« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1858 - Stupid, Cowardly Happy Talk Isn’t The Answer

2023-11-29 | 🔗

Joe Biden begins to cave to his radical base as the media push myth after myth; the migration crisis facing the West isn’t going away any time soon; plus, Dylan Mulvaney is named in Forbes ‘30 Under 30’ list.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today shows monitoring expressly began, you like your web history being seen, insulting advertisers no mean either can express bbn right now. Europeans icons: lifespan, happy talk is dean, as in politics is dangerous because it gets people killed in leads people to believe foolish things out of idiotic hopes and fatuous dreams. Leaders tenable leave what they want to believe. That is precisely the opposite of their job, particularly when it comes to national security. Foreign policy ought to be the preserve of cold I'd men and women capable of making hard but correct decisions. Unfortunately, politics too, to draw people with story, visions or least cowards, will mascara cowardice with those sorry visions, it's hard to tell which one present Biden is becoming these days, as Israel's war against Hamas continues and make no mistake that war will continue until Hamas is utterly destroyed. Biden seems to be starting to waver he's made we have. The right sounds of the course of the war has expressed. Support for deposing. Hamas is correctly stated that Israel a difficult task in doing so well, minimizing civilian casualties, yet now, probably
radical left wing legacy, media and young daft staffers. He seems to be wavering, thus Today, Biden issued the following: tweet quote from us stay terrorist attack because they fear nothing more than israelis and palestinians living side by side in peace, to continue down the path of terror. Violence. Killing more is Hamas what they seek. We can't do that So what precisely divide mean by this too? We will. The white house came out today and they said not a change in policy Biden still wants to Moscow, and but the tweet seems to create a catch. Twenty two. You can't give Hammas what they want says Joe Biden. is supposedly more violent, but Destroy Hamas requires violence, so is binding, going for leaving Hamas in place in the name of defeating Hamas, or is he simply setting up? deeply unrealistic expectations for any military faced with a terrorist group that purposefully embeds itself in incident. in areas in order to prey on western soft heartedness with regard to civilian casualties, either way by miss her
Israel's war effort with such rhetoric and the west by proxy he's falling victim to the propagandistic efforts of legs. You media, which continue to promote for separate foolish claims. First, that Hamas isn't quotas. How does it seemed second, that Israel is much much worse than the teams? Third, that Israel automation actions to the palestinian authority in order to defeat Hamas and fourth, that binds electoral process ex rely and bleeding the first three claims. Let's go through these. Nor first the claim the commerce is an all that bad gotta say it is astonishing bewildering disheartening to watch holocaust denial format real time, but we are watching it happened. That is the only hello, phenomenons. What I've seen to what's happening right now: holocaust denial, we're watching an activity to rewrite hamas into some sort of political protests. little more passionate. This has involve outright lies. Why lie for example, that Hamas didn't kill people at the nova music festival? It was israeli helicopters or obfuscation. You have ape of israeli women being raped or merely medical
of their broken palaces more often is taken the form downplaying Hamas is evil altogether. Thus, we get em we'll gelding of end MSNBC, claiming that Hamas is actually a reasonable negotiating partner, as shown by the fact that there are no it deals going on this diplomatic mechanism dish framework for dialogue that has allowed the last three days. A bear. Fruit can actually be prolonged. Now, keep in mind. This was something that certainly the authorities believe would have been established much earlier on in this conflict. When this war broke out, I they had actually shown to the americans and the israelis that Hamas, based on what they were saying publicly and will you on the ground with the release of the two americans in it israelis early on they were prepared to enter into this kind of framework, but here we are almost seven and a half weeks later and end it has taken hold on. I think now that focuses on how did they build on this momentum to prolong it so that the suffering in Gaza
comes to an end. Hamas is reasonable party. Have those hostages end up in the Gaza strip? We don't know who cares come on was always reasonable. They were the ones who are willing to make a deal because that's how it works when you kidnap other people's children and then you are willing to make a deal to protect yours. you're still the bad guy, but not according to MSNBC million we have the legs. You media, claiming that Hamas is hostage really strategy, spells the beginning of a broader rounds of negotiations with Israel, suppose it new peace partner, these would be the same people, just murdered. Twelve hundred israeli citizens six weeks ago into two hundred forty hostages, then there is claimed number to that. Israel is morally equivalent in some way to Hamas rockets that claim in just one second first, I want to you about daily, whereas most trusted privacy partner and the premier sponsor of this show express viviane going online. Without it, as you can like changing. While you leave your window wide open. Well, even if you have anything to high. Why would you do that, and also it's a terrible idea road do that people when you go online without a bbn, I s, peace can all
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These days usually takes the form of suggesting that israel is gonna, hold carpet bombing Gaza or indiscriminate in its use of firepower. That's absurd on its face, according to class itself, Israel has dropped about forty thousand bombs on Gaza during this conflict. Also, according to Hamas, Israel has killed about fifteen there and people normally bombs, come more than zero point. Three people, particularly we're using targeted weaponry. What's more, Israel is protecting billion evacuation roused. Hamas is currently attacking israel recent warning before striking sites Israel, is using enough bombs to empty buildings, is rose Hamas terrorists merge into civilian populations. other than killing many civilians? Israel is more careful than any army in modern history. Given the urban context of this war. It again it is doing a terrorist group that has produced we hiding in urban areas that me Civilian casualties will be high by innocent again that isn't uncommon in war, according to one paper in the journal, frontiers of public health here
the civilian deathrays by modern war, meaning civilian deaths over total debts. Seventy four percent, the korean or forty six per cent in the vietnam war. Eighty eight per cent in the persian gulf war. Fifty six per cent in the balkan war, twenty eight percent in the afghanistan war, thirty six percent pakistan and sixty seven percent in the iraq war, yet the media, participating in Hamas, is moral equivalent to the hilt. They are in fact acting as though from us. be granted immunity and permanence, specifically cause they are hiding among civilians. Again, their logic goes. Hamas we're out the battlefield. Israel could kill them, but if Hamas, by wage. The laws of war than Israel has to give them. Immunity basically grab a baby, and it's like safe in tat. This of course means that every terrorist group in the future is going to grab eighty and hide behind the baby. Yesterday, tapper of cnn, not even better than average in this conflict. Actually former israeli prime minister not tally bennet one of the media typically silly questions, one killing, members and Hamas just create new member, of Hamas, which is like saying, don't, kill nazis. In one war, two just create new nazi.
As when it answers. If that's the case, it is not possible ever to win a war, but don't you think the last six weeks have done a lot to in, site and inspire a whole new generation of terrorists. I mean all the civilian deaths I mean. Don't you worry that that in it self is going to raise and inspire a whole new generation of palestinians who hate israelis It depends what we do. Next reminded of nazi germany. In the final months of the war, there were many many civilian casualties. Yet germany, what's the matter after the war germany, so obviously, as I said, we don't have a goal of killing. Civilians were goal of reducing the number of death that civilian but look if anyone have a magic plan, how they eradicate Hamas. Ah without any collateral damage, bring it out and will adopt it.
that, of course, is exactly right again. If the logic is, if you kill bad guys want to create new bad guys. That means you have to leave the bad guys in place, but, according to the wall street journal the you, push to have israel fight a more targeted war signals, a shift away from president Biden. Full throated support at the outset for the campaign Hamas and is the focus of now intensive consultations between by and by Mr Benjamin is now on how to handle the conflict certain. If the us has a magic wand has been hiding. Israel we all ears until then, there's the empty verbiage that lends credibility to Hamas is lies about suppose. It is really evils. Then there's claim number three Israel needs to make concessions to the palestinian authority in order somehow curb hamas. The two state solution is the answer. This is the of simpleton and dollar to thomas Friedman, august foreign policy columnist for the equable me times was literally never met in israeli concession. He didn't love today. He writes that scope, it revamped. lest anyone authority is the keystone for the forces of moderation codes,
since indecency triumphing in all wars. It is the keystone for reviving a two state solution. A thousand well, since Oslo has been committed to reaching a two state solution based on the borders that existed before the nineteen sixty seven war. To believe this one must truly be an imbecile, the pollution an authority from the outset of oslo saw the oslo accords as a trojan horse. Their leadership said as much yasser. Our I said, a ninety. Ninety four quote this us agreement, I'm not considering it more than the agreement which had been signed between our prophet Mohammed and the crash that agreement by the way in the koran was the prelude to the slaughter of the crash of mecca a few years after Mohammed sign that false peace agreement This is why Arafat's increase terrorist activity after oslo. It's why he walked away from the camp David accords in two thousand and instead watch the second intifada. It's why his successor holocaust denial what would have us do the exact same thing with ehud Olmert. The prime minister of Israel in two thousand eight, the p has never wanted a two state solution. The p is a terror group. It remains a terror group. That is why the p his claimed that israel fabricated evidence of october seventh,
They have been soft peddling. Hamas is atrocities on october seventh concession to terrorist red terrorism- it is that's him, but the main administration continues to pretend that a two state solution led by the palestinian authority, which, again, led by a holocaust, an irony mouth would Abbas is somehow an ant. Two islamic extremism every day This is totally wrong. Unfortunately, the biggest obstacle to peace in the Middle EAST right now is the radicalized palestinian population, and they have been right. Why, of course, of generations by indoctrination from the leadership in the arab world? By pointed out, the policy Population does not want peace with Israel, they wanted destroyed, and I say again that is every piece of day that is coming from the population. The population legs come ass. They like palestinian, islamic jihad and other we're happy talking missing and pretending that these terrorist groups are completely separate from the civilian population, in the sense that the terrorists are widely despised. Bothered by the population just oppose that the terrorists than magical
paris is gonna bloom in the middle east or something it's a lie. In fact. Accordingly, recent, pointed data from a w are a deal which is a muslim pulling off it. He palestine authority has the support of approximately ten percent of palestinians same level of support among palestinians, as the western media here is of the palestinian population that is supposedly shall re for base. This is footage of power is marking israeli hostages being over the past couple of days, including children and old women, here you can see. Crowds of palestinians jeering at marking, women, being released back into Israel after being held hostage for a month and a half we keep hearing that have a godsend, civilians totally hate Hamas. I would love to see like any evidence of that whatsoever on statistical level like at all and again, people keep saying. Well, you can't really take a poll in the Gaza strip,
ok have proposed. The west bank worker must impose leading in control there only popular in the west bank. So according less. Clearly the answer is more israeli concessions. Like say, they turn over the entire Gaza strip, like entirely to Hamas, obviously worked out. Amazingly well. Last time, then there is the fourth and final claim that Joe Biden is in total danger. specifically because of Israel's war, to exterminate Hamas, thereby needs to abandon israel in order when the election. That too is ridiculous and it's a lie. data simply do not exist. To suggest that binds electoral trouble is specifically because of israel on the Gaza war on october, seven, Joe Biden was riding at forty four percent in the polls against donald trump. According to the real clear politics pulling average today, he's writing at forty five percent in those exact same polls on october. Seventh, he was at forty point. Five percent in his approval rating today is at forty point four percent. In other words, nothing has changed since october seven, but the media
are beating the drums, Biden doesn't caves of Hamas who lose that you vote and he needs citizens like these ones from oakland went wild last night when the city council consider condemning come ass is the actual tape from the oakland city council. These are people who live in your country in these are people who you live next to and whose ex dollars. You are you're. Sending your tax dollars presently pay their welfare bills. Here we go there not been beheadings babies and raping. Israel murdered their own people on october. Seven calling Hamas a terrorist organisation, is ridiculous. Racist and plays into genocidal propaganda is flooding our media that we should be doing everything possible to combat. I support the right of palestinians to resist occupation. Including through Hamas, the armed wing of the unified palestinian resistance, as an arab asking with this context to condemn Hamas is very anti arab racist. The notion that this was a massacre of Jesus fabricated, narrow Many of those killed on october, dynamic time as including children were killed by the idea.
An amendment condemning Hamas is bald. Propaganda meant to thank you. Your time is up to them complain about Hamas. Violence is like listening to a wife. Peter complain. When is why finally stands up and fight back. These are the people that Joe Biden's required to listen according to the legacy media. These are the core hard to bite in supposing constituency according to the water roughly half americans, eighteen to twenty four years old, think Hamas sucked or attack, was justified by grievances of the palestinians according to a harvard, as for only nine percent of people aged sixty four, older, feel the same. This according. media is the real danger to Joe Biden, reelect efforts and twenty twenty four, and this again is ridiculous. Here's the deal It will either be running against ireland from literally the most pro israel president in american history by far or rhonda sense, Nicky Hayley, most pro israel candidates in american history by far are all these Hamas lovers, gonna stay home and what Those three be elected: what's more, those aid
sixty five and older vote, far more often than those aged eighteen to twenty four. This is true in every election cycle, so an incremental gain among the crazed, young voters with legs, they are weighed by an incremental loss among all the voters who don't particular like Hamas, besides which so many young people are just plain stupid like don't. You have to draw the line somewhere here, for example, today's example, higher level, stupidity. This is columbia university. So there is a m, a truck that is driving around It has on pictures of people who signed a statement in support effectively of hamas, and these are students from colombia who apparently don't know how duct tape or honestly, this isn't like the greatest example of what our universities are. It's a bunch of absolutely over educated, complete dolt, don't know how to use a rule of duct tape. It's amazing. Why is it that they literally that's not out? That's not how duct tape works guys. We do this at a time
a little bit tiny little bit of duct tape above the actual paper that they're trying to tape up, and it's not working, because why are they? Why are they putting the tape all the way across the cardboard, like honest to god. My seven world saunders had used a K barrenness it might, but then how do they have their their degree middle eastern studies you're doing it amazing job at the start date like just truly incredible: also, there are even know how to the considerable anyway by needs. The votes of these morons, the media, their story and they are pushing it. Here's the deal, Israel, stop in any case, because they can't here's the idea, both person explaining and where this is going forward here is that we are ready and as soon as we will get the green light from the government of the state of Israel to continue operations, we will do so because we want this and that there is a direct link between ground operate sons and pressure on Hamas and their willingness to hand over the hostage
and we are ready and equipped to do so, and I hope that that will commence as soon as possible. Every day that the israeli hostages, our return, is great, but we are prepared. for the next stage of operations, and we all have our sight firmly focused. Only aim, dismantle hamas to make sure that never again will end. Restoring organization in Gaza have the ability to do with Hamas did on october. The sub. That's exactly correct, is welcome, stop though either end up doing it alone, or they will do it with western help. So does it actually matter if the west backs Israel in this battle? Well, certainly means one thing. Above all, others, a west perceived as weak cowardly horse, is a west ripe for the taking that's why the west has a stake here, because the weaker the west looks the more radical islamists are going to look at the west and they're going to salivate a happy, in west is a weak west and that happy talking west, unfortunately, is not relegated to the israel hammas war and, as we have seen,
We thousands of people marching in streets in and solidarity with Hamas, as we have seen governments tossing and members of their own government for pointing out that maybe programmers protests are actually keg. It kinda bad that happening the bush government. What we are watching is a western seems right for the taking member this something everyone's reading. The osama bin laden letter from two thousand and two terms: all of his grievances, but never the reason that osama bin Laden decided that he was going to attack the united states is because he thought that the west was a course he set himself, and our part is true in the Middle east We inform foreign policy generally when people are perceived as ripe for the taking people move to take. That is how it works. Foreign policy is game of power perception. It is not about moral suasion, it is not about being right is about me strong and if you are perceived as weak, if you are perceived as vacillating are you are opening yourself a wide for a hard right to that Well, you'll get some more on this in just one. Second, first, I've been taught by hugely
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open. Immigration stands with. No welfare state is not a terrible idea, because We got the hungriest people they're, going to leave the welfare state where they were and they're going to come to a place with no welfare state and they're, going to be forced by the market, to integrate into the market, which means, for example, learning english. It means, for example, adjust to the business valleys of the community already in the united states. That is true of immigration policies of the united states, basically between the civil war and nineteen twenty and then in eighteen, twenty star restrict immigration. A lot of that was no, nothing is, but by the nineteen thirty in the rise of the welfare state. Suddenly the math started change because again, if you, if you have a bakery and put a sign in the window, to free doughnuts every I welcome what are you gonna come from freedom? It is, can drive away different crowd, then open for business, delicious doughnuts for sale, it's a different thing or hope want it right. These are all three of those eyes are different messages. Free doughnuts everyone welcome, is a very different sign from help wanted, which means come here. If you want a job, will pay you or?
that's foresail, which means come here and engage our market and when the united states and when the last put up the welcome matter, people by saying come on in europe to assimilate urine to be engaged in the market at all. In basically come here and create your own enclaves in which you can knew to despise western values while taking welfare dollar. Of course, that's going to change things. Course it's going to lead to a massive backlash web, clashes already materializing over in ireland where, as we discussed earlier this week, Conor macgregor is now under investigation by the irish police for having the gall to suggested Hap's immigration policy in ireland is badly managed. The irish minister who's just been a moral bleep show he. He yesterday spent his his day, planing that people are connecting crime with with migration, which isn't it, though I mean what must be real about. This when virtually every country, when you have a lot of poverty, stricken people coming to your country from foreign cultures,
that's going to come with some additional crime, and none of that crime has to be there because again, any country the definition of a country is a country in control of its borders? That is the definition and here's the irish prime minister. saying that its insensitive to talk about these things sign in relation to the terrible events that occurred on Parnell square on thursday, I really would ask people to try and avoid connecting crime with migration, and it's not right. And yes, of course, and people who are migrants might commit crimes just as people who aren't commit crimes in a country of five point: three million people, if you have hundreds of thousands of migrants that are going to be a few of them who commit terrible crimes just that there are people born and bred in ireland who commit terrible crimes every day, including murders, ok, but france's that, if you're, born and bred in ireland or an irish citizen,
ireland, has not obligation to import people who are criminals, or who cannot be that the same thing is true of the entire west, and yet the west has I did to blind itself to this fact and again The incentives change you're, going to get a different type of person who becomes an immigrant, that's just, is what it is as our rip on Oh that's, just a reality about people again change that sign in big room window. It's gonna change the kind of people who enter the bakery same thing here in the united states, a hundred mayors who should be in here for failure, news job, many just awful. The homeland security secretary, garbage this whole way. We had a consistent, ongoing migration crisis at our southern border. For years on end with extraordinarily generous asylum and refugee policies, the basically allow anyone to come to the border claim their refugee b. Ushered into the interior of united states and then be set free here's on the moroccans pretending to everybody was coming illegally is nasa to the united states. That's not true. Some will come to the united states, maybe assets in the united states. Frankly, we don't know, but the idea Everyone who crosses the southern war is met.
you clean assets in the united states, is clearly falls. It also does dress the other sort of our elephant in the room which dealing with undocumented parents who are already here and the nation- and I know it's been a political football as trying to figure out best way to address that. But I'm going to ask you what, The best way to address that. From your perspective, the answer is quite clear: and quite straightforward, and we ve been waiting for for about thirty years and that is to fix a system that everyone agrees is fundamentally broken and we need congressional action both for the awful pathways that really to be more robust in statute. For the twelve million people, here in the united states, who have been contributing so fundamentally to our countries. I'll being there are neighbours, our friends are for oh congregants, provides our frontline workers. We
to do something- and I am hopeful. In some are assets in some really really are not in your generalised, open border policy, which is something they bring. by an administration clearly, which is why we have migration crisis. Is a sign of weakness to the rest of the world? Obviously it's. Why have you marching to the border chanting, job heightens name, raina, some senator We are beginning to see the light because they realized is actually really bad policy. We want to see this happen in europe as well as right. Wing parties starts, makes you Is headway on the immigration issue according to political, one number of Senate democrats if you're opens making it harder for migrants, guess I'm in order to secure a publican support rating. Grain in Israel there motivated not by concern for america's embattled allies? They also believe changes are needed to help migration crisis that is going more dire and potentially d the sting of political or politics in Dahlgren stage before the twenty twenty four elections hester democratic montana, whose very vulnerable senator he says, look I think the burning needs attention, I'm on that It doesn't hurt testing
said his eager to see. If a bipartisan negotiators can come up with an agreement on a path, the issue as elusive as immigration centre. having baldwin another honourable democratic, I'm certainly ok with border policy being part of a national security supplemental on. changes to asylum policy? She said what I'd like to see us makes him bipartisan progress, which has allowed for years, the system is broken exactly right and neither the left is going to figure it out or the left is going to suffer the political consequences here. Meanwhile, when we speak of weakness, the great institutions of the west citing to abandon their most fundamental values and attack those within the institutions who still defend the fundamental values. That is another level of threat, you're, seeing that materialise over the course of pope France's reign in the vatican pope francis is not benedict he's, not john pulsation pope francis is liberation. Geologists that there's
on the way to read his activity inside the vatican. I know that for a lot of catholics, that's that's a hard thing to do, recognising and think about, but the reality is that he is predominant. In economic marxist with serious liberal leaning, on the social issue side, which is why he's put it is focused on redistribution. Is politics environmentalists? Invite This was made ripping on suppose. Roman catholics or simply abiding by traditional doctrine. With regard to social politics like algae bt issues. the one it the really the only social issue where he's been fully consistent with the church over the course times been abortion other issues you shall unwavering on? Will now he's militarized in his stance? By going after cardinals who disagree with him according to the new york times almost too soon of france. It became ahead of the roman catholic church and twenty thirteen raymond burke and american cardinal emerges is leading credit from within the church becoming a de facto anti pope.
Four frustrated traditional, as you believed, Francis was diluting doctrine frances frequently to me: instruct the american clerical influence this month. The pope affair. We finally had enough. According to one high ranking vatican official who spoke on the condition of anonymity, France has told the meeting I reckon vatican officials he intended to throw the cardinal out of his vatican subsidized department and deprive him of his salary as retired cardinal. The news, the possible eviction, was first report by the conservative italian newspaper that new up a solo courtyard done screws up its close to cardinal burke and recently sponsored a conference featuring the prelates. Criticising a major meeting of bishops, convened by francis banners where's? Your car comes only a week after francis removed another vocal conservative, predictors strickland, the bishop of tyler texas effort, can investigation into the governance of his diocese, apparently ashraf port. The vatican spokesmen matteo bruening declined to confirm or deny tongue reports, but I don't have anything particular to say about that rusty that who is a catholic himself. He has a p
Today in the new york times, general pope Frances tries to settle accounts, which is obviously a reference to the godfather. There, willing all family business it for years. France is governance of the roman catholic church has been seemingly destined to drive the churches, conservative liberal wings ever further apart. Thus, the persistent question hanging over his pontificate. How will he holds hang together by opening tomato, wide array of hot button subjects without delivering explicit changes his encounter. He has encouraged churches progressive to push the antelope as far as possible, even though, he'll doctrinal rebellion in hopes of dragging along at the same time by favouring the brussels in his personal decisions and making institutional war on wednesday of John Paul. The second and pope Benedict the sixteenth has pushed conservatives for Just paranoid and revolt on both fronts unclear whether the papers is weakening authority can pull either group of rebels back, but in the last few weeks, we need a clear attempt to use that authority. A real test possibility to keep the church together he's moved against too his sharp as critics on the right now be strickland and burke.
he has also tried to draw a bright line against the experiments of the german bishops. The leading progressive faction issuing a letter declaring any reforms the germans contemplate cannot change the church's teaching on the All male priesthood and the morality of homosexual relations, but the Reality is again the pope keeps signals to the progressive than he basically agrees with them. He just doesn't want to move to fast. The reality that liberal catholicism is failing. It is failing rust efforts, as a thousand does not have a large number of conservatives or progressive priests coming along in germany, in fact, they have was no younger priest at all their only the new seven areas in germany and twenty twenty two for church, and so twenty one million self identify catholics. The existential crisis helps explain the intensity of pressure for liberalization and protestant position, because too many german catholic leaders, here- is the only way for their church to survive, but the reality is that the only growing segment of any churches synagogues too in the united states,
the ones that actually abide by traditional diktat. Traditionalist. It is traditional synagogues. Those are the ones that are growing progressive churches. Progressive synagogues dying out because it turns out, if you just want to go to it democratic party rally, you can go to a democratic party rally and it doesn't take all that kneeling and saying stuff in latin and eating foods. You just go in pizza, at a democratic party rally and dye, your hair, blue and basically achieve the same goal. If you want to join a cult, the cult of left wingers is much more fun and the call to progressing christianity, which still bear weird tinge of bizarre an obligation. The fact the pope Frances has been if we going after his conservative opponents and if want to think the future of the catholic church. This would be the way to do it. This would be the way to do it again. that happens to be true of virtually everyone else in religious life these days the single worse thing that has happened to the west over the course of last summer, the eighty years really since the end of world war, two has been
kind of religion in the west and clatter of religion, the west has led to a wide rise in radical theology. Masquerading as politics has been really really bad. The answer to that is not first, it abandons central principles in favour of trying to cater to people who hate those principles and hate the church. The that is a more muscular response on behalf of the eternal truths. If you leave those internal truths and if you dont not sure what you're doing and church in just one second we'll get you the latest media self be clowning because it really is an amazing story. First, first, when you walk through your home you're looking around use repainted the house, he just read the floors, all that kind of stuff but there is still something can endanger united as its window coverings. Now that I've, can it you're. Looking at your fingers on Shapiro is right, those window coverings. They need to be replaced This is why you need wines dot com. we use, blinds dotcom arson whenever we need to replace our window coverings, make beautiful stuff with over forty thousand five star views blends com is the number one online retailers custom window coverings. You can measure install it yourself or you can have one,
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would have protesters outside with the blue hair screaming at them. When we hear at the daily work, we are tired of not laughing so this friday we are dropping the most triggering movie of the decade. It is a sports comedy about the funniest thing to ever happen in sports. May world history grown men who cannot be other grown men, calling themselves women and an absolute dominating the checks. every studio in hollywood should be raised make this movie because it's inherently funny, but they won't obviously because they agree with the idea the boys can be girls. Girls can be boys, men can be women and all the rest, their world We will not allow them to say what everyone knows that men are on average, faster and stronger women, which is the entire reason there are women's sport and cannot become women because that stupid. These are things that to be allowed loud, laugh that will now you can here's a look at the official trailer for lady dollars He knew where women's he's be transformed the daily. Why calls fell with a
Twig comedy of the skies visit furious ports can be your pathway to a better life. Well, I guess These are still my catalytic converter again. Putting matter is the key ingredient becoming a winner tightened. I am. at the same you're, not a woman, you know how he had done
He beat, though, what do you know about the? U s opens with the global games. You want us to compete at one five thousand dollar price bible, verses, you're, a great coach back in the day join. This is the way the world is now my eight year old daughter told me all about, so a guy can become a girl with no physical changes at all continuously. So I can be a woman on the court. Can a man in the bedroom, I can't believe it dies? Do you mean when you're sleeping yes, coach alice, we could play basketball, we have to get the whole team back together, we're in I'm in I'm in employment, lady, Barbara
you go on with gay one of being a girl by lobbies. She will weaken domini every woman sport running soccer for feelings, slightest, basketball, boys, they watch us using. Are these seats open
never mind truck. That's the biggest I've ever seen on a lady one can even be trans age now, which provide she lives with a wonderful opportunity to really have all the experiences that she missed out on a school three big exclusively on daily, where one december It is you're. Gonna love it. You can only watch lady bars with a daily wire plus membership. Don't have that delaware plus subscription. Yet, while good
for you, you can join the daily, where plus team and get fifty bucks off your new membership right now, go to daily wired outcome at slash, subscribed to sign up for exclusive access, don't miss the lady bars. From your bent on daily delaware plus Friday night, eight p m eastern woolfolk speaking of lady dollars are brand. New movie are comedy about how boys copy girls and another ass. It turns out that form magazine in its effort to the clown itself. They have now placed controversial trans woman and l bt q plus minutes about it by sign social media activists doing more of any on their thirty. Or thirty social media list for being one most influential young social media influencers in the world is going to the new posts, this magazine honoured the former bud white spokesperson among twenty nine other social media personalities of shapes the creator economy. Well I mean he shaped the creator economy by almost bankrupting a massive company like by light. So there is that mulvaney
Of course, one of the white house and Joe Biden pretended that mulvaney was in fact a woman in addition of any the owl at other honoured other young social media craters, including comedians Ellen chicken, chow Stephen, he fashion violence or Alex Earl and disable critter molly burke, here's what for what our colleague dilemma: Dylan. Twenty six, the creator actress in El Gb. You plus mass via an actress again reality with her days of group, the jury that documented her general transition and the entry features don't mulvaney with dyed blonde hair, smiling into the camera, and there's quote quote whether someone is trans or not? I just hope they can watch my videos and feel inspired to unlock a new part of themselves, namely their girl penis, that that last part is not something that is elmo. Then he said, because that's silly because there's no such thing as grumpiness, but apparently there is because this is a a beautiful woman. The best business woman ever is a dude. Thirty,
Your dirty forbes magazine this is what they do now, so that's exciting up. No one is allowed to laugh at them. How dare you now In fact we're probably not even allowed to talk about that on youtube. You're, not Its automobiles did no don't than any did but note that, despite the fact that happens to be the truth, you're not allowed to talk about how not was now let us talk about it. Certainly not allowed, may jokes about it, which is why we totally make lots of jokes about it in Ebola is just another reason. You should go subscribe right now, because lady bars, the funniest movie the decade. It's going to be out Friday night, eight pm eastern you'll only get access to it. If you become a daily wearer subscribers go do that right now can meets being of the media clowning themselves. So I have to say, as we talk about before the media supply of racism then the supply of racism does not meet the man. The media are desperately desperately in need of a supply of racism because they write out like full time, and so they have decided that there is going to make up stories. Now
about racism? The latest is a story about a young kansas city chiefs fan who wore face paint. The face paint is half black and half red. The kid is wearing Kansas city chiefs It's like his face is painted half black and half red and he's wearing a headdress. You know like the Kansas city chiefs mascot and some deadspin reporter karen philips, apparently spends all day just looking desperately for for some sort of racism to report on accused this key I am holding our mental of marking black people ever seeing it. If in profile, which show they have this face, painted red phil, also slammed holden's native american address in his tomahawk chop. Gesture lemming little white coat found a way to he black people and native americans. At the same exact time. There is only one problem is one of the great cellphones all time it's fan frickin past. So it turns out that the kid actually has native american heritage. His grandfather,
on the santa united band of true mash, indians, the teams, Malta, ethnic swat had enthusiastically joined in with Holden's indian chopping gesture. The kid is technically native american, but is also apparently raise. It takes a lot of we're disrespect to disrespect to groups of people at once so first again, because putting on can it keeps colors black red he's, makin black people and is not mocking red people. Those are the the team. In the same if you were, for example, in l, lakers fan, yellow and gold. I mean golden government right now? Be that now be the colors? But that's like so he said. He's racist against black people and also racist against native american eagle. Kid is native american. And then he adequate. This is what happens when you ban books stand against critical race we to erase centuries of hate you can future general. Since the ammo they need to evolve and recreate racism better than before. That's the story.
This thing I've ever heard personal, that's great case for banning critical race theory, because political reasons It makes you a moron. It makes you a dummy. It makes you the kind of person Who believes that kid painting his face in the team colors racist. For doing so, you must Then I congratulated his team for spotting the error in this, because there is a community notes they got attached pointing out how stupid says The pulitzer nominated reporters unabashed disguise number nominee pulitzer and shows the pulitzer as these As for the idiot dimension or treating, is this some harmless act, because the other side of his face was painted red. I could make the argument it is even worse. Y'all are the ones hate mexicans, but wear sombreros on cinco on single. Why, today, a complete non secular. So again just amazing work there. were amazing work there from dead spin for make miscarriage because it is going to file a lawsuit like you wouldn't believe, and it's going to be great- and I am here for it joining in the clown shall was, of course, clown. and love it hard.
Who is a a supposed sports commentators spends his day doing progressive politics most of the time, or at least more than he shut, and he defended the dead spin peace. He said no matter what you should never put black and red combination on your face ever its racist. Don't do it ever. There is a picture of a download at our last year, dressed up as a member of a rock man, he's wearing black and read on his face, or no that's so it must racist must be racist again. The supply of racism in the united states is just not keeping up with the man into the price is rising. That's what's happening here. Ok. Meanwhile, the twenties Four race continues apace down from way out in front, obviously of the rest of the field, but he coke network has now announced that they are going to back Nicky Hayley. According the wall street journal americans for profit, the action the conservative group led him, partly financed by charles coke, said choose. It would support former south carolina governor anyone ambassador the organization.
support is a boost to, as the campaign enters the final seven weeks before iowa f p said she has what it takes to lead a policy agenda, take on our nations biggest challenges and help ensure our countries best days, our head with the grass roots and data, ability to bring to bear on this race. No other organization is better equipped to help her. Do it so question is whether she has grass roots momentum, whether she has infrastructure are taken and that the biggest question in this race is what is the dynamic. It allows any candid who is not from two to feed our trump. If you want trumped defeated in the primary, is the problem with hayley? Is that if this answers drops out, his support does not go to Hayley? if this answer straws drops out, his support will largely go by pulling data to trump and then the races over tat. Just that's a math, again, I really like really, I, like Nicky, lodged a wonderful person she's alive critical issue, an ambassador good job in this race. If Nicky,
asked his hands out dissenters is going to. His vote will go to front. That's where they're going by contrast, if Hayley were drop out, her vote would largely go to dissent is now. Is that mean any them have a chance to stopping trump Now again he's a formidable favorite if this census dozen, when I he's out of the race, I really that simple this! Does when iowa and inhale euins new Hampshire, they go to south carolina. here we may, when south carolina and at that point trump probably runs the table if get the rest of the race. Unless there is this sort of god bleeds mentality in which from has been wounded and now people to vote for him. But again. See the dynamics of the race radically shifting in favour of of Nicky Hayley? If rawness answers drops out of the race that that is inherently the problem in just a second, what gets it run? It ancestry
recapture some magic leading up to iowa by debating Gavin newsom. That's the thing that's going to be happening tomorrow, night first, the holidays are here. If you're looking for a perfect gift for somebody, you love or even something nice for yourself, you need to check out bon charge, been charged a holistic wellness brand with a huge range of evidence based products to optimize. Your life in every single way. Their extensive range of premium wellness products helps you sleep, better, perform better recover, fast, reduce information and so much more from blue light, glasses to red light therapy, bonn charge help. You naturally address the issues of our modern day way of life effortlessly and with maximum impact. Their infrared sort of like a bottle. I am not the only one. My family had other family on Friday night and one of the women over a woman in page she loves tried. I just raving about the infrared sign, a blank cheque, I'm an honour every day it it relaxes It is basically going to a sauna without actually having to go to the sauna sauna. Blanket insert is designed to fit inside your sauna. Blanket to absorb your sweat. Help can be make maker post sweat session clean up even simpler. He uses infrared light, which heats the body directly
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Out of new Hampshire, but trump's at forty six haley at eighteen christie at eleven and de santis at seven, even vague, is actually pulling ahead of the chances so defenses, looking to recapture some One way she wants to do that is having debate with. A new from the governor of California was running a shadow campaigning case. Joe Biden should kill over what not insignificant, possibility before the election. new sums. Entire stick is to pretend that every other state is worse than his own. There's only one problem that, as a former resident of california like a lifelong resident of California, it is not true and the reality is that again Gavin newsom has governed the state like garbage. California is in serious trouble If you look at the run down of florida, virtues California, The editorial board of the wall street journal has a good rundown today, employment, since and twenty nineteen employment has incurred by one million thirty one thousand and forty, while declining by eighty five thousand in california, animal
in spite of shrinking labour force, california, four point: eight percent travellers rate is the second highest in the country nearly twice as high as forty two point: eight percent business formation Florida has, Two point: seven million new business applications since january twenty nineteen one for every eight residents compared to one eighteen residents of california personal business and warner worker earnings have increased by an annual compounded, seven point: seven percent in flora since the first of twenty nineteen compared five percent in california, population migration, between July twenty nineteen july, twenty twenty two over a million californians left for other states that include most of my family. Well seminary thirty, seven thousand people on it moved to Florida. I mean According to the latest iris data, california lost fifty four fifty five point: seven billion dollars gross income between twenty nineteen and twenty twenty one energy, so twice as high in california, as in florida, saint look, taxing california, add up to ten thousand one heard, sixty seven dollars per capita. Forty five
Thousand four hundred and six in florida pensions were The one point: two billion dollars in california last over seven point: three billion in florida, medicaid California spends a hundred and twenty nine point. Two billion dollars annually, medicare more than four times much as florida homeless. California hundred seventy one thousand homeless. People versus twenty six thousand in florida. The bottom line is that California's weep show and florida is doing pretty. Well, that's a pretty good basis presidential campaign, you would think again politics so performative these days, I think to santas will do well in the debate against newsome. until somebody shows a real challenge for either by an orgy trump. They are foregone nominees. At this point I mean they are obviously the front runners very, very clearly. They may well
begins running into I'm a bit of an interesting pickle. They ve subpoenaed hundred Biden to talk about his dad and his business deals will now. His lawyers are saying that she is going to come testify, but only publicly. According to political. as undermine faces, faced a protracted criminal probe for years, he was told, cooperated prosecutors and went quietly for exoneration. That strategy failed Well, now he's taking his out his adversaries on directly over the past three months hundred items, the barrage of lawsuits and his challenged. His indictment on gun charges by attacking the prosecution is tainted easier, trying to subpoena from the counter offensive Erin courtrooms into public, just as his father rams up his re election campaign, some Joe Biden deeds are worried that is going to elevate Biden in the public eye hundred by that is that the more five hundred the less you're going to like Joe. That, of course, is certainly quite possible. However, it is also true that undermine
trying right now to respond publicly to republican attempts to subpoena him. By saying dumb they want him to testify, not behind closed doors, tuesday to the house? Oversight chair james calmer, hundred binds where suggested that instead of hundred, has fallen behind closed doors. He wants a public hearing on December. Thirteenth arguing quote: prevent selective leaks, manipulated france if the doctrine exhibits or one sided press statements. Of course, that will be largely performative, but am I in favor of open hearings as opposed to closed hearings and so substantive? The hearings are going to be. How about both? Have I get an open hearing with hundred- and you get closed here in the open hearing. He can jabber about how he's being miss miss treated unfairly and how he's just a child leave the children and the closed or hearing maybe get some substantive answers out of him, but not nodded, not a dumb. cynical strategy. The bottom line is that again Joe Biden is facing a re. He is facing. An uphill battle for reelection must be real about
the poles are not in Joe Biden favour right now and in the best argument. The other candidates originally had against tromp, which that trunk campi Biden? That's how the poles are suggesting right now? that's a very hard argument to make. Just on the data points and that's coming from somebody who's likely not to for from in the primary. If this answers or hayley is on the ballot in just one. Second, we have to get to the weirdest story of the day, courtesy of the washington post, you're, not going to believe this one, but in order for you to access that, you actually have to become a member use code, shapiro checkout for two months, free and all annual plans, click the link in the description and join us.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-01.