« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 68 - #BeyonceHalfTimeSoBlack

2016-02-08 | 🔗
Beyonce goes full racist at the Super Bowl, the Republicans battle each other for New Hampshire, and the Obamas annoy everyone.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And here we are at a Monday so much to talk about from the republican debate. New Hampshire is tomorrow plus beyond, say, shakes her ass in racist fashion seriously. Bench bureau. This is the benchmark. Eroshka contentions, humanize people here are you feeling but others you can be a slam pact. Jam pact, show math is over here, who had to spend less nine hours, cutting audio just so that we could do this show. I know that he's gonna be eager for us to get to each and every clip that, Chi Chi justify the amount of sweat equity that he put into this particular episode, and so we will jump right and will start with the republican debate that happen last Saturday night. First of all, please You people stop holding debates on Saturday night you're ruining my weekend. The people who has to watch this stuff. I figured it started like five thirty or five o clock pacific time. I thought a sorry take specific time. So so
it. Didn't then, until about six fifteen's, I couldn't watch tv until then I slip on the tv I figure. Ok, I've got two hours in front of me. Then the pleasant shock Then I'd already missed the first hour and then it stolen. For two hours, so there was just no escape. Well, the debate had some real ramifications, but first will start off with me, then I've I did this. Entire republican race is becoming a circus. It's a complete crap show it's just its turned into a bunch of monkeys hitting each other with sticks and ABC News got into the routine through there at the very beginning here is what the beginning of this debate look like, and it's actually kind of funny so I welcome the candidates for the republican nomination for president. It does
you're pretty Christie stage human and still my taxi senator TED crews he's gone, but knowing tat can be used to revive and arsenic he's imitating by wanting to go and been harshly to Scandinavia, another well, you know I, like it Bangalore to Senator Marco Rome comes over ten years now, and thereby the right over the past lines, Genji that can be given to sixty seven back now, the three of us nor Governor JAM Bush. Instead, what's my past them as you do nothing and their drumming housing assembly standing, there is well Doktor Carson again, there's trouble swing, stand any still gazing. We welcome back to the debate stage, Donald Trump third time Europeans and finally, John pacing Eric happiness knows. What can I do here? Yes, yes, we're going to introduce Ohio governor of John case. Take guarantees descending road from the ceiling to. Finally, they make it out, and this is only beginning. Parties is where the gradual started is not.
Ended, so disaster area just to get it started in yeah it did. This is just highly competent, stuff, As the person who was apparently heard most by the debate, according most of the media. Commentators, Marco Ruby up as because Marco Rubio has two things going for him. Very smooth, is a great rhetoric and He supposed to be good on defence is pushing me sort of like Floyd may, whether boxing none fantastic orphans of game, but can slip punches really well? Well, He screwed both of those up when Criss crossed. He body slammed him and- and you don't want to be pile driven by Chris Christie- of all the people on stage at the last person you want jumping from that third rope down on top of you and Chris Christie it basically attacks Rubio. He says you're, never in the Senate. I don't even know We are what what have you done? What it when you do for a living? Basically, an Marco Rubio ends up beating the same line three times in the space of forty five seconds, as Chris Christie is calling him out for being too robotic. Here is what they look like
you heard, Senator Rubio make the case that he does have the experience. He response. Sure first, this remember something every morning when the United States Senator wakes up, they think about what kind of speech. Can I give her? What kind of bill can I drop every morning when I wake up? I think about what kind of problems do I need to solve for the people who actually elected me? It's a different spirits, it's a much deeper spirits in the fact is Marco. You shouldn't pay yourselves to Joe Biden and you shouldn't that's. What we're doing here is exactly what we're doing you have not been involved in it. Consequential decision where you had to be. The council, you just if we have it and the fact that fact is when you talk about, has without sanctions, act that you list as one of your accomplishments suggested you weren't even there to vote for it. That's not leadership, that's truancy! The fact is that what we need to have in this country is not to make the same mistake. We made it years ago, factors
does matter. We have to make decisions to be held accountable for them. It does matter when the child still come on a list of a piece of paper of what the vote yes or no every day, but when the price come in from the people that you serve. I like marker, Rubio smart person and a good guy, but he simply does not have The experience to be present the United States and make these decisions we ve watched. It happen everybody for the last seven years. The people New Hampshire smart do not make the same mistake again. I think they experience is not just what you did, but how it worked out under Chris Christy's ownership of New Jersey, they ve been downgraded nine times in their credit rating countries already has a debt problem. We don't need to add who had by electing someone who has experienced that running up and throwing the credit rating of a state, but I would add, Let's dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing exactly, what he's doing he has tried,
to change this country, he wants America become more like the rest of the world. We don't want to be like the rest of the world. We want to be the United States of America and when I'm elect the president, this will come once again the single greatest nation in the history of the world person on the disaster. Morocco, ok, so number one He starts off any actually clocks Christie pretty well with that. With that talk about Christy has spiral that its import dimension. Ruby has already said this I want to do. The line that he sang right here. He's already said this about fifteen minutes earlier the thing about Obama knows what he's doing. Mr Obama knows what he's doing, but if the script two years we're Chrissy comes back at him and Rubio just collapses into a sobbing Mass Eureka Obama's imposed upon us, really you think I do want to bring in Governor Bush and all that was you and aid. This is if you like the responding economic, get a chance to respond. You see nobody, I want the people at home to think about this. That's what was can t see does the dry
by shot at the beginning, with incorrect and incomplete information, and then the memorize twenty five seconds speech. That is exactly what we think is this when you press the United States when you're governor restate the sick, the member a thirty second speech. We talk about how great America's at the end of it doesn't solve one problem for one person: they expect you to plough the stove they expected to get the schools open and when the worst natural disaster in your states expect you to rebuild their state, which is what I've done. None of that stuff happens on the for the United States Senate. It's a fine job, I'm glad you ran for, but it does not prepare you for. President of the United States Christmas they got hit by massive snowstorm two weeks ago. You didn't want to go back, they had to genuine development, and then you see
the four thirty six hours and any laughing came back. I can't seals are the fact is the bottom line. This notion, the Brok Obama doesn't know what he's doing is just not there is. He knows, exerted memorize twenty five seconds. We thus helping to support it, because I this notion pages and start, and there I nets. That's when Christie has him on the ropes and its in The problem is that that precedes, using a tactic on him that I've used in debate to which is he's calling out Rubio tactic before, Rubio actually uses its looks. Like he's he's been programme, and its true this is all we ve been the rap on Rubio Rubio is shallow, Rubio doesn't have a lot to say: Rubio doesn't have. Real fundamental philosophy, and so he goes days talking point a lot. There is also something deeper here which is, if you're, a conservative and you're thinking there somebody I don't want, pushed around meaning not just pushed around like somebody's going make fun of you, but somebody Who is is not going to feel weak when he's head this isn't there.
Rather than the rap on Rubio has always been in two thousand twelve. He went the wrong way on the gang of eight Amnesty Bell. He he's elected in two thousand ten into thousands, while he goes the wrong way on a gang of eight because he's pressured and then this pressure from the other side, and he reverses himself and gets off the gang of it. Immigration built into the idea, has always been with Rubio that if your pressure him too hard one way, then he'll tend to collapse and Christie sort of proved it there. Now. If I push him too hard here, he's goes back to his talking point. He's got nothing he's got nothing, so I think this again, It's actually going to hurt Rubio because it goes to his son, of law, which is that he's too rehearsed in, and I actually agree that issue rehearsed. Does that mean It is the worst candidate feel about, as it mean that is reparable damaged candidate. Nobody does go to the fact that Rubio and have always done This about about Senator Rubio hearsay beta he's not an alpha mail she's an alpha mail for all the flaws Christie which will get into an a second crises in alphabet. Ruby as a beta and going up against Hillary Clinton, I'm not sure that a beta does well and
we'll keep saying that Rubio most electable, not sure. I see it a notch rights, yet he seems like a less edgy version of met Romney to me when I watchman debate a smoother kind or less edgy version of Mitt Romney, I'm I'm not sure. That's gonna cut it against most vicious politician of my lifetime other than Barack Obama set here the other problem that I haven't. These debate format they the future moments like the one. You just saw Christie, verses, Rubio over the content, one point at which Chris Christie, who was widely considered to have done very well in the debate because he faced planted Rubio, he said something that is so egregiously wrong and nasty. It makes your head can swim so, he goes after Rubio on abortion pieces, Rubio, stupor life Rubio is not in favour of a boar. Exceptions for Raven incest, which is it perfectly legitimate position, its position, that makes logical sense because you can think that rape is I'd, be castrated or killed, but Babies are babies and they ought not be killed. No matter what the circumstance friends, my opinion on this And Rubio basically says that increased. He comes back at him and what
misty says about abortion is so. He's been claiming is paralysed. This is the least prologue statement will ever hear from republican crisscrossing out pretty helpful to the pro I've cause in one of the most pro choice states in the union. I stood up for the first time, now for the last six years. We defended play imperative not talked about it like they do in Washington DC, but for six years as governor play apparently does not receive that phone. From the state budget anymore over fifty million dollars worth of money, that's been saved. Now that is not going to do it we would Hillary Clinton wants to have done, as advocated for she believed that that organization which engages in a systematic murder of children in the womb in order to maximize the of their body. Parts for sale on the open market is acceptable position, but we take the security or millennial. The union. Now, no one! No one is for that. Of activity, unless you are the most radical type of extremist on this issue, like sender, Clinton and her party is on this issue. I say one other thing. The fact is that I believe
then. If a woman has been raped, that is a birth and a pregnancy that she should be able to terminate if she's a victim of and says this- is not a woman's choice. This is a woman violated, and the fact is that we have always believed that says Ronald Reagan that we, but we have self defence for women who have been rape and impregnated, because we are the subject of incest and been impregnated for that one. I have to deliver that child if they believe that violation is now of self defence by turning progress. Minette. An amazing statement, ACT of self defence against two nuts defence against the rapist, killing the baby doesn't do anything the ripest, I believe the right to self defence against the ripest. I think the woman should shoot em, but it but as far as the key the baby, the idea that it defence against the baby is truly an astonishing statement from Republican he skater. That's nobody notices, that's because when it comes to content at these debates they matter way less than the objects of the debate, and this is the problem that I have.
It's probably have with politics- is not just the debate, its true for all of politics. President Obama, during superbly didn't interview before the Superbowl on after the Superbowl he's a celeb The president, this is the culture we ve created, but the terrible answer and actually really immoral answer by Governor Christie. Right there. The idea that you have self defence rights against a fetus. No, that only applies to fetuses killing. You is his wife. Exceptions in case of the life of the mother is endangered critically endangered, not a health problem, a life problem but to say to yourself, defence rights against a baby is is beyond ridiculous. Ok, so One of the things that happen you may have noticed is that, as these debates before I become more more discuss it with everyone, like all of the people, I'm not sure why most disgusted with so you got room gas yeah Christie, who is just a skies bucket. I mean Chris on Sunday there's not picture him hugging Hillary Clinton. If I may be seen, I guess they saw each other in the green room. There hugging it out the hunger, got Donald Trump and trumpet gonna win New Hampshire tomorrow, he's up by twenty points in the polls dominating everybody here is done
trumpet. The debates here is the good of Donald Trump and then we'll get to the bad of Donald Trump for the good of Donald Trump hears Donald Trump on waterborne crows. Thank you, mister. You said. Not only does it work, but that you'd bring it back well, I'll? Tell you what in the Middle EAST, we have people chopping there heads of Christians, we have people shopping their heads of many of the people, we have things that we have never seen before. As a group, we have never seen before what's happening right now,. The medieval times and we we studied medieval times, knots medieval times. Have people see what's going on? I would bring back what a boarding and I'll bring back a hell of a lot worse than water. Did this? Is this what you like about from outside I have to say when he says we learned from medieval times. I have a few the data from actually went to the restaurant medieval times and what the jousting and that's how he learned about medieval history, but what he says is basically right. No one in America CARE,
When we waterborne terrorist, you gotta be kidding me. This is a left talking point that no one cares about. Do it. Our have to do to get the information, and then slams the audience at one point during the debate- and this is also vintage trumpets why people like Trump so here's Trump after the audience, when they go on a lot of times, you'll have you'll have an end. It doesnt work very well. What's is lighter limes property here alone older. I won't. Let me talk quiet, Hell, that's all it is donors and special. So that's what and by the way, let me study we needed ticket, you can't get him utilise the tickets for the abduction about did. What is your audience? Donors spent I shall address the people.
Are putting up the Orange Z job as we have all donors in the audience and the reason there not loving me the reason there not letting me. I don't want their money, I'm gonna do the right thing for the american public. I dont want their money. I don't need their money and I'm the only one appear. They can say that that's actually down from specifying the debate and it's very effective because he is very wealthy. Now also has spent the weekend saying he agrees, Bernie Sanders on trade that he doesn't. Want to increase the defence budget that he wants to move left on a variety of issues here. In pretty significant later left now and there's a good shot that Humans New Hampshire, the establishment moved behind them, just as they have no other options, so what what? so the good side of trump here is a bad sign from Paris, Donald Trump on making deals. Why we? Why we're supposed to trust him that he can make good deals
What would you say to those conservatives who are concerned that a deal meagre we'll just perpetuate the same deals in Washington, and the way to things run now. How did yesterday that a good deal maker will make great deals, but we'll do it the way our founders thought it should be done. People Together? They make deals Ronald Reagan, data with Tipp, O Neill very successfully. You didn't hear so much about executive orders. If you heard about it at all, you to be able to get a consensus now? The real A person like it was mentioned about the deal with IRAN. How bad a deal is that it does get any more amateurish than that. A good deal megawatt, never make a deal like that with Congress. You'll have to get everybody in a room and you have to go I'm too a Greek, but you have to get him to agree what you want and that's part of the UK,
leave the White House go to Hawaii and play golf for three weeks and be real deal maker? It doesn't work that way. You have to get people in rare bum, Haagen kiss them again to deal done, but it's gotta be the deal that you want. It's also Bill Clinton, did you predating. That's there I mean that's. That's! That's amazing, stats, Donald Trump, again highly specific in his prescriptions as to how he's going to do good deals. Hugging, kissing touching of appropriate an appropriate nature. All included in that folks. Donald Trump, is a lot, but here's the thing down front is allowed monotheism blow obviating blowhard. All these things. He's not even conservative. But Donald Trump, who issue Donald Trumpets and what's happening over the course of these debates is the trump is actually getting stronger because Trump is who trumpet Ruby. Is being unmasked as a guy who's. On the talking point, all the time job was unmask very earliest weakling Criss crossed. He's being on mass is a wire on his own policies and then the
The thing that I think has been most damaging is the guy who I like the best in this race, TED Crews, Ben Carson, has something to TED crews. That is really quite disreputable, so we I about it. Last week. Ok Ben cars- and told CNN. He was going on break it. He was gonna go by. To Florida, pickup, shirts or something, and he was not going to go to South Carolina or New I'm sure before South Carolina in New Hampshire, each skinny go back to Washington Dc Cm played the tape and they said that they are hey pussy. They talk about this very important. It obviously signifies that something big is happening, If you want to win, you don't do that. In other words, the campaign is basically over the crews campaign. Let all of their priests and captains know that Carson taking a break from campaigning and to let people know that Carson was basically out your votes to crews, Carson then came back and said: no, no, I'm not out I'm not up and see tweeted that, but they didn't say it on the oriental past nine o clock eastern time in any way
Carson effectively, is out of the rights and he has been out of the race for since, before Iowa he fired half his staff the week after Iowa Mccarthy won't let this gap- and this is Why did I don't like Ben Carson, I think, has gone, this bar in the republican rates, because people believe that he's a good man and honest man it leaves a religious, honest, good man, and so when he uses the power of his character and puts it up again somebody else's character. People tend to believe Ben Carson, even though I think what Carson's doing here is actually pretty cynical, and this is just because I'm a political insider in the sense that I know what people in politics do. I know how campaigns work then Carson his raised more money than virtually every other candidate on the grass roots I will be addressed. A lot of money from the grassroots has a massive, incredibly large email us. Cutting down his staff, you can use that email is to draw money to his campaign to continue growing. The email was to continue drawing money to his campaign to Caen continue growing. The email list when this campaign is all over, He owns the email is right, whatever
Whoever is working day on the email us and you can use that email west. To put his policies or to advertise. And so he staying in the race beyond when his campaign is viable campaign is no longer viable, but he's using this call. This controversy in order to propel himself forward in the campaign, even though he has no shouted victory. Buddy and you crews heavy damage, because the ribbon crews has always been the crews of manipulative I'll. Do anything to get ahead, Carson, basically face planted him on this on Saturday night May. Crews look very bad, even though crews actually says only things that are true here, yet in protest it bit, but cruising only things that are truly yours, cruisers Carson. Well. You know when I wasn't introduce number two, as was the plan. I thought maybe that he thought already had dropped out, but you out today is the one hundred and fifth anniversary, or one fifth birthday around Ray. This eleventh commandment was not to speak ill of another Republican.
So I'm not going to use this opportunity to save the reputation of senator crews? but I will say I will I was disappointments members his team thoughts. A little me that they thought that, after having hundreds, if not thousands, of volunteers and college students who sacrificed their time and work dedicated to the cause. One even died to think that, but just walk away. Ten minutes before the Caracas and say forget about you guys who do something like that: not all think anyone in this stage would do something like that and to assume that someone would. What does that tell you so,
unfortunately it did happen. It gives us a very good example of certain types of Washington. Ethics Washington ethics basically says. If its legal, you do what you need to do in order to win. That's not my ethics. My ethic If you do it's right. Ok, it's not a crime. He says he cites Ronald Reagan. Eleven commandment don't attack of the Republicans and I won't savage. The carrot the man standing next to me, but what I do huge bag, I mean look at this guy was a liar cheater. What a terrible that this? Julie, damages crews, because the widespread perception of crews of the crews is willing to say anything to get ahead. So, if you look at this age mugabe- the photo here right of the still see that crisscross direct request he's a liar yapping Carson Carson's diabetes is campaigners. Is the walking damage the dead man walking? You got TED crews, he's got savage by Carson. You got
Donald Trump in the middle there. Looking tall and big yet, go. Rubio just got us but handed to him Chris Christie you got job has been toast for a long time and got John case. It was standing off to the side, fruit shopping things, so the only person on the stage you didn't get attack really the only to people on the stage really escaped attack on Saturday night John cases. Who will probably finnish second to New Hampshire and Donald Trump and Donald Trump, two down from continues to slides. Why, along the surface of life skimming along the surface of life, so. Here's is what's gonna happen tomorrow, in all likelihood trump ones big. After from its annual ball game there, basically a bunch polls that show a bunch of people altogether. Everybody on the on the left hand, side of the stage, so crews, Rubio Bush and cases are all together ten ten to twelve percent, could be any of those people coming in second or third, if Rubio really its clock and finishes? Fourth: he's got a real problem in his hands. He may be done if JEB finishes thirty to be back in it, because the establishment is looking for a guy. So tomorrow me
and off a lot in terms of where we end up in this race, that said all of this is really disappointing, because how much time actually got spend talking about important policies? How much I you got spend talking about Hillary Clinton. What Democrats are doing very little, very little mostly was spent savaging each other and and savaging each other in the in the least productive ways possible after the debate, by the way, the the ridiculous, discontinued Marco room We will try to explain away. This is the other prom Rubio has every time you try to explain something away. It gets worse. He sort of like decay, You stole the cookie from a cookie jar. He say what did you do that you say: lifestyle, the cookie l? Well, you know the dog eighty, so we don't have a dog. Extra dog died they he just eat, digs himself deeper and deeper. So George Stuff Annapolis, who, by the way, why does any Republican do an interview with George Stuff Annapolis, George stuff? apple is literally said. I love you. Hillary Clinton He literally said those words making him the only human being in existence ever to have said that
ok and he is sitting across Amerika Rubio interviewing him. Like he's an objective journalist, looking like the old grown people around here into an Rubio you're gonna hear you d doubles down on the wire repeated myself routine. Here we go, Martha. Rubio joins us, live right now, but went on well, actually I would pay them to keep running that quick clip, because that's what I believe passionately it's one of the reasons why I'm not running for re election to the Senate and I'm running for President this notion in this idea that somehow all this is an accident brought about a cat was not an accident. Dodd Frank was not an accident. The deal with IRAN was not just getting a town did for repeating this be well. Look. We raise more money lost like the first hour that debate than any other debate. As far as that message, I hope they keep running a dominant, keep saying it because it's true Obama. Yet has he hired and competent people to implement laws and run agencies absolutely, but when it comes- That's what he's trying to do to America is part of the plan.
But he said he wanted to change the country he's doing it in a way that is robbing for everything that makes the special. I wanna keep saying that because that nowadays, at the truth, it is at the core of our candid, even after Chris Christie College, you for what you called can speeches twenty five. Second kids, we do you repeated again. He says there you go again. There was not a good moment, for he was what I believe is what continue to say, because it happens to be one of the main reasons why I am running I. But this is a grip. The Hendry America keeps him, is it and then you need to go back into it again face up. So it's just None of this is really good for Marco Rubio, then there's not really good answers. The truth want you been called out like TAT, you may as well to say I've loved it. You know it's over there. I should know I shouldn't have but I guess the rule as you never apologizing, you never compromise, so again. All this just makes Republicans look that what's amazing about this is on the other side of the ILO. Is the weakest democratic candidate Maybe I have ever seen Hilary in a few member back to last Thursday night. Last Thursday night there was a debate between Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders we really
had a chance to comment on it as we don't pay cast on Fridays. Don't I get a lot of questions about this? We will be doing a pod cast on Fridays very soon it will be a cross over pod castle. Be me, Clayton and we'll chat about things will be Optimist I'll be a pessimist, he'll be wrong and I'll be right, because pessimism is always right and and on Thursday night This is what Hillary Clinton shoes asked about. Her Goldman Sachs speeches she gave speeches were Six hundred and seventy five thousand dollars to Goldman Sachs anxiously- scraps of those speeches it turns out she in her contract requires there be a transcription of sustainable for their to actually. Right down everything that she said and she had All the rights to those transcript enthusiasts about this during the debate in Here- is what she said.
Are you willing to release the transcripts of all european speeches? We do know through reporting that there were transcription services for all of those page speeches in the in full disclosure. Would you really Solomon? I will look into it. I dont know status, but I will certainly look into it, but I can only repeat what is the fact that I spoke to a lot of different groups with a lot of different constituents, alot of different kinds of members, about issues that had to do with world affairs. I probably described more times that I can remember house, I still it was advising the president about going after been lodged. So my my view on this is look at me record. Ok, what I am Hilary does, this Hilary says all look into it and then she sites been lot and it's amazing. What democratic and get away with Rachel Yawning run off the rails and two thousand eight, because people, calves, citing nine eleven cause. He was the mayor on nine eleven Hitler
Clayton had nothing to do nothing to do with any. They stop nine eleven Bin Laden she sites it all the time. All the time. For no reason, but she says yeah I'll look into releasing those transcripts love today she was asked about releasing the transcripts. Again is what thirteen and what she said about releasing the transcripts was, ass to her good again, George, if a novelist interviewing her. How is this legal? For God's sake, I mean, I understand its legal. We have a first amendment. How does anyone is amazing to me he can interview her? They were being simply making was on the backstage. Ninety ninety two after she, after her husband, was elected president, now he's interviewing like using objective journalist, one on one, it's unbelievable anyway. Here is here Clinton. She says it remember. She said I shall look into it. Here's looking into a constituted for Hillary Clinton, Erica given you said, you'd look into whether not release the transcripts of your speech is to financial groups. Having made up your mind.
Yeah, you know is another thing. I want to say: let everybody who's ever given a speech to any private group under any circumstances, released them all release him. At the same time, I don't being the other subjects. Public debates, the subject in a democratic primary. That kind of goes with the territory had been around long enough, but at some point you know, these rules need to apply to everybody and their lunch. Folks, including given in our speeches something to us. Given speeches, everybody has to be held accountable to the same rules, personal We always ass her own set of rules. Private server, she's, a criminal she's, a felon ok and she's gonna get away with it because she's Hillary Clinton The fact is no one for job species, because no one cares what jobs at any point in his life, no one cares pillar is gonna, be the nominee and Hilary was speaking to Wall Street and she's one mandated there be transcripts, she's, a terrible candidate, she's, a terrible candidate
because a good casualty sure I'll just released but why not? What you find in there that I had if she has nothing to Hide- and she has However, the way, why can they that they can probably just go? Ask the people, it Goldman Sachs, what exactly Hillary Clinton said to them, This will come out sooner or later just trying to hide it, because this is her nature. She is Nick Sony and she asked the hide everything and when she is targeted, nineteen Sixty Richard Nixon they're, not gonna. Have Richard Nixon to kick around anymore and nineteen. Fifty to give the check Speech were basically said everyone. He's coming after me and my little dog trackers over here she is Richard Nixon, and so she says not only to the rules that apply to her that special the only reason people are mean to her is because she's, a woman, so back at you In the debate on Thursday night, she was asked about whether she is a member of the democratic establishment. There is no person on Earth who is more a member of the democratic establishment than Hillary Clinton? She's, the definition of establishment. The Clinton's run, democratic party, and they have for two decades, and here is
Laura Glutton, saying she can't be establishment because she has a vagina here we go, That said, do you think they do? You think the coverage of you is sexist. You think it when male pilot. Say things like that: they have a different standard for you, and I don't want a single anybody out Jake, I look we are still living with aids, double standard, and I know it every every woman. I now knows it whether you're in the media, as a woman or you're in professions or business or politics and I don't know anything other to do than just forging through it and just taking the slings and arrows that come with being a woman at once of life. Surely in our sometimes I talk sought. Sometimes I get passionate and I get a little bit too excited I don't know any man who doesn't do the same thing, and I find it sort of interesting that all of a sudden is a big discussion about me once again
I'm so used to this. I'm gonna keep making my case I'm talking about what I will do is resident. I'm gonna go get lady quieted down, so these the everybody to such as to who says that she should stop screaming during her speech It is because it shrill and annoy which it is and everybody is only tacking her, because she is a woman. I ever So what did you do to push this mean forwarded the cheese dishes she's pushing this bit. You remember back in two thousand h did the same thing in New Hampshire. She cried. I should the tears in two thousand aids that you could stay competitive because it looked like Obama might be her in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton. Now she saying that The only reason people are targeting has not because she's deeply corrupt. Now, because she secretive now because shrill, not because he's grading now because she's annoying, but because she's, the same as everybody else, but she's a woman. She said it's funny, you know when we say shrill their certain female candidates, we ve, never Cultural Diane Feinstein, for example, is not true. Diane finds terrible, Senator from California, my sender, then find signs awful she's natural Hilary clan.
Israel, shrill hasn't meaning and in the dictionary under that word, is a picture of Hillary Clinton and worship. To pretend that it's all, because she's woman, it's getting so bad, how bad is her campaign for a campaign, is so bad that she's now trotting out ninety seven year old Bill Clinton. More and more like you have no every day. Just in terms, doddering around in a bathrobe mumbling to himself and grabbing is general a bill. She's, trotting out on the campaign trail to call Bernie Sanders. A sexist is a hero. Bill Clinton saying the Bernie Sanders is access, and I mean bill looks to steps away death and he really looks terrible, but really awful. For me We can see this, he looks like Bill, Murray Woodville Marie makes himself up like a zombie in zombie land area here is here, is built in Former President Bill Clinton, unleashing a blistering no holds barred attack on his wife's rival. Bernie Sanders going after Sanders, healthcare plan is a good for America.
I don't think so- is it good for New Hampshire? I don't think so. Labeling centres as dishonest and hypocritical in his criticism of the financial sector, you so often rails against. Anybody takes money from Goldman Sachs, couldn't possibly be president. He may have to twitter answer a little bit. That we're gonna have to get it right in candidate, the former presidents words or stinging blasting to Vermont Senator and his supporters for what he called inaccurate and sexist attacks, including Bernie browse the mobs, have sanders supporters who use crude language to attack Hillary Clinton backers online people who have gone on alone. Defend, fan, Haleran, explain just explain why they supported or have been subject to. There are literally profane often not to mention sectors to repeat sand disavowing such tactics that anybody who was supporting me is doing sexes things is we don't want them?
What the hell stop right there is. Somebody should ask Pill Clinton if those tactics include holding a woman down on a bed and raping her or of His tactics include secure during a woman off the side of the oval office in sexually abusing her as he did to capture unwilling or those tactics include. Those tactics include having your wife intimidate your rape victims by pointing to broader my goodness, what a terrible can in as in anybody with an eminent if Bernie Sanders had set on a viewed actually saved us I Bernie Sanders is he's trying to run the all positive campaign, but it would be. Him at some point to mention the fact that Bill Clinton is not exactly a warrior for women is a warrior against women. So what does what a stranger to me about the whole republican primary process with everyday all Republicans terror wade each other like like vultures tearing away flash and the Democrats. Key building each other up, even though their all incredibly way, even though there are incredibly we're ok time some things I like and then some things that I hate the things I We, the Superbowl addition things. I hate, sir we're with
all that, with all that implies things out. Like I'm in the middle of the movie called black Mass with Johnny Depp, haven't seen the rest of it yet about halfway through so far so good, all right things, I hate all right. So I watch the Superbowl yesterday my dad and I usually get together every year in and watch the Superbowl bowl, and so all I want when I watch the Superbowl is to watch the football. I watched the commercials, because this becomes or of a cultural toto means becoming cultural hallmark. Everybody wants to watch the commercials and that fine, that's great, except, I have to say the commercials have been steadily in my life, I'm getting worse and worse mean the commercials are basically all just sex, jokes and ease and Patsy all people like monkeys, let's put that in a commercial or what about what babies. People like babies, deal was put down, haven't will have a monkey baby dog which they actually did. Partial yesterday. The commercials were really quite terrible, but what I really really hate, what I really hate that the left has decided that every cultural event has done
be dominated by leftism. All of them. They have we dominated leftism. So imagine, for example, they had, verbal and it took place in Texas, and there is a country singer and the countryside are surrounded himself during Superbowl half time show with a bunch, kids were holding bibles and a bunch women were holding crosses. Imagine if we did that and then let's say that no four exam bunch of white people and their also twirling rifles. Like me do sometimes operate. Wouldn't you think that the media have a field day without oh, you Bethany. The media have failed so alienating so terrible, so non inclusive beyond say who is now Mary to Jersey and can do no wrong. She her cheek, she farts social justice rainbows The answer is concerned. This wildly talented massive talents to a joy to behold, a real addition to gods earth. Play Beyonce actually has a really good voice or used to add enough good anymore. Cuz hasn't sung in five years so beyond. Say now has been relegated to shaking her boobs. She,
her ass and racial commentary, it basically white, what her stunt is now, ever since you marry Jay Z, who, by the way, is a jerk, also Jay Z, wears a medallion called with four for what is called the five percent nation. The five percent nation believes that black people superior to white people. That's actual literally So beyond say: does her half time show you to watch a little bit of the Bianca half central? First of all, I want to point out everybody says beyond magnificent dancer. No, she just like ass, having a seizure, but she says that everybody Glaxo this now stare. Ok, it is not doing Kelly but supper She she's not view she's, not. You know a russian ballet dancers, she's a lady whose working if like one step above Miley Cyrus, but putting aside artistic commentary here, because we're music like lately her music is garbage, also saw her dancing is basically just how much and she gentle and her music is much can you get away with here was what
to be honest, I have time show what split I don't know my job what radiance do just like, we reacted very soon have to watch the rest of us. You get the idea that the women were dancing remind her increased from it there all wearing black panthers out. That's the wearing the black pearl.
There is, they all have their Harris proto there, their hair fraud out. There are no white women in this in this. Rush they're, all black right. There is your what Oscar so black Bianca after or ask or so white Bianca. Time show so black rather know why people in this and at a certain point, or they actually form and acts on the field like Malcolm X, rated the idea here and and There then, later, all the women took a picture somewhere in her. They all the like this. They have the black power salute and later on, they give a black our salute again in her mom shows up to give black our salute the lira that you saying in case you can understand what she sang, because why would you? the lyrics to her son? Go like this. My daddy Alabama, Mama Louisiana. You may that negro with that Crale make two nexus make a Texas Burma. Like my baby here with baby here, an f rose. I My negro knows with Jackson, five nostrils. Ok, Oh you ve got a bunch of racial stereotypes. I didn't realize the negro is back and style, but I guess that you can get away with that. If your fiance and then
the rest of the song goes like this. I did not come too they with your house ha. I came to slay bitch. I like corn, bread. In collared greens, bitch alchemy with the seat low sipping, wherever with no chaser. Sometimes I go off I go off. I go hard. I go hard when he s May God I take his asked to read, lobster cause I slay If he hid it right, I'm take him on a flight on my chopper cause, isolate. You might just the bill, a black bill gates in the making cause ice way, a so so. If there is a smart black had who goes to school was highly educated and create a massive company. It's because of the YAP right. Also theirs nothing. I like better than a bunch of anti black stereotypes being put out there by black people. That's always great! I'm sorry but if a white person said about bunch of black people that what may you black is that when you get screwed good, you take her ass to read. Lobster everybody would realise just how racist and terrible that is beyond yes to say, because the rules on apply again.
The black Panthers, where terrorist group a caveat, a white terrorist group that were being honoured, bunch people in white sheets out there in the middle of the Superbowl. Everybody would realise how disgusting, MRS, by, like Cosmopolitan, calls this garbage piece of non music, the most per What songs, since the Paleozoic era somebody. She noted on the Paleozoic era was not really Remington it. It's not respect for its tuneful mass, the Paleozoic here, but the music. Video for this is even worse manufactured. Look, the music video that this is based on in the music video the there's, a line of white cop standing buys a black teenager walks up to them than theirs wall with graffiti. That's has stopped shooting us. Let me it. If you really think that is going to make any black in America better off what Latin America is better off because of this one, It isn't gonna get shot me inner cause of this. What black? It is. Gonna get an education because of this she's, making millions offer they offer the stereotypical depiction of a really negative. A nasty culture. Malcolm X was a pit. Ok. The max and he added Islamic it
I'm a revelation at the end of his life unrealized. Basically, everything had been saying was wrong mathematics. A garbage heap of humanity. It was a bad guy, Malcolm X. Martin Luther King, at least promoting good things. He had his own personal foibles, but he promoted good things. Now the matches the guy used to call why people white devils as well homage them during the Superbowl rather than the most watched event in every year. This is where we have come racially the post racially, isn't the post racially right supposed decency, era and Bianchi leads the way, but it wasn't just that, wasn't just that there are some too well commercials. Mr places, then Francisco so called play showed up for no reason. No one likes coldplay a commonplace, showed up and say that same sex marriage and then they hand people rainbow placards to hold up in the stands and then it believe in love believe in love. Like that means anything. They didn't believe in love for the christian people who don't feel I participating in their game weddings and they didn't
like love for all of the isle of the children, who will grow up without a mother or without Father number, even abbot all of this is just do the cultural wrought that his has set upon us. The Superbowl commercials were another reflection of that. Let's take a look at the axe: did it a commercial and edgy what makes people remember you apparently in the advertising business, here's the axe calmer well. That ran and you will see how ridiculous this surrogate come on a six back six back when you got the knows more knows it only to see when you ve got the fire when you rock comes here to do when you got your brains, you need some other things. Will you got your thing now work on UK and a day they cut out? One
frame for the Superbowl that that was on line where there's a woman, leaning back and bad, because she's having sex, presumably at the hands of one of these guys, not our high heels over. So the idea here is that individual Eddie trumps! All individuality trolling find your magic. Well, meaning our standards of behaviour also in and I'm not sure why its appropriate on national television to show someone grooming, their generals, which I assume is when they find your thing and then they have a shot of a sink low down like waste level and a weird Hannah grows, but how we dumb down the culture- and this is how we means stream the ridiculous ok, the idea that how many millions in about two hundred fifty million people watch this thing, how many millions of those people are men- France, around wearing high heels, how many, but all this is the axe compared itself on the back. For being socially justice. Orient that this is. The idea is its virtue, signalling we're butter. People were great people. How do you know a red people as we ve dude and high heels? That's how you know there were greatly,
that wasn't even the worst commercial did there, a bunch of whom there are truly terrible, the many Cooper commercial was ridiculous. So it's tried out one this, There's a chick car this. Is a gay car, in a short man's car, this isn't q, car professional car scar has no street credit guy. Can't, let's give small this cod care. What you call it Finally, this is what American find your magic defy. Labels is any commercial anywhere near that says, like irresponsible human, find your magic. What my magic is is something terrible. What, if define labels and those labels actually exist for a reason, personal also also appointed yet Harvey Kite, now at the end of this car doesn't care. We think
right it an inanimate objects who strove also the people at many Cooper, Here there is trying to sell your car but the idea is that were supposed to feel good about them, because the social justice signalling- and this is what advertising business that, Push this idea that if you look at that- and you have a name, a feeling about that commercial. If you feel like this, what I want to buy. A car show me what the car does. That must be because as your bad person you're, not how everybody. The idea is to morally shame you into liking? The scar Rebecca that will mean nothing about the car. I may still think the car is a ridiculous family, feminine little junk, Raymond consulting all those things, but now what I'm gonna sexist. Aha, it means that an anti gay- if I don't like the many Cooper, and if I don't use active means that I'm and fell back that's the idea behind these commercials- all this subtle emotional button, pushing that that the left dies in order in particular agenda the friend. A morally shame you, they think America has reached the point where, if you don't really like,
watching guys prancing around and heels in their underwear on national television. They think America's the point where they can be shamed about that. I don't think that's the case. The other commercial they got. A lot of attention was Amy, humor and South Rogan Werner Commercial together and to unfunded. I suppose it funny people of the left doing a commercial. That is
funny. Here we go my fellow Americans guys. Can you be quiet? Seven aim. We are talking about a country where a nation divided. We disagree on everything. That's not so we'll be all right. All right to notice was gonna happen. Emotions records there, nothing rights, America, together, that's like parting, just wait till you see our regard. Dumping is besides you, men, like you, can we will not go quite late into the night. We were going to live or die you just voting independence day. Really inspired
Amy Humor got her real opportunity to make a dick joke for her. You know she they shouldn't there. That's, I think the real shortcoming in her career is not enough. Penis jugs! That's that's! Really! Where was you know she if you'd ever gonna meet there, it is. She got her opportunity on national tv to make a penis joke if it hadn't been. For that you never got to make a penis joke. Is. Is this again the dumbing down of the college's dumbing down. The vulgar relations at like my two year olds watching this and then making cock kiss jokes. Right it making penis jokes on national tv, it really it's sad. This is something to unify. I shouldn't we would like and then put the blue angels fly over in the middle of all this. It's just that, I'm sorry. American culture is not a bunch of jokes and the blue angels, It turns out, there's more to America than this. There's more to America, then Bianti prancing around in her underwear with a bunch of Malcolm X, dressed idiots
mortal american culture than a bunch of people holding up rainbow placards Deputy President Obama's Whitehouse Arizona merit she based on a philosophy. They won't see. Any of that. So that's why If you don't wanna, do philosophy the Superbowl, I'm cool adapter, then don't do a philosophy. Don't you philosophy of leftism when I'm just trying to watch a damn ball game. I don't need it, I dont need it perhaps the most amazing thing of all, though Is it a readers, commercial ends and here's the Doritos commercial has become so controversial with the late there's. Only one controversial commercial for the left, there's all these commercial. I just showed you that are real De Commercials right Amy, humor and set Rogan are about is left. It is possible to be the commercial, is ridiculous? The many Cooper commercial as is silly here is the one that really ticked off the laughter ready this ticked off the left. Here we go And there's your beautiful baby any day now, really Hearing Doritos! he's eating. Doritos am I ultra sound, but I have-
I know did. Ok, so the merchant- but we can't see it- is there's a baby inside and ultra sound did your mom and dad their showing an ultra sound of the baby and every time the dad by two hundred out removes the radio. The baby attempts to grab the Derrida basically from inside the womb and then the very end mom throws the reader down by her feet and the baby attend. You get out using the only possible escape route. Ok, so that's it. That's the commercial. The left me bananas over this commercial, why you ask the left: go crazy over this commercial? Why don't we let narrow all pro choice. America explain here is the tweet from near opera. Choice? America, if we have that hashtag not buying it.
To Regos Yad using anti choice, tactic of humanizing fetuses here? eyes feed as is right, because chickens actually and that, by the way, that's like a nine month, Thetis Right, the debtor their showing there is a night baby. How dare that readers had show what an ultrasound actually looks like him mile? That's what I'm late term ultrasound She looks like in fact that's what Mid term ultrasound looks like my wife Not for sound the other eight, that's what the baby looks like can see the baby and there I saw them Spinous are the baby's phase, as are all of the baby's gears. You know like up everything you can see, but don't you whatever you do, don't humanised that being so. People on the right say: look I just wanna watch volume without being being hit over the head with some guy wearing high, I want to watch the ballgame without being hit with. If you don't mind, his car, you must have gay people as all I wanna it need to watch the time show and dismay with a bunch of people were killed I'll be back and seventys in homage to those people, the letters
I don't wanna be watching a ball game in sea like in altars, and it wouldn't also sound actually looks like I want to see that it's crazy, ray everyone. We commercials by way, like all the Superbowl commercials had humanizing of animals, are there? like every one of them, had some sort of talking, dog or chipmunk or penguin or somethin. Narrow, doesn't care about that. Obviously they only care about when you human, something that's actually whom we chose. Evil and despicable. They are so That's the regime left and right at the left is on add today about what an ultrasound actually looks like and the right is upset today, because the biggest game in America, the big most watch tv event in the it. States, maybe in history, is, is replete with leftist image rate. And just to top it off. President Obama and wife did their Superbowl interview. They do. Every year this year was gale king. Only famous for being this for being Oprah significant other, and here is Here's the Obama's being interviewed by Gale king on ABC beforehand. I hate this so much. I can't even tell you.
So when you add a super bowl party at the Obama House, do you watch the commercials? Do care about that? our souls gang we're like nobody else, folks, folks right, the commercial people. My way around that, basically, we have sort of three ways that we we do, the Superbowl we have the serious watcher scarce and that's the treaty room where you gotta, be. If you're in that room watching the gay. What's the game, then there's the outside room, where the kids are, whether kind of fooling around there by the food and in their weekly them away. Then, there's the what I call the champagne room: that's where my mother sits where We don't know what's going on but close to that champagne everyone's, where airlines is lying shouting, and I must say something must have a matter that I am wondering. Why do we start breaking up the six back or mixing the martinis? I was running at what point does that have now starting now considering the ones that we join with? Ok, illegal stuff, ok, so American,
Well, I mean this is this: is this is Kate moment Raymond So this is the american royalty. You got. The media interviewing american royalty have set us a thousand times. I hated so much there not royalty busy bureaucrat the bureaucratic we pay, so he doesn't job His wife are treated like royalty. Well, we got the champagne room without the one for the gates and then the treaty room, or else it around, watching football and tax paradigm. And then I do an interview with you right here in the oval office and it just really nice. You know that's what we like to do this the combination of celebrity with honest to God, Josie and beyond tat could be president and for an and first lady within fifteen years, and but an Obama and Michel could be performing at the Superbowl? like you, we could add that reversal. That's how far we goin in terms of celebrity politicians and politicians, celebrities and its grow, all the way around and that's why we're never gonna. We may never have a substantive president of the United States. Again, we may have had that point. Right, the Superbowl says a lot about our politics, because this is help will actually engage with politics in this sort of fashion with their mother.
Since being manipulated by the media by advertisers by the tv. They walked by half time showed All of this has an impact on us and then, when it comes to devote how many people actually worried about common core when it comes to mind about how many people are actually concerned about Iraq. MS policy on ice, it verses Heaven. People say well, look at them in such a charming couple. This event such a nice people. I mean look there there sitting there talking about a normal people. They are just like you just like when you go to it to us. Weekly, easy, easy us weekly on the stands at the supermarket celebrities. They're just like us just like us, but get those people, it's not good for America, I called for the country we should have to payment for sure I love watching the Superbowl it's fun enjoy watching with my pop, but The idea that you're gonna need the idea that you're going to take that and combined with politics and into politics in buying Celebrity this is how you end up with a horribly run country where everyone just abdicates duty to the powerful a body in charge
and tomorrow find out which powerful celebrity takes New Hampshire, because one of them well we'll be there with you for that I'm mentioned here. This is the entropy Russia.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-29.