« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 579 - It’s A Trumpnato!

2018-07-12 | 🔗
What happens when a political tornado hits a Trump at NATO? Plus, the meltdown over Brett Kavanaugh continues. Date: 07-12-2018
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Stormy Daniels is arrested. What happens when a political tornado has president Trump at NATO, plus the meltdown over Brett Cavanaugh continues? Adventure of this is the benchmark. Eroshka I got it. I wish you could see and hear the pre show, sometimes because it's just better than the show by an awful lot, and it is a crime against humanity that you'll never see what I just saw, but why I've I've so actually gets you today in the news, but we have heard already this August and taking the bench spiritual life to audiences in Dallas. Phoenix you'll, be able to see me in person enjoying a naughty and scrutiny as well. Tickets are going fast visit, daily wired outcomes, lash events to get your seats and additional info. Our next episode of the conversation is coming up fast as well, this Tuesday July, seventy five, thirty eastern, too
Eddie Pacific. All your questions will be answered by our own Andrew Craven or their hosty leash across our life. Dna is available on Youtube and Facebook for everybody to watch. Only subscribers connect through questions over its alienated outcome check out the pin comments on this video for more information once again subscribed to ask through live questions on Tuesday July seventeenth, five, thirty pm eastern to thirty and Pacific joined the conversation. Please ask through why he titles his books. The way he does, because that is the great mystery surrounding drew werewolf cop good book, we're title the great good thing, good book, we're title that I think it we'll have put their injuries mail bag. I am a subscriber, so I guess we can do that. What check before we get to the news. Also, I want to say thank you to our sponsors over at ring, so ring is helping make your neighborhood safer. Today, over a million people use the amazing ring video doorbell to help protect our homes ring. Those homesick charity begins at the front door, but it doesn't end there. Now there extending the same level of security, the rest, your home with the ring for cam. If you are security obsessed, the way that I am you need re we have ring at the Shapiro household Shapiro. Stand is covered in ring, parents
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to calm down from the operation, because, my goodness ok guys never do that again. Never ever ok! So let's get into the news cell in The bizarre and strange and stormy Daniels has now been arrested and it's hilarious. Okay, so Stormy Daniels was arrested at last night. Why? Well it's it's Dad. When you know the new democratic leader is arrested, everybody during the rally toys have seen was shouting lock her up about Hillary Clinton and then illogical become irrelevant, and now it turns out going to walk up the new democratic leader, their leading twenty twenty candidate, Stormy Daniels. So here is the actual statement of fact in support of probable cause for the arrest of stormy Daniels. Approximately eleven thirty p m a dancer using the stage name, Stormy Daniels, later identified, Stephanie Clever made her way the main stage and began performing the majority of the patrons got up from their tables.
Should immediately adjacent to the stage throwing dollar bills at Miss quivered, which is a good metaphor for her entire career, as well as an actual non metaphor for her entire career during her performance. After moving her hop exposing her breast, she began forcing the faces of the patrons into her chest and using her breast to smash the patrons, which is a thing to do. I guess the authors also observed Miss Clifford fondling, the breast of female patrons. As soon as the authors observe the aforementioned criminal activity detectives length, asked or correctly and pray their approach. The stage this clever made her way over to active correctly and began performing in front of her miss quivered leaned over grabbed it. Active, Kirklees head and began smacking her face with her bare breast and holding her face between her breasts against her chest. America is already this Clifford then began making you whoever detective Lancaster, perform the same acts on him, forcing his face inner just between her breasts and began smacking his face with her breasts discovered, then move down onto the stage.
We are also pray through withstanding, began, fondling officer, breakers, buttocks and breast. She then forced off surprise pathos head into just between a present began. Smacking author pray, there's best with her bare breasts ass. She had done with all the other hatreds and after a mention officers, were it's like it's amazing chain or so, during this time the active Roscoe standing back there. The bar area witnessing the criminal activities and ineffective roster was the least lucky officer assigned that either. As soon as MS quivered moved on from officer pray. Thirty second Ross or made his way through the crowd to advise the other officers. Who was exiting the club to request the assistance of patrol to arrest the aforementioned three suspects, all three suspects who arrested without incident- I'm not sure, but the three suspects ours that for an end, her breast. I am convinced that AIDS is the apprehension three aspects. This is poorly written, I'm not sure who the other people who were arrested art. All I can say here is that clearly Democrat
it chose wisely in their decision to make Stephanie Clifford the leading edge of their attack on President Trump she's, nothing but class. Why would we ever suspect that she might I dont know, do things for money when she spent her entire career, doing things for money? Why what we ever suspect they made me this whole. I am a victim of the president and I will stop the present time on Saturday alive to stop the president, then maybe that's all just a way to raise her profile because she's pretty much willingness that people in the face with a boobs for cash by just it- and that is not an exaggeration that is literally harassed record now- is that you smack people in the face with a robes for cash. I am we're supposed to believe. That she and her and her lawyer, Michael have a naughty are going to save America. Well, you know, I know there are lots of people on the right who believe the trumpets King David. So I guess that this would make her way female King David. According to the left, though, I got anointed her breasts. So that she can save the country from President Drum yes, everything is deeply stupid. Indeed, all of the things are stupid and they are not just stupid.
With regard to Stormy Daniels's latest arrest for apparently bringing people face to face with the crevasse apparently also Peter struck was interviewed by house, judiciary and Oversight Committee today and has now returned to congressional here and I'm just down the hall, and he says that he was not bicycles president trumpet anyway, he did not biases case against in trouble anyway, which has only been I buy every fact we know about Peter struck at this time. He was the FBI agent. Of course, you suggested that he's going stopped from from becoming president was taxing with his lovely two pages the White chose LISA Page, both the married having an affair with each other and taxing about how Trump was the worst thing in the world. Clearly, president trumped didn't have the moral standards of Peter struck and LISA page while they were cheating on their spouses with one another and then using their professional position, in order to accelerate investigation into political enemy? Clearly, Trump is the major problem here. Here is what Peter struck said in his testimony quote. Let me be clear unequivocally and under oath, not once in my twenty six years of defending our
nation did my personal opinions impact any official action. I took so all those tax about how you are going to stop President Trump use. The best of your abilities. That was all just like we're nonsense exactly. He says the fact is, after months of investigations, there are simply no evidence of bias in my professional actions. That is not what the inspector General Michael Horowitz said in his report. He said there is actually pretty good evidence of Peter struck by us in his professional actions. According to that investigator general report, if you the inspector general report, if you recall he made the case Peter struck ocean charge about the Hillary Clinton, email investigation and the Russia Investigation had basically delay the Hilary email investigation because he thought the rush investigation was more important. Horwitz himself suggested that he could not find that struck was free of bias. Thursdays hearing is poised to be one most contentious in Congress so far tied to the rush investigation. According to CNN Tray Gouty says the moment Special council by Mahler found out about Peter trucks, texting emails
a year and a half to wait, the texan emails may have discovered in emails may have been discovered but may bias twenty seventeen, but the bias existed then was half a year and a half before that, all the way back to late twenty fifteen early? Twenty? Sixteen, so wasn't the discovery of the text we got him fired. It was the biased manifest in those tax struck instead, said quote in the summer of twenty sixteen, I was one of a handful of people who knew the details of russian election Interference and its possible connections with members of the trunk campaign. This information has the potential to derail and quite possibly defeat Mr Schwab, but the thought of expressing that or exposing that information never crossed my mind now. As I pointed out, I think this is a somewhat decent events that have struck was really out to get from widening just reveal to the world. The trunk was under investigation in this collusion investigation, but the counter argument, which I think is not an incredible, is that struck didn't want to break the law he would have by linking who had been broken, Wahid more present career risk. He just figured if I accelerate the investigation
then. Eventually trumpets can be found guilty before the election and we will be fine ray and then tramples be stopped from being. President Trump, of course, has treated consistently about struck. It there's a good shot and struck his in beheld in contempt of Congress, because he isn't answering questions and that would not be any sort of of giant shock This one ok, so all of these scandals are Bruin, while Stormy Daniels faces time behind bars where she will. I am sure film, her latest lesbian pornography act and where President Trump is is fighting off Peter struck. Meanwhile President Trump is over at NATO and controversy has broken out over a NATO, because the president has been very harsh with our NATO allies. I discussed yesterday. He made to specific claims, neither of which was completely unfounded, specifically number one. Is that all of these countries and NATO pledged in twenty fourteen that they're going to increase the percentage of GDP that they spent on their national defence of up to two percent and only four countries have done so as a twenty seventeen out of the twins
Six NATO countries only four have done so at this juncture. Now many more will do so in the coming years and is not that we are picking up the bill for them. It's not as though we have raised our own defence spending to make up for european lack of defence spending. We our defence betting. They their defence spending is really their problem, but Trump isn't wrong. He says you guys made a promise. Europe spend more on your defence and, if you're spending
thing on your defence, and then you expect us to come to your rescue. If your attack, you know we are going to come to a risk of your attack, but you need to raise your defence spending. You are inviting the Russians to basically walk across our borders after spending one percent of GDP on defence instead of two percent of Eu Gdp and offensive that with that, I thought was well founded by President Europe, and then President Trump also suggested that the Germans have basically been selling out their foreign policy to the Russians, because former Prime Minister, former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who was the Chancellor of Germany up until miracle took over, I believe he has now become. Basically, a russian agents in Europe has been going around signing pipeline deals on behalf of russian Gazprom, which is their their giant rosneft, which is their giant russian oil company, and apparently he has been going around taking money for this.
Some. Seventy percent of all natural gas important in Germany is now coming the Russia, thanks to these pipelines, the Novo streams that I've been coming into Germany from Russia, trumps MAC them for that uses. Listen you guys are yelling at me about colluding with Russia. Are the ones taking seventy percent your natural gas from Russia thanks to a former chancellor here who signing all sorts of contracts with the Russians to sit on the board of their state own gas companies? Hey, that's founded to so both of those criticisms. I think we're well founded by president from what is not particularly well founded by president from is the is the idea that he is a sort of anti NATO. So there is an argument that now going on over what president from said over at NATO so boarding to political quote you as President Donald from threatened on Thursday to break with NATO and conduct american security unilaterally. If allies do not rapidly meet higher spending targets, NATO visuals diplomat, said officials inside the room for the formal session of the North Atlantic Council. The alliance is too,
political decision making body said Trump arrived late and apparently furious and quickly hijacked meeting those already in progress with the President's of Ukraine and Georgia, taking the floor trump unleashed, but one official called a prolonged rant on spending you weren't of grave consequences of allies. You not quickly ramp up their spending. Sending the guy bring into chaos. Trump also demanded that allies demonstrate how they would ramp up spending and warned that the? U S could go our own way if they do not meet his demands, while some officials, including french presidency, well, Macrones had from never overtly threatened to abandon NATO. Others said they interpret it as a clear threat, so from went in he has some vague language about how, if they do, they are supposed to do bad things. We're gonna happen, and people interpret this as trumpet but he was gonna, pull out of NATO entirely and leave the Europeans to their own devices, which would not be good by the way, because you do we want the EU acting as one is an offence unit against Russia? One of the great developments has been. This has been NATO. You, you do want NATO to continue to be a vital player in world affairs. Lasting you want is a rich
two prenatal politics when Germany and France we're going to war every twenty years, or so, when Britain, Germany, France, Poland, Spain, Czechoslovakia away. All these various countries we're going to war with one another on a regular basis. You would not prefer that to be the case. Nato helps prevent all of that because it aims the entire block. Basically against Russia. You'll want that's collapse in on itself is foolish for the president to be attempting to pull out of NATO is in fact that something you did, although it's kind of unclear display that's what he did When I gave you the rest historian, just a second first, let's talk about Europe may so you need to make Europe may better. The reality is whatever job you hold right now the chances are very slim, arrogant, beholding. It intends, airs and if your ambitious, probably shouldn't be holding in ten years, probably should be looking to at least increase your job. In the company. You're out or moving job sits and get a better salaries on the way to do. That is to make your resonate better, to increase your skill set and that's where skill share comes it skillshare is an online learning platform with over twenty thousand classes in business design. Technology and more
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They have been wrap up spending and Mccrone Emmanuel Mccrone. The president of France, he said sometimes tweets, are more important than what is negotiated. He added president from Never at any moment either in public or private threatens withdraw from NATO. Now there A lot of mixed signals being sent. Obviously there a lot of people at NATO who thought that tramples threatening to withdraw from NATO's. I don't think this is entirely a rumour from later sidestep the question about the threat at a press conference. He said he believed he had the authority to withdraw from NATO without congressional approval, which is highly doubtful, boasted that he had secured agreement for far larger spending. Commitment by allies and all the other country said. Well, that's not true, either Mccrone said, there's a communique, those published yesterday very details. It confirms the goal of two percent by twenty twenty four. That's all one, NATO official said Trump wants a plan from alliance members by January and how to reach the spending target and other senior NATO official said the troll specifically demanded written spending. Plans from roughly ten allies have not yet submitted them
Even the mere suggestion of the ghost pulling out of NATO raises the worst fears that some Allison Harbour since trumpets elected after he declared during his presidential campaign that NATO is obsolete. So, as I said yesterday, I think crumbs, critiques, of NATO are not wrong, but I do think that from saying that he wants to pull out of. Nato is real foolishness, one of the things that has allowed the stability of the western world too, to cry this growth of last seventy odd years in in the West has been the guarantee that NATO members are basically allies the world to come to each other's defensible not can allow each other to be overrun, and yet NATO is basically aloud various countries that are not quite NATO members, but our butter on the borders and NATO to be run. This obviously happened in Crimea in Georgia when the Russians made a move in georgia- and there is a real question- is whether Putin thinks he thinks he can pushes lucky. They thereby NATO countries like Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania that are right on the border of Russia, Putin obviously has territorial ambitions in this place. If
Nato were not to respond to russian aggression in these places. It be a serious problem in the question is whether Trump is using his his desire for higher spending by these NATO countries as a sort of way to avoid responsibility for NATO at all. Or is it all a giant excuse and sell them, got a rope I'm in our hands in a second I'm to show you the blow back. That's been happening over all of this. I will point out as well the irony in all the votes on the left or critiquing Trump over his NATO Miss Miss information of all over his is NATO belief system. Then that is wrongful so leading the chargers Chris Matthews up, pragmatic, realizing fate, has drunk at a potent gift. Impress us Gavin Money show run in here. Drunken where certain NATO, Brussels, pressing sprouts, cavalry, makes me at home. Sometimes I don't hate my freedom. The dog go coups, matthies, go. This first full day in Europe, president from handed Vladimir Putin, a big gift. The
we beneficiary of firms have egg is Vladimir Putin has been running for the car. Of data since the days of the cold war? Ok, so we don't know that yet we do No, that of NATO where to collapse would be a serious problem for the west. It would also be a serious boon for Putin is unclear, however, whether any of this means anything in this is one of the problems with President Trump and how he speaks generally, you dont know what mean something. What doesn't, as I've said before on President trumps epitaph, it's going say, Donald Trump, forty fifth, president of the United States, he said a lot of crap because he does he says a lot of stuff and some of that stuff is good, and some of that stuff is not good, and so it's difficult to know. What the pay attention to do. I really think United States going to pull out of NATO know. I don't know. I think that anything he says to Putin is going to lead to serious aggression by Putin, not really because I don't think that Putin actually believes that Trump is not volatile. That Trump is very unpredictable, the same from who's making overtures to put in during the elections, was, the same guy, who is throwing missiles into Syria against the Assad regime the same day authorized? U S! Military action!
theory that with the death of two hundred russian mercenary, so he made his arm the Ukrainian, the Ukrainian, distance to russian rule with deadly weaponry. So I don't think of Putin has form of the states that the United States going to abandon a tow if you were to walk across the border, but with that said, is it good that Trump is making these sorts of the implications know AVA play it's not about. I don't think we should quite jump the gun, and this is the level of panic is being expressed here, I think, is overwrought, given the fact that I think a lot of people in the world don't take Trump's pronouncements on these dishes vertically seriously Shep Smith over on Fox news. He says that Trump could turn the clock back centuries. I think this is a bit of an exaggeration, Presented prop up ended world order in a way no american president has in modern history. President trumps utterances not only opened the door for a new system overseas. They could also turn back the global clock centuries, okay! Well, I don't think we're going back to before the treaty of Westphalia in one thousand six hundred and forty eight. I really don't think that's the thing that's going to happen with. That said, I think the trump should be more careful about his words
what do I think that anybody thing a supremely seriously? No, I also say that for members of the prior administration members, the Obama administration, who created the situation in the first place, it was the Obama administration that allowed Vladimir Putin to run roughshod over Ukraine. It was the Obama administration did Ex when nothing when, when Putin simply annexed Crimea, it was the Obama administration that allowed Syria to become a proxy. For the Russians in Asia. Members of the Obama administration coming out in ripping trump over NATO, as though Obama was wonderful, NATO ally of Imo garbage NATO ally. Just wasn't allowed about it. That's a here is John Brown. In former head of the CIA saying that trumps remarks Nato are dangerously naive, as is in the interest of America. Security of NATO leaders push back against the reckless behaviour of doubt. Was dangerously naive and grossly ignorance of how the world works. History inevitably will regard from as one of the most disastrous figures in the twenty first century, so
John O Brien in a dive work for Brok Obama, who presided over the collapse of the international order Ben roads. It over the IRAN zeal and lied to the american people about it for years on end, he says that this is the biggest danger. That Trump is the biggest danger he's blowing up all the international architecture. The biggest danger to the National United States is the president. I saves, who is single handedly before eyes, blowing up the international architecture that the United States has relied upon her own security for seventy years. Ok, then been roads went back to a small apartment and wrote a bunch of short stories, no delivery of Ben roads when he does this Teen went from his blowing up the international architecture. International architecture has not been blown up. I actually believe Mccrone more than I believe, a lot of members, the media he understands and went from says about NATO. It's not going to come to fruition. He does understand that the there's something say about international architecture, their lot
we believe in this sort of facade of international architecture and other people who believe that the international architecture actually has to work that these groups actually have to be worth something. So NATO is worth something only if its capable of acting in the face of threats, to NATO. Nato is not worth anything if the United States makes all sorts of nice noises about NATO and then doesn't do anything. I think that if, if Vladimir Putin and walk Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, I wonder if the Obama administration actually would have done anything I do. I think Trump is more likely to do something. Doesn't then, then Obama was now. Maybe I'm wrong on that we'll find out, but I think that the these sort of panic over the possibility of from pulling out Nato! This point is a little exaggerating, even less corruption be making those implications in the first place. Ok, so
just a second. I wanna get to the continuing fall out over bread cabinet, because the left continues to try and figure out how to sink him, and let's just say that their case is not particularly the first hours. They thanks to our sponsors over at the? U S, Ccs, so you're fat of the second amendment you like the second amendment and if you like, the secondment shoulda done, because the fact is one protect your family or law abiding citizen you and protect your community protector church protect your country. Well, if you're in the market for new gun hurry up an entry to seventeen hundred seventy six boxing guns, Nemo from the? U S, history you're about to miss the deadline for the Great American give way at all and soon five people will each one seventeen hundred seventy six box to spend on any gun they want as much ammo as they need to break it it. You could be one of them only if you act fast, which This is a topic that bucket list is it a Kimber nineteen eleven o clock? Nineteen? Maybe a hunting rifle head over to defend your family. Now dot com right now, you'll instantly walk in your five big chances to win. That's all there is to it. You just go over to defend, defend your family, now dot com and register, and you now have five chances with one thousand seven hundred and seventy six bucks a lot of money. The running out of time, don't miss you
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your present from mooning. You that's pretty much all the tapping here, because the left is in a state of sheer and utter panic over Brett Cavenaugh, who is by all measures. A very well stated, solid judge on the Deasey Circuit Court of Appeals has worked across the aisle on a number of occasions. The facts are going nuts, I have no shows you are not able to go on and Amy Coty Baronet method, the thing that will let themselves on fire for two been able homely there there are gone out there and that they would have legitimately gone full anti pay best it establishes an evil catholic, and I would have gotten like the markets of Daniel Day Louis from gangs of New York and started in started riding out like the all American Club, tinted to throw the Catholics out of the country and of an aim? Acone bear it in any case, Cavanaugh is still too catholic for them, and I have said the left's takes. I'm having a rhythm tongue. Aha takes their incredible. So here is the best ones. Are Christian Liza, tweeted out Brett Cavanaugh call your office
why do I should break, have no call his office because there's an article in the Washington Post in here's, what it says: Supreme Court nominee, Brett Cavanaugh, piled up credit card debt by purchasing national tickets White House as womb Oh no, he spent money on his credit cards on baseball games. He's an american judge who likes baseball. Oh, oh, oh get business partners, they say Supreme Court, Domini, Brett Cabinet, incur tens of thousands of dollars of credit card dead, buying baseball tickets over the past decade times reported liabilities they could have exceeded. The value is cash accounts and investment assets according to review of capitalist financial disclosures and twenty sixteen cabin, our important having between sixty thousand and two hundred thousand dollars and debt accrued over three credit cards and alone each credit card held between fifteen and fifty grand debt and a thrift savings plan? Loan was between fifteen thousand dollars and fifty thousand dollars. Now here's the important part this is buried in paragraph one. Two three four of the art
the credit card, debts and loan, or either paid off or fell below the reporting requirements. In twenty seventeen, according to the findings which do not require details on nature or source of such payments, so in other words he doesn't have massive daddy's, not caring massive debt. He uses credit card to buy things and paid off his credit card like a normal human. But this apparently is enough for bread cannot be forced to call his office. I love this Russia over the white ass. He told the Washington Post Communist friends reimburse him for their share of the baseball tickets and then the judge has stopped purchasing the season tickets. So why do you rack up almost baseball because he bought season tickets for a bunch of people on his credit card. Then they reimbursed him really, that's it. I just with my father all the time I might add in Ireland a bog and pretty soon we're sitting there needs I try, buy tickets was again and all members who later because this is what you do with people who your friends with, but people the Washington Post apparently have no friends. So with reporting like this. I can't imagine why I love this. These cameras most reach
in financial disclosures reveal reportable acids between fifteen thousand dollars and sixty five thousand dollars. Would you put him at the bottom of the real financial ranking of joy this is most have almost well over a million dollars. In essence, the value of residence is not subject to disclosure shy adds that Cavanaugh has a government retirement account worth nearly half a million dollars. That was also not required to be disclosed. She says it this time. The caverns of no debt beyond their home mortgage who he kept sounds from court judgments nationals games. He cannot sit on room quite clearly. That was not the stupidest take of the day. The stupid legitimately stupors take of the day month year, decade, century Millennia, Chris Andrew Cuomo, who is I was, I was under the impression that Chris Cuomo was the stupid or of the Cuomo brothers. But apparently Andrew has now surpassed him. I mean when Chris Promo, when God made Chris Cuomo hee hee when God make Andrew Cuomo, he just forgot to take the brains off the shelf. I mean just AEGIS, did not implant one, because this is incredible. Andrew Cuomo comes out nieces, listen if Brett Cabinet and super
court overturn ROE V Wade. You know what I'm going to do, I'm going to sue them, I'm going to sue them seriously said that they here here is Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, who wants to run for president. But frankly, I don't know how he can eat bipedal locomotion, given his lack of brain power here is Andrew Cuomo. We now need to codify ROE V Wade, which will actually increase the protections in New York. God forbid, they do what they intend to do, which is overturn ROE V Wade. I want to get it done before the Supreme Court does that, because I don't want any gap in a woman's right to protection and we have
any. Is there also, ok, so just just to make clear for those who don't know like basic law? Ok, like basic well like a complete moron who hate your head on a tree, someone. You are three: you can't see the Supreme Court, you idiot, ok, the supreme, so how that work? Exactly this room court rules to overturn Roby way and then como those guys, gonna overtook, they overturn Roby Way, the Supreme Court. I'm resume in court then goes to court, and then the court rules against him is eminent peel. It the higher court, goes to the appeal of the public or- and this is an appeal to the highest court- lad rules against him is Emily appeal at the higher court goes to the appeal of the appellate court and there's an emerald fuel to the highest court lad. The Supreme Court, who am suing for decision so Supreme Court according to Andrew Cuomo is going to rule against the Supreme Court on the Supreme Court to build to overrule Roby Way, because Andrew Cuomo suit the Supreme Court in the Supreme Court. Yes, yes, this is one of you.
For our runners for twenty forty Democrats. Ok, I get that was that was these stupid has taken the day running. A very close eye was MSNBC Katy torso, Katy Terror comes and ass. She says that she doesn't understand why all these people want to interpret the constitution. You know like a law, while these interpret it like poetry, why don't they just read it and see in my Angelou poem or Emily Dickinson way what why can't? We just look and see what we want in the war and to proceed
make a series of ridiculously stupid errors, which is why wouldn't when people on the left talk about the courts and jurisprudence in traditional philosophy, it just makes me want to slam your head on the desk until you're bleeding profusely here is Katy Tremendous NBC they somewhere American stand on the issues and Americans have really moved at a much more progressive direction over the years. Do you think it's appropriate to continue to take such a a strict original list view of the constitution, given its twenty eighteen and not seventeen? Seventy six? Ok, there are eighty three problems with the thing she just said: number one: seventeen, seventy six was a solid decade and a half before the constitution was written. So actually you wouldn't want to go back to seventeen. Seventy six to interpret the constitution because it hadn't yet been written. In fact, Amerika was not yet not yet defeated great Britain in its war for independence. Yet so there's that then
is the problem of its two thousand and eighteen jubilee want to interpret the document written in 17th, one thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine. You know life is written. Seventy nine! When is two thousand and eighteen, the answer to which was yes, because it was written in one thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine is like saying that you're reading a piece of literature from eighteen, thirty in your applying modern day standards to it. So, every time it says in a piece of eighteenth century literature, the word gay says that she was a gay young. Woman Ryan is an aging parties book and you go damning. Choose a lesbian know what the word gay in eighteen, thirty did not mean homosexual. The word gay in eighteen, thirty meant lively and happy right. Ok, the lead case for reinterpreting the constitution is basically at the words of the constitution, magically change over time, because people have choice. Change their views, but you can interpret text that way and no one with with half a brain would want to interpret checks that way, because it makes zero sense whatsoever
and then finally there's this idea that young people have changed. We live in a much more progressive time and progressive country. That means we should reinterpret the constitution a match. Well, if you think that the country has moved in a progressive way, if you think that the country's filled with progressive, you know what a thing you could do, you could get those progressives to vote for our policy as opposed to try to impose them from above. I deliberately misinterpreting a piece of legislative texts from seventeen. Eighty nine- you could do that, but no, but now we are supposed to pretend that this intelligent political, this
course, because everything is stupid. All of the things ok, so speaking of all of the stupid things, I want to go into the story of another deeply stupid thing in just second. First you're gonna have to go for daily whereabouts. Condon subscribe nine. Ninety data month catches subscription to daily wired com. You get the rest of the show Andrew Cravens Show, Michael Moles is terrible show. Yet all of those things when you become a subscriber plus you can be part of our male band, which happens tomorrow. You can ask me: live mail bag questions which will be astonished. Fruitful, also, Youtube has currently manipulated the subscription feed that you have to carry your choices. So if you're a subscriber Tory Youtube Channel, please go over there and to make sure that you receive notifications for our living, as you not only should subscribe to daily, where on Youtube. You also should ring little Bell Physical Little Bell. I can see you know when we post new content. This is true, for is this river currents and scrambridge as well. We should go back and you should ring little bell. Even if there already subscribed over you too, because once you at a certain point, Youtube starts. Punishing you basically so go check it out so that you know when we release new videos. If you want to come the annual subscribe, we can do that for ninety nine dollars year and you get this behold see
The glory, feel it emerging from the speakers of your Iphone or from the screen of your computer. You can feel blessed as I do to hold this the very greatest nor beverage vest the leftist years Heracles Tumble, all you have to do, spend ninety nine Buckingham. Your cash so check that out, and you will not regret it. We are the largest fastest growing conservative podcast in the nation as other stupid stories, so either you earlier this week. The story of a in India and Yellow Green them, who wrote a piece for business insiders. I tell the story earlier this week. I did not tell the story earlier this week. Ok, so this one is in older but goody, but that. Also, in any case, there's a woman intend Yellow Green bam. Ten yellow green belt, with whom I am friendly, used to write for commentary magazine, and it turns out but you wrote a piece for business insider which, as a left wing outlet and that peace said that Scarlet Joe Hansen should be allowed to act as a transgender man in a new in a new movie. Now, together, Scarlett Johansson issue
before going to basic Scarlett Johansson issue. Is it Scarlett Johansson is indeed a woman. In case you didn't know and she's playing a transgender man, which is to say a biological woman on screen in a movie called Rob and tugged can be asked, and everybody got very, very upset, because why should a woman, you know, like a real woman, play a transgender man, the answer which is because all transgender men are biological women, but and also she's an actress cushy acts things like that's what she does for a living, and this is not the equivalent of a white person putting on black face an acting like a black person because a white person is not biologically a black person. However, a transgender manage biologically woman. In fact, Scarlett Johansson were to come tomorrow into, I am a man according to left she's a man now, so the only difference between Scarlett Johansson being a transgender man and acting as a transgender man, but we know she's acting there's literally the only difference I wouldn't know shoes acting right, then we would whom she was an actual transgender met. In any case there,
El Green Bam recipes for business, insider, here's. What the p says she's been cast in a movie. In which your play, someone different than herself for this great crime, which seems to essentially define the career path. She has chosen she's been castigated for being insufficiently sensitive to the transgender community, stealing narratives or more charitably playing parts is precisely what actors are hired to do, but that reality seems to have been forgotten and since I density off the screen is irrelevant. The identity should place on the screen. That's what you paid for and if she does her jobs will make everyone forget about the controversy in the first place, but this that's pretty commonsensical right. Well, it turns out that she is actual General Greene. Burma's histories greatest monster ratios up there with Stalin she's up there with Hitler and so business. Insider pulled the peace. They pull that peace, that extraordinarily mild peace. Why? According the daily beast, Business insider remove deposed about portrayals of trans individuals.
Hollywood after staff, complained internally about the column, sanely article does not meet the publication standards. Several business insider staff told the daily beast at some. Employers were offended by the column. The publication took down the peace on Friday, independent there's no to the page on Tuesday, saying that business insight and remove the column, because, upon further review, we decided to do not meet our editorial standards. So the new. Standard over a business insiders that if employees were offended by peace to peace can't run, which is where, because I added a website and it's my decision as to what goes up and what comes down and for peace goes up that I didn't see it I didn't like. I can take it out, but I don't take a poll, the newsroom. I walk around the office going guys. What do you think shoot? Someone comes later. I found that peace deeply offensive. I then have to make an independent judgment as to whether the peace was actually offensive. I don't just go over to call me like yeah What's a pole of you and will take a pole of Seneca, announcing a just take a pole of everybody in the office and then will decide what comes after what those, because that's not their job as my job on the other
ok and the same thing is true when it comes to business insider, but we become so stupid that the person who, whose screams the loudest immediately get all of the Isle of Greece. So and yellow green bomb has now resigned from business insider, and she wrote this this letter, which is exactly right. Should journalists had an actor app this is the question I wanted to weigh it on when I saw the brouhaha about Scarlett Johansson rule in the upcoming movie, Robin TUG again great moving my judgment. Yes, a woman can play a man or a tradesman and so called we published on Friday, eight July. Sixth, I criticise those who suggested that she was doing anything to various by taking this drop by the way. I think there good case to make that a woman should not play a man, and a man should not play a woman, but that a woman can play in France man because he biological man right like a woman playing a man we ve actually had movies like this, can launch played Bob Dylan and in a movie recently, and nobody seem to care. In fact, it was a sign of female empowerment that this was the
hey it's pretty rare, to have a man play woman. I don't know- that's happened anytime since, like Shakespeare's day, basically but its yet. I think, there's Hence we made the biological like AAA Biological like but trends, men, our biological women, in any case, here's what green, but agreements not even as radical as I'm guessing isn't. She says she's as apparently that radical view that actors should be free to act is beyond the pale of acceptable opinion as just a few hours after went up. The peace was raised from the site following campaign against me. I have other views summit Consider controversial, I believe, for example, safe spaces aren't inane concept the belong. Nowhere near our institutions of higher learning, I believe that people should be admitted. Universities on the basis of merit not depending on the color of their skin. I believe that Hamas, not Israel, is the worst enemy the palestinian people have I believe that members of the gang Amis, thirteen our animals and there's nothing wrong with saying, so I believe that accusations of cultural appropriation encourage divisions instead of bridging them. I had hoped to be able to write about these other issues as columnist here for a while, I did. I have enjoyed the past few months. I have worked here. I'm really disheartened about what has transpired in the past
days, I wish I could say I am surprised, and she says that she is now resigning from her position as a columnist, though, full of insanity that has now taken over R r editorial pages is obviously beyond the pale good for her for standing up to it, but it's just indicative of the level of intolerance to which left will stoop based on really not offensive stuff, really really not offensive stuff, but I'll tell you what they are funded by. So the left are offended by their deeply offended, obviously by Donald Trump, so much so that George Lopez decided it was worthwhile, took over trumps Hollywood star and then fake pee on the Hollywood star. Here is what it sounded like so this guy has been irrelevant for awhile right he's pretend peeing on Donald from Hollywood STAR for Tnc like a watermark, and but he cheering what what bravery are good news, but guys, trumpets and present anymore he's judge it all about
peed on his Hollywood. Trumps Hollywood star has already been vandalized. Remember that there is somebody who came with a hammer, chiseling out the Hollywood star, because they hate Donald Trump, that much that's of insanity. If you really think that is going to drive anybody to vote for Democrats enough in the upcoming elections, you gotta, be you gotta, be crazy to actually believe that its it pretty astonishing that that Hollywood continues to act as though they have any sort of more credibility on on political issues and they think that's going to win them elections. Hillary Clinton tried this entire election cycle. She tried this product. Lena Dunham was an awful human being and she trotted out the she tried it out, a bunch of other celebrities and she had more perform at the other Dnc and was a giant fail, but Hollywood is not going to stop this because in the end for Hollywood, it really is not in any way about when
the political battle is a virtue signaling to all their friends and showing what wonderful people they are because they hate trump. So much that they're going to pretend tea by pouring the water bottle on Trump's Hollywood star or some such as speaking of overwrought nonsense. The continued attempts to get Jordan, the representative from Ohio seems to me wildly misplaced. I spoke about this a couple days ago. I'm still waiting for additional evidence from out the Jim Jordan was specifically informed. The team doktor at Ohio State University when he was a young wrestling coach, there was actually molesting the players and that he refused to do anything about it. I've seen none of that evidence. So far, I've heard it's a bunch of testimony from people say well, Jim had to have known had to have known and didn't know. It was informed and was worn and then obstructed, but are not the same, at all, they're, not the same thing at all. In fact, it could create legal liability in any company if they're, just rumors floating about that one of the people in the company was say sexually harassing somebody else. The company was just rumors the company was it actually complain. If you go to that person- and you start talking about the rumors- that person
the irrevocably sue you re actually creates legal liability. If you start believing rumours and you go around talking to people or fire that I based analyses, It's the extremity of fire that I could see you for wrongful termination of you fire him based on just right, worth floating around the guy's sexual harassed or abuser. You would actually have to see an actual complaint. It will. I think the same thing applies to Jordan. From what I understand. I've talked to some people who are on the agenda, state wrestling team at the time from what I understand, everybody knew the doktor was a creep, but none of them are actually filing complains that all strapping, torn your old man and the figure of the Ngos, rather sacrament ahead, which seems not completely wild to me, just as a theory of how this thing is working, none the less people continue got for Jim Jordan, Paul Ryan Speaker has came out, defended Jordan. He said that
believes Jim Jordan side of the story. So do I until I see some other evidence guys, Jim Jordan is a front. We ve always agree with each other over the years. What I've always known, Jordan to me, a man of honesty of integrity. Ok, the fact in Paul Ryan is willing to stake himself. That demonstrates how weak this cases, because in Washington DC, the easiest thing to do is just to keep silent about it or I'm waiting until the all the evidence comes it, but actually have right out there. Defending Jim Jordan shows that this is a gaucho operation and the more we see these gotcha operations, the more we see these women go back thirty years and try and try up support for the idea that covered up sex, these, when you didn't against him, Jordan or the more we see Stormy Daniels, the hero of the resistance until she starts slapping cops. The bread or the more that we see. All of this. This talk out. Brett cabinets credit card receipt.
And how this means you can no longer sit on the court. The more we realise that our politics is basically just slap fight, interested stormy, Daniel style, booby slap fight. That's all it is an aided and it's not accomplishing anything It's not it's not bringing America forward. Many railway is just becomes partisan bickering over essentially nothing from people on the left, because, if you want to argue over trumps policy Gulf WAR, but if you want to argue about Jim Jordan and nineteen eighty seven based on no evidence- or you want to argue that Brett Cavanaugh Buying Nationals Tickets- you didn't have to do better than that if you'll be part of an actual political rotation I'll think left does. I think there are much more interested right now in signalling that they are very, very, very angry and more very, very, very angry. They can act more. They hope they're gonna, win votes, which is, of course, why they like people like Alexandria, Abkhazia, Cortez, because she s very there angry the angrier. You are the more we're supposed to respect you. We're not earning their respect with your anger, in fact you just showing her dumb. You are very frequently ok time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things I like it
I mentioned the movie Lincoln yesterday, so the the great song of the of the civil war was, of course, the battle him of their public, really terrific piece of music. I- and this is what men Martians war singing it's it's a magnificent is madness of these here. Here is a little bit of battle him of the republic owing to its great when people say that religion does now
an american life. You can't listen to that song and not here the religion it's written all over it. Ok was religion that drove the civil war. Ok, we're really was they. The attempt to abolish slavery was driven in large measure by a puritan ethos. That said that slavery was wrong and that people need to march into battle to stop it, the attempt to separate religion out from the civil war, and particularly that the union's cause is, is really absurd. The other things that I like this pretty great as a new study out and what it shows that Universal IQ screening boost, the number of poor and minority students and gifted education so there's been. A lot of. It has been a lot of talk from folks on the left for years that, if we just the accused iq test should be our battle, they should be ruled out of bounds. The reason they should be ruled out of bounds is because not enough poor minority students will dwell on them, and then you will have basically this case hierarchy of people of high. I q, and those people would be disproportionately in members of non minority communities. It. First of all that things will the racist.
Reason that an acknowledgement of the idea that certain raised are inferior to others, intellectually, The entire argument here, the entire arrogant on a bit hard left that there is no such thing as group differences and I q, or that if there are group differences- and I feel that those are only manifest because society, because a social differentiation, not because of actual like you, but what the study shows is the opposite, which is showing. Is that if you actually want to get students in poor? My ready neighborhoods into gifted programmes what you really should do not use affirmative action, which is subjective, which is subjective, ejaculated, IQ test. Here's what the study says without any change in the standards for gifted eligibility, the screening programme lead to large increases in the fractions of economically disadvantaged minority students, placing gifted programmes. Comparisons of the newly gifted students with those who would have been placed in the absence of screening, show the blacks and Hispanics free, reduced price lunch participants, english language lawyers and girls, or all systematically under referred in the traditional parent teacher referral system. In other words, objective tests are not showing that
These group differentiations in IQ are reflected in only white students in in or only jewish students from the asian students in gifted programmes. Instead, it turns out that when you actually apply in equal standard to everybody that their lot of blacks and a lot more and spanish we're getting in then when it was just this kind of biased referral system, that's good! That's not bad and it'll be left that tries to argue against these iq test now. One of the reasons that I think it's foolish from left to argue in favour of affirmative action and against objective standards. Objective metrics is because then what you're doing is you're putting a stigma on everybody who gets into the gifted programme whose black, so let's say that you have a
the programme that is barred iq test specifically because you have said you don't think enough. Elections are going to get it. Well, then, the assumption of a lot of people in a sea of last June and the gifted programmes, the student wasn't normally gifted enough to get into the gifted programme, but now through affirmative action is it creates a massive stigma for black students or in gifted programmes, but that's stupid. According to the study, there'll be more black had to get in if you use these tests, so it's pretty. It's pretty great is an actual statistic from the from the Atlantic in the statistic shows that there is a massive increase, a massive decrease in the number of white in the programme post universal screening, so sixty eight August, there are sixty one white since in this one in this, this one school, sixty one white students to that end, the gifted programme before the universal screening that was reduced to forty three
I and what you saw me blackens was an increase of five monk hispanic students and increase of eleven asian students. There were eight in both. This is all this objective. Metrics are helpful. Non objective, metrics are counterproductive and we ought to be pursuing objective metrics as much as we can. At least we have. The data Ok time for a couple of things that I hate I'll get Corey Booker is the worst kind of senator from New Jersey, good friend, to his imaginary gangster Tiburon Corey Booker. He says that it is time to stop the bs partisanship this from the guy, who has claimed that that every religious judge in the country ought to basically be disbarred
and then this is from the guy who suggested that Christian Nielson was. I was the great monster in american history, this from a guy who has suggested a trump should that that they'd Cavanaugh is being placed on the bench specifically because you gotta let from off the hook and impeachment trial, and here's court book or saying you know I parted. Bi partisanship needs to start. We stop with the partisanship. Guys really do. We must stop the partisanship in these countries. We have common ground that we care to admit and we're living political opportunism, both the I'll try to undermine the true, but this nation, but the ties that bind us or so much stronger than the lines that divide us, ok, except for how he spent every day in Congress, trying to run as far as you can lead to commit a primary that's. What book, when Booker's images as mayor of newer? He was known as the guy who the, where he was known as the guy who is trying to build consensus at least publicly.
But now that he's a centre is much more interested in running for present. That means being as pie, It is an issue of the possible, while still proclaiming that he is trying to bring the country together while wearing his MR potato head angry eyes, so that that is that is Corey. Booker's spiel right now hear other things that I hate. So this actually something like, I think, it's actually kind of funny, so apparently the handmaids tail. Are they brought out wine? Neither see wines are what eighteen partner with the handmaids tell producer empty and to make a series of wines inspired by characters in the show of more brutally oppressed in subjugated. The wine was pulled out for just one day on the market, who thought that there was that there was a great idea that some want to buy a bottle of wine that set on it of Glenn of Fred who, who really, who is like into that just shows how crazy people are the date They think. Oh, I guess people such big fan, the handmaids till they want to buy branded Handmaids tail wine, yet scrape by what MIKE Levin nodded is. Also. There is he's not
using his accusing Ohio law enforcement of foul play after Stormy Daniels is arrested. Msnbc Stephanie rule spoke to have a naughty about his view that his arrest, when the arrest is a politically motivated, set up against his client Daniels, was charged with three misdemeanours offences for touching undercover police officers during her routine returning had some interesting insight into their investigation of Explained says. She was therefore performance and unbeknownst to her the police at the Singapore issues within the strict club with multiple officers during her performance, they asked if they could place their facing between her breasts while she was performing onstage overnight. It continued to call the incident ridiculous in an absurd use of law enforcement resources. He said if the angles, Briefly, postponing her national tore, it will plead, not guilty the charges. He says it seems absurd to me. This is something that would require this amount to resources and would result in the arrest of my client. I've been in touch with prosecutors. This morning we ve been up all night dealing with the situation. I think they're gonna be reasonable about this. I think they're gonna be diligence and appear to be incredibly professional, and we thank them for that. I, like that, have a naughty really is upset with law enforcement resources being expended on his client slapping people with her breasts and shoving there
face into her cleavage, but he is not concerned with the millions and millions and millions of dollars that are being spent in resource all across the country to deal with the fact that one time his client had sex with a married man. Which is the extent of Stormy Daniels story, literally her entire story is up there. We are everything stupid will back here tomorrow with more stupidity the bench of Russia. The bench of Euro, show, is produced by sending a villa real executive producer. Germany boring senior producer, Jonathan, hey our supervising producers, math is clever, and our technical producer is often Stevens edited by Alex Angora Audio is mixed by micro. Mina Heron make up is by just one over the bench. A bureau show is a daily wire for publishing production. Copyright for publishing twenty eighteen.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-11.