« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1832 - The Hamas Caucus

2023-10-19 | 🔗

Rashida Tlaib lies about who bombed a Gaza hospital while leading protesters to take over a government building; Democrats struggle to maintain solidarity over Israel; and the media avoids culpability for inflaming the Middle East with its false reports.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Major phone carriers make you sign contracts with rigid data plans to trap you into a kind of forest. Monogamy sounds pretty insect, or if you ask me at consumer cellular, we believe in a more consensual, unhealthy form of monogamy free of cost. And more flexible to your data me this way: stick around, not because we force you to with contracts and fees, but because you love our phone plants like ardently love our reform plans, we're not gonna. Let consumers cellular when freedom calls we're here to answer callers at one eight. Eight freedom and educational sponsor express gps paths, right down a privileged defend your right and expressly peons outcomes. Lifespan Why precisely? Is there a cautious in the united states congress that openly sympathises and wise on behalf? The jew? genocide, genocidal terrorist group. That's the quest! that should be unaware of every american. Today, after watching retreated to leave the elected congresswoman from Michigan ridden in wretchedness protest into a congress building in solidarity with Hamas, so we d spent her entire.
Medical career, hating jews, she has routinely equated jews defending themselves from Hamas terrorism with Hamas, terrorism, routinely denounces Israel as an apartheid state but has never found it in her heart to condemn either Hamas or has blocked according Washington free begin to leave, has ties to a pro palestine act, mister Hezbollah, for attacking quote israel to leave, has met really lee with american base newspaper publisher, who claims has belies, made lebanon safer. If the plebs campaign bundlers have pushed anti Dylan protesters views ITALY, ballet salazar sore, has been accused of financing hammas through from groups in the ninety, nine is according to F b, I documents so soon an official of the islamic society of Milwaukee organised fundraiser for Lieb in both twenty eighteen and twenty twenty abbas, comida a palestinian activist cheered. what Hezbollah slaughtered real attended to leaves two thousand nineteen swearing in. In short, it is history: where rashid to leap stands, she stands with come and other genocidal anti jewish terror groups, she may that even clear
this week when she issued no denunciation of Hamas, specifically for their massacre of fifteen hundred jews, instead blaming their anti jewish pogrom on american funding of Israel's courting court apartheid government and then yesterday, to leave loaded, a blood libel as talk about yesterday show on tuesday it failed. seen in islamic jihad rocket landed in a parking lot. An actual hospital hamas promptly I'd and blame the israelis and claimed five hundred dead. The claim was quickly but by radar data video data, an audio data then, where the entire media ran with it. But here is what She did to leap said yesterday after the debunking programmers rally at the capitol. Didn't you to watch people think it's ok to bother hospital where children
You know, what's so hard, sometimes is watching videos and the people telling the kids don't cry like. Let them cry. You know those. They tell me that they do occur. I know something is wrong. The white house and everyone thinks that we're just gonna sit back and let this continue to happen now, the thank I got a field day. When are we going to stop funding continue with a lawyer? We have fucking oven dishes What are we gonna? So all that was a lie, not a shocking lie because to leap supports terrorist she's done so consistently throughout her career juggling calls for
ratification of the jewish state supporting instead what she calls a secular one state outcome, which would of course devolve into an islamic state she's. Never at any point, trust, any discontent about the presence of some fifty five islamic states on the planet? Of course? And yet the media have treated till. He is a great light, bringer, new york times magazine ran a glowing piece about to leave eleven twenty twenty two explaining in breathless terms quote she changed. The israeli palestinian debating congress by reminding her colleagues of the human stakes it's a burden. She would rather not carry till he was the only member of the commission copies of course, element. Omar is a founding member like to leave she parents from us hawking points, downs and lighted. Israel bombed the hospital she liked to leave as a support. the so called boycott, divest sanctions movement that seeks the extermination of the state of Israel. She believes that Israel quote hypnotized the world blends republican support for israel on the benjamin's parenting. ocean that juice pay off congress, people to support Israel should combat Israel. Hamas, the taliban to one another and yet Democrats can you to avoid directly condemning either to leave or omar? Meanwhile other adjunct members of the come ass caucus continues:
and credibility and democratic circles. In june of this year, nine democrats, including the venerable alexandria cosmic cortez, voted the resolution in congress declaring that Israel is called not a racist or apartheid state and sitting that you It states will always be astonished partner and supporter of Israel, the eight other democratically. The gmo bowman summer, Lee korea, bush, Andre, carson, dahlia ramirez, I honestly and privilege I elsie, of course, wept openly on the floor of the house. When the house past to re Israel's defensive iron dome! That's right! She in front of the cameras, because Israel is being given funding for defence. Weaponry to shoot down rockets aimed jewish civilian areas? So why does the them, my party, have such a tough time dissociated from its here. The forty members, while you suddenly suffer from acute amnesia when asked even condemned their comments. The answer is obvious to many demo Let's have invested too much in a political strategy that is deeply dependent on a single lie that there is an inch
actual coalition of the oppressed and must be united in order to tear down the route institutions of a corrupt western society. In this view, be alone is the same as hamas the same as the democratic socialism, america is the same as the radical algae betake you plus minus divided by some movement or not, jerry cogs in a machine designed to wreck the west in the name of the so called marginalized machine designed to tear down the supposed hierarchy dominated by white male questions there for a long time, the liberal jewish community thought they could be part of this club? After all, haven't used historically victimized. Aren't they a minority Now they were wrong. Of course, it turns out that the Jews are two white and to just proportion. We successful for the liking of the intersection coalition this view is, would be Goldberg once said. Even the holocaust was merely white on white crime. terrorist murder, jewish babies. Well, that's just decolonization colonization, the democratic He can't throw out the commerce caucus without also recognising the failure of its new core ideology if it turns out that disproportionate pop and failure among certain groups is not the result of
turn civilization itself or some evil white hierarchy, that Hamas can be brown and poor and also evil, and that their evil is not the result of supposed jewish colonization or exploitation. Well, that would undermine the entire coalition strategy and that can't be allowed democratic party does have another road, they could simply make the case. left wing policies on their own merits on the basis of redistributive fairness or efficiency, but they probably won't. They too much in their intersection of future to toss out the terror supporters, and so they We continue to promote the hamas clock is andrew hatred will grow and the collapse of the west will accelerate. The second will show you The insurrectionists activity at a capital building that will only not result in long prison sentences for protesters, because, of course they are left wing programme us act. We get to that momentarily first last month, each one announced a plan to impose digital currencies, antigens ideas on their respective populations. The g20 group we need an international forum for governments and central bank governors is established in research. So the financial crises of the late. Ninety nine is with the aim of
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They told a lie. Hammas wide purposefully, deliberately we know how many are dead from a rocket. They had a parking lot. It certainly is not five hundred we, we certainly know who fired the rocket according to both the american intelligence and israeli intelligence and radar data and audio data and visual data. We know exactly what happened here where she literally went and she wide to an entire crowd and then that crowd proceeded to essentially overrun the cannon office building. That is a office building that is located just a few yards from the capital building to leave for her part she wasn't answering questions. She ran away from reporters when she was confronted about the fact that she was lying openly about the bombing of the hospital she just random. because that is what she does, because she is a light like most heresies. Actual coward. While the programme us testers mob. The capital here is some of the footage of the protesters being the capitol again, it's all good, peaceful riding when it's when its people of the left, when its people supporting terrorist groups,
occupying government buildings. That's ok! That's the way! This works, if you're a january. Sixth, rider or used in old grandmother wanders into the capital building under the wheel, The impression that you are allowed to be in their ungenerous x, you might get a few years and present. However, if you liberally storm, a capital office building which is illegal, and then you occupy it. Then apparently is totally vine kind of fine, I'm I'm eagerly see how attorney general merit garland decides to deal with the hundreds of both were actually arrested because of this particular event. So, look at this. This crowd here is a giant crowd of terrorists. and their fellow travellers and useful idiots marching towards the capital office. Building the cannon house office building. a crowd of people who really like heiress, right here in the united states, always knowing urging none people will actually condemned Hamas, none of them, in fact they posters, reading de colonise, what you even de colonise means. Have they been shy about this?
de colonise means kill the Jews. That's what it means in absolute clear about this what come on state according to this crowd is they began to cry decolonization by wiping out jewish babies in small villages, as emitted by by literally, have seen the photographs, in video evidence. Some more yesterday I can assure you today, but it is there. Certainly you online then pulling bodies out of wreckage that have been tied together with baling wire and then and then murdered so yeah that's decolonization up and there what sort of footage of these these evil protestors who have decided governing the cannon hothouse office building. Here are some of them. What happened when they, when they went into the office building your ears, monsieur metal detectors and actually, but but apparently it's totally fund occupied buildings now again when you're democratic, get away with anything or on your democrat associate so They they got a bunch of useful idiots.
Quasi jews was a quasi jews. I mean these people, maybe ethnically jewish, where they have about as much association with judaism as em ham sandwich does, in my view, a part of the videos of the other, not in our name pseudo jews, who are hard joining this particular moment. I do love it when there's video. we're supposed to be looking jewish and then they just completely miss where the garbage, when my favorite things a lot of them, are wearing what are called him: the tally using pictures of orthodox jerusalem wearing what looks like a prayer, shawl rights, partial These morons, where like it can take law fixed, have no idea what they're doing no shock their useful idiots. I'm haven't terrorism. This is the least of their problem, so the hamas protestors over the cannon house office building arrests were made. I will say I do take a bit of glee in a way these I go down. I mean because, if you're going You go into a criminal thing, and then you get arrested and then this is your reaction. Yeah.
If you're, real, tough guy until the moment you get arrested. This particular protest are getting arrested for occupying a house. Office building seems to have eaten a raw. How opinion at the same time that he was arrested he added some stuff there, and there are these morons shouting at people not in our name now who's asking for anything to be done in your name: then what they mean by free for palestine is not really Gaza's threat of come ass. They do not in three parts of the west bank. Of housing, not ordinary islamic jihad or even greater a palestinian state. They mean free television, I which they mean, disrupt really there drew for the abolition of Israel, I'm here they are they're, not hiding the ball. This is the part that drives me absolutely up a wall, the unbelievable gaslighting, where people keep saying over and over and over out loud, exactly what they want, and then the entire western media plus the vitamin nutritional. That's totally not what they want
There are no Hamas supporters in the Gaza strip. None didn't exist. There are one the lesters I've just been dominated by small, group of evil terrorists, which is weird absolutely not what's happening, and these protesters they're they're, not in favour of Hamas, guys they're just in favour of palestinian state shore. They didn't want to completely destroy Israel and her a single one of them will go camera, condemning Hamas it for it for its attacks or as an organisation, but you know what they really want, what you really want in the projection of your own thoughts and wishes into people who, what you believe truly evil things can t to be a source of amazement to me so pro as protesters, also tried to climb barriers outside the white house. So that was exciting. Yesterday Do you I gotta find you. I find the fence little insurrectionists happening right there,
You know what they think there. When you do once they get over that funds other then go to jail. Jeanne jeers level, stuff from our promise out here in the united states programmes protesters also invaded assented hearing, there's any hearing going on. They decided to go to send a building and serve these and in hearing, so that would be illegal right, It is disturbing that functional workings of government- I was told by all the right people than on january six. This was crime against humanity and a threat to the republic. But you know it really fine again, when, when members left the sort of stuff totally fine, so this is a lady yelling in the back, there's just footage of the senators looking on like who is this crazy lady, and how can we arrest her warning to NBC Washington hundreds people who enter the EU s house office building Wednesday afternoon, had been arrested for demonstrating to demand a cease fire in the israeli hammas war. That makes it sound a lot less. Some agree just then it was again that
legally and I'd like to do that. Also when you demand ceasefire between a terrorist group, that is currently holding currently now before holding right now to hunt hostages, including a dozen americans, your programme, us no, it would put it that's what Are we get to more on this in just one? Second, first policy: genius: is easy to compare life insurance quotes from top companies and find your lowest price. It's really really important stuff. If you have a family dependence on you, you need a life insurance. I've lots of life insurance on me That is something that makes me feel a certain level of safety and comfort my family as well. You should do The same thing how's he doing it's better than anyone. There are licensed agents work for you, not the insurance companies. That means they don't have an incentives, recommend one insurer over another. So you can trust their guidance. There are no adviser. Personal information is kept private. It's super satisfying to check that life insurance to do ass. He can do that today. Live insurance through workplace may not offer enough protection for families needs something to follow you if you leave your job since life insurance, typically
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trade from the main floor and from several balconies singing, praying holding signs and banners. Enchanting cease fire now closed hundred people were in custody. More than three hours after the rally inside the congressional offs building began. Three have been tried: the southern police officer during processing according to the police service. Like you know, the rules apply for the goose they play for the gander. expected. Some of these people will be held in solitary confinement and then I like that some of them will go to jail for prolonged periods of time. After all, we are told that these are threats to public. So I'm not so. Here's here's a question where Are the democrats blasting the Vmas caucus seriously wiser? Should sleep stolen congress she makes about It seems to me that supporting terrorist spread. The word expel member congress serving a fairly obvious one wagon Why should you be allowed to sit in the halls of congress if you support a terrorist group, Hamas or hezbollah, She didn't sleep so obviously does, whereas the democratic party in all this, where all the top level,
granting any instead, what they're doing is many of them are saying procedural things and then their pretending they that Italy doesn't exist until it's time to pose with her on the cover of a magazine, so it can show the strength of the intersection of collision, chuck humor, the Senate majority leader. He correctly sadie today, the world blamed israel unfairly for the hospital bombing here is chuck Schumer but of course, he's had nothing to say over the course of years about any of his colleagues inside the democratic party we support terrorism is structural the way who also helps usher through the guard? around deal pushed by the obama administration that helps strengthen IRAN. to strengthen the hand of hamas for this attack in the first place, structural or voted against the deal, but only after giving permissions members of his own clock is to vote in favour of the around you, you're, a structure was anyone any innocent life now, there's there's, prove put out by the israelis that the rocket, of course was not from from his real, but rather was from one of the palestinian.
That works with Hamas and this, what is rose up against israel didn't put our statement immediately because they were checking. I wanted the truth. Amass immediately said, o the idea. they live through their teeth, and you know for six hours the world blamed israel unfairly, where is getting out, I think all of us have an obligation to get that prove out. Well true it be great. If you speak up against the terrorist members of your own caucus or terrorist, supporting members of your own caucus by one one, Favorite things about all these demonstrations is that this this now. Realities happens all the time to last night. I spoke at the end see if Lord about this topic, there is a problem. Rally outside outsides members, my team went out there with cameras to ask people if they could describe what there angle is like the map of Israel, Andy palestinian authority occupied areas in the commerce occupied areas in the Gaza strip. Is that ok, What you to explain to me, which part of this ought to be palestine. None of them would answer the questions and
That's because people are now being told, don't talk to the media because you might inadvertently show that you're genocidal, which proves Probably is why, for example, pro palestine, Israel's according to the daily collar gathered outside of the white house on Monday, refusing to denounce Hamas, the daily colors your gibbons asked one man why he was at the protests he started covering up his face. People's people refused to answer questions seems to me? If you had a protest, you should be able to answer questions about your protesting for that's the purpose of a protest but do not occur. these folks, because we all know why they're at the protest, the answer is that they support a terrorist group, your music, a dumb hamas. I can't do that. No one condemns violence, but the same time what elsa pusses like? What else do you want us to? Do? I approve of anyone that fight for their freedom. If you come down like the attacks like a wigan I'll, have to tell you that the israeli savage attacks on Gaza, where they're literally bombing thousands of
reason: the hamas fighters or underground not being touched. Can you explain to me why Israel is bombing thousands of babies as we speak, and you explain that to me I don't I'm out of the van and want to fail, is not affair which frequent gym. Are you a fan of which team? Are you referring to So the answer to his question is the reason that Israel's embalming, these targets, with as much vision as it can, who kills many hamas terrorists is again. The reality is that of Israel would do what, what is real needs during obama, tunnels, capitals role? It affords the underground. Israel does have the ordinance to do that. They ve been refraining from doing that, because Hamas will not allow civilians to be cleared from the area. Is the exact reason common ones last billions to be clear from the area Israel has been trying gets millions out of these areas, so it can bomb the territorial before they have to send israeli men and women into these areas to fight hand to hand with terrorists while being shot out by civilians by pseudo civilians, many of whom are so located in these parts of the Gaza strip. That's the reality.
the military level. What is real actually needs to lose, destroy the tunnels before it goes in, but because Hamas hiding civilians on top and they have the sympathy of the world media. They understand that is can't even kill the terrorists. That's the whole plan to turn this thing into vietnam for israel, but if Israel goes in, it turns into black hawk down. The entire goal, as the entire goal why I'm asking ceilings up there twice villains are dying right now and just and second, we'll get you the intersection of coalition, which again continues to be quite robust, even if means backing terrorism gets that first ever how we parents are warned about the potential dangers and kids candy, and a lot of that is exaggerated, but the potential George you encounter every day in the meat I'll is truly spooky. Lab grown meat we're more popular. It's an unusual for for me to be labelled as product of the united states. You don't really know in that stuff. Fortunately, my Good ranchers have made it their mission to change all of that. This hollowing good ranchers is taking the trick out of their meat and there are throwing a treat for my listeners, thirty
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Eric and racism, not what what wise is happening. Why? The answer, of course, is because he is attempting to draw a kinship between black people in america and palestinian arabs living under the tyrannical rule of Hamas, but not because the passing it air of living under the tyrannical of of Hamas are being oppressed. Me come on No, because Israel is the great oppressor and into the coalition, dispossessed nonsense about. This is exactly how many organizers for black lives matter talk about the palestinian issue. They suggest a black americans, living under the boot heel of the evil white american racist substructure. In the same way, the palestinians are living under the root of the evil, zionist oppressor. That's the common aim. You wonder why blm was tweeting out actual graphic of hang gliding palestinian terrorist, murdering people you one rather that's why you know Rosa commerce and they plan here is yeah yeah similar doing exactly this a couple of years ago, and I've done rather foresaw. What can happen?
and he says- and I want to take this opportunity to remember the racist murmur of george- let's get a terrorist lloyd didn't feel within a year where's void was killed? Had you young? result in a racist ideology held by some people, literally his children. Kill all the duty by the way she reminded this. Type of racism they kill. George void is being you by israel against the palestinians. They know the game, they know the inter sexual game, there playing the intersection of game and they are now. by the media to play that infrastructural game, because the media are part of the deal, the media, lovely interests, actual game, the media allow them to continue to claim that the west is actually in the west is the problem. It's all western Pictures of power is rosa colonialist outpost in the Middle east, never mind the fact. The only reason anybody ever gave up rob about land over. There is because its jewish in the first place no, but never mind. It continues to have a presence in the land of israel. Since literally time, the bible predating the exists since of islam by millennia. The mare not matters.
The matters is the narrative and nerve is there's an intersection coalition to take on the knee the halls and the any pillars of power. visit you and why else you got something into this. Elsie knows bleep about the middle EAST. Elsie, barely notion of higher shoes in the morning aims can make use of a bull oatmeal melody The idea of a come quite what she'd there's little tape of her with Margaret hoover explaining she knows nothing about the middle EAST. Nothing will use the term of the occupation of palestine. What does he mean by that? Oh. I think it what I meant is like the the settlements that are increasing in some of these areas and places where or palestinians are experiencing difficulties in access to their housing.
Holmes, do you think you can expand on that yeah I mean, I think, I'd also just I am not the expert geopolitics on this issue. You know The lady is extremely vocal about all this. Why why? But because again, she is part of the dispossessed coalition. Is the end sexual coercion. It must be upheld at all costs, even at the expense of lots and lots of dead jews. That's what's going on here. This is I am party girl of the democratic socialism. America is suddenly D. We concerned about iron dome in this. This ridiculous, instagram, tik tok, you mean you're. Here she was yesterday talking about tax, the rich and slicing lemons on the instances also she's, she's, very much in favour of other hammas. She can't likes them they're, they're kind of court. Why it would our first opportunity. By the way I mean like what my feet. things by the international coalition is that their willing ride or die with Hamas up until the point we're hammas actually kills them. I know
Yesterday, again at the university of lord, there were to protest, are simultaneously held outside my lecture at the university of laura, both fairly small one of them was a pro. By the algae, bbq crowd and the other we protest by the programme ass crowd they get along all the way until the programme, ass crowd, decides to kill. Every member of the elderly to give ground indicates was abc yesterday. Promoting her democratic socialist ideals like where am my god kill a lemon, and I can say said and take a citrus lou shouted to my radicals, who think that maybe one way that we can deal with a laugh shortfall that we have to do things like legal. is marijuana and tax. This decree, our schools- or, I don't know tat the rich may weaken hence the rich people who have helped to pass on their house or near their house can of shipping. For the sugar had like ails you make intelligent does make. It was only under do face,
from the valley Sorkin. Ninety, ninety seven big. Like this a lot, it means the ears according to the media, by the way that that sweatshirt she's wearing attacks the rich sweatshirt I had four fifty dollars on her website. Exciting news from the tax, the rich crap In any case again, the intersection coalition is all, and the entire media are in support of this. This is why, for example, Charles blow, has a piece of the new york times again. His name is apt. Hounds absolutely blow. They are. They are awful universally here an entire peace than your times. They called involving moral high ground in the Israel, Gaza war. What does the evolving moral high ground breaking up the first? You pay, I saw the whole story a terrorist, had become ass. Against israelis was horrid barbaric inexcusable what, happening to innocent citizens of Gaza is also horrid and not justify in response to terrorist attacks are so telling then come ass, is the same thing as commerce, but we, including tons of gods and civilians as part of the story, that nobody wants to tell it's ugly and its There are a lot of guys and civilians who actually kind of love Hamas, but there's tons of footage
during the actual terrorist assault worst attack on country since the holocaust of tat, god and civilians. We're talking about kids as young as fourteen fifteen years old, run, into jewel. areas and stealing things or it is making the violence, but accordingly, Well, there's a moral equivalence. Why does he have to maintain a moral equivalent? Again, it seems kind of weird. Why is it that advocates for black lives matter? which is supposedly a civil rights organization, are protesting on behalf of one of the worst more urgent human rights violators on planet earth why they doing again into sectional coalition. That's all that matters. And the media continue to lie on behalf of his interest. non coalition across the west CBS news disgusting. So we all know that as well it has been thoroughly incompletely debunked that they hit on the Gaza hospital, either killed five hundred people didn't hit the hospital had a parking lot or two and it even was done by the israelis who has done by palestinian islamic jihad. There is audiotape replayed yesterday on the show of commerce operatives talking to one another and saying oh boy, that was ass, wasn't it oh! Yes, it was
the matter. Here's how CBS news governor, who still Israel's vault your mouth of the massive explosions at the AL, the hospital- is still smoking wreck. What should have been a safe haven has turned into a living nightmare. We live are home to come here. This woman says we thought it would be safe, but then we got banned the anglican church, which runs the who spittle has said it was struck before by an israeli rocket just four days earlier, injuring form for substantial speaking to CBS news, vital. Nine, a doktor at least, says Israel's army sent a morning to evacuate the facility lesson. Forty eight hours before that explosion. Again now You may notice that an entire quit is there any mentioning the fact that it was a palestinian islamic jihad rocket, fell in the parking lot of hospital medicine think, there's ignoring the pretending. The story doesn't even exist that britain The truth doesn't exist. These scumbags, the media
we have blood on their hands because it turns up it turns out. The money spent up terrorist supporters with lies about the what libel jews it turns out. People die because of that the media don't care christian almond, we're another commas fan here? She was yesterday promoting The idea that the idea of lying, under these circumstances, christian I'm on ports, disgraced journalism. Now the issue is, as you said, no matter israelis, say and now what the usa are in the in the beginning before there was any quote, unquote investigate. Well, there was an investigation and they came to their conclusions. It ignited the arab world because this they've seen so many times and because and I'm sorry to say this because in the past, the israeli idea of
not being honest about what actually happened. Look at Shireen abu, I play. I know that we keep talking about it. They always say Shireen abu opera, which was a situation where was unclear who shattering abu aqua, and then you know who admitted that it was the israelis israelis, but in any case it christianity and poor, doing doing Hamas is work for them, because this what's what your memory, so many members of the mainstream media do the BBC, which is absolutely worse on the bbc, is so bad on the source of the bbc in bring the anti semitism is unbelievably strong, which is why seven separate journalists from the bbc and last week alone have had to be fired or suspended because they, sit on public media about how they were in solidarity with Hamas doesn't matter. here was a bbc journalist. Any attack had to be Israel. Even more clearly was not israel. The israeli military has been contacted for comments, and they have said that they are investigating, but you know that hard to see what else this could be really given the size of the explosion
the than an israeli air strike or several ass strikes, because You know what I'm really rockets being filed out of Gaza. We ever see. Explosions of that scale. We might see half a dozen maybe a few more people being killed a juggler sexual honestly and had been why they doing this. Why why the answer is twofold? One actual anti semitism, so there has been an overt attempt. Partake by members of the left. Since nineteen sixty seven israel victory in the six day war there's been attempt by the left to basically Bert Israel into the world's big body that was originally put by the soviet union, which was attempting to create a pan herb nationalism to use against the united states in the aftermath of Israel victory in the six day war. That's the geopolitics of the sort of anti semitism, but there is also this latent pro arab ism that has existed, particularly in britain, for a very long time. In order to weird sort of at no sense
exoticism that exists in Britain or what the hell it is, but it is pathetically anti semitic and when you promise blood levels where the bbc routinely does it cost actual lives we'll get to that, just one second, because the consequences of the media lying about all this stuff it and that they are also doing so. Obviously, on behalf of again that same intersectional ideal, the west is bad, the west is colonialist. Israel is bad. Israel is colonials. All these things are the same, wrap them into an intersection of all, and then that will be your new movement. if ever you have wondered whether the intersectional movement is dangerous. Yes, they are extremely dangerous. I don't just mean like ideologically dangerous, I mean people will get killed dangerous and just We'll talk about the reverberations of these lies in the intersection coalitions, garbage and just one. Second. First, the world is we witnessed heinous attacks by Hamas terrorists against innocent israeli civilians. Most recent attack was massive. It was devastating killed over. Ten hundred israeli men, women, children, babies thousand, more been injured. Two hundred are being held hostage efforts
had not the sworn enemy of Israel and the Jews will stop at nothing to slaughter. Every last. You obviously, but there is something you do the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground right now. In critical essentials like food, medicine and other emergency supplies for vulnerable jews who need immediate help, then he is urgent. This organisation. I need your help right now to donate. Please go to bed for the fellowship dot, org give as generously as you can write it down. That has been for the fellowship dot, org again in recommendations on many places. Even give one of the best places you can give is the international of christians and Jews, their helping people on the ground, right now in Israel is tremendous need their families have been absolutely completely destroyed. Tons of new Friends tons of new widows tons of people are in desperate need had on over to Ben for the fellowship dot org If you have money in your wallet or the inclination, please give generously benefited fellowship dot, org also
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we're coming annual subscriber now again the clause, ninety nine bucks to subscribe to banking, but its included in your annual daily, where membership for free so had on over right now to daily where dot com slash subscribe, subscribe and you can get bent key as well. Meanwhile, the intersection of coalition, which has a media as spokesperson for the entire, media infrastructure, which is dedicated to the proposition that the west is the bad guy in the world and is really just a spear point. Four left that sort of stuff lens lot of credence and credibility to the worst people in the world is. Presumably why, according to the wall street journal the scenario in the Middle east, has gotten significantly worse quote just to Gaza, hospital tuesday nights and of a wave of protest across much of the middle east and the broader muslim world, some of them when for death to Israel. There's a shock matter by the way that dog passing and killed their own people here and then lied about it? the men are not by the way. I love that the people are still repeating. The casual seats, casual cheese statistics brought to them by Hamas health ministry
A literal line, terrorist organization tells you how many people are dead and injured, and the devil actual ability. By the way, definite Israel is still figuring out exactly how many people were murdered from the october. Some of the tax, which, like too we see, go commerce within minutes, can tell you exactly to the person how many of them were killed their ages and who they were. or their lying to you and the media are credulous, morons or they're not credulous morons. They actually are causing problems. In any case, all of this has now exploded in the middle east anger. Nevertheless, red quickly through the region? According to the wall street journal riots broke enter these really embassy in Jordan, where milk, The palestinians I asked for a live and which has had diplomatic size of israel since the ninety nine is by the way when it takes them. The palestinian diaspora. understand, that's not correct. Trans Jordan was part of mandate, palestine trends is filled with palestinian areas, because british mandate, palestine, included jordan around two thousand turkish protesters descended on the israeli consulate in istanbul, some attacking security
forces in attempting to enter the compound according to us or he's going not shock their turkey has been alone. I'm ally, alchemists, they famously attempted The flotilla of weaponry into israel which ended with Israel having to wait raid, the flotilla and that, of course, within blamed on Israel in IRAN. Thousands of people Several cities demonstrate, including in the french and british embassies- that, of course, is joined up by the iranian government. A lot of romanians are not anti israel. There is thus a sort weird irony in the middle east, which that in places where the government is the most anti israel. Population tends to be the most apathetic or ok with his it'd be like ron and play where the government is least anti israel, which would be like saudi arabia, depopulation, hates Israel is kind of its kind of interesting There are chants from protesters in iraq, iran on tuesday night calling for the death of Israel, some governments turkey in Jordan, have declared days of mourning the governments themselves looking for an offer him, so they can please their domestic consent. you they declared a day of mourning on behalf of the house. Massacre. That did not happen. Number one and number two was caused by palestinian islamic jihad. If it did so all propagandistic,
and other media did its best to promote all of that. Meanwhile, cnn is is having fun there doing their mostly peaceful protests thing again fiery, but most peaceful and I'm on Jordan, and we saw yesterday hundreds of people gathering some protesters even attempting to store storm the israeli embassy. So we have seen a bit of an increase in the security presence here there has been mostly peaceful, mostly be I'm sure, they're trying to break analyses, but it's mostly peaceful, as we all know this it works just like the black lives matter eyes, which caused billion dollars and property and fiery, but mostly peaceful, is what's happening over there. Meanwhile Jordan's foreign minister, I'm on societies that on one say that they don't care whether islamic jihad bombed a hospital, don't care about that at all. Instead Actually, there is deep scepticism called nobody is buying that narrative in this part of the world. Everyone here believes that Israel is responsible for it. The israeli army thing is not to be honest, find anyone who's, gonna, believe it in this part of the world. I wonder why that is good. Because you ve had generations of of lies. Teaching the Jews are these come of the earth and it
ought to be exterminate made. Maybe it's that men, maybe it's because of that. Meanwhile, all arab nations, which care so deeply about the palestinians in They are so deeply about them. We are you, twenty one muslim nation I express solidarity with the palestinians in Gaza. grandpa. One zero have offered any any refugee assistance any. In fact Egypt's foreign minister came at yesterday's, had absolutely not we're we're not gonna take any refugees, so there is pressure on egypt and other countries in the region to absorb refugees from Gaza. Egypt refuse, on principle. Are the principle is that we have to people in a war zone. That's the principle hell of an amazing principle that you ve found there or Maybe you don't want the palestinian refugees in egypt because you're afraid they're gonna destabilize regime as they routinely destabilized regimes ranging from Jordan Lebanon again, lebanon is a case in point of what happens when palestinian refugees and their leadership on mass enter a country. Lebanon, you to be a fully functioning christian
Beirut, was known as the paris of the Middle EAST. It is now a trash heap now would be the reason why Egypt does not want a lead in palestinian refugees from the Gaza strip. That's exactly is instead they're just to keep them in a war zone and encourage them to stand directly over tunnels to shield the terrorist. Meanwhile, is it's amazing? I love this nations in the middle our apparently urging their citizens to evacuate. Lebanon, multiple country, have alerted their citizens inside lemon and they should immediately evacuate as credible our rams up its attacks on Israel's northern borders, road His report that Hezbollah official hush emmets, have you dean, gave a speech a thousand support on Wednesday, claiming the terrorist group with thousands of times stronger than it was in the past, threatening Israel and the west. Meanwhile tons, of nations, including by the weight and saudi arabia, urged people to leave lebanon, a sap. Well, that's that If the things that they're willing to take- and you know people from lebanon in salary, but not from the Gaza strip- they are fat, fascinating, fascinating stuff. Meanwhile, the idea of is I think that residents of twenty eight towns long years,
Levin onboard needed to evacuate utah. Thousands and thousands of people being evacuated thanks to a couple of iran is really up its activities in various parts of the world. According to the Jews, posed. U s. Military base in iraq, intercept in several drones, targeting Iraq's Al Assad. Airbases use has four is at our side and several other facilities in iraq to drones were intercepted, so IRAN is is sort of exploring around the edges. Now three, that iran is exploring around the edges is because of the open question about Joe Biden, and this is really what it comes down to. Does Joe Biden have deterrent power? Does he have the power to deter iran from getting in that's it. Question he's been saying a lot of the right things, but does anyone trust that Joe Biden is going to fill his word? this ballade firing tens of thousands of rock to Israel that the aircraft carriers in the middle east will do something about that. That's an open question, Joe Biden's record up until now suggested that he will do little to nothing, which is why there is so much tension in the region. If the united states,
for strong and muscular. It would lessen the chances of a serious regional war because As everybody knows, why would know we above that one when the clock on the map and most powerful military force in the history of the world, because everybody sort of suspects, the Joe Biden blubber, that is why, everybody is on tender. Hooks right now That is only exacerbated by some of the language. The Joe Biden has been using Joe Biden saying some of this stuff, that's correct yesterday. Firstly, he was in Israel and he says He knows that the hospital tat was not. In fact. Israel here was Joe Biden yesterday.
or upset about ass Belinda? Believe you were these railways? If they didn't have a message streets, I can understand why the circumstances I would not notice, I know, said the source which defends the farmer highly unlikely railways different shutters anyway. So that's why I've noticed say: first make sure you. So I don't know all the details. I do know the people as a defence, the former space telescope is highly improbable. Joe Biden does not project strength. He does not.
Some of the right things there. He still projects weakness, not only in his person, but in some of his approach, in just one second gets you more of that is one of the biggest problems in the Middle EAST. Right now is that when america is credibly dangerous The middle east tends to go silent when Donald trump was president, the middle east, quite silent. You know why these everyone was afraid that creates dude was gonna, beat the shit out of them. That's what they are afraid of: donald trump this entire strategy, but when it comes to Joe Biden, everybody is kind of suspicious that maybe the stuff you says about standing alongside one time allies, maybe the mean a lot since you know they did cuttin run from Afghanistan, for example, get more momentarily. First, everyone has an opinion about everything these days. Obviously there now suppose it exports on everything, but you to make sure that your discussions are rooted. In fact, as you check out, u s a fact: it's not for profit. Nonpartisan civic initiative committed to breaking down complex government data, making it easily as more digestible for every american if that is more than just a source of information, is a tool that can help right answers to pressing question the current state of the country, you can explore stance on key areas.
Education. Crime, immigration, healthcare in power in europe your own opinions on whether the nation is driving or struggling in these particular sectors. Usa, facts can help. By the solid stats, you need two basic public debates on facts, not on fiction before you jump into your next political debate visit you. Facts outward equip yourself with the robot stated: economic guide, your way to productive and factual discussions in conversation, nigger voice heard back by truth with you as a fact dot. Org again, it's you it's a fact that we're very hard for reliable information in today's world usa fact settling is a place where you can find stats that you need to equip yourself better for politico Conversations check them out right now, usa, fact, dot org again. Theirs out of disquiet in the region, because Joe Biden makes weird sounds, makes we sounds. Consistency and projection of strength are not me. The about military posturing minimise moving aircraft carriers. People actually have to believe in your threat. The word the phrases credible threat, not just read the Joe Biden visiting Israel yesterday. He expressed sympathy in any warrant- Israel, not to repeat rage, filled
stakes after nine eleven. Now in the sort of thing is so paternalistic. We weird it's a strange even talking about reach field mistakes, if it is now october, nineteenth zack happen on october. Seventh, means it has been nearly two weeks since fifteen jews were slaughtered men, women, babies, two hundred hostages being held underground by the worst terrorists on the planet. Israel has yet to do a ground incursion, even better Problems are about there's no electricity and water in Gaza. The reality because Israel only provided like ten percent of the atrocity and water in Gaza. There still is, parts of the Gaza strip, electricity and water and Israel is providing that himself. So we're these rage filled mistakes that binds us talking about what Please you warning of other than it did get out of jail free card if a stray bomb. It's the wrong target. Any claim that was a rage filled mistake. This is this is this: is language from the president I understand- and many americans understand you,
look at what has happened here to mothers or fathers, grandparents, sounds daughters, children, even babies, scream out for justice. Justice must be done, but I caution this. While you feel that rage, don't be consumed by after nine eleven. We were in raising the united states, always justice and got just. We also made mistakes, I'm wondering what exactly is referring to their mean is since invading Iraq? I noticed the dogma going deliberately into the area run by the exact terrorist group that actually murdered all of its citizens, without will you join met again? The question of turbines weakness is still first and foremost on a lot of mines. This is particularly the case when, in the middle of all this, the bite administration said it will ease sanctions against companies that trading oil produced in Venezuela. So Venezuela is an ally of IRAN, which is the sponsors, of this terrorist attack, then as well
Is run by an evil dictator, Nicholas maduro and Joe Biden is attempting Coddle, venezuela, because he wants to lower oil prices before the election, and so that, of course, is clear a feeling among the lot of america's worst enemies, that, in our view, Leavers on some oil, then maybe you can actually you know, shift the president of the united states here Joe Biden will do anything to give the oil prices low which is not a place, you wanna, be, if you, if you feel like it, can leverage most powerful country in the world. That means that the president is projecting weakness, and that is a real problem means anti semitism. It continues to spread incredibly fast around the globe. there's an attempted synagogue burning in berlin. The other night. According to the bbc, berlin's jewish community, has been shaken by do petrol bombs thrown the senegal agreement. A spike, an anti semitic incidents in some european countries, police had to be through burning bottles filled with liquid and what was described as attempted arson. Chancellor optional expressed outrage at the attack by
broke out elsewhere in berlin overnight during anti israel protests, emergency services repelled it with bottle stones in fireworks, protesters set barricades, light broad street and one demonstration close to the brandenburg gate involved. Seven hundred people same as possible. I was calling for a day of rage so again, anti semitism on the rise largely Radical muslim community that was been that's been imported into into europe. Where's. The last few decades Meanwhile, a synagogue was attacked in Spain, as well malaysia, synagogue, aunt, em, there's tape of of insane people rushing down the street toward the site of the tap. The police are going to try and stop. As in france airports were forced to evacuate for security reasons in eastern france, Strasbourg airport says it was evacuated to bomb threat, nineties airport in france was evacuated. Consumerism airports have been. its end to loosen the southwest lille in the north and the ombudsman in the south east
operations were resuming following a police operation. All back in earlier on wednesday because of a bomb scare in tunisia, a synagogue that is not enough but did contained horse roles was burned hairs. Video of that happening. this- is obviously footage. That's released by visions of the of the arsonists taken tell with the with the incredible stripped to the incredibly wonderful strains of arabic language music. Having read there if a beautiful stuff inspiring music as they burn a synagogue, hundreds of tunisians the aldermen reportedly burnt the alchemist, doug on tuesday evening accords videos and images posted on tiktok is my favorite part of the lie about the state of Israel that if the state of Israel ceased to exist, where the Jews retreat great in muslim countries yeah, I believe that you're totally right guys that that's going to happen the synagogue does not currently function as a place of worship, because there is no jewish community, because again, they were expelled.
videos posted the morning after so much of the single complex burnt, with arabic, graffiti spread on the walls of the synagogue rooms which remained intact. They are, they shattered all of the the shattered of the inside the synagogue. Again there is another, their deadly terrorist attack and may against the rebels, on the island of georgia as well, so that they have a few months ago. They they live, Who's in this particular region of the world, so that's why it's so shocking when they, when, when a terrorist group kills a bunch of jews and everybody react by blaming the Jews, we should all be shocked because everyone over there we ve been told of the western media is model, liberal minded person who would be perfectly at home in new york or wait or chicago or anywhere else it would provide. No threat to the west was whoever they are. All wonderful. Liberal minded people they're just a few bad apples. Well, actually there bunch people who think truly evil things, and then their people for terrorists. There is a distinction between the two people who believe true: evil things as our death penalty offence but pretending away the problem is not going to solve the problem, nor is it going to
give Israel the wherewithal to defend itself or the west and the wherewithal to defend itself again. The west's constant belief in its in its narcissistic sent reality is, is truly incredible it. Meanwhile, the republic, and continue to do our publicans do, which is run directly and trees and take themselves in the ball simultaneously, so that that, at that, the thing that they are continuing to do. You might think at this time that we would have some serious politicians on the scene. Unfortunately, this america, we don't do that sort of thing around here, so the the speakership of the has. Representatives is still very much up in the air jordan, who was at the person who was going to run After seeds glacier remember, chemicals used ass ousted by Matt gates for how they live. Mccarthy and their plan was to
again concessions like what they ve got mccarthy because it had to be done because the established I drew up the word establishment in republican balance. Now just means people who don't rant. Walls like gets literally what it means like if your answer while than your dinner antis but if you dont rant walls and you're, probably part of these data it has no ideological hot content by the word. Establishment has no actual policy content if you're Paul wine anymore deep cuts to the Social security medicare medicaid that are driving america's national debt you're an establishment rhino. But if you want to increase spending, if you're a big spending new york republican you're, also an establishment. if you are a socially conservative republican, like my pants sorry that you are an establishment rhino if you are a socially liberal member of their Looking clock is like say, christianity or who have you are an establishment rhino, if your
john foreign policy like losing ram yearnest out with the rhine, oh, but if you're going to damage like John huntsmen, while that, also an establishment rhino like that. or just means. Whenever people wanted to meet in these days, what it means is, you are not sufficiently loud or something or you got it. Done, if you get a thing done, that's evidence they, like the other side, we gotta thing done. So that's why, like mccarthy, had to be ousted, don't matter that have we any speaker of the house is gonna have to get it happily the same kind of deals that can Mccarthy did because I know this is hard, hearted believe but believe it or not. as a democratic senate, anti democratic president, and so it doesn't matter what house built you pass that doesn't make it through the senate or the president or get past, but it doesn't matter they ever to come mccarthy, because their excellent excellent plan was blue, anyway, they already have mccarthy. Then they had internal watch. Him between seems gullies, whose as the majority weapon, Jim Jordan, the head of the house oversight committee, I like both guys. I know both guys both good guys, both make good speakers
squeeze one, the internal action, one, thirteen, a ninety nine! So then, I don't? U fine. We will go forward as united front accepted and have the votes for schools I'll takes his peeling off all republicans, not voting for schools. In order for him not to become the speaker, so he withdrew. Like I'm not doing this, this is garbage tuning. My life nope So Jim Jordan is ok, fine, fine all do it. So Jim Jordan was on the first ballot. He up twenty votes short on the second ballot. He came up. Twenty two votes short, with seven republicans voting for Scully's five voting for mccarthy three for Lee zeldin. One voted for John vainer. By the way in all the Democrats vote for a game jefferies so this is all going absolutely, astonishingly, while because it turns out that again, if being establishment means that run directly into trees and kick yourself in the ball simultaneously. The republicans are doing an amazing amazing job. On the one hand, you have the gnp moderate and in new york districts who are deeply, they ve been jordan, is the speaker of the house that they are going to
basically lose their seats. On the other hand, you have the freedom caucus, which is trying to be principle In some ways, but refusing to acknowledge reality in others, you can see you can see that the battle happening inside their public in congress, because normal acknowledge the actual reality, which is the incentive struck, is exactly the same fractures clock is certain cuts will be made We get everything you want democratic round. The senate in the white house deal with it. Sorry, that's the reality in another, a lot of people in my particular industry who spend all day and all night telling you that you can have the moon, you can't that's not how this game works. I'll tell where the Republicans re from principle. I promise you I'll tell you where they come up short, I'm happy to tell you that what they couldn't get done, also, I live in a world call reality world and in reality, world republicans aren't gonna, get everything they want because they have a clock. Is there's only two hundred twenty one seat: animal, ready in the senate and not the presidency in any case here, one gb, moderate representative don bacon. He was boasting yesterday a jordan
had it for two feet: what will fight to the death likely? We won't let off their tactics, anger. Does that harassing our espouse even join? Had a brick wall, which, by the way, seems to be the case in the first vote for Jordan. Twenty Republicans defect in the second vote. Twenty two republicans defective. Meanwhile, chip roy air, represent of actually trust. Member that freedom caucus chips, really good guy, would make a great speaker but would never be alive. Speaker, because again many republicans are two left wing for that chip. Roy that there is talk now about democrats joining with republicans to empower the speaker, protests mchenry, my country, because they're so dysfunctional have to the Democrats be like what what concessions can you make to use? So we can have a functioning house. Here's your brother what the hell are you doing guys? What is this
never in the history of this institution. Never to the best of my knowledge. Have we ever appointed a speaker pro tem with the full powers of the speakership without having elected a duly elected speaker, we have not done that. The best of my knowledge to do that would be playing games with such an important position is third. In line to the presidency, we should do our job. It's like the speaker of the constitution, says that so any move to do otherwise is contrary to the constitution and would do enormous damage to not just the republican party, but the house of representatives- and I violently oppose any effort to be done on the floor without jeopardizing Correct, but that's where it may end up republicans can't actually agree amongst themselves to let you speak or even if they have disagreements with the speaker from times I'm busy just stupid. First, roll politics dont interrupt your opponents, whether making mistake second ruler, politics dont want cleaned trees, locking yourself into balls republicans seemed dedicated to breaking both rules are you.
and the rest of the show is continuing right now, we'll be joint on line by elly beer he's the founder and president of united had solid, which is an emergency response service in Israel. Not a member, become member use, coach apparel check every two months free and all like that. Linking the description and join us and ready for halloween without supporting woke companies, germany what comes in he him with knots and she heard nautilus. So you don't have to say for ideological chocolate from people who think frankenstein can become his own bride. Go to germany struggle dot com today,
Transcript generated on 2023-10-20.