« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 521 - Is Starbucks Racist?

2018-04-19 | 🔗
Trump reaches out to North Korea, Democrats try to take Texas from Ted Cruz, and Starbucks goes through the racial wringer. Date: 04-19-2018
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Starbucks is in serious trouble and will go through the case plus President Trump reaches out to North Korea and Democrats. Try to take TED Cruz's seat in Texas, I'm Ben Shapiro. This is the Ben Shapiro show and, as always, It is a busy news day and I have a lot to talk about, particularly with regard to the Starbucks fiasco. I just hate how the media these racial incidents, without actually waiting to here all the facts. Without waiting to see, if there's any additional evidence, the immediate jump to conclusions is pretty astonishing will get to all of that in just a second first, I want to say thanks to our sponsors over at quip, so every single day you are brushing your teeth. I would hope, because otherwise, you're gross But when you brush your teeth, are you really using the best kind of toothbrush to do so? Well, you should be using clip is the new electric toothbrush that has just the right amount of fashion into a slim design at a fraction of the cost of both your traditional electric brushes and guiding pulses, actually alert switch sides making brushing the right now absolutely offer less even comes with amount, that's options right to marry, Unst
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Com, slash apparel and again use that slash appears. They know we sent you and ensure that you get your first refill pack, absolutely free with that quip. Electric toothbrush get quick dot com, slash apparel all right, so I want to start today. With the situation over at Starbucks. This is now become a national issue, so Starbucks is supposed to shut down every one of its stores for a day next week, because is apparently an incident in which two black guys were to Philadelphia, Starbucks and sat down, and the manager asked them if they wanted to buy anything, and they said no and bring them. At this point she called the police according to her, they continuously refused to leave. They were they were, they were, loitering and she called the police. The police came. The police apparently ask these guys to leave the guys refused over and over, at which point the police arrested them to Starbucks is, of course, apologized for the incident. The woman in question has not been. Layered trently no no longer works at the store, which makes me a little suspicious. It does make me a little suspicious makes me a little suspicious. Let's talk just fire lady, if they actually thought
that. There was a deeply racist incident that happened. You would imagine that they would get rid of the lady for simple legal reasons having this woman hanging around if she actually was artist. Paint in a racial incident seems like really stupid, stupid policy, but Starbucks didn't get rid of her which leads me believe there might be a little bit more to the story. So today I want to through the media. Hubbub about well this, and I want to ask a few simple questions that are all answerable. This is not truth ring I'm not saying I don't believe. I don't believe these guys story, I'm just saying that I want to see the evidence on all sides and I don't think that's unreasonable. So, for example, the It's going good morning, America, the two black fellows going good morning, America and they're The national coverage for an incident in which they were threatened with arrest for apparently sitting in a Starbucks for no reason that was originally taken by a woman that, by a couple of different people, or at the Starbucks, a new claim that they saw this racial incidents unfold when the guys just use the from there told they couldn't use the bathroom because they hadn't bought anything and they refused to buy something and the manager
his name is Holly apparently called the police for loitering. So here is a little bit the of the ABC News Exclusive interview with these two guys. Now again, I have to point out that this, being wildly overblown. Ok, the lady is presumably being punished the Starbucks Apologize they're, shutting down their entire entire company for a day to teach about implicit bias, implicit bias and how stupid implicit bias assessment tests are in just a second and why implicit bias. It's completely useless from a social science perspective. I'll talk about that in just a few minutes here but important to know. Kyle Smith has good Point national review there, two hundred and thirty eight thousand employees. Our box. Let's assume that everything that said here is right. Let's assume that this this manager, this this manager, the Starbucks, was a brutal horrible, bull, Connor type racist. Would that implicate everyone who works for Starbucks Kyle Smith, point out two hundred and thirty, eight thousand people is like the entire popul University of Richmond. If someone killed somebody in this,
Richmond. Would you say, listen, I'm never traveling to Richmond again I'm going to boycott Richmond. Would you force the entire population of Richmond to go and get implicit bias, training or just say that's a bad person right. So, first of all, there's an individual issue at the very most and second of all, we're not even sure if it's an individual issue yet because, as I'm going to point out their cameras, The store like this is an amazing thing. I'm amazed nobody's asked this before I've been asking this for the last couple of days. Every Starbucks I've ever been in has cameras, the camera, is there because they want to ensure that if a crime actually does take place on the premises that they can hand that tape over the police, so I asked my listeners to actually go over to this Starbucks as one particular listener. Hood actually been to the Starbucks new. The manager said that this manager was a social justice Warrior Leftist who is so woke that she spends her days, telling people not to use the wrong pronouns, and yet this one is supposed to be the great racist in the whole story. She still has not publicly revealed herself or told her side of the story, but in any case I asked a couple of my listeners, one one of my twitter followers. If they could go take a look at the start.
Itself to see. If there are a bunch of cameras there, it turns out that from the picture she took, there are no less than four cameras in this tab I mean we have seen it no camera tape from any of this. The only reason breaking this down this way. Folks, is because it's a national story. Otherwise I wouldn't care because when the it I'll give you an example: there's a story from apple: these are there, isn't and there's an Applebee's, as I believe that it was in Wisconsin and just back in, you all right? I Missouri rather Applebee's fired three employees in Missouri Mall based restaurant back in February that it determined were involved in the racial profiling of two african american customers, whom they falsely accused of skipping out without paying their bill. The restaurant chain apologize for the February ninth incident at the Independence Missouri eatery. The apology comes after one of the diners that Alexis Brison posted a video current counter with employees from her cellphone and commenting on the incident on Facebook. The rest on the independence Center Mall was temporarily closed and the video should apply restaurant staff or a police officer and a security guard talking to two women, one of whom was crying on control,
It had been estimated viewed three million times the company said that it regretted the inside and the manager, the server and another employee were fired. It is didn't where I'm not questioning what happened, because the company fired the employees, the company only admitted what happened. The company then fired the employees, and apparently this is a much more clear cut case where the These were called on these particular women who are accused walking out on their bill, but they do not walk out now paying their bill. They actually were trying to pay their bill right. According to the Facebook post about an hour into dinner, these two women but use of ordering food the day before and leaving without paying their bill and then It turns out that these were not the same two women, so the employees were fired, Yes, that's an easy one to prove right. There's a there's either evidence that they were there the day before or they weren't there the day before right did you turns out the All these were all wrong and they're all fired. So in that part ok, so I'm not saying show me the tape in this particular case. I'm saying show me the tape, because there was a little bit of countervailing evidence and you're going to see the countervailing evidence here, so I'm going to play you the account of the two men
or on good morning America again, this is now national incident, even though it's at best one person at a star in Philadelphia, important to point out that this put MS manager Holly she's working at a Starbucks in Philadelphia. Philadelphia is forty two percent black. If you really think that Holly has not done for the past year with any black customers she's, a wild, the races to discriminate against black customers. It's weird that It was fine for a year in a forty two percent black city, where presumably a lot of the customers are black. And, as I say, one of my listeners, I talked about this yesterday. Program. One. My listeners knows how has been there and seen her deal black customers and is never seen any inkling of anything like this, but alright right, the on to the two men on good morning, America, and I'm sure this even conflicts with the police accounting of what happened. I will it what she also how the media treat this around. Roberts, one doing the interview on
Abc news is good morning. America, here it is Dante. You both walk in you get a table or Sean. How long was it before you asked to use the restroom immediately soon as I walked in You know she stated that they were for paying customers only what happened next, where the table we sit down, we're just talking amongst each other, and she didn't come from around the register as well. To give you know she can help us with anything. Can we start with some drinks, water or something like that? You know we have it was the water with this. So you know we're fine, which is waiting for meeting, will be out really quick, according to nine one one accounts, a call was placed at four hundred and thirty seven
two minutes after you arrive to nine one one. What did you think when you saw police arrive Dante? It can be for us, ok, so let's posit there for one second, so first thing to note here is when she says that They arrived at four hundred and thirty five, and then the call happened at four hundred and thirty seven. How did she know what time they got? There right. I mean she's, not revealing how she knows that, because presumably should either have to have testimony from Starbucks itself. Jeff had access to tape. You have to have witnesses. You said four thirty five for these guys told her. They got there at four hundred and thirty five and four hundred and thirty seven. This woman made a call, we just don't know. The answer. Now is one of the areas where tape could obviously clear this up. You see them walk in there be a time stamp on the tape. You know whether this is true or not. According to the police. This is not what happened if you actually listen to what the police officer said right. It's not. It doesn't match up with You guys are saying so these two guys are saying that they walked in they sat down. They asked to use the restroom. They were declined because they did not I anything they're asked if they wanted to buy anything and then they refused to leave because
waiting for somebody. Okay, that's that's their story now here is the police officer story so here's the here's, the police chief in in Philadelphia, who is Black telling the story of what happened according to the police when the call was initially made me a Starbucks employees. They told the males that they were going to call the police and they said, go ahead and call the police. We don't care. So please get there. I'm fine about the same type of attitude and repeatedly are told that they are not meeting In fact there is some alleged rhetoric about you. Don't know what you're doing you only forty five thousand dollars year, employee or something to that regard, and so Becaus these individuals refused to leave. Becaus Starbucks actually called the police did not just happen upon this event. It is not just walking to Starbucks to get coffee, they were called there for a service and that service had to do with Boeing of Disturbed a disturbance that had to do with trespass, so I need to underscore the
at the males were arrested when they were arrested, taking out essentially without incident. There was no harm done to them, but after being trans forty two, the police district in the area of the officers after processing paperwork discovered that Starbucks no longer was interested in Prosser. Ok, so let's So what the police chief says is when they arrived? these men. Do you want to leave me? I I said no we're not leaving and apparently when they said we don't care, go ahead and arrest us. This is not the same, The media are telling the media are telling a story where these two guys walk in there trouble at all they're just sitting and then there arrested for no reason after being incredibly polite to police officers, the police themselves are saying: that's not what happened. We don't have the probably the manager there are of the tape footage, regular for cameras, the stablishment from what I can see from these pictures that are being publicly on social media and there's been confirmed by a couple of people. And yet the media are running this, as though this is a bull Connor, Jim Crow story,
Explain the second one is really isn't even that, but first I want to say their first. I wanna say thank you to our sponsors over at filter by cell. What is the Last time you checked the filters in your central air system. It's one of these annoying kick the can down the road habits. Well, here's the problem, you're, not aggravating your health. You might be destroying your hvac system, leading to thousands of bucks in repairs, so stop fascinating visit, my friends and Filter by America's leading provider of HVAC filters for homes and small businesses that carry over six hundred different filter size even custom ones, all shipped free within twenty four hours, plus the man after right here in the United States Filter by offers. The of them they options. Although at the hospital grade check your system specifications, you can pick the right out in and maximize efficiency and elevate. The quality of the air that you breathe, sort delivery and you're never going to think about air filters again. They just show up house and say five percent: save money, save time, breathe, better filter, dot com do you want to come, there's a reason we use filter by at the Shapiro House. There's a reason that we're using it here at the daily wire offices when we needed fresh air filter by is the place to go filter. Ui dot com. Again, that is filteredby dot com,
and again when you when you use those are bad. I com, you can set up auto delivery and they will deliver these things regularly. Plus you say five percent on the deal so filter, B y dot com filter by dot com. Okay. So let's discuss for a second. Why Starbucks has this power see about loitering in the first place. So this impression here is that Starbucks employee just decides randomly black guys gotta go don't like him, the black, that's the story, I'm told national, tell good Morning, America, again fax, being stated without any real verification. Robin Roberts and there's a two minute delay between the time. These guys sat down. At the time the police were called yeah. I can We don't know. I, like I don't know where that's coming from, because it what you'll see He is that the media will report it saying things like these. Two men arrived at four hundred and thirty five and then by four seven, the police were called, oh say it has been reported, is been by home by home. Ok again, I want to break this thing down. Like this router type, I don't think that important in some of the media think it's an important incident where we would be talking about this. If the media
blowing this up into all of America is implicitly racist, including Starbucks. Right, what this is all about. Again, I wasn't the Applebee's incident. That happened back in February, because that was an actual racial incident. People involved or fired by the chain which apologized so obviously, and again. The reason I asked for substantiating evidence is because we've had too many cases in the past of high profile into it's like this or it's turned out the whole story, not being told I remember, Michael Bennett was a football player last year claimed the LAS Vegas Police Department had cracked down on him. For racial reasons, and then the tape came out and it turned out the reason they crack down on him is because he was acting in criminal fashion, and so, if tape is available, I like tape it is not available. We have to evaluate the evidence of the people who are talking, but just police incident. I want to see the body cam footage before I make any sort of judgment in this incident. I don't think it's unreasonable for Starbucks to release footage of exactly what happened here now
a lot of people who say well Starbucks won't release the footage because they know that they're guilty. Ok, it's also possible Starbucks, won't release the footage because they know that if they released then the entire media and the black lives matter. Movement would suggest that they don't care enough about racism, and they're, fighting back against these charges, because they're racist themselves. This is the way Rachel game is played, unfortunately, which is if you provide countervailing evidence to charge that you are racist them. Claim that you're even more of a racist, because you're not acknowledging your white privilege and peoples different sensory experiences, but here's the point Starbucks have this policy for a very long time. He Starbucks had this policy with Why are people not using the bathroom for a long time and they've had controversies about this policy for a very long time and it the second I'm going to bring you that controversy going to show you that controversy. Ok, so here is the story. There's another Starbucks in Philadelphia at 13th and chestnut streets. But it sent to me by another one of the Ben Shapiro show listeners this is from Nbcphiladelphia dot com. Ok, this story is dated September 15th, two thousand and fifteen. In the wake of the social
post that viral over the weekend, claiming a Starbucks barista. A uniform, Philadelphia police sergeant access to a restroom at a downtown Philadelphia coffee shop. Starbucks has apologized to the sergeant the spokesperson for the international coffee shops. Told the NBC ten, the company personally apologize to the police sergeant from the incident which happened late last week. The sergeant, according to a Facebook post, shared thousands of times, walked into the Starbucks at 13th and chestnut streets and ask for the key code to use restroom and employee, according to the post, stated in a loud voice that the bathroom is for paying customers only the postman on, say this urgently requested access again Starbucks employee continued to deny it loudly as customers listen. Well, she continued, tell me about the bathroom down the street. I was even more astonished at the many customers and other employees said nothing and seemed indifferent. This is the world living anymore wrote. The sergeant was declined to comment saying he didn't anticipate his post would gain some traction answer jolt light heart? A friend of the sergeant was one of the first to share the fellow officers post about the incident when her says he personally has been that Starbucks location several times on calls for service, but never
as a customer. I didn't intend for it to go viral Lightheart said adding that most people have responded to the post had been supported. Starbucks wrote in part quote: we are aware the situation is certainly not in line with the experience you want. Any of our customers to have in our stores were taking all necessary steps to ensure this doesn't happen in the future. This officer apparently was white. There's no, enter. The officer was actually black So the idea that you know the loitering policy is being exclusively used on black people. I again I'm not seeing all of the evidence for this, but the entire point here is to shake down Starbucks the entire Point is to make the entire chain field that responsible for the actions of one employee, even without us knowing the whole story about the employee, so now Starbucks is going to be getting implicit bias, training to all of its employees. This is deeply stupid. Implicit bias, training is a giant giant giant waste of time. Hillary Clinton, during the twenty seventeen campaign, talk about how implicit bias
come for everyone, not just police, and she said that too many people jump to conclusions about each other. Of course, Senator Cory Booker has talked about implicit bias. Ok people tend to use what they call the implicit association. S as proof of implicit bias, it included a socio asian test is a test that you've probably had if you're on on a college campus where some idiot sociology professor says what do we show that you were going to show you your races. You don't think you're racist. You never do, anything racist but secretly like Freudian, conscious, secretly, you're, actually a racist and the way that we can tell. This is what we do as we show you a black face, with some words associated with it and white face with some words associated with it, if you more quickly identify white faces, She had with good words and black faces, associate with good words. This means that implicitly, your racist now they're a bunch of problems, they're a bunch of problems with the I a t, the studies are not particularly reliable. They have relatively small sample size if I know significant correlation between implicit bias and behavior in the real world. Texas AM psychologist: Professor Heart Blanton,
point out. The scores on the I eighty mean virtually. Nothing quote: there's not a single study showing Bob and below that cut off people differ in any A based on that score. Social psychologist, Russell Fazio of Ohio State University, says quote as traditionally implemented the I a t really has problems. Even advocates of the I eighty, like its creator, Professor Anthony Greenlaw, admit that these are simply not appropriate for settings such as courtrooms. In fact, one major study has that being alerted to potential buyers and limited response control through direct personal experience, such as that, provided by the I. A can lead to worse, rather than under behavioral regulation statistics show the correlation between. I eighty political preference are stronger than racial preference. There's what happens to suggest that the iat measures in group out group implicit bias rather than racial bias process. So, if you're told which people which group is is your group you. So it's good things to that group off the bat Jesse Singal, New York magazine or Jesse, I'm friendly with Jesse Jesse, is not on the right Jesse's, a definitely liberal, guys left guy. He says that
back to the idea that the I eighty predicts predict behavior in any serious way is not true he's a pile of scholarly work, some of it published in top psychology journals ignored by the media suggests that the I eighty falls far short of the quality control standards normally expected of psychological instruments, the ia is a noisy, unreliable measure that correlates far too weekly with any real world out comes to be used to predict individuals behavior and by the way implicit bias. Training does nothing either a single point out. Both critics and proponents of the I eighty now gray, that the statistical evidence is simply too lacking for the test to be used to predict individual behavior, and so we're now being told that if you train people on implicit bias that this is going to fix things again, the the data just is not here. The data is just not here, but nobody needs the data. This is all just an attempt to again paint the United States as broadly racist, because of one incident that is still under controversy and for which we have not seen tape, and if you ask for evidence that people call you racist, because that's the way this works now, it's just it's just ridiculous. I got questions from the media for asking for tape. I asked for
Why are you asking for tape for the same reason that you asked for table in a black guy get shot by a cop, because you want to see what happened I mean. Why is this even a question? And it's just a second I'm going to talk about President Trump's at foreign policy. Some policy achievements may be in the offing, despite media coverage for the country. First, I want to say: thanks sponsors over a policy genius, so seventy one percent of say they need life insurance. Only fifty nine percent of people, however, have coverage. That means at least twelve percent of people are procrastinating. And you know sure, normally, president a bad thing, but if you die it's bad thing. If you don't have life insurance, in fact, there's I, who I'm a friend of mine new on line just a couple days ago, who dropped out of a heart attack, didn't have life insurance serious problems family. This is why you need to go to policygenius dot com, so policy genius is the easy way to compare life insurance online. You can compare, quotes in just five minutes. It's really really easy can be sitting there watching tv and you can compare quotes while listening to this podcast policy, genius is held over four million people shop for insurance place over twenty billion dollars in coverage, and they don't just make life insurance easy. They also compared disobey
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let formula with different variables in the input different country different numbers in this concludes whether they ought to use diplomacy. Where they are using the CIA or whether they ought to use military strikes. I don't think that's how, I think foreign policy generally matter of muddling through for the United States, and it has been since world war. Two president Trump makes that obviously clear, the modeling is so clear: just in public right mean every so often The president just reverses himself on a matter of foreign policy, whereas previous administrations have tried to lay out a coherent reason? Why they're doing what they're doing, and sometimes that coherent reason it's just not coherent trump doesn't even right is obviously just kind of looking side to side, I don't think that's a kind. I kind, I think, just a change in the way that that is presented the world now. Sometimes that ends well, and sometimes it's kind of weird right so in in one case, right now, there's easily is some controversy about what exactly president from is going to do with our North Korea. So yesterday President Trump was doing a press conference with Japan and he said that we've had talks with north
great high level. Talks have been taking place with the North Koreans. Well, let's leave it a little bit short of that, but we have had talks at the highest level and it's going very well, but we'll see what happens. Ok, so we'll have to see how this place had a lot of people are very skeptical of the idea that any serious negotiation can take place with the North Koreans. I'm one of those people skeptical, because again, I think that the North Koreans have no just giving up their nuclear program. I think this is another shakedown effort. The north korean government has thirty. Five years, then routinely firing missiles doing nuclear tests doing all this stuff in an effort to pride, goodies out of the United States and out of our allies, they did under Clinton. They they under Bush, they did they under Obama and now they're doing it under President Trump. So I think it's a little premature to celebrate the the fact that we are talking with the North Koreans in some sort of grand design to to change the face of North Korea However, it is important to note that the New York Times reporting today that n korea- is now removing a major obstacle to US negotiations according to South Korea, so it is important,
note here, also, by the way that s Korea's government is what they call a sunshine government, meaning that they have attempted to ratchet down tensions with the North Koreans at any possible cost according to the New York Times Kim Jong, Il North Korea's leader as some of the key obstacle to negotiations with Washington, I no longer demanding that american troops to remove from South Korea as a condition for denuclearize in his country. According to the south's president, Moon Jae in it is actually pretty important, because if it is true that no North Korea is not demanding the United States withdraw troops from South Korea from the korean peninsula. Then a deal is much more in the offing. The United States was never going to withdraw troops from korean, no matter how much president Trump might want to do. So simply because we have strategic interests not only in South Korea, but in the korean Peninsula and the South China Sea. More broadly so removing our troops from North Korea from South Korea was never a thing. The change in stance or in times, if officially confirmed by the north, could affect the United States long term military plans in North EAST Asia and Ease Washington's reluctance strike a deal North Korea for decades the recluse
country and ally of China, has persistently demanded the withdrawal of two twenty eight thousand five hundred american troops in South Korea, citing their presence as a pretext to justify its development of new weapons. The man has always been a non starter for south korean and american negotiators on Thursday said North Korean Korea no longer included a man and list of things that wanted in return for giving up its nuclear weapons. That has encouraged United States to proceed with plans to hold its first ever summit meeting with North Korea, so one of the serious questions is: what are they going to ask the United States to give up, and the bigger question is: how are we going to verify that they have indeed, given things up remember in nineteen. Ninety four, the United States signed on to a north korean nuclear framework agreement that President Clinton each claim is going to and the north korean Nuclear program involved the United States giving the North Koreans light water, nuclear reactors that they could have domestic nuclear energy and also involved assigning, your checks to the North Koreans. Those impossible fine. Obviously now North Korea has nuclear weapons. It'll be interesting to see if the North Koreans think they can play the United States. This way again
one of the major issues when it comes to negotiations with N Korea is whichever party is in power, has an interesting claiming that their deal is going to work. We see this with the IRAN deal right. The IRAN deal is a giant fail, but the Democrats still have interesting, claiming that it worked the India, where we were told that Russia was going to remove all chemical weapons from Syria. We were told this was a massive success by everyone on the left, including the New York Times up until the point when Assad, gassing as citizens again, at which point everybody had to recognize. That was a failure, every administration and all of their Have an interesting claiming that every negotiated deal that is cut is a success without significant teeth to the actual, verification regime. All of these promises mean very very little. According to moon, n Korean Cena, there's any conditions that the United States could not accept, such as the withdrawal of american troops in South Korea talk about an end to hostilities against their country and not getting security guarantees, it's safe to say the plans, for one two north in the United States could proceed because that has been made clear so
don't really have a clear plan from the United States just what we are going to demand in terms of verification standards. I north Korean to Sixteen demanded you stop deploying long range bombers submarines. Another nuclear strike capabilities in around S Korea, but it is unclear that the United States is going to is actually going to do any of those things. So we'll find out what happens here, but there's very little question that this is somewhat ad hoc right, I mean there's all ad hoc foreign policy and again I'm not blaming Trump for that, but it does create a certain amount of compute. In terms of world politics, creating another man's confusion is the Trump Administration approach to Russia. So earlier this week obviously promises that russian sanctions were on the way after Russia helped sponsor serious governmental chemical attacks on civilians in Syria Nikki Haley won a national television. She claimed that we were gonna put sanctions on Russia and then Larry Kudlow came out so we're not putting sanctions on Russia well now from his defending, and so
there's. No one who's been tougher on Russia than I have been there, been nobody tougher on Russia than President Donald Trump between building up the Jerry between creating tremendous vast amounts of oil, We raised billions and billions of dollars extra in NATO. We, they very very severe. We were talking I did a little while fight, and so recently a month ago, between our troops and rush. Groups and that's very sad. Ok, so this is all true and went from saying here, is true. The problem is when you have conflicting messages coming from President Trump scares, the fact that in some of these areas, particularly in Russia. The policy has been pretty harsh, so it is the open chaos of the administration. That's a problem for the administration,
not the actual policy, and this is long been true as Kanye West would put it ended yesterday on twitter distraction is the opposite of vision to which I responded actually walk. Home is the observation, but in any case, the the the idea that that the administration is being very distracting about how pursues a schools is certainly part of the problem. Now, a lot of that is not on the administration. Obviously, the media have an interest in providing distractions. As the economy is doing quite well under President Trump, because there are no foreign major foreign crises under President Trump. They have to make it seem so there's a greater amount of cash in the administration. Even then Trump is creating I and to that end continually promoted James Comey and they keep pushing come here the King James coming former FBI director has something important to tell us and then it's on tv and there's nothing important. Tell us it's a real irritant. It's a real irritant, because I see him on tv. I just assume. Nothing important for him to tell us, because he doesn't have anything. It's just the media pushing him so yesterday, they're pushing again and James Comi came out and I'm not sure,
This is any sort of news. He says: I'm not a republican anymore. James Comey says he's no longer a public and yeah shock of shocks in your heart of hearts. Do you stay? Well, consider yourself a Republican! No! No! The republican Party has left me and many others. I need no better evidence than their new website, which I think is Lionceaux me, maybe attacking me. I just think they've lost their way and I can't be associated with it? Well, I guess that that that's it that's the enemy in this in this guy is the the master of loyalty. We've been told that this is a duty loyalty guy I mean if James Comey Camp and who can be republican or maybe this call me is angry. President Trump doesn't like President Trump. Wasn't I didn't over President Trump in twenty? Sixteen, I don't a lot of things about President Trump. I am still a republican and I'm not going to give you the Republican Party to people. I disagree with him because I want to take my ball and go home again. They keep trying to claim James Comi is some sort of of grain
arbiter of decency. Here, I'm going to show in a second. None of this is news, but first were going dailywire dot com for nine hundred and ninety nine a month you can get a subscription to daily How many you get the rest of the show live. Andrew Klavan, show July Michael knows: show live with new goodies. They're coming just in a couple of weeks here so, now is a good time to subscribe. Plus you get the annual subscription. Then you get this the very greatest in all beverage vessels. The leftist tears hot or cold Daily Tumblr for ninety nine dollars a year which is cheaper than your monthly subscription, you too can be. Member of the Ben Shapiro Show Cadre and you will every moment of it, plus, if you just wanna, listen later free governor, Itunes go over to Youtube? Please subscribe. Please leave us a review. We have the largest fastest growing conservative cast in the nation is James Comi in the news. The answer is that I mean he doesn't have anything new to say how do I know this because King James Comi is now knowledge ing that he doesn't think that Donald. Going to fire Robert Muller. Well, if he doesn't think I'm going to remember the entire reason James Comi is in the news right now is because James call me
and his allies in the media have been suggesting that President Trump engaged in obstruction of justice that he fired James, in order to shut down the Russia investigation. Well, if you're trying to shut down investigation, presumably James, coming to be saying. Well, you know it's really nice! That's right! Now, Trump's going to fire. Muller is just going to more obstruction, but James I can't even say that, because at least he's honest enough to admit this, is I don't think Trump going to fire. Okay so then? Why are we talking obstruction, firing. The guy was investigating him that doesn't look a lot like obstruction to Maine, but here is called me admitting it what if they had fires Muller, where you're going to be with that these are hypothetical the streets as well. Well, I I I don't think that's going to happen, and I don't I don't, because it would make no sense for a bunch of reasons: okay, so again, it would make no sense for bunch of reasons like he's admitting that he has nothing newsworthy to say here. The only thing that's newsworthy about about James Comi is that now he's in a fight with Andrew Mccabe so it turns out that Andrew Mccabe who's, his former deputy, was there was an inspector general report suggesting that he had gone without Comey's permission
talk to the media, Anne Mccabe is saying: listen. I asked James coming James call was fine with all this okay said things that it's now Mccomb, it's Mccabe fight. All of this is making the FBI look bad. It's not making not much worse than he already looked, but it isn't using the media continue to try him out. Put him on major shows. Like the view the person who the last many questions, of course, Meghan Mccain, Meghan Mccain. The job growing him the other day. Here she was going after James Comey. I think that maybe J Edgar Hoover is rolling over in his grave at saying the types of things are saying it revealing types of things, you're revealing it doesn't seem like something and the director of the F B Why? Why are you laughing at contesting really he's the wrong kind of forgot his wearing, but he didn't write a tell all when he left yeah, so ok, so
A it's a you know a she she's exactly right here, but again the media have an interest in promoting stories that are that are more scandal about Trump. This is this, is their thing is the reason they continue to push the the stupid and idiotic claims, about Sean Hannity, Michael Cohen, Sean Hannity, turns out to be a client to Michael Kohn columns. Of course, Trump's lawyer and the media are making this into a major issue. Even though it's not a major issue, Andrew Mccarthy, over at review has a long piece today about why it's idiotic that Hannity even revealed in open court like what exactly does Sean Hannity have to do with anything? Yet the the media been run. And with this story, is that a major story, because distraction is the name of the game, its so funny? The media accused Donald Trump of distracting. One hand, double the shiny object over here and then pursuing policies, they don't like over here. Well, There is one problem, that's exactly what the media are doing right now, we're pursuing a a nuclear deal with n Koreans right now we are pushing on the economy right now. We're discussing very controversial measures of regard to Syria and Trade, and yet all of our focus is going into
James, Comi, Ann and Michael Kohn look at the media are just out of their minds and excited and just jazz about the Sean Hannity NEWS, which is a big nothingburger. It's a giant, nothing burger that Sean Hannity used cone is his lawyer or didn't use Michael Collins lawyer. Who cares who Michael Collins in legal jeopardy. Legal jeopardy, no matter what here, don't Sean Hannity has to do with anything, but it doesn't matter the media are going to predict CNN Msnbc, of course, are going to use this as an opportunity to club Box Nature's Anderson Cooper doing just that in the two days of a lab. Since the president's lawyer, Michael Kohn, was forced, revealing court that that Mr Klein, he tried to keep secret was, in fact Sean Hannity. The consequences have been swift and his employer Fox NEWS did what any respectable news organization would do when faced with the knowledge that one of its anchors had gone on the air time after time after time to breathlessly report on someone without disclosing his own. Personal connection to the story. I'm kidding, I don't care, they don't care and you can see, and then you know, they've always disclose personal connections of all the people working at CNN to various democratic politicians. Like always,
and they're very good about this MSNBC did the same thing right there, suggesting that Fox NEWS is actually running the administration of the United States, which is insipid but again, none of this has to do with anything real, but all of it does generate numbers and generates controversy. I think it's dangerous. The newness Emily was a huge ratings boon for Foxwood Donald Trump ended up doing to Christopher Ray his handpicked director of the FBI was among disgrace is the most disgraceful thing he has done. For a Christopher Ray, went to Paul Ryan and said please for the love of God. Don't release the newness memo? It's incomplete, it's an accurate. It brings into question one of the most sacred process. We have the secret FISA court shot in this I think we get this wrong. Fox is state run media. The state is run by Sean Hannity needed that story, and I think he ran the president like an asset. The way people are wondering if the Russians are running the price, yes on hand, he is running. President Trump is an asset yeah. Then this is the real news. Thank you for news coverage guys, and they were supposed to pretend that this is news cut, just just ridiculous. Okay, so
Meanwhile, is any of this have any impact on the polls? Well, the evidence tends to show no. So these are the polls are not as good for Democrats as you would assume that they would so right now the smart money is on Democrats still taking the house, but there's a series of new polls. Don't seem to be going all that well for Democrats. So, according to Julie Kelly over at the Federalist, the tide seems favorable for crass as a record number of income? Republicans, including the speaker of the house, are not sing for reelection, but less than seven months out, a strong undercurrent is pulling the blue wave out to political, see a true, new polling shows the ones from ITALY. Democrats had the generic congressional ballot is nearly gone wedge issues. Which is gun, control and immigration are not working in Democrats favor in fact, thanks to Trump even independent voters. Democrats are using the children of illegal immigrants for political purposes, rather, legitimately protecting their well So I think that might be too pro trump point for me. But let's look at the polls in washing Post ABC News Poll released on Monday Motor. In the November election shows a four point lead for Democrats, forty seven percent to forty-
percent among registered voters. That's a drastic drop from a thirteen point advantage. Had blown out at the end of last year. There is no enthusiasm gap for Democrats. Can turn a more motivated, both Democrats in November, eighty six percent we can say there are absolutely or certain to vote this fall compared to eighty one percent of Democrats, Democrats, only Six point lead among independents among the eighteen to thirty nine voters, so that pole is not particular an NBC news. Wall Street Journal poll indicates waiting support for Democrats as well. The respondents Democrat by seven point margin, which was the exact level of preference for democratic that forty seven percent to forty percent. The poll showed a big drop in the percentage of voters who won Democrats to win in order to keep tabs on Trump and the GOP in two thousand two thousand and seventeen. That number is forty six percent today, it's only forty percent now are all the polls Republicans, know, there's a very bad poll today for TED Cruz, Senator Cruz, who you know you would think, would crews to relax. No pun intended in Texas.
Is apparently not according to a new Quinnipiac University poll. That poll shows that cruise and Beto O'Rourke is a representative from Texas Democrat. They it's it's a very competitive race. Now they're saying that forty seven percent of registered voters in Texas Support cruise forty four percent back O'Rourke, that's a three point: six percent margin of error for the pole and trump was barely under water in Texas, with fifty two percent of respondents disapproving of him and forty three percent approving of his job performance, cruises, favor, only rating shows a pretty polarized response. Forty six percent of Texans have a favor view of the Senator forty four percent. Have an unfavorable view cruises been trying to fight the perception that he is their anti trump pro trump from the various sides right and then the people who are pro Trump claim that cruise can never be forgiven. In fact that during the Rnc in two thousand and sixteen he didn't overtly endorse President Trump and people who are anti. Some claim that TED Cruz's bent over for President Trump in a variety of ways, including today, he apparently wrote a profile for a president from
that I'm one hundred the most important one hundred people in the country and Cruz wrote the profile of Trump, which is pretty glowing. A lot of people are saying. Well, why would he do that? It just looks politically motivate In any case, the the polls are too over the place to clear exactly where this is going to end up, which is, of course, why Democrats are going to try to treat- or at least one Democrat Andrew Cuomo in New York in has now declared that parolees can vote. Isn't it using things by executive order. Andrew Cuomo, River New York declared that now people on parole can vote. So you ask how can possibly do this legally. Wouldn't that require a law. Well yes, it would require a law and the ledger. Nature in New York, which is still run by Republican, says no you're not going to pass that law. So Andrew Cuomo says I'm going to make sure that thirty six thousand people who are on parole can now vote. The reason for this, of course, would figures. All of those people will vote for him in prime urgent in general election. Now imagine if there were dictator of another country, we simply declared that all Ical prisoners who he was now releasing we're going to be able to vote, for him would say well that seems kind of corrupt.
Andrew Cuomo went ahead and did that in New York and no seems to care. No one seems to care, so we're told the Republicans and Joe Biden two days set Republicans are trying to suppress voter turn out there going to keep black people from voting is no evidence of this whatsoever, none zero, zip zilch. Ids for voting is not voter suppression. Republicans say, however, and maybe press, one legal immigrants into the country because they want legal. Nice those immigrants and then have them vote for Democrats. That looks a little better It was a little more true today, given the fact that Andrew Cuomo, just unilaterally declared that thirty six thousand people in his state could vote or on parole. By the way you're on parole is because we don't trust you to be fully reintegrated back. Society the reason we don't allow it generally for on parole. So again, just corruption and corruption well done New York Andrew Cuomo, the worst one of the worst governors I in in the country ok so time for a couple of things I like and then a couple of things that I hate so the things that I like today,
so I've been watching the series of the x as I've recommended the book to the expanse before by by James Sa Corey. I think that's his name, but now so there is a there's, a series of it on Sci FI and the series is quite good. It starts slow by the season one in the beginning of season two, it gets really good. It is pretty significantly different from the books, which I found interesting, it's better than the books in a variety of ways. The plotting on tv generally is better than the plotting in books, because you can waste a lot of time in books. They can't waste on tv. Anyway, here's a the preview for season. One of the expanse. I ask you something you miss these endless blue skies free air everywhere and open? all the way to the horizon you spend your whole life living under a dome, even the idea of an.
Ocean is almost impossible to imagine. They are an entire culture, working together to turn a lifeless rock into a garden. We had a garden and we paid someday things going to change so the series is actually quite good. I and It is from the writers of children, man and iron man, so it's it's got good credentials. It looks really good too. I mean for K So here is. It looks really tremendous. So I check out the expanse, I see it, I believe, on Amazon, Prime Amazon prime. By the way now has one hundred million members well done. Amazon, prime every is whining about these big companies, Then prime makes my life a hell of a lot. Better probably makes your life a hell of a lot better too. This is why, when President Trump grips on Amazon, Prime I'm so annoyed by it, I get any movie. I want at the touch of a button. That's amazing! That's amazing! I can order any product where at any time and just sitting around- and I remember that I I just forgot to pick something up from the grocery store just order. It Amazon, Prime, is just unbelievable. Well it okay, other things that I like today so.
Laura Ingrams ratings actually spiked. After all, the controversy over David Hogg remember, there is a ridiculous call to boycott Laura Ingram, because she tweeted out that How was whining about his college admissions and then okay. Well, let's boycott them. So two things one David Hog now has called for a boycott of vanguard as in the investment fund, because they invest in a couple of gun, manufacture, they have a six billion dollar capitalization, six billion okay. Anything you try to boycott from Denmark, is gonna be around in it's just a giant fail, it's strategically idiotic, but in any case it turns out the boycott on Ingram was also strategically foolish, because all of her ratings have spiked. So, according to the hill in the three months, or the advertiser boycott frenzy. Ingram average two point: five million viewers per night consistently one thousand pm time slot. Then the advertiser controversy got going and Ingram went on what I was a planned vacation since turn a week ago, that shows viewership has jumped to three million viewers per night more than her average before the controversy erupted, demonstrating once again that
in the real world. When you generate controversy for a show, more people tend to watch it rather than fewer people, particularly if the controversy isn't about something Supreme Leon that somebody said, which was the case. Obviously with Lauren, Graham okay time for a couple of things that I hate. So Speaking of the parkland survivors time magazine again in their one hundred most important people, they've now put the powerful and survivors, but not all of them. Obviously, my friend Kyle Cash in sixteen year old student over parkland. He is not included in that I'm one hundred of important people, it's only the ones we've already seen- Cameron, Kasky, enema, Gonzalez and David Hogg. Those ones are all in there and who wrote the profile of them, who else but Barack Obama? No, I'm not You wonder about media bias having the former president of the U states where glowing profile of a bunch of seventeen year old, because he agrees with their agenda. That might be a little bit. I mean I don't remember that a couple years ago I think, was Molalla Yusuf psi, whose profiles written by Hillary Clinton
time magazine is doing that to promote democratic policies and democratic politicians, while you some size and amazing person, I have no idea why Hillary Clinton should have been writing her profile and Another thing, that's kind of ridiculous: is it apparently David and Lauren ha great sister and brother they've now signed a book deal with random house in the end, that book is going to be called hashtag. Never again, a new generation draws the line talking about all the things that they've been attempting to do by the book deal right. I mean that's good for them. I mean they want. They want to write a book. That's fine, they say, they're going to donate some of the proceeds to charity, but for them my problem is the title of the book. Ok, never again is about the Holocaust. Ok, the phrase never again came about after the murder of six million Jews systematically by governments, Kate did the idea that you're going to quite an evil shooter who killed seventeen people- and the crisis of that presents for american society. More importantly, that crisis is going to be equated with the Holocaust is just insipid. It's just in seven the fact that nobody over at Random House
hey, maybe we shouldn't compare this to Holocaust is really quite absurd, is really quite absurd. On on every level. One final thing that I hate so apparently there's a new documents been- slight according to Breit Bart by James Damore's class action, lawsuit James Memorial Recall, he's been on the program and he was the guy who was fired from Google for putting out a memo trying to explain, a couple of reasons why there may be fewer women than male engineers over a Google. Apparently there's a document has brought to light, as drafted by companies Hr Department, instructing managers, the company on how to be inclusive and caution, manager, against rewarding employees, for trade quote valued by the US white male dominant culture. Exactly where they supposed to be worried about. Apparently they were supposed to be worried about meritocracy, winning avoiding conf. I believe in objectivity, a color blind, racial frame, urgency, numbers driven and perfectionism. These are the values that are valued by male dominant culture, because that's just terrible, how could I mean just terrible
but here's what we really need to do. We need to listen, raise up voices identify multiple, viable past everything's work in progress, sustainability, stain If you run a company on the basis of the non apparently white male dominant cultural features. Your company is going to fail if you're not running a company based on a meritocracy winning avoiding conflict. I believe in objectivity you're going to fail here. Company is going to suck and if Google actually ran on the principles that says it runs on rather than the principle does it hates and Google will be bankrupt as well, but it just goes to show how much social justice narratives now come to dominate the way that that so many of these major companies their business. Ok will vacuum model with all the latest, I'm Ben Shapiro. This is the Ben Shapiro show the Ben Shapiro Show is produced by Mathis, Glover executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer. Jonathan hey are technical, producer is Austin. Stevens edited by Alex in Garo audios mixed by MIKE Karmina, hair and makeup is by Jeshua Alvera. The Ben Shapiro show
Transcript generated on 2019-11-14.