« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1831 - How To Bomb Your Own Hospital And Blame The Jews

2023-10-18 | 🔗

Palestinian Islamic Jihad accidentally hits a Gaza hospital with one of its rockets and promptly blames the Jews; the media run with Hamas’ blood libel; and the Arab street reacts to the false allegations with fury.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
When it comes to Israel's current war against Hamas, there is a clear gap between the eyes on a moral level once I Hamas and its allies, seeks to murder civilians that They slaughtered one thousand four hundred innocent jews in Israel and have planted their military sites. Do we in civilian areas, while attempting to stop their own civilians from escaped in those areas, come us open. We acknowledges they say that they use civilians as human shields. The other side, Israel seeks to save civilians. That's precisely why Hamas, Ok, it's military assets in civilian neighborhoods. If Israel, were truly a human rights monster, but didn't care about civilians from us would have no incentive to shield its weapons with innocent gazans on one side, hamas as a whole history that routinely lies in two thousand. Forty for example, Hamas is interior ministry website, issued instructions to online activists, including the following statement. These are direct quotes quote. one killed remark is to be called a civilian from Gaza or palestine. Before we talk about his status in jihad or his military rank, dont forget to always
innocent civilian or innocent citizen, in your description of those killed in israeli attacks on Gaza, they also said quote, avoid washing pictures of rockets fired into Israel from Gaza city centres, this would provide a pretext for tat. In residential areas in the Gaza strip, unquote because It runs a tyrannical terrorist state. Media members are routinely told what to report, which is why that same year, in two thousand and fourteen, the washington post admitted that when it comes to body counts, the Hamas health minister was quote: The only game in town they threaten reports that same minister acknowledge that he maximized the count on civilian casualties, the new york times and twenty four I recognise that Hamas inflates such statistics as well. The other side. Israel, is a democracy with high levels of transparency, a free press and robust democracy highly aggressive opposition parties prime minister of Israel has been rag by that media and opposition through scandal. After scandal, that doesn't mean Israel doesn't get things wrong. It does mean that Israel does not make lying its central principle in military matters. One side, commerce, esteemed colleagues in palestinian islamic jihad has
very long history of firing rockets that indicating their own people in today. in twenty two, for example, Israel estimated at some one fifth of all, one thousand palestinian islamic jihad rockets fell within gossip, the girl who are over. Seven thousand rockets have been fired at Israel at least four hundred of them fell short. and gossip here are just some video examples. From the recent past october, seventeenth, islamic jihad destroyed a hospital in Gaza when a rocket aimed towards Israel miss fired and landed in Gaza. This isn't the first time while thousands of rockets are fired towards Israel. Rockets fail
they held rocket launchers, causing mass destruction and the death of countless innocent individuals inside Gaza, Now here's a map of all the failed launches during this war alone. You can see this map blankets, entire Gaza strip from south to north one side. Israel has precision military that seeks to hit as many military targets in as efficiently way as possible that military would. We passes, upshot on military targets if too many civilians will be harmed. So, with all of this said, naturally, when a hospital allegedly blew up in the Gaza strip. Yesterday afternoon and Hamas immediately claims that the explosion wasn't israeli airstrike and that five people have been killed. The meagre whose their heads they decided to for all the information to emerge because you know come asp are liars now,
just kidding what will come out of this report, because this is what they do as it turned out, come ass was as usual line lying beginning to end it. if the palestinian islamic jihad rocket hit the hospital actually to be more accurate. It hit the parking lot next to the hospital. Doing no apparent structural damage to the building. We still don't know how many people actually died. We don't know the real number of casualties it took Israel weeks to determine how many people had died in the assault on it's southern border, Hamas, through the number five hundred within fifteen minutes of the rocket falling there's only one reason: the media jumped to listen to Hamas, the media haven't insanely strong stake in creating moral equivalence between Israel and its terrorist opponents. They operate soft headed mindset that seeks moral parity between parties will conflict, but as iter, Now they only seek that moral parity when one of the parties is jews. If we talking about russia, ukraine, the american media, treat every russian claim with a grain of salt and believe me much everything put up by the ukrainian government. If we're talking about the law on terrorist group adjust slaughtered babies. However, armenia suddenly shockingly
regulus suddenly believe what the terrorists have to say. How interesting, how revealing well. We're actually watching in real time as agent, I told hating terror group wander lie about a jewish massacre of innocence. Had a baptist hospital is we call a blood libel, that's from dates back to the levin, forty four, when jus haters charge the juice of norwich england. With actually murdering a young boy named william for religious purposes. Frequently such blood libel claim the Jews used christian blood to big passover. Martin, similar blood levels, We use for centuries all the way, through the I am of the nazis there still repeated very frequently in arabic, language media in the Middle EAST. The goals are to turn the Jews in the monsters and thus to justify the murderer. eyeballs historically, have led to programmes to expulsions, to genocide, targeted against Jews. Blood libels end in actual blood. Now. The same is true right here: Hamas retailed a blood libel, Z, blood level and the media credulous. We pick it up. their sudden. Credulity has consequences very deep concept.
Just people are going to die because the media bit colossus work here, but again, that's really. Nothing. New legs, media hatred for the state of Israel is decades old, really dating back to the post. Sixty seven europe and its thousands of lives on all sides. If the west are taken, recently Hamas, his own words or, for that matter, words of the palestinian authority and islamic jihad, Israel never would have been forced into deeds. Where's concessions to terrorist groups that have ended with thousands of deaths, but the media Can you to pretend that moral equivalence is the story in the Middle east to comforting easy story. They lie, or at the very least, They pretend that Israel's enemies have serious credibility. Those lies cost blood today show sponsored by express you, like your web history being seen and sold to advertisers, no many there get expressly being right now as europeans, icons, lexman, hey! So yours, actual story. What happened yesterday so late in the afternoon in early evening, Israel time A story emerge that a palestinian hospital in the Gaza strip, a baptist hospital had been hit by. really airstrike- that was the story
it was originally promulgated in that and for the media. Just pair whatever Hamas told them five hundred dead, it was an israeli airstrike, targeted a hospital. It was designed to kill as many civilians as possible and obviously that story was also designed to drop at the same time in buying, was writhing in Israel. So here, where the original headlines from all of these outlets, cnn quote, reed's killed in israeli strike on Gaza hospital palestinian official say that, first of all, you should note have minds, are written written the same way? The way they are written is the claim and then, at the very end of the year, palestinian official, say now. If you let off with palestine the say hundreds killed in israeli strike on Gaza hospital, everybody would notice. It was a bit of a grain of salt, because you know come ass, wise it literally. I for living it's what they do. Instead, these headlines, leader for the claim and then comma palestinian official, say, writers, hunt killed in israeli airstrike on Gaza hospital health authorities, where the health forty special mention, has now become ass. The wall street journal Israel airstrike on Gaza hospital kills more than five hundred palestinian officials say Al Jazeera, English is
The air attacks have killed hundreds of palestinians in all awfully arab hospital in there's a city where thousands are seeking medical treatment, shelter from heavy bombardment, BBC newt hundreds of have been killed in israeli strike on a hospital in Gaza according to palestinian officials every day newspaper in the world. Let it was the front page was literally the front page was the top headline. Every single, paper in the world into Hamas is story so what actually happened? What actually happened is that logic, jihad thousand islamic jihad, which has thousands of rockets in the Gaza strip, they were firing rockets on Israel because you know that's night ending and why and so it's time to try to kelson jews and ask alone or something, and so they started firing rockets into Israel and shock of shock. It turns out that one of the rockets fell short. How do we know? while as will see, because all the evidence says so visual evidence, audio evident. geo locating evidence all of it says so. You didn't just get it wrong. They bought a terrorist. Why broadcast to the world and then
their slowly having to backtrack allies to lay down, because once wise out there, this woman We the story, and it will closely We'll get him on that in a moment? First pure talk last week. They would alleviate ten million dollars in veterans by veterans day how, by giving a portion every new, ordered this gauze. Thanks to your support, pure talk is seven percent to their goal. With three weeks to go, our veterans gave everything to protect the nation. Pure talk understands the sacrifices they made when you switch porthos, lightning, fast podgy network. They will donate a portion of every new order to this noble cause. You can make a real difference just choosing superior cellphone service talks plans started just twenty month, offering unlimited talk, text more data and a mobile hotspot, just gotta pure talked Such a europe make the switch what's wrong. together and show our unwavering support for our veterans. Disappear, talked outcomes that shapiro switch to pure talk today is the right move? It's the american way by the way, their self uncle. President aspect of a great power network. I know because I use peered out for all of my calls. You should
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The public relations hamish that we be done by doing such a thing would be catastrophic so Today, the audio spokesperson revealed that action islamic jihad fired the rockets that fell short here. He was hunting that yesterday, I want to give you an announcement of the events that occurred in the hospital in Gaza. I can confirm The ten analyses of the idea of operational systems indicates that a beverage of rockets was fired by terrorists in Gaza. Passing clause, It's proximity to their highly Al Mahdi hospital in Gaza that time it was hit. Intelligence from few sources that we have in our hands indicates that the islamic jihad is responsible for the failed rocket lunch which hit the hospital in Gaza. I repeat: this is the responsibility of islamic jihad that killed since in the hospital in Gaza. Teach you, but I don't know who to believe, should I believe the affair
the military of democratic ally of the united states, or should, I believe, the terrorist group, all good news. Israel actually then provided evidence that it was a palestinian islamic jihad rocket. So, first of all, there is surveillance footage, from one of the most obvious that is one of the villages that is located around the Gaza strip, is one of the that was assaulted during the hamas. Tat on southern israel. This surveillance footage New team has era, and it shows the baron rocket fire from Gaza. You will see in this footage that one those rockets doesn't make it all the way out and where does it go? go in there. You see the gaza bordering the Gaza wall. Look at me. Look at the rockets go up a here. They go. all the rockets are going up into the sky aimed at Israel and up a mere moment later, you will see in obvious project while from the exact same direction falling we into the hospital area? So there the rockets going up and boom something came out? What the timing is almost? Why why why look at that? It looks exam.
ie is no. Iraq unveiled exist, precise What happened to rocket veiled evident? you'll have to europe rely on you know. Visual Footage all Al Jazeera showed it in real time. This is what it from Al Jazeera time stamped at the same time that these reports It is rarely bombing occurred. Here's what you look like an AL jazeera there as they produce a look at that the chemist days on the on the rocket and oh there goes. The rocket bam downright into the middle of the Gaza strip. So there is that again, those on Al Jazeera so that that, yes, wonder, wonderful, yes, just amazing amazing work there from palestinian islamic jihad dory, that's not all the evidence, the idea of also has radar footage. They have footage so here a picture is a graphic of where the rockets were aimed there's the rocket launch site, as you can see, if you're watching the show you can see it in the lower left hand, side of your screen, and then you can see a series of lines that are the direction of the rockets. As you can
the hospitals located directly along the path of one of those lines. That is this all taken by israeli radar. Judge, but don't worry, there's more. It also has drawn footage of actual site of the head and what they show is well done to the parking lots as before and after you can from the top, where exactly this, this rocket landed. Now your recall, The original report is that it it hit a hospital square where it, the hospital square, till five hundred people in actuality worded in a parking lot in a parking lot right outside the hospital and come out immediately claim five hundred set in the entire me around with it without any body count without end. Sort of waiting went with nothing. They, as you will see from the from the footage here, you can see there is the parking lot. There's a hospital compound and again you see the site of the fire. There is no bomb crater, no heavy ordinance greater at all
their shrapnel on the roof, the tile roof. thing that store wasn't even damaged they give. Samples of craters caused by idea, ordinance or I am because the israeli are for diameter of seven meters there no visible signs of craters or significant damage to buildings. There's no crater. How do you know there's nobody, because their actual pictures from the site, where there's no greater, is the obvious from all available evidence that this was a rocket that failed and in fact we have footage directly from tat, which is an arabic station showing the actual site and hears what does now. Does that was the middle of a hospital to you, or is that look a parking lot? They got burned and you can see again. This is footage not from Israel. This is from tas it. Is people walking around the burned outskirts of a parking lot? The got hit, not some burn cars, so unless those cars filled with hundreds of people there not five hundred dead in that particular. Critical particular bombing.
and the exterior to these buildings is largely undamaged. They have put it from inside the chapel. Easy. Some of the windows got blown out. and the interior of the chapel is intact. Isn't that right? seeing giant bloodstains on the floor. You not seen It strewn everywhere now again. Did some people die in this failed palestinian islamic jihad rocket launch shore I mean I would assume yes was five hundred people, whereas the evidence also even if it wasn't five hundred even the one five hundred people. It was a rocket from palestinian islamic jihad, but wait there's more that mean you, you think it, but, but but we there's, more ok, I'll get you the more in just one. Second, because again, just in case you were thinking well, you know That's all circumstantial. What if I had for you, evidence of most members talking to one another about the failed islamic jihad rocket launch good. Whose I do I'll bring you momentarily. First. Are you a few years
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You footage all week of the garbage that happens in america's college campuses. This is not happening in hills, they'll go check out, hills, deal right now, hills deal that EU slash, but ok so what. If I told you that I have audio footage? Well, I'm we do so. Here's audio This is from commerce members talking to one another going uh. Oh, it looks like we. It looks like one of the pals in islamic jihad rockets hit. You know near one of our hospitals, oops look a little more mass operative. No one here cause I'm telling you. This is the first time that we see a missile like this. Fine, yet and so that's why we're saying it belongs to the palestinian islamic jihad over whom of wool They are saying it belongs to palestinian islamic jihad circular it's from us. It looks like it when you sure who says that, and those who are saying that the shrapnel from the missile, is local shrapnel and not like israeli shrapnel. What are you saying and then it needs, then silence love in a moment.
have a god bless and I couldn't have found another place to explode and the nevermind yes for le blanc. They shot it from the cemetery behind the hospital, the minimum of what, as for the shortcomings in the cemetery behind the all mama danny hospital and miss buyer and fell on them, there's a cemetery behind it. Yes, Ahmad. Madani is exactly in the compound to you in the silence. After her, I will to cluster whereas it when I'm under the compound, you first for the compound and don't go towards the city and on the right side of the all mama hospital. yes, I know it. Oh, so but I thought it was an israeli airstrike mean, according to literally every major media news, how it on the planet. These the committee of wise men, so, commissioner right away, and then they decided to lie about it by the way, in that audio, recording, multiple the city of war crimes committed in that recording right. You know, like fire rocket from right next to a hospital, so what they admitting to. they fired the rocket from right next to the hospital to their admitting that it fell,
in the parking lot: you're the hospital three there bidding to lying to the entire international media about all this. Now you could make the case for them. That they're just credulous in stupid, except that they ve known for decades that the palestinian forties routinely lie about this stuff. Finally live. It is not as though this is somehow not their em this is exactly there m o. I ve been we get for as long as they ve, and this is why we wonder why it is that, when the news outlets are located within Hamas controlled buildings in the Gaza strip. The answer is because you will be shot or you will be hurt. If you do, do. What can I tell you to do everyone, in the Gaza strip. Knows this Israel? We can walk around free with the camera, commerce, Z. Radical terrorist state. They tell you important thing and you're aboard it, and if you know report, they kick you out where they kill you. Everyone knows this and if the entire media ran with their. Why? Yesterday, because the blood level is more important, is purposeful, that's not foolishness at a certain point becomes purposeful and of how many
times you can promote the moral equivalence blood libel lie of equating actual There are members with israelis attempting to defend themselves before you become com. sit in the lie and part of the lie. Hamas literally wanted a blood libel into full public view and by the way blew up the middle east, and we will talk about that in a second. These lies tremendous effect internationally when all along with didn't you didn't you, you legacy media, you did, and I wonder why could it be because it hits oliver political erogenous zones, rigour to claim moral equivalence between Israel and its enemies. Could it be that. We have more or less in just one second, because again the fall out from this is dramatic, and the media the members, the media yesterday, where it is not enough, we still don't know. How could we know it's real head scratch, her all the I just provided you audio visual radar, none of it matters to them,
Many of them are still parenting it. Some of them are softly backing of well now we don't know now. It's uncontroversial means. On the one hand, we do have all this. On the other hand, lying terrorist, genocidal, jus, hitting murderer, say it was the Jews I mean, to say it's a mystery cataclysmic proportions that sort of moral equivalent, again moral equivalence in which you take in aggrieved party and you acquaint them to nazis for actual marty's. In contrast, is nazis down from supporters are not nazis. Hamas are actual montes when you're, quite those with the jew. What you are actually doing- is both re, adding the nazis integrating the Jews that as the entire purpose of this exercise- and it has in fact we have that momentarily first, something more. Relaxing nice on the regular baseball season is, is sufficiently over. Does it mean the fund has to end as he has prospects offers projections I'm pretty much every sport there is nba m l b and a felony I'll pga college sports eastwards, nascar tennis, emma disk of whatever your into prospects, is the easiest and fastest way to play daily fancy sports, epictetus, exe
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five hundred dead in blast gaza, hospital palestinian, say so Jane from israeli strike. Freckles hundreds took a five hundred bennett chain from strike to blast and now, if you go to the new york times, headline is basically strike in dispute homer, in backing into the bushes media graphic edition in but worry. Are you still have your friends over MSNBC to continue to live you? There was probably the israelis. So here was MSNBC Ross ankara as well. Maybe the israelis are like yeah you're right, you're right, probably probably it's the Israelis probably so that they take the radar data, the fake, the video. Probably is all their product or come ass, our terrorist, who, moreover, babies and burn them and lie. I knows how We too believe that maybe evil people are evil, but I have breaking news there evil when you cover for them you become complicit in their evil and our legs. You mean been dedicated for decades, the proposition that evil must never be looked in the eye. It must be coddled. It must be true. It is, though not evil, sure they're lying and we know there alone, but will pretending not long, and maybe we can know
maybe we can massage their shoulders and force is to make concessions to the to the wine genocidal murderers. It's insane hero MSNBC ross answers doing his best to try and both sides. This thing this kind of death toll is not what you normally associate with palestinian rocket. These rockets are dangerous. They are deadly. They do not to kill hundreds of people in a single strike in the one made, and that is really high explosives, especially these bunker buster bombs that are used to target these hammas tunnels under Gaza's did we do have the potential to kill hundreds of people and we should say finally that there are instances in the past where the israeli military has said things in the immediate aftermath of an incident that have turned out to be true in the long run, and the one example I'll give you is that when Al Jazeera, journalist, serene I blocked play, was killed in the occupied west bank. These really initially said that she was killed by power
indian gunmen and it was only months months later that they admitted that it was likely and his ellie soldier who fired the fatal shot ok. Then there was a massive scandal inside Israel and turn. You know revealed that it was the these israeli soldier who fired even with Shary. Now, these really military. Eventually they did all the research and they found that they thought there was an israeli military officer cases. Those Israel. That admitted that, and I love this- you really have to die. The word of the israelis over over Hamas overcome ass by clearly come ass. Are the believable party here The last three weeks have been just a master class in jew hatred. It's amazing to watch it's like all of jew, hating history, condensed into a three week period first year of a holocaust. level, pogroms, less genocide, genocidal massacre of innocence around the Gaza strip and half the world go. Yeah! Well, maybe they just to. We do have some of the rebels as well. So you saw that Then we see the Israel can't offended.
If it's causing civilian casualties, the Jews must take it, the Jews must take it right on the chin, they must enjoy it. The Jews must simply stand there. After all, we wouldn't want this thing to escalate. We have to make sure we just want peace, cease fire now before Israel can do anything to dependence of organ back its two hundred hostages. That's the best thing We have a full on blood level, which is what this is permitted by the legacy media Well, I'm just I'm wondering what's coming next as a pseudonym jewish history, I am really looking forward to seeing what new anti semitic trope from her. We can be dropped directly in the middle of its conflagration, of garbage great stuff, your media cnn. Had on a senior managing editor of military time them kimberly dossier should this this could shift, well opinion against Israel. Yes, that's the entire point. Why do you think Hamas did it? Why do you think they lied and then what you- think you guys are telling the lie again. It's forgivable, for you understand, promises Hamas as a scorpion right, for, of course, they're going to sting the fraud. The media are not the frog, though, because here
thing. The media know full well what the scorpion is there not bambi those are shocked by this. They know what come ass is and they reported credulous lee because it ask their broader narrative, which is that there is a cycle of violence in the Middle east. Not ones seeking, the genocidal extermination of the other side and the other side simply wanting to be left alone for me, one millions time Israel pulled out of the Gaza in two thousand five leaving the entire thing to the control of the palestinians and hamas- and they probably built it in many terrorist state that launched the worst terror attacks on choosing the holocaust and the media, merely turn and go back to moral equivalence when it's astonishing, arrogant and jake. What those images add up to is a mass casualty event that could, change the international opinion of what real is doing right now it could shift international opinion against them. It's already shifted that opinion in the arab world against Israel.
Is it really new channels are still covering hostage families, arab news channels or covering the destruction inside Gaza So I noticed that some, you guys are all very credulous about that again. The credit that, if you're, that credulous about the claims of terrorist groups are it, makes me think you have some latent feelings about this conflict, not so late and feelings it. We should sing of people who don't have layton feelings about this conflict wish to live in their final marthy terrorist caucus in the? U s congress, they just did immediately to parrot Hamas, his claims and blast I'm out in full volume, rashid italy terms, empathize or shoot tweeted out Israel just bomb the baptist hospital killing. Five hundred palestinians, doctors, children, patients- just like that president. This what happens when you refuse to facilitate a cease fire and help the escalate your warrants, Russian only approach has open. My eyes and many palestinian americans and muslim americans likes me will remember where you stood so there. She has just parenting hammas propagate because, of course she loves him. Ass, she does that moscow it had omar seems ordeal from is to Hamas. Has eleven Omar ever met a terrorist group, the cheese and fond of bombing
skills among the greatest war crimes is often on our, maybe until paulsen, islamic jihad that the idea of reportedly blowing up one of the few places, the injured and wounded, can seek medical driven and shelter during wars? Horrific the present needs Wish for an immediate ceasefire to end this water, you notice that also mosques are pushing for a cease fire. You know why, because most getting its aspect as well, it should so Elena Mart repeatedly again pushing out terrorist prob? and because this is what they do for an actual living it is. It is amazing. These are elected. Officials in the united states really really solid stuff right there, jersey, good stuff. By the way, the the Hamas caucus adjunct- scholar as he she is continuing to parrot. The words of her of her fellow hammas clock is members. She spent three minutes the other day, trying to explain her calls for a cease fire after so many jews were murdered, is on CNN. You, in several other of your colleagues, are released a statement calling on us for a cease fire in the region, but I wonder what is Israel suppose
to do about Hamas after they murdered brutalized, adopted over a thousand If citizens are they supposed to just do nothing? Well, you know, I think, what's important to note about a cease fire. Is that it's not one sided Hamas has been sending thousands of rockets into Israel as well, and what is important is for us to identify our goal in terms of what safety means of what defence means but- and I finally congresswoman- I think the position Israel's perspective is that there was already an attack and Hamas already committed and attack after that happened. Do you really believe that they should not respond to that? I think what is important in terms of response is: Israel does have a right to to self defence. I think what we need to take a look at in this situation is if com punishment qualifies as defence is. If the blockchain wound, I mean the fact that the food, our congresses,
what the clowns and she's right at the b she she's the driver of the clown car amc. The fact that the media proper up is somebody who knows things this idiot bartender from Brooklyn we're supposed to pretend and she knows things either she's absalom ignorance or she is just an adjunct to the Hamas caucus or both. At this point I would go with both. So Biden arrived in Israel today and are met the israeli government, in the immediate aftermath, this you put out a statement on how outrage she was about the hit, I'm hospital again, might mighty behooved him to wait for five minutes to see if the facts actually come out. Meanwhile, John Kirby was national security spokesperson here. He said that that he would be asking That ban would be asking Netanyahu tough questions as a friend which is always yeah. After after your people get slaughtered, you know, definitely want to answer questions from the american president. Tough. What how many tough questions has Joe Biden asked Zalewski as a friend question. You're serious question has given us a lot of questions of a lot of years once again, ukraine, as a friend that sort of language of anywhere, except with regard to the israelis. Of course, it was john kirby trying to again started
in the room for both sides in it and binding on the ground is, will see. We he backed practicing pretty strongly when he talks. to prime minister Netanyahu entered the war cabinet, he's going to be doing a few things. One of these want to get a sense from the israelis about the situation on the ground and, more critically, their objectives, their plans, their intentions in the days and weeks ahead and it'll be asking some tough questions, we'll be asking them as a friend as a true friend of Israel, but it'll be asking some questions of them. He's also going to make it clear that we continue to want to see this conflict. Not why not expand not deepen in tough questions is for anyway Biden immediately said whose outraged by all this, then today he said in Israel. but we are by the way. I notice that the others I did it mean housing in islamic jihad heroes inviting saying that deeply sad and outraged by the experts which hospital in Gaza yesterday
and based on what I've seen it appears was done by the other team. You might as well people? Are there not sure a lot of overcome life eggs itself. He was asked by the way we believe that any says what ocean by my defence department, not by the israelis by the american defence department, the british foreign, secretary actually tweeted out yet this morning that everyone got it wrong. Admitting that it was all a lie that was made up and that everyone got a wrong, including in the international community. He put out a tweet. This is James. Cleverly last night, people jump to conclusions around the tragic loss of life had all the hospital things wrong would put even more lives at risk. Wait for the facts. clearly, inaccurately cool has must prevail. Sad, that the entire media dont give dams about that, at all case up their natural consequences, that is, those natural it's the ones, cost extraordinary numbers of wives and prolong this conflict and possibly widening the media are complicit in
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to happen, however, it would really help if the media would stop promulgating blood libels against the israelis that actually end ongoing negotiations. It's already again, you have forces that are seeking to maximize the amount of conflict in the region. That, of course, would include Hezbollah and other terrorist group and evil genocidal terrorist group on Israel's northern border. That also happens to run the lebanese government by proxy. At this point According to the Jerusalem post, Hezbollah denounced what the group set was Israel's deadly attack on Gaza hospital. Again it was a lie and cover. Day of unprecedented anger. On Wednesday I mean it harder they ve unprecedented anger in a region where pretty much everything Is it a precedent that anger, we literally every friday is a day of rage over there, but protests erupt outside the us embassy in Beirut just hours after the incident. Again all of this promoted by the american media these massive protests, red pretty much everyone, so huge protest, in lebanon that ended with the evacuation apparently of the american embassy in Beirut, because people were trying to set it on fire. There, massive protests in Jordan,
footage from Jordan. We're massive protests broke out around the israeli embassy in jordan years without look like. yes, it will be the size of that protest. Of course, seventy percent of the population of joy is palestinian arab, which makes a profit because original the entire area was quote. Jordan was France, Jordan and entrenched almost sliced off the entire area was one called british many palestine transfer and was livestock came jordan, so naturally a huge percentage, the population is passing in arabic, see the size of a crowd. Then you had massive Protests in qatar, which is an iranian proxies, aid and ally were very very closely with the it with genocidal dictators in iran, so here they were protesting in qatar, Z, giant protest for in qatar, there are massive approach: in iran in favour of Hamas as well. and look at the size of those some of those protests. Many of these devolved into into violent riots or people least attacking particular site that included, for example, people. We're actually shooting ordinance Adam the at the israeli consulate in turkey
so fireworks are being shot at these really consulate interrogators. With that look like as well, it didn't stop there by the way crowd tried you break into an american military base in turkey as well, and all of this was united by the american media parenting Hamas shocking points so again, slow, clap genius his legs unity who only want peace, guys their peace, loving truth seeking people who exacerbate every conflict. They confine apparently meanwhile a massive programmers crowd headed if the? U S, embassy in Baghdad. So that was another thing that happened last night. All this happened overnight because again, the misinformation gets around the world before the truth can put it's it's pants on in the morning, massive programme a programme, a crowd headed toward the us embassy in Baghdad and a lot of young males. Obviously, as you would imagine in iraq, by the way, if you're wondering what these people are are chanting their chanting. I quote america is the greatest level, so just thinking
thought that this was only about hating jews as that weren't bad enough. They they hate america also, so things are going great protesters in Beirut, as we say in the u S, embassy had to be briefly evacuated, apparently because it has been buried were trying to get into the. U s embassy. They are worthless, Hamas lags and raping the where the fences dory there that they're not guys I been told by the same legacy media that the population in these areas hates Hamas Hamas is basically acting on its own, that the population are they hate Hamas and judaism area, the so called west bank aid glance at all. countries. Everyone is peace, loving mp seeking they all want the same thing. I'm not seeing a lot of evidence for that, but we have been told it by a legacy media. So probably we should believe it me It's also hitting the west police in berlin actually had to set up outside a holocaust. Memorial in Berlin to prevent it from being debased and vandalized. Hairs that last night in berlin, Where did the police presence round the holocaust memorials rented from being defaced? Meanwhile, you some
Ass protests in Canada as well in favour of Hamas. Those continue the west an amazing job by the way and importing tens of thousands, if not hundreds, of thousands of people who sympathize a terrorist group that was at that it turns out. That is an amazingly smart move. That's that's great that's a lot of people who if your island put it this way, if you're on the west on an immigrant visa and you support from us, why should a bore? You should not be particularly controversial statement it seems like supporting terrorist groups are pretty baseline thing, not to do if you wish to reside in the west. to protest broke out in greece as well. Terror sympathise running while in spain around the globe around the world. This is, I think these are the protests in greece. So on things are going really really. Well all credit to me by the way we're all those people we are told are not allied with the terrorists. You know all those people who who really hate the terrorists, like Mahmoud Abbas, he's the reasonable one in this particular. Region is that of the palestinian authority
I mean it is unfortunate that the palestinian authority gave Hamas as terrorist families close to three million dollars murdering Jews. That's the thing that actually happen according to palestinian media, watch the passing enough Where would you get? Those are the moderates. Those are the supposed partner, they'll pay family hamas terrorists combined total of two point: eight million dollars. They pay for sleigh system called the martyrs fund. The terrorist family would be rewarded around fifteen hundred bucks and a threat of fifty three dollar allowance monthly for life. the family Sarah married into receiving higher amount that's, apparently, a low estimate that those are the friendly's Those are the people we are told actually want peace. There is real While we may concessions. Probably a ceasefire would be necessary me. Well. This hydrant dramatic The fall out so, as I was talking about yesterday in throughout the week on the show. The reality is that everyone in the region, except for Hamas, has some first in this thing, coming to a close without it being flown into a broader war. Iran doesn't want that. If this thing goes
hot and IRAN ends up in the war, iran will be dead. That's just the reality. Lebanon will be was the leadership. Iran will be dead, though be allowed, Their bodies would be a lot of risk suffering carnage that Everybody is seeking to avoid at this point, but because of this falls from prepared it around by the media because of that jordan has now cancelled a summit that was to be held with king Abdullah, the dictator of egypt, elsie and Mahmoud Abbas. After the blast, they decided to cancel that and am, and so that was going to be sort of the lead off for trying to figure out what happened. god, that's really what those meetings or about what happens with civilians in Gaza, they get some sort of temporary stay in Egypt, Do any of them want to move out. It turns out a lot of people, don't necessarily want to live in Gaza cause it's actually a crappy place to live when you're governed by either the palestine forty or islamic jihad or hammas many warm leave? Will they be allowed? You Where would they go That's a those meetings were gonna, be that what comes after hammas instead that guy cancelled because of this false sorry that was touted around the world by legacy media
According to the times visceral, though it has confirmed that the jordan portion of Joe Biden stripped to the media has been cancelled, he's supposed to the summit in Amman, with the leaders of jordan, egypt in the palestinian authority, Jordan announced it was scrapping the media that the meeting entirely, which again goes to show where their hearts are does not mean again. Why would scrap the meeting, wouldn't they want the mean more desperately with the americans, even if only to pressure the americans to push the israelis, a white house well said in his statement. The decisions at the lima summit was made after buying consulted with king Abdullah, in what the days of mourning, announced by about following the hospital blast again that there are there are playing up the? Why? Because they want to play up the? Why? Because they to exacerbate the feelings of the so called arab street lying there, people for decades, indoctrinated their children, the hatred of Jews, wife stop now, so I'm that is the international situations- are currently stands now. How in this lively, debunked anybody? Yes, maybe it's already been debunking real time, but it doesn't really matter because in the end, in the end there
many people legacy media who still have a stake in the pre existing narrative, they started a stake in the pre existing narrative, in the continued promote the law in the arab street will continue to pick up. The lion arab leadership will continue to pick up the lie. Muslim leadership will continue, pick up the lie and the contract woman intractable, which was entirely. The point has been entirely the points of the palestinian conflict since the very beginning. I repeat that go back to nine his forty seven eighteen, forty eight every war, crease refugees does what wars do is why their three And five million syrian refugees currently living in turkey, the difference between real and its arab neighbours, is that Israel tried to encourage many people to stay, which is why twenty sense of Israel's population is currently israeli arab, meaning palestinian europe, and also we'll take an eight hundred thousand jobs from the surrounding regions. All of them it took in innovation. can zero palestinian arabs to use them as a weapon against the Jews and then in the story since the beginning, it continues to be the story today, and second willed you what comes next internationally and the continued
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dot com, slash D, I elway w. I r e zipper is indeed this modest way to hire. Go check them out right now, zip dot, dotcom, slash daily wire. So what comes next? Well, the white house, is already discussing the possibility of what they will do. If has gets in according to acquiesce to calm the white house discussing the possibility of using military force, because blood joins the war in Gaza and the tax, ro the huge arsenal of rockets. What that of course matters that new, even the discussion, the publicly available discussion is meant to push. hezbollah away from doing just that and that a smart americans not because more involved, Israel does not want, goes below involved? No one wants Hezbollah involved, an angel smaller ones, Hezbollah involves if they get involved, they will not be on the map within a few weeks, but they are being forced into it by iran by circumstances in gaza by world opinion and all the rest, so the west promoting A deterrent strategy here is a smart thing to do, as I mentioned yesterday. That is something that the united states should be doing
we be pushing hezbollah from doing this because, again, if Hezbollah fires those rockets we're not about fifteen hundred edges, you're talking about twenty two thirty thousand dead Jews that term many rockets they have, and they are much more sophisticated, and they can overwhelm iron down that that's the great fear to us official said. Second, saint Anthony blink, untold arab leaders in the region that the us is not fooling around by sending so many military assets to the region in support of Israel. They added that any decision to use force would be made according to the scope of a hezbollah attack and Israel's ability to respond. This is why, by the way, you've seen baldwin pinprick attacks in the north, the The idea here is to tie down israeli troops and material in the north to redirect them away from the Gaza strip but so hard that either Israel's It will force or that america strikes full force, either meanwhile, Jo Leinen, spected to ass congress for a hundred billion dollar package get turbine his friend, Package together, aid for Israel in ukraine's are two completely separate issues. There completely separate issues and the conflict in ukraine. I've been an advocate of amerika funding, ukraine to defend itself and to prevent russia from taking over the years
sorry also the intractable battlefield conflict, which is resulting in nothing, he's gonna need to have an offer him and the united states. I have to take a lead position in negotiating what that off. Ramp is with the russians as much as I hate vladimir Putin and think that he's a garbage human being a dictator that so the funding for Grain is much more controversial proposition than rearming these rallies in the face of an ongoing terrorist onslaught, again arming ukraine to defend on territory, I'm totally fine, where the metro continue, because if then russia, wines and working to achieve? That is something that should be prevented. But linking the two issues. There are two completely separate issues and congress people should have the ability to decide to vote upon. In india and on the other, or vice versa. The fact and is trying to link that you in order to cram them through is, I think, strategic, bad faith. The funding. Levels, which would cover an entire year. There are also cover more funding in disaster. Aids are trying to lump everything together, Israel, ukraine, more often and other crops. and which, from the by demonstration. I dont know why this has to be tied together. Many house Republicans our experts,
and scepticism over combining all this together. Some of the other, The senate, higher ups Democrats run senate, of course mention. Mcconnell is bad king dividing proposal, mainly because he wants to make sure that the aid to Israel gets done and more security gets done. Anything. Don't run the senate or the presidency. He says this is all interconnected, but republicans we can push for a strong border element in order for that to happen. Obviously, republicans at some point I want you, you know nominate a speaker. so this is the other ongoing issue. Republican still do not have a speaker of the house who yesterday they held the house, vote twenty house Publicans voted against whom jordan for speaker of the house seeds, police, whose previous Lay the person who one behind the scenes election among republicans over Jim Jordan, he removed his name cause. I was gonna, get you seventeen jordan assigned to push forward and try to do a pressure campaign against various sort of congress. People we're waiting and it didn't work. Twenty republicans voted against him for speaker. How's that included the house appropriations chauvelin cake range of taxes represent. My
is ballard flora. Florida can buckled colorado and a quartet of new york republicans in purple districts. Many of them are afraid. As I said yesterday, the jungle is very right. Wing guy they're afraid that he's gonna do like lead broad government shutdowns that will lose their seats and therefore the house its majority. At this all this chaos stupidity should just underscore had done. It was to depose Kevin Mccarthy, with, plan or actual ask is a fit of peak from some congress who, like tv cameras, that's that's all was because so far, I'm not seeing what the winners. What's the win, really what's up, again, the underlying incentive structures, precisely the same, because if you only have two hundred and twenty one seats in the house, which is what republicans have an image to seventeen in order do anything, I mean five republican congress, PETE any stripe can simply sink whatever the entire caucus. Once that's. What happened with mccarthy, but can also happen from left wing of the caucus. Which gonna what happened with Jordan yesterday, representative dunham or Malta, Time represent kept mccarthy alike, voted for him on the first ballot and speaker's vote told reporters that hill,
Fgm, Jordan and the second ballot. He said he our vote for jordan, but would consider other candidates. Mccarthy is pushing for jordan, but again it is unclear. Late. Whether republicans can ever get you to seventeen at this point by runs out. Who is Firstly, a very right wing, pretty trompe congressperson from florida as yet, it turns out that pressure campaign against the moderate members of congress backfired act here heading and all this was talking about the pressure. campaign that had building debate, for Jim Jordan, somewhere anonymously, telling sources that day we're getting bullied and avoid with any of that, a turn off for some of these I believe it was. I've talked to a couple of members were they they felt that that is not what they needed. I don't think that's what we should be doing right now, ellison for all the voters in our country. I think it's important for members to hear your voice, And I totally respect that, but I think that there are members appear who they want to be able to make
decision on leadership and a move for having some of the project campaigns have back. They have not worked. So what is that? and the republicans gonna do answers so right now there are, the ongoing conversations between the Democrats and some republicans to empower Patrick mc Henry who's, the interim houses Or you just kind of continue with his job, so just won't be speaker of the house just move along with Patrick Mchenry. Clearly this is a big one for republicans clue they don't. Like their bunch morons in a clown car shootin blanks at each other. As is well thought out, it was a genius again. I am all for a bit of a bit of boisterous activity in the house if it actually accomplishes conservative goals, please name in terms of goals that have been accomplished by this idiotic fit of pique. Can anyone name one Jim Jordan is so much speaker, the house, since voices speaker the house, then nobody speaker of the house and hasn't been for several weeks of this point.
He came Jeffreys now telling cnn and his clock is open to reaching some form of agreement with cortical traditional republicans, to read open the house there talking empowering interim speaker, Patrick my country. He said our focus right now relates not just one individual but to getting institution reopen. I have respect for patents, in Henry, I think he's respected on our side of the isle. Apparently, conversations in senior democrats and republicans have accelerated in reason. So what is this going to end with and all likelihood some concessions to democratic, just to get a speaker done, democrats will vote for somebody, slow, clap, slow, clap, really strategic brilliance of this entire of this entire debacle, real really high level stuff it. Meanwhile, america, Universities continued to be a moral wreck a place of moral wreckage, Pennsylvania is now in crisis because they have not only looked the other way. on radical anti semitism, but a lot of their donors are beginning to realize they should have been sending money there. So, first of all welcome to the party pal I've been saying for literally twenty years twenty years I have been saying
the donors and sort of donors should not be giving money to left wing colleges who promote garbage? They should be doing it, so many people cabotage, my alma mater yeah, but they still do some good things yeah, but we have a here's. The thing you should use well university of pennsylvania, now has a problem going you cnn former use ambassador John huntsmen. Let lasted you you, Pennsylvania's responds in recent months to anti semitism is promising to hold his family's donations to the university. The strong criticism from huntsmen comes amid a going back. My from donors, interest he's the kind. Maybe began last month when a multi media event took place on campus. It you can. It was called the palestine rights literature festival. Ukraine has acknowledged. Events include Speakers with a history of making anti semitic remarks, you: can leaders issued a statement ahead of the festival condemning anti semitism broadly, but not the festival, specifically A powerful donors have now argued that european leaders have basically allow this to go on you, pen, leader president lives miguel, issued a statement sunday admitting the school did not handle the situation as well as it could have, but here's
guys. The systemic problem is not gonna be fixed by putting out a statement. This is why I also less what snares nonprofit group, the western or foundation, has withdrawn financial support from harvard university. After that giant student group letter blasting is refer the recent terrorist attacks. It murdered. Fourteen hundred israelis more of this please morbid pulling money from these garbage universities. There are overcharging their students for a degree. Nonsense this way, there's what needs to happen, hopefully, if something anything decent. and come out of this entire horrific situation. Perhaps it would be the funding of some of our worst colleges and universities. Perhaps it would be that because the recipe show continues right. Now he hasn't flooded the mailbox. Questions about what's going on in Israel, I'm excited to answer all those questions, but to hear it you must be duly weapons. we're become member use. Country para check out for two months. Regional annual plans put that linking the description and join us still you're talking from woke companies get germs.
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-19.