« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 609 - The Day After

2018-08-23 | 🔗
The fallout continues from the Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort, New York opens another line of investigation into Trump, and Trump leaps into the South African situation. Date: 08-23-2018
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The follow continues for Michael Conan Pollyanna for New York, open, another line of investigation into President Trump and president from leaps into the South Africa situation, I'm bench a pair of this is the Mr Barroso, you normally They called the summer doldrums because now what happens? But then there is the Trump administration and stuff happens. The time I'm to jump into all of in just one second, but first, let's talk a little bit about our national debt, its twenty one in dollars and counting that is at least a large chunk money. We all other countries or to our own. Funded liabilities is greater than the entire economic output of the United States. Or what is your plan for hyper inflation of the still fall out from under the economy? You can have to go inflation, hedge against uncertainty and instability with precious metals. Gold is a safe haven against us see. My savings plan is diversified and your should be too. I don't mean take all your stocks and sell it for gold, I mean so of your money should be in precious metals as a hedge against volatility in the mark.
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I begin today what the sort of latest updates on the microphone situation, because Michael Cone it turns out, is the greater threat to the President of the United States than is Paul metaphor. To recap, Michael Cone plead guilty to campaign financed by patients and he suggested the president had informed him and told him to commit these campaign. Finance violations. He'd instructed him to create all these shall corporation ends and avoid going from normal disclosure out in order to pay off to supper. Women, Karen Macdougall and Stormy Daniels with whom he had HANS had sex just before the action in order to impact the election. Now there are a couple of cases today as to why this is not surely legal violation, one of those cases being made by Bradley Psmith. I discuss this while the last couple days is a former chairman of the Federal Election Commission He has a peace over the Washington Post about this and what he basically arc is that? It is not a campaign expenditure when you are paying off a former lover. His rationale is that this is a personal expenditure you may be doing it for a variety of reasons. Maybe you're doing it, because you want to avoid taking off your.
That was John Edwards his case. He said that he silence real Hunter number, two thousand a presidential candidate. For the Democrats, he had knocked up a woman who is not his cancer ridden wife, because China, Brazil, is a piece of human trash and head basically had us dollars pay woman, a million dollars to shut up that ended up coming out here, not being prosecuted for his case was that he was paying off real, hunter cause. You didn't wanna take off his wife, it had nothing the election that was dubious. He was tried on it. There is Hungary and he ended up basically getting off, while that sort of the case that Bradley Smith is making hissing under the theory that then candidate, Donald Trump personal Attorney, Michael Cone violated campaign finance, laws by arranging hush money, payments to women, accusing Trumbull affairs. The answer would seem to be asked to the question of whether a bit in a sort running for political office. Deciding to pay bonuses to him to his employees would be a campaign expenditure. He says that that's a problem that we can't equate
everything with a campaign expenditure, everything you do in your own interest or that influences the campaign, can't be a campaign expenditure. You decide to give your employees a bonus just before the election that's not necessarily a campaign expenditure because maybe would have given their bonus. Your employees, in the absence of the campaign anyway Bradley Smith's as regardless of what cone agreed to in a plea bargain hush money. Payments to mistresses are not really campaign expenditures. It is true that counts Cohesion and expenditure are defined in the federal election campaign ACT as anything for the purpose of influencing Florence any election. Been intended and helped the pang hush, money would survive, and the problem is that almost we a candidate does, can be interpreted as intended to influence and election from buying a good watch to make sure he Stu places on time to getting massage that he feels that on the campaign for buying a new suits that he looks good debate stage it having campaign donors. Pay
for personal luxuries seems more like bribery than funding campaign speech, so he's making the case that basically, this is not a campaign expenditure. This personal expenditure by the President of the United States, the test under FCC rules, is the so called irrespective test the irrespective tests as well expenditure had been made, irrespective of whether the campaign was happening and as I have argued, I think that there is a plausible case from could say I would have made this expenditure anyway because, yes long history of pressure to stay silent and paying women off to stay silent back in two thousand eleven. He basically threatened issue into magazine for printing an interview with stormy Danielson they backed off. It did not print the interview with Stormy Daniels, whoever affair with then reality, television producer and Start Donald Trump, from has a case on these grounds, there's a secondary case. You and that's the case being made over political by a bunch of legal experts. They say that Collins admission that violated campaign finance, while acting at trumps direction, is far from rock solid, prove that President is also guilty: even have colonies
entirely truthful somewhere say the fact encoded something legal doesn't mean trumpet anything illegal said, Jane Baron along time, Republican. Campaign finance lawyer content in court You say that he acted trumps direction and violated federal election laws by arranging the paths, Stormy Daniels in adult film actress in the days before the twenty sixteen election to keep it. Silence about what she said was an affair with Trump a decade earlier and our, however university of what professor he says under the law, it's quite easy for two people, involved in the same act have different criminal consequences. That distinction is particularly critical in campaign fine cases, because the wall limits criminal prosecution for campaign finance violations. Two instances where someone called knowingly and wilfully defined legal requirements, so, in other words, from called up Michael Cone things that do not like for you to make this Galway Michael causes, don't worry I'll, take care of it. That is not from being complicit in a campaign financed elation, because he assumes that calling knows all the legal requirements. If, however, from says to my phone call, listen
and you can make this go away and it doesn't matter if you violate campaign financed law, or I know that we should choose this from public scrutiny by using a bunch of shell corporations. And, let's echo, has my tape saying all that stuff. Then it looks more like a campaign create a criminal can pain, financed, violation, Collins said under oath most damaging information that the President of the United States committed I'm in covered it up, but that is not actually indicative that the president has criminal intent this one large and barents, as in order to prove criminal intent. You have two point tablet the actors new or had reason to know what they were doing was illegal trump can simply claimed ignorance, and that may in fact be the case that he is making right. There may be his strongest case sort of made that case a little. The yesterday will get to trumps response to all of this. So Trump has a couple of defence. Is that are relatively robust, you're different number one. I path, women all the time. This wasn't a campaign expenditure defence number two, even if it was a campaign, expense I didn't know the rules, because I've people whose job it is to know that stuff and I
or anyone knowingly to violate campaign finance laws, because why the hell would I do that. Also, I strong defence or ignorance and sluggishness are the presidency defences and both are quite logical because the president gets around and has for a long time and has paid women to shut up for apparently a long time and because the president is not exactly a legal expert, despite his own belief that he is at present I was actually a terrible legal client. You think he knows more than his lawyers, which is always the first mark of a bad legal. Plain fact of God could have come up with a bad legal client in the laboratory. Before putting on earth, you look a lot like Donald Trump, who just will not work. His lawyers do their job. I'm chunk Todd actually Icelandic Davis trucks out over another Let me see, as Lenny Davis was Michael Cons lawyer and the great irony, of course, Lenny Davis was was bill. Clinton bantering easement scandal denies websites, I end. A Davis is now going after the president he's asked by truck tat. If there's anything Robert of evidence, that Michael Cohen, is telling the truth that Michael concepts that Trump
holding inviolate campaign, finance law. Is there any evidence that corroborate this yours, Lenny Davis's answer? Does the austrian? Why have physic? and this still on is this still on Michael Collins word versus the president's word, if I was trying to give you your answer check. The answer is number one: the Trump team and Miss Giuliani have admitted that the money was paid number two. There is this go on electronic evidence that the money was paid to me. Stand from the trunk do it. Who was mister calling, and it's all document, ok, but that doesn't answer the question. Can we know that the money was passed along? The question is whether it from had intended to avoid campaign finance law, and that is not actually document. It is what we need EVA seems to be saying so, just because the money past hands, which we also happen and just because trumped up going to solve the problem which we also happen, doesn't mean that Trump actually had intend to violate campaign financed one of the great
Irony of the situation is that Hillary Clinton was allowed to get away with creating a private server and then destroying information on the private server supposedly no, she didn't have intent. That's pretty close actually did haven't. And to destroy information and violate the law, but Trump probably didn't have intent here and so by this, standard. He should probably not be criminally liable unless they have actual evidence that he knew that the law is being violated, and he said I don't care, go ahead and violate the law anyway. It also doesn't help the Michael Cohen happens to be a particularly sleazy wire and everybody sort of knows it where the new found respect for Michael Collins, honesty is sort of astonishing from folks and left. They can see that books on the left, even really don't believe Michael called, I think, he's a liar and a screwball Lenny Davis was on national television yesterday on NBC News, and he actually said that they open a legal defence fund for Michael Cognac, people contribute and the audience started laughing at him. It's really funny.
Could I just take one opportunity to remind everyone that Michael Cone has suffered a tragic and difficult experience with his family he's without resources, and we set up a website called Michael Cohen Foods, God com that were hoping that he will get Some help from the american people, so we can continue to tell the truth in the audience. Is that if we are ready to donate landing, but I we did check me, I went to air by the end of August. The appropriate response by the way, has legal affairs one israeli two hundred fifty thousand dollars is raised. A bunch of fifty thousand dollars apparently came from the CEO of NASCAR, but for some reason that nobody can really explain. So all of that is good stuff again, the president, has actually three pretty good. Defense is Michael Cohen's. A liar I gave their enough Michael Cohen, is a wire to I sleep with every one of them: pay them off also fairly advance and defence. Number three
I dont know what the hell I'm doing with regard to illegal stuff, he's my words his job. You know that stuff also a pretty good defence. So all the talk about from me, necessarily legally on the ropes, maybe here maybe he's not. I mean he's you certainly more jeopardy than it was two days ago, but that's not It's not indicative that this sort of an open and shut case, but it seems that in Europe, the whole thing today about how Trump should immediately be impeached the evidence in quite there yet of criminal action. We all knew that Trump, is is a man who wax character, and why of particular areas, but that's not the same thing quite as criminal activity when we get to the White House in response to all this injustice. Second plus some Paul metaphor updates, but first, what's up about the possibility of a natural disaster, or God forbid, some sort of situation that prevents you from having access to the grocery store it's important to have some sort of emergency food supply available, your husband, the Google it recommends the oughta have some emergency food in your house. They should not. You should have water in your house, and you ought to pay attention to that because you oughta be prepared. It can trust my page its apply for that food storage. So you'll be re for earthquakes, hurricanes long term power
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Strongest defence is not. I am by nature a truth: teller that is not the President strongest offence because he's not ok, be blush beyond about this. The president is not known for his veracity on a wide variety of issues he may be at root. A truth. Tat or on some matters- political, I think that's true, but he also likes a fair bit and so, when Sarah Sanders got up their Huckabee Sanders yesterday at the White House, when she got up and she was asked whether Trump is lying, she got very offended and it didn't play all that great days in the president has never lie to the american people, because so many people now look back with a team of him on your force. More say: he knew nothing about these payments. One is that we now know he knew everything about. Has he lied again? I think that such a ridiculous accusation, the president in this matter, is done nothing wrong and there are no charges against ok, so he's done nothing wrong. There no charges against him. No charges against him is a bad defense. He never lie eyes about defence, is offensive to ask whether he lied.
He literally was on earth. I mean what the report says is true use on air force, one whose asked Rob paying off stormy, Danielson Karen Macdougall, and he said I had known. Knowledge than any of that stuff was happening. That was not true, hey, so that's not as best defense again, I've laid fourth three separate offences for the president, all of which are fairly robust. His best defence is not I can't be indicted and I never lie. That's not his best defence, but Sandra said repeatedly that from can be indicted again he can't be that indicted, probably because as president of the United States, but that's not a case that he's not guilty of a crime. Their are other cases you not guilty of a crime, but the key. The statement that he can indicted! That's like saying! Well, I guess I was acquitted on a murder charge and then it turns out. I shall murder the person. I can't be tried again because of double jeopardy. Well, that's Oh that is legally drew. It also doesn't mean that you didn't necessarily Merla person here. Is it like odious, and clearly murdered. Nicole Simpson, he was acquitted and he can't be retried under double jeopardy. If somebody would ask him Oj J R, innocent.
Killing your weapons that can't be tried again, you might zoom Well, maybe he's a little. They guilty. Heresy era be sanders. Thou say the president is innocent because he can't be indicted, which is which is again legally, not tenable. As the president said, we ve many times he did nothing wrong. There are no charge against him. As the president has stated on numerous occasions, he did nothing wrong. There are no charges. In their the president in this matter, is done nothing wrong in there the charges against them. What the president has stated a number of times, he did nothing wrong. There are no charges against animal. He doesn't have sayings over another right. There's nothing wrong. There, no charges against him. He did. Nothing wrong is a statement in the EAST asian summit. Morally one, but he did nothing legally wrong, would be the end of the case. There are no charges against him is not The case there no charges against him because he is the president of the United States and you can. Not under federal law, haven't federal law enforcement agency indicted sitting president of the United States. Ok, meanwhile, we have data on the pianoforte so case, President Trump has come,
very strongly in favour of Paul forties, defended Paul metaphorically, gets president's Trump response to all of this in just one second, because he's been very prolific, put, and then he did a very long interview this morning on Fox. In France as well The update on comment, if what is that a lot of people on the right of been saying the poor man, therefore, is that a lot of people on the right have been saying that parliamentary fort was railroaded and the case that they're making is that because he was acquitted or that, because the jury hanged wasn't acquitted who's the jury, the jury hung on and separate charges that this means that he was innocent. Of those charges in the whole thing is some sort of witch hunt. He was convicted on a charge, is one of the jurors was on Fox, news. Last night was shown in Bream. She trumped support. She explained, Basically, there is one person in the room who made it a Hungary as opposed to everybody. So basically nothin for wonder he had been convicted on all counts. Here's the jury, explaining, ok, how
How close I want to know, did this jury com to convicting Pomona Fort on all eighteen counts? By one there was one hold out the person a female to her was some. We y'all tried to convince her to look at the paper trail. We laid out in front of her again and again and She star said She had a reasonable doubt and that's the way the jury were, which once the idea that this was just all and manifest convicted on aid whereas on the jury and manifest convicted on eight counts, anyway. So it's not the witch hunt. If there is a witch hunt, the witch hunt would have to do a lot more with the mother investigational russian collusion, but it would have nothing to comment if we're being guilty of stuff. Pollyanna Fort was guilty of stuff end of story. When people say you know, if the special council Doug into you you'd find something they answered beat what spends on what he finds if he finds that, I was actively
taking money from a foreign governments in order to manipulate the american political process, which is sort of white man of what was doing prior to the election and nothing to do with Trump. Then that's crime does not say that that the government should be able to go through everybody's books. It will be he was convicted of eight federal felonies and we have been convicted of another ten if there had been one hold out on the jury. So what's it lets reserve the witch hunt, language for actual witch hunts. Let's not reserve the witch Hunt, I would for when there is actually a lady running around in an actual which has had riding a broom and casting curses by killing cats lab at that I've, always him the witch Hunt language for you, no actual, which runs easily our conviction. That Trump is actually considering part man afford from has been very warm format afford. He says that manner for is great guy, because you didn't squeal, which again doesn't make the presidents and particularly innocent, then in the present, is his own worst advocate when it comes to matters legal here anyway. And we are hard came out. She said the trumpets considering ironing comment, affliction and walk out back a little bit reflect
retweeted out. He said if from pardons metaphor, then it might be considered worth considering impeachment. He says I don't care for trump style. He can be too offensive and divisive. Flash of course, was press secretary under George W Bush I like many others policies if he fires Mahler, pardons metaphor. I consider impeachment, but nothing so far merits impeachment the remedy. For those who can't stand him is political, beat him in twenty twenty. If you can, I think so far, our inflation is basically correct. So all the talk about Paul man, it amounts to nothing, I'm just puzzled as to why the president continues to defend him. Meanwhile, the state of New York is looking at going after President Trump as well. This poses a signal: in serious difficulty for the president, because the president can inside on state charges. If you commit murder as president of the United States, there is nothing in the country. Solution that forbids a state prosecutor from bringing you up on violation of state law. The reason the president can be indicted under federal law is because the President controls the federal executive branch, but the president does not control state law, which is why the president can, for example, pardon state crimes ready camp Pardon estate murderer, for example. We'll nurse did investigators
peanut, Michael Cohen, the president's former personal lawyer, according to state officials as part of a probe into the Donald J Trump Foundation, and a lot of evidence that Donald J Trump Foundation is basically being used as a pass through for Trump to paper nor expenses. It's not a criminal matter. Yet right. The tax departments in New York doesn't have the jurisdictions pursue criminal charges, but it is If discovered information valuable to the investigation of the Trump Foundation, it would then be birds in the New York state attorney general. I very No doubt that the New York attorney general would have very little trouble trying to pursue a criminal investigation into President rub Barbara Underwater hates President Trump with a passion of a thousand burning signs. So you could see his estate prosecution against the president, and he is not in fact immune to state prosecution under federal law, so this is is A continuing serious problem for the president's its sub yeah. It would be great if we have to deal with any other stuff we'll have to deal with the charges. They come at a value. Them, as they are now in a second we're going to get to the president's response to all of this, some of which
is good. Some of which is bad, most of which is kind of bad, but we'll get to dangerous. Second, first: let's talk about your suit, so look dude, Look like James Bond. Ok, you wanna be wearing a tailored to you want to look like you are addressed to the ninth every time you put on a suit and you go to a meeting but you're buying an author actually Castula, two hundred bucks in it. Eggs on you like drapes? This is why you need instead to go over the Indo China, Dotcom Indo. China is the world's largest made to measure men's where company, if in future, to major publication, Secluding, Jijiu, Forbes and fast company, it makes its in church major exact measurements for a great that deeds love the wide selection of high quality fabric. The option to personalize all the details, including lapel, whining and monogram. Here's how working order. There shall room evident in a bunch, major cities or you go to indulge you no doubt com. You can pick your fabric choose your customization scimitar measurements is actually a lot of fun and again it feels like you're going into like his laboratory in in James Bond, except this time, you're getting a tailor. So you go in there and they ask you how exactly what the suit to locate wanted to fit, what you, what you want the personal to be and then,
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the uncharitable ratings that he just admitted to a federal crime, because if he personally paid for a campaign expenditure and admitted to it, just admitted to a federal crime on national television. This is why you should let your lawyers do. The talking. Mr President, here is the president of the United States talking to our aims. They are heard Did you know about the famous later on? I knew later on double standards with what he did and they taken out of campaign finance as a big thing- that's much bigger thing. Did they come out of the game and they didn't come out of the campaign. They came from me alive we did about it. Can I put out of you know, but I tweeted about the payments, but they didn't come out of campaign my first question. When I heard about it was: did they come out of the campaign? Ok, so it's they did this not smart line of attack, because if, in fact, he knew that the money was going to be used I stormy Daniels in Macdougall, in violation of federal campaign finance law
then him saying I signed. It personally is in fact the crime if its campaign expenditure it supposed to come from campaign funding and if you want to spend on his own behalf, he's supposed to report it. So that's not particularly great and the press. And also decided that would be worthwhile to tweet out about Michael Con again today say to doubt the only thing have done wrong is to win an election, those expected to be won by crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. The problem is, they forgot to campaign in numerous states so fast track. Three quarters, true after It is true that if he had not one, none of this would be an issue. It is also true that the media are very pestered that he one it is not really superfluous. The only thing he did wrong was when the election. It turns out that shipping women, not your wife and in paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars to shut up in advance of an election it doesn't go unlike the book of virtues, is probably not like the best thing to do, but when you? But you know the he's right, that the media are treating this in a way differently than they would treat a Democrat. Certainly that was in the those the president? Also, didn't interview this morning,
on Fox NEWS. It was a fairly lengthy interview and he talked about a wide variety of topics. One of the things that you talked about is Michael Cohen, flipping on and he makes a comment that again. This is why you, what your lawyers do, the talking Mr President. Let your lawyers do the talking. Mr President, my goodness he comes out, and he says that when people flip flipping ought to be illegal rights are getting somebody to testify in exchange for reduced sentence. That should be like What for law and order got into real weird statement, because every drug ring that has ever been rolled up has been role, up on the basis of people pleading to lesser crimes in order for them to get some sort of advantage and then to fight against their bodies, every single everything Rico case every single drug case, half of criminal cases are based on flipping people, see, can move up the chain
right flipping people is a is a wall, honour tradition and the reason for that is because we couldn't let people you can offer them reduce sense or protection or some sort of concession. Why wouldn't they go by America. Why? Wouldn't I just keep silent in order to maintain loyalty with the folks who, they are afraid, will kill them in prison or in order to maintain loyalty with the folks working to pay their family while they say in jail for a longer period of time. Here, as President Trump of saying that flipping people ought to be illegal, this is just not smart. It makes him we'll guilty. Even if he's not it's just Ok, I got stories this whole thing about flipping. They call it. I know all about flipping. For thirty forty years, I've been watching flippers, everything's, wonderful, and then they get ten years in jail and they they flip fund, whoever the next highest one is or as high as you can go it it almost oughta, be outlawed. It's not fair. What the living hell. I'm he sends a John Gaudy here. The EU should not be doing this. Rather, the vat is when
when the presence is I'm watching us for thirty years ago. Tat can actually search his tweet. History has not once tweeted about flipping not once until now has you discuss flipping publicly now ones He said you know what this criminal procedure is really bad only when someone flips on him, then all of a sudden being is really really really bad, and presumably when it comes to cracking down on Ugh crimes or illegal immigration is a very tough law and order president. He doesn't care about. Slipping, it's only flipping applies when it comes to him. So I guess that the the we can all expect republican support for the don't read on people ACT of twenty eight June is just not not good stuff. Then the president makes separate Hey, she says I shouldn't be impeach, not because I am innocent. I shouldn't be impeach, because if I did in the market would crash again, are you I'll tell you what? If I've, got a pizza dig. The market would crash everybody would be very poor because without this they you would see-
you. Would she numbers that you wouldn't believe in reverse? Okay? So Maybe that's true me. That's not! The fact is that after the impeachment let the market continued to go up. I think that the market really does not like uncertainty. The market is so it's probably true that the market will take. The market took a hit a couple of days ago, when all these revelations were Michael Cohen. Broke. So, yes, the market does like uncertainty, wouldn't adjust with president my pants, the yet shore I mean answer is probably us, although Trump impeachment. Probably ding the market, only totally wrong here. I think the reason that opening the market is because the markets fear democratic, take over of the house and in presidency and a massive upswing in elation that would dampen the abyss to invest. Right of the people were afraid, Elizabeth was with warm was, can be the next president with Democratic Congress. Then that might the market the trunk is an entirely wrong here, but again his strongest case here is I didn't do anything wrong. You should just
amounts ay, I dont know the law. I didn't know the law to pretend I'm some sort campaign- finance expert, Zelie there, there's there's such ample defence is available to him, but this is where the president's ego gets in the way of his own success there. The president loves him. Some president in Donald Trump is a. Examine Donald Trump and because he's a big fan of Donald Trump he's never able to admit to them that we all know our true like the fact that he goes round, sleeping with porn stars and paying them off. We all know that's true. I'm not gonna pretend that he's a king David character when it comes to his character. He's not, and we all know that that was into the cake, if you would just say that, I think everybody would be like. Ok, fine, that's a plausible case. That's what Bill Clinton basically to Brooklyn, basically says yeah! That's! Where do I go round sticking cigars and women? That's what everybody was like. Ok, I guess so that's that's accurate. If the president just said that stuff, he said. Listen, I'm ignorant about the law and I path ladys everybody can you do that? I knew that already that was already known, but instead the president,
keep saying that he's a legal expert on things that he's been talking flipping for thirty he has never once talked about flipping that we can and how do you know that the president is a little bit egotistic because here's what he was asked to great his prey currencies of our I'll give you three gases, how he graded his presidency so far, three gases- I don't think it's going to take three gases for you So I give myself enable us. Any president has ever done, what I've done in this year We have more than two years biggest check cuts in his dreams. I would say I would honestly give myself and a plus and so many other people. Yes, many and people work for you and are in Congress and want to get things done with you listen, I've been very positive about the president's policy. Have given him in mind when it comes to executive policy, I have given him like a sea plus when it comes to The policy, maybe I'll, be minus and When it comes to rhetoric, keys dear enough funding, that's just the way that it is an people may do so Three. What that, although I can assure you there
folks in administration, who basically agree with that assessment. But the fact that the President gives himself in a pleasant, you go is a killer. Ok, it's true for you, it's true for me. Anybody who gets you over there Skis Anita, never reflects for a second and thinks. Maybe there's something better the worst things you can do in life is over estimate your own skill set or or suggest that you have a skills that where you have none in their certain things, I'm just bad at I'm not the world's most athletic human are they I'm not I'm good at map are not great at Manfred, their certain things just don't know a lot about, if I dont admit that- so we get yourself in real trouble on this, particularly true when you are talking about matters legal there are more, There's four reason go to law school and spend years practising. It is not a coincidence that president from his father, basically everywhere, he's ever worked with at a certain point. When you look at a client, and every one of their lawyers has failed. You have to think. Maybe it's not the lawyers, maybe it's the client.
So the present in the United States make having making real trouble for himself even stop there. It gets us more of his comments and just a second first, let's talk about Bravo Company manufacturing when the founders crafted the constitution. The first thing they did was to make sacred the rights of the individual to share their ideas, that limitation by the government and to protect that they created the second amendment, the second anew. Rated right, the right of the population to protect that speech and their rights with force, and that is why, I am a big second amendment supported. The same thing holds true for the photo. Bravo company Manufacturing- Bravo Company Manual action was started in a garage by marine that more than two decades ago, to build professional gray. Product that meets combat standards be seen, believes the same level of protection should be provided to everyone, Eric and as long as you're a law abiding citizen wants to protect your rights museum is not a supporting our company they design, engineer and manufacture life saving equipment is about. Hunting is not about going to arrange its about. Will this thing function, if God forbid, there's somebody in your house trying to hurt you or if you are
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so in just a second we'll get to the the media's response. You everything trump related plus the president's sounds off on South Africa. I have some thought, but first we're gonna have to go for daily wired outcomes for nine ninety nine a month you can get a subscription to daily word, icon rested, a show, LIVE s, equations shall address of nosey show live, be part of the male that which we doing tomorrow, I can't believe it only Thursday, but yes, tomorrow is right, and that means they wanna get your mail bag questions and now subscribed today, nine nine botsey or gets you this. Our greatest in all beverage vessels gaze upon it he's upon the wonder. You can see the strength seeping into my body just from holding the left his tears, hot or cold Tumblr is magnificent. Magnificent piece of vessel rate so go check that out tonight Harry bucks ear cheaper than the monthly and also check this out at Youtube and in subscribed their checks out at Itunes, sound cloud anyplace. You listen upon cast her watch, subscribing, get us, and especially of Clay Travis on the Sunday, with a bunch of great guess, coming up like really back loading great guess now, so
go check it out over there. We are the largest fastest growing conservative podcast, the nation. The president continues, defend Paul Fort again. Not I don't see why Pollyanna FOR was convicted of a bunch of stuff. They had nothing do with Trump now the cynical region. Protect plan, therefore, is cause he's afraid that if he doesn't talk about Hub Pub, Holbein offers great potential for flips to buy the nonsensical reason is that he just thinks anybody in his orbit, whose targeted is targeted unfairly, in any case that the president is not his own best they could hear. I know that a lot of his hands think that he's always his own Bessie Advocate, but that is just not true, and it's not true on matters with regard to with regard to also- and I would hope that the president would a wood leave off here and let his lawyers do the rest, meanwhile them Media are just champing at the bit over this truck Todd over it NBC you're doing, we'll journalism in being very objective here. He says that Paul Ryan should drop impeachment paper, because I remember all of the members of the media
We're calling on Democrats to go along with him President Clinton for committing actual perjury, while he was president of the United States wait I didn't happen at all. I also remember calls from punishment of President Obama over the IRS scandal or bagasse, or the test inferior. A scandal or any of the other scandals that occurred during the during Obama administration wandering about. Although scandals I wrote an entire book on them, it's called the people versus Barack Obama, go check that out, but Chuck Todd, says Paul, Ryan and start drawing up impeachment papers. El Ryan's retiring, I think he actually could do the party a favor and if you just start the procedure in the house, Judiciary Committee, you give some hope. Give some place where Republicans getting nervous to say: hey, you know what let's start and invest education and will go from there aren't way about everybody. Just saying we want obstruct the investigation and there is already investigation going on. The mole investigation continues, and publicans, very sad that, if not obstruct its obstructed, it can be a problem and the same thing holds true with regard to the question. Why investigation eyes,
but the idea that Republicans owing to start impeachment proceedings based on the end, nation that we have now a little early. Choctaws also lets me real about what impeachment is he impeachment is a political remedy. Impeachment is not a legal remedy that's not what was originally conceived. The founders thought that impeachment was going to be a legal remedy. That Congress would use peach meant in order to check the executive branch. In reality, impeachment has been used extraordinarily sparingly. People in politics tend towards elections to provide the referendum the sitting, president of the United States. They don't turn want to oust people even for legal violation. Because they rather have the people taken on their own backs to get rid of a particular president. There have only been Ray impeachment proceedings in America's history. With regard to president's one, was Andrew Johnson impeached in the house, not conviction and Senate Bill Clinton, impatiently House not convicted in the Senate and Richard Nixon impeachment proceedings. Really got started because next I knew he would be impeached and he resigned so the sudden, the sudden shift where we have to have a bipartisan view of impeachment.
Is kind of ridiculous. Coming from the same media that thought it was absolutely absurd for Republicans to try to impeach President Clinton back in nineteen at ninety eight Elizabeth worn, though understands this is where the heart of the bases she is probably one of the front runners for the twenties once you nomination among Democrats, and shit, Cnn bet she's, not nervous to bring up the topic of impeachment. Of course, why would she be she's from Massachusetts? The chances? She made to any sort of resistance. Here are slim and none I'm not nervous. I just want to be effective and the way that any of us or effective is to save. Let's get all of the evidence. Let's get all of the pieces. Out there protect Robert Mahler. Let him finishes investigation. Let him make a full and fair report to all of the american people is what exactly are democrats looking for in this whole proceeding, but they're really in four as an excuse to obstruct trumps agenda. We all know this Khumalo heresies, our excrements. I've been using that word a lot equable: people, ailing economic
This is our excrement senator here in the state of California. She came and she says it would because from his now, basically in unindicted co, conspirator, which he has not re minutes an actual legal term. That is not used in the indictment of Michael Card, because he's an indicted, unindicted conspirators, Eskimo Harris. We should not before on the nomination of bread, cabin offer the Supreme Court. This does not follow. What's a doctrine Donald Trump removed what's it down from resign tomorrow, who had become president wouldn't be Kemal Harris when we already Clinton it, we might would then move full fought scale forward on the nomination of right cabinets and, as you just stupidity, but it demonstrates that the real the real force behind impeachment has much more to do. With obstructing the president's agenda, then, with legal at the President's Miss action here. Even before this happened. There was no question that the process was horribly flawed. A court of the United States of America has accepted a guilty plea from someone who was the lawyer for
president of the United States, and that person in pleading guilty basically made very clear that it will the then candidate and now the president of the United States, who directed him to commit a crime. This is a serious matter. Yeah diseases, I love. I love the foe seriousness from Koala Harris who was one of the worst attorney general's in the history of the state of California. Refusing to enforce the law in force in war was inappropriate and now she's, of course, Senator who's going to use There's this sort of supposed legal ire to go after present. Trumpet there, there's a fair bit of hypocrisy on this thing to hold a bright cavanaugh over Trump. Come ah come are. We all know what this is really about. We are all very well aware of what this is all really about. Ok, meanwhile, the present is getting himself in. I think how water from the left- but I dont think appropriately because yesterday he treated
and he wanted to look into the situation in South Africa regarding land seizures so for folks have not been following the situation in South Africa because we don't involve foreign policy. That much in United States what's been happening. Is that the south african government, which has dominated by the left has decided they want to seize the land of white farmers in recompense for apartheid. Apartheid ended in nineteen. Eighty four, I believe under the the Nelson Mandela that it was a disaster. Did to collapse already in the late eighties, and then it was formerly ended in ninety four by Mandela. In any case, the eye Get that the history of that wrong. Some actually going to look that up right now, so in an in any case, the south african government decides yeah, I'm that's that's right. In April twenty seven, nineteen, eighty four as when it was formerly, in any case the presence of the stages, commenting on the fact that the south african government now wants to sees land that is owned by white folks in South Africa and redistribute it. This is bad policy for South Africa, particularly bad power
because it is undermining the rule of law and the real problems in South Africa have very little to do with white land ownership and there's a lot more to do with the fact that rule of law has collapsed in South Africa, the crime rate extraordinarily high them an unemployment rate of twenty eight percent. They significantly higher inflation. If water crisis has been handled for years at this point is a distraction. From the government of South Africa, to the people of South Africa on racial basis- and it is true that apartheid was evil and it has carried over into into line and ownership today, but the idea that you can just sees property from white landowners not undermine the rule of law, which undermine foreign investment and the capacity to trust in your ability to on private property in South Africa is, of course, very silly sure trumped up I've as secretary of state compare to closely studied the South Africa, land and farms, eaters and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. South african government is now seizing lead from white farmers. Tucker Karlsson Fox NEWS
watching that's news last night and he decided to begin a dry policy he's not wrong about the land, expropriate expropriations, the left, which is going nuts over this suggesting that this is racial. Its racially motivated the United States if it were the reverse, if your black landowners we're having their land seized by white people, the president would serve. We have a right to intervene and the same is true here. There's argument talk about the United States government, getting active on the international stage over all of this. The Cato Institute has issued a statement regard the dire consequences awaiting South Africa. Should due process fail, land expropriation without compensation what's happening. There is the It is not even saying that they're going to pay people for their where the we just grabbing land without even recompense, which is, which is a crazy, crazy policy. Here, is, is an audio of the elite.
Of South Africa, the the Prime Minister of South Africa, his his name, is Rama foes up talking about this land expropriation and choose the South Africans through their publicly elected to represent today in Parliament voted overwhelmingly in support of emotion too. Accelerate equitable land redistribution through exports, creation of land without compensation. Has it friends, your policy as an Cyril Rama foes. The reason he's doing this is cuz, he's being outflanked by radicals. The ruling african national, Congress, amended but supported the motion to actually expropriate land without any sort of compensation he's being our flanked by the radical left. Economic freedom fighters are folks who wear red brays like that are legitimate communist, whose leader Jew is Melema, told the country's parliament. We must ensure that we restore that
dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land so not going to pay people. Now you I think that the people who, on the land committed a crime you'd actually have to look at which people owning land committed the crimes. Maybe that's true. Maybe that's not, but you remove land from people without actually paying them on the governmental level, especially when it wouldn't cost all that much money to pay them often make them leave to do that, undermines rule of law in South Africa and the president isn't wrong to point that out now, there's been a lot of focus on so called farmers in South Africa. A lot of these farms are owned by white. For and the murder rate on these farms is is high, but the Marguerite across South Africa is particularly high. The statistics are very much in doubt as to whether there is a higher rate of Are you the killing of whites in South Africa than blacks in South Africa? The most violent areas and South Africa include mass killing of or massive killing anyway, a black folks crime rates are very high over there, but just the president has no place in saying anything about this, and it is only doing this causes a racist as so many after saying, that is up that. That's that's pretty silly that that's that's
I think an overstatement by the media, which we are getting used to in large scale, time for some things I like and then some things that I so things that I, like my sister the recommended. The showed me it's on Netflix, it's called. I am a killer and to look inside death row, its a documentary series, so they profile a bunch of murder cases and they talk to folks who are on death row it's kind of fascinating because it is fairly objective. It tries to take all sides in particular issue. It will talk to the victims of the killing and I'll talk to the killer We'll talk to the family, the killer and the law enforcement officers and prosecutors? It's as good a piece of journalism, stuff is I've, seen only a couple episodes in, but so far I am a van I'm a killer and here's limited the trailer I was convicted for capital murder, I was convicted of capital murdering and I was sentenced to death I did something so heinous, I just,
side. I struggled with the axe start instead of your. Sammy made its it's definitely Waldron s eyes on the fast moving things, but it is definitely a welder I'm serious, you should go check that out. It's well worth doing, other things, and I liked so that the President of the United States has been making an issue out of the Molly Tippets case, the knowledge of its case twenty year old island girl, who was abducted and murdered, by an illegal immigrant and president from issued comments. Yesterday, a lot of folks were saying. The president Trump was doing this to distract from all the Collins stuff, reality is the trumpet have done this in any case Remy. He did this during the campaign repeatedly with Kate steadily over in San Francisco. So this is this: is nothing new
president from commenting on. It is one of the reasons why president from continues to attain popularity is because the contrast between Trump and left on issues like this is pretty astonishing. Molly tributes and credible young woman is now permanently separated from her family. A person came in from Mexico illegally and kill her, we need the wall, we need our immigration laws changed. The Democrats will never give them and the wall is being built. We ve started it, but we also need the funding for this year's building of the wall so to the family of Molly tablets All I can say is God bless you. This is why, president from but just leave to his lawyers, the rest of the seventeen campaign on this stuff you'd actually be doing much better in the polls, and I think that he be doing well when you contrast, this would deal with the sort of idiocy of a lot of folks unless Simone Sanders is accommodating
we'll see and I hears what she had to tweet unapologetic matters, retweeted Molly Tippit was murdered because she told mentally for a long while she was jogging. Her murderer happens to be undocumented. This isn't that border security. This about toxic masculinity, knowledge of its lost your life, because- a man couldn't take her saying no full stop. Well, It is fair to say that what a man kills, a woman that does counters toxic mascot, wondering, I think, probably council, just toxic evil. In any case, and it turns out the vast majority mergers in the United States are committed by men. So I don't. It's totally wrong, but to say that has nothing to do with under being undocumented is silly. He shouldn't be in the country where the question is how you stop that. If, if Simone's Andrews has a good answer as to how to stop toxic masculinity like men from killing women in general, that is better than don't let evil men into the country illegally. I'd like to hear it, but this sort of problem of the water folks, unless they will say things like we have a problem. The problem is toxic. Masculinity out there in the air somewhere, and we can actually not a solution to that. The solution is sort of you know like too,
a gender, our children. The solution is to pretend that masculinity is inherently bad right. And then those must they won't. You know those who do not want this piece of crap in the country should know we gotta Taiwan, toxic masculinity. You wonder why folks are where resounding to president from even still. That is the reason why we get me while some things that I hate. Speaking of the attempt to undermine basic truths, theirs This video that has now been, now been made aware of it its a video that is promoted at of all places, the Huffington Posts, because this is the repository frosty penalty in the United States, its a video of a Trans man, which is to say a woman who believes that she is a man by name is cast bless and she detail that Huffington Post, what it's like to get your period when you're, not a woman which asthma I would say, is pretty weird because you need a uterus which makes you a woman, Brazil non Binary, friends, educator and she first went viral.
With her bleeding, while Trans campaign and twenty seventeen to prove the biologically impossible claim that men have periods to tourism, I created a music video discussing these struggles of having your period while not identifying is woman in a quest for menstrual equity. So, there is here. The song cut by one and who believe she's man who says the men have periods and yes, it's weird And yes, this is your solution to toxic masculinity. I'm not going to take you seriously This struggle and bloody mandatory cancer streaming with me. Woman seeing is building right outside gardener, avoids the need Please let me go. Let me so I'm, not a big with our gendered wounds of wisdom. Let us wait itself, first of all, not a huge beetle fan engender,
but if you're going to destroy the Beatles this way, I feel bad for the Beatles now and in this person is saying that we can't have, we can have tampons anymore, because tampons are gendered when you go to that when you have the store they're, all their though pink and stuff. Instead, what they should be can be like a manly blue, like Manly, blue tampons, very important and we should have tampons in the men's bathroom also, which would be weird since men don't have uterus is, but the conflation of sex with gender is Is one of the most ridiculous aspects of these were friends rights agenda. This bizarre notion that second, gender, our dear, but then we'll conflate them again. So sex is your biology. Our biological email that your gender is the aura gendered female, but that when it comes to going to the bathroom you're going to treat your gender as your sex. You are a biological female, even though your biological male none of this, makes any sense. You wonder why folks are confused and find this does that there is an article. Yesterday's really amazing. There's an article about Blair White was a trans and meaning a man who believes that he is a woman.
Feels like a woman on the inside. Whenever whatever and Blair is an ice person been on. Blair show on Youtube. We just discussed exactly this issue and the Yahoo article about dollar. Why describe our conversation said that I was anti the Trans community? I don't even know what that means if by answer the Trans community. You mean I'm not going to suggest that you are a member of each of these sex to which you claim membership. Then ok, if You mean that I don't want you to have all the rights of a normal human being in the United States and, of course, that's not true. Of course, I think the trans people should be able to do anything that non trans people should be able to do. In the United States, but no one in the United States gets to redefine objective biological terms and then expect me to go along with that. That's not a thing that is going to happen, but I guess it then just that this idea that your anti a person, because your anti perspective is a conflation that is intellectually dishonest. To get other things that I had to Jimmy Kimmel has now made
therefore, the one hundred and seventy fifth time that he doesn't want to appeal to Trump Anti says I dont think that world exists anymore. He says that he he is not going to bother with with trying to appease all of these folks. He says I don't think you can look at things In that way he says they died that the world doesn't exist anymore, where he can appeal to of a wide variety of people use it. By the daily these they'll be said in terms of the effect of politics on your own writings. I know you said of people disagree with you, don't wanna watch. You know particularly care. Has it urban Issues ABC. He said very. He and he replied. Maybe I should have said I don't care, I don't care enough to change them. He's. Probably a more explicit explanation. I'm sure ABC would love it. If my show appeal to everyone- but I dont think that Would this anymore and I'm not comfortable in it? I don't believe you any other path. I also think one of the biggest mistake you can make as a performer. He's trying to guess what your audience wants, I think you need to do it think is right in hope. That works out, while I agree with,
I also think that what the audience expects from a comedian is to be funny and not to be a crusader for their politics. That is not the same thing as if you just want to be a political person who happens to be funny. There is a difference. There is a difference. I thought the media are gonna, continue to fragment so long as people don't understand which lay they are, in our view, a comedian or our Europe. Political guru pick one pick one. My political group, whose funding that's fine their plenty of those, but if going you median theoretically should be making com points like him up already, we'll be back, remarked with a blade its alienating lot of the audience and is causing that audience to react politically to cultural flashpoints like him up
I will be back remark with our latest updates and the mail bag I mention here. This is the bench Barroso. The bench of Euro show is produced by sending a villa real executive producer. Germany boring senior producer, Jonathan, hey our supervising producers, math squalor and our technical producer is often Stevens edited by Alex Angora Audio is mixed by my car Mina Heron. Make up is by just one over the bench Bureau show is a daily wire Ford, publishing production copyright for publishing twenty eighteen.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-11.