« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1861 - For The Left, “Balance” Means Shrugging at Sexual Assault

2023-12-04 | 🔗

Rep. Pramila Jayapal explains that she won’t condemn Hamas’ mass rape too much for the sake of balance; Iranian-backed forces attack American ships; and the Pope is fighting against fossil fuels again.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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carry is asking Netanyahu. Could you at least meet him half way more things change the more they stay the same this weekend, rep. and the uphold chair of the congressional progressive caucus appeared on cnn or shoes ass well, there hasn't been more international outrage overcome ass, a systematic rape of israeli women. The accounts of Hamas rapes have been legion over the way ten thirty nine year old eurozone sodden told the uk sunday that he saw at nova festival a beautiful woman quote an eight or ten of fighters beating and raping her. She was screaming, stop it already. In any way, from what you are doing. Just kill me when they finish sets said one they were laughing last one shot her in the head. Here is jaya, Paul's response rape is horrific. Sexual assault is horrific. I think that it weapons in war situations, terrorist organizations like Hamas, obviously are using.
as tools. However, I think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. Fifteen thousand palestinians have been killed in israeli airstrikes, three quarters of whom and its are women and gender. It's horrible, but you don't see israeli soldiers raping we'll diana. I think we're not we're not. I don't want this to be the hierarchy of oppression. That is hysterical for the first time promote. I shall now opposes a hierarchy of oppression. Balance you see is the key balance in all things, never mind any reports emerging from hostages about just what they experienced in Gaza at the hands of come ass, a court in the daily mail quote for weeks they were starved, beaten, drug brand and made to watch footage of hamas terrorists invading their homeland with weapons pointed to their heads. Until the moment was right for the terror group, one hostage was operated on by a veterinarian. Many of the hostages were kept with supposed civilians in the Gaza strip. Given the
Why do the hard and fast distinction between Gaza, Hamas, members and the civilian population, but still? Why can't you really? meet their jus hating terrorist enemies, half way increase Really. This seems to be the logic of the Biden white house, although to be clear, they aren't actually asking Israel to meet the Palestinians halfway. There actually asked them to meet them about eighty percent of the way As Israel's offensive against Hamas renews in southern gaza, the white house has now ratcheted up its absurd and contain demands for Israel to do a better job, protecting civilians, as though, it is in the business of murdering civilians. The same hamas is, or is that israel is already taking insane precautions to avoid the killing of civilians. Israel, actually taking more precautions to avoid civilian deaths than army in modern history is runs. Armor israeli minister of strategic affairs pointed out. Over the weekend we saw the unicef director therein, Tom Sophie burgess peace, and we heard defense secretary, lloyd, austin that if that continues this, we not only humanitarian disaster, really strategic calamity for israel. Your response,
well listen, we're doing everything we can to keep civilians out of harm's way. I want the american people I understand that this war is not going on thousands of miles away. Going on literally hundreds of the yards away and it's going out at a time when rockets are flying into our countries? We have people running to bomb, shelters, I've, with the israeli army has done in in prosecuting this war, is unprecedented. The history of warfare. When you have an enemy right on your border, you doing everything get the civilians of that enemy out of farms where I dont think any other countries, including the united states. I dont have you ever face a situation like this would take such great care yet defence secretary, Austin spent weeks warning the israelis and the government risks quote strategic defeat in Gaza, even if they win a quote tactical vet. hurry because palestinians, he said, might be driven into the arms of the enemy. This naturally creates a catch twenty to Israel. Cancun. rid of hamas without civilians dying, specifically because Hamas wants its own civilians to die if Israel,
get rid of Hamas and civilians die by gossoons logic, Israel, however, a strategic defeat, and if Israel doesn't get rid of Hamas, Israel will suffer in actual This is called a no win scenario, and yet the white house seems eager to provide Israel, with no wind scenarios lately. Thus, the binding ministration is reportedly encouraging israel to restore monetary and aid into Gaza at the same levels as they did during the recent ceasefire. That's political idiocy, first off it removes all incentive for Hamas to come back to the table. If the aid is something from us once since they steal it giving them the aid. Well, Hamas continues to hold. Hostages is ridiculous. Second, Israel is currently at war. The few of us once shipped into Gaza goes largely to Hamas. Then, of course, the media liable. This leading to awkward exchanges like this one between a sky news report and a spokesperson for the idea, if you'll telling people it's gonna be targeted. Next people don't have power to power, their mobile phones them got wifi,
Well, I don't know I mean I think you and all of your viewers saw our hostages being paraded, the reasons they were released, the israel over those seven knights and hundreds of gaza. holding their phones, video in them, so clearly there's enough power to power their phones when their parading, our hostages, Raul garza. Now that same power to their farms will be to get the maps download the maps look at the floor. and don't forget we're not a ladys and I'm so sorry, we are out of time ruben. Rizzo humiliate. It's I'm sorry what we're we're done here. it turns out, there is electricity, which is how all of the terrorists and their friends are powering. Their cell phones, there's no one scenario being pressed forward by the white house for after Hamas falls be suppose it of the palestinian authority taking over in the Gaza strip. Vice president kabila Harris fresh offer disquisitions on the power of school buses invent I grams in handling the boar. Remember that time she supposed to handle the more she led. This went out there. We, you have to revitalize the palestinian authority, which means
giving the support that is necessary for good governance an understanding that on the issues that must be resolved, as we think of a plan for the day after it is about good governance, which will bring transparency and accountability to the people of Gaza and the west bank it's also about what we need to do to recognise. There must be some plan security, further region, and I suspected as a as a planet. philips. It will take into account interim and then longer term that full time work and into the uncanny valley putting out the dumbest plant, a man annabelle revitalizing, the palestinian authority appear. Does anyone have full control of its citizens and the west bank judaism area? The arable world things Mahmoud Abbas is a joke, because he is are the people who rules over by the way if elections, actually held in Washington I come ass, would likely win All this is silly nonsense and the white house knows it is silly nonsense. In fact,
because the radical muslim world perceives the white house, his weakness, they are pushing and they are pushing hard the associated press. Over the weekend, three commercial ships in the red sea were struck by ballistic missiles fired from whom he controlled yemen on sunday and he was worshipped, shot down three drones in self defense during the hours assault. According to u s military sources, responsibility for the iter. was claimed by the who the rebels were backed by iran in a statement sent come said that the attacks quote represent age rats, to international commerce and maritime security. If jeopardized international crews representing multiple countries around the world- it said the three commercial ships and their crews are connected to fourteen countries, recording central command, USS carney, which the navy destroyer detected a ballistic missile fire from who they control the areas of yemen and the bahamas. Flagged bulk carrier unity explore the missile hit near the ship shortly afterwards, the carnage shot down a drone headed its way, although not clear, if the destroyer was the target, that room was also want from yemen. About thirty minutes or the unity explore, was hit by a missile and well response
then to the distress, call the carney shot down. Another incoming drone look man said the unity explore, reported minor damage from the missile to other commercial ships, the panamanian flags carriers number nine and Sophie's two or both struck by missiles number nine reported some damage, but no casual, This will be to reward no significant damage while failing to assist the sophie. Do the carnival shot down another drone headed in its direction? The drones do no damage according to central command, We have every reason to believe that these attacks were launched by the who these in yemen are fully enabled by IRAN. They said the us will consider all appropriate responses. He military spokesmen, brigadier general yeah, yeah, sorry claimed sundays attacks, saying first vessel, was hit by a missile the second by a drone, while in the bob l mandeb straight, which links the red sea to the gulf of aden. Sorry, mention any was worshipping involved in the attack by the yemeni armed forces. Continue prevent israeli ships from navigating the red sea and of baden until the israeli aggression against our steadfast brothers in the Gaza strip stops sensory. The yemeni armed force
renew their warning to all israeli ships or those associated with israelis, it'll be I'm a legitimate target if they violate what is stated in the statement now, in a normal time, the sort of activity against american worships and against international shipping. That would be. Active supreme idiocy, the united states navy remains the world's foremost guardian of the freedom of the seas and the Bab EL mandap strait, which is the place where all these attacks are happening. That is the route by which ten percent of all global trade passes. attacking the. U s navy's rectory is absolutely insane unless you think the united states is weak. So why would the terrorists do that, while mainly because they think the united states is weak, and maybe they think that, because the democratic party's base is showing sympathy for terrorism, there's no other way to put this the latest gallup poll shows fifty percent of americans approve of Israel's military action in Gaza with forty five percent disapproving heavy partisan breakdown. In this pole, seventy one percent of republicans, agree with Israel's actions. Only thirty six percent
of Democrats do compared with sixty three percent of democratic, not what's more just thirty percent of people aged eighteen, thirty, four action, problem. Israel's actions against Hamas in the Gaza strip compared with sixty seven percent of people who don't agree only percent of people of color actually agree with we'll taking action against Hamas compared with sixty four percent, who do not? Fifty five percent of Democrats think the united states and more humanitarian aid to the palestinians. You know the same people whose governments attacked israel over seventeen horse dealing obeyed compared with just twelve percent, more military aid should be sent to Israel middle of war. Meanwhile, sick muslims are mobilizing to pressure the Biden administration according to actual scope. The american leaders from michigan minnesota arizona, wisconsin florida georgian about in pennsylvania are expected to meet in dearborn michigan, which is absolutely round. zero for radical islamism in the united states to launch what they call court in a and, in Biden campaign meter.
From the swing states they say worked together to guarantee binds was in the twenty twenty four election. It should be noted. The way the leaders of this particular campaign, own ugly histories accord, the jewish insight or one of the leaders want essentially was forced to step down local head of the council on american islamic relations for alleged domestic abuse in sexual misconduct. He calls Israel quote zionist isis several The leaders of this rally support october. Seventh. This is the kind of action that terrorists are looking for, a believe that if they create enough trouble, we'll get americans thinking twice about supporting as roma place. This is the tactic, and it is nothing new, of course, goes all the way back to the well embargo, nineteen, seventy three, it was also in lisbon strategy in the nineties, he believed that Erika was a paper tiger and, after a few blows, ran in defeat according to an interview Ninety ninety, I quote, been one believes that
we considered to be terrorism is just the amount of violence required to get the attention of the american people. His aim is to get americans to consider whether continued support of Israel is worth the bloodshed. He promises that latin told the interviewer quote. So we tell them kansas people, and we tell the mothers of soldiers and american mothers in general that if they ve their lives and the lives of their children to find a nationalistic government that will look after their interests and not the interests of the Jews. This tactics we working at least with members of the political left in the democratic party. That's why member the progressive clock it have to downplay the mass rape of women because they would like to in precisely the way Hamas and the hoodies enron wish them to cavan, but I really lose all moral credibility, so instead they have sort of condemn rape, but they have to make sure to retain balance. Cowardice requires balance after all, in just one second, we'll get
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plus programmes at a issue ten university for online bachelors programs tat to learn more It is an issue online that as you that either you are so if a large part of this games and intimidation tactic, radical muslims and the international left. That is caving too in agreeing with it? Well yeah so far, their being successful over the weekend, ain't nightmare, impaired, hildy german tourists and wounded a briton. He said motivated by the war in Gaza. According to the uk telegraph, the suspect is twenty six. He is a convicted terrorist with a history of psychiatric problems which are makes you wonder. Why is he out on the streets of paris? Why is it that europe is so damned stupid importantly, shouted for it. I'll who are? I know it was. It was a hard one before being arrested near the ice. Our on saturday Video later emerged of police officers approaching suspect, he's a french more now to iranian parents of stun guns at drawn How did he was wearing explosives and was also ready to die? He couldn't France was an accomplice,
to muslims being killed in Gaza. Is that what we do not forget your car? against muslims, especially women and children, will fight you and kill you until the last day of judgment apparently, This meant that he was going to attack a german coupled with a knife. Does that's it that you ask yourself? Why would they do that right? I mean sure they hate jews or why they just attacking random german tourists, and the answer is to scare the hell out of you. That is the whole point of terrorism who point of terrorism gary into doing what they want. That's the whole idea here and that sort of tactics now being applied pretty much everywhere, so in philadelphia last night political protesters, decide they're, gonna threatened falafel shop in philadelphia, wanted this falafel shop. Do the falafel shop involved in making really foreign policy. Apparently he's protesters? It is why, because it is really owned, so they literally guy
third outsiders, falafel shops have threatened. The owner of a falafel shop in philadelphia mean let me think, certain another population, history that threatened jewish business owners for the crime of being jewish heart. Oh yeah right I did see that one coming in any case. Hearing these these are the protesters threatening falafel shop in philadelphia for world peace. Of course, the Their shouting goal the goal. The? U can high we charge with genocide gold. These is the name of the falafel shop. By the way you may projection here is just astonishing. These are people who would love to see every jus wiped off the face of the earth, which is why they are attacking a jewish falafel.
in philadelphia- and they certainly they want to reduce the middle east killed they they want that people gone and yet they're the ones charging everybody else with genocide, which is that the amount of projection is always insane from anti semite. Meanwhile, in columbus circle you had protesters who decided that it was a great time to go shopping, so they decided to break into shops aura or run roughshod through columbus circle. The they now reached at columbus circle and airline to run into colombia circle and basically run roughshod through the shops. Then what's the goal of this, the goal is to intimidate. The goal. Is I suggest that the Way to stop their bad action is you given to their demands a runaway past thirty, so security joining amazing job also wildly understaffed right there, so excellent stuff
all over the country, and this has its predictable. A fact, which is the intimidation very often succeeds. So, for example, over in williamsburg virginia every Here they have a in official menorah lighting, a gun at tat time a year, so this week hanukkah starts funny guy is, it is dangerous one or two more minor holiday button in america, too, obviously become a big holiday because of trucks position to christmas and being part of the season, and all of this sort of thing with that said it very calm and across the counter for people to hold hanukkah, menorah lighting ceremonies, even organizer cancelled it. Why? Because, apparently, the manure alighting, which was scared, for the second sundays. Our music festival on December tenth in williamsburg said that it did not want to pierre to choose. Sides and the israel. Come ass. Conflict, nay, nay, said years away, why? What is letting up menorah have to do with the conflict in the answer is nothing but again. The idea is that if you even light menorah your choosing sides which, by the way this kind of honest, because, let's be real, that is what
I once every who would later manure they want dead or expelled. That's the goal that put the event nice reclaimed claim hanukkah celebration would send a message. A the to was called supporting the killing bombing of thousands of men, women and children, and they even went further, offered to reinstate the event. If the event called for a cease fire so few, you're the political priors of the people who are anti then they will allow you to do. What that they will allow you to let your menorah, which, by the way, is rather counter to the two is basically the the hanukkah story, all over again the hanukkah stories about the greeks basically saying to the Jews. They can't like the an and the trees, then lady, a massive revolt to stop them impinging on their religious freedom, but this kind of cowardice is becoming common all over the united states, It certainly happening on our campuses. We get to that in just one second first, holiday gift idea. That is sure to make you the hero of the seas and now we all know that This can be a little bit hectic shopping. The never ending list of things. You don't fear. I have the best gift that you can give your wife
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full of social work is holding a teaching this week The poster for this thing is insane again. This the columbia school of social work apparently be poster shows a chain that is being broken. I a love flower being fired from naked forty seven, I'm not getting any bird of peace quote significance of the october seventh palestinian counter, offensive teaching and discussed Now you might think what what? What would that counter offensive? Be: oh yeah, that was the mass slaughter and rape of hundreds of people. A thousand two hundred people killed two and forty taken hostage. That's the or offensive and holding a teacher in colombia, school of social work such exciting stuff. Meanwhile, Coronel students media protesting against Israel and universities. Involvement of companies that do business with Israel occupied a campus building on friday. worrying signs condemning the war in Gaza chanting from over to the sea. Palestine will be free, which, of course, the genocidal slogan and holding a mock trial of the university
one, Martha pollack for cold complicity in genocide. Students with the cornell for mutual liberation against the intersection, local knowledge and organise the protest which one any other student demonstrations against Israel with other groups on campus, like students for justice in palestine, which of course is a radical from group, whose first held die dying on thursday and campus. They advertise the event as equal occupation leading up to a mock trial and then finally ended up occupying school buildings disrupted, studying it practical Instead, the gene delivered on a list of demands that included the university. His strong stance against a stance against doctoring of students by doctor may mean if, if you take part in a protest- and you show your face, that's it and nobody sending their home address. It is now adopting to point out that a person participated in April As the group demanded the university divested from Israel and declared that schools, located in breaches of international law, and then they held they trial, the president of the university and found her guilty
of genocide and apartheid? Why? Because were now has ties to engineering, aerospace and other tech. Companies would be very difficult to wait to divest from the palestinians, because there are no businesses that that actually succeed from those particular areas, mainly because their run by corrupt coptic rats. so and that all went particularly well. The administration may end up meeting with them. Probably the ministration will end up caving to them, because this is what these administrations do. That's exactly what happened over a brown university on monday, night. Last brown university president christina pacts and spoke in a vigil, honouring a palestinian student had been wounded in a shooting in vermont and then numb the the president was into de my protesters, calling for the university to divest from Israel. Of course now it's amazing is that the university published the speech as written on the website that does not have speeches delivered according to the version on a website shoes.
Post to say quote at a faculty meeting last month, I said that every soon faculty and staff member should be able to proudly where a star of David organic althea on the brown campus or to cover their heads, he's our yamaha, but after a programme must do began heckling. Her airline change, to quote every student faculty in staff member should be able to proudly dont nicosia on the brown campus or to cover their head with. A huge job So I'm there goes the star of David and to keep up and the amoco, so up caving in to all the worst people again that that is what the letter. they gave to all the worst people, and- and you know knows- that is America's enemies. They know this across the board. This by the way, is why again, all? Why is it that it feels like the world's on fire, because when the world america's enemies since weakness in the white house Take advantage of this. This would also be presumably why venezuela is now threatening to invade one of its neighbours. According to yahoo, news Venezuelan electoral authorities on sunday claimed that ninety five percent of voters in a non binding referendum approved of the nation state?
torreon claim on a huge chunk of neighbouring oil rich guiana, so that, by the way that sounds like an amazingly free and fair vote in a socialist tyranny when ninety five percent to be prove what that's that it s when my favorite things by about these tyrants is that they will hold the elections in an attempt to show that they are in fact not journeys, and then they will stack the results so much that it's like ninety five to five guys. If you're going to hide the ball, like hide the ball, a little bit seems like sixty five, thirty five or something ninety five to five that they should go in crush guiana. steal all of its oil maduro, who is the corrupt, tired of venezuela hailed what he called potent overwhelming victory for the yes extra venezuela quote. We have taken the first steps of a new stork stage in the struggle of what belongs just to recover what the liberators left us, the reverend naturally raised fears, indiana and around the region about Venezuela. ultimate intentions over the contested territory. Maduro hopes outcome of the referendum will strengthen his nations century old claim to the oil rich ass, a keyboard territory,
governed by guiana, the defence minister Madam president, today is a day of ratification of national sovereignty. The people have done it with flying colours, ten point: five million votes were cast according to the an international, a tall council of his amargosa sally start. Confusion because in opposition politician suggested that each vote or cast a total of five votes, one for each question on there related to Venezuela's claim apparently like to two million people who turned out. Maduro governments that it was not seeking justification to invade or annex the huge territory. But of course the whole point is a threat. Whole point is the threat. Anyone they are saying basically, is sure we environment we have an absolutely good claim to you, know you territory of our neighbour, so we should just maybe we'll grab it or maybe you'll see a bribe, do the same sort of stick: their kim jong boone team. We does in north korea. You drops some sort of nuclear test weapon, and then he asked for the west to pay him. So he went to a bad thing
Israel has claimed a huge territory this people for decades, even though its one hundred and sixty thousand square kilometers, represent more than two thirds of guiana and its popular of one hundred twenty five thousand is one fifth of the entire population of guiana, so good times, good times, And again, that's only happening would that be happening undertake a president from I have serious doubts. Meanwhile, the situated in the situation in ukraine continues to be very bad for the ukrainians, they tried in all out frontal assault on dug in positions. It didn't work now, according to political NATO secretary general guns, soul, timber. Warn the western military alliance should be ready for bad news from ukrainian front as key continues to defend against russia's all out invasion. Sombre says wars develop in phases. We should also be prepared for bad news, his comments, come as western allies debate over ammo and financial aid for ukraine and Moscow's boosting his troop levels, russian president
animal Putin signed a decree on friday to increase the number of soldiers by one hundred and seventy thousand to a total of one point. Three million ones really have not moved very much number is calling on NATO members. Remember the production of ammunition. Now the reason is that Putin is doing. That is because he assumes that the west is going to essentially leave ukraine defenceless, though I should not do that. We should provide ukraine with what is it. share in order to defend its own territory by looking for an offer am despite what has been true since about months into war because was perfectly clear from the outset of the words the military goal of pushing russia we have crimea or that arm. Ass was not going to succeed. Russian spent ten years infringing itself in these areas and absent providing crimes like f twenty two's. Nothing was going to change in this particular area They would that said, russia, sensing weakness and they are pushing in their pushing very
very hard. Meanwhile, the left is concerned with the things that we are almost concerned about. Right, I mean like we might be concerned by the world being unfair. Both the left is concerned about is fossil fuels. Now, maybe you think that that's crazy, because it's crazy, but for the left You have to understand that the the chief moral priority on earth right now is deindustrialization and redistribution ism. This is the thing they care about the most. They believe that the world's on fire because america's enemies, sense, weakness and then prey on that weakness. I believe the world's on fire, because we're not setting clinical more of an example and the way that we need to set an example is by de industrialize in its by taking green initiatives in order to curb our own economic growth. now, ironically, the result of that is going to be the impoverishment of many of the countries that require actual economic health is gonna. Make those countries more aggressive, not less richer countries tend to fight each other.
was so I guess the idea here is impoverish. Everyone in the world will become more peaceful. It's really really stupid. So the? U a e climate chief sultan Al Jubeir. He and he said yesterday that the fossil fuel phase out this thing, that's being pushed by the entire international community like this is really dumb. It is not going to work, he happens to be correct. We do not I'm not in any way signing up to any discussion. That is alarmist. I am, he had factual and respect the science no sir science out there if no scenario out there that says that the phase out of fossil fuel as we want to achieve one point, five one point: five as minor stuff and I face down and if his other of view and my view is inevitable, that is essential, but we need to be written
serious and pragmatic about it. I'm sorry I observed when I see- and I am not accepting that I'm sorry, I respect you and I do not accept any false accusations- have been very clear about my position. This is wrong and you are asking for a piece of the fossil fuel. Please help me show me the roadmap for peace, in the face of good will, allow that will allow for sociaux for sustainable socio economic development unless you want to take the world back into caves. Show me okay. He is absolutely right about all that. That would be, of course, the. U a e and he's totally right about all that, but the west has this bizarre ruling vision that if they magically say that fossil fuels should be phased out and enable just disappear, and everyone will retain their level of you
image, development or sort of oj they won't buy, which is what the sultan is saying or he's like. Well, I know, if you do this, then the economy is going to tank, which of course, is true. Nonetheless, fighting climate. John Kerry went directly from failing in foreign policy to failing on climate change here now, calling for the death of more coal plants, which is good luck, dude transitioning out of coal shouldn't be any more coal fired power plants permitted anyway, in the world that you could do something, and the reality is that we are not doing so. The measure here is is really the alarm bell. I find myself getting more and more militant because I do not understand how adults, we're in position of responsibility can be. Avoiding responsibility for taking away those things killing people on a daily basis, you so ridiculous. Howard eagles, is John Kerry article four,
whilst returnable wealthy nations are sending tens of billions of dollars to poor ones, for clean energy, the linchpin of What strategy to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the developing world, but two of the most ambitious efforts yet south africa in indonesia, are now at risk of unravelling slowing down the rich worlds, ability to push developing countries away from coal and other fossil fuels. South africa in indonesia, among the world's most core hungry These are backtracking on commitments. They made to burn less of the fuel under agreements known as the just energy transition partnerships which offer them twenty when five billion dollars from the united states and other wealthy nations. So just ignoring it. Then their taking the money and then there's still building their coal fired power plants were paying people to continue What they were doing in the first place, when, by the way, the only actual way but environmentalism has become a thing, is through the wealth of the west. That is why we get the morality of the west is not tied up in reality. These days is tied up in absolute fancy, and there is no better example of this than the current one.
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some urgently jumper, the first one rolling speed action alex looking a little chubby weber. So I bought him some new food, it's organic and vegan jobs are supposed to eat. Meat are descendants of wolves. You ever see a vegan wolf on the nature channel either vegan and coffee is for closers. Ladies, listen up, don't make this a prisoner, you don't do anything stupid or then. Last year I made heteronormative cisgender white male, for which I apologize.
it's black and they used to be enough, but I'm also bilingual and I'm non binary where the army will drink more. Before nine am the navy people do all day he rubbed all the power off his emotional support for the damn thing like it beignets the charity and work, two words that should never go together like women and opinions. I want a burly man, they're salty, and make me dizzy sorry just due to find that they fixed my gaming chair when I visited the construction site. My chair was a five gallon bucket was also my toilet. The hey! I'm done, I'm going back to bed thanks a lot it's hilarious, wearisome, huge cast daily, where plus annual membership. Today, for fifty percent off be the first to see all the exciting content we have in store for twenty twenty four, including MR
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people are not allowed to use carbon based fossil fuels. The most efficient fuels known to mankind are a perfect example. This sort of moral disconnect, unfortunately, is pope francis, so pope francis I've been very critical of pope Francis. Of course, I don't have a particular dog in the catholic fight, except I believe, the catholic church strongest and best for western civilization when it holds to some semblance of traditional values so to stories from the vatican over the course of the week, and one pope francis did take action against one of his biggest critics. According to the blaze is the second time this month, prince is punished in american pray, France is punished. Cardinal raymond burke, seventy five world cannon where from wisconsin he revoked brooks salary. Any cities, the vatican apartment, he was living, like other cardinals in rome in his apartment for free, he received a monthly stipend five thousand bucks. He said that is taking action ginsburg because he was a source of disunity according to anonymous anonymous participant. In a particular conversation on November twentieth
unnamed source in france is punished, but because he was using his privileges against the church. Reports from earlier this week claim that the pope set of birth during the meeting quote cardinal burke is my enemy, So I take away his apartment and his salary frances denies making comments. I never used the word enemy. pronoun, my I simply announced the fact of the meeting of the disaster had without giving specific explanations. work has been very critical of france's by saying you're, focusing unlike the environment, and you don't seem to care at all about the crucial social issues that are dividing the church today and in the cases you're being soft on them. That happens to be right by the way The pope has been unbelievably soft. What he does he issues these sort of vague exclamations about, say, algebra, ciccu issues inside the church or say about female priests? Yes it's like he doesn't actually cave on them. He just makes really vague statements that seem to open the door and then, when asked for clarification, he says why? What? How dare you ask for clarification? perfectly clear, no you weren't, or nobody would be asking the questions, that's happening on the one hand, and then, on the other hand, you ve got the pope,
for the elimination of fossil fuels, which, by the way for a church that is seeking new adherents in the poorest parts of the world, it out there. You know they actually need fossil fuels, I'm sorry to be It's the pope and everybody else in the environmentalist corner, the single most efficient source of fuel on the planet remains fossil fuels. That's particularly true. If you're looking at places like africa, if you're looking at places like asia, like south america, development of many countries. Already burdened by great someone didn't seem informal, Brandt's, obviously stevenson seal peace when it is there that we should consider the footprint of a few nations responsible, What a deeply troubling, because all you have anticipated snake oil was many others. It would only be fair to find a suitable means of meeting the financial dave's that burden different peoples interchange at signal, so they need for a political change. Let us
from there not only of self interest in nationalism, but these are approaches to belonging to the past This is joining embracing on alternative vision. These will help to bring about an ecological conversion. ecological conversion. I mean it seems to me that they should spend more time talking about spiritual conversion. I say this is too and if you re talking about ecological conversion again this is the new morality them. New morality is not based on anything remotely like social morality or church or family in space and all their ancillary issues that build up a bizarre caught like morality, focused on clinical saving, the earth. ridiculous. Ok, meanwhile, closer to home. Over the course of last few days, the congress expelled george santos. He currently faces twenty three Federal charges, including fraud and identity theft, has pledged not guilty before friday expulsion,
past three eleven one fourteen. Only five people in history had been boosted by the house three removed in eighteen, sixty one because actually served in the active confederacy, the other two in nineteen eighty two thousand two according to the wall street journal or convicted of serious crimes, so kind move to boot santos because he's pretty obvious the guilty of all the stuff. However, setting a present booting members before they actually been convicted of a crime. That's gonna open Nor do a lot of things you wanted booting members based on the fact they ve been accused of a crime welcome, the congress were half. Congress is accused of a crime As the wall street journal, editorial board points out. It is no good to argue that chances of fabulous you fibbed, has waned office how's that and without a member's the congress. What's now shortly after santa's disaster pennsylvania, senator John futterman, his call jack centre Bobby Mendez expel santos. How can you allow We like menendez domain, as I think it is essential for egypt, because that's the accusation
is that it was paid off by foreign countries, so yeah may now be that in congress in accusation, tantamount to a conviction and really that started with the anti movement, because again accusations against trumpets and ukraine based on russian all the rest of the sort of stuff We considered sufficient to push a p, an inquiry into him answer now accusation, is gonna, be tantamount to the actual conviction, showgirls, what you think of him it. I think, he's ridiculous figure almost as ridiculous. As you know, one third of the rest of congress, but if the new standard is accused equals guilty, then welcome to congress where there are like five people left. Meanwhile, the donald trump vs Joe Biden, race continues to move forward. How Democrats are realising that by economics is a giant fail. According to axioms house Democrats have rejected the white house this month long campaign to sell by dynamics this up. in return months ago, democratic ingress, campaign media a committee and how much repack, two key fundraising: arms
are avoiding using the term by economic and social media and press releases because they say the tagline is ineffective, this past summer house Democrats stuck with people over politics. rather than by economics. Apparently according them, Having sources there saying that by not ex presents a bunch of issues is aids. Without these are a bunch of logging on me, one democratic strata said, the biggest problem wasn't using Biden but the terms to philosophical and require too much explanation. They're going to continue to put, by dynamic policies, digital use, the catchphrase by economics, because a dry and fail There is some hilarity that, because the reason by economics became a thing is because obama was a thing in obama was personally popular, so winking bob, obama personally popular president with his feeling policies made the policies somewhat more popular, attaching biting his name. Who is that economic policies makes his bad economic policies worse for the american people
If the Democrats are running headlong from Joe Biden in the twenty twenty four election, which is not a good sign for Joe Biden, which means the real hope for Democrats is not Joe Biden. The real hope for Democrats is that somehow some way people show up to vote against donald trump. That is a very dicey, proposition, they're, basically making two separate arguments one is the donald trump will be a dictator or gets at any moment, plus there making the argument that donald trump is a criminal. A problem there for trump is that, It doesn't have to be a criminal to be convicted as a criminal in places like Washington DC, we'll get to all the updates from court in just one second. First, if you're a business owner, you need to grow your team. Your perfect gift is really simple. You want a smart hiring solution, Adam silences, the show editor and he just returned from paternity leave. Today we are really excited to have him back because he will get the show in tip top shape. People like adam
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The latest messenger Harris heterosexual has from fifty two to forty eight. Joe Biden in the polling average trumped up almost two point: forty seven to fifty five forty five point, three in his lead in only two of the last, maybe ten poles. These are very bad numbers for Joe Biden again. Is that that his? Others have gone down, they haven't, they ve been pretty stagnant, in fact their little bit up from where they were back in june. The problem is that the numbers for trump have risen pretty dramatically. Why are those numbers rising because trump isn't in the news, while democrats have two ways of putting from back in the news that is their actual strategy, one is claimed that donald trump is going to be a tyrant and the other is criminal conviction. Those are the two big plan, so on the is a tyrant side, Robert kagan, a post opinions contributing at her has apiece over the washington post called a trump dictatorship, increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending only gonna play. No one thinks trouble going to become a dictator of america. You know how you become dictator of america by taking control of the military. Do you think
military simply going go along with Donald trump plans to completely subvert the constitution of the united states. Giving us a thing. cabin didn't happen on january, second, even come remotely close to happening on january six. Trump dictatorship, and, what's funny, is that the elements of dictatorship that they suggest are all things that Democrats are currently doing again. Action. Here is super strong too. Oh, my god, he might take over the bureaucracy. Oh you mean, like democrats, have taken over the bureaucracy for like one hundred years. Oh my god, he might put federal judges on the courts that are oh you mean like Democrats, I've been trying to stop the courts, for you know that several generations. what? What exactly is the trouble going to do that so insanely dictatorial according to robert kagan? The next phase is about people falling in line, talking about how from is going to pick up the nomination in all likelihood, and then he said Trouble not only dominate his party will become the central focus of everyone's ten, even today, the news media can scarcely resist, fallen, trumps every word and action once secures the nomination you will loom over the counter
Like a colossus is every word and gestured chronicled endlessly. So first of all that was true of obama as well, but then The idea is going to be that once he takes power, something terrible is going to happen. If from does when the election will immediately become the most powerful person ever to hold that office, not only will he wield the awesome powers of the american executive, but he will do so with the fewest constraints of any president fewer even than in his own first term. What limits those powers most obvious answer? Is the institutions of justice, all of which, from his very election of divine, to fight and revealed as impotent a court system that could not can trump is a private. Individual is not going to control him better. When he's president of the united states and appointing his own attorney general and all the other top officials at the justice department, are you kidding me so? In other words, because trumpets going to nominate his own energy? This makes him dictator I'd like to introduce you to marry garland we're going all act, Clinton janet Reno, like what what what the hell are. We talking about here your congress, topmast robert kagan president's, can
ambush not sure these days without congressional approval, as even barack obama showed you mean, would mean even academic, humanely showed it. It was brok obama. We started this process the final constraint on presidents. has been their own desire for a glittering legacy, but is that the way from thinks he thinks is legacy will be napoleon? Was president turning to a dictatorships as Robert taken the odds are again pretty good. What what exactly? What the hell are you talking about He says that his administration will be filled with people with enemies lists a determined conrad vetted officials will It is their sole presidential authorized mission to root out those in the government who cannot be trusted, many will be fired. Others will be subject to career, destroying investigations it get like this is so tiresome and it's not gonna hunt stocks not cannot, which means that in the end, what Democrats are really relying upon its not scaring the hell out of you about trump? It's gonna be criminal. Mention the bad news for drum is the criminal conviction is a high likelihood. Given the latest developments in Washington dc
so any mccarthy over at national review points out that over the weekend from was dealt to defeat in washington, DC federal court judge, tanya chuck and whose presiding over the criminal case with regard to general six, twenty twenty ruled that he is not immune from nominal prosecution now is unlikely. Who's ever gonna get a ruling in his favour, but it could determine the viability of from twenty twenty four presidential bade. According to mccarthy, according mccarthy truck is forty. Eight page opinion rejected. The former presidents claims that the first in in his prosecution by the button justice department, special council, jack smith, was, he says, I've periodically spotlighted the immunity issue. It's not that I thought trump had much of a chance of prevailing. He says immunity issue is critical for trump because it is available, pre trial and thus actually a vehicle for delay in the ways from spain strategy, but that got shot down. Sir. No delay, he says trousers, one by legal claims, which are argued outside the jury's presents jury trials, are one by factual evidence, a good deal of the evidence against trumpets unsavory, but but it doesn't really matter
because it's deasey jury, he says recognize. You could be very well convicted in the federal election interference case. He knows that in pulling which showed him leading by not a number a battleground states indicated a material slice of his support would fall away if convicted in one or more criminal cases. He says that the delay tactic was trumps best option, and now the delay tactic is probably going away. He says he thinks that the appeal by trump is probably don't we by the supreme court. He says for now what matters most is this: it is doubtful the former president and current job huh front runner will get the delay he seeks in his election interference case, he's very likely to be facing a court trial in washington running from march, to made twenty twenty four. And are required to be in attendance throughout the entire federal criminal trial and lets say that he's convicted. He says that he thought
trump Kim would exercise for braun authority to allow him to remain and liberty pending sentencing, which is about three months after problem, is just that he would be sentenced if convicted may junior, august so in august, so Mccarthy says of proper convicted and sentenced to a term of imprisonment. The default position of The law would call for the revocation of bail in an order that he be remanded. That presumption could be overcome only if chuck made a finding that trump's appeal raised a substantial issue likely to result in reversal of the conviction, which is probably unlikely, so we may enter the final days of the, twenty four election with trump actively imprison. That is thing that may actually happen other truck and his basically rejected all arguments to the contrary. That is there and so when trump says this election interference, he is certainly not wrong, at least when it comes to that DC case, which is eight, which is a debacle already coming up. We'll get to the new religion of the left, with goddess beyond, say. If you're, not a member, become member useful, If you're at out for two months, free and annual plans put that linking the description and join us,
Transcript generated on 2023-12-06.