« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 614 - Crying Wolf About Dog Whistles

2018-08-30 | 🔗
Ron DeSantis runs up against a media eager to charge him with racism, the Democratic Socialists are on the march, and Cynthia Nixon goes mano-e-mano with Andrew Cuomo. Date: 08-30-2018
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Four republican gubernatorial candidate Rhonda Santas runs up against a media eager to charge them with racism, the democratic so It was there on the March and Cynthia Nixon goes motto. Imago with Andrew Cuomo. Adventure paralyses the bench of Hiroshima these are clarified. Something the phrase model a model doesn't actually mean man verse. His man. It means hand to hand okay, I wasn't a sexist common. They went Mano Amano. That's actually mean so, if you idiots start saying now the sexist comment it just cause you're stupid I think that foreign languages, so let's talk about today, but before we do any of that. Let's talk about your credit card that affect the Iraqi up those credit card charges. But you still means by money. While the reality is, you don't need to be wrapped up these big credit card charges that have the giant interest rates on the back and instead need to go visit. My friends over London Club with London Club, you can consolidate your debt or pay off credit cards with one fixed monthly payments,
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this and this insane media spin that he is eve in evil vicious recently. I have to begin today with the Pope retweeted something crazy out this morning. I dont know what Pope Francis thinks he is doing. I dont know what he thinks his job is. And listen, I'm not a catholic, so there are legitimately a billion people know more about Catholicism than I do on planet earth, maybe more than a billion people who know more about Catholicism than I do. But the basic information, as it has been conveyed to me, is that the Pope is supposed to be commuted in God's word on earth and use the vicar of Christ. Is this correct? I think this is the general idea. Well This is not sound, so licorice shall we say here is what he tweeted out today: We Christians are not selling products. We are communicating, lifestyle, I didn't realize he was actually gets starting on madman this week. But when Pope Frances As things like we, Christians are not selling products where communicating lifestyle. He met what to think a little bit about the lifestyle that he and the church have been communicating in the last few weeks. You know the lifestyle that says that a catholic Cardinal Carbon
Theodore mechanic can basically run around stopping seminaries. He's not gonna. Do anything about it that cardinal mechanic can nonetheless children and apparently that means that he should be put back in a position of public importance and that when other cardinals approached the Pope, the Pope basically chastises them, for there is an awful awful story- those out today about how Pope basically dealt with the mechanic situation. Apparently he made some sort of joke about mechanic being in the in the clutches of the devil hit. This is an article from from life site news back in July, apparently, Mccormick gave a speech, let's So did the story is that ten Mc Eric was digging in none. He was speaking in October, two thousand three Mackay, in short a conversation you have the newly elected Pope, Francis Mechanic, told the audio. Yet a very serious cardiac incident well who's the Vatican's ring between thirteen conclave. When Europe from the hospital to the cemetery where he was staying, his phone rang
It was the newly elected Pope Frances online enquiring about mechanics health mechanic relate this conversation with the Pope, quote, I told them then I guess my Lord still has more for me to do. The pope responded to Macao but on the other hand, maybe the devil did not have your accommodations ready and this RE told in a wash imposed story? Well, if it turns out that the Pope was aware of the allegations against Mc Eric and who is making jokes the devil, having as accommodation ready in two thousand thirteen. That's not good, that's pretty bad, and What was dead silence on all of this, as I mentioned yesterday, the media's treatment of this issue has been absolutely incredible just astonishing, because the media was all over the catholic sex abuse scandals of the mid two thousands when we had the Boston Archdiocese, which was caught basically covering up an enormous number of sex crimes, and the media rightly was after the the catholic Church for that. In a way, they vote that by would never been over secular institutions that engage in sex abuse when secular institution engaging in sex abuse, that's just par for the course. Once the catholic church,
and it's a huge or deal according to the media. It should be a huge veal in either case, but the media was going after the right folks back in two thousand sex. Six now, of course, India interest in protecting Pope Francis, because they feel that he reflects their political priorities. If you want to know what's best for the Catholic Church, never trust in your times the New York Times it's a pretty good indicator of exactly what the catholic church should not be doing, because you know at the New York Times editorial board with love more than anything else for all Catholics to stop being Catholic. It would like to see the catholic church utterly destroyed. They would like to see protestant churches destroyed, just as like that, just as they would like to see Orthodox, and destroyed. The secular media has an extraordinary bias against religion. Institutions that they see as being restrictive and repressive the individual freedoms, particularly on issues of sexuality, so if their upholding a particular pope, it's a fair bit. That hope is not a friends to traditional Catholic. Drain and certainly fair to say that the Pope's given these over last several months here are creating a serious possible.
We have a schism within the catholic church. Me there's a serious possibility here. They you could actually see a break in the Catholic, Asturias, Breakin Catholic Church for the first time in half millennium, That's not really an exaggeration, I'm hearing from a lot of catholic friends, I'm driving time, People who are politically conservative have a lot of catholic friends who are saying that this is making them seriously doubt the ability of this. Pope too, Can you in his current John there's no piece procedure for pops? he's there until he decides to step down. So it's it's a real problem and the fact that the Pope is tweeting. Out these nonsensical nostrums from Cosmo magazine. Just demonstrates that he never was the job of Munich. Listen there. There are. Those must have been very critical of pop Francis since day, one because very clear. The Pope Frances had a certain political spin, a marxist spin, on his own version of Catholic, doctrine and as somebody who doesn't have a dog in the fight other than I think, the catholic church is a deeply important institutions, the foundations of western civilization, and I think the catholic churches continued health
is absolutely vital to continuation of central values, the perpetuate the power and glory of western civilization. That's my stake in this, but I don't have a stake in this as a practising catholic because under question, that's at when I see the catholic church being brought low by its own leadership on the basis of political leftism, because whether Pope Frances things that he has to appeal to a different crowd in order to raise the raise the rates of conversion in poorer parts of the world or whether he does pandering to a leftist press where they actually believes this stuff, what he is doing it so obviously undermining the foundations of the catholic church. That is pretty astonishing again. The New York Times very pro Francis because Francis was every Five minutes they run a headline about Frances talk about him. Such reality because he's much more left on homosexuality, even while still supposedly, by catholic doctrine. They don't know never headlines about progress on abortion, of course, where he is Definitely, while within the sort of catholic doctrine it shows you where the presses
in all this, and it shows you why there are so many Catholics who are really uncomfortable today about the leadership of the catholic church. It's a serious problem, ok! So meanwhile, in the United States we are fighting over much less serious issues, because the future of the catholic Church has left important than any one election. That's happening in the United States, but demonstrating more of the press is just utter incapacity to tell the truth. Yesterday president absolutely insane over a comment by round his answers now: full disclosure. I know congressmen Santas, he's representative in the House of Representatives. He is the new Florida republican Google. Soil candid he's a down the line, conservative, I'm friendly with congressmen d- but even were I not. This is just a bunch of crap basically run. The scientist was was on Fox news. And he was talking about his opponent- a guy named Gilan Andrew Kill who's. The mayor of Tallahassee who also happens to be embroiled in FBI, investigation of this house, you mayors office, but more importantly, Andrew Elam is a very, very left, candies, thirty, nine years old is basically democratic, so
was like Alexandra, Cassio Cortez we'll talk in a little bit about what his victory in Florida means and how it happened, but run the sentence was talking about his opponents in this race because, basically a dead, even race and here's. What round? France has had to say, but I mean he perform better than the other people they are so so we ve gotta work hard to make sure that we continue. Let's build off the success we ve had on Governor Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting to stay That is not going to work. That's not going to be good for Florida. Ok! So, what's amazed about this. Did you hear anything in there that sounded really racist? Did you hear anything in there, the town, a deeply racist you apparently that was deeply raises a pair It was incredibly racist. Why? Because used the phrase monkey this up now monkey is as uses it herb is routinely routinely by all sorts of people. Here, for example, is a clip of Barack Obama,
using the term monkeying around, Obama being raises not exactly monkey something up, or looking around your clearly using it as a verb, meaning liking, Thank you. I, your tinkering with things it's legitimately and dictionary dot com is a ditch. The only definition, Monkey as a verb is to mess around with as literally the only the commission, but we are supposed to believe that Rhonda stance used the term monkey this up as some sort of dog whistle to racist in this text aware the end result is a ass. Man is its thing anyway, here is here is Barack Obama using it in two thousand eight, it's not as if it's just Republicans, who have market around with elections in the past. Sometimes Democrats have two yeah. Whatever people are in power there. The idea of this tendency to try to tell me in their direction, so monkey around is not enough, we raised this resign or racist phrase here. There's nothing that phrase that as racists, but it is racist, because you cannot use monkey,
Apparently socialist in the same sentence, or even in that sense he wasn't talking about Andrew. I'm being black right, which actions It would probably be racist if you use monkey and then you say like I don't want the milking it up by electing a black candidate that sounds racist right, sounds like you're, making overtly racist comments about the guy you running against he's that we want a monkey up the economy by electing a socialist led. Our state That is not a racist thing. I am honest. I am puzzled by the theory, I'm very puzzled by the theory so a pair, The theory is that Rhonda Santa's was desperately trying to reach out to the Trump voters already has in his pocket. Remember: Rhonda Santa's Randy, most programmes campaign in America. He run an actual add in what she dressed his kid. His baby in a trial once he and according to the media, out from voters, are racist, which means all the racist rarity voting for honest answers, but apparently was deeply necessary that he had that we had to somehow dog whistle to these five people, who about a guess, Andrew Guillaume, because you black by using the phrase it. Let me just remind you monkey it up,
that that was his actual idea. That's that's what he was going for. According to the media, is an amazing accusation again, so he was using monkey as a verb. Commonly used phrase in order to me can oblique reference to a now in order to appeal to people who, already voting for him. Linking the media wooden catch on and therefore driving an entire new cycle against him this imagine nations that defence had to go through Paraguay in order to come up with this racist dog whistled, the Genie of it. The sheer genius of it should boggled. Remember, of course, Alice's bunch of crap. Am I talking to second about the backlash and all this in its so dishonest? But First, let's talk about something. A little bit more enjoy Well, there's a new podcast out there that has an amazing story to tell you're really like it. It's called inside draws its written in here to buy my grams. You, the man behind inside cycle and inside the exorcist, is a look at the nineteen seventy five postponing hit draws the first ever summer blockbuster and how it was made. I love the movie draws, haven't seen it
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Andrew give himself the telling us democrat. We has has said in the past that the that his opponent like monkeys on his back, so you turns out. There are lots of ways to use the word monkey without actually making racially charge reference designed to elicit a certain response from the racist who supposedly make up your, but that's not gonna. Stop the Democrats from jumping on this in fully dishonest fashion They they did the same thing by the way to Mitt Romney back in two thousand. Six Mitt Romney suggested that the big dig in Boston, which I was there for this: they they were digging a tunnel and the drill got stuck accustomed billions of dollars and he's just the project was a tarbaby. Meaning that the the project was costing money and spend the money, and then you have to spend more money on it, and people pointed out that the phrase Tarbaby has a racist history, going back like the braer rabbit tales of the nineteen century and suddenly it was the Mitt romney- was making some sort of veiled racist reference about a tunnel project that's when IRAN, who is a member, they did the same thing to George Alan and Virginia. There is in there's an
the guy who is following his campaign at the behest of his senatorial opponent and the indeed following his campaign, not like native American, like India, from from India and George Alan said something, Why are you so guy following our campaign around or his name? Is Morocco or something? And then it turn Now the Mikado was a portuguese slur for black person, and so people set while the his use of the term aka was directed directed at the end the guy he's mingle read a racist reference to a random reporter in the out of the room in order to generate the base in Virginia and basically cause Georgian to lose the election mean George Ellen legitimately lost a senator election on the basis of this. It's why just a couple of days Oh here on this show when words Frilly underwear and the british word for underwear is knickers K and I see K e r s. I had to spell it out and explain exactly what word I spell it out and explain exactly what word I was using, because otherwise Media matters would claim that was using the inward
There are ninety. Ninety nine there's a guy in the mayor's offs in Washington, DC used word, niggardly, niggardly, mean stingy because nothing, to do what the Edward, but I was fired, for using that word back a ninety nine unite. So this is the part that this answers thing. That so incredible is that you need. The assumption here is that he was using the term monkey this up, knowing that the climate is such that it. Completely destroy his candidacy. Earliest harm is candidacies specifically to appeal to five people work and, above all, because they voted for Trump, which accords media means the racists. Yes, I'm sure the Yale Grad and Harvard law. Grad is secretly a deep racist whose attend to use a southern strategy and a state is likely to win already yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure, Everyone here is going for, but that's the media decide to push out. So here is Andrew Dylan's response. He says, of course, this isn't just a racist or was it a bull horn? It's a bull horn, which seems you know discriminatory against male cattle, but who might as well
in the handbook of Donald Trump, they no longer do whistle calls there now using full bull. Worn, and that was a boy what I've got to say about. That is that we have got to make sure that we stay focused. I think on the issues that confront everyday people, that was a bull horn. My goodness I mean, I think it is fair to say that the President of the United States has used more of this dog whistling. Then then, Rhonda Santas, like I think the Charlottesville thing was really egregious. I did several full episodes on this I was going to know what the President of the United States but to claim that the phrase monkey this up with reference to socialism destroying the economy is some sort of races. Dog, whistle or racist born. You know how I got from. I know
we used the phrase too much, but it's something that may be left needs to understand. The reason that Trump is president of the United States is because you cried Wolf too many times you keep saying that ever Republican, whoever makes any reference to something that has nothing to do with race is actually making a covert racist reference and using Richard Nixon nineteen. Seventy two southern strategy: this is the case you're making you claims that Mitt Romney was a racist, Mitt Romney You claim that John Mccain was a racist, John Mccain. Are you claimed all these people were rates in their home, Rhonda Santa's racist? You cry Wolf so many times over a dog whistle, and it turns out that when their actual dog whistles. No one pays attention you anymore, because basically here's what you do right, Donald from someone, that's actually banning eggs in guys got well. You know, that's a dog, whistle you mean like neurons dog whistle while yet, but but no as it were, he's a which rely many lying now, which one is it and the answer. Of course
is that they were lying to me. That's the real answer, but here's an MSNBC panel slamming wrong, just answers clay, of course, Jen Reuben, of Course Jen Reuben. The the right now, I'm a maiden scare quoted my fingers You can see me right now. I'm a maiden scapegoats of my fingers. Yes, General Ban, the in house concerned so conservative issues now to the left of bill MAR on many issues. Here she is MSNBC, explaining the descent of the vicious racist, with no evidence, of course, The centres is a trumpet he and racial hatred. He found fear of immigrants, and then I think, he's gonna come out in the campaign, because that's what these guys do when they can't help themselves. I think that it was clear racist. I look the remarked and even make any sense. It wasn't rational argument, our response to the key perception at hand. What he was literally talking about a socialist messing up the economy, and then he used the phrase monkey this up as opposed to mark this up or screw this up, or if this up for faith like that,
what, by this one does have media's gonna play this too Santas is obviously data. By this he dismissed the racism charges as this is. This is just ridiculous and of right to do with Ray Sharon, has everything to do with whether we in Florida to continue to go in a good direction. Building off this success or do we want to turn to laugh wing socialist policies which will absolutely devastate our state The Washington Post, however, was not buying this. The Washington post suggests that it is absolutely true that It is a racist statement. This is legitimately written in a newspaper. Right in a major newspaper in the United States, quote comparing black people per day. Golly Tall, aesthetically built black men like given to monkeys, apes or primates, is one of the oldest area types in history. No one did that here. Even use the word Mukoki as a noun like death. What and then the and then there is a full Four hundred word explanation of the history of comparing people, the monkeys, which is not what he did.
Leading american scientists in eighteen, fifty embrace scientific racism to conclude the blue. People similarities to AIDS was so significant, influence laws, policies and other decisions about African Americans. Yes, I'm sure that Rhonda Desantis is a scientific, racist from eighteen. Fifty two I'm sure, that's exactly what he was doing. The this idea entered american pop culture blockbuster levels and thus became more widespread. The early twentieth century films like Tarzan and can com and images depicting black people as eggs became common. It is black art during the Jim Crow ear of government sponsored segregation. What in the hell are you actually using? The scientists are using the census of being eighteen, fifty style scientific, racist. Because I'm being a Jim Crow Democrat, is that will you accusing ran this answer. Florida Republican of is that the direction you're going. And now I guess, you're, comparing him too rosy and bar who compare Valerie Jarrett to an ape but design. Where were the entire left media's, I can't imagine why people think the media lighted them it just its unthinkable to be. How can people think that the media lie to them now? Does that
justify the presidency. The United States is enemy of people, though it doesn't but Does it mean that more Americans are less likely to trust me? Get you bet your ass a meal The media- you won't cover the actual facts about Andrew given so now. Let's talk about Andrew given in just one second, because There are some things you should know about Andrew Pilumnus, beloved Democrat who they want to prop up to the floor. The governorship on the basis of lies about race, baiting, we'll talk about that in just one. Second, the first. Let us be clear. It is very tough, tough, these days to get people to agree on anything. As you can tell from the show every day, when the political fight every day, when the political muck very difficult to get people to grant it, but one thing that we can all agree on is that we ought to be saving money and the easiest to do that is to go register over at honey honeys reshaping till it automatically searches the internet for the best promo code. Every time you buy something online, I believe that every on, deserves the best prices possible and all the stuff they love, which is why it works and overthrow thousand sites, including Amazon Honey has already save people, eight hundred million dollars online. Eight hundred million
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Credit socialist along the lines of Alexandria, Abkhazia Cortez, which is to say that your convenience praise capitalism when he must but he'll general so the capitalism is a bad thing and you one of our most we're talking today, in which case we kind of one and analyze all industry or baffle, abolished profit motive. But we have to do this. Gradual would remove. All we want to see nationalize I'll industry or abolish the profit motive, and this we're talking or base, in which case we kind of wanting to analyze all industry or baffle abolished profit motive, but we have to do This gradual way I mean we want to start off with Norway, like Norway, where we have capitalist principles, but lots of social programme stacked on top of those capitalist principles and if a class, just a crap load of money, then we'll just do it anyway. So glum and regular is the issue mayor of tell a happy, as they talked about yesterday on the programme, the FBI's investigating the tell a hassle mayors office for use of public private contracts to toss money. To some of the unregulated sum of Gilan friends It is worth noting that Andrew rise is paid for by rich people. So an regulation is, is making
right now, specifically because their billionaires were backing is also important to know that Andrew give him one. This particular primary because he's running into three way primary and the vote split so much this and with it Martha Mcnally who want to pre clear cut victory we're pile and an Kelly Ward in Arizona. She one in part, at least because that vote was split at seventeen percent for our pilot, twenty eight percent for Kelly. Lord and the right person, one in Martha Mcnally, whose good candidate Airforce colonel, I believe in any case, the same sort of thing happen in Florida, where Andrew Guillaume, one this race, specifically because the vote split between two other viable candidates in the floor to raise both them and go, kill him, and he ran directly to the Latin ran the inside rail basically, but he was also backed by literally millions of dollars from liberal billionaires. Tom Sire dump mill. In, and millions of dollars into this campaign. George Soros millions does not conspiracy. Theory. This reported by the New Yorker give them had recognised that big, money in the Democratic Party, Tom's tyres money.
George Soros money is now on the left. Not the centre last year, given watch closely as Soros Cash helped propel progressive candidates to victory in several local elections, including the Philadelphia district attorney's race killing was familiar. With sorrows and his organization. The open society foundation a few years ago help launch a national matter. For young, progressive elected officials and the open sea, he foundation issues the group's main donors. This oral Skype he'd been the and Sears New York apartment. I dressed his board of directors, spring dine with him in San Francisco, when the two men happened to be in town Soros, committed tobacco aims, when its oil campaign, he says, If I'm remembering it correctly, it was. We don't know if you can win, but we would like what it could represent. I interpret it mean that will be significant to see a person of color taken seriously in the state wide race. It actually means that George Soros, Backslider Socialist, I know everything into a collar issue, but it has very little to do with color and everything to do with guns, economic policies, which are indeed extraordinarily left. When you would make up the economy, you would scrub the economy if you actually were to embrace
all these policies even give them understands by the way that if he runs to far left these actually honest about his own ambitions that hands up. Cutting the economy, so he was ass specifically about his Medicare for all plan, so my medical for all is what Medicare for all is what he's pushing justly Bernie Sanders. Like Alexander Abkhazia, Cortez sure it's gonna cost a minimum of three two trillion dollars crippling the federal budget over the next ten years. Sure it's went bankrupt. Virtually everyone in the country sure that minimum that it will cost installation costs a lot more than that that thirty two trillion dollars doesn't take into account renegotiations, doktor pay raises. It doesn't take into account all of the additional costs that will be necessary. Medicare can exist at its current levels, because a lot of people have private insurance. You Medicare for all private insurance disappears agendas, if I laughed so he's basically soft peddling it here his explaining that he won't try Medicare for all in Florida alone, because he needs a confederation of states which is a way to save but he won't try Medicare for all in Florida alone, because he needs a confederation of states which is a way to say I'm from Medicare for all, unless I actually have to bear the political brunt of Medicare for all.
If fell off of slaughter move in that direction, we would have to do it as a confederation of states are, we could not. Do it by ourselves so solely on the state of law, because it will collapse. System. We would only attract the sickness of patients and it wouldn't work. Listen people are terrified of getting sick there, the terrified of getting sick, because if they get sick, they can't go to work Did they can't go to work? They can't earn a wage, a patient away of one party granulated. Ok, I love the crystal There is actually feeding from the talking point on CNN you know you should say here is what you should say: is your paycheck away from poverty. If he gets and, under those again that's right, yeah, I'm exactly how Chris Cuomo coaches Republicans through this is well CNN. Your objective news network. I love that Andrew, given their basically explains the ration off, why Medicare won't work at any level. This is all it will do is attract all the sick. People will then overtaxed the system, and then you can have to pay for it somehow so We'll do it does not in Florida when I'm governor, So we should do it, I won't do it.
He'll be expensive and bankrupt the system, but we should do it May. I can't imagine my folks are looking at. This is a fantasy candidacy, but very easy to promise things that will never come to fruition. Gill em. And says I'm not a socialist, when he's called on all the stuff, you says: don't worry, I'm not a socialist, I'm I'm just a Democrat and the Democrats. That, maybe I shouldn't surprise, you didn't surprised me that the president is again creator. Fairytales on his ear. You, not Malaysia, quieter, having a socialist, no I'm Democrat around ran. As a Democrat, I am a Democrat and frankly, the values that a whole, I think, are consistent with the values of the democratic Party. In fact, They are the values shared by the majority, the Floridians now I do love about this. The most is that there is no follow up question from truck tottered MSNBC. Ok, so tell me the difference between democratic socialist remember actually asked and anti blowsy that questions you can answer. What's the difference between a democratic socialist and a socialist? What's the difference between the demo
Credit platform and a democratic socialist platform and Democrats won't answer it. So this is just fudging. Their way out of the back to their policies are completely out of the field, but give them is going to run a strong race now based on media. That wishes to push him to victory, we'll see how successfully the media can do. All of that. The irony of all this, of course, is that, because of this pushed left, that's been happening, at least in part. Thanks to a left wing media that was this kind of stuff, Other candidates are also seeing rise. One of those candidates delightfully enough, is Cynthia Nixon's Cynthia next in the former sex in the city, star whose political background, consists entirely of being the least likeable number of accosted included. Sarah Jessica Parker she is going to actually she's running and Chris against Chris, his brother Andrew, and they ve been running gun battle. Andrew Crisper, Stupidest Cuomo brother Chris, occasionally takes the lead, but then Andrew sort of surges, and will see that even today we shall present you see there is that Chris Cuomo, actually, the strong showing he broke out of the get real fast, but we'll see,
second did. Andrew Cuomo, really makes it a separate area like pull away at the end here of the shop forgets that just a second but first we can have to govern daily wired. Our common subscribe for nine ninety nine a month. You can get a subscription to daily word. I can't get thrust. My father s main reclaiming show the rest of Michael Moses show that something that your into also be part of our mailbag, which we are doing, tomorrow season. In all your questions- and I answer them for you and I make your life inestimably better in every possible respect, also, if you want the annual subscription, and for ninety nine dollars here you can get all of those glories plus left his tears, hot or cold tumblr direct from God to you. It is just particular in every possible way. The leftist yours, hot or cold tumblr you will enjoy, is also cheaper than the monthly subscription. So go check that out right now when you do, and you also Gunnar Sunday special. If you go to the Youtube page or our are Itunes paging, you subscribe with Sunday special our Sunday special this week, as with professor adviser, who,
is a theologian and philosopher, specifically with regard to sort of the traditional proofs of God's existence. So it's very deep stuff that we did on the Sunday. Specially have a bunch of upcoming guess, we're great as well. Christina hot summers is coming up and eleven actually is going to stop by for an hour or so we have a bunch of great guess. We're coming up, go subscribe right We always appreciate. We are the largest fastest growing conservative podcasting, the nation, as I predicted Cynthia Nixon debated Chris Cuomo, not Chris. Second, MRS Cresson, Andrew because again, who cares but Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York was debating Cynthia Nixon and, as I predicted you get in, in common with Cynthia Nixon? It's not gonna, go well for Andrew Cuomo, and the reason is not going well for Andrew Cuomo is cause. He actually has to govern the state he actually SB governor of the state Cynthia Nixon can sit on the side and talks MAC. Basically, she can sit there, and just yet Andrew Cuomo for governing the state and all he can do is
complain about how her performance and sort of lack lustre wait. Seasons of sex in a city. That's basically has only patch, so they have this debate, and it's just amazing to watch because it legitimately is like watching too small children club each other with frying banned. Neither of them have very compelling points to make, but they make them those militant possible way. As some of the two and a half year old son, I'm familiar with how two and a half year olds argue basically I won't ex me you can have any and then they lie in the four and they scream and kick that basically how this? when they went, but because one of them is the sitting governor of estate, he will small com noticing the inaction who looks like the surging. This and candidate, I would not be surprised to see operated her now. I would not be surprising synthetic simple at this rate. It would not surprise me in the slightest to cease in Phoenix and search from behind and at least make this a very competitive rates, re NASH, about thirty points behind the poles. But the poles are done infrequently and Andrew Cuomo is one of the more lacklustre candidate I have ever seen. He makes gas on a regular basis and Cynthia Nixon at least, has the sincerity of our convictions, and since we live in,
medical age or sincerity, is price. Far more than actually knowing things when you being sincere, is really really important, but he truly feels, as she truly believes, this that's much more important than Europe. The hell you're talking It appears that Cynthia Nixon, I think she won this debate. I think she wanted going away and really really funny. So here is. It here is Andrew Cuomo trying to critique Cynthia Nixon last night by saying that she lives in a fantasy world and listen to the audiences responses over hostile university wishes, which we firmly grandfather, Cuomo, he's running against the gas from Saxony, setting more important, lives in the world. The friction I live in the world. The fat. Let's see, ok this boy system is owned by New York City. Ok, the ring he's saying that is because she said that who Cuomo is using the empty, is an atm which is a clever wine is not exactly trophies actually right that the empty is one
by the city of New York and they have not been contributing their fair share. The state has been shipping in a lot of money, she's, not wrong, that he's directed money away from the empty and towards other projects, but the fact that he's getting openly booed in the middle of debates by people. This looks a lot like Bernie centres for solar eclipse. It looks like the anti establishment candidate versus the establishment candidate in the establishment, and it still has to pay lip service to you know the things that actually make the state run risk The annexing can sit there and say whatever she wants. Also Andrew Cuomo then participate in one of the great self owns I have seen in recent debate. History in this is a self own of epic proportions. You just have to use, have tools at its root the incredible losing sight of savings. Nineteen saving your new stop as soon as you do the UK. That is what we call an own goal right there. So he asked her to stop interrupting and she says I soon
you stop lying says, I will, when you do, take that logically, just just putting on your logic, half a minute. That means he just admitted that you, as all the time and he will stop lying is she's stops lying. So of two wires on the stage. What he's saying? What just why? you're the liar, or in a famous words of of president from you, the puppet you should have said something along those lines. Instead, he comes back with I'll stop lying when you, just as I say, in the running gun battle for stupidest Cuomo brother Chris had an early led this episode, but Andrew makes a very late come back, and this is the best parts of Andrew Cuomo goes after Cynthia Nixon and he wants to accuse her of corruption. So how in the world could he accused of corruption You suggest that she had engaged in corporate lobbying. What was for corporate lobbying she'd?
asked that the city of New York and that the city of New York not allow helicopters to fly over Central park, drink performances of Shakespeare in the park, because it was disturbing people's ability to watch the play. That was his example. Cynthia Nixon engaging in corporate hub good luck with that Andrew you already cooperation, will soon parisian you or I know you're doing any one's political. Can you re cooperation? I don't eight through my own region. I am person, but I do not make political contributions, but you might yet be real access to the irish rail occasion that it so funny to watch them. Go out this because again, it's too small children clubbing each other thrive. That's! What he is saying is that you are legally organizes corporation for purposes of taxes. Just like half of rich people in the United States, more
virtually everybody, because any money in the United States has an inch or LLC or an escort register. Everyone does everyone does, because you do that for taxpayers this because then you write off all your expenses into the corporation and the corporation files taxes ensigns you a check at the end the day. I know I'm organised exactly the same way. Anybody who as you earn. A certain level of money becomes beneficial tax wise to do this. So it's true it's in the annex and his cooperation. The grid irony of this regular debate is the both of them believe the corporations should be less involved in politics, but he's acknowledging and though she a basic truth. People are corporations races. Euro corporations goes I'm, not a corporation. I'm a person. Is you organize the corporation and says ripened? I'm a person read both your arguing that people should be able to politically so long as the organizers corporations, which makes no sense at all. But again is what you get When sincerity and socialist kind of talking point come to the fore, I do love that the same people proclaiming money in politics or bad, are going and hitting up George Soros and Tom
dire for millions of dollars in campaigns and the two people were running governor in New York are a very, very wealthy actress who calls himself a socialist and Andrew While the son of a governor of New York. And the brother of ASEAN and host, who obviously this is a guy, clearly brought himself up bootstraps music. I had a work his way from the boy, item of american society really grasping A bottom rung just pulled himself up step by step. Meanwhile, its worthy talking about the President of the United States, is now on a tear against Bruce or I'd. Be remiss if I didn't mention this, because this become a major issue. The president of the United States is ripping into Bruce or whose the former deputy assistant attorney general of the over the Department of Justice he
deeply involved in a variety of issues has been more than twenty five years at the Justice Department and he's drawn president trumps ire. So President Trump was was going after Bruce or suggesting that Bruce or his is security clearance should be revolts that he's been involved in an attempt to basically stop President Trump from from being successful from tweeted in the last couple of weeks quote roofs of the Justice Department can, you believe, he's still. There is accused of having disgraced Christopher Steel Finder on Trump cards with Nellie was in the act bigtime word for fusion Jp Ass Unpick does here. Then he continued the big story that the fake news media refuses to report is alive. Christopher he has. Many meetings with Deputy Agee Bruce and beautiful wife Nellie above any has to add the adjective it was fusion GPS, that hired steel to rightly phoning and discredited ass. You paid for by Crook, Hilary and the DMZ availing now is a good time to actually explain was going.
Here you see a lot of attention to Bruce or in the conservative media. So let's explain what exactly happened here. So Bruce or as a long time d o J official. He was friends with Christopher Steel and it looks like he was communicated with Christopher Steel. Even after Christopher Steal, the author of the fusion GPS dossier against President Tromp was basically cut off by the FBI, the F B. I said we can talk Christopher Steel anymore, because he was leading to media, and then it turns out resources still talking with Christopher Steel and apparently taken it information and passing it on to the FBI. So despite the FBI deciding who no longer work with steel Bruce or was trying to act and look like as an intermediary for steals information to get to the FBI now know. All of this is in the aftermath of the election. There, too accusation is that are being made. One of them has some evidential support. One of them has now what about Densher support the princess than the one that has some evidence to support the idea, the Bruce or whose wife, he does work, profusion, GPS, there's a whole nexus here. Nellie works for fusion GPS and Bruce. What's the deal J and bruises friends of Christopher Steel, Nellie hired
Bruce Nellie, hired crisper steel to at least in part, come up with this fusion gps dossier he then met with Bruce or with following him information or was following that the FBI, the the accusation one is being made that all this information is what let the continuation of the mother investigation and to the wire tap on on Carter page that all this led to the files that application against Carter page that diffusion she passed ass he ate was used as the basis for the final application against Carter Page and that it never should have been and was being basically treated corruptly by Bruce or because you won't get president drop. There is some evidence of that, although I will again note that the actual Pfizer application has a full footnote at the bottom of the application and specifically talks to the core about how this is an apple research piece of dossier that was handed by Hillary Clinton, campaign to the G J and the FBI? Shop is not entirely true. That the court had no idea. This is a piece of apple research and to take it with great us up. What are really
does raises the question of how easily defies accord actually gives out warrants for four wiretapping people. I think that it more goes to a systemic pro That's accusation of one accusation. Number two is the one that I haven't seen the doubts fully connected on and I try to as objective as I can in my assessment of which doubts have been connected so far. The doubts that are trying to be connected is what a lot of firms fans are trying to do is basically get to the point where they can claim that the entire more investigation in Russia Collusion investigation is fruit of the poisonous tree, meaning that was initiated in bad faith by opponents of President Trump. Specifically, stop from from being president and therefore the Mola investigation now is fruit of that poison history. It is poisonous as well, and Trump would be well in his rights to fire robber Mahler and therefore stop the investigation. That's the case there. Trying to make no problem with that case is that the. Original investigation according to Devon Noons right, who is the rub End of leading this particular investigation into the restoration right down,
it is the head of a House intelligence committee. He says that the George Papa Doppler Investigation, the investigation of the low level foreign policy aid who worked for Trump and was communicating with what appeared to be a russian cut out. That's what led to the investigation should had nothing to do with Bruce Ort had nothing The quest for steel, the accusation is being made, is the Bruce or increased for steel? That's the real reason that similar investing, it, was launched. The evidence isn't therefore that yet the best evidence they have is that Christopher Steel and Bruce, or met on July Thirtieth, two thousand in sixteen in the middle of the campaign and the next day the investigation watch. But it's our clear. That's! What launch an investigation usually takes a couple of months to actually initiate that process, so I have to say that final about is connected. If that final that is connected, then you have the serious possibility that the entire thing was trumped up. This difference by where, between the investigation not coming up with anything in the investigation, originally being trumped up for political reasons, there's a logical distinction between those two. We need to keep that in mind. So that's the story on Bruce or ok. Time for some things I like and then we'll get you some things that I hate so things that
like there's a series on Netflix thing is actually a: U S a series, I guess called the centre with Jessica Deal. It is dark. I mean like really really dark. It's pretty disturbing as well. The base Opener is there just Google is a young mother who just randomly stabs a kind of each, and we all know why she stand behind me. She doesn't remember why she stabbed the guy on the beach and it's it's really well done. Bill. Pullman gives a very good performance in it as well, so because, little bit of the pretty, it is in a sort of what its sharp objects. I guess I'm HBO, I watched the first few episodes of sharp objects and HBO is in so slow. That is almost a logical. I in fact it so slow that actually when I rarely do. I went on Wikipedia read the end of the plots. I would have to be able to get the last five episodes that show that this is what you are Objects should have been, which is disturbing by but unfold, but a well done sort of murder mystery. I hears it over the previous.
Where did you step in no interaction with no madame? Why that's impulse killing its emotional you have to do is worth watching. It's it's pretty compelling stuff and all the performances are quite good. I was there's this weird thing that seems to be happening on tv. A lot in this in the series bill, Pullman plays a guy who has guilt issues, and so he likes being tortured by women sexually. We ve all seen and billions is a thing like this is the thing a missing link. Suddenly tons and tons of people are into this because I can't think of much many things less sexy and being then having pain inflicted upon on me for sexual purposes, like that, it's just so weird Hollywood we're place. Now. It's nothing is known
We shall it's like. We ve tried all the different forms of sex, and now we have to go into the fringy stuff, so I'm just gonna like have every show feature somebody getting hit with a toaster in the face during sex. For some reason, its there's hasn't we're just sort of a weird side. Points that shall be, the show itself is is well done and- and I think what the watch certainly it is rated, are it's definitely inaugurated thing. Ok, so other things that I, like so Betsy the boss, the education secretary is prepping new policies on campus sexual misconduct, that would bolster the rights of students, accused of assault harassment of rape and reduce liability for institutions of higher education and encourage schools to provide more support for victims, all which sounds good, except the feminist. Don't like it, because they, like this vague standard, where, if a girl claims that something bad happened to or of any sort and anybody fight back against that that person basically loses their job and we ve actually seeing that in place like Northwestern, where Laura kept. This was a professor female professor was a feminist and north western University protested at the standard in north Western, where a male professor who
had sex of the female students apparently voluntarily and later she accused him of abuse of power or something and kittens said we met one actually see. You know, like the evidence shoes investigated by the university for that very reason, saying that Betsy Devices fighting back again set as well. She should the supposed camp. A campus rape epidemic is a bunch of nonsense. There is no campus rape epidemic. The actual Bureau of Justice Department Statistics show that Christina hot summers- and I talk about this about one in fifty three Women- are subjected to actual sexual assault The cap is not one in four, that is an order of magnitude difference. It's every rape is horrible, as I've sent a thousand times on. The show really should be castrated, recalled the worst crime even commit again somebody may include murder and that that does not change the actual stats and the fact that so many of these universities, Basically, run stalinist show trials based on no evidence and then get sued the back end, where we saw this in natural girl, Amazon CO, it's over it and why you? It's really bad sets a good for Betsy device than your terms, of course, is very sceptical. They say, unlike the Obama administration, guy,
in stock means the trump administrations. New rules will have the force of law nor the hen and can go into force without an act of Congress after a public come at period. Last fall in this debate. Kennedy. Two thousand eleven letter prepared by the Obama administration that outlined the responsibilities in schools and colleges that received federal funding to address episodes of sexual misconduct, victim rights groups praise the Obama or guidelines for aggressively holding schools accountable for complaints of sexual harassment, assault and rape, and they said had been often played down or ignore critics contended that they too often trampled due process rights, rikiu students, which is absolutely true. If you have you, seen the actual process on any of these campuses, it's insane. We have a criminal standard for a reason, and the idea that you're going to destroy a student's life based on a lack of due process seems fundamentally on America in virtually every way. It's it's an american process good for Betty devised for for doing all of this and again the reason that we take great socio. ITALY's, because the consequences for rape should be so serious. All of these fools and the feminist me who had been claiming that one
in four women on campus in sexually assaulted than they conflate actual rape. With a man going in for a kiss with a moment of woman turned her cheek and glances offer chicken that sexual assault. Now that's that's complete its complete insanity, ok time for a quick thing that I hate as you know, continues to push news that they can no longer back. Our president from has ripped into carbon. See now copper and scenes it or a port for the foreseen in suggesting that he knew about Trump Town meeting in advance. Now, do I fully trust the president that he didn't know about the Trump Tower June? Two thousand sixteen meeting in advance between his team and a russian back more so I really trust the president on that not really cause from, since last, a vain true man, I'm not gonna- can affect that that, but there has been no evidence presented to actually show that he did any of that soon and round. The story turns out. The story was basically provided by Lenny Davis, whose Michael Cones lawyer formulate night, and then he retracted,
so. What I didn't actually have knowledge of that trumpeted out soon and is being torn apart from within based on their being caught in a major lie in refusing to admit the mistake lobby. Carl Bernstein manually in the past, and things like a degenerate fool. Making up story after story is being laughed at all over the country, fake news, and so it is a classic from to it with all of the typical hallmarks of inauthentic aid. At this, the nickname, sloppy Carl Burns, in which I What what? What do you call Steve Banner was sloppy Steve also he has, as I said, I do think that this may only critique of president from sitting that he needs broader, a broad variety of nicknames he's actually start applying signifier still same people Hey he's an avenue one for Carl Bernstein like their lot words in the english language, little sloppy stupid and relegate it lets cumbersome synonyms, just just for the sake of just for the sake of riding. He also says that he
is that good, degenerate pool? I can't I will admit I have a certain fondness for the president using the term degenerate full just because we want to help me- and this is the world we live in now or we're in the circus might as well enjoy the shop, but but Carl Bernstein has indeed refer use to back down from his story, but he won't exactly explained how he knows. The story is rookie sort of bedding and eventually all come out that from new about the transfer meeting, because he knows that that face no concert. Once as if they never comes out, because the media want that story to be true, CNN fired back at President Trump. They treated back. Make no mistake, Mr President, CNN does not lie. We report the news and we report people in power tell lies. Cnn stands by reporting airports. There may be many fools in this story, but Carl Bernstein is not one of them. That is the school amish nature of sin and communications tweeting back CNN does not lie. We report the news again. It is this insistence that drives people up of rigging wall if they just ignore the president. Just let it said
everybody would understand that you known in great that the president always has fake news, but everything it doesn't like. It's not that great that he calls people degenerate fools he's the president of the United States, Eber Hamley. Can back in eighteen, sixty three wasn't gone rubbing, like my political opponents in the press, are degenerate, fools and other it's. It's not a thing to be. Fair, Lincoln was locking them up, but the present in the states now I probably should not be doing then. The modern media era, but when CNN says like them, then you have Chris Cuomo, who actively is feeding lines to Florida, Goeben like the Democrats of hard. For you to say the all you do is report the news. We're in seeing himself double down on this. He responded to trumps twitter attacks. He said real Donald Trump. I've spent my life as a journalist bringing the truth to light through administrations
both parties no taught will diminish my commitments. That mission, which is the essential role of a free press, CNN, stands by its story. I stand by my reporting. This is why the presidential really do this, because all it does is to elevate the people who are as hacking him its rice hand effect for people who don't follow sort of pop culture stuff. The striking effect is there is a person in environmental photographer. We took a bunch of pictures of California Coast and want to put a book about it, and there is like a map from above a helicopter shot and include a barbarous racoons house. Nobody had seen this photo ever and then by prostration and tried to have it taken. It shows you the guy, like ten million dollars, photographer trend, assume five ten billion dollars, and suddenly the photo was downloaded one million times, because people want to see what barbarous racoons house look like. The president has the power to me. Stories bigger, you really should be trying to make them smaller. I Andy and has a serious talent for that. That is not ideal. Final thing that I hate today, so cosmopolitan magazine in the UK has has put out a cover of this person who I dont know
HU. This is, but this is a very obese person, TAT holiday. It has holiday. I guess, is they they call for a supermodel I and the and she's on the cover. Yet she she's got to be at least a hundred pounds overweight. Here I mean this is this is a very obese woman, and the idea here is that this is body positivity no, how he skipped from Anorexia to obesity and missed all the women in the middle. Well, you ve orange body positively shouldn't we start with like a normal looking woman and I'm not saying that it is not normal for certain people to live genetic conditions to be obese. What I'm saying is that it probably is not a good idea. Fetch me is not the same thing is as health, shame and creating that you should be healthy, I'm not saying that it is this. Is this woman's healthy wait, fine, fair, again good for her, but I highly doubt that this is a healthy way for any person, let alone this person and treating it. Though, what the world truly needs is to change its definition of sexy to include people who are
dramatically overweight, I'm not sure what the positive impact that is, maybe of an people feel better, but it also is going to lead to a lot of folks not losing weight, who probably should lose weight- and we must be realistic about this America, right now in the middle of an obese epidemic, we're not the middle of an epidemic of people who are hard magically trying to be healthier. We're in the middle of a of an epidemic where people are trying to do Hurrah being healthy and then there being told that they should be fulfilled in their non health if there were just to put an like Bridget fantasy who who used to write for play boy and from the with her and she she treated something that, I think is exactly right. You basically settling I'm a normal looking forty year old woman. Why am I not on the cover of cosmopolitan, why? Why is it that we have to go from the rail thin super models who no woman s It looks like unless she exercises three hours a day and eat scale, or we have to go with it. Three hundred pound woman? Why can't we just go? like a normal woman in middle. If we want to glorify what the normal woman looks like mine can take like the average.
Why they again, when I see Normandy unlike informs normal distribution in the normal distribution of wait. This is on one edge of the distribution and then the rail, then supermodel on the other edge. The distribution is not to focus on healthy body image. When I focused on the people, the middle, we're sure living healthy lifestyles. Why is that so out of the box? But where but society where we have to take every french idea and then make it mainstream. When suggest, the only reason it wasn't mainstream before is because of evil evil, evil discrimination, ok time for something uplifting. Let's do US arms. Every week we go through some talking about some eternal values here, we're on solemn seven, this is a song of David I and its as Lord, my god, I take refuge in you. Seven deliver me from all presuming or they will tell me apart, like a lion and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me, Lord, my God, I have done this and their guilt on my hands. If ivory paid my ally with evil or robbed or without cause have robbed my foe, then let me and me pursuing overtake me. Let him trample my life to the ground and made me sleep in the dust. One things this kind of telling about the solemn is how confident this almonds. So this solemn, it's very confident about the idea,
there is cause and effect, and that, if you do something good, God will reward you, and if you do something I've got will punish. You was we he's in everyday life is clearly not the case. There are plenty of people who do bad things where reward and plenty of people who do good things who who suffer. But the idea here is that we have to accept gods just no matter how it comes so David was well aware that he was a center. I mean this is one of the different when people say Donald Trump is like and gave it makes up for the whole repentance part, so David was actually Roy. The well known in the Bible for being a guy who is penitent in the face of God, and what this song isn't it That is David, saying I'm innocent. Therefore absolve me, it's David saying will live with your justice, no matter what it is, I believe, I'm innocent, but I'm not going to buy your justice, is higher than mine, and you may have a different standard for justice. Then I do- and I think that that's why it s talking with somebody yesterday about my faith and whether my faith has ever been shaken, when I said, is usually from what I
But what I see from other folks faintly shaken in particular ways we number one is they see something bad happened among good, where the closest buddy and something that happens to that person. And then they say how could a good God allowed us and I've never really had such a problem with that? Maybe it's because I haven't suffered enough and I hope that that continues. Obviously that can never blame somebody. Who's undergone tremendous suffering and then just cannot live with the fate. The God knows better than they do a guy, and I understand the emotional, the emotional draw to that but It is true as its basic fundamental of religion that God knows better than you do and so suffering. I've never seen as a real barrier to faith. Christianity, in particular never seen sufferings barrier, faith and facts. What satanic it's a tenfold they threaten quite literally, torture and died for your sins of your question and Judaism. The idea is that even the greater sure, isn't Judaism suffered Moses dies before his allowed into the promised land suffering is endemic to the human condition and that something God knows more about than you do the second way the people lose faith
see members of their institutions do something bad. They look at other members of the Catholic Church of Catholic, where they look at other members, the jewish community. Just as there is an orthodox through whose rude and nasty out like that. I therefore how could this be a godly religion if you're judging a faith by the by the behaviour of its adherents? I think they are making a mistake, because your relationship with God is between you and God, and it's you on a desert island alone with God, because in the end, that's how we all die reckon it us a desert island alone spacing down our maker. It also true that religious people should understand that the easiest way to drive other people are ways to act with a bad person, and I think that that's particularly during the time and we're talking about scandals inside the catholic church. But, as I said before, these scandals exist in every institution, religious nonreligious, its incumbent on religious people to go out of their way not to have guilt on their heads of God, judge them to be guilty. That's one thing, but if its clear that you're guilty to everybody else, then you are complicit in the in the destruction of your own.
Religious institutions and you are complicit in what I would say is evil work already. We will be back here tomorrow and we will have all the breakdowns in theirs, plus Mailbag adventure peer this adventure Barroso, the bench of Euro, show, is produced by sending a villa real executive producer. Germany boring senior producer, Jonathan hey are supervising producers, math is clever, and our technical producer is often Stevens edited by Alex Angora Audio is mixed by micro. Mina Heron make up is by just while there then Shapiro Show is a daily wire for publishing production. Copyright for publishing twenty eighteen.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-11.