« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1863 - The Jew-Hating Universities

2023-12-06 | 🔗

Congressional Republicans humiliate college presidents over anti-Semitism on campus; Congress battles over anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism; and Democrats in Congress – and Nikki Haley – get controversial on transgender issues.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today's show is sponsored by express vpn. Do you, like your web history being seen and sold to advertisers? No me neither can express vpn right now at express vpn dot com, slash ben will jump into the news momentarily. First, I want to announce to you that the daily wire is joining with the news: the liberties alliance, as well as at the federalist to sue the federal government over censorship. The! U S, state department is funding it about. Testing and marking of censorship technology used to suppress. First amendment protected by conservative media outlets like the daily wire, the stage marmot uses its mobile engagement centre, the gc to finance the development approach, john of censorship, technology enterprises, including organism like news guard any global disinformation index, those government funded govern promoted censorship technologies. An enterprise's tar conservative media outlets, including the daily wire. Their goal, is to paint us his unreliable and therefore to push advertisers away from advertising on programmes like this one website like the daily wire websites, like the federalist that is being pushed by the states?
that is an ongoing problem. You're suing not for money where suing for an injunction, and so, if you want, help us fight these censorship. The you are seeing from the federal government, the kind of censorship Broader level has reached or into, for example, the fbi and government organizations coordinating with social media in order shut off particular stories. This is just one iteration of that via the state department. If you wish to help us out, you should become a subscriber deal where dot slash subscribe, that is the way the economy that is an ongoing lawsuit, just like we sued by ministration over the pathetic and ridiculous osha vat mandate. We are now seeing the. U s. State department for an injunction say will stop there censorship regime already. Meanwhile, I know a little bit about kinds of speech, are generally welcome. On campus, I've been banned from quite a few campuses, including Depaul university. I've spoken at more than a few campuses at which violence out over my speeches, including cow state university, los angeles, penn state university of california at berkeley. I, I know that, were I a student at any of these universities and, if I said
ass, a student when I routinely say as a speaker, I would undoubtedly be drowned. before the administration and hit with some sort of sanctions. I be responsible for micro, aggressions for saying things like western culture is superior and men are not women. I be response for harmful language for saying that human beings ought to be judged not based on race, but on merit user, kinds of things that are verboten on college campuses. All over the country, which my free speech has never been a top of mine issue for many of the administrators and college campuses. Instead, sensitivity has but apparently top universities in america. All of those sensitivities disappear magically for one group, specifically Jews yesterday house republicans held a hearing which the heads of major universities were grilled regarding the rise of anti semitism on their camps is over the past few weeks we ve been talking about spike it anti semitism for weeks from threats, islands, junior riots, from tearing down hostile posters to openly jew. Being slurs being promulgated in public, some of us
From these universities explained, the situation on campus here, for example, was due to them. Ingber of new york university. What is it like to be a jew at n Y? U being a jew at and why you is walking to class and passing torrent interface. Posters of innocent hostages, with the words aki, higher and murderer written across their faces. It is going to both library to study and being interrupted by unauthorized protests, were students and faculty call for a globalized, intifada revolution and incitement to violence against Jews everywhere and a call for the annihilation of the jewish. and my friends and family, who live there being a jew at and why you is being surrounded by students and faculty who support the murder and kidnapping of jews, because after all, as they say, resistance is justified and people are occupied. It is being surrounded by social justice warriors and self proclaimed feminists, whose calls for justice and abruptly when the rape victims are juice.
being a jew at and why you has meant being physically assaulted in and why you library, by a fellows while I was wearing an american israeli flag and having my tucker still rome freely throughout the campus being a jew at and why you is experiencing how diversity equity inclusion is not a value that, and, while you extends to its jewish students, she'll horse is exactly right on all of them. Here is alia cobia. mercy of pennsylvania describing similar experiences at that's up university. I love pad. I've wanted to attend this university since, before I can remember I'm here, because the pan I attend today is unrecognizable from the pan. I want to use to now. Pan wants out for groundbreaking discoveries like the am rna vaccine is now, showing landscape of hatred and hostility or universal, revered for its pursuit of knowledge, has devolved into an arena words, we're students tiptoe through their days, uncertain and unsafe,
the situation at pandas escalate into a full blown crisis with students, open we are starting their attention to proceed with plants with or without university permission pens, ambivalence, the crisis that is shattered? My academic sanctuary policy meant to safeguard us, have become hollow promises and let us be clear they fail jewish students today tomorrow there will fail the rest of us. Nonetheless, I refuse go back to nineteen thirty, nine one to use it to hide the religious symbols at high. Do they are due to the intimidation and harassment of us I use I think this was nonsense. Fear mongering until made aware that pan recommended to students quote now where clothing subjects, fisheries related to judaism imagine the black students had arrived in congress to describe similar experiences. For genocide, celebration of terror and rape against black americans, physical threats against black americans. Does anyone
these respective university presence would have sat grinning at the law makers, who are cuisine on their actions? That's precisely what happened yesterday again, if you want to say that everyone should just be less sensitive, whatever anything goes on campus. That's one thing, but that's not what is happening on these college campuses, we're sensitivity, extended to everyone, except for that, you wouldn't hear representing the least stefanik of new york question the president's of university of Pennsylvania harvard presidio mit, genocidal language chanted on campus. Listen to these responses along liberal and stop and started because there's a lot here: doktor corn birth does em mit does calling for the genocide of Jews violate. Am I tease code of conduct or rules regarding bullying harassment, yes or no, if targeted individuals, not making public statements, yes or no,
for the genocide of Jews does constitute boeing and harassment. I have not heard calling for the genocide reduce on campus, but you ve heard chance for intifada of her chance, which can be anti semitic depending on the context when calling for the elimination oh and handled so those would not be according to the mit code of conduct on rules that would be investigated of, as harassment is pervasive and severe. MS miguel at pen does calling for the genocide of whose violate pens rules or code of conduct, yes or no. If the speech turns into conduct, it can be harassment. Yes, I am asking specifically calling for the genocide of joy. whose does that constitute bullying of harassment. If it is directed and severe pervasive, it is harassment,
So the answer is yes, it is a context, dependent decision congresswoman. It's a car textile continent decision. That's your testimony today, calling for the genocide of Jews is depending upon the context that is bullying or harassment. This is the easiest question to answer. Yes, miss miguel. So is your testimony that you will not answer? Yes, if it is, if the editorial out. If the speech becomes conduct, it can be harassment, yes, meaning committing the act of genocide speeches, not harassment? This is an example miss mc go, I'm gonna, give you one more opportunity for the world. to see. Your answer does calling for
genocide of jews, violate pens code of conduct when it comes to boeing and harassment, yes or no, it can be harassment. The answer is yes can and doktor gay, Harvard does calling for the genocide of Jews violate harvard rules of bullying and harassment? Yes or no? It can't be depending on the context. What's the contents targeted as an individual, targeted as individual, its targeted at jewish students. Jewish individuals. Do you understand, your testimony is dehumanizing them. Do you understand that, humanist asian, is part of anti semitism We ask you. One more time does call for the genocide of Jews, violate harvard's rules of bullying and harassment, yes, or no anti semitic rhetoric
samantha graduate anti semitic rhetoric when it crosses into conduct at amounts to bullying harassment, intimidation that is actionable conduct, and we do. take action. So the answer is yes, but calling the genocide of jews, violate harvard code of conduct correct again, it depends on the card. It does not depend on the context. The answer is yes, and this is why you should resign. These are unacceptable answers across the board I mean they're amazing answers because again just substitute the language. Now we're not talking here when the first amendment protects activity for it ample would be kkk marching through skokie. The first amendment does protect activity. We are talking about college campuses, There are strict speech codes that exist on every one of these college campuses. So if you want speech- god don't have each cuts, but if you're going to it is weird than
We applies to everyone, except for one group. Can you imagine at harvard university and leading rally saying death to all black people, all black people should be killed. Can you imagine the not being punished by harvard university with expulsion? Can you imagine university, a pennsylvania sums were of rally where everyone is yelling at me. Of their lungs death to gay people? All gay people should I and then that nobbing punishable at you really pennsylvania, but when you chant from the river to the sea, palestine should be free or in. Find a revolution. There is only one solution when you Jane, those things that is now considered perfectly acceptable at these schools, what about dependent on context No, it's amazing that the context very often includes conduct when they say things like we're, not worried about speech, but when it bleeds over into conduct. We have a problem that the truth is that, depending the conduct their fine. With that too
many students have been suspended or expelled for actively harassing students or jewish for winding up outside libraries and pounding on the doors in acts of intimidation in all of this is ridiculous: since the amount of obfuscation that they are putting forward, listen to the amount of spin? Can you during the black lives matter. Protests. Anyone saying something remotely similar as usual: the president about any of this Difficult to imagine these icons of sensitivity and diversity, equity and inclusion, would be nearly so sanguine about slurs against any other racial or ethnic minority in america simply put they wouldn't one can make. case for free speech on campus, I can- and I do- but why, we cannot pretend that universities protect students against harassment and then saw pedal holocaust level rhetoric these units city president's, don't even like free speech, but their purpose. We find not only mouthing language, they certainly do believe about free speech, then smiling, while they violate these prescriptions. So why are they does anyone there?
two reasons and we'll get to those in just one. Second, first, what you green eggs holiday family there have in common they both need. I have to be complete and get a spiral cut heritage, port masterpiece from good interest for free with any good rancher subscription at a whopping? Ninety nine dollar value that you can get for free on your first order, simply subscribe to any box. You'll get your free holiday ham included in any order Corruption is amazing, yet twenty five bucks off every order, a free gift in every third box and free shipping on express delivery. Good ranchers has thing for every meat eater in your life that award winning boxes of full stake house called the american meat and sent boxes to all of my producers. They cannot stop talking about the quality of the state and the chicken, as can tell that ham offer not kosher, but They have sent me like one special shipment of kosher. Just to that can actually taste what their meat is. Let me tell you: it is fantastic. The best part is knowing exactly where your meat comes from, that is a local american farm had another. It's good. Ranchers dotcom subscribed today with code shapiro claim your free limited stock holiday hand before they sell out at fast. This offer won't last forever
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score too high on their activities. Thus, it's ok to discriminate against them, then there's the second reason: the wet really really hate israel, the web pages raw because, like american Jews, Israel is successful in the region in which it is located, Israel according to left is a colonialist outpost of the west. The west is evil because it is too successful. The west is therefore exploitative and oppressive. Therefore, Israel is exploitative and oppressive as a outlet of west in the middle east. Hence the deep and passionate attempt by the left to pretend that anti semitism in anti zionism are unrelated, but left does not want to be It is openly anti semitic. They want to pretend that they are actually tolerant and ever but they understand that anti zionism can provide a hardening opportunity to oppose jewish and western flourishing. Hence the left rabbit attachments. The idea that calls for Israel's destruction are somehow not anti semitic, but act the reflection of a more universalistic humanitarian creed sure concrete results
the death of millions of Jews and the dominance of radical muslim terror, Oliver the Middle east, but that doesn't matter after all, is is the real problem, because the west is the real problem, and we know true because again the west is successful and because Israel is successful and success equals power empower equals exploitation according to the left radical muslim regimes that impoverished and oppress their citizens aren't worth one bit of attention. I mean they're poor, which means there victimized, which means that there, the oppressed israel, by contrast being tolerant, diverse An unsuccessful ought to be destroyed. That's why yesterday in a subtle bit of manoeuvring, harvard press, including gay. Among the other college president's acknowledged that Israel does have a right to exist, but as a jewish state, which is like that ireland has right to adjust, but not as an irish country president gay, do you
leave that Israel has a right to exist as a jewish nation. I agree that the state of Israel has the right to exist. This mcgill same question. I agree. Chauvelin Fox, the state of Israel has the right to exist. Doktor, corn blues. Absolutely Israel has the right to exist Israel has the right to exist, but that's not the question. You notice that the charwoman is actually asking as a jewish state, which is the definition of Israel and all three of those college president's ignore that they're doing that for a reason, because Israel is bad. So if Israel is a jewish state and it doesn't have the right to exist by that definition, so what ought to be done Agnes you're pershing square in a major donor to harbour, wrote that the college president's quote must all resign and disgrace. If a sea one of our companies gave a similar answer. He or she would be toast within the hour Why has Anti semitism exploded on campus and around the world because of leaders by presidents miguel and corn loose believe generous depends on the context to think that these are we
of ivy league institutions that are charged with responsibility to educate our best and brightest admin is right, of course, but that isn't nearly sufficient The universities across amerika are corrupt through and through their endorsement of de I diversity, equity and inclusion has been a curse to reason. Indecency their politics are vile. Those politics also make universities corrupt factories of moral depravity which means that first, every major donor to these universities should like bill ackman. Think about cutting funding. Of course, some we're this bandwagon years ago, like twenty years ago, I wrote a book. Brainwashed, our universities and document america's youth. When I was still you see, I was nineteen years old. The book came out when I was too in two thousand for in it I wrote, the consumers ought to court pour money from universities, I also said that tactic wouldn't be nearly sufficient that others, including radical islamic regimes, would fill the gap, which is what happened: saudi arabia, qatar. There are plenty of play we're going to pool their money into these universities because those you receives very often reflect their values
in the universities ought to be hit with another tactic. Business people must stop falling for. Credentials, scam the universities represent, they ought to be hiring kids out of high school directly and giving them internships or hiring from solid state schools. but these universities are anyway there just factories for diplomas and the entire idea here, is that if you get a really good at eighty score and you go to harvard this means you're, smart, intelligence marked just by the s, a t score energy pa coming out of high school. I don't need to go two hundred thousand dollars into debt and be indoctrinated in queer theory in for me to recognise the are smart person. Instead, businesses should just hire people out of high school if they have good s. Eighty scores and good grades, for example. Finally, there need to seriously think about not sending their kids to these universities at all, especially in the liberal arts there Operation mills for truly We'll garbage, if you want a case in point, is how bad these university, here is actually read case in point young Liberal, Jews, A whole generation of young jewish kids have been sent to university by the parents who believed in
upwardly mobile american dream managers out there who say that their great room is to get their kid into a place like harvard there. These we then turned against their parents and their roots. The new york times. it's a fascinating story today about many young jews, meaning of course people were born. Jewish would have nothing to do with actual jewish practice or identity, as even the times recognizes. Your time says that many of these young jews, our court, abandoning Israel, the name of leftist ideology here is the times quote: mark corn black people. uneasily last month for his daughter louisa to arrive for ten days with the family. Her homecoming once brought the comfort of movie nights in car games, but this is different his wife. Judith had moved away from madison wisconsin's live in TEL Aviv, where they it's a real sense of belonging as jews. Around the same time, their daughter, attaining graduate school at the university of California, berkeley came to it was the existence of Israel as a jewish state. That's all wait, wait, wait, wait for it! Sometimes you The pronouns they done shocker
It's all the union thing. It's all one thing: everyone who supports trans rights also supports palestine. Everyone who supports palestine also supports abortion. It's the uni left wing thing a quarter. The times at berkeley. She read audrey lord Merriam, comma Ruth wilson, Gilmore and other black feminist thinkers who prompted her to consider questions round power, privilege and whiteness muskets. black came to feel that her emotional ties to jewish state would undermine provision for collective liberation over last year should become increasingly involved in pro palestine activism, including through jewish voice for peace and anti scientist activist group and the, if not now, movement, I don't think the state of Israel should ever been establish. He said is based on the idea of jewish supremacy and I'm not on board with that action. The concept of Israel is based on. You know jewish existence, but that's really what leftism oppose it: For all the reasons we have talked about unity, cities are a disaster area full stop. Parents should pull their kids unless those kids
appeared for the raging hailstorm of foolishness and immorality. They are about to be taught. Ok, just one second, we're going to get the latest Israel, Hammas war and the battle inside congress over anti semitism, first and world filled with uncertainties in need to be prepared for any possibility. You need my patriot supply honesty, its people are looking round and they are figuring out that this is a pretty unfriendly world and bad things can happen, mean that's putting aside natural disasters. You need a good food supply. My patriots play is your trusted partner for emergency preparedness. There, the country's largest preparedness company there more than to stock, your shalt so other to natural disaster, a sudden emergence or unforeseen circumstances. My patriot supplies, high quality foods solutions ensured that you and your loved ones are always well fed, no matter what comes your way right now and go to hair with benda. Come look, get two hundred bucks off their best selling three month emergency food get this get, provides delicious breakfast,
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I wish to condemn them so he's gonna pretend that anti zionism and anti semitism are totally unrelated the way he gets out of this particular box since obviously open omar and retreated to leave our anti semite and hate jews and israel though he gets out of this body as he suggests. Well, you know there are some Jews or anti scientist, isn't the favourite tactic and the people he sites are sought. Marcos hit him, which is eight of ultra orthodox who, by the way when it says there, anti scientist, let's be clear what they by anti zionist. What sought marcos Adam is ultra orthodox, at which they tiny tiny percentage of even the orthodox. What exactly is their belief system? police system is that there should in fact be a jewish country in Israel, but it should be a divided monarchy with the reestablishment of the third temple. Not the anti zionism of you know. The palestinians who wish to see average obliterated from the region. Some are considered, don't believe in a secular state of Israel. They believe in a jewish theocracy. So if you're talking about these people, as though what they actually want is for
all jews to be removed from the region. No, actually, what they want is for to be a jewish monarchic theocracy in the land complete with high priesthood and a third temple built now, instead of what they think of as an obstacle to that he secular jewish state of Israel. That's it talking about see, you're playing, game when you say the summer who want the same thing as, for example, are suited to leaving open omar but they're the same kind of chronic. What anti scientist? That's ridiculous! That's ridiculous! That's like saying that somebody What a christian theocracy in the united states is is the same camp as someone who to tear down the government of the united states and replaced with a communist dictatorship. Not quite the same thing. In any case there is
adler, and what he's really doing here, obviously is covering for wishing to leave now hand over and other members of the democratic party who don't actually like Israel and don't like jews. Unfortunately, this resolution does absolutely nothing to genuinely counter this scourge of anti semitism. Nor does it help bring us together with the unity of purpose that this topic merits. Rather, it is another attempt in a long series of veiled efforts by the geo p to weapon. I jewish lives for political gains. It is another partisan, gotcha gay. That amounts to cheat value, signalling, not serious action, but if there ever was a time for real action, it is now today, in the face of the largest increase and anti semitism, both violent and virulent. In this nations history, we have a clear choice. We can abuse smoke to try to inflict into party political damage.
Or we can rise to the occasion and do something real and powerful actually help the jewish community Well, you know, what's one thing that I noticed, I noticed that job that alone, he says why we should look to inflict infer damage on one another over anti semitism again. This is the same guy, who also did not vote for censure receded to leap over her comments with regard to which are a complete anti semitic wise. He says he vehemently disagrees with her, but he has not called her, for example, an anti semite which she clearly clearly is or I'll take my up my tips on anti semitism from someplace else. Meanwhile, Japan has a democratic representative, lois frankel of florida. Same sort of thing? She also won't condemn, promote driver who spent yesterday basically trying to walk back or comments that rape was not that big deal I wanted against jewish ladys in Israel from illinois. Paul housing answer the question
if by my colleague, Dana bash on sunday on this, did that play any part in your push to in your push to drop this resolution? Well, this really has been in the works since, as I said really with it, bidding the works from for many months on. We started hearing the stories from the women in ukraine and then, of course, again this, with Hamas and then atrocities and I try not to have my actions here, be dictated by artful comments by other members. This is a much more serious issue. in our files, then one member, and it has to be said why all rape and sexual as a tool of war as a weapon of war is not acceptable. It's not hard for you to save it very eloquently and very early. Why is it for others
now now you're asking me to be a psychiatrist so psychologist, you know what they have to answer for themselves. And our answer for myself, but I do think ice. I really. I speak for the overwhelming majority republicans Democrats here, people with good hearts sexual assault should not be a tool. of war and is not acceptable and haven't timely condemnation. There has to be called out it's very tough, it really really is not hemingway on the right, The autonomous massey put out what is pretty, obviously anti semitic name yesterday it was It was a meme in which he compared american patriotism to zionism congress these days. American hatred is that it's, the meme of drake, in other words, are based two binary name, one where he shunning and thing and one was giving it thumbs up. This is cool. as these days, shunning american patriotism congress these days, giving comes up design, ism and obviously the idea here,
is that american patriotism is somehow directly opposed to zionism now there are a couple reads on this- that are possible, there's more charitable reed, which is that there are democrats in them had a party who, for example, don't like american patriotism but they're, ok with zionism and that's weird, and they should be ok with both and then there's the red which is the more obvious rate, which is an american patriotism, is somehow who is to resign as new campi, both an american patriot and a scientist which of course, is ridiculous. I mean just ridiculous We'll stop crazy. Considering that that has been the mainstream position in the united states the birth of the state of Israel is being an a compatriot and being in his and being a iron being in favour of the exist. The jewish state of Israel are not in favour, are not in conflict in any way, shape or form. Can you can read it in in either those two ways, there's more charitable way in which the art is it congress. I'll be shutting american patriotism, they should be imbracing american patriotism in the same way, the many democrats and resign ism- that's more chair by the other way, is that right
massey, whose voted alongside ill hand omar and proceeded to leave with regard to any any indication of support for Israel. Actual just doesn't like zionism, and so he actually want is for congress to dismiss zionism and he's really saying the two are directly in conflict whitehouse, no more time, that's going political points so well mediately jumps on that and the white house suggested assigned republicans to condemn the post, herpes end of the white house in all americans, including the house you'll, be leadership should condemn this virulent anti semitism from a sitting member of congress. So here's the deal we should condemn semitism wherever it exists. If what massey meant is the latter again, given his voting record would not shock me dad can patriotism in sign is more somehow direct conflict, then you have a chance and with his men, should be condemned. Also, what promote Ipod did the other night anti semitism should be condemned. This is not particularly up the fact that it is to demonstrate Once again, everything can be made a partisan issue, even hatred of jews, speaking of which, once in one of the things has been lost in this and here in this entire fight between Israel and Hamas,
is the simple fact that there is a good site here and there is a bad side and Hamas is the bad side. Benjamin for the prime minister of Israel. Yesterday he gave a speech in which he heat, was beside himself because he's pointing out that, like as details come out from october, seventh of rape of women by the weight reports of rape of men as well, which is just one thing, weirdly different level The I mean, I know stories of things that are happening that happened to hostages there public knowledge. At this point- and I gotta tell you it's way worse than anything of her way way worse than anything of her and the internet. community, is still pending and pretending that their sums sort moral, equivalency or Netanyahu's beside himself yesterday. Speaking about this, the women's rights organizations to the human rights organisations you ve heard of the rape of israeli women herbal atrocities, sexual mutilation.
Where the hell are you? I expect all civilised leaders, governments nations, to speak up against this atrocity. well they're not going to when the reason and are going to his again, because they have to have that moral equivalents. Israel is bad and I mean to anything that is done against. It is justified in the friends phenomena. Press are oppressed, coalition of the wretched idea, the debate, it is that, if you are a member of the oppressed clash get to do whatever the hell you want to members of the so called oppressor class? That's it that's an ex that there has been a moral waging that has been done by a number of sanely anti semitic and self hating jewish people and its totally it's totally wild, but become mainstream. has become obsolete, mainstream by the way worth noting at this point that Israel has actually a shocking number of terrorist. Despite all the talk about Israel is not specific enough in its attack. The reality is according to the israeli military elite report. From off the brief, the record,
breathing for foreign journalists suggest that Israel believes that of the roughly fifteen thousand people, that Hamas is reported dead. Five thousand of them are terror which is an amazing ratio by the way, like way better than the united states in, for example, Iraq. Typically urban warfare means that for every terrorist you kill your probably killed three to four civilians, because the embed with civilians, Israel's being incredibly specific- and it was amazing about this- is that If you point that even the times as now, it may mean that There are times admitting that israel hit like five thousand terrorists in the course of killing fifteen thousand people again their goal was it thousand terrorism, they killed. Fifteen thousand because Hamas height on civilians and now their complaining that Israel has killed enough terrorist according to the washington post? Will at least five years, most militants had been killed according to freeze security officials reading the majority of the groups, estimated thirty thousand strong military wing intact. Why do you can get it? Why do you think is having killed, kill about thirty thousand. The answer is because are being considered in how they go about this war? The matter the narrative is set media are gonna, keep pumping it out there
Israel, somehow the inhumane party in this conflict, which is truly astonishing reversal of the truth. Ok, just one second, we'll get you more fun and games on capital held. There is a hearing yesterday in congress about trade, women in sports, meaning dude in sports, like the lady borrowers situation or gets that Charlie first, I find it very difficult to get my daily intake fruits and values that are necessary for a living healthy life. This is why I rely very heavily on balance of nature, fruits and vegetables, their great way to make sure that you're getting a central nutritional ingredients every single day, balance of nature uses in advance call back process then encapsulates fruit and vegetables in the whole food supplements, without sacrificing their natural antioxidants, the capsules, completely void of additives, thor's extracts and that its pesticides are added sugar. The only thing and balance of nature's fruit and vegetables are well for its magic right, Not only will my listeners get thirty five percent off your first order will now get a free fibre and spice supplement is well balanced natures. And by supplement is a revolutionary fibre ring with unique blend of twelve spices and whole foods. When
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for the next world. Today, jonathan patios, an icon, car republic, speaker, youtube and you'll know him because he's a good friend of Jordan petersen. You might remember him from his profoundly when in commenting Jordan's, exited series, John Jonathan awesome dude, really really brilliant and insightful. Now he's back, you will draw upon his deep knowledge of christian. For this stories mythology in history to explain the contradictions in our society wacky phenomena, how this spiral will reach its conclusion in end of the world. Europe even thoughtful framework to make sense of these confusing times and roadmap. So let us out of house and restore order. That the resources available today exclusively at daily wire plus, if you have become a member. This is the perfect time go to daily wire dot com, slash subscribed to watch end of the world today, lady dollars, our own movie- are firstly, shillings. Comedy is the number one streaming movie on rotten tomatoes you made it so but if you not seen lady bellair yet now would be the time to jump on that lady where's bandwagon go to daily wired. Our common slash subscribed to watch lady bawler today. Ok, meanwhile,
a lot of fun and games on capitol hill. Yesterday there was a hearing on capitol hill about trans women in sports meeting dudes competing with the ladies. You know like our movie lady ballers. The number one streaming movie on rotten tomatoes in america I was led to an extraordinary, exchanging riley gains, who has a cameo. In our view, lady bars also more famously, she is Nancy, doubly swimmer, who had to compete with Leah thomas, was a full on dude in the pool and she was an exchange with representative summer lee in which suddenly basically suggests that right regains is some sort of trans phobic, terrible bigot and really is having none of it in terms of mental health. Studies show that participating in you. Sports is associated with lower rates of anxiety and depression, lower amounts of stress, higher self esteem and communism and must stop. Inclusion cannot be prioritized over safety and fairness and ranking member Lee. If my
has an testimony, makes me trends. Phobic, then I believe your opening monologue makes you a massage agnes. Thank you managerial excuse me. I moved to have a gentlewoman words taken down. The committee will suspend Madame here, she's engaging and personalities. Can I just ask how its fair to be called transphobia? Theirs, it thing out: say, men disguising themselves as women are engaging and personalities order, I moved to withdraw when point of order so rejected. Course exactly right if the idea is Men are to compete with women, how that not massage monistic and, in fact energy is perfectly well on display. One of the witnesses here was the young lawyer for the national women's was sent her she's a president. The present its organisation is press
Fatima gossip graves and her answer to what should women, too about the fact that you know bigger and stronger men are competing with them? What do they do? that fact she's like women should learn loosed men, gracefully ok, I mean. Think of something more misogynist than this. Exactly but ok and success in school sports depends on a whole range of factors, including how hard she work and coaching and access to really good at resources and facilities and trans students participate in sports. For this same reason,
as their kids, because it is fine because it creates bug longing and community, because it teaches so much about persistence and leadership in and discipline unless they learn to lose gracefully, hopefully an opt in. They learn to win with dig. Maybe hopefully they learn to do this sort of work. That means you have higher grades and stay connected to school. I want every kid to have that chance to have the chance to play the disturbing that this, the distributors and of women like Fatima gas graves smiling. Oh that's why women should learn to get their asses kicked by men it's really what's going to make this a better, more tolerant, diverse and sustainable world, and, oh my god, is it that the smiling is: what really does it as he had her own defense of a of transit women She said well, if we ban men, then we can have
check, genitals and walker, and you know what I noticed is that
are in the women's locker room when men are competing with women. That's the thing that I noticed and that all the women also noticed a o say that, with a proposed ban on trans athletes that originally allowed for genital examinations on minors in order to quote unquote pretty hacked women. Is that correct? Unfortunately, yes, and so we're seeing here in this guy's under the guise of not only trying to further marginalize trans women and girls, we are talking about opening up all women and girls to genital examinations when they are under age. That's right! Potentially, just because someone can point to someone and say I don't think you're a girl. That's correct
We're saying this in an environment of a post, dobbs america, where states are women, eliza, being access to abortion and want nothing more than a general tiresome women to figure out when whose getting menstrual cycle who doesn't have one and worsen hosts to believe that This is gonna, make us better. She said she's such a bad actress. I put the pencil in any case, sure just point out here that actually don't have, through general examinations on anyone, just four percent: Oh hi, a law which is what she's, referring to inter original copy for both through It is the reason why, for example, should not be having generalist birth certificates, because these things are actually quite important, because the owl It is due to playing with the ladys and being in the locker room with the girls you don't uncomfortable for twelve year. Old girls have
twelve year old boys who pretend they are girls in the locker room or believe they are girls in the locker room, and they have a right to feel uncomfortable about all that. What is amazing to me? is one republicans run from this culture issue like this an obvious culture win for republicans, so there is a sort of eight eight fraught battle. for second place, that is going on right now inside the republican primary, and I have said before I A big fan of governor around us answers in florida. If the primaries were held today, I would vote for him in the primary making Hayley as well. I said before I thought using excellent, you an ambassador, but I really, he stepped on a rake right here she was doing it an interview yesterday in which she was asked about friends, children or number and her answer which is well. You know if if a parasite trans twelve year old and that's all we find that is not acceptable answer. The question is: what cares
beyond the table when a child, the twelve year old child in this country, assign female at birth, says, actually feel more comfortable living as a boy. What should the law allow the response to be The law should stay out of it now think parent should handle. This is a job for the parents to handle and then, when that child, but eighteen if they want to make more of a permanent change, they can do that, but I up until then we see what our teenage kids. They go through a lot during puberty. They go through a lot of confusion. They go through a lot of anxiety. They go through a lot of pressures. We should support them the whole way through. but we don't need to go and enforce something in schools. We don't need school sitting there, hiding from the parents what gender pronoun they're using. We don't need to have those conversations in schools, those conversations that should be had at home. Ok, she's right at school should not be socially transitioning parents about the parents, knowledge also parents should not be. how to transition there twelve year old kid that's absurd. First transition is
because euphemism in the entire world, you cannot transition a boy into a girl like transitioning, and I'm struggling to even come up with an analogy. What else do you transition in life in this way that the these folks at this I swear to god? They act as though this is like Doctors uses the sneakers the star. star off machine, but it don't laugh machine because now any of this works. No, there should be full state bans on this sort. hormone treatment and surgery period like visit the its medical now press, It is an act of mutilation and evil, so Nicky coming up short that one again just one second we'll get you more fireworks from congress plus Joe Biden, said something really interesting, yes or no. can when he does have an interesting in a bad way for him. First, the october fifteen, the text It is long, come and gone. I know many of you may be dreading the stress of filing your taxes. I get it falling attacks,
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Fifty percent off for a limited time and go to shop being dotcom, slash Ben discount auto apply to check out no code. It necessary that shop be m. Am that comes lifespan from too d percent off. Okay. Meanwhile, Chris Ray had a tough time on the hill. Yesterday, Chris Reyes, the head of the f b I and he has not been doing an excellent job over the f b, I, between the reports of the I targeting certain types. Christians in the united states, certain types of catholics in vienna states in the fbi, targeting, for example, pro life people. When the f b, I just proportionate sources bent on anyone whose wandering around the capital on January sex and the fbi's complete failure regard to the hunter bide laptop and twenty twenty has been a bad stretch for the fbi. Chris re was on the hill and senator John Kennedy of louisiana red in the riot act over the fbi's failure, to say that the hunter by laptop was real, which the fbi full well knew during the twenty twenty election. These are very
weak answers here from chris ray. What, in the f b, I just say: hey the the the laptops real. Why didn't you still ever by the laptops, real we're, not voucher, what's moment, but is This should not of fiction why as you might imagine, the f b. I cannot especially at a time like that, be talking about an ongoing investigation. Second, I would tell you that least, my understanding is that both the fbi, folks involved in the conversations and the twitter folks evolved the conversations both say that the f b, I did not direct twitter to suppress, but others were in government. Well, I can't again, I can't speak others in governor that part of the point that I was trying to make because the physics virgilius br you're, not part of it, House and part of homeland security you're not supposed to big political use
others controversy go on on wanting in the f b, I said time out folks we're not in of this, but the laptops real again. We have to be very careful about what we id say, especially in the middle of an election season, because that's precisely some of the problems that led to my predecessors negative findings from the inspector. Did you okay? But that's not right because again failure to say the true thing, because your predecessor said not true things. That's not the same thing again actively involving yourself, an election cycle in which you announce that your activity, your activity, is ongoing, which is what james call me did with regard to Hillary Clinton few days from the election, twenty succeeded succeeds reopening the investigation because we found this laptop. He didn't have to another that, because that was about his activity. But if the f b, I know for a fact that a narrative is false and there has been promulgated by one of by one of the campaigns and the media and other parts of the government, and the fbi knows that it is in fact in
or omission that is material to the election for them, not to say we know the leaped up his real, that's ridiculous, either way you are calling for interfering, but on one side your court of court interfering, but on behalf of a true thing, it's not the same thing What james call me did in twenty sixteen, meanwhile, chris RE said oh yeah, by the way, even though there are still court cases pending that suggested, we should be called what social media about what can and cannot be said, leading up to the auction will still be coordinator social media. Do you concerned about the fifth circuit sang in effect that you can communicate with social media to alert them? threat the workforce. As you know, this is the subject of ongoing litigation, the fight, things of the lower courts in that litigation are things that are hotly contested through the departments filings. Press tromp himself. Rightly.
In twenty, eight, ten or nineteen issued an executive order on this very subject, calling it a national emergency sissy the absurd intelligence committee on over willingly bipartisan basis. Then, if I may the same and called for more engagement, more engaged with social media companies, not less the key. The key is making sure. It's done in the right way and that's what were committed to do focused on the hidden hand of the foreign actor, not on the content itself posted Meanwhile? I wish they would do that, but I don't trust you and I am sure that no one else does either so once again, our illustration is staffed. I mean this is the american government is staffed by people are just now the good at their jobs or who very often are but their jobs, but in the wrong way, and meanwhile, congress can the debate over ukraine aid according to the new york times, binds urgent pushed replenish ukraine's worked essence and eighty israel's on the brink of collapse in the senate. Republicans
prepared on wednesday to block funding unless democrats agree to add strict measures to clamp down on migration as sport with mexico, Why, in the world? Is that even remotely controversial so Democrat, get what they want, namely people wanting to ukraine republican, we'll get you know a border that is not going to be completely open and democrats are somehow balking at this. The meltdown, barely took place on the eve of a critical test vote in the senate on one hunter ten billion dollar emergency spending bill and not only a clear the measure would fail, but severely dimmed the prospects for any bipartisan agreement. Soon, a vote to block aid would spotlight flagging. Yours, solve at a critical time in ukraine's war against president Putin's russia we're about to and in ukraine's and senator Chris Murphy. Well, you know what you could do is you could just allow there to be border security? You could do that I don't understand. Why does remotely controversial border by the way is being called for by democrats. Down at the border is amazing that base We Democrats in the centre are so attached to their open borders. Nonsense. They are willing scuttle their own support for ukraine aid
central, lindsey, graham kalmia on ukraine? If we don't help get ukraine and Putin gets away with them, You'll be in a war with nato? I got all that you'll get a robust. Public involve ukraine, israel- and I want, if you have real border security, but apparently not doing anything on the boar trucks. Humor, now suggesting that if the bill fails because the boar that's on republicans, well, here's the thing either Joe Biden wants the aid or doesn't the aide either. He thinks it's important for ukraine not to collapse of the russians and for Israel, the winning gaza or he doesn't if he does. things that important then am I supposed to if the humor is right and you'll try to blame the republicans for it. If he thinks it's important you might try. You know shoring up the boy here, instruction we're trying to blame republicans, for it is obviously a democratic failure here. Let's remember three things as we move forward one. How important ukraine is a turning point in western civilization. This is historic moment- and this can be delayed any longer
ski by the way could not make it too, are something happened at the last minute to our breathing it three but will hear and you'll hear, particularly from our corner. so well how desperate ukraine is for the aid that the president has proposed, but its vital vital. Second, If this fails because a border- that's not a bipartisan failure, that's a failure of the republicans and the republican leadership. The only reason they added border was because a lot of members of their hard right said they want border. But a lot of those same members aren't gonna vogue, ukraine, no matter what is there, I mean first of that's not true first of all. Republicans are saying why not add border to the package that we have by partisan support for the bill. Republicans support the israel aid more than democrats to democratic party, I know it more than republicans do
So the idea is the compromise. Middle is going to be all those things plus border and trucks, numerous balking at that. What is the high? priority on leaving the border open. Why why Does he just really want to leave the door open? This is why people are suspicious of what exactly are the motives over here? Ok, interest and second we're gonna get to job. I make an extraordinary comment with regard to the twenty twenty four election. We'll get to that momentarily first, if you're, not a member become member use, could shapiro check out for two months: brindle annual plans, click that linking the description and join us, why?
Transcript generated on 2023-12-08.