« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1838 - No, I Won’t Give Up My AR-15

2023-10-27 | 🔗

In the aftermath of another horrifying mass shooting in Maine, the usual partisan battle lines are drawn over so-called “assault weapons”; The Biden administration responds to Iranian strikes against American targets; and Rashida Tlaib gets hit with a potential censure resolution.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The men should be on the show sponsored by express vpn privacy is a right, not a privilege, defend your rights at express vpn dot com, slash men the mass shooter in lewiston maine is still at large is done. Extraordinary damage. Eighteen, dead, thirteen injured, wives ended lives, destroyed families wrecked in america. Such events quickly, into the usual arguments, as you argue, for gun, problem the weapon carried by the shooter. They point out that he was carrying an eight hour fifteen and that he had a high capacity magazine, they say that means gum. Laws are to loosen than if they had been tighter. The should never have been able to obtain the weapon gun rights. Advocates argued by contrast. The shooter was met, We feel that, according to the washington post, yet quote so our people around him and he was hospitalized and received mental health treatment. This summer, people who knew the shooter told investigators the quote in recent months. He describes hearing disturbed This is an increasingly become fixated on the bowling alley and the restaurant, where he allegedly when fire is unclear, the shooter got his weapon. If he did not, a criminal record. If animal background check would not have stopped him from getting weapon anyway, but maine
so has a so called yellow flag law that requires police to get a medical practice. To evaluate someone with mental illness and identify them is a threat before the police can petition a judge to order a person's he seized. If ever somebody would have qualified for use in such a law. The shooter in this case would have qualified in the end, the art. Foreign against going control, aren't generally about the efficacy of any particular policy he's not. When it comes to mass shootings, mass shootings are statistical outline. the vast majority of homicides involving firearms in the united states are committed with handguns, not long guns actors should have constitute a very small percentage of overall homicide. Well, let me I tend to cover large scale mass shootings like the lewiston shooting they tend to ignore mass shootings in cities like chicago. Despite the fact that firearms homicide rate for black americans is some fourteen times higher than that for white americans the arguments for gun control, tend to send a wise around one particular argument. The argument that no one critical needs in our fifteen or anyone for that That's the argument. The president Biden routinely makes further
Those re right wing, americans who say it's all about shaping america, you keeping america's independent, unsafe. We want to fight against the country. Nita S, fifteen! You need some little more than a gun, the idea the do you. We still allow senora weapons we purchase is sick, just sick, it has no low social values. Not a single, solitary rational authorities are probably, if you wanna protectors, I've, got a double barrelled shot gun Have the shells of twelve gauge shock promise, you is ever coming in his knock. You dont mean a our fifteen. It's hard. the aim harder to use, and in fact you know, need thirty round to protect yourself? Why shaka? None of that is true. None of that is We also notice his language there when he said
no one is a semi automatic weapon. That's like a normal hand. That is a normal rifle. A semi automatic weapon just means that every time you pull the trigger the gun, shoots, now and then a reloads. That's that's what a semi auto is. but his button right on principle as well My day yesterday, with my wife and some friends had a gun rage, while we were there, we will my smith and wesson mp shield my millimeter, my moscow in five hundred shotgun and yes, my air fifteen. Why per se We were, we add, the gun range. Well because I love the gun range, it's because since the october seventh terrorist alt on the Gaza antelope anti semitism across the west has skyrocketed. I currently have full time security on myself on my family probably gonna have to have that level of security: the rest of our lives, but Just me pretty much. Every you. I know who cannibals weapon is now attempting to do so, and they should as a law, abiding and responsible adults should owning a weapon. Is in the end and the only protection against the darkness, the were murdered rating kidnapped in Gaza, I've lubber, largely unarmed israel
stream restricted uncontrolled laws in the wake of the massacre. Tens of thousands of israelis are now seeking to arm themselves as they should over. Hundred thousand israelis have reportedly submitted gun licence applications closer to home. Where is the same? There are evil people, we seek to do harm to innocent people run ones. Morning. For example, a man was arrested in studio city, California, after breaking into a home with a position that is a a screw on the door post of jewish homes. Now it is a jewish on the man was scream. Free palestine and kill Jews and trying to kick in a door now new york jews are being told to stay indoors by security forces overshot, because programmers testers assigned to descend on brooklyn entourage afternoon according to seo alive. How come you should would walking around crown high too heavily orthodox neighbourhood. According to the answer major league anti semitic incidents have increased by three eighty eight percent this month year over year, why wouldn't every jus one carry under these circumstances. People of diesel on all sides do want the same thing here. Innocence protect
and the dangerous disarm. The question is how best to achieve that goal. Some, in its statement about blanket weapons. Bands are not the answer and those answers make even less sense. Coming from many of the same people who see the police as the problem, so no I'm not going. giving up my air fifteen, because a mentally ill person who never should have had weapons committed a heinous hacked of evil. In fact, that is precisely why I keep my weapons because evil people do evil things are not stopped by parchment barriers in just a second we'll get to the political bonds to the mass shooting, a main which, of course, has followed all the traditional hallmarks of the debate. First pure, recently announced there would alleviate ten million dollars and veterans out by veterans day thanks. You support their fifty three percent sexual with two weeks to go but this does militaries made up of one hundred percent volunteers. These are men and women who willingly sacrifice everything they have for this country, then on serving their return home, so tight job market and outrageous living expenses. That is why I am so happy. A private company like pure talk, has jumped into help when you switch to
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In the end. The idea is that you should trust the government to protect you. Now. I don't trust the government for a couple of reasons one. I don't think that they can protect me in the first instance so, where I live great sheriff's department, excellent police department, every body? It one foresman is excellent and you know what it's can take them while to respond to an actual bad thing happening, it doesn't matter how good they are. It will take them at the very least, a few minutes to get to a place, and that is too late for the people in that place, this already speculative until it happens, where you are, which is. Why am I synagogue, happy guys carrying we have security and we have kept the guy's gary. That is a good thing and is a worthwhile thing. Never somebody's as well good guys with guns? Don't stop add, doesn't guns, no the answer as they do they. The iter I was such a weird argument. They'll say things like well know, not really stops the bad guy, but the gun is either. He commits suicide or the cops stop him. Even why that is because there is no one unseen who had a gun sedgwick
The guy was done, shooting a bunch of people for the cops to get there and shoot the guy. Or what are you gonna wait there for the guy to commit as I look of the kindness of his heart, you think that's what's going to stop this thing and the reality is once again that everyone these situations involving a mass shooter is situation in which the person has all sorts, of indicators that they should not have had a gun in the first place, and somebody drop the ball somewhere along the way, which really speaks to a lot I believe in actual social fabric. if you see somebody around you who genetic, Somebody around you who has severe mental illness. You haven't an allegation anymore. obligation to report that the authorities in the moral and any and the authorities a moral obligation to try to get them. Personally, We need an remove from them the ability to have access to a weapon that is your Oh obligation is a thing that you should do. By the same token, it is immoral
well to remove from a law abiding citizen who knows how to use a gun, his means of self defense. That is immoral. The first right any of us have is the right to self defense and offense of others. Obviously, whenever these shootings happens. Obviously, emotions run really high and you see some politicians who decided there one to shift their pay. it's political issue not because new evidence is emerge but because they are now motioning struck by the issue. I'm not a big fan of this type of politics. If you're Position changed radically, not because new evidenced emerged that the debunked your prior position, but because you just responding more emotionally to the issue That's not a good reason to shift your opinion on an issue. It isn't evidence is supposed to decide your positions on the issues. There was a congressperson yesterday and Jared golden Democrat four main reversed course. gun. Control now main is a democrat. Dominated state has democratic governance it has to democratic it. Has on democratic centre, one republican centre- and it has a democratic legislature. So here
is your golden. Who is eight in congress person who represent? louis and now coming out in favour of gun control, which is a politically save thing to do aftermath, shooting, obviously, but again there's! No new evidence has been provided that this would have that. What form of gun control to stop? This from happening Surely what from of gun control guy apparently already had guns Mona, don't obtained the guns, and we do now but he was literally institutional. I just a couple of months ago and somehow access to the weapons. What laws on the books would have change this? Here's your golden begin from, or was anyway. The time has now come for me to take responsibility for this failure. which is why I now call on the united states congress to ban assault rifles, the one used by the sick perpetrator of this mass coming from my home town, get a you might with any college. To get this done in the time that I have left in congress I don't really understand why he's in its history,
as what is the law that he failed to pass? It would prevented this chris murphy of connecticut senator longtime advocate for gun control. He then actually stamped on this guy is that is the also the way politics works and even if you reverse position, and then the people who reflect your new position, will stomp on you, here's chris Murphy, going after him yesterday, I don't know representative, golden personally. I know that is a pretty conservative member of the house of representatives and he is coming to the same reality. There many others have with Democrat these weapons. Don't deserve to be in the streets of america. They can protect people second of memories, rights, but just make sure. folkestone have access to the weapons of war, but I wish I didn't take members of congress to have to experience a mass shooting in their own congressional district to come to this reality. I'm glad that representative goldens made this decision but why does it have to happen over and over and over again mean
does he have a solution that stop this from happening over and over and over again, the sum, Two people were shot in chicago over the weekend. Nobody knew story about it because not spectacular doesn't grabbed the headlines in the same way. Those were almost reboot handguns. You don't see Chris murphy talking about any of that again. This is the easy liars way out of the dilemma. The real argument than the people I'm left their honest, want to have that. No one should have done that's the hour. They really want to have it all. I make that our because they understand to losing argument. But that is, argument that they actually do want to make. So, instead it is they're going to first engineer and argument where the greatest danger to your life today is in our fifteen was the the greatest danger. My life is an air fifteen in the hands of a crazy person. You know: its defence of my life is in fifteen in my hands. I can stop the crazy person centre, it's him he's doing the same sort of thing from Virginia says: rivers, wickedness in this country, it doesn't happen anywhere else. We have a sickness and it's first of all, sont fruit doesn't have it anywhere else. There are mass shootings. There are terrorists. All that sort of stuff does happen.
Countries, but if there is a sickness in this country, part of that sector, involves denying sickness. denying mental illness. Pretending the mental illness is just different. Brain orientation, as opposed to What it really is, in many cases, a danger to self or others, here's etc gain. Anything like. just reopens a wound that never heels for january, when we see a report of this kind of shooting tragedy. We all remember that tragedy at Virginia tat, and so many sense then, and it's just it it's just Second, your soul, and we have a sickness in this country around gun violence, and it's a u equally american problem, many other nations, don't have the problem that we have this state. including virginia, have finally taking meaningful steps to deal with the congress. Thus far, has generally been unwilling to again many of these measures have occurred in california- has extraordinarily strong gum. Was I live there? Maybe
green, championed the federal level she's doing and then she says: let's work to ban assault weapons again, the weapon is not the problem, the person whose carrying them is the problem. Everyone knows this. Let's work together to ban assault, weapons and high capacity magazines. That's worked together to enact universal background checks, require safety bridge of guns and keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous individuals who no business being armed with a weapon of war, but those People have no business being armed at all at all. The weapon is not yet person, as always is the issue and again there is a counter side to this, which is that law abiding people are legit mentally afraid and should be legitimately afraid of bad people in the night need to own weapons. I am one of those people. My wife is one of those people mouth is by nature. A very gentle person she is not somebody
critically comfortable, around firearms she's learning to use a firearm she's buying a firearm because she wants to be more comfortable. So she feels safer and she is not wrong. We get a lot of threats, she's, not wrong. It's more on this momentarily. First, every halloween parents are encouraged to check their kids candy for potential tampering, but what we don't Well, aren't you know the actual dangerous you encounter every day in the meat I'll laboratory? is becoming more more popular. It's not unusual for for me, too Will this product of the united states really don't what's in the meat, which is a scary truth? Fortunately, my friends, good ranchers, have made it their mission to change that this halloween good ranchers has taken the trick out of your meat and they're, throwing you treat for my listeners. Thirty bucks off your order with promo code, shapiro, good ranchers, dot com. The number one place to get america's best beef, chicken and seafood delivered is with good ranchers. Their parents are transferred resourced, all american and delicious, when you shop a good ranchers how come you're not to question. What's in your meat, ensures meat is guaranteed. One hundred per cent american. Take the mystery out of the meat I have as good ranchers dot com use. My code shapiro get thirty bucks off with free express shipping that is code shapiro for three bucks off your box at good, ranchers, dot com, american meat
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samson dozens of ours are trained to earn the right to drive a motor vehicle. I've, never instead, why the same should not apply to firearms. My views on gun control also been monkish academic in nature. It something I care about now but have never felt deeply that change. That yesterday is a stronger feelings right now and then yesterday, if you had asked me before yesterday, why I own guns, I would have fed you the same line. I'd read my liberal friends and my wife and above all myself for years I own guns for hunting. For protection for blasting clay pigeons out of cloudless october's guys, I've told you I own guns, because I come from a gun. Family and guns guns are some of the only things I've left from the people. I love. I would have told you about I bought my holler born great depression, surviving grandma under the bed, the twenty gauge migrants I used to bring home thanksgiving turkeys hold your own guns, because I'm a hunter and I own guns, because our right, things that sometimes make people angry, but is only now that gun violence has visited my little corner of the world that I have been forced to confront reality, truth that has been there all long, but that I have refused to admit I own guns, because I like them and because I'm american allowed. You know and stopped me my own guns because gun violence,
something that happened anywhere else and not. Some are close to me, he says that he is responsible and he says yes, your husband haven't made me change my mind about being a gun owner the reasons that motivated me to own guns in the first place are no different than yesterday most in change my mind by being a quiet gun owner. I spent years of my life making apologies on behalf of my gun acquaintances. So I just have a question he's not giving up his guns right I mean in the end this guy is not, can give up his guns, but he is going to lecture you about your guns. That is the idea here. He says the reasonable, will own air fifteen's is because they are fine or because they are a toy for some people. Maybe that's true. But here is the bottom line. I have a right to join an air fifteen. My reason happens to be a pretty good reason, which is self defence and events of others. I believe that that right is broader than that and the reason is broader than that, because I can't prove to the authorities
I need outweighs daring to take away my gun. I know this because for a fact I know for a fact when I lived in LOS angeles, I was one of the top targets of anti semitic, death threats in two thousand and fifteen two thousand, and sixteen I used to get death threats All the time I knew fairly intimately the people at the fbi, in los angeles, because they ve been ass more than once in order to pick up at least one time powder from my house. Other times investigate other mail that had come to the house the fbi agents where I live here. Do it, but the differences that in Florida I can get my gun, I can go out. I can train with it and get good at and I can carry it because it turns out the threat is not just to me in my home when I was lost. Angeles. Let me the process that I had to go through. This is why the is broader than just my need, because it turns out the one, the authorities to find the need very often it just obliterates the right when I was in los angeles, literally ones the lapd and I applied for conceal, carry payment? Can harry permits, in LOS angeles, are almost impossible to get really really difficult to get. You have to demonstrate a need. What does that mean?
means you have to demonstrate. A need that is beyond response time of the lapd, so I set up a meeting with lapd I go in, I bring in a binder I'm talking a binder. This thick of death rats, a thick binder of death threats. I sit down. With somebody working for the lapd and as our walking through the threats, they say- ok, we'll get back to you a couple weeks later they deny me the permit why because they say that all those death threats and actually acted on them yet night right, that's the entire point they have not, but when they do, I want to be ready. In fact, I pointed out to them that the fbi had rested a person who is sending death threats to me, indulgent donald from junior among other people, they'd arrest of that person. That person had a picture my comp from their home that post had body armor and a map of the general area where we lived and whose privilege ready to go. And the re said yes, but whose rested, which is a full catch? Twenty two catch the guy. That means you're safe. We don't catch the guy. Well, you shouldn't have because after all, we could have caught the guy this
why the second amendment exists, and increasingly violent world, particularly for people. Like me, you're about things getting personal gun. Ownership is personal to me. this person has gun violence personal the hand because it racks the community where he lived cause gun. Violence is personal because violence and threats are personal gun. Ownership is personal to me and I don't believe I'm the only one numerical feels that way. I think the founders felt the same thing and just once we'll get you why it so personal right now, first policy genius makes it easier to compare life insurance top companies and find your lowest price relations. Age work for you, not the insurance companies. That means you can trust their guidance because they have an incentive to recommend one insure over another. There are no added your personal information is kept private. If a really good for me to knock life insurance off the list of things I had to do because, god forbid, something should happen to me Make sure my family is taken care of at least financially a good life into it plan can give you peace of mind that, if something happens to your family will be able to cover mortgage payments, college costs or other expenses. Life insurance through workplace may not offer enough. Pretty. if your family's needs and it's not going to follow you if you leave your job since life insurance,
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definitely avoid the area says eight in orthodox site called seo alive basis security source. Told them quote: there's no intel at this time in which direction the protest elite local. Should we stay away from eastern parkway in that area? The juice of britain feel they are at risk and obviously they feel that they cannot be protected. That is not a shock. Either are considering what has happened over the course of the past week. Well, we saw a bunch of students, cooper union in greenwich village, who were barricaded inside ivory as bunch of protein its protesters, rats hate banging on the doors you seen the sort of stuff. This sort of threatening stuff happening routinely around the nation unfortunately into an yesterday to university in new orleans, which is Why did you go to wane, including a mile Well, friend Andrew riper wants to it to end violence broke out. It broke out because somebody decided I'd, basically dress up like a terrorist and then drive through the camp is the person who decided where the cafe around the face. Looking is their terror threat, end and then attempted to start burning in israeli flag and a jewish,
didn't presently try to take these where flag away from and in got beaten up by the crowd. Here's! What that look like and the lindsay. The for those who can't watch video you're, seeing you can see the part where this guy drove up looking like terrorists, but he he drove up looking like something directly out of the Gaza strip and and tried to burn in israeli flag. Someone tried to stop him and then this unit ended up having to go to the hospital We ve been seeing these massive marches all over the united states in favour of hamas battles and scared, the hell out of Jews, I'm not sure exactly what well in the user are become shy about it. Certainly I haven't try about it, but it does mean that they a pretty scary out there and everybody is taking precautions. Meanwhile, the good news is that the hard left is coming to the defence of Hamas. Harvard has now created a task force to support it is experiencing docking harassment and also security issues following backlash against students,
We are familiar with the statement that held Israel entirely responsible for violence in the Israel, palestine conflict, the new first will be in operation until november? Third, so basically, there are bunch students who decide to sign a statement in favour of Hamas, there's a truck the one round harvard their faces on it, showing exactly who would sign this and and harvard is permitted to make sure that nobody's feelings are protected. They created entire task force to help the students who signed a statement in favour of a come according to an email the dean of students, jobs will lead the taskforce alongside the harvard university information technology, harvard university, PD counselling, a mental health service. Also, general council make known centre for career services office hundred your research and fellowship and the office of undergraduate education so that some very very encouraging stuff and jews are being threatened. In gotta make sure the people who joined the brats, those
people who are protected on Monday, the so called he s see he hovered undergraduate palestine. Solidarity committee posted a from alumni to harvard administration on their instrument. Page saying what is deplorable, that at the time- writing the harvard administration has yet to meaningfully criticise or condemn the public. Darting campaigns threatening students early targeting marginalized students who are palestinian, black arab, south asian muslins, commented and or international. they call for a harbor jamaican apologies. Instead, they set up a task force in favour of these vote. Yes, It is indeed a threatening time. Meanwhile, members of congress with links to Hamas continue to defend their radical jus hatred. So receded to leave yesterday she was I'm hit with I. A sensor resolution sponsored by marjorie hilary and obviously should be censured. The true that you should be expelled. Considering her support for terrorist organisations. but she really say, statement quote margaret The greens unhinge resolution is deeply islamophobia and attacks peaceful wish anti war advocates. I am
We stand in solidarity with jewish peace advocates, calling for a cease fire and an end to the violence by jewish peace. Advocates means radical left wingers, who wear their titular judaism as a badge to protect them from the fact that there are funding for Hamas should, as I will not be bullied, I will not be dehumanize. I will not be silenced. I will continue to call for sea, for the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid, for the release of hostages in those arbitrarily detained and for every american to be brought home. Our continued work for a just and lasting peace, yadda yadda yadda. Ok, she is a liar- They not only as you liar. She continues to maintain that israel has that hospital. She and if we give Israel as they sound one for not hitting the hospital It had all our immediately came out in support of her she'd ITALY book we love we call you to ITALY, but mama bear because she's, loving and protective asterisk of of Hamas. Shows humanity to colleagues who constantly dehumanize or in those who share our faith. Yet she sheet. there's, one percent shows you married. Others is repeatedly she loves the people she represents. God was who they are well, I mean I assume she does love come ass fans because she definitely represents and wept.
I am my sister's keeper, says Ilhan Omar. I walked through fire for her. I admire her leadership and conviction. People can help. so try to censure her she'll never before since it into submission. None of us will also such heroism me my eye on a presley another address, member, the squad ringle starve? That's why she just put out a statement wait until he just doing what her district elected her to do advocate for a better, safer, more just world, by lying repeatedly about israel and being a radical, anti semite. Of course. Now here's the thing where she'd had to leave has alleged links to the Hamas terror organization. According to harry mission. They put out a report just this week, pointing out that to leave has extensive funds at times the Hamas terrorist group, the group- since then, so we used for facebook group pack, usa, housing american congress usa for her congressional campaign that group chair pro terrorism, asthmatic nazi propaganda content of those members in june, twenty twenty just hired the founder of, as chairman of the campaigns finance committee. Person is said to have enabled the founder to promote twelve one razors across eight states, additional
according to their emission, so we'd founded the group black for power sign in organization that they describe as anti american anti israel protests hate group. The group alleged works alongside the popular front celebration- palestine, which they foreign this organization in the united states she's. That group has apparently posted in support of Mr terrorist organisations, more than one hundred times to leave, has links to leave. Three commerce link activists whom she employed to fund for twenty eighteen election campaign, those would be salazar sore, roughy can share, and in Oslo bassett romeo sergeant actually jailed for being connected with Hamas in ninety ninety five posts in about with telling in twenty eighteen shovel has apparently admitted helping. Distribute Hamas is propaganda in the unit States in two thousand He testified he directed to come out front groups to promote the holy land, founded in every way we can and emitting to distributing quote probe marta materials and celebrate the killing of jews come on. I'll has worked for multiple hamas linked organizations in the united states.
That is what she had to leave your sitting congress, woman and meanwhile the binding ministration is attempting to grasp its way forward with regard to the situation in the middle east and they're, sending to mixed signals on those signals, very good. Some signals are good? So John? yesterday to his credit, the national security spokesperson pretty yesterday, whose asked about casualty numbers in the Gaza strip- and he gave one of this, The answer is actually I've ever seen. Anyone republican or democrat, give from the podium wise told by Hamas and it's allies. The president went further to say, in a sense we will die, and that is the price of the war. You also said- and I haven't we- don't you think it is a sensitive there being very harsh criticism about it, for example the cancer american islamic relations said was deeply disturbed and call on the president to apologize.
Would the president apologizing, because he'd regret say something like that was harsh with harsh is the way Hamas is using people as human shields, with harsh has taken a couple of hundred hostages and leaving families in anxious waitin and worrying to figure out where their loved ones, as was harshest drop in music festival. and slaughtering a bunch of young people just trying to enjoin afternoon. I could go on and on that's what's harsh that is what's harsh, he happens to be correct about all that, and yet, at the same time and the media content, the parrot eliza from ourselves, and they are wires. Meaning is amazing. It is truly amazing to watch the pr battle that his rubbed it on show me your first of all. There is no question that algorithmic late come ass. Supporters are getting a giant boost right now, there's just no question of that happening on a wide variety of platforms. Unfortunately, I think including expert, certainly including tik, tok beyond that Hamas, any they just openly lie about things so much so that yesterday, a Hamas
this person was on the bbc. The BBC, of course, is a Hamas friendly outlet there perfectly willing to run with now, We anything Hamas as but even the bbc was like what so here's what happened before my spokesperson. Try. Claim that they didn't kill civilians. The BBC points out on you did you kill fifteen hundred civilians and the commission have been worked out. It was a military operation was directed toward military purposes for a minute or two sides, hundreds of civilians were killed. Sorry for them, military soldiers were imposed, sanctions and collective punishment against our people, and I think from the first moment, we declare that this operation is not was not data through this happiness, but I can. Who firm and a short again and again that there was no command kill any surveillance thing, or do you justify killing people as they sleep families,
do just what it was like this. I want to say, of course, and stop the interview. is that the most obvious question in terrible by the way they found materials literally on the body of Hamas terrorists telling them to rape telling tomorrow I mean this is like their liars and the fact that so many people are willing to pay. The lies is the full scale, anti semitism, so the at the same exact time that that these lies are being told the vitamin enriched again there's a lot of mic signals. Is meeting with american muslim leaders to try to placate their fury over the Gaza war. That is according to the times of Israel, yelling publicized me with muslim american community leaders. Movement growing, fury among urban muslim americans on providing support for Israel's military response to this on what the president, critical. If our yesterday for saying he has no confidence in it. That's how you from class that the fact that bind his meeting with all of these
supposedly angry leaders is, is totally crazy if you're angry about Israel responds Hamas have a solution for you call for Hamas to surrender Hamas is it over to day to day it all ends right now offer masses. Leadership have to do come out their hands up. That's all, and this is all over. The hostages go free. Electricity turns guess, turned back on god that's the next thing that happens. Every one knows it, instead of his meeting with these american muslim leaders it also promulgating again, the entire left continues to propagate the lie that The only way out of this in the end is gonna, be a two state solution that act there actually millions in the west bank and gaza strip judaism. But their millions, bosnians or just itching for peace that their that every gun they never had actually has betrayed them. Every single one of them, which is a weirdo, because you know we have tape from places like ramallah. Here is a protest yesterday in ramallah, ramallah isn't west bank ramallah, not in the Gaza strip, is the capital of the palestinian authority, there's a man the protests. Yesterday in ramallah it's all young men,
literally all young men, zero females, all young men- and they are chanting quote if you have a rifle you should either kill a jew or give it to Hamas, answer their chanting, an airbag, if you have a rifle You see the killed you are given to come ass. These are These are these hook up these partners What can you blind to itself, but they are in fact line action. The west is going to have to respond in action. She's gonna, have to respond because, again in pretending but in reality, just where the face that's what's happening to bind administration with regard to iran right now. First, when you business. Your employees can create all sorts of interesting situations in only about hr very much because when carter, company, you're thinking about you know getting product to places on time, providing a good or service you're, not thinking about what can run employees that exposes exposure to liability. This is why bambi bambi gives you access your that it can be eight, our manager, starting just ninety nine bucks per month. This person is available to you phone email in real time trap the hope you run on boarding for employees, germany,
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garbage organization than a garbage organization for decades to mouthpiece for third world dictatorships. In any case, here is foreign minister yesterday warning the united states. If Israel goes into the Gaza strip, the fire will spread by the way if they If they really want to threaten the united states. Listen, we don't want war with iran because it costs time and resources and money and people. We don't want any of that. But let's just be clear about this: if and started up of the united states that would be over in about a millisecond united Military is not to be trifled with, and the fact you have these tin pot, morons or other threading. I did say is deeply insulting and speaks to the weakness that they perceive in the american body politic and among our political class. Here's foreign minister today in new york and the united nations, I say frankly to the american
and his parents, men who are now managing the genocide in palestine that we do not really come to expansion of the wall in the region, but a wall. If the genocide in Gaza continues, they will not be spared from this fire. It is our home and west asia. Is our region, west asia as their region. They own it leave it alone. that they mean. Presumably, they also want the destruction of the state of Israel. Well as it out. Iran has now been talk targeting americans throughout the Middle EAST. In fact, over the course of the last few weeks, been double digit strikes on american facilities by iranian proxy groups. I'm kirby was asked about the histories and how exactly is Joe Biden pushing back on our first first gourbi admitted they use eventually sustained serious brain damage from from these particular strikes
Was yesterday admitting the situation president said that iran or its proxies attacks us troops that we would respond. What is he waiting for exactly? He deserted where's the response he said, and he said that we will eating the warning in the response. Jack come on now I'm not gonna telegraph punches year from the podium. We have responded in retaliated in the pass quite aggressively back in march and, as the president said, We will not hesitate to protect our troops and facilities, but we're gonna. Do it at a time of our choosing in a manner of our choosing and the decision to do it. If we do, it is his as commander in chief in his alone, So what exactly is that response? We yesterday we found it a little bit the? U s carried out airstrikes according to cnn target who facilities linked to iranian back militias in eastern syria on thursday, according to a statement from defence secretary, lloyd austin following
There is a growing rocket attacks against those forces in the region and statements. Facilities have been used by the irs e g, adobe, iranian islamic, revolutionary guard and affiliate groups. The strikes were carried out by Sixteen fighter jets using proceed. Guided munitions. They target of weapons and ammo storage facility in our common near the border between syria and Iraq. Now often is attempting to downplay the conflict because he doesn't want to be drawn into an open com, last year. That would cost, as we say time, money and blood often described the strikers narrowly tailored in self defense. He said they were different from the ongoing conflict in Gaza, which, of course, they live in, what's happening right now is that iran is prodding at americans in an attempt to get amerika to tell Israel to stop in the Gaza strip, which is not going happen. You directly accused around then of having a role in the attacks on you as forces. End quote: IRAN wants to hide its hand in tonight's roles in these attacks against our forces. We will not let them so again. Administration overall doing the right thing pushing awry off the ball, telling them do not do not screw, but when the
rubber is, can meet the road. That's gonna, be if Israel goes into at which presently will happen over the course next week or sell by all available information when Israel goes into the Gaza strip. If Hezbollah opens up a second front, on the israeli border. Will the united states stop Hezbollah from doing that? Hezbollah is in existential danger to the state of Israel is not just that they have two hundred thousand has pointed at various sites around Israel, threatening tens of thousands of not hundreds. Thousands israeli lies terror, tunnels that presumably strike into Israel as well. They sleep herself, they ve been working with in sudan to marry the west bank if the united states, which she wishes in that country contain the united states, is going to have to get directly involved. Probably at that point, because if they don't, then Israel's gonna go whole hog, it's either going to be the States containing the thing words can be Israel, just devastating its opposition, and maybe bring in iran, which then make a regional that that right there is the biggest problem so the administration needs to continue to demonstrate a stiff upper lip and stiff spine if they do
thing or main contained, which is the best interests, certainly of the united states. And meanwhile my johnson is the new speaker of the house. Democrats are moving to try to undercut him as speaker, suggesting that he is an extremist. Of course. This is their next move, I think we can have a tough time at this, because my johnson is very personal fella jimmy rask and Democrat from maryland. He is accusing johnson of opposing democracy and suggesting, at the same time he wants to ban the regulatory state by the way those two things are in conflict. Banning the regulatory state means in a republic it means upholding democracy. The regulatory state is not elected disappointed so using it and contradiction what his anger news figure. My johnson, your thoughts, well. You cannot get to the right of might johnson in the mega caucus. It's just the dates, inconceivable that you could catch the right of them. Their people four definitely more lunatic than he is, and he's got
very good manners and he's enable lawyer, but when we say We oppose democracy. We know that from here. Giving a legal gloss and finish to all of donald trump arguments about electoral fraud and making the independent state legislature doctrine argument which, on the supreme court, fortunately did not write on good, good luck with this argument that the johnson is wild extremists. But this is the line that media are going to take I think that is going to have very much liked. Meanwhile, in other stupid congress, news in our congress is filled with dullard Jamal beaumont. I guilty to pulling a fire alarm member that time, He claimed that he didn't know a fire alarm was viral army that is going to open the doors. Well now we actually have tape of what he did did he he didn't even try to walk out the doors. Remember he said he thought that if he the fire alarm it windows. The congressional voting or anything that would allow him to walk out these doors. Here's your mobile man. He walked up to the doors. He removes sign saying not do enables via alarm and then walked away you're running out the doors. So that means
album and lied to all of you, and he is a disgrace to his office, but we knew that already simply from it. Many of the positions that he has taken in just a second we are going to get to the latest on the economy, plus an amazing story out of new york city, I think about problem. what this shows. You know, I believe in their mission. I know you do do who wouldn't want to help moms and their children in crisis people Is the largest provider of free ultra sounds in the united states? It connected women were concerned, abortion offer them a free ultrasound say, can hear their trials heartbeat. This divine connection is proven. Well the probability that mom will choose to carry her child's term everyday people, networks of clinics say Two hundred babies lives, life doesn't stop there, they offer mothers maternity closed activism and the support they need to raise a child. After giving it's an incredible organisation, I'm proud to stand behind. You can support reborn yourself for the gift of just twenty eight box will cover the costs of one free ultrasound end could save the world. Of an unborn child to donate just I'll pounds. You fifty say key word: a baby, that's pound to five zero baby or donated
william preborn dot com, slash, bandits, preborn, dot com, slash man, go check them out right now that preborn dot com, slash Ben once again preborn dot com, slash meant then costs a lot of money to save the life of baby. Let mom see the ultrasound you'll realize that what's growing inside her is a life. That means something to her to donate. Pound to fifty and say keyword baby. Meanwhile, Joe Biden's approval ratings continue to absolutely tank. His approval ratings are down at thirty seven percent. Fifty nine percent disapproval independents have at thirty five percent approval ratings are adorable numbers, really bad numbers. In fact, even among demo, it's his approval numbers are down eleven percent month over month is seventy five percent in the approval ratings among democrats, Part of that is the continuing failure of the economy. So the economy came in hot last corridor. Five percent gdp growth, four point: nine percent. The problem is there is a reason why some five percent gdp growth and is not politically good, we'll go through some of this for a second, so each Antonia is a is an economist for the heritage foundation.
breakdown of this here's what he says. He says: real gdp jumped four point: nine percent in the third quarter. What's viewing the rise? What's not speaks volumes about the economy's trajectory, the key driver of normal economic growth, which is real private, fixed investment, meaning I invest in a business. It's flat. Quarter, one of twenty twenty two, the residential side is even worse because real private investment there is the low prepayment levels, because the housing market Searches are continuing because of the incredibly high mortgage interest rates right now where exactly is the investments are coming from inventory, so firms scenes continuing in their starting up right now they want to pay twice what their pay now a month from now so basically or front loading all the economic growth into this quarter in expectation at a are going to continue to go up going into queue for so again that adds to today's gdp, but it subtract from tomorrow's gdp about consumer spending. Well, it turns out that the rise in real spending is being too is being driven.
That real disposable income actually fell again. Last quarter, inflation continues to truck along the price index for gdp doubled from the previous cora three point: five percent forces one point, seven percent that has the highest rate since two thousand seven prepared dynamic. So again, this is what you call an unsustainable burst in with a short term burst at the expense of future growth. Everybody can feel it. Everybody knows that, which is why nobody's buying the numbers that are coming out right now. Meanwhile, Japan continues to pretend now is working out. Amazingly well, top Joe Biden, I'm adviser well brainerd. She she continues to at trot The old saw that strong economy is a testament to the resilience of american consumers. An american workers supported by president Biden plan to grow the economy. By
growing the middle class and real wages are up over the last year. Well, I mean nobody feels that so there's that, like no one feels it trying to talk people out of the thing is not going to make him feel any better about new up in terms of failed palace. Is there a hilariously coming home to roost Joe Biden? Immigration policy has driven a lot of blue state mayors governors to actually start adopting when passing remember that time, it was really really terrible, surrounded answers actually just gave lights for illegal immigrants to Martha's vineyard, and this will, at the end of the world politico today quote: here's one approach: scourge, migrants from settling in new york city, given a free one way, plane ticket out of town, also joke, when Eric Adams does it, but it's superbum around his hands. Does it Mary, Eric Adams, ramping up efforts to fly migrants and destination of their choice? figuring, is cheaper than sheltering them for months on end. Remember, when republicans do this: it's a human rights vial, When you get em, does it it's a clever solution? You, sam Annually morning, those opting to stay in new may be inverary winter of sleeping outside, with shelters for Answer we're out room got room every year
wealth and shrubbery thanksgiving eh. What to say to my house there's no more room, that's where we are right now. Hilarious leaders, now meeting opposition from his own party city council, member china, honey, said quote what we witnessed from his administration is that inconsistently cretin, hysteria and chaos and confusion there are using a total. whose activity and welcome our I mean if an eye, The term inclusive and unwelcome what what? What does anyone going to do? so areas. Now that all the Democrats are adopting all the champion immigration policies, but pretending that is if and when they do it already guys the rest of the We continue right now: you're, not gonna, miss it will be joined by get on has only get on is the co founder of an organization called soldiers, save lives in organization in honor of his best friend, David Newman, who was killed in the Hamas massacre? They are raising money and resources for people in need in israel can go check out their website right now, over at soldier, save lives, dot, org you're, not a member become member use, could shapiro? our governments, regional annual plans, click that link in the description and join us
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-29.