« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1860 - The Debate America Deserves

2023-12-01 | 🔗

Ron DeSantis takes on Gavin Newsom on Fox News – and it doesn’t go well for the California governor; as Elon Musk goes to war with politically-motivated boycotts, The Daily Wire increases its ad spend on X; and the Biden administration puts the screws to Israel.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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fox news held a debate between governor on his hands to flora and governor governance from California was a stark contrast. Envisions census laid out his record plainly. He could. size, california, shortcomings, accurately newsome, obfuscation, record and that of his opponent, but it was all things sold a reality We normal political debate, a debate which both sides can their information and pointed and argued over that information on those points in this policy positions it was in short, america deserves. It was not in fact a debate. The needs right now, two senses generalise take on california failures, so I was talking to a fella who had made move from California to florida, and he was telling me that florida as much better govern safer, better budget, a lower tar, since all this stuff is really happy with the quality life in any pause, and he said, oh by the way I'm gavin sums father in law, so we do count gabions in laws as some of the people that have fled California. They understand that florida is doing it right and I can tell you
numbers speak for themselves. We have way more. Let me move on to this state and leaving Gavin can't say the opposite. More people are leaving. California, then are moving and more elevating limit, but the reality is they have failed because of his left, this ideology and the choice for america's this. What bite in harris and new some want to do is take the california model and do that nationally. In florida we show that conservative principles work. This country must choose freedom over failure is what a good conservative candidate looks like, and here is given new some on the other side going after rhonda santas suggesting falsely that whose banning books six books have been banned. Just last year on IRAN, dissenters, leadership, a lovely is pulling this out. I've seen this he's been doing this all of the campaigns for what's wrong with Toni Morrison's books. It's not banned. What's wrong, it's not true matt. What's wrong with the man, a gorman's, not brilliant poetry, one thousand four hundred
There is one thousand loud and six but cosmic or have been banned on your banning bench in the state of florida is not, of course, true, but have not been banned in the state of lord of the only question is whether there are books that are inappropriate for a fifth or sixth graders. The don't belong in junior high libraries to senses responded by actually put out a sheet of a book called you nuclear and showing what it looks like in a public school, obviously newsome. Defend. That here was the science is doing just that. What is the role of the role the schools to educate? Kids, not indoctrinate kids, it's not to impose an agenda. to do the basics, and what we said in Florida is its inappropriate to tell a kindergartner that their gender is a choice. It's an appropriate tell second greater that they may have been born in the wrong body now. California has that they want to have that injected into the elements school, my wife and I have a seven five in a three year old. We don't think that that's appropriate. I know most parents do not think it appropriate. It's also
important respect parental rights to know what curriculum is being used in the classroom and everything should be age appropriate, actually have something that I brought that some parents have objected If this is a book, that's in some of the schools in California florida. This is not consistent with our standards called gender queer eye. It's some of it's blacked out. You would not probably be able to put this on air. This is pornography, it's cartoons, it's aimed at children and it's wrong. So this should not be in schools, when people like on the left say that somehow you're banning books by removing this from a young kids classroom. No, this is not age. A pro yet and so working to stand for the rights of parents. I think we need to do that. Nation I don't think you can have a situation where some states is trample on the rights of parents, parents have a fundamental right to direct the education and upbringing of their kind then there is excellent stuff there from rhonda, santa's newsome also tried after the chance by claiming that the santa's lockdown florida, also
well technically claiming by the way that he was far too loose in his covered policies whose taking these sort of donald trump around a sense that he was simultaneously to harsh into loose uncovered. Let's talk about your record covert, You pass an emergency declaration before the state, a california did you close down. You be Does your bars your restaurants? It's a fact video, teens quarantines yet checkpoint. all over this data of florida. By the way, I didn't say that now played you out on this dead right. You did that we followed science. weiler, fouche not always followed side, is that we should follow suit, factual y know. Anyone leave on promoting lord antony were openly were promoting vaccines. You even war, and I ask it there's a guy or club if its. If it's ok with you will do, if I were you
What are we, though? They don't know where we both can have a real opportunity so long you poor or now dialogue. I am dying to let a breeze, tat or twenty one are. You did all advantage until he decided to fall prey to the fringe of his party and, as a consequence of that, on tens of thousands of people lost their lives for the equivalent. If I add to your policies, the equipment- and not a loved. Tens of thousands of people lost their lives and for what reason. So in the same line of attack. Newsome is suggesting that this has locked down the state and then he suggesting that he should not have locked down, but also he should have locked it down This house has responded by clocking newsome on his own record, uncovered on a per capita age, adjusted basis, californian for Basically the same now. Why is that important? Because Evan newsome did huge damage to people in california. He ruined livelihoods? We reopen
the state very quickly. We save thousands of jobs. We say hundreds at that, hundreds, thousands of jobs, thousands of businesses. We had our kids in school. He had the kids locked out of school the teachers union that is having a generational impact. California is one of the Lois literacy rates in the country and the most recent nape exam florida came in number three four fourth grade reading California was far far behind, so you should apologise for not. In your kids illegal. Why didn't you get the kids in school in the summer of twenty twenty like we do only bowed and they can t do only person do the job you shot. I. his hands. He went on to roast governors we're going to the french laundry unmasked. While everybody else was locked, Nana couldn't go to restaurant. I remember because. a time I was still living, California, that the Martha's vineyard transport, Martha's vineyard said it was a sanctuary jurisdiction kind of reminds me about Gavin newsome when he restricted california,
and then he went to the french laundry. These liberal leads they like to impose burdens on you. They don't want to have to face the consequences of their actions. We ve got a lot of elites who want open border let our everybody else about it in a minute. They have to deal with any of the consequences. Oh man, oh hell, breaks, loose correction. I had already moved from California to florida like tens of thousands of other people to see its also added the nuisance home city of san francisco, where newsome was mayor and he pledged clean up san francisco he pointed out that was covered in human poop and proceeds to show it wouldn't work. In a total time governor, yeah, I didn't, I didn't needs it. This is a map of san Francisco. There's a lot of the on that. You may be asking what is that plotting? Well, this is an app where they plot the human feces that are found on the streets of san francisco and you see how almost the whole thing is covered, because that is what has happened and wanted
previous greatest cities. This country's ever had human face it is now a fact of life, except when a communist dictator comes the town, then they cleaned up, streets, they line the streets with chinese flies, absolutely correct. San Francisco is full crap and so is Gavin newsom. Perhaps this answers finest moments when you called nuisance vision of liberty, noting that by Libby a governess and generally men taking power away from parents, especially in the area of genuine sexuality in california, you're parent in iowa, our new hampshire, south carolina interior minor child can go to california. without your knowledge or without your consent, and get hormone therapy puberty blocker in a sex change operation. All with you knowing or consenting how in the heck, is Well, you know what honouring parents rights when you're bringing people format estate to go around their parents backs and getting less altering surgeries? That is right?
called laundries care. That is an assault right. You know what ok all of this right here. The debate america deserves, you know it of eight overseer is policy differences and governance, styles and abate about california versus florida debate over the future of the country, but it is, The debate america needs right now. The debate- can he needs right now is a debate over one simple topic: why are we gonna get Biden versus from a likelihood. Why should america be faced with the prospect of an election in which with candidates are elderly and fading in which both can Our wildly unpopular with the american electrical binds approval rating is currently forty point. Six percent in the real, clear politics pulling average down trumps. Forty one point, one percent and in which both candidates can serve one more term in office. Why is that the fate of america? The other is actually pretty simple for the Democrats. the party bosses remaining control of the levers of power for the republicans. The party bosses aren't in controls of leavers of power Democrats right now are cramming down Joe Biden on their own base, but they also control the power
which means that candidates like newsome morn admits running. Even ownership is pretty is running many simultaneously running, just in case Joe Biden, should kill over or fall down the stairs too hard? The scientists pointed that out last night appointment rate is two point: eight percent There are times when they. Why? Because it's a command and control economy, they have a political agenda that they are pursuing. Second question: people on the question of jobs. I think it's important. You know what that is that in a way that affects thereby in straight in the last three years. Does not master lies in january and I require nine percent. I thought this was a slave versus stay report, but is about the united states of america thought this guy was running for president united states. If you aren't you just wandering about for a year data just lying in wait, it very well not admit it her minor guy gentlemen, nature and why we can't ok. So that's true, but on the other hand, got the republican party where Donald trump leads in the real carparks polling average. I leaps and bounds in every primary trump is
As always, I nearly every sign of every issue. This is his stock in trade. He's pro life is responsive. For the overturning of rovers wade and his pro, we talk about abortion, we should come comes generalised consensus, he's probably alarm you literally championed a be endorsement two days ago, and and I'd be alone, pro isolationism and pro interventionism he's pro entitlements in these anti deficits. Number we seem to matter. That is why newsome slamming the senses during the debate by suggesting that trumps nomination is a foregone conclusion. There are profoundly princess tonight and I look forward and gave him, but there's one thing in closing that we have, in and is neither of us will be the nominee for our party in twenty twenty four there is, he is doing the work of joy I know was it. Maybe newsome is wrong. Maybe two senses pulls off iran. Maybe he wins iowa and he switches the momentum. Maybe Nikki haley pulls it off The odds right now are not in their favour, but if the election does not being from Biden rather than say, dances, verses, newsome, maybe we need
If the original question and ask what is the debate erica deserves, and what does the debate america needs it? america needs is a debate over whether we even have a debate at all in this country, anymore, weather or even came of doing normal debate in this country anymore, whether we are polarize the debate? Somehow you don't actually matter the only The matters is how we manage our divorce. Sure you don't deserve a serious political debate because work in unserious people in a very serious time. don't deserve a real debate on policy, because we ve, given up on such debates, held together in favour of need. Your sentiments about our fellow americans, or maybe just maybe the problem even deeper than that. Maybe the problem is that, after decades radicalism from the american left usurpation of institutional power by that left in corporate amerika on the courts in the media, it's too late for any compromise. We brooks or any true brokered, maybe
about policy, maybe both sides just have a mutual view in mind. If that is the case, that should be the debate. What exactly do we have in common? What can bring us together? What is Erica really all about what maintains america have to answer that question before we get some policy questions until we. That question the defences newsome debate will not be the debate we need, and it certainly won't be the debate we actually deserve in just one second we'll get to. You must, because you wanted a fast- in an interview on Wednesday really interesting step, but first birch. Well, let me just tell you right now: the economy I dunno trades. Him, though you don't know which, which way it's going One thing you do know is that america is running massive deficits. The national is running at thirty four trillion dollars at this point in the next few years can arise. forty trillion dollars? That's just wade's gonna go, and that means eventually the currency is gonna. Be to inflate again betting on it. It has never been with euro is actually a smart investment David by your savings with physical, precious metals, while stockpiling sober in your home, safe birch gold groups most
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you specifically referring to major corporate leaders who spend their knees. Vote signalling, while cracking down on dissenting opinions in promoting harmful material. Here's what he had to say totally. Contrary cells too much in terms of electric vehicles as threats of recovery, in the united states. Combined total has done more to help the environment than all of the companies combined refer to say that, therefore, as a leader of the company, I've done more for the environment than everyone else, any single human on earth. How do you feel about that? not our so that? No I'm I'm asking you personally how you feel about that, because it goes where total power and influence in I'm saying what what what to care about is that the reality of goodness not the perception of it? And what I see all over the place. Is people who care about looking good while doing evil here was explicitly talking about companies like disney who see yoga
Eiger had announced earlier in the month of the males house would stop advertising on acts formerly known as twitter eiger explained, decision to end raw sorkin. You stopped advertising linux. We didn't tell us about the decision, are you are have a water respect for life and what is accomplished? Not just one business, but few businesses and we know you line is larger than life and in many respects His name is very much tied to the companies. He either founded, or he owns, whether its tesla of uniform or space x, rays, exercise x or now accuracy. and by him taking the position that he took in quite a public manner. Just felt that the association with that position- and- and here I must end- was not necessarily a positive one. For us,
we decided we would pull are advertising. This is wrong. it was, of course, disney is not pulling its advertising on acts because one of you on mosques tweet a tweet. He then explained poligized for their pulling their advertising because they are part of an advertiser cascade that is designed to pressure elon musk into doing their bidding. Now, thing. For an advertiser to decline to be associated with any outlet or product that happens, all the time on this I would and other shows that's their right. We live in a free market when come make public announcements that they are withdrawing their money that has obviously designed to create public pressure and the pressure in this This is for you on musk and acts to do the bidding of groups like media matters. The far left censorship group that seeks to destroy political opponents through I'm cases outright slander? Media matters. One must to censor those who doesn't like and they are willing to astro secondary boycotts against advertisers. To achieve that, that's, why must currently suing media matters disney there's pulling their money from ex are bowing down on their own catastrophic, woke strategies disney, has asked
finally destroyed on stock valley over the past few years. By going woke, these companies can t to tell the world how proud they are to be woke. It really don't like free speech, and they especially hate any company or platform that can break their stranglehold on the media. The same yeah that has never been willing to say, go fuck yourself to the likes of disney. It's a true clash of the titans. Now, while the daily wire doesn't have disney money. Yet we see what you gonna do with acts as one most important things actually happening in the culture today when it comes to preserving free speech, which is why today, we insured. Two hundred fifty thousand dollars spend four take over annex to promote our new. we shall length comedy lady dollars. We may lady, where's, because hollywood, aided and abetted by big tech censorship, will not make a movie about how Nicholas Lee absurdities that we now pretend that men can be women and allow grown men to call themselves women and then dominate women's sports extra the conversations and away no other social media outlets does and provide space to freely absurdities like we do in lady dollars in ways that other outlets, one, in other words, excess
only social media platform. That allows and is attempting to even preserve free speech who wouldn't want Investing that, when the answer apparently is disney, will aren't you fifty thousand dollars cut into x is lost new thanks, a virtue signalling now much, but every little bit does help, and if we want to keep acts, free speech, space everyone continue to subsidize the businesses they like, as you want, so aptly put it if me and others are successful in their advertising boycott, it will kill free speech. If that happens, everybody is going to know who actually killed it. Ok. Just one second will get you all the update from the middle EAST. Israel has now doomed, its offensive in the Gaza strip after Hamas broke the sea. Fire and fired a bunch of rockets into Israel and committed a terror attacks on street, In jerusalem against people who are just standing at a bus, stop we get to that momentarily. First, don't give somebody a pair of socks this year for the holidays, that's dumb! No one wants socks give a gift that will knock their socks off instead, try good ranchers your source for stana guess this holiday season, while others will be
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liver, we'll folks, we do have an exclusive clip from lady bellers again that is available to night at daily wire, plus only if the subscriber emergency that eight p m eastern tonight fifty percent off by the way for two days. You can see the movie here's what we're? Ok, I'm sorry as divorce. I think it's really starting to affect my daughter seriously. Of course, you're divorces affecting your daughter. Seventy percent of all people in prison come from broken family she's, twice ass, likely to do drugs twice ass, likely to drop out of school ports.
It is likely to have trouble fitting in three times as likely to end up in therapy twice ass, likely to commit suicide. Fifty percent more likely to have health problems. Do you, people not even to a african google search before we decide to love the planet or kids, live on readers. Fuck when he's going to be fine, just keep fighting with her mom and get her into a school journalism program she could end up like me. lady ball streaming exclusively on daily wire plus December first, only the daily wire will make this sort of movie. Why will not? Just because it actually laugh at the things that yourself to laugh at you know like boys, being girls in such because that's ridiculous and silly and really damaging
also no one is gonna message against abortion monitor society. No one does it the fact that there is actually no lines in the script were an actress says the thing that we all, which is the divorce, is extraordinarily damaging to children, that is, thing that hollywood has pushed against for literally decades claiming the divorce might in fact be good for kids. The best thing for kids is what parents selfishly decide to part ways and leave the kid with their planet exploded, as said it in the movie. Now, Hollywood has helped facilitate the break up of families in american side with exactly that's or investing? Marriage is just about love. The children are ancillary to the marriage, and we don't do that ideally where, which is why we make movies that actually take. On issues while doing in the guise of a comedy, which is exactly what is happening here in lady bars. This is why you should subscribe really not just because the movie is fun, although the movies really fun you should subscribe, because we're the only people working to make this kind of moving the kind of movie that actually pushes back in the culture against the prevailing wisdom of the left that is dominant from hollywood,
every single day and has shaped several generations of people in exactly the wrong direction. So again, I left on the bench, get your daily wear, plus membership right now you get fifty percent off a daily wire dot com, slash subscribe and you can join us tonight for the of lady bellows at eight p m eastern at daily wire plus. So the idea is bombing the Gaza strip and the reason they are bombing the Gaza strip again is because the Gaza strip was firing rockets them again so over. Worse of the last twenty four hours Hamas took credit for a shooting in Jerusalem, in which at least four people were killed. Sixteen people were wounded was two brothers from east jerusalem are claimed as devotees by Hamas, got out of their car and literally just open fire with m16 on a bunch of people who are standing. There now According to the mainstream media, israel bombing military targets and accident, when killing civilians is exactly the same thing as terrorist, getting out at a bus, stop like a bust up in our neighborhood and shooting people
which is precisely what happened in Jerusalem says: violation of the cease fire number one and then last night Hamas began firing rockets again at israel because effectively they have run out of hostages that they are willing to hand over to Israel, I time because the house is where left our israeli. a cherry or women or children, either dad nurse bodies at this point or have been raped, mutilated or never the story, maybe be Hamas is me very clear what they are and once again the world is trying to pretend that Hamas is not what it is. According to the uncle of a couple of the hostages or was sixteen. Any gall Yakov was twelve quote. They took the lead them. Each child taken hostage and burn them with the exhaust of a motorcycle to mark them in case they ran away, so they could find them. They were drugged so that as they did they they I mean this is like at auschwitz, bore tattooed in order to make sure that the nazis knew who people were when Hamas kidnap children, They immediately burn them with the exhaust pipe of motorcycles.
In order to brand them. If they ran away, they can be quickly identified in recaptured by Hamas. Meanwhile, we are being tree two hostage, videos of garden be boss. Your dane is the father a family that was slaughtered by Hamas. It are taken, can There cannot be played the video yesterday there can kidnapping his mom and two young children, we're talking bulky four year old and a ten month old, most of says that they're dead commodities being that there were killed in his really airstrike, which may very well be true, because Hamas took them to the Gaza strip in there would have been no air strikes in the Gaza strip of commerce and taken them in the first place and then there these two hostage, video of dad who has just been told that his family are all dead, This is what Hamas is truly evil human some of debris, garbage human beings here was a little bit of the hostage video, which is common propaganda, of course,
The you destroyed my family and my children. Everything I had my life, Then you can bring me and I'm home, and they will be buried in Israel I'm begging, you bring me, and my wife and my children home page met their bodies. At this point, this is who commerce is, and these apparently the people that the american laughed and much the internationalist wants to protect as a power in the Gaza strip. and ads of golly down a dual americans really citizen who is taken hostage in return for days. If you Before being released, said her niece one piece of peter bread per day with four other captives I have a shower bath for fifty days according to the and the five hostages were kept in above ground apartments changing locations at least once apparently, her hair was cut off, choose covered completely in life. One of the hostages was here
in the attic of a member of the EU and our w way. And then this is who come ass are this zoo Mozart. Plus, we now have video of commerce and and tape of Hamas, stealing humanitarian aid. Here's a picture from one of the hamas tunnels and, as you will see, it is completely filled with humanitarian aid workers in their that revealed. Nobody wishes to shoot the that is you and are that we re bags fuel, canisters in the Hamas tunnel, where you us of his coming from meanwhile Hamas leader, Yasin wire who is a person who was released in the last hosted exchange that Israel did for gilad Shalit there at least one hundred at one thousand and twenty seven prisoners, and he was released as one of those prisoners. He is now the head of military operation of Hamas. Israel's his life, your brain cancer, and then they least him in here. This hell upon them. So he
Now it s called the leaders of the occupation should know october. Seventh was just a rehearsal. Meanwhile, Hamas official was on with them aid. Tik. Tok youtube personnel, an in built, more bashar and explaining ass is going to launch more attacks against Israel, no other and become Ella sit the train, resources are the interviewer saying if you could go back in time to sex, would you still doing tonight or something These are some come down from us political bureau. Why, people assume we would go back in our acts of resistance. Let them- and you have no regretful, I felt that regret for shattering it, an entire division of the occupation army until the end of your hull and then start it said that if the israelis will that need about this, we want to come for all the prisoners are released from israeli prisons you carry out another operation. The october did it can you promise another october seventh at monica? I can instead of that, a war of liberation is coming not just another october sensors and clearly out loud that this is going to come
you said, I don't think it's far off meanwhile come on put out. A statement is before they broke the cease fire a world and called to mobilise in support of Gaza this friday, saturday and sunday, what we call them to mobilise all their popular means to rejecting denounced the crimes and maskers committed by the. nazi occupation, to call for an end to it There are good, russian and decades long occupation we them to be emboldened by the strength of palestinian right in the justice and legitimacy of our struggle, I also appeal to them they to maintain all forms of solidarity and support all forms which presumably would include violence, so again Hamas. His intentions are clear: they violated the ceasefire, and so Israel has now resumed its campaign in the Gaza strip and while the united states continues to want, have it both ways because again. This is a weak administration and they continue to make signals to the world's poorest people that may if they continue to hide behind civilians? Israel will stop so antony blinkin decide,
to go back to jerusalem to lecture the israeli government on how to conduct the war he said quote. You can't operate in southern gaza in the way you did in the north. There are too many palestinians there need needs, have accurate fewer people from their homes, be more accurate in the attacks, and, if not, not to attack where there is a civilian population. What does your system of operation the idea of chief resumes curtsey? How levy He said we follow a number of principles: proportionality, distinction, the wars, the laws of war. There were instances where he attacked on the basis of those principles and the this, where we decided not to attack, because we waited for a better opportunity. This all led to this astonishing interchange, the defence minister, you go on said quote. The entire israeli society is united behind the goal of dismantling hamas, even if it takes months and blinked supposedly said quote? I dont think you have the credit for that. What the hell is that Many of the credit which Emily international moral credit is our talking about right here? What sort of credit doesn't
require in order to destroy a terrorist enemy bent on its own annihilation, who have kidnapped he'll babies. What exactly? What? What precisely is the moral credit required in Do what is necessary to protect your own citizens at an absurdity from it. Antony blinking and again it's all these mixed signals that are being said, Anthony blinkin simultaneously yesterday you any visited with palestinian authority press. Mahmoud Abbas, a holocaust denial and garbage human being in ramallah, and he treated quote. I reiterated The? U s commitment to advancing the establishment of the palestinian states just to get this correct. Hamas attacks and slaughters twelve hundred people and takes no two hundred forty hostage half those people end up dead and the reaction of tony blinking and joy, Biden is, maybe palestinians deserve a state. I was wondering how that incentive structure is supposed to work, so another the more terrorist violence you create, the more sure on Israel to make concessions to you and your allies could make no mistake in this particular
The key is Hamas. The PA has never condemned october. Seventh, the aim tried to claim that it was Israel that was responsible for deaths on october, seven. and meanwhile ya, tony blink and making overtures department boss. It's ridiculous! blinking yesterday saying there can't be any more massive loss of civilian life again if somebody could provide some sort of man? one that is could use to distinguish hamas from these civilian surrounding them or Hamas, by the way from like the eighteen year old guys we members of Hamas, but who are carrying guns and you're, not wearing uniforms. I'm sure It will be happy to hear about this magic wand, otherwise the empty verbiage designer what reducing tensions, but, ironically, increased tensions. It's the same, exacting you see in britain or britain will take down menorah in the name of reducing community tensions that Jews, community tensions just give strength to a radical enemy. Her sewing conventions that meetings today with the prime minister and senior israeli officials. I made clear that
before Israel resumes major military operations, it must put in place humanitarian civilian protection plans that minimize further casualties of innocent palestinians. That means taking more effective steps to protect the lives of civilians, including by clearly and precisely designating areas and places in southern and central gaza, where they be safe and out of the line of fire. It means avoiding further significant displacement of civilians inside of Gaza. It means avoiding damage to life, critical infrastructure like hospitals, like power stations like water facilities, and it means giving civilians who have been displaced, the southern gaza, the choice to return to the north as soon as conditions permit. There must be no enduring internal displacement, no enduring internal displacement. Ok, I'll ideas. Welcome! I welcome except the idea, the mouth, going to able to run this thing by the way, arab diplomats alike. Are you kidding me.
Article in times of Israel. Today, arab diplomats from sadie way. Egypt everywhere else. There, like on modern abbas, can't even control the west bank. What the hell are you talking about Mahmoud Abbas is going to control Gaza after this is all over. That's ridiculous also when he says, to prevent more internal displacement. Then how does he civilians to be protected. If you can't l a civilian to move from one area to another. She can hit the target how Actually are going to hit the target unless the idea is that Israel's, not suppose you hit the target. All of this is is just ridiculous and it can contribute to a lengthening of the war, is going to contribute to more hamas attacks more hamas rocket fire more hamas, embedding among civilians in all. This is because there is just a failure of imagination on the left when it comes to foreign policy will get to that momentarily. First, the holidays are here the last thing you need during this busy time of yours, to miss out on a great night's sleep. That's why my team has been using beams dream powder beans, dream
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Because the alternative was a soviet take over of that particular area where you make all these claims, but what then roads, as is something deeper. He critiques Kissinger's general. Foreign policy understanding on the basis of the can he used right novels about his cat from brooklyn apartment and knows nothing and then roads is sick. He's worthy dumbest people, american politics and has been for years. So what? jack he's, been roads, foreign policy vision. He says that the conduct of global affairs has to be about maintaining, maintaining image. He says, you can choose to see unexploded bombs, is the inevitable tragedy of the conduct of global affairs from a strategic stand, Mr Kissinger surely knew that being a superpower carried with a cavernous margin of error that can be forgiven by history- propellers you what they must. The wheel of history turns. We when and where he lived determines whether you get crushed or lifted by it, but that worldview mistakes, cynicism or realism for wisdom, the story, what it's all about matters,
Ultimately, the berlin wall came down not because of chess moves made on a board of great game, but rather because people in these wanted to live like people in the west economics, popular culture, social movements mattered. Despite our as we had a better system in story, so in other words the reason that the berlin wall fell. According to me on Ben roads is that we had the and genes? And that no how's policy moves you made anywhere in here made any difference at all, which is weird is depriving the soviet union of nearly all foreign policy resources, as well as bankrupting their economy with our defence spending is what actually brought down the berlin wall. It was in fact, a pro western foreign policy that existed in many of the earth and helped bring down the soviet union. But according to according to Ben roads. It's all about credibility is credibility is not just about whether you punish an adversary to send a message to another, its about whether you are what you say you are no one can expect perfection in the affairs state, any more than in relations among human beings, but the united states has paid a price for its hypocrisy. So what exactly is that price, Here's where been roads goes to amazing. He says around.
Well, you see a resurgence of autocracy and at no nationalism most We in russia's war against ukraine. Now you might cedars of wait a second russia that Ben ukraine, while Donald trump was president russia invading ukraine, while Joe Biden was president in russia. did crimea and the donbass while Barack obama was president, and it turns out that america credibility on foreign policy matters not more than the virtues signalling people, I've been roads. You might say that going Ben rhodes. No! No! No! It's only because people like donald trump in the united states that russia, invader, ukraine, we're dake says bought in Gaza. The united states has supported israeli military operation that is killed civilians at a pace that as well again suggested to much of the world that we are selected in breach of international laws and norms. Oh yeah, that's that's why the middle east is filled with people who hate the united states must be because well, is being to unbridled in its use of military power, because until till the seventh? Everything was hunky. Dory in middle east actually is It is amazing in middle east events, more pressure on Israel.
it's not as though more pressure on Israel incentivize come under Joe Biden. It's not as a more pressure on Israel. The iran incentivize by divine demonstration had any impact. This comes from a perverse of how the world works, so the foreign policy world. How should we view foreign policy very simple principle? If you want of eu foreign policy in one sentence We have to decide. Do you think the world on a foreign policy level? Is a prison yard or is it a playground is it a prisoner. Nor is it a playground if you think, as I, That is a prison. You are. That means a few things. First, the world is a violent and contentious place. It is Wallis is governed by both interest. An ideology and really, in the end, is governed by raw power, economic power, military power. These things actually matter because its prison yard and insult filled a lot of bad people. There are some people who are in prison. Aren't you are there because, through no fault of their own, there
people who are actually good in this particular prisoner, but it's a prison yard. It's a lot of people who hate each other and one fight each other and have very very adversarial interests. Second, foreign powers, he is a series of bad choices between awful alternatives. There are very Amazing choices in foreign policy. It turns the very often you have a choice between allying with the soviets and losing tattler, for example, that's what happens in foreign policy all the time. and to pretend otherwise is to be ignorant of how foreign policy actually works. Third one country's adversaries have their own math, they have their interest in their own priorities. It's not as though have no agency and that united does a thing and then it's all blow back. Maybe in the united states has its interests, and maybe the salaries have their own interests make these railways have their own interests. Maybe the british have learned Maybe the russians have their interests. Each and have their own interests, and maybe they pay do those interests, regardless of what the united states is doing or not doing. That would be a more accurate description of how you work in your everyday life
We always assume if you are on the left, that only american exit, like everyone is sitting around thinking about what Barack Obama thinks about the world as opposed to what they want to do today and finally, Refusing to engage with the world is not a real possibility. The united states was lulled into that. sense of security, because for the first half of the united states existence, Britain was the global hedge, not the united states and that guaranteed freedom of the seas, for example, and we benefited from Britain's ownership of disease through free trade, through british nomination of a lot of foreign areas through it's coming influence in one its colonial holdings? And then britain started to collapse? a lot of those colonial holdings, the worldly him more dangerous place, and the united states filled the gap? And now people are well what if we just stopped filling, yeah. Well, then, you'd get chaos because remember the only isn't that the app was well before is because there was another global hegemony. If the united states doesn't do it right now, who do you think is going to do it? Do you think that just becomes a power vacuum,
he's gonna feel that power vacuum you'll know the answer its china is not britain. Now, France, now germany be china, and yet Oh it, but according been roads again, he basic idea here is the reverse foreign policy. The world into playground filled with wonder. Children who just want to make friends with you and if you hand out enough chocolate and candies, and if you make friends with them, if you put a rainbow stick on your backpack, they will look, you so so so much there. Just good people, like you, deep down at heart. What they really need is jobs and friendship, and that's going to people who have a completely adverse world view to yours in this particular view America is the only actor in the world. You're, the only one in matters and if america shows its example by just being super nice of time, I never engaging in foreign policy and never making hard decisions and never building up it's own power and never doing this. Everyone will look at the units. They'll see what a nice person you know, what a great play
The united states is, I wish we were like them and then they'll just voluntarily give up their power it'll. Be amazing. If you believe this, it's because you are stupid person, but the basic idea from Ben roads, and many ironically on these sort of isolationist right No one else on planet earth has agency ever discussion. You're from isolationist is about how, No one has agency except the united states. America did a thing. Therefore, another country did the thing, never the other. Do you think? Maybe we reacted to them. That country was airline with a country that we dont like very much and growing in power. and running our interests. Or maybe we had react. The blame on there. First grab exist on both sides of the ilo and it's all based again annette centralized but which is that america could withdraw from the world and just be a light under the nation, to sort of example, without ever engaging in world politics. That is not true, it's ridiculous. It assumes number one. The world is a playground and number two. Even if the world isn't a playground that the united states has the option for drawing within our own borders and there'll be no impact on the united states, which I'm sorry
it is not true. I wish I withdrew. It happens not to be true in this the west has to play dead in order make room for everybody else, people who hold this particular worldview and they range from the radical as I say, to these sort of isolationist right we'll get to that in just one second. First, the october fifteen, the two said deadline is already passed. I know many of you might be dreading the stress of filing your taxes filing attacks. It can be along exe shooting process. But if you fail to file you'll start to pile penalties under taxed at that's what you need to check out tax network usa, He met tax network usa has a track record of success. It reduced tax debts from clients totalling over one billion dollars, whether you're looking ten thousand dollar or one million dollar tax that they can help you with a settlement. It doesn't I've given filed in a year five years even a whole decade. Tax network usa is equipped to secure the best settlement for you, their export attorneys professionals, can help resolve all tax cases, no matter how they started. Don't attacks that can
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Perfectly frank with you. I think that he says things that are anti biblical on the regular and I'm not talking about anti biblical from a jewish point of view, I'm not a catholic. Obviously I disagree with gestalt catholicism. Otherwise I would I would be a catholic, but I'm not the one who believes this. I would say a vast majority of conservative catholics believe the pope this has abandoned many of the churches, crucial missions, including bay, lie: morality in favour of a globalist view of the world. That is all environmentalist in environmentalism and left wing redistribution, ism over actual eternal meaning things and programmes. What that means. The very often is engaging in exactly the kind of moral equivalence that you would see from the radical left. So you that yesterday apparently as bombs valentine's day, very deep into Gaza. Late october is really present. as occurs on how they call would pull france's. Apparently Zog was describing his nations horror over october, seven and france, and quote it is forbidden respond to terror with terror, which is just the grossest thing ever
me that a super gross, because Israel was not responding. whatever visual wantage, wipe every civilian in gaza off the planet. It certainly has, military power to do so, it did not, and it wasn't seeking to herzog said hold up doing is trying to defend our own people, the folks at those rules what should be held accountable, but not civilians. That, of course, is ready was because Hamas is hiding among civilians. If Israel could distinguish between the two Well that make everybody's life super easy, but that's why Hamas is not allowing them to do so, a pair according to the washington post, that private call it in warm is really interpretations of france's polemic statement at his november twins second general audience in Saint Peter square that the conflict is gone quote gone on war. This is terrorism. senior official from Israel said the pope was calling the campaign, an act of terrorism. How else could be interpreted and then the vatican's clarify what they met, which is again that the way that francis works, you will say something radically left and then, when called upon, clarify what he's anger. I don't need to clarify. There's no need to clarify in this stems from a perverse worldview
which apparently just surrendering to evil makes evil likely to become good. That is a lie, and it's not true and their people who use that their people who were present willing to use that mentality, the rat radicals misuse this all the time, rashid quality, for example, good friend of broccoli? your remember that time. It Barack Obama she pleaded in event together leading up to two thousand eight and was on tape, enemy completely buried at the early times had the tape there. Fused really it because they want to break up to be pressed. And were she'd quality. As spokesperson for the Palestine liberation organization at one point well, quality apparent declined to say on thursday that Israel had either illegal or immoral rights respond militarily to the command terror attack committee said the question is its framing the problem that has been under siege for sixteen years and goes on and on and on about how basis Israel does not have the ability to respond to a terror attacks again, not a shock. Coming from articles honest and left sides with that, because left is either foolish or corrupt memo their people on the right, who are
while simultaneously doing much the same thing like a group libertarian right, who sound very much like no, I'm chomsky on left sound very much Bernie sanders on foreign policy, I dont what to make of that other than their just wrong. So Tucker karlsson, yesterday, he, he did a show with a comedian. I am and this meeting, I guess a libertarian and tugging karlsson- was working with this guy, and these guys are ripping unwilling buckley and it led to this kind of odd exchange. Whenever this atrophy didn't like, intelligence of the american people. It's I think it's, accelerating I mean it's a look and again just like you said about disclaimers wealth well time, but people I don't necessarily like. Like I view bill, buckley is one one of great villains of the twentieth century. I think you were ruined, I couldn't you re more by, but he was a clearly very also cia
but he was also very intelligent, guy and witty and was not speaking down to his audience I may again talkers retention broadcaster and, I think tuckers mark. I am just wondering why, like I would love and to export aid why he thinks bill. Buckley was one of the worst forces of the twentieth century. Debbie go to know in bill, buckley was mushroom, And conservative of the twentieth century now We may not like national if you're right now. He certainly like writing for the back in the ninety sometimes, but he he he may not like them right now. That's fine! He doesn't have to agree with the editors over at national review. I'm just wondering why buckley, why buckley, because what buckley was mostly famous for was forging the famous three legged stool of conservatism, social conservatism, which I assume tucker agrees with. In fact, I know Tucker's agrees that fiscal conservatism, which is about free markets where Tucker pretty dicey, in foreign policy, where buckles position was a sort of realist, anti soviet position. What which parts to stop
I disagree with I'd, be very curious to know a very curious to know, because from libertarian right. The disagreement with buckley is, I'm so we'll conservatism, we're tucker, I believe, agrees buckley and on foreign policy, which is largely again. These, of amerika is to blame for every war that has ever been happening on planet earth position since world war, two maybe including world war too. So I I actually curious to know we're Tucker has on this sort of stuff. I actually it's unclear at this point, I am curious. Already guys. The rest of the show continues right now. You're not gonna, want to miss. It will be getting into a shocking, or from the new york times about the failure of Nation in Israel about what Hamas was capable of prior to october, seven, if you're, not a member, become member use, could shapiro for two months: regional annual plans, click that linking the description and join us. Small businesses are the backbone of our communities and mastercard understands that every business has unique needs
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-03.