« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 664 - Hillary’s Email Revenge

2018-11-20 | 🔗
Ivanka Trump comes under fire for use of a private email address, Hollywood reminds you they hate conservatives, and the New York Times tries to prep you for Thanksgiving dinner with your Leftist uncle.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
If I'm control comes under fire for use, they private email address, Hollywood reminds you they are here to hate. Conservatives and the New York Times tries to prep you for Thanksgiving dinner. With your uncle and then Shapiro. This is the benchmark. Russia lots of news breaking too damn in just because its Thanksgiving given doesn't mean the new stopped and we have all of it for you right. We're gonna break it all down for you here today, but we begin today with you, may in your business better self. You may have noticed that your business is performing as well as you want it to your. We hear the daily where we have an optimally performing business, but one of the reasons are business performs optimally is because we use zip recruiter. Super cooler allows you to find the best employees for your job. Zipper could adapt come slash daily? Where is the smart way to go and find those candidates, unlike other drops I'd supercool doesnt way for candidates to find you instead, zip recruiter, finds them for you. It's powerful matching technology scans. Thousands of residues identifies people with the right skills education and
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simply gone out the window. You s stocks, tumbled Tuesday, putting major. U S, index indices at risk of closing below their October lows. According to the Wall Street Journal and wiping out yearly gains what started as a technology companies sell off let into other corners of the market, as investors. Dump chairs of ever thing from retailers to oil and gas companies in favour of relatively safe assets, like bonds and reliable dividend pairs like utility companies, the resolve, some traders who stepped into scoop upstairs and late October, hoping for a quick rebound are now in danger of losing those potential profits and more. This puts the stock market in a tenuous position. Several of those people say just in wigs is managing director and equity trading. Civil Nicholas as the by the dipper are getting concern, meaning that when these dock work goes down, you tend to buy more. That's what I do. According to calculations as of this morning about sixteen percent of ESA. Ninety five hundred companies are now below their October lows. Those companies ranged from tat tries to healthcare companies to energy firms. Now is just let sell everything, but there are a couple of reasons that this is happening. One is that the chinese
getting to hit you s, industry, America, soybean exports, which largely went to China have now drop by nearly one hundred percent. Thanks to the tariff battle that President trumpets having with the Chinese. What do you think that you think, that's well, founded or not is particularly great for the United States economy is also happening, because Democrats just took over Congress and a lot of beer. MRS see, regulations on the way, or at least regulatory fight, you friendly business climate that has been created by the Trump administration. And republican Congress could be stymied by a bunch of Democrats who actually want to investigate and regulate businesses up the Wazir tech stocks by the way have dropped more the reasons tat stocks have dropped, and nobody really wants to talk about this in the left wing media is because a lot of the west. The media is focused like laser beams, on shutting down tech companies for not doing enough to what we're a glint when the election, I really mean that there's a tweet the. When I hear some examples, the tweet the went out today from Kevin Roofs and Kevin Ruth is the New York Times tech writer and he hears retweeting. He treated today's top stories on Facebook, our from one bench up here,
two bench apparel three daily collar for nine gag five DMZ seven. Franklin, Graham eight Fox NEWS, ten Fox news. So the idea here is too many. Conservative sites are getting too much. Traffic is bad and my facebook page is driving enormous traffic. It is just terrible. The top stories in terms of traffic from Facebook are coming from me. This prompted Nate Silver, who is the the statistical analyst to sweet kind of feels like Facebook, has even stopped trying as when they told us. We doubt it's like Facebook has stopped trying, because the top two traffic stories came courtesy of my facebook page. And the question is stop trying to what shut down and sensor conservative pages prevent conservative dissemination of information. Since Hillary Clinton lost, the left has been in uproar about how to shut down Facebook about
to make it a wholly owned and used subsidiary controlled by the faculties of the Democratic Party and the mainstream media. This has been their chief focus and it's been true. Since Diane Feinstein was calling top members of social media companies before her and saying, if you don't get control of your companies, we're going to regulate, you think. Maybe this might scare investors in texts in Texas you might see it that there been a bunch of issues in tech companies. One of them is the privacy issue. Obviously, people believe their private information is being disseminated by these tech. Companies are grabbed and used by these tech companies, but that was always true. The real change, if it since election, two thousand and sixteen a lot of members of left wing, have suggested it. Companies like Facebook should be controlled by people who are more into shutting down the conservative you platforms for information. In other words, they will only leave Facebook unregulated if Facebook pledges to do their bidding.
Diane Feinstein, will only leave Facebook alone. If Facebook pledges to shut down conservative websites if they pledge to destroy conservative traffic base now the reality is that Facebook does not discriminate in. Waiver of conservatives, of course, and there are those of us on the right who have said that Facebook should not be regulated even when they were destroying conservative traffic and early twenty seventeen with an algorithm shift as we talk about at the time. But the left cannot stand that Hillary Clinton lost, and so now there are going to try to control every news that allows them to control the means of information consumption. This is their new priority that may be having an effect on the stock market. People fear Democrats in control of the levers of government when it comes to the economy, because they know the democratic control of the leaders of the economy are going to try to control business from the top down whether you're talking pharmaceutical companies, whether you're talking drug companies, whether you are talking the banking industry, whether you are talking about
tech companies. All of these companies are deeply fearful of democratic governance, in other reason that the economy started to recover under Barack Obama. It started to recover under rock Obama, because the d all these companies knew that there is a republican Congress in charge. It means something one Democrats grab control of the of the levers of power and the fact that are overly people magnates silver overtly, calling basically for censorship of consumer valets on Facebook is just more evidence that the media are fully involved stayed in the idea that they have to twist the media of social media. It's a twist those those distribution systems in order so that they can control those from above. Its
really quite incredible now. One of the reasons that want to control those methods of distribution from about is the thing in troll the politics of the country. Obviously, then that means that they can push information that is not supremely important. So speaking of information, that is not so primly supremely important today and then we'll contrast, this piece of very important information today, the having ten post is very upset. Because Evanna Trump used a personal accounts and hundreds of emails last year related to government business according to sources who spoke with the Washington Post? Well, that's good! You shouldn't be using your personal email for government business, but this of course lead people like made silver re. Who wants Facebook to shut down distribution systems for concern? was made silver tweeted this out about a vodka trunk says if you're, one of those news organisations that treated Clinton's private emails like them,
A national emergency solution isn't to treat vodkas. Private emails like there also national emergency, rather its technology. You kind of screwed up on Clinton well know it's to recognise that there is a slight difference between Clinton's private emails. From what we know and of Uncas private emails. Now is a good that anybody in government is using a private email address to do business no, but it is also true that Colin Powell did this. It is true the John Kerry did this. It is true that virtually every public official that I know of uses a private email address to do business, from time to time. The question is whether they are deliberately hiding that from government discovery and whether they set up a private server, which is what Hillary Clinton Judge and set up an email address, a gmail which would have made her email subject to discovery. She set up a private server in her house to allow all information to pass directly to her, and then it could be contained in their private server, which she could then bleach and then drill and then hammer in not quite the same thing. Also we,
dont know if a vodka tromp was actually looking at classified information in these emails or whether it was unclassified government business historically, and we know for a fact- was passing classified information via a private emil on a private server that was open to half by foreign governments? This is not the same kind of story at all, and yet the media are treating it as though this is just the hypocrisy of the Republicans is just about Chrissy of their public again should have on, could trumpet using a private email address. For a business. No, of course she shouldn't, but until we know what those emails war and whether they were classified until We have any evidence that she set up a private server and then poured bleach, overshoes bleach bit and then drilled it and then Margaret. Almost we know that this is not the same thing in any way. Nonetheless, people on the left our going crazy over this just shows that a vodka is super duper duper corrupt and this is what they want and we pay attention to. They wanted me to paying attention to a Trump
emails that are not in any way. So far, as we know, like Hillary Clinton emails we, that is what they want you to pay attention to. What they don't want you to pay attention to is a judicial ruling that violated virtually every basic precept of government in in the constitution. So here is the latest federal judicial ruling the New York Times report. Miriam Jordan reporting, a federal judge on Monday or the Trump administration to resume accepting asylum claims from migrants? No matter, where or how they entered the United States doing, at least a temporary setback to the president's attempt to clamp down on a huge wave of central Americans crossing the border. First of all, I do love that now the media are finally acknowledging there's a huge wave of central Americans crossing the border five minutes ago. They were suggesting that it wasn't a threat at all. There is nobody crossing the border illegally judge John Tiger of the United States District Court in San Francisco. Should a temporary restraining order that blocks the governor from carrying out a new rule that denies protection to people who enter the country illegally. The order
which suspends the rule until the cases decided by the court applies nationally. First of all, it should not be the case that a district court anywhere. The country can shut down the federal government full scale across the country. That's absurd. There are hundreds of yours district court judges across the United States, the idea that any one of them issue a temporary restraining order against the federal government applied nationally is just insane. The judge wrote whatever the scope of the president's authority. He may not rewrite immigration laws, to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden. There's only one problem here: where did Congress expressly forbid him from say saying that if you enter the country illegally, we're not gonna process, your asylum claims the same way that we would process processor asylum claims if you enter the country illegally not wear of the law that says that I'll talk about this more in just one. Second has a big story because he got in this. Is the court stepping into areas where they have no business we'll get to that in just one? Second, first, let's talk about your investment strategy, so we've been saying: the stock market is really
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legal. However, to jump the fence and then claim asylum that is not legal in the United States, the judges ruling went away Turning to what the ACL you wanted address and groups, including me, Southern poverty wasn't very far left advocacy group in the American civil liberties union, swiftly sue the administration for effectively introducing what they deemed an asylum ban, but that is not in fact, in asylum, bad. This is absurd. The Trump administration signal they would continue to defend the policy as it move through the courts. Katy Waldman spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security. She said our asylum system is broken. It is being abused by tens of thousands of Maryland claims every year and they pointed out the present has brought authority. Stop the entrance of migrants into the country, which is true. If you look at the actual black letter walked
They say it is absurd that a set of advocacy groups can be found to have standing to sue, to stop the entire federal government from acting so that illegal aliens can receive a government benefits which they are not entitled. We look forward to continuing to defend the executive branches, legitimate and well reasoned exercise of its authority to address the crisis and our southern border, Stephen Gale, lower, as in immigration. Scholar of Cornelius President's indeed have broad discretion. Migration matters, but the bottom line is that the courts have now introduced conditions that don't actually exist in the law the government's lawyers say the present has sought to halt a day listen, illegal practice and regain control of the borders, because Trump Administration officials defended the regulatory change. They argued the president was responding to a surge in migrants seeking asylum based on frivolous claims which ultimately lead their cases. I'd, buy an immigration judge, the migrants that ignore orders leaving remain unlawfully, and the country from cans actually just ignore this court ruling and enforce the law then He has not doing his job as president. The court's obviously are wildly.
Overreaching their discretion, under the law is in its fully greater so, how much of the media are going to cover these judges ruling today in any way that reflects the state of the law. The answer is not much. How much will they cover vodkas emails? which are not nearly the issue that we are making it out to be. I promise you that the the coverage will be blanket. The coverage will be enormous, I'll in just one second, I wanna get to prove that the that the media are as biased as you think they are pretty astonishing in this is with her two Thanksgiving get herself Thanksgiving is coming up. You're going have some relatively disagree with and that relative and out of the will bring politics it. Whenever we have and giving at my house now allow of my relatives happened to be on the left. I rarely bring up politics at the table. I dont really enjoy arguing with by relatives, because their morale so what's the point of it, but on invariably somebody brings up politics, and then we have a discussion that in
usually ends with a saying what stop and go watch football, because that's pretty much. The only way that you can and awkward discussion will now, the New York Times has put out a piece called how to have a conversation with you're angry uncle over Thanksgiving. This piece is astonishing. Wise. It astonishing is astonishing for what it shows about the bias of the New York Times a so they haven't. They basically put together. Couple of model conversations in this peace at the New York Times. Moral conversation number one is you'll arguing with your conservative uncle MA conversation number two? Is you arguing with your leftist uncle? Ok, so, what's amazing is the approach that the New York Times gives to the leftist uncle versus the approach that it gives to the can. Served of Uncle SAM conservative uncle is a full on more on the candidate. Leftist uncle is in fact a well stated, well reasoned blue state, rural? As I'll give you an example, I went through this last night just curious to see what the New York Times recommended in terms of how you should argue with your uncle at Thanksgiving interest.
Shows you are. Then your time stands on this sort of stuff. This piece is written by Karen Tem areas was a former psychiatrist and the founder of smart politics, so they have a couple of bought you can either argue with your angry uncle bought, who was conservative or UK, are you with your your liberal, angry uncle bought so here is here, is what the conservative uncle bought says. So the the conservative uncle according to the New York Times has Trump has been great for America. Just look, The economy is booming, and then it gives you a series of of answers that can possibly give, including from spin good for the rich or because you're on the left right. Is you being I'm left, saying Trump and good for the rich but I've everybody else or you saying how is the economy been for you now? Here's the pirate gets really funny You say so it's it recommends. The recommendation, if you are a liberal argue with your conservative uncles, has trumps been good for the economy. Is it you're supposed to say so how are you doing financially now? Listen to how the New York Times rigs? This conversation.
Your conservative uncle is supposed to answer. How am I doing not that great actually but things would have been worse under Hilary. Ok, first of all need from economy has been very good across the board, with an average wage gains for the first time in years under President Trump. So the nearest and is rigging the conversation, so you're conservative uncle is more on who has been in poorly under the Trump economy, but is gonna, argue Hilary would have been worse is really amazing and then you're supposed to say what are your biggest economic hurdles right now and then Your uncle is supposed to say my biggest hurdles, while no matter how hard I work, I can't get ahead. I'm living paycheck to look out Your time is rigging you're, a conservative uncle right, you're concerned Uncle loves trump, but a struggling to get ahead is living paycheck to pay check is struggling in the best economy in modern history, and that's that's other rigging.
Conversation so, of course, of your liberal you're. Gonna, win that conversation, of course, rather than it's amazing right. This is this is their model conversation and then you're supposed to say, so you feel pretty and secure money. Why? Despite how hard you're working and then you're a conservative uncle is false? yeah. I do feel insecure money wise and I dont know how long I can keep up so there's your time is rigorous and if you're a liberal discussing with your conservative uncle, then it's very easy because your concern vehicles, a moron who has never made a dollar and his life and is suffering under the trump economy. Despite the fact that the economy is booming, now flip the script and is how the New York Times recommend that you argue with your conservative uncle. Your concerns are how you argue with your liberal uncle right. Here's how the new times reckoning. You argue with your liberal uncle, so liberal uncle says we need Medicare for all health care is a human right and you are now supposed to say. Ok, can you tell me more about that and then your uncle say your uncle is supposed to save your liberal
I more say more about it. Sure no human being should go without healthcare just because they can't afford it and then you're supposed to say well. How do you think we should fix this issue uncle being a brilliant, a brilliant, well reasoned professor is supposed to say how to fix it. Many people, can't you afford medications or primary care. If we expand Medicare to include everyone, those people can get the help that they need and then you're supposed to say. So you think the government has a responsibility to make sure every person as basic Healthcare is that right and then your uncle says a right to basic health care. Yes, it's right. Everyday people die needs, play in this country because they can't pay for medical treatment and then you're supposed to say. I agree, No one should have to go without medical care because they cannot afford it too. In other words, if you're a conservative, arguably through liberal uncle on Thanksgiving you're supposed to agree with him, Ok, if are a liberal, argue with your conservative uncle you're supposed to point out to him that he's a poor moron This is how the New York Times says. They should argue with your uncle on Thanksgiving, no
now there's no media, buys it all. None none, no media, biased, stairs astonishing. I love it so much the New York Times doing humans work to prove just article They are every single day I'll get me while I want to get to Hollywood, which is about to launch a brand new movie, the robber excited about, but first, let's talk about your impending that so it's always possibly be there. On Thanksgiving Tuna, Pisa, Turkey and boom gets caught her throat sitting there and as your life passes before your eyes, you think shouldn't I've got insurance when that honest marble well before Thanksgiving now be a very good time to get life insurance because having life insurance is good feeling. It means that you feel safe and secure if she choked definite piece of Turkey, Your family will still be taken care of, and they will have to cart. You off the paupers grave go check out policy gene since the easy way to get life insurance online. In just two minutes you can compare quotes from the top insurance to find the best policy for you and when you compare quotes you save money. It's that simple policy geniuses helped over four million people show
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Whenever Hollywood makes he's a movie that is so called Oscar Bait, I it is, it is basically just going to be a left wing claptrap version of a mediocre story like the shape of water, which was just awful, but there is a a new that there's a new movie that is coming out. According to Hollywood importer, and this new movie is called vice. Well, what it is about glad you asked what it is about is Vice President Dick Cheney, did we need another movie about to change, did
the movie about vice president of, of course. Not. This, in fact, is just the latest attempt to go administration, the Bush administration, but there's no telling their there's someone telling about this. So is again. This is not the first attempt to get the Bush administration. There is a movie called W with Josh dramatically, which failed dramatically to box offset like a twenty four million dollar budget. Without without publicity and advertise without piano, it lost money. The box office there is another box office bomb call truth with Robber Redford about Dan Rather's attempt to take down George W Bush, but the military service. That was a bomb. There was a there is a movie called you're welcome America, which is a Broadway play starring role, feral, where will Feral basically paid played George W Bush as stupid, JEB Bush. None of these films actually didn't business, but that is not stopping at a Mackay was the creator of HBO succession and say: yes, it did
short from taking on w and vice president training. So what exactly is driving this Bush left office? Ten years ago last I checked my calendar. Why are we still doing movies about George W Bush when the only movies anyone is ever made about Barack Obama are about how he kissed his then girlfriend Michelle Obama and tasted like chocolate, which was an actual and actual movie on Afflux it? Why why we still Bush, while bouquet well, because anaemic. I hate Bush when he says that he went to a victory party for John carrying two thousand for is everyone you could imagine. Was their Tom Hanks, Nicole Kidman will feral does ones and we're like. Oh they're, going to lose, there's no way. You'd reelect these guys after disaster, we just had remember Frank Rich- was on the phone and he's like it's over and within two minutes. The entire party and cleared out this movie is going to sixty million dollars a day. Sixteen million dollar budget for a movie about Vice President Cheney, in which christian bail puts on forty five pounds,
who plays Cheney is a Machiavelli and double who wants to send american troops into harm's way to maybe a rich Halliburton or something the cast of is huge, include SAM Rockwell as W and Steve Carell has Donald Rumsfeld and Tyler Perry as Colin Powell. Hey Cheney was far more powerful than w, because W is stupid. But here is the punchline: hey here's what he was going to say said she said I would choose Donald Trump over Bush and Cheney. Donald Trump has no beliefs.
So I would take the hyena, the random wild animals running through the White House over Cheney any day of the week. Now. The reason that I point out this out is because it just demonstrates that all of the wise that the left tells about why they don't like President Trump they are just that there was in the left, doesn't like President front because president trunk is not a leftist. It is that simple, they hated George W Bush. They hate Donald Trump. In fact, as Mackay says he hates George W Bush more than he hates Trump, not because George W Bush was less classy than tromp or something, but because George W Bush was more ideologically conservative, then Trump, the left, hates conservatives. The Hollywood left despises conservatives not because they are classless and not because they say things on twitter that offend and not because of not because they they
say weird things in public. A press conference is not left hates, Donald Trump, for the same reason that they hate George W Bush. He is not a left winger and in fact many of them hey George, W Bush more than they headed from, because they think that Bush was more right way, which, by the way in terms of governance, is not even true from his governed significantly more conservative. Then President Bush covered it with this demonstrates that so much of left, his thought is based on just school, born, sneering, scathing, scorn against people or conservative policy. It has nothing to do with the personality of the commander in chief. So when you hear people on the left, you know, Donald Trump has really rob. The oval office really robbed me of loss of its dignity understand. This is not why they dislike President trump it it's like President Trump, because president trumped does not agree with them on politics. It's the same reason that they hate President Bush. They hated President Bush, because Bush should not I agree with them on politics now. What this has led the right to do is nominated and elevate. Somebody like President Trump. Why? Because President Trump is fighting a cultural battle with these people.
Hollywood, have been sneering at us for decades and president from is willing to get down in the mud with these folks and say that and say you guys are gross? Nobody cares what you have to say: you're idiots and call the names, and that's very appealing to water folks on the right, because if you treat us with with scorn. Then we ve been waiting for somebody to punch you guys back and that's what president from is so. In other words, it is the leftist hatred for President Bush and for Mitt Romney for John Mccain that lead to President Trump, because you guys, scorned, all of the conservatives who use I did as corrupt and evil. Then we said: ok, you know what obviously being classy a nice doesn't matter. You people in effect We need somebody here: who's, not gonna, be class united because you don't deserve classier nice, your jerks. You deserve to be smacked in the head as hard as humanly possible. No can do at this guy over here this guy with the hair that I can do it. It is because of people like Adam Mackay, Donald Trump, is president.
Now now we can take this too far on the right here. The cause of the problem for conservatives is that Adam Mackay and his colleagues are not the target audience its entertaining for us that anaemic K in Hollywood gets lapped right. That's that's great. I enjoy it too, but there's a bunch of people in the middle of the country who don't really like atomic case, take on conservatives and they don't like to slap back from the right and what they actually are looking for is somebody who can punch back from time to time when appropriate, but somebody who does bring class do the oval office. If President Trump can can find that, if you can find that happy since her and you will win re election, if you cannot and there's a good shot and he won't, but it is important to remember what exactly drove the the movement behind President Trump. What drove the movie behind President Trump was two things the interest I deal by the left. That said, there is a new coalition of the dispossessed. There is growing I'm and was going to put its boot on the throat of concern. What is in the middle of the country?
conservatives and that all the countries that you know what now we're not doing this, and then it was cultural Hollywood. That said, you guys are all rooms, you guys are all morons or you guys are all corrupt and evil, and we send you know what you gonna do. That's us calls bitter cleaners and cling to God and ones and seeing a phobia, we're going to nominate this guy over here. Who smacks you guys as hard as possible in the face of grabs. You like a member of the three issues by the nose, then pokes you in the eyes of his with his index in middle finger. It that's the guy who we're gonna pick and guess what, in cultural terms, its actually working the White House, correspondence dinner actually had to revise its entire way of doing business in the White House. Correspond centre, which is supposed to be nerd. Prom is we're all the journalist get together with the Hollywood folks and they go at Republicans in the name of journalism. Until now they have decided they're, not gonna, host a comedian anymore, who just goes there in written to president trumpet Republicans instead, they're going to bring Enron churn out biographer of various president's and instead of being nerd prom with comedians. In comedy central figures, it's going to be an actual,
historical lecture by IRAN, churn out and it'll be about journalism. So, president from somehow fits the White House correspondence creation dinner. Why? Whose Eddie was angry, though He said he wasn't coming up, and so he ended up fixing the dinner. This, of course, made Hollywood crazy, Michel Wolf, who made a name for herself. Last year at the White House, correspond associations, ITER earned herself a Netflix series that was cancelled and about thirty five seconds, because she's garbage job she actually tweeted out the White House. Correspondence association are cowards. The media is complicit- and I couldn't be prouder- well prouder of what of basically finishing litter, of destroying dinner, that the media destroyed themselves and President Trump allowed them to do it these cultural battles are one of the reasons the right loves. President Trump there's great benefit too, that there really is. There is also a certain amount of risk to it that we on the right would do well to acknowledge. Because again, I dont think that it's a case of we have put one or the other. We can fight the culture war at the same
on that. We act glassy. If we can do that, will win. If we don't, then we will lose now. I you want to in just one second, give you the latest story from the intersection of circuit plus we'll talk about the Democrats, who are a little more cohesive than you might think, we'll talk about all of that in just one second, first, let's talk about your underwear deeds. The holidays are fast approaching. Things are about to get uncomfortable between the crazy travel schedules and awkward family gatherings. Now is not the time to deal with what. Thankfully, there is Tommy John, the Revolutionary Clothing Company, that is redefining comfort for men and women. Tommy John is the most comfortable underwear on the planet. They could be need nestled, all in one place, to the perfect gift, especially Due to constantly adjust Tommy John Underwear sport to know what you guarantee would have super helpful for me in high school, comfortable stay put, waistband, arrange fabrics. Luxuriously soft featherless, moisture working breathable designed to move with you not against you. That means no bunching, no riding up, so if you saw in the wondering if Tommy John would be a memorable gift thing about the fact that you're not gonna have to watch your friends
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answered. I Michael Malls, one of those seven people who are members of nose, immediate family and you're, going to actually need to pay us Ilusha Cross, will also be there to host the show and keep northern in line which, as we all know, is a difficult job. Do just has a weird habit of taking off his clothes in the middle of the office, and it really is quite terrify this month, episode stream live on daily, wires, Youtube and Facebook pages they'll be for everyone to watch. Only subscribers can ask the questions that we have a question. Want. An answer then go check it out. Right now, You know our Sierra gets you all of the affirmation wonders plus this. They left his tears. Hotter cold tumblr cast your eyes upon this grand piece of vessel where it is just spectacular and you'll enjoy every second of owning it is. It is an amazing amazing piece of software machinery, but it's a gets up. Its great it's cup go check that out right now also lower Youtube, and I too subscribe
leave us are viewed Itunes, ITALY's houses with a ranking railways, pressure where the largest fastest growing conservative, podcasting, the nation, and so before we get to the craziest story of the day, now we're talking here about the fact that Republicans can be sucked in, I think, by Hollywood's hatred for Republican. Into fighting this culture war in the culture war, is really important. I want entire book called primetime propaganda about how folks on the left, use the cultural means, a distribution in order to try and harm concerted how they speak in service as lesser lesser human being the latest example, is moving their spending sixty million dollars on just to make fun of Dick Cheney. Like this. A perfect example of that- and this is why people on the right really love President Trump, because he doesn't take crap from people died, because when people malign him, when people maligned conservative, he is willing to stand up and say no and that's great. It really is good, but it is also important to wrecking
They have to appeal to the middle of the country and cannot rely on Democrats making mistakes right now. Narrative, it's going round on the right, the democratic sort of falling apart- and this is being pushed by some folks on the left, who want to see a in Inter nation warfare among Democrats or, for example, that pushing this idea that six. Democrats, have released a letter pledging not support House Minority leader Nancy Policy to be speaker of the house. The letter indicates Mcclosky has there of a math problem, but she's gonna be able to overcome the opposition for signature. For starters, there are supposed to be seventeen signatures, Representative Marcia Fudge of Ohio, whose deeply radical was toying with the speaker on herself, but she was removed, from the letter- and this is the important point is that focus on the right are waiting for a Bernie Sanders versus Hillary Clinton, brawl free for all in the Congress. There are thinking the Democrats are going to schism the way that they did in twenty. Sixteen, I have my doubts that are actually going to happen
I think that that's that's, probably an overview of the situation. I think that the Democratic party and policy particularly, are clever enough that they can act as though there is a schism without their actually being a schism. The best evidence that this is the actual case is Alexandria cause your Cortez. So a lot of votes on the left have been suggesting that people on the right are paying outside attention to a cause. Your court has it's one of its point of great irritation to me. If you elevate somebody to elite position in your party and then we point out that this person doesn't know things about politics. That is not our fault. That's your fault! For elevating that persons will lead position. I don't remember, left taking the same position about, for example, Sarah Palin when they marks living daylights out of Sarah Palin for stuff. You didn't even say I don't for them saying well, you know, ketamine of us to mark the serpent. They said you picture for VP. We get a marker ok, Alexander Abkhazia, Cortez you elevated her. We get a marker that said, o cause. You're Cortez is proving that the left wing of the Democratic Party is willing to work with the mainstreaming of the Democratic Party there willingly
party overall to left and they're, going to pledge fealty to the current leadership in order to do this or cause your Cortez, for example, has now back to Nancy closing in this battle She says that people who are criticising Nancy Plus, you don't understand the wonder of Nancy Policy, and I do think that we got send to come. On a mandate to change how government works to change our government even looks like, but if we are not on the same page, about changing the systems and the values and how we're gonna adapt as a party for the future, then what is the point of just changing our party leadership just for the sake of it, and she is shit. This is this is smart politicking by Alexandria, Abkhazia, Cortez before the right thinks that the left is gonna fragment? I don't think the left is gonna fragment and twenty twenty the same way that they didn't twenty sixty. If Bernie Sanders runs, he's not gonna, be running hard against the establishment candidate. There is no establishments appointed candidate. They got rid of the super delegates. That means
we'll be a hard fought primary campaign, but in the end the Democrats are going to unify around someone in a way they did not unify around Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton, Circa, twenty sixteen, so we shouldn't be particularly sanguine about exactly about the Democrats. Caving in and again the Democrats instead arduous moving to co, opt their own base. There remains from democratic party has embraced talk of voter suppression and voter fraud. There mainstream characters are saying the same thing as members of their base its dangerous stuff, but it is an indicator of the devil
product party is in fact unified. So opposition creates unity, it does. The Republicans were more unified and opposition to Brok Obama. Then they are when it comes to governance. The Democrats are exactly the same way that more fragmented when they are in power. There are less fragmented when they are in the opposition right now, the Democrats or in the opposition. This gives them the power of unification, and, if republicans don't recognize that, then they are making a crucial political error. Now, with all of that said, the Democrats, as I say, are moving radically to left. I have a couple of stories to prove that we shall get too in just one second, so story number one proving that the democratic removing radically to the left is quite fascinating right now there is a battle inside the far left. Hard core base of the Democratic Party is whether Anti Semitism is ok. This is broken out
the open with regard to the women's March, so according to James, bear it over a daily wire. The leadership of the women's March has come under fire from some of the groups once most vocal support, including the woman who founded the group and actresses Alyssum alive. Endeavour. Messing embattled leaders have since respond its criticism with an intersection, fully loaded statement, blasting its critics earlier this year. Feminist tally, gold, chef launch, a change that oral petition, calling on the leadership of the women's March Bob Land to make a Mallory Linda's. Our soaring I'm impressed resign setting their affiliation with and refusal to condemn, notorious racist, bigot and Anti Semite Louis thereupon, the petition reads many feminist refuse to join the women's March because they did not feel comfortable with the current leadership now. Women's Marsh participants also no longer feel represented by this organization due to the behaviour of its current leadership, and so they say there are mark behind those behind those leaders, leaders both mulatto messing disavowed, the women's March due to its current leader,
Shep. On Monday, the woman's marked founder woman Teresa shock after her voice to the growing course a feminist calling on all these leaders to step down for now bigotry, racism, anti algae, BT, sentiment and Anti Semitism to become part of the platform she called for the current cultures to step down and let others lead, we can restore faith in the movement and its original intent, The leaders instead fire back and they said that they will not step down. They said that we don't know everything we have caused harm at times have responded with her, but we are committed to learning and we're Building, an intersection movement, our daughters and our daughters. Daughters can be proud of now Do I think that the women's Marshall survive all of this, because I think instead, we're gonna see, is the mainstreaming of Anti Semitism. What you're going to see is the way
growing, more radical and every conceivable way, including the mainstreaming of Anti Semitism. The latest indicator of that mainstreaming is not just the embrace of two congresswoman overtly called for a boycott against the state of Israel, but the mainstreaming of that sentiment among corporate entities that reside on the political left, Araby envy the home rental company that is often used by tourists. Departments and locations around the globe, for example, announced yesterday that it would not allow jewish settlements to be listed in Judea and some area. In other words, they say that, few of our a Jew and you live. In a fraud in Israel. They will not allow you to rent out your apartment on urban, be. This is a sheer form of corporate anti Semitism but it's ok with the West, because Anti Semitism is ok with the left so long as the Anti Semitism is coming from people or more dispossessed than the Jews. This is how it works in inter sexual world. Not only did urban be specifically target israeli settlements, they only targeted Jews. Isn't it works
saying that they want runs an apartment and brought it said they won't rent any jewish own departments. Rights of you're, an Arab of Christian Muslim. Then they will allow you as long as you're, not a Jew. They will read your apartment in fraud, but if you're a Jew, They will not allow you'd rent at your apartment in a fraud on air being be urban, be lists apartments in Turkish occupied Cyprus, Moroccan occupied Sahara, Chinese occupied Tibet, Russian occupied Crimea there and support when, in some of those dictatorial places all around the world, but they will not allow a Jew to rent out his apartment in EAST Jerusalem, where he is living legally in. This is corporate anti semitism and it's totally okay with the far left, because again, the far left is unified, Democratic Party. What we are seeing is a radical position of the Democratic Party, because it is easier to move with the radicals than to cast out the radicals. The democratic party is becoming more more dangerous because they are indeed a cohesive force. These battles do not carry any real weight between people who are against ETA
Semitism in for Anti Semitism in the Democratic Party, the radicals are gonna, went out and their good shift the mainstream over to them. Whenever I hear folks on the left, Where are the right as radical recognise that the right in this country has not shifted its political position since twenty ten, all movement on the political spectrum, all every bit of it, has come from the American left, which is moving further and further to the left and cohesive in that move specifically now, because they exist in operation in opposition to President Trump now. Sometimes this radicalization has some pretty funny side effects: visitors, a great story in women's resource entered eastern Michigan, but the high bush on its production of the vagina monologues. Why? Because it was supposed to cater to women and not all women, have vaginas is a real Sorry, Eastern Michigan is now not allowing the vagina monologues because it's about women- and there are some transgender men who are women pretty spectacular stuff. Is that guy? It's funny, but it's more sad and funny, because, unfortunately this is that
which left is chosen to move a sane left will be better for the country than an insane left, but I dont think that that is in the offing anytime, soon, ok time for a couple of things that I like and then some things that so things that I, like women, doing some William Goldman stuff this week, because he passed away last week he wrote probably the best memoir on Hollywood ever written called adventures in the screen trade, a personal view of Hollywood and screen writing and the book is just fantastic. It talks about all of his. Surf stories from Hollywood, how he got in the business. His dealings with various studio, Anthony's and studio, heads and actors and writers is really fantastic. It's a great, quick read! This is one of his two great books about Hollywood. I'll, probably recommend the other one It's really worthwhile! So, if you're, if you're looking for fun read during the thanksgiving, we can go check out adventures in the screen trade by William Goldman. Ok, other things that I like so damn. Crenshaw is a Congress person from taxes and down. Crenshaw is just spectacular.
He was on one Sunday shows and is on face the nation on CBS and won the democratic. Just the that suggested that president undermining was undermining all of the key American Dan and Dan Crenshaw, who is Navy seal who lost his eye. Fighting in Afghanistan, Dan Crenshaw has some of the best response I've ever seen on national television. It's just spectacular I was then, this house, my press, though, because its literally in a tower literally been attacked titillate. Today's letters are words carefully. Language is speech because an you talked about this actually is Allow me to use his own language freedom of speech, because an you talked about this. Actually it's important that we lead, for example, that we lead from the top and the way that our president, I agree with you there. I agree with you. There style was one thing: shorter, criticise style, I'm with you right, but to say it's an attack on the freedom of the press. That is a very bold statement
by calling the press the enemy of the people, the latter language literally most of the cycle. We agree, and I don T get it here exactly right, but I love that she says it's literally in the hackler pricing. No, no like see this right here This I back that was literally and attack the. It is amazing how people have have radically changed the nature of the language nor to fit their attacks on President navigate. One more thing that I, like so Kate, can is leaving ESPN. You may have seen her on first take in around the horn. He serves as a fill in host on outside one. Why is she leaving she's leaving because she says to continue with ESPN? I would have to be immersed in the day today in sports that I found myself more interested in other aspects in sports, like how can I start culture that was not going to be big business and ESPN? I desperately hope so. I desperately hope that he has can returns to covering sports last night's Monday night Football game under way between the rams and cheese was utterly unbelievable, haven't covering sports, because that's what people like watching their currency, Kate, Fagin comment about algae BT,
bicycle races. No one cares about that crap! That's not! Why turn on yes, Pierre? But yes, Pierre, has lost ratings for one reason, because you cannot turn on yes paean without getting social justice warrior discussions about just how heroic Caitlin Jenner is or how heroic Fallon foxes, a man fighting women in you, FC bag. I am so glad if European is ousting all the political actors on european good, that would be great because they obviously won't have anyone whose remotely right wing on the network they fired. Everybody else this this this, this woman, Kate Fagin. She says I I think I thought at one point that I wanted to do a show and made women sports really cool. I thought there could be a show in some of the ten general topics, eligibility issues in mental health. Five years ago I thought I could hope to show that introduces new female characters to women sports world. This in this Isn t espionage fall, but I'm not that I have now. You know why,
that show wouldn't lie, because no one cares about women soccer outside of the women's World CUP every four years. When we all pretend to care about women soccer care about women's telescope, women's tennis is really good. No one cares about women's basketball and no one cares about algae BT issues. In a locker room in female across it turns out what we actually want to watch games where people hate each other and whole balls and then throw them to each other. Like that's, that's what we one, that's all we ve been asking for. I used to get up at six in the morning, so I can watch the highlights on sport center. I have not sport centre for seven years because of their political bent, I am not the only one who feels this way, and so if he has been decided to move backwards, ports that would definitely be an upgrade over the garbage. They ve been programming for last several years, ok time for a couple of things that I hate so hearings California, obviously been having some massive horrendous, while very probably hundreds dead,
Northern California wildfires shall be grad. Is the assistant managing editor of the allay times and shall be great Tweeted out the jury Brown. The governor here, who is one million years old in actual, remembers the places in he. Actually she shall be tweets out. Jerry Brown told the truth about California fires that no one wants to hear. What is that truth? That truth is there are too many people. I love that for the left, when you suck at being the governor, you just have to claim there are too many people, it's amazing. So if you're on the right and people on Loveday Income inequality right income, inequality has existed in every site it every time. The only thing we should be worried about is what the impoverished in the United States, are able to grow economically. Then they set off your ignoring you're, ignoring hope, you're ignoring change, but I will know inequalities existed for all time. That's it that's a reality, but if you're on the way,
when you say yeah bunch people than die, wildfires too, there are too many humans. Then like good answer. Good answer here is what turns Jerry Brown says. As you know, we ve had fires for long before the European strode up here, and our indigenous people had a different way of living. Nature for ten thousand years there were never more than three hundred thousand people living in California. Now Forty million. We have a totally different situation here members, because ten thousand years ago Jerry Brown was there. He actually observed how many people are theirs is so it's not one thing its people, its help. People live it's where they live. It's the change in climate and the truth is we're. Gonna have more difficulties, except, as it turns out, Jerry Brown fully understands why the wildfires have gotten so bad in the state of California in no other wildfires forgotten, so that, instead of California, because of state policy that stinks pay back in August, he basically acknowledged as much The Santa Cruz Sentinel reported back in August before the wildfires. The brown was proposing one of the most significant changes to the states. Logging rules and nearly half a century accord
Emily's naughty over daily Wire Governor Jerry Brown is proposing broad new changes to for he is logging rules that would allow landowners to cut larger trees and bill temporary roads that obtaining a permit as a way to thin more forest across the state. Under brows proposal. Private landowners will be able to cut trees up to thirty six inches in diameter, so long as their purpose was to thin forest or reduce fire risk. So he understood like a couple of months ago that one of the reasons the big fires we're having as means of crappy fire policy, is not just people on the right thing. By the way you know Trump tweeted out this and people like how? How could he? How can you quit this out nation has waited that using withdraw fire aid that was really was, but he wasn't wrong. Then it is fire management policies, native California that have exacerbated the risk of bad fires. How do I know this
mother Jones, the Communist magazine, they wrote a peace back in December called a century of fire suppression is why California is inflamed. This peace points out that, because they have not actually participate in fire suppression, meaningless, controlled fires, control burns. They get rid of a lot of the undergrowth when fires do happen. There are basically giant conflagrations according to their. According to experts like Sasha, Berlin is a fire ecologist. The biggest problem here is a hundred years of fire suppression and lead to a huge violation of fuel, was just dead and down trees from debris, from trees and plant materials and our forests and are woodlands as result of that, our forests and wetlands are not healthy and I'm getting more catastrophic fire behaviour than we were otherwise is Jerry Brown recognizes this, but I love that the media are basically covering for him and say you know what is the jury? Brown is bad at his job. Is that there are too many people living,
these are the same thing about the I love this. He did say the same thing with regard to the drought and the state of California, so turns out. We had several tens of millions of people in California, for as long as I have been alive of elsewhere, drought problems in California for his lungs I've been alive, we could have built all new infrastructure. We could have worked on desalination plants, we could have worked on ensuring though, we weren't pumping millions of gallons of fresh water out into the San Francisco Bay in our protect adults. Smelt there's lots of stuff we gotta done. Instead, Jerry Brown said there too many people living in a state of California. I love that's a good excuse there too. Many people have left always comes down to that. Abortion makes the economy better, because there are too many people. You know what we really global warming is banks there to me people, ok, so much which million people would you go to your yahoo you off here if jury, but I promise you Jerry. Brown is not interested in in killing off members of his own California constituency. I would imagine
It is incredible what you get away with if you happen to be on the political left. Ok, we'll be back here tomorrow with all the latest, as we approach Thanksgiving. I know, I'm in a good mood. Shouldn't you be in a good mood to command is not to be thankful for will be back here tomorrow to discuss all but I'm bench here this is the venture Barroso. The bench of Euro show is produced by sending a villa real executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer, Jonathan, hey our supervising producers, math is clever, and our technical producer is often Stevens edited by Alex Angora Audio is mixed by micro. Mina Heron make up is by just one over the bench. A bureau show is a daily wire for publishing production. Copyright for publishing twenty eighteen.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-10.