« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1843 - The Islamophobia Lie

2023-11-03 | 🔗

In the wake of the worst slaughter of Jews and anti-Semitic increase since World War II, the White House rushes to fight…Islamophobia; Hezbollah terror leader Hassan Nasrallah warns that the powerfully-armed Iranian proxy may join the war on Israel; and the media continue to provide cover for Hamas.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The Ben shapiro show sponsored by express vpn, protect your online privacy today at express vpn dot com slash men. Less than a month ago, we saw the worst attack on Jews since the holocaust. Since then, we've also seen worse global spike in anti semitism since the holocaust, according to reuters, quote in countries where figures are noble from leaves or civil society groups, including the united states, france, germany in south africa. The pattern is clear: number the anti semitic incidents has gone up since october seventh by several percent compared with the same period last year, such as its range from verbal abuse to threats to property attacks to actual assault. Some are happening on ernie, campuses. This one happened at harvard where the editor of the harvard law of Ibrahim buttermilk joined in. The crowd around the jewish student, pushing we're student around One of these people is the editor of the harvard more of you it is also extends into the administrative halls of our universities, george,
just hired the radical anti semite anita johnson as new the director of academic affairs here are Propose this july, seven quote It's going to any I've a deep seated hatred for zile leaps. They bring out the worst in me. You know I call them zile leaps because their dogs, This is the kind of person who apparently get hired a georgetown. Meanwhile elite shapiro, a law professor, was thrown out of his job for the crime of suggesting that job was picking judicial nominees based on race, which he said himself. Meanwhile,. some jewish businesses, are being boycotted for the crime of being jewish businesses. According to washington post and thirty. Jewish areas in markets in philadelphia are now being hit with a boycott organised by a programme ass group because they are wholly owned by scientists, Even some shops that aren't even own by jews are being boycotted because they serve israeli food, because, according to these. We palestine coalition, such food, is called a means of erasing palestinian existence unquote, but there's something peculiar about all of europe. it's about the extravagant spike, an anti semitism. Every single
We also carries notes about supposedly concomitant rise in islamophobia. This is odd satan. what the hell does islamophobia have to do with anti semitism. The answer is precisely nothing: Is there nothing? That is unless you wish to suggest that response to anti semitism is linked with islamophobia. But if you wish to oppose radical muslim anti semitism, that in fact is aspect of islamophobia, which, of course is precise, we? What anti semites are suggesting these days? Take her ample corey sailor of the council on american islamic relations care is those frequent cited group in america, unquote rising islamophobia, There is also a group that, by the way, was an unindicted conspirator in the trial of Hamas front charity. The holy land foundation sailor him if refuses to condemn boycotts on jewish businesses, he told the Washington post quote. It is one hundred percent on the table to criticise supporters of israeli apartheid care itself. Israel of court, textbook ethnic cleansing and war crime for defending itself, trots out anti extraordinarily into our swords and promotes the a lie that Israel bombed hospital. Of course it was passed
islamic jihad on october, setting the date of the masker care national tweeted quote. We join you american muslim community in reaffirming our support for the palestinian people's right to freedom and calling for an end to these, really occupation, which sparked the deadly violence that we see again and again, including today on october, seven, before any israeli response at all care also called for an end to american aid to Israel and the abraham accords. The group has for a single word condemning class, in other words, cares anti semitic, good thing, the binding ministration infamously invited care to participate in its national anti semitism strategy. Back in may, care is by anyone the imagination, a giant foment or of anti semitism. But that, of course, is the point of focusing on suppose it islamophobia, the goat to treat responds to anti semitism as a form of islamophobia, so, for example, sailor and it is islamophobia to public. the names of students who sign petitions siding with Hamas, but I will reclaiming is not anti semitism to boycott jewish businesses, because their jewish, fascinating colombia
diversity is playing the same game. The prison, of columbia, university sent out a letter yesterday, presently persistence and perseverance of students who have signed letters supporting hamas after their names and faces have been shown publicly opposing mass means islamophobia. Apparently, the legacy I feel the same way to that for us Firstly, why, since october, seventh, the media have rushed to link anti semitism and islamophobia, as other two phenomena are part of a cycle of hatred. That's disgusting wrong. that excuses anti semitism through false charges of islamophobia, but an extra fairly common. Take on left these days when variation on the theme comes from Alexander Ocasio Cortez was now emerged as one of the nation's leading anti semite. She now accuses the american israel. look affairs committee of coal being an extremist group. Attempting to undermine american democracy and targeting members of color. Yes, wily jews and their dirty shekels are clearly the problem as anti semitism around the nation spikes. They must be stopped. According to eighty
the binding ministration itself is falling into the trap of linking anti semitism and islamophobia link that has the purposeful goal of demonizing opposition to Hamas, fearful of their own base, the by instruction announced yesterday, a white house national strategy to combat islamophobia. Again, the middle of the worst like an anti semitism of my lifetime, or my parents. Lifetime green, jean pierre explain, quote for long muslims in america and is perceived to be muslim, such as arabs and seeks have endured a disproportionate number of hate, filled, attacks and other discriminatory incidents in action eighty six, our target and far more often than muslims. According to the fbi, spite representing just a few hundred thousand people in the united states, Jews, represent around sixty percent of All victims of federally monitored hate crime, despite representing about two percent of the american population, but islamophobia is the real issue here:
vice president kamel here, as announced in a new initiative yesterday. As a result of the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, we have seen and uptake and anti palestinian anti arab anti semitic and islamophobia incidents across amerika, including the brutal attack of a palestinian american woman, was muslim and the killing of her six year old son, a senseless act of violence that the department of justice is investigating, as I hate crime for so many people in our nation. The past few days and weeks have brought about all too familiar fears, fears they will be targeted profiles or attacked simply because of who they are, how they worship or how they look again. Linking these two things is ridiculous: the case that you say by the way, which is a horrifying crime against
palestinian american mom and her trial horrifying horrifying crime, condemned by literally everyone. You can't find a jew in america who won't condemning. However, you can find care national We must condemn so wisely. Has playing this game because their attempting to buy back this report, radical muslims across the united states or in enraged that the white house, has sided with Israel instead of Hamas, the latest show the nearly six and ten american muslims agree that Hamas was just too in attacking Israel as part of their struggle for a palestinian state. The white house trying to buy off the hamas bans by jabbering about the supposed victimhood to which those comments, and are subjected its perverse. It continues to rise False narrative in opposition to Hamas, and into a hamas fans, is opposition to muslims. More broadly proposition that muslims themselves should reject, although we are still waiting for a lot of people to do so. The matter muslims, have been conspicuously silent, the binding ministration feels the necessity to keep radical muslims in their electoral coalition. My pandering at the summit pretty nasty about their moral stature in fighting anti semitism, as they claim
they actually want to do in just one second. the situation in Britain, which is going to become a lot worse on the course of the next few weeks. First, that I tell you, it's been very stressful period in travelling a lot, it's hard for me to get my fruits and he's don't like veggies all much to begin with this lab and relying on balance of nature. Belgium, nature, fruit and vegetables are great make sure you're getting essential nutritional ingredients every single day, balance of nature uses and advanced back in process that encapsulates fruit and vegetable into a whole food supplements without sound, basing their natural and accidents. The capitals are completely void of additives, fillers extracts, synthetics pesticides expressed added sugar. the only thing in balancing natures, fruit and vegetables, are well fruits and vegetables. There's never been easier way to make sure you're getting your daily dose of fruits and veggies balance of nature sent a bunch of fruit and veggie capsules down to the studio for my team to try. Everybody is feeling brighter more energy health, I love balance of nature because it helps me make my busy schedule a lot more manageable, but about nature use, promo code shapiro right now to get thirty five percent of the first order
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while maintaining law and order a tory m p. Told the express the metropolitan police anthony con who's. The mayor of london must ask for military assistance. crowley mp enrichment, said quote after consecutive weeks of demonstrations where the Senate have another. National monuments have been grossly disrespected. It's completely inappropriate for further protest to be held over remembrance weakened, So don't have confidence in the mayor of one in order that police under him to properly handled duration, given their passport record, and that, of course, is exactly right mean. The fact is that the west, imported a huge number of radical muslims who hate jews and hate the west and women, taking advantage of the great material beneficence of the west to live there. S not every month there are many muslims who are happy to live in a place like Britain or like the united states and who are happy to engage with western countries and imbibed from the well of western values. many of those people there is not. The people were marching in favour of Hamas and those people,
There are a lot of those people and trying to pretend that a Frank pretended that is not happening in the face of images that are extraordinary from places like london or from america. America's college campuses- that is absolutely foolhardy. Now, what's amazing about all of this, is that because the media have basically taken the sight of Hamas in this conflict, which was the most predictable thing they swivel directly from? We can't believe this atrocity that Hamas created Israel is committing atrocities every single day. It's absolutely terrible. The occupation to states that just parroting every hamas talking point because of that you're, starting to see wavering inside the Biden administration. and its it's only coming from a radical few by the way show the power of the legacy media for all that about legacy media has been challenged or overthrown and strew true damning completely over. They saw an enormous amount of weight with members for action of the bite administration. All it takes is a radical few people. Apparently move the democratic coalition toward
placating Hamas in some way. So yesterday Joe Biden was at a fundraiser and at this fundraiser he was yelled at by a person calling himself a female rabbi. This person again has raised to do with tourism as a buttered lobster here is here, is quoting court rabbi, Jessica Rosenberg, who is neither a rabbi nor apparently a woman calling for, cease fire, oh my god, the culprit is the Joe Biden then answered quote, I think, need to pause. Applause means give time to get the prisoners out. I'm the guy that convinced bebe to call for a cease fire to let them. Listeners out, I'm the guy the talk to easy to convince him to open the door, the the heckler, what escorted out by scary. Well singing cease fire now. So this by the way, is a pig,
of course, what rabbi jessica, Rosenberg so yeah just just like a just like a normal rabbi, you can, you can see this. Is this person probably has a rabbinic degree from each of the university from reads and there's this and obviously is knowledgeable in all aspects of holocaust except for every single aspect of holika by mature. This oppose sake of a cuddle her door over here. I know it's a lot of hebrew for people who are not inside the orthodox community, but everybody who's. An orthodox man right now is laughing because I'm that's an absurdity piled on top of I'm sorry. What amazing, though, is that the democratic party seems increasingly interested in ignoring its own. Its own voters mean the reality is that young voters in america, democratic young voters, are against Israel, but everybody else in the united states is very much in favour of Israel. Wiping away hamas in fact put data from echelon, insight quote. Who do you think mostly responsible for civilian casualties in the Gaza strip. Total number sixty four percent come ass. This in the background states. Sixty four
some commerce, fourteen percent Israel. Twenty two percent on shore I mean that is strong sport is very very strong. Support for israel in the battleground states is a popular position in even among demographic groups, that the binding disproportionately rely upon, say, for example, black voters lack voters support. Overcome ass, in whose responsible for the the sitting I shall gymnasia Hamas forty four percent to twenty percent. In fact, even among young voters who are supposedly binds core demographic, thirty percent of people aged eighteen to twenty nine say Hamas, twenty four percent, israel, forty six percent, say unsure as very usual arrangement. The older you get, the united states, apparently age does can for wisdom. If you get to the sixty five plus crowd, eighty three percent say Hamas is responsible for civilian casualties. Only four: percent say Israel again, demonstrating that young people need it's our unbelievably ignorance and stupid
but we know that any way. By the way, there is eight there's a hilarious video going around the replay for you in a moment, demonstrating just how little people know about anything. Say that they support commerce or support for free this time from the river to the sea and all this nonsense. First, there's a lot at stake in the next election to don't be a chicken, and but a grocery store, like usual instead had on over to good ranchers their black ready Your way sale is live. It's something you dont want this. Yes, they have great me would they have even better meet this november? It's pick your favorite meat to get free for a year pick a year of free steak, salmon, chicken or bacon. When you subscribe to any box right now, better when you subscribe any about some good ranchers icon, you not only get a free gift of meat we're up to four eighty bucks. You also get fifteen bucks off with. Shapiro. The only big deal you're grocery store has is uninspiring food to ditch that meet I'll, subscribe at good ranchers dot com today, Actually good ranchers recently sent me a custom all kosher box with kosher salmon. I gotta tell you it's awesome. It's really good now using me kosher, but you only have to,
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they will want, even if you give a map of the world- and we even know where exactly cortical palestine is supposed to be on the map. This is exposed, Very funny. Video yesterday is a person going young people and asking them to us, a petition to help come ass in the Gaza strip. and then he reads them the details there I quit citizen to help Hamas free palestine, ireland, oh yeah, you're in pieces. I just have to read the terms and conditions just so you know what you're signing by supporting hamas freeing palestine. You agree to the following: you agree that every jew, christian and non muslim in the world must be slaughtered. I dunno about that one. You endorsed, making homosexuality punishable by jail or death. You don't agree with that. You believe iran should use palestinians as puppets to spread radical jihad and destroy the west. Now I'm glad I read the terms and agreements. He supports strict sharia law, which bans women from showing their nice hair playing sports in public, not being able
I travel without a man's permission, not interested. You want a terrorist group that beds babies and rapes. Girls to replace only democracy in the middle east so requires sign. I agree with this. Yes, maybe no! No, no! Don't support the that's fair thanks. mikey green blennies, going up people, people express support for the clinical oppressed without thinking about whether the oppressed are actually press or actually good, and that's one of the rare his way see young people cause resonating to the wrong side of conflict. They constantly do this. They will get any conflict and because they ve been taught to think in a deconstruction. Is because they think of all relationships as relationships of power and is what they ve been taught in their schools with them and taught in their universities, because when they did the first thing they do,
They say who's powerful and who has less power and whoever is powerful, must be banned and over is powerless, must be exploited, oppressed and therefore good and, of course, why they don't think about any of that stuff into they sign onto these movements until it's to wait. Obviously, now the thing about this is that the Democrats should know better, but apparently they dont so now you're. Here rumblings. The divine administration is going to try to put pressure on Israel for some of humanitarian ceasefire or to ship fuel in to the Gaza strip. Let me explain some, but this fuel situation Hamas, has hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel they are using it to maintain their presence in these tunnels, because when the fuel goes out, the generators go out. When the generators go out, you can't live underground, it'd have to come up and actually fight the israelis like men instead of like rats, Instead, what they are doing is their staying down in the tunnels and their hiding their civilians on top sort of Israel has strike the tunnel. Civilians get killed them, then they can go to the compliant press, the complacent press, the programme s press and then get those people
to mimic their line that Israel is attempting to kill civilians. When Israel is the only party in this conflict attempting to minimize the killing of civilians. I should point out at this point mars is a governing how in the Gaza strip any governing powers. First, responsibility is to protect its citizens. That's the first responsibility knows because israel for it, for example, right Hezbollah is threatening the northern border. Israel took thirty thousand of its own citizens and move them inland from them. Important talks about that. Of course, that's a population movement of jews known cares about that by the wasting of population movements. Pakistan is now expel one point: seven million afghans from Pakistan back in afghanistan known? Cares goods muslim, my muslim, but matter when muslims do horrible things to muslims. No one cares at all. In fact, as it turns out, when muslims do horrible things to Jews, a lot of people don't seem to care very much. It's only when she's defend themselves, that people really seem to start carrying a lot. In any case, Gaza is filled fuel, just all control become ass. When you ship in more fuel, it is not going to power the hospitals, it he's going to power Hamas. In fact,
There is a reason why come apparently his station, virtually all of its fuel sources under all shiva hospital. Now the hospital they been playing EL shiva hospitals, running out of you and literally like a few underground. Is the fuel why you're not going to the hospital. That's the whole point. So when you have people like Joe Biden telling Israel ship fuel in that is immediately and restore my commands to power there tunnels all yours he's prolonging this conflict, all yours he's making the situation worse. Meanwhile, you haven't tony blinkin trying to tell Israel that maybe maybe maybe there should be some cease. Fires didn't like the strategy. Let me make this clear. Israel on a timeline has been engaged in the ground conflict. Part of this war for less than a week for less than a week in an already the west is starting to lose its nerve again no shop, some of the usual suspects and, of course, prompted by the programme mass media. To already starting to see the wavering members of the democratic collision. You know they were going to be resolved.
left wing members of the democratic coalition it centre addict urban from illinois. Itinerant ict urban is the same guy who, once compared american soldiers in Iraq, to pull pot this moral genius he suggesting that he wants a ceasefire by the way a cease fire helps. Only one party in this conflict come ass. The reason they are begging screaming Pleading for us he's very announced, because Israel, technically speaking, is now surrounding gaza city, a huge per and of commerce is leadership, is in Gaza city. They want to seize by right now is to restock teresa I may be smuggled people out. That's the whole reason for the ceasefire by the way was a cease fire in place between Israel and Hamas until october sixth, six october, seven that's why I was violated by the worst and smell killings: prisons, the holocaust, all these moral dementia patients like what dick Durban calling for a cease fire on behalf of commerce, truly truly bile area. Is a ceasefire needed now. I've heard the news that solution. In the context of both
as a for example, the really Some of those who have been kidnapped should be part of this. Immediate release that should be the beginning, It should be made to engage in conversation between the israelis and the palestinians. Let's face it. This has gone on for decades. Whenever the rationale from beginnings now reached an intolerable level, need to have a resolution in the Middle east to give some promise for the future. It's it's reach an intolerable level, which part was the intolerable part. The part of the slaughtered fifteen hundred jews and took another two hundred prisoner kill a bunch of foreign people as well like what our holy american citizens, kill the central americans is that which are without which help what was the level which reached intolerable predict urban was it when there is we pictures onto because wars, ugly and horrific, especially when your enemy is propping up women and children in front of bombs, to try to protect their terrorists. Again the insane logic of people who are now
trusting that is up to israel to stop killing terrorists because those terrorist, have chosen to hide themselves among civilians that so insane that is literally saying to terrorist. The best thing you can do to protect yourself has had with civilians. That's what you are saying you're saying this: martyrs thing you can do is murder civilians on the other side, and then and hide behind, civilians on your own side, the moral in where's, the more laws of war you violate the more we can call on the other side to not kill you It's totally the reverse of the incentive structure you want to set up if the whole point of the rules of war is to get people into uniform on a battlefield away from civilians. Then you can reward them for hiding behind civilians, which exactly what to do want to do the same thing with chris murphy. Chris Murphy, of course, is the region. it was senator from connecticut he's always been he's always been really soft when it comes to Israel. As I said, consistently. Israel has a right and an obligation to defend its people from terror attacks like the horrific events in october. Seven, the Hamas
supplanting executed. Those tax must be held accountable and the ability of commodity carried out similar attacks in the future must be eliminated. It's time for israel's friends to recognise the current operational approaches, causing an unacceptable level of civilian harm and does If you are likely to achieve the goal of permanently ending the threat from Hamas, that from Chris murphy, ok military advice from chris- movie. I am just wondering who knows more about military battle in the Middle east, Chris murphy or, The entire ideas I mean, let's be fair- he didn't get J D from university of connecticut law school- I mean that's, that's pretty press it in terms of his military credentials to talk about what is to be successful militarily and what is not when it says this is not dedicated toward eliminating Hamas or is unlikely to limit it, why is Hamas standing for the ceasefire by Hamas want the ceasefire, wise, hamas and murphy side, presumably leaving the best procedural. Do pursuers he's who become ass, not wanting a cease fire in Israel, wanting a ceasefire trying to pretend that he's a
friend of Israel are undercutting Israel's military policy is ridiculously stupid or corrupt, or both He says, as we have learned from america on counter terrorism campaigns. Disproportionately large number of civilian casualties come with a moral costs, but also a strategic cost, as terrorist groups feed off grievances laws by civilian harm, Israel is doing its best distinguish between civilian and terrorist in the Gaza strip. Hamas is to obscure that and he is now good declaring that Hamas should effectively have him unity is a sure. Israel's that desire to destroy the threat from Moscow. You don't is, I know it. Here's. What the impact is worn innocent palestinians, even as they track Hamas hideouts incited below mosque department buildings in schools, but the way in which the current, It is being waged, suggest they ve not struck the right balance, in military necessity. turning necessity and proportionality. He says he urges Israel to shift towards a liberal and proportionate counterterrorism campaign surgically targeting Hamas and islamic jihad meters and terrorist infrastructure, or more We prioritizing the safety of civilians, I'm just wondering what exactly does outbreak
I see what you mean- you want more jewish soldiers to die in gaza going house to house. I presume we meet. You should say that out loud and he thinks that the the jewish army has an obligation to get many many many of its soldiers murdered on the streets of gaza by terrorists and some severely cause you civilians of borders and, by the way, the distinction, civilian and and not everyone is very real, but its very different when people blurred the line. There are many civilians people who are not formal members of Hamas who took part in the actual attacks of october seventh, there's film of them doing so, but of course, Chris Murphy, it's not about principle here, trying to argue with people like Chris murphy is, difficult because, frankly christmas, if he doesn't care about the true that he doesn't care about the reality, he cares about the outcome and the outcome for him is that he wants pressure on Israel. The media want that too, which presumably is why their constantly blasting out I truly blasting out, come ass, propagandists Just a couple days ago, I played on the show, a video
or from the washington post, that featured some social media. Flew from Gaza. One of them was a woman woman in question cod. Well, it turns out. that allows these cortical social media influencers from Gaza it turns out a huge number of those people. Are you no actual propaganda front for hamas. Shocker according to the Jerusalem post plus you Look kind has more than a million dollars and calls for self and independent journalists, but spread the lion MR graham, and in an interview with british tv that israel bomb We are equally hospital and killed more than a thousand people. She hold Britain's gb inequality, genocide, it literally genocide, not a massacre, interposed is not provided any explanation for the commencement of the air strikes on Gaza, namely the october some massacre, and other influential figure is be son. Outta, who present yourselves a filmmaker hailing from gaza, palestine, with substantial following numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Proposed have received endorsement from well known figures associated with anti semitism and conspiracy theories, following
october seventh massacres. You posted a note in arabic and social media for every action. There's a reactions means what was expected after seventy five isn't occupation and seventeen years, a siege. What was expected of us shooting as the court ambassador of good will on a busy news and legitimize on the bbc, and this is very common in me again theirs. Using the council on american islamic relations, which was once labelled in uninjured co conspirator in a conspiracy, to fund money from eight false charge because the whole then foundation to Hamas and there being quoted by the media as a source on islamophobia. I search. The higher care national feed? Yesterday they ve not one condemn class, not once ever literally ever and yet they are. There are seen as some sort of moderate force. The media are perfectly. willing to overlook the actual extra anti semitic, radicalism of many of the source of their using an order of Israel. That is their favorite thing to do, and again. This is the game. The meat ignore contact
they ignore realities of war, ignore who exactly is killing civilians in front of their bombs. Killing collins on cnn doing are horrific job on this. Here she was just they asking advisor, who benjamin Netanyahu, how many passing were killed in a strike on a refugee camp and he says: well, we don't know the answer to that. by the way Hamas doesn't know either they're just lying to the american media, but here's kaitlyn cons asking what six times. Why did israel strike again here and do you know how many civilians have been killed in this area as a result of the strikes yesterday and today? So we know we've taken at a senior unless commander was directly involved in the massacre of october seventh, and as you will recall that there were rapes, there would be headings that there were people burnt alive, a bullet so badly. We until the day we got
in thirty bodies that we can recognize who they are they're, they're just ashes, and anyone who was involved there, especially a commander of the operation. We have a duty to find them and to bring them to justice. Okay, but you're, not acknowledging how many I assume Israel does have an estimate of how many civilians were killed. I assume you have an estimate of how many civilians are there when you make a calculus on when to strike. Tell me if that's wrong, but when you decide striking targets that you say or military targets, but are also where civilians are. I mean how many civilian deaths does Israel believe are acceptable in an air strike if it is a military target, so They we try to keep any collateral damage to a minimum as minimum possible, and the advantage of this particular occasion is that it has been largely not totally but largely evacuated, because we were telling people there are the two weeks ago longer that they should evaluate myself again
Jane and putting the pressure on- and this is the goal of the media- put the pressure on Israel wise in Israel, taking care of the civilians, but it wasn't israel doing a better job of civilians. There are reports that, during that job ali strike that are women and children who literally marched out by Hamas, bitterly marcia commerce in order to get them killed. It's not a surprise. They say this crap openly again. It would be one thing if our alleging it it's another thing for Hamas to just say it and they constantly say it and then everybody just ignores it. It's unreal, it's unreal. This is why you can hear there's frustration in my voice. it's been frustration, my voice from why? Because usually em in the business of trying to provide what I think are reasonable arguments to generally people, I think, are reasonable, able to hear reasonable arguments and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but we can make reasonable arguments and we can disagree on these things when Hamas says a thing and then I repeat that they have said the thing and then people say. I don't care whether coma the thing, the matter it is worthwhile or german so the thing, but they don't really mean deep down or sure, come I set it and they really mean it. But the real reason is that it is it's the Jews from your new.
longer engaged in anything remotely resembling a rational conversation. You are engaged in a propagandistic effort to propagate genocidal, jus hating group that openly declares its desire to exterminate jews, and then you say we'll have arguments with that. There's no way to have an argument with that. These, that's not as any rational position and his a position that capable of being breached by rational thought. That's the part that extremely hard, using it all over media from personally rational people? You got as recline declaring? What's going on in Gaza? It's like four hundred nine eleven. What I'm sure this to do that through you, no good. Stop that come off tomorrow! Why don't you You people discover Hamas to surrender. It's amazing get a single one of the people were decrying whores Happening in Gaza to say, Why? Don't you just surrender he will end literally tomorrow, have come out surrenders. They are holding two hundred and forty two hostages right now, including dozens of small children, babies, nine month olds and they murdered fifteen hundred people in their beds. In peaceful civilian villages and you
idea isn't israel spot and so on look at her, the casualty numbers there are created by Hamas specifically, so you will do this. They just come out of the agitprop out of the mouth of mainstream media. Reporters palestinian health officials say that more than eight thousand palestinians in Gaza have been killed since october. Seventh, and I want to note here that there is a fog of war. It is possible. These numbers are wrong. It is also, of course, possible that practically by the end of this, these numbers will be much higher, but if you take something like the eight thousand numbers right well, then one way the horror of October seventh was driven home. One way it's scale was driven home to americans was to put it in terms of nine elevens adjusting for population. Joe Biden said it was like fifteen nine eleven's. If you take that, math, then Gaza's experience so far around four hundred nine eleven's get destructive of you just give casualty numbers noting who is responsible for the thing, as I've said, I
this at oxford and send us a cambridge if all you look at is disproportion in casualty, numbers then every american war, every western war of pretty much all time. The west was wrong because it turns out that during world war, two you know who died the most germans. If you look at the british and the americans, personal germans, lots more! Germans died! Then british americans, because It's sort of the point of the war is to win the war. You tend to win, war by losing more beautiful it literally the elimination on earth. It has to lose people and when words, russia, because they just throw endless masses of bodies at every single war, historically speaking, but gentle speaking when you went to war. That does involve a lot of on the other side and that's even went their side is not hiding in civilian areas. How much was it when the other high inside is deliberately hiding in civilian areas and yet the meagre strip it out of context. Me like the: u n, the disgusting most eyes, leave the in saying that all this might be a work.
then, when confronted with the actual realities of of of war than theirs, Well, then, no, actually, you know what, where I don't want to talk about, that. What's amazing about the Xhosa, even a second is that the legacy media just mirror, like the perspectives, are indistinguishable from the perspectives of people who stand for Hamas The perspective people create moral code of in Israel and who lie for living gives a more or less in just one. Second, first, now, these days, I'm spending a lot of time, pray god, because they too rough world out there, obviously esben lot of time praying. We in jewish community pray a minimum of three times a day, but everybody should be checking in with god regularly. Take a moment to acknowledge his generosity, when, in the hardest times, hallo can help you do that. Health is an incredible apt that offers a unique approached premeditation, unlike other meditation, apps Hello is tailored specifically for people of faith to deepen their relationship with god. The hello app is filled with his meditations reflections rooted in judeo christian practices. Pray alongside my robert Jonathan roomy appraised, in the chosen, even some world class athletes in access. The number one question
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the duke seemingly out of nowhere. We suddenly seen a huge spike in media, depictions and social media depictions of transgender resembles even reach the mainstream advertising world, the people who, consuming these children. Thirteen fourteen fifteen years old at sea easy for them to literally be ground. I just one day, looked at myself in the mirror and ask myself what the heck am. I doing When trans identified kids are referred to, specialise gender critics, there often told that there are going to get comprehensive t disciplinary mental health assessments. We know that that's
I was easy to manipulate an ideology that has become dominant at these clinics- is that trans kids know who they are and therefore to question is completely taboo. My childhood was ruined for their deep transitioning. Nobody, nobody would help me because they had more concern to me. Reversing everything. Did this thing to alleviate this gender dysphoria? Wasn't there before made it into a problem and now you're body image issues are worse. That's not supposed to happen the. What do we do now and The. Had on Prager you dot com to stream it for free, ok, meanwhile, When the truly amazing things better. Lasting legacy media is that these suppose it objective arbiters of truth
reality. They just mirror the perspectives of the most radical members of the d colonise coalition. I've talked on the show of the past couple of weeks about the philosophy: the wings, for example- black lives matter with you from the river to the sea. People like one of those people have in common. Why are there queers for palestine? Why are all these people marching the same coalition and the answer is because they hate the west and I think the west is truly truly a horrifyingly bad place, the leader The coalition in the united for a long time was trying to hussy coats and whose treaty, with the sort of bizarre, reverence and respect, despite the fact that he's a garbage writer, I'm sorry, I'm just gonna, pull it out. There he's not a good writer he's. Incredibly purple he's been wildly overrated, I won't even he's a poor man's james Baldwin he's like a dead man's james bond you like it, he doesn't have any of the skill he's not good debater he's not it. He is not a good thinker he's not a good writer. There's literally nothing appealing about him other than he uses purple language also do really. Really stand for Hamas. Why? Because again, oppressor versus oppressed colonizers?
colonized and all the rest of this. So yesterday, and as I said before, the broader philosophy, worth noting the broader philosophy. Is hatred of the west you'll notice that replete throughout what what this tunnel hussy codes persons not a shocking, and he wrote in his own book about celebrated by our legacy media or on the same side. He wrote. His own book. There are nine eleven. He sat at the top of his apartment, building and watch the towers, berne and smoked blunt and felt nothing literally writes that in his own book, how much he hates the country This person is seen as some sort of bizarre moral exemplar because he writes garbage like between the world than me are between the world. We are real intellectual, in any case, your suit intellectual. China has. He got the stuff that he spouses most indistinguishable. From our current objective media, we have to stand on principle and it from a late come up to the palestinian cause. I'm also they come to it. Cause of non violence? But I'm here now you know, and knowing what that is meant to our history Sorry, I'm positive herzog and know how
It covers the cause of non violence he's literally standing for the most violent terror group on the planet in commerce. Right now literally every governing body of the palestinians, the violent terror group, the palestinian authority, islamic jihad, find out just military wing gpa these are all, but but he's an advocate nonviolence, it's beyond parity. be on parity, it's the people are so stupid. People are moronic, but they have no clue What are you saying is garbage? I shall have you know a few things you know, how does he has, but it doesn't matter, people don't know things we get away with it. There is no way in the world that we can leverage the memory of Dr Martin, there's no, where we can leverage the weight, the ancestry of movement in defence of a war in defence of indiscriminate bombing,
or refugee get with indiscriminate can't do that. We cannot do that. We would be a disgrace to attempt to our ancestors praetorian and I will look out and I would see roads that palestinians could use and rose that only is really juice could use. I said I This is a positive one. Second, for per second, isn't he says that he went to. He went to Israel, which goes palestine, is it. I saw only roads that israelis can using only roads, the palestinians produce actually That's not true their roads, the book palestinians and israelis can use those are the ones owned by Israel. You are, you have to get through a checkpoint, so Europe can make sure that you are not a terrorist and then you are free to use. As it helps you knew oars, and then there are only roads. The palestinians can you. So, in fact, there is no road that only israelis canoes. There are roads, that is really the palestinians can use it for non terrorist. and then there rose that only palestinians canoes. Why? Because there no jews living inside the palestinian authority, none it will be murdered. There are none living
under hamas because they would be murdered so he's lying right off the bat cause. I saw a different colored license plates for different classes of people. I said I know what this is yes some of their different cover licence waste, because palestinian authority, people, people living under the auspices of the house in your authority live under a different government. Of course, that's like saying our canadian license plates and united states license plates door. Yes, that is correct. Why would they have is really license plate they're, not israeli citizens, as I saw communities that I can only describe as a segregated and what I felt was a tremendous wait. I felt the obvious thing. I think all of us feel that our tax dollars are effectively subsidizing. Apartheid was subsidizing, segregation is war.
Jim crow regime did he went on to say that Israel is a democracy like america is the world's oldest democracy, and that was the key point, because again he hates america, he hates the west. He thinks that they are bad. He benefits from them. He plays on suckers in the west, to pay him models of money to write his absolute dumbstruck, fire books and independent tons of money to give us good speeches and then he rose on the west is the west? Has a suicide wish? That is the only reason why the west has ever tolerated people we spend all day just ripping on it, Unless a tolerant, I mean people who they imported, because obviously citizens in the united states have free speech I will say, however, that making People rich is an insane thing. Ass, he coaches to the respect you know the had cometary deal, will turn of articles that human was waiting. The shoe use actually until the year, though, writing superman movie for J J abrams that guy,
that's how deeply embedded in our culture this garbage is. If you only threat to america. You got it totally wrong. The threat doesn't have to come directly marty can come from the entire de colonized coalition, which is perfectly fine with violence than before. is garbage about non violent is literally supporting people who do terrorist violence as what he does and the media there. Is almost indistinguishable get. Meanwhile, Israel. prime minister. You gallant. He says that Commerce has one choice here, you came to surrender or you can die, which, by the way, is the proper answer to when people's water and ass civilian citizens because their evil is your alongside the defence minister of Israel saying this yesterday, We are not going to stop deal we again. We should eliminate all of them all levels of command and lower. The enemy has two options only either to die or to give up surrender without any couldn't. since that is right. Meanwhile, hassan estralla, who is the head of
beloved. Hezbollah is supposed to make his first four of live in person, appearance in lebanon in there's because been hiding in a in a bunker somewhere by watches people, kill him on the northern on the northern border of Israel for very long he didn't he gave his speeches are accorded speech from a sewer somewhere in his speech. He, of course, called attacks on Israel. Heroic so just reminder has belies an iranian backed our group armed with a hundred fifty thousand rocket minimum pointed into the north of Israel, which is There are currently thirty thousand israelis we're not leaving their homes. In northern Israel, the Question of the day was gonna, be whether Hassan it knows rather let off a new husband outlet, war migration always been. That would not happen, because Hezbollah understands that, especially with two american aircraft carrier stationed off the coast. If they started in Israel's north, they just will not exist. He'll be blood. in horrible for israel and also lebanon will be destroyed because we'll be stretched in Israel, will have to do whatever it has to do to maintain the safety of its own citizens turn his raw basically mouthing off from what I can tell
This point is gonna continue to try to draw forces north away from the Gaza strip, but it seems likely that he is going to push too hard to one now that he's been pushed too hard to go directly into war, so that is the that is the situation in terms of Israel and the palestinians and hezbollah, and all the rest will see how it develops over the weekend. Meanwhile, in the house united states government. There has been a vast disagreements about how to fund Israel. if you have the right administration, which is trying to lump together a bunch of things that wrangle them together, ukraine, eighty one sixty billion more dollars in ukraine- aid, some forty, billion dollars in aid to Israel. A few billion for border security and like seven billion dollars for taiwan and the trade all that together in a hundred five billion dollar package or my johnson, you before the house, he pushed for and then pay in Israel only bill and the Only eight bill is just into Israel and he it by taking money away from the ira's. Now. The Democrats, claiming, of course, a poison pill, this helpful
was going nowhere. Basically, we have now is a game of chicken. The game of chicken is that the Democrats, are hoping to wrong foot the republicans by getting them not to fund Israel in favour of not funding ukraine the republicans, are trying to run for democrats by saying guys. Why can't you give a directly? Israel. Obviously I'm on the right one side of the argument and understand why these issues are the same. They are not the battle in ukraine. I am fully in favour by the way of continued Had you drain the age maintain its own security inside of the post twenty fourteen borders, as imposed Fourteen, because right now, ukraine is trying to push into on and crimea I'd, be fully, in favour of them doing that if there's actual possibility of them, winning they ve shown over the course of last year. Really is not a possibility and in fact it's extraordinarily unlikely. In fact, ukrainian ministers are now saying that's extraordinarily unlikely, so the question becomes what the end of that war looks like. That doesn't mean that you're in favor, of undermining ukrainian security, Ukraine should be funded to the point where it can certainly prevent you rush up front.
Doing this again, plus I'm very much in favour of degrading the russian military capacity since their aggressive on every front. They can find, including the middle east sidra russian resources into battle in and ass. Her crimea is fine with me out have general This problem with that, but sixty billion on of money they, so that is a different and said slightly more complex issue. Then the issue funding Israel in attempting to exterminate a in actual too group Hamas, which it can do, is achievable, very achievable he's a separating offered, you clauses makes a lot of sense, but both sides now, accusing each other of putting poison pills in their bills to wrong foot the other the poison pill for the republic, and is apparently that they're trying to if on the ira, in order to do this, a Democrat zermatt about that here was trucks humor saying that panic majority leader is already declared his verdict on the proposed. The house to your proposal is not going anywhere. It's it's it's it's gonna, it's dead before even is voted on
okay. So he says that is going nowhere, but the question is going to be whether the reverse is true, whether the Senate proposal, which is the giant one hundred five billion dollar proposal, where that gets rejected by the house, basically, we now have a game of chicken. As I say, I think the next step for my johnson is probably to disconnect The Israel aid from the irs defending and ethics It's that again would wrong for democrats and it's like okay, fine, you don't want us to you. Have your ira so much fine, we'll just take that out and and here's the israelite just pass it. No poison pills, nothing with a clean Israel aid bill it'd very hard for democrats reject. I assume that the accept the johnson is gonna take if, in fact, Senate and president Biden, decide to veto Biden, has threatened to veto this particular proposal. simply whether he does veto that particular proposal in favour of we need. Crammed down aid for ukraine in the middle of all. This ok in other non middle east related whose apparently sam bank mainframe remember him. He was the FDA founder who basically built p, of billions and billions of dollars, robbed
to pay policy, essentially giant pyramid scheme luxury has now found sam in four guilty and all seven criminal accounting system. We have taken note of it. imagined and sends a hundred and fifteen years in prison. General merrick garland, said in a statement to embankment free thought he was above the law. Today's verdict proves that he was wrong, so he was a m. He was a person who believe that his political connections were to allow him to get off scot free. He was dead. single democrat donor in the last election cycle. Other members, the ex gates, moneyed republicans as well. The government flipped a bunch of peace against him, including his ex grew friend, caroline ellison, the former head of the elevator and ethics cofounder gary wing was being infringed. Child have run from can't both boatport guilty in december and and cooperate as witnesses from prosecution to get off easier. as he NBC says, the central question for jurists to consider whether bank winfried acted with criminal intent in taking customer funds from tax and use
money to pay for real estate, venture investments, corporate sponsorships political donations and cover losses alameda after crypto prices plunge last year. There was too billion dollar and customer money and went missing so bateman freed now awaits I think we'll see how long he ends up going to jail. Now one of the things that's so funny about the whole sam beckman free situation, as you talked about when the story first broke, is it's embankment freed built his entire persona around one court, effective all tourism, and the idea was, if you give me a lot of money, if you I mean tons of money, and I spend a lot I'll spend a lot of that money on politics. I'll spend a lot of that money on the causes that you love most I'll, be really rich and also know the basic idea, which is that one of the great aspects of capitalise, is that when people become rich of a lot more charity, that's true What more charity now, when I make a lot more money than I do fifteen years ago, when I made a lot less money, however, the basic hiding behind altruism in order to justify his? business malpractice and is political,
and all the rest was one of bank been freed, favorite thing he was made a hero for this. Put premier cover of magazines Jim kramer praising him to the skies briefly held the title of the world's richest. Thirty year old, he had an estimated network of twenty billion dollars in one he distinguished himself from his competitors was how altruistic and magical he was going to be. He was going to. He was going to just spend money on the things that mattered most and he took a bunch of people in according to a columnist at coindesk. despite the wreckage cause in the accompanying failure to do good there may numerous voices sympathetic to ask me chief among them is one Michael louis throughout his new book on sb up enough to ex going infinite, he paints a portrait of espionage, interested genius whose intentions were pure on his book. Tour lose continues to say things like quote, I think of him as a creature of modern finance, Any period in history is a high school physics teacher. Well. If lose his rights as this colonists, you should be inviting modern finance wholesale. After all s behalf
given the effort of honestly earning the money he gave away, never actually performed a genuinely altruistic deed, see. This is one of the things that people should also notice about. Altruism. When it comes to the business world, we tend to think business in all tourism as an opposition to one another or as though business is not a form of altruism. If business is done right, it is in fact the best for malta risen, so I'm oddities one of the great jewish thinkers of time my monies suggested, the highest form of charity was getting somebody a job as the highest Are you not giving them money? Give him a job? Why these? It turns out that the most good that you do for the world is a sustainable head for generating things that are good for other people. You know we usually call those markets our are usually where you generate a sustainable, repeatable method of doing good thing from other person. If I give charity eventually, if I don't, where money the charity runs out. If I give you a job, and that means that you can and meanwhile you're, providing with good or service that I can use to generate more goods and services? And then I can pay other people, and I can, by other things I've helped many many more people that way, then I would have
just gave way the money? just giving away the money in some cases, obviously justified about people who can't work there, people children orphans, what this Why the bible focuses when it talks about the sort of class of people who are charity and widows and orphans? Why? Because He is. The widows gonna have a hard time earning a living and orphans dont. Have anybody take care of them when it doesn't focuses on our people capable of working and somehow you should give him charity, because they they won't work or the idea that the charity is supposed to be specifically designed at at causes. That could better done in a sustainable way, knows about sustainability markets, creed sustainability. Charity is general non sustainable is interesting for them, socialism in capitalism, socialist is. How do I redistribute everybody else's money? Capitalism is how do I create entire new entirely new lines of business, thus to suit or money earning by millions, more people, which is why, when capitalism is tried, it succeeds in mind when socialism, the best you can do. it is with. Socialism is redistributing the gains. That's all you can talk about. That's why the current world so
democratic nations in northern europe are very cap, listing in way they pursue business, and they just have very, very wrong welfare structures on top of that. But if the entire system obviously were nash I systems, the entire thing would collapse would look like the ussr, which is why We ve been allied to suggest, Countries in northern europe are predominantly characterized by their socialist not a predominantly characterized by the capitalist business structures. The heads of the government of denmark and set as much when you call them socialist. They get annoyed that. What are you? What are you talking zone nationalization of resources here redistribution of some resources at the top level. In the same way there of a mixed economy. In other words, the same as the united states, is just that their mixed economy happens to be significantly smaller. There, there population has to be significantly more maginnis and there distributive wait tends to be greater, but they need me sore. Point of champagne in freight. Is that when you, when you place altruism, in differentiation from business, you end up being a bad business person in a fitting business, as
business is the dirty part. Now tourism is the good part. One that's wrong. I have said this before and I ll say get bill. Gates did more for the world by creating microsoft, any hasn't, giving way his billions of dollars to charity. Why? Because he has led to the employment of probably hundreds of thousands of people, not just directly microsoft, an inch clear through his software, where there was a massive good to the world, and we we tend to think of the only tat we judge people based on their intent and the intent if your intent is pure, that means that your action is more beneficence and that's wrong. That's not true if I intend with this one dollar donation to do something it out of my pocket- no benefit to me. Here's one dollar, I've done significantly less good than we do at this company, which employs three hundred people already folks. The rest of the show continues right now: you're, not gonna, wanna miss it will get into the twenty twenty four race. If you're, not a member, become member used code, shapiro checkout for two months, rental annual plans, click that link in the description and join us the
Transcript generated on 2023-11-06.