« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 196 - Yes, It's Rigged! But Not The Way Trump Thinks.

2016-10-19 | 🔗
Hillary's DNC exposed, Trump's final debate, and Ben is the number one recipient of Jew-hate in the United States!
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
So I'd like to thank the academy, my wife, my parents, my agent and God, almighty for the great honour of being the top journalist target, do hatred numeric over the past few months, according to a comprehensive study from the Anti Defamation league, I'm honored because being too Goodbye mouth breathing idiots compliment. You know, you're doing something right of people between pictures of gas chambers and that every childbirth find you unacceptable as a human being hint. I also find you unacceptable, as a human being. Here are some quick thoughts for. Twitter should not ban the Jew Haters as the dude who receives hook knows, jus Meme is more than any other journalist on planet earth. I don't believe people are suspended or man from Twitter Facebook for posting vile garbage so long as you're not openly advocating violence. I make a habit of retreating these pieces of human crap in order to mock their stupidity and to expose the fact that people like this exist tutor has every right to ban people because it private company, but that doesn't mean they should and every time they do, they grant credit a to the monstrous people who want to play victim. Second, yes, the outright is anti semitic. Throw
people who consider themselves all right, because they don't actually understand what the all right is you're, not all right. Just because you backdrop you're not out right. Just because you hate the media outlets. Mean something any means: Ethno, cultural, european solidarity that has nothing to with conservatism the constitution or ideals and liberty to read what the outright Is we actually have a great peace over daily? Why are they check out? By the same token, downplaying me right to Anti Semitism is mischievous and truly, as some people at sites like the trumpet, Rick, alright meetings, they break part like to do that's lying by mission and provides cover to evil. Third, Jus hatred, not widespread among transport herself. The eighty I'll report links from supported you hatred on twitter. There is no question that there's big small, the loud segment of all right trump supporters between gas chamber means of people, but it's pretty small. The vast majority of from supports find this sort of stuff absent Will they reprehensible they're, not in line with the all right. I know what you know. We all know it to overestimate. The percentage of the population will be wrong and foolish fourth alive
of online do hatreds astroturf. The atm study shows Jus hatred on twitter spikes at certain times and cascades on itself. That means it's being coordinated orally encouraged by specific twitter personalities. I can say with certainty. The amount of jus hatred in my twitter feed has dropped exponentially since twitter, Milo, which, by the way is a ban. I opposed Trump does wink by the way, the all right? Fifth, as I said before, dawn from may not be not writer, he isn't, but he spends an awful lot of time enough for winking at them, the hiring of Steve banning. Campaigns, YO, a guy who turned bright bar tat, come from an egg server insight into an all right haven than brag about it was a shoutout. Try winking and nodding. Vladimir Putin is part of the same pattern. His language about international bankers may not be intentional, but the alright certainly treated it that way. Finally, the media, ignore jus hatred of its directed against the right. The idea has been a really good job. Charging the rise of jus hatred against conservative pundits, but the entire media largely ignored that same drew hatred so long as it only targeted people like me on the right and only began notice it when it hit people on the left like Julia Jaffee. We do
on the right who opposed Trump were used to it by the point. The left figure out about a political magazine? Just didn't entire peace like two weeks ago about anti It is among the segment of from supporters and they asked called. Why has the jewish right looked away? This is patently insane and demonstrates the myopia of much left. The left itself is replete with Andy Semitism Andrew hatred, just check their support for the Palestinians and their charter for the black lives matter movement. So what's the future of the autumn now, the sordid you hatred online Trump winds probably grow the outright feels emboldened by Trump Buddy. If he loses the Laval sites that now rely on their enthusiastic support like bright bar, Iraq has been overturned. The wonder of acceptable his moves and its worthwhile fighting back adventure bureau. This is the best, of Euro show all so glad to be back at a and now we're back into it. The debate is to night we'll get to our first. We have to say hello to our friends over a birch called, so if you're interested in investing in she's metals and goodness knows we are in them.
Still an unstable time if the word stocks overvalued real estate is overvalued. Gold is not about Haven for your wealth, and you should talk to my friends over a birch gold group view contact them right now. They give you a free information camp Physical precious metals adds value to twenty four ninety nine, but they want to provide listeners events Piero show with that kid at no cost and if contact them ask all I shall make sure you get all your answers, that investing in precious metals and before you invest but birch gold is. There is the best place to do it. They are very solid, other good folks and if you wanna get the kids had over the birch gold, come slash: Ben Birch, gold that comes late. Ben MC trees, this lifespans, they know that we sent you ok, the two today here on them Shapiro shall we are going to get to the debate stuff because, obviously the big, babies tonight is the trumps last chance or is it beyond trumps? Last chance we'll talk about it. What is his big plan? But we have start today with these two videos the broke. While I was off of forests to code to code is the festival of Boots visit. This is the one where we sit outside in his kind of makes
if tends to symbolise how Jews travelled in the wilderness, whereas offer a couple of days doing so. Have a couple more days next week when I'm off, but I'm doing the Friday show this week's never fear you'll get your fell, the the the James O Keefe, who does a great job with investigative journalism. He broke a video in which show that there are people who work for the DMZ who are involved promoting voter fraud and also involves in promoting violence. It from rallies here is a clip from one of O Keefe, soon recover videos. This investing Nation is revealed compelling evidence of a dark money. Conspiracy, a violation of federal campaign coordination, laws between Hillary Clinton campaign Priorities, USA, Hilary Super Pack and the democratic our committee is a big part of this to the campaign,
in India and see, cannot parodies again began to you that the people who went to see the paths to each other and if you ever before, either hubs of various script. Ok, skirt of engagement, sometimes the craziest buying, sometimes and raisins- don't buy their starting confrontations in MILAN right, that's very comfortable on your skin. The round is worth it. The round the secret services outside the rally the media will cover it, no matter where it happens, I so it's always a rally initiating the conflict. As a parliamentarian became shocking. Scott fulfil these national fields, record. Americans, United for change their group that works with second group in that group works for the DMZ. What he's talking about is
idea that they stack people in line at Trump railways. In order to ask nasty questions of the term folks in trying to elicit a violent response to the media can pick up on here. Talks about a situation where sixty nine year old woman apparently did this to an older guy and the older guy, hitter or or we she claimed he had her and it became a national media store. I remember one it happen there is. There is national media coverage of the sixty nine year old woman who claim that she'd been assaulted by this trump support. He saying we astroturf this kind of stuff, That's not the only allegation that that is being for kind of fulfilling and proved correct by these tapes motif and project very tasks, which is it, which is a good thing, this Asian. There is also a second piece of information. That is that these four engage in voter fraud and are happy to do so. So this is the second club here,
your mother on the Gaza, not gonna, get a lot of other people. Things happen, but you don't need a lot of things. You don't know what you ve been, but we're not gonna stop. Now I grew up with that
idea is the money we need, whether when you get over that matter, it's got. Folder was sought metadata front. He talks in the video about the idea that you rent cars and then you go to play is any just vote under an assumed name and you and you right in our Annie and gets picked up now. Is this the kind of voter fraud going to shift massive presidential elections very difficult? It is to say that's the case. So there is voter I voted for. It is extraordinarily real voter, DE, is necessary. Anybody who opposes the clearing of the roles of dead people who oppose the did the auto identify yourself when you vote there's only one reason you want to do that and its because your basically ok with voter fraud, because your side benefits from it voter fraud does happen. Voter fraud is the reason they are. I is in the Senate as opposed to norm common. He ended up winning a raisins
thousand eight that he was the sixtieth vote for I'm a care, he ended up cortical, winning that raised after a recounts. There are getting two point: eight million. Votes cast an intellectual hindered according to a winning it by like three hundred votes there is there voter fraud, clearly in Washington state. With regard to the two thousand for crematoria election woman and Christine Gregoire, who is a Democrat supposedly beat fella, named Dean Rossi in the gubernatorial race, ended up winning back a hundred and fifty votes out of the again two point: five million votes cast that was voter fraud. As well Obviously people talk about one thousand nine hundred and sixteen all the dead people voting in Chicago for John F Kennedy as an example of voter fraud, the fraud absolutely exists and O Keefe is right to point it out and will keep his right to target and the media attempting to downplay. Thus attempting you pretend it doesn't exist, trying to save it. Nobody admitted to any wrong doing here, both the Volvo the guidance on this tape he's Eddie reside in the guy. He works for has already resigned as well, so obviously they they democratic oh heads, have to rule here, or there can be accountable for
all of their. So yes, vote or fraud is very real. Now, that said, this are the only kind of fraud that exists, there's also media frogs. The media have completely ignored all the bad things that are going on with Hillary Clinton. Wiki continue to come out, demonstrating that Hilary is coordinating at very high levels with the media. The Hilary campaign was coordinating it high levels with the deed, J and the FBI, that was rigged, investigation and India is John Ashcroft, the former attorney general of the United States, as there is obviously evidence of a crime in the Clinton emails followed from says. This is a felony corruption and it is a quid pro quo. Is it both well personal, I'm not in a position to make. I dont have been given a thorough investigation by offering a public official a benefit in return for the public official.
Making a concession of some kind is illegal, and not only is it illegally if its, if you're asking a public officials to do something illegal, it can be bribery if you offer a public official and incentive a benefit in order to do something. That is legal. If you offered to pay him or to give him a benefit too, the issue a grant to you or your organization issuing grants is legal, but it's not legal. Opera benefit in order to get it now, designer central, ok, what would Ashcroft his saying years and two percent true. Obviously there is evidence of the lot of illegal activity in Hillary Clinton, females and no one cares. The media are more focused on Donald trumps, shenanigans with women over the past thirty years. There also not that interesting. Clinton's shenanigans with women in the fact that Hillary Clinton helps cover those up and targeted the men involved. There is apparently the accuser whose now come forward today against Bill Clinton.
Yeah. I'm not sure that this is relevance the presidential race, unless there is evidence that Hilary tried to cover it up, but it just does demonstrate the media's level of interest when it comes to Bill Clinton is ill and their level of interest when it comes to Donald Trump is extraordinarily high, he started making inappropriate testers. He we were responsible for editing our own stories and we had a very small editing room and he had touch my shoulder and done other things to me before in public around other people, but that was just his nature to be very mean, demonstrative and and touching feely as I call it, but he followed me into an editing room the first time. I remember that it was very small. There was a chair. I was sitting in a chair. He came up behind me and started rubbing my shoulders.
And running his hands down toward my breasts, and I wish just Bill Clinton, which should be the name of the tv show good times. Bill Clinton and the media, of course, ignore all of this, because it's not important to their narrative. Their narrative is the Donnelly trumpets discuss bag with women and Bill Clinton is just we'll just forget about him. What will memory whole him? He no longer matters in any way, shape or form. So I want to start off with the stuff, because I want to point out a couple of things. First of all, it is through elections are rigged in a couple of senses. The media are very heavily favouring democrats. They have for eighty years. That is true. It is also true that there is voter vote fraud, although it doesn't exist on the scale of millions and millions and millions of votes, it exists, scale of probably tens of thousands of votes across the country. At the very least it exists. Case of thousands votes across the country. In a tight tight election, that's going to matter now that said, that's all that's legit to say that
Edward Donald Trump is saying about. The rigging of this election is not correct to hear his Donald Trump about the election, and I just wanna before we play this. I just want to point something out: there's gonna be the theme we're gonna talk about the debate in a second. I know that a lot of people out there who are just to see Donald Trump when who really want to see Donald Trump. When there's a large part of me, though, obviously Donald Trump, unjust to stick to the media and Stick Adela Clinton and watch her weep as her life's ambitions crumble before her, because that would be really really amusing for all the people who are running for Donald Trump. To win you care more about Donald Trump. Winning at this point than Donald Trump does, and I hate to be there. The bearer of bad tidings. To me, the guy, who brings you the reality if you As I say all the time, if you wanna hear, shows where they're going to tell you things that you want to hear, you can do not over a bunch of shows on Fox there's. Some syndicate radio shows that do the same thing I won't know like Lord Ingram and Sean Henry they'll. Tell you what you want to hear and they'll tell you that Everything is hunky, Dory, trumps, gonna, win, he's gonna, walk away with this thing. All of it is not real. All of it is not true. You know they did they
since our rigged and when Donald Trump goes down in flames. That's because you stab in the back here is the truth. Donald Trump knows he's going to lose. The poles are awful for him. The national poles right now, last three major had had National Poles Fox NEWS, trumped down seven there's things, is it a CBS, Paul Trump down nine? And then there is a public power. People arrive or from the Atlantic trumped down fifteen points in a head to head one authorities actually getting brutalized in the polls. He's not coming back and you're not coming back with this particular strategy, and here is the evidence that what I'm saying is true. If Donald Trump wanted to win, he'd have to do all the things you think he needs to do, he would have to be disciplined. You'd have to be focused. He'd have to be very specific in his attacks on Hillary Clinton. You'd have to do a good job of deconstructing, her in front of the american people. Instead, Donald Trump- is focusing all of his attention on how rigged everything is because he's real goal here is not to win any more is not going to any knows it. His real goal here is to get two million
people like you and me people like us to believe that would that it was rigged, that the media did it, that that the voter fraud did it our Trump data that somebody who is not trump and if you just stand by them from he'll, tell you the truth is the great truth, teller, the great victorious truth, teller and the reason you went down in flames, Knockers Donald Trump and for ten ninety nine a month you do. Can we The team it's gonna, make Amerika great again at from tv. That's where this is going. Ok, this is all movement toward what happens after watch and in what he's doing right now in this election cycle only makes sense it only makes sense. If you see it in that way by, for example, here go to bring to the debate tonight. He supposed to brings the debate tonight Barack Obama's half brother, what how many votes that anyone in any in what what's that designed to accomplish exactly- and the answer is nothing- is not designed to accomplish anything except it's supposed to get a lot of people. Our conservative. People are republican people, hate, Hilary and hate Obama to grin and that's fines of hours ago. The damn
running for president of the United States still would still October of EM brave when he's throwing read me to his base. That obviously has no offer anyone outside of his base. That means is appealing deliberately to his base his basis. Not gonna drive victory in this election. His base will a ten dollars a month. A million of them dollars a month at some Trump tv network and clear twenty million dollars a year gross. That's the goal here. Ok, this is now a business proposition is no long a political proposition and I'll explain how I that and why Donald Trump continues to talk about. All of this all of this rigging in just a second but first sale my friends of her trunk club. So if you are making Kelly, lastly, goes on making Kelly show last week, and I was a brand new snazzy catchy jacket and that It is really rising from front clubs tailored and it's beautiful. It's a really nice jacket. The genes I'm wearing now, which are spectacular most comfortable genes, I own I got those from trunk club to
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of him saying this thing is rigged, is not to win. The golden saying this is rigged is to convince a bunch of people who are fans of his that, somebody's gonna get blamed after the election. It shouldn't be him. Instead, you should continue giving your money to Donald Trump, the election being rig is reported there? Almost two million dead people right and a registered about right, drank and in buying, gets up and issued a memo that he disagrees that selections right. Why didn't you walk over to Philadelphia and Saint Louis in these cities and and how Could you say the election is look nothing perfect, but this processes unbelievable, certainly rigged with brass so. Why would he issue a memo that the elections that is z, naive because that's I need a day or maybe something the lack of streets March. As you said last night, and we don't know it is, but you know when you go to Philadelphia Romany, get year about when the king got your words now, can diseases
Philadelphia and there are precincts where Mccain around me got zero votes. Having is fifty nine precincts out of seventeen hundred something like that in Philadelphia huge. You had made a good case against this sort of voting for all the did. This idea, that is widespread, he's gonna lose by fifteen percent, but it's all voter fraught again. This discredits the argument. There is real rigging is rigging from the media. That is far too the left its rigging in the terms of actual voter fraud that exists on a relatively small Gale, but, yes, it exists. And yes, we should be concerned about all of that. Ok, but it doesn't help when you have a guy who's. Gonna lose fifteen, and then people, member states regulate towns like a stupid conspiracy theory, because it is a stupid conspiracy, theory, here's my parents may well actually carriers Donald Trump saying the same thing. We will do that in a second first, we have to say goodbye to the folks, on Facebook and Youtube, but if you want it, we have a comedy before your case. I didn't pitch it yet I have a new novel. It comes out November first, but if you want it now, and if you
sign go to daily wire, becoming annual subscriber right. Now, eight nine eight bucks a month makes years subscriber to daily wire dot com. You can watch the rest of the body can live, you can you can here you can be part of the mail bag which we do on Thursdays irrelevant Hiroshima and you can also right now for a special limited time. You can also get my book. It's called truly agents and you can get it signed and its Brad Thor, even people who became front like culture say it's a good book so well like Trumpery. They don't like trumpets irrelevant to the book itself and its inaction, novel sort of. If you took everything in If you took everything in the United States and wrap it up by factor about three, that's what this book is truly giants and in getting copy it for free sign when you goin, subscriber daily wire dotcom hands, and we are the biggest podcast a bit- could biggest concern to Pakistan, the United States to thank for that is so,
trumps. Entire stick right now is rigged, rigorous, rigorous. That's all he wants to talk about everything in the world is rigged. Everything world is rigged. So here is Donald Trump continuing along these lines. Of course everything is ranked everything is red now, even though we're doing pretty good in the polls, I dont believe the balls anymore. I don't believe I don't believe this ten, and this one or two bad words as the only what they believe evokes we're doing great keep my spirit and we go and we this is another breaks, it believe me they are so worried. That's why they, this and I still during Turkey. It is never. The poles are not reg leave. The poles are regular listening to too much Bill Mitchell, and I don't know why you would do that if you have five brain cells to rub together. Ok, this idea, the poles are rig. This discredits the entire our You meant when you say the media's rigged, the poles are rigged, elections are rigged, the media our rigged. But when you see the poles
you sound like a fool and you discredit the rest of the argument. Write em I love when he says they cherry pick a couple of poles. Ok, I'm about to read or write for this here we go, I'm gonna give you all of the general election head to head from versus Clinton Poles from real. Politics gave. This is all of them already. Here are the last one, two three four five six seven, eight nine ten eleven poles! Ok last eleven poles in head to Head Clinton, plus ten Clinton, plus four Clinton plus eight plus eleven Clinton, plus twelve cleanin, plus four Clinton, plus nine Clinton, plus three Clinton, plus seven Clinton, plus four. Ok, those are not good poles for tromp here, there's another pull out today had him down fifteen fifteen, and I want to make a prediction right here and that protection is that true, actually going to underperform. How he's doing in the polls- because he has no game. The reason that I say that is because Mitt Romney underperform the Poles, because it Brok Obama's ground games, better than his Mitt Romney, round game makes makes Donald Trump Ground game. Look like nothing. I mean it's just it's it's the it's the its it he's
around man, I'm talking to people on the ground in these states he's got no grounds is it just keeps claiming rigging and again the goal of saying that its rigour is that it blame everybody else. He emblem, never trump. Ok, there. Five of us left honestly can blame the media again media or blame, but not for trump stinking. His a candidate MIKE pens actually hits correct when he says that the media are ringing it now. If this were the message, if this were the message, it would make more sense, but this hasn't been trumps message, so the good message depends is pushing. Is being lost in the bad message, the trumpets pushing? I have to tell you it really is establishing the most Americans and that, as these unsubstantiated allegations are treated with an enormous amount of coverage on this network and other networks that revelations coming out of Secretary Steak went in the years in the state depart and the Clinton Foundation are virtually ignored, the national media on me. Wait. We discovered this week that State department officials actually directed
contracts. The haitian recovery, after after the earthquake, to friends of the Clinton's and literally that got that got almost no media attention, while, while those that step forward with these unsubstantiated claims that the Donald Trump has denied were true did with headline news, and continuous coverage is one of the reasons why it is so. Many Americans feel like this election is being rigged by a national media, is constantly trying to change the subject away from and practice wilful We shall be torn the option and misdeeds and pay for play politics. So let me ask you: ok, what he saying there is a hundred per cent. The media are ignoring real allegations about Hillary Clinton in order to cover all these other allegation. That trunk now the allegations about from may be true came whether smoke. In my opinion, tends to be fire, but that doesn't mean the media been fair and their coverage. They certainly have not. Here's an example. Pens points out that there was a bombing,
a GEO p off, as others in North Carolina and there, in a couple of other officers, had their windows broken and pens points out. That can you imagine if supposed Trump supporters had had burned down, Burn down, stairs support age gave a democratic party precinct off, Can you imagine it would never end? Raymond is to be the Nazis are taking over the term. Not you're taking overladen destroy everything this happen. I haven't seen news coverage this across the world. At all, I mean NBC News covering the little bare, but its aid. It certainly has led the news in any railway. Here's my pens talking about it, my wife and I were ignored. Delighted today, and I wanted to come by to call attention to this cowardly attack on our side
borders in North Carolina and, in a less extent, an attack on the american political system? This was an act of political terrorism and I have to tell you how inspired I am to see the way this community has come together and people have come together to continue to move forward, undeterred, unintended aided by it's a senseless act of violence. Ok, so he's exactly right about all of this now hear the media's rigged it's true again. So what did the Democrats do with all this? What
cracks do. Is they do what you knew? They were gonna dukes they're, not stupid. Ok, they may be evil, but they're not stupid. What the Democrats do Brok about necessity, tramp look. You keep talking, rig, rigorous rigged, stop lining, step, lining he's our wine and before the games. You know if, if whatever things are going badly for him and you lose, you start blame and somebody else, then you don't have one thing to be. Unless you have a lot of times when things go wrong with or my way. That's ok! You fight through. We worked through it from case of their there's. So much did galling about there's number one brok about playing the mature statesmen, you never blame other people for things that happen. Oh really, oh, Really his entire presidency has been a series of other horrible events followed by.
And blaming everybody but himself over the american people by just and understand what I'm saying is like when I sent you got to keep her doctor, what I meant was you don't get to keep her doctor if only they understood that but they're stupid, that much better cleaners idiots if Fox NEWS when running up that propaganda. People won't believe any of these terrible things laissez about like reading as it is Where did his entire present? Hillary Clinton blamed a Youtube video for her failures. For people killed in Benghazi, Libya as other constantly blaming people but and he says this when he says trumps only comply because he's losing he's right, he's right can problem is discussed it's the entire rigged argument about me and about voter fraud, another ecevit when the guy uttering. The argument is only doing so when he says the poles are rigged and when is losing by fifteen points, using by ten twelve fifteen point. Kate undermine- entire argument in this is the problem again with Trump ISM Trump corrupt, every decent argument we ve got. He goes out there
articulates these arguments, but only does offer his own personal benefit. You can you can see happening in real time, here's Jake Tapir, Tub GC and in talking to Rutulian, Ani and he's talking about of elections and hears here's tapir going after Giuliani. That's what I'd areas where people only voted for Obama just like in Utah their place, namely voted from wrong. Maybe maybe maybe maybe there are situations in which its right, I I remember a case what I was associate attorney general, where seven ocean twenty dead people voted, the cargo and then eighteen. Eighty two election- I remember in my own election about sixty dead people voted. So I guess it here and tell you that they don't sheet and I and I know because they control the polling places in these areas, there are no Republicans, then it's very hard to get people their pool challenge votes. So what they do is they leave dead people on the roles and then they pay people to vote does dead people. Four five six
Having said that, however, I have- and we have to go, Mr Mayer, but it is precisely this to put a button on as it sounds as if you are saying that the trumpet serious when he says that I'm not saying that you just like a whole case of Democrats. Look if if, if she winds of Illinois by eight percent or he wins Illinois by eight percent- then that shooting we gonna get a difference. If he wins Pennsylvania by five, will she winced by five it'll, make no difference? If it's a one or two point raised, it could make a difference in a few places looking to make a difference in Indiana now can I make it was not tat lotta, not gonna, make a difference in some thought about what that's not. I don't hesitate, not a national shoot. That's not an affirmation of of our of the where elections are held in this country, but we don't we do sheet. We have people sheet and elections. They are yours. Democrats, only Democrats, I felt very few situations where we're republican. She they don't control the inner cities the way democratically live it baby.
Republicans control DNS varies. They do as much shooting is as democratic. There are a lot of hard work is a lot of elections. Experts that would have very, very strong disagreements with you know that I know that that they never prosecuted election fraud, okay, so the problem here What Giuliani saying about the reality of election fraud is still true any captain a large scale situation which republican election fraud defeating Democrat. Can you it's almost impossible? I get name one. Can you the problem is that this entire argument gets discredited when the guy making the art The people making. The argument are arguing on behalf of a guy who's gonna get creamed. Ok, you can't say that you are, if you that this is the man this leaves the mundane brothers joke right, you can't kill your parents and then follow the mercy of the court, because you're an orphan, if you lose by fifteen, can say: oh well it we must mean the voter Fraga did it. Maybe it's because you are just crappy candidate when the Brazilian headed Dnc when she comes down to, is that trumps rigged claim here is tactical. This rings.
More than one trump says the thing is reg: do you think it's actually dangerous? Do you think it's rethink its strategic and anyway, I think it is tactical. Look. Voting is the lifeblood of our democracy and when you have Secretary stays republican, secretaries of state say hello, we are conducting a free, fair, open and honest election when you have bought of election officials when you have others who have been deeply involved in preparing for election day, many them a scratch has an essay. What is he talking about? I think every time the Donald Trump face some scrutiny or is challenged by Secretary Clinton on his policy. Ideas are releasing his taxes. He go to these tactics to it to try to frighten people, divide people he's running very to visit campaign. It's time that he makes a better closing argument. Then and upon. I guess calling our election process. Ok, so I dont think
It gonna break into violence. I think this is the media, exaggerating everything, because the only violence I've seen this year has been in democratic cities, but black lives matter. Burning crap our people associated with black lives matter, burning, crap down, but then it still is that argument in we're going into the final debate. We still have twenty days of this election and trumps already conceding. So what does that mean for the debate tonight we have the debate tonight. That means that tonight is going to be an absolute crap. Fast, I mean tonight is just going to be a dog vomiting into fan and then it hitting everybody in the audience. That's what tonight's gonna be it's going to be urine download. I can't come up with enough terrible bodily fluids, jokes to explain how bad tonight is going to be because it's gonna be Donald from getting up there and saying every crazy thing. Giving that's where that's where this is going, and you can tell that that's where this is going on here this week, the Trump campaign try it out. Maloney it that's where this is going early. This week the trunk campaign tried Apollonia to train robot, all of these accusers and watch Maloney it from them
This is the direction the campaign is going good night gang. Oh, I said to my husband debts. You know the language is an appropriate its acceptable, and I was surprised because that he's not demanded. I know and as you can see from the tape the cameras will not on it was only alike and I wonder if day even knew, that domestic was on because there they were kind of a boy talk and tat. He was led to like add on from the host to say, dusty and that stuff, you feel the whole spilled Bush was for. Yes, yes, is that language you had heard him use before now
now. That's why I was surprised because I said like I don't know that person that we'll talk that way, give me up again and again. She went Howard Stern, show, and they talked about jointly watching Paris, Hilton Sex taped together or at least from said that they did ok, tells the story of their meeting. He had a girl with him at the time and then he sent the girl. The bathrooms he could help millennia. Milan pretending that the Donald Trump Class ACT with lemon. I, if this is how this thing is, gonna, go good night gang. Meanwhile, he got Hilary trotting out. People like Mark cuban Mark Cuban is coming to the debate tonight. Artillery final attempt to strike out Donald Trump about his own wealth Mark Cuban show
up and he says he knows to women the Donald Trump harassed or is it just a party for everybody? Do you know him right? Do you went up a plan for their work? What you more than acquaintances I'll? Have you ever heard of anything like these women coming forward or him of being on twitter? You have no one and an adjustment happened recently. My friend reminded me and if it was from two thousand and shoot you know, I don't expect her to come forward vital. I wouldn't recommend she come forward. I know somebody else from two years ago that will come forward, so you know it's not anything that communist. So again, this is this is the same is not seen as reporting to tell us what you can't you
What can you commented that that's what I can tell you, I can tell you I think I might my friend was taking the woman. You know, just you know reminded me the story they call me a great after everything on it. Also bring more acumen made train, sank down from down here, reed, whose just the worst man in Politics Harry just discussing the centre from that. He comes out. Its trump has a sickness with women. I mean Harry Ray. Should know, considering how staunchly he backed Bill Clinton. Annie shows no, considering that he apparently, I think you have read stories. What did he grew up in a whorehouse? I think I made his mammals like a general whorehouse, we pray terrible way to grow up, but he should know it looks like to me. Terrible with lemon. Yet considering all the people he's back in passing Bill Clinton. This is just come on, come on
in my younger days, I was a nap wake football baseball cuz. I was in a lot of raunchy Jim's when I was fighting- and you know we know one talk that way. No one, it is you'll, be picking a fight with somebody. You know stuff Leftism elementary school. When you didn't understand life was all about. We have now ten women, but we know there come forward that he sexually assaulted them this crime, you think he's committed a crime. I don't know you know it. You have to have somebody Falcon can't, can do it without someone having us from these? Are these people? You know these are people who are trapped there with this man
public places in aegis rules are very responsibly. They forget him or where we that he care so deeply valleys. Victimized women, ok, again Bill Clinton. And Hillary Clinton, your supporting them, so that that that's what this debate is going to be tonight from the Hilary side. Meanwhile, again Trump has no into in winning anymore. He only as interest in building the people who he thinks he can keep oil to him after he gets, shall act, and so Steve Ban and apparent who's the campaigns EEO, who only wants to burn things down and make money. That's what you been in, is all about man and apparently toll. CNN that there's another surprise guess coming first, the first I guess, by the way, is Obama's half brother, which makes it like what, I must, unless the intellect this guy, what what his will? Why really, but why here I don't understand what the angle here is. The angle videos half brother is daddy was dialogue, we knew his daddy was a bad guy. Obama talked about in this memoir, although he D tries to painted a gloss on it. Now he's trying to claim that
that has been allowed his brother suppose half brother supports trump. This is the deepest kind of world met daily. Bar info wars. Crap ever he dropped. I would be amused if he drops a birth certificate if he used. Up there and it takes a kenyan birth certificate for Obama's, as you ve been revoked, we about power that you can really me that bear the reason. The let me show you something it's this downtown and its birth certificate, thou be amused, but I dont think that's what's going to happen. I think this is just a way for him to to suggest that there are some conspiracy out there in the half brother means that ok, we're not just come with as much crazy crap is. You can bring to ban and apparently
we'll see it in that. This is only the appetizer on this. Now this entire poohpooh platter of crap, that's right. The New York Times reporting overnight that they will not have that handshake. Remember in the last debate Bill Clinton intervene, could tromp came out; they they shook hands since Maloney trumps shook hands beforehand. This time, they'll be avoiding that when they can pay in reportedly does not want to have that family interaction, because their concerned about who they trump campaign might be bringing the debate, and then they have reason to be concerned about that. We spoke with Steve Ban and overnight the trump from campaign share, but ball when- and I happen to be on the same flight is him so we were able to ask questions on the way off the plane. He said to us that a bomb is half brother Molly go Bhamo. Coming to that
is just an appetizer. He says they have other surprise guests in store where they had the Benghazi mom right. That's why we're here is one one of the mothers of one of them in Gaza. Victims will be there. We also know the Clinton side more. Cuban and MEG women will be in the audience, but balance that they have other people who will expose bill, and Hillary Clinton sorted pass that we'll find out what that means, as a block now again in my theory, wise and if I had money or to put it on my theory, was that he was going to bring bills, supposedly a legitimate child anybody things can do that. I think I mean, if he's gone, do Obama TAT Brother, who thinks he's gonna bring bills. Member, Rogers headlines this right. So this is the new thing. Is it he's: gonna bring bills illegitimate child. Maybe that would be Larry S. I mean we may as well be called lay down what or how much further. Do we have to go down here? I mean this is like the sixth circle of how already why not go all the way, and then you can see Look the media one even cover his election. The child, the media, we need cover it. That's why we note rigged, because bills
Wasn't rig, that's how we which rigged measure what utter in itself He has no intention of winning anymore and again, that's your vote for him vote for him. If you think he's the best choice vote, and if you think, he's better training every vote for him, but you have more faith in Trump Interim pass. You care or about this election than Trump. Does you think worse? Things are going to happen with Hillary Clinton? Is president then, does? Obviously, otherwise you wouldn't be running. What is a campaign the business decision as just a campaign. That's a business decision. Ok, so tireless you something Now I can things I hate and then no we'll deal open about also things I like Artie. It is something that I like it is this my own book you got, it I don't make a habit of emerald in pushing this book card until now, now you're gonna get it up to our zoos. I hope you enjoy, but you should, if you want it, crabby daily, wired, our com, you get my new now ultra religions, which is an action thriller. You get that with with free with an autograph from yours. Truly, if you are a daily way-
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so chuck each chuck humor. Who is we need a new set of majority leader of the Democrats. When these senator from New York, he went off on Trump over the over last couple of days. Any said it. I don't trust, campaign and salaries of racism. It's just toxic. It's just terrible! You ve known Donald Trump for a long time he's got a daughter of yours. Is this the person that you have always yes or something surprised you what's surprise me is more, so everyone knew we had a big ego. Everyone knew that he would just like to talk about himself, but the extreme of it surprised he likes to say that he would you don't use the politicians who owns them and they do what he wants. The city on. You Only I don't recall him ever. Ask me for something yesterday was singularly depart rate increases, know. He'd know he doesn't know me in any turns around there's a trumps insignia on his back does not favour part
did by John Harwood is asking these questions did. You know one who is giving a money? I knew him, but this is so much worse than the trumpet. How interesting shocking minutely switch sides and doesn't give you money anymore. Then he becomes the world's worst person. But when you knew him, it turned out that he was safe, ass of Assisi and then it the minute you ve lived all of a sudden. He turns into the devil, just amazing how that works. We continue a conspiracy to stop him use terms referring to Hillary Clinton and international bankers. That some people historically have associated with Anti Semitism is totally tone deaf to what is racism? What is bigotry, I wouldn't accuse them of being a racist or big it himself, but he tolerates it uses in ways whether he is aware or not is poisonous for America. Ok, so
but I hate about that. Some of that is true. That's the part I hate counterpart that I hate today is the trucks. Humor is not speaking. Some permits entirely false now. The other thing that I hate is a democratic party does the same thing: the Democratic Party rate states. I am old enough Remember when the vice president of the United States, Joe Biden, went out there, and so the Mitt Romney was literally going to enslave black people again. Who's gonna put your back and change the Democratic party. Does this sort of all the time they re Spain. They suggest that white people are out to get you. Hillary Clinton has said in this campaign, machines re educate all the whites in Amerika about racism institutional bias in an implicit bias. It's a democratically. The sort of stuff the time in normally I like being on the moral side of the? I also I used to say While we don't do that. That's what democratically Democrats Panzer on on racial tribal terms and when Chuck Humor says that from appeals to this group of people does so either knowingly or unknowingly. There is some truth today. There is truth to that as well.
But he who received apparently there there were twenty thousand anti semitic tweets, directed a journalists. Since March I was the recipient personally of eight thousand of those tweets haste, when you look at tat time. You're avatar with us today may well have tomorrow. If you get a top ten p journal, targeted on Twitter by Anti Semite by Jus hatred in the bar graph looks like in a low level and then Meum Way out here. And the reason for that is because I don't backdrop- I backdrop that would not number not be nearly hi in any in any real wipe. So what I hate is the fact that both sides have now become tribal used to be ones was tribal and that was evil. A nasty and now the Trump campaign has moved into tribal territory by pandering to the all right and that's really grossness I hate meanwhile, another thing that I hate Julia Roberts. All these actresses. You think that we need their opinions on politics. It's really galling. I mean the Ladys, not even a good actress in, and here she is telling us about Hillary Clinton. How wonderful she is this Broadway for Hilary fundraiser because
in case you needed to know folks. The cast of rent loves Hillary Clinton. Shocker here is, here is Julia Roberts doing her again. I was going to seeing what huge acme sang, but he got up wait when your lives dreaming on Facebook. Can you say that wouldn't be great for every time, an actor so scared and other elements said you just had to like instantly give five hundred dollars What's ok, let's in making that what goes on right now
I never let actresses Oscar it. I don't know, I'm just saying I don't know how I got here. I'm scared and tired and my oh, my kids are watching this so for every bad mother had says the F word. Could all the mothers that relate Just five hundred years, bad mother for Hillary Clinton, I think that about sums in predictor, if you're back other anew and cars in front of your children or better. Yet, if you abandon your shoulder, make sure give money to Hillary Clinton. Instead, that seems like a great pitch for four Hollywood. Again, the fact that Hollywood has impact and our- tat is the reason that you have this particular that this particular, area? Is this true emphasis Hilary celebrity fast and we're gonna get the the final revenge tonight in this debate, the final revenge of celebrity culture when the guy from the apprentice stars against the former
first, lady and STAR of Bill Clinton, sexist so good times are a little bit of viable talk. Big It is a Wednesday indeed self this week, technically weeding the Jews finish, the Bible we finally finally fan going through the eighty five bucks Moses do we do that that's all right, which is next. We saw the off Monday Tuesday for some or on holiday culture? Media? Sarah, don't worry, it won't be tat someone asked me later, but the by day we technically finish the Bible, then, by what we might have a chance to actually do the last portion of the five books of Moses. Unless we do it now so the final point, show the final portion of viable supposes called Zobraska, meaning this is a blessing, and its Moses final word to the treaty use, and then it is the final, the final words of the five books of Moses before you enter into the profits and Joshua entering the lands of this. From do draw me thirty forces the files on the final say says of the Torah, really is moving its has in the Lord said to him this is too Moses. This land sort of Abraham to Isaac a Jacob saying I will give it your offspring, I've, let you see it with you.
Eyes, but you shall not cross over there and Moses the servants of the Lord. They're in the land of mob by the mouth of the Lord and he buried him in that God buried him in the valley, in the land of mob opposite best, but or and no person knows the place of his burial onto this day, and this is it really Mohammed? You go through this entire like all their Moses takes. This is stiff necked people out of Egypt and takes them through the desert and are constantly rebelling in their cars. Driving him crazy and are constantly doing things that slap God directly in the face and is constantly standing up for them, but also standing up, for God knows a point in the Torah where, were God says, to Moses? This cooperation will make your kids, the new nation in most says. If you do that, I want you to block my name out of this book, which is an amazing thing until finally comes time for most to die, and God doesn't let him into what he's always wanted to see, which is the land Israel he's. As you can see it from here, we can't cross over that image is so moving just him on the top of the mountain looking across and you can see where he can't go and the truth is that right
there's. Nobody who dies ever who feels like they have completed their mission in life. There very few people ever in the history of mankind of collective completed their mission. The question is: can you see the promised land? Can you see the promised land and what have you done to direct the people who you ve been given the task of leading and help the power to take it themselves, because you may not be able to inherit. You may not be able to go into the land, but hopefully, if you do it right, your kids will be able to do that and you'll give them enough warnings that they won't blow at once. They do also the idea here. Is it such a it such an amazing idea, the idea that Moses dies and it says that he dies by the mouth of the Lord R P hush em She is what we call. God means literally the name, because we know that just because name in vain is all p hush by the mouth of the Lord. The MID rush says that this sort of the the apocrypha they say that that by math and more means that God gave got, took his soul with a kiss in the same way, the God breathed soul into Adam God took Moses with it with a kiss and the idea
was that they, they said it the more enmeshed. You are in earthly pursuits and sin the more difficult it is to die, because your soul is very much with your body from us as they say it was like drawing hair out of a cup of milk that issues to ever everything was smooth. And then God does the final kindness, he buried him the valley himself, so the only person ever buried by God himself. Normally they say the ultimate active of charity for a human being is to bury one because you know it's everyone be reciprocated right. I mean, if you, if you to charity, for somebody the idea for some people is that they'll come back and reciprocate its reciprocal tourism, as they say in Darwin Land, but with this with limited when berry somebody when you pay homage to them after they die. You know, that's, never gonna be reciprocated. Gods, and the ultimate honour by burying him and no person knows the places burial, because, worship in introducing worship, Moses God most was a great man- is a flawed man he's the greatest of all human beings. We believe who ever lived in the closest to God,
but that doesn't mean that we worship him, and so we don't know where he's very because we didn't want to turn it into a shrine. And so that's that's basically where the torrents says until this day there's never been alive: a greater in Israel. It's it's two for my for my money, just as a piece of literature. This is the most moving and tiny piece of literature. That's ever been written what he believed it was written by God or whether you believe it is written by man and I as it orthodox do. I believe that it was written by God. Ok itself. Tomorrow we will be back with debate, highlights in low lights and there'll, be flying pies and flying cow, pies and all sorts of goodies to talk about and Donald Trump, presumably will pay at some point tag out and hope whole gonna run. It hit Heller with a chair, and then Hilary will tag on bill coming whip. It out lots of stuff could happened tonight. So this will be an exciting because nobody has any lose at this point from sorry lost itself. Look for the unexpected look for the crazy and and then we'll be back here tomorrow with the clown shoes, an Shapiro. This is
Transcript generated on 2020-03-28.