« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1837 - The Evil of "Queers For Palestine"

2023-10-26 | 🔗

A manhunt is underway after mass shootings occurred in Lewiston, Maine;We examine why America’s university campuses are overrun with Hamas fans; and Republicans finally choose a new Speaker of the House.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today's show is sponsored by express vpn. Do you, like your web history being seen and sold to advertisers? No me neither can express vpn right now. The un's icons lifespan, Folks would begin with some terrible breaking news today: a massacre, now occurred in maine the gunman we don't and the name of on the show. But the gunman had been committed the mental hospital after hearing voices, apparently and then he was said very so once again, we have a situation with the mass shooting, where presume while binding donors will now be blamed. There'll be an attempt, widespread attempt, members, the media by members of our political class, to take guns away from the law abiding because they did take it away from somebody who little are literally was not supposed to have a gun, apparel, According to the uk daily mail, this person grappled with mental health issues, recently reported hearing voices and threatening to shoot up the military base where he served committed to a mental health facility over the summer? For a couple of weeks, he also had criminal background check. In two thousand set in two thousand seven. He was charged with a misdemeanor event for de. Why he's found guilty of that as well?
He was forced to pay a five hour vines, but forty eight hours in a cell is not clear where exactly he is poland glee at this point and people are going to try and link it to his is politics, because in march we like to social media posts from down from junior and and he posted some means from arch talking about how the how gun ownership was not the problem you like supposed the next issue at one point that talks about how banning assault weapons was a bad idea. This obvious Is a person with mental illness, and I am not saying that because it serves a political agenda which is because that happens to be the fact that was by the notice has put out by the main information and analysis centre, that law enforcement over their calling for his capture. while he was still at large they put on. think what, according to law enforcement, recently reported mental health issues, including hearing voices and press you shoot up. The national guard base in Sacco main is for
These reports have been committed to a mental health facility, personal train firearms instructor an army reservists station out of that particular city. Apparently, open fire at two separate locations, killing at least twenty two people and injuring over sixty sobering? the latest on that as it continues to develop it. Meanwhile, big question has arrived: in american politics at this point, and that is why is it that on campus there is such a thing as like queers for palestine? Where is that coming from they hate america and they hate the west. That is the case, thread uniting radical college students with terrorist members of Hamas. It's why we see marches by queers for palestine, despite the fact that queer would be summarily murdered in any palestine their differences. Don't matter They are in the words of cool revolutionary author France than on the wretched of the earth rising up to smile, the hierarchy of power in nineteen sixty one friends a black radical member of the algerian national liberation front put forth a shock in the violence calling for the revolution of the colonized, pointing out the
was of colonial administration finances, merely call for an end to colonialism, our gandhi. Instead, he called for violence which he sighs purifying in all of its varied forms. His book, the wretched of the earth positive that revenue violence would usher in the new man free of the evil, of the west decolonization he wrote is always a violent event? colonization. He wrote, which sets out to change. The order of the world is clearly an agenda for total disorder, and it's very Not even a road decolonization, reeks of red, hot cannonballs and bloody knives violence disorder lenny knives? That's the essence of fellows decolonization. The colonized must take everything the colonizers in the name of restoring himself as a human being for no rights quote the game the colonized subject cas at the colonists sector. Is it look of lost a look of envy dreams of possession every type of possession of sitting at the colonists table and sleeping in his bed, preferably with his wife. The colonized me
is an envious man. Colonialism he says, justifies any response. In fact, it requires any response, the west must be destroyed, for the west has colonise quote when the colonized speech on western culture. They draw them studies, or at least try to see their close at hand finances such anger of colonial power. Was it we somewhat understandable in algeria but for non? Wasn't making the case for revolutionary violence merely in algeria who is actually making them revolutionary violence pretty much everywhere. The person who made that clear existentialist and marxist jean Paul Sartre, the french intellectual such introduction to finance wretched of the earth makes the case not only that the colonies have an ultimate rights violence, but that the entire west must be collapsed from within. For its great since violence said sartre what is man reconstructing himself killing a european is killing two birds with one stone eliminating in one go oppressor and oppressed, leading one and dead and the other man free and the only honourable thing for the west to do is join in on its cultural suicide quote. You are so liberal, so humane who take the love of cultures.
we have advocated. You pretend to forget that you have colonies. Were massacres are committed in your name. Sought for rights reveals to his comrades, especially to those remain a little do westernized the solitary. the metropolitans with their colonial agents surface is that he has carried it. Finance quote dialectic through to its conclusion. We, too, those of Europe we are being de colonized, meaning the collar, inside every one of us is surgically extracted in a bloody operation. We must all wrecking so we are complicit in what a one thousand year old depression, our beloved these are losing their features. If you take a closer look, there's one, it isn't tainted with blood. So how do we work by joining in the violence against our own civilization violence, says sartre like achilles spear can heal the wounds it has inflicted so, who can we tell our enemies are? Well, we simply attack the powerful. The colonizers are the powerful. The colonized are the perilous. Therefore, the powerful must be colonizers and the powerless their victims. This is sartre's logic
This is, for example, how Israel the ultimate case of decolonization across human history. After the return of an population to its homeland and its battle to throw off the shackles of the british mandate became today's hottest quote: decolonization cause such radical call him taken up, sporadically both at home and abroad, as critical, theorist, homey bob points out in forward to finance book the black panthers fountains. If infant on so did the iranian revolutionaries who ended with the rise of the mullahs. Those revolutionaries, transmuted funnels distinction between oppressor and oppressed into a distinction between the arrogance and weaken transiting finance marxist tinge, radical into radical islamism, but a code she's, a finance wretched of the earth could not mature eliza realize until the generation of sartre came to full a until the institutions of the west poison themselves. Slowly with the embassy, Look suicide, allergy of weakness, remain strong enough to fend off the radical alliance when it faced down the soviet union. But then it couldn't stand up for itself, and so I began to fall
as for six years from sartre and searchers radicalism, has now become a mass movement of movement uniting come ass, encompass radicals. The far left and the terrorists corner west black marxist radical call for no the greatest revolutionary intellectual of the mid twentieth century. According to west. He compels us. Acknowledge colonialism. Is he sustained barbaric war waged against colonise people sanctioned by western values once more, Colonialism says west is not a far from home problem. It means the west must be demolished. Fernandes revolutionary internationalism, anti imperialist man's capitalism, man's colonialism and patriarchal ism anti supremacy yields a new humanism that puts a premium on the psychic social and medical needs of poor and working peoples. A solidarity and universality from below west explains quote in our present a moment of imperial decay and capitalist decrepitude. The spirit of finance is most manifest in the american imperialists context in the revolutionary internationalist wings of the ak matter, movement
The palestinian lives matter, movement aligned with the boycotts, divestment and sanctions effort. The coalition is now complete, the alike the supposedly marginalized march together arm in arm towards destruction of the west and in particular the united states. After all, the united states According to finance in nineteen, sixty one had become you ve, colonise or thanks to its power, quote two central: You know a former european colony decided to catch up with europe exceeded so well that the united states became a monster in which the taints, the sickness inhumanity of europe, have grown to appalling dimensions? Unquote, the alliance it is for the last spans the globe, and it's right here onto threatening everything we stand for. If decolonization is merely a code word for attacking the powerful and the system. suppose, supposedly sustain them and queers for, I was dying- begins to make a lot of sense. That's why the same People caterwauling over the use of the wrong pronoun will celebrate the burning of babies in the Gaza envelope as washington post return at your recently retweeted after the slaughter of one thousand, five hundred jewish civilians quote what a joke
decolonization, meant vibes papers, essays losers. She may be evil, but she isn't wrong. in just one. Second, we get the latest from our college campuses where again, this coalition of funnels, supposedly wretched Earth rises again with that momentarily first pure talk. Recent and ass. They would alleviate ten million dollars and veterans by veterans day, thanks to your support, their fifty three percent of echo with two weeks to go thing about this, us military is made up of one hundred percent volunteers. These are men and women are willingly sacrificing everything they have for this when there are serving their return home to a tight job market. Outrageous living This is why I am so happy. A private company like pure, took his jumped into help when you switched appears hucks, lightning, fast, finally, network there, made a portion of every new order to this noble cause. You can make a real difference just by since you peter cell phone service, paradox plans started just twenty bucks a month. They offer unlimited as more data and a mobile hotspot. I use pure to our coverage for all of my calls. You should do the same. Just go to pure talk, dot com, slash shapiro, make that switch great tower network
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they would let anybody out there afraid that that nobody will be able to protect it. It was the same story, a cooper union last night and film of students, cooper union stuck in the library as program off protesters pounded on the door. and the people its advertising, free palestine, but then trying to bang it opened the door astute you apparently get at the Jews again and design is rearing its ugly head as anti semitism over. The university of washington, seattle, themselves, a programme Hamas rally where they extolled the verge whose of people who mergers are, we know that Israel counter you'll, be then you don't have the april we're going all the way down to move them away. We all! Why is there? No one invaders counterpart? Don't we will we get control is those out we can use
the man today, want you don't what type of weapon somebody and then the attacks against palestinians they're just they're, just saying the thing right: we don't want israel to exist. We don't want these people to exist. Well, I mean saying the quiet part out loud. I is par for the course Around here over at princeton people were shouting long, live the intifada. The intifada is a violent uprising. That's what an intifada is so they're, not just calling for a two state. Illusion. That is a lie. Anybody who says long the far what they mean is violent attacks on civilians as what the intifada is here were protesters in print in doing this again, these are americans top universities. The over,
George Washington, university students, the other night decided they would project programmer slogans onto the walls of Various buildings once had a free pass. Sign from the river to tennessee, which of course is a call for genocide, is one of the organs of Hamas, passing in islamic jihad and palestinian authority, the river to the be: the Jordan river and the mediterranean sea. The means the extermination of every issue in that region. This was projected on the wall, george Washington, just in case law unclear and if they also projected these logan glory to our martyrs, The matters would be in a members of Hamas who are raping children. So hot They broke their palaces. That's from medical reports on the ground over there and these are these- are the genius students who either honesty and visa, which means we should tell them. If you have a student visa in your in united states and does not give you the right to be a terrorist border no obligation to extend our hand- open to you as americans. If you support terror groups, none at all, you should leave and you should leave forthwith our the terrorists buddies elsewhere, the
it's absolutely insane that universities have have become this? The the george, the George washington university administration? and they put out a statement in the aftermath of the students for justice in palestine, a group that has now been banned in the state of flora for supporting terrorism, since we just How can credit for all of this? They also put out a statement saying quote these events have only reaffirm what every palestinian those deeply we'll see liberated palestine within our lifetime. The settlers colony will follow. When will deliberate, will return to our homes. Again, palestine will be free from the river to the sea. Again there you see that language of finance, the settler colony the settler colony, the and again from understands. Why radical islamic, one to destroy Israel until the Jews. The question has always been: why queers for palestine? Why the wily fellow tat where's. The answer is: when you build a coalition, that is, Was it we designed to tear away at the west and is is an element of that coalition. The alliance I again that's why
the demonstration by the way, also attacked the university administration and then the university put out a pretty weak statement. jesting that they they were unhappy with all of this, but MR court on tuesday evening university became aware of several unauthorized projections on campus building them actions on the universities, library, violating inversely policy, leadership and to ensure these projections were moved to save him made by these individuals in no way reflect the views of the university. Where reviewing this incident will take any appropriate steps. We recognize this certain pain is cause for many members of our committee. While that, thank you for your vague statements of of support, really really much breach added began, nobody's hiding all over berkeley testers openly say they support from us. Here is one of them. more than one hundred percent. So long I underline one. Are you just everything works? Very? Definitely not if you didn't
Ok, so everything is probably by the way, it's not just the student body It has many many members, a faculty and america's top universities. We get to that momentarily. First balance of nature britain budgets grow and make sure that you're getting the essential nutritional ingredients. You need every single day mountain to use it in advance. Callback, unprocessed encapsulates fruits and veggies and a whole food supplements without sacrificing natural antioxidants, the capsules are completely void. Additives. Fillers extracts synthetics that its pesticides are added sugar. The only thing in balancing natures, britain, edgy capsules- are you know, fruits and budgets, there's never been an easier way to make sure that you're getting your daily joseph routes and budget balance of nature. As in a bunch of veggie capsules, dams in studio. I love them their cultures. That means that I can actually use them, makes busy schedule, much more manageable means that damn you know, I'm not great, but eating my vegetables. I get the nutrition that I require go to balance of nature, dot com use, promo code shapiro for thirty five percent off your first order as a preferred customer as balance of nature, dot, com, promo code, Shapiro get thirty five percent off your first prefer or
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men and sanctions, movement and other forms of palestinian solidarity. We have no confidence. You ministration, comprehends or respects. Its obligations. deeply distressing beauty and other higher institutions administered seventh, unless we gonna have been irresponsibly wheeled charges of terrorism and unprovoked aggression have contributed to a climate, is made palestinian students in community members unsafe get. Yet. This is the the big lie: I'm really enjoying the big lie that the people who really feel unsafe on campus these days are obviously the programme S. Protesters were marching on mass through campuses and threatening people by way help eddic, our university students there so pathetic that a brandeis university which was founded by the american jewish community. A brand as university student leader, voted, tend to six, not to condemn Hamas, not to condemn Hamas. Yoni con senior university said that he stands palestinians, but this is
while condemning extremist organization, but he was that you know in the minority, so amazing stuff there from brennus. So again, this is a group of young, highly educated, usually upper class students who are fully in league with the ideology of terrorism, because Hamas is part of the violin coalition to tear down the civilization They have to stand by the bodies and what that means is that also there's a sense of tremendous entitlement from these folks? They are entitled to a job from you. They are entitled to your taxpayer hours. They are entitled to your support best example this that I've seen over the past few years, is a person and why not workman ran a workman is a member of the and why you student council, in fact rhino workmen, is. The young student neatly and why you lost schools, student bar association, president tissues. What on camera defacing posters are kidnapped? Israelis, I so that this is,
this is something that has become unbelievably common and pretty shocking, because these are just posters of people who are literally being held hostage by terrorist group and pro come ass people. You can call these four. palestinian people, because this has nothing to do with being pro palestinian people, I mean. If it does, then I think you're getting the issue wrong. There are literally tearing down posters of of kidnap children or defacing them. Here's rhino workmen doing just that as head of yours. What's your name or no, I wouldn't tell you my name. He guys wanna put your name really. You guys I will see your name unheard of your group by everyone to do with pride, I'm very proud. I just don't want to say to the whole world. All sides of every single from seeds was your name luger they're doing they're doing over these houses. Hide the children dying in Israel. Look look they're doing,
and em, and of course she had nothing to say. She just end, therefore, should not giving her name what she had her hurt job at a law firm. and it makes it turns out. The law. Firms don't like to employ terrorist sympathisers is not as their biggest thing. So, what does that mean? it's time for the media to jump in and finally talk about free speech on college campuses wow. That is amazing. So when speakers like get banned from saint Paul university. That's our national news! It is definitely national news. When you don't get a job. being a terrorist sympathiser. That's really the issue, so here Abc news covering rhino workmen. I mean that the sense of absolute entitlement from these privileged petty pathetic, left wingers, who again are in league with the quantum quote, wretched of the earth for now it's it's really it's quite disgusting and
you realize how revolutionary the implications are here is run a workman declaring that not only issue in title to tear down posters, kanab children she's entitled to a job from you, and if you don't give it you hurry because it you're discriminatory if you weren't redo the letter, I obviously, with the benefit of hindsight anything you would have done differently I will continue to speak up for palestinian human rights and use whatever platform I have available to me to call for a cease fire and you know in the occupation. That's harming the palestinians. I mean I just try one more time. We did change anything, even the timing of it, because some people thought it was too soon, because your letter came before he, Israel even launch any kind of retaliation. I think it's important to note that the genesis happening right now did not start on october. Seventh, it started over seventy five years ago, and now what my message was intended to get across was that we are seeing violet happening. That is part of a much larger structural violence, a system that is happening in palestine right now,
Do you condemn structural violence? That's it! That's nancy! Evans! Alright, settler colonialism. I think what I use my platform for and who I condemn, was pretty clear by my message, and I think that I will continue to condemn apartheid and milk occupation and that in this moment I'm moment, I'm focused calling for an end to genocide and calling for an immediate ceasefire, do you think this space that were in right now, there's room to have empathy or the israelis lost their lives, who were brutally were raped and also empathy for the palestinians who are similarly losing their lives. Guy. Think right now, if you turn on any mainstream channel, you'll see the story, of israelis on every screen. You look too and I think for me. I will continue to use my platform to uplift, the voices of palestinians and the struggles they're going through because right now we have mean by this- is that the whole thing in one? He lost the holy The brenner workmen mean positive, run, a workman uses
them pronouns ran a workman considers herself. Obviously, woman considers herself to be a member queer is very liberated palestine and that's what this is. That's what this is she put out a statement. Or Israel actually did anything condemning Israel for the Jews. That's what should it. Why, because again is part of the broader rubric of, marginalize of the earth, unite and tear down at the we'll colonized by colonizers. They just mean anybody who has power. Whether power is he's gotten usefully. or not, whether the powerful, our moral or whether overnight doesn't matter? the matter as long as you are a member of a political, marginalized community, it's the coalition to destroy the systems that really matters Imagine scare everybody, because that's a lot of your kids, that's a lot of people that europe, your kids, are going to school with a college campuses That is a rising movement on the left, and it is very strong it is not
a tiny minority on college campuses. There is a reason why you can barely get fifty poorest and of young people in the united states to say the Hamas as a terrorist group. There is a reason for that and that's it then, as on Israel west, that the west has westering serious, serious problem on its hands. We get more of this momentarily first, the october fifteenth deadlines just past and many of you may be dreading. The stress of falling attaches fungus, It can be along excruciating process, but if you fail to file and start to pile penalties under taxed at as what you need to check out tax network usa, The tax network usa has a track record of success. It reduced tax debts for numerous class. Totalling over a billion dollars. What are you looking at ten? thousand bucks for a million dollar tax that they can help you with the settlement matter of yemen filed in a year five years you can a whole decade. Tax network, usa is equipped to say the best settlement for you there expert, these tax professionals cannot resolve all tax cases, no matter how they started. Dont, let text at control your life any longer.
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a freelance writer who praised hitler, not kidding you according to we should reserve as palestinian filmmakers solely man he's posted on social media being in a state of harmony, as hitler was during the holocaust remote. How great you are. Hitler has been rehired by the new york times. He freelance, for than your time, from twenty eighteen, until twenty twenty one and since october as well, he's, had nine by lines. He is huge writing for than your times again, amazing, the new york times as they said we receive. We reviewed, problematic social media posts by hazy when they first came to light in twenty twenty two and took a variety of actions to ensure he understood our concerns, and here to our standards. Oh the standards of not being a hitler supporter or the standards of being a hitler supporter or silence on genocide like the new york times was the first time around this split up into the media and and waited to me, you do this in a softer fashion. Is they just set up this this
scale, moral equivalence. They pretend that you don't actually have a moral obligation to take sides in a battle between general. no terrorist and legitimate state so than europe. I'm pregnant higher opinion, video peace, saying you don't have to take sides, there's nothing there's nothing. It's just. You have to take sides against terror groups that that burn babies. Life there's nothing! It's just that There is the new york times putting out a full scale. Opinion, video equating israeli because with like Hamas advocates it's amazing stuff, we're is your humanity you're going to have to pick a size. No equivocating and your silence is deafening. You've got to pick zach. I don't know how you can sit there and say I don't suppose I decide what the your opinion on the war in the Middle east, I'm afraid, I'm gonna have to insist on an answer. There are war is raging all across our small planet. Today, we are only required to take a stance on one compassion, for humanity is good.
So? What about the more than three hundred thousand people have died in nigeria, roughly sixty thousand, who disappeared into the rock think about the ring. What is just in bieber doing to solve the crisis in the american met, stand on the war by like they're they're they're. A bunch of these concepts that people do have opinions about like a lot of them, is that the set their sober Was there so girls were suddenly suddenly the new york times saying you don't have to have a moral opinion on the stuff. The new york times spends it's days asking every single republican. If a we can make to ban common anywhere. Ever republican must now have an opinion on anything. the apparently only one issue where you don't have to have an opinion according to the new york times, and that happens to be you where muslims are murdering jews on mass in calling for their extermination when that happened. Suddenly the new york times goes for Well, you know there are others. happening in the world again, many of them. Fundamental right there you should have an opinion on. You should have an opinion on the chinese government keeping muzzle in concentration camps and try to some us have expressed their opinion many many times by the way they are
in the new york times doesn't say you have to have an opinion on ukraine vs russia is insane the neuroscience been pushing that for years. At this point, but again the moral equivocation is just cover for terrorism. That's all it is it's it's pr cover for terrorism, so give you the latest on the ground right now in Israel. Right now, the israelis last night perform their largest ground assault since the beginning of this particular round for instance, I cover seven. They sent him tanks in two. Areas in the northern Gaza strip? hey I'm. It was a limited raid ahead of any sort of potential ground offensive. There are a lot of rumours that bind him trying to convince the israelis to delay the ground offensive. Israel for its own part, is still kind of deciding when it was to go what it wishes to do and all the rest, the Just one was that Biden wanted delays that the united states get more defensive weaponry in place to protect our troops abroad, which, The way we should have had originally Joe Biden was too busy playing nice and plain footsie with them. I was too,
we defend our troops. There happens to be as you now, but here is Joe Biden yesterday, saying that he did not call for delay underground invasion. Have you sought assurances from him that he will hold off? on the ground invasion into Gaza until the safe relief release of the hostages can be assured, and of course, those include ten counted for americans. Now what I have indicated to him. He said, if that's possible, these folks out safely. That's what he should do, sir decision, but I did not demanded I've pointed out him if it's real, it should be done now. Credit Biden was asked about the the numbers from the Gaza strip, and he said you know we're getting all those numbers from Hamas. I take them with a grain of salt, which you know good for him for actually saying this. The administration has so far, not really done that
I very quickly in the eighteen days since Hamas Hamas killed fourteen hundred israelis, the Hamas controlled Gaza health ministry says israeli forces have killed over six thousand palace, indians, including twenty seven hundred tilled children. You previously asked Netanyahu to minimize civilian casualties. Do These numbers say to you that he is ignoring that message, What do you say to me? You have no notion. Palestine is telling the truth about how many people are killed, I'm sure innocence having killed and his pressure waging a war. I think we should, incredibly careful. I think that we really should be incredibly careful to be sure this, focusing on going after the folks at our principal propagating poor against Israel and it is against. Their interests will act unhappy, but I have no confidence in the number of dead Do you see? again. Embedded in that is, is Joe binds usual garbage about how Israel
We so careful about civilian casualties really have to warn the israelis what we talked about yesterday on the show. Meanwhile, finest we figure out exactly what to do with the fact that iran is getting very, very spicy with rigour. You americans, in the region, according to the washington post president Biden, they smell. Pressure to strike iranian proxies that have repeatedly it intact and injured. U S, troops in Iraq, in syria this month, but he's weighing any decision to retaliate against his broader concern that the in Gaza could be on the precipice of erupting into a regionwide. Temp is what the the truth is. The thing that will keep it from erupting into a region wide tempest is if the united state makes clear that if you injure our group's wheel stamp on you like a fly like that that history They have been the american way of doing business in these places and that has in fact, work went when american troops are attacked. The only way to push pull off of doing. That is to make it very clear to them that if they do that, they in their bodies die. There there's a reason that, donald from this exactly right when he was the president of the united states, if their attacks american troops out from responded unkind, and he did so with alacrity. It was used, honourable but the trigger on customs alimony and whose totally correct to do that
it's only might help plan the death of thousands of american troops in iraq by on Wednesday that he warned ayatollah ali Khamenei, IRAN's Supreme that of terror continues to move against. U s. Force in the middle east will respond, but so far really has been no response yet and that sort of lack of clarity that is leading to an escalation so obviously It makes some sense that if there is going to a base of attack IRAN, an insult group that is using a is a basic attacks. We would americans droning them to death, which would probably be a proper solution for all of that. Meanwhile been woodbine administration, just let in the iranian foreign minister to the united states. He met with Hamas five seconds ago to cheer with them. understand why the united states is granting berry, visas due to terrorism and terrorist terror has made a lot of sense. To me. I was home then, of course, has been pretty embarrassing for the binding ministration even more embarrassing, since Jake Sullivan Who is the national security visor too, to job I
He wrote an essay in foreign affairs magazine before the october seventh attacks, in which he brad about a book I suppose it foreign policy successes they had edit it because there was a passage, about how they done an amazing job in the Gaza strip, quote the israeli Sitting in situation is tense, particularly in the west bank, but in the face of zero frictions. We d escalated crises in gaza and restore direct diplomacy between the parties. After years of its absence, as we take sullivan, wrote like five minutes before Hamas launch the deadly his hack on Jews since world war to the region. wider than it has been for decades. The progress is ready to be sure, but is also not an accident. It binds approach returns. Once. You have palsied emphasizes deterring aggression d. waiting conflict and integrating the region has worked Amazingly, amazingly, while they had to cut all that from solvents, embarrassing essay I go up in other new in the united states. Actually good news in the united states for a change. The republicans have now actually putting speaker of the house in place. I know
I am amazed to as like basic functionality of the of the congress, but the personal place. My johnson he's excellent, and think he'll do a great job by the way about Jim Jordan women excellent. I thought you were than about steeds ghali's. Was I thought you did a great job and I can't Mccarthy was doing a fine job, so in other words we basically traded. A conservative speaker of the house for another conservative speaker of the house, I like my johnson better than Kevin Mccarthy on his personal policies and predilections in a second? we talk about the incentive structure and what actually have and once he speaker of the house, because, as I have said before, every speaker of the house is going to face the same incentive structure, and so your expecting it article shift in republican policy to occur, because MIKE Johnson is speaker as opposed to mccarthy. He got another think coming, but is it good that Johnson is in place absolutely? Does he seem kind of awesome yeah? You bet he does. What gets that just one? Second, first ball charge as a holistic wellness. with a huge range of evidence based products to optimize your life in every way. The products help you sleep better
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Instead, they decided to actually vote in favour of make Johnson to my johnson somebody that I would say most of them I had not heard of like ever. He was only elect to congress fairly recently element congress all that long. He is a congressmen from Louisiana according to political, his anonymity in washington was the driving force in this election speak because he had made any enemies. Yet he became unlikely leader of an unruly group of house. Republicans will now rely on him to run their side of the kapital. He was next to no one's first back but, and everybody else had a high profile in that meant that he was the guy who can sneak in under the radar. now Johnson was figure how to achieve what mccarthy couldn't compromise that doesn't promptly mutiny now he's can have an easy time with that The revision of unease, your time with that then Mccarthy did is because you not incur mccarthy seriously, that is that simple mandates, and if his growed side, they hated mccarthy and what that means is that any compromise them he caught was going to be seen as treason by gates and company and
as an excuse to get rid of mccarthy will now Joe he's gonna come in. You, gonna do kind of exactly What mccarthy debt, because the incentive structure is precisely the same so to take an example mccoy If you just gotta continued resolution, he cataclysm Democrats and he had to do that is because yet a better concerning resolution deal those scuttled. gazing company men car the actually did the continuing resolution to form a government. that's when he was ousted by gates and company will now my johnson's income. Anybody's proposing continued resolutions, the same sort of stuff. Now you can pass have single issue bills supposedly passed the appropriations bills through the process and all of that, but democrats are going to reject it and it's gonna come back to doing continuing resolutions now. The thing is that, because gates, ousted mccarthy and has johnson is the new speaker. He has an incentive gates does in making jobs. It appeared to be better than mccarthy, which means these not going yellin scream about any deal johnson cots so inherently johnson as more leeway to cut deals and make deals. Then Mccarthy did mainly because of
but would be incentivize you get rid of somebody for the publicity already did that they can do it again. They have to play this as well if they achieve some sort of massive win by substituting johnson for mccarthy and again, the policy is going to come out almost exactly the same. It's going to be very, very, very similar. now the fact is that Johnson has a lot less experience than mccarthy in the spacer again. This is not a rip on Johnson Johnson's, great I'm going to his speech in a second when He when you one speakership and his what is really really really good. I haven't read: to an enormous amount of what johnson says as a speaker. in his way more appealing than than mccarthy was. However, the speaker houses job is not just to be a is a person who speaks. Personal communicates, while the speaker of the house essentially has several jobs. One. Do yeah, speak well and maintain policy positions, but the kind of bigger aspects. Our vote counting vote, whipping rewarding allies and punishing enemies getting together coalition actually do things and, of course, a lot of background
it requires. A lot of manoeuvring requires the camera give alien stuff. That mccarthy was actually pretty good at. I don't have johnson has a lot of experience at maybe he's great at it. We don't know, he's, never done it before the speaker also supposed to fundraiser for all the republicans across the board, some mccarthy, over the course of his I'm in house leadership raised almost half a billion dollars for various housework can candidates, including many of the same people, who then asked him johnson and last election cycle. You expect him arrays tens of millions of dollars. You brought one guy running in an are uncontested districts in louisiana My johnson, in his last election cycle, raised one point three million dollars, so can he transit that overruns raising hundreds of millions of dollars for a fellow candidates, Mccarthy, when recruited a bunch of candidates in purple districts, Johnson hasn't really done that yet so again, he's gonna have to prove you can do all of the hard nosed things the mccarthy could do and there's a lot of parliamentary procedures because the house is selling any making you walk in the front door and suddenly transform the place if file a bill
proper time Democrats could sneak in conflict ability There really are a lot of procedural complexities and johnson may very well be able to handle it. We just don't know he's so the notion. that that things are going to radically change in the house. Now that it's johnson, as opposed to mccarthy, is really silly night again, none of that's a rip on Johnson. It is a ribbon gates and him. The here the agency machines and sort of massive material victory by throwing the house into full on chaos. For three weeks in demonstrating the fracture business and idiocy of of part of the republican caucus, I don't buy it, I dont see it, and that is without First, what happens going forward with with Johnson is so here are a few. things about my johnson that are our kind of awesome, so my johnson, very, very socially conservative is a ninety percent lifetime dating from heritage ashen? Ninety two percent of the american conservative union? He is very much ro cutting spending, which is something by the way out of the magazine, are not really big in favour of that kind of like the spending depending on who they are,
he's very strong on abortion. Extremely polite has an ape plus rating from susan, be Anthony prolific america group here work as senior legal counsel for the alliance. Defence fund- and he is anti- seems marriage, for example. He has been historically which, by the way, is used. greek repetition of the republican party and a man and a woman, our marriage, and that any other of human relationship is not the same more or sociologically. Here he was involved in the attempts to to stall certification of the election post. Twenty g, and this has been used to club- I Democrats already. He devising argument is the only good argument. Those made in the aftermath of november seventh, which is essentially the a lot of states like pennsylvania, had unilaterally shifted their voting laws so as to benefit democrats in ways that were legal. That was like the only good legal argument that was made during that entire spectacle. Johnson was one making those arguments
He said some stuff during that time. That, frankly, is ridiculous. Where he called into question. The voting systems inciting venezuelan, which owes sidney Powell kind of stuff, but he is now being away from that. I assume that he's one to ignore. All of that that me democrats, I'm gonna jump which will get you in a moment but Johnson gave a really quite beautiful speech. Last night, I'm becoming speaker of the house he opened by thanking him mccarthy. I want to express my great thanks for our speaker, marriages, Kevin, mccarthy, Kevin, has dedicated over two decades of his life, to selfless public service. Sixteen of those years in this house- and you would be hard- as to find anybody who loves this institute, more or has contributed more to it. He is the reason we're in this majority today. So you start off with He then moved on to the fact that its time to get back to work, which of course is true- this is not a good moment. The republican party they like clowns, so
Storing some sort of semblance of dignity to the republican clock is, would certainly be a applause. I say to the american people on behalf of all of us here we hear you we the challenges we are facing. We we know that that there's a lot going on in our country, the message lay and abroad, and we are ready to get to work again to solve those problems and we will Our mission here is to serve you well to restore that people's faith. in this house in this great and essential institution. and he continued along these lines. He said that the pride the institution is in jeopardy and it's time to restore that pride. That of course, is true as well, and I think oliver appearance or of what we call the do here. I think all the american people at one time had great pride in this institution, but right now, that's in jeopardy.
and we have a challenge before us right now to rebuild and restore that trust and, of course, right about that as well. Now on prince He's a very strong traditional conservative he's pretty hot on foreign policy here, against some of the ukraine appropriations. Those that probably biggest distinction between him and Mccarthy is the mccarthy was pro funding for ukraine and in the initial response might Johnson was pro funding grain and then after we gave him like a hundred billion dollars, then he started take skittish about it, and he suggests that he is not in favour of that, but that's elsewhere, the republican caucasus, the possibility of passing large scale ukraine funding on a stand alone basis was in starter inside the clock is anyway that's obvious in the direction that the republican party has moved, we'll get more from MIKE johnson just one second, the new speaker of the house. First, we do things very differently here at daily, where we hope a lot of huge podcast. Of course, we launched a chocolate company over network
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This is because I was excellent when you got two principles, this particularly good. So my johnson ticked off alive left last night when, before he assumed his, your ship position, he actually knelt in prayer with other members of the republican caucus- and this, of course is very bad. We're not supposed to this super offensive to you, no pay tribute to god s. You achieve something of magnitude becoming speaker of the house in the united states of america. That of courses is deeply offensive, deeply problematic, clearly being receipted to leave and being national terror supporter. Okay. According to Democrats, kneeling for prayer on the floor of the house. That, of course, is a huge problem. You're allowed to kneel and can take four george? Why you're just not allowed to do it for god, without the country club, in any case, my johnson, said last night that it's time to reject atheists amend marxism, ninety sixty two nineteen sixty two that that our national motto in god we trust, was adorned above this rostrum and if you look at the little guy, that they give the tourist and constituents who come and and and visit the house, if you turn and there too, about
fourteen in the middle. That guided tells you the history of this, and it says simply, these words were placed above us. This motto was placed here as a rebuke of the cold war era. Philosophy of the soviet union. That philosophy was marxism and communism. So obviously his slapping at some members of less than he listed. What he called the seven core principles of conservatism The provisional? I think it's really when essentially the corpse Symbols of our nation eyeball them down the individual freedom, limited government, the rule of law, peace, their strength, fiscal responsibility, free markets. Human dignity, those those are the foundations that made us the extraordinary nation of that we are, and you today or the stewards of those principles That sounds provisionally concern to me. In there I heard a piece to restore which is something a lot of people are not big bands of these days. I heard fiscal responsibility,
something a lot of people on the right or not big, fan of these days. We get the idea that he, some sort of like wild departure from traditional conservatism is ridiculous. It's ridiculous using traditional conservative, which is good. It was the conservatives speaker of the house would be very the thing I hope they pose the levers in a more conservatives direction than house leadership has been able to do. I also understand, as I've said, the incentive structure and the incentive structure means he has a democrat Senate is a demo president of the united states, and has an extremely thin majority in the house and all takes a few grand standards to make it. So he has how to deal with Democrats again in the short run. I expect that you're going to get the support of many of the people who ousted mccarthy, so those aren't going to be the people who back him but as I progresses progressive, have the exact same incentive structure as everyone else, so was this legal? giant win for the republican party again really like in a ton of ways love my johnson one foreign policy levon met at like again a crossword, excellent, excellent choice for speaker of the house. Can he pull the lever? is in a sophisticate where we have yet to see that was is like
all an amazing move, republicans and much needed it. What was just hold on fire on that. One was mackadoo strategic genius for throwing the house an income, for per month. To do this? No! No! He not in any attempts to wreck combat are are pretty ridicule, Well, that was what the Democrats are saying. Johnson's first move was a good move. He announced last night that the very first move that here, when's make, as speaker of the house, was to push A resolution to support israel in a bill to sport is this war against, come ass. Here's what you had to say their first bill to bring to this floor. just a little while we'll be in support of our dear dear friend, Israel. and we're overdue and getting we're going to show not only israel but the entire world that the barbarous of Hamas that we have all seen play out on our television screens. Screens is right. Should and wrong, and we're going to stand for the good and that conflict. A good boy
Johnson he's very strong on that particular issue. That resolution did ass last night, four hundred and twelve to ten nay votes were, except for Thomas massey, who base which doesn't like government spending on anything which the other nine naples. Where exactly who you would think they were Jamal momentary. Bush Carson L, green, some early elsie marge jellia, ramirez, rashid ITALY, and there are six present votes as well. Again, more radical diana presley re case, our of taxes walking castro we garcia privilege, viable media velasquez, exactly who you would assume it to be so again. I think that it's good to get the house back in working order, good for good for me nonsense and it's time for the house get back to work. Meanwhile, grants are rubbing it up as they would with pretty much any conservative who ended up as house speaker They are going to try and now demonize MIKE Johnson as a radical so that they can fundraise of it. This is what they're going to do according to
Let it go what my Johnson might have been an obscure forth congress member before Wednesday of Democrats have their way will soon be well known by every american as an elect an iron antiabortion extremist slasher of social security and medicare democrats, determined to define johnson in the public eye before he has a chance to find himself democratic on Wednesday. They were hurriedly digging into johnson's record. There are sixty nine besides was podcast on spotify would shipments and co host with his life, many which touch on hot button political topics. one. Democratic operative was quick to spotlight one such episode as indicative of the gold my neighbour leaves about. Discovered a june fifth showing which the Johnson's spotlighted initiatives term pride month into Fidel anyone which sounds kind of great actually like please go after him on that one The disease easy sent a memo too, democratic house republicans, maybe breathing a short sighted sigh of relief. Now they ve elected newspeak
But their decision to elevate an anti abortion extremists was pushed to gut social security and medicare, and who is one of the main architects of the illegal attempt to overturn the two thousand and twenty election will lose them the majority in two thousand twenty four. You can see them already activating the strategy here is akeem Jeffries. Yesterday he's the house minority leader, bashing johnson, right off the bat to start with all congressman johnson, given the fact There appears at least based on that sound that there is momentum behind him. This somebody, you believe Democrats can work with across the isle. Wait to be with you. I don't know. My johnson well based on his track record in place, has to be an extreme right playing audio, my johnson was to criminalize abortion care impose a nation wide ban on my johnson. was one of the chief architects of trying to over The results of the twenty twenty presidential eggs in my johnson also wants the in so security and medical care
We know what those are extreme views house Democrats will push back aggressively against that so yet they're getting ready to run against johnson again this. They think they're going to be able to do but yeah. I think it can be a hard sell a little bit because Johnson does not appear offensive. Johns is very conservative and you can hear him speaking and he seems reasonable hee hee, and even jake tapir. On cnn last night, who is no friend of the Republicans, even he was like a johnson is, is a very particular got jefferies so is trying to ramp up the rhetoric grand january six again, I think it's tired out things in a work. I think it was four for a lot of americans. They wanna put in the rearview mirror in their tired of us. Here is Jeff
introducing Johnson by comparing january sixth world war too. There are many throughout this country who are understandably alarm at the turbulence of the moment. At the chaos that this function and extreme extremism that has been unleashed in this chamber from the very beginning of this congress, but this too so pass we faced adversity on september, eleven, two thousand and one when the towers and the pentagon. What unexpectedly straw
Killing thousands of lives in an instant we faced adversity right here in the house of representatives, went on January six, two thousand and twenty one of violet mob of insurrectionists incited by some in this chamber over, ran the house floor as part of an airport, the hall it's the transfer of power again, and this is going to be the line of attack again they're just going to keep going back to this well over and over and over again again, all republicans Did you shouldn't baseline competence here and that that attack line goes away? These noble focusing ungenerous extra, focusing on things happening right now by the way, some those things happening right now. U s! Gdp growth, a four point: nine percent annual clip in the third quarter. I was better than expected, but some ways really really problematic, because the entire purpose of jacking up the interest rates was to get people to stop spending as much money, because that is inflating the currency
and it's also leasing price inflation. We national wage pray spiral. People are saving their money. They are spending their money according to Cnbc, the sharp increase came from contributions from consumer spending increasing and towards exports, residential investment and governments? Many narratives consumer spending increased four percent for the quarter, rising just zero point: eight percent inc youtube. One of the reasons are spending, so much is because they believe that their dollar is going to be worth less tomorrow than it is today. So you may as well buy that product they were going to put offer months. You might as well by right now before it doubles in price governments. an investment jumped four point: six percent as well. The stock market did not jump on this news which is it. Everybody still understands that there is another shoe to drop. The other shoe to drop is going to be the inflation stats which continue to come in hot, and the federal reserve is going to have to raise those interest rates again, they're going to have to do it. They don't really have a huge, a huge debate over Is really, according to the wall street journal too
at high inflation. The fed has lifted it's benchmark, federal funds rate to a range between five point, two five percent and five point: five percent a twenty two year high, but the the possibility of the the economy running. This hot is going to probably spur out. Imagine some talk. about the need to raise those interest rates again so they had the notion again that we're out of the economic woods here. I think that that it we're way too early for anything like that or way early running remotely like that article, Rest assured continues right now, and I can almost will be joined by Jeff rabhan honeys, former chairman of the clive Davis instituted recorded music it and why you, if you're not a member, become member use, could Shapiro checks which ones parental annual plans, click that linking the description and join us the ready for halloween without supporting woke companies. Germany, what comes in he him with knots, and she heard nautilus. So you don't have to say. For ideological chocolate from people who think frankenstein can become his own bride, go to Jeremy's, chocolate dot com today,
Transcript generated on 2023-10-28.