« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1846 - The Cry-Terrorist Strategy of Hamas Supporters

2023-11-08 | 🔗

Rashida Tlaib claims victimhood after supporting Hamas to the hilt; voters in Ohio enshrine abortion into law, and Democrats hold onto the governorship in Kentucky and the Virginia State Senate; and Democrats’ Biden heartburn continues.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today's show, is sponsored by express vpn. Do you, like your web history being seen and sold to advertisers? No me neither get express vpn right now at express vpn dot com. Slash Ben on Sunday an elderly jewish man. Attaining a pro israel rally, a thousand oaks california was killed. after being allegedly hit in the head with a megaphone wielded by approach hamas protester, that is, represents only the greatest and most damaging anti semitic attack in the west in sydney, Australia, journalist, Sherry Martin reports that a jewish man was nearly beaten to death by a pro hamas mob and ended up in the hospital for four days, the concussion and for spinal fractures. In france, a jewish woman was stabbed twice in the stomach and a swastika daubed on her door in vienna approximates woman tried to drive a car is what she thought was a jewish school. Normally such events, mates nationwide, conversations about anti semitism and the costs of radical rhetoric. After all, according to the white house, a national conversation regarding islamophobia has been made necessary by the murder of a six year old palestinian arab trial in mission, but now there has been no such conversation about any climate of hate
for one reason and one reason alone, the people doing the heading and the people hated Those doing the hitting our fans of commerce, both radical muslims and fellow travellers on the left, those being hated are Jews and, as everyone of sophisticated moral bent knows, muslims being disproportionately brown and disproportionately poor, and the majority in dozens of materially underperforming country globally are victims and jews. Highly educated and high earning the majority and precisely one materially successful state are victimized. That's always the math brown or poor, equals oppressed, white or successful equals oppressor. Being a member of the oppressed means you are a victim, no matter how Evil you are. That is precisely why congress winters she did to leave a raging jew. Hater is now being treated as victim by many in the legacy media to leave as a sitting congresswoman, which means that by any standard, she's successful She is also brown and also hits the west, which means that she is a member of the oppressed class, and this means she can spell lead levels. She still maintains that Israel bombed the hospital in Gaza, despite all of it,
to the contrary, it means she can call for the destruction of the state of Israel, pushing the slogan from the river to the sea and the side. That inevitably entails you can blame Israel for Hamas is attack on israeli civilians while claiming more equivalence between a group that burns babies alive and a group attempts to avoid civilian casualties. It means she can Then her career, hobnob, with open terror, supports enemy, shouldn't claim, falsely that Israel is engaged in genocide and threaten president Biden over that false claims and then when called on her lies and you hate hatred, she can shed crocodile tears. That's precisely happened yesterday when a resolution sponsored a representative rich. Format of georgia called for her censure Mccormick's. solution, censured fully before called promoting false narratives. Regarding the october seventh, twenty twenty three hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of his The resolution passed to thirty four to one. Eighty, eight with twenty two democrats. Voting in favour of this resolution
according to two leaving her allies is oppression. Rashid it to leave is the victim to leave. As a cry privately to be more smoothly she is a cry Hammas nick she supports most You just atrocities known man, but hides behind her religion to claim immunity and then weeps about her supposed victimhood. Here she was
yesterday, claiming that she was being silenced and then, of course, crying about it. I will not be silence and I will not let you distort my words folks forget I'm from the city of Detroit, the most beautiful black, a city in the country where I learn to speak to the power. Even if my voice shakes trying to bully or sensor me won't work, because this movement for a ceasefire is much bigger than one person. Mr chair, do you know what it's like to fear rising hate crimes to know how islamophobia and anti semitism makes us all less safe and worry that your own child might suffer the horrors that six year old what they did in illinois? I can't believe I have to say this, but palestinian people are not disposable Near the years of engines comforted by eleven omar thought from arsenic, tokay, rashid, it's ok,
europe gives strong we human beings. It's ok, you're, just like anyone else now One said that palestinians are not human beings, just like anyone else. They just said that Hamas is evil and should be destroyed, and she disagrees with that and believes that Israel is evil and ought to be destroyed. They take that she is a is weird. Given the pretty much, every major member of the democratic party rushed to her defence hacking jefferies. Credit minority leader blink extreme men, push back for blow back against the terrorist. Supporting to leave your mother, magpie obligate agenda has nothing to do with the american people. One of the fort on day shut down the government, grass, the economy, censure Democrats and avoid holding our members accountable? This is who they are
its extreme mad. That agenda to say that you know from the river to the sea is bad represented. Tammy jingle of michigan tried to claim that from the river to the sea is actually just open. Reputation like a piece of abstract poetry, a piece of genocidal, abstract, poetry, but abstract poetry, But who knows what, from the river to the sea means? Despite the reference to you know, she'll river. In an actual see, I spent all weekend in Michigan this last week and talking to all the community's about the meaning of this phrase, and there are very strong feelings on all sides and it's very clear that people interpret words in different ways. Personally, I choose not to use the phrase that is offensive to some and then many perceived as a threat. I also take seriously living in a country that does not respect, restrict time, respect what could
mean who knows it's just it so vague from the river to the sea and she spent so much time exploring at that. She still doesn't know. two leaves anti semitic, fellow comma squad members joined in on the fun and games claiming victim, on two legs behalf fellow jew, hater, Ilhan Omar screamed about the unfairness supposedly suffered by to lead. What is true all here is that every single one of them has not acknowledged the fact that palestinians are dying in the tens of thousands but what can we do to war, not economic? thinking humanity. Was she a wolf ladys crime has expired and we'll get public relations and well. The general idea times expired that the gentleman from maryland is recognized. If you really think that that workers about palestinians living in liberty than why exactly she standing up for Hamas, which keeps them under the thumb of a terrorist cheer. Also imagine having to wake up to that of four o clock in the morning of your her brother, Corey bush,
the eleven congresswoman from his rejoined. The club do ranting. But we on his fashion about the horrors of suppose it isn't a phobia against italy. Here's the deal, I'm congresswoman, if outrages that my colleagues are blatantly belatedly attempting to find the holy palestinian america representative right here is our agents, but his mouth depriving alone. We tell you it's not surprising, because this place is worth seventeen hundred members of congress, this elected body, if lay black people, it's not surprising, because I thought it was right. It's not deprive the because this is a life where members to tell you to claim that the interaction on the capital does appear to look like a normal torres visited uprising, because this is the place where our black and brown staff members repeatedly speak of experiencing racism. Is that fill them if lama phobia get
oliver, then a phobia more right here and they work like this is the place- and let me say this: she more for the portly, notably the right of the ladys and put a tenth of the sea, will not stop normalizing time. These fire now takes the death threats that you have been It is no longer recognised the gentleman from maryland Inspiration. Gentle gentleman from maryland is recognized well. She's definitely makes a very strong case that democracy is not the best system of selecting leadership. To leaves tactic is Hamas is tactic writ small comma started conflict murmuring, fourteen hundred jews, including babies, children, women and men. They still have. forty people kept in bondage in Gaza as their hostages. They openly, but about hiding rockets and terrorist beneath civilian centres there, so opening
They even cnn anchors, like Jake tapir, noticed she was jake last night, so Hamas, which is the government of Gaza. Based on their own words, a they think, the loss of palestinian civilian lives is just the cost of liberation. They think that, even though there are the government of Gaza, it's not their responsibility to protect palestinian civilians. The tunnels are for themselves for fighting not for civilians and see their determined to continue attacking Israel. The same way they did on october, seventh, over and over and over based on what they say. So. For these reasons, Israel says we can have a cease fire when even jake tapirs noticing that means. is pretty obvious by the white camacho says this stuff out loud there's an article in the new york times today, quoting a top member of common sense,
come on. Let's go is not to run Gaza into bring water and electricity in such come ass, the custom and the resistance, the world up from its deep sleep and show that this must remain on the table. This battle was now because you wanted fuel or labourers it did not seek to him, situation in Gaza. This battle is to completely overthrow the situation. So come ass commits a terrorist prosody, not caring about its own civilians and then hydrogens villains rockets, but when Israel inevitably has to kill civilians in the process of targeting terrorist hamas than shed falsest of tears. They put out tape shy in people morning there dead caused by Hamas and the world largely falls for it. That's because the oppressor oppress narrative is all consuming. It is all powerful. This narrative, ways decency. It outweighs truth for those who believe the narrative truth is of no consequence what I'm not in the churchyard value, so there we know, conversations about tone or hate speech or the obvious. Hatred evidence on the streets of america's major cities, at least not with regard to leave
There will be serious minded conversations about the evil Magda movement spreading is law phobia for criticising to lead Let me out of line will not be tolerated that presumably is why, after senator Elizabeth warrant issued a tweet decrying anti semitism, she was then forced to rush out another tweet, decrying islamophobia, That is why the media are so studiously avoiding any language and my blame the killing. That jewish man, in los angeles on commerce next will actually said. and elderly men in the head. With a born here, one from the new york times quote: jewish man dies after altercation doing protests in california, weird I actually don't know how he died or why there is. one. Maybe every sinews elderly jewish man dies after confrontation with pro palestinian protesters and was like village that's weird, because a lot of people are confronting each other, but nobody's dying. So what happened? Here's bbc bc news headline jewish man dies out for dispute at doing israel. Palestinian protests all the same elements, the queen, the January sixth riders, had killed
Please answer by slamming him in head with fire extinguisher. The narrative must be protected at all costs. The victimized are the victims, the Sir, as are the oppressed and, as we all know, the victims in the press must be excuse for all of their myriad evils in just one second, we'll get to the latest from the middle. Used where there are now arguments between the by demonstration and the israeli government of what happens with Gaza when all this is done over the past few weeks, kyoto, in working for alleviating ten million dollars in veterans at by veterans day thanks your support, with their ninety percent that go with a few days ago thing about this. You know is made up of one hundred per cent volunteers. These are men and women who willingly sacrifice everything they have for the country when they are done serving. They return home to a tight job market and outrageous living expenses. That's why I'm so! happy a private company like pure, has jumped into help when you switch to pure In fact, I do network they'll donate a portion of
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also said definitively. Cease fire unless there is a return of all hostages. Is that a reasonable position that he's taken you'll have to talk to the prime minister again we're not going to characterize or armchair quarterback everything. He said. We still believe that a general ceasefire is not appropriate at this time and by general ceasefire, we're talkin everybody laying down their arms. You know for an indefinite period of time in anticipation of peace talks and some sort of negotiated settlement, and we just don't believe that it's the right time for that right now. We do think it is the time to continue to pursue pauses in the fighting of a temporary nature. for specific purposes, and so he is right about that. Although, when he says temporary pauses fremantle, Israel is already doing that. They've open humanitarian corridors that come off then attempts to close by shooting people or guarding humanitarian corridors, junk he also was having none of the Israel is genocidal nonsense yesterday, and this is good stuff from the administration. A rarity to hear from people like me here is John kirby. Yesterday
I heard this word genocide toss around, but Hamas actually does have genocidal intentions against the people of Israel. They'd like to see it wiped off the map. They said so on purpose. So that's what that's what's at stake here and we're going to keep making sure that Israel has that ability to do that now. As for the voices, of course, we respect all different voices and perspectives on this, and we know that there's a lot of there there's a lot of high emotion here when it comes to what's going on. We have never shied away from criticizing our friends and partners when we believe it's warranted and will continue to do that. We also believe that that the that the the the best diplomacy the S progress and diplomatic pursuits is to do it at play lee and outside the public eye, and will continue to do that as well, and meanwhile in all our up reporter, when, after john kirby and shut them down again is a lot of positive stuff here from John Kirby.
and criticize israel when actually it is in violation of international humanitarian law and the geneva convention. With due respect, John some people think that you will repeat what the israeli army spokesman said is exactly the same thing here. So how can you? Why not send invoices not just understanding them, and we have a channels, because we are a democracy? Why not what's wrong with what's wrong with standing here and say when Israel do something wrong cause you're the best friend you have leverage on them, we're not criticizing. Your question presupposes that we made some determination as a law on conflict has been violated and I think we're not at that point with the us. I would just tell you that we're we're not going to Iraq,
in near real time to every event. Israel has a right and responsibility to defend itself and we're gonna make sure they have the tools and capabilities to do that again, where one month after this- and we ought not forget what happened one month ago- fourteen hundred people slaughtered in their homes at a music festival and when Hamas decided to conduct operations it was with the intent of killing. People he's right about all of that. Now the problem is the dynamic, creation then goes completely unrealistic on what comes next and their unrealistic about again what is happening in the streets of united states or yesterday career jean Pierre was ass from its aim podium about people ripping down posters of kidnap victims, The hostages that are currently being held in Gaza and apparently nothing to say about it, she's just off, let her job as always a lot of video,
those individuals who have been tearing down signs, many of these taking place in new york city of israelis presently being held hostage in Gaza. There have been some tense confrontations that have taken place. There is the white house's view that these actions should be condemned. The pulling of the pulling down of them horror that that's a form of peaceful protest. Look, I have sort of kind of see the reporting here and there. I think it was from last week railway thirty million videos got right now. I don't worry. I here I'm just not going to happen in that way, is a peaceful protest counter? Should you not I'm just not going to go into specific on that particular thing
what I can say that there are real by violent protests and threats that are happening right now and senior administration officials are aware of these reports, which are deeply concerning, and that is something that we are focused on and is we can t that is weak tea at best from greece, but again no shock there. Now. The problem is that, if you do at the bottom illustration seems to want to do, which is pretend that commerce like a tiny little group, but no one way in the Gaza strip or injured aunt mary, the west bank, when you pretend that you end up wrong solution again, you're pretty sending away the central problem here. The central problem here at root is not just the common is he genocidal terrorist group is that huge swathes of palestinians, agree with Hamas by pulling data bilaterally. That is the reality. That doesn't mean they should be treated as military targets. Israel's intruding in his military targets anywhere during this conflict is member come on we're being treated as military targets and as many civilians who agree with Hamas
who is really something to now usher down to the south of the Gaza strip. The problem is, if you fail to recognise, there's a broader ideological problem within Indian population, the minute that this is over the next week. Instituted. Government in Gaza will look exactly like the last reconstituted government in Gaza, which will look exactly like the current paulsen enough where he was by the way, is so unpopular because that the I literally pays people to kill jews. They have a stipend that they pay to the families of terrorists who kill jews, the commerce terrorism killed, use their families will get money from the past in Europe. those are the people the bite administration wants to put in charge of the Gaza strip. But Guinean authorities to moderate for a huge number of people live. In both Sudan's maria and the Gaza strip, which presumably is why there is an assassination attempts on Mahmoud Abbas according to the express dont come there horrifying footage, Catherine, what appears means attempted assassination against people
indian president Mahmoud Abbas. His convoy came under a hail of gunfire after he disregarded a menacing ultimatum from renegade palestinian security forces, urging him to declare war on Israel again. The biggest problem is that the palestinian, forty, which is already extreme and hates Israel and Abbas, is a genocide. I mean he. He actively says the holocaust in happen about is to moderate for huge prison. for the palestinian population, that is the problem and until the worst acknowledges that there's not going anything remotely, looking like even security in them, we get to that momentarily first. If you can believe It's getting just two weeks away just in time for the holidays, genocides offering their best sale of year. Right now, you get seventy and a genuine most popular package which now includes genius all three their newest under I treatment. Chinese altruism, we intend fifteen even twenty years, younger use the technology to deliver complex vitamins and minerals directly to your face for instant hydration, say goodbye to those fine lines crows two hundred thousand dark spots, the genuine experiences like no other may not take my word,
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Egypt, as one control of the Gaza strip. Neither is its reward. You think that it because they all hate that six miles of beachfront territory on the mediterranean fishing printing if territory right on the mediterranean coastline coastline is relative. Why exactly does no one wanted? The answer is two million people living. There were so radicalized that Egypt is deeply afraid that if it takes in that group of people that they are going to have it here, threat on their northern border, since ices is already occupying large portions of the Sinai desert, which is egyptian territory. It's the same reason why Israel has tried to hand over control, palestinian arab territories of palestinian arab populated areas, in judea and some area to jordan insurance. I know no way man. We have no interest in three million palestinian arabs living in this area, because they are afraid that is going to overcome the hashemite dynasty? That's the irony. Watching green when queen rania of Jordan was passing in air extraction talking about how, much solidarity. She has with palestinians if you did,
would resign your position and the Hashemite dynasty would be overthrown, but your enjoying your five star hotels and your extremely luxurious lifestyle, while people in your country are living on forty one hundred dollars a year and the reason you are leaving is because your population in jordan is a pretty extreme population and I'll get more. If you are taken including territory three mill in palestinian arabs who hate Jews were they with a burning passion. By pointed it what the polls suggest there is no evidence, I'm still awaiting the evidence, the palestinian area, in today and tomorrow, singing arabs in the Gaza strip overwhelmingly in the Since their hurt leadership are jus, loving peace, loving people like what doesn't mean again that their legitimate military targets will be talking about that. We're talking about is who gets govern in these areas. the assumptions in two thousand and five when Israel pulled out of the Gaza strip is that there would then be elections.
We're overseen and green, led by the united states congress to rice said that the Jews and the secretary of state that the the election that was held in the Gaza strip was legitimate, who had elected, come ass, a most and proceeded to kill everybody in the palestinian authority. But if there were an election held today, the region, would a boss is not held an election entertains mary eyes. That he's afraid he has another elections two thousand by the way he's a if an election were held today, the palestinian I've already would lose. They don't actually have all that much power that extreme. The population is in these areas, which is why the problem is supremely intractable. With that said. This is why Israel is saying that there Have a continuing security role in Gaza after come is ousted according to the wall street journal. Israel said it intends retain security control of gaza for an indefinite period once the worth mass ends, prompting us officials distress their opposite to re occupation of the enclave now again did not one reoccupy at all is literally pull out everyone. They took eight thousand jews,
out of that area and which could deep and they move them physically, had Jews, remove other jew, and take them away from the area you ve never seen by the way anyone in The indian government do anything about. We like that. Take arabs out of one area and move to another area purposefully nor do we had a concession to the Jews. This has never happened. Ever Israel took eight thousand jews, move them out of the north of the Gaza strip and which can be very they handed over their houses. There greenhouses all of the infrastructure the house it promptly, burned it an elected hamas and created it, is terror state inside each day I in terror territory over the course last twenty years. So when Israel says we have maintained security presence in the got while Da Da is the equivalent of the other highest crime area and a city, and then you say it On the police, who defend the police and the more rate goes up, and then the murders spread outside that area, and it will now we gotta go back in. Is that because the police desperate to be in that area or is it because the crime needs to go away and the only way that the crime goes away is, if you put law enforcement in the area? That is what is
was talking about here is given its now we're talking about an indefinite period of controllable. Does again, if there's any thought that is really like desperate just from blood and treasure to maintain Thirty control over the Gaza strip. You're on your mind, remember In Israel, everyone is eligible for the draft every eighteen year. Old kid they turn. Eighteen, they gotta go to military thing. Moms and dads in israel are desperate to send their kids into the Gaza strip. They were so desperate nazis. their kids in the Gaza strip. They handed the damn place over to overcome us. So. That's our netanyahu saying, but the administration is well, maybe its land grab, a land of what two million palestinian arabs the vast, forty of despise the jews and wish to see israel destroyed by the data in any case here is: I'm here is Netanyahu. Talking about. What's, gonna have come next, it in Biden has said that it would be a mistake for Israel to occupy gaza, who govern gaza, when this is over
those who don't want to continue the way of Hamas. It certainly is I think Israel will, for an indefinite very well have the overall ceiling responsibility because we ve seen what happens when we don't have it when we We have that security responsibility. While we have as the eruption of stir on a scale that we could imagine. a warning to iran to his. I think there were understood. That if they enter the war in a significant way, though, is this will be very, very powerful and I hope they don't make that mistake. Nature again the united states has taken that, as we have to warn the Jews off of reoccupied in Gaza again, no one, except for very select few people actually want to have a complete Civilian control of the Gaza strip, including pretty much everybody,
who is in israeli government at this point in time. Why? Because again, because engineer, Mary, are honeycombed with people who hate jews and about what happened. Work for the eu in the un refugee agency it set up solely for the palestinians. It's the only agency of the united nations has been set up for one group of people in one group of people is there a bizarre reason why cities had been built in the Gaza strip in have been there for seventy five years are still being held in refugee camps, despite the fact like gibraltar that their complete and full cities some of the. U and our w way employees. By the way. These again, these are people who, literally for the united nations. Many of these people support here If you work for the one celebrate, most massacre, for example- an orderly way. Teacher asthma, rafik, who hail celebrated the hamas attack with exclamation Martin a hearty margie, you and ardently way: employee, Mohammed I'll, shake ali and october tent posted quote. Anyone tries to flee to the south should be treated the way we to treat traders
only acceptable directions, movies, east or north, which would be by them into Israel as a commendation of Israel but the eu, and as we gotta school in Israel from other ass men and october seventh, he political. We welcome the great october and then he called for ethnic cleansing of all Jews in Israel. These people work for the. So again, that is really gonna. Give up control of the Gaza strip insecure. terms to the united nations is absolutely absurd, so why exactly, is going to come next again in the end was going to come in. It is an israeli millet. Control of the Gaza robustly search for some local leader who will do the work of actually something to administer the Gaza strip. Finding a person is not going to be easy, the palestinian authority wanted they can barely control judaism area. The Egyptians the jordanians. Don't want it, you are you don't want it is. How do you don't want it? European someone? The americans don't want it now but he wants it. Why don't they want it again? It comes down to. There is going to have to be a decades long.
If, in the opinion, structures and incentive structures of people living in the Gaza strip said they recognise that if they were build their lives around material, prosperity and some level of religious tolerance that their lives might be better than if they direct their lot, in their children's lives toward the murder of every jew. In the region, as the only waited anything better is gonna happen is why, when people talk about a two state solution, the current context, it's absolutely nonsensical its absolute ridiculous with whom, with whom Don't talk, two state solution: you're going need a piece partner who, we would then be no, no one. And that question because the question doesn't have an answer. Unfortunately, Israel, he's dead, considering that they have now offered very general These deals in ninety ninety three, two thousand two thousand and one and two thousand and eight, and gave the entire Gaza strip over to the palestinians in two thousand and five ok coming up we're going to get to a series of disastrous elections for republicans in ohio in kentucky
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they ran on now. Here is the thing about political issues and messaging. There is no such thing as a winning you there's only such a thing as a winning message? This is republicans and democrats should keep in mind as they are for often the future when it comes to running. It's not been an issue just defaults to you. So there is a poor that says Joe Biden, really unpopular on the economy, that's how they republican issue you have to crap at into a message that wins it's true for virtually every issue. Any issue could theoretically be a winning issues so long as it is message properly. So, for example, in Glenn young can became. Doesn't virginia and upset terry mccall, the former governor of Virginia, when they happen, one of the reasons you one is because there is a pair rights. Movement, their real, sprang up around a case. supported by our own luke, accurate, daily wire in loud and county, we're schools a winning issue in virginia, or was it a winning message that parents ought to have control over their own kids and their education and their safety
and those kids should not be put in danger by foolish school administrators and then terry picked the wrong message, which is you should not be in control of your kids the administration should be in control of your, so you have a winning message in your opponent has to have a losing message that is, the that you actually win elections or publican, since twenty two seen have not had any one messages is, should be real about this right ronnie mcdaniel should not be the head of the orange. I don't know how you can lose this many times in a row and stuff retain your job is truly amazing only person was filled up as much as run around mcdaniel. Just one is Kamel Harris. Republicans have now lost elections in twenty eighteen, twenty, twenty, twenty, twenty one, twenty twenty two and twenty twenty we the last election. They one was twenty. Sixteen, they ve underperformed every, single election since then, and yet people retain their jobs, You need to rob agents, and that is unacceptable. So, what exactly happened in virginia when one of the things that happened in Virginia is again. There is a lie talk about abortion by Democrats, so the washington post democratic,
Control of the virginia has delegates securing victories in at least fifty one sees giving them majority in both chambers of the general assembly. Republicans defending a slim. Fifty two to forty eight majority but democrats on opportune to make gains on her newly drawn maps following a court order, redistricting process for them that's definitely gotta hand from the local court in drawing districts have benefited them short after eleven pm before any independent organizations called the rays Virginia house, minority leader, delegate dan l, scott decay, Democrats would assume control of the house and the senate following tuesday's election. So again, this was a race that was largely right. On the basis of abortion, Glenn young can was running state attempting to drum up support for his own side. The problem is that, right now and things are not going like young and is personally very popular in virginia that doesn't necessarily translate over into republican control. If republicans have a bad image across the country and right now
look into a bad image across the country. They are seen as largely incompetent, again partially or largely earn their seem as extreme By brand, and that is largely tied to january sex and donald trump in particular, as you will see, in discussing some other elections, and when it comes, to the abortion issue. Republicans have not yet got in there around the actual winning message on the issue. The truth is that winning message on abortion is not the same across the country, politics, a pragmatic business and the full pro life message in Virginia is not going to go the same way as the full product message in say georgia or florida Forty can pass a six week. Abortion bandages republicans are very popular here in georgia can do the same. You can't, that in Virginia, when young can without running on that, he was running out of fifteen weak abortion been the problem. Was the Democrats were saying, that's the first step towards
republicans, going for the full abortion ban in virginia and local ladys got very upset and they all came out and they voted in favour of the Democrats and the same thing. In ohio as well. In the wake of roe, vs wade, republicans have not come up they state by state strategy or messaging strategy, and here What the actual strategy needs to be on a state by say basis where there is concern, just you pass a thing where there is not consensus, you dont passing Now there is no one in america is pro lifetime and smoked in the march for life. I am fully pro life. I don't even in my own personal idea of what good legislation, like I would not tolerate abortion, even in cases that are very controversial, like raper incest, amis proliferation, possible to be I've been extremely clear about this. However, if you wish- fewer abortions in the united states. If you wish to see durable law in the united states. You have to win and if you want to win, that's going to mean you're going to have to come face to face with some tough react and the reality is that running on my platform, running on what
I would like to see, is not going to win you office in Virginia. It's not and more threatening pierre in virginia the worse, it's going to go for you the same thing happened in ohio, so in ohio, the Democrats in in pretty wide fashion, one a referendum on abortion, what they call abortion rights What it really was was enshrining rovers weighed in law in the state of ohio, so in ohio there is an attempt to enshrine the right to abortion in the state constitution. It's a ballot initiative. It is she's, got an individual rights, one's own reproductive medical treatment, including, but not limited to abortion and creates legal actions for anyone who is this a person with receiving reproductive medical treatment according to the washington post grants the treating physician your authority to determine on a case by case basis, whether an one child is viable and grants except since four abortions, at any stage of pregnancy, to protect the health or life of the mother,
so. Why did this happen? While the reason this happened is because there is another election that was held in august, that was a referendum that would make difficult to amend the state constitution through future initiatives. The reason for that is because there are a snap back law input in ohio that effective, Band abortion it almost across the or in ohio in the aftermath of rovers way to being overturned. So they to pass a law, the republicans the basically enshrined in the constitution. What that war was can be very difficult for you to overturn them, and that was rejected. And then a right to abortion was enshrined in state constitution. Now, let's say that there are, instead of allowing that's, not backwater going to place. Let's say they tell us and we the no higher than the more before this was twenty two. twenty. Two weeks is way too late, but we need it incrementally introduce the people of ohio to what good we're from all looks like you're, not gonna, go to six would stay there, and you are
serve, lives and long term. You'd have to do incrementally. That's how politics often works. The message is, wives must be pursued, but we also have to go a little slower than even we would want for sure than we would want, because people have to get you why doesn't have to be on indoctrinated about what life is and what abortion is, and so we can go to a fifteen weak while hard to see how that would fail? For example, Oh has very red state down from one that state by a ten points in the last couple. Election cycles didn't do that and so instead, yet now back in ohio, which now has enshrined basically rovers wade, same thing that happened in virginia republicans. Is it a lot of pelicans are using abortion is not a winning issue is not about being a winning issue. Is that do you have a winning message? And can you wrongful your opponents, the nice thing about, Arguing for an incremental approach is the Democrats and forced to argue in favour of twenty week abortions and twenty two week. Abortions and assets. thing that they like arguing over like arguing over ribbon incest. Exceptions
because those are the most outlying and least common forms of abortion. Both sides like arguing at the extremes of this particular argument, the right is very simple. Arguing part of partial birth abortion for obvious reasons left is very aren't comparable organ ribbon incest. The question is Whereas that line, where the median voter tips overflowing said to the other in again: winning elections is the precondition to changing the law. Republican should keep that in mind meanwhile over in kentucky, but by the way the pulling in ohio was pretty clear about this, every google demographic supported the inch robert wade in law whose put fifty fifty with white men, white women supported the initiative. Fifty seven to forty three black men supported the initiative. Eighty seven to thirteen black women supported the initiative. Eighty one to nineteen. In fact, the only demographic that voted against this initiative to enshrine rivers with where people work you five or older, literally the only one.
So that means that are messaged message it wrong. I mean that's clearly the message it doesn't mean you run away from the abortion. You make very strong an excellent abortion arguments, but what is happening right now? Is that all this is getting hash out of the state level, which is why rovers, which, by the way, is what should have happened? Rovers who had been overturned, came back to the state level states now get to decide on their own legal. Speaking how to approach the issue of abortion. Republicans in each state have to take stock. exactly how they wish to run on those particular issues and then told we can start to realise that a national strategy across all issues is not going to work there going continue to lose state elections over in Kentucky Meanwhile, any bashir won his reelect for which is amazing, mixing and ass. They twenty two points in favour of donald trump. Now he did out, spend his in the annual camera by a very large margin, maturity democratic allies apparently swamp, republicans in forty seven million dollars on ads after the may primary republicans were only able to spend twenty nine million dollars. This year's camp
and spent around twenty four million dollars on ads it's more than five times what cameron's campaign actually spent on and again Kentucky was one on abortion. This year's campaign featured a young woman who stepfather rigged her when she was twelve and suggested that she needed to be able to have an abortion so get them. what you're going to run an abortion on the state level across the country. Republicans are going to have to figure out on a state by state level how to address this issue, because that is the realm of practical politics over rovers wait, you make a full pro life case for over rovers wait. You can certainly make an easy legal case. The robbers which govern But to pretend is not a thorny issue for republicans is to ignore, The realities of the facts on the ground on the same level. for them it. The same message works in georgia as works in ohio, as works in kentucky as works anywhere else is a mistake in public I'd, better get their heads around that or they're gonna continue losing. It also doesn't help when again you're running candidates who add to the pile things like january, sex or or can be old, quintuple mad up beyond
wait are annoyed that the left keeps saying maga over and over. Obviously, what finds this fruitful, otherwise they wouldn't do it as intellectual Strategy has borne fruit, venom which mean will continue it and until republicans come up with a better counter. Then nanny, nanny, bubu. in just one. Second will talk about the vulnerabilities of Joe Biden because there's a big republican debate tonight we get to that. momentarily first, the Ben shapiro show is supported by grand canyon, university and affordable private christian university, the vibrant camps in beautiful phoenix, arizona top twenty in the country by banished outcome jesse the additional cry centred university that strives to foster a culture of community, giving an impact Jesus His goal is to help you develop into a certain leader who makes a difference through finding your purpose with reared thirty. Programmes and retorted semi online as of june twenty twenty three gc you into The free market system, with a welcoming christian world view into your bachelors matters or doctoral degrees, find your purpose at grand canyon, university, private, christian, affordable visit, gc dot eu today. Well, oh As you know, the faggot messaging matters that do no such thing as winning issued, there's just a winning message. This
The reason why Joe Biden vulnerabilities are not in an of themselves going to defeat future Biden. Somebody has to if Joe Biden has me a winning message as much. How can twenty internet Joe Biden hiding the basement and that's true? The winning message for Joe Biden was trumpets crazy. He should be president. That was the winning message for him and it. that's why the basement fragile works now down from, could windmills against can by missing that guy's awful at this job is awful and terrible at this job. That means yes, run on that the election campi about anything else. What is, is that's pretty fertile ground democrats are busily attempting to convince people that everybody is doing great in america. Paul krugman has an entire piece titled. Why does the right hate america in the york times a day? What? Why is he saying the right hates america, because the right is pointing out that crime has spiked in the last the earth is democratic and there and their programme policies. Publicans are sort of upset about state of the economy, even though he says that the economy is just glowing into an amazing
predicaments. The american people, in their feelings are wrong. On these issues really go for it. In many democratic and popular hollywood. Entertainers are starting figure out the Joe Biden is a very, very bad candidate. Now, again, republicans could take It for granted that should assume is gonna lose be a huge, widespread mistake, but Sarah silverman last night. This is pretty biting stuff against Joe Biden, let's kick things off with the reason most of the people in this audience could not sleep. Well. Last night, a new poll shows Joe Biden getting trounced by donald trump. In almost every single swing, state panic, it's still too early to say, Biden, will definitely lose. He could absolutely die in his sleep instead, I'm just saying this is really scary for liberals and I mean actually scary not like they took hamilton off disney plus scary. Well, yes, democrats are in a state of full scale. Panic over Joe Biden They should be because there's no more the drops at him and hunter. Isn't me more. That drops
terms the economy before the election. Now tonight is a big republican debate. Now it s a big, I mean kind of egg. There isn't, as it cannot make, is because donald trump is running away the polling data right now, just running away. The national geo people data has doubled from up near sixty percent. That is high he's been this entire election cycle is up in the real, clear politics average at fifty eight percent round de santis is at fourteen Nicky haley's at nine vagrant swamis for crises at three, everybody else, is an also ran. I do other than the real capacity. Average teams got, is running below my pensions no longer in the race. Doug Brougham, for some reason is stone there s. No one understands why, but ok in any case, from. Has this extremely largely now in I won we'd? Isn't quite large, but still very large. So the current pulling suggests that he is up on the field by somewhere and unable to twenty five to twenty seven point: that's where it with which the bigger it is a legally but he's not have a majority of voters clearly moving in his direction. Yet
today. Kim Reynolds is the governor of iowa, very popular governor of iowa, endorsed around his chances. Here's what that sounded like! We need to make sure that we choose wisely, that we make the right decision, that we elect somebody who can actually win and beat Joe Biden, and we need a president who has the skills and the resolve to reverse the madness that we see on a daily basis. We need a president that is on the future and not the past, and we need a president who puts americans and america first, and I mean yeah that that man la bad news, so there isn't it now she's issue? While popular and I watched gonna like even in iowa the waste was in college poll, showed her approval rating it thirty two percent, thirty nine percent is proved twenty nine percent neutrons again about can reynolds
I, but she does have a very large political organization in iowa, and this effectively is going to foreclose the possibility that Nicky hayley comes from behind. overtakes at this point, run its answers because again too cautious state. So what they mean Is it the sense in iowa? Is the truest threat to drum now, that's also it, the polls closest. So if nobody, its trump in iowa, it is clearly an overtly over maybe over you know somebody does beat trump in iowa so he lost. I was the first time around again sent crews and then proceeded to win the nomination. If you look at the other states that are coming in the republican nominating process as well. I had no those states so new hampshire. He has forty nine percent to haley's fifteen percent to the senses. Eleven percent of christy's, percent. Now again, those numbers on fifty five percent, sixty percent in the early state, but that's before you get down south Wednesday agenda, like south carolina trump's going clean up, so
There needs to be a major showing of some level of momentum by another republican candidate. The thing that is prohibiting, that is, in fact, Joe Biden, weak pulling data republicans, are gonna, have to think a little bit of their heads instead of just look at the point that now that's weird for me to say I think pulling data is kind of the only data we have. What other evidence do we have with the said, the poles are also showing there's a lot of malleability between trump and Biden, so gotta. Take that into account will trompe l to deliver the knock out blowed you buy more heed able to deliver the message that is going to get Joe Biden booted from office That's the question: hovering the background of national public innovate. So what needs to happen? Internet republican about well clearly, I'm point here too santas inhaler gonna, go out each other hayley hasta to knock the out, just not only not to sense just some somehow consolidate the rest of the fields. Support. That's a very uphill road, as I said before, rhonda santas, if he bows out of the race right now, half his support go to the non from candidate half his report, although the from candidate meaning trump,
it means that if he's got twenty percent in these poles, ten percent that goes to trump that puts trumpet sixty or seventy percent. So that's over here. Her entire support bases outside the from camp? No one loves trump is supporting hayley. This is not the crossover right now. If you are to drop out, presumably that's all it split among christie and run the swami priorities. One christie, the scientists, and then, as the veal consolidated, it may turn into a two man with that said, what is tonight's race good for it's got to clear the field there has to be some dropouts after this race tim's got needs to go away for whatever his three percent are worth. Chris Christie has no shouted the nomination. He knows it spite campaign, that's the only being the drives them the round mount a rebound over here is just pure spite. This I originally stolen, he's your way. He's he's doing nothing that my pension already dry disease. The zoo two person race very second place finnish and until that part of the villikins holiday
There is certainly no shot at feeding donald trump, even if they consolidate down from has just by the numbers, a wild advantage, and publicans, and I have to decide before the election cycle if they believe that donald trump is the best person to take on Joe Biden just assuming that Biden himself as the winning issue, and there doesn't need to be winning message, articles the rest broken in his right now can. It will be joined by dancing yours for white house, foreign policy, adviser and author of the genius of Israel. If you're, not a member become member use, could shapiro check out for two months. Regional annual plans, click that linking the description and join us yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-11-10.