« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1874 - Will Trump Be Disqualified Before The Election Even Starts?

2023-12-21 | 🔗

More states line up to ban Trump from the 2024 ballot; internecine war continues on the Left over the White House’s Israel support; and China’s dictator told Biden he’d be taking Taiwan.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Tonight in arkansas, there's another mother in her daughter and turning off the light. A business owners burning the midnight oil and at home dinner date is playing a possibility and it's all happening under one roof, how the power of a conversation like the one, John from integrity solutions had with first rise and bank about his vision for a sustainable makes to use building. Now it's not His words, its life. First, her in bank, let's find a way first arising dot com, slash jain first arising bank member. After I see Industrial sponsored by express vpn privacy is a right, not a privilege, defend your rights at express vpn dot com, slash man. yesterday commonly harris, said something extraordinarily wise. It was rare moment of shining brilliance from our very historic vice president here she was in, however, election cycle we talk about. This is the most selection of our lifetime. this one is. I have been fortunate and blasted during the course, They vice president have
situations, where it becomes clear to me that there are enough full of every asian engendered by the way, who says something about being first that lets them. No, they don't need to be learned. by other people's limited understanding. Who can do what? Yes, indeed twenty. Twenty four is shaping up to be the most election of our lifetime, not just an election. The most election, in other words a complete While america awaits the supreme court ruling on whether or not colorado can bar donald trump from the ballot. Other states now considering how they can follow colorado suit and bar the leading republican candidate in amerika, the likely nominee for the presidency from the back entirely. According to the new york times there at least fifteen other states, besides colorado, considering barring trump from the ballot, including for state lawsuits in Michigan, oregon neutral see and in wisconsin and eleven federal lawsuits
get arizona, nevada, new york, new mexico, south carolina taxes, vermont virginia west, virginia and wyoming right The cases in arizona and Michigan have already been dismissed in favour, but they have now been appealed if the supreme court doesn't up the colorado kids. These leave it there, then, from william in off the ballot in colorado, and we can be this insanity will be repeated anywhere, there's a demo attic supreme court or legislature and governor, in fact, just yesterday, because for nearly lieutenant governor alina coup, analogous wrote a letter to the caliph when you secretary of state begging for her to quote, explore legal options. Remove president donald trump from California's twenty twenty four presidential primary ballot, hilariously. Couldn't it is apparently illiterate direction, robotic The constitution is clear: you must be forty years old. and not an insurrectionists, actually have to be thirty five but same difference Now it's clear the colorado supreme court is legally in the wrong. Even try biggest detractors, say so here is transfer
We're attorney general bill bar was hardly been from ally in the days since the twenty twenty election. As you know, I I strongly oppose Donald from further republican nomination. But I think that this cases is legally wrong and untenable. I think this kind of action of stretching the law taking these hyper aggressive positions to try to knock trot out of the race, are counter productive. They backfires, you know, He feeds on grievance just like a fire feeds on oxygen, and this is can end up as a grievance that helps him in here. Chris Christie, who is running a campaign simply and specific wait you throw dirt in trump's. I I do not believe donald trump should be prevented from being president I'd say by a court. I think you should be prevented from being present I'd, say by the voters of his country, but that doesn't matter
those who hate trump believe that it is morally justifiable to use literally any means necessary to keep him from the white house. Working to a brand new pull from. You got fifty four sent of. Americans approve of the colorado states, Supreme court's decision to boot, trump from the ballot, including eighty four percent of democrats. The majority of americans. According to this all believe that the collar of states from court should boot trump from that doesn't boat particulars. now for the actual election cycle does not because these people, believe the legal theory behind with the colorado supreme court? Just did it because they leave that any club available to slam from in the skull must be used there in the same camp as mary trump from snake.
No know I never heard of five years ago, but who is now made a nice river herself bashing her uncle fabulously today from the colorado supreme court who ruled that donald trump? Yes, Donald trump, the insurrectionists anti american anti democratic fascist? Who, for some is our reason is leading the republican nominating contest by fifty points, or something is not eligible to be on the ballot for the republic in primary in that state. This is amazing news. Yes, it's going to go to the united states supreme court by it. they are able to read english. They should concur with this decision. Miss legal scholar who is a psychologist by the way has her legal thought. Joe Biden is format
all of this, by supporting the rationale behind the colorado bands. Yesterday, he was asked the colorado states supreme court ruling, and he said that from was only an insurrectionists inaction, presumably bar him from the ballot so for self evident saw. It also applies to coordinate, certainly, support, insurrection, no question about non zero, zero question, as our doddering old president? No wonder republicans are up in arms. If democrats are to claim that the law can be used as a club and several times his leave, their law abiding citizens merely following the law from fans are. Similarly, any club at hand. That's right from France are increasingly cheering his applause line about temporary dictatorship. Harrison stands, for example, They can't say that he's war there
you are saying that he's coming after his political opponents, but literally that's exactly everything. They're, accusing this man of doing is literally what has been going on for the last. That's why I have no problem with day one dictator. That's why I have no problem with that. If a dictator means he's going to drill baby drill, asami of that dick anywhere. Ok. So again, the idea is, trumps language rat dictatorship in all the rest of it, by what you really means just using executive authority. In the same way that Biden and obama used executive authority, people say that sort of thing reason. They're saying it is specifically because Democrats claim that they are pro democracy at the same time they seek to thwart it in a variety of ways and of democrats. True, we seek to barred from from the ballot across the country. Republicans will presumably do the same thing. To Democrats here is texas, lieutenant governor, damn patrick arizona, try this about ten years ago, but our law is different. It simply says that our law enforcement can arrest. Anyone take them in due a background check photograph. Do fingerprints
if they saw them, cross the border illegally. We can do that They happened to reveal in the arrest of that they across to illegally, and then the magistrate will send them back and will escort them to the border and they have a choice, I go to jail or then go back, and if they go back try to come back again and we arrest him again. The penalty gets even higher were fed up, in fact, so what happened in colorado tonight law makes me think except we believe in democracy and taxes. Maybe we should go Joe Biden off the ballot in texas for allowing eight million people to cross the border? Since he's been president, again section three of the fourteenth amendment does suggest. If you take sides against america. If you take sides america's enemies if you undermine the constitution may be that act his claws removed somebody from the ballot, indeed on the pessimism, something truly dangerous question: are there? No any conditions under which weakens, will accept a Biden victory at this point. If Joe Biden win
the twenty twenty four election, how many republicans to simply say ok done here in elections and election, on the other side. Are there any conditions under which Democrats looks up a trump victory and if not, what comes next answer is nothing very good: twenty twenty or is indeed going to be very election. The most election, as common harris says so get ready in ones we'll get to the poles down from way out for nationally. But some interesting things happening in new hampshire in the primary first travelling the holidays. If so pure talk has recovered because they just added international roaming to over thirty countries. That's correct weather making calls on a beach in the bahamas on the steps of buckingham palace or your villikins answering you can dial away, and here is the best one there is no rate increase. Pure talk, still save the average family. Almost one thousand dollars a year with plans, starting at just twenty bucks a month. Pure talk is the gift that keeps on giving they put you on american most dependable five, you network, the coverage is second to none. So stop dragging their feet. John over to peer talk, a veteran own wireless company with simply the best just customer service team. Now
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various states can see from continuing to lead fairly significantly. So in iowa latest fact, business Paul has trumped up at fifty. Two percent of scientists at eighteen he hayley at sixteen. So, even if you combined both of their percentages, they would be at thirty four percent eighteen percent behind donald trump, so his significant lead over in iowa, sure is a bit of different story. According A new CBS poll, new hampshire, trumpet forty four but Nicky hayley is a thirty percent Chris Christy's. Twelve percent. So, if you added together, Chris Christie, support energy hayley support if Christie were to get out of, He says he should that would look like competitive state. Need moved down south south carolina and things could theoretically get a little interesting. These of course, Nicky Healy is the former governor of south carolina nationally speaking, the trump verses Biden pulls, they are tightening a little bit. Can it be act? Has bite
one. Forty seven to forty six economist you gov has them tied at forty three morning. Console has trump up by two at forty four to forty. Two and again, this is how it works. As from gets back in the headlines, the poles tend to tighten between trump and by mrs. Why anybody who is suggesting that it can be a runaway for trump? I want you the evidence Let anybody who's suggesting that it can be a runaway for Biden. I don't see the evidence of that either. This thing could seriously go either way and a lot is dependent on the kansas strategy so Joe Biden, is gonna, try to run a basement strategy undecided. Work is the current president of the united states down should be running. A basement strategy of donald trump runs a basement strategy in twenty one. Or if he does exactly what Joe Biden did When each one of us goes down to his basement and watches sharply from now until the election varies shot that he becomes president again, but one of the big problems, that the irish is having is this is a big election you're not just for donald trump but further, consented, for example. So republicans the upper hand in a bunch of senate races that they need north korean majority in the senate, but the orange
No cash is all the money is getting sucked up into trump world and from doesn't spend the cash on ended in these various areas, according to rob priors, whose eight political junkie, research director for the californian target, but he as statistics on our he cash on hand at the end of november, by year, in twenty sixteen since he had twenty one million dollars on hand in twenty been twenty seven million dollars in twenty twenty four. The eight million dollars, when twenty one sixty five million dollars as of twenty twenty three The currency cash on hand is less than ten million dollars being no. is giving too our currency, it's a real problem. you're, looking a bunch of competitive congressional races and senate races. Words It is not going to spend one iota of his heart, That is the reality of the race, and so and the idea that, from a walk away with this thing, I understand it trump doesn't like strategy and from really does not like planning his arm our game is not really distant he's. Fine,
was it out there and then hopes and praise that victory will merge. Maybe it will I'm not seeing it can't. I'm just saying that right now the urgency is short on cash from has no ground game and no actual strategy and a lot of these states the Then you could you right now: he's got some prose on board to actually run the on the ground, get out the vote campaign if he wins the primaries which presumably he will and then you gotta, basement and shut up and watched your baby that president speaking of which binds presidency. It continues to be a mass. He cannot take clear political positions on nearly anything so on the one hand you have the state department for the united states saying that Israel should basis be allowed to defend itself by taking out commerce, which is good. Your secretary
They tony blinkin saying that yesterday, what is writing to me is that, even as again, we hear many countries urging the end to this conflict, which we would all like to see. I hear virtually no one saying demanding of Hamas Then stop hiding behind civilians that it lay down its arms that a surrender this is over tomorrow. If Hamas does that this would have been over a month ago, six weeks ago, if Hamas had done that, and how could it be? How can it be that there are no demands? made of the aggressor and only demands made of the victim, so it would be good if there was a strong international voice, pressing, alas, to do was necessary to end it
yeah, obviously, that's good, but the same exact time the united it is now negotiating with the most ice leave international politics, a wretched hives, common villainy, the united nations. In order to fulfil we take the passage of some sort of you in security council resolution about these fires and humanitarian aid, nor the message that is just a mess of policy inside the binding ministration, because Apparently they lack the courage of their own. Visions we'll get to that in just one second, first, the hell These are here the last thing you need during this busy time of yours, to miss out on a great night sleep. That's why he uses beams dream powder. Beams dream powder contains a powerful, natural blend of ingredients, including magnesium. My feeling is is to run the mostly bet. It's concoction carefully crafted to help you slip into the sweet embrace arrest without the progress that often accompanies other sleep remedies sleep. The foundation of our mental and physical health, you must have it insistent nighttime routine, to function at your best today, my listeners, the special discount on beams dream powders are best selling hot cocoa for sleep with no added sugar. Now
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that outside event is being held. Charity events in new york city so women whose actually leaving here is a woman name I yell at lavie, eyelids daughter, is now who happens? one of the hostages was raped and kidnapped by hamas terrorists, and here the pros, screaming at her the the living off screaming at you know the mothers of people who were kidnapped and enraged pretty obviously ribs, Remember the daughter, as the woman from the photograph where her pants are covered in blood and her achilles heels were cut, so she could not run away. She was hobbled, so she couldn't run away so those are the radical at just one part of Joe Biden space. Meanwhile, you have the so called soft liberals inside by congressional caucus. Those people like
and crow and chrissy houlihan. Unfortunately, south molten alyssa slot can have a gale span. Whether these are the supposed moderates in the democratic copies. They should a letter Yesterday Joe Biden single, we are deeply concerned by premises Netanyahu's, current military strategy in Gaza, the mounting civilians, ethical and humanitarian crisis are unacceptable and not in line with american interests, nor do they the cause of security for our ally, Israel. We also believe it bright eyes, efforts to destroy the terrorist organisation hamas and secure the release of all hostages. Our positions on the intelligence arm service in foreign affairs committee. We have consistently pushed for Israel to shift its military military strategy. There has been no significant change. Now I have a question: what did what exactly that change? Look like Surely all recommendations welcome p keep saying that Israel ought to be more humane than you to preserve civilian life better. They need to go on the ground and be more careful. Israel has I spent a hundred and thirty soldiers in the Gaza strip, already all them very young men and Israel is sacrificing those lives in order to save civilians. Obviously, but there is this bizarre:
mentality that now prevails more many americans, in which war does not exist or if war does exist, it supposed to be clean must be precise. That is not how war works. This letter includes the file, when idiotic line by the way we know Personal and often painful experience can destroy terror ideology with military force alone, and it can in fact make it worse well, the way they actually troy a terror ideology is with long term. occupation, pacification encounter in and counter insurgency tactics. That's actually hide, destroy a terror ideology, overtime and certainly isn't by making concessions to terrorists. What a ceasefire would be, as lincoln correctly stated meanwhile, Hamas is openly thanking its allies in the western world. So literally, spokesperson, from us yesterday issued a video thanking the canadian government for calling for a ceasefire guys if Hamas
is thanking you you're doing it wrong. Why canada thread here and the news land backing sustainable ceasefire in Gaza. We welcome these developments and consider them in the right direction toward isolation. The fish. It is the fascist israeli government globally and ending the longer either a co pi capacious in our modern type. Ok, that's hammas, literally thinking western governments again terrorist group. Thank you. Your do. It wrong. Meanwhile, Hamas is rejecting rose offer to stop fighting for a week for a hostage before they say you have to stop firing on us before we are going to do you anything. Meanwhile. As of this morning, Hamas was during its largest barrage of rockets into tel Aviv, that has for a couple of ways and thirty rockets falling toward tel Aviv. So
much for the cease fire. There is no cease fire commerce knows it. It's all attack by a common and weakness brew. Aids. It breeds problems. It breeds failure. We get that in just one second first, this is, and why not give the gift of comfort to everybody on your list, including yourself with new tommy john underwater lounge, where an pj's right now tommy john the huge enemy or sale with up to seventy five percent off me. giving Tommy china holiday tradition for all the men and women in your family. There were twenty the emperor sold and thousands fives. Our views, Tommy John, does now They have fanatics one time on fanatic redcoat, fantastic christmas gift that went so right. She loves the pajamas automaton stuff. Again, I have taught me John. my wife has all sorts Tom Jones up. It is phenomena stop Tommy John loungewear is cozy enough to use asleep where salish enough to wear for a quick stroll to the coffee shop. You won't look like you rolled out of bed and though you probably did tommy johns lounge, where is guaranteed, if it perfectly comfy non pilling micro modal fabric, no involves or fuss luxuriously soft try blend fabrics with flexible for waste rach shop.
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fraid. That is a serious problem, I'm just a serious problem, because what is happening in the red sea? It. Is problem because once states that hate the united states once countries that have inference adverse to our own realise that they Dr America, off the ball in the area. freedom of the seas, they can really effect global economy insignificant in severe ways. So honest, I am app- is a map of maritime choke points across the world and a lot of people don't think about exactly how the stuff that you want gets to you. But the reality is that there are. These choked points are places where a huge presented afraid actually moved. So we can see the map. There are again bunch of things label on this map tried describe for you places that trade moves and in these bottlenecks, in places that very often are our those two nations that are adversarial too to the united states. So the number one show point the primary trope point:
asia is placed on the strait of malacca. It is very close to china. and has the ability, if you close it, to really affect china's economy. Alternatively, because very close to you you could see china attempts make aggressive moves in the strait of malacca. It accounts for about twenty five percent of all trade in goods and a third of all seaborne oil, and that that is it. That is a joke point. Another trow point: the taiwan straits so in china is threatening taiwan there also threatening the taiwan's rates, which is a place where a lot of trade moves. If you look at for example, the strait of hormones is one of the areas that iran is currently threatening. Thirty percent of all whale traded on the world's oceans passes through the strait of ormuzd. These moves from the middle east and down through the Bab EL, madam straight, which another place where a lot of oil moves and then approve the suez canal. Again, all these places threatened by IRAN and iranian proxies They have china, which is threatening to Taiwan's rates and the threat of malacca, and you have middle east,
countries adversarial to america, like IRAN, threatening the strait of for moves, the babble mandeb straight the suez canal, for sing people to travel all the way around the southern tipp of africa, the cape of good hope, a much longer trip. It increases all of your price what this really means is that again, if america does not guarantee freedom of the seas but you're going to end up with is a crater global economy at the behest of countries that hate the united states and seek to curb our Our and the chinese are seeing the weakness a pair the according to abc news last night, trying President vision, paying toll presidential by directly at the recent summit, the china will reunify with taiwan unclear whether beijing plans to use force in its efforts reunify with taiwan, but she indicated they will try at first it so peacefully key words there being at first, is that as much publicly? What is noteworthy these that he said this so bluntly to the president at a summit intended to thought their relations and John corbett
the poorest quantum locking. In the specifics of the discussion between the two leaders, I think you can understand. I'm not going to read out that private conversations The presidency has been public and clear about his desires for unification and sensible. Different or new. We have been clear in the present was clear with you guys in with present gi. We still at here to the one china policy. We want support independence for taiwan. We also support a change in the status quo unilaterally, and certainly not one by force and, as the president has said, there is no reason for us to come to blows asked about, the: u s, involvement into other global conflicts, ukraine, in Gaza altered its previous commitment event. I want remy chinese military action by an reiterated in november. The EU s position favor of the one china policy, which is basically just want to talk about this one. The policies like shore, Taiwan is part of the one china policy and also, if you attacked, I one will defend. It. Probably is strategic vagueness, look, I reiterate what I said since I become president, what every previous presidencies, It said that we maintain an agreement. There is a one, china policy, I'm not going to change that. That's not going to change, and so that's about the extent to which we discussed it.
Apparently in a region of the summit. China's oncogene elaborated on his principal position on taiwan issue and pointed out that I want to shoot, has always been the most important and sensitive issue in sino. U s relations china attached importance, relevant positive statements made by the united states at the bali meeting. China will be unified and inevitably will be unified according to a military intelligence she has been instructing, is military to be ready by twenty twenty seven to invade Taiwan that obviously, is timeline that could be moved up pretty dramatically if she senses global weakness by the west in another. is to use, for example, naval power in pursuit of the freedom of the seas, That can continue to be a serious problem and it goes also to a general leaf in the united states that we can randomly sort of cut off.
Our own military without real consequence, the american people we spend too much money, we should be more isolationist and all the rest. That is in fact also aims the problem when it comes to american under investment. That is particularly true with regard to the eighty. The navy does the big share of the lifting when it comes to war, make ensuring freedom of trade and then a recent facts episode all about this. Check it out on youtube, but the navy represents about twenty three percent of our annual military budgets: lord them both the army and the air force. Not only that you has fewer operating naval carriers today than it did for decades ago. U s name he's not growing, whilst linking relying on better technology, make up for lack of ships, one of the things that we have seen. Historically with? U s? Military policy is Nevertheless, militaries like won't we'll do it fewer, but better, tends to work out, not particularly well. What do you talk about? The occupation of Iraq or talking about in nah I'm using
where military technology, but doing graduate escalation that doesn't actually work, you need lots of ships in the water to challenge the chinese. We have three hundred fifty, ships. Now they do have what they call a grey water navy, meaning that they are really relegated to coastal areas to do serious battle. But the thing is the taiwan straits ratio this. Basically, a coastal battle, animal traps, Richard commander of your strategic man, said twenty twenty two, as I said, level of deterrence against china. The ship is slowly sinking its slowly, but it is thinking as fundamentally they're putting capability in the field faster than we are as those curves could going. It isn't it. matter how good are operating planets were how good or commanders are or how good our forces are. We're not gonna have enough of them. That is a very european problem, undersea capabilities is still the one true asymmetric advantage. We have against our opponents, but most we pick up pace if getting our maintenance problems fixed, getting new construction going. You forget, figure that out we're not going ourselves in a good position. To maintain stricter different national defence. Unquote, you so again
energy is threatening taiwan. The reasoning is doing. That is because if the united states and its allies can't even deter the who these deter a massive military power like the Chinese, and that does have serious. So over a fact, I know everybody likes. You pretend that war Can anyone economics are completely disconnected from each other. That isolationism has no actual, consequences that is wrong. Only is that wrong is connected to a bizarre view of how economy works in general I'll get to that in just one. Second, first I'll get my helix mattress for years. I've had my heels mattresses and almost a decade. At this point I love it is to give the keeps on It's the only thing, maybe me alive at this point. I am not a great sleeper, but he would sleep allows me sleep here, introducing the newest? Most high and collection, the hugely collection- he would see Leap harnesses years of extensive mattress expertise to offer truly elevated sleep experience that he would soon be collection. good, six different mattress miles each tailored for specifically position and from this preference, gonna helix sleep, tat, comes lifespan check out the brand new collection
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in the united states is possible, but super duper expensive as like basic econ one to one you get go down to the local mcdonald's. You pick up a hamburger for a couple of box. You know much it would take to produce. that hamburger in iraq are so I grow the tips I go and buy a cow to then water, the cow process, the cow, grow the wheat to grow All the ingredients to do other stuff, a lot of money, supply chains, supply lines, comparative advantage. All of these things matter. It is why efficiencies are created that allow you to go, get pretty much probably want on amazon, forty four, the price- is why people have been living better lives consistently over the course of time. It's because of the rise of free trade is because the broadening of supply lines is because of that comparative advantage that so many people like to rip upon its because of for lack of a better term labour
Terrain economics. Now I am not a libertarian when it comes to social policy, because I think libertarianism is ignorance of what it is that makes human beings tick when it comes to social policy, because we're not just atomizer individuals, where members of communities it's really important part of being a fulfilled human being capable of living, a full human life and experience and building institutions and raising families and all the rest, however, economics. There's this phrase. That's been you been tossed around a lot by people on the right of late assailant, two cheers for capitalism, housing to myself. That's that's! That's it some phrase, as opposed to three cheers for capitalism. Why? capitalism, doesn't solve all our problems. Well done. nah. I'm always confuses why anyone would think capitalism would solve. Literally all of your problems, only a mark materialist would think that economics can solve all of your problems. Economics cancer www problems? It can solve some of your economic problems, but it can solve. You know spiritual problems, it can't the problem you haven't with wife economics is not going to solve
Whatever family issues you have or whether your church is breaking down in fact, on economic system. It can exist. made some of those conflict. What economics do depending on the system, is, make things better and cheaper and more plentiful and innovative. that's what economics can do well they two cheers for liberal for for economics or to two cheers for capitalism: vessels and think two to cheers for a hammer. Well now mean it depends what you're doing for hitting a nail three cheers for the hammer, if you're, if you're, holding a baby, zero years when the hammer like what? What exactly is it that you are attempting to do with the tool? What is this your discredit. The reason is mine Has this long standing debate with Tucker karlsson about the nature of economics in the united states and what we should be pursuing so I didn't really interesting interview couple years ago now long and that a five years ago. Now, where we talked about The role of the government in the economy and Tucker has, is significantly more socialist. In view of the economy than I do,
waste his door, for example, many of the plans, Elizabeth Warren Let us landrigan sucker. I mean it, something that he will say openly. ITALY, when usually every the other it with one green wild, has also been a guest on my programme and and they were talking about getting economics and took her, went into this rand bout, the evils of libertarian economics and I think this is so short sighted. I think it's really damaging future of american prosperity and it relies on a bunch of foam. Hoods with regard to how the world works. I want to listen to this. We again. I think this has spill over effects from foreign policy. It assumes that the best policy is going to be protectionist, the high tariffs around america's borders or what's can make american people wealthy and better off? It assumes and uninvolved american. The world's fears somehow going to make. European citizens better off dull, predicate on this notion of economics that ignore the importance of comparative advantage and price structure and all the rest.
favour? A bigger concepts like beauty? Now again, I'm not anti beauty, but when I need a hamburger, I'm more interested in hamburger than I am in. You know the venus de milo in any case here is Tucker one break this now robots. It's interesting. I think a lot of people, have awakened to the now demonstrable fact that liberty, Economics was a scam perpetrated by the beneficiaries of the economic crisis that they were defending, so they created oh intellectual one! Every second so I don't know. I don't like this conspiracy, theorizing about the nature of libertarian economics, libertarian comics, as the government should not control, be free flow of goods and services. That's all turn economic at a free market has proved. Right for you, I'm gonna make cancun involved. That is the opposite of a can. yours. If you re a consumer he is one a group of powerful people restructuring entire economy around particular for us. So, for example, if you weren't you push forty protectionist policy, that is it
he designed to protect specific people in your country in a particular industry, from competition from other people in the country and also elsewhere. That is the goal of it. That's an actual cadre of powerful people. Shipping economic system for everyone, a slime rule, which is that you have freely alienated goods and services. You can alien at your own labour. You can someone can you for your labour and are given wage like that's it. That's not. Security me, giving you the ability to actually trade with other people, I'm I'm confused as to how that would be a conspiracy by me. Now may not end to the benefit of people who are less competitive in a particular industry, and then maybe there good reasons to protect certain industries, for example, for national security reasons. I think be cutting down on trade from china, because I don't think we should be enriching our enemies. That's it thing from saying that, economically speaking, there's this group, this is secret group of libertarian economists who, for their own benefit, milton Friedman, was sitting in a back romany like I need to be rich and the
Anyway, I'm going to be rich is if there is free market economics. That's that's just not true. It's just not true, there's a kind of politics than a lotta people engaged in these days called emotive ism. It's a basic for see that suggests that the reason your opponents are doing, the thing they are doing is because of their own. in so doing it because a badly motivated because they want the worst for you I think an ugly waited you politics, most yak, actual evidence that that is the case. It's a conspiracy way to do politics, it turns out, Some people have ideas that are different from you. Sometimes it is because there are there being paid or whenever it is, but many cases it because they just disagree. I talk, saying what he sank- these being paid off because he's a vested interest and so on of objective object to this idea that anyone who disagrees disagree because their french will actively harm somebody else. I don't think that's the case when you are talking about, for example, free market economics, here's more tucker, watchful framework to justify the private
when he culture, that's hollowed out the country, that's my personal view and I've seen it up close my whole life. So I think it's a fair assessment. I think us either way to assess and economic system is by its results. So you can see whatever name you want to the economic system of the united states. You can call it market capitalism, you can call it. I mean you could call it a host of different things, but I Think any that's useful. Those are boring conversations and you didn't you ask. Does this economic system produce a lot of dollar stores and if it does it, system that you want, because it degrades people and it makes our lives worse. And it increases exponentially the amount of ugliness in your society. Anything that increases ugliness is evil and she's got what just on their shoulders chicken system. Why do we have all dollar stores That is an amazing statement. Why they are dollar store. Is the root of all evil? So, first of all I should point out at this: according to some reports, eighty eight percent of american,
shop at dollar stores, at least occasionally my family shops dollar store at least occasionally almost a third Respondents in the twenty twenty one consumer report survey, so they shop our stores of more than once a month This is a really latest attitude. It seems like dollars are good. You buy things for a dollar, or at least you did until Joe Biden took office and inflated the currency. Now it's like the five dollar store. It is good to have products at your disposal for cheaper is a good thing Why are we frowning upon this? It seems a much much worse system exists and that produces no dollar stores, a system that uses more expensive goods and services that force your family to pay more a system that example relies on guild and does, pretty stout relies on governments. And our bread lines better than dollar story, because there are few choices when it comes to economic, stellar stores are actually not yet when he and then he shift into this discussion of it, increases ugliness now
when he ugliness. Are we talking about the physical stature of dollar stores? These are not like gorgeous gothic edifices. These not beautiful to look at what, obviously that's true. Obviously it's true our shores and beautiful to look at the big box doors. Also that's one of the reasons that you can get the product for cheap at the dollar store. They looked like gothic cathedrals and if the up you on products in order to pay for the gothic cathedral looking place where you binder tomatoes, which would be weird that there's this kind of brake that's happening here where from an elite perspective, they don't like looks bad there's like an ugly store at the corner of town. That makes it possible, for you feed, your family. That seems really elite. Assuming it also seems to be disconnected from history. If you go to hunger, which is a country that a lot of people love and and has allowed history to it and allow the architecture there is spectacle I mean Budapest is an incredibly beautiful city. I can tell you this is the way that worked in hungary for hundreds of years,
Nobody was running the farmers market from the church that, like a hot outside. the equivalent of the dollar store in hungary is not a gothic cathedral. A gothic cathedral is a gothic cathedral, the equivalent of a dollar store in hungary for hundreds of years was like an hour we're stall in the market. That would signal gently worse for produce than, for example, a dollar store. Here's the thing about america, america, and, as always, is one of the beauties of america. It's the reason why we are a world power. This is one of the we have always been a name, and then obviously don world power. It is because in america function frequently defeats beauty as a priority is americans are pragmatic. practical people who are seeking to better the lives of their citizens through things like economic opportunity, which means more dollar stores, not fewer dollar stores, not knowing you shop at them tons, org them go back to life, to tocqueville already in eighteen, thirty one again. This is nothing new
idea came from that america is always filled like gorgeous edifices. It's not true! The vast manure if only american history was filled with abandoned log cabins. Here's what about to Tokyo, rights and democracy in america quote thus the euro in which his cottage to go to inhabit atlantic shores and the american was born on the same caused plunges in turn into the solitude of the centre of america. This double movement emigration, never stopped it in europe. It contain over the great ocean. It follows across the solitudes of the new world, millions of men advance at once to the same point on the horizon, their language, their religion, their more state, their mores differ. Their goal is common. They were told that fortune we found somewhere toward the west and they often haste to meet it, Sometimes, man advances so quickly. The wilderness reappears behind him It has only been hundreds of feet as soon as he has passed. It recovers. It is not rare. Passing through the new states of the west to encounter abandoned dwellings in the middle of the woods, often went to school the debris of a hut in the deep
solitude, and one is astonished to come across partial clearance. Would you test at once to human power and human inconstancy? europe we habitually or die restiveness of mine, immoderate desire for wealth, extreme love, that of independence, has great social dangers in spring. We all these things that guarantee a war and peace future to the american republics is electors to tocqueville ready. eighteen thirty, one two centuries ago. Without these rights still passions, the population be concentrated around certain places in wood, as among us soon feel needs difficult to satisfy what are happy. Is the new world where man's vices are almost as useful to society as as these virtues, can republics. In our day I went companies of merchants form to point. In common, the wilderness landed in the world and busy in commerce that is prospering, and then he about what exactly cabins, look like in america, he says quote at the extra limits of the confederate states and the boundaries of society and wilderness stands a popular hardy adventurers who, in order to flee the poverty ready to afflict them under their fathers routes, have no fear of plunging in
solitudes of american seeking a new native country. Their scarcely arrived there that will serve as a refuge for him. The pioneer hastily fell some trees and raise the cabin under leaves unrelieved. My build a dollar store nothing offers more miserable aspect in these isolated dwellings. The traveller who approaches them toward evening perceives from afar the flame of the hearth glittering through the walls and at night if the wind comes up, here's the roof of four liege rustling. In the midst of the trees, the forest who could not believe at this, cottage serves a refuge for coarseness in ignorance, yet one must now establish any relation between the pioneer and the place that serves as his refuge, always private, savage round him, but he is so to speak. First, In and eighteenth centuries of work and experience, he wears the cold. the town. He speak our language. He knows the past is curious about the future argued about them he's very civilized man who, for a time, submits to living in the middle of the woods who plunges into the wilderness of the new world of the bible. A hatchet and newspapers is difficult, agent, how incredibly rapidly thought circulate within this wilderness? Theirs,
we appears cabin where one does not encounters modifying shakespeare. I recall having read the feudal drama Harry the fifth for them this time in a log house and the sort of scorn is being poured on people who shop at the dollars in the name of the people is very weird to me. I don't understand it. It doesn't make sense what makes wives better for middle class. and lower income. Americans is freedom of the seas, trade, better products at a cheaper price and their lives contrary publicopinion arguing, we'll get more on this in just one. Second, first dementia Piero show is supported by grand canyon, university and affordable private christian university with a vibrant Absent beautiful phoenix arizona, rang top twenty in the country by new start com Jesus. You, its emotional price, answered university that strives to foster a culture of community, giving an impact tissues is tat. You develop into a servant leader who makes a difference through finding a purpose with three thirty economic programmes in over two seventy online. As of june twenty twenty three jesse-
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give a man a plot of land to women and a house to have, and they were bill, cheap. If urban, these would frame houses from nineteen forty there were thrown up and they all look the same. is a picture of track. Housing in Cincinnati does look beautiful. Do this picture cracked housing in Cincinnati does not beautiful, isn't does not add to the beauty. Isn't gordon Well, these track houses in cincinnati, except for the opportune it provides for a person to live in his own home with his family. Maybe shop, the dollar store, I don't know it turns out The more than forty million housing units were built in the united states during the thirty year period following the end of world war, two at least thirty Those were single family homes and a huge and to those where these tracked houses again thrown up. Don't look like eastern colonials aren't beautiful. All they did is provide people with opportunity. That is what libertarian economics actually does.
people by these tracks when they build tracked houses and then they seldom and as for the notion that liberty, An economic hollowed out america, I'm sorry, but it's not true, it is simply true there, certain industries in the united states that have gone away as the world's supply chains. Have become more broad and diverse. We don't. a t shirts here in united states anymore, for example, but has like become easier for the normal american over the course of time. Absolutely it has enabled who denies that you take it rebecca nineteen. Eighty and see how there, man is working, but somebody hostile food, for example, leading to marian to be riding over human progress? They started with the he nineteen nominal prices of forty two food items, ranging from a pound of certain lines take so it doesn't oranges and they assessed how much time We have to work in order by those things in nineteen nineteen and then forward to today basic what we find
On weighted average time, price of our food of our forty two food items fell by Eighty seven percent between ninety nineteen and twenty nineteen, but we'll time price I even price divided by the normal early wage, our basket afforded you. Food items fell from twenty seven point three hours of work in nineteen nineteen to three point. Eight five hours in twenty nineteen by was an x way of measuring whether lives, gun easier or horror. Now in terms of wage numbers or price numbers, because those are fungible there. There changeable due to fleet in statistics and the value of the dollar and all the rest of it. The question is how long you had to work in order to earn a particular good. Well when it comes to food, You work eighty seven percent less today for this basket of food for which we had work trigo. Does that mean that libertarian economics betrayed everybody doesn't sound like it to me, sounds like far from it to me and again. The problem with all of this is that when you throw that out, when you throw that entire system, you fail to recognize the counter, which is what happens afterward when you go
the freedom of the seas when china does grab those twelve point, when the suez canal is closed when we go isolationist when the united states retreats within our borders, do you think, better for americans or worse for americans like markedly a lot worse for americans when others dollar stores. there is nothing close at all or any more. You think it's easier for americans live harder for americans live and by the way you can have a lot of time left over in money left over to build those beautiful gothic our architecture pieces. That's the real question. America has prospered because america is free when it comes economics, free market economics and solve all our problems, but its tends to do it. Good job, solving the economic part of your problems, as the rest of the show is continuing right now, you're, not enormous. It will be asked I question whether the Senate is going to get anything done before the end of the year. If you're, not a member, become member use code, Shapiro check out for two months, free on all annual plans, click that link in the description and join us. I'm gonna help gift idea that should make you the hero of the season. Now,
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-23.