« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1848 - Pro-Hamas Protesters Want To Intimidate You

2023-11-10 | 🔗

The Washington Post pulls down a cartoon criticizing Hamas after staffers cry “racism”; the Biden administration ratchets up pressure on Israel; and Joe Manchin announces he won’t run for re-election.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The Ben shapiro show sponsored by express vpn. I talk about the most every single show. Why haven't you gotten a vpn, yet express vpn right now express vpn dot com, slash men? The goal of the current wave of pro hamas protests is very simple. The goal is not to protest in favor of palestinians, of course, if it were protesters would have been out in the streets for less twenty years. Pushing for commerce is elster, since Hamas was stealing literally billions of dollars and using it to build terror, tunnels and rockets. and they were killing anyone who oppose them the goal and even to make a political point really, politicians may try to translate the obviously protests, tourism and anti semitic messages of these programmes. Protests into political speak to try to make it about a ceasefire or negotiations or a two state solution. But that's not what these protests are about. These protests are about intimidation. It is that simple, the size and virulence of the protest is designed to intimidate. This is why the protests, aren't generally com or peaceful, they are generally rowdy, they are very often violent. Involve
alt and police officers and jews. I'm lucky enough to fight with an arms grasp yester. A promise rally in new york city, for example, ended with the programme. Arsenic hitting a jewish man in the head with a chair and This, of course, is not a rarity hate crimes against whose are up over two hundred percent in new york city. The programme must protest will descend on the museum of tolerance in irony, almost think to believe in orange was Jews and reporters watching a compilation of commerce's atrocities in the Gaza envelope of this on the eve of the universe. I've kristallnacht the kick off and violent anti trust. Against Jews in nineteen thirty eight years. What they look like the You can see people screaming and free palestine trying to be people as they enter the museum of tolerance meters down tolerance by the way
is random people boulevard. Someone was jewish areas of the city and pro I was dying. Protesters programmers process are shut up to twenty people. Up What we see in these tactics all over the world protesters attacking police officers in london, defacing historic statues and putting the casino on Ben franklin climbing the walls of the white house. We ve seen protesters chanting openly for the slaughter of Jews, calling Only for the destruction of the state of Israel itself on campuses across the nation. Jews have been surrounded pushed around threatened it was you see allay yesterday, my alma mater or one woman screamed beat that ensue as protesters beat up opinion of israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The You can see the man beating eating out of a stick. And in swimming happened there ones
easier. One day come grab me. I need you to help me out. I start punching at meeting it. Well, everyone shares in the united kingdom, jewish students are now free to go to class. According to report, a townsmen court in bristol a jewish, soon was told you and your fan, We are money grabbing, murdering muslim people, another in Birmingham. You ve been instagram message from a stranger morning called me. A slow and painful death be granted to you and ever others I, like you. A university rabbi also received direct message on the platform. Quote you massacred innocent muslims. I hope you die too. In warwick, a jewish students. What's up group was infiltrated by at least three different people bombarding pressures with the message shown to me, including dirty jewish israel got no humanity, mud ring and free palestine. All that was spelled wrong. Of course, over at mit last
According to students there, jewish and israeli mit students were physically prevented from attending classed by a hostile group of pro promises. Calling themselves the sea a in Ministration warned them to clear and get out of the way or they would be suspended. They were not. None of this falls into the roma policy. Its mere intimidation is of strength. It is a threat. The idea is very simple. There are millions of us, the commission supporters we're in your streets, we are in your classrooms, wearing your companies will say and do anything we like exporting your western weakness. You will import more of us. Your sons and daughters will join us in marching against our values. You're lying, Workmen organs will watch us passively, as we do all of this, and you will do nothing. That's the message the goal of the problem of protest rally across the west is make jews and western allies afraid by showing them I've no limit programme us for he's in the west hope to force their enemies into acquiescence, goal is to play on the emotions of soft headed liberals who quite anger with justification, who believe that the angrier
protest or the more that anger must bring from oppression the only wage relieved that anger, therefore, is to relieve you suppose it oppression to surrender and the west is fill but those woods render. The latest example comes courtesy of the washington post yesterday, the washington remove. The comic by famous cartoonist, MIKE Ramirez here is what it looked like for those who can see it is a common member. It is a Hamas spokesperson and tied to him. Our babies an innocent woman in the corner. You can see a picture of the leader of hezbollah and that and palestinian flag and this come spokesperson hissing how dear Israel attack civilians. This, of course, is an accurate. This is indeed Hamas a strategy to hide behind civilians, particularly children, while claiming immunity, and the depiction of the hamas figure is based. I've come ass, senior official does he come on whose most, only seen explaining away the slaughter of Jews and then pledging to repeat that slaughter. Here's what gaza looks like in real life, and here what it looks like in the cartoon, this very
obviously got some odd, no matter become, snakes in the washington post offices promptly intimidated the washington post into fully pulling the cartoon based on false accuracy, of racism editorial page david Shipley said, quote a cartoon we publish michael ramirez on the war in Gaza, a cartoon with publication was seen by many readers as racist. This was not my intent. I saw the trying as a caricature, of a specific individual become folks person who celebrate the attacks on unarmed civilians in Israel, however, reactions. The image convinced me that I had missed something profound and divisive, and I regret that again It's the reaction that convinced him. It's not the actual costs It is the reaction. The angry or people get at him, the more they must be justified, signed up, moody, follow a staffer the washington post celebrated on the company slap we follow on presently is pretty obvious. Radical programme, arsenic or twitter. it contains allegations of israeli genocide and blends Israel for the bombing of the likely hospital was palestinian islamic jihad. Her feed contains press sleep, zero condemnations of commerce, but the post cave too
and her allies bidding cave, because of the inherent contents of the cartoon. In fact, here's another cartoon that still up on the post youtube page is a cartoon that is effectively a bloodline falsely depicting prime minister benjamin in seattle punching a union baby in the van swell, ignoring a hamas terrorists. The caption reach is pounds Hamas targets in gaza, the idea being that baby is looking specifically. The terrorist, ignoring the terrorist, to punch and presumably kill the baby. That's a blood level. It is still on the washington post. You two page This is a story in the media. These days they will defend hitler. Supporters who hate israel, but they will dumb cartoons label Hamas terrorist It is presumably why than your terms spent it's day yesterday, defending stringers port, unquote, we're part the painting and hamas as a terrorist attacks of october seven. There literal pictures of some of those foreigners carrying grenades to the actual attacks, mustn't upset the islamic goes, and the islamic radicals know that the spineless meet you will came to their demands. That's why
rioters invaded the offices of the new york times yesterday. Accordingly, your daily news, a demonstrator set off a smoke bomb as about thirty others breach the lobby were witnesses said security guards. Let them briefly chance. One witness edward, it was fifteen to twenty them doing the actual damage with guy taking pictures. They would set up his camera and then would be sprayed. Painting windows here are some footage of what it looked like: last night outside the new york times, building an inside of the new york times building. giant crowd, gathered right out the new york times, building chanting, three, they also makes her description of you hop cars with free gaza and whistling where have you been arrested, wise, become open season on cops. They also re painted cop car, with idea kkk, since when is taxpayer
funded property open season for programme ass? Next, the protesters who entered the times, building claimed against all available evidence that they are invading the times building, because the times was somehow pro israel, which is absurd. times most anti israel publication in major legacy media saying that times is somehow pro. Israel is like saying that problem is too pro american. Now the protesters know that you're not always stupid the purpose of their many right with simple keep the new york times intimidated believing the anger. Their demonstrating must be the result of some sort of oppression again. that's how it works in the media, the angrier, the supposedly oppressed person, the more they deserve. Your acquiescence and surrender intimidation does work This is reminiscent of the charlie. Have those scandal of two thousand six when that publication printed tune of Mohammed. The prophet sank, what it's hard being loved by jerks. Amid the massive protests, french president josh rock condemned the magazine overt provocations. Well, you know that's bird.
Bunch of terrorism against charlie have due in two thousand and seven. The officers were are bomb by islamic radicals in two thousand fifteen to islamic goes merge well people in the shadowy abdel offices, the same people Two thousand six reclaiming the shall we have those the aggressor by two thousand fifteen were out in the streets saying just we shall we have dough, which was a lie. They were never in favour of charlie I've done speech. There are in favour of weakness. Weakness breeds aggression, the aggressive push, because I the weakness- this is what we are seeing in the street is why random rallies now feature overt threats to kill jews. There was one in florida yesterday all right now I protest. I go right now to kill you and me. I got right now. perhaps com you right now. I got all my people to kill him.
For his people, he says he would go to the Gaza strip and he would kill you. This sort of behaviour is salute. We run of the mill program off rallies. This is not a peaceful mark. These are not just people who are chanting for political ceasefire. The intimidation the point is the reason for increasingly violent attacks on Jews internationally. It's why there is empty shooting at montreal jewish school yesterday. So what should the west to? The answer is to on intimidated do not give in to the radicals. If they get aggressive, they should be confronted. If they get and they should be arrested by law enforcement. That is literally the job of law enforcement. If they are not citizens and they support him ass, they should be pour into countries that better reflect their awful values, no more weakness, unless you want more terrorist, more terror supporters and more dead innocence in just one second, we're going to get to the west continuing to start to cave because, again, the oppressor oppressed matrix It s an blast. It is that at the west will get that one second, first veterans day
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american veterans, it's the right move is the american way visit pure talk, dot com, slash shapiro today go check them out right now. Meanwhile, the weakness of the West is being made apparent pretty much every single day, all these Now how Israel needs more humanitarian clause as they need a ceasefire, more humanity, but because a here's, the thing Israel right now by the available data is more targeted in an urban area. In literally The army in human history, actual ratio of terrorist killed to innocence killed. is probably about one to one. Now, that's awful! That's terrible! It's also entirely because Hamas strategy is to hide behind civilians, knowing that if they can get them media on their side it if they get the lefties on their side. If they can, anger in the streets and there will be an attempt to call off the dogs they'll be an attempt to reserve hamas in its position of power. That is the goal here again the goal is to intimidate. This is, why
you have seen a widespread media attempt to pin Joe Biden personal unpopularity, honest or for israel, but that's where the data are the reality is that by support for israel is what popular in united states the america. People do not support glass. The reality is that by eighty four to sixteen percent in the latest, harvard caps hereupon americans Israel overcome os and just as many believe that Israel is justified in it's response. This is a piece written by mark penn at the wall street journal. He was a pollster and advise or two billion, Hillary Clinton so does not coming from europe. Again, who wishes to see turbine when is coming from a Democrat who wishes to see Joe Biden when, according to marchen he's It's true that the sixteen percent we support from us include many democrats, as eighteen to twenty four year olds split only fifty two to forty eight in Israel favour, but are those democratic the vote for donald trump. Moved: u S, embassy to Jerusalem. In the end, it will come home as they always do. Bringing home swing. Voters will take more than israel policy. Is wrong, ranks seven!
among the issues of chief concern to american voters. If Joe Biden can progress on the other priorities he's reduced running a negative campaign against trump, but the reality is that Joe Biden, Israel, is actually widely popular? That is why you are seeing these protests grow in size and virulence as they attempt to convince Joe Biden than if he doesn't push israel off the mark. Then they also now lead to his defeat? This way as he proceeded to leave running that her followers aren't gonna vote for Biden again. Mark penn is correct, where the interval for trump from the most pro president american history bar none This is why you see Joe Biden staffers. weaken routinely to media and attempt to undercut him in the new york times today. Remember this is the new york times we should remember. According to all these protesters. Zippo Israel newspaper, which can insane so they printed story today, called israeli forces have limited time in Gaza. Yours official say who are these people quote as senior biden officials, push israel to do more to minimize civilian casualties, general charles?
you, brown junior, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff set on one, He was wearing a civilian killed in Gaza could generate future members of Hamas, which, by the way this is the dumbest, Haven't you ever hear? It's really stupid argument it than that that is the same argument, is oh, my gosh, no during world war, two if we too many nazis. and twenty civilians get killed while we're killing the nazis. We're just gonna create new nazis, its most serving catch twenty two argument of all time. Then it won't work. Thus, we are killing everyone. An ice is really all my gosh. If we, Many members of ice, as you know me, people it's gonna, radicalized millions b, all over the world will be radicalized by us out isis. That is not the way this works again. What creates terrorist is hope of defeating the west. That is why they multiply when you think that a movement is going to lose, you typically dont join the movement. But according to the new york times general browns comments, a rare glimpse of division between Israel and the binding ministration. It came as united nations secretary general Antonio Gutierrez so
civilians killed in the Gaza strip showed him. There was something clearly wrong with Israel's military operations against Hamas not again be stats that are coming out from our solely from, are come ass, wise about the stuff, all the time they label Hamas terrorists as civilians all the time, very often you'll see a stack amounts like eighty people killed, seven those loans and it turns out. Some of them are terrorists, and ten of them were civilians, because it's the guy who's eighteen years old, with a gun, but he was actually wearing jeans and teacher is not uniform. what is the new york times. However, the level of carnage has Blue shaken Israel unshipped its military response. The law the israeli military campaign continues the greater the chance. The conflict will spark a wider war. Several officials in the binding initiation say that, of course, is again a what I actually if Israel radically escalate and starts going whole hog get this thing done with that escalates. The chances of a harsh response, low level conflict in the middle EAST for literally my lifetime. My parents lifetime as long as there relevant around the only time
broken into war, is when there is an overt feeling that Israel can be overcome wait. A minute straighten again is going wobbly. That does not particular shock, and that is once again to all What pressure is being brought to bear by programmes protesters and their allies in the media? This, presumably, is why Joe Biden is out there saying I've been asking Israel for longer pauses for humanitarian causes. Israel is literally taking multiple our gaps in the middle of the day. There's lots of tape of this, and they are guarding civilian court or is it a mosque guarding the civilians, its israel spending its own blood and treasure our civilian quarters to the palace, you can walk from the air is that Israel is targeting away from those areas and down south Israel has now set up a field hospital for well, indian arabs, on the beach in Gaza. Why? Because when they are gone, and I was going to all she bugs all shiva hospital has been a massive military headquarters for literally two decades when they do that there are going to have to move sick patients from one place,
When other hamas mean waiting for Israel to kill them, they can brags the cameras about it, but here is joe by doing this silly routine about how Israel needs longer humanitarian pauses. One more, wonderful, ok, but if Hamas is actually going to release the hostages that just allowing them time to regroup, and we the only reason he's doing this is once again the vitamin a strain in trying to play it both sides. There say yeah, we're pro israeli our backing and ensure they are, and it seemed Their simultaneously undercutting that letting that Israel is violating human rights, which is not true by claiming that israel needs to do in order to protect civilians, even though Israel is doing more
literally to protect civilians than any army in history, including the american army, in places like iraq or afghanistan. Again, all of this undercuts, it actually undercuts the ability of israel to finish off the bad guys. Now there is going to response by the west to all of us that that response slow boiling when it comes to a head. It's going to be really ugly, we'll get to that just one second, first, the hollow not only allow us to spend time with family there reminder of how important our responsibility is to protect them includes planning to secure their future policy. Genius makes it easier to compare life insurance, quotes from some companies and find your lowest price. Their licence agents work, for you not insurance companies. That means you can trust their guidance because they don't have an incentive to recommend one insure over another. There no added Personal information is kept private. Let me just tell you when you get that life insurance done, it's super satisfying, because again you don't have to think about it. Any more! God forbid something happens. Ye get hit by an anville drop from the third storey like a tunes cartoon. Well, you know that's bad delete. Your family has the financial wherewithal to carry on. At least in that realm you have one's deserve.
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medic slogans, firing fireworks at officers, defacing historic statues. Attempting to do face, the Senate half, which is a central monument to the in world war, one and then it was extended to world war. Two or tomorrow is armistice day in london and again they are expecting a giant pro hamas rally. the goal of that is again intimidation and it is expected that there is going to be a fair bit of contract maybe some violence, because some of the people in a show up to counter protest are people who are attempting to protect those monuments, when the people whose come under fire is so a brave woman, she's, the home secretary shit she's, actually well a brave man by the way when you, I a speech at AI. I recently all about all about the failure of the west to take stock of the people entering the country. She said We read about this will now she's under pressure, because ritchie's unit is thinking about maybe dumping. Her wrote an article accusing police a bias in allowing the pro hamas protests. She
that some senior officers apparently play favorites and apparently the minister, didn't sign off on all of that. Downing street says it is still investigating how the article containing inflammatory comparison between probe I was in your mobs and she's in northern ireland was sent to the times for publication. Soon. Egg is not right. her, yet she claimed that mob protesters are largely ignored by officers, evil and clearly breaking the law. That is one hundred percent I mean you can see it happening in real time and we have tabled it We have protesters literally firing fireworks at officers in london and the answers doing nothing and meanwhile telling people or holding like the camp of the british flags right there. We have video of police officers in london arresting both for saying the programme. Arsenic should be deported. Meanwhile, you have programmers protestors who are intimidating, breaking windows, doing what they do so Naturally, all of the controversy about swell of bravery noticing. This is the way that this insanity works is its well
I ve noticed, and that means that she's bad according the uk, independent region now is under pressure to sack swell abridgment f. She defied downing street by publishing an article accusing those police officers a bias over protests in support of palestine not with the protests are about. My friends, I was Murray's pointed this out. If you actually look at the shape of the protests. This is not a court of court pro palestine protest. It is a problem mass protest, that's why they want protesting against Hamas five minutes ago. Everyone understands it even if you're an advocate of the two state solution which again his fancy land, given the fact that the palestine in themselves. Are incredibly radicalizing, have no desire for a two state solution, but even if you are, then you would be in favour of ass being gotten rid of, but nobody is actually talking about getting rid of Hamas, so it is very, very likely actually that there will be some sort of conflict. You royal british legion, has defended pro palestinian demonstrators, protesting at a furious row of whether a rally should be allowed to go ahead on armistice day.
The rubbish. Legion has urged protesters to be peaceful and show respect as mourners flocked london's. We can remember war dead in a statement. armed forces. Jerry said, the british armed force play a vital role in protecting the rights and freedoms of everyone uk site, including the right to protest We have any protest during the argo remembrance vents. We hope events can go ahead over the weekend without disruption. Yeah we'll see you will see apparently, the latest programme last march through london is due to take place not only tomorrow, but they ve. Now man out where exactly they are going. The six organ in groups behind the demonstration has faced calls from them at police to postpone their march. the ground there were clash with rubber and services. So, first of all, if you have a march that you know is which clash with the remembrance service for fallen soldiers in the uk, it should say something about the march It should say something about the martyrs if there are marching for peace and love, there'll be no clash with the possibility of people, or were marching to remember warded pretty. Obviously, The of many of these markers limits.
you're so mark rally ultimately decided to give the market green light was given by parliament are clear. Theirs. Absolutely no power to ban protest said sir mark he added them are. That china complete willingness to stay away from the senate, half whitehall. I have no intention of disrupting the nations remembrance event. We will see if it goes quite as they think it is going to help. Meanwhile, marine le pen we're in france is beginning to gain more support because of this, the simple The matter is that France, which has it streamline large muslim, population lately from population of france right now about three point: four million muslims around five percent of the total population Pew research centre predict that the muslim Billy will rise to between eight point, six million, which is about like twelve and a half per cent of the country. In twenty fifty is one of the growing threat that people are proceeding because, again, their entire districts of paris. That again,
controversial to say, but its realities are no go zones. People leave them alone please do not want to go in there. The same thing happen in areas of london by the way there's precincts where police just do not want to go in fat under the migration scenario. The pew research estimates they say, but the press, and hear me the percentage of muslims in the eu by twenty. Fifty ray high migration scenario. Thirty percent of sweden, seventeen percent of norway, fifteen percent of finland, twenty percent of germany, eighteen percent of france, twenty percent of Austria, seventeen percent of the uk. It was a very, very high numbers because, again, a huge, This population is we're. Seeing from these protests. Right now is not in fact assimilating to western values, even under a lower estimate. Those are big big numbers, and so the blow back has begun and you're starting to see right wing parties who are gaining credibility. Because of this
so marine le pen, who is the the leader of the national rally party, originally founded by her father, jean marie le pen, Jean Marie, was a pretty vicious anti semite marine has not been Listen in policy or practice and so marine is trying to now join. She. She again was in a run off for the for the leadership of the country in the last election cycle. And she is now joining in an anti anti semitism rally like to fight anti semitism, because he's that she is making is that france is important too many radical muslims, which, of course, actually happens to be true. According to the associated press, french far right leader marine le pen, has set up a cacophony of criticism over her plans to attend a week in march to protest. Anti semitism in france, prime minister, was born. Numerous political parties and citizens are to attend that sunday, Marshall penny said she international rally party also will be there These current presidential, Jordan said in an interview he doesn't think le pen is anti semitic. A remark that revive the link between past and present.
Government spokesperson, Oliver, Olivier Verandah wednesday. The marine le pen's party does not have a place and what is done. Z, grand civic march base at every is free to show up again one of things. Gonna happen. As you see, a rising. a rising level of radical must activity in the west. You are going to see parties, library the patent, we're going to start seeing electoral electoral victory, that is it that is going to continue to happen, use it turns out that eventually the weakness ends. Eventually, people in the west get tired of this sort of stuff and the blow back stream. We real it'll be fastening, see what happens tomorrow in london. It'll be a very, good early indicator of just where the west is going. If the current status of we, in toward radical islam continues. Ok, meanwhile, Joe Biden is Continuing to have serious electoral problems we get to those in just one moment, first
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in sacrifice so much for our freedoms. This veterans day, that's black, rifle coffee, dot, com, black rifle coffee is indeed America's coffee, black rifle coffee, dot com. It is indeed America's car Ok, so Joe Biden is having trouble a number of fronts. The media are trying to track it up to the israel from us more. That is not. Why haven't In fact, his approval are basically stagnant. They been stagnant for quite while because he is not very good at you know you president thing: I'm looking at his approval ratings right now, What you see is the Joe Biden approval right now, basically same as they were in a back and like July of twenty twenty two. It has really changed in pretty stagnant. The reason for it, It is because there are a bunch of boiling problems, one of those problems, it is to be illegal. Immigration in fact take emerged yesterday- does not have a good for jobs. He emerged of illegal immigrants on their way to the EU. it states and ass. They were marching. They were cheering Joe Biden name.
I- I words, republican attack ad from now until the election, just young men, I mean it's entirely- young men there right now a lot of not a lot of women and children in that. In that crowd- and these are these- refugees and their cheer Joe Biden name you when you connect that to the fact, The illegal immigration is so, but it's so bad. A texas literally had you this week absorb land. In the rio grande and attempt to stop illegal immigration. According to the uk daily mail. the texas general land offs, announced in April state troopers can clear out to islands near eagle past five months later. the commission's on buckingham added another in front and as part of operation flat top texas pointed to old, the claim the island's middle of the rio Grande were always part of texas. Front in ireland- is the largest measures about a hundred seven acres ones, for
lush greenery. It has been stripped dirt in line with barbed wire in the past week, why? Because illegal immigrants were showing up and then they were using this as the launching point across the rio grande. from an island or is the single most dangerous bought on the southern border is clear to patrol buckingham tweeted november. First lieutenant chris of errors old news for San Antonio. The recommendations were mostly used for illegal border crossings. He said we see influx of illegal immigrants coming cross, they would use those pieces of land as refuge just mexican migrants, either data from the department of homeland security showed thousands of chinese migrants illegally cross the rio grande by way of mexico in twenty twenty three by the way, their terrorist threats. across the rio grande. It turns out that when you can't actually clear people were crossing the border, you have no idea who they are tell soldiers have been crossing the border using these islands are texas, literally had to claim islands in the middle of the rio Grande just to clear them of the possibility being used for illegal immigration. Meanwhile, in your latest horrible illegal immigration, crime story, jazz shaw, reporting over at hot air this week
I managed to arrest returning illegal immigrants from honduras in virginia, he was charged with felony rape by force, threat or intimidation, abduction by force and assault on a family member, that's bad enough by itself, but after digging into mister Background story becomes even worse is the third time been arrested on similar charges, and yet somehow it gives back on streets in a way when and how we got into the country. How many more like him our lurking out their apparently he answered, the united states on an unknown date. An unknown location he was not inspected or admitted by an immigration official use previously arrested by border. Draw near roma texts in june twenty twenty one years. Then, given that famous notice to appear before I deal, J immigration judge and then he just absconded. He was later arrest. In July, twenty twenty three by the herd police department and charged with felony rip forest render intimidation adoption by force and assault on family member, so I ve been in the country since twenty twenty one he was detained at the more he was told the shop in court. And then he went and did like a series of violent crimes. It there's a lot of this going on in the united states. If you want me
from president is a great way to do it and Joe Biden been facilitating. That means when it comes to the economy. It is clear. the drama. How really has no tools at its disposal? He really doesn't know what to do at this point. The fact is that the economy can used to run hot, despite the fact that the interest rates are now up well above five percent, if we continue to run hot. At this rate, the inflation is going to continue always the inflation going to continue wage price by rules are going. Can you, which means you feel poor tomorrow than you did yesterday, uniform. Inflation is decreasing, inflation itself is still increasing, which is why yesterday fed charger on power indicated that the central bank would not declare an end to these historic interest. Increases until it had more evidence and inflation was actually calling, The wall street journal price and wave Sure have eased recently palace disappointed, however, because he thinks that the fed is more likely to tighten policy and is it of any change is warranted.
He pointed to earlier inflation head fakes, past episodes, in which price pressures ebb for a little while before surpassing fed officials by before surprising, fed officials by picking it up again, he said the monitor economic condition. Closely to avoid both the risk of having been misled by a few months of data, as well as the risk of having rates raised rates too high, interest rates could be going up anyway by the way, if you're looking for new mortgage again, we have not. We ve, not actually the bubble burst yet the mortgage rates are so unbelievably high. People are not actually selling their houses because they're not selling their houses. That means that there's no in short, because there's no inventory the price of not yet drop their walk home, a pointer while people start to lose their jobs and can't afford their current mortgages, and then you are going to see a serious real estate bubble, burst.
I will say one thing for Jerome pal. I was very amused. Yesterday, Jerome Powell was confronted by a by protestors. Protestors started trying to interrupt him and he dropped an f bomb. Here's what it sounded like gdp growth in the third quarter was quite strong, but like most forecasters, we expect growth growth to moderate income and quarters. Of course, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you. The door or at least that, by the way I will say that I am enjoying the spectacle. There are some people who are now treating protesters Precisely these corn they deserve, I gotta have appeared to me fishermen. I know these are words. I never thought I would say. John futterman has been absolutely stalwart against ridiculous programmers protesters. He's paper. Does walls
with posters at the kidnapped by Hamas. Yesterday, he walked through a programme, must protest line holding in israeli flag and then when they asked him about when they chanting enchanting that dies got brain damage on. You know, you're, saying amazing, amazing, so points the giant betterment again, words, but that also in just one second we'll get to the state of the us senate complaint one in republic has been losing a series of elections and really bad, but they now have a possible breakthrough in the senate. Come Twenty four we'll get to that momentarily. First, if you take a look around your house, you'll notice that your window treatments we're pretty old. The haven't thought about them. In a long time. When you moved into your place, you saw curtains like their curtains or something I say either blinds once the bigot and now now that I've said it you're looking read the windows, I know you are and you're saying yourself: yeah, those are pretty ugly. You need to replace them, will save you. Energy it'll, make the white flow in your house in a better way, blinds that, can help make all that happened. Blinds outcome is the number one online retailer of custom window governs with over forty thousand five. Our views
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in total, apparently are very good to smoke. I don't know anything about that. I do that you have to help me path, Michael Michael salary, is legitimately nor we're earning it back, so go check it out right now, check out those mayflower cigars today can meanwhile, an actual good news for republicans. Joe mansion has now said that he is not going to run for real and in the senate in west virginia west Virginia is a very, very heavily red state was virgin in fact, is the state devoted most for donald trump in the last election. Cycle yesterday. Mansion said it is not right for another term in west virginia, seventy six years old, but doesn't, His political career is will see. He may even pose more of a threat to Joe Biden, then just that, term ends january. Twenty twenty five, which means, of course, that he is going to his seat, will be up for election in twins, Twenty four harry was announcing yesterday. They would not be running for re election in the state after months of deliberation,
and long conversation with my family. I believe in my heart of hearts that I've accomplish what I set out to do for west virginia. I've made one the toughest dozens of my life and decided that I will not be running for re election to united states Senate but I will be doing, is travelling the country and speaking up to see it there's an interesting, creating a movement to mobile as the middle and bringing americans, together to the west, ginger put their trust in me and fight side by side to make our stay better it then my honour of my life to serve you. Thank you. Gay self engine out in west virginia. What does that mean means republicans pick up one seat. Remember the senate. Right now is split. Fifty one, forty, nine democrats, two republicans, so that's he flips negative. Fifty fifty. That means I wouldn't have to pick up one more seat now. Here is the thing there are zero republican centres facing reelection in purple, states,
states that from loss in either of the last two presidential elections, there are six them, pensioners, who are facing reelection states in states that trump one in at least twenty sixteen or twenty twenty two and purple states, six senators up zero, republicans, all democrats right, six, six, the senators are democrats. So what exact does racist look like while they looked almost republicans below which republicans have a magical way of doing it and manage it. I have to say I'm astonished, unbroken chain of republican failure over the course of the last six years or so in arizona curse. Cinema announced that she was gonna run as an independent. That is because the Democrats our basically undercut her because she was making too He deals with the other side, having too many conversations with mitt romney analyze, or that has opened up a three way race between Kristen cinema is independent ruling. I echo as a democrat and carry wake, presumably as the senate opponents in arizona. Now
carry like just lost a gubernatorial race over. There is quite possible that you'd even lose in a three way race that I would pick up some of the republicans and that she'd pick up some of the modern democrats and that she loses, but guy ego, somehow sneaks Nixon as me. A very hotly fought race, one for publicans, because republicans have decided in arizona to just more care bell is the solution? Apparently, while over in michigan democrats have a seat big data by Debbie stamina, she's announced retirement reelected in twenty a team with fifty two point, three percent of the vote, depending on who publicans, nominate, michigan and the moribund state. The michigan republican party that could, theoretically when I see there is gonna, be difficult. michigan in michigan republican party is currently bankrupt. They don't they don't have any ability to take out. That is my understanding not only that they ve had it. Story of nominating candidates wildly underperform in general elections, but that's only two states through the other states Montana
is a traditionally red state. Johns hester is seeking reelection in twenty twenty four. You wanted. Twenty eighteen with fifty point, three percent of the vote he's going to be on the ballot. Presumably at the same time is trump and twenty twenty four during into Eighteen as a democratic republican state, not quite the same thing as running at the same time as republican president, who in Montana should have some coattails could easily see republicans picnic, batsy, so thou give republic fifty one. Forty nine majority in ohio Ohio still swing state kind disorder, but ohio is deeply read from one state widely and twenty sixteen and twenty twenty, shared brown, is looking for reelection. You one Twenty eighteen with fifty three point, four percent of the vote, so shared brown, Much more formidable candidate than probably jon tester is in Montana, however, is that see the republicans could win if they dont run somebody terrible sure that is definitely winnable seat. Again it can be a presidential you're pennsylvania. Republicans, look like they are actually going to run somebody good this time, not presume
It would be dave Mccormick, who's running for the senate in pennsylvania, democratic centre about casey is looking for a fourth term use reelected by I'd margin in and eighteen, but the state seems to have gotten closer These lines, Mccormick is good candidate in wisconsin centre Tommy bob what is up for real action and she won widely and twenty eighteen. The question as to whether hopkins was let somebody who is sort of more middle of the road wisconsin in order when the seat or where they get at the vote in. Why arjun in twenty four is where the question so trumps. Gonna have ample jails are from has from doesn't have called tells republicans have a very good job of retaining the senate. However, if from does have coattails republicans could theoretically walk away with fifty three fifty four seats in the united states senate. So that's the current situation as very bad for Joe Biden and the Democrats obviously have Joe Manchin retiring from the senate in west virginia, giving up his seat, presumably to maybe governor Jim justice or republican, as not just a problem Democrats in one sense, is a big problem for them. In other words, the Joe mansion could easily join in no labels. Take it so there's been a lot of talk or less couple
is about a no labels. Third party ticket taking votes away from Joe Biden, and that could easily happen. Mitt romney has now retired from it Imagine has retired from the senate, and so there is a widespread push to on a mansion rami or rami mansion. Take it as a sort of third party alternative at its very risky for Joe Biden. I mean super risky for job. I because here's the thing he has a certain laughed and level of support it. Not all that high his locked in level of support is probably somewhere in the mid thirties. Meanwhile, he got donald trump. His locked in level of support is probably in the low forties to mid forties, there's, probably fifteen. Twenty per cent of the vote. That's up from crabs in between there. Now, if there is no serious third party challenge, no serious third party candidate, then probably people split in favour of Joe Biden, its typically, what happens an election where Donald trump is involved. However, if there is a plausible third party alternative that changes real fast right now, Robert F Kennedy is a junior is, is sort of the default. What the
there was a third party guy and in a lot of polling he's up in, like the twenties in one place of in the thirties, was just as the while the satisfaction the american public has, with the current political choices being offered them being in a non functional. Eighty year old. And donald trump like these, that these are not choices. Broad swathes of the american people are into the party bay. In the republican party loves trump. The party base if it doesn't environment, they feel like stuck with him, and there are a lot of people are sort of in the middle and dissatisfied with both and then it's into the possibility of a clinical, moderate ticket, a party crossing I like mansion, rami, urine c. I twenty twenty presented population, now to give very serious look at that new come disproportionately, would imagine from joy. Biden side because again downward from has a higher level, has has a higher floor, his lower ceiling and has a higher or donald trump. Joe Biden has a lower floor and a higher ceiling just electoral speaking. That is what all, though
because of his poor performance. His healing may also be really low at this point. According to the new york times,. what mansion plans to do remains mystery. His course this agent advisers and since they don't know a conservative democrat it as one of his party ski votes in the senate, is long kept zone council biggest decisions and made up his mind at the last minute men. It is for this year with no labels group that is made noise about running a centrist candidate for the white house. No, apple's official said on thursday. Mansions announcement had taken them by surprise that they commended him for stepping up to lead a long overdue national conversation about solving america's biggest challenge regarding the no levels unity, presidential ticket, where gathering input from our members across the country to understand the kind of leaders they would like to see in the white house said the group in a statement. some allies mansion are sceptical who run cost, hundreds millions of dollars to run a credible, independent or third party campaign, but he might just because of the high levels of dissatisfaction four months this year,
just cause. You have to know labels according to the narrow times, which so far has care ballot access and twelve states in an attempt to offer not into binding and from the good present Nancy Jacobs, As potential donors, the group intends to select republican to lead it's ticket, a decision, good mansion. If no labels maintains that position, one can and whose openly teasing no labels run. Very hogan he's been trying to push that he has no level of support. engines a bit of a different story, easy grunts panicking about this by the way Democrats been panicked about no levels for quite a while here, because again they look at your by. And they don't like what they see. So the the Realities that are setting in for Joe Biden are very real and very terrifying. He's gonna have to figure out pretty quickly what strategy. Its strategy by the way is going to be just as hacking donald trump why that works or not, is going to be very much dependent on the new cycle and, if you're a democratic and stable trip you don't want that to be dependent on the new cycle. Dimension must be scaring the pants off democrats. Now already that the rest of the show continues right now. You're, not gonna visit will be getting it
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-12.