« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1886 - Rigging The 2024 Election

2024-01-17 | 🔗

Democrats move to weaponize the legal system against Trump as he moves toward the GOP nomination; the intelligence community sounds off on the dangers of Trump; and John Kerry joins the Biden campaign.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
So the iowa cox's are over. We now move forward to new Hampshire. As I said yesterday on the show, it seems as though all of this is to prolong introduction to donald trump as the actual geo p nominee. He won iowa by thirty point. He is presumably the front runner in new hampshire. He is by far the front runner in south carolina according to the latest polling data, but new Hampshire is a little bit tight. According to the american research group poll, that is kind of a dacey polls got a c plus rating from five thirty eight. But according to that poll, the latest presidential poll has donald trump key hayley tied at forty percent with nine percent undecided bronze since clocking and at four percent vagrant swimming, you dropped out at four percent, presumably those four percent from rama, swami well now move over to donald trump. In fact, the vague last night when on stage with donald trump, he, of course dropped out right after the I will Cox's an interest from which, of course, was going to happen from pretty much the very beginning of the resident victory
It was about things other than being president of the united states. He accomplishment if those goals, but this was sort of what was expected. He was vague last night onstage with donald trump this night I was honoured to receive the endorsement of a man who has become a true leader and earned the duration of so many patriot site. I've been a friend of his, even though we were competing against each other, but I was a friend of yours. and we get along and he was saying he's a great president. I kept so why are you running? He keeps calling me a great president, but he's a fantastic guy ever smart guys get some tremendous ideas and he's young it he's got. Some young is too and that's a good thing, so he has a big beautiful right future ahead. Vague we swamy come on up
The men are best friends again after trump shit them right in the guts last week. The let's do this guys. I do love that dumb. I do love that aside their, I even know I was since he loves me yeah that there really was the question: was it not vague, then came out and then he talked about how download from stood for true principles with the republican party, which I am serious, he said, revolved around not cutting any entitlement programme, but cutting aid to ukraine, which again You may arguments about cutting aid. You re not cutting edge ukraine, but the idea that the republican party wholesale is behind none former non touching of the entitlement it is one of the reasons why Donald trump was more people.
the general electorate than some other republicans, but it is not a particularly conservative principle also the idea that any amount of money spent on ukraine would have healed the problems that social security, medicare medic. aid, is absurd. The entire amount of u s age, ukraine's far, which is seventy five billion dollars, lotta military aid and civilian aid to gray, not pay for that eleven days within social security, medicare and medicate all of that aside, the bottom line is that the dynamics of the race are obviously very much in donald trump favour. There will be apparently no debates next, Nicky hayley suggested that she would not debate rhonda sanction. The ahead of her in the ilo, Is the recent she's doing that she is now playing trump's card trump card? Was, I am not going to debate. Anyone began so far ahead. Nicky here is basically suggesting that going into new hampshire. She saw a far ahead of the chances that there is no reason to make herself volney. that abc news, then Julie called off the republican primary they announced that there would be no, and all they said our intent was to hold you to bay coming out of the ilo caucasus, but we always
that be contingent on the candidates and the outcome of the race. Well, robust election coverage will continue abc news and w em, you aren't you we will not be for with thursday's republican presidential primary debate in new Hampshire, and I think that we have here is quite close to their paws making up. I don't think the guy from does in fact have the upper hand in new hampshire, even shouldn, again We pull out some sort of upset when in new Hampshire, they ve been head down. South carolina or down from does have a fairly substantial lead in that Portugal erase remember, the new hampshire is a place where Chris Chrissy was pulling in the double digit until he dropped out. Presumably, a lot of that support is gonna flow over to Nicky Hayley. But, let's be real about this. All eyes are already, turning to the general election all eyes are turning to the general election. That means we have to look at the strategy. The Democrats are using to defeat donald trump tunnel. And then strategy. You really have to speculate on whether this is all as admiral akbar might say, a trap. Whether in fact, democrats plan was to basically get republicans unama donald trump, so that they can run again
of course they tried this trap and twenty fifteen twenty. Sixteen Hillary Clinton suggested now from won't run. She wanted down to be the republican domini and then, of course, she lost to him. Our Democrats repeating history, car. The national view suggest that that's the case because he says that, basically, by promoting these legal cases against donald trump this year that opened up the primary in favour of donald trump. the reverse, all of the momentum in the rates in favour of donald trump, because the republicans reacted to the unjust persecution of trump by supporting it in race and then the entire next year is gonna, be all about his legal cases and in fact there some data to support this. If you look at the republican presidential car, pulling. What you see is that, right, after the twenty twenty two elections donald trump and ran his answers running basically neck and neck, and then it can It run. I connect through january through February and then some happen in march. What happen in march, the announcement prosecutions against someone from once that happen, the poles open up. Why the damp and republicans move behind donald trump because they perceived
from was being unduly persecuted and donald trump line, which was effectively that they are coming after me, because they will also come after you wasn't effective line as particularly affected. in democratic parties, making clear that the centre of all of its policies, eyes, equity equity, equity and when many americans are equally with they mean, is the preferred democratic voting. Constituencies are going to get special benefits and everybody is going to get so down from says they're coming for me, because there are also coming for you. That does have some credibility to it. That said, the next obviously is going through a very stacked year for donald trump. In terms of the various calendars, we gets more on this in just one second. First, as you've already seen, twenty twenty four is going to be a wild ride. You're already seeing the impacts of inflation at the gas pump, the grocery store, the dollar is losing its buying power faster than wages can increase. So let me ask you a question: how are you protecting your Things concerns diversifying with gold from birch gold group. For decades, gold has been the choice of investors and central banks to hedge against inflation, invests in precious metal,
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second trial that began in new york, in which each carol it will The alleged down from raped her in a department store in new york city, again allegations that I think, are really dicey on their face, but she didn't defamation suit against him and ashes how they seconds defamation suit against him. sweet january. Twenty. Third, of course you have the new hampshire primary on February. Eighth, you have a supreme court case with oral heavens, hearing about whether down from four be barred from the ballot on february, twenty we're down one in moral and there's a hearing in four pierce Florida on which classroom Charles. The special council can withhold from the trump defence or not withhold from the trump defence three days later, there's hearing in manhattan, understood Daniels hush money case that'll, be the alvin bragg again specious, Manhattan DA case move forward, a little bit in time and you end up with the march fourth scheduled open in washington of prompts trial on the four fellow
charges being brought by jack Psmith. With regard to january sixth, move forward Just a little more in time march. Twenty fifth give state criminal cases for me Daniels again on the dock. That's the scheduled start of the trunk trial over the hush money that was pay. two stormy daniels to cover up their affair in me, you're the morrow, although classified documents trial, which is scheduled to start now again, all of these states may be delayed august. Fifth, you have the georgia rico case that is supposed to start. This is me all year. Long is good. all your long now that lay means that there will be a lot of this in the headlines and that could theoretically hurt donald trump or or It is also possible that down granting about legal cases actually means that it gets kind of boring see. The thing is with donald trump down from talks about a topic too much. It basically turns into tonight, as if those about tonight. Us tonight is when you have ringing in our ears- and it really is IRAN
you re welcome an overnight here, the ring in her ears and what you're bring does at a certain point is just gonna tunes it out in the same way that you have now turned out. The insane overestimate and of the media of down from suppose it fascism. You turned it down arranged in part. The background noise in the same exact way, Donald trump ranting, entre social, about his judicial cases. I think that's not part of background noise, most americans, I dont think most americans care particular much about all of this. Most americans aren't like ok, so you went after him on a thousand different things. None of them seem to be particularly noteworthy you're, crazy We all remember generous, except that already was big into the gag. trump and women has been a thing since you know that I can, so donald from branding and social really doesn't make that big of a difference and here's where, as I said yesterday, the fact that donald trump is untruth. Social is, ironically, actually a great help to him. If Donald trump were on twitter ranting about things, you know that every tweet that he sent would get hundreds of millions of views that is not
the adoration, meaning that the donald trump on twitter currently has. I could you not eighty seven point, four million followers. Eighty seven point: four million. andrew social he's, posing things and he's gettin like Thirteen thousand likes on things get meaning no one seeing subsidies ranting, which is actually quite good for him, he's a means we can just filter all of it up. So, for example, using it's eugene carroll, caroline social, yesterday's it ever guinan iowa, I'm going. the binding courage, witch hunt in mormon hand to fight against a fake case from one I've never met sooner touched celebrity. don't count. Now starts right after ireland during the very important new Hampshire primary, where, despite their sinister attempts, will be tonight it is a giant election interference, scam, push on financing, Political operatives had no idea who this woman was pure fiction now that may We will be true. I mean it is certainly true that aging carols case was funded, in fact, by a Democrat billion
in breed hoffman, whose attack brow. That is certainly true, but the bottom line is this Democrats are gambling Legal foibles are going somehow think his campaign. I don't know that really amazing gamble. was. The media are very intimate, maggie haber managing to thank they Drums campaign is gonna, get stuck in the courtroom, but maggie wanted things. He wants it it was to drag it out. His cause he's got this very complex legal and campaign schedule over the coming months, but he likes to appear in court is good for fun. Race shockingly- but it is a happy. What is the thing here inside, like let's, let's use this as a continual, once in the news, is a good thing to be in the news for ease, decided that vienna going to try to turn this into a positive as much as possible? For the reasons you said it has a strong fundraising effect with his base. It has a galvanizing, fino victimhood effect with his base. I also think Karen, and thinking about this a lot less couple days. I think he prefers this to the active campaigning. It
said attention that his rivals can get. I think that he has decided he is going to turn what are objectively undesirable circumstances into as much of a positive can. This was a campaign. A bit is into it in a single or from his from his legal cases around, and very one run by them in their old they're involved. I mean you know his is his political advisers or you know ass where and involved in what is happening on the legal front as anything else, it's if any any spend more time with his lawyers with his legal team than he does with his political team, but but, but even when these, with the political theme is maggie, it's out it's it's it's about the lawyers night. Well, I mean all of that again may very well be true, but are you that interested in this? over myself, particularly stimulated by down from legal cases. all that happened like before, as us the trials themselves are, and we wildly fascinating you're, not watching a murder trial. Here we want you bunch. People testing about the handling of classified documents down in full or people rehashing for the one millions time what
and on january, six up in Washington DC more allegations about stormy daniels and campaign payments from foreign eight years ago, is that some It's really gonna her donald trump, which means the devil. are now having to rely on some backup strategies, one of those back of strategies. Of course, the attempt to bar donald trump from the ballot yesterday I didn't campaign at coach, Jeffrey Katzenberg, suggested he didn't know of- is undemocratic to ban donald trump from the ballot. I mean I do it's undemocratic. You can just banner political opponents from the ballot, The credit for the I don't know how yeah I'll take the supreme court's going to decide that That's not something! That's not a democratic. eddie position. It's just that in various states. People individuals have in this issue up in and we're gonna hear from the supreme court shortly. I'm sure, okay so again,
The fact that they are lending credibility to this nonsense is really not going to benefit them, and it does lend credence to Donald trump's claims that they are out to get him, which of course, is the reason you have the nomination in the first place, presuming that he wraps it up, as I assume that well there's more than just one. Second. First I've been talking about my helix mattress for years. I've had He looks matters for nearly a decade at this point is the gift that keeps on and because it is made just for me, I took that two minute slippers match me to a bad personalized. For my taste, you should have a bed that's made for you He is now introducing their newest most high end collection, helix elite utility, harnesses years of extensive mattress expertise to offer a truly elevated sleep experience the usually collect good six different matters models, each tailored for specific sleep, Friends and from his preferences, gonna helix that comes lifespan check out the new collection today, if your nerves were buying maps on online, what you don't have to be here, which has a sleep with them, she's your body type and sleep preferences to the perfect mattress, because, while you buy it, it was made for somebody else? I took that he looks was, as I say, I was match with matters. The works for me: go to heal, exley,
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steep per cent of all Democrats vote in twenty twenty being cast by mail. That, obviously, is an act of rigging that is why it was done. The attempt by the fbi, which this again maybe legal to interfere in the election by effectively telling all these big tech companies that they ought not report or allow reporting hundred binds labs happened month before the election that obviously major impact on the election. Now. The reason I distinguish that sort of rigging mount right fraud is outright fraud is we're going to bus in tons of fake ballots and we are going to shove them through the machines three four or five times oregon and texas, big vat of from vote and throw them river, and I ve never seen again. That sort of stuff does happen at american politics, but not to the extent of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of votes lost or or spoiled, but does that mean that the twenty election wasn't clinical rigged in a sort of informal sense, of course, not It was rigged in the informal sense in which the media obviously run born of the american institutions run
Joe Biden victory, who are starting to see it right now into the most perverse wait. A couple of those most perverse ways are met. of the intelligence community who were awful during the twenty twenty election eureka and when the hundred laptop story came here, There are dozens and dozens of intelligence. officials who claimed undermining laptop, was in fact a piece of russian information that was section rigging was it illegal for them to claim that no was a demi using their credibility that the american people took seriously in order to pretty much openly lie about hundred binds laptop absolutely Are you having the same thing? You're gonna? intelligence officials, foreign and domestic, claiming the donald trump is actually a threat to the good. working order of the west. This presumably way have the former. I six head, sir. Richard dear love, talking about trust, the election being an actual national security risks to the uk. Five. Having is important, but I'm not a politician. You have to add a political that which I'm worried about which is the trumps,
I thought that real action, which I think for the uk national security is problematic because, if trump as it were, acts hastily and damages the atlantic alliance that It is a big deal for the uk. We put all our eggs in defence terms in the nato boss. ok, but the reality is that even donald from was president. He was just asking for nato partners too We are spending. The reason I point this out is because, if the entire since community is in fact mobilized against donald trump. They can do some pretty corrupt and terrible things. Meanwhile, members of the big tat community are also mobilizing over the beginning of the week, We have had the beginning of the world economic forum over in Davos, so for folks, ya know the world economic forum was founded originally by a gun and Klaus rob in the nineteen seventies, it is essentially a meeting of big business leaders- big corporate leaders, big government leader
They all get together and they plan they plan for what the world should look like, they all coordinate. one another in fact to have a brand new facts, episode out on youtube or explain everything you need to know about the w and others detail when basically, their agenda is cooperation in corporatist was fascistic fashion between big business, big government big tack in order to sort of rigged the rules of the road and already over the w you have twenty four participants are too in about the necessity for clinical policing misinformation. Now known interested in falsehood being prevaricated, but one having everybody's interests. is who gets to set the standards and say that I don't trust them will the w have to determine what is misinformation and what is not is to put it out. really mildly here, for example, are harvard profess naomi. I only rescues and centre for democracies. Reeve givens
talking about the necessity of policing misinformation over at Davos. Again, these are when people talk about globalists this. What they really mean they should meet that they really don't mean people who are in favour of free trade. Most republicans are unfair free trade, including from Mozart, Donald trump? Despite his rhetoric is actually present his brief retraining present when people say globe, what they mean is a cadre of people who wish to. Restructuring. The entire global system said they are, control of the levers of power and that's what looks like over the w e F, including with regard to quote misinformation it's more than just one second. First, according to in january is the hottest month for hiring business owners. Herring managers there on the hunt for top talent ass, an easy thing to do If your currently hiring you probably its challenges to find qualified candidates, that's why you need zipper quarter. Zippers, powerful, matching technology finds the right people for your role fast and right now. Interest for free at ziprecruiter dotcom, slash daily wire immediately after you posted job zipper. Kourou smart take you start showing you candidates, whose skills and experience match it to encourage shocking
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Cause swell. Maybe they liked president chump the reasons because he cut corporate taxes, and so I think the private sector has largely stood by and allowed a lot of really damaging things to happen. Things that in the long one will not be good for in a liberal, democratic capitalism, and so I really hope that the world economic forum will take this issue on board and think hard. About the role that the private You can play in standing up against this information in this big election year. What kinds of safeguards and measures are you thinking that companies in countries should be trying to implement, as they get ready for elections, should pick up on a theme that I think you're just getting too, which is one of the most crucial intervention points is how we surface authentic trusted sources of information and you're, absolutely right that the media has a critical role in this sum. The tech companies do it
a search engine or social media platform. I think it is your duty to help surface the trusted sources of information we again who's gonna pick trusted sources of information. Presumably that will be in our times the Washington post. on the left wing outwards at the left. Predictive globalist left absolutely was going on. rigging the election. This is what we are talking about and it is job I he was working hand in glove with these people. Carry disorder the official envoy to the w e f every single year. He obviously is is very much in mind of a globalized regime in which she gets to ferry back and forth and make with the chinese and talk, for example, about the wonders structural, their entire global economy, so as to avoid climate change, of course, takes private jets doing all this here, he was at tat Talking about the need to transition away from fossil fuels in dubai
We were able to change that paradigm to some with one critical paragraph. That paragraph is that we must transition away from fossil fuels. Remember we could not get a resolution between phase out face down in Glasgow, and there was no mention of this in paris. in dubai, a hundred The five countries, including oil producing or gas producing countries, came to consensus. That we must say to the world that we must transition away from fossil fuels sky is now moving from the job. it has to be Joe Biden campaign and we talk about globalists rigging of elections. We are talking about people like this
John Kerry announcing that he's joining the campaign, I know striking fear, is the hearts of republicans everywhere. Given the fact that you are, george w bush in two thousand, for I am happy in other words, by under lore of the hatch law in our country, because unaffected I don't not allowed to engage in the in the in the campaign. That's gonna I want to be able to speak out. that and other issues globally, but stay at this and there are so many different ways: to continue to be able to be engaged in this, and I think the american public, this is twenty one of the reasons I want my voice back to be able to go out get involved. As this issue is a voting issue. and and people ought to go to the polls because they want to continue down. This road, see this new economy emerge and not air that kills them. and gives them diseases and said
their kids to the hospital in the summer from environmentally, whose satire somebody it is the w after Davos crowd that does not want donald trump, that is who this is and again, their entire stick is working together. Its collusion between government and big business, tax, that is the entire stated, the w yeah. It is that this is Joe Biden campaign in natural add on a patina of intersectionality and equity talk, and that is the Joe Biden campaign here samples. The w president again in wars. Brenda talking about collaboration, business in government, though Economic farms are no meeting, I think, is a proof of that. The weak had and the year ahead will deliver important outcomes of collaboration between business and He then went ahead and explain how this requires a new world order. It is amazing that you're stumble headlong into saying the words, but here we go that order seemed to know no not be
the order anymore. We are on the way to a new order, so we are between orders. Do you agree with that? or art away. So what are we able to keep on the positive side from the old order to bring into an while world order and how can we avoid that that new world order becomes like a jungle growing back, and we rather have order based on international law and the principles that have brought us prosperity and freedom for decades. I don't think the international order built after nineteen forty five is getting replaced wholesale with some new order it will obviously evolve, is it of, as it has evolved multiple times over the decades since nineteen forty five, but I do think in a in a more sharply stinky way. We are moving into a new era and that's what I talked about in my remarks.
of course, is the nsc jake solomon tunisia, about Joe Biden being in the pocket of sort of these types of people this kind of board- all acting out of that is correct, is what stands in the way of down trump attaining the white house again folks last year because of you preborn. His network of clinics saw over fifty eight thousand babies lives saved. Thank you to all of you who made that pass what celebrate these precious babies this is kind of like lord of this. You know it That is the way Let me know if this is not the wagon we assign you know before. I walked produce doors and I was, as I was, walk up the walk and such that door. Now you know a guardian angel asia's. Tell me here: maybe you're happy, though in there he was like. I know, someone like a health justice, the development of a baby that small as a baby, because I mean no arms and legs, I mean I was actually a human alliances
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The title of the w of these this year is restoring trust. While I mean they that the trust hasn't been lost because people are talking about The trust has been lost because they are garbage at this. It turns out that all the people who suggest you ought to give them control over your life in over the system, those people of botch it six ways from sunday, and that is down from opening and speaking of that, opening in the battery, what's going on in the border continues to be a complete disaster area, an amazing story, between taxes and the federal government according to bright bargia com. A strongly worded letter from the department of homeland security to the state of texas is demanding access to the. U mexico bore online seized by the state in eagle. Pass eagle pass, of course, is one of the. Great source of illegal immigration. The country right now, hundreds of thousands of people every month arriving at eagle, pass d h, a fish order the sea to cease and desist its efforts to block border patrols, access in and around shall be park, and barriers to access by the end of the day on january, seventeenth, the dhs no council Jonathan, my wrote in a letter to texas turn general can paxton takes
are clearly unconstitutional and are actively disrupting the federal government's operations? Why? What is texas doing? Well? They set up actual barriers to prevent people from crossing the border. Dangerous wants to dismantle those barriers, so they can continue to essentially treat border patrol. A fairy service for illegal immigrants. As I have mentioned this just down at the more we have a bunch of material coming out about that, and it is truly amazing. Joe Biden has essentially turn our border patrol units. Into a bussing service for illegal immigrants they literally arrive at the border hold up their hands say their claiming asylum bore. Patrol pick them up process them lets them into the country. Within seventy two hours stated, is he saying no and they are building barriers and this man, Is the band administration is now probably going to take them to court The recent actions by the state of texas have impeded operations of the border patrol now is ripe. Doubt the use of the word impeded by the G8, just general council can apply. A threat of criminal action against off, and agents of the state of texas or carrying the orders of governor average secure, shall be park and prevent bore
patrols, entry to the area now again, the reason they want the more people in there is the word patrol simply facilitating the entry of all the legal immigrants. All this is coming amidst a false Laurie reported widely by the left wing media, suggesting that the state of taxes is responsible for migrant drownings. According to it when provided by the texas military permanent sunday, the border patrols requested enter the park came after me, drowning drownings already occurred, and the bodies of families were being pulled from the water by mexican authorities, but that, instead of the media, and what the story, which was supposedly the bunch of migrants were trying to cross the border they started to drown more before wanted to get in and help them in texas and stop them. This report CBS news was false. Wasn't true, it turns after the migrants had already round by the time border patrols even aware of it and arrived on board. The address continues to pretend that this contributed to migrant drownings, myers, end quote and generates wealth. After learning from group beta
Billy it with the national institute migration, mexico that a group of migrants was attempting to cross the river border patrol, contacted texts, officials and requested access to the border and Texas refused later arrest. Came from mexico is able to rescue to individuals from the group, both with signs of hypothermia. Three individuals brown text has demonstrated that even the most exigent circumstance it will not allow more pro active the border to conduct law enforcement and emergency response activities, and that, of course, is false. That is not true. It turns out that These people unfortunately had round long before border patrols, even aware of the situation at all, but binding, is receiving pressure from his left flank, for the mobile regime of immigration to continue open migration, free flow of people across borders, including the american border, there's a peace today in the new york times from a personal, andrea floors was an immigration policy adviser for both obama and Biden, calling Joe Biden, not to compromise the republicans on border policy. She said quote:
MR barton could lose key powers, the presidents of use for decades to regulate immigration in times of crisis. Worse, if MR trump is re elected we'll have new tools at his disposal. He could use to terrorize immigrants and make the chaos of even more acute she's as, for example, quote, take their importance astronauts? Already senate negotiators are considering that policy, a border officials to expel migrants without asylum swings that maybe appear to be an effective deterrent measure a similar asylum restrictions have proved otherwise. That, of course, is false, total forty two, which is What will we were using and or just get people off the border? It was highly successful in preventing more people from crossing the border illegally. Instead, she is claiming that we should send device people to seek asylum in our ports of entry and expedite asylum claims. We should widen the nozzle to allow more illegal immigrants into the country, This, of course, they lady who were in fact an adviser to Joe Biden on immigration policy, a job I bad governance. Going to have significant ramifications for his own room let's hope in just one second we'll get to
exactly what that means in terms of the middle east, because there is a story that had been wildly under aborted that we must get you because it is insane again, it is not top of the news is that in just one moment, first guys this is a no brainer. If you want to protect your kids from leftist indoctrination rampant in mainstream media, we have the way to do it start a fourteen day free trial to bend kids, the new kids entertainment app from the daily, wire bank. He is the only swimming at that offers. High quality family friendly shows that reflect our values ben keep It was amazing characters, timeless stories that will spark your kids imagination. Curiosity with hundreds of episodes, your kids will love and you can trust with new episodes streaming every saturday morning, harrowing bank he's good. Not just because we made it, but also because I let my kids watch it and believe you me would not let my kids watch anything I do not personally approve of you can try banking for free, Fourteen days, no casual gimmick, no hidden. These just awesome content will love and you can trust. All you have to do is use called a market banquet outcome, you'll get fourteen days of unlimited access to banking world of adventure. Who'd you Ben keep out
he's, got a market sign up to start your trial today. Well the disaster that is rolling in the middle east is of Joe Biden making a couple stories, just insane in the last twenty four hours. So, first Did you know that we have two missing us navies eels? Were you aware of this? You weren't I was in the top of the news typically, when we lose american soldiers, that's pretty big news have to? U s? Navies use you just go missing. it also usually pretty big news? Why is it not big news? Well, because Joe Biden is the president of the united states? Isn't that it's not been covered? Is that it's just not big news? We see says the two: u S: navy seals missing in the gulf of aden off somalia, where an emission the board a doubt that led to the seizure of iranian made ballistic and crews missile components, headed to the who these there if the united mission last thursday to board the dow in rough waters continued. Even after one of the navy seals fell in the water and the second navy seal following protocol jumped into the water rescue. His teammate surgeon Ask operations for two missing seals are continuing in the gulf of aden with: u S, navy aircraft and ships. Part abating in search for you.
The us navy, his intercepted these doubts that small fishing or cargo vessel from the region, to be carrying iranian made weapons to the who these typically order. seems pull aside these ships to undertake a flag verification mission. If the doubts on flag to replace its flag to mask smuggling mission, but a decision was the first since the who these began to carry out more than thirty droning missile attacks on commercial shipping in the red sea. So apparently, These navy seals are unfortunately missing. It's hard to imagine that, given the fact that been missing now for days on end. The date probably are dead. According to the pentagon, in the winter time, this state is typically aged twelve feet. The horizon is flat. Twelve years eight feet above the flat rising the need for it is like sixteen foot wave. Meanwhile, iran continues to facilitate terror around the region? not just with regard to Israel, not even just with regard to the red sea, I mean they are doing that the red sea, by the way right now the latest is
the yemeni who these continue to attack. Apparently shipping in the red sea, Tuesdays strike on the iranian linked to the movement in yemen was another attack. You had to launch against the who the in yemen to target for sites will rebels when preparing to launch missiles against commercial shipping. Vessels and the vitamin is which has been signalling. That is going to do what it must do in order to ensure shipping in this region, now they're relegated saying: well, you know we, we were doing these low level attacks. We figured that who these are going to continue. I have a question, so what is it exactly? Precisely that you think you are doing here is jake's. in explaining. Well, you know you're the who these wouldn't stop he's aims at Davos. We mobilise the coalition of countries to take strikes to degrade the with these capabilities, so their ability to mount
sustained and complex attacks becomes more difficult over time, but we did not say when we launched our tax they're gonna end once and for all the hood. These will be fully deterred. We anticipated who these would continue to try to hold this critical artery at risk, and we continue to reserve the right to take further. But this needs to be an all hands on deck effort and kate did didn't. I missed the power he laid out a plan, so, as I do was during the obama few empty sites after week of warning, and then they will continue to come after the shipping and then what and then what mean right now. I'm reddy's routing around the red sea is a critical shipping artery. What you gonna do about it. If your solution is, will fire a few? rockets at you and you fire a few rockets at us, and I and that's pretty status quo. How is that a solution, the answer is, it is not, and if you like higher prices, the grocery store prepare for some of those John Kirby spoke with the white house. National security council said on tuesday that when the united
he's launch dozens of strikes in yemen. Last week, scenarios us officials fully enter debated the who these would probably conduct summit retaliatory strikes he's here. Looking to expand this, they still have told me: the right choice, which is to stop these reckless attacks, but you have not made clear what exactly the consequences will be. they do not do that and again if europe These all you have to do is survive. This tears junker me and to explain what the hell we're doing great that we took friday, no matter what the rookies might say has nothing to do with the fight in Gaza. It has to do with defending shipping in the red sea or no matter what the who did say: they're, not going after ships that are tied to Israel, I'm no they hit. Yesterday the other day they hit a ship carrying russian oil. That was panamanian flag, nothing to do with Israel, although I don't think we need to not buy into the hootie propaganda. That's one are we still have an interest in not seeing this conflict widener escalates
that is why he took those streets on friday to degrade hooky capability so that it doesn't, it can't, widen and escalate. I'm I'm so confused, so you don't want to widen and escalate so you're doing just enough that they continue to harass. Shipping in the middle east thus prolong The possibility of this thing, widening waiting. Meanwhile Joe Biden quietly, something to walk back, is idiotic policy from twenty twenty one and which he d listed the who these esoteric group, according to jackie, heinrich, whose reporting for fox news sources- tell fox divine administration, is expected to reduce The who these as a terrorist organisation officials in he had said if the group will be placed under the same designation, but sources tell Is there a number of sanctions options that can be used in lieu of a formal after finding, which can take a long time to complete so again, They are now having to walk back there dumb ass policy. With regard to iran in some way they earlier in the administration and walked back there dumb ass policy with regard to the saudis meanwhile, and by the way are now
can targets in pakistan of you think that this regime isn't attempting destabilize anything within rocket range, you're, totally wrong according to writers his chance had neighbouring run has now violated its aerospace, resulting in the debt two children hours after iranian state, media and missiles targeted you bases of militant group ye Adam on tuesday is all about warned. The incident with serious consequences was completely unacceptable in a statement released by Pakistan's foreign office, both person, early hours on wednesday on Monday. The eye gc thou, be the iranian revolutionary guard, gore attacks targets in both iraq and syria, so, right now iranian proxies are hitting there there now affecting the file in countries and areas, iraq, syria, lebanon, northern Israel, southern Israel, the Gaza strip, the red sea and pakistan. That's all right, No, I'm not talking about, of course, the last three years I'm talking about like in the last three days. He will he does that seem like the
Successful containment policy to you, or might it be that the united states should say to Israel what you have done against Hamas and that the united states, with F twenty two's? If the revives guys, no one actually devastate the ability of the who. These too, you know, do what doing in the red sea. We might want to make clear to Hezbollah, the west that, if you guys get to alight, little bit too much on the northern border of Israel that we will allow Israel to do what he needs to do on the northern border as well again that the threat of force is what keeps people online the middle EAST. The fact that this administration continues to try to play this middle game is so stupid, so idiotic and is predicated on again false notion. of these and reality of these road palestinian conflict. You may have noticed that in that whole disquisition, I just gave with regard to IRAN there, a bunch of- We have literally nothing to do with the palestinians or something reggie. Yours iraq and syria and your time pakistan do any of those places have to do particularly
with Israel and the palestinians. The answer, of course, is no. But for a long time in foreign policy circles, there has been an idiotic notion that central to all conflict in the middle east is the israeli palestinian issue is that of Israel, and the palestinians came to some sort of agreement. Iran will calm down and everything would be all better. of course they lie- it is not true, but that is what jake solvents now preaching Here we go jigs I mean. Does here's how dumb jake's albinism bad at his job? jake solomon literally had a piece in foreign affairs magazine it was written before we're seventh and came out the week after and in the print addition, it suggested the gods had never been more peaceful, that's how, Jake solomon is at his job. and this is the guy- is now designing middle east policy. So you wonder why Donald trump has a shot even against the rigours to be. The answer is because
add enough at your job. It turns out the american people, don't like it very much says what you're saying is that the follow up of the abraham corps was to bring in if we were to bring in saudi Arabia and that it would have been also the basis for it, as would have to be a political solution and also where Israel would have to move on the two state solution. Yes, in fact, when President Biden and prime minister Netanyahu spoke in the weeks and months leading up to october seventh, this was a key topic of discussion. How, where do the palestinians fit into a broader vision for israel's integration into the region and normalization with arab states? The basic recipe which is peace between Israel and its arab neighbours? A two state solution with Israel, security guarantee?
These pieces are not, and you know, in a way, operating in completely separate spheres. They are linked and connected. They were before october. Seventh, they remain linked today and there's something that we're going to have to continue to work. Again? The very fact that Jake Sullivan is suggesting that event, some have made more concessions to the palestinians that, for example, october seventh, never would have happened. Peace mps were broken out. Middle EAST is totally insane. is totally into first all totally insane they're. Even having a conversation. The aftermath of the world murdered. Mass murder of Jews in the holocaust, about making concessions to the governments that port mass murderers, that's totally insane, but again, the entire foreign policy of this administration is totally insane. It meanwhile, Then in the middle of all this talk about, can actions that the west can somehow make or how much care the assistance with the who, these in the middle, while, as we now have more and more ports that are emerging from Israel from the people who are held hostage by hamas- and they are just,
awful as you thought they would be there's a piece we're very wise, free press by a young woman, da gama goldstein Ahmad she seventeen years old, she washed commit murder, her father and her sister in front of her eyes, and she explains what zactly happen. She said I was with mother my protector. We did everything she could give me alive. What we learn from us captivity together with my nigeria, others, eight, nine and eleven. The four of us have been again from our home, includes far as more of october, seven, but not before terrorist my father, and I point blank and afterward went my older sister yeah the bullet tearing through her face their blood. everywhere. We stepped over my father's dying body as the terrorist screamed at us took us out of our home and drove us into Gaza. I never got good by any hopes he had, they were still alive or dash. We heard over the radio they ve been murdered at some point. During our captivity, we removed the latter at the time in confinement transfer for a series of homes, apartments, tunnels, even a mosque in Gaza. Remember those guys. It's super easy it until the terrorists from civilians in gaza, a special way holding the actual hostages. Monks, billions are captors, were cruel During our captivity they told us it would be back to our kibbutz the fears paralyzing it overtook me. I
saying my mom. When we entered the city they're going to torture me they're, going to write me. It was in the tunnels. I met the young women, most of it just a or older than my seventeen years, some so but a gunshot wounds that been left untreated, makeshift manages one headed, dismembered limb. I heard from an account terrifying and grotesque sexual abuse, often at gunpoint they told when they were sadly and cried their captors took advantage of their? business even more stroking and caressing them, and then shoving and grabbing intimate parts of their bodies. My mother pain hug them. They told They hadn't heard the word emma in so long. The aid for their own mothers, my mom, you told me she felt like were all her daughters having just lost one of her daughters herself, these young. And were scared and they feared for their lives, they begged me with their families. We were least tell them. You saw us they said, but don't tell them everything save their souls from the ghastly details they pled with us to continue to fight. Them to make sure they come home. They told me that more than fifty days ago of the women I left in the tunnels are still together. As I write these words, I can see the look in their eyes. What They endured. Are they still being abused? Are they still alive? She's
in the years old. This young woman The by demonstration is already putting pressure on the israelis to stop their operation. Well, these house is, are still being held, all in the name of supposedly what getting IRAN to calm down getting on iran is not going to calm down. Sir of weakness are taken as signs of weakness, that's how it works. Meanwhile, Biden is now calling people to the white house in an attempt to bridge gaps, the ukrainian aid, according to political, president Biden has invited congressional leaders to the white house for a meeting on wednesday to discuss ongoing negotiations over a national security spending bill to aid, ukraine and other priorities. According to three people, familiar with the request send negotiate and spent months discussing a potential bipartisan agreement to add new border. An immigration policy restrictions to bind supplemental request for a hundred billion dollars for ukraine, Israel, taiwan in border security, those negotiations have yet to produce a deal apparent. Attendees will include centre majority leader, shimmer centre, minority Mcconnell speaker, my johnson. house minority leader who jefferies
he committee leaders, including those headed the appropriations committees, are also expected to attend according to two people that presumably, is going to be for show because Joe Biden is in no particular shape to lead negotiations, nor has it taken a strong stand against them. Articles in his own party and said that they ought to four ample cave on some of the more provisions in order to assure the foreign aid. The job and so desperately want already folks coming we're going to jump into the mail bag so stick around if you're, not a member a member use, contribution check for germans, free on annual plans, click that linking the description and join us we happy to announce a new product jury. Razors for women ladys and get it rate smooth shave and enjoy, knowing that your hard earned money is going to accompanied that celebrates and supports women. Being women get yours today germany's razors dot com
Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.