obama, but you can't be the first Barack Obama for the second Barack Obama. Just happen to be female. There's nothing particularly exciting about Conall Harrison. The media trying to manufacture excitement for her is pre. Ins is very astonishing honestly, because she is not an exciting candidate ruin. You watch her. If you're on the left, you watch your annual. While she is just she blows me away, or does she feel a lot more like sort of a typical politician, then something brand new and exciting. There's no sizzle there. Donald fraught with? If you got a stage with Donald Trump, Uncommonly Harris it looks,
a lot more like the stage of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, that it looks like Donald Trump versus Barack Obama, for example, she's, just not nearly as talented a politician as Barack Obama was you people are less and less there's a rip on her. That's just a reality. Barack Obama was a very talented politician. She happens not to be. She ran in a very safe state in California. She was given her. She has given her first list in politics by man a married man. She was dated if you set a pretty easy ride to the position that you now occupies. There is nothing about her that makes people stands up in sheer. Really there told me should share by the media. There told that they should share, because we need a black female president as post just to blackmail. President, we now black female president. But if you are progressive, are you more excited by her or are you more excited by the full on Marxism of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders? If you are, if you are a millennial, are you really excited by Kamala Harris? Does she strike you as somebody who is who is going to make you get out there and pound on doors
I don't think so, and I think that she is also gonna get Republicans out there to vote on mass reaches she's, saying openly that she is going to destroy the entire private healthcare system in the United States. No, it wasn't of words as it. I guess that lefties get excited, but when Cobble Harris as it, it just feels like she's, a government bureaucrats who spent your entire life. Being a government bureaucrat, it doesnt know if she saw, talking about. So I don't. I've got more questions about commonly Harris his candidacy today than I had yesterday and on shifting This based on new evidence suggesting that she's the front runner, and I think that, with all the media attention she will lead to the front of the pack for a time, but I'm not sure that lasts these. I dont think that she is particularly exciting. Maybe I've got this totally wrong. I just don't get that feeling from her now the way that you know the Democrats, our little bit panicked, is by the reaction to Howard, Sholto. Howard Schulz is the former Starbucks seo he is now talking about running for president of the United States. He's talking about running based,
Finally, as a middle of the road Democrat and Democrats are panicked about this, we freaking out so last night. He was Joe the book events and it was a town hall, that and some guy got up and started yelling at Howard, shorted about not running for president. Please don't run for president you're gonna keep trumpet the the oval office seriously considering running for president as a centrist, independent, and I wanted to clarify the word independent, which I view merely as a designation on the ballot ok. So I love that people are really upset about. This is not just that random die in the audience. And, frankly I don't understand what Corey Booker's out there in the audience shouting at him. It don't help electron, but Democrats are so threatened by the possibility of a centrist Democrat running that they are getting up and shouting at Howard Schulz, not the way to stop people from voting for Howard Schulz. If you're a Democrat,
is nominate somebody who isn't bat bleep crazy, it's denominate somebody who isn't pledging to destroy one quarter of the american economy. May I help you nominates somebody who doesn't pledged for move guns from the hands of a hundred million people when you start with that? denominated somebody who wasn't quite as nutty then maybe have to worry about Howard tools, but the fact is that Democrats in the base what their cake and they want to eat it. Do they want to be able to dominate somebody radical without alien everybody in the Middle EAST lavish Goldberg overt than New York Times in a sheer panic. Today we shall go burgers legitimately, that the stable, over than your times, a stable of just awful colonists- and it really is amazing but Michel Goldberg- has a peacemaker Howard Schulz, please don't run for president. A bid by an Ex chief of Starbucks would be
reckless idiocy. Why would it be anymore, idiotic than Elizabeth, worn running for president well, because our chosen moderate? So here's? What Michel Gilberts ashes, unlike Donald Trump, the former Starbucks Chief Executive Howard, shoulders, a genuinely successful business man who built a company, that's become part of the daily lives of people across Amerika. For this, those of us work horrified by trumps, relentless scripting should be grateful. It gives us something concrete to boycott. Should Schulz design I can walk a narcissistic spoiler campaign for president, so she's happy that he is associated with Starbucks cuz. Then they can boycott Starbucks worth noting Michelle Goldberg is so dumb that she doesn't recognize that he's the former star by Theo he is no longer associated with Starbucks. Digital we're gonna company he's no longer involving brilliant, but here's up, Michel Goldberg right, I mean- did even have editors over the New York Times anymore. She says he could end up help him get Donald Trump Reelected.
Those appears to share the conviction endemic among american elites that the country hungers for a candidate who is socially liberal, but fiscally conservative. After all, if you're rich, you probably know a lot of people like this, I'm socially liberal, fiscally conservative centrist, we'd love to vote for rational democratic, get trump out of the White House achieve executive of the major bag wanted to remain anonymous. Recently told politico lamenting Michael Bloomberg, poor odds in a democratic primary, but this frustrated executives. Politics are widely shared by people who haven't been to Davos into two thousand. Seventeen study, the political scientist Lee draftsman plotted the twenty sixteen electorate along too axis one dealing with social issues and identity, the other with economics and trade. Only three point: eight percent of voters fell into the socially liberal, economically conservative quadrant. So then, here's, the question? What is Michel Goldberg, so scared of? Why she so scared? I will what what what you are about if nobody, the democratic parties, can vote for this guy than what is she worried about it? She worried about what what's her face Marion Williamson who announced she's gonna run for president issue.
Marion Williamson. Likewise in their column in the New York Times about the cookie yoga instructors, ordered a vote for Marian Williams in the entrance. Nobody knows who she hasn't: she's, not gonna, win any votes. So if there is no constituency for Howard Shoals, wise Michel Goldberg all upset about his possible candidacy. So here's what you say. She says Bloomberg: research underscores the folly of shelters, trial balloon on Monday. Bloomberg was contemplating it twenty twenty run as a Democrat, put out a statement that seem to aimed at Schulz, though, didn't mention by name in twenty twenty. The great likelihood is that an independent would just split the insight from vote and end up realizing the President rub Bloomberg, that's a risk. I refuse to run in twenty sixteen and we can't afford to run it now by flooding with such a risk. Schulz is demonstrating a level of Mengele maniacal recklessness that is itself disqualifying. So the fact things maybe I should run arrays because there's a bunch people who don't like either party, that's megalomaniacal, now so there is not so you can have it both ways either. No one can vote for him, so why are you worried or everyone's can vote for him? So maybe he should run
We shall Goldberg and many of the Democratic Party won it both ways. They know their to rattle. For the american people and it freaks them out that somebody might be running a third party candidacy that could damage a beloved cannon like Elizabeth Ward or cobbler, Harris or Bernie Sanders, ok, just a second out to get to work Howard Children's programmes and why Democrats should feel threatened by it. First, let's talk about the coffee you had this morning. That was that good, my guess mediocre Europe better Coffee morning. Coffee is an american institution, which is why, when it comes to starting my day, I reach for the most american coffee on the market. Black rifle coffee, black rifle coffee, gives a portion of their sales. The vets and first responders causes
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cast and radio show invitation. So Democrats heard a full scale state of panic over Howard Shawls and is actually build the oddity running for president, in twenty twenty he's, adding people in both the right and the left to his campaign Burton is looking to bring on other public relations representatives in order to promote sholto story of being raised in Brooklyn New York to becoming a Providence executive in the business industry. The addition of Britain could potentially boost shelters, elite pr team, which already includes Steve Schmidt, who used to be a vice chairman in ITALY, and managed to John Mccain press potentially boost shelters, Elite party, which already includes Steve Schmidt, who used to be a vice chairman and settlement and managed John Mccain presidential campaign. This could be a true quarterboat centrist campaign. Now, what's fascinating is that the left feels that they have not adequate
We serve their base. It on seeing a lot of people who are our trump bans are deeply worried about how rituals his campaign about shoals plague spoiler. Why? What? Because consumers are pretty conservative and Bloomberg? Schulz is not conservative enough for them, but folks on the left feel that they have sort of had to put one leg on each. Don't they got one leg on the more moderate stealth and then got one leg on the radical stolen. The radical stilled is moving away from the other, still very quickly That means they're they're gonna lose their balance, opening away for a third party candidate wid, maybe fifteen. Twenty percent of the vote so from could then wid forty three forty four percent of the vote. Howard Schulz picks up fifteen percent of the vote and the devil that loses the race, but that is what they are worried about right now, and they should worry about that again. The solution would be not to be radical, crazy people, but they can't do that because it turns out there radical, crazy peoples are not going to do that. So, Howard Schulz, if you look at what he's been saying, a lot of it is true and a lot of it. I think appeals to people in the centre so far,
ample. He was specifically asked about democratic healthcare plants and a guard he saw earlier. The programme centre combo Harris talking about how she wants to do away with all private health insurance in the United States of America. It insane position it insane position that will end with massive numbers of doctors going into concierge cash for payment, though Ed with hospitals going bankrupt, though Ed with people getting poorer are in ration care. Here's Howard Schulz talking about how these healthcare plans there does not realistic every american deserves the right to have access to quality healthcare. But what the Democrats are proposing is something that, is as far as the one, and that is free healthcare for all which the country cannot afford. Ok, and that, of course, is exactly toward the country cannot afford a quantum court free Healthcare for all. There is no system on planet earth. It makes that makes healthcare, affordable, universal and quality. There's no way to do it and when I
say: affordable, universal and quality. I mean that if you are the best in choice, you are going to have to have a free market system now the best system it is available, if your little book, just at the efficacy of healthcare system is probably Switzerland system there, you have what is essential. A massive individual mandate where you are forced to pay for health insurance yourself from your own pocket to a certain percentage of your income, and then the government may supplement the rest if you can't actually afford healthcare insurance, but it still largely private meeting their private health care services in Switzerland. In France, most of the hospitals are still private. Most of the carries still private is just there's heavy government subsidization of private care when Kabila Harris talks about a full take over of the government industry she's talking about something that looks more like the UK or Canada, and that is a radical shift from what we have in the United States. By the way, the french healthcare system, which looks a lot more like the United States, is healthcare system actually.
It looks like Canada or the UK. Even the french healthcare system, right now is experiencing massive shortages of doctors in the very near future, because it turns out that government pays reimbursement rates. Those reimbursement rates are not high enough to keep doctors in the industry, in other words, when it comes to health care policy, if you actually want the best What you need is a free market. If you won't universality, you need some sort of safety net. In the United States, we have Medicaid we're Medicare. These. Our safety nets that exist on the government to level out prefer that most of these social safety net be devolved to the local level in the community's be responsible for picking up the slack for people who are members of those communities, as opposed to these mass federal programmes, but nobody in the United States is really very much in favour of the abolition of everyone's health insurance programmes. When short says, we can't afford this when showed says it's gonna Bankrupt
the country is exactly right about. That is exactly right. The fact is again: the United States is health problems in the health problems. The United States to match up to Norway, like the people in the United States, are not the same as the people in Norway. You can compare the two in terms of health problems in terms of diversity in terms of age in terms of income is just not comparable, but I love that democratic as one size fits all solution that most Americans don't like. So Schulz is more bottle. On this, and it's a reason why Democrats feel threatened by him and then there's Howard Scholz on the debt. So here is Schulz talking about a problem that no one wants to talk about the fact that we have twenty one trillion dollars and debt in the United States economy right now, I think the greatest threat domestically to the country. Is this twenty one trillion dollar debt hanging over the cloud of Amerika and future generations in effect that interest rates are going up, I'm gonna, be paying close to overflow a billion dollars and interested spent with which I think is the The number one or number to issue in terms of federal expense to the country
The only way we're gonna get out of that is. We ve got to grow the economy, in my view, four percent or greater, and then we have to go after entitlements. Ok, all of that is a hundred percent. True and when he saying there is more conservative them. What Donald trump himself on the issue from himself any didn't wanna touch entitlements. You need to touch entitlements in honestly if Howard chills runs as an independent on this on this planet, its doubtful water. Republicans gonna break with Trump. Just because from is is such a polarizing figure. You, the love and behave at this point. But are there middle of the road Democrats who will break for how it shows? I think there are- and I think that's why these people are scared to death of him. I think they are scared to death, that Michael Bloomberg or Howard Schulz Roads and that Howard Schulz winds, fifteen twenty something about. They are scared to death. They don't have anyone electrifying who's currently running. They need somebody who's in when fifty percent of the vote and the possibility of a serious third party candidate is he doing
it is very real Americans, don't like either party right now. Look at the polls when our children blast both parties. He is not wrong here. Schulz blasting, both parties, the other day. Both parties are concerned certainly not doing what's necessary on behalf of the american people and are indeed aged every single day in revenge, politics What we are sitting today with approximately twenty one and a half trillion dollars of debt, which is a reckless exam, not only of Republicans but of Democrats as well as a reckless failure of their constitutional responsibility located. All of this is true and again. If I'm a Democrat, I'm scared to Howard trolls, which is why their screaming at him. I now know, meanwhile, does that mean that they're gonna change their policies? Of course it means they're gonna keep them. Going down on radicalism, and I hope that Howard Schulz withdraws out of the goodness of his.
The american people reject him simply because the hatred so much so Jamal Bully another leftist on the new New York Times Editorial Board, which just what they do. They need another member of the leftist cadre over the New York Times very important. They must never higher in actual concern there. Still by the way, not a single person of whom I am aware who who's on the editorial Board or who, who is rights, Collins for the Washington Post for the New York Times for Time magazine for any of these places, who plans on voting for trumpet twenty twenty, not one which is amazing, is happening. Training in about four drop by Gmail boy was recently hired over the New York Times anyhow as an article today about how o cause your Cortez warranted Andrews are the future of the United States and how they represent the history of the United States. Now they may in fact be the future of the United States if the future of the United States is suicide, but the case that America's history is deeply intertwined with radical redistribution. Ism is simply nonsense. None the less democratic,
to continue to make this case. They feel like trumps. Unpopularity is a window for them to push hard left as they want to push so here's Gmail bully. He says it all, but still potent critique has reemerged and american politics, one that holds concentrated wealth and perhaps american capitalism itself as inimical to the democratic society we want to build. The basic idea holds that holds capitalism as as at best and uneasy partner with our democratic values. At worst, it arose them completely undermining the social immature
you'll basis of republican citizenship as invasion by the american revolutionaries. Since the start of the new year, this thinking has become especially prominent and then he quotes Alexander O cause. You cartels and Elizabeth warrant. This is idiocy, of course, the idea that capitalism is inimical to american democratic values. It's just not true. Now, aristocratic concentration of wealth is inimical to american Valleys jury to access to totally free Thomas Jefferson. If you read the founding fathers, one of the things that they were hoping to escape in Europe was this idea of an aristocratic wealth system in which the centralized government, passed on favours to a select few that they were seeking to avoid, but a free market system where people can freely alienate their labour and trade, goods and services for other goods and services. That was something all the founders were in favour of Now the United States was also uniquely blessed to total talks about this. The United States was uniquely blessed with
extraordinary level of middle class development, specifically because we lived on a relatively uncultivated continent, with lots of free land for everybody. So wasn't that hard to go out? There stake your claim, it suddenly or a middle class farmer, but the idea that the solution was for governments and forcibly redistribute wealth. That was something that the founders never contemplated and set up a government should prevent. Yet you melbury makes the case that America has always been in favour of such redistribution ism showers.
The evidence is rather scanty of this. So here is his hit his suggestion. He says some of these. He says most Americans tend not to think of these a gala, Terry and even anti capitalist sentiments. As part of the nation's intellectual heritage but warrant a cause, your Cortez and similarly situated politicians like Bernie Sanders, are drawing on influential currents in american political history. Of first of all, I should note that here he is ripping off. Joseph Alice is new book about the founding fathers, which has some serious problem recommended or on the show, but it's got some serious selective breeding problems, Hiroshima bullying and he's some of those stretch back to the founding era, despite his own status as a wealthy slaveholder Thomas Jefferson was weary of extreme disparities of wealth and thought it was incompatible with republican political ideals, commenting on the com.
The point is this: enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind in Europe describes his position in a famous letter to James Madison and one thousand seven hundred and eighty five. Whenever there isn't any country uncultivated, land and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as who violate natural right. The earth is given as a common stop for man to labor and live on. If for the encouragement of industry we allowed to be appropriated, we must take care of that. Other employment must be furnished to those excluded from the appropriate. Ok, what he specifically talking about. There is the idea that rich people arguments have control of all the land and poor people will be able to work on the land well that's written into american law. There's something called the adverse possession an american law in which, if I buy a huge tracts of land- and I don't do anything with it for twenty years- and you without my knowledge, go and cultivate a piece of that land and turn it into your family farm? You actually now have Economic under American Law- well
that is certainly not talking about the forcible extraction of wealth from people, but the key part of that phrase. When, when Jefferson is writing is whenever there is in any country, uncultivated, land and unemployed, poor worthy uncultivated land, and then I love this. He just passports, Eugene Dad, don't stop in the middle soldier. Melbury goes from Thomas Jefferson. Who's a radical, a radical decentralized power guy. He didn't want power centralized in a government at all Jefferson, was closer to an arc capitalism that he was too a centralized government marxism. I love this melbury skipped from here. From from this report, adaptation of Jefferson forward to Eugene Debs into actual socialist in the early twentieth century and then suggests that socialism is written into the american compact. You may be some folks like in between and around, unlike in the constitution and federalist papers and, like all of american history, You may have this there, but I guess if you call Eugene Dad's, legitimately a socialist. Then I suppose
that we're on solid ground now. Gmail boy concludes by the end of the twentieth centuries. The insights of the new deal period had been smothered by corporate power in its political allies, with predictable consequences. We live with a narrow politics or democratic deliberation. Rarely touches the fundamental questions of power and ownership. That's where it seems to me that every five seconds, where discussing how much wealth to expropriate from people who have already paid their taxes, he says the Americans, across the political spectrum gear up to try to deny President trump a second term in office. All of this may seem divisive a distraction from the emergency at hand. Just the opposite is true terms presidency, is a symptom of profound democratic weakness. Should he loosened twenty twenty that will be the beginning of recovery, will still need to rethink and rebuild our democracy, and that has to include a real ads. Of the economy on which it rests. Okay, so the Who made a mistake here? They are misinterpreting dislike for President Trump, who is in truth, a relatively.
Likeable fellow. There are now misinterpreting lack of support for President Trump with support a full scale, Eugene Vd Socialism, and then they wonder why maybe Howard Schulz is dangerous to their programme and all they have to do is not be crazy and they can't even do that. It's just amazing, ok time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like today, America's an amazing place. So there was a airforce veteran with no family and he passed away, and there was a story about this that that folks, then he had nobody shop in his funeral, nor folks, like tapir, some other folks in the media. They made the case that function shop to disguise funeral again era,
etc it had no family and thousands of people showed up to the funeral of the person they did not know. An amazing thing here is a picture if you can't see it of a line of cars like field of groups, a line of car stretching off into the horizon, for people showing up to pay homage to the air force veteran with no family who is buried after fears that no one would actually attend his funeral. It's an amazing amazing thing. Is amazing country really, as in so many good people in this country and the fact that some people in politics, when polarize us from one another, so we can attack each other's wealth or tat each other by density group? It's really it's really growth. This is what America is all about: people showing up to the funeral, the person who didn't you know you're the highest form of charity and it says in a jewish thought, is going to
somebody funeral because its charity, the can ever be reciprocated. Obviously, the fact that American still understand that they owe something's veterans who, with whom they are not related issues, is an amazing thing. Ok, other things that I like today, so it's amazing how members of the eligibility community are considered a one giant, one giant of intellectual block that obviously is not true and simply is not true. If your lesbian or gay person, there is no reason that you should buy into the propaganda that suggest that men can become women and women can become men. If you are a lesbian or a gay person who believes in biological sex, you will be ostracised just the same way. Any conservative would be so. For example, there is a there is a event and heritage Asian and carriage Jansky, a feminist where spokeswoman for women's liberation front spoke against these, so called the Quality act denouncing the transgender a gender identity will bid, is anti woman and anti lesbian in particular, which makes in its answer me, if you are lesbian, presumably you prefer members of your same sex or in order for it
to make any sense. Sex has to be a non changeable category. Otherwise a man could be a woman We have seen weird situations like this, my sister used to teach at college, and she told me that there was a situation in which a man, why identified as Queer Romania, that he was not straight and a woman who identified as transgender and queer ended up marrying each other. So it's just a man and woman Mary each other, but they had weird labels that they aid attached to this house. President, our marriage, but apparently, if you are in the world me and were gay community. You must be forced to abide by dictates that actually make your own view of sexual orientation and said
Ralph, relatively obsolete, Harrison members of of a panel at heritage vanished. Talking about this, I got off my meares algae meeting his vision as the only last Sunday restating biological banks. At our last weekend, I was guilty of violence using mail brought out to talk about a written male rigorous, who I intensifies as transgender and reverse fear programmes and doesn't matter sexually is often to his prison after being transferred their gender identity. Is far over me to call an hour is that it is really the hay and that surely a back who has always been talking about this. It is pretty amazing, it is pretty busy, but that is the world in which we live, and it's pretty ugly world, ok time for some things that I hate
It now appears that there is no plan in Afghanistan. President Trump is about to sign a new peace deal apparently with the Taliban in Afghanistan. Now there is a case you made that originally when we invaded Afghanistan, the entire goal was just to destroy the Taliban and then prop somebody else up and leave. We tried that apparently that has failed. I've talked to many people who have served in the military enough. Can't stand people who have been in positions of power in Afghanistan and what they say is that unless you are willing to cross the border and do the heavy lifting I'm going after terrorists in Pakistan, unless you're going to take off the pakistani government was always contained a breathtaking Afghanistan. Now the question is whether the United States is going to hastily withdraw from Afghanistan and for the country back over the Taliban, just as in Syria, there seems to be a real desire for America to withdraw The fact is that, if America does with throb, Taliban will take over again, it will want to get once again become a safe harbour for terrorists will, nor, for ten years in the there'll be a terrorist attack terrorism we wanted to. Afghanistan again was because of nine eleven, Was the good war, supposedly according to Barack Obama,
then that good war is now as underlined by the idea that the United States has to pull out as fast as possible, damned the future consequences. According to the New York Times, hasty american withdraw, would erode the authority and legitimacy of the afghan government, raising the risk that the Taliban could recapture control of the country short of that it could consigned Afghanistan's what protracted, bloody civil war. Here's the thing that America, foreign policy. There are not always great answers. Sometimes the best answer is just to muddle through, and it seems like most president's kind of get this. Your president from gets this sort of Morocco Mamma the Brok along one to pull out of Afghanistan too. He didn't because once you get in that, chair and information comes across your desk, you now have to make difficult decisions. It's easy to campaign on the isolation is, and that is popular among Americans is much harder to govern from that popular popular isolationism. When you want to keep America safe, all which suggests the american people should get.
Real about their own foreign policy. If you want to be safe, that means that we are going to have to be in places isn't that are uncomfortable. If, however, you are willing to take the sacrifice of Americans at home being more danger, then you can be a little bit more isolationist. Then then you might otherwise necessarily be, but let me straight about the choices that are being made less not fed and say we can have everything. A fully isolationist foreign policy a less dangerous world. It doesn't work that way already we'll be back a little bit later, with two more hours. If my cold can bear it, see their later or will be here to Morrow. I bet you here. This is the venture Barroso. The bench of here show is produced by sending a executive producer. Jeremy boring senior producer nothin hey are supervising produce. There is math is Glover and our technical producer is often Stevens edited by Adam. Sigh of its audio is mixed by Michael Romena. Heron make up is by just one overall production assistant Nick
The Ben Shapiro Show is the daily wire production copyright daily wire, two thousand and nineteen, I'm Michael Knowles host of the Michael Knowles show Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is almost certainly running for president Exciting news. Zero percent of Americans who call themselves fiscally conservative and socially liberal, will examine that empty slogan. Then Shirtless comrade Bernie, the Catholic Cardinal Loan excommunicate Andrew Cuomo, and some good NEWS on the culture check it out of dailywire dot com
Transcript generated on 2020-03-26.