« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1853 - Hamas And Its Media Allies Baffle With Bulls***

2023-11-20 | 🔗

As Israel’s assault on Hamas continues, pro-Hamas forces misdirect, lie, and falsify in an attempt to confuse the story; Argentina elects a colorful conservative president; and Elon Musk trains his sights on Media Matters.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today's show is sponsored by express vpn. Thousands of my listeners have already secured their network data, join them at express vpn, dot com, slash man, it's finally here. The best deal of the year, fifty percent off new, daily wire plus annual memberships. Now is the time go to daily wired outcomes. Slash subscribe to joint right now, The story of the current israel, hamas conflict, happens to be extremely simple: Hamas, a genocidal, jus hating organization that openly seeks extermination of Israel is makes it only latest and most radical iteration of a radical muslim movement that has sought israel's destruction since long before Israel was even born. Their mission has not waned in the seventy six years of modern israel's existence. Unfortunately, it also happens to be the passionate belief of a the majority of muslims living in the Gaza strip and the west bank, Israel, by contrast, is a democracy it's only jewish state and has repeatedly sought to make land for peace deals with arab countries and organisations. Those concessions have brought israel note in west bank or gaza strip far from it concerns
have generally emboldened israel's enemies. That's exactly what happened in the Gaza strip in two thousand five Israel pulled out of Gaza. Tempt you stop the costs in blood and treasure associated with policing the area. All jewish asked in the Gaza strip were promptly destroyed by palestinian arabs elections. Were they held in the Gaza strip and Hamas was elected to lead the Gaza strip. They promptly consolidated their control killing members of the palestinian authority, evinced as much international aid as they could to build rocket, enter interest? ignoring the needs of their population entirely, and then they launch repeat, rocket attacks on israeli civilians, the west and half years or sell. As commerce itself says, the organisers attempted to deceive Israel into believing it had been deterred from large scale, terrorist action then and october. Seventh, some or are the happiest day in the jewish calendar at least one in five hundred hamas terrorists and many civilian fellow travellers cry The israeli border by breaching the border, while around gaza and killed some
hundred israelis in their beds. At a music festival and elsewhere, they ripped women than merge them were dragged them in captivity back to Gaza, it kidnapped or slaughter babies. There is video from the Gaza strip as members and Hamas arrived back in the strip with their captives. We can see this is enormous crowds, people cheering and celebrating excited at the slaughter of civilians and the kidnapping of other civilians. Is this like a gate? There's this look like eight for population, a population seeking peace and coexistence and look at it simon look at the celebration. people screaming otherwise our as hostages are driven away, including the bodies of people being beaten in the streets. Gaza and the west bank are not filled with moderate muslims. Far from it doesn't west bank are
The people who despise the state of Israel and agree wholeheartedly with Hamas is genocidal aims. This is in essence the entire problem war. These areas filled with moderate muslims is rome. I find a piece partner that peace partner does not exist. as a new paul from the arab world for research and development shows seventy five percent of those hold in the Gaza strip and west bank supported the october seventh massacre. Seventy six percent support from us. Ninety eight percent of a negative view of america. Seventy eight percent believe in the total extermination of Israel altogether, as the old saw goes. If the palestinians were put down their arms tomorrow, it would have a safe if Israel, to put down its arms tomorrow, all the Jews would be dead. So if the conflict is that clear cut, why does it seems so complex, The answer is a strategy undertaken by the radical muslim world. It's far left allies, some far right allies and the international media. The strategy is called baffling with bull. Here's how works
first, you construct institutions that mirror your perspective so as to create an echo chamber. For example, you take over or create pseudo human rights organization, dedicated to promoting the anti israel point of view. Then brought them out routinely in order to claim that, despite all evidence, Israel is the real threat to human rights. So how can you which human rights organisations are biased and illegitimate. So not that hard, if you're human rights organisation, presumably hasn't pretty strong condemnation of Hamas, is assault on Jews. The worst is all since the holocaust, or the handling of the Gaza strip, which is terrorist. Enthusiastic here is a part the list of those who have been extraordinarily weaken their condemnations of Hamas or who have engaged in full moral equivalence with Israel's defensive actions in gaza, unicef, chief catherine rust Amnesty international, w chief tendresse every s international committee of the red cross, you and commissioner on human rights, vulgar turk, you and relief take Phronsie, save the children, doctors without borders, you in special report or Francesca albany's human rights watch oxfam, the open society
found foundations. The list of such organisations goes on and on and on and of course, this sort of added It is extraordinarily common in the legacy media, as we been detailing for weeks on this programme. Now, once you have your mouthpieces, the true magic begins. You begin the baffling: here's how you do it you monsieur remain story entirely. Instead, you folks in on the details, so as when discussing the main story altogether. You try to discredit single detail from Israel, and then you use it to suggest that emerging from Israel is false, despite the fact that Israel has a robust free press and routinely admits to mistakes despite the even more obvious fact that Israel's enemies routinely lie. That is lying, in fact, is a key part of their strategy takes ample msnbc many mehdi a consistently propagandistic opponent of Israel all the way back to his days at all, Jazeera harry was last week suggesting that, because the our governments, public relations deem may mislead like hell under in their export aid from us territories beneath all shiva hospital. This me
that Israel is a totally unreliable source on everything areas I with you, we should. Blindly believe anything, I'm our says, but should we be makes what your government says either your military spokesman on Monday pointed to an arabic document in the basin. A Gaza hospital and claimed it was a guardian list on which every terrorist rights, his name, but that was false. It was just a calendar. Days of the week on your colleague in the prime minister's office of a gentleman posted find the scenes footage from lebanese, short film and claimed it was palestinians in gaza, during their own injuries that tweet is still up a week later. That is endless information from your government, is it not endless disinformation and misinformation according to many has an endless the goal there, of course, is to create equivalence between Israel sources of information and Hamas, andrew minimize, what I'll shiva was remember. The thing he's talking about, there's a calendar found in a terror tunnel below all shiva hospital, and this has been a bugaboo for them.
For a long time. They ve been claiming that I'll shiva is not a military site than it is in fact a civilian site. Israel has no. for military interest in all cheaper other than human rights violation. Why they believe because they just listen to whatever Hamas as and then repeated, and then, when Israel, This differently, this are, we just don't know we get what now here's the thing of course, shiva was a military side. It was you, used as such. here is surveillance footage from the day of the attacks. These rules are hostages. Being us, into the hospital by the terrorists into amazing hospital that is pure medical site. A civilians like these are hostages were being into this hospital one of these hostages, by the way was an israeli soldier. A female israeli soldier was slightly moodily. They found her body, the other nation been murdered by Hamas. Here you can see them go personnel helping to us If people are to be borne, scrubbs ushering Members of Hamas, with hostages, by the way they drove past. A bunch of hospitals to get you I'll shiva
this is not a bunch of me. Go personnel are deeply concerned about helping the medical nation, the hostages who, by the way, would be much better off than they left in Israel, which is why, when yeah guess anwar be head of Hamas had brain cancer Israel, treated him and then released him. In any case, you can see these are members of the medical personnel at all shiva warehouse, in commerce and then were lying to the media, about it, pretending that it was a pure medical site. They were all complicit. The international red cross knows about this human rights watch knows about this. They all lie. They almost the commission is operating from all shiva, they worked with them and then they took The media lies about it and then the media ran with that story. Your witness From a sheaf, whose name cannot be revealed because they will be killed. Talking about her Her face was used as a base by Hamas it will strengthen the atom bomb on shiva hospital dubiously of global proportions, but they dont do such things
a massive cuts, I'm fighters enter among us billions, so the Jews. Get to them. And nobody can tell on and when I went to see by, cause, some fighters all around eskimos next to us in front of us behind us over and under us. isn't that forbidden in Islam. in that oppression of civilians. Every palestinian knows: Sheba hospital is full of them. Nobody can talk that way, death by use better than death by ices. I spent achieve up, I thought would be the last night of my life, my Judging from the terrible carnage that happened and the shelling around us. I thought it was our day of judgment, on the going being judged on account of people whenever had protected us only pretty to their families and children whom they brought to safety. Outside of Gaza or underneath us, god knows where, while everything
we fell on ice. Let me tell you for certain: our people will bear poverty, hunger and thirst As long as commerce gets out of here from the data I've given during catastrophe as what people in Gaza, some of them at least act think about commerce, but they'll never say it and the truth is comes down to it. This is a minority viewpoint is a minority viewpoint, but the big story, obviously for many hassan, is whether Israel is disseminating endless misinformation about a catalan Or on the wall of a terror tunnel and whether it can track of terrorist hostage handlers or not such as better son playing the baffling with ball game. It's the usual suspects aegean, cnn, cnn. It over the weekend that the idea in showing the media the weaponry found at all. She forgot my have rearranged weaponry prior to exposing them can reach the media Location from CNN is that Israel is false, find something which is absurd, any The d a makes a bust and then shows the drugs on the table. They have rearranged the drugs where Israel, too,
all weaponry and place. That would be dangerous, given that booby traps have already killed or wounded a high number of israeli soldiers. We seen this sort of game wandered into false accusations by programme. Our forces that real photos burn. Babies are, in fact a I generated image it being Distance by programmers propagandist their babies work, lastly, burned alive rather than beheaded. This somehow means Israel is dishonest and Hamas is its moral equivalent and now Most amazingly people are claiming that must didn't even conducted the massacre at all. That is a contention making its way around the internet and the arabic world. Thanks to our where, from her it's a far left disgrace of an israeli publication. That's from our it states that, according to israeli officials from Austria initially did not know about the music festival. They ended up devastating that. Instead, the court found out about the nova festival through drones or from those. In parachutes and directed terrorist location. Using their comes system, there report
also included a single unsought police allegation that an idea helicopter targeting terrorists. At this I quote apparently harmed a few party goers who are in the area the police. by the way denied the report's angle. The police investigation does not refer to the activity of idea forces and therefore, no indication was given of harm to civilians. As a result of activity at the sight. Nonetheless, that Our report has now metastasized into the programme Why that Israel slaughter its own citizens on mass? The most viral twitter account on twitter tweet. Yesterday. What will you condemn israel now, given they have admitted to hearts that israeli helicopters murmured israeli civilians on its over seven years, the palestinian authority visiting suppose leap, moderate peace partner, the bite administrations pushing announced that israeli, accomplishing killed all three hundred for people at the music festival, citing their important hearts. No surprise there leader of the palestinian authority again a supposed moderate mahmoud Abbas, is a full scale? Holocaust denial?
the Babylon, with both isn't relegated to focusing on details and employing them up into entire false narratives. It also extends even credence to total wires that's precisely why the legacy media claims that Israel had bombed the hospital early in the conflict was palestine islamic jihad. Why what gives you media have claimed each and every day that electricity was out at all, she thought clearly by contemporaneous footage. It was not Israel is targeting civilians when it is. It, in fact, is journalist, give collyer points out The media routinely use accounts from open tat, supporters for their gaza coverage. Colored Abu samra, who claim that Israel was shooting at those waving white flags posted there is it is being made on sober seventh mama Abu samir, head of Shifa hospital, Jimmy praises. Terrorists on a social media is also routinely quoted by the press when you're aboard. director general of the palestinian health ministry, who claimed door were eating bodies of civilians back. I is really part of the Hamas government and there is one other elements to baffling with both pretending. You just don't know
to make a judgment between Israel and its enemies. Who now What's true, and what's not it's all just too complicated to say this, allows. Journalists are supposed to be focused on truth to give equal credence to propagandists andrew tellers, both sides, they cry as they host people who openly call for the destruction of the state of Israel and valor. Ask must it doesn't take much to turn a clear narrative into muddy. One some wise. Some laser, like focus on irrelevant detail and echo chamber, shoulder shrugging ignorance when question and a lot of radical and fellow travellers to promote all of that apple from these it's the truth can be turned to falsehood and we're watching it happen in real time, and just as I can get smash all good whose from argentina? First, if you're looking for a killer black friday, well, I have one for you: it's a free, moto g, five g phone from here, no gimmicks, no training necessary, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, fifty needs of data and get all of that region If I bought and you'll get the moto g five g phone for free the new model,
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argentina shocked the world electing a libertarian outsider your mealy. Now malay is by far was entertaining person in the world and we like in on the planet. this guy's wildly entertaining not only because you have to be extremely conservative, protection, nano Fifty eight years, a full scale. Proponents of the product position, for example so does not happening vertical libertarian on certain forms of drug use. For the discussion, as a libertarian is not quite right, is actually just a classical liberal. Very conservative undertones in terms religion and the importance of culture he's great, in other words, so He wants a huge victory. today in argentina's presidential election bowing to hold decades economic. clad in a country reeling from triple digit inflation, inflation right now is it a hundred and forty three percent, which means that
pretty much every day everything gets more expensive and that becomes a spiral. This, according to the a f p with fifty five point, seven percent about me, lay thumbs his rival economy, minister, sergio massa one. Forty four percent of a rapidly conceded defeat, Miller said in his victory speech. What today begins the reconstruction of argentina today begins the end of argentina's decline. The model of decadence come to an end. There is no way back latin america's third biggest economy. Decades of crises under interventionist governments, big on welfare, the resort to printing money to finance spending, feeling inflation, while borrowing heavily only to default on their debt. Ass, If the dollars are strictly controlled, leading to a thriving black market for greenbacks analysts warn the peso is ripe for a sharp devaluation. So, despite all the inflation has been taking place. Actually, the peso is still worth too much money because you can't If, u s dollars, we could rating for u s dollars. That means the patient was worth even less money. its main platform has been a plan to ditch the basis for the. U s dollar and dynamite the central bank to do away the cancer of inflation.
Now the problem is there: don't have enough dollars to inject into the economy right away, so in order do that. You can have the reestablish credit worthiness. The people who have to buy borrow a bunch of new money from the I m f The international monetary fund, however mealy just a guy to do this sort of stuff. He is incredibly bold. He also has suggested that he wants to cut ties on a governmental level brazil and china, thank you. not do business with communist. Now it's gonna be rough on. on an interpersonal and in business level. To do that sort of thing and he is now that he's not going to do that. However, he is very much oriented towards the west, which means that the press hate him. That's where the it's variables, honourable scenario, and your very oriented toward the west. You like the united states, for example, you, like Israel, you like europe. That means that you super bad if you're lula DA silva, who is in actual tyrants in Brazil, and was russia loves. China loves iran, then you're good.
Turning to the international press and the media, the international media, are a guard. Their smoking garbage reap or run by activists from what which is why they hate Javier me like we're, going to bring you more and have your melee in a second, because this dude is just spectacular. I I gotta say Maybe he's great he's great, we'll get it out One second first thing about the memories you're going to make. These holidays. With those you love those moments round, the dinner table flag football out in the yard or five K. Turkey trot early in more now imagine relive those holidays passed with your own family wearing a lifetime of memories used to be commitment, camcorder cost thousands dollars. Tapes are expensive. Cameras required film, envelopment legacy box exists. Preserve your family's recorded moments, digitally ensuring their safety forever out in your garage got a bunch of old film reels. Do you have a film projector in Brazil Seven I really just sitting out there and is getting old, the bugs are getting into. Instead, senator is about and preserve it forever legacy box. They simple save solution for digitizing. All your memories are going to legacy now comes I should period, can enjoy forty percent off when you get started with legacy box today. Depressed
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What does that mean? Merely mrs you can't you left tarns left hardening of low quality is, can you too high and low level? This is all collectively they all kinds of quickly. Please let me why do you call them? She asks us because they are he's got, but I suddenly they want. Differently from them. She says on the They will tell you. What is the point I made you can't you left us an interloper, but I will some day if you give them, It's no use to destroy you, nobody naval sceptical unsuitable. Negotiate was left. Ours not say they also going to send me a lot of it those who traffic in you- and you guys are there- that is it is you just gotta. Let it the president of Since you again very much oriented towards the united states, Harry was talking His agenda is one, is a little bit less colorful. Throw suitcase that is certainly musical, monsieur le baron are fundamental axes, are more interim peacefully and you're not going on here and there. The yeoman freedom in aligning ourselves have lasted in this in April, but I'm affordable for that references in this. For us
united states and Israel, was hopelessly ballot vacant and ass for china has number news of you want two main trading partners as well. They won't be business partners nor of the private sector. Does those we do not make impacts of communists yeah, but then what would you do, in other words container So we do not close our literally china, film gambols does not promote relations on venezuelan with communism. north you about got out me going north korea, Nicaragua, north china lawyer entity This is a runaway le you're. Changing policies is obviously love. It love it. and by the way it can be tested by vitamin is what they do with this guy, because if they do not immediately bring lay in argentina into the fold, it is proof positive that this Nutrition does not give a damn about pro american meant in latin in south america. This guy is begging for argentina to make great friends with the united states If Britain somehow rejects that are to have me international leftism, it demonstrates full scale the impact
I a foreign policy rooted in leftist nonsense. Meanwhile, here's me lay on dollars, nation. That of course, be the transfer away from the absolutely worthless argentinian pace up and toward the american dollar photo gay. I think there's a previous discussion about dollar relation actually, strictly speaking It's to get rid of the central bank, the dollar relation is. for mental issue? At the end of the day, therefore, argumentative axons one passage, with a moral issue, which is that stealing is wrong and senior rich as nothing more or less than a swindle by politicians against good people. There Well, let's say if we consider that stealing is wrong. One of the greatest thieves in the history of mankind is the central bank. The second point has to do with a technical issue, because in the argentine case it is more evident when a product has no demands. Its price is zero, so if the local currency has no demand and its price,
should be zero vehicle area. Unreal balances are zero. Whatever amount of money a central bank wishes to impose the counterpart is that the price level is info. Demand and its price should be zero equilibrium. Real balance hours euro, zero, whatever of money. A central bank wants to impose a flip side is that the price level has infinity. This is correct when he sang it. can't put money into the economy and then pretend that the money is worth anything it isn't he Julie anti abortion loser gun laws is criticized. Pope Francis in most colorful terms, make me look like a piker in particular He used to carry around a chainsaw in a symbol of his plan for the government, which is just the best, is just the best and again here here made my favorite millay video there bunch of them they're just spectacular and have you never? in a picture Amelia. He looks like dork. Everyone is amazing, he's got like the big hair and he's got mutton shops and he's been.
We suggested it he's not cut his hair since high school is. It is a very kind of trouble character in in his own personal life. He used to talk pretty openly about being like a tantric sex guru and all the rest of this kind of stuff. It's it's hysterical stuff. This that the video that probably have gone the most viral and for those who can see you standing next to a white bored with taped. On the white board, are the names of the various ministries in argentina and you just through and ripping them down and saying that he's gonna throw them out. Here we go The ministry courts in tourism out MR of culture, wait. A minute ministry of the environment and sustainable development. ministry of women, gender and diversity ministry of public works is uniform, as I feel that the board ministry of science, technology and innovation must labour and women social security
Minister of education, indoctrination out ministry of transport out, the ministry of health out avoid misery of social development that allow out they don't a theory of politics is over long, live damn liberty of these great now. The reality is that he can so people in america concert is like. Why can't we do this year? And the answer is because we don't have one hundred and forty three percent inflation. The reason that he is able to say the truth about government spending is because it has reached such an exorbitant, an insane proportion, but they ve bankrupted the country no less than three times they ve defaulted on their debts, repeat which means it's impossible to raise new debt when you keep defaulting under that, nobody wants to lend you money in the future right now. The question is how we gonna pay back the I m F b, I m f physical, forty, three billion dollar alone outside and you know right now in argentina, to get back on some sort of decent track? They are gonna have to take some new debt. The garret
you have that that is gonna, be milos ability and willingness to cut future government spending, and this means dumping. The garbage philosophy apparent. As of now, the reason that parallelism is so important for peace, I understand, is because parentage is almost identical with the kind of economic policy that has been pursued by the left, in the united states paradigms, communism parent is not quite socialism. really more economic, corporatism. It's the sort of thing you're seeing china pursue right now or that you saw for example? Nazi germany pursue it estate led enterprise, so the basic idea is she? there'll, still be private business, but we will give them. Subsidies will tell them how to do their business. We will will protect a few core businesses and business sectors and we will fund them. All of our friends will get super duper rich and if this sounds a lot like the democratic party policy on economic partner, republican party policy uneconomic. Frankly, that's because it is, it turns out. the whether you are right or whether you are left subsidies to political friends in order to protect partition.
Our industries, not core national security industries, but just industries that you think are special to protect certain. Segments of the population, it turns out they bankrupt the country. If you go back to the original, the original peronist philosophy of Juan peron, who was the left, leaning continuing who ran argentina until his wife took over, and then they wrote a musical about her with madonna. Another aspect: parent is full please dominated argentina for literally decades, and if you go back Can you actually look at the principles of parents? They are very much like a modern democratic party quote. A true democracy is that in which the government does what the people want and defends only one interest The people's parent is essentially of the common people, any political elite is people in us now. Parents, rights of populist leftwing movement apparently worked for the moment, However, in that imperatives serves an elite or leader is apparent in name only. for parents and there's only one class of person to those who work working as a right. It creates the deed The have men duty, because it's further that
should produce as much as they can zoom at the very least and then heroism talks about how Actually, you need to balance the right of the individual and society as an economic doctrine, a social market, putting capital to the service of the economy and the wellbeing of the people. Anybody who heard by the way, right or left talk about the idea that capitalism is really a tool rather than for the markets, ought to work for the people, not the other way around. That philosophy is, in essence, a parent. His philosophy is not the job of quote unquote. Markets to work for that markets are not an instrument of government markets are just revision of relations between human beings markets, our description of how people trade with one another and under what conditions suggesting that the market europe for the people is rousseau in way of describing a vague general will and interacting government power at achieving that suppose it general well and what it ends up with is massive amounts of that. In reality, it amounts to tremendous economic inefficiency, registry
of resources from mendous economic controls on industry and, as always, huge debt back in october writers. did any new problems for argentina. They pointed out that the six billion dollar economy has been engulf by deep crisis that involves runaway inflation, a dearth of your style reserves and an electorate with little trust in its currency. The country, could be in danger of defaulting annette. Forty three billion dollar programme with the international monetary fund not actually be argentina, holding on assent now for the third time in the last couple of days, but for the tenth time over all the government, on spending and spending and spending they keep on just blowing out the debt the the that pile is enormous. You right now the total outstanding government debt, as like twenty twenty three is about four hundred billion dollars and is rising rapidly. So
me is gonna, have his work cut out for him. Since nineteen eighty them in spending. Why drunken sailors even monetizing that that by simply issuing more passes- and then they ve been default on their debt and emulate is going to come out have to come in with that change. He's really not going to have a choice, but to do that and watch as the left kicks. games in the united states also because they shortcoming is you it's coming. The reality is that once you hit situation that argentina has now hit. You have a choice but to go the chainsaw. So best of luck to javier me lie and again the west, to be embracing this guy is? It is an incredible judgment on the media and now on the west, that many of them are more comfortable with. would the silver in brazil then they are with with have your mealy in open ally of youth. States was desperately seeking a better relationship with the united states. The fact amelia find it easy I, with lula, tells you everything you need to know about media and our modern leftwing political leadership, melees cisely, the kind of leader that ronald Reagan was begging for during his presidency. A democrat
we elected classical liberal, who is seeking economic openness freedom and to pay back the countries. Debts and the media, like our nosegay, seems kind of crazy chasms to rot. what your hearing him describe as an unarmed capitalist as a far right character. I notice that argentina has one hundred and forty three percent inflation because of the programme you guys like so now, I'm trying indifference or good on argentinians, realizing that by the way he's boost to power by young people to project our young people want it again. Young people fat and happy when the country is fat and happy you can afford. Leftism is a luxury good. You can afford left when your country's fat unhappy and when the rubber meets throwed reality tends to intrude rather strongly ok, just one second elon musk is now going to war with media matters, and I am fearful we'll get to that momentarily. First sleep hard to come by these days very stressed,
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particularly rationing things up over the course of the last few months, because you wanted so active on twitter. It as we talk about a little last week you are embroiled himself in a controversy because again he's very active on twitter and he for retweeted and restated another tweet from somebody that many people than ever. it's being antisemitic, and then he obviously clarified. He said. Listen, I'm talking about the eighty l, I'm talking about left wing jews, who have been very big on open borders and then suddenly are very big on not open borders. The minute that it turns lotta people got imported, hey jews and he always not talking about the entire jewish community or all Jews, or anything remotely like that. That is not who you want is me. I know you want just a little bit, but the implication that elon musk anti semitic, like the implication down from his anti semitic, I've. very weird that many of the people who are jumping on then bandwagon people like media matters, very soft on actual hamas fans of your fan of Hamas. If you're a person from the river to the sea, rashid ITALY
place like medium annual the venue in if you are a person who actively promotes terrorist entities who, actively side with those terrorist ruined us our sewers. Something then media matters here, you're the best man you're great everyone must then also the soap. What that's as me is altered Motive the haiti lemme busy- I must just does not mere the wolf priorities of the left- show what we saw weekly, yet another attempt to unperceived even more which is not going to work because he's incredibly wretchedness, incredibly famous and he's incredibly valuable to us wide variety of human beings, ranging from testing owners to the federal gum with regard to space, acts against another attempting to undercut him with advertisers on twitter now known as acts and so You on is now pushing back on. All of that is pushing back on that different ways. First of all, again location that you're mosque as an anti semite, is to me quite third, based on the record, based on the record that is currently available,
he literally tweeted out just three days ago, quote as I earlier this week, decolonization from the river to the sea and similar euphemisms necessarily imply genocide. Clear calls extreme violence against our terms of sorts and will result in suspension and seems like a lot more pro jewish then a huge majority of the people on the left, who are ripping An uneven must will now. He is that he is going to go nuclear on media matters according to political. Must have on sierra. He will finally thermonuclear lawsuit against non prob, wash shrugged media matters and others as companies, including disney apple and ibm, reportedly pause advertising on an ex ante. Some storm around the social media platform again disney apple I've been there continue to advertising MSNBC, which does cover for hamas on a daily basis. Presumably media matters. A: u S, group, describes, selves, progressive research and information centre, publish early with research showing that x had posted adds appearing. That's you neo nazi posts.
Exit yielding to get rid of previously said. Brands are not protected from the risk of being next. You potentially toxic content on the platform, but must said the split second court opens on monday export. We filing a thermonuclear lawsuit against me in media matters and all those who colluded in this fraudulent attack on our company. you posted a statement. The headline stand with ex to protect free speech and here's what he said quote We mean matters from Erika posted, a story that completely misrepresented the real user experience on x. attempts to undermine freedom of speech and mislead advertisers. Above ever, the including private ex works to protect the public's right to free speech, but for speech to be truly free, We must also have the freedom to see or hear things that some people may consider objectionable. We believe that one has the right to make up their own minds about what to read, watch or listen to, because that's the power of freedom of speech, spider clearing consist of there's an excess in a number of attacks from activists groups like media matters and legs. You, media outlets, who seek to undermine for
with the expression on our platform because they perceive it as a threat to their ideological narrative and those of their financial supporters. This, of course, is one hundred per cent. True is why she kara swisher spending every waking moment of her life going after you and mosque going after mark Zuckerberg before any social media platform that does not mirror the priorities of kara swisher becomes a bad social media network that must be hit with advertiser boycotts. Here are the facts on media matters. Research is what elon says to manipulate the public and advertisers media matters, create an alternative count and carried the posting advertising appearing on the accounts timeline to misinform. advertising about the placement of their posts. These contrived experiences can be applied to any platforms. In other words, media matters credit a false account. Then they proceeded to algal rhythmically figure out, which tweets would be the most likely to appear in their twitter feed if they come to accessing nazi tweets and then, when adds research than they then screen cap that once they curated their feet, he says european, we refresh their time less money, rare instances of ads serving next to the content they chose to follow. Our lungs indicate,
for us scenario, resulting in thirteen times number of ad served. Compare the meeting, add, serves to an ex user other fibre by billion at impressions on ex ante, less than fifty total at impressed reserved against all the organic content featured in the media matters. Article, which is an insane rate of successive you're hoping to prohibit advertising content from appearing next. You really disgusting posts from one brand showcasing the article one of the tasks renovation so opposed to times that and was seen in that setting, but only to users, one of which was the author of the media matters article for another brand. a case in the article two of the ads served adjacent to two posts, three times that It was only seen in that setting by one user through the media matters article, in other words, they totally created an account just menu. after story that this is a thing that is happening all over twitter when in fact it happening because media matters basically game the system to achieve an end where they can then say two advertisers that if your honda, your risk of appearing next to a NEO nazi post media matters, article Nine posts they believe should not be allowed on x
upon evaluation. Only one of the nine organic posts featuring in the article violating our content policies. We take an action on it under our freedom of speech, not reach enforcement approach. So here's the summary actual protect the public's right to free expression will not allow agenda driven activists were even our own profits to deter our vision. Everyone has it is on X, user and brown controlling access appear to a year ago, and data wins over allegations. Media matters does not reflect the user experience on acts, so He is now filing this lawsuit against media matters, presumably for what he is going to accuse them of is some some form of frauds and legal form on an attempt to artificially interfere with business contract. You torches, interference with with contract, would probably be the basis the lawsuit here. This is part and parcel of broader attempt to de platform must, from his own platform is why they are so angry ones. When it got taken away from jack dorsey, we must bought twitter and the expensive like point, billion dollars. That is just down the toilet mean that the twitter is now worth maybe half of what it was when must bought it at the men going price.
They are now attempting to essentially destroy musk over all of this by claim falsely that he is an anti semite again, you have to consider the source. You have two concerns source when you see people on MSNBC, whore, hot and bother over you and must suppose it anti semitism and the very next segment. They are having on some wild, anti israel prognosticator, accusing Israel, genocide and war crimes and making excuses for Hamas. You have under what is the real agenda there? It doesn't feel like you, religion has anything to do with jus hatred per se, ok in just one second, we'll get to the actual latest news in Israel, the who these are ramping up their attacks from yemen, because again, IRAN is being all sorts. in the region. First with thanksgiving just few days where I want to show some graduate for some of the people on my team justin, who make sure that the show is top quality savvy who informed me of all the latest gossip, all the tea, as we like to say, Jake, for keeping the up to date on sports and began
occasional american accented hebrew with me jack for always lie. my jokes and taking super awkward pictures ends and also in for the latest in the star wars, universe, kelly for being the world's best. insistent considering she literally has to tell me I'm not kidding when to take out the trash and when to pick up my kids and be, of course, forming an amazing make up artist and also being literally willing to kill, on my behalf, Eggs and amazing team of people to make this show successful. Just like it takes an amazing team to make any business successfully found a lot of these people on the procureur, and you can do if you're hiring you need to find the best virgin. You need zipper right now in tried for free super grid. Dotcom, slash daily wire, zipper query smart technology to scan thousands of resumes, find most qualified people for your job, zip recruited, let's most qualified well, there are a great match and encourages them to apply. Ziprecruiter is trusted by millions in there three point: eight million businesses have come to zip rapporteur for their hiring. It needs if your yourself, why so many business owners and hiring managers are thankful for zip procure forty five where's does on Ziprecruiter get a cancer within day. One I'd be super grateful if you could go to this exclusive
web address right now and tries to procure for free zipper could dot com I shit daily wire again that ziprecruiter dot jack arms, like d a I l Y w eyrie ziprecruiter, is indeed this mars. We hire or meanwhile The media continued to be really really terrible at their jobs, particularly drawn Israel. Of course, they can yesterday was the biggest headline of the day that Israel was about to strike some sort of cease fire deal with Hamas in the Gaza strip, the men to walk that back was denied by both Israel and the united states. It turned out not to be true. This giant paws, now. The bottom initiation is trying to push the idea that they're getting closer to a deal, but they really should be talking about anything if it ills happened. Why exactly? We talk about any of that publicly John finer, who is the deputy AL security advisor using a national tv they're getting closer to a deal. What does that even look like? Why is he talking about that like? This is not how negotiations typically work? What is the state of negotiations as-
this morning. Is there a deal imminent thanks Jake, so I think you heard probably the prime minister of cut her speak to this earlier today they have been We close, obviously at these negotiations, have we, as we have. The united states has been following this minute by minute hour by hour up to the level of the president for whom this is a major overriding priority. Obviously, in part, because there are a number of americans who are in this horrific situation, what I can say about this at this time, as we think that we are closer than we have been, perhaps at any point, since these negotiations began weeks ago, There are areas of difference in disagreement that had been narrowed, if not a closed out, entirely so I'm why? Some of them have a late. Nobody really really knows. Meanwhile, the israeli ambassador to the united states, Michael hers, exec we're not to cease fire while due to a cease fire when we are literally attempting to track down, are hostages in real time and again tables released yesterday
ass, he was being dragged into all shiva hospital. The tapers Secondly, we showed an earlier on the show and the fact that there still will the international media who believe that Israel has some sort of responsibility to Hamas under these circumstances is in sight. An absurd and disgusting prime minister Netanyahu set a pause and combat is exactly what Hammas wants, so they can read. So I want to see wish within a pause for a few days in order to get hostages, release and assist ceasefire violence. There was a fairy to a ceasefire we're against ceasefire, because that would, allow Hamas to retain power to group to rearm and strike again, but it would be a cease fire for a few days This is that the different we're talking about a pause in the fighting for a few days, so we can get the hostages zone, but now
it's not a cease fire, because we will continue to push against Hamas to dismantle their military infrastructure and the terror infrastructure. We're not going to stop that. Meanwhile, iranian back to these in yemen have now seized a ship in the red sea. This is really dangerous, because when you start endangering the the world's choke points in terms of trade, is a major problem. To the suez canal, all of nineteen, fifty six, for example, the straits. Hormones are another example of a place where oil ships out and if the iranian would make sure his trouble over there that'd be a real for the world economy fell to our isolation on foreign policy seem to forget that there there is in fact a globe and on their globe. There are certain choke points in terms of trade and when those trow points get owned by nefarious powers, their prices at the grocery store go up. jobs may go away inflation it. We have a very interconnected world economy, and the simple fact is that it does make a very large difference to you exactly who owns those trope point and have a stroke points get run so
Yesterday? A cargo ship partially owned by an israeli businessperson was hijacked by germans who the rebels in the red sea on sunday, the cargo ship, the bahamas, galaxy leader was least from a british company partially owned by an is really an interim to a japanese company. The ship left, a port Turkey's headed for india, whose sailing under the bahama indian flag. There twenty five crew members of different nationalities, including ukrainians, bulgarians, filipinos and mexicans. There are no israelis onboard no crime, where's were injured, but it did receive minor damage, the power, ministers office, condemned the seizure highlighting this was not israeli or owned by israelis. The who these have been attempting, obviously, to attack the waters surrounding surrounding it the persian gulf. I have been attempting to cross naval problems in these areas. That is, IRAN, is obviously IRAN now This is contributing to a larger sense of democratic panic. Why? What? The media are pushing this idea that, unless Joe Biden, swindles income wildly anti israel. He's going to lose the next election. I'd love to see the data of
What's the idea that, if you swiveller on behalf of Hamas that suddenly he's going to win the election chauvinism below because Joe Biden is deeply unpopular? Brand new pulling out yesterday show The Joe Biden, approval. Writing is down to forty four and strong majorities of all voters disapproval his handling of foreign policy. Now it does say that so just to prove his handling of the Israel class war, but what we heard about that, The question is that That means a bunch of people who are on the right means love Israel very often a lot of those people disapprove of his handling of the israel hamas war, so, but that they do so right so in other words, to suggest that everybody is mad abiden, because he's too pro israel is to ignore the reality, which is that by the same pole of all entities in the whole, ranging from Israel to Hamas to donald trump, too biden to the republicans in congress, the single most popular did he in the ball was actually this. if Israel so be very weird for, for example, Joe Biden. to sort of abandon israel in the face of
all that again. By the same pole, showing Joe Biden unpopular. It shows that Israel has a plus twenty three rating. Ukraine still has a plus twenty one rating, and then it gets to the politicians Nicky haley's at minus four. my johnson's at minus nine down from some minor sixteen turbines and mine is seventy in palestine is a minus eight in russia, it might have. Seventy four and Hamas is minus. Eighty, so the implication there is the Joe Biden suppose a swivel on behalf of Hamas, I'm not sure exactly how you make decades critical is assuming a neat silver. The poster has pointed out. Nonetheless, Joe Biden is seeking to start to miller eight between two positions. This, for example, by president Biden has now said the he's issue visa bans on quote unquote israeli extremists attacking palestinians in the west bank unclear exactly who he is talking. Obviously no criminal should enter the united states. Have somebody is committing a criminal act, you or not you, be entering the united states period, end of story, but the idea that there is like this vast criminal underclass in the west bank. That is pursuing
extraordinary acts of violence is not actually told out by the data. there are some people who are doing that and they should be arrested. Then the notion that is anywhere on par with a massive problem in their hundreds of that ten thousand, eight thousand hundred people, or attempting to emigrate from Israel to the united states after conducting criminal activities, against the arabs in west bank. Like those numbers don't exist, it's very we're taken is mostly directed toward public consumption. At this point, meanwhile, you can tell us that the the Democrats are deeply fearful. Abiden, he celebrating is eighty first birthday. He clearly is not with it anymore. You can tell this because Finally, turning on Joe Biden, which is shocking, when, when, as in all turns on Joe Biden, he's got a real power, well because, as you know, they are massaging Biden did massaging the Democrats literally from latin Basically, since two thousand eight since brok abound, became president, they made it their permanent, full time, jobs, massage democrats,
there. Finally, starting to knock Biden. That's it! That's all news for him. Obviously, may your oh boy drew our fish stocks to keep things on the rails. Read from the teleprompter great me with president roman numeral. Eleven scares me crazy. She media was a total win chair, made agreements about communication, thinner climate change, but most importantly, we got to sing. America really need right now, more panda, I don't like to open up to questions for shop wall street journal. Thank you. Mr president. China relations broke off this past year, partly because you called president XI a dictator, that's right, but your summit last week saw remarkable strides in mending that relationship. Would you like to come
the engineer accomplishment by calling them a dictator again, I would question ellie tabs. Thank you, MR president, and congratulations on your historic and productive summit. I have a question. your old bouquet or a shirt. That is a question, but I mean man. Why can't we talk about things that are going well, like the economy? We are peace, china for the first time in forty years or how I created the most jobs since fdr. Alright go ahead washington ask away. Mr president, I'd like to ask you about the handling of the border crisis, god are going to get something. Let me cheeky water, real quick. Once again now that you're saying
It is pretty obvious that a lot of the democratic basis, unhappy with joy by the problem, as in got anybody else, wind up already guys. The rest of the show continues right now, you're not going to miss. It will be joined online by actual kaiser who's, an expert on latin and south america, if you're, not become a member use code shapiro at out for two months, regional annual plans, but that link in the description and join us,
Transcript generated on 2023-11-24.