« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1867 - Trump Is WAY Ahead

2023-12-12 | 🔗

Donald Trump leaps out to a massive polling advantage in Iowa – and is beating Joe Biden soundly in every major poll; Joe Biden’s economy is on the brink of disaster; and Harvard President Claudine Gay may survive both her alleged plagiarism and her softness on anti-Semitism.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
When you save on auto insurance for driving save what? U s a safe by. You feel like a big deal, even in a traffic jam, save up to thirty percent with you as a safe by restrictions, apply sanctions bunch of expressly began now my listeners have already secured their network deanna, join them and expressly begins dot com lifespan. So, according to the legs you media disaster, bout you befall america, Donald trump is now the overwhelming favorite to win the republican presidential. nation. The latest moyne register NBC news poll shows from at fifty one percent in iowa up eight percent since october. He is gaining momentum. Rhonda scientists is in second place at nineteen percent. Nicky hayley at sixteen percent, according to analyse Steve cornell, is really good on the sort of there is an enthusiasm gap in favour of trump seventy percent of transport. Say, their minds are already made up in favour of from his currently at seventy two percent favourably. With I will clock, is goers
and here's the thing in the general election trump is also up and he's not up by a small margin is up significantly donald trump if the election were held today, would become president of the united states. Again, according to a wall street journal poll over the weekend, trump leads Biden. Forty seven percent to forty three percent in the national polls. if third party and independent candidates enter that makes that lead actually jumps to six point: thirty, seven percent to thirty one percent, What's more. According to the latest cnn pole, trump leads Joe Biden by ten points in michigan used by five in georgia. According to the latest, minneapolis postpone trump is down only three point: two billion minnesota, in other words from would likely win in a landslide, where the election held today you'd when georgia wisconsin, who in pennsylvania, who in michigan
There are two reasons for this: first Joe Biden is terribly terribly unpopular. Attainments regional poll shows just twenty three percent of voters said the binds policies have helped them personally compared with fifty three percent who say they Joe Biden policies have hurt them. Personally, that's a tear, staff for him, the exact same data show half and voters say trumps policies when he was president helped them personally, for it is only thirty seven percent who say they hurt them personally buttons job performance. Is it thirty seven percent approval and sixty one percent disappear, Only three intend voters wake cottonwood by dynamics Surely the only issues where Joe Biden leads trump are on abortion and they are only leads forty four percent of thirty three percent, not a huge leap and tone in politics, thirty seven percent to thirty one percent, which means everyone hates both of their tone. That condition is unlikely, alleviate for Joe Biden before the election. It is according to the wall, street journal quote less affordable Any time in recent history to buy a home, the math isn't change.
anytime. Soon, how bad is it? According to the wall street journal before the feds started, raising raise a person with a monthly housing budgeting. Thousand dollars could about a home, valued and more than four hundred thousand dollars today that same by we need to find a home valued at two hundred, ninety five thousand dollars or less in a time of rising prices by the way regional home payments, are up to three thousand three hundred twenty two dollars from one thousand, seven hundred forty six dollars at the end of twenty twenty, that is, he ninety percent increase in average new home payments. Since Joe Biden took office, what's more biden, suppose it softly? and you know this thing where we bring down inflation. The economy continues to sail along. It doesn't look particularly likely to happen. Despite the happy talk from the media november, job growth was weak, which was expected it's what the fed was actually looking for when they raise those interest rates in order to tempt and inflation, but here's the thing that job growth was only even in weak territory because of three sectors: healthcare. We shouldn't hospitality because we're going into the occasion days and government employment,
In fact, those three sectors, plus private education, employment, are responsible for eighty, one percent of all jobs created in twenty twenty three means that just the three sectors, plus private education, employment. That's, like all the jobs created in two thousand twenty three. So when people say they are feeling it's a weak economy, they are right. Business starts: are weak gross output. Do they measure of the entire economy, not merely the spending side that we see in gross domestic product and which can be jobs by government spending. Gross output has been flat line in the first, of course, of the year business spending rats. Nine percent there's a reason that Warren Buffett is pulling his winnings off the table, brochure hathaway. So twenty eight point, in billion dollars in stock in the first three course of this year, but it has a very simple strategy cell when he thinks the prices are too high. He thinks stock presses right now are inflated and too high because they are. Now team can friend whistled away past the graveyard on his candidacy. The literal graveyard, like you might die according to some affords bend psmith
white house holiday party. Were Biden, has very easy job. All you have to do it just say a couple, a nice things about how you know contentious relationship with the press, but the first men that really matters. And then you say nice things about christmas or something instead current events misquote Biden straight into a couple of hazy monologues which only when his wife interrupted him reminds it was a party whose speech was terrible or even noteworthy, has been psmith. But every one in the room. Realized Biden had a simple rhetorical job and haven't quite pulled it off, it's really easy job at a holiday party have been the white house holiday parties. Let me tell you it's not a hard job but Joe Biden literally could not get through a holiday speech at the white house without doktor jill grabbing. One of us will vaudeville keynesian yanking him off the stage that holiday speeches super easy. So does Yasser Democrats are now being forced to defend, is ailing, octogenarian here, is for Ample minnesota governor to malls,
a job I met a hundred over any of these guys, whatever age there out, because he's delivering well. That might be ok for him to say, except that everyone knows that Joe Biden is very. We deserve a full second term, not giving the state of degradation which currently standing, which leaves in the background, done don dog, Kamel heiress Yeahs, that music. Do you hear that's the undertakers music commonly Harris? The work candidate american history last night, she and get off she's. Finding new ways to scrap this job is truly amazing. Last night, she and again, half seconds gentlemen issue Yet another hilarious qana got missive. It's really any every single year, Doug, I'm half being the jew. You know he's is the person they tried out to be the jew economy time every year, he put out some sort of missive about connachar, along with Kamel Harris. That makes no sense we'll get to them. Then he put out this year because it truly is a classic of the genre. First thing that everything you do or look at on your phone
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hanukkah, means dedication. It was during those dark nights at the maccabees dedicated themselves to maintaining hope and faith in the oil each other and their judaism in these at times. I think of that story. That is not even remotely the story of hanukkah. Amidst anyone like half way It's the story of hanukkah is not in the same venn diagram that Kamala is the story of hanukkah leaving I got the oil story, that is the rededication of the temple. They find a canister of oil. They have to relate the hanukkah menorah, it's actually, the the the menorah actually only has in the in the temple has fewer branches they re like them an aura, alas, for eight days, as opposed to lasting for one day, but that was not the rededication of the town Well, it wasn't them like in hiding in a cave somewhere without like what what in the what in the in the what these are. The people who backup Joe Biden kamala harris is his backup she's, even less popular than he is so that's reason number one why Joe Biden is losing donald trump, because he's terrible and his backup is terrible, but here's the thing
she isn't held today, and this brings us to the second reason that trump is leading Joe Biden in the polls right now. He is not in the news, that's also the rest The trunk is up in iowa hadn't shoulders above the rest of the candidates, because he is not in the news he is beating Biden ironically, he's actually using bygones own twenty twenty strategy against Joe Biden. It's donald trump using the basement he's not around campaigning, he's literally either in court or back in our logo. Untruth social, and that means of focused on binding, and that means he's a hidden, the poles and that turn takes the elect ability argument away from both monetary Nicky Hayley, which was the number one argument, was that from couldn't win nominate us instead, because from is not in the news everyone has been. But to look away from france, crazy, which has always been his achilles heel. Ironically, when the best things ever to happen to donald trump. Politically, Was his social media banned? It made him nearly invisible online, the fact a trump actually put his own money and fruits. And you don't want to lose that money, which is the reason he hasn't gone back to act, even those been unbend unex. Will that means that
freedom was small media wildfire. Every time you tweet untruth social, whereas like seven people watching him as opposed to on twitter, where he has seventy million people watching him mostly for donald True social now asked us venting mechanism and everyone pretty much ignores it and by the That is the best thing for donald trump overall. So here is the question: will things stay this way? Maybe they will not? Because for doesn't love being at the centre of attention? There's literally known, who loves being the centre of attention more than donald trump donald trump is cognate west. Versus taylor, swift at the grammy's ammo. finish, losing this election, but first but here's. The thing is literally nothing He can do to change anyone's opinion of donald trump. Everyone has an opponent of belgium and there are you not to think about donald trump. What exactly could happen if he gets can Than any one's opinion about him change, but here's the other thing election about enthusiasm? This is what Democrats are counting on from. Could theoretically reinvigorate enthusiasm against him. If he be
through walls like a big orange cool man. Oh yeah trumpet- already giving hints that he might want to do this in his recent interview. Strawn heavily, for example, sean asked him if you'd be a dictator set up is softball question, because the entire laughed has been saying he's gonna, be a tyrannical taylor and sean was asking him. Are you going to do that? and instead of just giving the obvious answer, which would have been rebecca, ridiculous, ridiculous, the term to say yes, I'm not a dictator as president already not commenting nodded their real decay. Joe Biden very easy answer. Instead donald trump, because he is a performer and a comedian, he played to the crowd and then you, the media, by saying he wouldn't be declare except on day one and what he meant is that, like mama and like Biden, you would use a pen and a phone and he said that he would be a dictator on they one by closing the borders, for example using dependent phone. It was a joke but it also gave his enemies oxygen, which is why yesterday had to actually explain that it was a joke. He put out a true social saying, quote fake
news writer, peter Obama, baker of the failing york times really women's obstructions, where than from a good tramp years. When to fame is that he will never write anything good about the great job president from did in quotes just wrote in a major one page story that I want to be dictator, but doesn't mention. It was joking manner and completed with, but only for a day im going to close the butter and drill drill drill, a much different attitude minute now. Trump is right about all of that, but trump also has a nasty habit of just pouring gasoline on fires, so trump's enemies? Do have one playbook he will be read from the have the plans that he might, but that is their playbook is what all brilliant minds in the democratic party and the media, have come up with private hitler's mama funny hair, orangemen mussolini, here's matthew yesterday on amazon, she doing this redeem chop winds. All the key states because he lost nationally by four five points in twenty twenty and barely lost the keys since and that's what I think the Biden campaigner Ugh needs done.
stand the course of this. At some point, the Biden campaign have to let go of the idea of running this referendum on Joe Biden are running. It has arrived random on by economics, and this race, to here's, the choice to presented before america, its democracy versus dictatorship, It's your freedoms versus here your loss of freedoms in the courts, this, including economic freedom in this okay, so that is the magic they have come up with. Is that donald trump is going to take away all of your freedoms? No, it's probably not going to work because he was president already, but this is going to be there there was and why you, professor ruth Ben she had whose a scholar on fascism comparing from benito mussolini and and pinochet, but no friends, I know from my studies of authoritarianism, a squirrel leaders, always have to have a powerful partners, and though
would be the people in the fossil fuel industry which he privileged in his first administration and all those who are eager to have an enemy, and that's always immigrants. In fact, keeping immigrants out and talking about you. You need national security measures and repression, because immigrants, Her flooding across the border has been used. by everyone from miscellany to pino chair in she lay up to trap. This is an old playbook mushroom, your playbook is. It is claiming that your political opponent is going to be an evil dictator, we'll get some more of this in just one. Second, first in oh, it's better. Where will you start thinking about the things that actually mean a lot to you and because the religious timing what people think about god, but how do you reconnect with god, if that is something you want to do I'll should be wanting to do that. How I can help you, regardless of europe,
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not from cannot be president because if he will be a fascist, mitt romney is jumping on that bandwagon. He has taken at zero break from posturing on behalf of his own legacy by the way romney's legacy now amounts to failed in twenty twelve against Barack obama pave the way for trump try to urban frumps administration was rejected and enjoying democrats on key measures in order to shore up his failing legacy. So now part of legacy is going to be apparently going unlike meet the press and I bring about how trump is a threat to the republic or some such we have asked, truly seen him do what he says he's going to do when he said that he believed the election was the election was going to be rigged before people actually went to the polls. He went on to question the results tried to overturn the results of the two thousand and twenty election. Why don't you take him exactly at his word, Oh, I think we agree that we have looked at his behaviour and his behaviour suggest that this is a person who will impose as well. If he can, the judicial system and the legislative branch out the entire nation, when you called people too,
to wash in dc on january six, but not a random date. That was the date when peaceful, try, for of power wished to occur. He called that purpose no question here: authoritarian rulings. In an interest and note notions which he will try and impose. Looking again at from fascist argument is not political likely work, but there is one argument that theoretically could Nicky Haley's articulating that argument? That argument is the trumpets unelectable, because people perceive him as a chaos agent. Now that he's unelectable, because he's a terror, bees, a fascist or or something like that, but because he's just uk out of me. No one hears Nicky, Hayley haley articulating that argument. Chris christie settings unfed I wanted to. put that directly to you and a yes or no, do you think donald trump today in two thousand and twenty three is fit to be president? It's not about fitness. I think he's fit to be president. It should he be president. I don't think you should be president. You know I thought he was the right president at the right time. I agreed with a lot.
As policies. The problem is, you see, our country is in disarray. Our world is on fire and you can't defeat democrat chaos with a republican chaos and donald trump brings us chaos. So it's not about being fit. It's just. I don't think he's the right person to be present here. Will bed argument that from The cask agent only works under two conditions. One is very likely to be filled. The feeling that trump is, in fact chaotic. Certainly that's what the democrats in the back the oj are doing is whether inciting trump over and over. And over again on every crime, from jaywalking classified documents mishandling the murder there's a reason. The jack myth that january six prosecutor wants his case. Accelerated so yesterday the supreme court agreed to hear smith's request
You hear quickly and from its own claims of immunity against federal trial over generous eggs, from saying, because whose president, during the entire period of number two january of twenty twenty one, because all of that he's immune against some sort of conviction or even a trial that was ruled against by but about appointed. Try just been appealed to the deasey circuit and now smith is going to write to the supreme court because he wants an answer. According to the wall street journal smith, ask the court to take up the case before that, lower appeals court even considers it allowing the justices to squarely weigh in on when, if at all from strauss should move forward, the special counsel's it. Ten days after the trial, judge presiding over trump's case decline has been to toss the criminal election. There is a large is rejecting arguments that he's immune from prosecution. Smith is asking the justices to cut out the lower appeals court emeralds reckoning on a matter. His seem wrote quote to further the imperative public first in italy trial. The government seeks a full and final resolution of the defendants claims that he is absolutely immune
from federal prosecution for crimes committed while in office or is constitutionally protected from federal prosecution where he was impeached but not convicted before the criminal proceedings began before the march. Fourth, twenty twenty four trial date, that's according to smith's team, and so the court is likely to do that. Smith's team wants trump on trial and they want him on trout right now. They are hoping against hope that trump is going to eat all the headlines. The Joe Biden's bad performance becomes a secondary concern, because trump so chaotic, but even that eventuality and again it is very likely that trump will be trial after losing his immunity peel during the election cycle and by it's very likely. He will be convicted some time in the midst of this election cycle. It's also likely that that will not make Biden's case. That trump is a chaos agent. In order that work Biden has to appear salad and non chaotic, and that is not happening which brings us back to the polls in every election and said over and over and over again every elections, a referendum on one of the two candidates. The referendum right now is on by bearing some cataclysmic collapsed by trump or magical recovery by
The underlying fundamentals of this race are likely to remain stable. All the way up to election day, which means that point advantage for trump is not a mere camera. It might just be twenty twenty four quality, and that is why the media and democrats are panicking. They really really should be already in just a second we're gonna get to the latest insanity from harvard university, where clouding gay is going to survive being a horrible president, plagiarism, apparently being often antiseptics, you're gonna survive all that because she's black lady, I mean, let's be real about this that momentarily first for maintaining role of your assets. To easing the burden on your loved ones and estate plan can ensure that your family's prepared and protected, if you're, looking for a way to set up your state to offer financial benefits and more, you need to check out trust and will it is very, very important to make sure that you have a trust and will you met my wife and I have one it's an annoying process or can be annoying the folks over a trust and will make it a lot. less annoying and lot easier. If you looking away to set up your state to offer all that, you need to check out, trusting will right now Traditional stay planning can cost thousands of bucks and many one
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according to the washington free beacon, harvard university present and gay plagiarize numerous academics over the course of their academic career at times airlift. Entire paragraphs and cleaning them our own work? According to review by several scholars in four papers published between nations three and twenty seventeen, including her doctoral, dissertation, gay political scientist paraphrase or quoted nearly twenty authors, including two of her colleagues in harvard university departments government without proper app. Fusion shouldn't according to the washington free beacon analysis. Other examples, possible plagiarism, often gaze dissertation or publicized on sunday by the manhattan institutes, christopher rueful and karl stacks Chris Burnett. The free beacon worked with nearly doesn't scholars to analyze twenty nine potential cases of plagiarism. Most of them said the gay, I waited a core principle of academic integrity as well as how its own anti plagiarism policies, which state that it's not enough to change a few words here and there. Rather, scholars are expected to cite the sources of their work, including paraphrasing and use quotation marks from coating directly from others and at ten instances, gay lifted full sentences or even entire paragraphs with just a word or two tweet.
This is definitely plagiarism, said Lee Johnson, a social psychologist at rutgers university, reviewed ten side by side comparisons provided by the washington free beacon, including paragraphs from gay's dissertation. They actually gave her a prize for that. This dissertation, for quote unquote exceptional merit These are the longer passengers are the most egregious, but again none of that would have broken, except for them the clouding. They went in front of congress and made clear doesn't care about anti semitism and it all depends on what are the context. Now again, harvard university has won a most restrictive speech. Codes in america they will come after you for fat phobia at harvard university. But if you say from the river to the sea, palestine shall be free while waiting around a Hamas flag, everybody will We look the other way out of this, despite fact that the national association of scholars yesterday called on harbour to remove clouding gay as president of the university, they noted gaze shoddy professor professional work,
plagiarism and promotion of racist policies. That was as of yesterday and again when it comes to clouding gaze own upset over anti semitism. It just absent is not there. One of the things that was amazing met watching these university president's testifying from congress is even if they had said something like listen. We can't you thing about speech that we don't like, but we really don't like the speech, it's ugly and it's wrong. Israel has a right to exist as jewish state and we hate all of this, but we trot we're trying to draw balance if they'd even said that That would have been one thing, but they didn't and here's the thing. They say that kind of stuff all the time. So, for example, in april of two thousand and twenty one clouding gay signed a letter to the harvard community. Accusing america of racism crying the shooting down of atoms leader who flashed a gun at the police, We as a community must stand against. Racism must commit ourselves the unfinished work of building a just society, one in which one's rights and safety are protected and everyone's dignity is honored, system in which police have vast discretion to stop people on suspicion of minor
and so many people in this country of color, with an ever present sense of vulnerable, get what went when she's talking Currently about american racism, then that's one thing: she's very Should it about that. When it comes to accusations of anti semitism in rome campus, then it's all by the wayside harvard tried to rely on academic freedom as the basis for why she should basically get off the hook scot free. The petition that emerged on sunday from various member. of the promissory it urging the university quote: resist political pressures that are at odds with harbours commitments to academic freedom. But let's be real about this, I don't care about economic freedom at harvard. There's like who register republicans on the entire staff at harvard university to harvard law. I'm telling you there are no republicans on staff in the law. School I was there, I think the number of registered republicans on staff at harvard law school which had well four hundred professors. Those like three, I could name them, and the fact is that hovered is place of economic freedom and never has been a place of academic freedom. Any serious measure,
but they're, relying on all of that in order to protect the anti semite. So now, naturally, the harvard board stands in support of the cloud and they have to. They have to she's a black lady and she was selected for this position, specifically based on her diverse bona fides, meaning that, a black lady and must be real about this. The reason that she was allowed to get away with this sort of shoddy work for years on end is because she had these children her sexuality, if you, if you are an intersection, and meaning irrationally diverse person, ranks high Jim had coalition. Then you can get away with just about anything on a college campuses. That's the way. This works. If clouding gay were white. Lady and she'd been here with these charges of plagiarism as a student should have been out shooting here, with these charges plagiarism, let alone he's doing as the actual president, but now apparently they're going to defend the quality of work. That's the way this works so harvard unit he's bore, has now put out a statement what dear members of the our community as members
harvard corporation, which they reaffirm. Our support for president gaze, continued leadership of harvard university. Our extensive deliberations affirm our confidence that president is the right leader to help our community heal and to address the very serious societal issues we are facing, one of their extensive deliberations about last night. Those were their extensive deliberations. So many people suffered tremendous damage in pain because of Hamas is brutal terrorist attack. then the universities, initial statement should have been Namibia reckon unequivocal condemnation calls for genocide are despicable and contrary to fundamental human values? President gains apologize for how handle her congressional testimony and has committed redoubling universities, fight against anti semitism. That's amazing, so they just rejected everything that she's done since october, seventeen and the like, but she apologia, but you about why, because the edifice of de must be upheld, as we discussed at length yesterday: the entire reason for being of major american university liberal arts programmes used to defend it, idea that america is fundamentally unjust, that the american mary,
policy is fundamentally unjust, is widening diversity, equity and inclusion, and why you give people extra points on their application used on their race. That is why you do those things is because the basic idea is that, if you succeed, an american society, unless you are a member of an intersection, we oppress group, if you succeed, is because the system itself is broken and exploitative, and so we have to reject the system Writing benefits, like say the presidency of harvard university to people who are not qualified for the opposition. With regard. president gaze academic writings, universe, we became aware in late october of allegations regarding three articles, as presidents gave request the fellows promptly issued an independent review by distinguished political science and conducted a review for polish work on a summer night. The fellows reviewed the result. Revealed a few instances of inadequate citation while they now just found no violation of harvard standards for research misconduct present gaze proactively requesting for corrections into article Insert citations in quotation. Marks that were omitted from the original publications in this term
It was a difficult time. We unanimously stand in support of president gay at harvard. We champion open discourse, academic freedom, sure sure you do and we are united in our strong belief that calls for violence against our students and disruption of the classroom, experience will not be tolerated. Hundreds missed advancing knowledge, research and discovery. They'll help address deep societal issues and promote constructive discourse, and that's the keyword help address deep societal issues. You have to keep her in place because america is bad. American meritocracy is bad and because those things are bad, she is unqualified and she's, probably a plagiarist, doesn't matter we're going to keep her in place to record. Five, those grave injustices of the past. That is the reason. The harvard segment and I'll be honest with you, I'm fine, I'm sticking with her the reason I'm fired them. Sticking with her is because I think that when these universities fire that president that's a fig leaf, I think when we get- When did at university pennsylvania, I think it's a fig leaf
I think now the idea is going to be. They go back to the donors and they say: ok, look what we did. We got rid of the keep the entire system in place. All the foundational dea principles that lead to anti semitism. Inevitably, these again de I is a conspiracy theory and it crosses streams of anti semitism again, if the entire dea theory is predicated on an oppressor oppressed narrative in which people who are successful are the oppressors and people who are unsuccessful are the asked Jews cannot fit into that narrative because they are both oppressed. Generally speaking, in terms of the number of time, for example, they are targeted by anti semitic. crime and united states way higher than any other group their target for hate the much higher than other groups in the united states. Their target on camps is, but they are also disproportionately successful, and this means they don't fit into that matrix. They keep breaking the matrix. If you keep bringing the matrix, it turns out People are gonna have to shove, you back in the box, so they cannot get rid of. as semitism, without also getting rid of de I am getting worse This presidency is a fig leaf. Its way for them to set up. We fix the problem. Please bring,
at hundred million our donation. No one should be fools. I'm actually kind of pleased that Harvard Just saying the you wipe out fine keeper there and harbour donors and all my fellow harvard alone, if you're unhappy, with the way that president gay and will. Thus, perhaps you should look to the fact that the entire university is reflective of a system of values that made clouding gay the president That is the reason she has the president their backing her because they support her ideology. And she is the president, because she supports their ideology. It is all of a piece and if they fired her, it would change nothing because again de eyes. Honeycombed all the way through these administrations in number of de I'd eurocrats on any given Ampas is huge, may outweigh the actual number faculty on many campuses, billions, every year are spent on. I nonsense as the actual ideology buying power. Get that these universities and it is poisonous and it bleeds up into things like the white house.
where the white house now demands that equity be a part of every piece of policy that they make or the white house now has to deal with internal yelling at them over not supporting mass enough on this All of this comes from. It comes from a cohesive ideology about in internal revenue, it has to happen in united states? It's why clouding gay is protected. She cannot. They cannot allow her to fall avail outward It is a rejection of higher ideology upon which they predicate university system. If they asked the black lady we're not sufficiently fighting antisemitism that defeats the entire hierarchy of victimhood is that hierarchy of victimhood has to suggest that disproportionately unsuccessful groups in the united states are disproportionately victims and disproportionately successful groups are disproportionately oppressors. so you can't do it there's no way. Nevertheless, miguel because was mingles white lady. You can't, the cloud and gay there's no way to do it without again defeating the entire purpose.
of your ideology that intersection coalition, its shockingly strong and bizarrely constituted. So yesterday, the brooklyn bridge, was shut down once again this time by queers for palestine? And here is some footage of this? if you're on the manhattan bridge, forgive me okay, now listen to a chimp there for a second. Actually mean something- and this is the same ideology promulgated on America's college campuses, n Y p d, K, K, k idea if you're all the same. First of all, it doesn't rhyme, but putting aside the lack of lyrical interpretation that says it all understand that the people who hate israel on college campuses. the left that hate israel. They hate america. For the exact same reasons, there is not a single rash,
they use for the hatred of Israel that does not apply in greater detail to america when they safer well, that Israel is a colonialist oppressor when they say that it's a foreign imposition on native soil. What do you think they think about america, which again was colonized, was a european colonial mission. What are they What about when they say that the idea is brutal terrible and then they're saying it is like the kkk and then there's it's like the there they're saying all of it right to you. They don't hate Israel, they don't hate america because they hate israel. They hate israel because they hate american, eight america, because they hate the west and they want the entire western some overturn. That is what you are: college campuses and that's why you see queer palestine and it makes no sense on any logical level, is like england for polar bears queers for palestine is what we all laughed at them chickens for kfc the minute the sharia law muslims take over, they kill all of these people.
That that this matter be. These people believed that the shrill all muslims won't take over in america. They will take over america and they will take over as part of the broader international coalition dedicated to fighting the white power. picture and anybody who successful immediately yet put into why power structure, jews now white there in the web power structure, asians now white there in the white house, her nigerian americans disproportionately successful and white? Yes, there are and why power structure? That's We all of this nonsense works extraordinarily dangerous. The reason why, even if they had fired clouding gay at harvard everyone Pull your money from these universities. Stop giving money to university. billion bower endowments. So they can educate your kids in hey american garbage in just one second, we'll get to the latest from Israel and you So Joe Biden is now attempting to make the case that if you want border security, somehow europe, in favour of lead, mobutu or something first, the october fifteenth text outlined here one come and gone. I know many of you it running the stress and violent attacks. I get it found taxes, it's a long, excruciating process. I hate
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Their offensive has basically stalled out. According to the new york times, american and ukrainian military leaders are searching for a new strategy that they can begin executing early next year to revive it keeps fortunes and flag in support for the country's war against russia, according to use in ukrainian officials. The push for a fresh approach comes after ukraine's month. Long counter offensive failed in its goal. taking territory lost to the invading russian army and after weeks of often tends encounters between top american officials and their ukrainian counterfeit. President Vladimir, let's give Ukraine arrived in washington on monday for those meetings with president Biden and congress. Again, republicans are hesitant and good money after bad. At this point or good money after good, depending on the situation right now, one of them happens. It's facing the west is that a bunch of stockpiles of now been depleted. According to the wall street journal, the british military has only around one hundred and fifty deployable tanks. Perhaps it doesn't serviceable longrange artillery pieces, so bear was the cover last year,
If the military considered sourcing, multiple rocket launchers, from museums to upgrade and donate to ukraine, that's how bad the shortcomings in all of this is based on the odd western fixation with the idea that the What war was one purely for moral suasion? I suppose you know a giant military build up at the west participated in for fifty years, and so after the cold war was over. Basically, all the western countries cut their military spending pretty dramatically in the united states, everyday iraq military dramatically ever public and try to rebuild the military every democratic. Back in and cut the military and we've seen this over and over and over again, and then it turns out that when you need it, the cupboard is kind of bear ukraine, where it's just exposing that. So it's not as though ukraine is the reason that the cupboard is bare. Ukraine is just the reason that you know the but is bare budget before the cupboard was closed. Now the recovered his open looking around there's knife and fork over their france has risen. heavy artillery pieces equivalent what russia lose roughly every month on ukraine battlefield denmark, no heavy artillery submarines or air defence systems. Germany's army has enough ammo for two days of battle in that
since the end of the cold war? Weaken european armies were tolerated by governments across the last because of an engaged america with its vast military. also underpinning the nato and defence policy in europe, accounted for nearly seventy percent of nato's defence spending last year, but as the move more isolationist is realising that dot. They completely defend us the arm themselves, they defend themselves and then, king professor worth at university of words as european system. antiquity demilitarize itself, because they need to spend the money, while the united states is of course, ponying up the bulk of support to ukraine, Everybody should realise that the world's very dangerous place they should start building up those stockpiles pretty much immediately Anthony blinkin. For his part, play I understand what what game the democratic plainer they want, the aid for ukraine. They can get the aid for ukraine. All they have to do. is sign onto some strengthen born provisions. They won't do it. Instead, they seem to be involved in this idea, but they'll. Let you with her on the vine and maybe make them subject to another push for
russia into ukrainian territory so long as in blaming the republicans for it, which is really kind of insane forestalls bad political camp was abiden thinks that losing the war in ukraine is going to not redound to him that the origins of the republicans good luck with that arguments that is not going to work Americans are going to attribute foreign fought policy failures to the president, especially a president, who is already engaged in the single worst active foreign policy to election in my lifetime, abashed pull out from from Afghanistan, so gaming complaint is tony blinking, yesterday's aimed at his word, ukraine, aid will run out. Aid was held up to ukraine, how cancer are you about that with winter coming on very concerned, we need to see this supplemental budget requests go through as quickly as possible. Ukraine has done an extra, mary job in defending against this russian aggression over the past years. Taken back more than fifty percent of its territory is engaged in a ferocious battle right now along the eastern.
Southern france, we are running out of resources already in the bank to continue to a system and we need them. I would point out as well that about ninety percent of the security assistance that we provided. You, actually is invested right here in the united states, mean I'm then, why don't you sign onto the boar provision you're playing some sort of stupid game here, which Democrats are destruction were sent a majority leader lange, MR began. Yesterday. The onus is on republicans to show their willing to moderate. Let me say that again, If republicans keep insisting on donald trump border policies, then they will be at fault when a deal for ukraine, israel and humanitarian aid to Gaza all fall apart. Republicans would be giving Vladimir putin the best gift. He could ask for Democrats
there are serious about reaching reasonable bipartisan compromise to pass this package. The question is, if republicans are now willing to do the same, well. I mean the real question is why won't you compromise on the border, even democrats on the world like? Why won't you guys compromise on the border? According to CBS news and remote, a region along the southern border has become a makeshift international arrivals area for, thousands of migrants from africa, asia and latin america hoping to work and reunite with family members in the united states over the past few days, large migrant men, women, some families with children, has spent the night in a makeshift staging. In this rugged section of yours, mexico bore waiting for overtaxed border officials to process them. Many expects me into the? U s after being vetted by book by local border. Patrol agents lack the resources in manpower to screen everyone in a timely manner. Migrants are setting up There's a night and in the early morning hours keep warm amid dropping temperatures. Many brought blankets to sleep next, The border wall without which they relieve themselves near the cacti that adorn petra landscape. With his national monument vote,
two hours away from the closest you s, city the way to be- This was so long in recent days. The mexican families and merchants travel regularly to the staging and ground so drinks and food, hoping to convince desperate newcomer, by their burritos mousing cups of coffee from the other side of the border wall, and yet the the bottom inefficient does nothing. saying that, if anything is done on a border that they will ITALY sing it. Senator James lankford of Oklahoma, you guys you're not going to get your ukraine funding unless you do something about the border. The border is chaotic and he's obviously correct. We've got to be able to have a change in policy on this right now, they're pushing polish, really a political push and pull, rather than as anything else. If I talked to just about anyone in the country outside of washington DC, they would say the border is chaotic right now, where the highest number of crossings of any sept. But ever last september, the highest october ever thine november ever and we had the highest single day just as last week. It is
literally spiraling out of control. He is right, of course, and everyone knows this Democrats know this. Republicans know this. Everyone knows this, but apparently the by demonstration would rather leave the border open and let ukraine fall to russia rather than just giving Republicans what they want on the border. It's unbelievable! It's such political malpractice mean forget about the policy stupidity of it, which is unbelievably stupid on both counts. It is political malpractice to believe that republicans or can be the ones who suffer at the ballot box. If the boar remains open and ukraine falls to russia. Of course, biogas can do suffers. This is insane it's ridiculous and stupid, just one second, we're going to get you Israel and the latest over their first everything's, not kosher. Its brand new show that we put out on youtube with bright cooper. This past we can. Well, I mean, if you have seen this video, you will have seen that shaft Jeffrey actually made me eat tongue and chicken liver, and it was for a fine,
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The best move for Joe Biden on Israel's politically speaking, would be aside with Hamas. I dont even see how that applies. It's ridiculous to me is the idea that he is certainly going to uptake in michigan by like ten points. If suddenly, he sides of Hamas. It's not going to happen, down ten points in Michigan. Why? Because he is deeply unpopular. You know it actually is popular in the united states as it turns out Israel, a court, a brand new wall street journal pull it finds that fifty five percent of those pulled say They believe Israel is taking the military action needed to defend itself and prevent another attack by Hamas. Only twenty five percent of respondents so, Israel's military action is disproportionate and going too far, forty. Percent of voters savings because more with israelis compared with just twelve percent who said the same of palestinians, Joe Biden,
marks for his response to the war remained at thirty seven per cent. Why? Because his approval ratings of thirty seven per cent, you could literally say do you approve of Joe Biden's policy on toilet paper and everyone just going to go thirty seven per cent? Yes, that that it's as simple as that, when you're thirty seven an approval writing. It is very difficult to exceed that rating on any particular issue, very, very difficult to do that but the media have been attempting to push this idea that Joe Biden suddenly flipped on the is rovers come ass war. Suddenly his numbers would uptake actually is the opposite. shorty is restored in the middle east and it is not a headline by the time we had elections, ease and that's gonna redound to binds benefit he's gonna look like somebody without Israel to destroy Hamas in reestablish deterrence in the region that can be actual outcome, but if he allows israel to be victimized again by Hamas or because blocked up in the north, which by the way is gonna, be the next step, Israel cannot, it's got thirty thousand citizens, israel in the north its country are not living in their homes right now. Israel cannot allow those people to go back
holmes until Hezbollah is pushed off the border. There is now a large scale. Push by israel They, France other members, the international community to push hezbollah in active terrorist group out of southern lebanon, thirty miles up toward Beirut, these governments are members lebanese government which is dominated by hizbullah. Even they are saying because blushing, pull back or the idea of might be marching through Beirut in the next couple of months. But again One of the things that is amazing is the is the breakdown the partisan breakdown here so do sympathise With these really are palestinians, democrats, seven, percent israeli twenty four percent palestinian. That's an amazing statistic: how you sympathise more with a group of people who have elected Hamas and the palestinian authority, and why pointed up support october seven by leaps and bounds over you know the democratic country. That has human rights involved with it that that's an amazing thing. Forty eight percent of both sides,
includes his way. Weird saying I don't want to answer the question for republicans. The answer is: sixty nine per cent Israel, two percent of palestinians, seventeen percent, both equally for independence, thirty five percent say Israel, eleven percent say the palestinians, even among young, a plurality thirty one percent say they support israel over twenty three percent for the palestinians. Undecided. Voters are the most likely to say that the us is doing too much for the israeli government and too little for palestinians, but again notion that somehow Joe Biden is going to win additional vote. If you suddenly flips insides with Hamas is ridiculous. I think by knows that, so he weirdly enough. Maybe it's because Biden is out of it, but he actually is not You are mine when he allows his team to beach. Woman is very bad for him. He is actually not into online on this particular issue. So yesterday at the holiday party, he suggested only that he was zionist, which there are a lot it turns out? I know that zionist is code for jew for a lot of people who hate jews, friends out there, a lot of people, whereas and as for not jewish, namely anyone who believes that Israel has a right to exist
the jewish state, is a scientist out include Joe Biden. That's the war kinship, I feel so deeply with the jewish community. I got in trouble criticized very badly via the southern part of my statism, the southern parts of the country, where thirty five years ago. I said you know how to beat you, to be a his eyes no his grey about all that now it's amazing is again the amount propaganda thing put forth by the legacy media about this conflict is truly astonishing, and are buying into so, for example, the jordan. In foreign minister president. I'm also feeding yesterday gave a speech in which he suggested
Israel was creating hatred around the region, you're right guys until until Israel roman into Gaza, there's no hatred, which is why I took her. Seventh, the most Jews were slaughtered since the holocaust other than that nailed. It also I gotta say being lectured the west being lectured about tribune of Israel by the Jordanians is astonishing, especially with regard to tribune of the palestinians just retrace. Jordanian history. Jordan is a creation of the british mandate They have no relationship with the people. They govern the kingdom of Jordan, not only not only are they also a colonial, a colonial out, If Israel is the jordanian kingdom had sovereigns, over the entirety of today and tomorrow in the west bank and east jerusalem from in forty eight nineteen sixty seven, and they never once consider the possibility of getting us repellent palestinian state weird that why? Because they know that, if they did they, it might topple their own dynasty. They also have refused multiple times
overtures from Israel to hand over control of some of these areas to the jordanian government. Why? Because they under and the palestinian population in these areas is incredibly radicalizing, hates them as much as it hits the Jews, but mainly Yet the jordanian government sitting aside lecturing everybody age in that debate, in the middle east is truly an amazing thing here we, Israel is created that amount of hatred that will haunt this this this region, that will define generations, will come and therefore its hurting its own people much as it is hurting everybody in the region. This is a war that cannot be won this award not be one. It's going to be one by No matter what again this had yet there creating hatred. Let me show you some tape. Leader in Gaza. Here is a Hamas leader in Gaza. Explaining his agenda I will translate. Would you can live up Currently, there are used everywhere. We must take every year on the face of the planet.
We must learn and kill them, god willing enough of being angry were fed up already we're ready to explode and knew the p. The west bank. How long will you keep silent adhering to initiate terrorism? we want to see knives. They cost five shackle how much jews throat worth five. or even less god, willing little deal. All of our people are ready to blow up building new factory for explosive belt. you all funds which is ready for the moment we enter prison, ways why Israel stripping them down. Sorry. fence area, our sisters, already the orphans Our sisters are ready to carry an explosive belt gateway or two in every camp along the border. And will continue to harass Israel until we reach you while lifting the siege is better for you, Israel, otherwise you will be killed by Allah. You be with our exports about mobility.
there is for explosive belts. Operating factories will hand amount to everyone and send them on their way. No water expose about no negotiations. No recognising Israel will never recognise israel, man, it's it's! I wonder what the context is. for the university presents. There must be some context that makes this acceptable. After all, The media again continue to do the work of Hamas. This is their favorite thing to do their latest attempt, as they have in a piece in the new york in the washington post rather by president, a tough abou, save the author of six novels and diminished If the culture for the palestinian authority in the west bank, he has a piece today, titled quote my Gaza house felt like a castle. Now it is rubble The house, where I grew up where I was born, was destroyed a little over a week ago. No one was inside at the time the israeli missiles hit, flattening it into a perfect pile of rubble, losing my family home. I've lost a little part of me. Well, maybe the reason that nobody was in the home is because Israel warned everyone to get out before they hit it and maybe the residual hit it, and we say in five minutes ago is because Israel is worse terror, tat since the holocaust.
but this entire piece about the sadness of the family home being lost. Now, at no point does anyone note that this attack up we character? Who again is the minister of culture for culture? housing, your authority, which is hilarious, but the palestinian authority has a minister of culture because at that, when you think of a governmental entity that promotes culture, do you think of the palestinian authority, I'm going to win out in twenty four teen, so you ve said quote: Israel surpassed hitler's massacres I call on Israel, nazi sadist and fascist, for its military response to rocketing from Gaza. We are letting Israel off lightly in twenty four dean, comparing Israel to the nazis in twont. Not today in twenty four jean issue, the moderates being guided by the washington post. so yeah. You wonder why americans sympathise with his Maybe it's because those are the people on the other side of this particular issue ok interest, one second, we're going to get this controversial texas abortion case. If you're, not a member, become member,
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-14.